3 d cross stitcher reference guide

8/21/2019 3 d Cross Stitcher Reference Guide http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/3-d-cross-stitcher-reference-guide 1/199  3D Cross Stitcher  Reference Guide The software to which this Reference Guide relates is subject to change without notice. All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this Reference Guide. The software described in this book is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance  with the terms of the agreement.  Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.  © 2004 VSM Software Ltd. All rights reserved.

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  3D Cross Stitcher 

  Reference Guide

The software to which this Reference Guide relates issubject to change without notice. All efforts have beenmade to ensure the accuracy of the contents of thisReference Guide.

The software described in this book is furnished under alicense agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.

 Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Otherproduct names mentioned in this guide may be trademarks orregistered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby


 © 2004 VSM Software Ltd.All rights reserved.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Contents i


Getting Started .................................................................1 Where to Start.................................................................. 2

3D Cross Stitcher Terms and Conventions ................... 4

Parts of the Software Window........................................ 7

Hints on Planning Cross Stitch Designs........................ 10

Information for Hand Cross Stitchers .......................... 13

Design Styles.................................................................... 15

QuickStart Exercises ......................................................17QuickCross Picture Wizard — Girl’s Photograph(100mm x 100mm) ......................................................... 17

Small House — Stitch Types and Shapes

(80mm x 80mm) ............................................................. 23

Happy House Sampler — Insert Design, Fixed Text

and Color Configuration (115mm x 120mm).............. 32Pattern Sampler — Multiply, Shapes and TrueType®Text (225mm x 140mm)................................................ 40

Managing Cross Stitch Designs .....................................55New .................................................................................. 55

Open................................................................................. 56

Save .................................................................................. 58

3D Create Stitches.......................................................... 59

Export Picture ................................................................. 61

Using the QuickCross Picture Wizard .........................63Picture Wizard: Choose Picture ................................... 66Picture Wizard: Grid and Hoop .................................... 69

Picture Wizard: Start with Colors ................................ 73

Picture Wizard: Thread Colors..................................... 75

Viewing Cross Stitch Designs ........................................78Cross Mode...................................................................... 78

Picture.............................................................................. 80

Grid................................................................................... 80Zoom Commands ........................................................... 81

Hide Colors...................................................................... 84

Choosing and Changing Thread Colors........................85Thread Color Palette ..................................................... 85

Color Selection................................................................ 87

Left-Click and Right-Click Colors.................................. 89

Erase................................................................................. 89

Pick Color ........................................................................ 89

Color Configuration........................................................ 90

Creating Stitches ............................................................95Crosses ............................................................................. 95

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ii 3D Cross Stitcher: Contents

Backstitch......................................................................... 99

French Knot ................................................................... 101

Flood Fill......................................................................... 102

Multiply........................................................................... 103

Using Patterns and Shapes.......................................... 106Select a Pattern............................................................. 106Draw a Shape................................................................. 108

Shape Options ............................................................... 110Design New Patterns ....................................................116

Creating Text ............................................................... 119TrueType Text .............................................................. 119

Fixed Text ...................................................................... 124Design New Fixed Text Fonts ..................................... 127

Editing Designs ............................................................. 144Edit Crosses, Backstitch and French Knots................ 144

Select .............................................................................. 145

Modify a Selection ......................................................... 148

Cut, Copy and Paste .....................................................149

Delete ............................................................................. 150

Undo and Redo.............................................................. 151

Insert Design.................................................................. 152

Printing .......................................................................... 153Page Setup ..................................................................... 153

Print Preview................................................................. 156

Print ................................................................................ 158Print an Embroidery Worksheet................................. 159

Preferences ................................................................... 160Hoop Preferences ......................................................... 160

Stitches Preferences .....................................................163Screen Preferences ....................................................... 165

Troubleshooting ........................................................... 166Error Messages .............................................................. 166

Other Topics.................................................................. 169

Quick Reference Guide................................................ 176Menus .............................................................................176

Toolbars .........................................................................179

Control Panels ............................................................... 182

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 1

Getting Started Welcome to 3D Cross Stitcher. 3D Cross Stitcher helps you create beautiful cross stitch designs to embroider on your machine. Cross types include full crosses, quartercrosses, half height crosses, half width crosses and minicrosses. Place outlines of standard and freehandbackstitch, and use French knots for the perfect accent.Design traditional cross stitch motifs on the screen oruse the QuickCross Picture Wizard to produce designsautomatically from clip art, drawings and photos.

Flood fill areas with crosses of any color. Alternatively,choose a ready made cross stitch or blackwork pattern.Create your own fill patterns, too. Reflect your design

up to eight times automatically with the amazingMultiply feature. Draw shapes in different outline and fillstyles. Place text with TrueType® or pre-digitized fonts,and even create your own fonts for use in 3D CrossStitcher.

In this Reference Guide, we will explain how to start themodule, give you some QuickStart Exercises andprovide full reference information. You can also find allthe reference information in the online help. You mayalso wish to print out this Reference Guide. Keep theQuick Reference Card by your computer as a convenientguide to the module functions.

The most up-to-date details about the module are in itsReadme.rtf file. (Double-click on a Readme file to openit in WordPad or Microsoft Word.) If you have any

questions that cannot be solved by reading the help,Reference Guide or readme.rtf files, try the technicalnotes files in the 'Technical' folder of your CD.

Sample Files

Samples are included for use in the QuickStart Exercises,including pictures created during the exercises.Thesample files will be installed to subfolders ofC:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross or the folder of yourchoice.

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2 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

The default main folder for your 3D Cross Stitchermodule is C:\3DEmbroidery.

 Where to StartStarting 3D Cross Stitcher 

Start Menu1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your computer screen

and the Start menu appears.

2. Move the arrow pointer to All Programs and another menu willappear.

3. Move the arrow pointer to 3D Embroidery System and a menu ofprograms will appear.

4. Click on 3D Cross Stitcher to launch it.

Shortcuts on the Desktop

 An alternative to the Start menu method describedpreviously is to use a Shortcut to the 3D EmbroiderySystem on your Windows® desktop. This is createdautomatically during the installation process if thatoption was selected.

1. Close or minimize any programs you have running.

2. Double-click on the Shortcut to the 3D Embroidery System folder.A list of programs appears.

3. Double-click on 3D Cross Stitcher to launch it.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 3

Closing 3D Cross Stitcher 


Ends the 3D Cross Stitcher session. You can also use theClose command on the 3D Cross Stitcher Control menu.


Mouse: Click the Close icon on the title bar or double-click the Control menu box.

Keys: Alt + F4

When you close 3D Embroidery, 3D Cross Stitcher will

close automatically.

About 3D Cross Stitcher 

 Access via the Help menu. The version number of 3DCross Stitcher is given here. You will need this if youcontact technical support at any time.


Keys: Alt, H, A 

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4 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

3D Cross Stitcher Terms andConventions

For a general overview of terms and conventions, pleaserefer to the 3D Embroidery System Getting StartedGuide.

On-screen Pointers

The mouse pointer is most commonly shown as anarrow on the screen.

If it is positioned over a text box it changes to an I-barand you can type, such as the Notes in the Color panel.

If Zoom In or Zoom Out is chosen, the Zoom pointer

appears. When functions on the Draw toolbar are chosen, thepointer appears as follows:

 When Pick Color is used to choose a left-click or right-

click color, the Pick Color pointer appears.Mouse Actions


This means to press and release the left-hand mousebutton once. This is the most common mouse action,mainly used for selecting items, pressing buttons, and soon.


This means to press and release the left-hand mousebutton twice in quick succession. This will often make

Box Select Polygon Select Full Cross Quarter Cross

Mini Cross Half Width Cross Half Height Cross StandardBackstitch 


French Knot Flood Fill

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 5

an action happen, such as starting a program, opening afolder, and so on.


This means to press and release the right-hand mousebutton once. Right-click to display the context-sensitivemenus in the Folder and Thumbnail Panes.

Drag and Drop

This means to click on an item and hold down themouse button so that the item is picked up. Whileholding down the mouse button, move the mouse sothat the item is dragged with the mouse, then releasethe mouse button to drop the item in the desiredlocation. You can use drag and drop in 3D Cross Stitcher

to move files and folders.File Formats

Cross Stitch Design Files

3D Cross Stitcher loads and stores cross stitch designs infiles with the extension .krz.

When a .krz file made in a previous version of Cross

Stitcher is loaded, thread colors are automaticallyidentified and converted when the thread

manufacturer and thread number matches a 3D Cross

Stitcher thread. Colors that do not match are converted

to the Import Thread Range chosen in 3D Configure.

Picture Files

3D Cross Stitcher can load any of the following picture

file formats: Windows or OS2 Bitmap (.bmp), JPEG-JFIFCompliant (.jpg, .jif, .jpeg), Portable Network Graphics(.png), Tagged Image File Format uncompressed (.tiff,.tif), Windows Meta File (.wmf), Windows EnhancedMeta File (.emf) and Windows Icon (.ico).

3D Cross Stitcher can export a picture of the design to Windows or OS2 Bitmap (.bmp) format.

Embroidery Files3D Cross Stitcher can save embroidery files from the 3DCreate Stitches window in any of the following formats:

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6 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

Brother/Babylock/Bernina PEC (.pec), Brother/ Babylock/Bernina PES (.pes version 5), Compucon/ Singer PSW (.xxx), Husqvarna Viking / Pfaff (.vp3 and.vip), Husqvarna (.hus), Janome (.jef and .sew), Melco(.exp), Pfaff (.pcs), Tajima (.dst) and Toyota (.10*).

Save Husqvarna .shv files using the Send To options.

To preserve full thread color information for viewingand printing, save embroidery files in .vp3 format.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 7

Parts of the Software Window 

Title Bar 

The title bar at the top of the window is highlighted if

3D Cross Stitcher is active. The title bar shows themodule name and the name of the currently loadedcross stitch design.

Menu Bar 

There are five menus: File, Edit, View, QuickLink andHelp.

To access the menu options, use the mouse to pull them down

from the menu Bar.

 An alternative way to access menu choices is to touchthe Alt key, then the underlined letter of the menuname, followed by the underlined letter in the menuoption, e.g. Alt , F, O to open a file.

Title Bar Menu Bar Toolbar  

Status Bar  Work AreaDesign AreaDraw Toolbar 

Control Panel

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8 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

Horizontal Toolbars

There are fourhorizontal toolbars with icons for quickaccess to frequently used features. The Main toolbar isshown here.

 Work AreaThe work area is the area where the design is displayedand edited.

Design Area

The design area is the area within the work area wherestitches can be placed and edited. Use Cross Mode toswitch between 3D, 2D and Block stitch views.

 When the grid is shown, this shows the extent of thedesign area. When the Grid is on, the design area showsgrid lines with uniform spacing. If chosen, there may bedark grid lines every five or ten grid squares.

If there is a background picture, this is only shown within the design area.

Draw Toolbar To the left of the work area is the Draw toolbar. TheDraw toolbar has tools for selecting areas, drawing allstitch types and flood filling.

Control Panel

To the right of the work area is the control panel, whichis split into three pages of related functions. Click the

tab at the bottom of the control panel to access thedesired page.

Use the Design Page to select the left-click and right-click colors for drawing stitches, including the Erase'color'. The palette shows all the currently availablethread colors. Thread colors can be added as desired oradded automatically. Use the Notes box to enter detailsabout the design. Mirror and rotate selections by 90

degrees. Use Multiply to duplicate actions aroundreflection lines.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 9

Use the Pattern Page to select a fill pattern for flood fill,shape drawing and TrueType® text. Draw eight presetshapes, or draw polygons of any shape.

Use the Letter Page to add lettering using TrueType® orOpenType® fonts. Also use pre-digitized Fixed fonts andsave characters to your own Fixed fonts.

Status Bar 

The status bar is found at the bottom of the window.Starting from the left, the status bar shows:

• Short descriptions of the actions of menu items oricons.

• The grid position of the mouse on the design area.• The current color under the mouse pointer in the

 work area (this is not shown for all functions)• The size of the design in millimeters• The size of full crosses in the design, in millimeters.

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10 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

Hints on Planning Cross Stitch DesignsDesign Size

The Design Size is determined by the Width x Cross Sizeand Height x Cross Size in mm. It is shown on the statusbar, on the Picture Wizard: Grid And Hoop page and in

Hoop Preferences. The Embroidery Size shown in HoopPreferences is the size of the actual embroidery that willbe created from the current cross stitch design.

 If there are French knots at the edges of a design, the

 Embroidery Size may be larger than the Design Size.

Flood Fill

 When an area is flood filled, the fill does not relate to thebackground picture. An empty area can be flood filleduntil it meets existing crosses and/or backstitch. Aconnected area of the same colored crosses can be floodfilled until it meets an empty area, backstitch or crossesin a different color.

Sometimes it may help to hide the background pictureso that you can clearly see the area you wish to flood fill;

for example, if there are lines in the background picturethat are similar to backstitch.

Stitch Layers and Jump Stitches in the Embroidery

 When you use 3D Create Stitches to create anembroidery, 3D Cross Stitcher generates crosses in thecolor order in the palette. Then the palette order isrepeated for backstitch and French knots.

If there are backstitch and French knots in the samecolor, the backstitch is stitched out and then the Frenchknots, all as a single color block. To ensure French knotsare stitched after a different backstitch color, use ColorConfiguration to change the order of thread colors in thepalette.

Crosses and Jump Stitches

 Jump stitches are automatically placed between eachcolor area, and between crosses of the same color if theyare not connected. Minimize jump stitches, and

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therefore the trims required after embroidery, by linkingcrosses of a color to at least one other cross in that color.

 For a neat finish to your cross stitch embroideries,

trim the jump stitches before each color change.

Standard Backstitch and Freehand Backstitch

Standard Backstitch is drawn in short sections that snapto the sides and diagonals of grid squares. This meansthe end points for Standard Backstitch are the corners ofthe grid squares.

Freehand Backstitch is drawn as a separate layer toStandard Backstitch. Freehand Backstitch is placed usingend points that snap to half grid spacing anywhere on

the design. This means that a single section of FreehandBackstitch can be any length that will fit within thedesign.

 Although the screen shows Standard Backstitch andFreehand Backstitch as separate layers, they are stitchedout together when they are the same color. There willbe jump stitches between sections of backstitch if theydo not connect at an end point. Freehand Backstitch will

not join to other backstitch without a jump stitch if itsimply crosses over without the end points connecting.To reduce jump stitches, place Freehand Backstitch sothat the end points connect to Standard Backstitchsections or other Freehand Backstitch sections.

 It is possible to place Freehand Backstitch directly on

top of Standard Backstitch and both sections will be

 stitched. This can be used for special effects, such asthickening a line without having to change the

number of threads in Color Configuration.

French Knots and Jump Stitches

French knots are stitched individually. They are notconnected to other stitches. Therefore, there are jumpstitches to and from all French knots. Use French knots

to add decorative details to your designs.

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12 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

Stitch Counts

The number of stitches shown in 3D Create Stitches andprintouts is an approximation and may not match thenumber of stitches shown when the embroidery iscopied or loaded into other 3D Embroidery Systemmodules.

Printing the Design or Printing a WorksheetUse the print options on the File menu or the Print iconto print the design in 2D or Block Mode. Use the Printbutton in 3D Create Stitches to print a worksheet in 3Dfor the embroidery created from the design.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 13

Information for Hand Cross StitchersMany effects from hand cross stitch are possible with 3DCross Stitcher. Change the cross size, alter the numberof threads and choose different stitch types to createmany different styles.

Cross Size Varying the cross size (in Hoop Preferences ) produces a wide range of embroidery results. For example, smallcross sizes, such as 1.4mm resemble petit point. Largercross sizes, such as 1.8mm or 2mm are closer totraditional gros point or cross stitch.

To create cross stitch designs at the same sizes as real

counted fabrics, set the Cross Size as shown:

Thread Count

 Altering the number of threads (in Stitches Preferences and Color Configuration ) also has an effect. Forexample, single thread allows the crosses to be seenmore clearly. Double or triple thread producesembroidery looking more like 'tapestry' or needlepoint.The number of threads may also be varied depending onthe cross size — a small cross size such as 1.4mm oftenstitches out best using single thread. Cross sizes of1.6mm, 1.8mm or 2.0mm are often effective withdouble thread. Designs with larger cross size maybenefit from triple thread, especially for backstitchthreads.

Stitch Types

 A number of different stitches are used in 3D CrossStitcher. A Full Cross is similar to a full cross in hand work, and can be placed as part crosses in quarters and

Aida Count Cross Size

11 2.3mm

14 1.8mm

16 (also 32 on Linen) 1.6mm

18 1.4mm

22 1.2mm

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14 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

halves. Small stitches are available as half width, halfheight and mini crosses. Use two types of backstitch tocreate outlines, and place French knots for decorativedetails.

Color Combinations

Certain adaptations to hand cross stitch techniques will

produce machine embroidery files that are easier tostitch. For example, combine colors when possible toreduce the number of thread changes required. Alwaystry to link crosses of a color to at least one other cross inthat color. This will avoid jump stitches that have to betrimmed after embroidery.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started 15

Design StylesUse 3D Cross Stitcher to create traditional cross stitchand other embroidery styles.

Eastern European Cross Stitch

One and two-color cross stitch designs, often in red andblack or orange and black, are popular in peasantembroidery in Russia, Romania, and many othercountries of Eastern Europe. These may be producedusing 3D Cross Stitcher.

Assisi Work 

This traditional hand cross style named after the town of Assisi in Italy may be reproduced using 3D Cross

Stitcher. The design is outlined in black, using double ortriple threads. This outline stitch is sometimes calledHolbein stitch. The background of the design is workedin single thread cross stitch in a strong color,traditionally china blue, but red may also be used. FullCrosses should be used, with no partial crosses or any ofthe smaller cross types. A 'reverse' or 'relief' effect istherefore achieved. 1.8mm is a suitable cross size to use

for this type of embroidery. This type of cross stitch istraditionally done on fairly loose weave linen or cottonfabric, although it looks equally good on other fabrics.Simple shapes are most suited to this style of crossstitch.

Blackwork and Redwork 

These are backstitch-only styles, generally using only

black or red thread. Traditional patterned shapes inbackstitch are used to fill areas of the design instead ofusing conventional crosses. A number of fill patterns areprovided that can be used for this style of embroidery.Switch between blackwork and redwork fill simply bychanging the color on a fill pattern.

Designs created only in backstitch are often calledblackwork. They often use a single color (blackwork or

redwork; blackwork was popular in ElizabethanEngland; redwork is well known in North American folk

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16 3D Cross Stitcher: Getting Started

quilts). 3D Cross Stitcher includes many beautifulblackwork fill patterns.


Gobelin is placed as parallel vertical or slanted stitches ofequal length, and is used to fill

areas with a simple stitchpattern. In 3D Cross Stitcher,use Half Forward or HalfBackward Crosses for gobelinslanted at 45 degrees, or useFreehand Backstitch for verticalor near-vertical gobelin stitch.

Rice StitchRice stitch is a normal cross with a smallstitch across each arm of the cross. This givesthe appearance of overlapping crosses. Toproduce this effect, use a large cross size forthe design and place the small stitches across the arms with Freehand Backstitch, often in a different color tothe main cross.


Use blackwork to create simulated lace resemblingheritage styles such as Tenerife lace, Hardanger or Filet-Guipure. Create outlines with backstitch, then fill withblackwork patterns. Stitch the designs on light net fabric(similar to that used for bridal veils) with a heavy water-soluble stabilizer. Then wash the fabric to remove thestabilizer.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 17

QuickStart ExercisesQuickCross Picture Wizard — Girl’sPhotograph (100mm x 100mm)

In this exercise, learn how to use the QuickCrossPicture Wizard to create a cross stitch designautomatically from a photograph. Crop the picture andset the design size. Choose the thread range and initialnumber of colors. Choose a different thread range, thenconvert the picture to cross stitch. Change thebackground color with Flood Fill. Save the convertedpicture as a cross stitch design and an embroidery file.

Finally, check the Print Preview for the list of threads.Setting Up

1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your computer screenand the Start menu appears.

2. Move the arrow pointer to All Programs and another menu willappear.

3. Move the arrow pointer to 3D Embroidery System and a menu ofprograms will appear.

4. Click 3D Configure to launch the Configuration utility.

5. For 3D Background, click Color then clickthe white square on the drop-down panel ofstandard colors.

6. Click Texture so that it is unchecked.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Start, All Programs, 3D EmbroiderySystem, 3D Cross Stitcher. 3D Cross

Stitcher will start.

Choose a Picture

9. Click Load Picture and the Choose Picture page of the PictureWizard appears.

10. Click the Load Picture button and the Open picture dialog boxappears.

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18 3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises

11. Browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Pics, clickthe file named 'Linnet.jpg' and click Open. The picture will bepreviewed in the Picture Wizard.

12. Click Next and the Grid And Hoop page appears.

Crop the Picture and Choose a Quick Hoop

13. Initially, the whole picture is selected. In the picture area, move the

mouse to the middle of the right edge of the picture, where thereis a 'handle' at the edge of the grid. Click and drag the handle tomake the crop box smaller. Notice that the grid is automaticallyhidden while you drag the handle so you can clearly see what ishappening. Move the right side of the crop box until it is half wayacross the ear on the right, then release the mouse button.

14. Click and drag the handle on the left until the line is half way acrossthe ear on the left.

15. Click and drag the handle at the bottom and move it upwards untilit touches the button just under the girl’s chin.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 19

16. Click and drag the center handle at the top and move itdownwards until the crop box is square. Watch the Height on theHoop Size and stop when it is the same as the Width.

17. Click the drop-down arrow for the Quick Hoop list. Scroll downthe list and select 99x99mm (1.4mm Crosses). The grid on thegirl’s face will change accordingly.

 If the crop area is not square when you select the

Quick Hoop, the size of the design will not be an exactmatch for the Quick Hoop. The design will be sized to

 fit within the Quick Hoop, then the Quick Hoop box

will go blank because the Height or Width does not


18. Click Next and the Start With Colors page appears, showing onlythe cropped area of the picture.

The original picture is not affected by the PictureWizard.

Select Thread Range and Number of Colors

19. Select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 as the Thread Range.

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20 3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises

20. Set the Number Of Colors to 20.

21. Click Next and the Thread Colors page will appear, after thethread choice has been automatically calculated.

Change Thread Range and Finish

22. Notice that the thread selection from Robison-Anton Rayon 40 hasmainly brown tones for this picture. Click the drop-down arrowfor the Thread Range and choose Sulky Rayon 40 instead.

The Thread Range can be changed as often as desired.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 21

The Cross Colors preview and thread color list may

differ from the result shown. This is because even slight

differences to the selected crop area will give different

results in the cross stitch design.

23. Click Finish. The cross stitch design will be created and thendisplayed on the screen. Any duplicate colors will be automatically

combined into single colors in the palette.

Change the Background Color 

24. Double-click any blank color square on the color palette and theColor Selection dialog box will appear so you can choose a newcolor for the palette.

25. Select Sulky Rayon 40 as the Thread Range.

26. Click the light yellow Quick Color, and the thread list will jump to1061 (Pale Yellow).

27. Click OK. The new color is added to the palette and automaticallyselected as the left-click color.

28. Click the Flood Fill icon.

29. Click the solid background areas on the left and right.

 If desired, also fill any individual colored crosses along

the edges of the background where it meets the

 sweater and the girl’s hair. This will reduce the

number of jump stitches in the finished embroidery.

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22 3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises

Enter Notes, Save and Print

30. Click Real Size to view the design at the size it will be stitched.

31. Click the Preferences icon. On the Stitches tab, ensure CrossThreads is set to Single (2 Threads). Click OK.

32. Click in the Notes box on the Design tab and type 'Family Photo'.

33. Click the Save As icon and the Save As dialog box appears.

34. In the Save In box, browse to the folderC:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the File Name box, ensure thename is 'Linnet'. Click Save.

35. Click 3D Create Stitches and the 3D Create Stitches dialog boxwill appear.

36. Click the Save button and the Save As dialog box appears to savethe embroidery.

37. In the Save As Type box, ensure .vp3 is selected. In the Save In box,browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the File

Name box, leave the name as 'Linnet', then click Save.38. Click File, Page Setup and the Page Setup dialog box appears.

39. Ensure that Design Scale is set to 100%, Crosses is set to 2D, Gridis set to None and all the Print Information options are checked.Click OK.

