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Freedom from Within

The Journey BeginsFirst I am going to give you a little background into my own journey to where I am today.

Well, a long time ago I decided to quit my well-paying corporate job (and ditch the engineering degree) to venture into my passion for helping people get better health and fitness.

Since I was a kid I was always active playing competitive sports and interested in staying fit and healthy. With my enthusiasm for being healthy and wanting to focus on helping others do the same, I jumped into the world of personal training.

No Looking Back Since taking that step over 10 years ago I have never looked back (or regretted it). I've always had a no BS approach and enjoy working with real people of all ages, focusing on helping them find real solutions that fit their lifestyle.

I don't like fads and I don't like advertised "quick fixes" just out for a

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"quick buck". I wanted only to focus on helping others achieve real and lasting results.

Questioning EverythingAs part of my "nerdy" nature, I always like knowing exactly how things work down to the smallest level. So I set out to examine all the information out there on nutrition and weight loss and "reverse engineer" it down to it's most important parts.

I wanted to know exactly what was going on in the body so I could take that knowledge to help others understand it as well. I believe that real, permanent, lasting change only comes through true understanding.

But like most people out there, I was initially getting confusing and conflicting information on what really was best for health and weight loss. I was thinking “how could eating to lose weight have become so complicated and why did their need to be 100 books on it?”

It was then that I went back to the basics and questioned everything people (even all those so called experts) were saying to do. I knew there had to be an easier way, and the answers were

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shocking to say the least.

Realizing the Truth Set Me FreeAfter spending years of independent research and investigation, little did I know I would find out most of what I (and everyone else out there) was sold on was a complete marketing sales pitch to sell more supplements, diet books, prepackaged meals and bars.

Not only that, the "keep it simple" side of me wondered how the heck real people with busy lives were supposed to do all these complicated programs? I always said, if it's not something I would do personally in my own life, then it's certainly not something I am going to tell someone else to do.

I have done the eating-all-day complicated plans, spent tons of money on supplements and endured long/boring exercise. You know what? It wasn't any kind of lasting solution for me, and I knew there had to be something better (and easier) out there!

A New Way is Found...A Better WayAn interesting thing happened also in my late 20s (about 10 years ago), I felt like the warranty had worn out on my body.

“Be careful about

reading health

books. You may die

of a misprint.”

~ Mark Twain

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I had more joint pain, more bloating, more brain fog, more fatigue...it didn't make any sense to me. It was soon after that I started to come across and embrace a more natural perspective on how my body was meant to function.

I started to listen more to what my body was trying to tell me, and how it responded to different foods and ways of eating.

Since that time I can honestly tell you that now in my late 30s with this new philosophy on eating, I have more daily energy, no joint pain, am leaner (less bloated too), and enjoy more mental clarity and focus.

More importantly, I now enjoy eating a simple and stress-free way and have a better “mental relationship” with food because of it (rather than just mindlessly shoving it in my mouth all day).

I have found a lasting and easy way to eat, and now it is my goal to help others find that for themselves too!

Wisdom of the Past RememberedIf you read enough older texts whether spanning back 30 years, 100 years or even 1000 years, you will find much wisdom that has

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been written but yet overlooked today.

While modern science has helped us to understand more about how the body works, it is not going to do us any good if it leaves simple truths known for 100s of years behind.

Freedom to Eat How You Enjoy...and Enjoy Eating!This ebook is dedicated to giving you all the science you really need to know, to understand how your body works, and embrace the simple wisdom from the past that we have deviated from.

Once you can do this, you don't need any more “experts” to tell you how to eat. You will know the truth for yourself, and be free from all the complicated and misleading information that is found in modern dietary advice.

So grab a cup of coffee, tea or whatever you enjoy, sit back and enjoy everything I am about to tell you.

Welcome to the IF Life! It is not a diet, it is a lifestyle choice...and a simple one at that!

"There is only one

success - to be able

to spend your life in

your own way."

