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lesson 3niveles principiante


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Este libro esta concebido como parte integral del Curso de Ingles Definitivo de

Vaughan. Sedebe considerar como material complementario a los soportes au-


Lomas importante de este curse es elaspecto auditivo,ya que el oido es 1 0 3 clave

para aprender cualquier idioma.

Te recomendamos que empieces escuchando el audio varias veces antes de abrir

ellibro. EIingles no es un idioma fonetico, es decir, las palabras no se pronuncian

como seescriben. Esto significa que ver una palabra antes de haberla escuchadoy pronunciado miles de veces puede condicionartu forma de decirla.

D e s p u e s de unos d i a s escuchanda y practicando hasta 1 0 3saciedad, abre el l i b r o y

utilizalo como punto de partida para practicar aun mas las estructuras Y o 3 vistas.

Diferentes simbolos :

Encontraras var ios s imbolos en este libro que te ayudaran a recordar y con-

solidar el aprendizaje. A continuacion veras una breve descripcion de cada


7 • Introd u cere n

Pronunciaci6n: En estos apartados da mos consejos para ayuda r-

te con 1 0 3pronunciacion y no caer en los tipicos errores que pue-

de cometer una persona espanola a la hora de hablar ingles.

No olvides que: Aspectos claves que no deben pasar desaper-


[Ojol: Atraemos tu atencion sobre conceptos lingulsticos de

alta importancia.

Puntos negros: Un pu nto concebido pa ra preven i r reaccionesadversas a 1 0 que estamos haciendo, recordandote por que 1 0

estamos haciendo. Tarnbien es una advertencia que actua en

contra de la pereza.

Adernas, tratamos los tfpicos errores estructurales que come-

te i5 los espanoles.

Saber mas: Informacion adicionalsobre ternas gramaticales de

interes, pero no imprescindibles para aprender a hablar el idio-ma de una forma fluida.

Tus notas: Como seguramente necesitaras un lugar para tus

apuntes, de vez en cuando te facllitamos espacio para ella.

Intrcduccion- 7

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"in the north of..."

En esta tercera entrega del Curso de Ingles Definitivo vamos a insistir, aun mas

si cabe, en las preposiciones "of" e "in.", que vimos en la entrega anterior. Son

muchas las personas a las que he oido hacer un mal uso de estas dos preposicio-

nes. Para no convertirte en una de elias, 1 0 mejor es la practice.

EnVaughan, la grarnatica en sf nos interesa como pedagogos ala hora de estruc-

turar nuestros cursos. Sin embargo, 1 0 importante de la gramatica no es Ilegar a

entender bien la teoria, sino conseguir un gran dominic gramatical y aplicarlo

a la practlca

Hablar un idioma con fluidez ha de ser algo instintivo. Nunca conseguiras esta

espontaneidad si cada vez que quierasdecir algo recurres a unas reglas grama-

ticales que has aprendido a medias.

EI aspecto mas importante del aprendizaje de unidioma es una buena comprensi6n audrtlva. Sin ella

se rompe la cadena de la cornunicacion.

Este libro solo es un apoyo para el audio.

En el audio esta Ia clave.

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GIMNASIA VERBAL In the north of ... etc

Aquf vamos a afianzar el uso del articulo determinado lithe" (definite article).

Cuando hablamos de articulos "determinados" 0 "indeterrnlnados", nos esta-

mos refiriendo ala diferenda entre, por ejernplo, "el" y "un". Me explico

un libro: aqui nos referimos a un libro cualquiera ... es decir, sin determinar, por

ta nto indeterm inado (en Ingles decimos "indef nido" - sin den nir).

el libro aqui hablamos de un libra especifico ... es decir, determinado 0 definido.

En Ingles existe un solo articulo determinado: The.

iEn castellano teneis cuatro! EI-la - Los- Las.


Los libros

The book

The books


Las flores

The flower

The flowers

Quien diga que el Ingles es dificil, miente. iEI castellano sf que puede ser cam-

pi icado a veces!

Par ultimo, vamos a repasar la pronunciacion de algunas de las palabras nuevas

que aparecen en este punto

north- "norz" south - I( sahouz" east - "ist" west - "uest" Centre- "senia"

Is Bilbao in the north orthe south of


It's in the north of Spain.

Is Sevilla in the north or the south of


It's in the south of Spain.

Is Malaga in the north or the south of It's in the south of Spain.

Spa in?

Is Sarcelona in the north or the south It's in the north of Spa in.

of Spain?

Is Oviedo in the north or the south of It's in the north of Spain.


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Is Santiago de Compostela in the It's in the north of Spain.

north orthe south of Spain?

Is Vigo in the north or the south of It's in the north of Spain.


Is Santa nder in the north or the south It's in the north of Spain.

of Spain?

Is Cadiz in the north or the south of It's in the south of Spain.


( @ ) . ~;~~~th~; : ·E i·~~~·id~· d ~ ·I·~~·~·~~·I~~·~.~~t·~·~·I~·b·;~·~·i·~·~~·I·~ ~ .i ·~~~·id~·de la "ahou"en el nombre de una popular marca de cerveza espanola:


Is Toledo in the north or the south of


It's in the centre of Spain.

Is Madrid in the north or the south of It's if } the centre of Spain.


Is Ara nj uez in the north or the south It's in the centre of Spain.

of Spain?

Is Segovia in the north or the south of It's in the centre of Spain.


Is Guadalajara in the north or the It's in the centre of Spain.

south of Spain?

Is Alicante in the east or the west of It's in the east of Spain.Spain?

IsVigo in the east orthe west of Spain? It's in the west of Spain.

Is Badajoz in the east or the west of


It's in the west of Spain.

IsValencia in the east or the west ofSpain?

It's in the east of Spain.

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1 5 Elche in the east or the west of


It's in the east of-Spain.

Is London in the east orthe west of


It's in the west of Europe.

@ } ) . A~~~·~~I~·.~~i,;~.;E~;~~~; ;~~~;~~~;;'~~h~~··;., ~i~;I~~t~•., .tellano, hay una diferencia importante en la pronunclaclon. Se pronun-

cia "iurap", enfatizando la primera silaba.

IsAthens in the east or the west of


It's in the east of Europe.

Where's Segovia? It'S in the centre of Spain.

Where's Malaga? It's in the south of Spain.

Where's Gijon? It's in the north of Spain.

Where's Salamanca? It's in the west of Spain.

Where's Benidorrn? It's in the east of Spain.

Vvhere's Vizcaya? It's in the north of Spain.

Where's Jerez de la Frontera? It's in the south of Spain.

Is Paris in the east orthe west of


It's in the west of Europe.

IsMadrid in the east or the west of


It's in the west of Europe.

Where's Saragossa? It's in the north of Spain.

t::i:\ :\:!:Ilgual que castellanlzais los nombres de ciertas ciudades inglesas, exis- :

ten algunas ciudades espafiolas cuyo nombre hemos adaptado al in-gles, Como Zaragoza (Saragossa), Sevilla (Seville) 0 Cordoba (Cordova).

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Where's Gerona?

Where's Torrevieja?

Where's Marbella?

Where's Mijas?

It's in the north of Spain.

It's in the east of Spain.

It's in the south of Spain.

It's in the south of Spain.

00·····················································: .

---- ._----_._------------_---

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Es el momento de empezar con los adjetivos.

Un adjetivo es una palabra que describe a un sustantivo.

libro (sustantivo) lib ro grande (sustantivo + adjetivo)

En el segundo ejernplo, la palabra "grande" describe un poco allibro precisando

que no es pequeno ni normal, sino "grande".

Ahara bien, 1 0 importante aqui es puntualizar que en Ingles los adjetivos siern-

pre van delante del sustantiva.

Un libro grande A big book (!iteralmente:

un grande libro)

Un rio largo A long river

Un perro peq uefio A small dog

Tarnbien es importante sefialar que los adjetivos no cambian su estructura en

ingles, ya sean masculinos 0 femeninos, plurales 0 singulares: .

Diez rios la rgas Ten long rivers (Iiteralmente: Diez

la rgos rios)

Menas mal. Te seria mucho mas dificil dominar los adjetivos si hubiera, como

en castellano, cuatro versiones para cada uno: largo, larga, largos, largas. Con

"lonq" cubres todos los casas.

Is Paris a big city or a small city? It's a big city.

Is London a big city or a small city? It's a big city.

Is Avila a big city or a small ci,ty? It's a small city.

Is Segovia a big city or a small city? It's a small city.

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Is Lugo a big city or a small city?

Is Seville a big city or a small city?

Is Cuenca a big city or a small city?

IsValencia a big city or a small city?

Is Caceres a big city or a small city?

Is Madrid a big city or a small city?

Is Barcelona a big city or a small city?

Is Albacete a big city or a small city?

Is Burgos a big city or a small city?

It's a small c ity .

It's a b ig c ity .

It's a small c ity .

It's a b ig c ity .

It's a small c ity .

It's a b ig c ity .

It's a b ig c ity .

It's a small c ity .

It's a sma ll c ity .

® . ig~~i t'~'p'r'~g~'~t'~~~'~~i'~~'p'~~'i'bi~'d~~i'; ~ ; , i t ' t / ~ ; ; ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ''i~6'~'i~~ d ~ '~; ; ; ; '~ i i ; ' : 'Efectivamente, se tratan de dos palabras sinonimas, pero normalmente

"little"tiene unas connotaciones afectivas. Un claro ejemplo de la dife-

rencia es I~ little dog", que significa "Un perrito chiquitito", y I~ small

dog", que se traduce como "U n p erro pequefio",

Is Zamora a big city or a small city? It's a sma ll c ity .

