303 banking -derivative risk management-draft

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  • 8/8/2019 303 Banking -Derivative Risk Management-draft




    Risk is a characteristic feature of all commodity and capital markets. Over time, variations in the

    prices of agricultural and non-agricultural commodities occur as a result of interaction of demandand supply forces. The last two decades have witnessed a many-fold increase in the volume of

    international trade and business due to the ever growing wave of globalization and liberalization

    sweeping across the world. As a result, financial markets have experienced rapid variations in

    interest and exchange rates, stock market prices thus exposing the corporate world to a state of

    growing financial risk. Increased financial risk causes losses to an otherwise profitable

    organization. This underlines the importance of risk management to hedge against uncertainty.

    Derivatives provide an effective solution to the problem of risk caused by uncertainty and

    volatility in underlying asset. Derivatives are risk management tools that help an organization to

    effectively transfer risk. Derivatives are instruments which have no independent value. Their

    value depends upon the underlying asset. The underlying asset may be financial or non-financial.The term derivative can be defined as a financial contract whose value is derived from the

    value of an underlying asset. Section 2(ac) of Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, (SCRA),

    1956 defines derivatives as,

    a) a security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan whether secured or unsecured, risk

    instrument or a contract for difference or any other form of securities;

    b) a contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of underlying


    The underlying asset may be a stock, bond, a foreign currency, commodity or even another

    derivative security. Derivative securities can be used by individuals, corporations, and financial

    institutions to hedge an exposure to risk.


    Derivative contracts have several variants. The most common variants are forwards, futures,

    options and swaps. Various derivatives contracts are described below,


    A forward contract is a customized contract between two entities, where settlement takes place

    on a specific date in the future at todays pre-agreed price. A forward contract is an agreement

    between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specific point of time in future and the price

    which is paid /received by the parties is decided at the time of entering the contract.

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    A future contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in

    the future at a certain price. Future contracts are standardized forward contracts. Future contractsare traded in exchanges and exchange sets the standardized terms in term of quantity, quality,

    price quotation, date and delivery date (in case ofcommodities).


    An option contract, as the name suggests, is in some sense an optional contract. An option is the

    right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell something at a stated date at a stated price. Options are

    of two types;

    CALL OPTIONS: A call option gives the buyer of the option the right, but not the obligation to

    buy a given quantity of the underlying asset, at a given price and on or before a given date.

    PUT OPTION: Put options give the buyer the right, but the obligation to sell a given quantity

    of underlying asset at a given price on before a given date.

    Options can also be European options and American options. This classification is based on the

    exercise of the options. European options can be exercised at the maturity date of the option. On

    the other hand, American options can be exercised at any time up to and including the maturity



    Options generally have lives of up-to one year. Long dated options are called as warrants and

    generally traded over-the-counter.


    Long-Term-Equity-Anticipated Securities are options having a maturity of more than three years

    or in other words options having a maturity of more than three years are termed as LEAPS.


    Basket options are options on portfolio of underlying assets. Equity index options are a form ofbasket options


    A swap means a barter or exchange. Thus, a swap is an agreement between two parties to

    exchange stream of cash flows over a period of time in future. The two commonly used swaps


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    i) INTEREST RATE SWAPS: Swaps which entail swapping only the interest related cash flows

    between the parties in the same currency.

    ii) CURRENCY SWAPS: These entail swapping both principal and interest between two

    parities, with cash flows in one direction being in different currency than those in the opposite



    The reason for which derivatives are so attractive is that they have attracted different types of

    investors and have a great deal of liquidity. When an investor wants to take one side of a

    contract, there is usually no problem in finding someone that is prepared to take the other side.

    Three broad kinds of participants can be found in derivatives market, namely, hedgers,

    speculators and arbitrageurs.

    1. Hedgers: They use derivatives markets to reduce or eliminate the risk associated with price of

    an asset. Majority of the participants in derivatives market belongs to this category.

    2. Speculators: They transact futures and options contracts to get extra leverage in betting on

    future movements in the price of an asset. They can increase both the potential gains and

    potential losses by usage of derivatives in a speculative venture.

