2.system specification

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  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification




    Processor : Pentium IV

    Speed : 2.4 GHz

    RAM capacity : 256 M

    Hard !is" !ri#e : $% G

    &ey oard : Microso't (%$ "eys

    Mouse : Microso't ) *uttons


    +P,RA-IG S/S-,M : 0indo1s 2%%% Pro'essiona 3 P

    ,VIR+M,- : Visua Studio .,- 2%%5

    .,- RAM,0+R& : Version 2.%

    AG7AG, : V

    R+- ,! : ASP.,-

    A8&,! : S9 S,RV,R

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification




    Microso't.net is a pat'orm *uit on te top o' te operatin; system. .et pro#ides

    a pro;rammin; pat'orm 'or te de#eopers to *uid and depoy 1e* appication and

    standard appications.

    In te .et pat'orm te 1indo1s pat'orm is te o1est ayer. -e 1indo1s

    pat'orm can *e any o' te di''erent 'a#ors o' 1indo1s operatin; systems 1indo1s

    ?$@ 1indo1s2%%%@ 1indo1sP@ 1indo1s M,@ or 1indo1s 8,.

    -e net ayer is te Microso't.net 'rame1or"@ te inno#ati#e pro;rammin; mode

    tat 'aciitates de#eopers *uidin; M 1e* ser#ices@ 1e*@ mo*ie and 1indo1s

    appication. -e t1o main components o' te .,- 'rame1or" are te common

    an;ua;e runtime . -e .et 'rame1or" cass i*rary.

    A*o#e te .et 'rame1or" are te .et *uidin; *oc" ser#ices@ a set o' M 1e*


  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    inte;rated as a sin;e appication. ,#en cass de'ined in one an;ua;e can *e used in

    anoter an;ua;e.

    V.,- !A-A -/P,S












    Microso't.,- rame1or"

    -e .,- rame1or" is a ne1 computin; pat'orm tat simpi'ies appication

    de#eopment in te i;y distri*uted en#ironment o' te Internet. -e .,-

    rame1or" is desi;ned to 'u'i te 'oo1in; o*Decti#es:

    -o pro#ide a consistent o*Dect=oriented pro;rammin; en#ironment 1eter

    o*Dect code is stored and eecuted ocay@ eecuted ocay *ut Internet=

    distri*uted@ or eecuted remotey.

    -o pro#ide a code=eecution en#ironment tat minimizes so't1are depoyment

    and #ersionin; con'icts.

    -o pro#ide a code=eecution en#ironment tat ;uarantees sa'e eecution o'

    code@ incudin; code created *y an un"no1n or semi=trusted tird party.

    -o pro#ide a code=eecution en#ironment tat eiminates te per'ormance

    pro*ems o' scripted or interpreted en#ironments.

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    0e* orms appications and M 0e* ser#ices@ *ot o' 1ic are discussed ater in

    tis topic.

    Internet ,porer is an eampe o' an unmana;ed appication tat osts te runtime

    . 7sin; Internet ,porer to ost te runtime

    ena*es you to em*ed mana;ed components or 0e* orms contros in H-M

    documents. Hostin; te runtime in tis 1ay ma"es mana;ed mo*ie code

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    *ut cannot access teir persona data@ 'ie system@ or net1or". -e security 'eatures o'

    te runtime tus ena*e e;itimate Internet=depoyed so't1are to *e eceptionay

    'eature ric.

    -e runtime aso en'orces code ro*ustness *y impementin; a strict type= and code=

    #eri'ication in'rastructure caed te common type system . -e 8-S ensures

    tat a mana;ed code is se'=descri*in;. -e #arious Microso't and tird=party

    an;ua;e compiers ;enerate mana;ed code tat con'orms to te 8-S. -is means

    tat mana;ed code can consume oter mana;ed types and instances@ 1ie stricty

    en'orcin; type 'ideity and type sa'ety.

    In addition@ te mana;ed en#ironment o' te runtime eiminates many common

    so't1are issues. or eampe@ te runtime automaticay andes o*Dect ayout and

    mana;es re'erences to o*Dects@ reeasin; tem 1en tey are no on;er *ein; used.

    -is automatic memory mana;ement reso#es te t1o most common appication

    errors@ memory ea"s and in#aid memory re'erences.

