3. one shrewd dude

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  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    December 2000

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    can refer them to is yours (www.bibleuniverse.com)

    because its the only one translated into Portuguese.

    Id like to th ank you with all my h eart, because you

    are really going into all the world to m ake disciples.



    An Ex-Prisoner Made It!

    Pastor Doug, I watch your p rogram every day. Ifoun d the Lord on Nov. 18, 1995, in prison. The Holy

    Spirit impressed m e to write when I heard your testi-

    m ony. God has delivered me also from a dirt y mouth ,

    drugs, drinking, and r iotous living.When I saw and

    heard that you had been in jail also,God en couraged

    my heart through your testimo-

    ny. Id love to sh are your testi-

    m ony with the prisoners. I dont

    know if you realize how much

    of a blessing it is to the inm ates

    that an ex-prisoner mad e it.

    Thanks an d glory be to God!TT


    The Great Joy of ReligionPlease pass on m y deepest thanks to the rest of the

    Amazing Facts team . You h ave helped m e realize the

    great joy of religion again, and I am now trying to

    pass on th at joy to my family and friends with the

    help of the Am azing Facts tapes, Study Guides, etc.


    via e-mail

    Theme for Our Sabbath SchoolI app reciated th e art icle I Love My Church [June

    2000 issue] an d read it at our Sabbath School in

    Ridgetop. We also gave folks

    in the congregation a chan ce

    to tell why they loved their

    church ( either locally or

    worldwide). Thank you for

    providing the theme of our

    program that day!



    Ive Found Peace and HappinessI was greatly blessed by your worldwide evangelis-

    tic seminar and was also baptized. Since then I have

    found peace and happiness.I n o longer carry around

    un necessary anger for the people who have hur t m e,

    and I thank God for that. I still have my struggles,

    but by the grace of God, He will see me through.

    Thank you very mu ch, and may God continue to

    bless you an d your m inistry.


    Trinidad and Tobago


    Cover photo by Don Satterlee






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    Best Thing in 30 YearsI am t hrilled that you are online. I have been e-

    m ailing all of my friend s and family and sen dingthem different topics. This is the best thing that has

    happen ed since I becam e a Sabbathkeeping

    Christian 30 years ago. I am also very pleased to see

    Doug on TV so often. He is a tremendous instrument

    for the Lord. I will be support ing your program

    m onthly. May the Lord richly bless your m inistry

    with man y souls won for Christ. If there is anything I

    can do besides pray and help out financially, please

    let me kn ow.


    via e-mail

    A Prayer AnsweredAfter losing a close friend ( our future dau ghter-in-

    law) in an auto accident, I was really depressed. Then

    after asking God to help me put m y grief to rest, I

    happened onto your broadcast about death and bur-

    ial. I mu st say it was a prayer answered. Since then I

    havent been able to get enou gh

    information. I keep thinking, Ive

    read this before; why did it take

    so long for m e to understan d? I

    want to thank you for all of the

    encouragement and the greatprograms.



    Going Into All the WorldI really appreciate your m inistr y, an d sin ce weve

    m oved our services to Saturday, from now on I will

    listen to your TV program every Sunday.

    I congregate in a Brazilian First Baptist Church an d

    always witness via the Internet to p eople in m y home

    countr y. They dont h ave m any resources as far as

    m edia goes, though , and th eyre always asking me if Iknow of a website or radio program. The only one I



    Need a Gift Certificate?Amazing Facts gift certificates make excellent

    gifts for friends or family. They can be redeem ed

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  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    was substantial evidence that he wasnt doing his job

    very well. So the master of the estate called h is

    employee and told him that he was about to be d is-


    In addition, the landowner set a date for judgm ent.

    There would be an audit someth ing like a meeting

    with the Intern al Revenue Service. The m aster would

    get out the records for review, and at that tim e the

    steward would have an oppor tun ity to presentrecords to defend him self against the charges.

    This ominou s news struck fear into the heart

    of the incomp etent servant, for he knew exactly

    what the outcome of the investigation

    would be. Quickly he form ed a plan where-

    by he hop ed to salvage his future.

    Evidently this m anager d idnt k now th e

    books very well, because when he called

    together all of his masters debtors, he had

    to ask each on e,How much d o you owe?

    He was supposed to kn ow that. The finan-

    cial records were obviou sly a total mess.The master m ight have had scores of

    debtors, but only two are mentioned in this

    parable.As each reported the status of his

    account, the shrewd steward told him to

    reduce the bill drastically, in on e case cut-

    ting it in half. In this way the m an was able

    to en gage his m asters d ebtors to part ici-

    pate in his dishonesty. That way, when he

    later stood in the unem ployment line, they

    would have no choice but to be friendly to

    him an d receive him into th eir homes.

    Otherwise he could expose them as accom -



    IIn Luke 16:1-9, Jesus tells His disciples a par ableabout a m an who today would likely be described asone shrewd du de. He was employed by a wealthy

    citizen who had hired him to be the admin istrator, or

    man ager, of his farm and all of his goods.

    In what is better known as the parable of the

    un just steward, Jesus said that th is wasteful servant

    had been squand ering and m ismanaging his mas-

    ters resources. One day an accusation was broughtagainst the man , and

    apparently there

    An Am az in g Fact :

    The U.S. Com m erce Departm ent says about

    4 m illion people are caught shoplifting each

    yea r, bu t for every person cau ght, an est im at -

    ed 35 go und etected. If these statistics are

    accurate, it m eans that 140 m illion shoplift-

    ing incidents occur each year in a nation of

    260 m illion p eople.

    Accordin g to a stu dy in Wa shington , few

    shoplifters steal out of need; 70 percent are in

    the m iddle-incom e bracket and 20 percent

    have high incomes. Only 10 percent w ould be

    considered poor. Hotel man agers count on

    one of every three guests stealing som ething.

    Furthermore, according to in surance statistics, 30 p ercent of all business failures

    each year are a d irect result of internal th eft. Security officials estimate t hat 9 percent

    of all employees steal on a regular basis and that 75 percent of all employees in retail

    establishm ents steal to som e degree, taking th ree tim es as mu ch as shoplifters.

    Don Satterlee


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    plices in his crime. Needless to say, he m ade a lot of

    shady friends outside h is masters hou sehold using

    the m asters resources.

