3104 publications based on the use of childes - talkbanktalkbank.org/info/usage/childesbib.pdf ·...

3104 publications based on the use of CHILDES Abbot-Smith, K., & Behrens, H. (2006). How known constructions influence the acquisition of other constructions: The German passive and future constructions. Cognitive Science, 30, 995-1026. Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2004). Training 2;6-year-olds to produce the transitive construction: The role of frequency, semantic similarity and shared syntactic distribution. Developmental Science, 7(1), 48-55. Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2008). Graded representations in the acquisition of English and German transitive constructions. Cognitive Development, 23, 48-66. Abbot-Smith, K., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Exemplar-learning and schematization in a usage-based account of syntactic acquisition. The Linguistic Review, 23, 275-290. Ågren, M. (2005). L’accord morphologique du nombre dans la phrase nominale: Une étude sur l’acquisition du français. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2002). There is no evidence for a ‘no overt subject’ stage in early Child Spanish: A note on Grinstead (2000). Journal of Child Language, 29, 865-874. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2002). Assessing the productivity of verb morphology in early Child Spanish. Paper presented at the 9th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Madison, Wisconsin. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2003). Testing current positions on the acquisition of inflection with data from children learning Spanish: Full competence or constructivism. Paper presented at the 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Logrono, Spain. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2004). Es totalmente productivo el uso inicial del la flexion verbal finita? Un nuevo metodo cuantitativo para el estudio de la productividad verbal en espanol. Paper presented at the IV Congreso sobre la Adquisicion de las Lenguas del Estado, Salamanca, Spain. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2005). Testing Wexler’s Unique Checking Constraint with data from early Child Spanish. Paper presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA. Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2005). What kind of knowledge underlies the early use of inflectional verb morphology in Spanish? Effects of frequency and lexical specificity on accuracy. Paper presented at the 10th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, Germany. Aguado-Orea, J. J. (2004). The acquisition of morpho-syntax in Spanish: Implications for current theories of development. University of Nottingham. Aguilar, E. (Ed.). (2001). Análisis comparativo de las estructuras silábicas y sus errores en niños prescolares con trasorno específico del lenguaje y retraso del lenguaje respecto a la adquisición normal. Barcelona: AESLA. Aguilar, E., & Sanz-Torrent, M. (2003). Errors d'omissió en nens amb trastorn específic del llenguatge (TELL): Aspectes morfològics i fonològics. Revista de Collegi e Logopedes de Catalunya. Aguilar, E., Sanz-Torrent, M., & Serra , M. (2002). A comparative study of the phonology of pre-school children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), Language Delay (LD) and Normal Acquisition. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 58(6), 573-596. Aguilar, M. (1999). Características fonológicas en niños con retraso y trastorno en la adquisición del lenguaje. Unpublished masters, University of Barcelona, Barcelona. Aguilar, M. E. (2002). Diagnóstico diferencial precoz entre el trasorno del lenguaje y el retraso del lenguaje e partir de los procesos de simplificación fonológica. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, XXII(2), 90-99. Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2007). Influence of phonology on morpho-syntax in Romance languages in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 42(3), 325-347. Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2007). Incidence of phonological competence on morphosyntax of children with Specific

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Page 1: 3104 publications based on the use of CHILDES - TalkBanktalkbank.org/info/usage/childesbib.pdf · 2017-04-04 · 3104 publications based on the use of CHILDES Abbot-Smith, K., & Behrens,

3104 publications based on the use of CHILDES Abbot-Smith, K., & Behrens, H. (2006). How known constructions influence the acquisition of other

constructions: The German passive and future constructions. Cognitive Science, 30, 995-1026. Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2004). Training 2;6-year-olds to produce the transitive

construction: The role of frequency, semantic similarity and shared syntactic distribution. Developmental Science, 7(1), 48-55.

Abbot-Smith, K., Lieven, E., & Tomasello, M. (2008). Graded representations in the acquisition of English and German transitive constructions. Cognitive Development, 23, 48-66.

Abbot-Smith, K., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Exemplar-learning and schematization in a usage-based account of syntactic acquisition. The Linguistic Review, 23, 275-290.