    -e runtime aso acceerates de#eoper producti#ity. or eampe@ pro;rammers can

    1rite appications in teir de#eopment an;ua;e o' coice@ yet ta"e 'u ad#anta;e o'

    te runtime@ te cass i*rary@ and components 1ritten in oter an;ua;es *y oter

    de#eopers. Any compier #endor 1o cooses to tar;et te runtime can do so.

    an;ua;e compiers tat tar;et te .,- rame1or" ma"e te 'eatures o' te .,-

    rame1or" a#aia*e to eistin; code 1ritten in tat an;ua;e@ ;reaty easin; te

    mi;ration process 'or eistin; appications.

    0ie te runtime is desi;ned 'or te so't1are o' te 'uture@ it aso supports so't1are

    o' today and yesterday. Interopera*iity *et1een mana;ed and unmana;ed code

    ena*es de#eopers to continue to use necessary 8+M components and !s.

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    -e runtime is desi;ned to enance per'ormance. Atou; te common an;ua;e

    runtime pro#ides many standard runtime ser#ices@ mana;ed code is ne#er interpreted.

    A 'eature caed Dust=in=time compiin; ena*es a mana;ed code to run in te

    nati#e macine an;ua;e o' te system on 1ic it is eecutin;. Mean1ie@ te

    memory mana;er remo#es te possi*iities o' 'ra;mented memory and increases

    memory ocaity=o'=re'erence to 'urter increase per'ormance.

    inay@ te runtime can *e osted *y i;=per'ormance@ ser#er=side appications@ suc

    as Microso'tF S9 Ser#er and Internet In'ormation Ser#ices . -is

    in'rastructure ena*es you to use mana;ed code to 1rite your *usiness o;ic@ 1ie

    sti enDoyin; te superior per'ormance o' te industrys *est enterprise ser#ers tat

    support runtime ostin;.

    .NET Framework Class Library

    -e .,- rame1or" cass i*rary is a coection o' reusa*e types tat ti;ty

    inte;rate 1it te common an;ua;e runtime. -e cass i*rary is o*Dect oriented@

    pro#idin; types 'rom 1ic your o1n mana;ed code can deri#e 'unctionaity. -is

    not ony ma"es te .,- rame1or" types easy to use@ *ut aso reduces te time

    associated 1it earnin; ne1

    'eatures o' te .,- rame1or". In addition@ tird=party components can inte;rate

    seamessy 1it casses in te .,- rame1or".

    or eampe@ te .,- rame1or" coection casses impement a set o' inter'aces

    tat you can use to de#eop your o1n coection casses. /our coection casses 1i

    *end seamessy 1it te casses in te .,- rame1or".

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    As you 1oud epect 'rom an o*Dect=oriented cass i*rary@ te .,- rame1or"

    types ena*e you to accompis a ran;e o' common pro;rammin; tas"s@ incudin;

    tas"s suc as strin; mana;ement@ data coection@ data*ase connecti#ity@ and 'ie

    access. In addition to tese common tas"s@ te cass i*rary incudes types tat support

    a #ariety o' speciaized de#eopment scenarios. or eampe@ you can use te .,-

    rame1or" to de#eop te 'oo1in; types o' appications and ser#ices:

    8onsoe appications.

    Scripted or osted appications.

    0indo1s G7I appications . ASP.,- appications.

    M 0e* ser#ices.

    0indo1s ser#ices.

    or eampe@ te 0e* orms casses are a compreensi#e set o' reusa*e types tat

    #asty simpi'y 0e* G7I de#eopment. I' you 1rite an ASP.,- 0e* orm

    appication@ you can use te 0e* orms casses.


    -is ne1 'amiy o' Microso't .,- products and tecnoo;ies

    repaces te pre#ious 1or"in; tite o' et Generation 0indo1s Ser#ices

    and incudes so't1are 'or de#eopers to *uid net=;eneration Internet eperiences as

    1e as po1er a ne1 *reed o' smart Internet de#ices. Microso't aso announced pans

    'or ne1 products *uit on te .,- pat'orm@ incudin; ne1 ;enerations o' te

    Microso't 0indo1sF operatin; system@ 0indo1s !A ser#ers@ Microso't +''ice@

    te MS net1or" o' Internet ser#ices and te Visua StudioF de#eopment system.

