3 greater creation word week 3 week 1 sin sin p3 greater creation word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 word...

P 3 Parent - Practice - Partner Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* At Home Drill 3DUHQW 6LJQDWXUH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Completed P3 P 3 Parent - Practice - Partner Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* 3DUHQW ,QLWLDOVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB At Home Drill 3DUHQW 6LJQDWXUH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Completed P3 Page: 3 Page: 3 3DUHQW ,QLWLDOVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Page: 2 “May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 GREATER Week 1 “May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT You see the ball coming your way… It’s the moment you’ve prepared for and now is your time to shine. You set your feet and prepare for the hit. Everything seems perfect and as it should be as your forearm collides with the ball. But suddenly you realize the ball is heading straight for the net. You look on helplessly as the ball catches the strands and falls aimlessly to the court. The point goes to the other team. When you fail to make a play, it is hard to continue on; to endure. You feel as though you’ve let your team down and the temptation to quit is all too real. But, as you may have experienced, something greater tends to keeps you in the game. Maybe it is the knowledge that your team needs you. Maybe is it victory. In the same way that reaching for victory in the midst of mistakes keeps you in the game, reaching for Christ in the hard moments of life will help you to patiently endure. When you understand how much God, who is our Creator, loves you, suddenly the worries of life seem more and more conquerable. Why? Because someone greater guarantees that we don’t have to go it alone. This week, continue to strive to know God more no matter what situation you face. Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)# FOUNDATIONAL SKILL DRILLS 3DUHQWV KDYH IXQ ZLWK WKHVH GULOOV ZKLOH FKDOOHQJLQJ \RXU SOD\- HUV WR LPSURYH :KLOH WKHVH GULOOV GRQ·W QHFHVVDULO\ LQYROYH D EDOO WKH\ DUH HVVHQWLDO WR GHYHORSLQJ \RXU SOD\HU·V DWKOHWLF DELOLW\ ZKLFK ZLOO SD\ RII RQ WKH FRXUW Squat Jumps ² +DYH WKH SOD\HUV VWDQG LQ DQ DWKOHWLF SRVLWLRQ IHHW VKRXOGHU ZLGWK DSDUW NQHHV EHQW 7KH SOD\HUV VKRXOG MXPS XS DV KLJK DV WKH\ FDQ IURP WKLV SRVLWLRQ DQG ZKHQ WKH\ ODQG JR ULJKW EDFN LQWR LW DJDLQ 5HSHDW WLPHV 7KLV KHOSV SOD\HUV WR GHYHORS PXVFOHV WKDW ZLOO KHOS WKHLU H[SORVLRQ DQG MXPSLQJ DELOLW\ Practice #1 Practice #2 #To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent or guardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week. Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)# FOUNDATIONAL SKILL DRILLS 3DUHQWV KDYH IXQ ZLWK WKHVH GULOOV ZKLOH FKDOOHQJLQJ \RXU SOD\- HUV WR LPSURYH :KLOH WKHVH GULOOV GRQ·W QHFHVVDULO\ LQYROYH D EDOO WKH\ DUH HVVHQWLDO WR GHYHORSLQJ \RXU SOD\HU·V DWKOHWLF DELOLW\ ZKLFK ZLOO SD\ RII RQ WKH FRXUW Squat Jumps ² +DYH WKH SOD\HUV VWDQG LQ DQ DWKOHWLF SRVLWLRQ IHHW VKRXOGHU ZLGWK DSDUW NQHHV EHQW 7KH SOD\HUV VKRXOG MXPS XS DV KLJK DV WKH\ FDQ IURP WKLV SRVLWLRQ DQG ZKHQ WKH\ ODQG JR ULJKW EDFN LQWR LW DJDLQ 5HSHDW WLPHV 7KLV KHOSV SOD\HUV WR GHYHORS PXVFOHV WKDW ZLOO KHOS WKHLU H[SORVLRQ DQG MXPSLQJ DELOLW\ Practice #1 Practice #2 #To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent or guardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week. Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court Week 1 GREATER You see the ball coming your way… It’s the moment you’ve prepared for and now is your time to shine. You set your feet and prepare for the hit. Everything seems perfect and as it should be as your forearm collides with the ball. But suddenly you realize the ball is heading straight for the net. You look on helplessly as the ball catches the strands and falls aimlessly to the court. The point goes to the other team. When you fail to make a play, it is hard to continue on; to endure. You feel as though you’ve let your team down and the temptation to quit is all too real. But, as you may have experienced, something greater tends to keeps you in the game. Maybe it is the knowledge that your team needs you. Maybe is it victory. In the same way that reaching for victory in the midst of mistakes keeps you in the game, reaching for Christ in the hard moments of life will help you to patiently endure. When you understand how much God, who is our Creator, loves you, suddenly the worries of life seem more and more conquerable. Why? Because someone greater guarantees that we don’t have to go it alone. This week, continue to strive to know God more no matter what situation you face. *Read through this verse as a family *Read through this verse as a family

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Page 1: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.






Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 3 Page: 3






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“May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT

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FLOOR SETTING DRILL This is a drill that can easily be done in your basement or in the garage.

BASIC RIGHT AND LEFT HAND DRIBBLE Dribbling and ball control are an essential element of the game of basketball. So to start off our P3 Take Home Drill series, we are going to have each player work on dribbling. Find a spot in the garage or basement and work on dribbling while standing still. Here’s some points of emphasis as you practice with your player… (1) Make sure your player is using their fingertips and not the palms of their hands to dribble. (2) Don’t look at the ball. Have players try to look you in the eye as the dribble. This helps them to get use to looking up on the court when they are in a game. (3) Make sure player is not dribbling too high. The ball should not bounce higher than the hips. If the bounce gets too high (aka at chest or shoulder height), it becomes impossible to control the ball and make quicker moves on the court. Have your player do 3 sets of 10 dribbles on each hand (left and right), alternating sets between left and right.


Week 1

“May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT

You see the ball coming your way… It’s the moment you’ve prepared for and now is your time to shine. You set your feet and prepare for the hit. Everything seems perfect and as it should be as your forearm collides with the ball. But suddenly you realize the ball is heading straight for the net. You look on helplessly as the ball catches the strands and falls aimlessly to the court. The point goes to the other team. When you fail to make a play, it is hard to continue on; to endure. You feel as though you’ve let your team down and the temptation to quit is all too real. But, as you may have experienced, something greater tends to keeps you in the game. Maybe it is the knowledge that your team needs you. Maybe is it victory. In the same way that reaching for victory in the midst of mistakes keeps you in the game, reaching for Christ in the hard moments of life will help you to patiently endure. When you understand how much God, who is our Creator, loves you, suddenly the worries of life seem more and more conquerable. Why? Because someone greater guarantees that we don’t have to go it alone. This week, continue to strive to know God more no matter what situation you face.

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

CreationWeek 3

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.



Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#





Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

CreationWeek 3

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.



Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#





Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 6 Page: 6

Page: 7 Page: 7

Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court

Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court


You see the ball coming your way… It’s the moment you’ve prepared for and now is your time to shine. You set your feet and prepare for the hit. Everything seems perfect and as it should be as your forearm collides with the ball. But suddenly you realize the ball is heading straight for the net. You look on helplessly as the ball catches the strands and falls aimlessly to the court. The point goes to the other team. When you fail to make a play, it is hard to continue on; to endure. You feel as though you’ve let your team down and the temptation to quit is all too real. But, as you may have experienced, something greater tends to keeps you in the game. Maybe it is the knowledge that your team needs you. Maybe is it victory. In the same way that reaching for victory in the midst of mistakes keeps you in the game, reaching for Christ in the hard moments of life will help you to patiently endure. When you understand how much God, who is our Creator, loves you, suddenly the worries of life seem more and more conquerable. Why? Because someone greater guarantees that we don’t have to go it alone. This week, continue to strive to know God more no matter what situation you face.

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 2: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.






Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 3 Page: 3






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“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” Hebrews 10:36 NLT

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SERVE TOSS DROP DRILL *These directions are for right-handed players. Reverse all directions for left-handed. This drill can be done inside but it is preferable to find a garage or area with a higher ceiling. If a higher ceiling cannot be found, or if you basement ceiling seems to be getting in the way, players can bend down on both knees and work purely on the toss, emphasizing the principles that are described below. Prepare to Strike Draw your right elbow straight back with your palm still facing down until your thumb is in line with your ear. If you are in the correct position, your thumb should only be a couple inches to the right of your ear and your forearm should be parallel to the floor. The Toss (1) Lower your left hand slightly and push the ball up in the air. The ball should come off your palm with no spin. Do not let it roll off of your fingers. (2) Toss the ball about two feet above your head directly in line with your right arm. Let your toss drop to the floor. If you did it correctly, it should land about a foot in front of you on your right side. You will be taking a step forward with your left foot as you serve, so it is important that your toss be just in front of you, not behind or too far in front so that you have to chase it. (3) Practice your toss repeatedly so that you can do it the same way every time. For the P3, do a minimum of 30 tosses per day.