Ågren, M. (2005). L’accord morphologique du nombre dans la phrase nominale: Une étude sur l’acquisition du français.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2002). There is no evidence for a ‘no overt subject’ stage in early Child Spanish: A note on Grinstead (2000). Journal of Child Language, 29, 865-874.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2002). Assessing the productivity of verb morphology in early Child Spanish. Paper presented at the 9th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Madison, Wisconsin.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2003). Testing current positions on the acquisition of inflection with data from children learning Spanish: Full competence or constructivism. Paper presented at the 8th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Logrono, Spain.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2004). Es totalmente productivo el uso inicial del la flexion verbal finita? Un nuevo metodo cuantitativo para el estudio de la productividad verbal en espanol. Paper presented at the IV Congreso sobre la Adquisicion de las Lenguas del Estado, Salamanca, Spain.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2005). Testing Wexler’s Unique Checking Constraint with data from early Child Spanish. Paper presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

Aguado-Orea, J., & Pine, J. M. (2005). What kind of knowledge underlies the early use of inflectional verb morphology in Spanish? Effects of frequency and lexical specificity on accuracy. Paper presented at the 10th Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Berlin, Germany.

Aguado-Orea, J. J. (2004). The acquisition of morpho-syntax in Spanish: Implications for current theories of development. University of Nottingham.

Aguilar, E. (Ed.). (2001). Análisis comparativo de las estructuras silábicas y sus errores en niños prescolares con trasorno específico del lenguaje y retraso del lenguaje respecto a la adquisición normal. Barcelona: AESLA.

Aguilar, E., & Sanz-Torrent, M. (2003). Errors d'omissió en nens amb trastorn específic del llenguatge (TELL): Aspectes morfològics i fonològics. Revista de Collegi e Logopedes de Catalunya.

Aguilar, E., Sanz-Torrent, M., & Serra , M. (2002). A comparative study of the phonology of pre-school children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), Language Delay (LD) and Normal Acquisition. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 58(6), 573-596.

Aguilar, M. (1999). Características fonológicas en niños con retraso y trastorno en la adquisición del lenguaje. Unpublished masters, University of Barcelona, Barcelona.

Aguilar, M. E. (2002). Diagnóstico diferencial precoz entre el trasorno del lenguaje y el retraso del lenguaje e partir de los procesos de simplificación fonológica. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, XXII(2), 90-99.

Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2007). Influence of phonology on morpho-syntax in Romance languages in children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI). International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 42(3), 325-347.

Aguilar-Mediavilla, E. (2007). Incidence of phonological competence on morphosyntax of children with Specific

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Language Impairment: A longitudinal study. Language Acquisition 13(4), 371-372. Aguilar-Mediavilla, E., Sanz-Torrent, M., & Serra , M. (2002). A comparative study of the phonology of pre-

school children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI), Language Delay (LD) and Normal Acquisition. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 16, 573-596.

Aguilar-Mediavilla, E., Sanz-Torrent, M., & Serra-Raventós, M. (2007). The influence of phonology on morphosyntax in Romance language in children with SL. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 42(3), 325-348.

Aguilar-Mediavilla, E., & Serra-Raventos, M. (2006). Phonological profile of Spanish-Catalan children with Specific Language Impairment at age 4: Are there any changes over time? Folia Phoniatrica Logopedia, 58(6), 400-414.

Aguirre, C. (2002). The acquisition of tense and aspect morphology: A key for semantic interpretation. In M. D. Voeikova & W. U. Dressler (Eds.), Pre- and protomorphology: Early phases of morphological development in nouns and verbs (pp. 163-176). Munchen: Lincom.

Aguirre, C., Albalá, M. J., & Marrero, V. (2005). Mami, te quierito: la adquisición del diminutivo en español. In M. Cinca, M.Ángeles, B. Z. d. Pedro & E. Díez-Villoria (Eds.), Estudios sobre la adquisición del lenguaje (pp. 120-144). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

Ahmad, K., Casey, M., & Bale, T. (2002). Connectionist simulation of quantification skills. Connection Science, 14(3), 165-201.

Aisenman, R. A., & Assayag, N. (1999). Fact and fiction in evaluating narrative evaluation. In R. Aisenman, N. Assayag, E. Baruch, D. Cahana-Amitay & B. Nir (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (pp. 38-57). Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press.