    .NET Internet Standards

    .,- depends on 'our Internet standards:

    H--P@ te communication protoco *et1een Internet Appications

    M@ te 'ormat 'or ecan;in; data *et1een Internet Appications

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    S+AP@ te standard 'ormat 'or reuestin; 0e* Ser#ices

    7!!I@ te standard to searc and disco#er 0e* Ser#ices

    What Does .NET !"e Yo#$

    !ata access

    -e V an;ua;e as *een up;raded


    Memory mana;ement


    Pro;rammin; an;ua;es a#e *een mo#ed coser to;eter Assem*y

    %#!&d!n' %&o()s o* M!(roso*t.NET P&at*or+.

    .NET Fra+e,or)

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    -e .,- rame1or" is a (o++on en"!ron+ent'or *uidin;@ depoyin;@

    and runnin; 0e* Ser#icesand 0e* Appications.

    -e .,- rame1or" contains (o++on (&ass &!-rar!es= i"e A!+.,-@

    ASP.,- and 0indo1s orms = to pro#ide ad#anced standard ser#ices tat can *e

    inte;rated into a #ariety o' computer systems.

    -e .,- rame1or" is &an'#a'e ne#tra&. 8urrenty it supports 8CC@ 8J@ Visua

    asic@ EScript and 8++. -ird=party an;ua;es = i"e ,i''e@ Per@ Pyton@

    Smata"@ and oters = 1i aso *e a#aia*e 'or *uidin; 'uture .,- rame1or"


    an'#a'es S#//orted %0 .NET

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    Co++on T0/e S0ste+ and CS

    CSCo++on an'#a'e S/e(!*!(at!on Co+/&!ant Attr!-#te

    A su*set o' 8ommon -ype System

    Assem*y can *e ta;;ed 1itKassem*y: System.8S8ompiantL

    8ompierissues a 1arnin; i' non compiant types are used.

    So#es te cross an;ua;e access pro*em in 8+M

    types@ metods may sti *e mar"ed 1it K8S8ompiant

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    appication@ or an appication tat com*ines se#era o' tese appication modes@ te

    8R pro#ides te 'oo1in; *ene'its 'or appication de#eopers:

    Vasty simpi'ied de#eopment

    Seamess inte;ration o' code 1ritten in #arious an;ua;es

    ,#idence=*ased security 1it code identity

    Assem*y=*ased depoyment tat eiminates ! He

    Side=*y=side #ersionin; o' reusa*e components

    8ode reuse trou; impementation ineritance

    Automatic o*Dect i'etime mana;ement

    Se' descri*in; o*Dects



    .,- tecnoo;y 1as introduced *y Microso't@ to catc te mar"et 'rom te

    S7s Ea#a. e1 years *ac"@ Microso't ad ony V8CC and V to compete 1it Ea#a@

    *ut Ea#a 1as catcin; te mar"et #ery 'ast. 0it te 1ord dependin; more and more

    on te Internet30e* and Da#a reated toos *ecomin; te *est coice 'or te 1e*

    appications@ Microso't seemed to *e oosin; te *atte. -ousands o' pro;rammers

    mo#ed to Da#a 'rom V8CC and V. -is 1as aarmin; 'or Microso't and many o' te

    Microso't 'ans "ept on as"in; is Microso't seepin;N. And Microso't ad te

    ans1er. +ne 'ine mornin;@ tey announced : 0e are not seepin;. 0e a#e te

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    ans1er 'or you.. And tat ans1er 1as .,-.

    .,- 'rame1or" comes 1it a sin;e cass i*rary. And tats a pro;rammers

    need to earnOO 0eter tey 1rite te code in 8J or V.,- or EJ@ it doesnt matter@

    you Dust use te .,- cass i*rary. -ere is no casses speci'ic to any an;ua;e. -ere

    is notin; more you can do in a an;ua;e@ 1ic you cant do in any oter .,-

    an;ua;e. /ou can 1rite code in 8J or V.,- 1it te same num*er o' ines o'

    code@ same per'ormance and same e''iciency@ *ecause e#eyone uses same .,- cass


    It is a pat'orm neutra 'rame1or".

    Is a ayer *et1een te operatin; system and te pro;rammin; an;ua;e.