Is Alicante a big city or a small city? It's a b ig c ity .

Is Guadalajara a big city or a small It's a sma ll c ity .


Is the Mino a long river or a short It's a long river.


Is the Duero a long river or a short It's a long river.


Is the Guadalete a long river or a It's a sho rt river.

short river?

Is the Guadiana a long river or a short It's a long river.


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Is the Odiel a long river or a short


It's a sho rt riv er.

Is the Ta]o a long river or a short river? It's a long riv er.

Is the Sella a long river or a short


Isthe Guadalquivir a long river or a

short river?

Is the Segura a long river or a short


Is the Nervi6n a long river or a short


Is the Ebro a long river or a short



It's a sho rt riv er.

It's a long riv er.

It's a sho rt riv er.

It's a long riv er.

It's a long ri.ver.

lgual que en espafiol, podemos utilizar un adjetivo suelto sin el sustantivo que

describe. ivengal Practiquemos.

Is New York big or small?

Isthe Tajo long or short?

Is Rome big or small?

Isthe Manzanares long or short?

It's big.

It's long.

It's big .:

It's short.

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@'T~~'~~i'd~d~'. ~ ~ . b~j~~'I~'~·~·r·di~·.·'~~'~p~'h'~i~~~~I~i~'~.~~~;~I'~'; ' t ' ~ : 'en la contracci6n "it's".Y creedme, suena bastante mal, ya que sin la "t"

parece que no hay sujeto.

• Is Sydney big or small? It's big.

Is Barcelona big or small? It's big.

Is Brussels big or small? It's big.

Is the Amazon long or short? It's long.

Is the Sella long or short? It's short.

Is Milan big or small? It's big.

Is the Loire long or short? It's long.

Is Valencia big or small? It's big.

Is the Uiliong or short? It's short.

@.N~t~'~~~'f~';~'~~': ~ 6 ' 1 ~ ''~~i'; 'I'~'~~~;~~'~t;' '~;~~~'~t~':h~;'~~~.i'~~'i~ti'~'varias 0, mejor dicho, muchas veces, para reaccionar correctamente

cuandote hacen preguntas en una situaci6n real.

00····················································· .

-_._-_._---_- __-

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Va cono ce s e l s is tema. A co ntinuac i6n d ebe s fo rmular las pre guntas s iguie nd o 4las pa utas i nd icad as allad o Izquie rd o . Inte nta h ace rlo tapa nd o las re spue stas d ela d e re c h a. Empezamos pre guntand o par e l "no rte " y e l "s ur".

Cartagena Spai·n 0 Is Ca rtagena in the north or the south


lrun Spain 0 Is lrun in the north orthe south o f S pa in?

Spain 0 Is Mo t ril in the north orthe south of


Motr i l

A vile s Spa i n 0 Is A v i le s in the north or the south of



oIs Fueng iro la in the north or the south

o f Spain?

Fueng iro la Spain

@ » . N ~. ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ; ~ d ~ S B ~ ~ ~ ~ : ; i~ ~ ; ~ , ; , ~ ; . ;~ ~ n o ;~ ~ ~ ; ~~ ~ D s d ~ 'dec i r te 1 0 impo rtante que e s re c o rd ar que tu pais no empie za con " E f t en

ing le s . No se d ice "e spe in" s ino "ssssssssssssssspain".

Fe rro l Spain 8 Is Fe rro l in the north or the south of


Tarifa Spain 8 Is Tar i fa in the north or the south of


Le o n Spain G Is Le o n in the north or the south of


A nte que ra Spain 0 Is A n teque ra in the north or the south

of Spain?

Madr id Spain

81 5 Mad rid in the north or the south of


Jaen ?pain 8 1 5 Jaen in the north or south of Spain?

V ic Spain 0 I sV i c in the north orthesouth o f S pain?

Nivel Principiante ' 19

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A h o ra prac tic aremos c on "este" y "oeste" .

• Ge rona




Caste l16n


Spain G Is Ge rona in the east or the west of


Spain 8 Is Zamo ra in the east or the west ofSpain?

Spain G I s Tarragona in the east orthe west of


Spain G Is Sa lamanca in the east orthe west of


Spain 8 Is Cas te l16n in the east orthe west of


Spain 8 Is Lu go in the east orthe west of Spain?

@ W .Pare ce una tonte rfa , pe ro e n much as o cas io ne s se tie nd e a pronunc iar

"in" c omo "en". No 10 o lv id e s , se d ic e "in". Pre sta e spe cial ate nc i6n

cuand o 10 d igas .



Al icante

Ponteved ra

E lche


Valenc ia

20 . Nivel Principiante

Spain 8s Jave a in the east or the west of


Spain 8s H ue lva in the east or the west of


Spain 8 IsAlicanteintheeastorthewestof


Spain 8s P o nte v e d ra in the east or the west

of Spain?

Spain 8s Elc he in the east or the west of


Spa)n G Is O re n se in the east or the west of



Is Va lenc i a in the east or the west ofSpain?

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A hara me zc larem os ambas. Va ve ras c omo po c o a po c o vas ganand o e n ag ilid ad .

Madr id Spain 0 1 5 Madr id in the east or the west of

Spain I

Reus Spain 0 Is R e us in the east orthe west of Spain?

Madr id Europe 0 1 5 Madr id in the north or the south of


0 5 1 0 Europe 0 1 5 Oslo in the north or the south of


L isbon Euro pe G 1 5 L isbon in the east or the west of


Tallin Europe 0 Is Ta ll in in the north orthe south of


Bud ape s t Euro pe 8 1 5 B ud a pe st ionhe east or the west of


Naple s Euro pe 0 Is Naple s in the north or the south of


Ed inburgh Euro pe 0 Is Ed i n b u rgh in the north or th e so uth

of Europe?

Be lfas t Euro pe

01 5 Belfast in the east or the west of


A th e ns Euro pe 0 Is A th e n s in the east or the west of


G i bra Ita r Europe 0 Is Gibraltar in the north or the south

of Europe?

( @ ) , T ; ~ t ' j~ d ' ~ ~ ~ '~ '~ ~ '~~~'I;~~b'; i t~~i~~( i ' I ) ' ' - ' ~i '~ '~~~t~'t~'' ~ b ~ ;I;~'r'~~~;c iac i6n ing le sa d e la mas se pte ntrio nal d e las co lumnas d e He rc ule s . Se

pronunc ia "yibrolta".

Ge rona Spa in 0 Is Ge rona in the east or the west of


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Laclave del exito ala hora de aprender un idioma es el repaso continuo.

Como siempre, revisaremos 1 0 queya trabajamos en la entrega anterior.

Th is is a map o f Eur o pe. Th a t 's a map o f Aus tr a lia . Th is is n 't a ma p o f G rea tB r ita i n. It 's a map o f A s ia .

In & Where

Is Sydney big or small? It's big.

Is Barcelona big or small? It's big.


OSLO o Is Oslo in Sweden?

o Is it in England?

o Is it in Spain?

o Where is it?

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Moto:rw ay / H ighw ay







Autopis ta

Map a


00····················································· .

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G IMNAS IA VERBAL P regun ta s con ad je tivo s

Ahora te toca a ti formular las preguntas con los cuatro adjetivos que has apren-




New York






®.P~r;~ ~~;i;,;~~~d~d~ ;i ; ;i;;'pi : ; ; '~~i~,8 i i ; ; ; ' ~ ~ b i g ~;;;;'~ii~ i i y ? ; ' : 'pero preferimos repetir "a big city or a sm all city" para que tengas el ~

doble de oportunidades de practicar la posicion del adjetivo. :



The Ebro

The Duero

The Jabalon

The Henares

24· Nivel Principiante

• Is the Ebro a lo ng riv er or a sho rt riv er?

• Is the Duero a lo ng riv er or a shortriver?

• Is the Jabalon a lo ng riv er or a short


• Is the Henares a lo ng riv er or a short


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The Danube I

Seguimos con los adjetivos "fong"y "short":

The Barbate

The Tajo

The Amazon



@,A~~q'~~''~~'b'~~'d'~'~~~~'~'~~'r'~~n'~ ' I '~ ~ ' I ~ s :• b~'~~~~'~'~'~~'~'i~~~~'~"acostumbrarte a concebir el idioma no tanto como una serie de pala-

bras sino como una serie de sonidos. Encontramos un claro ejemplo de

esto en las palabras "or + a", que se pronuncian como si fuesen unasola: "ora",

The Nile

The Guadiela


The Alberche

o Is the Nile a long river or a short


o 1 5 the Alberche a long river or a short.......__.._ river?

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@ ) . R i ~ ~ ; ; 'A i'i'~~~'I'~ ' ~ ' t ~ d ' ~ ~I~~'~~'I~'t;;~~'~~.; ;;~.~.~.~.,~~,::~ 'G i t i ~ ' ~ ''i'I~'~'ba se pronuncia como una "a", es decir, olvidate de la "r". Se pronuncia




The Ebro

® .


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NUMEROS from 1 to 10

Va se que aprendiste de memoria los numeros dell al 10 en ingles a los cinco

anos para impresionar a tus amigos en el patio del cole, pero aqui intentamos irmas lejos: vamos a dotarte de un dominic absoluto de los nurneros.

Los nurneros constituyen uno de los aspectos mas importantes de cualquier

idioma. Sin embargo, y lamentablemente, se trata de una de las areas linguisti-

cas que menos atenci6n recibe en las aulas de 1'05 colegios espanoles.