Aisenman, R. A., & Berman, R. (2000). Rethinking lexical analysis. In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, J. Perera, E. Rosado & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (Vol. 3, pp. 187-196). Barcelona: University of Barcelona.

Albalá, M. J. (2000). La homonimia en el léxico infantil. In Miscelánea léxica en homenaje a Conchita Serrano (pp. 287-296). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

Albalá, M. J., & Marrero, V. (2001). Las características lingüisticas de AyDA (un analizador morfológico para el español). In Paper presented at the III encuentrol international sobre la adquisici´øn de las lenguas del Estado.

Albalá, M. J., & Marrero, V. (2005). El desarrollo de las clases de palabras en la morfología infantil. In M. J. Albalá, M. Cantarero, C. C. Fresnillo, M. V. E. Vidal, M. Esgueva, J. M. F. Rueda, P. G. Mouton, L. García-Macho, C. H. Alonso & V. M. Aguiar (Eds.), Filología y Lingüística. Estudios ofrecidos a Antonio Quilis (pp. 379-398). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

Albalá, M. J., Marrero, V., & Cappelli, G. (1995). Procesos fonológicos en dos ninos de 2 a 6 años. In Primer encuentro internacional sobre adquiscion de las lenguas del estado. Santiago de Compostela.

Aldridge, Borsley, Clack, Clack, Creunant, & Jones. (1998). The acquisition of noun phrases in Welsh. In Language acquisition: Knowledge representation and processng. Edinburgh: The University of Edinburgh.

Alexander Pan, B., Rowe, M. L., Spier, E., & Tamis-Lemonda, C. (2004). Measuring productive vocabulary of toddlers in low-income families: concurrent and predictive validity of three sources of data. Journal of Child Language, 31(03), 587-608.

Alfi-Shabtay, I. (1999). Passive and alternatives in different text types in Hebrew. In R. A. Aisenman, N. Assayag, E. Baruch, D. Cahana-Amitay & B. Nir (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (Vol. 1, pp. 58-67). Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press.

Alibali, M., McNeil, N., & Evans, J. (2003). The role of gesture in children's language comprehension: Now they need it, now they don't. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior.

Alishahi, A. (2004). A computational model for early argument structure acquisition. University of Toronto. Alishahi, A., & Stevenson, S. (2005). A probabilistic model of early argument structure acquisition. Paper

presented at the Cognitive Science Society.

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Alishahi, A., & Stevenson, S. (2007). A computational usagebased model for learning general properties of semantic roles. Proc. of the EuroCogSci 2007.

Alishahi, A., & Stevenson, S. (2007). A cognitive model for the representation and acquisition of verb selectional preferences. ACL Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Acquisition, 41-48.

Allen, G. D. (1988). The PHONASCII system. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 18, 9-25. Allen, S. (1994). Acquisition of some mechanisms of transitivity alternation in arctic Quebec Inuktitut. McGill

University. Allen, S. (2001). The importance of discourse-pragmatics in acquisition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,

4(01), 23-25. Allen, S., & Crago, M. B. (1993). The acquisition of passives and unaccusatives in Inuktitut. McGill Working

Papers in Linguistics, 9, 1-29. Allen, S. E. M. (1996). Aspects of argument structure acquisition in Inuktitut. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Allen, S. E. M. (1997). A discourse-pragmatic explanation for the subject-object asymmetry in early null

arguments: The principle of informativeness revisited. In A. Sorace, C. Heycock & R. Shillcock (Eds.), Paper presented at the Proceedings of the GALA '97 Conference on language Acquisition, Edinburgh.

Allen, S. E. M. (1998). Categories within the verb category: Learning the causative in Inuktitut. Linguistics, 36(4), 633-677.

Allen, S. E. M. (2000). A discourse-pragmatic explanation for argument representation in child Inuktitut. Linguistics, 38(3), 483-521.

Allen, S. E. M. (in press). Interacting pragmatic influences on children's argument realization. In M. Bowerman & P. Brown (Eds.), Crosslinguistic perspectives on argument structure: Implications for learnability. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Allen, S. E. M., Crago, M., & Pesco, D. (2006). The effect of majority language exposure on minority language skills: The Case of Inuktitut. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 9(5), 578-596.

Allen, S. E. M., & Crago, M. B. (1996). Early passive acquisition in Inuktitut. Journal of Child Language(1), 129-155.

