30 tips to simplify your life during the holidays

30 Tips to Simplify Your Life During the Holidays By M.C. Walker Ready or not? The holidays are here. It’s that time of year where your favorite stores have fantastic sales, distant relatives ring to say hello, and you’re stuck between Grandma’s turkey or meeting your new beau’s family. Stomach meet butterflies, butterflies meet stomach. If you’re anything like me the holidays make you more than a little bit queasy in the stomach. Suddenly your social calendar fills up, workload triples, and your to do list seems almost impossible to complete over the weekend. Call me crazy, but the holidays make me as nervous as my learning to drive at sixteen. Luckily, I’m happy to share five tips that

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: 30 Tips To Simplify Your Life During The Holidays

30 Tips to Simplify Your Life During the HolidaysBy M.C. Walker

Ready or not? The holidays are here. It’s that time of year where

your favorite stores have fantastic sales, distant relatives ring to

say hello, and you’re stuck between Grandma’s turkey or

meeting your new beau’s family. Stomach meet butterflies,

butterflies meet stomach. If you’re anything like me the holidays

make you more than a little bit queasy in the stomach. Suddenly

your social calendar fills up, workload triples, and your to do list

seems almost impossible to complete over the weekend. Call me

crazy, but the holidays make me as nervous as my learning to

drive at sixteen. Luckily, I’m happy to share five tips that will not

only simplify your life during the holidays. But, will make every

upcoming holiday feel like a cool summer breeze in July.

The holidays are not all about a great sale believe it or not.

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1) Meditate/Pray.: The holidays can be a bit overwhelming for

all of us. Don’t allow the stress to consume your life. Center

yourself and begin to pray or meditate.

2) Make your shopping list two months early.: Preparation is

key in success. Plan early and keep in mind a small budget

just for the holidays.

3) Send Christmas Cards virtually.: We live and thrive in tech

savvy world, don’t make the holidays an exception. Send

warm wishes with a sweet e-card.

4) Buy small gifts at a time.: If you have a few picky people to

shop for this holiday season. Start small. For example, if

your little sister is obsessed with starting an online mark-up

business. A gift card to her favorite make up store will put a

smile on her face.

5) Shop deals online.: Browsing online has never been so much

fun during the holidays. Get more bang for your buck when

you sign up such websites as shopgirldaily.com .

6) Download apps.: Deals! Deals! Deals! So many deals, so

little time. Make your money work twice as hard for you this

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holiday season. Download apps such as Shopkick, to capture

deals at your favorite stores like Target and Walmart.

7) Open a savings account specifically for the holidays. : Who

says a few dollars put away for a rainy day doesn’t make life

easier? No one. Every penny counts. Throw that spare

change and few dollars into a special jar and label it

Christmas money. You’ll be surprised how much you walk

away with in the end!

8) Politely decline invites.: Invitations are nice, but you don’t

have to attend them all. You don’t want to burn yourself out

before the new year countdown party. Pace yourself.

9) Mark your calendar for the holidays.: If you’re a goal-

oriented person, allow the holiday to become a celebratory

event in your life. Check off your budget. Pre-order that

special bracelet for mom. Plan some time off for the family

Christmas Party.

10) Do something nice for yourself. : The holidays are all

about showering those in our life with love and gifts. Don’t

forget to include yourself on that list. If a cup of coffee from

Starbucks puts a smile on your face, go for it.

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11) Recycle ornaments from Christmas past.: Call me

crazy or what have you. I love Christmas ornaments

especially the ones from previous Christmases. Save a little

on Christmas decorations and thank yourself later.

12) Start a Christmas Shopping Club in the office.: If

you’re in an office environment with other mom’s or young

people. A Christmas Shopping Club will go a long way of

helping each other keep a budget, plan a family dinner, or

save a few dollars.

13) Give books as gifts.: Have you read a great book and

want to share it with friends and family. Books make great

gifts for all ages. A good book last a lifetime.

14) Visit family and friends early in the month.: Big

families can be a big challenging during the holidays. We

don’t want to forget anyone this holiday season. Share a

little love with a phone call or a surprise visit.