    Praised for His Dishonesty?Next comes the part of the parable that many

    Christians find difficult to u nd erstand. The Bible

    says that after the m aster reviewed th e books an dsaw what his dishonest employee had done, he com-

    m ended th e man because he had done wisely

    (verse 8).

    This statement m ystifies a lot of people. They say,

    Wait a second ; is Jesus condoning d ishonesty and


    Definitely not . The steward wasnt comm end ed for

    his sloppiness an d dishonesty. After all, thats why h e

    was being fired. Jesus said that the m aster com -

    mend ed him for being shrewd. This man had b een

    calculating and clever,m aking plans for his future

    secur ity at his m asters expense. I believe the reasonJesus said this scoun drel behaved wisely is because

    he was ut ilizing his m asters resources to secu re his

    own futu re. Thats exactly what Christians shou ld be

    doing as we see the day of the Lord approaching.

    Jesus is telling us in this p arable that we need to

    think ah ead in order to be prepared for the future.

    A Wise InvestmentAt the end of this passage, Jesus says,And I say

    unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the m am-

    mon of unr ighteousness; that, when ye fail [this

    phrase is som etimes m ore accurately translatedwhen it fails], they m ay receive you into everlasting

    habitations( verse 9).

    This is probably the most d ifficult part of the

    entire par able for m any people. Consequ ently, Id like

    to share with you an impor tant Bible-study prin ciple.

    We mu st not read into any parable a mean ing that

    goes contrary to the rest of the Word of God.

    Some have thought th at Jesus was talking about

    Christians t rying to buy their way into heaven.

    However, it is clear throu ghou t Scripture th at its

    impossible to use m oney to pay for our sins. The

    Bible says, What sh all I rend er un to th e Lord for allhis ben efits toward m e? (Psalm 116:12). Salvation is

    a gift (Roman s 6:23). It is an insult to the Lord to

    think that we can buy everlasting life. Besides, God

    owns the cattle on a thou sand hills (Psalm 50:10). No

    m atter how hard we try,we cant give Him an ything

    He doesnt already own ! We shou ldnt tr y to com pen -

    sate Him for purchasing our redemp tion. A contrite

    heart is what the Lord wants from you and m e.

    Jesus wasnt telling His disciples to follow the

    example of the dishonest servant by m aking friends

    with people who are scoun drels and crooks, either.

    For one th ing, that wou ldnt be an effective way to

    An Am az in g Fact :

    Our fam ily was blessed in a special way recently.

    Ive w orked pa rt -t im e for a non -profi t com pa ny

    for several years a s the ed itor an d tran slat or for

    the Spanish editions of its two algebra and two

    geom etry textbooks.Several years ago I asked on e of the directors if

    the compan y paid royalties for translation work.

    He to ld m e that he didnt th in k so, sin ce they con -

    sidered translation to be technical work rather

    than creative work.

    However, ear ly t hi s past sum m er, th at sam e

    director came to m e and said the compan y had

    offered to pay m e back royalties at a rate of 50

    percen t t hat of au th ors. He never m en tion ed an

    am ount, and I was happy to receive anything as I

    had already been well-paid for my w ork. I signed

    the papers and th en wa s given tw o checks (on e forthe past year and one for the previous several

    yea rs) . Together t he am ou nt equ aled abou t

    $18,000, which was 10 times m y w ildest im agina-

    tion. I am am azed at the way God m oved on their

    hearts. My w ife, Balvina, and I have been saddled

    with debt since I graduated from college for over

    a dozen years and those two checks wiped out

    that problem imm ediately.

    God w orks in am azing and wonderful ways.

    Ed w in Re ed teaches

    m athematics to m iddle-school stud ents and h as

    been a volunteer for the

    Bible Answers Live

    weekly radio program

    for fiv e years.

    build a secure future! I can say with assu rance th at

    crime does not p ay, because I was a thief m any years

    ago as a teen ager in New York City. Most of my

    friend s were thieves, too, and I would n ot have want-

    ed to rely on them to take care of me when t imes got

    tough.As a matter of fact, we all wasted a lot of our

    time an d en ergy stealing from each other! There is

    no hon or amon g thieves.I should also point out t hat when the Bible uses the

    term unrighteous m am m on, it isnt saying that

    m oney is evil. It is the love of money that Paul identi-

    fies in 1 Timothy 6:10 as the root of all evil. Jesus had

    earlier warned His disciples:Take heed, and beware

    of covetousness: for a m ans life consisteth n ot in th e

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    abundance of the things which h e possesseth (Luke


    In the parable of the shrewd steward, Jesus was

    emph asizing the impor tance of utilizing our

    resources while we are still in this world in ord er to

    win souls, do good, make friends, and u ltimately be

    received into everlasting hab itation. Too often we get

    so caught up in the affairs of this life that we lose this

    crucial focus. Jesus was referring to this fact when Hesaid that the children of this world are in th eir gen-

    eration wiser than th e children of light (Luke 16:8).

    Many peop le in the world work very aggressively to

    acquire fame, friends, and fortune. By contrast, many

    Christians invest so little of their time an d m eans in

    that which is eternal. If we would put the sam e

    enthusiasm, interest, and energy into winning souls

    and looking good in Gods eyes as the world pu ts

    into earning mon ey and looking good to those

    around t hem , we would have a m ighty church.

    Owner of the WorldIve found that the p arable of the shrewd servantcontains several impor tant lessons for us in regard to


    First of all, the rich man in the parable represents

    God. He is our Master and the rightful Owner of

    everyth ing in the world ( 1 Chronicles 29:11; Job

    41:11). The Bible declares,Behold, the h eaven and

    the heaven of heavens is the LORDs thy God, the earth

    also, with all that therein is (Deuteronomy 10:14).

    We hum ans often act as thou gh we own the world,

    but in reality we are merely stewards of our heavenly

    Fathers resources.When God created th e Earth, Hemade m an in His own im age and gave dominion of

    every living creature to Adam (Genesis 1:27-28).

    Birds, beasts, fish, and even plants were placed un der

    his care. God planted the garden of Eden, and m an

    was to tend and to keep it (Genesis 2:15).