    3. Arbitrageurs: Their behavior is guided by the desire to take advantage of a discrepancy

    between prices of more or less the same assets or competing assets in different markets. If, for

    example, they see the futures price of an asset getting out of line with the cash price, they will

    take offsetting positions in the two markets to lock in a profit.


    Broadly derivatives can be classified into two categories, commodity derivatives and financial

    derivatives. In case of commodity derivatives, the underlying asset can be commodities like

    wheat, gold, silver etc.; whereas in case of financial derivatives the underlying assets are stocks,

    currencies, bonds and other interest bearing securities etc. A figure below shows the

    classification of derivatives,

    Basing on the type of market, derivative market is of two types, exchange traded derivatives

    market and over-the-counter derivative market. In the exchange traded derivatives, the

    derivatives which are standardized in nature are traded. The trading of the derivatives is well

    regulated by the exchanges. The over-the-counter market is an important derivative market and

    has larger volume of trade than the exchange-traded market. It is a telephone- and computer-

    linked network of dealers.

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    Traders are done over the phone and are usually between two financial institutions or between a

    financial institution and one of its clients. Telephone conversations in the OTC market are

    usually taped. If there is a dispute about what was agreed, the tapes are replayed to resolve the

    issue. A key advantage of over-the-counter market is that all the products are customized. Marketparticipants are free to negotiate any mutually alternative deal. A disadvantage is that there is

    usually credit risk in an over-the counter trade. The over-the-counter market is not regulated by

    any regulatory body and hence possesses a huge counterparty risk.


    Some of the significance of financial derivatives can be enumerated as follows;

    1) the most important function of derivatives is risk management. Financial derivatives provide apowerful tool for limiting risks that individuals and organizations face in ordinary conduct of

    their business.

    2) The prices of derivatives converge with the prices of underlying at the expiration of derivative

    contract. Thus, derivatives help in discovering the future as well as current prices.

    3) As derivatives are closely linked with the underlying cash market, with the introduction of

    derivatives, the underlying cash markets witness higher trading volumes. This is because; more

    people participate in stock market due to the risk transferring nature of derivatives.

    4) Speculative trade shift to a more controlled environment of derivative market. In the absenceof an organized derivatives market, speculators trade in the cash markets. Margining, monitoring

    and surveillance of various participants become extremely difficult in these kinds of mixed


    5) Derivatives trading acts as a catalyst for new entrepreneurial activities. In a nut shell,

    derivatives markets encourage investment in long run. Transfer of risk enables market

    participants to expand their volume of activity.

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    The history of derivatives is quite colorful and surprisingly a lot longer than most people think.

    The origin of derivatives can be traced in Bible. Thales the Milesian purchased option on Olivepresses and made a fortunate off of a bumper crop in Olives. So, derivatives were before the time

    of Christ. The first exchange for trading derivatives appeared to be Royal Exchange in London,

    which permitted forward contracting on tulip bulbs at around 1637. The first futures contracts

    are generally traced to the Yodaya rice market in Osaka, Japan around 1650. These were

    evidently standardized contracts, which made them much like todays futures, although it is not

    known whether the contracts are marked to market daily, and/or had credit guarantee.

    Probably the next major event, and the most significant as far as the history of derivatives

    markets, was the creation of Chicago Board of Trade in 1848. Due to its prime location, Chicago

    was developing as a major center for the storage, sale, and distribution of Midwestern grain. Dueto seasonality of grain, however Chicagos storage facilities were unable to accommodate the

    enormous increase in supply that occurred following the harvest. Similarly, its facilities were

    underutilized in spring. Chicagos spot prices rose and fall drastically. To resolve this problem a

    group of grain traders created to-arrive contracts which permitted the farmers to lock in the

    price and deliver the grains in future. These to-arrive contracts are called as forward contracts.

    The forward contracts proved as a useful device for hedging the price risk. However, credit

    risk remained as serious problem. To deal with this problem, a group of Chicago businessmen

    formed the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), in 1848.