1 One 6 S ix

2 Two 7 Seven

3 Three 8 Eight

4 Four 9 Nine.,

S Five 10 Ten

Empezaremos a volver a familiarizarnos con los numeros dell al10 siguiendo

un orden ascendente.

@>'H~~'~'~i~~'.~~~~.;~; .~.~~.~~.~~'~'I~~''p'r~~~'~'~i~'r'·~~I.·~ ';~j~'~'pio:' .~~.~~.:debe canfu nd irei "tres" can un "arbol", ya que contie ne una "h": "zrii" :

Tarnbien hay que tener cuidado can el "sels". Se pronuncia "slks". Tie- :

nes que hacer un especial enfasis en la "k". :

1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10

Para manejarse realmente bien con los nurneros hay que hacer verdaderos ejer-

cicios de malabarismo. Por eso vamos a practicar estos primeros diez nurneros

en orden descendente basta que puedas decirlos al reves can la misma veloci-

dad que los dices en orden ascendente.

10 9 8 7 6 s 4 3 2 1

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Ahora vamos a hacer un dictado nurnerico. Escucha a traves del audio los si-

guientes nurneros y escrfbelos. Luego prueba a decirlos y comprueba si los en-

tendiste correctamente.

1 2 8 9 3 5 One Two Eight Nine Three Five

7 6 4 7 2 8 Seven Six Four Seven Two Eight

8 4 7 3 6 7 Eight Four Seven Three Six Seven

1 9 2 8 3 7 One Nine Two Eight Three Seven

6 5 2 5 1 8 Six Five Two Five One Eight

6 8 1 3 6 5 Six Eight One Three Six Five

7 9 2 4 8 9 Seven Nine Two Four Eight Nine

Seguiremos con el dictado numerico, pero esta vez dando!e un contexto mas

real, ya que todos los nurneros que contiene son nurneros de telefono.

® . ~.p~~q ~ ~~~t·~~;~h·~~·i~~d·~·~·~·j·~~~i·~i·~·~~~~.~~~.;~; d~t·~i~f~~~;i·~·6i~·te hemos presentado los primeros lO? Porque en Ingles cuando damos

un nurnero de telefono decimos los nurneros uno a uno.

0274378234 "0" Two Seven Four, Three Seven

Eight, Two Three Four

0263283489 "0" Two Six Three, Two Eight Three,

Four Eight Nine

0237319844 "0" Two Three Seven, Three One Nine,

Eight Four Four

0243374912 "0" Two Four Three, Th ree Seven Four,

Nine One Two

0423291103 "0" Four Two Three, Two Nine One,

One "O'Three

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Is Lertda in the north or the south of


It's in the north of Spain.

1 5 Huesca in the north or the south of It's in the north of Spa in.


Is Lisbon in the east or the west of


1 5 Warsaw in the east or the west ofEurope?

W J } iComo s e dice "O es te"?

Is Getafe in the north or the south of


Is Alca la de Henares in the north or

the south of Spain?


It's in the west of Europe.

It's in the east of Europe.

It's in the centre of Spain.

It's in the centre of Spain.

IsTeruel a big city or a small city?

Is Zaragoza a big city o r a small city?

Is the Te r a long river or a short river?

Isthe Jucar a long river or a short river?

Is Linares big or small?

W J } iCOmO s e dice "sieie"?

Is the Danube long or short?

Is Berlin big or small?

It's a small city.

It's a big city.

It's a short river.

It's a long river.

It's small. .

u < J ! l . a s

It's long.

It's big.

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Is the Turia a long river or a short


It's a short river.

Is the Mississippi a long river or a

short river?

It's a long river.


Ubrique Spain8s Ubriq ue in the north or the south

of Spain?

Orense Spa in0IsOrense in the north or the south of


~ iCOmO s e dice "T dm es is "?SJWI?41

Marin Spain

8s Ma rf n in the east or the west of


Barcelona Spain8s Barcelona in the east or the west of



Berlin [Ci1.ldad] 8Is Berlin a big city or a small city?

Guadalquivir [LIS) 0Is the Manzanares a long river or a

short river?

FROM 1 TO 10

Apunta las siguientes dos series de nurneros y repitelas.

8 4 3 6 7 5 Eight Four Three Six Seven Five

0274378234 "0" Two Seven Four, Three SevenEight, Two Three Four

~ iComo s e dice "C ar ta "?1-Joys

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Is Santiago de Compostela in the

north orthe south of Spain?

It's in the north of Spain.

Is Salamanca in the east or the west

of Spain?

It's in the west of Spain.

~ [Como se dice "Cere" cuando damos

un numero de ieiefono? Hno,

Is the Tajo a long river or a short river? It's a long river.

Is the Tinto a long river or a short .'. It's a short river.


~ ~Como s e d ice "pequei io "?I lews

CHicago o Is Chicago a big city or a small city?

8s the Sella a long river or a short


~ ~Como s e dice "Sev illa "?

0343565555 lID" Three 'Four Three, Five Six Five,

Five Five Five

~ [Como s e pronuncia "London"?, D u P I>

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- r n the north of. ..etc Is Oviedo in the north or

the south of Spain?

It's in the north of Spain.

- Adjetivos .A big city.

A small country.

A long river.

A short street

- Preguntas Ronda Spain o

Is Ronda in the north or south of


- Preguntas con adjetivos 8

Is Oslo a big city or a small city?

- Numeros 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

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TAREAS PARA LA SEMANA 20 minutos a l dia

Estotalmente imprescindible que estudies tU5:

20 minutoStodoslosdfas.

20 minutos no suponen n a d a en tu vida, pero significan

much lsi ma paratu ingles.

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the futu re with

"goi ng to"

Hoy vamos a estudiar una estructura que al verla diras. "jPero si esto ya me 10se!" En este caso te diremos: "~Estas seguro?".

Una cosa es entender c6mo funciona una estructura y otra muy diferente con-

trolarla con la suficiente soltura como para poder considerarte un comunicador

eficaz ala hora de utilizarla.

Cuando hablamos de "controlar una estructura'inos referimos a que puedas

emplearla sin pestafiear pasando del afirmativo al negativo 0 del interrogativoal estilo indirecto.

"Sin pestaiiear" significa que el idioma fluye correcta mente de tu boca de forma

automatics, sin vacilar ni un segundo en decir loque se te pasa por la cabeza.

Aprender un idioma requiere ante todo humildad, es deci r,esta r dispuesto a tra-

bajar desde 10mas sencillo a 10mas complicado con el mismo tes6n. Y recuerda

que tu peor enemigo es la frase. "[Perc si esto ya me lose!".

EI aspecto mas importante del aprendizaje de un

idioma es una buena comprensi6n auditiva. Sin ella

se rompe la cadena de la comunicaci6n.

Este libro s610es un apoyo para el audio.

En el audio esta la clave.

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GIMNASIA VERBAL Futuro con to"

Hoy consolidaremos algo que seguramente ya sabes: el equivalente en ingles de

"voya hacer algo"

La estructura se parece un poco a la espanola pero en lugar de emplear el pre- •

sente simple, usamos el presente continuo del verba "to go".


. "Estamos ante la forma mas empleada para hablar de acciones futuras que su-

cederan con seguridad. .

De hecho, en muchas ocasiones, cuando en espafiol se utiliza el futuro en el ne-

gativo yen el interrogativo (no 1 0 hare; ~iras? etc.), nosotros empleamos "going

to" (I'm not going to do it; Are you going to go?) en vez del futuro con "will".


Voya empezar ahora. I'm going to start now.

Manana va allover. It's going to rain tomorrow.

Ella va a ver a su madre. She's going to see her mother.

EI va a lIamar mas tarde. He's going to call later.

Vamos a alquilar un barco. We're goi·ng to rent a boat.

Van a jugar al tenis despues de la


They're going to play tennis after the


Vas a aprender Ingles. You're going to learn English.

Voya escribir una carta. I'm going to write a letter.


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Mi hermano se va a comprar un coche My brother is going to buy a new car.


Voya aprender griego. . I'm going to learn Greek.

Vamos a visitar a nuestros padres. We're going to visit our parents.

Van a buscar un empleo nuevo. They're going to look for a new job.


Esta noche no voy a verla. I'm not going to see her tonight.

Ella no va a cocinar esta noche. She's not going to cook tonight.

No vamos a ayudarles. We're not going to help them.

Esta semana no va a nevar. It's not going to snow this week.

Esta noche no va allover. It isn't going to rain tonight.

EI no va a creerte. He's not going to believe you.

No os va a gustar la propuesta. You're not going to like the proposal.

No van a terminar el informe. They're not going to finish the report.

No voy a decirles todo. I'm not going to tell them everything.

EI plan no va a funcionar. The pia n isn't going to work.

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Mis hijos no van a entenderlo. My children aren't going to unders-


No voy a coger el telefono. I'm not going to answer the phone.

AI jefe no Ie va a gustar. The boss isn't going to likethis.

@.;vec~;.·si~ .~~nsarl~. ~;~~~~i~;; .~~~r~~~~nt~' d~' ~~estr~ idi ~ r T l • • ~ - .

terno. Esto sucede mucho con el verbo "to like". En el ultimo ejemplo

no se puede decir "This isn't going to like th e boss".

"To like" es un verbo personal en Ingles y no impersonal como en espaf io l ,


lVoya ganar el premio? Am I going to win the prize?

lEI va a decfrselo a los trabajadores? Is he going to tell the workers?

lVais a visitar EI Prado? Are you going to visit the Prado?

lVan a visitarnos tus padres? Are your parents going to visit us?

lVa a estar alii el Rey de Espana? Is the King of Spain going to be there?

