33 part 1-earthsoft-water - critical resource-basic

Making earth little softer Earthsoft Foundation of Guidance Edge-Aggressive-Reliable-Trust-Honesty-Soft-Obedient-Fun- Transparent

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"Earthsoft Foundation of Guidance (EFG) is working as an NGO/NPO for students - Education & Career guidance and for Professionals for soft skills enhancements. We are working speading , sharing knowledge; experience globally.It has uploaded important presentations at http://myefg.in/downloads.aspx. Also visit www.slideshare.net and search using key word - earthsoft Read http://tl.gd/jm1gh5 and view picture http://twitpic.com/cept60 http://www.slideshare.net/rrakhecha/efg-activities-of-one-year27-mar2013 Be mentor using your education, knowledge & experience to contribute for a social cause & do conduct free training/ workshop seeking help of existing platforms Kindly spread to your friends.Thank you! - Earthsoft Foundation of Guidance Let us make earth little softer.. "


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Making earth little softer

Earthsoft Foundation of GuidanceEdge-Aggressive-Reliable-Trust-Honesty-Soft-Obedient-Fun-Transparent

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Earthsoft Foundation of Guidance (EFG) has uploaded following presentations at http://myefg.in/downloads.aspxBe mentor using your education, knowledge & experience to contribute for a social cause & do conduct free training seeking help of existing platforms. Kindly share with your friends•Motivation for higher study, Planning for study, Education guidance, Career guidance, Career available after SSC & HSC•Personality development – 3 files •How to prepare resume, Tips to attend interview successfully•Religion related –To understand basic religion, Do & Don’t tips•Health related - Be vegetarian, Be healthy, Manage health•Corporate - Project management, Assertiveness, Ownership, Effective communication, Leadership, Be entrepreneur•Finance - To avoid speculation in stock market•Social - Women empowerment, Choosing life partner, conflict resolution, stop ragging, stop alcohol, snakebite treatment

About us

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• Earth as water planet• The Hydrologic Cycle• Water usage & its distribution• Water & sanitation• Data – Globally• Water – an issue• Global Scarcity & challenges


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Earth as water planet• Earth is often referred to as `the water planet'. • Without water, life could not exist• Earth is unique due to its abundant water - in

oceans, rivers, ponds, atmosphere, glaciers, fresh water/ground water

• Ocean Water : Most of the water on Earth, 97% to be exact, is salt water found in the oceans.

• Due to salt content, it can not be used. Process of removal of salt is very expensive.

• Groundwater: Freshwater is stored in underground aquifers. Water that enters an aquifer remains for an average of 1,400 years!

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What kinds are there?


Water is essential to life on earth• 97% of the water is salt water, and

is found in the oceans of the world.• 3% of the water is fresh water on

which we depend.

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Significance of water• Water is the main constituent of ecosystem & is

the basis of known life forms, including humans• It was the basis of the origin of life on our planet• Water is an integral part of life on this planet. • It is an odorless, tasteless, substance• It is essential to civil, agricultural & industrial use• Thus it is main constituent of the universe

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Three forms of Water• Solids: When water becomes very cold and

freezes it changes from a liquid to a solid state. It has a definite form and shape.

• Liquids: When water takes the shape of its container it is in a liquid form.

• Gases: When water is seen in a vapor form and has no definite size or shape it is in a gas form.

These 3 forms are interchangeable

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Importance of water• Organisms are composed 70%-95% of water• Transport medium for food, oxygen, and other

things needed by cells• Cellular medium within which biochemical

reactions can occur• Supportive external environment for aquatic


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A precious natural resource• We use water for drinking, irrigation, industrial

purposes and energy production. Water use• Agriculture and energy production - 80%• Industry and public use - 20%Usage• As a nourisher of plant, animal & human life• A bearer of food & drinks• A prime element of industrial processes• A medium for transportation