    The primary intention of CBOT was to provide a centralize location for buyers and sellers to

    negotiate forward contracts. In 1865, CBOT went one step further and listed the first exchange

    traded derivatives in US, which are termed as Futures Contracts. In 1919, Chicago Butter and

    Egg Board, a spin-off of CBOT, got approval for futures trading. Its name was changed to

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). In 1925, the first clearing house for derivatives trading

    was established.

    Since then, derivatives are traded in many exchanges, although their trading was banned by

    Government of different countries from time to time. But, the modern derivative market has

    originated in 1970s. This is due to the unprecedented volatility in the international financial

    environment, starting with the breakdown of Bretton woods systems on 15 August 1971 and

    ending with the well-known Saturday night massacre of Federal Reserve on 6th October 1979.

    The breakdown of Bretton woods system resulted in inflation, volatility in the market place and

    currency turmoil. This state of affairs heralded the emergence of financial derivatives.

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    The next major fillip for development of derivatives was provided in October 1979, when the US

    Federal Reserve started its policy of interest rate deregulation and anti-inflationary monetary

    policy. This resulted in increased interest rates. This marked the emergence of interest rate

    derivatives to hedge interest rate risk.

    The history of financial derivatives is concurrent with the history of various risks in the financial

    world. The fascination with risk and its components started during the early 1970s has grown

    substantially since then, resulting in the expansion of financial derivatives market.


    The financial derivatives which were meant to address the needs of farmers and merchants have

    now a major share in the financial market place. Started with the establishment of Chicago Boardof Trade (CBOT), derivatives are now traded in almost all major stock exchanges of the world.

    Boosted with the breakdown of Bretton woods system, the derivatives got the recognition of risk

    management instruments and are used by all investors starting from individual investor to

    institutional investor.

    Thus, the global derivative market is now a wide spread market with a potentialof further

    growth. In last two decades derivatives has shown a tremendous growth and also continuing to

    grow in future. Major stock exchanges of derivatives trading are

    Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), Eurex, Hong Kong Futures Exchange, TheLondon

    International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE), Singapore Exchange,

    Sydney Futures Exchange etc. Apart from these stock exchanges other stock exchanges of

    various countries has shown a huge growth in derivatives trading.

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    Derivatives markets in India have been in existence in one form or the other for a long time. In

    the area of commodities, the Bombay Cotton Trade Association started futures trading way back

    in 1875. In 1952, the Government of India banned cash settlement and options trading.

    Derivatives trading shifted to informal forwards markets. In recent years, government policy hasshifted in favor of an increased role of market-based pricing and less suspicious derivatives

    trading. The first step towards introduction of financial derivatives trading in India was the

    promulgation of the Securities Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1995. It provided for withdrawal

    of prohibition on options in securities. The last decade, beginning the year 2000, saw lifting of

    ban on futures trading in many commodities. Around the same period, national electronic

    commodity exchanges were also set up.

    Derivatives trading commenced in India in June 2000 after SEBI granted the final approval tothis effect in May 2001 on the recommendation of L. C Gupta committee. Securities and

    Exchange Board of India (SEBI) permitted the derivative segments of two stock exchanges, NSE

    and BSE, and their clearing house/corporation to commence trading and settlement in approved

    derivatives contracts. Initially, SEBI approved trading in index futures contracts based on various

    stock market indices such as, S&P CNX, Nifty and SENSEX. Subsequently, index-based trading

    was permitted in options as well as individual securities.

    The trading in BSE SENSEX options commenced on June 4, 2001 and the trading in options on

    individual securities commenced in July 2001. Futures contracts on individual stocks were

    launched in November 2001. The derivatives trading on NSE commenced with S&P CNX NiftyIndex futures on June 12, 2000. The trading in index options commenced on June 4, 2001 and

    trading in options on individual securities commenced on July 2, 2001. Single stock futures were

    launched on November 9, 2001. The index futures and options contract on NSE are based on

    S&P CNX. In June 2003, NSE introduced Interest Rate Futures which were subsequently banned

    due to pricing issue. Since the scope of this project is limited to equity derivatives only, so the

    further discussion will be confined to equity derivatives only. Equity derivatives market in India

    has registered an "explosive growth" and is expected to continue the same in the years to come.