~ Christopher Morley

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Table of Contents

IntroductionFreedom from Within

Part I – A Simple RevolutionDiets Don't WorkHow do You want to Eat?Back to the Basics

Part II – The Story of FatFat and FuelEnergy Deficit RequiredBlood Sugar RegulationFree the Fatty Acids

Part III – What You are Not ToldBiggest Weight Loss MythSome Stress is Actually GoodBenefits of Eating Less




Part IV – Simple & Stress-Free EatingWhy use Short Fasting?Getting Over Your FearsEven More Benefits

Part V – The 2 Meal SolutionRe-thinking Our Daily EatingUsing the “2 Meal Solution”Eating Rules and Guidelines

Part VI – Lifestyle FactorsBalancing the Stress LoadMore Exercise is Not Always BetterRecharging Your Batteries

Part VII – FAQs







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Diets Aren't Working

When Did Eating Become this Complicated?What happened to us? When did steady weight loss become a thing of the past? What is going on with the ever increasing weight gain and disease rates? How could so many diet books be out there today with nothing to show for it? Something is not right.

Take some time one day to walk around your local bookstore and go into the diet book section. I used to do this every couple months just to see what the heck people were trying to sell off nowadays as the “latest and greatest” thing to ever come along.

If quantity of available information really equaled results, holy cow we should be the fittest and healthiest generation in the course of known human history! Unfortunately I think we all know that is far from the truth.

How did we ever take such a simple and natural part of life (eating food) and make it the most complicated task we ever need to do?

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Thanks to endless diet books, people worry about food all day long. How is this helping?

We are so lost from our natural instincts and being bombarded with so much utter confusion and contradicting information, that it is amazing we still want to eat!

Diets Aren’t WorkingMaybe that is the plan of the publishing companies? Maybe they want to give you something so complicated that they will know you will not follow it for long.

Maybe they want you to keep buying a new diet book every 3-4 months, as they would not make any money if you got long-term results on the first book you read. Or even get you to continually buy more supplement shakes, bars and other prepacked meals because you are too stressed out to do it yourself.

The truth is that these so called “diets” are failing us, for not giving any practical or lasting solutions. On the bright side we don’t need to blame anyone, as that gets us nowhere. Instead now it is just time to take back control and find our own answers.

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Diets are Not Changing Lives

The New England Journal of Medicine published a report on July, 2008 about a 2 year experiment of around 300 overweight people and their weight loss efforts. Many different protocols and diets were followed, but after 2 years the dieters on average lost 6 to 10lbs.

What does that mean? Diet books (and their overcomplicated strategies) are not producing the real lifestyle changes we need for long-term success! (I don't call an average of 10lbs weight loss in 2 years a success either)

There is Nothing New in Fat Loss and FitnessUh oh...seems I have spilled the beans now. Guess what, I’m going to let you in on a little secret that most good health and fitness professionals already know.

Are you ready? There is no such thing as a new way to lose weight

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“To avoid sickness

eat less; to prolong

life worry less.”

~ Chu Hui Weng

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or exercise. It pretty much all has been done at some point

What is new is the way things are marketed and trends are made (to sell books, equipment, pills). While there may be more research into “why” things work, it will always still reinforce the old principles that have worked since Jack LaLanne was running around preaching them decades ago.

But it seems that more people enjoy being entertained and distracted by the media and fitness industry while the only weight they lose is the money being taken out of their wallet.

I didn’t personally invent anything here, as the knowledge has been around for a long time. I’m just taking all the nonsense out of what is being sold nowadays and breaking it down into what you need to know.

Magazines need to keep filling pages with useless stuff month after month, supplement companies need new products to sell you and publishers need to make new diet books to make money. So forget the people coming along promoting some “revolutionary” approach. Remember there is nothing new.

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How Do You Want to Eat?

Complex Eating isn't for MeI've done and tried it all throughout my years. Not only have I experimented on myself but I have also seen what my clients have tried going through.

The answer came down to this simple fact, if it was too complex or time consuming then people were not going to keep it up. All it takes is one little change in a daily schedule and it can throw off most any detailed plan.

The most dangerous part of any “diet” is when people abandon it, and go back to the old destructive habits with less motivation than ever. Success for weight loss really boils down to a realistic eating plan and consistency. If you can't see yourself keeping it up in the long run, then don't expect lasting results.

Are You in a Food Prison?Back in my younger days I would carry around containers of food,

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shakes, and meal-bars and be obsessed daily with what I was eating and when the next meal was coming.