FLOOR SHOOTING DRILL When it comes to shooting, repetition is everything. So find a place in your home for your player to lay on the ground and practice their technique: Here’s the instructions for your player…

• Lie flat on your back • Slightly bend your legs • Set your hands in a shooting position and shoot the

ball directly upward to the ceiling • Follow through, catch the ball, and repeat 10 times • Do 3 sets of 10 each of the two practice days.

So how does this help your player? First off, laying against the ground keeps them from “flinging” the ball with their shoulders and emphasizes keeping their arm in front of their bodies and straight when they shoot. One way to make sure that your player is shooting properly is to watch the ball. It should go straight up with a good rotation and return straight back down for an easy catch. If the ball is going to one side or the other, then watch that the next time the ball isn’t falling off the side of your player’s hand or rolling off their thumb when they shoot. If the ball has little, no or an awkward rotation, make sure your player is letting the ball roll of their fingers when they shoot.


Week 2

“Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.” Hebrews 10:36 NLT

SERVE TOSS DROP DRILL *These directions are for right-handed players. Reverse all directions for left-handed. This drill can be done inside but it is preferable to find a garage or area with a higher ceiling. If a higher ceiling cannot be found, or if you basement ceiling seems to be getting in the way, players can bend down on both knees and work purely on the toss, emphasizing the principles that are described below. Prepare to Strike Draw your right elbow straight back with your palm still facing down until your thumb is in line with your ear. If you are in the correct position, your thumb should only be a couple inches to the right of your ear and your forearm should be parallel to the floor. The Toss (1) Lower your left hand slightly and push the ball up in the air. The ball should come off your palm with no spin. Do not let it roll off of your fingers. (2) Toss the ball about two feet above your head directly in line with your right arm. Let your toss drop to the floor. If you did it correctly, it should land about a foot in front of you on your right side. You will be taking a step forward with your left foot as you serve, so it is important that your toss be just in front of you, not behind or too far in front so that you have to chase it. (3) Practice your toss repeatedly so that you can do it the same way every time. For the P3, do a minimum of 30 tosses per day.

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.






Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 3 Page: 3






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Week 2

There comes that point in every match where it seems as if you’ve got nothing left. The game has been back and forth and both teams have traded leads frequently. Many times, that’s when your coach makes the decision to call timeout; to spend a minute refocusing everyone. And usually, they give you a pep talk; a reminder to continue to endure, because the team that can keep their focus when it seems as though they have little more to give will be the victor! When you hit that point of exhaustion, the need for endurance enters the picture. The memory verse this week reminds us that there will be times in life when being obedient to God’s Word will require endurance; it will be difficult to follow Him in every situation in life. But be encouraged, because this verse says that as we endure and continue to follow Christ, we will receive His promises! Think about a situation in your life where you may be having some difficulty being obedient to God; maybe its tough to follow Him in relationships where it might be hard to get along with someone you know. Maybe its tough to follow Him in the way we treat or interact with our parents. Whatever the situation, challenge yourself to “endure;” and remember God’s promise to always guide and encourage you no matter what comes your way.

There comes that point in every match where it seems as if you’ve got nothing left. The game has been back and forth and both teams have traded leads frequently. Many times, that’s when your coach makes the decision to call timeout; to spend a minute refocusing everyone. And usually, they give you a pep talk; a reminder to continue to endure, because the team that can keep their focus when it seems as though they have little more to give will be the victor! When you hit that point of exhaustion, the need for endurance enters the picture. The memory verse this week reminds us that there will be times in life when being obedient to God’s Word will require endurance; it will be difficult to follow Him in every situation in life. But be encouraged, because this verse says that as we endure and continue to follow Christ, we will receive His promises! Think about a situation in your life where you may be having some difficulty being obedient to God; maybe its tough to follow Him in relationships where it might be hard to get along with someone you know. Maybe its tough to follow Him in the way we treat or interact with our parents. Whatever the situation, challenge yourself to “endure;” and remember God’s promise to always guide and encourage you no matter what comes your way.

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 3: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

WordWeek 1

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God..” John 1:1

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.






Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#







Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 3 Page: 3






Page: 2Page: 2

“These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better…” Hebrews 11:39-40 NLT

“These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better…” Hebrews 11:39-40 NLT

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Week 3 P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

BeliefWeek 4

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“For God so Loved the world that He gave us His only Son, so that who-ever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life..”-John 3:16

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Devotion:*RG�ORYHV�DOO�WKH�SHRSOH�WKDW�+H�KDV�FUHDWHG��LQFOXGLQJ�\RX��*RG�ZDQWV�\RX�WR�have a great life on Earth. He also wants you to experience His love for the rest of eternity. We are separated from God because we sin. Sin is missing the mark that God set for your life. For example, when we intentionally treat others badly and we GRQ·W�VKRZ�ORYH�WR�WKHP��ZH�VLQ��6LQ�VHSDUDWHV�XV�IURP�*RG�

God decided to make a way for all of your sins to be erased. He had his son, Jesus, die on a cross for all of your sins. Out of love for you, Jesus died on the cross. If you believe in Jesus, and that He died for your sins, you start a relationship/friendship ZLWK�&KULVW��<RX�ZRQ·W�EH�DEOH�WR�VHH�+LP��EXW�\RX�ZLOO�EH�KLV�IULHQG�

The verse you are memorizing for this week explains that all those who have a relationship with Jesus will one day spend eternity in heaven with Him. If you do not have a relationship with Him, you can start one by telling Him that you believe in +LP�DQG�E\�DVNLQJ�+LP�WR�IRUJLYH�DOO�RI�WKH�VLQ�LQ�\RXU�OLIH��,W�LV�WKDWɑ�HDV\��

Parent Initials:_________________

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#

SET UPYou will need a volleyball.DRILL OVERVIEWThis drill has will teach your player how to properly set the ball with their hands:


VARIATIONSPractice setting the ball back and forth while in a squatted standing position.

POINTS TO EMPHASIZED�� Focus on pressing hands forward, straight up.E�� Imagine holding a big jug of milk in your hands.F�� Most setters only touch the ball with the thumb, index and middle

mOHFST�BT�UIFJS�IBOET�HFU�CJHHFS���G�� Focus on setting the ball back up so there is no rotation in the ball,

reinforce when the player sets the ball with little to no rotation.

Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

BeliefWeek 4

A t H o m e D r i l l

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 8 Page: 8

Page: 9 Page: 9

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“For God so Loved the world that He gave us His only Son, so that who-ever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life..”-John 3:16

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Devotion:*RG�ORYHV�DOO�WKH�SHRSOH�WKDW�+H�KDV�FUHDWHG��LQFOXGLQJ�\RX��*RG�ZDQWV�\RX�WR�have a great life on Earth. He also wants you to experience His love for the rest of eternity. We are separated from God because we sin. Sin is missing the mark that God set for your life. For example, when we intentionally treat others badly and we GRQ·W�VKRZ�ORYH�WR�WKHP��ZH�VLQ��6LQ�VHSDUDWHV�XV�IURP�*RG�

God decided to make a way for all of your sins to be erased. He had his son, Jesus, die on a cross for all of your sins. Out of love for you, Jesus died on the cross. If you believe in Jesus, and that He died for your sins, you start a relationship/friendship ZLWK�&KULVW��<RX�ZRQ·W�EH�DEOH�WR�VHH�+LP��EXW�\RX�ZLOO�EH�KLV�IULHQG�

The verse you are memorizing for this week explains that all those who have a relationship with Jesus will one day spend eternity in heaven with Him. If you do not have a relationship with Him, you can start one by telling Him that you believe in +LP�DQG�E\�DVNLQJ�+LP�WR�IRUJLYH�DOO�RI�WKH�VLQ�LQ�\RXU�OLIH��,W�LV�WKDWɑ�HDV\��

Parent Initials:_________________

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#

SET UPYou will need a volleyball.DRILL OVERVIEWThis drill has will teach your player how to properly set the ball with their hands:


VARIATIONSPractice setting the ball back and forth while in a squatted standing position.

POINTS TO EMPHASIZED�� Focus on pressing hands forward, straight up.E�� Imagine holding a big jug of milk in your hands.F�� Most setters only touch the ball with the thumb, index and middle

mOHFST�BT�UIFJS�IBOET�HFU�CJHHFS���G�� Focus on setting the ball back up so there is no rotation in the ball,

reinforce when the player sets the ball with little to no rotation.

Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.



Week 3

The pinnacle of many great athletes’ careers are making it into the Hall of Fame. Hall of Fames are exclusive clubs of athletes who not only did great at their sport but contributed to it in a big way. Maybe the way they played changed the game. Maybe the character they showed while playing the game inspired people. Either way, their example and influence is one that will live on for a very long time. Our verse today comes from Hebrews 11, which many refer to as the Spiritual Hall of Fame or Hall of Faith. Every person mentioned was someone who was obedient to God in a big way, demonstrating their commitment to Him in some of the most difficult of circumstances (something we discussed last week). But Verse 39 and 40 here tells us that not every one of them received “what had been promised” to them… or at least, not in the way they expected. Why? Because God had something better in store. Rather the second part of verse 40 says that the reward they never got to see was all the people that God would influence through their example… the people who would become His Church. We have a similar opportunity today. Your obedience to God may not necessarily mean that you will get some great reward… or at least in the way you might think. But as we are obedient unto Him we have the opportunity to influence and inspire those around us for Him. And that is worth more than any trophy.