40. Click File, Print Preview. The main screen will be replaced with thePrint Preview.

41. Click Print and print the design.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 23

Small House — Stitch Types andShapes (80mm x 80mm)

In this exercise, learn how to use the QuickCrossPicture Wizard to load clip art as a background picture.Use the picture as a guide to draw rectangles and

octagons, and place lines of standard and freehandbackstitch. Flood fill areas with crosses, and draw fullcrosses and French knots. Copy and paste areas of thedesign. Save the finished design, then save it as anembroidery in .vp3 format.

Setting Up

1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your computer screen

and the Start menu appears.2. Move the arrow pointer to All Programs and another menu will


3. Move the arrow pointer to 3D Embroidery System and a menu ofprograms will appear.

4. Click 3D Configure to launch the Configuration utility.

5. For 3D Background, ensure the color is set to pale blue (RGB 200,232, 247) and that Texture is checked.

6. Choose Sulky Rayon 40 from the Import Thread Range drop-downlist.

This sets the default thread range used for new cross

 stitch designs.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Start, All Programs, 3D Embroidery System, 3D CrossStitcher. 3D Cross Stitcher will start.

9. Click the Preferences icon. On the Stitches tab, ensure CrossThreads and Back Stitches are set to Single (2 Threads). On theScreen tab, ensure the Grid Size is set to 5 lines. Click OK.

10. Ensure the Grid is on.

Load the Picture of the House

11. Click Load Picture and the Choose Picture page of the PictureWizard appears.

12. Click the Load Picture button and the Open picture dialog box


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13. Browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Pics, clickthe file named 'Small House.jpg' and click Open. The picture will bepreviewed in the Picture Wizard.

14. Click Next and the Grid And Hoop page appears.

15. Click the drop-down arrow for the Quick Hoop list. Scroll downthe list and select 80x80mm (2.0mm Crosses). The grid on thehouse picture will change accordingly.

16. Click Background Only. The Picture Wizard will close, and thepicture will be shown in the background of the design area.

Draw the House

17. Click the Pattern tab on the control panel.

18. In the Shapes section, click the Backstitch Outline option (the iconfurthest to the left).

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19. Click the Outlinecolor square and theColor Selectiondialog box appears.Enter 1005 in the FindThread box, and thelist will highlight SulkyRayon 40 1005

(Black). Click OK.20. Click the Rectangle


21. Start from the cornerof the grid squareabout 10 squares inand 15 squares downfrom the top leftcorner of the designarea, at the top left ofthe front wall of thehouse. Click and dragto draw a Rectangle24 grid squares wide by 11 high over the front wall of the house.

22. Click the Cross color and the Color Selection dialog box appears.Enter 1246 in the Find Thread box, and the list will highlight SulkyRayon 40 1246 (Orange Flame). Click OK.

23. Click the Filled Backstitch Shapes option (the icon second from theleft).

24. Click and drag to place a doorway in the middle by drawinganother rectangle that is six grid squares wide by nine grid squareshigh. Start from the bottom left corner of the door, nine squaresfrom the left side of the rectangle.

25. Click the Cross color and the Color Selection dialog box appears.Enter 1005 in the Find Thread box, and the list will highlight SulkyRayon 40 1005 (Black). Click OK.

26. Draw a roof gutter across the top of the wall, one grid square deepand one grid square wider than the wall on each side of the house.

27. Click the Design tab of the control panel.

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28. Click the first square in the palette, which is Sulky Rayon 40 1005Black, to set it as the left-click drawing color.

29. Click the Standard Backstitch icon.

30. Now draw the roof. At the left hand end of the roof gutter, clickand drag from one square in from the end (1), to place a line of fivediagonal sections of standard backstitch up and to the right, thenrelease the mouse button (2).

 If you prefer, you can place each section of standard

backstitch with a single click. Right-click is set to Erase,

 so use single right-clicks to erase individual sections of standard backstitch.

31. At the right hand end of the roof gutter, click and drag from onesquare in from the end (3), to place a line of five diagonal sectionsof standard backstitch up and to the left, then release the mousebutton (4).

32. Click and drag along the grid line to place a line of backstitch alongthe top of the roof (2 to 4).

33. Now draw the chimney. At the top right of the roof, start two gridsquares in from the end. Click and drag to place a line threesquares straight up, then a second line three squares left, then athird line three grid squares back down to the roof.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 27

Draw the Windows

34. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

35. Click and drag the mouse around the left half of the house.

36. Click the Pattern tab.

37. Click the Backstitch Outline option.

38. Click the Octagon icon.39. From the top left of the front

wall of the house, start six gridsquares down and five squaresin. Click and drag to the rightfrom the center of this gridsquare and an octagon will bedragged out. Move the mousethree and a half grid squares tothe right, so that the point of

the octagon is one square fromthe door. Release the mousebutton to fix the octagon inplace.

 If the octagon does not match the picture, release the

mouse button, click Undo and try again.

40. Click the Design tab. At the top of the design tab is the colorpalette. This contains threads that are currently available for use ina design.

Colors can be added individually and then used, or

added automatically when designs, shapes or lettering

are inserted using thread colors that are not already

in the palette. A tooltip shows the full thread color

name when the mouse is positioned over a color

 square in the palette. The number of colors in the

 palette is unlimited, but only 96 colors are shown onthe Design tab. Use Color Configuration to see, move,

change, add and replace colors, or to remove unused


41. Double-click any blank square on the color palette and the ColorSelection dialog box appears.

42. Enter 1030 in the Find Thread box, and the list will jump to SulkyRayon 40 1030 (Periwinkle). Click OK. The color is added to the

palette and set as the left-click drawing color.43. Click the Flood Fill icon.

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44. Click inside the octagonal window and it will fill with pale bluecrosses.

45. Select black from the palette again (Sulky Rayon 40 1005).

46. Click the Freehand Backstitch icon.

Use Freehand Backstitch to add backstitch lines of any

length to a design. Freehand Backstitch snaps to half- 

 grid spacing. By contrast, Standard Backstitch only places fixed length lines that snap to the sides and

diagonals of grid squares.

47. Click and drag a line across the middle of the window, thenanother line down the middle of the window.

48. Click Box Select.

49. Click and drag a square around the window.

50. Click the Copy icon.

51. Click Zoom To Fit.

52. Click Paste. A new copy of the window willappear at the top left.

53. Click and drag the window to the right-hand side of the house in a similar positionto the left-hand window.

Flood Fill the House

54. In the color palette, click color 17 (Sulky Rayon 40 1066 Primrose)to set it as the left-click drawing color.

55. Click the Flood Fill icon.

56. Click the front wall of the house.

57. In the palette, click color 21 (Sulky Rayon 40 1246 Orange Flame)to set it as the left-click drawing color.

58. Click on the main part of the roof and the chimney.

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 Notice that you can change the fill color while you still

have the Flood Fill tool active.

Create Door Details

59. Select black from the palette again (Sulky Rayon 40 1005).

60. Click the Full Cross icon.

61. Click and drag under the door to place a row of six black crossesas a doorstep. (Alternatively, click six times to place individualcrosses.)

62. Click the French Knot icon.

63. Click one square in from the left edge of the door and four squaresup to place a door handle.

Make the Front Garden

64. Click the Pattern tab.

65. Click the Cross color for shape drawing and select 1011 (SteelGray) from Sulky Rayon 40. Click OK.

66. Click the Solid Cross Or Fill option (the icon furthest to the right).

67. Click the Rectangle icon.

68. Click and drag under the doorstep to draw a rectangle that is sixcrosses wide and three crosses high. This will make a short path.

69. Click the Cross color for shape drawing and select 1100 (Lt. GrassGreen) from Sulky Rayon 40. Click OK.

70. Draw a rectangle of crosses that is 11 wide by four high on the leftof the doorstep and path. It should be two squares wider than thehouse.

71. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

72. Click and drag the mouse around the grass rectangle.

73. Click the Design tab.

74. Select mid-yellow from the palette (Sulky Rayon 40 1187 Mimosa

Yellow).75. Click the French Knot icon.

76. Start two squares in and two squares down from the top left of thegrass, and click in the center of the grid square to place the firstyellow flower head. Move right and place four more flower headsin the center of alternate grid squares.

77. Select dark-green from the palette (Sulky Rayon 40 569 GardenGreen).

78. Click the Freehand Backstitch icon.

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79. Start from the center of a grid square containing a yellow flowerhead and click and drag to draw a backstitch line two grid squaresstraight down. This is the stem for the flower. Repeat this for theother four flowers.

80. Click Box Select.

81. Click and drag a selection box around the grass and flowers.

82. Click Copy.

83. Click Zoom To Fit.84. Click Paste and the grass rectangle with flowers will appear in the

top-left corner.

85. Click and drag the pasted grass to the right-hand side of the path.

Remove Unused Colors

86. Click the Color Configuration icon on the Design tab and theColor Configuration dialog box appears.

87. Click the Order tab.

88. Click the Remove Unused Colors button and the color list will bereduced to the eight colors used for the house.

89. Click OK and the color palette on the Design tab will change.

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Enter Notes and Save the Design and Embroidery

90. Click in the Notes box on the Design tab and type 'House withFrench Knot Flowers'.

91. Click the Save As icon and the Save As dialog box appears.

92. In the Save In box, browse to the folderC:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the File Name box, ensure thename is 'Small House', then click Save.

93. Click 3D Create Stitches and the 3D Create Stitches dialog boxwill appear.

94. Click the Save button and the Save As dialog box appears to savethe embroidery.

95. In the Save As Type box, ensure .vp3 is selected. In the Save In box,browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the FileName box, leave the name as 'Small House', then click Save.

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32 3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises

Happy House Sampler — InsertDesign, Fixed Text and ColorConfiguration (115mm x 120mm)

In this exercise, create a sampler with Insert Design and

Fixed Text. Mirror, copy and paste some of the inserteddesigns. Save the finished design, then print a worksheetand save it as an embroidery in .vp3 format.

Setting Up

1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your computer screenand the Start menu appears.

2. Move the arrow pointer to All Programs and another menu willappear.

3. Move the arrow pointer to 3D Embroidery System and a menu ofprograms will appear.

4. Click 3D Configure to launch the Configuration utility.

5. For 3D Background, ensure the color is set to pale blue (RGB 200,232, 247) and that Texture is checked.

6. Choose Robison-Anton Rayon 40 from the Import Thread Rangedrop-down list.

This sets the default thread range used for new cross stitch designs.

7. Click OK.

8. Click Start, All Programs, 3D Embroidery System, 3D CrossStitcher. 3D Cross Stitcher will start.

9. Click the Preferences icon. Select 113 x 113mm (1.8mm Crosses)from the drop-down Quick Hoop list. On the Stitches tab, ensureCross Threads and Back Stitches are set to Single (2 Threads).

Click OK.10. Click Zoom To Fit.

11. Ensure the Grid is on.

Place a Border of Buds

12. Click the Insert Design icon.

13. Browse to the C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Krz folder.

14. Click 'Bud 2.krz' and click Open. The design will be displayed onthe screen and it will be selected with Box Select.

15. Click Flip Vertical and Flip Horizontal to turn the design theopposite way around.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 33

16. Click and drag Bud 2 to position it along the top edge of the designarea, one square from the left edge.

17. Click Copy.

18. Click Paste, then click and drag the new copy of Bud 2 to the rightso that it joins onto the first one.

19. Paste four more copies of Bud 2 and join them in a line across thetop edge of the design area.

Create the Welcome Text

20. Click the Letter tab of the control panel.

21. Click Fixed Text at the top of the Letter page.

22. In the drop-down list of fonts, select 'Sans Cross Narrow 7'.

The Fixed Font names include the type of stitches inthe font, and the number at the end is the height in

 grid squares of the 'A' character in the font.

 Additionally, fonts that use more than one color will

have 2C (two color) or 3C (three color) in the name.

23. Click in the Text box and type 'Welcome To Our'. The text willappear in the preview box in the selected font.

24. Click Apply. The text will appear on the design and it isautomatically selected with Box Select.

25. Click and drag the selection so that the text is centered under thetop border of buds, and so that the tops of the uppercase lettersare two grid squares from the buds. The selection box will overlapthe buds, but the buds will not be affected.

26. Click outside the selection box to deselect the text and set it inplace.

Create the Happy House Text

27. In the drop-down list of fonts, select 'Sans Cross 9'.

28. In the Text box, delete the previous text, type 'Happy', press Enter,

then type 'House' so that the text is on two lines. The text willappear in the preview box in the selected font.

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29. Click Apply and the text will appear on the design, and it isautomatically selected with Box Select. Notice that the text is blue,according to the color used to design the font.

30. In the Fixed Text Colors box, click the blue color square and theColor Selection dialog box appears.

31. Select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 as the Thread Range. Enter 2378in the Find Thread box, and the list will jump to 2378 (Red). ClickOK and the color square text preview will change to red.

32. Click Apply and the text in the selection box on the design willchange to red.

33. Click and drag the selection to position the text centrally, with agap of two grid squares under the 'Welcome To Our' line. Clickoutside the selection box to set the text in place.

34. Click and drag a selection box around the word House.

35. Move the word 'House' exactly four squares up from its currentposition, so that the top of the 'H' is only one square below the 'y'

of 'Happy'.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 35

Insert the Farmers and the Small House

36. Click Insert Design and the Open dialog box will appear.

37. Browse to the C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Krz folder, click'Farmer Man.krz' and click Open. The design will be displayed onthe screen and it will be selected with Box Select.

38. Click and drag inside the selection area to position the farmer onthe left of the design, so that he is one grid square inside the leftedge of the design area and his feet are on the bottom edge of thedesign area.

39. Click Insert Design.

40. Click 'Farmer Woman.krz' and click Open. The design will bedisplayed on the screen and it will be selected with Box Select.

41. Click and drag inside the selection area to position the farmer onthe right of the design, so that she is two grid squares inside theright edge of the design area and her feet are on the bottom edgeof the design area.

42. Click Insert Design.

43. Browse to the C:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns folder, click 'SmallHouse.krz' and click Open. The design will be displayed on thescreen and it will be selected with Box Select.

This assumes that you have saved the Small House

design from the previous exercise. If not, you can use

the finished sample in C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples


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44. Position the house so that it is on the bottom edge of the designbetween the farmers.

Add Heart Squares

45. Click Insert Design.46. Browse to the C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Krz folder, click

'Boxed Heart.krz' and click Open. The design will be displayed onthe screen and it will be selected with Box Select.

 Notice that the box around the heart is made of Half

Width and Half Height Crosses to create a narrow

border of crosses.

47. Click and drag inside the selection area to position the boxed heartover the farmer’s head, level with the top of 'Happy'.

48. Click Copy.

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49. Click Paste, then click and drag the new copy of the boxed heart toposition it over the other farmer’s head, level with the top of'Happy'.

Configure Colors50. Click the Design tab on the control panel.

51. Click the Color Configuration icon and the Color Configurationdialog box appears.

52. Click the Order tab.

53. Click the Remove Unused Colors button and the color list will bereduced to the 17 colors used in the design. Notice that there aresome Sulky Rayon 40 colors from the inserted Small House designthat are similar to Robison-Anton Rayon 40 colors used in the rest

of the design. To make the design stitch out more efficiently, someof the similar colors can be replaced.

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54. In the color list, click Sulky Rayon 40 1005 Black.

55. Click the Replace Color button and the Replace with Color dialogbox appears.

56. Click Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2296 Black at the top of the list andclick OK. Sulky Rayon 40 1005 Black will no longer be in the colorlist and the number of colors is now 16.

57. Click Sulky Rayon 40 1187 Mimosa Yellow in the list and clickReplace Color. Select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2326 Daffodil andclick OK.

58. Click Sulky Rayon 40 1066 Primrose in the list and click ReplaceColor. Select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2461 Wheat and click OK.

59. Click Sulky Rayon 40 1246 Orange Flame in the list and clickReplace Color. Select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2378 Red and clickOK.

60. Click Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2326 Daffodil in the list, then clickMove Down until it is below Sulky Rayon 40 569 Garden Green.

This is to ensure that the French knots that make the

 yellow flower heads in the house garden are stitchedafter the green backstitch stalks.

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3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises 39

61. There should be 13 colors remaining in the design. Click OK toclose the Color Configuration dialog box and the colors used forthe house will change according to the replacements.

Enter Notes, Save and Print

62. Click in the Notes box on the Design tab and type 'Happy HouseSampler'.

63. Click the Save As icon and the Save As dialog box appears.

64. In the Save As dialog, change the folder toC:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns if necessary. Enter the file name'Happy House' and click Save.

65. Click 3D Create Stitches and the 3D Create Stitches dialog boxwill appear.

66. Click Print and the Print dialog box appears. Click OK to print aworksheet for the embroidery.

67. Click the Save button and the Save As dialog box appears to save

the embroidery.68. In the Save As Type box, ensure .vp3 is selected. In the Save In box,

browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the FileName box, leave the name as 'Happy House', then click Save.

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40 3D Cross Stitcher: QuickStart Exercises

Pattern Sampler — Multiply, Shapesand TrueType® Text(225mm x 140mm)

In this exercise, create a sampler in fall colors. Use

rectangles and flood fill to create a border. Create a titlein TrueType® text, and use Multiply to make anembellishment. Place letters and numbers in differentTrueType® fonts and colors, then save the design andcontinue. Create sample shapes and reflect them withMultiply. Fill the shapes with different fill patterns, thencreate a backstitch fill pattern and use it to fill the lastshape. Save the finished design, then print a worksheet

and save it as an embroidery in .vp3 format.Setting Up

1. Click the Start button at the bottom left of your computer screenand the Start menu appears.

2. Move the arrow pointer to All Programs and another menu willappear.

3. Move the arrow pointer to 3D Embroidery System and a menu ofprograms will appear.

4. Click 3D Configure to launch the Configuration utility.

5. For 3D Background, click Color then click More Colors on thedrop-down panel. The Colors dialog box appears, with theStandard tab selected.

6. In the hexagonalmatrix, click the paleyellow hexagon thatis just down and tothe left of the central

white hexagon. Thecolor sample on theright will show theold and new colors.

7. Click OK. The newcolor is shown on theColor button. Ensuretexture is checked.

8. Choose Robison-

Anton Rayon 40 fromthe Import ThreadRange drop-down list.

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This sets the default thread range used for new cross

 stitch designs.

9. Click OK.

10. Click Start, All Programs, 3D Embroidery System, 3D CrossStitcher. 3D Cross Stitcher will start.

11. Click the Preferences icon. Select 224 x 140mm (1.4mm Crosses)

from the drop-down Quick Hoop list. On the Stitches tab, ensureCross Threads and Back Stitches are set to Single (2 Threads). Onthe Screen tab, ensure the Grid is set to 5 Lines. Click OK.

12. Click Zoom To Fit.

13. Ensure the Grid is on.

Draw the Border 

14. Click the Pattern tab on the control panel.

15. Click the Backstitch Outline Shapes option icon.16. Click the Outline color square and the Color Selection dialog box

appears. Enter 2289 in the Find Thread box, and the list willhighlight Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2289 (Rust). Click OK.

17. Click the Rectangle icon.

18. Click and drag to draw a rectangle one square inside each edge ofthe design area.

19. Click and drag to draw a second rectangle that is four squaresinside the first rectangle, on the darker grid line.

20. In the Fill Pattern area of the control panel, select Blackwork Basicas the Category.

21. Scroll down the list of pattern samples and click Lattice 1. When itis selected, a sample of the pattern and its color are shown belowthe list.

22. Click the black color square forthe pattern and the ColorSelection dialog box appears.Enter 2289 in the Find Thread

box, and the list will highlightRobison-Anton Rayon 40 2289(Rust). Click OK and the patternsample will also show the newcolor.

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23. Click the Flood Fill icon then click in the space between the tworectangles.

Create Title Text

24. Click the Letter tab on the control panel.

25. Ensure TrueType Text is selected.

26. Select Comic Sans MS as the Font, click the Bold icon and set theHeight to 30.

27. In the Place TrueType Text As area, ensure Crosses/Fill Pattern isselected and Smooth is unchecked.

28. Click the Cross color and select dark brown from the QuickColors (this will select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2334 TerraCotta). Click OK.

29. Press CAPS LOCK on the keyboard and enter 'MY', two spacesthen 'SAMPLER' in the Text box. A representation of the text isshown in the text preview as it is typed. Press CAPS LOCK againto turn it off.

30. Click Apply and the text appears on the design area.

31. Click and drag the text to place it in the center, two grid squaresbelow the top border, with one square on either side.

32. Click the Design tab.

33. Click dark green in the palette (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2580Green Grass).

34. Click the Flood Fill icon then click the 'Y' and 'L'.

35. Click the last color in the palette (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2289Rust), then click the 'S' and 'E'.

36. Click dark yellow in the palette (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2596Marine Gold), then click the 'A' and 'R'.

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37. Click mid-brown in the palette (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2581 OldDark Tex Orange), then click the 'M' in the middle of 'SAMPLER'.

Create Title Decoration with Multiply

38. In the Multiply section of the Design Page, click the Setup button.The Multiply dialog appears.

39. Click Reset, then click Reflect Across and Reflect Down. Thepreview area shows the effect of the selected options.

40. Click OK.

41. Click Use Multiply option and the blue reflection lines will appearon the design area.

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The reflection lines are not part of the design. They

only show the effect of the Multiply feature.

42. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

43. Click and drag the mouse around the center of the design wherethe reflection lines cross, to show about 10 grid squares on each

side of the center.44. Click the Pattern tab on the control panel.

45. Click the Outline color for Shapes and click mid-brown in theQuick Colors to select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2581 Old DarkTex Orange, then click OK.

46. Click the Cross Outline option.

47. Click the Angled Square icon.

48. Click and hold in the center of the

square that is five up and five to theright of the point where thereflection lines cross. Drag themouse straight down to the square

 just above the horizontal reflectionline. Release the mouse button andthe angled square will be drawn.Four copies will be drawn as it ismultiplied around the reflection lines.

49. In the Fill Pattern area, select French

Knots as the Category, then click Centers Sparse in the patternlist.

 Notice that Use Fill Pattern is automatically checked

when a Fill Pattern is selected. It is automatically

unchecked when a new left-click color is selected on

the Design Page, or when a new Cross color is chosen

 for Shapes or TrueType Text.

50. Click the Flood Fill icon then click inside the top left angled square.

 Notice that all actions, including Flood Fill, are

multiplied across the reflection lines.

51. Click the Design tab.

52. Click the mid-brown color in the color palette (Robison-AntonRayon 40 2581 Old Dark Tex Orange).

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53. Click Half Cross Forward, then click twice to place two halfcrosses from the center, up and to the right.

54. Click Use Multiply so that it is unchecked. The blue reflection lineswill no longer be shown.

55. Click Zoom To Fit.

56. Click Box Select, then click and drag around the motif in the centerof the design area.

57. Click and drag the motif to the gap between 'MY' and 'SAMPLER'.

Position it two squares from the top border, and so that it is nottouching the 'Y' or 'S'.

Create Lower Case Characters

58. Click the Letter tab on the control panel.

59. Change the Font to Arial, click the Bold icon to turn it off and setthe Height to 14.

60. Click the Cross color and select dark yellow from the QuickColors (this will select Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2596 Marine

Gold).61. In the Text box, replace 'MY SAMPLER' with

'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', then click Apply.

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62. Click and drag the text to the bottom of the design, so thebottoms of the 'g', 'p', 'q' and 'y' are one square up from the border.The selection box will overlap the border. Click outside theselection box to set the text in place.

Create Numbers

63. Change the Font to Times New Roman, click the Bold icon to turnit on and set the Height to 16.

64. In the Text box, change the text to '0123456789'.

65. Click Apply.

66. Click and drag the text to position it so that the '3' is two squaresabove the lowercase 't' and the '9' is two squares from the borderon the right.

67. With the text still selected, click the Pattern tab on the controlpanel.

68. In the Fill Pattern area, select Cross Basic as the Category, thenclick Check 1 in the pattern list.

69. There are two colors for the pattern. Click the first color and theColor Selection dialog box will appear. The color is currently set toRobison-Anton Rayon 40 2461 Wheat. Click dark red in the QuickColors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2263 Foxy Red) and click OK.

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70. Click the Letter tab, then click Apply. The text will now use the fillpattern instead of the plain Cross color. Click outside the selectionbox to set the text in place.

Text properties can be changed as often as desired

until you click outside the selection box to set the text

in place.

Create Uppercase Characters

71. Change the Font to Verdana, click the Bold icon to turn it off andset the Height to 14.

72. Click the Cross color and select mid-brown from the QuickColors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2581 Old Dark Tex Orange).Click OK.