It's almost like I was in a daze and not even seeing what was going on in the world around me. I was caught up in my own world of food all day every day. Is that really living? I didn't think so.

Not only that, it was time consuming to be preparing meals ahead of time and packing them up for a day at the office, every single day!

I look back now and see a past life centered around obsessive eating all day every day. It was a mental prison that I never want to go back to, as life is so much more that just mindless eating.

Emotional AttachmentsWe as a modern society obsess over eating to the point of being unhealthy. Look at all the food books, magazines, fast food stores, aisles at the supermarket, 24 hour quickie-marts. It would seem like all we were meant to do in life is eat all day long.

The continual “modern” advice of eating 5-6x a day for optimal

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weight loss is not helping either (and as you will see later in this ebook, not even scientifically accurate).

Our modern diet advice is creating “mindless” not “mindful” eating. This will also lead to a focus of quantity over quality (which is vital for our health) when it comes to what we eat.

What we really need to do (and this ebook will), is encourage a better growing awareness of our foods and eating needs, otherwise we will pay the price for it (and many are right now).

Eating should be Enjoyable not StressfulRemember the old days of families sitting together around the dinner table? Enjoying meals for hours while people talked and laughed. Relaxing and de-stressing after a long day.

Is this really a snapshot of your life today? Or are you running around trying to make a meal in 30 seconds or less only to have to run out the door to go do something else?

Eating shouldn't be this much of a task or something we hurry through. It should be an enjoyable experience and not something

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"In the Middle Ages,

they had guillotines,

stretch racks, whips

and cahins.

Nowadays, we have

a much more

effective torture

device called the

bathroom scale."

~ Stephen Phillips

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you should spend your life worrying or stressing about either. That stress may be doing more harm that you know!

Time for a ChangeSo I made my own personal declaration years ago, and maybe it is time you did too. Here are mine.

No more:• counting calories each day• eating mindlessly all the time• emotional attachments to food• worrying about what was the next meal/snack• focus on quick fixes (that is how diet books are sold)

What I did say YES to was:• A simple and easy eating lifestyle• Daily variety and flexibility in what I ate• No depriving myself of anything• Eat when I really want to and listen to my body more

You know what happened? I opened up my eyes and for the first time started to see the real truth. I started to ignore all the so called

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“experts” out there and started listening to my body. I took back control of everything I ate and understood what was ideal for me. I wasn't a slave to eating and actually enjoyed eating less.

I felt better, felt free and embraced the simple wisdom of the ages. Never will I have to read another diet book or rely on an “expert” to tell me what to do. I am free to eat and enjoy life on my own terms now!

You can get there too, and this ebook will show you how!

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“If you wish to keep

as well as possible,

the less you think

about your health

the better.”

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Back to the Basics

Information Overload and ConfusionThat about sums it up pretty nicely nowadays. We pride ourselves on learning as much as we can about everything, yet one has to wonder how much practical application there really is?

I know people who can tell me the exact calorie load of 1 cup of cottage cheese, yet still have problems losing weight. Most people have bought enough weight loss books to start a home library. So with all that information they should be an expert on getting lasting results, right?

Everything is at our fingertips on the internet, 1000s of books and magazines, more info than ever…but is that really helping or hurting us?

Time Reading rather than Taking Action?How many diets books have you read? How many have you really tried? How long did you last on them (weeks or months)? If you are

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still struggling with weight loss then I am guessing you went astray at some point (or gave up on something that just wasn't enjoyable).

Everyone likes reading, hearing new ways to do things...but is all that information just keeping us from really sticking to one simple plan consistently? Or are you hopping around from diet plan to diet plan and in the end have some alien hybrid eating lifestyle?

The biggest roadblock I see with many is that they get “paralysis by analysis”. People getting distracted by more info daily and putting off any real action.

The internet is great for that, as everywhere you see new programs, better diets, thousands of weight loss articles…and then you want to read more and learn more. You know what the internet is full of too? Marketers, who are trying to prey on people looking for something “new and great”.

What's wrong with learning new things?Absolutely nothing, because you are actually reading this probably because you wanted to learn something new right? Learning is fine. Stopping action and forward progress, or putting things on

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hold while you do it over and over, is not.