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A precious natural resource

Transports oxygen & nutrients

Prevents clogging of arteries & brain cells

Main lubricant in the joint spaces

Reduces the effects of aging

Prevents memory loss

Regulates body temperature

Human BodyHuman Body - - - - WaterWater75%

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A precious natural resourceHuman BodyHuman Body - - - - WaterWater75%

Muscles75 % water

Muscles75 % water

Brain Cells85 % waterBrain Cells85 % water

Bones25 % water

Bones25 % water

Blood82 % water

Blood82 % water

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Daily use of waterFresh water is used as

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How much water do we use?• The kitchen consumes 10% of total household

for cooking, cleaning, washing or drinking. • 15-20% of all water consumed in laundry• Nearly 50% in the bathroom, 20% of that water

is flushed down the toilet.• A slowly dripping tap can waste 20,000 liters in a

year• Evaporation is a major loss from swimming pool. • A lot of water is used in washing cars, bikes,

cycles and garages.• 20% Grey water is typically water from baths,

showers, hand basins and washing machines.

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CondensationThe Clouds form

Evaporation vapor rises


The movement through plants

PrecipitationThe rain falls

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• Saltwater evaporates from sun's energy producing fresh water in clouds

• Water vapor cools and condenses to precipitation over oceans and land.

• Runoff forms fresh water lakes, streams, ponds, groundwater, and is held in soil & plants

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• Surface water is water collected on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, wetland, or ocean

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• Two main processes: precipitation & evaporation

• Powered by energy from the sun • Hydrologic cycle purifies water

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Evaporation Evapo-transpiration


Water Supply

Discharge treated water

Salt Water IntrusionAquifer





PrecipitationEvaporation/ETSurface WaterGroundwater

Soil moistureInfiltration (Art)Extraction Return flow

Treate water Aquifer intrusion

Soil moisture

Soil moisture

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The Hydrologic Cycle

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Ground Water• Ground water is located beneath the ground

surface in soil pore spaces and in the fractures of rock formations.

• A unit of rock is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water

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Evaporation and transpiration



InfiltrationWater tableInfiltration

Unconfined aquifer

Confined aquifer


Well requiring a pump

Flowingartesian well



ConfinedRecharge Area


Less permeable materialsuch as clay

Confirming permeable rock layer

Ground Water

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Water world

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•Two thirds of our planet is covered by water.

•97.5% of the water is saltwater.

•The majority of freshwater is beyond our reach, locked into polar snow and ice.

•Two thirds of our planet is covered by water.

•97.5% of the water is saltwater.

•The majority of freshwater is beyond our reach, locked into polar snow and ice.

Water world

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Water world

• Less than 3% of the world’s water is fresh – the rest is seawater and undrinkable.• Of this 3% over 2.5% is frozen, locked up in Antarctica, Arctic & glaciers, and not available to man.• Thus humanity must rely on this 0.5% for all of man’s and ecosystem’s fresh water needs.

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• Only about 2.5% of Earth's water is fresh.• ~ 2% of the Earth's water is in solid form, found

in ice caps and glaciers.• One percent of all the Earth's water in a form

useable to humans and land animals. • This fresh water is found in lakes, rivers,

streams, ponds, in the ground & as vapor in the atmosphere

• India has 16 % of the world’s population and 4% of its fresh water resources.

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The earth's water supply• Water covers 70.9% of the Earth's surface.• The amount of fresh water accounts for 2.6%,

which is vital for all forms of life.• 97.2% of the Earth's water supply is salt water.• Only 2.8% is fresh water!• 97.200% salt water in the oceans• 02.014% ice caps and glaciers• 00.600% groundwater• 00.009% surface water• 00.005% soil moisture• 00.001% atmospheric moisture

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Salt & freshwater relationship

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Distribution of global water

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Oceans 97%

Atmosphere 0.01%

Rivers, Lakes, & Inland Seas 0.141%

Soil Moisture 0.0012%

Ground Water 0.4 – 1.7%

Ice Caps and Glaciers 1.725%

Distribution-Water reservoirs

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Agriculture Domestic Industry

Water uses

% o

f to



er u


World water usage

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• 66% of the human body is made up of water

• We should drink at least 1½ litres of water a day.

