309/annual feed…  · web viewwhether or not you are ... you must overcome this fear because you...

Extreme extra credit. Was I impressed? Did I learn something or did you just plop a plop of an idea. To those who got 25 pts good work. To those who did not do the extra credit you cannot complain and whine when you miss the grade you want. To those who impressed me in some way that I reproduced your insights below…WINNING Chris Anderson Leadership is not only about what you do, but it's about who you are and what you aspire to be as an individual, as a team, and as a company. This is the most ideal definition of leadership that I have ever heard. Also stated, is how leadership is about the sacrifices you're will to make to pave the way for new things for everyone around you, including yourself. One point in this podcast talks about him encountering people who call themselves leaders, but have done nothing to show for it. A successful leader isn't someone who just calls themselves so, but actually alters their behavior to reinforce their leadership "title." Printing leader" on your calling card doesn't mean squat." Many people these days say they are leaders without actually acting upon it. These people are considered "posers" and extreme leaders know that if we are going to engineer new way to complete the tasks at hand, then we must put our asses on the line day in and day out. Along with leadership comes many risks and fear. Leaders accept this fear because they want to be a leader with everything they are. All true leaders have experienced an O.S.M. or "Oh Shit Moment." These moments are not to be avoided, but actually pursued, because they will help make you a much more successful leader. The C.E.O of Cisco was asked what are the top three ways to obtain his best employees and his number one answer was "Build a culture of leadership." Nowhere in his three reasons did he say anything about the use of technology, which is what their business is solely based upon. What this shows us, is that the human element and ability to become a leader is much more important to us than any paycheck. We all need/want to be leaders and a leader will be a more successful person to themselves and others throughout their lifetime. Christopher Bahena Leadership is about who you are, what you are willing to be and

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Extreme extra credit. Was I impressed? Did I learn something or did you just plop a plop of an idea. To those who got 25 pts good work. To those who did not do the extra credit you cannot complain and whine when you miss the grade you want. To those who impressed me in some way that I reproduced your insights below…WINNING

Chris Anderson

Leadership is not only about what you do, but it's about who you are and what you aspire to be as an individual, as a team, and as a company. This is the most ideal definition of leadership that I have ever heard. Also stated, is how leadership is about the sacrifices you're will to make to pave the way for new things for everyone around you, including yourself.

One point in this podcast talks about him encountering people who call themselves leaders, but have done nothing to show for it. A successful leader isn't someone who just calls themselves so, but actually alters their behavior to reinforce their leadership "title."

Printing leader" on your calling card doesn't mean squat." Many people these days say they are leaders without actually acting upon it. These people are considered "posers" and extreme leaders know that if we are going to engineer new way to complete the tasks at hand, then we must put our asses on the line day in and day out.

Along with leadership comes many risks and fear. Leaders accept this fear because they want to be a leader with everything they are. All true leaders have experienced an O.S.M. or "Oh Shit Moment." These moments are not to be avoided, but actually pursued, because they will help make you a much more successful leader.

The C.E.O of Cisco was asked what are the top three ways to obtain his best employees and his number one answer was "Build a culture of leadership." Nowhere in his three reasons did he say anything about the use of technology, which is what their business is solely based upon. What this shows us, is that the human element and ability to become a leader is much more important to us than any paycheck. We all need/want to be leaders and a leader will be a more successful person to themselves and others throughout their lifetime.

Christopher Bahena

Leadership is about who you are, what you are willing to be and what price you is willing to pay. Extreme time demands extreme leadership. Management is a task; leadership is a choice.

Work for more than the money. Working beyond the paycheck and working for a higher purpose. You have to enlist people to buy into this and implement this mentality in their lives.

Leadership is an important part of life that is necessary to be able to be good at a job, life, etc.

Talking about leadership is easier, but it’s a lot different to actually change behavior. Leadership is similar to empowerment but it involves more than just calling yourself leader.

People who call themselves leaders nut don’t actually orchestrate or take part in leading are just posers. Extreme leaders live in pursuit of the fear, if you are really going to change the way people think and come up with new ways of thinking you have to chase the fear. New

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things in their nature are scary.

Brittany Berryman

Leadership is not all about what you are and who you are but what price you will pay to aspire to be that.

To be extreme you have to choose which risk you are willing to take.

Work for more than just a pay check. Many work just for pay, however to make it extreme you must be willing to developed yourself into more.

Leadership has become an important skill in having a job and in order to have successful employment you must be able to use it in extreme.

Avoiding fear can stop you from being successful. You must face fear to have professional growth. Leaders must face this to become extreme rather than ordinary.

Allison Book

Show don't just tell your followers what to do with fancy words; they need to believe in what you want accomplished just as much as you for it to be a success.

The things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile so when fear comes into play when leading others run with it because if there's no fear there's no risk and no risk is no change.

Technology is taking over the world and getting in the way of face to face interaction but if you want to be different and create a fun culture you NEED to keep the personal face to face relationships alive in your company, it can set you apart.

Everybody loves money and wants a lot of it but every company can give their employees a pay check. You need to give your people something extra, something to care about and work for.

The world is constantly changing and you need people to work for you that are constantly changing and thinking out of the box, so when hiring new employees remember you want people to help move forward in this crazy world not just who are smart and have the right experiences.

Patrick Clark

What is the price you are willing to pay? Leadership is like an extreme sport where you must accept the challenges and risk involved to make the world a better place for you and the people you lead.

A leader can't attract talent with money. If your only perk for an individual to share his/her skill is money your organization will fail. People want to strive for a higher purpose rather than money. It gives them a sense of pride and respect, something money can't give.

There is no right answer for leadership. Leadership is an accumulation of many characteristics

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and a strong attitude towards the world and the people that surrounds him/her. What is known that is that leadership is the glue that binds individuals to a higher purpose and ultimate success in their lives.

A leader must walk the walk. When "leaders" just use the language and the buzz words they are posing as a leader and hurting the overall goals of a group. A true leader is one who places hi/her heart and soul into the group and creates an environment that changes people behavior to produce on a higher level.

Your fears must be faced. A leader you sits idling on the side waiting for an opportunity to hit him/her in the face is a waste of space. One must accept the challenges and risks that lie before them and pursue it. There is fear inside of us all. Leaders are the ones who challenge that fear and overcome it.

Sally Burns

When an organization is having trouble retaining people, they should apply the CEO of Cisco’s approach: “Build a culture of leadership, make it a great place to work, and work for a higher price than a pay check.” Leaders need to inspire others to make it their responsibility to make the workplace a culture of leadership. Leaders also need to find their followers’ higher purpose and need to work to achieve that purpose, not a higher pay check.