The goal of course with this ebook is to help you understand the simple truths about eating and weight loss, so you embrace a simple solution that works. Once you can do that, you can ignore all the rest out there that keep people in weight loss limbo.

The Simple Things Can WorkIf you can accept that simple can work, then you can find the real secret of success in life. Who said it has to be complicated? Diet books? Magazines? What are their real motives for keeping you confused anyways?

I always like to say “complicated sells, but simple works”.

Plenty of people have had great and lasting fat loss just following the most important yet simple things. Imagine what you could do with all that free time if you no longer had to go read and worry about weight loss and fitness anymore!

Time to say “No More”I want you to stop buying into the “latest and greatest” trends. Time

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“Our life is frittered

away by detail.

Simplify, simplify.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

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to stop giving your hard earned money to to those publishing and supplement companies who want you to keep buying “revolutionary” new diet books or “miracle” weight loss pills.

You really don't need to keep reading all those health and fitness magazines, which by the way are owned mostly by supplement companies looking to sell more products.

Remember these Simple Rules

• There is nothing new or revolutionary. It is just a sales and marketing pitch for you to spend money over and over.

• You just need to focus on and master the most important basics of weight loss and results will happen.

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Part I - Wrap Up

• Complex eating strategies make for a good business model in keeping the general public confused and dependent on some other solution (which will cost them money).

• Diets (fad or temporary) are not working. Just look around and that is blatantly obvious.

• We have too many unhealthy attachments to our food and eating patterns that need to be addressed.

• The real solution should involve becoming more aware of what we eat, when and why.

• I don't want to have to worry about food all day long, and there are many thin, happy and healthy people who do not.

• Time to quiet the information overload that is causing us so much confusion and get back to the basics we know work.

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"Any intelligent fool

can make things

bigger, more

complex, and more

violent. It takes a

touch of genius --

and a lot of courage

-- to move in the

opposite direction." ~ Albert Einstein

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Hope you have enjoyed a sneak peak at the first section of the 2 Meal Solution

Next Up: Bonus Chapter

This next chapter (from a later section) contains information that I think is so important, I am going to

share now the biggest weight loss myth when it comes to eating/meals!

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Biggest Weight Loss Myth

What are You Getting Sold on?The weight loss/diet niche is the hottest (and very profitable) industry to be in nowadays. Look around and you will see celebrities writing books about it, new pills from some special berry in Uganda or some crazy ab-contraption. It is a billion dollar market and everyone wants in on the action.

With that comes so many myths and misconceptions that have been passed down by word of mouth for so long, that it's now thought of as proven science. No one even questions the things they hear anymore.

In fact, many marketers will just continue to exploit those myths for profit knowing you won't even question them.

There is one particular myth used by practically everyone nowadays. It fuels a whole complicated eating plan which companies are getting rich off, and you are getting frustrated with!

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The Myth RevealedAre you ready to hear the biggest myth/misconception that you will hear all the time in mainstream media and from people when talking about how to lose weight? You may not be ready for what I am about to say. I warned you.

Ask many trainers, nutritionists, doctors, diet gurus or your overweight neighbor and they will probably all tell you this same statement as a scientifically proven fact:

“You need to eat smaller and more frequent meals through-out the

day in order to increase/speed-up your metabolism”

What is the real verdict? This statement is not 100% true!!

But how can so Many People be Wrong?It's usually the masses that are passing along wrong information in the first place (in an attempt to seem wise to others usually). Well if this is such a well known fact, then why aren't we all slim and fit from following it?

OK to be fair, there are plenty of people who can and do lose

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weight by eating multiple times per day (let's say 6x a day as most modern weight loss “diets” preach). But also remember the # 1 “secret” of all diets, being a state of calorie deficit. However you will see there is nothing “magical” about it when it comes to your metabolism.

I'm not saying it Doesn't WorkDon't get confused with my message about eating smaller and more meals all day long. I said above I know it “can” work (because of the calorie deficit it promotes) to eat 6x a day. Eating smaller meals, to keep overeating under control. At the end of the day you have still eaten less than normal, but just spread those calories out more often to keep the total daily number under control.

