2d games design

2D game design analysis 2D game design analysis Creating a game using Game Maker Sprite editor & Sprite properties The first step of making my 2D game is making a sprite; a sprite is a two dimensional image, it is integrated into a larger scene without loosing quality. I decided to design a spaceship experimenting with all the different tools and colours available. I kept it simple but also colourful using both the pain tool for the body and the air brush tool for the shell of the ship. Rafiq Oladujoye

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

2D game design analysis

Creating a game using Game Maker

Sprite editor & Sprite properties

The first step of making my 2D game is making a sprite; a sprite is a two dimensional image, it is integrated into a larger scene without loosing quality. I decided to design a spaceship experimenting with all the different tools and colours available.

I kept it simple but also colourful using both the pain tool for the body and the air brush tool for the shell of the ship.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 2: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

What I done here was set the sprite properties so that I don’t have any problems when I’m coding. First of all I had to set the origin of the sprite to the centre so that when this sprite is used in coding it is done from the centre.

Secondly I went to modify mask and dealt with the collision mask. A collision determines the area in which the player will actually get hurt by things like bullets. You can set the collision mask to a verity if shaped or make it pixel precise, I used a diamond shape.

Creating an object & object properties & Coding keyboard controls

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 3: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Here I am creating an object and dealing with its properties. An object is one of the most important parts in game maker, it where you code the behaviour of an object in the game.

I had to select solid so that the collision mask works, physics wasn’t selected because I am not using any. Events and actions is where the coding happens, an event is an object that triggers something to happen. Within the event column I added a step event which is something that occurs every step of the game.

So here I am coding and the first thing that has to be done is the ‘hint’, for example ///movement. This indicates that there object will be moving.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 4: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Creating level testing codes

Here I created a room; which is also a level, following the tutorial I created a rectangular shaped room in which I placed my sprite (player 1).

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 5: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Setting movement limits

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 6: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Movement limits are used so that the player or object doesn’t go off the screen when you move it. A boarder is set around the room and acts as a barrier.

Creating a scrolling background

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 7: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Here I was just experimenting making a background.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 8: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Eventually I settled for a standard star background; and made it two layered so I can create a moving background, I created myself using the paint brush tool.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 9: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Particle system effect

This is the thrust of my spaceship that emits from the back of my ship symbolising a jet engine.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 10: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

This is the coding for the particle system, using the index I was able to code it properly but as you can see it doesn’t fit exactly on the spaceship.

Projectile and sound

Here I created a projectile (Laser) for my player 1 sprite and put in a blast sound .

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 11: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

This sprite I created using the paint brush, blue and yellow. I just created a plus shape and put a yellow outline to highlight it.

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 12: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Animated enemy sprite

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 13: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Enemy object spawner and movement

Rafiq Oladujoye

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2D game design analysis

Rafiq Oladujoye

Page 15: 2d games design

2D game design analysis

Enemy destroyed by laser

Shield variable

Rafiq Oladujoye

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2D game design analysis

Rafiq Oladujoye