®.~~.'~~'i~~~'~~'r'~'~'i~~'~';~' ~~~. ~~f~'r'i'~~~' ~ .~.~.~~.;~~~.~~.~~. -: '~ j~~'~; '

Queen of .:" . Por ejem plo, tithe K ing of Spain", tithe Q ueen of England",

etc. No se dice nunca "Spain 's King" . Lo mismo ocurre con otros cargos,

como presidentes, directores, ministros, etc.

lEI martes va allover? Is it goingto rain on Tuesday?

lVoya mejorar mi ingles? Am I going to improve my English?

@ P . E~t~~j'~~'~j~~~'~d~~'~~'h~t~'i'~~16~:~'r'~'~.~i '~'~~~t~~'t~'~.~..~~'d '~'t~ 'comuniques 1 0 digas bien. "To improve" se pronuncia "to impruf" y no

como se escribe.

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~Vas a bailar con Betty? Are you going to dance with Betty?

~Tu gato va a tener suficiente com ida? Isyour cat going to have enough


~Va a funcionar mi plan? Is my plan going to work?

~Va a convencerles el discurso? Is the speech going to covince them?

~Vas a ir a la reunion? Are you going to go to the meeting?

00····················································· .

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LA EXPRES ION D E LA S EMANA As far as I'm concerned

Conviene memorizar y practicar esta construccion, ya que se trata de una expre-sian muy uti! Lo unico que cambia scgun el sujeto es el verbo lito be ".

A s far as I'm concerned, you ca n kee p it. ~or 1 0 que a mi respecta, 1 0 puedes


Por 1 0 que a mi respecta, no quiero

volver a verte jarnas.

Por 1 0 que a Lucy respecta, tu no


As far as I'm concerned, I never want

to see you again.

A s far as Lucy is concerned, you don't


® . E s i ~ · ~ ; ·~~i~r~~j~' ; ;~i ;d~·;·p~i; ; ;~~~q~.~~~d~;~rl~·r~d~~~i6~·literal. "Asjaras"se podria entender como "tan lejos como", pero nada :

mas oir la palabra "concerned" sabras que no es el caso. ~

En cuanto a la fiesta fue un desastre.

Por 1 0 que a nosotros respecta, cuanto

antes mejor.

Por 1 0 que a mi respecta, hay

demasiado dinero en el futbol.

Por 1 0 que a ellos respecta, no haymotivo para seguir.

En cuanto al dinero no hay problema.

As far as the party is concerned, it was

a disaster.

A s far as w e're concerned, the sooner

the better.

A s far as I'm concerned, there's too

much money in football.

As far as they are concerned, there'sno reason to continue.

As far as m oney is concerned, there's

no problem.

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Se utiliza "go ing to" cuando una persona esta pensando en hacer algo y Ie da

vueltas a la idea. Si una vez decidido 1 0 comenta con otra persona y en ese mis-

mo instante esa otra persona se apunta al plan, pero sin haber pensado previa-

mente en el tema, entonces utilizamos "will".• En resumen, usamos "going to" para decisiones premeditadas y "will" para de-

cisiones espor i taneas que se comunican en el ac to .

Lee los siguientes ejemplos:

Persona A

Lleva 5 minutos pensando en Ilamar

para pedir por una pizza.

"I'm going to call for a pizza."

Persona A

Lleva 2 minutos pensando en hacer

un t e o

"l'rn going to m ake some tea."

Persona A

Lleva 2 minutos pensando en el caos

que hay en la cocina.

"I'm going to w ash up."

Persona A

Lleva 5 minutos pensando en pasear

el perro.

"l'rn going to take the dog out for a


Persona A

Lleva 5 minutos pensando en cor t a r

el cesped.

"I'm going to m ow the lawn."

42· Nivellntermedio

Persona B

Se esta concentrando en el partido

en la tele. La idea de una pizza acaba

de entrar en su cabeza gracias ala

sugerencia de su amigo.

"I'll have some."

Persona B

Esta pe r i sando en otra cosa en ese


",'II have one".

Persona B

Ni sabia que estaba desordenada.

"I'll give you a hand."

Persona B

No tenia pensado hacerlo.

",'II come." (Me apunto)

Persona B

No se Ie ha pasado por la cabeza

cortar elcesped.

"No, ,'II do it."

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Continuando con la idea de espontaneidad, "will" se emplea a menudo a la hora

de confirmar algo que hemos acordado, 0 cuando estam os a punto de despedir-

n os d e alguie n.

Ahora nos ponemos manos ala obra.

Estate de vuelta a las 10.00. ,'II be back at 10.00.

~Nos vemos ellunes entonces? ,'II s ee you on Monday then.



Hablamos en la feria. ,'II talk to you at the trade fair.

Nos vemos mas tarde. ,'II see you later.

Estare alii sobre las seis. ,'II be there around six.

No te preocupes; yo cerrare. Don't worry; , 'II lo ck up.

Te recogere fuera del teatro. ,'II pick you up outside the theatre.

iVete ala cama! Yo quitare la mesa. Go to bed! ,'II clear the table.

@. ~ ; ~ d i~~~~~~.~~~-: i,~d';C ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ; ;~f~;i;;;~;;; ;~; ; ; ;~~;; ;..un sitio donde dormir en lugar del mueble en S l, omitimos el articulo. :

No estaremos alii hasta las tres. We won't be there until three o'clock.

Te llamare desde el aeropuerto. ,'II phone you from the airport.


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Hemos Ilegado a nuestro rincon favorito, el de los temidos Phrasal verbs. Si te

centras en un solo verbo compuesto por semana, es factible que poco a pocoestos verbos formen parte de tu vocabulario activo.

[Bajate de la mesa, lmbeci!l Get off the ta ble, you fool!

Tienes que bajar en la proxima parada. You'have to get off at the next stop.

No te puedes bajar aqui, no es unaparada oficial.

You can't get off here; it's not an officialstop.

lPor que se bajo sin la mochila? Why did he get off without the


(En que parada tenemos que bajar? What stop do we have to get off at?

Baje en la parada equivocada. I got off at the wrong stop.

00····················································· .

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Full-time Jornada completa

Strict Estricto

To force Obligar

Birth Nacimiento

Blanket Manta

Garlic Ajo

Well-known Famoso / conocido

To make sense Tener sentido

Trabajo a jornada completa aqui

desde hace mas de un afio.


I've been working full time here for

over a year.

® . ~ ; ~ ~ i ii i ; ; ' ~ ; ' · · ~ · d ·I~~~~;i i ; ; '~ ; ' ·; · I ~ ~~ · ~ i ~ · b · r · ~ ~ ·~ ~ .~~~·I·~;~·~~·~~~~.~;~.presar "tiernpo complete" y "tiernpo parcial". Por favor, no digas nunca

"complete time" n i "partial time".

Algunos de mis viejos profesores de

instituto eran muy estrictos.

No se puede obligar ala gente a

asistir a la conferencia.

Su marido se quedo con ella durante

el nacimiento.

Hay otra manta en el armario si lanecesitas.

Esta salsa necesita mas ajo.

Some of myoid school teachers were

very strict.

You can't force people to attend the


Her husband stayed with her during

the birth.

There's another blanket in thecupboard if you need it.

This sauce needs more garlic.


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@ W . ~;s~~~~',~'.~.p~~~~'~'~i'~'t ~~6~~~;y ' . ~ . ~ . ; ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' , ; : '~~',..~.~.~ ' r ' b ~ I '' ~ ' y 'b ~ ~ 'nito, que por cierto en Ingles se dice "willow", y la variedad "lloron" ,

"weeping willow".

Esbastante conocido en su campo. He's quite well-known in his field.

No tiene sentido Ilamaries hoy. It doesn't make sense to call them


® .

----------- ---- ------------------------------------------------



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GIMNASIA VERBAL Much, many, a lot of

Decir que hay mucho de algo 0 que hay muchos ejemplos de una determinada

cosa es complicado en Ingles. En castellano es mucho mas facil, ya que se puedesolucionar todo con "rnucho" 0 una de sus variedades. En Ingles. sin embargo,

todo depende de si estamos hablando de un objeto contable 0 incontable, 0 si 10

expresamos en afirmativo, negativo 0 en interrogativo.


A lot of - Lots o f

Much MuchLots o f



Aunque hay varias posibilidades en el afirmativo vamos a centrarnos en una, It a

lot of", tanto para los sustantivos contables en plural como para los incontables.

Jessica tiene muchos perros. Jessica has a lot of dogs.

Paul comic mucho helado en la fiesta. Paul ate a lot of ice cream at the party.

~ .

~ Casi nunca se emplea "much" en el afirmativo.

Tengo muchos problemas en el trabajo. I have a lo t-o f p roblems at work.

Jackie tiene mucho dinero. Jackie has a lot of m oney.

Vimos muchos peces en el acuario. We saw a lo t o ffis h at the aquarium.


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Hay mucha gente en la playa hoy. There are a lot of people at the beach


Necesitas mucha azucar para hacer

estas galletas.

You need a lot of sugar to make these


Conozco a mucha gente con inf1uencia. I know a lot of influential people.

Hay muchas moscas hoy. There are a lot of flies about today.

Hay mucho hielo en las carreteras esta There is a lot of ice on the roads this

manana. morning,


En el negativo se suele utilizar "many" para sustantivos contables en plural y

"much" pa ra susta ntivos incontables.

No tengo m ucho tiem po. I don't have much time .

E I notiene muchos amigos. He doesn't have many friends.

No hay muchas nubes en el cielo hoy. There aren't many clo uds in the sky


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No queda mucho vino.