    It supports many pro;rammin; an;ua;es@ incudin; V.,-@ 8J etc.

    .,- pro#ides a common set o' cass i*raries@ 1ic can *e accessed 'rom

    any .,- *ased pro;rammin; an;ua;e. -ere 1i not *e separate set o' casses and

    i*raries 'or eac an;ua;e. I' you "no1 any one .,- an;ua;e@ you can 1rite code

    in any .,- an;ua;e.In 'uture #ersions o' 0indo1s@ .,- 1i *e 'reey distri*uted

    as part o' operatin; system and users 1i ne#er a#e to insta .,- separatey.

    . ,- is not an operatin; system.

    .,- is not a pro;rammin; an;ua;e.




    .,- tecnoo;y 1as introduced *y Microso't@ to catc te mar"et 'rom teS7s Ea#a. e1 years *ac"@ Microso't ad ony V8CC and V to compete 1it Ea#a@

    *ut Ea#a 1as catcin; te mar"et #ery 'ast. 0it te 1ord dependin; more and more

    on te Internet30e* and Da#a reated toos *ecomin; te *est coice 'or te 1e*

    appications@ Microso't seemed to *e oosin; te *atte. -ousands o' pro;rammers

    mo#ed to Da#a 'rom V8CC and V. -is 1as aarmin; 'or Microso't and many o' te

    Microso't 'ans "ept on as"in; is Microso't seepin;N. And Microso't ad te

    ans1er. +ne 'ine mornin;@ tey announced : 0e are not seepin;. 0e a#e te

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    ans1er 'or you.. And tat ans1er 1as .,-.

    .,- 'rame1or" comes 1it a sin;e cass i*rary. And tats a pro;rammers

    need to earnOO 0eter tey 1rite te code in 8J or V.,- or EJ@ it doesnt matter@

    you Dust use te .,- cass i*rary. -ere is no casses speci'ic to any an;ua;e. -ere

    is notin; more you can do in a an;ua;e@ 1ic you cant do in any oter .,-

    an;ua;e. /ou can 1rite code in 8J or V.,- 1it te same num*er o' ines o'

    code@ same per'ormance and same e''iciency@ *ecause e#eyone uses same .,- cass


    It is a pat'orm neutra 'rame1or".

    Is a ayer *et1een te operatin; system and te pro;rammin; an;ua;e.

    It supports many pro;rammin; an;ua;es@ incudin; V.,-@ 8J etc.

    .,- pro#ides a common set o' cass i*raries@ 1ic can *e accessed 'rom

    any .,- *ased pro;rammin; an;ua;e. -ere 1i not *e separate set o' casses and

    i*raries 'or eac an;ua;e. I' you "no1 any one .,- an;ua;e@ you can 1rite code

    in any .,- an;ua;e.In 'uture #ersions o' 0indo1s@ .,- 1i *e 'reey distri*uted

    as part o' operatin; system and users 1i ne#er a#e to insta .,- separatey.

    . ,- is not an operatin; system.

    .,- is not a pro;rammin; an;ua;e.

    Ser"er A//&!(at!on De"e&o/+ent

    Ser#er=side appications in te mana;ed 1ord are impemented trou; runtime

    osts. 7nmana;ed appications ost te common an;ua;e runtime@ 1ic ao1s

    your custom mana;ed code to contro te *ea#ior o' te ser#er. -is mode pro#ides

    you 1it a te 'eatures o' te common an;ua;e runtime and cass i*rary 1ie

    ;ainin; te per'ormance and scaa*iity o' te ost ser#er.

    -e 'oo1in; iustration so1s a *asic net1or" scema 1it mana;ed code runnin;

    in di''erent ser#er en#ironments. Ser#ers suc as IIS and MSA88,SS can per'orm

    standard operations 1ie your appication o;ic eecutes trou; te mana;ed code.

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    Ser"er4s!de +ana'ed (ode

    ASP.,- is te ostin; en#ironment tat ena*es de#eopers to use te .,-

    rame1or" to tar;et 0e*=*ased appications. Ho1e#er@ ASP.,- is more tan Dust a

    runtime ost it is a compete arcitecture 'or de#eopin; 0e* sites and Internet=

    distri*uted o*Dects usin; mana;ed code. ot 0e* orms and M 0e* ser#ices use

    IIS and ASP.,- as te pu*isin; mecanism 'or appications@ and *ot a#e a

    coection o' supportin; casses in te .,- rame1or".