The pinnacle of many great athletes’ careers are making it into the Hall of Fame. Hall of Fames are exclusive clubs of athletes who not only did great at their sport but contributed to it in a big way. Maybe the way they played changed the game. Maybe the character they showed while playing the game inspired people. Either way, their example and influence is one that will live on for a very long time. Our verse today comes from Hebrews 11, which many refer to as the Spiritual Hall of Fame or Hall of Faith. Every person mentioned was someone who was obedient to God in a big way, demonstrating their commitment to Him in some of the most difficult of circumstances (something we discussed last week). But Verse 39 and 40 here tells us that not every one of them received “what had been promised” to them… or at least, not in the way they expected. Why? Because God had something better in store. Rather the second part of verse 40 says that the reward they never got to see was all the people that God would influence through their example… the people who would become His Church. We have a similar opportunity today. Your obedience to God may not necessarily mean that you will get some great reward… or at least in the way you might think. But as we are obedient unto Him we have the opportunity to influence and inspire those around us for Him. And that is worth more than any trophy.

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 4: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NIV

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 NIV

Page 8 Page 8

Page 9 Page 9

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

EternityWeek 3

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

-Matthew 19:4

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Devotion:God created the world for people to live in. He created the world for older people, younger people, shorter people, taller people, and even for children. God loves children.

Jesus talked about how special children are, and one day He even said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children and adults. Jesus made it very clear that children not only lived in the world that God created but He was also making a special place for children and adults to live in for all eternity. Eternity is forever—it GRHVQ·W�HYHU�HQG�

So, what does this mean for us today? It means that no matter what age you are, ZKHWKHU�\RX·UH�D�NLG��D�WHHQ��D�SDUHQW��RU�D�JUDQGSDUHQW��*RG�FDUHV�DERXW�\RX��+LV�ORYH�LV�DJHOHVV��DQG�+H·V�JLYHQ�\RX�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�OLYH�EH\RQG�\RXU�WLPH�RQ�earth. He gives us the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven. Do you know what LW�PHDQV�WR�KDYH�D�IULHQGVKLS�ZLWK�-HVXV"��,I�\RX�GRQ·W�KDYH�D�IULHQGVKLS�ZLWK�-HVXV��this is a great time for you to talk with your mom, dad or the person who leads your GHYRWLRQDO�HDFK�ZHHN«�RU�\RX�FDQ�UHDG�QH[W�ZHHN·V�3��GHYR-WLRQDOɑ�DERXW�LW��

Parent Initials:_________________

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#

SET UPYou will need a volleyball, a chair and an open area.DRILL OVERVIEWThis drill has will teach your player how to stay down in a squatted position to bump the volleyball. Exercise is described below:

Have player sit on the chair (pick a smaller chair if child is still small). 8IJMF�TFBUFE �IBWF�UIFN�NBLF�B�AUBCMF�UPQ��TVSGBDF�BT�TIPXO�JO�MBTU�XFFL�T�MFTTPO���5PTT�UIF�CBMM�UP�UIF�QMBZFS�BOE�IBWF�UIFN�HFU�VQ�GSPN�the seated position and pass the ball back to you. Sit back down and SFQFBU�GPS������NJOVUFT�

VARIATIONSThe main skill we are enforcing this week is to have the player stay down and low to the ground. Another way to enforce this is to have the player squat down in a crouched position with their arms hanging down and bending at the knees. Take a volleyball and roll it to your player and have them simple stop the ball with both hands, and send the ball back while crouched over. Roll the ball to one side and the other side BOE�IBWF�ZPVS�QMBZFS�TIVGnF�UIFJS�GFFU�UP�UIF�MFGU�BOE�SJHIU�UP�HFU�JO�GSPOU�of the ball. Focus on staying low and having the ball be in the middle of their stance when it gets to them.

POINTS TO EMPHASIZED�� Stay low to the ground. Players should be almost sitting when

they pass the ball back.E�� Do no swing arms, get power from their legs

Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

EternityWeek 3

A t H o m e D r i l l

Parent Signature: ___________________________________

C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 6 Page: 6

Page: 7 Page: 7

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*

“But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

-Matthew 19:4

Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.

Devotion:God created the world for people to live in. He created the world for older people, younger people, shorter people, taller people, and even for children. God loves children.