• At just 2% dehydration your performance decreases by around 20%

• 66% of the human body is made up of water

• We should drink at least 1½ litres of water a day.

• At just 2% dehydration your performance decreases by around 20%

Human need

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Water Resources - Rainfall• Annual average rainfall : 105 cm

• Largest in the world for a country

• River area = 3288000 km2

• Surface flow : 1880 km3 /700 km3 for beneficial use

• Ground water : 600 Km3/420 km3 usable

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Water Bodies• River & Canals : 7420 Km

• Reservoir : 0.52 Lakh hectares

• Tanks, Lakes & ponds : 6.91 Lakh hectares

• Brackish Water : 0.56 Lakh hectares

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Water Resources - Rainfall

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Water Resources - Rainfall• India’s total annual replinishable underground

fresh water is 433 BCM (km^3)• 344 BCM through natural from rainfall• 89 BCM from canal irrigation system

• There are 12 major river basins, the largest is Gangetic Plain Aquifer with replinishable ground water at 206 BCM or 48%.

• India has been reasonably rich in Ground water and is one of the main reason of sustenance its variety of life species

• http://www.indiastat.com/meteorologicaldata/22/rainfall/238/stats.aspx

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Ground water• Total potential : 431 km3 per year

• Drinking & Industrial purposes (16% of total potential)

• 68% is still remaining untapped

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Water consumed In 1990• Fresh water (rain & snow) - 4,000 BCM, Most of

which returns to the seas via rivers. • Surface and ground water - 1,869 BCM. Of this,

40 % is not available.

Groundwater Consumption

• 92% - Agricultural• 5% - Industrial • 3% - Domestic.

Groundwater Consumption

• 92% - Agricultural• 5% - Industrial • 3% - Domestic.

Surface water Consumption

• 89% - Agricultural• 2% - Industrial• 9% - Domestic.

Surface water Consumption

• 89% - Agricultural• 2% - Industrial• 9% - Domestic.

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Water consumed In 1990• 25 BCM of water for domestic

• 460 BCM of water for agricultural

• 40 BCM of water for industrial (10 BCM as process water + 30 BCM as cooling water)

• Total 525 BCM (km3)

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Water Resources - Rainfall  2010 2025 2050

WATER (BCM) Low H Low H Low High

Irrigation   543 557 561 611 628 807

Domestic   42 43 55 62 90 111

Industries   37 37 67 67 81 81

Power   18 19 31 33 70 70

Inland Navigation 7 7 10 10 15 15

Flood Control Not available

Afforestation Not available

Environment /Ecology 5 5 10 10 20 20

Evaporation Losses 42 42 50 50 76 76

 Total (BCM) 694 710 784 843 980 1180

• Water Demand is rising, to grow 34% in next 25 years

• Domestic/Industry mix demand growing faster than Irrigation

• Ground water represents about 46% in Agriculture Supply and 80% of Domestic Supply. And its Growing

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1 2 3 4 5




, B



Water Demand for Different Uses




Irrigation Domestic

Industry Power


Water demand

BCM – Billion cubic meter

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Use of Water Resources

Humans use about 54% of reliable runoff Humans use about 54% of reliable runoff

Agriculture Agriculture

Industry Industry

Domestic Domestic

Power plants Power plants

United States

Industry 11%Public 10%




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Water Consumption

# Country Average Usage per day

1 Kenya 10 litres (3 gallons)

2 Canadian 326 litres (86 gallons)

3 American person 500 litres (132 gallons)

4 India 53 litres (14 gallons)

5 Japan 292 litres (77 gallons)

6 Switzerland 405 litres (107 gallons)

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Water Usage

# Task Av. use in gallon

1 To make four car tires 2072

2 1 pound of plastic 24

3 To refine 1barrel of crude oil 1851

4 To produce 1 pound of potato 60

5 To produce 1 pound of wheat 108

6 To produce 1 pound soybean 240

7 To produce 1 pound of beef 12009

8 To produce 1 kg Sugarcane 800

9 Cotton per kg of fabric 7672

10 To produce 1 kg of Rice 13251 Gallon = 3.78 Lit

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Uses of waterFive Designated Best uses of water bodiesClass Designated Best Use

