3. separation of powers legislative executive judicial

3. Separation of Powers Legislative Executive Judicial

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Page 1: 3. Separation of Powers Legislative Executive Judicial

3. Separation of Powers




Page 2: 3. Separation of Powers Legislative Executive Judicial

Article I – Legislative Branch (Congress; BI-CAMERAL – 2-houses; Makes the laws)

House of Representatives 435 2years 7 year US citizen; 25 yrs. Old; resident of a state If electoral college fails to reach majority…

Selects the President In impeachment cases…

Brings charges to impeach (to accuse) STARTS ALL REVENUE ($) BILLS!!! 29th Congressional District from NY – (Congressman Tom


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Article I – Legislative Branch

United States Senate 100 members (2/state) 6 year terms 9yrs. as US citizen Resident of a state If electoral college fails to reach majority…

Selects the Vice-President In impeachment cases…

Conducts trial 2/3 vote to convict and remove from office


Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kristin Gillibrand

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Article I I– Executive Branch (Enforces the laws)

The President 4 year terms; 2 term limit; 10 years maximum Natural born citizen (born here) 35 yrs. Old 14 year resident of the USA Qualifications that voters consider

Education; experience; political party Platform – ideas and views

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How have some of the 27 Amendments affected the Presidency?

Amendment #12 (1804) Changed: How President is chosen.

Electoral College selection process changed so that President and Vice President would come from same political party.

Amendment #20 (1933) Changed: When President’s and Congress’ elected terms

end Jan. 20th – President; Jan. 3rd – Congress Also known as the “LAME DUCK” AMENDMENT

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How have some of the 27 Amendments affected the Presidency?

Amendment #22 (1957) Changed: How long a President may serve.

2 term limit; 10 year maximum

Amendment #25 (1967) Changed: Line of Succession

Vice-Pres; Speaker of the H of R; ProTemp of Senate… Elected officials

Cabinet members… Sec. of State; Treasury; Defense; Attorney General; Interior; Agriculture; Commerce; Labor; Health and Human Services; Housing and Urban Development; Transportation; Energy; Education; Veterans

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Article I I– Executive Branch (Enforces the laws)

Roles of the President Chief Executive

enforces laws; gives State of the Union Address each January. Chief Diplomat

negotiates treaties; appoints ambassadors Commander in Chief

civilian control of the military; orders troops to protect American lives and property

Judicial Powers appoints federal judges; grants pardons and reprieves

Chief Legislator recommends bills/laws to Congress; VETO POWER

Chief of State ceremonial leader; represents “us”

Chief of Political Party Campaigns for political party candidates

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Article III -Judicial Branch (Judges/Decides if a law has been broken)

Federal Court System 90+ Federal District Courts 11 Circuit Courts of Appeal 1 Supreme Court

9 Justices: 1 chief justice: Roberts 8 associate justices: Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas,

Bader Ginsberg, Breyer, Alito, Sotomayor, Kagan

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Article III -Judicial Branch (Judges/Decides if a law has been broken)

Federal Judge Life time appointment No requirements

Federal Court Jurisdiction (can hear what cases?) Cases of violations of federal laws (including the interpretation of the

Constitution) and treaties Cases involving foreign gov’ts. or states suing each other

ORIGINAL JURISDICTION 1st to hear above listed cases (ex: ambassador’s arrest?)

APPELLATE JURISDICTION Hear cases already tried in lower federal courts

OR Hear cases already tried in the highest state courts

JUDICIAL REVIEW Power of federal courts (Supreme Court) to declare a law
