3550 e. knox rd • phoenix, az 85044 · 8/16/2020  · corpus chris catholic church phx.org men of...

3550 E. Knox Rd Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480 - 893 - 8770 Children s Faith Formation Office: 480 - 893 - 1160 Parish: corpuschristiphx.org Formed: corpuschristiphx.formed.org Text JOINCC to 84576 or go to flocknote.com/corpuschrisƟcc for latest communicaƟons from the parish.

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Page 1: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044

Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160


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Page 2: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 2

Corpus Chris Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal rela onship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.

Parish Office Hours Our phones are open Mon.-Fri. 9-11:30 am and Mon.-Thurs. 1-5 pm. The office is open by appointment only. Most staff are working remotely at this time and can be reached by email and voicemail.

Children’s Faith Formation (Catholic Education) Office Hours: Open by appointment only.

Gift Shop Hours: Open by appointment only.

M T Please check your email for informa on sent via Flocknote regarding Mass mes, procedures, and sign-up links. You must sign-up to attend the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.

Saturday Vigil: 4:00

Sunday: 7:00

8:30 (Livestreamed)

[Distribu on of Holy Communion: 9:30-10:00 ]

10:30 am

Daily Mass: Monday—Saturday: 8:15 am (Livestreamed with distribu on of Communion available

immediately following Mass.)

Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Friday: 6:30

Confessions Confessions are held in the church in the choir area and the baptistry (when a guest priest is available). Please adhere to all posted safety protocols.

Tuesday: 5:00–5:45 Thursday: 7:00 –8:00 Saturday: 2:30 –3:30

Adora on The Adora on Chapel will be opened with limited hours from 9am-8pm, Monday—Thursday.

There are 8 chairs in the chapel, spaced 6-feet apart – please DO NOT move the chairs. While we are doing the best we can in provid-ing sani zer and/or cleaning wipes, if possible, please bring your own to clean your space before you leave.

How Can We Help You?

We have a list of volunteers willing to pick-up and deliver prescrip ons, groceries, and meals for other parishioners that are high-risk or otherwise unable to leave their homes.

Please email: [email protected] to coordinate services.

Clergy and Staff Members Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Temporary Parochial Administrator [email protected]

Deacon Chris Kellogg [email protected]

Deacon Dennis Lambert [email protected] Website/Blog: dennislambert-writer.com

Retired Deacon Al Gaudio Retired Deacon Phil Simeone

Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager [email protected]

Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Kathleen Foley, Parishioner Engagement Coordinator kathleen.foley@corpuschris phx.org

Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor chris .deg@corpuschris phx.org Bulle n submissions: bulle n@corpuschris phx.org

Linda McCormack, Children’s Faith Formation Office Manager linda.mccormack@corpuschris phx.org

Kathy Egle, Director of Evangeliza on kathy.egle@corpuschris phx.org | cff@corpuschris phx.org

John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries john.deg@corpuschris phx.org

Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth Evangeliza on grace.rivera@corpuschris phx.org

Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy ma hew.henry@corpuschris phx.org

Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager [email protected]

Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor ken.doering@corpuschris phx.org

Council Presidents Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@corpuschris phx.org

Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council

Page 3: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Twen eth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2020 3

Parish Contribu ons

August 2, 2020

Tithing* Weekly Total........................................ $32,129.20 Weekly Budget.................................... $24,667.20 Weekly Surplus (Deficit)...................... $7,462.00

Fiscal Year-to-date Total .................... $131,935.34 Fiscal Year-to-date Budget................. $129,478.20 Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit).... $2,457.14

*Includes Sunday collections, Online Giving, and mid-week tithing.

Other Contribu ons

Miscellaneous……….....…….......................... $101.00

Building Fund Collec on……...................... $647.00 Building Fund Balance……........................... $79,243.77

Monday, August 17

8:15 am † Michael Botsko

Tuesday, August 18

8:15 am † Aurora Antiporda 6:00 pm † Demtrios Viglis

Wednesday, August 19, St. John Eudes

8:15 am † Louise Kohler

Thursday, August 20, St. Bernard 8:15 am † Carmen Massimiano

Friday, August 21, Pope St. Pius X

6:30 am Tammy Nguyen 8:15 am † Vincent Riley

Saturday, August 22, The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8:15 am Living & Deceased Members of the Spoljarick Family 4:00 pm † Vaclav & † Kristyna Jakubicek

Sunday, August 23

7:00 am Lance Pederson 8:30 am Natalie Bauer 10:30 am Parishioners

Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at flocknote.com/corpuschris cc Sign-up for electronic newsle ers, emergency no fica ons, and other communica ons, such as when parish ac vi es will resume.

Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/corpuschris phoenix

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Chris Catholic Church Phoenix (h ps://www.youtube.com/c/CorpusChris CatholicChurchPhoenix )

Offering a Mass Inten on The custom of reques ng a priest to offer the Mass for a specific inten on, even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass, is a longstanding tradition in the Church. This is because the Church considers the Mass as the greatest possible prayer of intercession, insofar as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the paschal mystery of his death and resurrec on. To request a Mass offering for the inten ons of a living person or for the repose of the soul of a deceased person, please feel free to contact the Parish Office. For more information and to make the request electronically (with optional payment by credit card) please visit corpuschristiphx.org/mass-inten on.

Please consider Online Giving! Safe • Simple • Secure

Our parish was founded 35 years ago, and we want it to continue strong in its mission to lead people closer to Jesus for the next 35 years and beyond! There has never been a bigger need, or better reasons, to use Online Giving to support our parish. To get started, please click the ONLINE GIVING but-ton at corpuschristiphx.org and follow the simple instructions for repeat electronic giving to the Sunday Collection.

Thank you for your continued support & generosity!

Page 4: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 4

There is nothing more beau ful than God. We can’t even fathom His beauty, as it is beyond our comprehension on this Earth. God is also a creator and everything He creates reflects His beauty. Since we are made in His image and likeness, we too are creators and are naturally inclined to re-create beauty. We are drawn to beau ful things and are repulsed by ugly things because the beauty of things elevates our hearts toward God. Whether it be through music, poetry, art, or nature, we can recognize beauty by the way it penetrates our souls and connects us to the perfect creator.

Throughout her history, the Catholic Church has always been a big fan of beauty because of how it both reflects the beauty of God and how it elevates the human heart to God. This is evidenced by all of the beau ful churches and cathedrals around the world, brilliant works of art depic ng scenes from our faith, and the most glorious music about heavenly things that can bring tears to our eyes. The Catechism even has a sec on dedicated to sacred art. It says that art is a dis nctly “human form of expression” and that our ability to create is a gift from God in order that we might mimic Him and give visual and audible form to ma ers of truth and reality (CCC #2501). While art is not an end in and of itself, it orders us to our ultimate end which is heaven – a place of incomprehensible beauty (CCC #2501). In other words, the more we create and contemplate beauty, the further we move forward on the right path.

The Catechism goes on to say that sacred art should seek to glorify God and encourage adora on as it communicates the invisible beauty of truth. This is not to say that sacred art is the only good, noble and beau ful art. Secular art can most certainly be beau ful and can elevate your heart to God through beauty. Think of beauty as exis ng on a spectrum, with God as the standard to which every beau ful thing should be compared. When considering two beau ful things, one will bring you closer to God than another. If the things that you find beau ful are not drawing you into deeper relationship with your

Creator, consider spending more time contemplating what true beauty actually is as it relates to Him.

In 1999, Pope St. John Paul II wrote the Le er to Ar sts, which he addressed “to all who are passionately dedicated to the search for new ‘epiphanies’ of beauty so that through their crea ve work as ar sts they may offer these gi s to the world.” In other words, the le er was not just dedicated to religious ar sts, but all ar sts as they collec vely enrich the world with their many gi s. The pope quotes Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” – and explains how God has invited artists to participate in His creative power (LtA #1). Recognizing that a beautiful painting can be painted by a terrible man, Pope John Paul II is careful to explain that to be an artist is to accept a call to a particular vocation for one’s life. Thus, artists who seek to create truly beautiful things, should seek to live their lives rightly so that, through their voca on, they reflect who they are as people. Toward the end of the letter, the pope appeals to all artists – “ar sts of the wri en and spo-ken word, of the theatre and music, of the plas c arts and the most recent technologies in the field of communication…use your crea ve intui on to enter into the heart of the mystery of the Incarnate God and at the same me into the mystery of man.” (LtA #14). If you are an artist of any sort, or if you are curious about the Church’s history and rela onship with art, the 15 or so pages of this le er are worth the read and they are readily available through a quick internet search.

Now that we be er understand the voca on and the proper goals of the ar st, how does that affect the way we interact with art and beau ful things? First, in recognizing the ar st’s voca on, we should see their talent as a gi from God to enrich our lives. Like any vocation, an artist’s vocation reaches far beyond that par cular individual and is intended to build up the en re Body of Christ. Secondly, we should not only be thankful for the things we find beau ful, but we should be thankful for the ar sts that gave them to us. Anyone who has stood in the Sis ne Chapel is

- Jen Arnold, M.A. in Theology and Cateche cs

Page 5: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Twen eth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2020


most certainly thankful for the art that is contained inside. However, how o en do we stop to thank God for Michelangelo, who used his gi s and talents to glorify God so that we might also revel in His awesome majesty? A er all, as wonderful as the gi of art is, our greatest gi s are other people who are made in

the image and likeness of God. Finally, we must pray for all ar sts of all kinds that they might recognize their voca on for what it is and seek to par cipate in eleva ng others’ hearts to God.