15) Create a weekly task list to keep you on task.: Kids,

work, friends, and family oh my! Create a weekly task list of

all the things that need to get done sooner than later. That

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way you won’t feel like you tackling a mountain instead of a


16) Make the holidays fun by creating games with your

children.: Kids love the holidays twice as much as adults.

Let them join in on the fun from tree decorations party,

make a game of sharing positive thoughts, or guess whose

cooking dinner tonight.

17) When in doubt sip wine, unplug, and relax.: If Olivia

Pope can conquer Washington and make time for wine and

popcorn, you can too.

18) Organize a family meeting.: If you’re from a tight knit

family, organize a family meeting before the holidays arrive.

Planning and delegating tasks will smooth out the transition

from Thanksgiving to Christmas.

19) Personalize holiday gifts.: Nothing says I love you like

a personalized gift such as a family photo or a monogram

briefcase for your spouse.

20) Get plenty of rest before the holiday arrives.

21) Plan a staycation with your beau.: Family and friends

are forever. Don’t forget about your partner. Depending on

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where you are in your relationship, it may not be time to

meet your future relatives. Don’t allow the holidays to

separate you. Plan a simple and sweet weekend indoors

between you and beau.

22) Avoid big sale events at stores.: The only thing that

makes the holidays more stressful are long lines and out of

stock inventory. If possible, avoid big sale events and order

in advance.

23) Eliminate last minute task.: Shopping or cooking last

minute will make your head spin. Conquer the day by

planning, making a list, check it twice, and always get more

than enough.

24) Get an accountability buddy for the holidays.: Have

you ever heard of an accountability partner for working out

or meeting life goals? The holidays are no exception. Grab

your best girlfriend and plan a budget. Swap recipes. Hold

you accountable for your holiday budget. Above all else,

keep you calm and cute during the holidays.

25) Create a safe and warm cheery place inside your

home.: The holiday magic begins inside your home. If you’re

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single buy a small Christmas tree, decorate your dining

table with festival plate settings, light holiday scented

candles, and play your favorite Christmas music.

26) Post positive affirmations through your home and

workplace.: Not everyone is lucky to have that special

someone still in their lives. Positive affirmations go a long

way for your mental health. Keep your spirits up by

surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you.

Or spend some time giving back to your community.

27) Give free hugs to those closest to you.: I like a good

hug. Big, small, long, or short I’ll take them all. Hugs are

free and people love them. Give as many as possible this

holiday season. There good for you, promise.

28) Start a new hobby.: The holidays are a great time to

start a new hobby. If you’re tight on cash and you have a

skillset for knitting. Put your hobby to good use and give a

memorable gift from your heart.

29) Take plenty of photos.: The most important part of the

holiday season is creating memories. Don’t allow the search

for the perfect gift to make you miss a moment kissing your

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grandmother, sharing a laugh, or watching your little

cousins grow up before your eyes.

30) Minimize your shopping list.: If you’re working part

time and thinking of all the people on your shopping list this

holiday season to purchase gifts for soon. Don’t fret. People

will understand if you will just have to share a Merry

Christmas and buy something next year. Be cost effective

and spend your money wisely.

No matter how old you are or how much you have on your

budget this holiday season, remember one thing. Christmas

is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s true. Allow the

spirit of family and friends of who you spend birthdays.

Anniversary’s, break up’s or promotion with throughout the

year to surround you with love. Often we allow the pressure

to make others happy with material things that express our

gratitude for how much they mean to us. Truthfully,

material things are just that things. Things that will break,

gather dust, or become passed down eventually. Remind

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yourself that we only get this one life and we want to make

it as special as possible. Don’t allow sales, stress, overtime

at work, and loneliness to silence your Christmas spirit.

Kissing underneath the mistletoe, unwrapping gifts, sharing

a slice of grandma’s peach cobbler or moments that you

can’t rewind. Those special moments are priceless and

unforgettable. Make this holiday season magical by

simplifying your life from beginning to end.