Allen, S. E. M., Genesee, F., Fish, S. A., & Crago, M. B. (2002). Patterns of code mixing in English-Inuktitut spontaneous speech data. In J. W. Du Bois, L. E. Kumpf & W. J. Ashby (Eds.), Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Chicago, IL.

Allen, S. E. M., & Schröder, H. (in press). Preferred argument structure in early Inuktitut spontaneous speech data. In J. W. Du Bois, L. E. Kumpf & W. J. Ashby (Eds.), Preferred argument structure: Grammar as architecture for function. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Álvarez, E. (2004). Character introduction in two languages: Its development in the stories of a Spanish-English bilingual child age 6; 11–10; 11. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 6(03), 227-243.

Amano, S., Kato, K., & Kondo, T. (2002). Development of Japanese Infant Speech Database and Speaking Rate Analysis. Seventh International Conference on Spoken Language Processing.

Ambridge, B., & Pine, J. M. (2006). Testing the agreement/tense omission model using an elicited imitation paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 33, 879-898.

Ambridge, B., Pine, J. M., & Rowland, C. F. (2006). The retreat from argument-structure overgeneralization errors: Testing and disentangling the semantic-verb-class and entrenchment hypotheses. Paper presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

Ambridge, B., Pine, J. M., Rowland, C. F., & Young, C. R. (2008). The effect of verb semantic class and verb frequency (entrenchment) on children’s and adults’ graded judgements of argument-structure over-generalisation errors. Cognition, 106, 87-129.

Ambridge, B., Rowland, C. F., & Pine, J. M. (2005). Structure dependence: An innate constraint? Paper presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

Ambridge, B., Rowland, C. F., & Pine, J. M. (2008). Is structure dependence an innate constraint? New experimental evidence from children’s complex-question production. Cognitive Science, 32, 222-257.

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Ambridge, B., Rowland, C. F., Theakston, A., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Comparing different accounts of non-inversion errors in children's non-subject wh-questions: What experimental data can tell us? Journal of CHild Language, 30, 519-557.

Ambridge, B., Theakston, A., Lieven, E. V. M., & Tomasello, M. (2006). The distributed learning effect for children’s acquisition of an abstract grammatical construction. Cognitive Development, 21, 174-193.

Ambridge, B. E. N., & Pine, J. M. (2006). Testing the Agreement/Tense Omission Model using an elicited imitation paradigm. Journal of Child Language, 33(04), 879-898.

Analyses, T. (2005). Starting Over: A Preliminary Study of Early Lexical and Syntactic Development in Internationally Adopted Preschoolers. Seminars on Speech and Language, 26, 44-53.

Andel, M., Klampfer, S., Kilani-Schoch, M., Dressler, W., & Kovacevic, M. (2000). Acquisition of verbs in Croatian, French and Austrian German - An outline of a comparative analysis. Suvremena Lingvistika, 1-2(49-50), 5-25.

Andersen, R., & Shirai, Y. (1994). Discourse motivations for some cognitive acquisition principles. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 16, 133-156.

Andersen, R., & Shirai, Y. (1995). Primacy of aspect in first and second language acquisition: The pidgin/creole connection. In W. Ritchie & T. Bhatia (Eds.), Handbook of Language Acquisition. New York: Academic Press.

Andersen, S. (1994). Pragmatiske aspekter af kodeskift hos tosprogede børn. In Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed, Køgeserien bind K2. København: Danmarks Lærerhøjskole.

Anderson, J., & Schooler, L. (1991). Reflections of the environment in memory. Psychological Science, 2, 396-408.

Anderson, J. L., Morgan, J. L., & White, K. S. (2003). A statistical basis for speech sound discrimination. Language and Speech, 46(2-3), 155-182.

Andersson, A. B. (1992). Second language learners' acquisition of grammatical gender in Swedish. Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics, 10.

Andersson, A. B., & Strömqvist, S. (1990). Adult L2 acquisition of gender - a crosslinguistic and cross-learner type perspective. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, 61.

Andersson, E., & Richtoff, U. (1991). Relativkonstrukionernas ontogenes - en fallstudie. Gothenburg Papers in Theoretical Linguistics, 17.