Create a compelling environment for your people to work. “If your company is having a hard time attracting fabulous people, then your company sucks.” Leadership needed to be used to create this attractive environment. Leadership is the most important element of business: the attribute that is highest in demand and shortest in supply.

Surprisingly, most people have great definitions for leadership. Leadership is, “the art of mobilizing other to want to struggle for shared aspirations.” Another response from an unemployed 23 year-old male on a beach in California said, “If I knew what leadership was, I’d have a job.”

It’s easy to ‘talk’ about leadership but more difficult to implement. People are simply interchanging buzzwords. For example, people are using the word ‘reengineered’ in place of ‘change’ but the action is the exact same. We need to change the behavior, not just the word. Fear comes with the leadership territory.

We should accept risks, fear, and challenges because they push us to become better leaders. Avoiding fear can keep you from doing something great, learning something new, or growing as a human being. Pursue the leadership moments that make you think, “Oh shit, what have I got myself into?” Embrace these “OSMs” (Oh Shit Moments).

Rachel Beach

Leadership is not just about who you are, but rather what you do for those around you. More than that, leadership is about the price you are willing to pay in order to create a new world for you and those around you.

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In order to get the glory, you have to take the risks to get there. You cannot conquer a mountain without actually getting out there! One must put him/herself wholeheartedly into his/her leadership in order to succeed.

As a leader you must not avoid, but rather pursue your OSM( Oh Shit Moment). Leadership is about living in the daily pursuit of fear, in which love is the motivation to get through it.

To be a successful leader you must: Create a culture for leadership, create a compelling environment in which to work and work for more than the money.

One of the most important lessons from the podcasts(and also repeated multiple times throughout the semester) is that: As a leader you must identify a higher purpose for the company and rally others around that purpose.

Jaclyn Cohen

In order to be a good leader you need to build a culture of leadership, make it a great place to work, and make it so people work for more than the money. The environment of purpose compels talented and vital people to stay and work willingly. Making it a great environment allows for people to work to their best ability. Leaders must identify and articulate the goal and enlist people to make the this a reality of their lives. When people are there for a higher purpose other than the money, people stick it out when times are tough and put forth much passion from day to day.

Leadership is so important that everyone, no matter what demographic, is faced with it. Leadership has become so important that it is one of the leading factors that lead all of us to success in the society that we have created. Whether or not you are employed as a leader, one must be a leader by choice and have the skills necessary. Leadership has some sort of importance to each and everyone one of us. Some of us define it as; organizing people around a common goal, standing up for what you believe in, or even sticking your neck out and it is the right thing to do. No matter how you slice it, we all may not understand how to be a good leader, but we understand the importance of being one, therefore in order to be successful each individual must improve their leadership skills.

Be extreme. Leadership is extreme and involves fear and love. Love and passion for leading make the fear and risk worth it. Don't just use buzz words, DO them. Instead of using a popular word, be productive by actually implementing the word. For example, instead of changing 're-invent' by using 're-engineer' ACTUALLY re-engineer. Don't just tell people you are going to empower them, ACTUALLY empower them. Actions speak louder than words. Changing vocabulary does not change anything.

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Don't be a poser, be a REAL leader. Don't go through the motions, BE the leader. Calling yourself a 'leader' doesn't make you a leader. Just like wearing baggy pants, for example, doesn't make you a skateboarder. Being an authentic leader means making your interactions intensely personal and living your own life by the ideas they propose. Live them every single day. Live in everyday fear by pursuing the new ideas. Why live in fear? Because of the LOVE for leading.

Fear is good. It is a natural part of growth. Fear comes with the leadership territory. Challenge yourself and try new things. Don't be afraid of change. When it comes to the moment of truth, once you jump you commit. After you jump, you accept the fear and challenge. Since there is no turning back you must do your BEST. When you realize what you are about to do is going to be life changing, pursue the fear, do NOT ignore it. Fear is good, it allows us to pursue the "Oh Shit Moment".

Richard Feinberg

I can barely make it through the day…how can I ever be an extreme leader If gp leaders, VP’s and President of CSR 309 do not do these things how are they modeling the

way? Go to http://tinyurl.com/3l7o4zt

Schane Coker

In order for a leader to realize that they are on the right track to becoming a leader of value, the must experience an "Oh Shit Moment" (OSM). Without this, the realization of taking something on that's greater than oneself is lost.

Leaders are born and bred under Love and Fear, and it takes both to make an individual stand up and pay attention. Someone may hate to fly, but if flying leads to an opportunity, like a career or someone they love, the love will overpower the fear, giving the leader motivation to succeed.

Putting the word "Leader" by your name is futile and useless unless you're willing to put in the work to truly be called as such.

Leadership itself is a "buzz word" and buzz words like this can be used to con people into trusting or believing in something or that something has changed when in reality, the same process is being done, just hidden from those who don't understand what's really going on.

Many successful companies are leaders in their area because they realize that successful people will come to work for you if the environment nurtures and encourages leadership, as well as innovation and room for improvement. Money is a powerful tool, but it can only hold true talent for so long until they can find that one company that has much more going for it.

Marina DelMonte

Leadership is about who you are and who you aspire to be. Effective leaders must recognize the

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type of person they are, and what improvements need to be made. In essence, they are always striving to be better, and always have a vision in mind that they want to reach.

Leadership is about what you are willing to do to create a new world for yourself and others. Leadership is not only about envisioning new things for oneself, but for others as well. With a vision in mind for the company, its employees can work to reach that goal. Also, a leader recognizes that his or her actions reflect on their employees; as a result they must be willing to work hard to reach those goals.

Management is an assignment. Leadership is a choice. Anyone can be a manager if given the resources, but an effective manager is a leader. A manager can choose to work just to make a living, or a manager can work to make a difference in the company and its employees. A manager choosing to make a difference is a leader.

The environment of purpose encourages people to stick around. With this point in mind, we learn that employees will be more willing to stick around in hard times such as a recession. When employees are motivated solely by money, they will drop out when times get rough. However, those employees driven by purpose will strive to reach those goals driven by the purpose. In essence, they will be more motivated to work hard through the rough times.

Extreme leaders live in the pursuit of fear. Extreme leaders live in fear in order to work through fear and to grow as a human being. Working through fear allows a leader or company to conquer great obstacles and credibility. As a result, the company strives to take risks and achieve further greatness as it continues to grow.