    M 0e* ser#ices@ an important e#oution in 0e*=*ased tecnoo;y@ are distri*uted@

    ser#er=side appication components simiar to common 0e* sites. Ho1e#er@ uni"e

    0e*=*ased appications@ M 0e* ser#ices components a#e no 7I and are not

    tar;eted 'or *ro1sers suc as Internet ,porer and etscape a#i;ator. Instead@

    M 0e* ser#ices consist o' reusa*e so't1are components desi;ned to *e

    consumed *y oter appications@ suc as traditiona cient appications@ 0e*=*ased

    appications@ or e#en oter M 0e* ser#ices. As a resut@ M 0e* ser#ices

    tecnoo;y is rapidy mo#in; appication de#eopment and depoyment into te i;y

    distri*uted en#ironment o' te Internet.

    I' you a#e used earier #ersions o' ASP tecnoo;y@ you 1i immediatey notice te

    impro#ements tat ASP.,- and 0e* orms o''ers. or eampe@ you can de#eop

    0e* orms pa;es in any an;ua;e tat supports te .,- rame1or". In addition@

    your code no on;er needs to sare te same 'ie 1it your H--P tet . 0e* orms pa;es eecute in nati#e macine

    an;ua;e *ecause@ i"e any oter mana;ed appication@ tey ta"e 'u ad#anta;e o' te

    runtime. In contrast@ unmana;ed ASP pa;es are a1ays scripted and interpreted.

    ASP.,- pa;es are 'aster@ more 'unctiona@ and easier to de#eop tan unmana;edASP pa;es *ecause tey interact 1it te runtime i"e any mana;ed appication.

    -e .,- rame1or" aso pro#ides a coection o' casses and toos to aid in

    de#eopment and consumption o' M 0e* ser#ices appications. M 0e*

    ser#ices are *uit on standards suc as S+AP @


  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    or eampe@ te 0e* Ser#ices !escription an;ua;e too incuded 1it te .,-

    rame1or" S!& can uery an M 0e* ser#ice pu*ised on te 0e*@ parse its

    0S! description@ and produce 8J or Visua asic source code tat your appication

    can use to *ecome a cient o' te M 0e* ser#ice. -e source code can create

    casses deri#ed 'rom casses in te cass i*rary tat ande a te underyin;

    communication usin; S+AP and M parsin;. Atou; you can use te cass

    i*rary to consume M 0e* ser#ices directy@ te 0e* Ser#ices !escription

    an;ua;e too and te oter toos contained in te S!& 'aciitate your de#eopment

    e''orts 1it te .,- rame1or".

    I' you de#eop and pu*is your o1n M 0e* ser#ice@ te .,- rame1or"

    pro#ides a set o' casses tat con'orm to a te underyin; communication standards@suc as S+AP@ 0S!@ and M. 7sin; tose casses ena*es you to 'ocus on te

    o;ic o' your ser#ice@ 1itout concernin; yourse' 1it te communications

    in'rastructure reuired *y distri*uted so't1are de#eopment.

    inay@ i"e 0e* orms pa;es in te mana;ed en#ironment@ your M 0e* ser#ice

    1i run 1it te speed o' nati#e macine an;ua;e usin; te scaa*e communication

    o' IIS.

    Active Server ages.NET

    ASP.,- is a pro;rammin; 'rame1or" *uit on te common an;ua;e

    runtime tat can *e used on a ser#er to *uid po1er'u 0e* appications. ASP.,-

    o''ers se#era important ad#anta;es o#er pre#ious 0e* de#eopment modes:

    Enhan(ed Per*or+an(e. ASP.,- is compied common an;ua;e

    runtime code runnin; on te ser#er. 7ni"e its interpreted predecessors@ ASP.,- can

    ta"e ad#anta;e o' eary *indin;@ Dust=in=time compiation@ nati#e optimization@ and

    cacin; ser#ices ri;t out o' te *o. -is amounts to dramaticay *etter per'ormance

    *e'ore you e#er 1rite a ine o' code.

