3 r’s workshop

“A Workshop on Wellness and Productivity” By: Cristie Rodriguez

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“A Workshop on Wellness and Productivity”

By: Cristie Rodriguez

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Wellness vs Productivity


Sacrifice one for the other


Awareness on how to have both


Successful business = healthy and productive employees

Highbrid’s Seven Impact Areas

Health and Wellness

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What is Wellness?

Wellness is a healthy balance of the mind

and body

Healthy, Happy, Positive

Negative factors affecting ones’ Wellness




Lack of concentration/focus

Sleep Deprivation

Mind Body

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Companies… Strive for Wellness!


Increase productivity

10% of employees with the highest productivity worked for 52 minutes with intense purpose and then rested for 17 minutes.

Managing energy more skillfully = getting more done, in less time, and more sustainably.

Save money

Sleep deprivation costs companies around $62 billion a year in unproductivity

Be a successful business

Google, Facebook, Zappos – “The Power of Renewal”

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How do you achieve “Wellness” ?

Step 1: Step back from the

traditional way of thinking

Step 2: Adopt the new


Step 3: Practice the 3R’s




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Step 1:

Step back from the traditional way of thinking

Industrial Revolution Theory

Counterintuitive work ethic

Time = productivity

“The more, the better”

Downtime = wasted time

Distractions and taking breaks decreases productivity

Break the chain…

Productivity science is NOT an organized conspiracy

to justify laziness.

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Step 2:

Adopt the new philosophy

Focus on health (mind and body)

Value of work vs number of hours

Renewal time is necessary

Belief that naps, longer sleep hours, more time away from the office, and

longer, more frequent vacations = boost in productivity, job performance and


“When your renewing, truly

renew. So that when your

working, you can truly work.”

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Did you know?

Sleep cycles of 90 minutes: Alert to Physiological fatigue

Body signals replaced with substitutes

Releasing hormones and using up primary sources of energy

Brain's attentional resources drop

Practicing the 3R’s:

Increases focus and productivity

Promotes team spirit = improved work environment

Reboot your cognitive energy to solve big problems (mental dexterity)

Relax, Restore & Refocus by taking a break

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Take a break (anything from a couple minutes to an hour)

Coffee Break

Lunch Break

Breathing techniques/Meditation/Listen to sounds/Stretches

Nap Time

Look at pictures of cute animals

Surf the web (max 10 min)

Walk outside/Workout

Other ideas…

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Coffee Break

84 % of workers consider coffee

breaks important and essential

Reach for a cup of joe

caffeine boost

take a breather and unwind during a

hectic day

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Lunch Break

33% of workers eat lunch at their

desk (regularly)

16% rarely take time to eat lunch

Take lunch breaks far from a

computer and outside the office

Mind can stop thinking

Store knowledge, gain new energy

and create ideas

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Meditation/Breathing Techniques/Listen to relaxing sounds/Stretches

most effective breaks - calms the mind

maximum renewal in minimum time

effective in relieving stress

Releases dopamine

One time or cultivation?

lower cortisol levels

boost your creativity and compassion

Exercise 1: Listen and Cleanse

Exercise 2: Breathing Technique - Alternate Nostril Breathing or Happy Place

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Continuation… Meditation/Breathing Techniques/Listen to relaxing sounds/Stretches

Simple Stretches

Sitting slightly forward in your chair, rotate your upper body to the right, to reach the right-hand

side of the backrest with your left hand. Hold for five seconds, then swap sides.

Loosely grasp your hands behind your neck. Push your elbows back and draw your shoulder blades

together. Avoid pressing into the neck. Hold for five seconds.

Interlock your fingers. Push your palms away from your body, gently stretching the forearm muscles,

fingers and shoulder blades. Hold for five seconds.

Reach over your head, bending to the side at your waist and then straighten up. Swap sides and

repeat 10 times.

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Nap time!

Peak nap times: 1PM-3PM (15- 20 min)

Increases your reaction time and vigilance

Boosts cognitive ability, memory, and creativity

Energy booster

1 – 1½ hrs nap time = 8 hrs of sleep

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Looking at pictures of cute animals

44% increase in concentration

tenderness - improves our motor function

Surf the web: Facebook Case Study

“Quick surf of the Internet enables the mind to rest,

leading to a higher total net concentration for a day’s

work, and increased productivity.”

Break with internet surfing = 18% more than those

who had a rest break and 38% more than those in the

control group

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Step 3:

Practice the 3R’s

Relax. Restore. Refocus.

Taking a walk/Workout

Clears the mind

Releases stress endorphins

Increases creativity

Other ideas…

Chat with co-workers (not about work)

Read a book

Eat comfort food (moderation)

Take your work to a coffee shop

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Remind Yourself

Schedule breaks into your daily calendar (every hour)

Receive alerts (timer) to take a break/go back to work

13% more accurate in their work than coworkers who were not reminded

Positive thinking!

“I am a productive employee who takes the smart approach in managing my energy

to solve tasks in efficient and creative ways”

Measure your wellness with Desktime app

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Effects of working without breaks

Reduced Productivity

Long work hours = exhaustion = falling behind

Time to Catch up

Symptoms of exhaustion = more fatigue

Neglected Social Life (family, yourself)

Increased stress

Remind yourself = more stress

Musculoskeletal Damage

Same position without breaks

Disorder that damages the body's muscle, joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves

Poor mental skills

55 + work weeks

short-term memory and reduced ability to recall words

Long-term brain damage or dementia

Eye fatigue

Bad lighting = eye strain

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Exercise: 3R’s Techniques

Mention two 3R Techniques that you may

implement for your Wellness?

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