Alyssa Dunn

Leadership is not just about what you do, it is about who you are/aspire be. It is also not just about who you are/aspire to be, it is about what price you are willing to pay to create a new world for yourself. You must make the choice yourself.

An environment of purpose compels people to stick with a company. It is everyone’s responsibility to develop him/herself as a leader. Work for higher purpose than paycheck means you are clear on what you do-Where does juice come from to work past obstacles? A leader finds that higher purpose and rallies people around it.

Leadership has truly emerged as the most important element in business that is the highest in demand yet shortest in supply. Very few leaders are actually leading, they are simply managing. Management is an assignment, while leadership is a choice.

Business has become part of pop culture. This has led to the trend of talking in buzz words such as empowerment, management by walking around, vision, mission, values, leadership, etc. We con ourselves into thinking we are doing something innovative by using these words. Leaders must not focus on the words, they must focus on ACTION. Simply calling yourself a leader is not enough.

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Fear comes with the leadership territory. New ways are, by nature, scary things to pursue. Leaders live in the daily pursuit of that fear. When they have that "Oh Shit Moment", leaders keep going because that often means they are about to do something significant. The love of what you do makes the fear worthwhile.

Amanda Fattore

To be a leader you actually have to lead: leadership is a choice. From experience from leadership from this class, I sometimes wonder why some people chose to lead because there was no leading involved... they were following other leaders.

Extreme times calls for extreme leadership. The world is changing at a fast pace. The industry I am involved in changes daily. To be able to lead my future team, I will have to use extreme leadership techniques.

Inspire people to come to your company. Don’t be the company that sucks. Have your employees be positively affected by the culture that you are creating!

Be willing to pay the price for being a leader. Not everyone is going to love you, but you can change that by really listening to your leaders and finding out key values.

Love. Love your team. Love your job. Love leadership!

Karleigh Fleming

Leaders shouldn’t let their organization hide behind new and exciting “buzzwords” where they think they are doing something significant. Instead it’s important for them to focus on actually changing the behavior.

“Management is an assignment, Leadership is a Choice”- Everyone has a choice to be a leader, and it’s the Leaders that step up and chose to make a difference that are the truly motivational and successful ones. Also don’t be a poser, take risks.

Good leaders don’t avoid fear because they know it is what comes with the territory of leadership and growing as an individual. The only true and extreme leaders lead with both fear and love because they know they are the two most powerful forces of human nature and they are what makes leadership so rewarding. Good leaders also recognize the “OSM” moments and pursue them.

Effective leaders are able to learn from each “Fall” and WHY they fell and then are able to apply those learned experiences to greater challenges in the future.

True leaders strive to find the higher purpose for their followers and create a compelling environment to work in and encourage everyone that it is their own responsibility to develop themselves as a leader. This is something a leader DOES. Leadership is not only about what you DO however, but also what you aspire to be as an individual, a team, and a company. It's not a one man effort.

Steve Fultz

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The human element is often overlooked in leadership. If you make your company a great place to work, people will work for more than the money. This means that people will come in understanding the higher purpose of what they are doing and work cohesively to achieve the common goal and put forth the best product.

Real extreme leaders pursue fear for the love of their product, people, or service. There is always fear of the unknown, of rejection, of failure. The people who truly have something that they love will work through the fear to accomplish their goal. These are the leaders that are committed to their ideals.

A real leader is someone who actually faces fear and leads people to a goal. There are a lot of people who put that label on themselves these days, but that does not make someone a leader. The performance of the followers should show who the real leaders are, not a title on a business card.

Leadership is the attribute in business that is highest in demand and shortest in supply. A business can have the most talented people, but with no motivation or direction they will fail in comparison to a group of less talented individuals who are motivated and have a common vision inspired by a great leader. It is the same in sports, look at the run that VCU and Butler went on in the tournament this year. These are small schools with limited recruiting and by all accounts sub par talent. They were motivated and executed a clear game plan against teams that were proven, had better recruits, and by all accounts were much more talented. It shows that the tangibles that you can put on paper are not the only factors in business or other competition.

Everyone knows how important leadership is, but it is something that is personal to them and may not be the same from person to person. It is exactly this principle that makes a good leader different from a person who just calls themselves a leader. Can you embody what the 22 year old college grad and the 56 year old blue collar company man are looking for in a leader and successfully motivate both of these people to see what your vision is and get them to work towards a common goal?

Dan Gallagher

Leadership is about goals and what we are willing to do in order to achieve those goals. The price that we are willing to pay to achieve what is necessary to succeed.

Leadership is about taking on our fears, and living up to our true potential. We all have fears it is what we do to conquer those fears that allows us to be good leaders and truly become who stride to be.

Leadership is about love, to be a good leader one must be passionate about everyone involved and the topic at hand.If a person loves what they are doing they are willing to give it their all no matter what to achieve the main goal.

Leadership is not only about the person with manager on their name tag because a good leader is someone that teaches and manages other leaders. A successful company is the way it is because everyone involved is a leader in their own way.

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Leadership is not about what you say or what you have accomplished. It is about the things you are, the way you carry yourself, and your actions that speak louder than words that no matter who is watching you do what you have to do because it is important.

Liz Gastineau

Leadership is not about actual actions, but about the outcomes that are created by our actions. Even though we are measured by the things we do, leadership is about who you aspire to be as an individual, or part of a company or organization. Leadership is about the price you are willing to pay to make a better world for yourself and those around you. Management is an assignment, leadership is a choice.

Leadership is the human element that compels the talented people of an organization to stick around. Everyone has a responsibility to develop as a leader, and create an environment that is compelling to people. Although money is typically the key factor of getting young people to work, the organization needs to be the motivation for people to work, not money.

Leadership is a "buzz word". The problem with this is that we fool ourselves into thinking that we are doing something significant solely because we're using new vocab. You shouldn't just change the word, but the behavior. Leadership is more than just a buzz word, and involves much more than just using leader as a word to label yourself, but to demonstrate ways that others can follow.

Just as wearing certain pants doesn't make you a skateboarder, labeling your office or business card with some sort of leadership title does not mean anything unless you actually act on it. Leaders are afraid of posers in the business world, because if they are going to lead these posers into new ways of thinking, then their ways by their own nature are scaring things for those posers to pursue. Leader’s motivation is love, love makes fear worthwhile.

Oh Shit Moments are what we should pursue as leaders. Your goal as an extreme leader is to scare yourself into doing something out of the norm that might scare you to approach. Being a leader means taking risks and doing things in an unconventional way to create the best results.