    Wor&d4C&ass Too& S#//ort. -e ASP.,- 'rame1or" is

    compemented *y a ric too*o and desi;ner in te Visua Studio inte;rated

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    de#eopment en#ironment. 0/SI0/G editin;@ dra;=and=drop ser#er contros@ and

    automatic depoyment are Dust a 'e1 o' te 'eatures tis po1er'u too pro#ides.

    Po,er and F&e5!-!&!t0.ecause ASP.,- is *ased on te common

    an;ua;e runtime@ te po1er and 'ei*iity o' tat entire pat'orm is a#aia*e to 0e*

    appication de#eopers. -e .,- rame1or" cass i*rary@ Messa;in;@ and !ata

    Access soutions are a seamessy accessi*e 'rom te 0e*. ASP.,- is aso

    an;ua;e=independent@ so you can coose te an;ua;e tat *est appies to your

    appication or partition your appication across many an;ua;es. urter@ common

    an;ua;e runtime interopera*iity ;uarantees tat your eistin; in#estment in 8+M=

    *ased de#eopment is preser#ed 1en mi;ratin; to ASP.,-.

    S!+/&!(!t0.ASP.,- ma"es it easy to per'orm common tas"s@ 'rom

    simpe 'orm su*mission and cient autentication to depoyment and site

    con'i;uration. or eampe@ te ASP.,- pa;e 'rame1or" ao1s you to *uid user

    inter'aces tat ceany separate appication o;ic 'rom presentation code and to ande

    e#ents in a simpe@ Visua asic = i"e 'orms processin; mode. Additionay@ te

    common an;ua;e runtime simpi'ies de#eopment@ 1it mana;ed code ser#ices suc

    as automatic re'erence countin; and ;ar*a;e coection.

    Mana'ea-!&!t0. ASP.,- empoys a tet=*ased@ ierarcica

    con'i;uration system@ 1ic simpi'ies appyin; settin;s to your ser#er en#ironment

    and 0e* appications. ecause con'i;uration in'ormation is stored as pain tet@ ne1

    settin;s may *e appied 1itout te aid o' oca administration toos. -is zero oca

    administration piosopy etends to depoyin; ASP.,- rame1or" appications

    as 1e. An ASP.,- rame1or" appication is depoyed to a ser#er simpy *y

    copyin; te necessary 'ies to te ser#er. o ser#er restart is reuired@ e#en to depoy

    or repace runnin; compied code.

    S(a&a-!&!t0 and A"a!&a-!&!t0. ASP.,- as *een desi;ned 1itscaa*iity in mind@ 1it 'eatures speci'icay taiored to impro#e per'ormance in

    custered and mutiprocessor en#ironments. urter@ processes are cosey monitored

    and mana;ed *y te ASP.,- runtime@ so tat i' one mis*ea#es @

    a ne1 process can *e created in its pace@ 1ic eps "eep your appication

    constanty a#aia*e to ande reuests.

    C#sto+!6a-!&!t0 and E5tens!-!&!t0.ASP.,- dei#ers a 1e='actored

    arcitecture tat ao1s de#eopers to pu;=in teir code at te appropriate e#e. In

    'act@ it is possi*e to etend or repace any su*component o' te ASP.,- runtime

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    1it your o1n custom=1ritten component. Impementin; custom autentication or

    state ser#ices as ne#er *een easier.

    Se(#r!t0.0it *uit in 0indo1s autentication and per=appication

    con'i;uration@ you can *e assured tat your appications are secure.

    an'#a'e S#//ort

    -e Microso't .,- Pat'orm currenty o''ers *uit=in support 'or tree

    an;ua;es: 8J@ Visua asic@ and EScript.

    What !s ASP.NET We- For+s$

    -e ASP.,- 0e* orms pa;e 'rame1or" is a scaa*e common an;ua;e

    runtime pro;rammin; mode tat can *e used on te ser#er to dynamicay ;enerate

    0e* pa;es.

    Intended as a o;ica e#oution o' ASP @ te ASP.,- 0e* orms 'rame1or" as *een

    speci'icay desi;ned to address a num*er o' "ey de'iciencies in te pre#ious mode.

    In particuar@ it pro#ides:

    -e a*iity to create and use reusa*e 7I contros tat can encapsuate

    common 'unctionaity and tus reduce te amount o' code tat a pa;e de#eoper as

    to 1rite.

