2nd year-coronary artery disease related to dm( ihm- mrs. cordenillo

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  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    I. Introduction

    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by high

    blood sugar (glucose) levels that result from defects in insulin secretion, or

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    predisposition. The rapid modernization and industrialization allows the

    individual more time for leisure thus lessening physical activity. This leads to

    increasedfood consumption leading to weight gain and obesity.

    DM is associated with a markedly increased risk of coronary artery

    disease. In the Framingham study, the incidence of coronary artery disease

    was increased in diabetic subjects. While the most common cardiac

    manifestation in diabetic patients is coronary artery disease, DM also

    appears to be strongly linked to heart failure (HF).

    Approximately 15 to 25% of patients with HF are diabetics and it has been

    suggested that DM may play an important role in the pathogenesis,

    prognosis, and response to treatment of HF. The increased risk of

  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    b. Specific

    Upon the completion of this case study, the student shall have:

    Described and explained Diabetes Mellitus, Coronary Artery Disease and

    Congestive Heart Failure.

    Reviewed the anatomy and physiology of the organs involved.

    Identified the risk factors contributing to the occurrence of the condition.

    Expounded on the laboratory and diagnostic procedures done with the

    patient, their purposes, and specific nursing responsibilities before, during

    and after the procedure.

    Enumerated the different medications administered for the condition, their

    i di ti d ifi i ibiliti

  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    Every cell in the human body needs energy in order to function. The

    bodys primary energy source is glucose, a simple sugar resulting from thedigestion of foods which contains carbohydrates (sugars and starches).Glucose from the digested food circulates in the blood as a ready energysource for any cells that need it. Insulin is a hormone or chemical producedby cells in the pancreas, an organ located behind the stomach. Insulin bondsto a receptor site on the outside of cell and acts like a key to open a doorwayinto the cell through which glucose can enter. Some of the glucose can be

    converted to concentrated energy sources like glycogen or fatty acids andsaved for later use. When there is not enough insulin produced or when thedoorway no longer recognizes the insulin key, glucose stays in the bloodrather entering the cells.

    Anatomy of the pancreas:The pancreas is an elongated, tapered organ located across the back

    of the abdomen, behind the stomach. The right side of the organ (called thehead) is the widest part of the organ and lies in the curve of the duodenum(the first section of the small intestine). The tapered left side extends slightlyupward (called the body of the pancreas) and ends near the spleen (calledthe tail).

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    The Exterior of the HeartThe heart is the muscle in the lower half of the picture. The heart has

    four chambers. The right and left atria are shown in purple. The right and leftventricles are shown in red. Some of the main blood vesselsarteries andveinsthat make up the blood circulatory system are directly connected to

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    the heart's left ventricle. The coronary arteries are located on the heart'ssurface at the beginning of the aorta. The coronary arteries carry oxygen-rich

    blood to all parts of the heart.

    The Interior of the Heart

    The SeptumThe right and left sides of the heart are divided by an internal wall of

    tissue called the septum. The area of the septum that divides the atria (the

    two upper chambers of the heart) is called the atrial or interatrial septum. Thearea of the septum that divides the ventricles (the two lower chambers of theheart) is called the ventricular or interventricular septum.

    Heart ChambersThe two upper chambers of the heart are called atria. The atria receive

    and collect blood. The two lower chambers of the heart are called ventricles.

    The ventricles pump blood out of the heart into the circulatory system to otherparts of the body.

    Blood FlowThe arrows in the drawing show the direction that blood flows through

    the heart.

  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    Final Diagnosis: Hypertension, Hypertensive, Coronary Artery Disease

    CHF class II w/ pericardial and pleural effusion

    Attending Physician: Dr. Belasoto

    V. Clinical Assessment

    a. Nursing History

    Pt is a diagnosed DM for >5 years. A month PTA, had met postprandial

    vomiting preceded by dizziness (+) on and off grade 1 bipedal nonpitting edema,

    (+) blurring of vision.

    b. Past Health Problem/ Status

    Diabetic >5 yrs




    Educational Background:


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    With equal pulses

    No edema

    No cyanosis

    Cephalocaudal Assessment:Vital Signs:

    BP- 140/80 mmHg; T- 36.6C; PR- 78 bpm; RR- 19 rpmGeneral Appearance:

    Mrs. M.B was seen lying on her bed with an IV fluid of PNLSS 1l x KVOin the left metacarpal veins and regulated at10 cc/hr.


    Dry and warm to touch-With fair skin complexion-With pallor

    Head With short hair, black and equally distributedEyes

    With dark brown iris

    With pale palpebral conjunctivaEars

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    1/14/10 Differential count1/15/10

    Glucose 6.16 mmol/L 4.10-5.90 AbnormalIt indicates thatdont have enoughinsulin in yourbody.

    cholesterol 6.49 0-5.20LDL 4.80 1.71-4.60 Abnormal

    A cholesterol thatcirculates in the

    blood. It canslowly build up inthe inner walls of

    the arteries thatfeed the heart andbrain. It indicates

    form plaque, athick, hard deposit

    that can narrow

  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    malignant tumor.