    Introduced in 2000, financial derivatives market in India has shown a remarkable growth both in

    terms of volumes and numbers of traded contracts. NSE alone accounts for 99 percent of the

    derivatives trading in Indian markets. The introduction of derivatives has been well received by

    stock market players. Trading in derivatives gained popularity soon after its introduction. In due

    course, the turnover of the NSE derivatives market exceeded the turnover of the NSE cash

    market. For example, in 2008, the value of the NSE derivatives markets was Rs. 130, 90,477.75

    Cr. whereas the value of the NSE cash markets was only Rs. 3,551,038 Crore. If I compare the

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    trading figures of NSE andBSE, performance of BSE is not encouraging both in terms of

    volumes and numbers of contracts traded in all product categories.

    Business Growth of Derivatives in India from 2010- 2011(May)


    The National Stock Exchange accounts almost 99% of the Indian derivatives market in terms of

    turnover, volume etc. Its equity derivatives market is most boostedone and in turnover it is a

    major stock exchange. All products in equity derivativesegment i.e. Index Futures and Options

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    and Stock Futures and Options have marked a tremendous growth over the last decade. The

    graph below shows the average yearly turnover in each equity derivative products and average

    daily turnover of derivative

    Segment of NSE.

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    Average daily turnover of the Indian derivative market

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    Over the past two decades and so, the markets have seen debacle after another, each of which has

    brought its lessons from some of which the markets have learned and from many of whichmarkets still need to learn. The Great Depression of 1930s has brought remainder to all financial

    markets or the economies as a whole. The 1987 crash taught markets the dangers of automated

    trading models and the second and third-order effects of credit crisis. In 1990, Wall Street

    learned the horrors of holding huge illiquid investments. In 1994s spectacular bond market

    collapse, financial executives saw for the first time how correlated global markets had become as

    the fallout from Federal Reserve Board rate hikes swept from the US through Europe, before

    devastating Mexico and other emerging markets. The Russian meltdown in August 1998 was

    widespread and mounting. Banks and brokerage firms took turns announcing trading losses from

    emerging markets, high yield, equities, or dealings with hedge funds. Most recently, the Global

    Financial Meltdown, which was started with the US sub-prime mortgage crisis, has capturedalmost all economies of the world. Many banks become bankrupt, many loss their job, increased

    budgetary deficits are the result of this crisis. Thus, it can be said that, the financial market is full

    of risk and uncertainties.

    Finance has never been so competitive, so far-flung, and so quantitative. Information flow has

    never been so fast. But with the passage of time, financial markets are becoming more

    sophisticated in pricing, isolating, repackaging, and transferring risks. Tools such as derivatives

    and securitization contribute to this process, but they pose their own risks. The failure of

    accounting and regulation to keep abreast of developments includes yet more risks, with

    occasionally spectacular consequences. Practical applications including risk limits, trader performance-based compensation, portfolio optimization, and capital calculations all depend

    on the measurement of risk. In the absence of a definition of risk, it is unclear what, exactly, such

    measurements reflect. Charles Tschampion, the MD of the $50 bn GM Pension fund, once said

    Investment management is not an art, not science, it is engineering. We are in the business of

    managing and engineering financial investment risk; the challenge is to first not take more risk

    than we need to generate the returns that is offered. It is a profound statement that well captures

    the philosophical and mathematical connotation of Risk.

    The terms risk and uncertainty are often used interchangeably though there is a clear distinctionbetween them. Certainty is a state of being completely confident, having no doubts of whatever

    being expected. Uncertainty is just opposite of that. Risk is situation where there are a number of

    specific, probable outcomes, but it is not certain as to which one of them will actually happen. In

    that context risk is not an abstract concept. It is a variable, which can be calibrated, measured and

    compared. So to define risk, risk entails two essential components; exposure and uncertainty.

    Thus,risk is the exposure to uncertainty.

