3. expected polarization from exo-planets · 2016. 6. 21. · expected polarization from...

Collisional Ionization Computed fractional ionization degree for iron in as function of gas temperature Slide 4-1

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  • Collisional Ionization

    Computed fractional ionization degree for iron in as function of gas temperature

    Slide 4-1

  • Photonionization-structure for spherical nebulae

    H and He for an O and B star He and O for a planetary nebula Slide 4-2

  • Interstellar polarization

    Interstellar polarization for stars in the Milky Way in Galactic coordinates. The interstellar magnetic field is predominantly parallel to the disk.

    Slide 4-3

  • Dust in the IR-galaxy M82

    stellar continuum emission

    dust continuum emission

    narrow PAH emissions

    SiO absorption 9.7μm

    Slide 4-4

  • Magnetic fields in M51

    Structure of the magnetic field derived from the polarization of the synchrotron radiation

    Slide 4-5

  • Galactic radiation field

    Slide 4-6

  • Energy of cosmic ray particles

    F(>E): Flux of particles with energies >E

    LHC-limit Slide 4-7

  • MAGIC Cherenkov-Telescope (ETH participation)

    Slide 4-8

  • Elemental abundances of the cosmic ray particles

    Slide 4-9

  • [OII] and [SII] density diagnositics

    from Osterbrock (1974)

    Slide 4-10

  • [OIII] temperature diagnostics

    from Osterbrock (1989)

    Slide 4-11

  • Spectrum of the Orion nebula

    f From www.astrosurf.com Slide 4-12

  • HI transitions

    Slide 4-13

  • He I transitions

    Slide 4-14

  • ζ Oph, HI Lyα absoption

    The interstellar absorptions in the FUV were studied around 1973 with the Copernicus stellite. A detailed study of ζ Oph, the brightest O-star, was used for a line survey (Morton 1974, ApJ 197, 85). This part of the spectrum shows: the damped Lyα 1215A line, three NI lines at 1200A, SII lines at 1250A and many other weak lines. The broad, shallow absorptions arund 1237A are from the star.

    Slide 4-15

  • ζ Oph, FUV spectrum


    Slide 4-16

    Spectrum from 1000A to 1200A: There are many very strong absorptions from Molecular hydrogen H2, many narrow atomic lines, and broad, shallow stellar lines.

  • ζ Oph, H2 absoption

    Small spectral region with strong absorptions from H2

    Slide 4-17

  • Interstellar absorption

    Effective absorption cross section for interstellar gas (from M. Longair 2011, High energy astrophysics)

    Slide 4-18

  • Bremsstrahlung

    Emission by an accelerated charge (from M. Longair 2011, High energy astrophysics)

    Slide 4-19

  • CO cooling lines in M82

    From Panuzzo et al. 2010, A&A 518, L37 Slide 4-20

  • Line spectra of spiral galaxies

    from Kennicutt, 1992, ApJS 79, 255 Slide 4-21

  • X-ray spectrum of the SN shell Cas A

    from NASA/Chandra supernova catalog (http://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/ChandraSNR/sample_spectrum.html)

    Slide 4-22

  • Supernova shells

    Crab nebula Tarantula nebula LMC Slide 4-23

    Collisional IonizationPhotonionization-structure for spherical nebulaeInterstellar polarizationDust in the IR-galaxy M82Magnetic fields in M51Galactic radiation fieldEnergy of cosmic ray particlesMAGIC Cherenkov-Telescope (ETH participation)Elemental abundances of the cosmic ray particles[OII] and [SII] density diagnositics[OIII] temperature diagnosticsSpectrum of the Orion nebulaHI transitionsHe I transitionsζ Oph, HI Lyα absoptionFoliennummer 16Foliennummer 17Interstellar absorptionBremsstrahlungCO cooling lines in M82Line spectra of spiral galaxiesX-ray spectrum of the SN shell Cas ASupernova shells