    Sadly, though, man kind has been un faithful to this

    weighty task. We are all guilty, in one way or anoth er,

    of misman aging this sacred trust. Our un ceasing

    dem and s on the planets natu ral resources have

    impacted earth, sky, and sea in ways that most of us

    never pause to consider. New roads, housing develop-

    m ents, and corporate or agricultural expansionsometim es transform th e earths natur al land scape

    in ways that m ake it inhospitable to a variety of

    plants and animals.In addition, pollution caused by

    automobiles, buses, airplanes, industry, and con-

    struction redu ces air quality and d estroys the plan-

    ets ozone layer, which protect s both p eople and food

    crops from h arm ful radiation. And despite advances

    in recycling and incineration, 80 percent of the

    nat ions waste is still disp osed of in land fills. The U.S.

    Environm ental Protection Agency says that about 23

    m illion tons of hazardous waste are land -disposed

    annu ally, which puts both soil and groun d water at

    An Am a z in g Fa ct :

    For two and a half years I have been senior m ental health coun selor for

    Sacram ento count y, and since the beginning of this year I had been asking

    God to open up an opportunity for m e to go into full-time m inistry so I

    could freely sha re the gospel and offer biblical coun seling.

    In June I had a powerfu l ex perien ce in which th e Lord revealed to m e

    that m y m inistry had begun, though I didnt know yet exactly what th at

    m inistry was. I prayed,Lord, I know You have called m e to m inistry. But

    Father, if I go into m inistry, I need all of m y bills paid. Ive got a good job.

    They p ay m e well at the county.

    I h ad $2 ,00 0 w orth of bi lls t hat needed im m ediate at ten tion , so I t old th eLord th at if He cou ld pa y t hose off , I w ou ld know w ithout a shred of a

    doubt that He had called m e, and I w ould not return to w ork.

    One morn ing the Lord placed upon m y heart the nam e of

    a person w ho was so moved after reading m y book, Beyond

    the Veil of Darkness, that she had pu rchased about 100

    copies and given th em to her friend s and fam ily around

    the count ry. Later that day,I w as asked by her daughter

    to drop off another $300 worth of books at their house.

    W hile there,I pu lled this lady aside and shared with

    her my dilemm a. I believed God w as calling me to full-time m inistry, but I

    had bills that were pressing and didnt have the m oney to pay th em .

    She asked,How m uch do you need at this point?I sa id , Well, I n eed ab ou t $2 ,00 0, bu t $5 ,00 0 w ou ld ta ke care of m e for

    anot her few weeks ahead .

    She started to cry. Then she said:Look at this check. I w rote it out for

    $5,000, and I wa s praying last night,Lord, send somebody wh o needs this

    m oney.We both wept.

    Thats not the end of the story.My husband had calculated all of our

    debts, includin g credit cards we had n ot paid off and old bills from back

    when we were in school. We needed $20,000 to clear all of our debts.W e

    prayed :Lord, how do w e get ou t o f th is? We w an t to tu rn over a new lea f.

    A few day s later, th e sam e la dy called m e back an d said , Esm ie, I feel

    strongly impressed to help you get on w ith your m inistry. God has called

    you , an d you need to get m ov in g ahead.W hen I a rr ived at her h om e, shetold m e that she had sold som e land an d gave m e a check for $20,000.

    Shed h ad n o idea how m uch we n eeded. If that w asnt Gods signatu re on

    m y m inistry,I dont know what is!

    My o ffi cia l la st day at th e cou nty was Au gu st 8, an d on Au gu st 9, I

    received a phone call early in th e m orning from M rs.W ilcox at Weim ar

    College. She said, Esmie, we need someone to head up the Departm ent of

    Re ligion an d Bib lica l St udies a nd to teach beh av ioral science and bibli cal

    coun seling.I went u p there im m ediately, saw the work to be done, and

    thats what Im doing today. Now in m y job I can pray with m y clients and

    give them the right biblical tools that w ill bring about healing. Its a t rue

    joy ! God is t rem en dous.

    Esm ie Branner heads the

    Dep ar tm en t o f Re ligion an d

    Bib lica l St udies at Weim ar

    College. Her husband , Arthu r, is

    an associate pastor at the

    Sacramento Central Church.

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    All of our t ime is Gods, as well. The Lord asks u s

    to acknowledge the fact that 100 percent of our tim e

    belongs to Him by honoring Him with on e day in

    seven as a holy day. Inciden tally, He tells us wh ich

    day it is. Its not just an y day of the week; its the sev-

    enth d ay (Exodus 20:10). He sets the amoun t as well

    as th e day.

    People period ically tell me, You t each th at

    Christians sh ould worship God on ly one d ay aweek as though they are m ore holy and do noth-

    ing except worship God seven days a week.I do

    believe that we shou ld worship God seven d ays a

    week, but He d oesnt tell us to rest all seven days a

    week. If you rest seven days a week, youre not holy;

    youre lazy. God set aside on e day as a day of special

    rest a day for spend ing quality time with the Lord.

    In addition, it is very important th at we make time

    for worship and m inistry every single day of the

    week not just on Sabbath. It is a mistake for us to

    think that we can keep so busy du ring the week with

    work or stu dies th at we have little or no tim e forGod, family, or ou r fellow man . Every love relation-

    ship depend s on people spend ing quality time


    How to Take It With YouThe most imp ortant p oint Jesus was trying to

    m ake in the par able of the shrewd steward is that

    from an etern al perspective, m oney is worthless

    unless it is used to enlarge the kingdom of God. The

    only way we can take our m oney with us into heaven

    is to invest it in win nin g souls wh ile we are still liv-

    ing here on earth . Using our God-given resources tohelp bring the lost around us into a saving relation-

    ship with God is the way to lay up for yourselves

    treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor r ust

    doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break

    through n or steal (Matthew 6:20).


    risk for contam ination. As th e Bible says,the whole

    creation groaneth and travaileth in p ain together

    unt il now (Romans 8:22).

    Held AccountableA second key point we can learn by stu dying this

    para ble is that the steward realized he was going to be

    audited. He was told by his master th at there would

    be a day of reckoning. In the same way, we need torealize that th ere will be a d ay of judgment. The Bible

    says that we shall all stand before the judgment seat

    of Christ (Romans 14:10, emph asis added). You can-

    not sen d som ebody else in your place.

    Some people dont like to talk ab out th is because

    they feel it is a den ial of salvation by grace to say that

    we are judged by our works. The Bible is very clear that

    we are saved completely and only by grace through

    faith, but it is equally evident that we are judged by our

    works (Revelation 20:12; 22:12). A pers ons actions

    bear witness of whether or not he is saved.

