32nd article

Benefits of hiring freelance professionals over regular employees Freelancing has taken a serious hit in last few years. Many professionals have chosen freelancing over working in a company or so. This is because of various reasons. Some find the opportunity of earning in dollars to be very attractive. There are others who don’t want to work under any boss. Then there are some who have the freedom of working both for a company and do freelance work at same time. Freelancing has surely changed the situation for many, with work opportunities right at their home. Major Websites like freelancer.com and upwork.com has totally revolutionized the freelancing world. They have developed a simple and well managed system for proper functioning of freelancing concept.

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Post on 24-Jan-2017




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Benefits of hiring freelance professionals over regular employees

Freelancing has taken a serious hit in last few years. Many professionals have chosen freelancing over working in a company or so. This is because of various reasons. Some find the opportunity of earning in dollars to be very attractive. There are others who don’t want to work under any boss. Then there are some who have the freedom of working both for a company and do freelance work at same time. Freelancing has surely changed the situation for many, with work opportunities right at their home. Major Websites like freelancer.com and upwork.com has totally revolutionized the freelancing world. They have developed a simple and well managed system for proper functioning of freelancing concept.

Moreover, the recent recessions in many countries has made many people to think about freelancing. There are many Employers who are now hesitating to hire full time employees. The reason behind this is that by outsourcing work to freelancers they can save the money they have to spend on extra benefits for their employees. Hiring full time

employee means committing to a fixed salary to a person regardless of the work he/she delivers and so an employer is sometimes in loss because of this factor. Sometimes, when the work is not enough these employees may just sit back and relax in office hours, which is real pain for employers. So, to save themselves from all these issues employers are opting for freelancers to get their work done.

Now, employers are getting their work done at really low cost by outsourcing work to countries with low currency exchange rates such as India, Pakistan and Philippines. Hiring Freelancer is considered to be a better option than hiring a full time employee. Regular employees need to be spoon-fed regularly and they always need directions for every work. Freelancers do not need regular directions as they can handle work in better way because of their experience in the field. Moreover, you can always check the past work of any freelancer before actually hiring him for any job. Employers need not worry about things such as basic health and life insurance for freelancers. These things are actually quite costly and you always need to provide these to your employees.

You can rely on freelancers once you have chosen them wisely. You can check for their work reviews given by other employers. Most of the times, freelancers have much more experience than any full-time employee. You cannot rely on your fresh intern for all jobs and the cost of keeping an intern is very high as you have to teach him too. So, there is no need to hesitate before hiring a freelancer for any job.

Because of the unstable economy, business men are cutting salary budgets like never before. You have to make such tough decisions, otherwise you may end up in loss for your company and your company will eventually go under. More and more employers are opting for freelancers because of lower costs and flexible workforce with varied skills. This is a growing trend and will only increase in coming time, so it is a good idea to get completely acquainted with freelancing concept.

At this time there are many quality freelancers who can turn out to be helpful for your business. They can fulfill all your needs at your company. Recession has also forced many full-time workers into the freelance market as they cannot fulfill their needs with a single source

of income. So, if you are looking for any multi-skilled freelancer then you actually have a wide range of options.