What are some practical things we can do with regard to beauty and art? Find a favorite piece of sacred art and, if possible, perhaps in the Adoration chapel, contemplate how it draws you more deeply into rela onship with God. It could be anything from the richness of the colors, the complexity of the details, or maybe its mere simplicity. Keep beautiful and sacred art in your home and take time to appreciate it. When you engage with beau ful secular art, no ce the ways in which it s ll helps to draw you closer to God. For example, does a beau ful nature scene help you to appreciate the beauty of God’s crea on? Is the human body in a par cular piece being portrayed with dignity as someone created in the image and likeness of God? Are you reading things that encourage virtue or vice? Pray for your favorite ar sts by name, whether living or dead, and thank God for the gi s He’s given us in those ar sts. Listen to beau ful mu-sic frequently. On a personal note, I love music and listen to all types and genres, but when I am experiencing stress or anxiety, I am notorious for turning on Gregorian Chant. It calms and soothes my soul, which is no accident when you consider the beauty of the subject ma er, which is all things holy, heavenly, and beau ful. Try it the next time you feel unsettled! God has given us countless means through which we can increase our love and devotion to Him. Art is one of the many ways for us to do that and we should take full advantage.

“Begin with the beautiful, which leads you to the good, which leads you to the truth.”

Bishop Rober Bar on

Page 6: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org

Men of St. Joseph

Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry

T I A Your Feedback is Needed

Return of Our Monthly Speaker Programs Beginning September 2 at 6:30pm, we will resume our monthly speaker program “virtually.” As much as we’d all like to be back together in the Parish Center drinking coffee, ea ng snacks, and enjoying each other’s company, I’m afraid the virus is s ll preven ng that for now. As a result, our presenta on will be going virtual/on-line. Trust me, (Dcn. Dennis speaking here) as technologically challenged as I am, the process is very easy. Shortly before Sept. 2, a link and instructions will be sent out. We will also send the link out the day-of as a reminder. Our speaker will be Mike Phelan, Director of Marriage and Respect Life for the Diocese of Phoenix. Please join us. I look so forward to praying and sharing in the faith with you!

Book Club Un l we can gather safely on a weekly basis, we have decided to act on the suggestion of starting a book club. We’ll keep it short and sweet. Participants will be asked to purchase a book, read approximately two chapters of it each week, and join a weekly virtual mee ng to discuss what was read. We will begin with Salva on: What Every Catholic Should Know, by Michael Patrick Barber and have our first discussion on Wed. Sept. 9 at 6:30pm.


If you are interested in par cipa ng, please email either [email protected] or [email protected] to give us an accurate count of those who can commit to joining us. There are ten chapters to this book, so our total weeks in study and dialogue will be five weeks. As we get close to finishing, we will announce a new book and send out another invita on to our larger group.


Do you love working with


Children’s Faith Formation is looking for Catholic adults who feel called to share their love of God and their Faith with our children. Teachers and aides are needed for grades K-5. Due to C -19, class sizes will need to remain small. We therefore need addi onal catechists in order to offer enough classes. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kathy Egle at [email protected].

2020-2021 K-5th Grade Registra on

Registra on is now open for Children’s Faith Forma on, grades K-5th! There are three op ons for parents to choose from: in-person class, virtual class, or homeschooling. Please visit h ps://www.corpuschris phx.org/edu-registra on to register today! Registra on will close on September 15th.

Family Faith Formation

Do you have a child between the ages of 7-18 who is unbap zed? Did someone in your family miss receiving his or her First Communion or Confirma on? Corpus Chris ’s Family Faith Forma on is here to serve you. We work with families that have members who need to receive the Sacraments of Ini a on. This is done together, as a family unit, guided by John Deg. If you would like more informa on, please contact him at John.deg@corpuschris phx.org or register online at h ps://corpuschris phx.org/sacrament-family.

Page 7: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Twen eth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 16, 2020 7

Let the Word of God influence your busy life!

Coffee Break Women's Ministry

Scripture Study, Prayer, and Fellowship

All Catholic women are invited to join us as we explore Ephesians.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reveals the amazing inheritance we have been given. We invite all women of the parish to uncover the amazing gi s God has given you by joining us for Ephesians: Discover Your Inheritance, an eight-week Bible study beginning the week of Sept 9.