73. Press CAPS LOCK on the keyboard and, in the Text box, changethe text to 'STUVWXYZ'.

74. Click Apply.

75. Click and drag the text to position it two squares above thelowercase letters and two squares from the border on the left.Click outside the selection box to set the text in place.

76. In the Text box, change the text to 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR'.Press CAPS LOCK to turn it off.

77. Click Apply.

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78. Click and drag the text to position it in the middle and so that thetail of the Q is two squares above the numbers. Click outside theselection box to set the text in place.

Add a Decorative Dot

79. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

80. Click and drag around the gap between the Z and 0.

81. Click the Pattern tab.

82. Click the Cross color for Shapes and click mid-brown in the QuickColors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2581 Old Dark Tex Orange),then click OK.

83. Click the Outline color for Shapes and click dark brown in theQuick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2334 Terra Cotta), thenclick OK.

84. Click the Filled Cross Outline option.

85. Click the Ellipse icon.

86. Position the mouse so that it is in the top left corner of grid square77, 76, as shown on the status bar.

87. Hold down Shift on the keyboard, then click and drag to draw acircle that is five by five grid squares, then release the mousebutton.

 Holding down Shift forces Ellipse to draw a circle. The

 final shape is the nearest to a circle that can be made

at this size.

88. Click Zoom To Fit.

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Save the Design and Continue

89. Click the Save As icon and the Save As dialog box appears.

90. In the Save As dialog, change the folder toC:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns if necessary. Enter the file name 'MySampler Text' and click Save.

You may complete this exercise at a later time, starting

 from your 'My Sampler Text.krz' design.

Draw a Central Triangle

91. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

92. Click and drag around the central area of the design, then releasethe mouse button to zoom in.

93. Click the Outline color for Shapes. In the Color Selection dialogbox, click dark red in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40

2263 Foxy Red), then click OK.

94. Click the Backstitch Outline option.

95. Click the Triangle icon.

96. Position the mouse pointeron the central vertical gridline (between horizontalgrid squares 80 and 81),three squares below the A.Click and drag down and tothe right from this point,until the mouse is in the topleft corner of grid square92, 58, as shown on thestatus bar. Release themouse button and thetriangle will appear.

 Ensure the triangle is

 split by the center gridline, so that it is in the

center of the design. If

not, use Undo and try


Draw Reflected Shapes

97. Click the Design tab.

98. Click the Setup button in the Multiply section and the Multiplydialog box appears.

99. Click Reset. Click Reflect Across, then click OK.

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100. Click Use Multiply so that it is checked and a blue reflection linewill appear down the center of the design.

101. Click the Pattern tab.

102. Click the Triangle icon.

103. Position the mouse four squares to the right of the bottom rightpoint of the triangle (top left corner of grid square 96, 58). Clickand drag up and to the left to four squares right of the top point of

the triangle (top left corner of grid square 85, 28), then release themouse. A new triangle will appear on the design, with anothertriangle on the opposite side where it is duplicated by the Multiplyreflection line.

104. Click and drag the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the workarea to the right, so that you can see the empty space to the rightof the new triangle.

105. Click the Solid Cross Or Fill option.

106. Click the Arc icon.

107. Click the Smooth option so it is checked.

108. Click and drag from top left corner of grid square 106, 28 down to126, 58 so that the initial ellipse shape is 20 grid squares wide and30 grid squares high.

The starting point is inside the top right point of the

triangle, but the final arc shape will not overlap the


109. When the mouse button is released, an line from the center of theellipse will follow the mouse. Move the mouse to 122, 31 and clickto set one end of the arc. Move the mouse down to 122, 55 andclick to set the other end of the arc. The arc will appear on thedesign.

The arc will be duplicated on the other side of the

design, but you may not see this while you are zoomed


110. Click and drag the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the workarea to the right, so that you can see the remaining empty space tothe right of the arc.

111. Click the Outline color for Shapes. In the Color Selection dialogbox, click light yellow in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon40 2461 Wheat), then click OK.

112. Click the Cross Outline option.

113. Click the Hexagon icon.

114. Position the mouse pointer on grid square 137, 43, then click anddrag directly to the right to 151, 43 and release the mouse button.

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115. Click Zoom To Fit. You will now be able to see all the shapes onthe left that were duplicated by the Multiply feature.

Fill the Shapes

116. Click the Design tab.

117. Click Use Multiply so that it is unchecked.

118. Click the Pattern tab.

119. In the Fill Pattern area, select the Chevron 1 pattern from theBlackwork Basic Category.

120. Click the color for the pattern. In the Color Selection dialog box,click dark red in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2263Foxy Red), then click OK.

121. Click the Flood Fill icon then click inside the center triangle.

122. Select the Brick 1 pattern from the Blackwork Basic Category.

123. Click the color for the pattern. In the Color Selection dialog box,click dark red in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2263Foxy Red), then click OK.

124. Click inside the right hand triangle.

125. Select the Stripes 3 pattern from the Cross Basic Category.

126. Click the first color for the pattern. In the Color Selection dialogbox, click light brown in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon40 2289 Rust), then click OK.

127. Click the second color for the pattern. In the Color Selectiondialog box, click light orange in the Quick Colors (Robison-AntonRayon 40 2332 Penny), then click OK.

128. Click in the arc shape on the right to fill it with the stripes.129. Select the Check 4 pattern from the Cross Basic Category.

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130. Click the second color for the pattern. In the Color Selectiondialog box, click light brown in the Quick Colors (Robison-AntonRayon 40 2289 Rust), then click OK.

131. Click in the arc shape on the left to fill it with the check pattern.

132. Select the Diagonal 4 pattern from the Cross Basic Category.

133. Click the first color for the pattern. In the Color Selection dialogbox, click light yellow in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon

40 2461 Wheat), then click OK.134. Click the second color for the pattern. In the Color Selection

dialog box, click dark green in the Quick Colors (Robison-AntonRayon 40 2580 Green Grass), then click OK.

135. Click in the left hand hexagon to fill it with diagonal stripes.

136. Select the Weave 3 pattern from the Mixed Category.

137. Click the first color for the pattern. In the Color Selection dialogbox, click light yellow in the Quick Colors (Robison-Anton Rayon40 2461 Wheat), then click OK.

138. Click the second color for the pattern. In the Color Selectiondialog box, click dark green in the Quick Colors (Robison-AntonRayon 40 2580 Green Grass), then click OK.

139. Click in the right hand hexagon to fill it with the weave pattern.

Create a Backstitch Fill Pattern

140. Click Zoom In and the arrow pointer changes to one with a Zattached.

141. Click and drag around the space in between the left hand triangleand arc shape.

142. Click the Design tab.

143. Click dark red in the palette (Robison-Anton Rayon 40 2263 FoxyRed).

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144. Click the Standard Backstitch icon.

145. To draw a backstitch triangle, click and drag to place fourhorizontal sections of backstitch, then two diagonal sections upabove the center of the line, then two diagonal sections back downto the end of the line.

146. Click Box Select.

147. Click and drag a selection box that

exactly fits around the triangle.148. Click the Pattern tab.

149. In the Fill Pattern area, click the SaveNew button and the New Fill Patterndialog box appears. The Basic Pattern shows the area you haveselected. The Repeated Pattern shows a preview of how thepattern will look when it is used.

The Save New button is only available when an area is

 selected that may be saved as a new fill pattern.

150. Leave Save In Category set to My Patterns. Click in the NewPattern Name box and type Triangle, then click Save. The pattern isadded to MyPatterns, and it is automatically selected as the currentFill Pattern.

151. The triangle used to create the pattern is no longer needed. Clickon the selection area on the design, then click Delete to remove itfrom the design.

152. Click Zoom To Fit.

153. Click the Flood Fill icon then click inside the left hand triangle. The

triangle will be filled with the Triangle pattern you created.

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154. Click Grid to turn it off so that the backstitch can be seen moreeasily.

Enter Notes, Save and Print

155. Click in the Notes box on the Design tab and type 'Text Shapes andPatterns'.

156. Click the Save As icon and the Save As dialog box appears.

157. In the Save As dialog, change the folder toC:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns if necessary. Change the file name to

'My Sampler' and click Save.

158. Click 3D Create Stitches and the 3D Create Stitches dialog boxwill appear.

159. Click Print and the Print dialog box appears. Click OK to print aworksheet for the embroidery.

160. Click the Save button and the Save As dialog box appears to savethe embroidery.

161. In the Save As Type box, ensure .vp3 is selected. In the Save In box,

browse to the folder C:\3DEmbroidery\MyDesigns. In the FileName box, leave the name as 'My Sampler', then click Save.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Managing Cross Stitch Designs 55

Managing Cross StitchDesignsNew 

Use New to clear the 3D Cross Stitcher screen so that you can start a new cross stitch design. You areprompted to save the design if changes have been made.

The new blank design is created at the default size set inHoop Preferences. To change the size of the design, useHoop Preferences. A cross stitch design may be amaximum of 400 x 400 full crosses. A full cross fills one

grid square on the design area.

Use Load Picture to convert a picture to crosses

automatically or to use it as a background image.

Open an existing design using Open , Recent Files or

 Drag and Drop.


Main Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + N; Alt, F, N

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Use Open to load an existing design file (extension .krz).3D Cross Stitcher displays the Open dialog box so youcan choose a design to open.

Open Recently Used Designs with the File 1,2 ...

command, or Load a Design with Drag and Drop from

Windows® Explorer.

The following options allow you to specify which file toopen:

File Name

Type or select the filename you want to open. This boxlists files with the .krz extension.

Files of Type

This is set to Cross Stitch Files (*.krz) and may not bechanged, so that only cross stitch design files can beopened.

Look In Select the drive or folder containing the file that you want to open.


Main Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + O; Alt, F, O

Open Recently Used DesignsOpen previously used cross stitch design (.krz) files viathe numbers and filenames listed at the bottom of theFile menu. Choose the number that corresponds withthe design file you want to open.

There is no recent files list for pictures.

Use Open to load a file by name or number, or Load a Design with Drag and Drop from Windows® Explorer.

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Keys: Alt, F, 1; Alt, F, 2; Alt, F, 3; Alt, F, 4

Load a Design with Drag and Drop

To drag and drop a cross stitch design (.krz) file onto thescreen, use Windows® Explorer.

Use Open to load a file by name or number. Open

 Recently Used Designs with the File 1,2 ... command.

How to Use1. Right-click Start on the Taskbar, then click Explore. Resize if

required to make sure you can see both the 3D Cross Stitcherwindow and the Explorer window.

2. Browse through the drives and folders of your computer to findthe C:\3DEmbroidery\Samples\Cross\Krz folder.

3. Click on a design file name to highlight it.

4. Use the mouse to drag and drop the design on the 3D CrossStitcher screen. The design will be displayed on the screen.

5. Minimize or close Windows® Explorer.

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SaveSave As

Save and name the design file. 3D Cross Stitcher displaysthe Save As dialog box so you can name your design. Tosave a design with its existing file name and folder, use

the Save command.


Main Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, F, A 


Saves the design file under its current name and folder. When you save a design for the first time, 3D CrossStitcher displays the Save As dialog box so you can namethe design file. If you want to change the name andfolder of an existing design before you save it, choosethe Save As command.


Keys: Ctrl + S; Alt, F, S

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3D Cross Stitcher: Managing Cross Stitch Designs 59

3D Create StitchesCreate an embroidery from the design and display it onthe screen. After 3D Create Stitches, you can save theembroidery or copy it to the clipboard, from where itcan be pasted into another 3D Embroidery Systemmodule. Alternatively, use Send 1 or Send 2 to transferthe embroidery directly to the associated embroiderydevice, as set in 3D Configure. Also, print a worksheetfor the embroidery.

 If there are French knots at the edges of a design, the

 Embroidery Size may be larger than the Design Size.

The stitches in the embroidery are created in the orderof the thread colors in the color palette. All crosses arecreated for stitching first, then the color order isrepeated for any backstitch and French knots. Backstitch

and French knots of the same color are stitched out as asingle color block, but the backstitch for that color isstitched before the French knots.

Use Color Configuration to change the order of colors

in the palette.


Main Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + R; Alt, V, 3

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Design Information

The 3D Create Stitches box shows the Width and Heightof the embroidery in millimeters, and the number ofstitches.

Real Size

If the embroidery is displayed at less than 100% of realsize, this box will show the relative size.


Click Save to save the embroidery in any of the followingformats: Brother/Babylock/Bernina PEC (.pec), Brother/ Babylock/Bernina PES (.pes version 5), Compucon/ Singer PSW (.xxx), Husqvarna Viking / Pfaff (.vp3 and.vip), Husqvarna (.hus), Janome (.jef, .sew), Melco

(.exp), Pfaff (.pcs), Tajima (.dst), and Toyota (.10*).

 A Save As dialog box appears where you can change thefile name and folder. The embroidery file name is thesame as the design file name by default.

To preserve thread color information for viewing andprinting, store embroideries in .vp3 format.

CopyClick Copy to place the embroidery on the clipboard. You can then paste the embroidery into another 3DEmbroidery System module.

Send 1 and Send 2

Transfer the embroidery directly to the associatedembroidery device, as set in 3D Configure.

PrintPrint the embroidery that is displayed in the 3D CreateStitches dialog box. The embroidery is printed at a scaledetermined by the computer to fit correctly on to onesheet of the chosen page size; the chosen scale isdisplayed. Dimensions, Color Information, Notes andTechnical Information are also printed.

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3D Cross Stitcher: Managing Cross Stitch Designs 61

Export PictureExports the cross stitch design on the screen as a Bitmappicture file (.bmp). The Export Picture dialog boxappears with options for how the picture will be saved.

Pixels Per CrossThis is the height and width in pixels that will be usedfor each grid square (one full cross) in the exportedbitmap. The maximum is 30 Pixels Per Cross, but 20 willbe sufficient for most designs.

Click the up and down arrows to change the number.This is initially set to 8 each time the dialog box appears.

 Note that above 16 Pixels Per Cross, the number

changes in steps of 2.


Choose the cross mode that will be used in the bitmap.This is identical to the Cross Mode used to displaystitches in 3D Cross Stitcher.

This is initially set to 3D each time the dialog boxappears.


Choose whether or not to show the grid in the bitmap,and the grid lines to use if it is shown.

This is initially set to 5 lines each time the dialog boxappears.

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Choose the desired options and click OK. A Save Asdialog box appears to choose a name and location forthe picture.

Save As Type is set to Bitmaps to save .bmp files. This

may not be changed.

The picture name is the same as the design name. Ifdeisred, change the file name. Click Save and the bitmapis saved.


Keys: Alt, F, E

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3D Cross Stitcher: Using the QuickCross Picture Wizard 63

Using the QuickCross Picture Wizard

Use the QuickCross Picture Wizard to convert picturesautomatically to crosses. Also use the Picture Wizard to

load a picture as a background only.How to Use

1. Click Load Picture and the Choose Picture page of the PictureWizard appears.

 If you have not saved changes to the current design, a

message will appear asking if you wish to do so.

2. Click the Load Picture button and the Open picture dialog box

appears, or click Scan to obtain a picture from a scanner or digitalcamera.

3. After you have selected or scanned the desired picture, it will bepreviewed on the Choose Picture page. Click Next and the GridAnd Hoop page appears.

4. The whole picture is selected initially. To select less of the picture,click and drag the handles on the corners and edges of the cropbox.

5. To reselect the whole picture, click Reset.

6. When the desired part of the picture is selected, click the drop-down arrow for the Quick Hoop list. Scroll down the list andselect the desired hoop. The grid on the picture will changeaccordingly.

7. To use the picture as a background without converting it to a crossstitch design, click Background Only. The Picture Wizard will closeand the picture will be displayed in the background of the new,empty design.

8. Otherwise, click Next and the Start With Colors page appears.The preview shows the grid squares that the picture is divided into.

9. Click the drop-down arrow for Thread Range and select thedesired thread range.

10. Change the Number Of Colors as desired.

11. Click Next and the Thread Colors page appears. The previewsshow the picture and the thread colors that will be used to createthe cross stitch design.

12. Adjust the colors as desired, then click Finish. The cross stitch

design will be created and then displayed on the screen. Anyduplicate colors will be automatically combined into single colorsin the palette.

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Hints and Tips on Picture Wizard Designs

Use Different Thread Ranges

Choose different Thread Ranges and numbers of colorsto see the effect of different selections. For instance,neon thread ranges give 'pop art' effects.

Enhance Eye Highlights When converting a portrait, use Pick Color on theThread Colors page to select the highlights in the eyes.This will brighten the eyes and enhance the convertedpicture.

Remove Isolated Crosses

 After the design is created, check for isolated crosses. If

an isolated cross is not important for detail, replace it with the surrounding color, or a connected color. This will reduce the number of jump stitches in the finishedembroidery.

Reduce Color Changes

Reduce the number of colors in the design. To do this,choose a color you wish to keep and then flood fill orpaint full crosses over similar colors until only thechosen colors remain. Alternatively, use Replace Colorin Color Configuration to change all crosses of one colorto another color. It is recommended to do this one colorat a time, so you can see the effect of replacing eachcolor. When you reduce the number of colors this way,the effect is different than deleting colors in the Picture Wizard.

Color Order Use Color Configuration to change the color order sothat the design stitches from the inside out. This helps toreduce the effect of pulling on the fabric. For example,in the first QuickStart Exercise, you could start withflesh tones, then intermediate colors, then the shirt andeye colors, then the dark hair and sweater colors andfinally the background fill color.

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Add Borders

 Add a simple border of backstitch along the edges of thedesign. Use a contrasting color to make the border standout.

 Add a more elaborate border by increasing the designsize by a few squares, then flood fill with crosses or a

pattern in the blank squares around the edge. You willneed to convert the picture at a size that will allow thedesign and a border to fit inside the desired hoop.

 Note that when you change the design size, the

background picture will be removed. Save the design

 first so you have a copy of the design with the

background picture, then use a new name for the

design with a border.

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Picture Wizard: Choose PictureUse the Choose Picture page of the Picture Wizard toLoad or Scan a picture to convert to crosses and/or useas a background picture.

Scan Picture and Select Source will not be available if

 you do not have a TWAIN compliant scanner or digital

camera attached to your computer.

 After choosing or scanning a picture, you are returned tothe Choose Picture page of the Picture Wizard. Thepicture is shown in the preview window. Click Next tocontinue.

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Load Picture

Displays the Load Picture dialog to select an image fromclip art, or one you have previously scanned or createdin a picture editor. After selecting a picture, click Nextto continue.

 3D Cross Stitcher is not used for picture editing orenhancement. If you wish to enhance the picture for

conversion to a cross stitch design, use a picture editor.

 For example, you may wish to use 3D PictureStitch to

adjust and save a picture before loading it in 3D Cross


File name

Shows the name of the selected file. Alternatively, enterthe name of the file you wish to open.

Files of type

Select Image Files to show all available pictures, orselect one of the following picture types from the drop-down list: Windows or OS2 Bitmap (*.bmp), JPEG-JFIFCompliant (*.jpg, .jif, .jpeg), Portable Network Graphics(.png), Tagged Image File Format uncompressed (*.tiff,.tif), Windows Meta File (.wmf), Windows EnhancedMeta File (*.emf) and Windows Icon (*.ico).

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 If your version of Windows® allows it, you can change

the file list view to thumbnails. Click the View Menu

icon and select Thumbnails from the drop-down menu

that appears.

Scan Picture

Displays the program that is used to acquire picturesfrom a scanner, a digital camera or another suitabledevice. Only devices that use TWAIN can be used toobtain pictures.

TWAIN is a standard method for transferring pictures

 from the device’s scanning or downloading program

to another program, in this case the 3D Cross Stitcher

module of the 3D Embroidery System. If the

manufacturer provides the appropriate software

components needed for TWAIN compliance, these

 should have been installed when the device was

installed. 3D Cross Stitcher supports the current

TWAIN32 standard for scanning.

Each scanner or digital camera has its own program thatis used to scan or download pictures. Refer to the

manual or on-line help provided with the program forinstructions, if required. When the device and itssoftware finish processing the Picture, it will be shownin the Choose Picture page.

 Please ensure your selected scanner or digital camera

is connected before you click the Scan button.

Select SourceUse Select Source tochange the currentTWAIN compliantsource. For example, if you have a scannerand a digital camera,use this option to

specify from where the picture is being obtained. Clickto highlight the device that you want to use, then clickSelect.

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Picture Wizard: Grid and HoopUse the Grid and Hoop page to crop the picture and setthe hoop and cross size. Click and drag the diamond-shaped crop handles to set the size of the crop box.Then set the desired hoop size. The crop box will showthe grid squares that fit in that hoop size.

Each grid square in the crop box corresponds to onecross in the converted cross stitch design. It shows theamount of detail that will be kept when the picture isconverted to a cross stitch design.


Use the zoom controls to change the magnification ofthe picture.

Zoom In

Click Zoom In to increase the magnification of thepicture.

Zoom Out

Click Zoom Out to decrease the magnifiation of thepicture.

Zoom To FitClick Zoom To Fit to show the picture at the largestpossible size so that all of it is visible.

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Click 100% to show the picture at its actual size.

Grid Control

Use the Grid Control options to change how the cropbox is adjusted and the grid is displayed.

Fine MovementUse Fine Movement to move the crop handles slowly when you click and drag them. This may be used forprecise positioning of the crop box. When this option isdeselected, the handles move in proportion to themouse movement. This option is turned off when youstart the Picture Wizard.

Show Grid

This option is turned on when you start the Picture Wizard. Switch off the grid to see the crop area withoutshowing the grid.

Rectangular Selection

 When this option is selected, the crop box will be arectangle. When this option is deselected, the corners ofthe crop box can be moved to make a non-rectangular

crop box. Use a non-rectangular crop box tocompensate for distortion in the picture, or createdistortion for artistic effect. This option is turned on when you start the Picture Wizard.


Click Reset to reselect the whole picture with the cropbox.

Hoop Size

The defaults chosen in Hoop Preferences are used to setthe initial Cross Size, Height and Width when you startthe Picture Wizard. Height and Width give the bestinitial fit within the default hoop size, according to theshape and orientation of the picture.

Quick Hoop

 After cropping the picture so the desired area is shown,click the drop-down arrow and select the desired QuickHoop.

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 When a Quick Hoop is selected, the Height, Width andCross Size are set. The Height and Width will give thebest fit of the selected area of the picture in the chosenhoop.

 After the best fit has been chosen, the Height or Width

may not be an exact match of the Quick Hoop, in

which case the Quick Hoop will be blank.

Height and Width

Height and Width set the size in crosses that the picture will be when it is converted to a cross stitch design. Touse a size that does not match a Quick Hoop, set thedesired Height and Width.

 Adjust the Height and Width in Crosses by typingnumbers or clicking the up and down arrows. Themaximum size for a design is 400 x 400 crosses.

Cross Size

This is the Cross Size that will be used for the converteddesign.

If there is no Quick Hoop setting for the desired hoop

and cross size, select the cross size you would like forthe design by typing a number in the box or clicking theup and down arrows. Set the cross size from 1.0 to30.0mm in steps of 0.1mm.


If this option is turned on, when either Height or Widthin Crosses is adjusted, the other dimension is altered

automatically. This option is on when you start thePicture Wizard.

Design Area

This shows the size of the design in millimetersaccording to the Height, Width and Cross Size. Use thisto ensure the design will fit in the desired hoop.

Background Only

Click Background Only to use the cropped area of thepicture as a background picture for a blank cross stitchdesign of the selected hoop size. The Picture Wizard will

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close and the new blank design will be shown with thepicture in the background.

The new design will Zoom To Fit to the screen. If the

design area is very large, the zoom level may be set to

the minimum zoom level. At the minimum zoom level,

the grid, 3D fabric and background picture are not

 shown, so the screen may appear to be blank. Zoom into see the grid and background picture.

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Picture Wizard: Start with ColorsUse the Start with Colors page to preview the croppedarea of the picture and select the initial Thread Rangeand number of thread colors to use for converting thepicture.

The picture is shown as blocks that correspond to the

number of crosses that will be created when the pictureis converted to a cross stitch design. Thread colors willbe mapped to the blocks, according to the best match within the number of colors selected from the threadrange.


Use the zoom controls to change the magnification of

the picture.Zoom In

Click Zoom In to increase the magnification of thepicture.

Zoom Out

Click Zoom Out to decrease the magnifiation of thepicture.

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Zoom To Fit

Click Zoom To Fit to show the picture at the largestpossible size so that all of it is visible.