Carrie Gudas

Extreme times call for extreme leadership. This means that when time are tough, that is when a good leader is needed the most, otherwise, things will become complete chaos. Employees will give up because they will not know what they are supposed to do. The leader needs to have a good structure and let everyone know what their tasks are.

Leadership is a choice. If you are appointed to be a leader by someone, but did not volunteer for the job, chances are that you will not be the best leader that you can be. If you CHOOSE to lead people, that means that you care and want to see them succeed and be happy. You will do a much better job at leading if you are not assigned to do so, but if you volunteer.

Work for a higher purpose, which the leader needs to point out. Everyone in the organization needs to work toward a common goal, to make the organization better and more successful. The leader needs to make these expectations clear so that everyone knows what they are working towards and knows what their individual roles are.

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Create an environment that is compelling to people. Nobody wants to work in a crappy environment. Making the workplace a nicer place to work is incentive for them to do better work and stay with the company longer.

Be the change you want to see in others. If you want something in the organization to change, or the way people behave change, then you need to show them how you want them to respond by acting that way. They will normally follow your lead and make changes for the better.

Janna Haehl

Approach the act of leadership as you would approach an extreme sport-It is not only about what your do but who you are and what you aspire to be-It is about the price your willing to pay to create a new world for yourself and others.-Extreme time called for extreme leadership.-Mgmt is an assignment leadership is a choice -Those who actively use fear and love to change things everyday for the better are in fact extreme leaders

Build a culture of leadership, great place to work and work for more than the money.-learn how to retain people by creating an environment that inspires people to stick around, making a great place to work is what leaders do. -They provide the energy to work beyond the challenges - Create and enlist a compelling environment

Leadership is the art of mobilizing others- It is important to having a job, keeping a job and being effective at work

When Leading, you can't grab glory without some of the risk. Don’t be a poser in the business world- just because its printed on your business card doesn’t mean it’s what you’re doing, act like a leader live beyond and up to the point of fear. the simple basic motivation for working through fear is love for what you’re doing

Avoiding fear keeps you from learning and growing, - creating a change revolution, comes with the leadership territory. you have to strap on the gear and jump off the edge, you accept the fear and challenge because you want to succeed. Have an "Oh Shit Moment" (OSM) the goal is to scare yourself to do something truly significant, don’t avoid it, pursue it.

Lauren Howanitz

It is the leader’s responsibility to create a compelling work environment for others in order to keep everyone motivated about their work and also to attract people to join the organization. Without this the stronger people of the organization will flee which weakens the organization and its success.

Leaders should build a culture of leadership. A leader should lead with the purpose to instill their beliefs and values within their associates. This provides the associates with a reason to stick around because they have a purpose and are compelled to achieve success by these new values and beliefs. This then gives the associates a chance to develop into leaders themselves.

Leaders never avoid fear, they pursue it. Without a leader challenging them self they will achieve merely mediocre things, but nothing above and beyond. There must be that drive to go beyond the ‘standard protocol’ and challenge that fear. Regardless of that ‘oh shit! moment’ a

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leader will carry on and pursue any fear in order to attain success.

4.Leaders are the ones putting themselves at risk and the ones who act as leaders unlike those who label themselves as one. A leader is the person to create change regardless of the calculated risk. Leaders are marching to the beat of their own drum, so to speak.

A real leader is never working for the money. Leaders are working for a higher purpose which benefits associates as well as the organization as a whole. Leaders lead to make a change for the better, not for the end paycheck they get for doing so.

Loren Hamilton

Leadership is a choice, management is a position. You have to commit yourself to being a great leader, you can't just be put into it. You have to be completely involved with leadership and all that comes with it or it just turns into another management position. If you make that choice to be a leader then you are showing how much you care about what you do instead of just going through the motions because you are forced into leadership. This leads into my second point.

Work for more than just the money! You have to be deeply involved in what your leadership role is than just getting a paycheck, company car, fringe benefits, etc. You must go into it and live it! If you do not do this, then it shows who you are leading that you just don't care you are in it for the money. This is fine if that is what you want to do but it doesn't make you better a leader, grow as a human being, or want to do more for your people/organization.

If I know what leadership is, I would have a job. This coming from a 23 year old male who is unemployed, shows just how powerful leadership is. Even a bum on the boardwalk knows how important leadership is and wishes he knew what it was. This thing called leadership is one of the most drivers of our world. This mystical creature called leadership is so important to the human race that it is up there with love and fear. These two things drive us to do things and leadership is like the GPS in that love and fear car. It is the thing that takes us to where we want to go step by step.

Extreme leaders-pursue scary things for love. Extreme leaders go forth and look at new and creative ways to look at things. They take risks, which are scary, but pay off more than if you just take the safe route. This kind of leader is someone who is going to move people, products, and organizations way father than any person who just plays it safe. These people do it because they love what they do and this is what companies want in their organization.

OSM moments (Oh shit moments) are ones that you should NOT avoid but pursue. These are the moments when you have or just about to do something that is scary but is a necessary part of finding better ways of doing things. These things can also better you as well. They are the kinds of things you have to do in your life or you won't get anywhere. For example, last night I proposed to my girlfriend which was very scary in that I was nervous. The nerves came from me wanting so badly not to mess it up and look like an idiot around the woman that I love more than anything. That is a OSM moment because if I didn't get down on one knee and ask her to marry me then I would just be like those people who take the safe route and don't go ANYWHERE! I just sucked it up, didn't whine or complain and did it. It was the best move of my

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life and it make me a better person in doing so.Ji Sang Hyeon

One of the leadership point was to know you strength and weakness. As a leader, you need to know what you are good at and capable of, and as well as know your weakness. You need to know your strength and use them to lead people. Also, you strength can motivate others to work with you. In the end, your strength will determine who you are and where you are.

To be a good leader, you need to understand your people. It is important to reward those who deserve them, but as a leader, you need to make a good environment so that people want to work with you for a long time. It is important to set this up because people like to work at a place where they belong, and people like to work at a comfortable environment. Also, it is important to have cultural interactions with your people to understand them better and to set up channels with the people. Great people want to have cultural leadership, a good environment and purpose of working for you, excluding money or promotions. Money is always not an issue to attract people.

Leadership is motivating and encouraging people toward a common goal. Everyone has their dreams and goals, and some of these cannot be accomplished by him/herself. A good leader needs to grab attentions of these people and lead them towards the goal. It is easy to say that he/she has a goal, but it is really hard and complicated to reach that goal. A good leader needs to see the potential of these people and motivate them to reach their common goal in order to produce the best results.