    -e a*iity 'or de#eopers to ceany structure teir pa;e o;ic in an

    ordery 'asion .

    -e a*iity 'or de#eopment toos to pro#ide stron; 0/SI0/G desi;n

    support 'or pa;es .

    ASP.,- 0e* orms pa;es are tet 'ies 1it an .asp 'ie name etension.

    -ey can *e depoyed trou;out an IIS #irtua root directory tree. 0en a *ro1ser

    cient reuests .asp resources@ te ASP.,- runtime parses and compies te tar;et

    'ie into a .,- rame1or" cass. -is cass can ten *e used to dynamicay process

    incomin; reuests. .

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    An ASP.,- pa;e can *e created simpy *y ta"in; an eistin; H-M 'ie and

    can;in; its 'ie name etension to .asp . or

    eampe@ te 'oo1in; sampe demonstrates a simpe H-M pa;e tat coects a

    users name and cate;ory pre'erence and ten per'orms a 'orm post*ac" to te

    ori;inatin; pa;e 1en a *utton is cic"ed:

    ASP.,- pro#ides synta compati*iity 1it eistin; ASP pa;es. -is

    incudes support 'or Q code render *oc"s tat can *e intermied 1it H-M

    content 1itin an .asp 'ie. -ese code *oc"s eecute in a top=do1n manner at pa;e

    render time.

    Code4%eh!nd We- For+s

    ASP.,- supports t1o metods o' autorin; dynamic pa;es. -e 'irst is te

    metod so1n in te precedin; sampes@ 1ere te pa;e code is pysicay decared

    1itin te ori;inatin; .asp 'ie. An aternati#e approac=="no1n as te code=*eind

    metod==ena*es te pa;e code to *e more ceany separated 'rom te H-M content

    into an entirey separate 'ie.

    Introd#(t!on to ASP.NET Ser"er Contro&s

    In addition to

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    In addition to supportin; standard H-M input contros@ ASP.,- ena*es

    de#eopers to utiize ricer custom contros on teir pa;es. or eampe@ te 'oo1in;

    sampe demonstrates o1 te 9as/:adrotatorcontro can *e used to dynamicay

    dispay rotatin; ads on a pa;e.

    (. ASP.,- 0e* orms pro#ide an easy and po1er'u 1ay to *uid

    dynamic 0e* 7I.

    2. ASP.,- 0e* orms pa;es can tar;et any *ro1ser cient

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    A*o#e te .et 'rame1or" are te .et *uidin; *oc" ser#ices@ a set o' M

    1e* ser#ices

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    2.Sess!on State:

    In ASP.,-@ te Session state is automaticay maintained *y

    usin; a idden 'ied caed #ie1 state. urter@ ASP.,- o''ers te 'ei*iity to turn

    te Session state on or o'' at *ot te pa;e e#e as 1e as te contro e#e. It is aso

    possi*e to store te Session state te Session state directy in te S9 ser#er data*ase

    and retrie#e at a ater time:

    3.For+ ;a&!dat!on:

    ASP.,- o''ers a ric set o' ser#er contros to acie#e

    te tas" o' orm Vaidation. -ese contros are popuary "no1n as Vauators or

    #aidation contros and can *e used to #aidate a types o' #aidations.

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    @.Data A((ess:

    ASP.,- as introduced te net ;eneration o' A!+ "no1n as

    A!+.,- 1it respect to data access. A!+.,- paces more empasis on

    disconnected record sets *y empoyin; M as a medium o' communication *et1een

    tese record sets and te !ata Stores.

    .Error Hand&!n' and De-#''!n':

    ASP.,- o''ers a ceaner approac to error and de*u;;in; as

    compared to its predecessor ASP. It is no1 possi*e to speci'y indi#idua error pa;es

    'or eac ASP.,- pa;e 'or eac ASP.,- pa;e *y empoyin; te ne1 ,rror Pa;e


    Wpa;e ,rror Pa;eX3my,rrorPa;e.asp

    In te a*o#e eampe@ i' any error occurs on te pa;e@ te user is directed to

    my,rrorPa;e.asp. -is type o' error andin; ena*es de#eopers to circum#ent te

    IIS error pa;es ato;eter

    1B.ser A#thent!(at!on:

    ASP.,- o''ers se#era "inds o' autentication 'or cec"in; te

    #aidity o' te users accessin; a 1e* site. In addition to support 'or asic@ !i;est and

    0indo1s -@ ASP.,- aso supports Passport autentication.