However the real question is, was it because those frequent smaller meals “magically sped up” your metabolism to burn more calories? The real answer to that assumption is a big fat NO!

Turn up the HeatSomehow most people think if you eat more often, then you increase your metabolism with a higher thermogenesis.

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Thermogenesis is where the body expels energy in the form of heat through what it has to do (and in this case we are talking about the energy of digesting food).

But here’s the fun “sciency” part, if you eat the same DAILY amount of food/calories split into either 6 meals or 3 meals, isn’t that the same amount of digestive energy required overall?

Isn’t 1500 calories still 1500 calories at the end of the day whether you split it 6 times or 3 times? So how is there any real advantage to splitting it up all day long into smaller more frequent meals when the calorie load is the same? Well according to plenty of research, there is no such advantage!

Science Agrees there is No Metabolic Advantage to Eating Multiple Meals

“Since the 1960s, epidemiological studies have reported an inverse relationship between frequency of eating and body weight, suggesting that a "nibbling" pattern could help to

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"The superior man

understands what is

right; the inferior

man understands

what will sell."

~ Confucius

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prevent obesity. This notion has later been put into question by the recognition of a high level of dietary under-reporting in overweight individuals. In addition, no difference in total daily energy expenditure has been documented as a function of daily meal number. Weight loss is not facilitated by high meal frequency. ” Source: “Impact of the daily meal pattern on energy balance”, France

Bellisle, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, Oct 2004

“More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-labeled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects on the food intake side of the energy balance equation.” Source: “Meal frequency and energy balance”; Br J Nutr. 1997 Apr;77

Suppl 1:S57-70.

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“To a group of 8 healthy persons a slightly hypocaloric diet with protein (13% of energy), carbohydrates (46% of energy) and fat (41% of energy) was given as one meal or as five meals in a change-over trial....Changes of body weight were statistically not significant. ..The heat production calculated by indirect calorimetry was not significantly different with either meal frequency. …The results demonstrate that the meal frequency did not influence the energy balance.” Source: “Thermogenesis in humans after varying meal time

frequency”; Wolfram G, Kirchgessner M, Maller HL, Hollomey S.

“In the short-term, meal frequency and a period of fasting have no major impact on energy intake or expenditure but energy expenditure is delayed with a lower meal frequency compared with a higher meal frequency.”Source: “Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast

affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber

calorimeter “ M A Taylor, J S Garrow, International Journal of Obesity

(2001) 25, 519-528

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There have been reports of an inverse relationship between meal frequency (MF) and adiposity. It has been postulated that this may be explained by favorable effects of increased MF on appetite control and possibly on gut peptides as well...However, there were NS (no significant) differences between the low- and high-MF groups for adiposity indices, appetite measurements or gut peptides (peptide YY and ghrelin) either before or after the intervention. We conclude that increasing MF does not promote greater body weight loss under the conditions described in the present study. Source: “Increased meal frequency does not promote greater weight

loss in subjects who were prescribed an 8-week equi-energetic

energy-restricted diet.”, Cameron JD, Cyr MJ, Doucet E. Br J Nutr.

2009 Nov 30:1-4.

You don't Need all those Bars, Shakes and Meal PlansSupplement companies are making a killing in the weight loss world on “special” snack bars, meal replacement shakes, and prepackaged meals all based around this eat more often to “speed up” your metabolism myth.

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“Simplicity is the



~ Leonardo DaVinci

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Do you now see why everyone “thinks” they need to eat more? It is because that myth is constantly being “pushed” (sold) to the general public as a scientific fact, when it is actually just a great marketing approach!

You will see celebrities on TV getting paid millions to lose weight on those types of programs (when we all should realize now that the real magic is in the total energy calorie deficit, not the amount of meals).

Calories are what matter. If you need to eat 6 smaller meals to keep yourself from binging later on (and going overboard on the total daily calories), then this approach may be the best way for you. If you enjoy eating smaller meals and more times each day, that is up to you and no one is going to stop you.

But I personally think it is more dangerous to tell everyone they need to eat/snack all the time, as that is just setting up for some mindless and unhealthy relationships with our food. No good can come from that (or should I say “has” come from it).

Time for a better way, and freedom from this obsession.