    Date 1/20/10

    Chest PA

    Xray findings:

    Follow up study done, as compared with the previous chest x-ray taken

    12/17/09 shows haziness in both lung bases obliterating the hemidiaphragm andcostophillic sulci.

    There is a regression of haziness in the ( R ) upper lung field. The rest of

    the findings are unchanged.


    Bilateral pleural effusionAtherosclerotic Aorta

    Bibasal pneumonia

    Cardiomegaly, borderline

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    Deposition of Fats in

    the Aorta

    Narrowing and

    Blockage of the Aorta

    Chronic High Blood


    Increase Osmotic


    Fluid Goes to

    vascular space

    High Blood Volume


    Viscous Blood

    Poor Circulation

    Low Blood Supply

    Nerve Damage

    NeuropathyLow Blood to

    Coronary Artery

    Peripheral Nervous

  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo



  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo







    Classification Action Indication Side Effect Contraindication Nursing


    140 mg.

    ODsimvastatin cholesterol-

    lowering drug


    reduces cholesterolby inhibiting anenzyme in the liver(HMG-CoAreductase) that isnecessary for theproduction ofcholesterol.In the blood,statins(HMG-CoAreductase) lowertotal and LDL("bad") cholesterolas wellas triglycerides

    In patients withcoronary heartdisease,diabetes,peripheral vesseldisease, or historyofstroke or othercerebrovasculardisease andnonfatalmyocardialinfarction (heartattack)

    headache,nausea,vomiting, diarrhea, abdominalpain, muscle pain,and abnormalliver test.Mostserious potentialside effects areliver damage andmuscleinflammation orbreakdown.

    Pregnantwomen, fungalbyproducts,lactation

    Ask the pt. if theyare allergic to it.Limit alcoholicbeverages of thept.Give in theevening; thehighest rates ofcholesterolsynthesis arebetween midnightand 5 am

    10 mg






    Norvasc Antianginal


    Calcium channel


    Decreases cardiacoxygenconsumption,Increased deliveryof oxygen tocardiac cells, blockthe transport of

    calcium into thesmooth musclecells lining thecoronary arteriesand other arteriesof the body.

    Chronic stableangina, alone or incombination withother drugs.Essentialhypertensive,alone or in

    combination withotherantihypertensives

    Allergies toamlodipine, heartblock,lactation,use cautiously withheart failure

    headache andedema (swelling) of the lowerextremities,dizziness

    Assess skinlesions, edema,baselineECG,ausculation,GI normal output.

    Monitor patient

    carefully(BP,cardiacrhythm andoutput)

    40 mg Clexane Anticoagulants,

    Antiplatelets &

    -treats blood clots

    -treats certain types

    renal impairment:

    Treatment of




    Assess for tingling


  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


  • 8/8/2019 2ND YEAR-Coronary Artery Disease Related to DM( IHM- Mrs. Cordenillo


    IX. Nursing Management (NCP)

    Problem 1

    Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation


    = 6.16 mmol/dL


    > weakness

    Risk for infection r/tglucose level

    After 1 hour of nursing


    the patient will identify

    interventions to prevent

    risk of infection


    >Stress proper handhygiene by washing handsand using sanitizers.

    >Increase intake of Vit C> Observe for signs ofinfection and inflammation.

    >Maintain aseptictechnique for IVinsertion procedure,administration ofmedications, andprovidingmaintenance and sitecare. Rotate IV sitesas indicated.

    >Provide skincare by keeping the skin

    dry,linens dry andwrinkle free.

    After 1 hour of

    nursing interventions,

    the patient have

    identified interventions

    to prevent risk of infecti

    like being aware of eati

    foods that will decrease

    the risk of infections.

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    Problem 2

    Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Planning Intervention Evaluation

    SubjectiveSadto matambok koya.Galing ky sangnagmaskit ko sangdiabetes nga ni gulpiakon pagniwang, asverbalized

    ObjectiveWt. 110 lbs

    Non-elastic skin

    Imbalanced Nutrition:Less Than Body

    requirements related toincreased metabolicneeds caused by the


    After the nursingintervention:The patient will be-encourage the patient toeat well balanced diet-maintain blood glucose

    level-Achieve and maintainreasonable weight


    >Discouraged beveragesthat are caffeinated orcarbonated> Encouraged low fat dietand high fiber foods

    >Achieve and maintainreasonable weight>Practiced goodnutritionalhabits>Use less salt>Eat less sugar>Eat less fat>Eat more complexcarbohydrate

    Goal partially met asevidenced by patient arethreatened by the factorsoccur. Avoided drinkingcarbonated drinks. Eatwell.

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    Problem 3