Andersson, P. (1997). Aspects of the bilingual development. In J. N. Jørgensen & A. Holmen (Eds.), Successive bilingualism in school-age children (Vol. 27, pp. 147-152). Copenhagen: Royal Danish School of Educational Studies

Andreu-Barrachina, B., Sanz-Torrent, M., Aznar, J. A., & Cámara, E. (in press). La comprensión y la producción del lenguaje en niños con TEL: un estudio mediante los movimientos oculares. In Estudios de desarrollo del lenguaje y educación. Oviedo: Aula abierta.

Andreu-Barrachina, B., Sanz-Torrent, M., & Serra , M. (2007). Dificultades y trastornos del lenguaje en la escuela. Quaderns digitals, 2.

Andrews, S. (2004). EZ Reader's assumptions about lexical processing: Not so easy to define the two stages of word identification? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(04), 477-478.

Antelmi, D. (1996). Complex sentences evolution in the Italian acquisition: A case study. In K. Nelson (Ed.), Children's language (Vol. 9). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Antelmi, D. (1997). La prima grammatica dell'Italiano. Indagine longitudinale sull'acquisizione della morfosintassi italiana. Bologna: Il Mulino.

Aparici, M. (1997). La adquisición de las oraciones compuestas en Catalán y Castellano. Unpublished masters, University of Barcelona, Barcelona.

Aparici, M., Serrat, E., Capdevila, M., & Serra, M. (in press). Acquisition of complex sentences in Spanish and Catalan speaking children. In K. Nelson, A. Aksu-Koc & C. Johnson (Eds.), Children's language (Vol. 11). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Aparici, M., Tolchinsky, L., & Rosado, E. (2000). On defining longer units in narrative and expository Spanish.

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In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, J. Perera, E. Rosado & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (Vol. 3, pp. 95-122). Barcelona: University of Barcelona.

Arehart, K. H., & Yoshinaga-Itano, C. (1999). The role of educators of the deaf in the early identification of hearing loss. American Annals of the Deaf, 144, 19-23.

Argerich, N., & Tolchincky, L. (1999). Schooling in Spain. In R. A. Aisenman, N. Assayag, E. Baruch, D. Cahana-Amitay & B. Nir (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (Vol. 1, pp. 317-326). Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press.

Argerich, N., & Tolchinsky, L. (2000). On a definition of lexical items in written and spoken texts. In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, J. Perera, E. Rosado & L. Tolchinsky (Eds.), Developing Literacy Across Genres, Modalities, and Language (Vol. 3, pp. 197-204). Barcelona: University of Barcelona.

Argus, R. (2001). Morfoloogia areng keele omandamise varasel etapil. Komikud ja üksik laps. Väikelaps ja tema kasvukeskkond, II(Tallinn).

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Aukrust, V. (2002). " What Did You Do in School Today?" Speech Genres and Tellability in Multiparty Family

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Mealtime Conversations in Two Cultures. Talking to Adults. Aukrust, V. G. (1994). Og etterpå skal vi...hva skal vi gjøre etterpå?" Om 'der-og-da" samtaler mellom voksne og

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between young children and their caregivers. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 40(4), 311-324.

Aukrust, V. G. (1997). "Skal vi lage pulver?" Om språklige gjentakelser i lek-et bidrag til hypoteser om språkutvikling hos små barn. Nordisk Psykologi, 49(3), 192-211.

Aukrust, V. G. (1997). Hva har du gjort i barnehagen i dag da? Om fortellinger og forklaringer i norske og amerikanske familier. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 34, 997-1009.

Aukrust, V. G. (2001). Talk-focused talk in preschools – culturally formed socialization for talk? First Language, 21, 57-82.

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Minami, M. (2000). Commentary on Jens Brockmeier's "Autobiographical time". Narrative Inquiry, 10(1), 75-80.

Minami, M. (2000). Book reading styles of Japanese mothers. Chukyo Univeristy School of Computer and Cognitive Sciences Institute for Advanced Studies in Artifical Intelligence Technical Report, 2000-12-02, 145-156.

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Minami, M. (2000, May, Spring Quarter 2000). Developmental and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Children's Narration and Literacy. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the Developmental Psychology Brown Bag Series, Stanford, CA.