No tengo mucha paciencia, me temo.

Como regia general, 105 ingleses no

hablan muchos idiomas extranjeros.

John tiene muchos sellos raros en su


No hay mucha informacion en este



There isn't much wine left.

I don't have much patience, I'm afraid.

The English, as a rule, don't speak

many foreign languages.

John has many rare stamps in his


There isn't much information in this


Cuando formulamos preguntas con "mucho", tendemos a emplear "many"

para sustantivos contables en el 'plural y "much" , para sustantivos incontables,

igual que en el negativo. De todos modos, no es muy (omun formular este tipo

de pregunta.

~Teneis muchos arboles en vuestro


~Tienes mucho tiempo libre 105 fines de


~Queda mucho dinero en tu cuenta a

final de mes?

~Conociste a mucha gente en el


Do you have many trees in your garden?

Do you have much free time at


Is there much money left in your

account by the end of the month?

Did you meet many people on the


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La clave del exito ala hora de aprender un idioma es el repaso continuo.

Como siempre, revisaremos 1 0 que ya trabajamos en la entrega anterior.

E I futuro con "w ill"

Creo que ire a casa. I think I'll go home.

Probablemente nos veremos manana. I'll probably see you tomorrow.

Creo que toma re una taza de teo I think I'll have a cup of tea.

As far as I know

Que yo sepa e l se march6. As far as I know, he left.

Que yo sepa ella esta enferma. As far as I know, she's ill.

Que yo sepa mi mujer esta dormida. As far as I know, my wife is asleep.

Shal l

~Nos vamos? Shall we go?

~Cierro la puerta? Shall I close the door?

~Tomamos una copa? Shall we have a drink?

Verbos irregu la res

Sarah me contaba todo. Sarah told me everything.

~Que dijiste? What did you say?

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Phrasal Verb

Subi al tren en el ultimo minuto. I got on the train at the last minute.

About to

EIesta a punto de subir al autobus.

Estan a punto de Ilegar.

He's about to get on the bus.

They're about to arrive.


Manda las invitaciones por adelantado. Send the invitations in advance .

Estaba dormido a medianoche. I was asleep a t m idnight.

® .

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D ar give gaVe given

Ir go went goneI

Leer read read read

Aunque presentamos los verbos asi, 1 0 impcirtante es trabajarlos en contextos

reales. No sirve de nada memorizar los verbos de esta manera si luego no eres

capaz de manejarlos con soltura.

PONTE A PRU EBA Afirm ativo

Todos los dfas doy. Every day I give.

Ayer di. Yesterday I gave.

Todos los dfas el da. Every day he gives.

Ayer el dio. Yesterday he gave:

Todos los dfas dais. Every day you give.

Ayer disteis. Yesterday you gave.

Todos los dfas vamos. Every day we go.

Ayer fuimos. Yesterday we went .

Todos los dfas ella va. Every day she goes.

Ayer ella fue. Yesterday shewent.

Todos los dfas van. Every day they go.

Ayer fueron. Yesterday they went.

Todos los dfas lees./

Every day you read.

Ayer lefste. Yesterday you read.

Todos los dfas leen. Every day they read.

Ayer leyeron. Yesterday they read.

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Ahora seguimos centrandonos en el pasado simple de estos verbos, al mismotiempo que trabajaremos la forma en que decimos "hace una semana".

Hace una semana ...

Hace una semana lei ellibro.

Hace una semana fueron alii.

~C6mo se dice "estricto"?,'.

Hace una semana ella me dio un boli.

Hace una semana fueron al cine.

Hace una semana leimos la carta.

Hace una semana te di mi numero.

Hace una semana diste una excusa.

Hace una semana el fue al banco.

Hace una semana les dimos un coche.

W ] ~C6mo se dice "manta"?

Hace una semana el me dio un anillo.

Hace una semana lei la noticia.

Hace una semana les disteis un mov i l

A week ago.

A week ago I read the book.

A week ago they went there.



A week ago she gave me a pen.

Aweek ago they went to the cinema.

A week ago we read the letter.

A week ago I gave you my number.

A week ago you gave an excuse.

A week ago he went to the bank.

A week ago we gave them a ca r.

A week ago he gave me a ring.

A week ago I read the news.

A week ago you gave them a mobile.

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COMPRENS ION AUD IT IVA Parrafo de la sem ana

EI Ingles coloquial. Dominar las diferentes estructuras gramaticales al hablar

can soltura es vital, como 10es entender a la primera. Pero igual de importante

es familiarizarse can el Ingles coloquial. A continuaci6n, haremos un ejercicio de

comprensi6n auditiva. Escucharas un parrafo muy carta sacado de una situa-

ci6n cotidiana cualquiera. Esta Irena de expresiones que se emplean a menudo

en un contexto angloparlante. La leeremos a velocidad normal, as! que no te

preocupes si no entiendes nada la primera vez. Escucha atentamente repetidas

veces hasta que te acostumbres a la musicalldad del ingles, Si ves que 10tienes

que escuchar 18veces para entenderlo todo, i bendito seas!

Primero 10escucharas con acento norteamericano y luego con acento britanico.

Don't get mad at me! I started calling him when I got there this morning and his

line has been busy all day. What else can I do, send him a telegram? Either his

phone is broken or he doesn't want anybody calling him.

[No te enfades conmigo! Ernpece a Ilamarie cuando Ilegue aqui esta manana y

su linea [leva ocupada todo el dia. ~Que mas puedo hacer, mandarle un telegra-

ma? a su telefono esta roto 0 no quiere que nadie Ie Ilame.

Don't get mad at me! Por supuesto se.puede decir "do n't get a ngr y a t m e';

pero es muy cornun air esta alternativa. Suena muy

natural, ya que "mad" no s610 significa "loco" sino

tarnbien "cabreado" Observa que en Ingles emplea-

mos la preposici6n "a t" despues y no "wi th ':

I got here La mas natural para un angloparlante nativo es

decir "I go t h ere"y no "I a r riv ed h er e': EIverba "to

a r r i ve" se suele usar solo, por ejemplo: ( ( I ar r i ved

a t 10.00 a.m," Para decir d6nde Ilegamos solemos

usar "to get ': "I g o t to th e o ffice ea r ly th is mo r -

ning." Normalmente requiere la preposici6n " to"

pero con las palabras "h er e'; "th er e"y "h om e" esta

@ » .~ ~a Iabra· ;,~ ~ ~;;, s~ p r : : u O n : , i ; ~ ' b i ~ i ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

Busy Una linea telef6nica nunca esta "occupied" en ingtes.

What else No sed ice "what more?" en ingles, n i "who more t",

ni "where more?", sino "what else?", "who else"

y "where else". Traducir de forma literal desde el

espafiol puede resultar peligroso, ya que "what

more?" nos suena rarfsimo.

Either ...or 0...0. Hay dos formas de pronunciar la palabra

"ei ther": "lza" 0 "aiza". Ambas son perfecta mente


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~~OM_ER_O_S_l_5~Y_50 _

Seguimos erradicando estas areas problernaticas de pronunciaci6n y de com-

prensi6n. Hoy nos centraremos en establecer una clara diferencia entre los nu-

meros 15 y 50.

@ . C ~ ~ n d ; ; b l ;~ ; s d ~ I ~ ; ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ ; s~ u ~ v ;n d ~ I ; 3 ;1 ; 9 ~ I~ ~ f a s i s c a e•la segunda silaba. Sin embargo, cuandO decimos 30,40,50,60, 70, 80

Y 90, el enfasis cae en la primera silaba.

15 = Fifteen

50 = Fifty

Apunta los siguientes nurneros y repite el ejercicio hasta que aciertes.

50 Fifty._ ' .

150 One hundred and fifty.

315 Three hundred and fifteen.

2,715 Two thousand, seven hundred and fifteen.

15,550 Fifteen thousand, five hundred and fifty.

15,515 Fifteen thousand, five hundred and fifteen.

50,015 Fiftythousand and fifteen.

715 Seven hundred and fifteen.

115 One hundred and fifteen.

250 Two hundred and fifty.

750 Seven hundred and fifty.

16,015 Sixteen thousand and fifteen.

15 Fifteen.

@.N'i'~~'~'~'~~';~~'~.~~.;~t'~p'jgi'~'~~~~y~~'d'~'q'~~I~~'~G'~'~~~~'~'~~ i g ~ 'q'~~'ya sabes. Por supuesto, en si son muy faciles. pero manejarlos con efica-

cia requiere mucha practica. En la vida real no hay tiempo para recurrir

ala traducci6n cada vez que oigas un nurnero.

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E l l REPA SOFuturo c on 'go ing to _ ' _

Voya darte un examen.

EIva a leer 'EI Quijote'.

No van a venir manana.

I'm going to give you an exam.

He's going to read 'EIQuijote

They're not going to come tomorrow.

Are you going to write a letter?Vas a escribir una carta?

~ !.C6mo s e d ice "a jo "?

~Va a estar allftu novia?

No voy a contestar a eso.

Isyour girlfriend going to be there?

I'm not going to answer that.


Persona A: Voya ir al cine.

Persona B: Yo rlJe apunto.

Nos vemos el sabado.

I'm going to go to the cinema.

I'll come.

I'll see you on Saturday.

~ [Como s e dice "Esio no tiene s ent ido ''?

Voya verle el sabado.

Te espero fuera de la estacion.

I'm going to see him on Saturday.

I'll wait for you outside the station.

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~Trabajas a jornada completa?

No me obligues a decirselo.

Nesecito otra manta.