Real Size

Click Real Size to show the picture at the size it will beconverted to a cross stitch design.

Thread Colors

Thread Range

Select the initial thread range that will be used to mapthe colors of the picture when the Picture Wizardcreates a cross stitch design. This is initially set to theImport Thread Range selected in 3D Configure.However, any thread range may be selected, including


Number of Colors

Set the number of colors from the picture that will havethread colors chosen. Colors are chosen automaticallyby the Picture Wizard, according to their usage in thepicture. Alter by typing in a number or clicking the upand down arrows.

This is initially set to 12 when you start the Picture Wizard.

 A high number will give a more realistic result for

 photographs, assuming a suitable Thread Range is

 selected. However, this may also result in a high

number of isolated crosses and, therefore, more jump

 stitches in the finished embroidery. Isolated crosses are

crosses that are not connected to any other crosses ofthe same color.

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Picture Wizard: Thread ColorsUse the Thread Colors page to preview and customizethe final thread colors that will be used for the design.


Use the zoom controls to change the magnification ofthe pictures.

Zoom In

Click Zoom In to increase the magnification of thepictures.

Zoom Out

Click Zoom Out to decrease the magnifiation of thepictures.

Zoom To Fit

Click Zoom To Fit to show the pictures at the largestpossible size so that the whole of both pictures is visible.

Real Size

Click Real Size to show the pictures at the size of theconverted cross stitch design.

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Thread Colors

Thread Range

This shows the currently selected thread range, or selecta different thread range. If a new thread range is chosen,the current threads are replaced by the nearest matchfrom the new thread range. Any thread range may be

selected, including MyThreads.

Number of Colors

The current number of colors from the picture for which threads have been chosen. This is shown forinformation only.

The initial number of colors will be chosen according

to the number on the Start With Colors page. If thereare fewer colors in the picture than the number

entered, the number of colors will be reduced


Thread List

The current threads used for the cross colors. These willbe the thread colors in the palette when the Picture

 Wizard creates the cross stitch design.Add Color 

Click Add Color to automatically select the next mostsignificant color in the picture and choose the bestmatching color from the Thread Range. The color isadded to the bottom of the thread list and its usage isshown in the Cross Colors preview.

Using Add Color will not necessarily give the sameresult as choosing a larger number of starting colors

on the Start With Colors page.

Delete Color 

Click on a color in the Palette, then click Delete Color toremove it. The color in the Cross Colors preview isreplaced by the best match from the remaining thread


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Load Colors

Use Load Colors to load a palette from an existing crossstitch design. The Open dialog box appears so you canchoose the desired .krz file. All colors in the thread listare removed and the best match of colors from the newpalette is used for the picture. The palette is

automatically converted to the nearest colors in thecurrently selected Thread Range. The colors used areshown on the Cross Colors preview.

Clear All Colors

Use Clear All Colors to remove all colors from the threadlist. The Cross Colors preview will be blank.

Merge Identical Thread Colors

 When this option is selected, any duplicate colors willbe automatically combined into single colors in thepalette when you click Finish. Merge Identical ThreadColors is initially checked each time the Picture Wizardstarts.

Pick Color 

Use Pick Color to choose specific colors from the Source

Picture. Click Pick Color and the pointer will change toan eyedropper when it is over the Source Picture. Clickthe desired color and, if it has not already been matched,a thread color will be chosen and added to the threadlist. The Cross Colors preview will show the effect ofthe chosen thread color.

 Pick Color is useful for picking out details in a

 photograph that may not otherwise be wellrepresented because the colors in the details do not

occur very much in the rest of the picture. For example,

highlights in eyes in a portrait may need to be picked

out if there are very few white tones in the picture.


Click Finish to create the cross stitch design and display

it on the screen. The palette will show the final threadcolors used for the design.

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 Viewing Cross Stitch DesignsCross Mode

Use Cross Mode to switch between 3D, 2D and Block   view. This changes the display of the crosses and other


Use 3D Configure to change the background color. If

there is a background picture, when it is shown it will

hide the background within the design area.

The thread type and number of colors in a thread doesnot affect the display on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen.

 All thread types are displayed the same as rayon threads.The stitches in variegated threads only use the first colorin the thread.


Use 3D to display the design on afabric background with the stitchesdrawn in 3D.

Use Texture in 3D Configure to turn the background

 fabric on and off.

If you would like to use fabric colors similar to the real Aida fabric colors, some of the RGB values for thebackground color you may wish to try are:

• White (255, 255, 255)

• Antique White (247, 247, 242)• Cream (246, 247, 224)• Parchment (235, 224, 200)• Pink (255, 220, 230)• Sky Blue (200, 232, 247)• Christmas Red (250, 50, 50)• Christmas Green (0, 160, 0)• Navy Blue (0, 0, 110)

• Black (30, 30, 30)Follow the instructions in 3D Configure and select theRGB values in the Colors dialog box.

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The RGB values are approximations of the fabric

colors only. Remember that changing the background

color will affect all 3D Embroidery System modules.


 View Toolbar, Cross Mode:

Keys: Alt, V, C, 3


Use 2D to display the design on aplain background with the stitchesdrawn in 2D.


 View Toolbar, Cross Mode:

Keys: Alt, V, C, 2


Use Block to display the design on aplain background with the crossesdrawn as blocks.


 View Toolbar, Cross Mode:

Keys: Alt, V, C, B

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PictureUse Picture to show or hide the background picture. It isuseful to hide the background picture occasionally sothat it is easier to see the stitches in the design.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + I; Alt, V, P

GridUse Grid to switch the grid on and off.

 A standard Full Cross fills one grid square. A Mini Crossfits one quarter of a grid square. Standard Backstitchexactly fits one side or the diagonal of a grid square.Freehand Backstitch can be any length, but the endssnap to half grid spacing. French knots snap to half gridspacing.

The grid can be set to show darker grid lines every fiveor 10 grid squares. Adjust the grid setting with the

Screen Preferences.

Use 3D Configure to change the color of the uniform

 grid. The lines for five and 10 squares are always

 shown in black.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, V, G

Grid On Grid Off  

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Zoom Commands A number of functions are available to make it easier tonavigate around designs, including the Zoom functions.By default, the design is shown at a size so that it fills the window, the same as Zoom To Fit.

You can also change the view of a design by using

 Hide Colors to select the colors and stitch types to see.

Zoom In

Use Zoom In to enlarge the view of an area of thedesign.

Click the Zoom In icon and the mouse pointer changes

to the Zoom pointer. Then either click a point on thedesign you want to zoom in towards, or click and drag arectangle around the area you want to zoom in to andrelease the mouse button to zoom.

Zoom In is automatically deselected after you have usedit.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + Q; Alt, V, Z, I

 If you have a wheel mouse, hold the Ctrl key and move

the wheel to zoom.

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Zoom Out

Use Zoom Out to zoom out of the design, usually toshow more of the design.

Click the Zoom Out icon and the view will change.

 At the minimum zoom level, the grid, 3D fabric and

background picture are not shown, so the screen mayappear to be blank if there are no stitches in the

design. Zoom in to see the grid and background



 View Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, V, Z, O

 If you have a wheel mouse, hold the Ctrl key and move

the wheel to zoom.

Zoom To Fit

Use Zoom To Fit to view the whole design area. Clickthe Zoom To Fit icon and the view will zoom in or out to

show the design area in the window.

 If the window is very small then Zoom To Fit will

 zoom out as far as possible, which may not necessarily

 fit the whole design area in the window.

 If the design area is very large, the zoom level may be

 set to the minimum zoom level. At the minimum zoom

level, the grid, 3D fabric and background picture arenot shown, so the screen may appear to be blank if

there are no stitches in the design. Zoom in to see the

 grid and background picture.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + A; Alt, V, Z, F

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Real Size

Use Real Size to display the design at a magnification asclose as possible to the Real Size setting you chose in 3DConfigure.

The Real Size zoom level may not be accurate on the

main 3D Cross Stitcher screen. This is because there

are fixed zoom levels, so the nearest zoom level is

 selected. Use 3D Create Stitches to see the embroidery

at the exact Real Size.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, V, Z, R 

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Hide ColorsUse Hide Colors to hide thedesired thread colors. It canalso hide all crosses and/orall backstitch and Frenchknots. Hide colors onlychanges the view of thedesign. Hidden stitches canstill be moved, deleted andreplaced.

Click the desired colors tohide them. Notice thatcolors are hidden in the

design, behind the dialogbox, as soon as you hide them in the dialog box.

Click Crosses or Backstitch to hide all crosses or allbackstitch. French knots are also hidden whenbackstitch is hidden.

Click Reset to reset all colors and stitch types so they are visible.

 Although a design may contain more than 96 colors

in the whole palette, a maximum of 96 colors is shown

in the Hide Colors dialog box. To hide other colors if

there are more than 96, change the color order with

Color Configuration so the desired colors are in the

 first 96.


 View Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, V, H

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Choosing and ChangingThread Colors

 At the top of the Design Page on the control panel is theColor Select area. This contains the current left-click and

right-click colors that are used for drawing stitches, theErase 'color', a Pick Color function, the thread colorpalette and the Color Configuration icon.

Thread Color PaletteThe palette shows the thread colors that areimmediately available for drawing stitches in the design.Not all colors in the palette may have been used in thedesign. However, all colors that are used by the design will appear in the palette.

New blank designs, including new designs that have abackground picture but no crosses, have an initialpalette of 29 colors. These are taken from the ImportThread Range selected in 3D Configure. Designsconverted from a picture in the Picture Wizard have an

initial palette according to the thread range and colorschosen in the wizard.

Change colors directly on the palette by double-clickingthe color, then choosing a new color from the ColorSelection dialog box. All stitches using the palette color will be changed.

 Add colors directly to the palette by double-clicking a

blank color square, then choosing a new color from theColor Selection dialog box. Colors are addedautomatically when designs, shapes or lettering areinserted using thread colors that are not already in thepalette. A tooltip shows the full thread color name whenthe mouse is positioned over a color square in thepalette. The number of colors in the palette is unlimited,but only 96 colors are shown on the Design tab. Use

Color Configuration to see, move, change, add andreplace colors, or to remove unused colors.

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The order of colors in the palette also controls the stitchorder when an embroidery is created. All crosses arecreated first, in the color order of the palette. After thecrosses, stitches are created for backstitch and Frenchknots.

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Color SelectionThe Color Seletiondialog box is used tochange existingpalette colors or addnew palette colors.Colors can bechanged and addeddirectly on thepalette on the Designtab by double-clicking. Alternatively, use theColor Configuration dialog box to add andchange colors in thepalette.

 You may choose anythread shade from the available thread manufacturers'palettes (for instance, Sulky Rayon 40 or Robison-AntonCotton 50) or a thread you have added to MyThreads.

Select colors by visual selection or by typing in a shadenumber. Alternatively you can select one of the 29'Quick Colors'. Once the desired color is selected, clickOK.

Thread Range

Select a manufacturer or MyThreads from the dropdownlist of Thread Ranges. The Abbreviation box to the right

shows the abbreviation used to identify themanufacturer when a thread is copied to MyThreads.

Thread Details

The boxes under the Thread Range Abbreviation show:

• The currently selected thread shade number.• The color name, as provided by the manufacturer or


• The type of thread material, such as Cotton, Rayon orMetallic.• The thread weight or thickness.

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• A 3D sample of the thread embroidered in fill stitch.

Find Thread

Enter a thread number to search for in this box.

Shade List

The shades available from the currently selected Thread

Range are shown in the shade list. The currentlyselected shade is highlighted. Click the desired shade toselect it. Click and drag the scroll bar to see other shadesin the current palette.

Quick Colors

Click a Quick Color to jump to the nearest shade that isavailable from the current Thread Range. Use the Quick

Colors as a shortcut to finding the desired colors.Thread Colors in 3D Cross Stitcher 

The thread type and number of colors in a thread doesnot affect the display on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen. All thread types are displayed the same as rayon threads.The stitches in variegated threads only use the first colorin the thread.

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Left-Click and Right-Click ColorsLeft-click or right-click a color in the palette to choose acolor for drawing and flood filling with the left or rightmouse button. The left and right color squares above thepalette show the selected colors.

EraseUse Erase to set the eraser 'color' as the left-click orright-click color. It can then be used to erase stitches when a stitch drawing function is selected. When across type is selected, it will erase crosses according tothe size of the selected cross type. To erase StandardBackstitch, Freehand Backstitch or French Knots, thecorresponding draw function must be selected. Erasealso works with Flood Fill to erase an area of connectedcrosses of the same color.

The right-click color is always set to Erase when 3D

Cross Stitcher starts.


Color Select, Design Page:

Pick Color Use Pick Color to choose a color directly from thedesign and set the left-click or right-click color. Click thePick Color icon and the pointer changes to an

eyedropper. Left-click or right-click a stitch on thedesign with the desired color. The color will be set toleft-click or right-click, and Pick Color is automaticallydeactivated after a color has been chosen. If an emptypart of the design is clicked, Erase will be assigned.


Color Select, Design Page:

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Color ConfigurationUse Color Configuration to change colors, set numbersof threads, top thread direction for crosses, add colors,move colors, replace colors, delete colors and removeunused colors. There are two tabs in the ColorConfiguration dialog box:

• Configuration• Order 

Both Color Configuration tabs show a list on the left ofall the thread colors in the palette for the currentlyloaded cross stitch design.

OK and Cancel

Changes in the Color Configuration dialog box are onlyapplied to the design when you click OK. If you clickCancel, all the current changes will be lost.


Color Select, Design Page:


Use the Configuration tab to change colors, threadcount and top thread direction of individual palettecolors.

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Change Color 

Use Change Color to choose a different thread color forthe selected palette color. Click a color in the palettelist, then click Change Color. The Color Selection dialogbox appears for you to choose a new color. All stitchesin the chosen color will be affected.

Thread CountThe Thread Count is the number of strands of threadused to stitch crosses and backstitch. This is normallySingle (2 Threads).

 All palette colors in a new design initially have theirthread count set to the Design Default, as set in StitchesPreferences. Use this setting to override the designdefault. When this is changed, it affects the thread countfor both crosses and backstitch in the chosen palettecolor.

Click a color in the palette, then click the drop-downarrow for Thread Count and select the desired option.

Single would normally be used for a design Cross Sizeless than 2mm, with occasional use of Double foremphasis. Triple and greater thread counts should onlybe used when the Cross Size is large and the extra threadcount is needed for coverage.

Changes to thread count are not visible on the 3D

Cross Stitcher screen. Increasing the number of threads

will increase the stitch count in the embroidery, which

will be shown by the stitch count in 3D Create Stitches.

Top Thread Direction

The Top Thread Direction affects which part of a cross ison top.

 All palette colors in a new design initially have their topthread direction set to the Design Default, as set inStitches Preferences. Use this setting to override thedesign default. When this is changed, it affects full, mini,

half width and half height crosses in the chosen palettecolor.

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92 3D Cross Stitcher: Choosing and Changing Thread Colors

Number of Colors

This shows the number of colors currently in thepalette.


Use the Order tab to add new colors, move colors,replace colors, remove individual colors or remove all

unused colors.

Color Order Considerations

The order of colors in the palette also controls the orderof colors in the finished embroidery. While you arecreating your cross stitch design, new colors are added when other designs are inserted or when you useshapes, patterns and text. Hence, the order of colorsmay not be the best order for stitching out when takinginto consideration which areas may 'pull in' the most or which colors are on top for stitching out backstitch and

French knots.

Stitch Pulling

Generally, the largest area of stitches (usually crosses) will pull the most. The effect of this can be avoided bystitching the largest area first. So it may help to move thecolor with the most stitches to the top of the palette. You can check the stitch counts by printing theembroidery from 3D Create Stitches.

 Alternatively, change the color order so that the designstitches from the inside out. This is effective when

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stitching designs that have complete cross coverage,such as designs created with the Picture Wizard.

Backstitch and French Knots

Backstitch and French knots are stitched out together ineach color, after all the crosses have been stitched.However, backstitch is stitched before French knots. If

 you are using French knots for decorative details on topof any backstitch in a different color, move the colors inthe palette to ensure that the French knot color isstitched out after the backstitch color.

Add Color 

Use Add Color to add a new color to the palette. Click Add Color and the Color Selection dialog box appears.

Move Up

Use Move Up to move a color up the palette list. Thisdoes not change any colors, but the color will bestitched out earlier in sequence in the final embroidery.

Click the desired palette color, then click Move Up tomove it color one place higher in the list. The colorremains selected so you can move it as much as desired.

Move Down

Use Move Down to move a color down the palette list.This does not change any colors, but the color will bestitched out later in sequence in the final embroidery.

Click the desired palette color, then click Move Down tomove it color one place lower in the list. The colorremains selected so you can move it as much as desired.

Replace Color 

Use Replace Color to replace all stitches in the selectedcolor with another color from the palette.

Click the desired palette color, then click Replace Color.The Replace with Color dialog box appears, so you canchoose which other palette color to use in place of theselected color.

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Click a color, then click OK. The replaced color isremoved from the palette list.

 Replace Color is not available when a color is selected

that has no stitches in the design.

Remove Color 

Use Remove Color to delete a color from the palette andremove stitches in that color from the design. If thereare stitches in the color, a message will appear asking forconfirmation. Click Yes to continue and delete allstitches of that color, or click No to keep the color andthe stitches.

 If you wish to keep the stitches in another color, use

 Replace Color instead.

Remove Unused Colors

Use Remove Unused Colors to delete any palette colorsthat do not have stitches in the design. This is useful, forexample, if you have a lot of similar shades in the paletteand you wish to ensure you continue to use only thosecolors that have already been used.

Unused colors are ignored by the print functions and

 3D Create Stitches. Therefore, it is not a requirement to

remove unused colors before using these functions.

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Creating StitchesCrosses

There are four types of crosses:

• A Full Cross fills a whole grid square. Parts of a fullcross (Quarter Cross, Half Cross Forward and HalfCross Backward) can be placed or removed forquarter, half and three-quarter crosses.

• A Half Height Cross is a cross in the top or bottomhalf of a grid square.

• A Half Width Cross is a cross in the left or right half ofa grid square.

• A Mini Cross is a small cross in any corner of a gridsquare.

 When drawing crosses, any type of cross can replace allor part of any other type of cross. The size of thecurrently selected cross type determines how much of agrid square will be replaced or erased.

 Backstitch and French knots are not affected by

drawing and erasing crosses.

Full Cross

Use Full Cross to place full crosses and erase whole grid squares of crosses. Use single-clickto place or erase one at a time, or click anddrag to draw continuously.


Draw Toolbar:

Quarter Cross

Use Quarter Cross to place quarters of a fullcrosses in the corners of grid squares, anderase quarters of grid squares. Use single-clickto place or erase one at a time, or click and

drag to draw continuously. A quarter cross is placed inthe corner of a grid square nearest to the point where you click.

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 It may be useful to Zoom In when working with

quarter crosses.

If part of a half height or half width cross is replaced orerased, a mini cross is left in the other part.


Draw Toolbar:

Half Cross Forward

Use Half Cross Forward to place and erase theforward half of a full cross. Use single-click toplace or erase one at a time, or click and dragto draw continuously.

If part of a half height or half width cross is replaced orerased, a mini cross is left in the other part.


Draw Toolbar:

Half Cross Backward

Use Half Cross Backward to place and erasethe backward half of a full cross. Use single-click to place or erase one at a time, or clickand drag to draw continuously.

If part of a half height or half width cross is replaced orerased, a mini cross is left in the other part.


Draw Toolbar:

Mini Cross

Use Mini Cross to place small crosses thatoccupy one quarter of a grid square, and erasequarters of grid squares. Mini crosses aresometimes called 'petit point'. Use single-clickto place or erase one at a time, or click and drag draw

continuously. A mini cross is placed in the corner of agrid square nearest to the point where you click.

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 It may be useful to Zoom In when working with mini


Up to four mini crosses can be placed in each gridsquare. It is not possible to place or erase part of a minicross.

If part of a half height or half width cross is replaced orerased, a mini cross is left in the other part.

It is recommended to use a minimum Cross Size of1.8mm for the design when using Mini Crosses. UseHoop Preferences to set the Cross Size used by thedesign.


Draw Toolbar:

Half Width Cross

Use Half Width Cross to place small crossesthat occupy the left or right half of a gridsquare, and erase the left or right half of gridsquares. Use single-click to place or erase one

at a time, or click and drag draw continuously. A half width cross is placed in the side of a grid square nearestto the point where you click.

Two half width crosses can be placed in each gridsquare. It is not possible to place or erase part of a half width cross. If part of a half width cross is replaced orerased, the other half will become a mini cross.

It is recommended to use a minimum Cross Size of1.6mm for the design when using Half Width Crosses.Use Hoop Preferences to set the Cross Size used by thedesign.


Draw Toolbar:

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Half Height Cross

Use Half Height Cross to place small crossesthat occupy the upper or lower half of a gridsquare, and erase the upper or lower half ofgrid squares. Use single-click to place or eraseone at a time, or click and drag draw continuously. A half

height cross is placed in the side of a grid square nearestto the point where you click.

Two half height crosses can be placed in each gridsquare. It is not possible to place or erase part of a halfheight cross. If part of a half height cross is replaced orerased, the other half will become a mini cross.

It is recommended to use a minimum Cross Size of

1.6mm for the design when using Half Height Crosses.Use Hoop Preferences to set the Cross Size used by thedesign.


Draw Toolbar:

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Backstitch There are two types of backstitch in 3D Cross Stitcher:Standard and Freehand.

Standard Backstitch  is drawn in short sections that snapto the sides and diagonals of grid squares. The end

points for Standard Backstitch are the corners of the gridsquares.

Freehand Backstitch  is drawn as a separate layer toStandard Backstitch. Freehand Backstitch is placed usingend points that snap to half grid spacing anywhere onthe design. A single section of Freehand Backstitch canbe any length that will fit within the design.

 Although the screen shows Standard Backstitch andFreehand Backstitch as separate layers, they are stitchedout together when they are the same color. There willbe jump stitches between sections of backstitch if theydo not connect at an end point. Freehand Backstitch willnot join to other backstitch without a jump stitch if itsimply crosses over without the end points connecting.To reduce jump stitches, place Freehand Backstitch so

that the end points connect to Standard Backstitchsections or other Freehand Backstitch sections.

 It is possible to place Freehand Backstitch directly on

top of Standard Backstitch and both sections will be

 stitched. This can be used for special effects, such as

thickening a line without having to change the

number of threads in Color Configuration.

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Standard Backstitch

Use Standard Backstitch tooutline traditional cross stitchdesigns or to create blackwork.Standard Backstitch places linesalong the sides of grid squares or diagonally across grid

squares. Standard Backstitch is stitched out after thecrosses.

Use single-click to place or erase individual lines ofStandard Backstitch, or click and drag to drawconnected Standard Backstitch lines.

Only standard backstitch can be placed or erased whenStandard Backstitch is selected. Crosses, freehand

backstitch and French knots are unaffected.Two diagonal Standard Backstitch lines can produce

an effect similar to a Full Cross. It is recommended to

avoid placing this in the same square as a Full Cross,

because the backstitch will stitch on top of the cross

and hide it.


Draw Toolbar:

Freehand Backstitch

Use Freehand Backstitch toplace lines of stitches that canbe of any length, with each endsnapping to half grid spacing.

Each line of freehand backstitchis placed individually with clickand drag.

When stitches are created, stitch points are placed

along the freehand lines where they cross the grid. The

end points of the complete line control whether or not

a particular line of freehand backstitch is connected to

any other lines of backstitch.

Only one line of freehand backstitch can go betweenany given pair of points on the grid. However, multiple

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layers of freehand backstitch may be placed on top ofeach other, as long as they each have at least onedifferent end point. This can be used for differenteffects, such as making the edge of lacework secure.


Draw Toolbar:

French KnotUse French Knot to place French knots that snap to halfgrid spacing. Each French knot is placed or erased witha single click.

 French knots are only scaled in comparison to the full

cross size when the Cross Size in Preferences is set

between 2mm and 4mm. The French knots will not be

any smaller or larger than they are at these limits.

In the created embroidery, French knots are stitched atthe end of the same color block as backstitch of thesame color.

 For designs with a cross size smaller than 4mm, it isrecommended to only have one French knot per grid

 square, or an equivalent spacing. If the French knots

are closer than this then they may overlap and

 produce excessively dense stitches.