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    Market integration, liberalization, globalization and technical advancement has resulted with an

    increased competition in the market and the corporate are hence exposed to risk. Thus a proper

    and unbiased assessment of risk is a prerequisite for a sound management process. Moreover,

    with the advancement of communication system and technology, the markets over the world aregetting interconnected. Thus making an effective risk management system is the need of the

    hour. Risk management is the process in which risk is minimized with the application of certain

    tools. The risk management process essentially comprises of certain steps, such as, identification,

    assessment, prioritization, followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to

    minimize, monitor and control it. These steps are described below,


    The risk management process starts with the identification of the factors which are exposed to

    risk. It is always of primary concerns to identify the factors which are more vulnerable and weak

    points in the system.


    After identifying the risk exposure points, it then to be assessed, i.e. to what extent it is

    susceptible to that particular risk that has to be measured. Assessment of risk helps in knowing

    the extent of vulnerability of a particular factor which is risk exposed.


    The next step of risk management process is the prioritization of factors which are more

    vulnerable. The assessment of risk results in identifying the factors which are more risk exposed

    and then these factors are prioritized from risk management point of view.


    After identifying the most vulnerable factor, the management team applies economic resources

    to minimizing the risk. This is the most important stage of risk management as any wrong step

    can result a more susceptible situation.


    The final step of risk management is monitoring the risk management process. Simply applying

    the resources to minimize the risk is not the last step of risk management, as it is needed to

    analyze the success of the risk management process. For this reason the entire process is

    monitored and if anything goes wrong, it isrectified.

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    The continuing discussion of risks and its management in derivative markets illustrates that there

    is little agreement on what the risks are and how to control it. One source of confusion is the

    sheer profusion of names describing the risks arising from derivatives. Besides the price risk of

    losses on derivatives from change in underlying asset values, there is default risk, settlementrisk, and operational risk. Last, but certainly not the least, is the specter of systemic risk

    that has captured so much congressional and regulatory attention. All these risks associated with

    derivatives market are described below,


    Price arises for the simple reason that the price of the underlying and price of the derivatives are

    correlated. If the price of the underlying increases, the impact is seen in corresponding prices of

    derivatives products i.e. their prices also increase. For an investor who is short in a futures

    contract or long in a put option or short in a call option, there are potential losses. Thus, he or shemay default in the obligation of the derivative contract. This is price risk associated with the

    derivatives. Default due to Price risk is mitigated by imposing some risk management tools in

    exchange-traded derivatives, but in case of over-the-counter market, since it is largely

    unregulated, default is more due to price risk.


    This may the most popular and hazardous risk associated with the derivatives. As derivatives are

    contracts or agreements, they need the obligations to be performed. If any party default from the

    contract, then the contract is meaningless. The risk that arises from the default of any party in

    derivatives is called as default risk. This is common risk that is found in over-the-counter

    derivative market, but in exchange traded market, this type of risk is minimized by regulating the


    Default risk is the risk that losses will be incurred due to default by the counterparty. As noted

    above, part of the confusion in the current debate about derivatives stems from the profusion of

    names associated with the default risk. Terms such as credit risk and counterparty risk are

    essentially synonyms for default risk.

    Legal risk refers to the enforceability of the contract. Terms such as Settlement risk and

    Herstatt risk refer to defaults that occur at a specific point in the life of the contract: date ofsettlement. These terms do not represent independent risks; they just describe different occasions

    or causes of default.

    Default risk has two components: the expected exposure and the probability that default will

    occur. The expected exposure measures how much capital is likely to be at risk should the

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    counterparty defaults. The probability of default is the measure ofthe possibility that the

    counterparty will default.


    One of the prominent concerns of regulators is systematic risk arising from derivatives.Although this risk is rarely defined and almost never quantified, the systemic risk associated with

    the derivative contracts is often envisioned as a potential domino effect in which default in one

    derivative contract spreads to other contracts and markets, ultimately threatening the entire

    financial system. For the purpose of this paper, systemic risk can be defined as widespread

    default in any set of financial contracts associated with default in derivatives. If derivative

    contracts are to cause widespread default in other markets, there first must be large defaults in

    derivative markets. In other words, significant derivative defaults are a necessary condition for

    systematic problems. It is argued that widespread corporate risk management with derivatives

    increases the correlation of default among financial contracts. What this argument fails to

    recognize, is that the adverse effects of stocks on individual firms should be smaller precisely because the same shocks are spread more widely. Moe important, to the extent firms use

    derivatives to hedge their existing exposures, much of impact of stocks is being transferred from

    corporations and investors less able to bear them to counterparties better able to absorb them.

