3 rs politic

3 Rs Policy 3 R’s Policy, is a group of rules, adopted in a Conference in 1992 by The European Union. The ideals are: • Reduce; •Reuse; •Recycle.

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3 Rs Policy

3 R’s Policy, is a group of rules, adopted in a Conference in 1992 by

The European Union.The ideals are:

• Reduce;•Reuse;


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“3 R’s Policy” Purposes

• Reduce the high level of trash produced by the human being;

• Reuse a big part of materials that is thrown away, such as glass bottles, plastic bags, computers, old clothes, wood, metals;

• Recycle , the purpose is to transform a useless material into a useful one.

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Measures to Reduce

•Buy just what you need , to put an end to waste-products;•Print or copy just the enough quantities; •Buy products whose package is recycled; •Try to buy products without packages;• Always separate the different kinds of materials;• Prefer glass packages, because they’re easy to recycle;• Recycle everything that can be recycled.

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Measures to Reuse

• Always use the sheets of paper on both sides;• Reuse the leftovers making a new dish;• Always print the front and the back of a sheet of paper;• Give new uses to packages, as for example, glass-packages to preserve food, or keep papers inside card boxes.

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Measures to Recycle

It is always possible to sort out to recycle: • PAPER;• GLASS;• PLASTIC.

Doing this, you will be contributing to reduce the trash accumulated and helping to get raw material without the need of extracting it from the Earth.

We’re sure that the Earth will be very happy if you contribute, for a better place.

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Other MeasuresWe should often try to reduce the consumption of water and electricity, here are some measures:• Do not leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or shaving;•Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when full;•Do not leave lights on when you’re not there;•Do not leave taps dripping (a dripping tap wastes around 200 litres per day);•Do not leave the door of your fridge open.

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Curiosities• Do you know how long it takes for the Earth to absorb trash? • Newspapers, 2 to 6 weeks;• Fruit, 3 months;• Cigarettes , 2 years;• Gums, 5 years;• Nylon, 30 to 40 years;• Bottle cover, 100 to 500 years;• Batteries, 100 to 500 years;

• For each 50kg of recycled paper, we are contributing not to cut a tree.

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Work done by:

António Cantante nº 3Maria Alexandre nº 15

Tiago Batista nº 21