When French knots are placed on the corners or edges

of the design, the created embroidery will be larger

than the design area. If the design is an exact hoop size, this means the embroidery may be too large for

the hoop. Check the embroidery Width and Height

with 3D Create Stitches.


Draw Toolbar:

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Flood FillUse Flood Fill to fill an area with crosses or a fill pattern. An empty area can be flood filled until it meets existingcrosses and/or backstitch. A connected area of the samecolored crosses can be flood filled until it meets anempty area, backstitch or crosses in a different color.Crosses are not considered to be connected for flood fillif they only meet at a corner.

 When an area is flood filled, the fill does not relate to thebackground picture. Sometimes it may help to hide thebackground picture so that you can clearly see the area you wish to flood fill; for example, if there are lines inthe background picture that are similar to backstitch.

Use Flood Fill to place a pattern over an area that mightbe difficult to draw as a shape by first drawing crossesand then flood filling the crosses. Choose a color that isnot already used in the design and draw the desired areaas crosses. Then select the pattern and flood fill thecrosses with the pattern.

 In some cases, the fill will not go through narrow

areas. If the fill could not continuously connect a fill of full crosses through a narrow gap, the gap will act as a

barrier to flood fill.


Draw Toolbar:

How to Use1. Select the desired cross color from the palette, or choose a fill


2. Click the Flood Fill icon. The mouse pointer changes to a paint can

when it is over the work area.

3. Click an area of the design to fill it with crosses or the selectedpattern.

 Erase can also be used with Flood Fill to erase areas of


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Multiply Use Multiply to repeat stitch placement or edit actionsautomatically by reflecting across, down or rotating.Symmetrical designs can be created quickly and easily. All changes in the design, such as adding and removingstitches, pasting selections and inserting designs, aremultiplied.

 Box Select and Polygon Select may not be used to make

new selections when the Multiply function is active.

 However, you may use them before activating Multiply

to select and copy a selection, which can then be

 pasted and multiplied.

Choose any combination of Reflect Across, ReflectDown or Rotate to repeat actions. The previews in theMultiply dialog box and on the Design tab show howactions will be repeated according to the currentselection. Click Use Multiply on the Design tab of thecontrol panel to turn Multiply on and off. The blueMultiply reflection lines are shown on the work area when setting up Multiply and when it is switched on.

Use Reflect Across to reflecthorizontally.

Use Reflect Down to reflect vertically.

Combine Reflect Across andReflect down to create four copiesaround the Multiply center point.

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Use Rotate to create four rotatedcopies around the Multiply centerpoint.

Combine Rotate withReflect Across or ReflectDown to create eightcopies. Additional bluelines show the eightsegments.

How to Use1. Click Setup in the Multiply section

on the Design page of the controlpanel. The Multiply dialog boxappears and the blue reflection linesare shown on the design.

2. Click Reset to turn off all multiply options and set the reflectionlines to the center of the design.

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3. Click any combination of Reflect Across, Reflect Down and Rotate.The preview area shows how actions will be multiplied.

 If none of the Reflect Across, Reflect Down or Rotate

options are chosen, the Use Multiply option on the

 Design tab is automatically turned off when you click


4. If desired, adjust the Horizontal and Vertical center positions tomove the reflection lines in steps of half a grid square. The changesare shown in the background on the design.

Click and drag the title bar of the Multiply dialog box

to move it so you can see the reflection lines on the

design and position them as desired.

5. Click OK and the preview on the Design tab will show the effect of

the multiply options.6. Click Use Multiply and the reflection lines will appear on the


7. Click Use Multiply again to remove the reflection lines and returnto standard design creation.

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106 3D Cross Stitcher: Using Patterns and Shapes

Using Patterns and ShapesSelect a Pattern

The Fill Pattern section of thePattern Page on the control

panel is used to choose a fillpattern. First select a Category,then either enter a Patternname or click a pattern in thelist. When a fill pattern isselected, it is used for FloodFill and in place of crossesinside shapes and TrueType®


 You can also design your ownpatterns.

How to Use1. Click the Pattern tab.

2. Click the drop-down arrow for Category and choose a fill patterncategory. The list will show four of the patterns from the chosen


3. To select a pattern visually, browse through the list of repeatedpatterns and click the desired pattern.

Use the scroll bar at the side of the pattern list to move

quickly through the list, or click a pattern then use

 Page Up and Page Down on the keyboard to step

through all the patterns in turn.

4. When a pattern is selected, Use Fill Pattern is checkedautomatically. The pattern is shown below the pattern list, with itscolors to the left.

5. To choose different colors, click the Colors squares next to thebasic pattern and select colors in the Color Selection dialog box.When a different color is selected, the pattern shows the newcolor.

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The repeated pattern in the list is not affected by

changing the pattern colors. The colors are reset when

a new pattern is selected. If a pattern has colors that

are not in the palette, they are automatically added to

the palette when the pattern is used.

6. The pattern can now be used for Flood Fill and creating shapes and

TrueType® text.

7. To stop using a fill pattern, either click Use Fill Pattern so that it isnot checked, choose a new left-click color on the Design Page orchoose a new cross color for shapes or TrueType® text.

 Notice that choosing a left-click color on the Design

 Page does not affect the color of any fill pattern.

 Instead, it turns off the current fill pattern.

Flood Fill with Other Cross and Stitch TypesFlood Fill works with either full crosses, using a colorchosen from the palette, or the current fill pattern.Several fill patterns are available to allow areas to befilled with cross types other than full crosses. These canbe found in the Cross Basic Category. The cross typesare:

• Half Cross Forward• Half Cross Backward• Mini Cross• Half Width Cross• Half Height Cross

 Also, there are fill patterns for three-quarter crosses ineach of the four possible positions in a grid square.

In addition, the French Knots Category has French knotpatterns in various grid arrangements.

Simply select the desired fill pattern, change the patterncolor and flood fill the desired areas.

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108 3D Cross Stitcher: Using Patterns and Shapes

Draw a ShapeDraw eight preset shapes with click and drag, or drawpolygons of any shape by placing a series of points todefine the outline.

How to Use1. Select the desired shape style option. Choose from Backstitch

Outline, Filled Backstitch, Cross Outline, Filled Cross Outline orSolid Cross Or Fill.

2. If drawing Filled Backstitch or Solid Cross Or Fill shapes, you may

select Smooth to smooth the outline of the shape by using three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.

 Backstitch Outline, Cross Outline and Filled Cross

Outline are not affected by Smooth.

3. If drawing Backstitch Outline, Filled Backstitch, Cross Outline orFilled Cross Outline, click the Outline color square to choose thedesired thread color.

4. If drawing Filled Backstitch, Filled Cross Outline or Solid Cross OrFill, either click the Cross color to choose a color for the fullcrosses inside the shape, or choose any fill pattern to fill the shape.When a fill pattern is selected, its colors may also be changed.

 If a color is chosen that does not exist in the palette, it

is automatically added to the palette when a shape is

drawn in that color.

5. Click the icon for the desired shape, then click and drag on the

design to draw the shape.

 For Rectangle, Ellipse and Triangle, optionally hold

down Shift to constrain the shape to a square, circle or

equilateral triangle, respectively.

 Arc shapes are initially placed as an ellipse, or a circle

if Shift is held down. Then two lines are set with single

clicks for each end of the arc.




Filled CrossOutline

Solid Cross OrFill

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 Draw Polygons by placing a series of points to define

the outline, then right-click to close and finish the


 All options may be changed while any shape is

 selected. Any shape can be selected and drawn with the

current options.

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110 3D Cross Stitcher: Using Patterns and Shapes

Shape Options

Backstitch Outline

Draw hollow shapes as freehand backstitch outlines thatsnap to half grid spacing. The shape is added to thedesign as a series of freehand backstitch lines that are

connected at the corners of the shape.

Short sections of freehand backstitch create the curves

 for ellipses and arcs. All other shapes use single lines

 for each side of the shape.


Shapes, Design Page:

Filled Backstitch

Draw shapes as an outline of standard backstitch, filled with crosses or the selected fill pattern. The Cross coloris used to fill the shape unless a fill pattern is selected. All existing stitches where the shape is drawn areremoved and replaced by the crosses or pattern.

Select Smooth to smooth the outline of the shape byusing three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.

To use a cross type other than Full Cross inside the

 shape, select the desired cross type from the Cross Basic

Category of Fill Patterns.


Shapes, Design Page:

Cross Outline

Draw hollow shapes as an outline of crosses, one cross wide. The crosses are drawn in the currently selectedOutline color.


Shapes, Design Page:

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Filled Cross Outline

Draw shapes as an outline of crosses, filled with crossesor the selected Fill Pattern. The crosses in the outline aredrawn in the currently selected Outline color. The Crosscolor is used to fill the shape unless a fill pattern isselected. All existing stitches where the shape is drawnare removed and replaced by the crosses or pattern.

To use a cross type other than Full Cross inside the

 shape, select the desired cross type from the Cross Basic

Category of Fill Patterns.


Shapes, Design Page:

Solid Cross Or Fill

Draw shapes filled with crosses or the selected FillPattern and no outline. The Cross color is used to fill theshape unless a fill pattern is selected. All existingstitches where the shape is drawn are removed andreplaced by the crosses or pattern.

Select Smooth to smooth the outline of the shape by

using three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.

To use a cross type other than Full Cross inside the

 shape, select the desired cross type from the Cross Basic

Category of Fill Patterns.


Shapes, Design Page:Cross Color 

Use this color for crosses inside the shape when drawingFilled Backstitch, Filled Cross Outline or Solid Cross OrFill shapes. Click the Cross color square and the ColorSelection dialog box appears so you can choose adifferent thread color. If a fill pattern is selected, it isautomatically deselected when you choose a new cross


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If the selected color does not exist in the current colorpalette, it will only be added to the palette when a FilledBackstitch, Filled Cross Outline or Solid Cross Or Fillshape is drawn with crosses of the chosen color.

The Cross color does not affect the color of fill patterns.

To change the color of a fill pattern, first select the fill

 pattern, then change the colors shown next to the sample of the fill pattern.

Outline Color 

Use this color for backstitch and cross outlines aroundshapes when drawing Backstitch Outline, FilledBackstitch, Cross Outline or Filled Cross Outline shapes.Click the Outline color square and the Color Selection

dialog box appears so you can choose a different threadcolor.

If the selected color does not exist in the current colorpalette, it will only be added to the palette when aBackstitch Outline, Filled Backstitch, Cross Outline orFilled Cross Outline shape is drawn.


Use Smooth to smooth the outline around shapes byusing three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.Smooth only affects Filled Backstitch or Solid Cross OrFill shapes.

Smooth is not initially selected each time 3D CrossStitcher starts. It must be selected if you wish to drawsmoothed shapes.


Use Rectangle to draw rectangles and squares. Click anddrag to draw an outline that shows the position of theshape. The shape appears when the mouse button isreleased. Hold down the Shift key to draw squaresinstead of rectangles.


Shapes, Design Page:

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Angled Square

Use Angled Square to draw a square at any angle. Clickand drag to draw an outline that shows the position ofthe shape. The shape is rotated as the mouse is movedaround the center point. The shape appears when themouse button is released.

The Shift key does not affect this shape.


Shapes, Design Page:


Use Ellipse to draw ovals and circles. Click and drag to

draw an outline that shows the position of the shape.The shape appears when the mouse button is released.Hold down the Shift key to draw circles instead of ovals.


Shapes, Design Page:


Use Arc to draw an oval or circle, then set each end ofthe arc to leave the desired part of the oval or circle.Click and drag to draw an outline that shows theposition of the shape. Hold down the Shift key to drawcircles instead of ovals. The outline is set when themouse button is released. A line from the center towardsthe mouse shows where one end of the arc will be.Click to place the first line, then move the mouse and

click to place the second line. The arc will appear.


Shapes, Design Page:


Use Triangle to draw isosceles and equilateral triangles.Click and drag to draw an isosceles triangle from the topor bottom point (with two sides the same length). Holddown the Shift key to draw an equilateral triangle at any

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angle (with all sides the same length). The shapeappears when the mouse button is released.


Shapes, Design Page:


Use Pentagon to draw a five sided shape at any angle.Click and drag to draw an outline that shows theposition of the shape. The shape is rotated as the mouseis moved around the center point. The shape appears when the mouse button is released.

The Shift key does not affect this shape.


Shapes, Design Page:


Use Hexagon to draw a six sided shape at any angle.Click and drag to draw an outline that shows theposition of the shape. The shape is rotated as the mouse

is moved around the center point. The shape appears when the mouse button is released.

The Shift key does not affect this shape.


Shapes, Design Page:

OctagonUse Octagon to draw an eight sided shape at any angle.Click and drag to draw an outline that shows theposition of the shape. The shape is rotated as the mouseis moved around the center point. The shape appears when the mouse button is released.

The Shift key does not affect this shape.

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Shapes, Design Page:


Use Polygon to make any shape with straight sides. Clicka series of points to create an irregular outline of straight

lines. Right-click when the shape is complete. The shapeis closed automatically with a straight line between thelast point position and the start position.

 If you click back on the starting point, the shape is

automatically closed without needing to right-click.

The Shift key does not affect this shape.


Shapes, Design Page:

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116 3D Cross Stitcher: Using Patterns and Shapes

Design New PatternsTo make a new fill pattern, first draw a sample of thepattern you would like to create. Then select the sample with Box Select or Polygon Select and click Save New onthe Pattern page of the control panel. The New FillPattern dialog box appears.

The Save New button on the Pattern tab is only

available if the selection is not larger than 32 grid

 squares high or wide, and if there are no more than 15

colors in the selection. Also, a blank selection my not

be saved as a pattern.

The Basic Pattern shows the area you selected in thedesign. The Repeated Pattern shows how the pattern

 will be repeated when it is used to fill an area. Inspectthe Repeated Pattern to ensure the pattern will give thedesired result.

Click the drop-down arrow for Save in Category andselect the desired Category. My Patterns is therecommended Category and is always selected when thedialog box appears. New Categories can also be addedas needed.

Click in the New Pattern Name box and enter a name forthe pattern.

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If desired, adjust the Horizontal Gap and Vertical Gap.The Repeated Pattern will show the effect of adjustingthese settings. The maximum Gap size is 32, but theminimum Gap is negative. The Gap can be decreaseduntil each repeat of the pattern overlaps all but one gridsquare of the previous repeat.

Click Save and the fill pattern is saved in the chosenCategory. It is automatically selected as the current fillpattern on the Pattern tab.

Stitch Types in Fill Patterns

 A pattern may contain any stitch type.

Try to ensure that individual crosses are not stranded ina pattern, and that there are no short, disconnected

sections of backstitch. This will reduce the need for jump stitches when the pattern is stitched out.

If you wish to use freehand backstitch in a pattern, try touse short sections where possible. When a pattern isused to fill an area, freehand backstitch in the pattern will only be placed when both end points lie within thefill area. Long sections of freehand backstitch are lesslikely to have both ends in the fill area and may not givethe desired result.

Colors in Fill Patterns

Colors are stored in fill patterns with the currentnumber of threads and top stitch direction, as set in thedesign or on the individual palette color in ColorConfiguration. The system fill patterns were designed with Single threads and the top thread as Backward, as

these are the most common settings for 3D CrossStitcher designs.

Pattern Names

Use only letters, numbers, spaces and underlinecharacters. The name will be used for a file with .cpkextension. This will ensure that the file name does nothave any invalid characters in it.

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Create a New Category

 You may create a new pattern Category when you aresaving a new fill pattern. Click the New Category buttonand the New Category dialog box appears.

Enter a name for the Cateogry and click OK. The newCategory is automatically selected for saving the new fillpattern.

Use only letters, numbers, spaces and underlinecharacters. The name will be used for a folder. This will

ensure that the folder name does not have any invalid

characters in it.

 If you do not save any fill patterns in the new Category

before closing 3D Cross Stitcher, it will not exist when

 you restart 3D Cross Stitcher.

Removing Patterns from a Category

3D Cross Stitcher patterns are files with a .cpkextension. They are stored in folders with the Categorynames within the C:\3DEmbroidery\System\Cross \Patterns folder.

To delete a pattern, close 3D Cross Stitcher and start Windows® Explorer (right-click the Start button andclick Explore). Browse to the desired Category folder,highlight the desired pattern file and delete it. Restart3D Cross Stitcher and the pattern will no long beavailable.

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Creating TextUse the Letter Page of the control panel to add text andmonograms to your design. You can switch freelybetween TrueType® and Fixed fonts until your text hasthe desired appearance. You can also design your ownFixed Text fonts(see “Design New Fixed Text Fonts” onpage 127 ).

TrueType TextSelect TrueType Text on theLetter Page of the control panelto convert TrueType® orOpenType® characters to

crosses, crosses withbackstitch outlines orbackstitch outlines. If a fillpattern is selected, it will beused in place of crosses whenthe text is applied.

How to Use

1. Click the Letter tab on the controlpanel.

2. Click TrueType Text at the top ofthe Letter Page.

3. Enter the desired text in the Textbox. Press Enter for extra lines oftext. The preview will be updatedas text is entered.

 For TrueType Text, the preview automatically updatesto show the characters that have been entered in the

chosen Font at the current Height. The Alignment is

also shown if there is more than one line of text.

4. Click the drop-down arrow and choose the desired TrueType®font.

5. Choose the desired text Style with the Bold and Italic icons. Thetext style is Normal when neither are selected.

6. If there is more than one line of text, choose Left, Center or RightAlignment.

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7. Adjust the Height as desired. It is recommended to use a minimumHeight of 12. The maximum is 200.

8. Choose the desired stitch style from Crosses/Fill Pattern, CrossesWith Backstitch Outline or Backstitch Outline.

9. To use a fill pattern instead of crosses for Crosses/Fill Pattern orCrosses With Backstitch Outline, click the Pattern tab, choose anyavailable fill pattern, then click the Letter tab.

10. If desired, click the Smooth option so it is selected, to smooth theedges of characters.

Smooth uses three-quarter crosses rather than full

crosses to smooth the edges. It is recommended to only

use this for large characters.

11. If you have selected Crosses/Fill Pattern or Crosses WithBackstitch Outline, click the Cross color and Color Selectiondialog box appears. Choose a new cross color for the body of the

text and click OK.

 If a fill pattern is selected on the Pattern Page of the

control panel, it is automatically deselected when you

choose a Cross color for text by clicking OK in the

Color Selection dialog box.

12. If you have selected Crosses With Backstitch Outline or BackstitchOutline, click the Outline color and the Color Selection dialog box

appears. Choose a new color for the standard backstitch outlinearound the characters and click OK.

 If colors are used that are not in the palette, they are

automatically added to the palette when the text is

 fixed in the design.

13. Click Apply. The text will appear on the design in a selection box,and Box Select is automatically activated.

14. Click and drag inside the selection box to move the text to thedesired position.

15. If desired, change the text or any text options (including fillpattern) and click Apply again to change the text before it is fixedin place.

16. Click outside the selection box to set the text in place.

You must do this for each section of text if you are

 placing several sections of text. Otherwise, when you

click Apply the text in the selection box will changeinstead of placing new text.

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Text is also fixed in place when a function other than

 Box Select or Polygon Select is chosen.


Click the drop-down arrow and choose any TrueType®font installed on your computer. If text has already been

entered, the text preview will be updated.Style

Click these options to turn Bold and Italic on and off. Iftext has already been entered, the text preview will beupdated.


If multiple lines of text have been entered, use the

 Alignment to change how the lines are placed relative toeach other. Choose left, center or right alignment.


Use Height to set the size of the text. Use a minimum of12 for simple fonts such as Arial, and larger sizes forfonts with more detail. Once text has been entered, thetext preview is updated as the Height changes.

The maximum Height is 200. It is recommended toplace only one character at a time at sizes above 100.


Click in the Text box and enter the desired text. PressEnter to start a new line of text.


Click Apply and the text will appear on the design in aselection box, and Box Select is automatically activated.Click and drag inside the selection box to move the textto the desired position. The text is not fixed in placeuntil you click outside the selection box. If desired,change the text and text options and click Apply again.This can be done as often as desired until the text is setin place. This also includes choosing different fill

patterns, but you must return to the Letter Page of thecontrol panel to Apply the text and see the pattern used.

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 If a fill pattern is selected, you can adjust how it fills

the text by moving the text then clicking Apply. When

the fill pattern has the desired appearance, move the

text to its final position and click outside the selection


Text is also fixed in place when a function other than Box Select or Polygon Select is chosen.

Text Preview and Real Size

The text preview shows the grid squares that are used tomake the shapes of the characters. Use this as a guide when setting the Height to ensure the characters havethe desired amount of detail.

The Real Size shows how large the selection area aroundthe text will be when it is placed in the design. This isshown as crosses and in millimeters. The millimeter sizealso depends on the current Cross Size set for the designin Hoop Preferences.

Place TrueType Text As

These options control the way the text is converted to

crosses and backstitch.

Crosses/Fill Pattern

Select Crosses/Fill Pattern to use the currently selectedCross color or fill pattern for the characters.

Crosses With Backstitch Outline

Select Crosses With Backstitch Outline to use thecurrently selected Cross color or fill pattern for thecharacters, and have an outline of standard backstitch inthe currently selected Outline color.

Backstitch Outline

Select Backstitch Outline to place the characters as anoutline of standard backstitch in the currently selectedOutline color.

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Select Smooth to make the edges of characters smoothby using three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses. Itis recommended to use this only for large characters.

Cross Color 

Click the Cross color and Color Selection dialog box

appears, so you can choose a new cross color for thetext.

 If a fill pattern is selected on the Pattern Page of the

control panel, it is automatically deselected when you

choose a Cross color for text by clicking OK in the

Color Selection dialog box. This also happens when

 you choose a Cross color for shapes.

Outline Color 

Click the Outline color and the Color Selection dialogbox appears, so you can choose a new color for thestandard backstitch outline around the characters.

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Fixed TextSelect Fixed Text on the LetterPage of the control panel toplace text using pre-definedfonts. Fixed Text is appliedaccording to the design of thecharacters, which can includeany type of stitch.

How to Use1. Click the Letter tab on the control


2. Click Fixed Text at the top of theLetter Page.

3. Enter the desired text in the Textbox. Press Enter for extra lines oftext. The preview will be updatedas text is entered.

 For Fixed Text, the preview automatically updates to

 show, in 2D, the characters that have been entered inthe chosen Font with the selected colors. The Alignment

is also shown if there is more than one line of text.

4. Click the drop-down arrow and choose the desired Fixed font.

The font names include additional information to the

actual name of the lettering style. 2C and 3C indicate

the font uses two or three colors. UC indicates the font

has only uppercase characters. LC indicates the font

has only lowercase characters. At the end of the font

name is the font size, which is the height of the 'A'

character in grid squares.. For instance, Sans Cross 3C

7 uses three colors and the 'A' is seven grid squares


5. If there is more than one line of text, choose Left, Center or Right

Alignment.6. To use different colors, click the desired box under Fixed Text

Colors and the Color Selection dialog box appears. Choose a newcolor and click OK.

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When a new color is chosen, all stitches in the current

 font that use the color will be affected. The colors are

reset when the font is reselected.

 If colors are used that are not in the palette, they are

automatically added to the palette when the text is

 fixed in the design.

7. Click Apply. The text will appear on the design in a selection box,and Box Select is automatically activated.

8. Click and drag inside the selection box to move the text to thedesired position.

9. If desired, change the text or any text options and click Apply againto change the text before it is fixed in place.

10. Click outside the selection box to set the text in place.

You must do this for each section of text if you are

 placing several sections of text. Otherwise, when you

click Apply the text in the selection box will change

instead of placing new text.

Text is also fixed in place when a function other than

 Box Select or Polygon Select is chosen.

 Fill patterns are not used by Fixed Text fonts when the

text is applied. However, the characters may be flood

 filled with any pattern after they have been fixed in



Click the drop-down arrow and choose any Fixed Text

font installed on your computer for 3D Cross Stitcher. Iftext has already been entered, the text preview will beupdated.


If multiple lines of text have been entered, use the Alignment to change how the lines are placed relative toeach other. Choose left, center or right alignment.

TextClick in the Text box and enter the desired text. PressEnter to start a new line of text.

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Click Apply and the text will appear on the design in aselection box, and Box Select is automatically activated.Click and drag inside the selection box to move the textto the desired position. The text is not fixed in placeuntil you click outside the selection box. If desired,

change the text and text options and click Apply again.This can be done as often as desired until the text is setin place.

Text is also fixed in place when a function other than

 Box Select or Polygon Select is chosen.

