30 sec inclusion training - disability employment awareness month

Hello! This is your 30-Second Inclusion Training Disability Employment Awareness Month Click here to begin Brought to you by the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives.

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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October is Disability Employment Awareness Month. Adapted in part from http://www.sutteronestop.com/DPN/30second.htm


  • 1. Hello! This is your 30-Second Inclusion TrainingDisability Employment Awareness Month Brought to you by theOffice of Faith Based and Community Initiatives.Click here to begin

2. Disability Employment Awareness Month is nationally celebrated inOctober. Various activities are held throughout the month andmaterials are distributed in order to increase the publics awarenessof the contributions and skills of American workers with disabilities. When did this national celebration begin? 1962 1945 1988 3. Please try againThis is when the word"physicallywas removed. It was donein order to acknowledgethe employment needs aswell as the contributionsmade by individuals with all types of disabilities. 4. Come onYou can do it!This is when Congress expanded the week to a month. The name was changed to"National Disability Employment Awareness Month." 5. Great Job!This is when Congress enacted a law which declared the first week inOctober "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." Tofind out more, click here to be directed to the U.S. Department ofLabor. For more information contact: Mariann Bernlohr Training & Inclusion Manager Office of Faith Based and Community [email protected] 317-234-5891