3 things elite recruiters do that others do not · a study of 386 million emails (inc. –jan/2018)...

3/21/2018 1 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not 2018 Meet Our Speaker 2 David Szary Founder and President The Recruiter Academy & Lean Human Capital © 2018 LEAN HUMAN CAPITAL. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED “Fell” into recruiting in 1989! First half of career, recruited (and managed teams) in “high tech” industry for a publicly-held “high-growth” IT Staffing and Search Firm. In 1997, founded The RIO Group (www.riogrp.com ) & The Recruiter Academy (www.recruiteracademy.com ). In 2009 founded Lean Human Capital (www.leanhumancapital.com ), combining The Recruiter Academy educational solution with analytic and process optimization best practices. Has worked with over 10,000 recruiters from thousands of companies across the entire United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, including some of the most respected organizations in the world. Healthcare Staffing - 2018

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Page 1: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not


Meet Our Speaker


David SzaryFounder and PresidentThe Recruiter Academy

&Lean Human Capital


“Fell” into recruiting in 1989!

First half of career, recruited (and managed teams) in “high tech”

industry for a publicly-held “high-growth” IT Staffing and Search Firm.

In 1997, founded The RIO Group (www.riogrp.com) & The Recruiter

Academy (www.recruiteracademy.com).

In 2009 founded Lean Human Capital (www.leanhumancapital.com),

combining The Recruiter Academy educational solution with analytic

and process optimization best practices.

Has worked with over 10,000 recruiters from thousands of companies

across the entire United States, Canada, South America, Europe, Asia

and the Middle East, including some of the most respected

organizations in the world.

Healthcare Staffing - 2018

Page 2: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Recruitment We’re All Playing the Same Game


Winning the Game . . It’s All About Mastering the Candidate Supply Chain

Find{Build the TOP OF THE FUNNEL}

Engage{Turn a CONTACT INTO A PROSPECT with a

Quality Conversation}



{Dial into the search}

Close{Top Talent has options}


Tapping into 100% of the Labor Market


14%Actively Looking

20%Casually Looking

32%Passively Looking




Breakdown of candidates in the marketplace – according to BLS & Staffing.org

There is no silver bullet for finding,

engaging, and hiringtop talent.

Page 3: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,




3 Things that Separate the Best from the Rest

1. Can engage Top Talent that is highly recruited

2. Are Memorable

3. A Great Mindset! Have passion for lifelong learning and being GREAT at what you do • Roger Staubach

“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.”

Can engage top talent that is highly recruited

Page 4: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



On average, how many inbound recruiter inquires (emails, calls, text’s, mailers) do you think a talented professional gets in a week?

What % of the time do you answer your mobile phone (versus let it go to VM) if you don’t recognize the #?

What % of your personal emails are you reading for the first time on your mobile device?

The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Three Keys to engaging Top Talent in a quality conversation.

1. Timing

2. Message/Value Proposition

3. Tonality

The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

What time of the day/week can you reach Top Talent and/or they quickly respond?

What are Prime ‘connect’ times when contacting top talent!?

The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Page 5: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. – Jan/2018)

The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not

Statistically, that means your sweet spot is Sunday evenings

"The closest to a 1:1 relationship - where you receive one reply to every outgoing email you send,

is Sunday."

Open-and-reply rates were markedly higher on the weekends than during the week:

45.8% reply rate overall, versus 39.1% during the week, across all emails

Moreover, emails sent in the early morning, or the early evening - more specifically, between 6

and 7 a.m., or around 8 p.m. - had very solid reply rates - around 45%

That same study found that there's really no difference (in terms of response rate) during the week -

They're all uniform - and thus uniformly inferior to weekend email send-and-response rates.