    All of us will someday appear b efore God whileHes on His white throne, and every d eed we have

    ever done will be reviewed (Ecclesiastes 12:14). The

    good news is that our record of sins can be blotted

    out if we confess them an d allow Jesus to cleanse us

    from all un righteousness (1 John 1:7-9). If we invite

    Jesus to enter our lives and per m it Him to rem ain in

    control, He will be right there beside us in th e judg-

    m ent day,ser ving as our Advocate (1 John 2:1).

    Time and MoneyAll of us are stewards whether we want to be or

    not, so this parable speaks directly to each one of us.There are two prim ar y things for which we will each

    be held accountable: what we do with our tim e and

    what we do with our m eans.

    As we have already seen, the Bible tells us th at 100

    percent of our resources belong to God. Some of us

    tend to think that 90 percent of our m oney belongs

    to us an d 10 percent to God. We may even str uggle

    with return ing that 10 p ercent, which the Bible calls

    tithe. The Lord in His infinite wisdom asks us to

    return to Him 10 percent of what He gives us as a

    constant remind er that He owns 100 percent and as a

    dem onstration that we believe it.Method ist m inister John Wesley said th at as stew-

    ards of God, Christians should gain all you can, save

    all you can, and give all you can. That m ight sound a

    bit vague at first, but its actua lly a good pr inciple.We

    shouldnt be asham ed of earning and investing. As a

    matter of fact, the Lord tells us that the servant who

    bur ies his talent without investing it is going to be

    jud ged as unfait hful (Matth ew 25:14-30) . Chr ist ian s

    should be faithful in investing their m eans an d in

    using the natu ral talents an d spiritual gifts He has

    given them . As stewards of these things, were respon-

    sible to God for developing and im proving them .

    Books and Tapes on This Subject

    Are Available From Amazing Facts

    The Love of MoneySermon on aud io tape by Doug Batchelor.

    $5.00 each

    Thankful GiverSermon on video or audio tap e by Doug Batchelor.

    $14.95 each video;$5.00 each audio

    Thieves in the ChurchBook by Joe Crews

    75 cents each

    Worldwide Embezzlement ScandalStudy Guide 25 in the Am az in g Fact s T ha t A ffect You series

    25 cents each

    The prices above do not in clude shipping or California sales tax.

    To order, visit our on line store at w ww.am azing facts.org or call 1-800-436-2735.

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    I to ld my

    w ife that I m

    the happiest

    I ve ever

    been in my

    l i feoutshar ing my

    fai th with

    peop le .

    -To m

    M icha lsk i

    They re

    teaching us

    so much in

    so litt le time!

    The staff is


    so k ind and

    lov ing and

    pat ient with




    ly in tears. I cant d o th is, theyd s ay.I cant m em o-

    rize; Ive never h ad a good m emor y. The faculty

    prayed with an d encouraged them , and by Gods

    grace, they took courage and stayed with the pro-

    gram .Now those very students are the ones who are

    acing th e tests, says Jason .Its been a joy to wit-


    Tyler Long, who was bap tized du rin g NET New

    York 99, says these classes helped h im b ecome m ore

    grounded in h is faith an d in the truths of the Bible.

    He adds: If I tell people that I believe in the Sabbathand they say,Show me in the Bible,I can now op en

    my Bible and show them. If you go to this school, you

    can just sit down with anybody and give them a

    Bible study on anything!

    The m ost imp ortant thing Ive learned, said Troy

    Haagenson,is that we cant just focus on sharing

    truth , because how we share it and in what order we

    share it determ ines how effective we will be. On m y

    own, it would take m e a lifetim e to discover what Im

    learn ing here in just four m onths.

    A Whole Different Ball GameIn addition to classroom work, students also spend16 or more hours a week doing com mu nity outreach.

    In August th e class was divided into groups of two,

    and each team adopted a sm all section of the city

    of Sacram ento, where Pastor Doug Batchelor held a

    prophecy seminar that ran from the first week of

    October through t he second week of November. In

    each area, the teams visited residents to invite them

    to begin Bible studies and also to attend on e of three

    different sem inars held at Pastor Batchelors chur ch

    before his proph ecy series began.

    Doing com mu nity outreach was a comp letely new

    experience for many of the students, including Eric

    Flickinger.The first tim e I went out an d k nocked on

    a door, I was very nervous, he adm its.But then I

    realized th at by not doing anything, I had already

    failed. If I offer someon e the chance to study the

    Bible and h e declines, that person is no further from

    the trut h than he was before I kno cked on h is door. If

    the person accepts, he might som eday be a great

    teacher an d a leader in Christ ianity. So its really a

    no -lose situation . Once you get over the initial fear,

    its easy.In less than two m onths, the College of Evangelism

    students contacted several hun dred hom es and start-

    ed m ore than 100 Bible studies. Many teams were

    giving stud ies at five different hom es!

    Tom Michalski, 47, had the joy of seeing three fam -

    ilies he stu died with atten d Pastor Batchelors sem i-

    nar. One of the couples was the very first to accept

    him into their home. After two months of studying

    together, the m an told Tom, I havent d one weed for

    nin e days. I dont even want it; I dont kn ow whats

    going on. This man had b een smoking marijuana

    since he was a kid, and sudden ly he stopped cold.He doesnt fully und erstan d wh at is going on, Tom

    says,bu t he was excited to tell me. The Holy Spirit is

    really working on him .

    In add ition, the m ans wife has been am azed by

    what sh es learn ing from the Bible.What really got

    m e, she told Tom, is when we went through the

    m etal m an of Daniel 2 and I saw how God had every-

    thing planned t hrough tim e. Tom says he rem em-

    bers that study vividly; the woman was right on the

    edge of her chair.

