3. the last hours of jesus

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  • 8/4/2019 3. the Last Hours of Jesus


    Prepared by:

    Ricahrd G. Pazcoguin

    UST Institute of Religion

  • 8/4/2019 3. the Last Hours of Jesus


    Judas, one of the twelve, arrived,

    accompanied by a crowd with swords and

    clubs who had come from the chief priests

    and scribes, and the elders. His betrayer had

    arranged a signal with them saying, The man

    I shall kiss is th one; arrest him and lead him

    away securely. He came and immediately

    went over to him and said, Rabbi. And hekissed him. At this, thy laid hands on him

    and arrested him.

    Mark 14:43-46

  • 8/4/2019 3. the Last Hours of Jesus


    The high priest said to him, I order you

    to tell us under oath before the living God

    whether you are the Messiah, the Son of

    God. Jesus said to him in reply: You have

    said so, but I tell you: From now on you

    will see the Son of Man seated at the right

    hand of the Power and coming on the

    clouds of heaven. Then the high priestsaid, He has blasphemed! What further

    need have we of witnesses? You have now

    heard the blasphemy; what is your

    opinion? They said in reply, He deserves

    to die.

    Matthew 26: 63-66

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    Peter was following at a distance. They lit a fire in the

    middle of the courtyard and sat around it, and Peter sat

    down with them. When a maid saw him seated in the

    light, she looked intently at him and said, This man too

    was with him. But he denied it saying, Woman, I do

    not know him. A short while later, someone else saw

    him and said, You too are one of them, but Peter

    answered, My friend, I am not. About an hour later,

    still another insisted, Assuredly this man too is with

    him for he is also a Galilean. But Peter said, My friend,

    I do not know what you are talking about. Just as he

    was saying this, the cock crowed, and the Lord turned

    and looked at Peter.

    Luke 22: 54-61

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    The whole assembly of them arose and brought him

    before Pilate. They brought charges against him,saying, We have found this man misleading our

    people; he opposes the payment of Taxes to Caesar

    and maintains that he is the Messiah, a king. Pilate

    asked him, Are you the king of the Jews? He said to

    him in reply, You said so. Pilate then addressed the

    crowds, I find this man not guilty. But they wereadaman and said, He is inciting the people with his

    teaching throughout all Judea, from Galilee where he

    began even to here.

    Luke 23 1-5

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    Upon learning that he was a Galilean under

    Herods jurisdiction, Pilate sent him to herod

    who was in Jerusalem at that time. Herodwas very glad to see Jesus. He had been

    wanting to see him for a long time, for he

    had heard about him and had been hoping to

    see him perform some sign. He questioned

    him at length, but he gave him no answer.

    The chief priests and scribes , meanwhile,stood by accusing him harshly. Even Herod

    and his soldiers mocked him, and after

    clothing him in resplendent garb, he sent

    him back to Pilate.

    Luke 23: 8-11

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    Pilate said to them, So no capital

    crime has been commintted by him.

    Therefore I shall have him flogged andrelease him.

    Luke 23:15-16

    Then Pilate took Jesus and had him

    scourged. And the soldiers wove acrown of thorns and placed it on his

    head, and clothed him in a purple

    cloak, and they came to him and said,

    Hail, King of the Jews, and they stuck

    him repeatedly.

    John 19: 1-3

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    And Pilate said to them, Behold the man. When the chief

    priests and the guards saw him they cried out, Crucify him,

    crucify him!

    John 19:5-6

    When Pilate saw that eh was not succeeding at all, but that a

    riot was breaking out instead, he took water and washed his

    hands in the sight of the crowd saying, I am innocent of thismans blood. Look it to yourselves. And the whole people said

    in reply, His blood be upon us and our children. Then he

    released Barabbas to them, but after he had jesus scourged, he

    handed him over to be crucified.

    Matther 27: 24-26

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    They stripped him of the purple cloak,

    dressed him in his own clothes, and led himout to crucify him. They pressed into service

    a passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was

    coming from the country, the Father of

    Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross. They

    brought him to a place of Golgotha.