Jesus talked about how special children are, and one day He even said that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children and adults. Jesus made it very clear that children not only lived in the world that God created but He was also making a special place for children and adults to live in for all eternity. Eternity is forever—it GRHVQ·W�HYHU�HQG�

So, what does this mean for us today? It means that no matter what age you are, ZKHWKHU�\RX·UH�D�NLG��D�WHHQ��D�SDUHQW��RU�D�JUDQGSDUHQW��*RG�FDUHV�DERXW�\RX��+LV�ORYH�LV�DJHOHVV��DQG�+H·V�JLYHQ�\RX�WKH�RSSRUWXQLW\�WR�OLYH�EH\RQG�\RXU�WLPH�RQ�earth. He gives us the opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven. Do you know what LW�PHDQV�WR�KDYH�D�IULHQGVKLS�ZLWK�-HVXV"��,I�\RX�GRQ·W�KDYH�D�IULHQGVKLS�ZLWK�-HVXV��this is a great time for you to talk with your mom, dad or the person who leads your devotional each week… or you can read QH[W�ZHHN·V�3��GHYRWLRQDOɑ�DERXW�LW��

Parent Initials:_________________

Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#

SET UPYou will need a volleyball, a chair and an open area.DRILL OVERVIEWThis drill has will teach your player how to stay down in a squatted position to bump the volleyball. Exercise is described below:

Have player sit on the chair (pick a smaller chair if child is still small). 8IJMF�TFBUFE �IBWF�UIFN�NBLF�B�AUBCMF�UPQ��TVSGBDF�BT�TIPXO�JO�MBTU�XFFL�T�MFTTPO���5PTT�UIF�CBMM�UP�UIF�QMBZFS�BOE�IBWF�UIFN�HFU�VQ�GSPN�the seated position and pass the ball back to you. Sit back down and SFQFBU�GPS������NJOVUFT�

VARIATIONSThe main skill we are enforcing this week is to have the player stay down and low to the ground. Another way to enforce this is to have the player squat down in a crouched position with their arms hanging down and bending at the knees. Take a volleyball and roll it to your player and have them simple stop the ball with both hands, and send the ball back while crouched over. Roll the ball to one side and the other side BOE�IBWF�ZPVS�QMBZFS�TIVGnF�UIFJS�GFFU�UP�UIF�MFGU�BOE�SJHIU�UP�HFU�JO�GSPOU�of the ball. Focus on staying low and having the ball be in the middle of their stance when it gets to them.

POINTS TO EMPHASIZED�� Stay low to the ground. Players should be almost sitting when

they pass the ball back.E�� Do no swing arms, get power from their legs

Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.


Week 4 REST

Week 4 P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

After weeks of talking about striving, enduring and influencing, you might be relieved to hear that today we are going to talk about rest. As of today, the season is about half over. So you have already experienced what in might feel like to need rest after a hard practice or challenging match. But as we are going to learn today, the kind of rest that God refers to isn’t just going home, slouching on the couch and falling asleep to your favorite movie. Rather, God can actually give us rest… a peace that outweighs any overwhelming thing we may be experiencing in life. But to understand this a little better, let’s first think of it in terms of volleyball. Your coach will allow you to sweat, get a little tired, perhaps even a little sore, but when the time is right they will give you a rest. Now, you might have hoped they blew the whistle to go get a rest much sooner. But as your coach, they know how far they need to push so that you grow and also when to have you stop so that you have the opportunity to recharge and get ready for the next grind. God does the same in our life. He will sometimes allow us to experience some struggle because it allows us to grow. Sometimes, we may even think to ourselves, “wow, God, I think I’ve had enough.” Maybe you’ve had enough of struggling in school. Maybe you’ve had enough of struggling in finding where you “fit.” Either way, God says for us to come to Him and lay our burdens on His shoulders. And He will give you rest!

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

After weeks of talking about striving, enduring and influencing, you might be relieved to hear that today we are going to talk about rest. As of today, the season is about half over. So you have already experienced what in might feel like to need rest after a hard practice or challenging match. But as we are going to learn today, the kind of rest that God refers to isn’t just going home, slouching on the couch and falling asleep to your favorite movie. Rather, God can actually give us rest… a peace that outweighs any overwhelming thing we may be experiencing in life. But to understand this a little better, let’s first think of it in terms of volleyball. Your coach will allow you to sweat, get a little tired, perhaps even a little sore, but when the time is right they will give you a rest. Now, you might have hoped they blew the whistle to go get a rest much sooner. But as your coach, they know how far they need to push so that you grow and also when to have you stop so that you have the opportunity to recharge and get ready for the next grind. God does the same in our life. He will sometimes allow us to experience some struggle because it allows us to grow. Sometimes, we may even think to ourselves, “wow, God, I think I’ve had enough.” Maybe you’ve had enough of struggling in school. Maybe you’ve had enough of struggling in finding where you “fit.” Either way, God says for us to come to Him and lay our burdens on His shoulders. And He will give you rest!