    Working with people and seeing the changes in

    their lives produ ces a satisfaction you cant get in

    Graduation day is Dec. 3 for the 44 students who completed the first

    session of the Amazing Facts College of Evangelism. Standing in

    front of the group are instructors Jason Morgan (left of sign) and

    Doug Batchelor (right of sign). Standing behind them, from left to

    right: (first row) Christy Allen, Nerida McKibben, Sandy McTiernan,

    April Frieson, Bill Aulet, Cindy White, Netty Rumagit, Steven Cadena,

    Jim Hillman, Marcia Waugh, Gary Potter; (second row) Robert Hogg,

    Iris Bowery, Reba Walker, Rafael Rosa, Steve Duncan, Jason

    Struthers, Neil Schenk, Cindy Keiser, Tobin Kunz; (third row) Julie

    Pickard, Ron Lutman, Daniel Gugiere, Tyler Long, Adam Brown, Jeff

    Donaldson, John Rengifro, David White, Marty Wessman, LeRoy

    Jackson; (fourth row) Rozenia Jennings, Jim Martin, Eric Flickinger,

    Tom Michalski, Todd Anderson, Jerrold Martin, Daniel McKibben, Peter

    Lopez, Troy Haagenson, Jeremiah Smith, Roy Adams


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    anyt hin g else, Tom add s. Ive had successful busi-

    nesses, but t his is a whole different ball game

    because in soul-winnin g the success has eterna l con-

    sequ ences. I told my wife that Im the h appiest Ive

    ever been in my life out shar ing my faith with


    Deep CommitmentsA rich d iversity charact erizes almost every con-

    temp orary college camp us, and t he Am azing Facts

    College of Evangelism is no different. The stud ents

    range in age from 19 to 72, and t heir educational and

    occupational backgrounds vary widely. The group

    includes physicians, auto mechan ics,p rofessional

    mod els, full-time m others, a fisherman , an account-

    ant, an attorney, a m ultimedia produ cer,a freelance

    m agazine writer,a b iochemist, a Bible worker,a m es-

    sage therapist, a nurse anesthetist, and a tru ck driver.Some are n ew converts, while others have been active

    Christians for 30 or m ore years.

    More than half of the students are married, and 13

    have spouses back hom e who remain th eir strongest

    suppor ters in spite of the fact that they miss them

    terr ibly. Eric Flickinger exchan ges daily e-m ail mes-

    sages with h is wife, Hildelisa, but in order to live

    within their bu dget they talk by phone just once

    every two weeks and have lived on separate coasts

    for nearly four m onths.

    Almost everyone m ade m ajor sacrifices in ord er to

    attend. Some were able to arrange a leave of absencefrom their jobs, but others dropped everything in

    order to enroll. Jim an d Melissa Martin sold th eir

    hom e in Nebraska and brought their 11-month-old

    baby to California with them . Steve Keiser put his

    familys hom e on the m arket, sold almost everyth ing

    non essential, and th en quit his job as a medical prac-

    tice adm inistrator so he could care for 3-year-old

    Hann ah while his wife, Cyndi, went to school full-


    In each case, God mad e it rem arkably clear that th e

    Amazing Facts College of Evangelism was where th ey

    needed to b e. Rozenia Jennin gs saw an ad for theCollege on the b ack page of an In sid e R epor tmaga-

    zine, which she had never before received. Sensing

    Gods call, she prayed, Lord, You kn ow I love You and

    want to obey You n o m atter what, but I dont h ave

    any m oney. If You wan t m e to go, You m ake a way.

    The Lord soon sent Rozenia th ree different checks in

    the m ail exactly enough to cover her tuition. Next

    she asked God to bless her with transp ortation from

    Birm ingham to Sacram ento, and on e day after shar-

    ing her testimony, a lady put an envelope into her

    hand that contained $500 just 50 cents short of the

    lowest fare on a plan e ticket! The, the week before

    she was to leave, Rozenia learned that sh e would

    need another $300 for textbooks. Lord, I dont even

    have th e $300, she p rayed .Youre going to h ave to

    send m e the m oney. The very n ext day, a checkarrived in the m ail for $1,300 $300 for her b ooks

    and $1,000 to live on while away from hom e.

    Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt th at God had

    brought them to the College helped m any students

    decide to stick it out despite major setbacks such as

    illness, costly auto repairs, and family tragedy.The

    first thing that comes to my min d when I think

    about these stu dents is the word comm itment, says

    College of Evangelism instructor Robb Long.They

    have been willing to forsake everyth ing in ord er to

    give th em selves to gospel work.

    Unlimited PossibilitiesWhat will happ en to this special group of individu-

    als after graduation on Dec. 3? The p ossibilities are

    end less, says April Frieson, who ha s a vision for

    return ing to Las Vegas and doing m inistry there with

    her husband , Dean. Since one of the Amazing Facts

    evangelists is scheduled to conduct an evangelistic

    series there in 2001, she would like to start som e

    sma ll groups an d get involved in preparation for the

    m eetings.Now that I have all of these tools, I want

    to get back there and get to work because it will take

    several months.We specifically studied how to pre-pare for an evangelistic series, and it takes six to

    eight months.

    Eight gradu ates will be Bible workers, two will

    serve as task-force evangelism workers with six-

    m onth church assignm ents, two will be trainee evan-

    gelists, two or more want to p lant new church con-

    gregations, and 25 plan to hold their own meetings

    when th ey go back to their hom e churches.

    Iris Bowery has a passion for reaching people back

    home in the mou ntains of eastern Tennessee, and

    she also has a desire to do inn er-city work with peo-

    ple on Monum ent Street in Baltimore.


    To b e in a

    class of 4 4

    peop le who

    are on f i re

    for the Lord

    is an excit ing

    exper ience,

    a d rea m

    com e true.



    O ne o fthe heaviest

    burd ens I have

    is for my

    family, and

    now I see

    ways those

    doors can

    o p e n up . G o d

    knew I neededa f ramework

    for how to

    share my

    fai th.

    -A p ri l Frieson


    Instructor Robb Longs favorite class to teach deals with church planting,

    and students who enroll in the next session of the College of Evangelism

    will actually plant a brand-new church congregation near the campus.


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    Writer Marcia Waugh h as started a m ission m aga-

    zine for kids an d wants to work for the children of


    Daniel and Nerida McKibben were am ong those

    who caught a vision for church planting while at the

    College of Evangelism. Daniel is a certified m assagetherapist and frequent h ealth lecturer,an d h is wife is

    a physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.

    Before they enrolled in th e College, they had a p as-

    sion for med ical-m issionar y work and evangelism

    but didnt see how Nerida could remain certified if

    they were to go on th e road full-time. In the church-

    planting course taught by Robb Long, they learn ed

    that raising up n ew churches in areas where non e

    now exist is a form of evangelism that allows gospel

    workers to stay in on e area for a year or m ore. That

    would be enou gh tim e for m e to affiliate with a hos-

    pital and practice obstetrics, explains Nerida.Church planting uses all of our skills m edical

    missionary work, Bible work, pastoring, and doing

    evangelism. Its as th ough th e Lord brought u s here

    so we could find out what ou r m inistry could be.