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Backed by Science

The information in the 2 meal Solution is based upon real research as well. Just see all the science used

to back up everything that is contained within.

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ReferencesMattson MP, Wan R. Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting and caloric restriction on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. J Nutr Biochem. 2005 Mar;16(3):129-37

Anson RM, et al. Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 May 13;100(10):6216-20.

Bryner R. et al. Effects of Resistance vs. Aerobic Training Combined With an 800 Calorie Liquid Diet on Lean Body Mass and Resting Metabolic Rate. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 18, No. 2, 115-121 (1999)

Carlson O et al. Impact of Reduced Meal Frequency Without Caloric Restriction on Glucose Regulation in Healthy, Normal Weight Middle-Aged Men and Women. Metabolism. 2007 December; 56(12): 1729–1734.

Johnson JB et al. The effect on health of alternate day calorie restriction: eating less and more than needed on alternate days prolongs life. Med Hypotheses 2006; 67(2):209-11

Camandola S et al. Intermittent food deprivation improves cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses to stress in rats. J Nutr. 2003 Jun;133(6) :1921-9

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Johnson JB et al. Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma. Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 Mar 1;42(5):665-74

Varady KA et al. Modified alternate-day fasting regimens reduce cell proliferation rates to a similar extent as daily calorie restriction in mice. FASEB J. 2008 Jun;22(6):2090-6

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Aksungar FB et al. Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein and biochemical parameters during prolonged intermittent fasting. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007; 51(1):88-95

Martin B, Mattson MP, Maudsley S. Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting: two potential diets for successful brain aging. Ageing Res Rev. 2006 Aug;5(3):332-53

Jones PJ et al. Meal frequency influences circulating hormone levels but not lipogenesis rates in humans. Metabolism. 1995 Feb; 44(2): 218-23

Chakravarthy M, Booth F. Eating, exercise, and "thrifty" genotypes: connecting the dots toward an evolutionary understanding of modern chronic diseases. J Appl Physiol 96: 3-10, 2004

Halagappa VK et al. Intermittent fasting and caloric

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restriction ameliorate age-related behavioral deficits in the triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Dis. 2007 Apr;26(1):212-20

Katare RG et al. Chronic intermittent fasting improves the survival following large myocardial ischemia by activation of BDNF/VEGF/PI3K signaling pathway. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2009 Mar;46(3):405-1

Y. Takahashi et al. Growth hormone secretion during sleep. J. Clin. Invest. 47(9): 2079-2090 (1968)Thomas L. Halton and Frank B. Hu, MD, PhD. The Effects of High Protein Diets on Thermogenesis, Satiety and Weight Loss: A Critical Review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 23, No. 5, 373-385 (2004)

Macdonald, I. A. and J. Webber. Feeding, fasting and starvation: factors affecting fuel utilization. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 54: 267-274, 1995.

Norrelund H et al. The protein-retaining effects of growth hormone during fasting involve inhibition of muscle-protein breakdown. Diabetes. 2001 Jan;50(1):96-104

Stote KS et al. A controlled trial of reduced meal frequency without caloric restriction in healthy, normal-weight, middle-aged adults.American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 85, No. 4, 981-988, April 2007

Verboeket-van de Venne WP, Westerterp KR. Influence of the feeding frequency on nutrient

utilization in man: consequences for energy metabolism. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1991 Mar;45(3):161-9.

Arnal Marie-Agnès et al. Protein pulse feeding improves protein retention in elderly women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 69, No. 6, 1202-1208, June 1999

S. Klein et al. Importance of blood glucose concentration in regulating lipolysis during fasting in humans. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 258: E32-E39, 1990

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Dulloo AG. Human pattern of food intake and fuel-partitioning during weight recovery after starvation: a theory of autoregulation of body composition. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 56: 25-40, 1997

Elia M. Effect of starvation and very low calorie diets on protein-energy interrelationships in lean and obese subjects. In: Protein-Energy Interactions, edited by Scrimshaw NS and Schurch B. Lausanne, Switzerland: IDECG, 1992, p. 249–284

Afolabi P. The effect of total starvation and very low energy diet in lean men on kinetics of whole body protein and five hepatic secretory proteins. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 293: E1580-E1589, 2007

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