You will not only discover your unique gi s and calling as a member of Christ’s Church; you will also help us to grow in fellowship as we grow closer to Christ together.

The cost is $30 (cash or check made out to Corpus Chris Catholic Church). There will be op ons for both virtual and in-person mee ngs, however, the in-person mee ngs will be limited based on size and ability to maintain 6 . separa on between par cipants. Please sign-up for Flocknote and select to receive emails from Coffee Break for more informa on. You can also email [email protected] if you have any ques ons.

Rest in Peace

Jack Conway Bob Muller

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


Pray for the Sick

Lee Burton, John C. Cooper, Gloria Costello, Kayla Ellison,

Richard Fate, Parker Heckhaus, Pat Hungerford, Jim King, June McNaught, Ana Minelli, Luis Perez, Stephanie Siatta,

Sue Simeone, Frank Spadafore, Dennis Sullivan, Betty Tamisiea, and all who are suffering from the Corona virus

St. Vincent de Paul Society

“Monetary Dona on Only” Water Drive!

Ends August 30th

(Actual bo led water will not be accepted.)

Please place your donation in the large, white box located in the church vestibule.

All proceeds placed in this box will be designated for bo led water, which will be distributed to those in need throughout the valley.

Your generosity and con nued support are truly appreciated.

Page 8: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris phx.org 8

Frequently Asked Ques ons

How do I register? All Catholics living in the Parish area are invited to register in the Parish. Registration forms can be filled out via our parish website.

Adults 18+ need to be registered separately from their parents in order to get married, have their own children bap zed, or be Godparents or Sponsors.

In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor or to receive discounted tuition rates at Catholic Schools, one must be a registered Catholic and ac ve in the parish, which is indicated by use of contribu on envelopes or the Online Giving program.

How do I have my child Bap zed? Before scheduling the date, please leave a message for Carol Pavlak in the Parish Office. A preparation class is also required for parents prior to the child’s Bap sm. This poten ally may be fulfilled via an online course.

How do I request Anointing of the Sick? Please call the Parish Office at 480-893-8770DO NOT WAIT un l someone is very near death to have the person anointed! Although Anoin ng of the Sick was once known as “Last Rites,” wai ng un l a person is near death could risk that person not being able to receive the Sacrament if he or she should pass away prior to the priest being able to arrive. Anointing of the Sick can only be administered while the person is still alive. To limit exposure and spread of the Corona virus, Communion to the Sick is not available during this me. The Sacrament of Anoin ng is s ll available for those approaching the end of life.

How do I get married in the Church? The Diocese of Phoenix requires a NINE MONTH marriage prepara on process. Call or e-mail John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries, so he can go over the process. Do NOT set the date until approved by John as it cannot be guaranteed.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our

protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke

him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who

prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas.

We fly to you today as your beloved children. We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at the wedding in Cana.

Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our na on and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protec on of your holy angels, that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

For those already afflicted, we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliverance.

Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them to trust.

In this me of trial and tes ng, teach all of us in the Church to love one another and to be pa ent and kind.

Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our hearts.

We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are our compassionate mother, health of the sick and cause of our joy.

Shelter us under the mantle of your protec on, keep us in the embrace of your arms, help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus.


Page 9: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 8/16/2020  · Corpus Chris Catholic Church phx.org Men of St. Joseph Corpus Christi Men’s Ministry Tó IÃÖÊÙã A Your Feedback is Needed

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New opportunities to give of yourself with your time and talents!

W L N C M !

First, THANK YOU so much to all the current and previous Pastoral Council and Finance Council members. These two groups have played vital roles in making our parish what it is today! Your me, given in service to our parish, is so greatly appreciated!

We love all our council members and it is always sad when one of his or her terms comes due! Alas, things must change, and new perspec ves are needed to keep our parish growing! We have several member terms coming due, so we are looking for parishioners who are interested in serving on one of these councils!

The Pastoral Council meets with the pastor once a month to discuss, prayerfully discern, and provide advice on various topics regarding the parish. They also help to promote communica on, understanding, and resolu on among parish ministries, organiza ons, and parishioners.

The Finance Council meets with the pastor every other month to discuss and provide advice on all parish ma ers related to finance. A finance-related background (accounting, management, law, business, etc.) is helpful!

If you are a parishioner in full communion with the Catholic Church and are endowed with an overall knowledge of parish life and sensi vity to pastoral values, please prayerfully consider applying!

If prayer has led you to applying, please write a short le er or email (just one or two paragraphs is fine) to Fr. Rey (administrator@corpuschris phx.org) describing yourself, how you have been involved in the parish, and why you are interested in serving the parish, and our Lord, in this way.

Thank you!