    It is conceivable that financial markets could be hit by a large disturbance. The effect of such

    disturbances depends, in particular, on the duration of the disturbances and whether firms suffer

    common or independent shocks. If the disturbance were large but temporary many outstanding

    derivatives would be essentially unaffected because they specify only relative infrequent

    payment. Therefore, a tempore disturbance would primarily affect contracts with required

    settlements during this period. If the shock were permanent, it would affect the derivatives in amuch hazardous way.

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    Derivatives, which come to light as a hedging instrument against volatility of market and market

    related risk, created risk when there is a default. This gave rise to the essence of risk

    management of derivatives and derivatives trading. In case of OTC derivatives, as it is not

    regulated, it is more risky and there is no risk management at all. But in case of exchange tradedderivatives, several risk management tools are applied to ensure the integrity of the market. The

    tools used for risk management of derivatives are described below;


    Margins are upfront payment by the participants of the derivatives market to the exchanges. This

    upfront payment is collected to ensure that none will default in future in obliging his obligation.

    If someone defaults then the clearinghouse settles the contract from this margin account.

    Exchanges clearinghouse collects the margin from the clearing member, the clearing member

    collects the margin from the trading member or the brokers and it is the responsibility of thetrading members to collect the same from its clients.


    In case of futures contracts, the margin is mark-to-market on daily basis i.e. the gain or loss of a

    day is settled to the margin account on a daily basis. If the long position gains, then the amount

    he gained will be transferred to his account in the end of the day. Similarly, if the investor losses,

    the amount that he lost is withdrawn from his account.


    If an investor holds quite a large position than his capacity, then the probability that he will

    default is more. For this reason, the regulatory body of the derivative market put an exposure

    limit for the participants beyond which one cannot take position in the market. This will ensure

    the integrity in term that nobody will default.


    Position limit is more applicable for the high net worth individuals, the FIIs and the mutual

    funds. This is because, these people have huge investible cash and they can direct the market as

    their wish. This will harm the market and other participants of the market. Thus a position limit

    is introduced for this type of risk by the regulators for the sound running of the market.

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    Final settlement is the last part of risk management in case of derivatives. The settlement is done

    by the clearing house of the exchange. On exercise the settlement is done on the closing price of

    the derivative product and final settlement takes place on T+1 basis. If the long position

    exercises his right, then the settlement is done by randomly assigning the obligation on a shortposition at the end of the day.

    Frankly speaking risk management of derivatives comprises of two things i.e. margining

    requirement and the regulatory requirement. Thus risk management of derivatives is nothing but,

    complying the rules and regulation laid down by the regulator and satisfying the margin


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    In the course of study of the risk management process used in BSE for derivative segment, the

    following things are observed. The risk management of derivatives in BSE has two parts; one isthe margining system and the regulatory requirement. The details of these are explained below,

    For margining the BSE is following portfolio based margining system and the margin calculation

    is done by software known as PC SPAN. The portfolio based margining model adopted by the

    exchange takes an integrated view of the risk involved in the portfolio of each and every

    individual client comprising of his positions in all derivatives contract traded on derivative

    segment. The SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk System) is a portfolio based margining

    system developed by Chicago Mercantile Exchange and it is being used by almost all stock

    exchanges now. For setting the margin the exchange has a margin committee, which decides

    about various factors to be considered while calculating the margin requirements.


    The SPAN margins are estimates of changes in futures and futures-options contract prices that

    would occur under various next-day realizations of futures prices and implied volatility. The

    inputs into SPAN are; the futures price scan range, theimplied volatility scan range, the

    minimum short option charge, the calendar spread charge, the inter-commodity spread charge.

    These are described below;


    The price scan range inputs sets the maximum underlying price movement that the margincommittee chooses to consider in setting margin collateral requirements. The futures price scan

    range is the clearinghouse margin requirement on a naked future position and controlling input

    into the option pricing model simulation that ultimately determines the margin requirements. The

    future scan range is set by the margin committee after examining historical price movements and

    applying subjective judgments.


