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30 pt 5 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Age of Invention Reforms Arts and Artists Age of Jackson 35 pt 10 pt 15 pt 40 pt 45 pt 20 pt 50 pt 25 pt 30 pt 10 pt 35 pt 40 pt 45 pt 50 pt 30 pt 35 pt 40 pt 45 pt 50 pt 30 pt 35 pt 40 pt 45 pt 50 pt 30 pt Grab Bag

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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30 pt 5 pt

15 pt

20 pt

25 pt

5 pt

10 pt

15 pt

20 pt

25 pt

5 pt

10 pt

15 pt

20 pt

25 pt

5 pt

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15 pt

20 pt

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5 pt

Age ofInvention

ReformsArts andArtists

Age of Jackson

35 pt10 pt

15 pt 40 pt

45 pt20 pt

50 pt25 pt

30 pt

10 pt 35 pt

40 pt

45 pt

50 pt

30 pt

35 pt

40 pt

45 pt

50 pt

30 pt

35 pt

40 pt

45 pt

50 pt

30 pt

Grab Bag

Country where the Industrial Revolution



Invention that increased slavery

in the South

Cotton gin

Main product of the first factories


Inventor of the steamboat

Robert Fulton

Made farming easier in thick Midwest soil

Steel plow

Inventor of cotton gin and

interchangeable parts

Eli Whitney

McCormick’s invention that

increased grain production

Mechanical reaper

Invented by Samuel Morse


The main work force for early


Young women and children

Memorized English factory machines and copied them in


Samuel Slater

Reform movement to end slavery


Workers organizing for better pay and


Labor union

Women’s rights convention

organized by Elizabeth Cady


Seneca Falls


What is suffrage?

the right

to vote

Runaway slave who wrote




Escaped slave who spoke for both women’s

rights and abolition

Sojourner Truth

Movement to ban drinking alcohol

Temperance movement

Founded national

organization for women’s


Susan B. Anthony

Most famous “conductor” of

the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Religious revival that encouraged


Second Great


Artistic movement that emphasized



Author of “The Raven” and scary

short stories

Edgar Allen Poe

Wrote Scarlet Letter and

stories with Puritan themes

Nathaniel Hawthorne

New England author who helped

found transcendentalism

Ralph Waldo Emerson

What type of art was created by the

Hudson River School?

Landscape paintings

Writer who protested Mexican War by refusing to

pay taxes

Henry David Thoreau

Peaceful protest

against unjust laws

civil disobedience

Herman Melville’s novel about the hunt

for a white whale

Moby Dick

How did Romantic artists view God and spirituality?

God found in nature; spirituality

more individual

Theme found in Last of the Mohicans and

Song of Hiawatha

Native Americans

Event that made Jackson a national hero

Battle of New


Defeated Jackson in election of


John Quincy Adams

What did Jackson

supporters call the election of


A “corrupt bargain”

Political party founded by

Jackson and his supporters

Democratic Party

What was Jackson’s support

for common majority rule


Jacksonian democracy

What did the Indian Removal

Act do?

Forced Natives to

move west of Mississippi

Awarding government

jobs to political supporters

Spoils system

States cancelling a federal law


What federal laws caused the

Nullification Crisis?


Forced march of 15,000 Natives to Oklahoma

Trail of Tears

Cherokees went to court to keep

their land

Worcester v. Georgia

Supreme Court ruled that states

cannot tax federal


McColloch v. Maryland

Only federal government can control interstate


Gibbons v. Ogden

Closed by Andrew Jackson

by giving its money to states

2nd National Bank

Period of American

confidence and political unity after War of


Era of Good Feelings

Declaration that the Americas were no longer open for European colonies

Monroe Doctrine