    Mark 15: 20-22

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    And when they came to the placee calledGolgotha, they give Jesus wine to drink mixed

    with gall. But when he tasted it, he refused to

    drink. ..They divided his garments by casting


    Matthew 27: 33-35

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    There, they crucified him, and with him two

    others, one on either side, with Jesus in the

    middle. Pilate also had an inscription written

    and put in on the cross. It read: Jesus, the

    Nazorean, the King of the Jews.

    John 19: 18-19

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    One of the criminals hanging there reviled

    Jesus saying, Are you not the Messiah? Save

    yourself and us. The other, however,

    rbuking him, said in reply, Have you no fear

    of God, for you are subject to the same

    condemnation? And instead we have been

    condemned justly, for the sentence we

    received correponds to our crimes, but this

    man has done nothing criminal. Then hesaid, Jesus, remember me when you come

    into your kingdom. He replied to him,

    Amen, I say to you, today you will be with

    me in Paradise.

    Luke 23: 39-43

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    When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple

    there whom he loved, he said to his mother,

    Woman, behold your son. Then he said to the

    disciple, Behold, your mother. And from that

    hour, the disciple took her into his home.

    John 19: 26-27

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    It was now about noon and darkness came

    over the whole land until three in the afternoonbecause of an eclipse of the sun. Then the veil

    of the temple was torn down in the middle.

    Jesus cried out in a lod voice, Father, inot your

    hands, I commend my Spirit. And when he

    had said this, he breathed his last.

    Luke 23:44-46

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    Joseph of Arimathea, secretly a disciple of

    Jesus, asked Pilate if he could remove the body

    of Jesus. And Pilate permitted it. So he came andtook his body. Nicodemus also came bringing a

    mixture of myrrh and aloes weighing about one

    hundred pounds. They took the body of Jesus

    and bound it with burial cloths along with the

    spices according to the Jewish burial custom.

    Now in the place where he was crucified, therewas a garden , and in the garden a new tomb in

    which no one had yet been buried. So they laid

    Jesus there.

    John 19: 38-42

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    By the expression, He descended to the

    dead, the Apostles Creed confesses that Jesus

    did really die and through his death for us

    conquered death and evil who has the power

    of death (Hebrews 2:14)

    Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 636

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    He was spurned and avoided by men,

    A man of suffering accustomed to infirmity.

    One of those from whom men hide their facesSpurned, we held him in no esteem.

    Yet it was our infirmities that he bore,

    Our sufferings that he endured.

    While we thought of him as stricken,

    As one smitten by God and afflicted.

    But he was pierced for our offenses,Crushed for our sins,

    Upon him was the chastizement that makes us whole,

    By his stripes, we were healed.

    Isaiah 53: 3-5

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    How beautiful the hands that served

    The wine and the bread and the sons of the earth.

    How beautiful the feet that walkedThe long dusty road and the hill to the cross.

    How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful,

    Is the Body of Christ!

    How beautiful the heart that bledThat took all my sins and bore it instead.

    How beautiful the tender eyes

    That chose to forgive and never despise.

    How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful

    Is the Body of Christ.

  • 8/4/2019 3. the Last Hours of Jesus


    And as he laid doen his life, we offer this sacrifice

    That we may live just as he died

    Willing to pay the price, willing to pay the price.

    How beautiful the radiant brideWho waits for her groom with his light in her eyes

    How beautiful when humble hearts give

    The fruit of their lives so that others may live.

    How beautiful, how beautiful, how beautiful

    Is the Body of Christ!

    How beautiful the feet that bring

    The sound of Good News and the love of the King

    How beautiful the hands that served

    The wine and the bread and the Sons of the earth.

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    How Beautiful

    How Beautiful

    How Beautiful

    Is the Body of Christ!

  • 8/4/2019 3. the Last Hours of Jesus