    Gary Potter,a retired pipefitter and welder, has

    been presented with scores of m inistry opportun ities

    and is waiting to see where the Lord places him. For

    now, he will return hom e to Texas and continue lead-

    ing out in his home church and in p rison m inistry.

    Im glad the Lord brou ght m e here to t he College; I

    really am , he says.In fact, if I were finan cially able I

    wouldnt m ind com ing to it again. I know the nextsession is goin g to b e even bet ter.

    Amazing Facts is st ill accepting ap plications for

    the n ext Am azing Facts College of Evangelism ses-

    sion, which runs Feb. 4 to Jun e 9, 2001. Online appli-

    cations are available on th e Am azing Facts website

    (www.amazingfacts.org) under Special Projects and

    then College of Evangelism. Potential students can

    also view its adm issions p olicy, course titles, and

    finan cial inform ation.

    Tyler Long says he p rays th at th e College of

    Evangelism can eventually grow to train 1,000 stu-

    dent s each year.For anybod y whos thin king abou tgoing to this school, do it, he says.Besides giving

    yourself to the Lord, it will be the best decision you

    ever make.


    Jason Struthers (left) and

    his outreach partner

    Jeremiah Smith met

    Sacramento resident Janet

    Henry (right) while going

    from door-to-door in her

    neighborhood. Janet

    accepted their invitation to

    begin a Bible study and

    also to attend the four-

    week prophecy seminar

    conducted by Pastor Doug

    Batchelor. I dont usually

    invite strangers into my

    home, she said, but I

    could see the love of Jesus

    in these two young men. It

    showed in their faces.

    Daniel and Nerida McKibben feel the Lord brought them to the College sothey could learn about a form of evangelism that uses all of their skills

    and at the same time will allow Nerida to continue her medical practice.



  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    Kelly and Shelly Marote were han ging loose in

    good Hawaiian tradition when Shellys fatherinvited them to an Amazing Facts prophecy

    seminar in Hilo.

    Shelly had b een raised in a conservative, loving

    Christian home, yet she wanted to know what the

    world offered. One night she confronted h er father.

    Dad, Im 18, she said .Dont you th ink Im old

    enough to m ake my own choices now?

    Choices. Thats what it boiled down t o. What choic-

    es were going to b e for her b est? She went away from

    hom e and lived in hop e that she could make the best

    choices without her parentsGod an d guidan ce.After

    several years of prodigal living, her life was a sham -bles and the future was dim .

    Choices. Her choices had m ade life m ore compli-

    cated. Independence had ended in m ore pain and

    discouragement. But after she m et Kelly, a broad-

    shouldered man with a broad heart for her, things

    would never be the sam e.

    One night Kelly woke up in a sweat, breathing

    heavily. He went to h is wife, who was prepa rin g for

    the d ay, an d said , Shelly, Ive got to tell you wh at I


    Shelly was afraid it was abo ut som ethin g she didnt

    want to know,so she avoided him . However, the lookof determ ination and u rgency was written all over

    his face.Shelly, sit down , he said. I have to share

    with you what I saw in a dream .

    Battling her fears, she sat down intent on n ot shar-

    ing his concern about the dream. Und aunted, Kellystarted to describe what he had seen. He said, We

    were outside, and the sky was clear. All at once the

    sky chur ned black and wild. The earth began to roll

    up into the form of four-footed beasts, snorting and

    push ing whatever was in their path . People were

    screaming; death was all aroun d.

    The beast s cam e charging d irectly at Kelly and

    Shelly and their children, but m iraculously they

    stopped before striking the destroying blow. The cou-

    ple fled to a church bu ilding. It was safe inside. Kelly

    kept his family there and tried to help others come in

    from t he pillaging of the beasts.Within the n ext day or so, Shellys dad and m om

    were over for a social visit. They were playing a table

    game when Shellys dad , Dan, glibly remar ked,I had

    the stran gest dream th e other n ight.

    Shelly and Kelly imm ediately looked at each oth er

    with alarm, wondering what the odds would be that

    two fam ily mem bers would want to share stran ge

    dreams at th e same tim e. Dans dream was very simi-

    lar to Kellys an d h elped t hem to see Gods provi-


    The effect of the two dreams m ade a deep impres-

    sion on Kelly and Shelly so mu ch so, that when theAmazing Facts prophecy seminar was held, they

    were the first ones through the door. Each n ight they

    absorbed Bible truth that gave them peace and d irec-

    tion in the face of an un certain future. They were

    baptized the last night of the seminar along with

    Shellys sister, Natalie Waltjen, who a lso had a dr a-

    m atic experience coming back to Jesus.

    Amazing ComebackNatalie had stopp ed going to church for the m ost

    part. Child-rearing and hectic living had absorb ed all

    of her time and energy. Dad and Mom were ever sogentle to rem ind h er of Gods will, but sh e never real-

    ly had time. Because of their kind invitations, she

    decided to placate them by attend ing the prophecy

    seminar. She cam e faithfully but remained un m oved

    and skeptical.Not unt il the night when the m ark of

    the beast topic was presented did thin gs begin to


    As Natalie saw end-t ime events from the p erspec-

    tive of Jesusdevoted love to her, the Sabbath tr uth

    became clear in her m ind. While rushing home, the

    tears began to flow. She had been so blind to Jesus all

    these years. She wanted to be right with her husb and ,



    Land of Love and AdventureSalvation stories from the Big Island of Hawaii

    Photos courtesy of Ray House

    The Amazing Facts prophecy seminar in Hilo, Hawaii, brought joy and peace to this special family. Pictured

    above are Woody and Natalie Waltjen with their two sons; Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taka, the patriarch and matri-

    arch of the clan; and Shelly and Kelly Marote with their son and daughter.

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    so she asked forgiveness for differences. The tearscontinued for nearly an h our tears of joy, new

    hope, and love for Jesus. Natalie was beam ing with a

    new experience the next night at the m eeting. Today

    she expresses her joy in Jesus long-suffering and His

    gentle way of prodd ing her back to Him.

    Will You Have Me?Roy Oness is a self-made m an: a farm er by trade, a

    gentleman of the soil.His early years were spent

    looking for m eaning in t he Roman Catholic Church.

    Having foun d no comp elling reason to continue, he

    drifted through school, then th e Navy, and finally hegot mar ried. Roys search for God took him to the

    readings of Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy.