    The implied volatility scan range is the largest movement in implied volatility that margin

    committee chooses. The margin committee sets input scan ranges after analyzing histograms of

    absolute value of day-to-day changes in the implied volatility of traded futures-option contracts.

    The underlying average implied volatility estimate that is analyzed is a simple average of eight

    contracts implied volatility on a given maturity: the first is in-the-money and first three out-of-

    the-money implied volatility estimates for both calls and puts.

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    The minimum short option charge or minimum margin on an option contract is set at 2.5% of the

    clearing members futures price scan range.


    The calendar spread charge is put into the SPAN is a parameter that sets the amount of margin

    collateral, the clearinghouse collects against calendar spread basis risk in portfolios. The calendar

    spread basis is the difference between prices of contracts with different maturities. The basis

    between nearest quarterly and next quarterly futures contract is calculated. Histograms of the

    absolute value changes in basis series are constructed for different windows periods, and the

    histograms are considered by the margin committee while calculating margin.


    The inter-commodity spread charge is an input that sets the collateral requirement that must be

    posted to protect against correlation risk in inter-commodity spread positions. In SPAN, futures

    and futures options changes are estimate under alternative scenario that are determined by the

    values chosen for the price and implied volatility scan range inputs. In the simulation analysis,

    the value of each option contract is estimated for following day using Black Option Pricing

    Model. The next-day contract prices are determined under alternative scenarios in which

    underlying futures contracts price and implied volatility move by predetermined function of

    their scan range. The futures price and implied volatility scan inputs are translated into 16

    different scenarios that represent alternative combinations of futures price and implied volatilitychanges. For each scenario simulated, the contracts value is reported as an element called

    SPAN risk array. This average implied volatility is then shocked by the implied volatility

    scan range in the SPAN simulations. The next day simulated contract prices are compared with

    the prior days theoretical settlement price and contract gains and losses are calculated as the

    difference in these prices. In extreme price move scenarios, the CMEs margin committee has

    decided to margin 35% of the simulated price move gain or loss is the value reported in these

    extreme price move

    SPAN array entries. The SPAN risk array is given below,

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    1. Underlying unchanged; volatility up

    2. Underlying down; volatility down

    3. Underlying up by 1/3 of price scan range; volatility up

    4. Underlying down by 1/3 of price scan range; volatility down

    5. Underlying down by 1/3 of price scan range; volatility up

    6. Underlying up by 1/3 of price scan range; volatility down

    7. Underlying up by 2/3 of price scan range; volatility up

    8. Underlying down by 2/3 of price scan range; volatility down

    9. Underlying down by 2/3 of price scan range; volatility up

    10. Underlying up by 2/3 of price scan range; volatility down

    11. Underlying up by 1 of the price scan range; volatility up

    12. Underlying down by 1 of the price scan range; volatility down

    13. Underlying down by 1of price scan range; volatility up

    14. Underlying up by 1 of price scan range; volatility down

    15. Underlying up extreme move, double the price scanning range

    16. Underlying down extreme move, double the price scanning range


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    The clearinghouse of the exchange electronically distributes a SPAN risk array for every

    derivative product that it clears and settles. Clearing members firms receive these arrays and use

    them to calculate their margin requirements for their customers account. The maximum loss

    across the 16 scenarios becomes the Preliminary SPAN margin for that account. The final

    margin requirements may differ from this preliminary margin owing to additional margin

    requirements that resulted from margin requirement on calendar spreads and minimum margin

    requirement for written options contracts. Inter-commodity spread charges also enter into the

    final margin calculation. Each written option contract is subjected to minimum margin

    requirement. For a portfolio, this margin requirement is the product of the number of written

    options times the minimum short option charge.