Hay demasiado ajo en esta sopa.

Latasa de natalidad aqui es muy baja.

~Tienes que ser tan estricto?


Se necesita mucho tiempo para

preparar ese plato.

Vimos mucha basura en la playa.

Hay mucha agua en el suelo.

No hay mucha gente aqui hoy.

No tengo mucho dinero.

~Visteis muchos camellos en Tunez?

~Tienes muchos muebles que

traslada r?

Do you work full-time?

Don't force me to tell him.

I need another blanket.

There's too much garlic in this soup.

The birth rate here is very low.

Do you have to be so strict?


You need a lot of time to prepare

that dish.

We saw a lot of rubbish on the beach.

There is a lot of water on the floor.

There aren't many people here today.

I don't have much money.

Did you see many camels in Tunisia?

Do you have much furniture to move?


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~ E I te dio el informe?

Los alumnos fueron a Londres de fin

de semana.

Quiero leer el informe ahora mismo.


Did he give you the report?

The students went to London for the


I want to read the report right now.

Por 1 0 que a ti respecta, hablaremos

manana por la manana.

En cuanto a la altura creo que el es 1 0

suficientemente alto.

Por 1 0 que a mi respecta, puedes coger1 0 que quieras.

As far as you're concerned, we'll talk

in the morning.

As far as height is concerned, I think

he's tall enough.

As far as I'm concerned, you can takewhatever you want.

00··········,·········································· .


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Voya bajar del autobus en la proxima


I'm going to get off the bus at the

next stop.

~Tienes muchas mantas en tu


Do you have many blankets in your


No tiene sentido ser tan estricto. It doesn't make sense to be so strict.

Por 1 0 que a el respecta, podemos

darle el ajo manana.

As far as he's concerned, we can give

him the garlic tomorrow.

~ lCOma s e d ice "nacimien to '?

teere el informe ellunes. I'll read thereport on Monday.

50,550 Fifty thousand, five hundred and fifty.

15,550 Fifteen thousand, five hundred and fifty.

~ [Como se dice "[ornada camp/eta'?

Diana bajo del avion a las 7:30. Diana got off the plane at 7:30pm.

~TieneJim muchos amigos en Espana? Does Jim have many friends in Spain?

iBiljate del autobusl Get off the bus!

Tengo muchos deberes esta semana. I have a lot of homework this week.

jClaro que sf! Of course you do!

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m RESUMEN Esta semana h emos v_is_to_._• _

• Futuro con "going to" It's going to rain tomorrow.

• Expresion de la semana As far as I'm concerned.

• Will & Going to "I'm goingto mowthe lawn."

"No, I'll do it."

• Phrasal Verb To get off

• Vocabulario Full-time


To force





To make sense

• Feel like Much / Many / a lot of

• Verbos irregulares To give

To go

To read

• Nurneros15


0 0 · · · · . . · . . · · · · · ·.· · · · · · · · · · .· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . .

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TAREAS PARA LA SEMANA 20 minutos al dia

Estotalmente imprescindible que estudies

20m inutos tad as los dias .

20 minutos no suponen n a d a en tu vida, pero significan

m uch iimo paratu Ingles .


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GIMNAS IA VERBAL Estilo lndirecto

Cuando decimos algo y luego comentamos 1 0 que dijimos, igual que en espafiol,

damos un paso hacia atras con el tiempo verbal.

Por ejemplo

I like fish.

Aquf el verba "tiker v« en presente. Sin embargo:

I said I liked fish.

Damos un paso hacia atras en el tiempo y el presente simple se convierte en

pasado simple.


Ift\ '.': .\W Un paso hacia atras.

EI presente simple se convierte en pasado simple.

Jose said (that) he lived in Madrid. Marfa said (that) she liked chocolate.

'I live in Madrid'. 'I like chocolate'.

Jose Marfa

Pablo said (that) he went to the gym

every day.

Laura said (that) her children spoke

good English.

'My children speak

good English'.

'I go to the gym

every day'.

Pablo Laura

Juan said that he didn't watch much


Miguel said (that) his wife didn't cook

very well.

r ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ a t c h~Juan

'My wife doesn't cook

very well'.


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ffi'\ .\W U n p aso h acia atras.

EI pasado simple se convierte en pasado perfecto.

Jose said (that) his sister h ad seen

the accident.

'My sister saw the accident'.


Pablo said (that) his boss h ad h eard

the news yesterday.

'My boss heard the news



Juan said (that) his car h ad n't star-

te d yesterday morning.

'My car d idn 't sta rtyesterday morning'.



Maria said (that) she h ad lo ok ed for it


'I looked for it everywhere'.


Laura said (that) she h ad stu died for

two hours last night.

'I studied for two hours

last night'.


Miguel said (that) he h ad n't gon e to

London last month.

'l'didn't go to Londonlast month'.


ffi'\ .\W U n p aso h acia atras,

"Have" + pa rticipio se convierte en "had" + participio.

Jose said (that) they had only given

him half the report.

They've only given me

half the report'.


66 . Nivel Avanzado

Maria said (that) her son h ad p assed

his drivingtest.

'My son ha s p a sse d his

drivi ng test'.


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Pablo said (that) he had nearly

finished his homework.

Laura said (that) she had read the

novel before.

'I've nearly finished

my homework'.

I've read the novel


Pablo Laura

Juan said (that) he hadn't seen him


Miguel said (that) they hadn't spoken

to the supplier.

'They haven't spoken

to the supplier'.

'I haven't seen him


Juan Miguel


ffi\ .\W Un paso hacia atras,

"Will" se convierte en "would",

Jose said (that) he would see himtomorrow.

Maria said (that) her husband wouldbe there.

'I'll seehim tomorrow'. 'My husband will be there'.

Jose Maria

Pablo said (that) he would buy the

tickets on Thursday.

Laura said (that) her team would

meet the deadline.

'I'll buy the tickets on


'My team will meet

the deadline'.

Pablo Laura

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Juan said (that) he wouldn't do it.

'I won't do it'.



Miguel said (that) the bank wouldn't

give him a loan .

. The bank won't give me a loan'.


ffi\ .\W Un paso hacia atras.

EI presente continuo se convierte en pasado continuo.

Jose said (that) he was flying to New

York next week.

'I'm f ly ing to New York

next week'.


Pablo said (that) the journalist was

writing an article about him.

'The journalist is writing

an article about me'.


Juan said (that) his brother wasn't

working at the moment.

'My brother isn't working

at the moment'.


Marfa said (that) her parents were

staying with her at the moment.

'My parents are staying

with me at the moment'.

Marfa' -

Laura said (that) she was waiting for

an answer from them.

'I'm waiting for an

answer from them'.


Miguel said (that) his cat was

having kittens.


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LA EXPRES ION DE LA SEMANA A friend of m ine

Para decir "un amigo mio" en Ingles, decimos "afriend of mine" empleando el

pronombre posesivo personal. Repasemos estos siete pronombres para grabar-los en tu memoria: mine, yours, his, hers, yours, ours, theirs.

John es amigo mio. John is a friend of mine.

Soy amigo suyo (de ella). 'I'm a friend of hers.

Ella es amiga suya (de ellos). She's a friend of theirs.

E I es amigo nuestro. He's a friend of ours.

ffi\ , .~ No te olvides de utilizar J . ? palabra "a".


~Ella es amiga vuestra? Is she a friend of yours?

Son amigos nuestros. They're friends of ours.

~Son amigos suyos (de el)? Are they friends of his?

En este contexto, cuando especificamos el nombre de la persona de quien es

amigo, usamos el genitivo saj6n (nombre & ap6strofe & "s").

Ella es amiga de John. She's a friend of John's.

Son amigos de Pauline. They're friends of Pauline's.

Somos amigos de John. We're friends of John's.

E I es amigo de Patrick. He's afriend of Patrick's.

Para decir "es un muy buen amigo mio" simplemente decimos "h e's a very good

friend of mine".

EIalcalde es muy buen amigo mio. The Mayor is a very good friend of


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Utilizamos el verba " to k ee p" con el gerundio (ing) en el imperativo para decir 0

animar a alguien a que siga haciendo algo.

iSigue! iVa casi es tas l Keep going! vou're nearly there!

Tienes que seguir intentandolo.

Algun dia conseguiras un trabajo.

You must keep trying. You'll get a

jOQ one day.

iSigue buscando! EI solo no va a


Keep looking! It won't jump out at


iSigue intentandolol AI final te 10

cogeran (el telefono).

Keep trying! You'll get through


iSigan mandandonos sus

donativos! Hay que recaudar el

maximo dinero posible.

Keep sending in your donations!

We need to raise as much money

as possible.

Con el imperativo negativo (Don't k ee p + ing) el significado es "Dejar de ...". Se

emplea mucho con 105 niPios.

iDeja de hacer preguntas estupidasl Don't keep asking stupid questions!

iDeja de quitarte los zapatos! Don't keep taki ng your shoes off!

iDeja de gastar tu paga en


Don't keep spendingyour pocket

money on sweets!

iDeja de Ilamar a Mama al trabajo

cuando no sea importante!

Don't keep calling Mummy at work

when it's not important!

iPorfavor! iDeja de da r patadas a

mi asiento! (en el coche).

Please don't keep kicking the back

of my seat! (in the car).

Hay una forma del verbo "to k eep " con el gerundio que 105 espaPioles no soleis

utilizar. Sin embargo, se trata de una expresi6n de uso frecuente. Keep + in g =No dejar de hacer algo. Utilizamos este verbo cuando nos sentimos algo moles-

tos 0 enojados.