A good leadership is not just saying words or focusing on something that is materialistic, but change in behavior and how this can affect people. Showing in actions is far more powerful than saying in words. Anyone can talk about a good leadership, but not everyone can actually put their words in actions. It is very important as a leader to show what you are capable of, rather than just saying it in words. In this way, a leader can earn trust and dignity from people, and this determines if you are a good leader or not.

Leadership is requires you to overcome the hardship and fear. In order to be a good leader, you need to know what you are doing, stand up for what is right, and need to challenge yourself. It is important as a leader to be consistent and stable, but know what you are pursuing. Do not avoid something because you do not think it is possible. The external factors are the challenges that you face, but it is important to overcome the internal factors. Through this, everyone achieve what they dream of. Nothing is impossible in this world, it is just matter of how much you are willing to put effort to it and overcome the internal factors.

John Eshcoff

Leadership is not only about what you do and who you are and what you aspire to be, it’s about what price you are willing to pay to create a new world for yourself and others.

One unemployed gentlemen tried to define leadership and his quote was, "If I knew, I’d have a job." What this point means is that leadership has become so important to be successful that

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even slackers on the beach know it. They know that they need a job and that leadership is what they lack.

Leadership is much more than just calling yourself leader. Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations.

The idea is that it is our responsibility create an environment that is really compelling to people and that is where leadership comes into play.

It is not the external conditions that determine how much work will contribute to the excellence of one’s life; it is how one works and what experience one is able to derive from confronting ones challenges. Your goal as an extreme leader is to pursue yourself. It is your goal to pursue your oh shit moment.

Courtney Cox

It’s not the responsibility for the people in charge of the company to be leaders, but it’s everyone’s responsibility develop him or herself as a leader. Making it a great place to work is what a leader does. Our responsibility to create an environment that is really compelling to people, and that is where leadership comes into play. If your company is having trouble attracting fabulous people, it is because your company sucks.

We’re going to see leadership emerge, which is the most important element of business, the attribute that is highest in demand and shortest in supply. Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations. We have been taught to believe that fear is bad, but avoiding it can keep you from doing something great. Fear comes with the leadership territory.

Extreme times call for extreme leadership. Very few leaders are really leading. Approach the act of leadership as you would an extreme sport. Extreme would not be extreme without fear. Leadership empowers fear and love. The simple most basic reason for leader’s motivation to lead is love. Love makes the fear worthwhile.

Even if some unemployed slacker knows how important leadership is, then it must be very important. Leadership is becoming such an important topic that even unemployed slackers on the beach know how critical it is and they’re seeing it as an important part of getting a job, having a job, and being effective at work.

Leadership is not only about what you do, but it is about who you are and the price you are willing to pay to create a new world for yourself and others. Management is an assignment and leadership is a choice.

Taylor Jenkinson

Leadership is not only about what you do, though what we do is critical because we are all ultimately measured by our actions, it's about who we are and what we aspire to do as an individual, team, and a company.

Extreme times call for extreme leaders. You have to choose to be a leader. It has to be because

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of your love to lead. There is fear in extreme situations, but the love for the situation drives you to do it.

Build a culture of leadership to attract and attain good workers. It's not only the responsibility of the people in charge of the company to be leaders, but it's everybody's responsibility to develop him or herself as a leader.

Work for a higher purpose than a paycheck. It's the role of a leader to identify the higher purpose and rally people around it. It is our job to create an environment that is very appealing to people and that is where leadership comes into play.

We're going to see leadership emerge as the most important element of business. The attribute highest in demand and shortest in supply. Therefore, we need to have leaders rise in our nation.

Joshua Johnson

Build a culture of Leadership.To me this is very important, and it means that everyone on your team or in your group should be innovative and feel that they are allowed to make mistakes. Their ideas should be used, too, and this will make them feel like they actually have a say and in turn they will not get estranged from their everyday work because they will then have vested interest in what they do.

Work for a higher purpose than a paycheck. This is pivotal to me because when the CEO of Finish Line spoke to us last week one thing he said really hit home. He explained that you need to express passion for what it is you do and he said he can tell when an applicant "is passionate about what they do or they just want a job." This relates to that point and I feel this is very important. You must be clear on what it is you are doing at your job besides simply collecting a paycheck. The leader needs to make it clear to all the employees what they need to do and how they need to do it.

Leadership is easy to talk about but hard to implement. This point is important because every successful person that I have been able to talk to have been a "show me, don't tell me," type of individual. We did an exercise in class where we wrote down what we would want our teacher, parents and friends to say at out funeral and this point ties in with that exercise to me. Dr. Feinberg said something very significant to me and he said "most of your friends and family WILL NOT say exactly what you wrote down that you want them to say." He went on to say it is very hard to actually live what you want to live like. Temptations, the easy way out and convenience all set in at times and we end up doing things we wish we hadn't. This ties in with the point of we have to actually implement and live the leadership we say we want to or else your results will not turn out how you want them.

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Don't just have a leadership name tag, be a real leader. Just proclaiming that you are the team leader or the manager at work will not make your "followers" respect you or at times even follow you. You must actually lead and have integrity and show discipline and do everything the right way or else your followers will not follow you! The track talked about baggy jeans and skaters thought of people who wore them and did not skate as a "poser." The same is true for being a leader, do not just have a leader name tag, you must actually lead and have integrity, passion, do things correctly and treat people the right way for people to respect you and follow you.

Fear is a natural part of growth. In order to grow and evolve you have to actually go through hard times and MAYBE, just MAYBE FAIL and not quite make it. You cannot be afraid or fearful to make a mistake because if you do not try things because you are fearful, you cannot progress and evolve as a leader, company, etc.

Michael Kinkopf

Leadership is a choice. It should be looked at as if it is an extreme sport. Be a good leader and do what you say. Employees of an organization will not do a task or behave in a way if you do not do it as well. Why would someone do something if it is not important for the leader to do it.

Good leadership also involves creating a workplace that your employees will want to follow you. A good environment, motivation, and getting your employees to work for more than money will create a great organization.

Good leaders need to organize their employees to work for a common goal. A common goal will keep employees in sync and make it easier for assignments to be completed. A good work environment will also be created in the process.

Leadership is not about using "buzz" words, but doing what you are saying. Leaders need to stop trying to motivate employees by using big words. They need to DO what they are telling the organization to do. Buzz words can be tragic because they can mean nothing.