    After accum ulating stacks of books an d research on

    this m ovement, he felt that God was surely not in it

    and abandon ed his hope of finding truth there.For

    the last several years, Roy foun d m eaning in a fast-

    growing n on-den ominat ional church in Hilo, Hawaii,

    but never felt strongly about being bap tized.

    When th e Am azing Facts flier came in the m ail, he

    was intrigued with the prophecy theme and 666. He

    visited the second n ight and was pleasantly sur-

    prised at what he learned, but then he m issed thenext two n ights. Just b efore the fifth presentation,

    Roy reasoned: What am I doing that is so imp ortant

    as to m iss th ese m eetings? Ill go.

    From th at point on, he didnt miss another n ight.

    Each subject seemed to answer more an d m ore of

    the pressing questions he had nur tured throu gh sev-

    eral years of searchin g for Gods will. By the end of

    the m eeting, he realized that although his church was

    teaching truth, it was mixing in error as well. On the

    last weekend of the sem inar he told Pastor Charles

    Disney,Pastor, Im going to join your church; will

    you have me? Roy was baptized the n ext Sabbath.

    Several times dur ing the n ext few days he men tioned

    how wond erfully at peace he felt inside. Once again

    we realized the Bible prom ise The tru th shall make

    you free (John 8:32).

    Front-Row StudentLeilani Algosaibi was a front- row attend ee. She

    didnt want to m iss a word of the m essage, and she

    never m issed a n ight of the m eetings. Having comefrom a Muslim family and having been raised in

    Saudi Arabia, Christianity was the furth est thing

    from h er mind. The youngest sister of seven, she

    spread her wings to experience life.

    After spend ing 10 years in Alaska ru nn ing a dog-

    sled team with her husb and , she m oved to Hawaii for

    a new ventu re. In 1999 one of her first friends invited

    her to accept Jesus Christ as her Savior. Her heart

    was tend er toward God, and she wanted to know

    Him in every detail of His Word. One day Leilani

    asked her friend, If you say you are Christian, why

    do you cus s?The reply she got was, Oh, were saved by faith, we

    live in grace. This attitu de did nt m atch her n ew

    faith, so when anoth er displaced Alaskan nam ed

    Sasha Sutton invited her to a Tuesday night stu dy

    with Irma Cautiverio, she began drink ing in deeper

    tru ths from Gods Word.

    One day Irm a invited Leilani to som e pub lic meet-

    ings at a local church. When th is youn g woman d rove

    into the p arking lot and saw the churchs nam e on its

    sign, her heart nearly stopped. Leilanis pastor h ad

    told her th at this church group was a cult. She felt

    that she would be taking a big risk to go inside, but averse came to her min d. Test the spirits, whether

    they are of God (1 John 4:1,NKJV).She did, and

    Gods Spirit was confirm ed in His Word.

    At the end of the Am azing Facts prophecy seminar,

    Leilani and her friend Sasha were both baptized. God

    had t ruly worked anoth er miracle.

    Hawaii is full of beauty and adventure, but we have

    foun d th at the greatest adventure has b een to find

    earnest seekers who want to know Jesus in all of His


    Pastor Charles Disney (center) welcomes newly baptized members

    Larry Davis and Roy Oness into his church family. Larry was invited

    to the Amazing Facts prophecy seminar by a friend, and he devoured

    the Bible-based messages as fast as he could. By the second week

    of the meetings, he had discovered the Amazing Facts website and

    completed all 14 lessons in the online Bible School. At the conclusion

    of the series, Larry was the first person to be baptized. Roy was

    another eager Bible student. He came to the seminar with years of

    accumulated Bible questions and experienced tremendous peace as

    Evangelist Ray House and Pastor Disney guided him to the answers.

    Two displaced Alaskans named

    Leilani Algosaibi (left) and Sasha

    Rita Sutton learned about the

    Amazing Facts prophecy seminar at

    a midweek Bible study. Although

    Leilani had been raised a Muslim,

    she embraced Christianity whole-

    heartedly and was eager to follow

    the Lord in every detail of His Word.

    Both friends were baptized together

    by Pastor Charles Disney at the end

    of the meetings.

  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


    Special Recognition

    Amazing Facts is

    happy to recognize


    to the ministry

    that are made,

    in lieu of flowers,

    as a tribute to the

    deceased or as a

    thank offeringcelebrating significant

    milestones in the lives

    of friends or

    family members.

    Listings normally

    appear three to four

    months after


    are received.

    Be sure to include

    first and last

    names and pleasetype or print legibly

    to ensure correct

    spelling. Due to

    space limitations,

    a maximum

    of five names

    will be printed per

    donation per issue.

    In Loving Memory

    Dave Alexander by Elden Alexander, his son

    Lucille Allen by Andrew Kirsel,h er son

    Virginia Almon d by Mary Uselton, her daughter

    H.E.Ashton by Kitty Ashton, his wife

    Marlin Bakke by Martena Bakke, his mother

    Stape Bann er by Irene Brownlow, her sisterRobert Barber by Stanley H. Reesman

    Randy Bauer by Helen Haase, his grandmoth er

    Barbara Beasley by Matthew Beasley; by Thomas & Bernadette

    Clark; by Mary Corbin; by Anna & Johnie Evans;by Austin Evans; by

    Carolyn Hallissey; by the Hood family; by John Mar ty Hood; by Anita

    & Carol Ledbetter; by Paul & Linda Miller; by Dreama & Patrick

    ODell;b y Carole Phelps; by Marjorie Towsley; by other friend s

    & family

    Reuben Beck by John & Anita Silvestr i

    Pastor Horace Beckner by Gwendolyn M. Knight

    Cecil Beltz by Joy Beltz, his wife

    Pastor R.D. Benham by Elden Alexander, his great-great-nephew

    Hartley Berlin by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    Bertha Bieber by Olga Binder