Esaempresa de telemarketing no

deja de Ilamarme.

That telemarketing company keeps

(on) phoning me.

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Mi vecina no deja de hablar de sus


My neighbour keeps (on) going on

about her grandchildren.

Mi dentista no deja de cancelarmelas citas.

My dentist keeps (on) cancellingmy appointments.

Cuando era joven, mi hermano no

dejaba de pegarme.

When I was young, my brother

kept (on) hitting me.

Mi jefe no deja de darme trabajo. My boss keeps (on) giving me too

much work!

To keep doing something = To keep on doing something. Habras visto que af iad i -

mos en parentes is la preposition "on". Una expresion es sinonirna de la otra. AU(l-

que se usa menos, es importante.reconocer!a por si la escuchas en algun sitio.

E I no deja de molestarme con sus


He keeps (on) annoying me with

his problems.

A pesar de mis protestas, no deja

de poner la musica fuerte.

Despite my protests, he keeps (on)

playing his music loud.

Mi impresora no deja de atascarse. My printer keeps (on) jamming

(Como "traffic jam").

Eseempleado nuevo no deja decoquetear con las chicas de la


That new employee keeps (on)chatting up the girls in the office.

Mi coche no deja de calarse. My car keeps (on) stalling.

00····················································· .

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PHRASAL VERB To sort out

Setrata de otro verbo compuesto muy util, aunque es casi sin6nimo de (to solve';

pero mucho mas usado en el ingles cotidiano.

Tenemos muchas cosas que


We have lots of things to sort out.

~Has solucionado el problema con

tu jefe?

Have you sorted out the problem

with your boss?

[Resuelvelo tu mismo! Sort it out you rself!

Necesito tiempo para arreglar sus


I need time to sort out his papers.

Los asuntos legales se arreglaron el

mes pasado.

The legal matters were sorted out

last month.

Todo se ha arreglado. Everything has been sorted out.

® .

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to resort to recu rri r a

wasp avispa

coal carbon

weak point punto debil

investment inversion

trend tendcncia

beard barba

guidelines directrices

Tuvieron que recurrir a la violencia. They had to resort to violence.

[Cuidadol Hay una avispa allado

de tu mano.

Careful! There's awasp byyour


Tenemos que comprar carbon para

la chimenea.

We need to buy some coal for the

f r e o

EIpunto debit mas importante de

Leo es su fa Ita de confianza.

Leo's biggest weak point is his lack

of confidence.

Comprar aquella casa fue una

inversion acertada.

Buying that house was a great


Estas cifras nos ayudaran a

entender las ultimas tendencias.

These figures will help us to

understand the latest trends.

Mi vecino tiene barba. My neighbour has a beard.

~ .

~ "Tener barba" requiere el articulo en ingles. Siempre decimos

"to have a beard".

Estasdirectrices estan para ayudarte. These guidelines are there to help


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GIMNAS IA VERBAL From I To / For / S ince------------------

Muchos alumnos confunden "since", "from" Y "for".


Desd e (h as ta hoy in clu siv e)

I've known him since 1989.

Le conozco desde 1989,

I've been here since the meeting began.

Estoy aqui desde que empez61a reuni6n.


Desde hace (durante )

I've known him for 10years.

Le conozco desde hace 10afios.

I've been here for two hours.

Estoy aqul desde hace dos afios.


Desde . .. has ta

I was there from 12:00 to 14:00.

Estuve alii desde las dace has ta las dos.

I'll be there from Monday to Friday.

Es ta te alii desde ellunes hasta el viernes.

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@.~ ; F ~ ~ ~ ' , ~ ' ~ i ~ ; ; " ~ ' r ~~ . ~ . ' ~ ~ ; ; " ~ ' ~~'d~'~'l~t~;;~.~~~~ti i~;, ' ;~'~ ~ '~;~'r '~~'~'~ .periodo de tiempo cerrado, con principia y fin, ya sea en el pasado 0 en

el futuro.

®. N ~ '. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ .~'p'I~~'r' 'I~'~~i~'b'r~' ~;d~~ i~~~;• 'I'~~''~j~'~'pi~'~ ' d ' ~ '~'~~~i'~;' ~tanterior. "During" (durante) se usa cuando nos referimos a una acci6n :

a una serie de acciones que tuvieron lugar 0 que tendran lugar durante:

un periodo de tiempo concreto. 0sea, delante un sustantivo (d urin g th e:day, during the night, during the war). :

Ponte a prueba.'

Intenta contestar las preguntas de las dos maneras. La primera can "from...to"

y la seg.unda can 'lor".

How long was Adolf Hitler in power

in Germany? (1933-1945: 12years)

How long was Felipe Gonzalez

president of Spain? (1982-1996: 14


How long was Margaret Thatcher

prime minister of Britain? (1979-

1990: 11 years)

How long was Aznar president of

Spain? (1996-2004: 8 years)

Hitler was in power from 1933 to


Hitlerwas in power for 12years.

Felipe Gonzalez was president of

Spain from 1982 to 1996.

Felipe Gonzalez was president of

Spain for 14 years.

Margaret Thatcher was prime

minister of Britain from 1979 to 1990.

Margaret Thatcher was primeminister of Britain for 11 years.

Aznar was president of Spain from

1996 to 2004.

Aznar was president of Spain for 8


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Ahora uti Iiza ndo "since" y "for":

How long has George W . Bush been

president of the United States?

(2001-now: 7years)

How long has the United States

been a country? (1776-now: 231


How long has Harrison Ford been a

famous actor? (1977-now: 30 years)

George W . Bush has been president of

the us. since 2001.

George W . Bush has been president of

the U.S. for 7years.

The United States has been a country

since 1776.

The Uniteds States has been a

country for 231 years.

Harrison Ford has been a famous

actor since 1977.Harrison Ford has been a famous

actor for 30 years.

ffi\ .~ Desde un punto del pasado = Since.

Desde hace un periodo de tiempo = For.

How long has Robert Redford been

a famous actor? (1964-now: 43


Robert Redford has been a famous

actor since 1964.

Robert Redford has been a famous

actor for 43 yea rs.

0 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · · · . .

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Laclave del exito ala hora de aprender un idioma es el repaso continuo.

Como siempre, revisaremos ya 1 0 que trabajamos en la entrega anterior.

EI acusativo

Quiero que hagas un esfuerzo.

No quieren que la manifestaciontenga lugar.

I want you to make an effort.

They don't want the demonstrationto take place.

Every other-----------------------------

Voy al cine una semana si, otra no.

Ella come con sus subordinados un

dia sl, otro no.


Esta nevando. No obstante no hace


Nos interesa mucho vuestra

propuesta. Sin embargo, no

podemos contemplarla ahora.

Tengo miedo. No obstante, ire.

Verbos irregulares=-------------

He comido arroz tres veces este meso

Nunca he conducido un carnien.

o r todo el discurso.

I go to the 6nema every other week.

She eats with her reportees every

other day.

It's snowing. Nevertheless, it's not


We're very interested in your proposal.

However, we can't contemplate it


I'm afraid. Nevertheless, I'll go.

I've eaten rice three times this month.

I've never driven a lorry.

I heard the whole speech.

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Phrasal V erb

Apunta la direcci6n del restauarante. Write down the restaurant address.


E120% es igual que la quinta parte. Twenty percent is the same as a fifth.

EI 50% es igual ala mitad. Fifty percent is the same as a half


Soy el responsable de ventas. I'm in charge of sales.

Ha habido un malentendido. There's been a misunderstanding.


00····················································· ~ .

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Pelear fight fought fought

Olvidar forget forgot forgotten

Pensar think thought thought

Signifiear mean meant meant

Mantener/ hold held heldSujetar

PONTE A PRUESA Afirm ativo

Me peleaba con mi hermano cuando

era peq uefio.

Se me acaba de olvidar 1 0 que iba a


~(reiste que era una buena idea?

Espana solo ha sido anfitrion de las

OUmpiadas una vez.

(reo que el quiso decir otra cosa.

Me he peleado muchas veces sobre

este asunto con mi jefe.

Sujete la escalera para ella.

Quise decir que era importante.


I fought with my brother when I

was small.

I've just forgotten what I was going

to say.

Did you think it was a good idea?

Spain has only held the Olympics


I think he meant something else.

I've fought over this matter with my

boss many times.

I held the ladder for her.

I meant itwas important.

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Yo pensaba que sabrfas la respuesta.

He pensado a menudo que serfa una

buena idea.

Se me olvido decfrtelo ayer.

Querfa decir 1 0 que dije.


No se me olvido pedir el carb6n.

No quise decir "inversion" sino


No pensaba que la tendencia serfa asi.

No me pelee con una abeja sino con

una avispa.

No sujete la esca lera 1 0

suficientemente fuerte.

Nunca he pensado eso sobre el.

Nunca me he peleado con mi jefe.

A Sandra no se Ie ha olvidado la cita.

Nunca he sujetado una escalera.

No pense en las directrices.

I thought you would know the


I've often thought it would be a

good idea.

I forgot to tell you about it yesterday.

I meant what I said.

I didn't forget to order some coal.

I didn't mean "investment" but


I didn't think the trend would belike that.

I didn't fight with a bee but with a


I didn't hold the ladder tightly


I've never thought that about him.

I've never fought with my boss.

Sand ra hasn't forgotten the


I've never held a ladder.

I didn't think about the guidelines.

@ ' i ;6i~d'~~'i '~~~';t~t h i ~ k' i~;; '~~ '~ '~d~'~~~'~;~ '~;•.~.~.idi~'~~"'p~~'~j~plo. "! u su ally th ink in E nglish " (Suelo pensar en ingles). Se suele decir

"to think about something" (pensar en algo) 0 "to think about doing

something" (pensar en hacer algo).