Text Preview and Real Size

The text preview shows the entered text in the chosenFixed Font in 2D mode. The preview is updated as textis entered and when any text options are changed.

The Real Size shows how large the text will be when it isplaced in the design. This is shown as crosses and inmillimeters. The millimeter size also depends on thecurrent Cross Size set for the design in HoopPreferences.

Fixed Text Colors

Fixed Text fonts can have up to three colors in them.Click the desired color and Color Selection dialog boxappears, so you can choose a new color. When a newcolor is chosen, all stitches in the current font that usethe color will be affected. The colors are reset when thefont is selected again.

 Fill patterns do not affect Fixed Text fonts.

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Design New Fixed Text Fonts You may use 3D Cross Stitcher to design your own FixedText fonts.

How to Use1. Start a new design.

2. Create the desired character shapes, using any stitch types. Use amaximum of three palette colors.

3. Use Color Configuration to Remove Unused Colors so that onlyone, two or three colors remain in the palette.

4. Save the design.

5. Create a new empty Fixed Font with File, Configure Fixed Font.Enter a Font Name, set the Line Height and Baseline, then clickCreate New. The Configure Font dialog box will close, and the

empty font is now available for saving characters.6. Select each character in turn and save it in the new Fixed Font with

Save Char on the Letter Page of the control panel.

 It is recommended to use Box Select for selecting a

character to save. Avoid selecting extra squares above

and to the sides of the character. For characters above

the baseline, select blank squares below the character

 so that they will be at the correct height above the


 Remember to assign at least one blank square to the

Space character (32).

7. If desired, use File, Configure Fixed Font to adjust kerning for thefont.

8. Use the font in your cross stitch designs.

Select the

character only 

 Avoid selecting extra


Select blank squares

below characters that sitabove the baseline

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Design Considerations

Characters can be designed using any stitch type. Youmay also wish to consider:

• Color s• Stitch Layers and Jump Stitches• Using an Existing Font as a Template


Fixed Fonts can contain a maximum of three differentcolors. You will not be able to save a character if youselect an area in a design with more than three colors inthe palette. Use Remove Unused Colors in ColorConfiguration to remove extra colors from the design where you are designing your characters.

When you have saved all the characters in a font, you

can change the font colors in Color Configuration. It is

recommended to avoid this until a font is complete.

 When designing a font, try to keep a consistent theme with colors. For example, make all uppercase charactersthe same color, or use the same color for all crosses orall outlines.

Remember that the color order for stitching out may bedifferent to the color order you use to design thecharacters. Do not place stitches on top of each other where this may change the appearance of the font. Forexample, do not place French knots in one color overbackstitch in a different color, as the color order may bereversed when stitching.

Stitch Layers and Jump Stitches

Try to minimize the use of isolated stitches as this willhelp to reduce the number of jump stitches that needtrimming when the font is stitched out. Where possible,try to ensure that all crosses or backstitch of a particularcolor are connected in a single character. Some jumpsare unavoidable, such as the dot above 'i' and 'j'.

If you need to use both standard and freehand backstitchin the same characters, ensure that they are notoverlapped and, if they are the same color, ensure the

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end points are connected so extra jumps are notneeded. Where possible, use short sections of freehandbackstitch as this will improve its connectivity to anystandard backstitch.

Using an Existing Font as a Template

If you have a TrueType® or OpenType® font that is

similar to the font you wish to create, use it as atemplate to get started with your new font. Placecharacters with the colors you wish to use, then adjustthem as desired before saving them to your new font.

Character Sets

 You do not need to digitize every character in a font. Forinstance, if you are designing a monogram font, you may

prefer to digitize only the uppercase characters. See the3D Cross Stitcher Fonts Guide for examples of charactersets in the fonts that are provided with 3D CrossStitcher.

The recommended character sets are:

• Basic Character Set• Extended Character Set

• Super-Extended Character SetBasic Character Set

To make a basic character set that is appropriate forgeneral text, you need letters, numbers and somepunctuation. As a minimum, consider digitizing thefollowing characters:

 A B C D E F G H I J K L M

N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l mn o p q r s t u v w x y z

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 spc! " @ $ £ % & * ( ) - +_ \ = / ? ' ; # , . :

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130 3D Cross Stitcher: Creating Text

Their positions and ASCII codes in the Select Characterdialog are as follows:

 You can optionally leave out the lowercase letters tohave an uppercase font. This is usually indicated byhaving UC in the font name. Monograms are complex

(often multi-color) characters that are intended forstitching at large sizes. A basic uppercase character set isoften appropriate for monograms.

Extended Character Set

The extended character set is a good choice if the font will be used for Western languages other than English. Inaddition to the basic character set, the following

characters should be digitized to make a completeextended character set:

 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï ÐÑ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ßà á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ðñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ  




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R 082




 V 086

 W 087


 Y 089


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q 113

r 114




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The positions and ASCII codes of the extended characterset in the Select Character dialog box are as follows:

Super-Extended Character Set

This provides all the characters in the extendedcharacter set, plus extra useful characters andpunctuation marks. In addition to the extendedcharacter set, the following characters should be

digitized to make a complete super-extended characterset:

< > [ ] { | } ~ Š Œ Ž ‘ ’“ ” ˜ ™ š œ ž Ÿ ¡ ¢ ¥ © ®




# 035



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( 040







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 W 087


 Y 089


 \ 092







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r 114




 v 118

 w 119


 y 121


128 £ 163

 À 192

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 Â 194

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 Ä 196

 Å 197























 Ý 221


















 ï 239













 ý 253


 ÿ 255

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The positions and ASCII codes of the super-extendedcharacter set in the Select Character dialog box are asfollows:




# 035



& 038


( 040







 / 047


















 A 065










K 075







R 082




 V 086

 W 087


 Y 089



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r 114




 v 118

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128Š138 Œ140 Ž142










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 Ä 196

 Å 197




















































235 ì


237 î

238 ï 














 ý 253


 ÿ 255

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Configure Fixed Font

Use Configure Fixed Font to create new Fixed Fonts andadjust settings for existing Fixed Fonts.


Keys: Alt, F, F

Create a New Font1. Click File, Configure Fixed Font and the Configure Font dialog boxappears.

2. Click in the Font Name box and enter a name for the new font. Ifyou wish to indicate the height of the 'A' character in the name, putthis at the end of the name.

3. Enter the Line Height for the font. This is the height of the 'A'character in grid squares, plus the number of grid squares abovethe uppercase characters for accent characters, plus space below

the baseline for descenders, plus at least one more grid square forspacing multiple lines of text in the font.

Baseline Height

'A' Height for Font Name

Accent and Multiple Line Space

Total LineHeight

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4. Enter the Baseline for the font. This is the space for descendersbelow the baseline, plus the allowance you have made for multiplelines of text.

5. Click Create New. The Configure Font dialog box will close andthe empty font is now available for saving characters.

 If you have already used the Configure Font dialog box

in this session of 3D Cross Stitcher, there may be font

colors shown. These will not be used for the new font.

The font colors are set by adding characters to the font.

Font Name

Use the Font Name box to select a font you wish toconfigure, or to enter the name of a new font.

For naming new fonts, you may wish to add any of thefollowing to the end of the font name:

• 2C: The font uses two colors.• 3C: The font uses three colors.• UC: The font has only uppercase characters.• LC: The font has only lowercase characters.

 You may also wish to add a number at the end thatindicates the height of the 'A' character in grid squares. All the standard fonts supplied with 3D Cross Stitcher

have this.

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Line Height

The Line Height is the full height, in grid squares,needed to allow space for the characters. This is theheight of the 'A', plus space above for accents onuppercase characters, plus space below for descenders,plus at least one more grid square below for spacebetween multiple lines of text. It should only be

necessary to set the Line Height when creating a newfont, but you may adjust it later.

 Descenders are the parts of characters such as 'Ç', 'g'

and 'y’ that extend below the baseline.

The Line Height is used when adding text to a design todetermine the height of the selection box in which the

text appears. If a character is too big to fit within theselection box, it will be truncated.


The baseline is the imaginary line on which characterssit. This is set as the number of squares from the bottomsquare allowed for Line Height on which the characters will sit. Hence, this is the space you have allowed for thedescenders.

 If the Baseline is set too high, characters may be

'pushed out' of the top of the space allowed by the Line

 Height. This will truncate them when the font is used

in a design.

Create New

Click Create New to make a new blank font with thecurrent Font Name, Line Height and Baseline. TheConfigure Font dialog box will close.

This has no effect if the Font Name already exists.

Configure Chars

Click the Configure Chars button to see the ConfigureCharacters dialog box for the currently selected font.

The Configure Characters dialog box is the same as theSave Characters dialog box, except that you may onlymake changes to existing characters instead of adding

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new ones. Use it to make corrections to the Placementand Kerning settings. The settings are only changed forthe character shown when you click OK.

 If you have made configuration changes to the current

 font, these changes will be lost if you open the

Configure Characters dialog box. If you want to keep

any changes, click OK to save configuration changes,then select File, Configure Fixed Font again and then

click Configure Chars.


The color squares show the current colors used by thefont. Changing these colors will permanently change thefont colors. Click a color square and the Color Seletion

dialog box appears so you can choose a different color.

To make temporary changes to colors when adding

text to a design, use the Fixed Text Colors on the Letter

 Page of the control panel.


Kerning is used to control how close characters will be

to each other when the font is used to place text.See “Kerning” on page 140.

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Save Character 

Use Save Character to save the current selection as acharacter in a Fixed Font.

The Save Char button is not available if there are more

than three colors in the palette. Use Remove Unused

Colors in Color Configuration to reduce the palette to

the colors used to design the font.

The selected area is shown in the preview on thebottom left.

Select the font and character position. If required, adjustthe placement and kerning settings. Click OK to savethe character.


Letter Page: Save Char button

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Font Name

 When the Save Character dialog box is used for the firsttime in a 3D Cross Stitcher session, no font is selected. Afont must be selected before a character can be saved.Click the drop-down arrow and select the font you wishto save to.

Character This shows the number of the selected character. Youmay also type a number directly into this box to selectthe corresponding character.

Character Select

Click the character where you wish to save the currentselection from the design. Characters that have already

been saved are highlighted. To replace an existingcharacter, simply select that character.

Use this to select the character to adjust when using

Configure Characters.

Character Preview

The character preview shows the area you have selected

on the design. In Configure Characters, this shows the stitches that

make up the selected character.


Use the Placement settings to remove any unwantedblank space to the left or right of the character, and tomove up the baseline for characters that extend belowthe baseline.

 Notice that the box titles are color coded to match the

 placement lines on the character preview.

 If there are unwanted stitches on the left or right of the

 selection, do not save the character as these stitches

may reappear in the spaces between this and other

characters. Instead, click Cancel, make a more precise

 selection of the required character, then click Save

Chars again.

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Use Left to move the red placement line on the left ofthe character preview, to remove blank columns on theleft.


Use Width to move the blue placement line on the right

of the character, to remove blank columns on the right.


Use Baseline tomove the greenplacement lineup, so thatcharacters that

descend belowthe baseline willsit correctly on the baseline.

Kerning Classes

Kerning is used to control how close characters will beto each other when the font is used to place text.

Left Hand Class

The Left Hand Class is used to group characters thathave the same shape, for kerning purposes, on the lefthand side. Enter a number for a new class, or click thedrop-down arrow and select an existing class withcharacters that have the same shape on their left side.

Right Hand Class

The Right Hand Class is used to group characters that

have the same shape, for kerning purposes, on the righthand side. Enter a number for a new class, or click thedrop-down arrow and select an existing class withcharacters that have the same shape on their right side.

For more information, see “Kerning” on page 140.


Click Delete to remove the definition for the currently

selected character from the currently selected font. Thisaction is immediate and may not be reversed.

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Click OK to save the currently selected character.


Kerning is used to control how close characters will beto each other when the font is used to place text.

 Kerning does not affect the design of the characters. Itonly affects the placement of adjacent characters when

the font is used. If you prefer not to use kerning, leave

all characters assigned to class 0 on both sides. Then

ajdust the spacing using the selection functions when

the font is used.

Kerning classes allow groups of characters to be

grouped according to their shape on the left (Left HandClasses), and then grouped separately according to theirshape on the right (Right Hand Classes). The kerningtable in Font Configuration is then used to adjust thekerning (spacing) between the left and right classes.Kerning values in the kerning table are measured in gridsquares.

To use kerning, assign characters to a numbered left

and/or right kerning class in the Save Character orConfigure Characters dialog box.

Class 0 (zero) is the default kerning class and charactersshould be assigned to this if they have no specialkerning requirement. Many characters will be in thedefault class 0 on one side, and a different class on theother side. For example, 'F' and 'L' would typically be inLeft Hand Class 0 and in two different Right Hand


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 Also, the samecharacter in differentfonts may havedifferent kerningrequirements. Theexample shows three versions of the 'W' character. Thetwo on the left can belong to the default Class 0 on both

sides, because the sides are flat and have no kerningrequirements. The right hand W would need assigningto kerning classes so that it can be placed closer to othercharacters such as 'o' (both sides) and 'L' (when L is onthe left).

The kerning table increases in size as characters areassigned to new kerning classes. The kerning table is

shown when the font is selected in the Configure Fontdialog box. The first few characters in each kerning classare shown in the headings along the top and left of thetable.

The row headings on the left show the characters in LeftHand Classes. The Left Hand Class is used to groupcharacters that have the same shape, for kerningpurposes, on the left hand side.

The column headings across the top show thecharacters in the Right Hand Classes. The Right Hand

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Class is used to group characters that have the sameshape, for kerning purposes, on the right hand side.

Kerning values in the kerning table are measured in gridsquares. The default kerning class for both left and rightis 0, and the kerning between Left 0 and Right 0 is set to1 for new fonts. This creates one blank grid square

between all characters, unless they are assigned tokerning classes and the spacing is changed.

 It is recommended to leave the default kerning

between Left 0 and Right 0 at 1 for most fonts. There

are two possible exceptions. If you have a script font,

 you may wish to change this to 0. If you have a very

large font that needs extra space, you may wish to

change this to 2.

 When new kerning classes are created, they are initiallykerned with a value of 1 against the opposing kerningclasses. This means that the kerning table only changesthe spacing between characters if you deliberatelychange the kerning values.

To change a kerning value, click in the required row and

column then type a number. Kerning values can benegative to overlap characters, although only charactersin very large fonts will need to be overlapped by morethan -1 grid square.

Kerning Example — L and T

L and T are a typical pair of characters that will lookbetter together when they are kerned. They will bekerned according to the combination of the Right HandClass for 'L' and the Left Hand Class for 'T'.

No kerning with defaultspacing of 1 grid square

Kerned with spacing of -1grid square

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The example on the right was produced using thefollowing steps:

1. Save the characters in the font.

2. Put 'L' in a Right Hand Class numbered 24 and leave it in Class 0 onthe Left.

3. Put 'T' in Class 16 on for Left and Right.

The class numbers are given as examples only. Theycan be different for different fonts. However, the Right

 Hand Classes for these characters will always be

different, because the 'L' and 'T' have different shapes

on their right sides.

4. In the Font Configuration dialog box, find L in the headings at thetop (right hand class), and T in the headings on the left (left handclass).

5. Click in the cell where the column and row intersect. The valuewill currently be 1. Enter a value of -1 and click OK.

 When the characters are placed in a design, they will beplaced with one square overlap, as shown.

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144 3D Cross Stitcher: Editing Designs

Editing DesignsEdit Crosses, Backstitch and FrenchKnots

Draw Color and EraseLeft-click or right-click a color in the palette to choosethe left-click or right-click drawing color. Double-clickany blank square in the palette to choose a new palettecolor and set the left-click drawing color. Left-click orright-click the Erase icon to set left-click or right-click toerase stitches.

Edit CrossesUse any type of cross to replace and erase any other typeof cross. When drawing full crosses, they will replace orerase any combination of small or part crosses in a gridsquare. When drawing any other size of cross, they willreplace or erase according to their size and shape.Crosses can be drawn, replaced and erased by singleclicks or click and drag.

Edit Backstitch

Standard and freehand backstitch are edited separately.

Standard backstitch will replace existing standardbackstitch if it is drawn in the same place. Standardbackstitch can be drawn, replaced and erased by singleclicks or click and drag.

Freehand backstitch will only replace existing freehandbackstitch if it is drawn with exactly the same endpoints. If either end point is different, a new line offreehand backstitch is added. Freehand backstitch isdrawn and replaced one line at a time with click anddrag, and erased one line at a time with single clicks.

Edit French Knots

French knots are drawn, replaced and erasedindividually with single clicks. Only one French knot canexist at each half grid point.

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SelectThe select functions at the top of the Draw toolbar onthe left of the work area allow you to select an area ofstitches. A selection can be rotated in 90 degree steps,mirrored, moved, copied and cut.

 When stitches have been selected, they have a selectionbox around them on the design area. Click and draginside the selection box to move it.

When making a selection, only stitches that are on

 grid points that are completely enclosed by the

 selection line will be included in the selection. If the

 selection line crosses freehand backstitch lines, the

 freehand backstitch will not be included because youhave not completely enclosed both ends.

Inserting or Pasting a Selection

 When a new selection is added to a design by paste,insert design or the text functions, it is automaticallyselected and Box Select is activated. The selection isplaced in the top left corner of the visible design area.

Deselecting a Selection

Click the work area outside a block to deselect it. Theselection box around the block will disappear and theselection will become part of the design. Any colors inthe selection that were not in the palette will be addedto the palette.

Selections are also automatically deselected when any

new selection is added to the design, or when otherfunctions that affect the design are activated.

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Box Select

Click and drag around the area you want to select. When you release the mouse button, the selection box willshow you the extent of your selection. Click outside thebox to deselect. Only stitches that are on grid points thatare completely enclosed by the selection line will be

selected. Box Select may not be used to make new selections

when the Multiply function is active.


Draw Toolbar:

How to Use1. Click the Box Select icon.

2. Click and drag an expanding rectangle around the required area.

3. Release the mouse button when the required stitches areenclosed. They will become the current selection, indicated by arectangle.

4. To make a new selection, drag a new box around the requiredstitches.

 If the required stitches are inside the current selection, first click anywhere outside the selection to deselect.

Polygon Select

Click a series of points to create an irregular outline ofstraight lines around the desired area. Right-click whenthe area is complete. The area is closed automatically with a straight line between the last point position and

the start position. The selection box will show you theextent of your selection. Only stitches that are on gridpoints that are completely enclosed by the selection line will be selected.

 Polygon Select may not be used to make new selections

when the Multiply function is active.


Draw Toolbar:

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How to Use1. Click the Polygon Select icon.

2. Click a series of points to place a polygon around the requiredstitches.

3. When you are back near the starting point, right-click to close thepolygon. The stitches inside the polygon will become the currentselection, indicated by a selection box.

4. The line is closed automatically in a straight line between your startpoint and the point where you right-click to close the polygon. Ifyou are not close enough to your start point then you could leaveout some desired stitches by accident.

5. To make a new selection, click outside the current selection box tostart a new polygon.

 If the required stitches are inside the current selection,

 first right-click anywhere outside the selection to

deselect without starting a new polygon.

Select All

Use Select All to select the whole design automatically with Box Select. The selection box will be shownaround the edge of the design. Click outside the box, inthe work area outside the design, to deselect.

ShortcutEdit Menu: Alt, E, A 

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Modify a SelectionRotate 90

Use Rotate 90 to rotate a selection in 90 degree steps.

When a selection is rotated, the size of the selection

box may change. This helps to show the position the selection will take each time it is rotated.


Design, Design Page:


Mirror a selection vertically or horizontally using the flip

icons on the Design Page of the control panel.

Flip Horizontal

Click the Flip Horizontal icon to mirror a selectionhorizontally.


Design, Design Page:

Flip Vertical

Click the Flip Vertical icon to mirror a selection vertically.


Design, Design Page:

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Cut, Copy and PasteOnce stitches have been selected with Box Select orPolygon Select, they can be cut and copied. Onlystitches that are completely enclosed by the selectionline will be selected. The selection on the clipboard canbe pasted as many times as desired within the 3D CrossStitcher module.


Use Cut to cut out the selection and place the stitcheson the clipboard. The selection can then be pasted backin.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + X; Alt, E, T


Use Copy to copy the selection to the clipboard, without affecting the current selection. The selectioncan then be pasted back in.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + C; Alt, E, C


Use Paste to paste the selection on the clipboard back

into the design.When a selection is pasted, it does not become part of

the design until it is 'fixed' by being deselected.

Therefore, if a part of a design is copied and pasted to

a different design, new colors from the pasted selection

will not appear in the palette until the selection is

 fixed in place.

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150 3D Cross Stitcher: Editing Designs

 Embroideries that have been copied from other 3D

 Embroidery System modules may not be pasted into

 3D Cross Stitcher because they are not cross stitch

designs. However, you may use 3D Create Stitches to

copy a design from 3D Cross Stitcher to another 3D

 Embroidery System module.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + V; Alt, E, P


Use Delete to delete a selection after it has been selectedusing Box Select or Polygon Select.

This function differs from Cut because it does not placethe stitches on the Clipboard. Therefore stitches thathave been Deleted cannot be pasted into another design(although Undo can be used if the wrong stitches aredeleted).


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Del; Alt, E, D

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Undo and RedoUndo

Use Undo to reverse the last action. If you are notsatisfied with the result, click Redo.

Each time you use Undo the undone action becomes aRedo. For instance, you might erase a cross and thenUndo the erase. You could now Redo the erase or dosomething else. If you erase a different cross instead ofusing Redo then the Redo is lost, along with any otherRedos that may have followed.

There are unlimited Undo steps. Undo steps are only lost when you close a design.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + Z; Alt, E, U


Use Redo to reverse the last action that was undone byUndo. If you are not satisfied with the result, click Undo.

Redo only works if nothing has happened after the lastUndo. For instance, if you change a palette color, thenUndo and draw some croses, then it is not possible toRedo the color change because something different hashappened instead.

There are unlimited Redo steps. Redo steps are only lost when you close a design.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + Y; Alt, E, E

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152 3D Cross Stitcher: Editing Designs

Insert DesignUse Insert Design to insert an existing cross stitch design(.krz file) into the current design.

Click the Insert Designs icon and the Open dialog boxappears. Browse to the desired folder, click the design

and click Open. It is placed in the top left corner of the visible design area and automatically selected so that itcan be moved, mirrored, rotated, copied or cut.

You can use Insert Design to transfer design elements

between cross stitch design files. Simply delete all the

objects from a design except the desired design element

(for instance, in a floral design delete everything

except one flower that you want to use somewhereelse). Save the isolated design element as a new cross

 stitch design file (.krz). Open the design where you

want to insert the isolated design element, then browse

and insert it with Insert Design. If you do this several

times then you will gradually build up your own

library of design elements.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Alt, E, I

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3D Cross Stitcher: Printing 153

PrintingPage Setup

Select the information to be printed with the design,such as the Dimensions, Color Information and Notes. In

addition, the scale may be altered and a grid turned onor off. The units of measurement for the Dimensions aremm.

The Print Setup button presents a Print Setup dialogbox, where you specify the printer and its connection.


Keys: Alt, F, U

Design Scale

Select 25%, 50%, 70% or 100% scaling when printing your design. This is how large the design will printcompared to the real size of a stitched out embroidery.Use a reduced Design Scale if you want to ensure thatthe worksheet fits on one page. Use Print Preview to seehow many pages will be printed.

The design is automatically scaled down to fit on the

 page if there is not enough height or width to print it

at the chosen Design Scale.

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Select 2D or Block mode for printing the crosses in thedesign.

Use the Print button in 3D Create Stitches to print a

worksheet in 3D.


This determines whether or not a grid will be printed with the design. The grid may be printed with all thelines the same (Uniform) or with a black line every 5lines or 10 lines. Select None to show no grid.

Print Information

This determines what additional information is printed.

 All items are selected initially.


The size of the embroidery and the stitch count.

Color Information

The sequence of thread colors used and the threadspecification (range, thread number and color). The

number of stitches in each color is also shown, and thenumber of jump stitches.


 Any notes that are included with the embroidery.

Print Setup

Click the Print Setup button to see the Print Setup dialogbox that is used to select the printer, what paper to use

and the paper orientation.

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Print Setup

This is displayed when you click the Print Setup buttonin the Page Setup dialog box. The following optionsallow you to select the destination printer and itsconnection.


Select the printer you want to use.

Paper Size

Select the size of paper that the design is to be printedon.