Good leaders need to give their employees recognition for what they do. They cannot take the work of their employees and act as if it is theirs. Many leaders will give instructions and have no idea what work was needed to get it done and then present it as their accomplishment.

Chanmo Koo

Leadership is beyond the point of fear and authority. Just because you are wearing a baggy pants like skateboarders, it does not make you a skateboarder. So in terms of leadership, Leaders must know what is important and perform as a leader. In order to pass the point of fear, you have treat the peers, subordinates, and members with sincere love. Extreme leaders are about love and sincerity.

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Leaders and workers must work for more than just money. It is about leadership element and human element. Leadership is not all about other people on higher levels of work, it occurs to everyone. Building a leadership responsibility is for everyone at work because doing things for the company with purpose beyond money creates the best working environment which brings effective and great results.

leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggles and shared of aspirations. It is leaders' responsibility to create a compelling working environment that members, subordinates, and peers will favor. Leaders organize people around the common goals and stand up for what leaders believe in. Effectiveness is also very important.

Fear comes from the leadership territory. It is okay to fail because you gain strength and get to learn new lessons. Accept the challenge and go beyond fear because you want to do what you want. You accept all the fears and challenges because you want to accomplish the goals and do things that you ought to do. Aim for yourself and what you want to do and go for your dream.

COMMUNICATION is extremely important. No matter how good communicator you think you are, there is always something left on the table. There is always someone important who is not understood in certain situations. It is very important for leaders to constantly make efforts to communicate better and to let everyone know what you are thinking about.

Jami Meacham

Very few that call themselves leaders are actual leaders. Many people may have "leader" on their business card, they may be a "project leader" or a "team leader" but that does not mean that they actually possess the qualities and the "love" to be an actual leader. Just because someone is appointed a title, does not mean they have earned it.

Build a culture of leadership, a great place to work, where money is not the most important thing. Retaining people and employees should not be based solely on money, if you base it on money alone when times get tough the best will stray from you. Retaining people is the leadership human element that is what keeps people around.

Management is an assignment, leadership is a choice. Even slackers see that leadership is important, but not everyone possesses it. In his speech he says that one person interviewed said that if he knew what leadership was, he wouldn't be unemployed. That person has chosen not to be a leader. There may be a million different ways for a person to express their personal opinion of leadership, but the important part is that EVERYONE has an idea of what leadership is, everyone realizes that leadership is an important role in everyone’s life, career, and future.

Fear is not always bad. We have been conditioned to think that fear is a bad thing, in some cases that is correct, but in the leadership world fear is what drives you to jump and take the risk. You must have love to be leader, you must love to take risks, if you don't take a risk you'll never know if something will pan out, and you will never move forward.

Scare yourself, pursue the OSM (oh shit moment). When we do daily activities, skiing for example we may be scared but when we are about to the plunge we get an "oh yeah" feeling,

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and excitement. In the leadership world when we are about to the take the plunge, we often get the OSM. When you have this moment it is the fear setting in, but to be a great leader, you must overcome this fear because you believe in the risk. Part of being an extreme leader is fear in large.

Sikhanyisiwe Nkala

Language is important in leadership. Using complex vocabulary does not mean the message being conveyed is strong. The words you use must change behavior and motivate other to do better rather than create an illusion by using complex vocabulary.

Leadership is not about one person taking control. Each member of a team should be a leader and have goals for themselves.

When people approach leadership they should look at it as an extreme sport they like because leadership is about love and fear. When people lead they will run into roadblocks and failures. But with love and passion for leadership one can excel.

Leadership is about standing up for what one believes in . "Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations." Kouzes and Posner. The leadership challenge is one of the best books about leadership because it has good language communication.

Leadership is not about money, it is about building a strong culture, creating a great work environment and creating an aura so people work for more than money. Money is not the major motivator for people rather the job and the passion for their job.

Anna Nixon

Leadership is about what you do because we are constantly measured based on our actions. However, it is also about what we aspire to be and the price that we are willing to pay in order to create a new reality for ourselves and the people around us. Few people who lead are actually leaders because they never made the choice. They were appointed to a position of authority and were labeled leaders but their actions do not support the use of the title. Some do not aspire to lead and will never truly deserve the title.

At CISCO, the CEO reports that he retains employees through 3 main practices: 1) Build a culture of Leadership 2)Make it a great place to work 3) Make it about something more than collecting an IPO or a fat paycheck. The role of the leader is to fins a higher purpose and use it to motivate their people to achieve more. Not once did the CEO talk about technology as a part of retention even though CISCO is one of the largest technology companies in the world. Retention is about more than the workings of the business, it is about the organizational culture that the leader creates. If leadership motivates with money alone, they will lose their best talent when things get tough. They have to provide a higher purpose and a greater meaning to the employee's work. They need more inclusion and more ownership to drive

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company performance.

Buzz words like"empowerment" and "re-engineer" are all well and good but they don't actually change the behaviors in an organization. Faber's example of the manager empowering his employee to act but then requiring him to check back and get everything approved before moving forward demonstrates how changing your vocabulary isn't enough. In order to empower employee, a leader must create an environment in which they can act without being watched at every second. Leadership is another buzz word. Similar to the issue of empowerment, it isn't enough to simply call a manager a leader. That is just an adjustment of vocabulary, not a behavioral shift. Leaders have to use skills to create a new reality not simply reword current practices to make their team sound more productive.

Fear isn't always bad. Fear can indicate risk-taking. As a leader, risk-taking is essential. Risks are necessary because leaders are supposed to challenge the process. Leaders accept fear and use it to move forward and face new challenges and new tasks. Fear is not to be avoided. Avoidance of fear will shut people off from opportunities and experiences. Embrace fear and pursue it. By doing that, one will move forward as a leader.

People who label themselves as leaders without backing up the label with their actions are the posers of the business world. Their actions should pursue fear through attempting to change the current ways of conducting business and new ways of creating customer relationships and processing work. Leadership in its extremes pursues fear in order to gain love and loyalty. It is substantive, personal, and scary but is has great rewards when a person gives 1005 of themselves to the task and searches out ways to motivate others with a shared vision. Anyone can wear the label of a team leader or project leader, but few have what is necessary to be called an extreme leader within their character.

Craig Rak

Create an argument that is compelling. This is an excellent point when it comes to any of life's issues. Leadership shows that compelling arguments will transform the thoughts of others and their outlook on a situation. Leadership demands us to strive for those lofty explanations to reach goals.