    The BSE collects margin collateral in advance to minimize its risk exposure. The margin

    required for different equity derivatives are explained below;

    o The initial margin requirements on all derivative products are based on worst case loss of

    portfolio at client level to cover 99% Vary over one day horizon.The initial margin requirement

    is net at client level and shall be on gross at the trading and clearing member level.

    o For this purpose, the price scan range of index products and stock products is taken as 3 and

    3.5 respectively. The price scan range of options and futures on individual securities is also

    linked to liquidity. This is measured in terms of impact cost for an order size of Rs. 5 laky

    calculated on the basis of order book snapshots in the previous six months. If the impact cost

    exceeds by 1%, the price scan range is increased by square root of three.

    o For stock futures and short stock options contracts a minimum initial margin equal to 7.5% of

    the notional value of the contract based on the last available price of futures and option contract

    respectively is collected. For index futures a minimum margin equal t 5% of the notional value

    of the contract is collected. For index options a minimum of 3% is charged as the minimum


    o The margin on calendar spread is calculated on the basis of delta of the portfolio consisting of

    futures and options contracts in each month. The spread charge is specified as 0.5% per month

    for the difference between the two legs of the spread subjected to minimum of 1% and maximum

    of 3%.


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    o For all stock futures and index futures contract, the clients position is marked to- market on a

    daily basis at portfolio level. The mark-to-market margin is paid in/out in T+1 day in cash. For

    determining the mark-to-market margin, the closing price is taken into consideration.


    The exposure limit for different equity derivatives products are given below;

    o In case of stock futures contracts, the notional value of gross open positions at any point in

    time should not exceed 20 times the available liquid net-worth of a member, i.e. 10% of the

    notional value of gross open position in single stock futures or 1.5 of the notional value of gross

    open position in single stock futures, whichever is higher. However BSE charges exposure

    margin for better risk management.

    o For stock options contracts, the notional value of gross short open position at any time wouldnot exceed 20 times of the available liquid net-worth of the member, i.e. 5% of the notional value

    of gross short open position in single stock options or 1.5 of notional value of gross short open

    position in single stock options whichever is higher.

    o In case of index products, the notional value of gross open positions at any time would not

    exceed 33 1/3 times of the available liquid net worth of the member. For index products, 3% of

    the notional value of gross open position would be collected from the liquidnet worth of a

    member on a real time basis.


    o A market wide limit on the open position on stock options and futures contracts of a particular

    underlying stock is 20% of the number of shares held by non-promoters i.e. 20% of the free float,

    in terms of number of shares of a company.

    o In case of stock futures and options, the stock having applicable market wide position limit

    (MWPL) of Rs. 500 crores or more, the combined futures and options position limits shall be

    20% of market wide position limit or Rs. 300 crores, whichever is lower and within which shock

    futures position cannot exceed 10% of applicable market wide position limit or Rs. 150 crores,whichever is lower. This is the position limit for trading members, FII and mutual funds.

    o For stocks having applicable market wide position limit less than Rs. 500 crores, the combined

    futures and options position limit would be 20% ofapplicable market wide position limit or Rs.

    50 crore whichever is lower. Thisis applicable for trading members, FII and mutual funds.

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    o For futures and options contracts, the trading members, FII and mutual funds position limits

    shall be higher of; Rs. 500 crores or 15% of total open interest in the market in equity index

    futures contracts or equity index options contract respectively.

    o The gross open position of clients, sub-accounts, NRI level and for each scheme of mutual

    funds across all derivatives contracts on a particular underlying shall not exceed higher of; 1% ofthe free float market capitalization or 5% of the open interest in underlying stock.

    o Any person who holds 15% or more of the open interest in all derivatives contracts on the

    index shall be required to disclose the fact to the exchange and failure of which will attract a



    o On expiry of a stock futures or index futures contract, the contract is settled in cash at the finalsettlement price. The final settlement price is the closing price of the underlying stock or the

    index respectively. The profit or loss is paid in or out in T+1 day.

    o On exercise or assignment of options, the settlement takes place on T+1 basis and in cash. On

    expiry, if the options are not exercised or closed out, all in-the money options are settled by the

    exchange at the settlement price. The settlement price is the closing price of the stock or index in

    the cash segment. On exercise of options, the assignment takes place on a random basis at client

    level. At present there would not be any exercise limit for trading in options, but the exchange

    can specify the limit as per its convenience.

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