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 5: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

CreationWeek 3

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.



Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#





Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

CreationWeek 3

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.



Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#





Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 6 Page: 6

Page: 7 Page: 7

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.” 1 Corinthians 13:4 NIV

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

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Page 11 Page 11

Anyone who has ever gone through tryouts for a team knows just how nerve-racking it can be. You work hard at each of your drills, desperate to show your skills and make the squad. The mental game is often more exhausting than the physical one. Running each drill \ is one thing. Having to waiting to know if the result of our hard work is a whole other thing. This experience can be similar to enduring in our lives, because the challenging part of endurance isn’t always the hard work… its the waiting. Because just like those “Hall of Famers” from Hebrews 11:1, we are not always sure what the result of all our hard work will be, and we must trust God with the outcome. 1 John 4:8 teaches us that “God is love.” Knowing this we can read our memory verse this week and see that God is also kind and patient. So how does this all go together? Well, first it says that because we serve a patient God, seeing the fruit of our obedience to Him will not always take place within our time frame. Secondly, knowing that God is love gives us the confidence that the one setting the timeline is one that has our best interest at heart. So the next time you feel that all your labor on His behalf isn’t yielding what you hoped or influencing people like you thought, remember; as you continue to seek God in every area of life, He WILL bless you and those around you. And sometimes, the longer we have to wait, the farther reaching that impact can be. So be patient in seeking and following God’s plan for your life!


Week 5


Anyone who has ever gone through tryouts for a team knows just how nerve-racking it can be. You work hard at each of your drills, desperate to show your skills and make the squad. The mental game is often more exhausting than the physical one. Running each drill \ is one thing. Having to waiting to know if the result of our hard work is a whole other thing. This experience can be similar to enduring in our lives, because the challenging part of endurance isn’t always the hard work… its the waiting. Because just like those “Hall of Famers” from Hebrews 11:1, we are not always sure what the result of all our hard work will be, and we must trust God with the outcome. 1 John 4:8 teaches us that “God is love.” Knowing this we can read our memory verse this week and see that God is also kind and patient. So how does this all go together? Well, first it says that because we serve a patient God, seeing the fruit of our obedience to Him will not always take place within our time frame. Secondly, knowing that God is love gives us the confidence that the one setting the timeline is one that has our best interest at heart. So the next time you feel that all your labor on His behalf isn’t yielding what you hoped or influencing people like you thought, remember; as you continue to seek God in every area of life, He WILL bless you and those around you. And sometimes, the longer we have to wait, the farther reaching that impact can be. So be patient in seeking and following God’s plan for your life!

Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court

Move the Feet – Players will stand in an athletic position. When you say go, the player must stay in position while “chopping” their feet. Do this for 20 seconds and then repeat twice. This drill is good for learning how to be quick on your feet and always ready to move on the court

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 6: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

LifeWeek 4

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.




Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#






Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

LifeWeek 4

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.




Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#






Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 8 Page: 8

Page: 9 Page: 9


“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NIV)

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (John 15:5 NIV)

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

Page: 5

Page: 4 Page: 4

Page: 5

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

JesusWeek 2

Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)*


Athlete Memorized Parent Memorized

*To complete memorization of this verse, each personmust say the entire verse with only one help or prompt.





Practice: (Check box(s) when completed)#




Practice #1 Practice #2

#To complete parent practice excercise, at least one parent orguardian must perform the drill with their child twice during the week.

A t H o m e D r i l l


C o m p l e t e d P 3

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Week 6

Week 6

Today is our final P3 devotional of the season. And as we wrap up the season, we see an encouragement here in John 15:5 which talks about the vine and the branches; that encouragement is to remain in Christ. So what does it mean to “remain” in Christ? Well, really, it’s a combination of all the things we discussed this season… -It means realizing that God is GREATER than any circumstance we face -It means having ENDURANCE in our obedience to God even when it’s tough -It means knowing that when we continue to follow God, he will INSPIRE others through our example -It means taking your troubles to God and asking for REST -It means being PATIENT as God’s will becomes clear in your life Just like a branch gets its nourishment by remaining a part of the vine, you continue to grow in your faith as you remain in Christ. So no matter what challenges lie ahead, remember to spend time talking to God (prayer) and listening to His Word (the Bible). You’ll be excited where He leads! If you have any questions about this or any other theme we’ve talked about this season, please talk to your coach or Devotional Coordinator.