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lHas pensado alguna vez en jubilarte?

lMantuviste la reunion la semanapasada?

lQuerias decir 1 0 que dijiste?

.ru gato Y tu perro se peleabanmucho?

lSe Ie ha olvidado 1 0 importante que

es esta inversion?

~Sehan peleado alguna vez por la



~Has mantenido alguna vez una

reunion en aleman?

lPensabas que era tu principal punto

debi l?

lSe te olvido llarnarla?

lO S habeis peleado mucho


Have you ever thought about


Did you hold the meeting last week?

Didyou mean what you said?

Did your cat and dog fight a lot?

Has she forgotten how important

this investment is?

Have they ever fought over politics?

Have youever held a meeti ng in


Did you think it was your main weak


Did you forget to call her?

Have you fought much recently?

00····················································· .

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COMPRENSION AUDITIVA Parrafo de la semana

EI objetivo del siguiente ejercicio es agudizar tu comprensi6n auditiva. Escucha

cada parrafo una vez. Si no entiendes gran cosa, no te preocupes. Ponlo dos, tres,cuatro a cinco veces. Poco a poco ernpezaras a identificar palabras sueltas, lue-

go frases enteras y final mente todo. Tarnbien puedes utilizar este ejerciio como


No olvides que: trabajar la comprensi6n auditjva es el aspecto mas importante

en el aprendizaje de un idioma. Par muy bien que hables un idioma, si no entien-

des, estas perdido, ya que se rompe la cadena de la comunicaci6n.

Listen, John, we've got to find a way to absorb the noise in the general office

area. The acoustics are terrible and when everyone's on the phone, the noise

bounces off the floor, walls, and ceiling like crazy ping-pong balls. Couldn't a

few rugs on the floor and maybe an additional plant or two reduce some of the


Mira John, tenemos que encontrar una forma de amortiguar el ruido en la zonacornun de la oficina. La acust ica es malfsima y cuando todo el mundo esta al te-

lefono, 105 ruidos rebotan en el suelo, paredes ytecho como bolas de ping-pong.

~No podran reducir un poco el ruido unas cuantas alfombras en el suelo 0quiza

una 0 dos plantas adicionales?

A way Una forma.Literalmente "un camino". No podemos usar la

palabra "form" en este contexto.

The acoustics are Acust ica .

AI contrario que en castellano, la palabra inglesa es


Everyone's Todo el mundo."Everyone" 0 "everybody" son dos palabras to-

talmente iguales. Lo importante es recordar que

ambas requieren el singular del verba.

On the phone AI telefono.

~ .

~ Es imprescindible usar la preposici6n lion" en esta frase.

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@ ".,.", , ,.. , .jCuidado con nuestra palabra para "techo"! No se pronuncia como se

escri~.~.?!n.?~~~~! 1 J 9 . ' ~ , ' , , , .

On the floor En el suelo.

Procura no decir " in the flo or" ya que suena horri-


f i i i ' \ '\V :

. :


N ive l A van zad o . 83

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NUMEROS Thousand and ...

Si despues de los millares no aparece ninguna centena, sino simplemente dece-


unidades, empleamos la palabra "and". Por ejernplo.

4,020 Four thousand and twenty.

3,003 Three thousand and three.

8,094 Eight thousand and ninety-four.

13,017 Thirteen thousand and seventeen.

18,001 Eighteen thousand and one.

200,037 Two hundred thousand and thirty-seven.

1,500,088 One million, five hundred thousand and eighty-eight.

W ] [Como s e dice "r ecur r ir a "?

68,059,013 Sixty-eight million, fifty-nine thousand and thirteen.

44,022,064 Forty-four million, twenty-two thousand and sixty-four.

80,071 Eighty thousand and seventy-one.

600,039 Six hundred thousand and thirty-nine.

9,200,052 Nine million, two hundred thousand and fifty-two.

10,010,011 Ten million, ten thousand and eleven.

83,074,006 Eighty-three million, seventy-four thousand and six.

900,018 Nine hundred thousand and eighteen.

2,031,032 Two million, thirty-one thousand and thirty-two.

19,012 Nineteen thousand and twelve.

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E ! ! REPASO Estilo Indirecto

Jose said (that) he knew his secretary

very well.

Maria said (that) Jose had driven to

Seville yesterday.

"Jose drove to Seville


"I know his secretary

very well".

Jose Maria

Pablo said (that) Maria hadn'tfinished writing her book.

Laura said (that) Pablo's fatherwouldn't agree.

"Maria hasn't finished

writing her book".

"Pablo's father won't


Pablo Laura


Juan said (that) he was sharing a flat

with his friend Paco.

Miguel said (that) he could pick up

your parents from the airport.

"I'm sharing a flat with

my friend Paco"

"I can pick up your parents

from the airport".

Juan Miguel

*Reto: ~Eres capaz de formar las seis frases de arriba en 30 segundos?

FROM ... TO, FOR, S INCE-------------------------------------

How long has Madonna been


(1982-now: 25 years)

Madonna has been famous since


Madonna has been famous for 25


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How long was Texas an independent


(1836-1845: 9 years)

How long has Texas been part of the

United States?

(1845-now: 162 years)


Siempre recurren ala violencia.

Las avispas pueden ser muy


La mayoria de las minas de carbon

se han cerrado.

Hablar es mi punto deoil.

Hice una mala inversion.

EI informe rnostro una tendencia


Tus directrices no son muy claras.


iSigue repasandol

No dejo de cometer errores.

iDeja de hacer eso!

jSigue estudiando!

86· Nivel Avanzado

Texas was an independent country

from 1836 to 1845.

Texas was an independent country for

9 years.

Texas has been a part of the u . s . since1845.

Texas has been a part of the U.S. for

162years .

They always resort to violence.

Wasps can be very aggressive.

Most of the coal mines have closed.

Speaking is my weak point.

I made a bad investment.

The report showed a very negative


Your guidelines are not very clear.

Keep revising!

I keep making mistakes!

Don't keep doing that!

Keep studying!

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E I pensaba que ibas a olvidarlo. He thought that you were going to


He olvidado como sujetar a un bebe. I've forgotten how to hold a baby.

Los ingleses lucharon contra los


The English fought the French.


Ella es amiga del Presidente. She's a friend of the President's.

Yo antes era amigo suyo (de ella). I used to be a friend of hers.

No son amigos nuestros. They're notfriends of ours.

~Es amiga tuya? Is she a friend of yours?

00····················································· .

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"I fight with my

brother every day."


E I actor de la portada es un buen

amigo mio.

jHay una avispa en mi sopa!

w : g [Como s e dice "inv er s io n"?

Hay que seguir las directrices.


How long was Bill Clinton president

of the United States? (1993-2001)

Pensaba que los rebeldes habfan

dejado de pelear.

~Has resuelto el problema?

'I think it's interesting'.


w : g l C6m o s e dice "a v is pa "?

iNo dejes de estudiar!

"Keep studying!"

Richard Vaughan

88 . Nivel Avanzado

Miguel said he fought with his

brother every day.

Theactor on the front cover is a good

friend of mine.

There's a wasp in my soup!

You have to follow the guidelines.

One million, three hundred and four

thousand and three.

Bill Clinton was president of the u . s .from 1993 to 2001.

I thought the rebels had stopped


Have you sorted out the problem?

Pablo said he thought it was



Keep studying!

He said, "keep studying!"

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m~SUMEN Esta sem ana hemos visto ...

• Estilo indirecto "I will go."

He said he would go.

• Expresion de la semana A friend of mine.

• Seguir haciendo algo To keep doing something.

• Phrasal Verb To sort out

·Vocabulario To resort to



Weak point





• Desde, desde hace, etc. From, to, since, for

·Verbos irregulares To fight




To hold

• Nurneros Thousand and ...


next week!

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TAREAS PARA LA SEMANA 20 minutos al dia

Estotalmente imprescindible que estudies tus:

20 minutos-,., losdfas.

20 minutos no suponen n a da en tu vida, pero significan

I much is ima paratu ingles.

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soluciones a

" de la semana

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Ficha 9. Vocabulario

No se puede obligar a la gente a

asistir a la conferencia.

Trabajo a jornada intensiva aqui

desde hace mas de un ario.

Tuvieron que recurrir a la violencia.

Ficha 10. Adjetivos

(Barcelona es una ciudad grande 0

una ciudad pequef ia?

(EI Nilo es un rio largo 0 un rio corto?

(Milan es grande 0 pequefio?

Ficha 11. Much / many

No hay mucha informacion en este

cata logo.

~Queda mucho dinero en tu cuenta a

final de mes?

~(onociste a mucha gente en el


Ficha 12. Verbos irregulares

(reo que el quiso decir otra cosa.

Yo pensaba que sabrias la respuesta.

Espana solo ha sido anfitrion de las

Olimpiadas una vez.

Ficha 13. Futuro con "going to"

EI va a Ilamar mas tarde.

No os va a gustar la propuesta.

~Va a furrcionar mi plan?

You can't force people to attend the


I've been working full time here for

over a year.

They had to resort to violence.

Is Barcelona a big city or a small city?

Is the Nile a long river or a short river?

Is Milan big or small?

There isn't much information in this


Is there much money left in your

account by the end ofthe month?

Did you meet many people on the


I think he meant something else.

I thought you would know the answer.

Spain has only held the Olympics


. . . .He's going to call later.

You're not going to like the proposal.

Is my plan going to work?

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