    Albert Binder by Olga Bind er, his wifeEmma Binder by Olga Binder

    Baby Christopher Bixler by Mr.& Mrs. Howard Bixler

    Dr.Bill Brayshaw by Violet Brayshaw,h is wife

    Marvin Brentan, Sr. by Wilma K. Gill

    Myrtle Bristow by Floyd Bristow,her husband

    Pastor Howard Burbank by Tom & Helen Ipes

    Bruce Bush by William & Agnes Garrison

    Barbara Butler by Aaron & Ellen Harder; by Dr.& Mrs. Kent Taylor

    John & Pearl Camp bell by William & Agnes Gar rison

    Derwood Chappel l by Jean Chapp ell,h is wife

    Chet Chase by Elayne Chase, his wife

    Pastor Bj Christensen by Mr.& Mrs. William L.Fisher; by Curtis


    Garnie Gunde rson Claussen by Lois Claussen,h er daughter

    Sarah Cooney by Sarah Wolff,her daughterDon nell & Willa Dee Corvin by William & Agnes Gar rison

    Walter Cox by Nancy Phillips, his grand niece

    Hal Crays by Laurinda Crays,h is wife

    Joe Crews by Lu Ann Crews,his wife; by Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Moffett;

    by Matthew Kabson

    Irene Curtis by Romona I. Mortenson,her daughter

    Nita Daffern by Donna Rutt

    Pastor Tor Da hlberg by Don Kirkwood

    Wilmer Davis by Dr. & Mrs. Harley Anderson

    Lucilla Diaz by Tom & Helen Ipes

    Leonard Dickerson by Nevins & Evelyn Har lan

    Harold Dickinson by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    Marjorie Dickinson by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    Mark Dickinson by Kent & Dee Dickinson

    Rieta Diderickson by William Opincar ; by George & Betty NordlingWalter Diede by Art & Isa belle Reile

    Kathleen D obbins by Maryetta Fullbright,her sister-in-law

    C.O.Dockery by Mildred Docker y, his wife

    Marie Dole by Bettye White

    Barry Doles by Don & Joyce Doles, his paren ts

    Ray Doyle by Lu Ann Crews

    Russell Drake by Pauline Becker,his sister; by Neal Becker; by Reed

    W. Thomas; by Ken & Peggy Thomas; by Gerald & Elaine Snyder

    Maurice Du nn by William & Agnes Garrison

    Frank Earl by Evelyn Earl

    Gladys Eaves by Corinne King

    Harriet Echols by Mamie Bean, her sister; by Lu Ann Crews

    Richard & Margaret Ekroth by Ann Ekroth, their daughter

    Patty Elliott by Mary Randall

    Adolph & Margaret Engel by James Engel,th eir son

    Mr. & Mrs.Essex by Stanley H. Reesman

    Scotty Farwell by Corinne King

    Ann Ferguson by John & Anita Silvestri

    Richard S.Fertig by Margaret K. Fertig,his wife

    Edward H.Flower by M. Florence Flower

    Elmore Fullbright by Maryetta J. Fullbright, his sister-in-law

    Lester Fullbright by Maryetta J.Fullbright, his daughter-in-lawOlga Gaede by Olga Binder, her d aughter

    Dr.Alan R.Gair by Jackie Gair, his wife

    Robert C.Gates by Esther & Alber t Lorenz

    Virginia Gerne by Aaron & Ellen Har der

    Violet Gibbs by Gladys Lincoln, her sister; by the faculty at Charity

    School of Nursing,Delgado Commu nity College

    Daina Griff in by Earl & Hazel Griffin, her gran dparents

    Edwin C. Gussiaas by Alvin & Ella Mae Neumiller

    Juanita Guinn by Douglas & Jun e Ackerm ann

    Ernest Haas by Art & Isa belle Reile

    Edna Hagele by Olga Binder

    David E.Haines by Ollie Haines, his wife

    Pastor Alex R. Hal l by Alyce Hall, his wife

    Harold Hall by Ron & Purla Swanson

    John Henry Clay Hamby by the Astoria Postal Employees; by Julius& Helen Beesley; by Mr.& Mrs. Earl Black; by Dennis & Brigitte

    Davis; by Howard & Sylvia Hallock; by Lorraine Peterson ; by Dale


    D.Chester Hamren by Aaron & Ellen Har der

    Ardery Hardt by Ellen Hard t

    Dalton A.Hargrove by Robert & Rebecca Hargrove,his s on &


    Judy Harr by Art & Isab elle Reile

    Fred Has e by Olga Binder, his daughter

    Roma R.Hays by Ruth Hays, his wife

    Dorothy Henriques by Olga Binder

    William M. Henry by Patricia Henry,his wife

    Josep h Herzberg by Thelma Herzberg, his wife;Kathy Woodhall, his

    daughter; by Debra E. Fechik, his daughter

    Roger Hinger by Art & Isa belle ReileFrances Ho by Nina & Brent Shakespea re

    Naomi Hodde by Joan De Witt

    Marge & Ted Ho ffman by Steve, Donna , Stephenie & Matt Dickie

    Marian Hohens ee by Dorothy Hughes

    Everett Hoppe r by Jasper, Tamr a, Tonya & Julie Hice

    Michael Howard by Elden & Judy Alexand er, his un cle & aunt

    D.W. Hunter by Olga Binder

    Vernon Hurst by Helen Hurst, his wife

    Les Iles by Stanley H. Reesman

    Ruth Ipes by Tom & Helen Ipes

    John Janzen by Agatha Janzen, his wife; by Robert & Eileen Janzen ,

    his son & daughter-in-law; by Sharon Janzen, his granddaughter

    Ben Johnson by Steve, Donna, Stephenie & Matt Dickie

    Luben H. Johnston by Maryetta J.Fullbright,his sister

    Vera Johnston by Maryetta Fullbright, her sister-in-lawJack Jorsted by James V. Curtis

    Elizabeth Kabson by Matthew Kabson, her husband

    Pastor Robert Kachenmeister by Dr. & Mrs. Harley Anderson

    Margaret Britton Keightley by Paul Genstler

    Flay Ketchum by J.D. Davis

    Glenn Kingery by Nellie Kingery, his wife; by Cynth ia Kinger y, his

    daughter; by Sandr a Fulton, his daughter

    Anna & Walter Knecht by Art & Is abelle Reile

    Dan Kohler by Clarence & Dorothy Kohler, his paren ts

    Arianna Kontes by Cher yl Scoville-Hayton; by Randy Hayton

    Alan Korgan by Wilma K. Gill

    Bonnie Kramer by Mr.& Mrs. Kenneth Pickerel

    Clarence H. Kuhnke by Mr.& Mrs. Harold Fiegenschuh

    Gus & Katherine Lazarakis by Gertru de Lazarakis, their daughter;

    by Aurele Mau rice


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude


  • 7/31/2019 3. One Shrewd Dude






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