Really Enjoyed the quote "Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations." This was an excellent way of describing leadership that not many people would be able to verse like this. I believe that it means you have to be able to guide them as you would do something and show them that as long as you put in the nitty gritty time and effort along with others, shared aspirations are able to be had.

Management is required. Leadership is a Choice. one of the first classes that we had, this simple two sentence point was made. Although it is very simple, the complexity that it embraces is extravagant. Leadership is not something that others demand out of you, but instead it is a learned role of character. The choice to show leadership can be described as, are you willing to go above and beyond, or go the extra mile, etc. These phrases are so simple but can be argued about for a lifetime about the true meaning.

Money was the big attraction for the high school/college kid who was very intelligent with coding software. In the podcast, the remark that if a business economy is beginning to fail and

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all your people care about is money, then they will simply walk out the door if things go wrong. Work and Leading others cannot be solely about the money associated, it must come from the passion and love of the actions. I thoroughly believe that in life, anything worth having, is worth fighting for- so we must show the passion in the fight.

Anyone can step up to the plate and lead others, but who? when? where? how? These are the kinds of questions that we don't always have the answers to, but to be honest this is what it comes down to. Who wants to stick their neck out and put their reputation/their life/their paycheck/their whatever on the line.

Alexa Schmidt

Leadership is not just what you do or who you are, rather what you aspire to be and ultimately the price you are willing to pay to make the world better for you and for others. You always have choices in life everywhere you go and the same is true in leadership. You can choose to be willing to do everything you can to be the best and be great, but you can never be forced into the role. Leadership involves your whole being. You not only have to have the personality traits, but you have to have the whole package with goals, beliefs, values, attitudes, and aspirations to be great. Fear and love are two of the values you have to ultimately live out everyday, for they are the greatest emotions. If you actively use everything you have and give it all to the leadership role you can be great.

The leader should build culture of leadership, create a good working environment to grow, and enlist all to work for higher purpose to have success and keep followers. When you think of the successful companies and workers, the reason they succeed are these working elements. People do not stay just for the paycheck if they have all of these elements in unison. It is the human element, the leader making an environment of purpose that get people to stay. The leaders need to have it be known the purpose and goals for everyone, so that everyone can work together in unison and work for that higher purpose. It is not just the bosses leadership that make the company work, it is every ones responsibility to develop themselves into a leader.

Everyone might have a different definition of leadership, but that does not mean you can really be wrong. Leadership should mean something different to each person, so no two people lead in the same way. Just like people need to be lead in different personal ways, leaders need to lead in different ways. If everyone lead in the same way, everyone would be alike which leads no room for the best, and without the best there is no competition.

Leadership is extremely personal and cannot be posed. It is easy to put leader on your title of your business card, but it is hard to actually be a leader. Fear of failure is contemplated every day. You fear changing things up, trying something new, saying your new ideas, trying a new trend, putting yourself out there, and yet we do it every day because of our love for that new thing. You take a risk and it works, and you feel better than ever. Love is what makes the fear worthwhile.

We are conditioned that fear is bad but it is a good thing. It can save you from many bad things that could happen but you can’t grow without it. Extreme leadership comes with fear. You learn from your failure and take on bigger challenges when you learn. You have to get out

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there in order to succeed with the fear. If you want to succeed you have to commit to the fear and take it on. There is no turning back if you want to move on and up. You have to Pursue

Ellyse Shields

Lay of Land - Leadership has become a fad and with the use of buzz words, people think that they are doing something new but really it is the same bad behavior with just a new name. John Chambers said built culture leadership, make a great place to work, and work for a higher purpose be clear what you do and work for more than an IPO or paycheck.

Fear - New ways of dealing with customers, new ways of processing work. Change is scary, but leaders do it for the thrill of fear. Fear is a natural part of growth.

OSM - "Oh shit moment". Do not avoid it, embrace it. Leaders jump in head first with both feet because they love the challenge. They want others to watch them and see them screw up, and watch them learn from it. If not being a little bit crazy, not feeling scared, entirely out of touch. Don't follow icons, follow human people.

Love: Business, people, and customers.

LeapEmily Smith

Leadership is about who you are and what you aspire to be and the price you pay to get there. Leadership is EXTREME. There needs to be fear and love for leadership to be extreme. These people are the true leaders.

Build a culture, make it a great place to work, work for more than the money. Everyone must do this on their own, they need to make sure they know where the higher purpose comes from. You cannot attract people with money because the company will SUCK. An environment that people will like is what needs to form. This would be its highest attribute.

People are just now understanding the importance of leadership. Without the knowledge of leadership kids these days will not be able to understand the workplace and the attributes it and its employees have to offer. Without leadership you cannot start someone and you cannot move up. If just one person would explain to the unemployed man what leadership meant to them than maybe they would have an idea of what it meant and they too could go out there and learn from it, preach it and teach it.

Buzzwords is not the problem, the problem is that we con ourselves into thinking that we are doing something significant. Changing words will not change the fact that it is still the same. People think that they hear a new word and they pay attention. The word leader is not something that you can change the vocabulary of it.

Just because you look the part does not mean that you actually fit the part. You cannot pretend

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to be a leader by wearing a name tag that says you are leader. Extreme leaders live in the fear in the way that they have new ways that are scary to pursue. The motivation to "stick their necks out" is love. This makes it worthwhile. You can’t conquer anything unless you accept the risk, fear, and challenge. You do this because you want to succeed and you want to show that you have worked to get it. OSM=Oh shit moment. Your goal is to scare yourself to make you that much stronger in the challenges.

Erin Smith

First key point I think is that to becoming an leader you need to know what you do, who you are and inspire to be, what price you are willing to pay to create a new world for you and other. If you know the answers to these questions, being a good leader will come natural to you.

call for extreme leadership-approach as you would approach an extreme sport. A good quote that he said was leadership is a choice, management is an assignment. Your love of your leadership makes the leap worth wild. You need to be able to defines it.

It is the human element that compels talented people to stick around. Everyone needs to develop themselves as a leader. You are clear in what you really do. A leader has to find out what the higher purpose is. create an environment that compels talented people, that's what a true leader does.

Leadership is easy to talk about just like any other "buzz" word out there used in the business world. It is easy to say you are a leader by printing it on a card but to show leadership is the important thing. You need to be able to change the behavior in others and yourself to be a good leader.

Without fear there can be no love. When it comes to being a good leader, you need to fear it. That OSM, when you realize you are about to do something very significant, accept it and don't avoid it. Being a good leader, you need to be able to scary yourself and pursue that fear. Accepting that fear will make you have love for leadership and make everything worthwhile.