    11.Ser"er4S!de Ca(h!n':

    -e process o' retainin; most 'reuenty #isited 1e* pa;es in memory

    is caed cacin;. 8acin; o' ASP.,- Pa;e eads to an increase in its per'ormance.

    ASP.,- supports te 'oo1in; t1o types o' cacin;

    +utput cacin;

    !ata 8acin;

    +utput cacin; is te process o' cacin; te entire pa;e@ tis "ind o' cacin;

    is ad#isa*e 'or sites 1it ea#y tra''ic. !ata cacin; is te process o' cacin; a part

    o' te pa;e tat incudes o*Dects and data.

    12.Con*!'#rat!on Deta!&s:

    ASP.,- maintains a te con'i;uration detais pertainin; to a 1e*

    appication in a 'ie caed 8on'i; @ 1e*@ 1ic is in a uman reada*e 'ormat .-e 1oe ran;e o' con'i;uration detais incudin; 1ic reuest to ande on

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    speci'ic situation@ tracin; options etc.

    inay@ ASP.,- pro#ides a po1er'u 'rame1or" 'or de#eopin;

    and depoyin; et Generation 0e* Appications. ASP.,- 1i a#e a si;ni'icant

    impact on te 1e* appication de#eopment in 'uture.


    -e +AP Ser#ices 'eature a#aia*e in S9 Ser#er #ersion T.% is no1

    caed S9 Ser#er 2%%% Anaysis Ser#ices. -e term +AP Ser#ices as *een

    repaced 1it te term Anaysis Ser#ices. Anaysis Ser#ices aso incudes a ne1

    data minin; component. -e Repository component a#aia*e in S9 Ser#er

    #ersion T.% is no1 caed Microso't S9 Ser#er 2%%% Meta !ata Ser#ices.

    Re'erences to te component no1 use te term Meta !ata Ser#ices. -e term

    repository is used ony in re'erence to te repository en;ine 1itin Meta !ata


    S9=S,RV,R data*ase consist o' si type o' o*Dects@

    -ey are@

    (. -A,

    2. 97,R/

    ). +RM

    4. R,P+R-

    5. MA8R+


    A data*ase is a coection o' data a*out a speci'ic topic.

    ;IEWS OF TA%E:

    0e can 1or" 1it a ta*e in t1o types@

    (. !esi;n Vie1

    2. !ataseet Vie1

  • 8/12/2019 2.System Specification


    Des!'n ;!e,

    -o *uid or modi'y te structure o' a ta*e 1e 1or" in te ta*e desi;n #ie1.

    0e can speci'y 1at "ind o' data 1i *e od.

    Datasheet ;!e,

    -o add@ edit or anayses te data itse' 1e 1or" in ta*es dataseet #ie1



    A uery is a uestion tat as to *e as"ed te data. Access ;aters data tat

    ans1ers te uestion 'rom one or more ta*e. -e data tat ma"e up te ans1er is

    eiter dynaset

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    1. Des!'n ;!e,

    2. For+ ;!e,

    Des!'n ;!e,

    -o *uid or modi'y te structure o' a 'orm@ 1e 1or" in 'orms desi;n #ie1.

    0e can add contro to te 'orm tat are *ound to 'ieds in a ta*e or uery@

    incudes tet*oes@ option *uttons@ ;raps and pictures.

    For+ ;!e,

    -e 'orm #ie1 1ic dispay te 1oe desi;n o' te 'orm.


    A report is used to #ies and print in'ormation 'rom te data*ase. -e report

    can ;round records into many e#es and compute totas and a#era;e *y cec"in;

    #aues 'rom many records at once. Aso te report is attracti#e and distincti#e

    *ecause 1e a#e contro o#er te size and appearance o' it.


    A macro is a set o' actions. ,ac action in macros does sometin;.

    Suc as openin; a 'orm or printin; a report .0e 1rite macros to automate te

    common tas"s te 1or" easy and sa#e te time.


    Modues are units o' code 1ritten in access *asic an;ua;e. 0e can

    1rite and use modue to automate and customize te data*ase in #ery

    sopisticated 1ays.

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