A Used for drinking without any treatment but with disinfections

B Used for outdoor bathing

C Used for drinking with treatment

D Used for propagation of wild life and fisheries

E Used for irrigation, Cooling and controlled waste disposal

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Water UsabilityClass Designated best use pH DO



100 mlA Drinking without

treatment, but chlorination6.5 –8.5

6 or more

2 or less


B Outdoor Bathing 6.5 –8.5

5 or more

3 or less


C Drinking with treatment 6.5 –8.5

4 or more

3 or less


D Propagation of wild life, fisheries

6.5 –8.5

4 or more


E Irrigation, Industrial cooling & controlled waste disposal

6.0 –8.5


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Drinking Water Quality Indian Standards for Drinking Water Quality

S No Characteristics Acceptable Cause for Rejection

1 Turbidity (NTU) 1 10

2 TDS (mg/L) 500 2000

3 Nitrates (mg/L) 45 45

4 E Coli Must not be detectable

5 Chromium (mg/L)

0.05 0.05

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Drinking Water Quality








Drugs &


Drugs &


ChlorineChlorine ArsenicArsenic



Tap Water


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Water for Food–1 liter/calorie

Description Liters of Water

Daily Drinking Water 2 – 5 Liters of Water

Daily Household Use 20 – 500 Liters of Water

1kg of Grain 500 to 2,000 Liters of Evapotranspiration (ET)

Livestock products (meat, milk)

5,000 to 15,000 Liters of ET

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Sectoral water consumption is increasing due to increased demand

Demand will double in the next 40 years

Water consumption

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Highest Rain fallMawsynram & Cherrapunji is credited as highest & second wettest place on Earth

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Highest Rain fallMawsynram & Cherrapunji is credited as highest & second wettest place on EarthCountry  India

State Meghalaya

District East Khasi Hills

Elevation 1,484 m (4,869 ft)

Population (2011)

 • Total 14,816

 • Density 397/km2 (1,030/sq mi)

Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)

Precipitation 11,777 millimetres (463.7 in)

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Water use in India

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Water use in India

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Chemical Formula• What is the chemical formula of water?• The density of water is 1000 kg per m3• It is measured in cubic foot, gallon (3.7854 lit),

liter, quart (0.9463 lit), cup, etc




Liquid measuring device

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Water pH

7.2 - death7.2 - death7.4 – normal7.4 – normal

blood pHblood pH

pH potential of Hydrogen ions is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity “Without enough water, body goes acidic, goes

into fat storing.”

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Water pH

pH Color Chart

4.5 6.5 7.0 8.5 9.0 9.5

NeutralFor clean



SicknessSickness HealthHealthpH of better quality of

mineral water – 8.5 to 9.5

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Water & Earth• What % of the Earth is made up of water?• What % of water is Salt, Fresh, and Frozen?• The Earth is made up of

approximately 70% water.• 97% of that water is salt

water. Very little is water that we use to drink & cook• 2% of water is frozen.• 1% of water is fresh water

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Water & Body• What % of our body is made up of water?• Human body is made

up of ~ 60-70% water• Medical source

documents that men have 60% and women have 50% water.