Brad Starkey

Leadership point #1 stresses the fact that the leader has to create a conducive work environment. In this day and age money can be a driving factor for many people. However, if you can make so employees want to come to work and who want to contribute to the greater good than you have a much better shot of employee retention and high productivity. Take a company like Google, it is one of the most respected companies in the world, not because of the pay but because of the work environment. It is the leaders job to employ this attitude and environment in order to succeed.

The second point really stands out to me as two things; listening to others and striving to be a good leader. It seems as though all great leaders have at least one thing in common, the ability to listen. If you take the time to address issues and suggestions then you not only grow as a leader, but you grow as an organization. You can't know everything, but the people that work below you aren't stupid. In a lot of cases they have very good suggestions on how to be more

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productive or fix things. Good leaders listen. The second lesson came at the end when the gentleman said "if I knew I would have a job" or something of that nature. More and more companies are looking for people who are proven leaders. You have to stand out from the crowd and strive for greatness. By not wanting to take on that role and become better yourself, you only are hurting your chances of success. Anyone can be a leader, but you have to do it.

The third point really drives home the point "talk is cheap." Anyone can call themselves a leader but that doesn't mean that they are one. Leadership is a way of life, not a saying. To be an effective leader and get the most out of your employees you have to be effective. Not by micromanaging or being manipulative but by teaching and leading by example. Leadership should be a positive thing, something that helps the leader, organization, and others to all succeed, not a title on a desk.

Point #4 is really important when it comes to leadership. It involves the how crucial passion and love are when it comes to leadership. As a leader, you have to be enthusiastic about what you do and what you want to accomplish. Leaders don't walk into a new job and just get voted in to be the leader. It’s something you live by and something you want to portray every minute of the day. The only way you can really do this is by having the passion for yourself and others to succeed. You really have to have some sort of motive to make everything and everyone around you better. You can do this by simply seeing the positives and being enthusiastic from the moment you wake up, even when it seems impossible. Good leaders love what they do and love helping others.

The final point really stresses the point that risk isn't a bad thing. Leaders learn from everything they do the good, the bad, and the ugly. All great leaders became great by taking on risk. If a leader is afraid to fail then they aren't being a very good leader. You must be able to stand out and to go against the mold in order to achieve greatness. No one can be great and average, you are either one or the other. Leaders need can be fearful, but they must face those fears and commit. Leaders can be picked out of a crowd very easily, there is something to say for that.

Leta Stevens

Never stop learning. I believe that was the first point. In his opening speech, he talks about networking and speaking with multiple other leadership connoisseurs. He learned from them, was inspired by them, and even quoted them when describing leadership. When you are a great leader, you will always know that there will always be room for improvement, growth, and new knowledge.

It is important to know what you aspire to be. Yes, you may know who you are now, but that's not the end of the road. If you know where you want to be in the future, you will be more able to reach for your goals and head in the right direction. A leader always knows his desired end result, he know where to march his troops, and how to get them there. If you know what you aspire to be, it is easy to aspire and motivate others.

Have an element of purpose. It is important to know why you are doing what you are doing. It is important for a leader to instill in his constituents an element of purpose. Followers needs to know that their job is important, and must know how it incorporates to the success of the

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overall organization. If the follower knows their purpose, they will be less willing to run astray from the organization. Having an element of purpose will allow your organization to keep talent around.

Pursue the OSM. Fear and love are big motivators for any action, for any person, leader or follower. But being able to approach the OSM, pursue it, and walk away exhilarated and inspired is what a leader does. Just like a baseball player will always walk up to bat, it might be nerve-racking, and it might be scary. The player takes the at bat for the love of the game, and for the overall success of the team. Without approaching the plate, he has absolutely no chance of hitting that homerun, or striking out. It is important for a leader to know that there is no success or failure when you try, it is only when you refuse to take the opportunity, or the at bat, that one fails.

Lead by example, and live by example. He makes it perfectly clear in this lecture that it is important not only to preach the word of leadership to your constituents, but to live it too. Anyone can brand themselves with whatever title they like, but without actually living up to that title, it essentially means nothing. A leader will preach his word and lead by example, thus inspiring his followers to live the same way.

Adam Tiller

Fear is an essential component of leadership. It drives work for a higher purpose. Fear is the element that goes hand in hand with innovation. Fear comes from taking risks, and great leaders understand how important risks are in order to reach a higher level.

Leadership has many definitions, and often times it varies from source to source. However, three consistent components that are often found are the following, influencing others, standing up for what you believe in, and sticking your neck out for others in a situation that it is necessary. Regardless of its specific definition, leadership impacts the process of getting a job, keeping a job, and being successful with your work.

It is very easy to talk about leadership. "Buzz Word", such as "management by walking around", were born from talking about leadership. The problem with this, is that if you are only using the words and but not behavior, it is not effective to influential to yourself or the company.

Labeling yourself as a leader, but not fully putting your heart into the concept, leads to posing. You have to "walk the walk" in addition to talking about it. You cannot label yourself as a risk taker, without facing the fear. Fear and love are deeply intertwined. Fear additionally, comes within the leadership topic. Fear must be addressed, before you can reach your highest level of interest.

Leadership is the highest element in demand in business, but the shortest in supply. Leadership is about what you do, but also who you are. Love plays a factor in this. Love impacts those at work, home, and when meeting new people. If you are one who cannot love others, it may mean you will struggle in your leadership attempts.

Joanna Wentland

Page 24: 309/annual feed…  · Web viewWhether or not you are ... you must overcome this fear because you believe in the risk. Part of being ... The word leader is not something that you

Live the ideas that you preach beyond fear for the understanding that if you are going to succeed at leading, you must love making the fear worthwhile.

What are you willing to do to better yourself? One must throw themselves into situations where they have not been before in order to scare yourself in pursuit of the OSM (oh shit moment). From these situations, you will derive experiences and lessons that you cannot get any other way.

Much of leadership derives from the environment of that gives purpose and compels talented people to stick around. It is up to the top management to lead this environment and it is up to everyone within the company to strive to also be a leader in order to contribute to this environment.

The ability to lead others is something that is crucial in obtaining a job. In every business environment, everyone is at some point, in some way a leader. Whether you are a top level manager delegating tasks or a floor level sales associate who is working with customers. Everyone has the opportunity to lead and to obtain followers in the process.

While management is a designated assignment, leadership is a choice. In order to be a leader, one must put all fears aside and jump out of that helicopter. You must create and define the experience in order to maximize what you put in and give out.


Be careful out there