Today is our final P3 devotional of the season. And as we wrap up the season, we see an encouragement here in John 15:5 which talks about the vine and the branches; that encouragement is to remain in Christ. So what does it mean to “remain” in Christ? Well, really, it’s a combination of all the things we discussed this season… -It means realizing that God is GREATER than any circumstance we face -It means having ENDURANCE in our obedience to God even when it’s tough -It means knowing that when we continue to follow God, he will INSPIRE others through our example -It means taking your troubles to God and asking for REST -It means being PATIENT as God’s will becomes clear in your life Just like a branch gets its nourishment by remaining a part of the vine, you continue to grow in your faith as you remain in Christ. So no matter what challenges lie ahead, remember to spend time talking to God (prayer) and listening to His Word (the Bible). You’ll be excited where He leads! If you have any questions about this or any other theme we’ve talked about this season, please talk to your coach or Devotional Coordinator.

SERVE TOSS DROP DRILL *These directions are for right-handed players. Reverse all directions for left-handed. This drill can be done inside but it is preferable to find a garage or area with a higher ceiling. If a higher ceiling cannot be found, or if you basement ceiling seems to be getting in the way, players can bend down on both knees and work purely on the toss, emphasizing the principles that are described below. Prepare to Strike Draw your right elbow straight back with your palm still facing down until your thumb is in line with your ear. If you are in the correct position, your thumb should only be a couple inches to the right of your ear and your forearm should be parallel to the floor. The Toss (1) Lower your left hand slightly and push the ball up in the air. The ball should come off your palm with no spin. Do not let it roll off of your fingers. (2) Toss the ball about two feet above your head directly in line with your right arm. Let your toss drop to the floor. If you did it correctly, it should land about a foot in front of you on your right side. You will be taking a step forward with your left foot as you serve, so it is important that your toss be just in front of you, not behind or too far in front so that you have to chase it. (3) Practice your toss repeatedly so that you can do it the same way every time. For the P3, do a minimum of 30 tosses per day.

SERVE TOSS DROP DRILL *These directions are for right-handed players. Reverse all directions for left-handed. This drill can be done inside but it is preferable to find a garage or area with a higher ceiling. If a higher ceiling cannot be found, or if you basement ceiling seems to be getting in the way, players can bend down on both knees and work purely on the toss, emphasizing the principles that are described below. Prepare to Strike Draw your right elbow straight back with your palm still facing down until your thumb is in line with your ear. If you are in the correct position, your thumb should only be a couple inches to the right of your ear and your forearm should be parallel to the floor. The Toss (1) Lower your left hand slightly and push the ball up in the air. The ball should come off your palm with no spin. Do not let it roll off of your fingers. (2) Toss the ball about two feet above your head directly in line with your right arm. Let your toss drop to the floor. If you did it correctly, it should land about a foot in front of you on your right side. You will be taking a step forward with your left foot as you serve, so it is important that your toss be just in front of you, not behind or too far in front so that you have to chase it. (3) Practice your toss repeatedly so that you can do it the same way every time. For the P3, do a minimum of 30 tosses per day.

*Read through this verse as a family

*Read through this verse as a family

Page 7: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

2019 2019



Page 8: 3 GREATER Creation Word Week 3 Week 1 SIN SIN P3 GREATER Creation Word … · 2020-02-10 · 3 Word Week 1 Memorize: (Check box(s) when completed)* “In the beginning was the Word,

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

Table of Contents

Lesson Theme Page:HHN���� � :RUG� � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � -HVXV� � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � &UHDWLRQ� � � � � � ���:HHN���� � /LIH� � � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � 6LQ� � � � � � � � ����:HHN���� � &RQIHVV� � � � � � �����



P3 Record Sheets*

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3

Week #4

Week #5

Week #6

*For All Out Sports Staff Use Only

R e c o r d s

S e e Yo u N e x t Y e a r !

Page: 1

Page: 14

P3P a r e n t - P r a c t i c e - P a r t n e r

Table of Contents

Lesson Theme Page:HHN���� � :RUG� � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � -HVXV� � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � &UHDWLRQ� � � � � � ���:HHN���� � /LIH� � � � � � � � ���:HHN���� � 6LQ� � � � � � � � ����:HHN���� � &RQIHVV� � � � � � �����



P3 Record Sheets*

Week #1

Week #2

Week #3

Week #4

Week #5

Week #6

*For All Out Sports Staff Use Only

R e c o r d s

S e e Yo u N e x t Y e a r !

Page: 1

Page: 14



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Lesson Theme Page


Lesson Theme Page



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