Paper Source

Some printers offer multiple trays for different papersources. Specify the tray here.


Choose Portrait or Landscape.


Displays a dialog box that provides additional printingchoices, specific to the type of printer you haveselected.

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156 3D Cross Stitcher: Printing

Print Preview Display the design as it would appear when printed. When you choose this command, the main window willbe replaced with a print preview window in which thepage will be displayed in its printed format.

Other information, such as the Dimension, ColorInformation and Notes, is shown depending on thechoices made in Page Setup.

The print preview toolbar offers you options to zoom inand out of the page and initiate a print job. If there aremultiple pages, step through them with Next Page and

Previous Page.

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Keys: Alt, F, V 

Print Preview Toolbar 

The print preview toolbar offers you the followingoptions:

PrintBring up the print dialog box, to start a print job.

Next Page

Preview the next page to be printed. If this is grayed out when you are on Page 1 then there are no more pagesand the worksheet fits on one page.

Prev Page

Preview the previous page to be printed.

Zoom In

Take a closer look at the page to be printed.

Zoom Out

Take a larger look at the page to be printed.


Return from print preview to the editing window.

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158 3D Cross Stitcher: Printing

PrintPrint the design on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen. Otherinformation, such as the Dimensions, Color Informationand Notes is printed depending on the choices made inPage Setup. The scale may also be altered and a gridturned on or off in Page Setup.

The Print dialog box appears, where you may specifynumber of copies, the destination printer, and other

printer setup options.


Main Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl + P; Alt, F, P


Select the printer you want to use.Properties

Displays a dialog box where you can make additionalchoices about printing, specific to the type of printer you have selected.

Print to File

 When this option is checked, you will be prompted for afile name after you click OK. The print job will then besaved with the file name you specify and can be sent tothe printer at a later time.

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This is an advanced Windows® printing option.

Print Range

Select the range of pages you wish to print.


Select the number of Copies you wish to print. If youchoose to print more than one copy, you can choose toCollate the copies.

Print an Embroidery WorksheetUse the Print button in 3D Create Stitches to print a worksheet in 3D for the embroidery created from yourdesign.

See “3D Create Stitches” on page 59.

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160 3D Cross Stitcher: Preferences

PreferencesUse Preferences to set design size, number threads forcrosses and backstitch, mirrored crosses and screenoptions. The tabs in the Preferences dialog box are:

• Hoop Preferences

• Stitches Preferences• Screen Preferences

 After adjusting any Preferences, click Set As Default touse the new settings for all new designs.


Edit Toolbar:

Keys: Ctrl+M; Alt, E, R 

Hoop PreferencesChange the design size and create new Quick Hoops.

Design Size

Quick Hoop

Click the drop-down arrow and select a Quick Hoop.Quick Hoops are provided in standard hoop sizes withcommonly used cross sizes. You may also save your ownQuick Hoop definitions.

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The Quick Hoop box is blank when the Width, Heightand Cross Size do not match any available Quick Hoops.

Save As

The Save As button is only available if the current designsize settings do not match any existing Quick Hoops.

 When you have entered custom design size settings that you wish to save as a new Quick Hoop, click Save As andthe New Quick Hoop Entry dialog box appears.

The initial name is the design size and cross size inmillimeters. Edit or enter a new name and click OK. Thenew Quick Hoop is automatically selected.


Click Delete to remove the current Quick Hoop fromthe Quick Hoop list. The design size is not affected, but

the Quick Hoop box will be blank. Width and Height

Set the Width and Height in crosses (grid squares) forthe design from 5 to 400.

 When the Width and Height are is increased, gridsquares are added to the edges of the design. When the Width and Height are reduced, grid squares are removed

from the edges of the design.

Stitches at the edges of a design may be lost when the

design size is reduced. Any freehand backstitch that

has an end point outside the new design size will be


Cross Size

Set the Cross Size for the design from 1.0mm to 30.0mmin steps of 0.1mm.

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162 3D Cross Stitcher: Preferences

Hand Cross Stitch Sizes

To create cross stitch designs at the same sizes as realcounted fabrics, set the Cross Size as shown:

Design Area

This is the size of the whole design area, which is the Width x Cross Size and Height x Cross Size in

millimeters.Embroidery Size

This is the size of the embroidery that will be created,according to the stitches that have been placed on thedesign. 'No Stitches' indicates that the design is empty.

 If there are French knots at the edges of a design, the

 Embroidery Size may be larger than the Design Size.

Aida Count Cross Size

11 2.3mm

14 1.8mm

16 (also 32 on Linen) 1.6mm

18 1.4mm

22 1.2mm

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Stitches PreferencesChange the number of threads used for crosses andbackstitch throughout the design, and the top threaddirection for crosses.

Cross Threads

Change the number of threads used to stitch out crossesin the design. Click the drop-down arrow and select thedesired number of cross threads.

Increasing the number of threads will increase the stitchcount in the final embroidery.

Use Single for small cross sizes. Increase the number ofCross Threads at larger cross sizes to give differentdensity effects.

This is initially set to Single (2 Threads).

Change the number of threads used for individual palette colors in Color Configuration.

Single, Double and Triple

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The number of cross threads does not affect the display

of crosses on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen.

Backstitch Threads

Change the number of threads used to stitch outbackstitch in the design. Click the drop-down arrow and

select the desired number of backstitch threads.Increasing the number of threads will increase the stitchcount in the final embroidery.

This is initially set to Single (2 Threads).

Change the number of threads used for individual

 palette colors in Color Configuration.

The number of backstitch threads does not affect the

display of backstitch on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen.

Top Thread Direction

Change the direction of the top thread for crosses in thedesign. Select Backward or Forward, which correspondsto the half of the stitch that would be placed by Half

Cross Backward or Half Cross Forward respectively.

Use this to change the texture, with light reflectingdifferently off the threads than for the standard crosses.

This is initially set to Backward.

Change the top thread direction used for individual

 palette colors in Color Configuration.

The top thread direction does not affect the display of

crosses on the 3D Cross Stitcher screen.

Backward on top Forward on top

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Screen PreferencesSet the grid line display and remove the backgroundpicture.

Grid Lines

Change the way grid lines are displayed on the designarea. The grid may be displayed with all the lines thesame (Uniform) or with a black line every 5 lines or 10lines.

This is intially set to 5 lines.

Use the Grid icon to turn the grid on and off.

Remove Background Picture

Use Remove Background Picture to delete thebackground picture from the design. This will reducethe size of the design file stored on your computer. Theamount of reduction depends on the size of the originalpicture that was loaded in the Picture Wizard.

If there is no background picture then the button is notavailable.

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TroubleshootingError MessagesAcquiring and Loading Pictures

"Not enough memory to load this picture."This message may appear if the picture is very large. If you are loading the picture, use picture editing softwareto reduce it size. If you are acquiring the picture from ascanner or digital camera, change the settings in theacquiring or scanning application so the picture issmaller.

"LoadImage: GDI+ out of memory."This message could appear if the selected picture is nota valid picture file. For example, it might have anextension such as .bmp or .jpg, yet not be a properpicture file.

Opening Cross Stitch Designs

"Cannot open file "xx.krz". The device is not ready."

This message appears if the desired cross stitch design(.krz) file is not where the module expects it to be. Forexample, if a design was loaded into the program from afloppy disk, then closed and the floppy disk removed.The message would appear if you tried to load thedesign from the recent files list on the File menu.

"No valid cross stitch data (Unknown file format)."

This message appears if the file you are attempting toload is corrupt. For example, it might have a .krzextension, yet not be a proper cross stitch design file.

Saving Cross Stitch Designs

"Cannot create file "xx.krz". Access is denied."

This message appears if, for instance, you attempt tosave the design to a CD. A CD-ROM is read only,

therefore you will not be able to save the design.

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Editing Thread Colors

"This color is used. Do you really want to delete all stitches with

this color?"

This message appears when you click Remove Color inColor Configuration, if there are stitches using theselected color in the cross stitch design. Click Yes to

continue, for example, to remove a color that is onlyused in the background.

Choosing Thread Colors

"The color xx has been found in your database, but the thread color

is not exactly the same."

This message appears if the Thread Range and ColorNumber of the selected color are identical to those in

 your thread database, but some aspect of the color isdifferent. It could be a different material or weight, orhave additional colors as a variegated thread. This couldhappen if the design you are attempting to edit wassupplied by someone with a different version of thecolor, for instance if they have edited it in MyThreads, orif they have a later version of the thread database. If youclick OK, the color will be replaced with the near

match. You can alter it to any other color if desired. If you click Cancel, the color will not be changed. Toimport the new color from an embroidery if it is aMyThreads color, use Thread Manager in 3D Configure.To check for the latest updates for the 3D EmbroiderySystem, use Smart Update in 3D Configure.

"Could not find xx in your database. Matching to closest thread in

yy."This message appears if the Thread Range of theselected color is not found in your thread database. Thiscould happen if the design you are attempting to edit was supplied by someone with a later version of thethread database. If you click OK, the color will bereplaced with the nearest match in the Import ThreadRange you have set in 3D Configure. You can alter it to

any other color if desired. If you click Cancel, the color will not be changed. To check for the latest updates for

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the 3D Embroidery System, use Smart Update in 3DConfigure.

"Error - databases are corrupt or missing. Cannot edit the threadcolor."

This message appears if there is a problem with yourthread database. You will be unable to choose a thread

color. First close all the modules of the 3D EmbroiderySystem, close down your computer and restart. If thisdoes not clear the problem, restore a backup database if you have created one using Thread Manager in 3DConfigure. Otherwise, you need a new version of thethread database. To check for the latest updates for the3D Embroidery System, use Smart Update in 3DConfigure. Alternatively, you may need to uninstall and

reinstall your 3D Embroidery System software.Saving Embroideries

"Embroidery too large for export format."

Certain formats are limited to the number of stitchesthey can save or the size of hoop used on their specificembroidery machine, for example .sew. If you attemptto save a file in this format that is bigger than the largest

available hoop size or has more stitches than areallowed, this message would appear.

"Unrecognized file extension."

This message appears if you type an incorrect extensionthat does not belong to any embroidery types in the FileName box when trying to save a file.

"Cannot save file."This message appears if, for instance, you attempt tosave the embroidery to a CD. A CD-ROM is read only,therefore you will not be able to save the embroidery.

"Embroidery has too many stitches for file format."

There is a limit on the number of stitches that may besaved to an embroidery file in Pfaff (.pcs) file format.This message appears if the embroidery you attempt tosave to this format exceeds this limit.

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Other TopicsScreen Appearance

"I have changed grid color and spacing and now I wish to return to

the original settings."

Use 3D Configure to change the grid color. Follow the

instructions in 3D Configure and select Blue Gray (RGB values 102, 102, 153) from the standard color drop-down on the Grid Color button.

Use Screen Preferences to change the grid spacing. Setthe Grid lines to 5 lines.

"I have changed the screen background color and now I wish to

return to the original light blue."

Use 3D Configure to change the background color.Follow the instructions in 3D Configure and select theRGB values 200, 232, 247 in the Colors dialog box.

"I can't see some of the floating toolbars or icons."

First, check View, Customize to see if the missingtoolbar has been turned off. If all the toolbar names arechecked (so they are turned on) and you still cannot

locate a toolbar, it may have been moved to the edge ofthe screen so it is hard to see. If you move icons aroundit is possible to delete them.

To reset the icons on a toolbar 1. Click View, Customize to see the Customize dialog.

2. Click the Toolbar tab.

3. Click the name of the required toolbar.

4. Click Reset.

5. Click Yes to confirm. The selection of icons on the toolbar andtheir order will be reset.

"I can’t see all of the color name on the status bar."

The status bar shows the full Thread Range and ThreadNumber for all thread colors in both the StandardDatabase and MyThreads. The Thread Range and Thread

Number are used to uniquely identify each thread color.The names of colors are provided for information onlyand may not always be visible on the status bar. All colorinformation can be seen in Color Configuration.

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"I have used a variegated thread, but it is only showing as a single


Only the first color in a variegated thread is shown in across stitch design. To see the effect of a variegatedthread, use 3D Create Stitches.

"I have placed backstitch, but it is not visible at all zoom levels."

If the grid color is similar to the color of backstitch, thenthe backstitch may blend with the grid at certain zoomlevels so that it is hard to see. Turn off the gridtemporarily to see where you have placed yourbackstitch. Backstitch may also be easier to see in Blockmode.

"I have loaded a picture as a background only, but the screen is

blank when the Picture Wizard closes."The background picture and grid are not shown at thesmallest zoom level. In 3D, the fabric is also not shownat the smallest zoom level. When the Picture Wizardcloses, the screen automatically zooms to fit the designsize chosen in the Picture Wizard. If the design size waslarge, then the smallest zoom level is used. As there areno stitches, the screen appears to be blank because thepicture, fabric and grid are not shown. Zoom in to seethe picture, fabric and grid.

"I can’t see the picture, fabric or grid when I Zoom To Fit."

The background picture and grid are not shown at thesmallest zoom level. In 3D, the fabric is also not shownat the smallest zoom level. When Zoom To Fit is used,the smallest zoom level may be used if the design islarge. Zoom in to see the picture, fabric and grid.

Using the Picture Wizard

"My scanner or digital camera is not shown when I try to Select

Source, or the Select Source button is grayed out."

The manufacturer of a TWAIN device must provide aSource Manager and a TWAIN Data source for yourdevice to work with 3D Cross Stitcher. These willnormally be installed when you install the software anddrivers provided with the device. If you have installed adevice and it is not shown in the list then it may not be

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TWAIN compliant. Refer to the device documentationand manufacturer for assistance.

"When I choose a Quick Hoop in the Picture Wizard, the QuickHoop box goes blank again after I have selected one from the list."

 When a QuickHoop is selected, the best fit of thecurrent crop area on the picture is used so that it fits

inside the chosen hoop. This sets the Height, Width andCross Size for the design. After the Height, Width andCross Size have been set, they may no longer be an exactmatch to the chosen Quick Hoop. Therefore, the QuickHoop box is shown as blank again, but your design willnow fit in the desired hoop.

Loading Cross Stitch Designs

"I can't drag and drop designs from the Open dialog box."

To drag and drop cross stitch designs onto the workarea, right-click Start, then Explore to start Windows®Explorer. Then follow the instructions under Drag andDrop.

Flood Fill

"I have loaded a picture as a background only, but Flood Fill coversthe whole picture when I try to fill colored areas of the picture."

Flood Fill is not affected by areas of color in abackground picture. An empty area of the design can beflood filled until it meets existing crosses and backstitch. A connected area of the same colored crosses can beflood filled until it meets an empty area, backstitch orcrosses in a different color. To clearly see the areas that will be flood filled, turn off the background picture.

"Flood Fill does not fill the whole area as expected."

In some cases, the fill will not go through narrow areas.If the fill could not continuously connect a fill of fullcrosses through a narrow gap, the gap will act as abarrier to flood fill.

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"I have a pattern that uses freehand backstitch. When I use it to fill

an area it does not seem to fill the area completely or some lines of

freehand backstitch appear to be missing."

 When a pattern is used to fill an area, freehandbackstitch in the pattern will only be placed when bothend points lie within the fill area. Long sections offreehand backstitch are less likely to have both ends in

the fill area and may not give the desired result. If you wish to use freehand backstitch in a pattern, try to useshort sections where possible.

Editing Cross Stitch Designs

"When I use Rotate 90 on a selection, the selection becomes a


The selection area is extended by Rotate 90 so that you

can clearly see where the selection will be placed byeach click of the Rotate 90 icon. The stitches in theselection area are not changed.

"Nothing seems to happen sometimes when I use Undo after using


Each time you click with Erase, this is recorded as anaction you can Undo. If you click in blank space, or you

miss the item you are trying to Erase, the action is stillrecorded for Undo. Hence, when you Undo, the Eraseaction is undone, even though it seemed to have noeffect on the design.

Creating and Stitching Embroideries

"When I use 3D Create Stitches, a progress bar sometimes

appears. When it appears, it does not always progress to the end.

Have all my stitches been created?"The progress bar only appears when it takes a long timeto create the embroidery that is displayed by 3D CreateStitches. The amount of time taken depends on thepower of your computer. It appears so that you can seethat your computer is creating the stitches. All stitchesare created, regardless of how far the progress barprogresses.

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"The embroidery is larger than the design size I had selected in

Hoop Preferences."

This may happen if you have French knots on the edgesof your design. French knots are drawn by placing theircenter point on any point that snaps to half grid spacing.Therefore, if they are placed along the edges of thedesign, half the French knot will be outside the grid. If

French knots are placed on all edges of the grid, theresulting embroidery will be larger than the design bythe size of a French knot.

 French knots are only scaled in comparison to the full

cross size when the Cross Size in Preferences is set

between 2mm and 4mm. The French knots will not be

any smaller or larger than they are at these limits.

"The embroidery seems to have too many stitches."

Check the Stitches tab in Preference to ensure you donot have a large number of strands for crosses and/orbackstitch in the design. Increasing the number ofstrands will increase the number of stitches.

"The embroidery is very thick when it stitches out."

Check the Stitches tab in Preference to ensure you donot have a large number of strands for crosses and/orbackstitch in the design. Increasing the number ofstrands will increase the density of stitches.

"There seem to be some very thick lines of stitching where I used

backstitch in the design."

Standard Backstitch and Freehand Backstitch are drawnon two separate layers in 3D Cross Stitcher, but they arestitched out together if they are the same color. Inaddition to this, Freehand Backstitch can be placed inmultiple layers over the same line, as long as the endpoints of each line are different.

This is used, for example, to place different colors ofFreehand Backstitch on top of each other to secure theedges of lace. Each layer will stitch out separately

according to the color order in the design, but the samethread color is used in the stitch-out to give a singlecolor to the lace effect.

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Designing Fixed Fonts

"I have selected a character I have designed, but the Save Char

button is greyed out on the Letter tab."

The Save Char button is not available if there are morethan three colors in the palette. Use Remove UnusedColors in Color Configuration to reduce the palette to

the colors used to design the font.

"I have saved all my characters, but when I try to use the font there

is nothing shown in the preview, and nothing appears on the design

 when I click Apply."

Use Configure Fixed Font on the File menu to check that you have set the Line Height and Baseline valuescorrectly. The Line Height should be the height of the

'A', plus space above for accents on uppercasecharacters, plus space below for descenders, plus atleast one more grid square below for space betweenmultiple lines of text. The Baseline should be theamount of grid squares that is allowed for descenders. Ifthe Baseline is set to the same or greater than the LineHeight, this may also cause nothing to appear when thefont is used.

General fault diagnosisTo try to determine the cause of any odd difficulties with the 3D Embroidery System, the best method is toreboot the computer in safe mode. If the problem isthen solved, you know that some clash of hardware and/ or software such as device drivers is to blame. You canthen obtain more help from your computer dealer toanalyze the cause and reconfigure your computer if


To start Windows in Safe Mode1. Close all programs.

2. Click Start, and then click Shut Down or Turn Off Computer,whichever is shown.

3. Click Restart. If necessary, click OK to confirm.

4. Your computer will shut down and restart.

5. As your computer restarts, press and hold the F8 key until a menuof Windows startup options appears.

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When you hold down the F8 key, your computer may

beep rapidly and report keyboard errors as it restarts.

 Release the F8 key briefly to skip any errors and press

 F8 again until you have the Startup Menu on your


6. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight Safe mode, and then

press ENTER.

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Quick Reference GuideMenusFile Menu

New Start a new cross stitch design.Ctrl + N

Open Open an existing cross stitch design.Ctrl + O

Save Save the design with its current name.Ctrl + S

Save As Save the design with a new name.

Configure FixedFont

Change fixed fonts and create new empty fixedfonts.

Load Picture Open a picture to convert to crossesautomatically or use as a background image.

Export Picture Save the cross stitch design as an image.

Print Print a worksheet for the current design.Ctrl + P

Print Preview View the design as it will appear when printed.Page Setup Setup options for printing a worksheet.

Recent Files Open a recently used cross stitch design.

Exit Close the module. Alt + F4

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Edit Menu

Undo Undo the last action.Ctrl + Z

Redo Redo the last action.Ctrl + Y 

Cut Remove the selection and place the selection

on the clipboard.Ctrl + X

Copy Copy the selection to the clipboard.Ctrl + C

Paste Paste the current contents of the clipboard as anew selection.Ctrl + V 

Delete Delete the current selection.

DelSelect All Select everything in the design.

Preferences Set hoop size and stitch options.Ctrl + M

Insert Design Browse for designs and insert one into thecurrent design.

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View Menu

QuickLink Menu

Help Menu

Customize Customize toolbars and menus.

Grid Show or hide the background grid.

Picture Show or hide the background picture.Ctrl + I

ZoomZoom InIncrease magnification.Ctrl + Q

Zoom OutDecrease magnification.

Zoom To FitFit work area to screen.

Ctrl + A 

Real SizeShow design at magnification set for Real Size.

Cross Mode

Block  View the design in Block mode.


 View the design in 2D Cross mode.3D View the design in 3D Cross mode.

3D Create Stitches Create stitches for viewing in 3D, saving,copying or printing.Ctrl + R 

Hide Colors Show selected colors and object types only.

3D Configure Link to the 3D Configure setup utility.

Help Topics List help topics.F1

 About 3D CrossStitcher 

Display module information, version numberand copyright.

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ToolbarsMain Toolbar 

Edit Toolbar 

New  Start a new cross stitch design.

Open Open an existing cross stitch design.

Load Picture Open a picture to convert to crossesautomatically or use as a background image.

3D Create Stitches Create stitches for viewing in 3D, saving,copying or printing.

Save As Save the design with a new name.

Print Print a worksheet for the current design.

Help Display help for clicked on icons.

Undo Undo the last action.

Redo Redo the last action.

Cut Remove the selection and place the selectionon the clipboard.

Copy  Copy the selection to the clipboard.

Paste Paste the current contents of the clipboard as anew selection.

Delete Delete the current selection.

Preferences Set hoop and cross size, stitch options and gridsize.

Insert Design Browse for designs and insert one into thecurrent design.

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View Toolbar 

QuickLink Toolbar 

Picture Show or hide the background picture.

Grid Show or hide the background grid.

Zoom In Increase magnification.

Zoom Out Decrease magnification.

Zoom To Fit Fit the work area to the screen.

Real Size Show design at magnification set for Real Size.

Cross Mode Block  View the design in Block mode.

2D Cross View the design in 2D Cross mode.

3D Cross View the design in 3D Cross mode.

Hide Colors Show selected colors and object types only.

3D Configure Link to the 3D Configure setup utility.

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Draw Toolbar 

Box Select Select a block of stitches by opening a square orrectangular box around it.

Polygon Select Select a block of stitches by drawing anirregular outline around it.

Full Cross Place and edit Full Crosses.

Quarter Cross Place and edit Quarter Crosses.

Half Cross Forward Place and edit Half Forward Crosses.

Half CrossBackward

Place and edit Half Backward Crosses.

Mini Cross Place and edit Mini Crosses.

Half Width Cross Place and edit Half Width Crosses.

Half Height Cross Place and edit Half Height Crosses


Place and edit Backstitch that follows grid lines.



Place and edit Backstitch of any length.

French Knot Place and edit French Knots.

Flood Fill Flood Fill an area with crosses or the current FillPattern.

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Control PanelsDesign Page

Color Select


Enter up to 1000 characters in the Notes for additionalinformation about the design.



Use Multiply

Turn Multiply on and off. The blue reflection lines areshown on the design when Multiply is switched on.

SetupClick the Setup button to choose Multiply options in theMultiply dialog box.

Left-Click Color  The color (or Erase) used for drawing (orerasing) stitches in the design with the leftmouse button.

Right-Click Color  The color (or Erase) used for drawing (orerasing) stitches in the design with the rightmouse button.

Erase Set left-click or right-click to Erase.

Pick Color  Left-click or right-click a color in the design to

set it as the left-click or right-click drawingcolor.

Palette The palette shows up to 96 colors that areavailable for drawing new stitches in the design.


 Adjust and order thread colors.

Flip Vertical Mirror the selection from end to end.

Flip Horizontal Mirror the selection from side to side.

Rotate 90 Rotate the selection in 90 degree steps.

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Multiply Preview

 A preview of how actions will be multiplied across thereflection lines.


Show help for the control panel.

Pattern PageFill Pattern

Use Fill Pattern

This is checked automatically when a Fill Pattern ischosen. Click to turn off the current Fill Pattern.


Click the drop-down arrow and choose a category of fillpatterns. The Pattern List will show patterns in thechosen category.