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Water & Blood• What percentage of blood is water?• 92% of 55% which is 50.6%• It is composed of blood cells suspended in a

liquid called blood plasma. Plasma, which constitutes 55% of blood fluid, is mostly water (92% by volume

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Function of Water in body• Identify main functions of water in the body’s

metabolic process.• It delivers oxygen and nutrients to different parts• It removes toxins and waste from the body• Water also has other functions:• Regulates body temperature through

perspiration• Reduces friction between joints and facilitates

movement• Acts as a cushion between organs to protect• Facilitates normal functions of body processes.

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Water & Body• In what way the body lose water & How much?• A person can live without food for weeks but life

cannot last more than few days without water . • Human body is 60-70 % water. We take water

with food and drink, and lose it in urine, in sweat, and in our breath (as water vapor)

• A person loses 1.89-2.83 lit of water every day as a result of their normal body functions

• This much loss means if a person doesn't get any fluids for about three days, they will die.

• 6-9 quarts (5.678-8.517 l) of water loss would cause death.

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Water & Body• Percentage of overall water loss occurs when:

• Thirst is perceived.• Strength and endurance decrease.• Delirium and blurred vision become a problem

and you can not move.• A person dies.

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Water & Body• In one day the person loses between 2 to 3

quarts of water through their urine, sweat, and normal breathing. If a person doesn't replace that lost water, then dehydration begins to occur.

• At 1-2% dehydration, thirst is perceived. (.6-.9 quarts)

• At 5% dehydration, a person becomes hot and tired, and strength and endurance decrease. (1.5-2.25 quarts)

• At 10% dehydration, delirium & blurred vision become a problem, can not move. (3-4.5 quarts)

• At 12-20% dehydration, a person dies (6-9 q)

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Other Water Facts• 1.2 billion people lack access to safe water,• ~one-sixth of the world's population lack access

to adequate sanitation services.• 6,000 die every day from diseases associated

with unsafe water, poor sanitation & hygiene.• Unsafe water & sanitation cause an estimated

80 % of all diseases in the developing world.• Women and girls tend to suffer the most as a

result of the lack of sanitation facilities.• One flush of a Western toilet uses as much

water as the person in the developing world uses for washing, drinking, cleaning & cooking.

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Water facts..Continued• Water use has grown at twice the rate of

population during the past century. • The Middle East, North Africa and South Asia

are chronically short of water.• In developing countries, as much as 90 percent

of waste water is discharged without treatment.• Over pumping groundwater for drinking water

and irrigation has caused water levels to decline by tens of meters in many regions, forcing people to use low-quality water for drinking.

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Water facts..Continued• Losses of water through leakage, illegal hook-

ups and waste amount to about 50 percent of water for drinking and 60 percent of water for irrigation in developing countries.

• Floods affected more than 75 percent of all people impacted by natural disasters during the 1990s and caused over 33 percent of the total estimated costs of natural disasters.

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Problems using Groundwater

Water table lowering Water table lowering

Depletion Depletion

Subsidence Subsidence

Saltwater intrusion Saltwater intrusion

Chemical contamination Chemical contamination

Reduced stream flows Reduced stream flows

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Water and sanitation• Investments in safe drinking water and improved

sanitation show an improvement in human health and economic productivity.

• Each person needs 20 to 50 liters of water free of harmful chemical and microbial contaminants each day for drinking and hygiene.

• It’s a challenge to providing this basic service to large segments of the human population.

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Water - Globally

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Learning Objectives• To understand that water is a global issue and

not just within certain countries• That lack of water is not the only issue in water

insecurity and stress• Access to sanitation is linked to poverty• Development can hinder water quality, access

and supply

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Human water needs• In the US usage in gallons/person/day• A person needs about 1 gallon water/day for

hydration• Personal use - 188• Additional 657 used for irrigation, industrial use • Total per capita use is about 2000

gal/person/day• If world’s water supply were 100 liters, the

usable supply would be about 0.5 tsp (teaspoon)• US has highest per capita water withdrawal,

followed by Canada, Australia, Russia, Japan

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Global water situation• Estimates suggest that nearly 1.5 billion people

lack safe drinking water• At least 5 million deaths per year can be

attributed to waterborne diseases. • With over 70 percent of the planet covered by

oceans, people have long acted as if these water bodies could serve as a limitless dumping ground for wastes.