Less jargon is better. Take out unnecessary words (must be able to read 15-20 seconds/50-75 words )

Make sure it is visually appealing (make effective use of bullets)

Research candidate to personalize each email

The SUBJECT LINE and first line of body content are most important

The subject line should be less then 50 characters. Ideally less if possible. Mobile devices only show about 35-38 characters

Personalize by putting your prospect’s name in the subject line. Studies show they get a 22% higher open rate

Next statement in ‘body of text’ should be no more than another 40-80 characters in length

Utilize this ‘attention grabber’ content when leaving voicemails, social posts, texts, and in job postings

Your Message – Crafting Your Email ‘Attention Grabber’

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Your Message – Crafting Your Email ‘Attention Grabber’

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. – Jan/2018)

Email Openings:

Across all emails, the informal, three letter opening “Hey” prompted more responses:

64% of emails that opened with that word received replies

"Hello" and “Hi" didn't fare too badly either: they had 63.6% and 62.7% reply rates respectively

From there, however, everything dropped off. "Greetings" resulted in a 57.2% response rate

"Dear" resulted in a 56.5% response rate

Those openings still beat the average of all emails, which had a 47.5% combined response rate

Email Closes:

The most-common phrases, along with their reply yield rates, were as follows:

Thanks in Advance – 67.5% Thanks – 63%

Thank You – 57.9% Cheers – 54.4%

Kind Regards – 53.9% Regards – 53.5%

Best Regards – 52.9% Best – 51.2%

Page 6: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Crafting Your Job Posting – Best Practices

F for fast. That’s how users read your content. In a few seconds, their eyes move at amazing

speeds across your content.

• Source: NNGroup

Users first read in a horizontal movement, across the upper part of the

content area. This element forms the F’s top bar.

Next, they scan a vertical line down the left side of the screen, looking for

points of interest in the paragraph’s initial sentences. When they found

something interesting they read across in a second horizontal movement that

typically covers a shorter area than the previous movement. This additional

element forms the F’s lower bar.

Finally, users scan the content’s left side in a vertical movement.

The Science of the F Pattern

How we read/scan content

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Crafting Your Job Posting – Best Practices The Science of the F Pattern

232 Users read/scan thousands of web pages

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

• Samuel Taylor Coleridge

“Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.”

“If you don’t believe, why would they!?”

Page 7: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Three Keys to engaging Top Talent in a quality conversation

1. Timing

2. Message/Value Proposition

3. Tonality

The Art & Science of Engaging Top Talent

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

The Art & Science of Being Memorable

Being Memorable

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

- Dale Carnegie

Page 8: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Being Memorable

“No one likes to be sold but everyone likes to buy.”

- Jeffery Gitomer

Don’t pitch jobs. Understand what they want to do and offer that opportunity (Be interested, not interesting)

Don’t rely on email and texting as your only communication methods – pick up the phone

CRM – reach out every 8 weeks. Make sure half of these messages are NOT soliciting them for positions you have to offer

A Great Mindset

Passionate about lifelong learning and being great at what they do!


1. Be Present – When people need you, they need all of you. Setting aside distractions and judgments to be fully present is a sign of respect. It improves communication and strengthens relationships.

2. Play – You can be serious about your work without taking yourself so seriously. Play is a mindset more than a specific activity. It allows you to throw yourself with enthusiasm and creativity into whatever you are doing, in a way that is natural, not forced.

3. Make Their Day – Simple gestures of thoughtfulness, thanks and recognition make people feel appreciated and valued. When you make someone else feel good, you feel good too.

4. Choose Your Attitude – To actually choose how you respond to life, not just react, you must be intentional. When you get up, decide who you want to “be” today. Ask yourself, “What is my attitude right now? Is it helping the people who depend on me? Is it helping me to be most effective?”

Embody the FISH! Philosophies 4 Guiding Principles

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Page 9: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Being great at what you do

“Just because you've been doing something for years doesn’t mean you can't or don't need to improve.”

“Often, people get satisfied at being good at what they do. They stop doing all the little things that made them great.”

“Good is the enemy of Great.”

Elite Recruiter – Research Study

Word Clouds

© 2017 HealthcareSource · Lean Human Capital

Manager 360° StrengthsFinder 2.0

3 Things that Separate the Best from the Rest

1. Can engage Top Talent that is highly recruited

2. Are Memorable

3. A Great Mindset! Have passion for lifelong learning and being GREAT at what you do • Roger Staubach

“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile.”

Page 10: 3 Things Elite Recruiters Do That Others Do Not · A study of 386 Million emails (Inc. –Jan/2018) The big takeaway is simple: Send your emails at a time when others are not Statistically,



Healthcare Staffing - 2018



The Recruiter Academy

For more information:

Brian Brazda

[email protected]