The full name of the currently selected pattern.

Pattern List

Scroll up and down the list, or use Page Up and Page

down, and click the desired pattern to select it.

Colors and Pattern Sample

The colors used by the pattern, and a sample of how thecolors are used in the pattern. Click a color square touse a different color when drawing or flood filling withthe pattern. The sample shows the new color.

Save NewClick Save New to save the current selection as a newpattern.

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Shape Drawing Options


Use this color for crosses inside the shape when drawingFilled Backstitch, Filled Cross Outline or Solid Cross OrFill shapes. Click the Cross color square and the ColorSelection dialog box appears so you can choose a

different thread color. If a fill pattern is selected, it isautomatically deselected when you choose a new crosscolor.

Rectangle Click and drag to draw a rectangle, or holddown Shift to draw a square.

 Angled Square Click and drag to draw an angled square.

Ellipse Click and drag to draw an ellipse, or hold downShift to draw a circle.

 Arc Click and drag to draw an ellipse, then click toplace each end of the segment.

Triangle Click and drag to draw a triangle, or hold downShift to draw at any angle.

Pentagon Click and drag to draw a pentagon at any angle.

Hexagon Click and drag to draw a hexagon at any angle.

Octagon Click and drag to draw an octagon at any angle.

Polygon Place points to draw an irregular shape, thenright-click to finish and close the shape.

Backstitch Outline Draw shapes as freehand backstitch outlines.

Filled Backstitch  Draw shapes as an outline of standardbackstitch, filled with crosses or the selectedFill Pattern.

Cross Outline Draw shapes as an outline of crosses, one cross wide.

Filled CrossOutline

Draw shapes as an outline of crosses, filled withcrosses or the selected Fill Pattern.

Solid Cross or Fill Draw shapes filled with crosses or the selectedFill Pattern and no outline.

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Use this color for backstitch and cross outlines aroundshapes when drawing Backstitch Outline, FilledBackstitch, Cross Outline or Filled Cross Outline shapes.Click the Outline color square and the Color Selectiondialog box appears so you can choose a different threadcolor.


Use Smooth to smooth the outline around shapes byusing three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.Smooth only affects Filled Backstitch or Solid Cross OrFill shapes.


Show help for the control panel.Letter Page

TrueType Text

Click TrueType Text to convert TrueType® orOpenType® characters to crosses, crosses withbackstitch outlines or backstitch outlines. If a fill patternis selected, it will be used in place of crosses when the

text is applied.

Fixed Text

Select Fixed Text to place text using pre-defined fonts.Fixed Text is applied according to the design of thecharacters, which can include any type of stitch.


Click the drop-down arrow and choose any TrueType®or Fixed Text font, according to the current typeselected. If text has already been entered, the textpreview will be updated.

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HeightUse Height to set the size of TrueType® text. Thisoption is not available for Fixed Text.


Click in the Text box and enter the desired text. PressEnter to start a new line of text.


Click Apply and the text will appear on the design in aselection box, and Box Select is automatically activated.Click and drag inside the selection box to move the text.If desired, change the text and text options and click Apply again. The text is not fixed in place until you clickoutside the selection box.

Save Char 

Click Save Char to save the current selection as acharacter in a Fixed Text font. The Save Char buttondoes not become available if the design palette containsmore than three colors.

Text Preview

The text preview shows the grid squares that are used tomake the shapes of the characters for TrueType® text,

or the entered text in the chosen Fixed Font in 2Dmode. The preview is updated as text is entered and when any text options are changed.

Bold Place Bold TrueType® text. This option is notavailable for Fixed Text.

Italic Place Italic TrueType® text. This option is notavailable for Fixed Text.

Left Align Place multiple lines of text with a straight leftedge.

Center Align Place multiple lines of text that are centeredabove and below each other.

Right Align Place multiple lines of text with a straight rightedge.

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Real Size

The Real Size shows how large the selection area aroundthe text will be when it is placed in the design. This isshown as crosses and in millimeters. The millimeter sizealso depends on the current Cross Size set for the designin Hoop Preferences.

Place TrueType Text AsThese options control the way the text is converted tocrosses and backstitch. These options are not availablefor Fixed Text.

Crosses/Fill Pattern

Use the currently selected Cross color or fill pattern forthe characters.

Crosses With Backstitch Outline

Use the currently selected Cross color or fill pattern forthe characters, and have an outline of standardbackstitch in the currently selected Outline color.

Backstitch Outline

Place the characters as an outline of standard backstitchin the currently selected Outline color.


Make the edges of characters smooth by using three-quarter crosses rather than full crosses.

Cross Color 

Click the Cross color and Color Selection dialog boxappears, so you can choose a new cross color for the

text.Outline Color 

Click the Outline color and the Color Selection dialogbox appears, so you can choose a new color for thestandard backstitch outline around the characters.

Fixed Text Colors

Fixed Text fonts can have up to three colors in them.

Click the desired color and Color Selection dialog boxappears, so you can choose a new color. All stitches in

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the current font that use the color will be affected. Thecolors are reset when the font is selected again.

Fill patterns do not affect Fixed Text fonts. These colorsare not used by TrueType® Text.


Show help for the control panel.

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100%........................................................ 702D Cross Mode........................................ 793D

Configure .................................. 78, 80Create Stitches................................. 59

Cross Mode...................................... 78A

 About......................................................... 3 Add

Borders ............................................ 65Color .........................................76, 93Decorative Dot ................................ 48Heart Squares .................................. 36

 Adjust Picture in 3D PictureStitch........... 67 Aida Fabric RGB values ........................... 79 Alignment.............................. 121, 125, 186

 Angled Square ....................................... 113 Apply ..................................................... 186 Apply Text ..................................... 121, 126 Arc......................................................... 113 Assisi Work ..............................................15


BackgroundChange Color .................................. 21Color ............................................... 78Fabric .............................................. 78Only................................................. 71

Picture Removed ............................. 65Remove Picture ............................. 165Backstitch................................................ 99

 And French Knots ........................... 93Edit ................................................144Fill Pattern ....................................... 52Filled.............................................. 110Freehand........................................ 100Outline .......................... 110, 122, 187Outline Crosses With ....................187Outline with Crosses..................... 122Standard......................................... 100

Standard and Freehand.................... 11Stitch Points on Freehand ............. 100Threads.......................................... 164

Baseline ......................................... 135, 139Basic Character Set ................................ 129Best Fit to Quick Hoop............................71Blackwork and Redwork .........................15Block ....................................................... 79Border 

 Add .................................................. 65Draw................................................ 41

Border of Buds......................................... 32

Box Select.............................................. 146


Category ................................................183Create New ...................................118

Remove Patterns............................118Central Triangle .......................................49Change

Background Color............................21Color................................................91Thread Colors..................................85Thread Range...................................20

Character ...............................................138Preview..........................................138Save................................................137

Select .............................................138Character Set


Character Sets........................................129Characters

Configure.......................................138Create Lower Case...........................45Create Uppercase ............................47Truncated.......................................135

ChoosePicture .......................................17, 66Quick Hoop .....................................18Thread Colors..................................85

Circle .......................................................48Class

Kerning..........................................139Left Hand .......................................139Right Hand.....................................139

Clear All Colors........................................77Click...........................................................4Close ..................................................3, 157

Color  Add ............................................76, 93Background......................................78Change.............................................91Change Background.........................21Combinations ..................................14Configuration.............................32, 90Converting Thread.............................5Cross ..............................111, 123, 187Delete ..............................................76Draw ..............................................144Grid..................................................80

Information....................................154Outline...........................112, 123, 187Palette ..............................................85Pick............................................77, 89Reduce Changes ..............................64Remove............................................94Replace ............................................93Select .............................................182Selection ..........................................87

Color Order .............................................64Considerations.................................92

Colors ......................................88, 128, 136 And Pattern Sample .......................183Choose and Change.........................85Clear All ...........................................77Configure.........................................37

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Fill Patterns.................................... 117Fixed Text.............................. 126, 187Hide................................................. 84Left-Click and Right-Click................ 89Load................................................. 77Merge Identical Thread ................... 77Number ............................... 74, 76, 92Quick............................................... 88Remove Unused ........................ 30, 94Select Thread Range and Number... 19

Start With ........................................ 73Thread................................. 74, 75, 76Unused ............................................ 94

Combinations of Color............................ 14Configuration .......................................... 90

Color ......................................... 32, 90Configure

Characters ..................................... 138Chars ............................................. 135Colors .............................................. 37Fixed Font ..................................... 133

ConsiderationsColor Order ..................................... 92Design ........................................... 128

Control Panel..................................... 8, 182Conventions and Terms ............................ 4Converting Thread Colors.........................5Copies ................................................... 159Copy................................................ 60, 149Count Threads................................... 13, 91Create

Backstitch Fill Pattern...................... 52Door Details .................................... 29

Happy House Text........................... 33Lower Case Characters.................... 45New............................................... 135New Category ............................... 118New Font....................................... 133Numbers.......................................... 46Stitches ...................................... 59, 95Text ............................................... 119Title Decoration with Multiply........ 43Title Text ......................................... 42Uppercase Characters ..................... 47

 Welcome Text ................................. 33

Crop Picture and Choose Quick Hoop ... 18Cross...................................................... 184

Color ............................. 111, 123, 187Filled Outline................................. 111Full .................................................. 95Half Backward ................................. 96Half Forward.................................... 96Half Height ...................................... 98Half Width ....................................... 97Mini ................................................. 96Mode ............................................... 78

Outline .......................................... 110Quarter ............................................ 95Size .................................... 13, 71, 161Threads.......................................... 163

Cross Stitch Design

Files ................................................... 5Hints on Planning............................ 10Managing......................................... 55

 View................................................ 78Crosses ...................................... 61, 95, 154

 And Jump Stitches........................... 10Edit ................................................ 144Remove Isolated.............................. 64

 With Backstitch Outline........ 122, 187Crosses or Fill Pattern in Text ............... 122

Crosses/Fill Pattern ............................... 187Cut ........................................................ 149Cut, Copy and Paste.............................. 149


Decorative Dot........................................ 48Delete.................................... 139, 150, 161

Color ............................................... 76Descenders ........................................... 135Deselect Selection................................. 145Design ................................................... 182

 Area..................................... 8, 71, 162

Considerations .............................. 128Edges and French Knots ... 10, 59, 162Edit ................................................ 144Hints and Tips................................. 64Hints on Planning............................ 10Information..................................... 60Insert ....................................... 32, 152New Fixed Text Fonts ................... 127New Patterns................................. 116Page............................................... 182Print ................................................ 12Save............................... 22, 31, 39, 54Scale .............................................. 153Size.......................................... 10, 160Styles ............................................... 15

DesignsManage............................................ 55Open Recently Used ....................... 56

 View................................................ 78Desktop Shortcuts .................................... 2Different Thread Ranges ......................... 64Dimensions ........................................... 154Door Details ............................................ 29

Double-Click ............................................. 4Drag and Drop .......................................... 5Design ............................................. 57

Draw Border ............................................. 41Central Triangle............................... 49House.............................................. 24Reflected Shapes............................. 49Shape............................................. 108Toolbar.............................................. 8

 Windows......................................... 27Draw Color and Erase ........................... 144

Draw Toolbar ........................................ 181Drawing Options for Shapes ................. 184


Eastern European Cross Stitch ................ 15

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EditBackstitch...................................... 144Crosses .......................................... 144Crosses, Backstitch and French Knots

144Designs.......................................... 144French Knots................................. 144Menu .............................................177Toolbar .......................................... 179

Ellipse .................................................... 113

Embroidery Files ................................................... 5Save ................................................. 31Size ................................................162Stitch Layers and Jump Stitches ...... 10

 Worksheet Print............................. 159Enhance Eye Highlights........................... 64Enter Notes............................22, 31, 39, 54Erase ........................................................ 89

 And Draw Color ............................ 144 With Flood Fill............................... 102

Error Messages ...................................... 166Example of Kerning ..............................142Exit ............................................................ 3Export Picture ......................................... 61Extended Character Set .........................130


FabricBackground ..................................... 78RGB values for Aida......................... 79

Farmers and Small House ........................ 35File

Formats.............................................. 5Name ......................................... 56, 67

File Menu............................................... 176Files

Cross Stitch Design ........................... 5Embroidery........................................ 5Picture ...............................................5Sample............................................... 1

Files of Type ...................................... 56, 67Fill

Erase ..............................................102Flood ....................................... 10, 102

Other Cross and Stitch Types........ 107Pattern/Crosses ............................. 122Shapes .............................................51

Fill Pattern ............................................. 183Colors ............................................ 117Create Backstitch............................. 52Stitch Types................................... 117Use.................................................183

Fill the House .......................................... 28Filled

Backstitch...................................... 110Cross Outline................................. 111

Find Thread ............................................. 88Fine Movement........................................ 70Finish....................................................... 77Fit to Quick Hoop ...................................71

Fixed Text................................32, 124, 185Colors ....................................126, 187Configure Font...............................133Design New Fonts..........................127


 Vertical...........................................148Flood Fill ..........................................10, 102

Erase ..............................................102Other Cross and Stitch Types ........107

Small House .....................................28Folder Name Valid Characters ...............118Font........................................121, 125, 185

Configure Fixed .............................133Create New....................................133Design New Fixed .........................127Name .....................................134, 138Use as Template.............................129

Formats of Files..........................................5Freehand Backstitch ..............................100

 And Standard Backstitch..................11

On top of Standard Backstitch...11, 99Stitch Points...................................100French Knots .........................................101

 And Backstitch.................................93 And Jump Stitches ...........................11 At Design Edges .................10, 59, 162Edit.................................................144Scaling............................................101

Full Cross .................................................95


Getting Started...........................................1Gobelin ....................................................16Grid............................................61, 80, 154

Color................................................80Control in Picture Wizard................70Lines...............................................165Show................................................70

Grid and Hoop.........................................69


Half Cross Backward................................96Half Cross Forward ..................................96Half Height Cross.....................................98Half Width Cross......................................97Hand Cross Stitch 

Information......................................13Sizes ...............................................162

Happy House Sampler .............................32Happy House Text ...................................33Heart Squares...........................................36Height ............................................121, 186Height and Width ............................71, 161Height of Fixed Text Font......................135Help .......................................183, 185, 188


Hexagon.................................................114Hide Colors..............................................84Highlight Enhancement...........................64Hints

Picture Wizard Designs....................64

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Planning Cross Stitch Designs ......... 10Hoop ....................................................... 69

Choose Quick.................................. 18Preferences.................................... 160Quick....................................... 70, 160Size .................................................. 70

Horizontal Flip ...................................... 148Horizontal Toolbars................................... 8


Identical Thread Color Merging .............. 77InformationColor ............................................. 154Design ............................................. 60For Hand Cross Stitchers ................. 13Print............................................... 154

InsertDesign ..................................... 32, 152Farmers and Small House................ 35

Insert or Paste Selection........................ 145Isolated Cross Removal ........................... 64

 J Jump Stitches And Crosses..................................... 10 And French Knots ........................... 11 And Stitch Layers........................... 128In the Embroidery ........................... 10

Kerning.......................................... 136, 140Classes ........................................... 139Example ........................................ 142


Lace ......................................................... 16Layers and Jump Stitches....................... 128

In the Embroidery ........................... 10Left ........................................................ 139Left Hand Class...................................... 139Left-Click and Right-Click Colors ............ 89Letter Page............................................. 185Line Height............................................ 135List

Shade ............................................... 88Thread ............................................. 76

List, Pattern ........................................... 183Load

Colors .............................................. 77Design with Drag and Drop............ 57Picture ............................................. 67Picture of House.............................. 23

Look In .................................................... 56


Main Toolbar ......................................... 179Make the Front Garden ........................... 29Manage Cross Stitch Designs................... 55Menu

Edit ................................................ 177File................................................. 176Help............................................... 178QuickLink...................................... 178

 View.............................................. 178Menu Bar................................................... 7Menus.................................................... 176Merge Identical Thread Colors ............... 77Messages ............................................... 166Mini Cross ............................................... 96Minimum Zoom Level............................. 82Mirror .................................................... 148Mode of Cross Display ............................ 78Modify Selection ................................... 148

Mouse Actions .............................................. 4 Wheel........................................ 81, 82

Move Down............................................. 93Move Up.................................................. 93Multiply................................... 40, 103, 182

Create Title Decoration................... 43Preview ......................................... 183Use ................................................ 182



File ............................................ 56, 67Font....................................... 134, 138Pattern........................................... 117

New......................................................... 55Category........................................ 118Fixed Text Fonts............................ 127Font............................................... 133Patterns ......................................... 116

Next Page.............................................. 157Notes............................................. 154, 182

Enter.............................. 22, 31, 39, 54Number of Colors ................. 19, 74, 76, 92


Octagon ................................................ 114On-screen Pointers.................................... 4Open ....................................................... 56

Recently Used Designs.................... 56Option for Shapes ................................. 110Options for Shape Drawing .................. 184Order....................................................... 92

Color ............................................... 64Orientation............................................ 155Other 

Cross and Stitch Types for Flood Fill...107

Topics............................................ 169Outline .................................................. 185

Backstitch...................... 110, 122, 187Color ............................. 112, 123, 187Cross ............................................. 110Crosses With Backstitch................ 187


PageDesign ........................................... 182

Letter............................................. 185Pattern........................................... 183Setup ............................................. 153

Palette ..................................................... 85

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Paper Size ................................................155Source ........................................... 155

Parts of Software Window......................... 7Paste ...................................................... 149

Selection........................................ 145Pattern ................................................... 183

Create Backstitch Fill....................... 52Fill..................................................183List .................................................183

Names............................................ 117Page...............................................183Sample and Colors......................... 183Sampler ........................................... 40Select .............................................106Use Fill........................................... 183

Patterns .................................................106Colors ............................................ 117Design New................................... 116Stitch Types................................... 117

Pentagon................................................ 114

Photograph Results ................................. 74Pick Color..........................................77, 89Picture ..................................................... 80

Choose ............................................ 17Crop ................................................ 18Export ............................................. 61Files ................................................... 5Load................................................. 67Remove Background ..................... 165Scan .................................................68Thumbnails...................................... 68

Picture Wizard................................... 17, 63

Choose Picture ................................ 66Design Hints and Tips ..................... 64Grid and Hoop ................................69Start with Colors ............................. 73Thread Colors.................................. 75

Pixels Per Cross ....................................... 61Place

Border of Buds................................. 32TrueType Text As .................. 122, 187

Placement..............................................138Planning Cross Stitch Designs................. 10Pointers ..................................................... 4

PolygonSelect .............................................146Shape.............................................115

Preferences............................................ 160Hoop ............................................. 160Screen............................................ 165Stitches .......................................... 163

Prev Page...............................................157Preview 

Character....................................... 138Multiply ......................................... 183

Print............................................... 156Text ............................... 122, 126, 186Print....................... 22, 39, 54, 60, 157, 158

Design or Worksheet ....................... 12Embroidery Worksheet ................. 159

Information....................................154Preview..........................................156Preview Toolbar.............................157Range .............................................159Setup......................................154, 155To File ............................................158

Printer............................................155, 158Printing..................................................153Properties ......................................155, 158Proportional.............................................71


Quarter Cross...........................................95Quick Colors............................................88Quick Hoop .....................................70, 160

Best Fit .............................................71Choose.............................................18

Quick Reference Guide .........................176QuickCross Picture Wizard................17, 63QuickLink 


QuickStart Exercises................................17R

Range And Number of Colors ....................19Thread............................64, 74, 76, 87

Real Size.........60, 74, 75, 83, 122, 126, 187Realistic Result for Photographs..............74Recently Used Designs ............................56Rectangle ...............................................112Rectangular Selection ..............................70Redo.......................................................151

Reduce Color Changes ............................64Redwork and Blackwork..........................15Reference Guide ....................................176Reflected Shape Drawing ........................49Remove

Background Picture .................65, 165Color................................................94Isolated Crosses ...............................64Patterns from a Category ...............118Unused Colors ...........................30, 94

Replace Color ..........................................93Reset ........................................................70RGB values for Aida Fabric ......................79Rice Stitch................................................16Right Hand Class....................................139Right-Click .................................................5Right-Click Color .....................................89Rotate 90................................................148


Sample Files ...............................................1Sampler....................................................32

Pattern .............................................40Save....................................................58, 60

Char ...............................................186Character .......................................137Design............................22, 31, 39, 54Design and Continue .......................49

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Embroidery...................................... 31New Pattern .................................. 183

Save As............................................. 58, 161Scale

Design ........................................... 153French Knots................................. 101

Scan Picture............................................. 68Screen Preferences ................................ 165Select ..................................................... 145

 All .................................................. 147

Box ................................................ 146Character....................................... 138Color ............................................. 182Number of Colors ........................... 19Pattern ........................................... 106Polygon.......................................... 146Source ............................................. 68Thread Range .................................. 19

SelectionColor ............................................... 87Deselect......................................... 145

Insert or Paste ............................... 145Modify ........................................... 148Rectangular ..................................... 70

Send 1...................................................... 60Send 2...................................................... 60Send To...................................................... 6Set of Characters ................................... 129Setting Up.............................. 17, 23, 32, 40Setup ..................................................... 182

Page............................................... 153Print....................................... 154, 155

Shade List ................................................ 88

ShapeDraw.............................................. 108Options ......................................... 110

Shape Drawing Options ........................ 184Shapes ............................... 23, 40, 106, 184

Draw Reflected ............................... 49Fill.................................................... 51

Shortcuts on the Desktop .........................2Show Grid ............................................... 70Size

Cross.................................. 13, 71, 161Design ..................................... 10, 160

Embroidery.................................... 162Hand Cross Stitch .......................... 162Hoop ............................................... 70Real........................ 60, 74, 75, 83, 187

Small House............................................. 23Smooth.......................... 112, 123, 185, 187Software Window Parts ............................. 7Solid Cross Or Fill.................................. 111Source Select ........................................... 68Space character ..................................... 127Square Angled ....................................... 113

Standard Backstitch ............................... 100 And Freehand Backstitch ................ 11Start ........................................................... 2

3D Cross Stitcher............................... 2 With Colors ..................................... 73

Start Menu................................................. 2Status Bar .................................................. 9Stitch 

Counts............................................. 12Cross Sizes for Hand...................... 162Flood Fill Other Cross Types......... 107Layers and Jump Stitches .............. 128Layers and Jump Stitches in the

Embroidery................................... 10Points on Freehand Backstitch...... 100

Pulling ............................................. 92Rice ................................................. 16Types......................................... 13, 23Types in Fill Patterns ..................... 117

StitchesCreating........................................... 95Crosses and Jump............................ 10In the Embroidery........................... 10Preferences ................................... 163

Style............................................... 121, 186Styles of Design....................................... 15

Super-Extended Character Set .............. 131T

Template Font ....................................... 129Terms and Conventions ............................ 4Text ....................................... 121, 125, 186

 Apply..................................... 121, 126Create Happy House....................... 33Create Title...................................... 42Create Welcome.............................. 33Creating......................................... 119Fixed ............................... 32, 124, 185Fixed Font Colors.................. 126, 187Place TrueType As......................... 187Preview ......................................... 186Preview and Real Size ........... 122, 126TrueType......................... 40, 119, 185

Texture.................................................... 78Thread

Count ........................................ 13, 91Details ............................................. 87Direction................................. 91, 164Find ................................................. 88List................................................... 76

Range ............................ 20, 74, 76, 87Range and Number of Colors.......... 19Ranges............................................. 64

Thread Colors ............................. 74, 75, 76Choose and Change ........................ 85Converting ........................................ 5In 3D Cross Stitcher ........................ 88Merge Identical ............................... 77Palette ............................................. 85

ThreadsBackstitch...................................... 164Cross ............................................. 163

Thumbnails of Pictures ........................... 68Tips on Picture Wizard Designs .............. 64Title

Decoration ...................................... 43

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Text .................................................42Title Bar ..................................................... 7Toolbar 

Draw.......................................... 8, 181Edit ................................................ 179Horizontal.......................................... 8Main............................................... 179Print Preview................................. 157QuickLink...................................... 180

 View ..............................................180

Toolbars.................................................179Top Thread Direction......................91, 164Triangle .................................................113

Draw Central ................................... 49Troubleshooting .................................... 166TrueType Text ......................... 40, 119, 185

Place As ................................. 122, 187Truncated Characters ............................135TWAIN...............................................66, 68Types of Stitch................................... 13, 23


Undo...................................................... 151Undo and Redo...................................... 151Unused Colors 94