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A very personal look at water• What happens to water before you drink it?• What happens to water after you dispose of it?• Approximately 57% of Canadians are served by

wastewater treatment plants, compared with 74% of Americans, 86.5% of Germans, and 99% of Swedes.

• Approximately 99% of Swedes are served by wastewater treatment plants

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• The number of people with access to clean water has doubled in the last 20 years.

• 1.1 billion people in the world still do not have access to safe water. This is nearly 20% of the population.

• The number of people with access to clean water has doubled in the last 20 years.

• 1.1 billion people in the world still do not have access to safe water. This is nearly 20% of the population.

Clean water

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The UN estimates that by 2025, 75% of the world population won’t have reliable, clean water.

The UN estimates that by 2025, 75% of the world population won’t have reliable, clean water.

Water future

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Water Resources• Over the last century• Human population has increased 3x• Global water withdrawal has increased 7x• Per capita water withdrawal has increased 4x• About one-sixth of the world’s people don’t have

easy access to safe water• Most water resources are owned & managed

by governments as publicly owned resources

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Water issueCharacteristic of Water Issues• Water is an issue of many sectors such as

industry, environment, agriculture, etc• It is the fundamental issue related to the human

security and social and economic development• The strong leadership and commitment of the

national leaders are essential.

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Global Water Issue 2.6 billion

not have access to proper sanitation facilities (JMP Report, UNICEF/WHO 2006)

1.1 billion

not have access to proper drinking water facilities (JMP Report, UNICEF/WHO 2006)

3.8 million

People die each year of water related diseases(UN World Water Dev, 2006)

7 billion People in 60 countries will be facing water shortage by the middle of 21st century (UN World Water Development 2003)

2 billion will suffer from food damage stemming from population increase & climate change by the middle of the 21st century (UNU-EHS 2004)

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Water Issues in Asia-PacificWater Supply and Sanitation

660 million people live without access to safe drinking water. 1.9 billion people live without access to basic sanitation.

Water-related DisasterThe region accounted for 80% of the world’s total deaths due to water-related disasters (2001-2005).

Water and Food80% of water used for agriculture in the region.60% of the world’s population lives in the region.

1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005


























Number of people killed by water-related disaster

other regionsAsia-Pacific

60 %

80 %

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Too Little Water

Dry climate Dry climate

Drought Drought

Desiccation Desiccation

Water stress Water stress

Acute shortage

Adequate supply


Metropolitan regions with population greater than 1 million

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Interesting fact

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Water consumption/ countries

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Water consumption/use

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Global Water Crisis

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source: Meeting the MDG drinking water and sanitation target : the urban and rural challenge of the decade http://www.who.int/whosis/indicators/2007ImprovedAccessWaterSanitation/en/index.html

Access to Safe drinking water

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Improved Drinking Water Sources

Unimproved Drinking Water Sources

-Piped water into dwelling, plot or yard

-Public tap/standpipe


-Protected dug well

-Protected spring

-Rainwater collection

-Unprotected dug well

-Unprotected spring

-Cart with small tank/drum

-Bottled water


-Surface water (river, dm, lake, etc)

Access to Safe drinking water

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source: Meeting the MDG drinking water and sanitation target : the urban and rural challenge of the decade http://www.who.int/whosis/indicators/2007ImprovedAccessWaterSanitation/en/index.html

Access to improved Sanitation

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Improved Sanitation Facilities

Unimproved Sanitation Facilities

-Flush or pour-flush to piped sewer system, septic tank and pit latrine

-Ventilated improved pit latrine

-Pit latrine with slab

-Composting toilet

-Flush or pour-flush to elsewhere

-Pit latrine without slab or open pit


-Hanging toilet / latrine

-No facilities or bush or field

Access to improved Sanitation

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1/3 of the world’s population live in basins that have to deal with water scarcity