Minami, M. (2000, May). Establishing Viewpoint: Wrapping-up Devices in Japanese Oral Narrative Discourse. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 5th Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language (CSDL) Conference,, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Minami, M. (2001). Maternal styles of narrative elicitation and the development of children's narrative skill: A study on parental scaffolding. Narrative Inquiry, 11(1), 55-80.

Minami, M. (2001). Language and literacy development of bilingual Japanese children. In J. K. Peyton, D. A. Ranard & S. McGinnis (Eds.), Heritage languages in America (pp. 275). McHenry IL: Delta Systems.

Minami, M. (2001). Styles of parent-child book reading in Japanese families. In M. Almgren, A. Barreña, M. Ezeizabarrena, I. Idiazabal & B. MacWhinney (Eds.), Research on child language acquisition: Proceedings of the 8th conference of the international association for the study of child language (pp. 483-503). Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Minami, M. (2001). Taking a different point of view: Children's acquisition of linguistic perspective-taking devices. In H. Sirai (Ed.), A cross-linguistic study for the universal developmental index [Research project no. 11694009, supported by the Japan society for the promation of science and ministry of education, science, sports and cult] (pp. 173-190). Nagoya: Chukyo University.

Minami, M. (2001). "Narrative" ni okeru fuhensei to bunka-teki koyuusei [Universals and culture-specific aspects in narrative]. In M. Minami & Y. S. Alam (Eds.), Gengogaku to nihongo kyooiku II: New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese (pp. 161-180). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M. (2001, June). The role of maternal input in facilitating the development of children's personal narratives. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Jean Haget Society, Berkeley, CA.

Minami, M. (2001). Holding onto a native tongue: Retaining bilingualism for school-age children of Japanese heritage. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2001 Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

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In Paper presented at the Paper presented at Georgetown Round Table on Languages and Linguistics (GURT) 2001, Georgetown University.

Minami, M. (2002). Culture-specific language styles: The development of oral narrative and literacy. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.

Minami, M. (2002). Narrative as a relection of culture and consciousness: Developmental aspects. In R. T. Donahue (Ed.), Exploring Japaneseness: Japanese enactments of culture and consciousness (pp. 241-261). Westport, CT: Ablex/Greenwood Publications.

Minami, M. (2002). The language continuum: Narrative discourse skills in English-Japanese bilingual Children. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 2002 Joint Conference of the IX International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL) and the Symposium on Research in Child Language Disorders (SRCLD), Madison, WI.

Minami, M. (2002). Keeping Japanese alive: Narrative discourse skills in English-Japanese bilingual children. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS), Tokyo, Japan.

Minami, M. (2003). Holding on to a native tongue: Retaining bilingualism for school-age children of Japanese heritage. International Journal of Educational Policy, Research, and Practice, 4( (2)), 39-61.

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Minami, M. (2006). Pragmatic development: The acquisition of narrative discourse skills by children. Japanese Psychological Review, 49, 1, 21.

Minami, M. (2006). The importance of socialization in the development of narrative discourse skills in children. In M. Nakayama, M. Minami, H. Morikawa, K. Nakamura & H. Sirai (Eds.), Studies in language sciences (5) (pp. 11-28). Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M. (Ed.). (2006). The development of narrative structure in the acquisition of Japanese as a second language. . Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

Minami, M. (Ed.). (2007). Applying theory and research to learning Japanese as a foreign language. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Minami, M. (Ed.). (2007). Gengogaku to nihongo kyooiku (Linguistics and Japanese language education) V: New directions in applied linguistics of Japanese. Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers.

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Minami, M., & Aramaki, S. (2000, April). Interactive foreign/second language learning: Interaction in the computer age. In Paper presented at the Presented at the California Language Teachers Association (CLTA) Conference, Marriot City Center, Oakland, CA.

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Minami, M., & Morikawa, H. (1995). Transcribing morphemes on the main line. In Y. Oshima-Takane & B. MacWhinney (Eds.), Japanese CHILDES Manual I: JCHAT (pp. 73-91).

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Minami, M., & S., A. (2000, March). The effectiveness of computer-assisted language-learning (CALL) programs for teaching Japanese. In Paper presented at the Paper presented at the Second Annual "Digital Stream" Emerging Technologies in Teaching Language and Culture, California State University, Monterey Bay.

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