We already inhabit a water scarce world

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Most hungry and poor people live where water challenges pose a constraint to food production

Hunger Goal Indicator: Prevalence of undernourished in developing countries, percentage 2001/2002 (UNstat, 2005)

The semi-arid and arid tropics: 840 million malnourished people remaining


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Water InsecurityWhere do you feel there are areas in the world that have issues of water Insecurity

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Water Security Crisis• 2nd world water forum in 2000 deemed water a

key issue• Health, welfare and livelihoods depend on

secure supplies• Demand and misuse are high• World water forum

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Asia and Pacific• 1/3 of pop’n lacks access to clean drinking water• 500,000 infant related deaths through diarrhoea• Levels of bacteria from human sources is 10x

higher than recommended levels• Agriculture accounts for 90% of freshwater

withdrawals in S. Asia• Aquifer depletion in Asia has reduced water

availability per capita by over half• Withdrawals in W. Africa far exceed natural

replacement levels

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Africa• 25 out of the 57 countries will face either water

stress or scarcity by 2025• Over 300 million lack access to clean water• Sub Saharan Africa this is much worse with over

51% without safe water and 41% without adequate sanitation

• Agriculture accounts for 88% of all groundwater removed and has no protection

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Europe and Central Asia• Lack of access to clean water in E. Europe and

Central Asia• Over half of all European cities over-exploit their

groundwater reserves• Declining water quality in countries with

groundwater pollution (Aral Sea) – the Med and Scandinavian Lakes

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Latin America & Caribbean• Groundwater contamination and depletion from

industrial, agriculture and mining waste• Poor sanitation on 2% of sewage is treated in

Latin America• Economic Scarcity with conflict over access and


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North America• Aquifer depletion in increasing due to urban

pop’n growth, develp’t of industry and agriculture (Cotton in Texas)

• Water pollution from agricultural runoff has contaminated some surface waters. (Salton Sea)

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Is that the whole world??

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What can be done about this?

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Emerging pattern• The balance between human demand and

availability is precarious• Access to clean water is not always guaranteed

when it should be a fundamental right• Pop’n growth especially in the third world mean

prospects are not good.• UN's world water development report

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Millennium Development Goals• In 2000 had a target to halve by 2015 the

proportion of people without access to sustainable water supplies

• By 2005 only 12% of developing countries had managed to do this

• In some LEDC’s fresh and waste water aren’t even separated. (Cholera and dysentery)

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How water is used• In the western US, irrigation makes up 85% of

all water use• 50% to grow food for livestock• 35% to grow crops

• Not sustainable…cost of water is heavily subsidized by the federal government

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Key Areas-Direct Operations• Virtually all business organizations utilize water

in the production of their goods & services, the extent of use varies

• For instance, water-infrastructure companies play a direct role in working with governments and municipalities to manage water and wastewater systems.

• In other cases, water is a primary ingredient in an organization’s final product. Water is also crucial in the manufacturing or development process of many companies. In still others, water is a primary resource in the supply chain.

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Key Areas-Direct Operations• In areas of water stress, rapid industrialization

place significant demands on water resources.• Therefore, we pledge to undertake the following

actions as appropriate & during the period1.Conduct a comprehensive water-use

assessment (audits) to understand the extent to which the company uses water in the direct production of goods and services.

2.Set targets for operations related to water conservation and waste-water treatment, framed in a corporate cleaner production and consumption strategy.

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Key Areas-Direct Operations3. Seek to invest in and use new technologies to

achieve these goals.4. Raise awareness of water sustainability within

corporate culture.5. Include water sustainability considerations in

business decision-making – e.g., facility-siting, due diligence, and production processes.

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Benefit of saving• Everyone will also get enough water to use• Save water, reduce electricity & water bills, also

reduce maintenance efforts, time & cost• Water harvesting• Utilise Grey water• Water efficient garden• Using water efficient products

• No waiting or running behind tankers• Save water and protect our environment

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Benefit of saving• Covering the swimming pool

• Lowers the pool temperature• Decreases evaporation• Prevents debris falling on the pool surface• Reduce sunlight penetration, reduce amount

of chemicals needed to keep the pool clean. • By covering your vehicles when not in use, use

less water & efforts for washing• Water efficient gardens use plants that attract

native birds, makes it more enjoyable• A water efficient garden directs water to where it

is needed, so no problem with runoff or erosion.

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Benefit of saving• Conserving water saves money allowing

marketing edge in a very competitive industry.• Protecting valuable water resources maintains

competitive advantage. • Enhance relationships with staff, customers and

the local community • Enhance organization’s reputation as an

environmentally responsible employer • Save on energy bills by reducing hot water


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Benefit of saving• More water available for local streams,

wetlands, and their natural inhabitants• Reducing impact on local water supplies and

systems• Reduced pumping need reduces energy costs• Decreased infrastructure requirements such as

maintenance and upgrades of equipment• Reduced environmental risks associated with

wastewater• Preparation of company for future water

restriction and increased water prices

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Benefit of saving• Water recycling and runoff management allows

further use of water for free• Increase productivity- efficient water use leads

to greater returns per hectare.• Improve whole farm efficiency and sustainability.• Prevent deep drainage from over-watering.• Saving money through reduced water costs and

more effective use of fertilizers• Lower energy requirements for pumping less

water reduces costs.• Decreases demand on local water supply.• Allow farmers to maximize irrigated area

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Benefit of saving• Increased savings through reduced water and

pumping costs• Reduced fertilizer application• Lower energy requirements for pumping• Reduced amount of drainage water and surface

runoff• Additional water for expansion or trading • Less impact on environment

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What have we learnt• There is no life without water• Extremely small % of fresh & usable water is

available for human being out of total stock• That water is a global issue and not just within

certain countries• That lack of water is not the only issue, but also

water insecurity and water stress• Access to sanitation is linked to poverty• Development can hinder water quality, access

and supply• Using water carefully could minimize the


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References • www.wikipedia.org; www.google.com, www.slideshare.net• Gannon; Osmond, , Humenik, Gale, Spooner, Agricultural Water Quality Water resource• U.S.A. Environmental protection agency, washington, dc (usa)• MacKenzie, SH The Ecosystem ISLAND PRESS, CA (USA), 1996, 240• Water pollution and society ByDavid Krantz and Brad Kifferstein• Water pollution, By Mahesh & Ram, By Shohail Motahir Choudhury, Prasen Raptan,Executive

Director,Jankalyana• Living in the Environment, By G. Tyler Miller’s• Authors Arnone Matteo,Belingheri Omar,Fasce Federico,Migliorino Lorenzo,Ernest Kyć,• Michał Stolarski,Adam Chłąd,Kamil Tratkiewicz• Water Pollution by Dr. B. Victor• Refresher course on sewage treatment plant design by PAUL• Trends and Scenarios in Agricultural Development by COLIN CHARTRES; International Water Management

Institute• Diamond Energy Water. The close relationship between Water & Our Body. 19 April 2008 • <http://www.be-with-you.com/dew/WaterAndOurBody.html>.• We Rise. Water Facts. Allabout_facts. 15 May 2008 <www.werise.us/allabout_facts.html>• “Olympic Science: The Hydration Rate.” Popular Mechanics. August 2008. 68.• Water Security: Leadership and Commitment by Shuichi Hirayama• Environmental Pollutants By Dr.Rathnakar U.P.MD.DIH.PGDHM (K.M.C. Mangalore)• Water Pollution By DiGiT• Water Pollution & Cleanup By Andrew J Penniman• Water Pollution by Home• Air, Water and Soil pollution - By B.Tungalagtuya• John Rodgers - Lecture 8: Water Pollution• pppst.com• kangenforall.com