365 days since sangfor launched cyber incident response

www.sangfor.com Sangfor Technologies Inc. 365 Days Since Sangfor Launched Cyber Incident Response Service JEFFREY LEE | CYBER SECURITY CONSULTANT CREST Registered Tester (CRT), Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), CompTIA Pentest+ (Pentest+), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

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www.sangfor.com Sangfor Technologies Inc.

365 Days Since Sangfor Launched Cyber Incident Response ServiceJEFFREY LEE | CYBER SECURITY CONSULTANTCREST Registered Tester (CRT),

Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP),

CompTIA Pentest+ (Pentest+),

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)





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Cyber Incident Response Statistics

Case StudiesHow Easy is it to Find &

Attack Victims

Summary & Key Takeaways

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Why Did Sangfor Launch CIR Service?

• Increased Demand

• Increase Market Security Awareness

• Reduce Number of Attacks

• Sangfor à Trusted Security Advisor

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Cyber Incident Response Statistics



Web Defacement


Phishing Email




Malware Web Defacement Phishing Email Others

Types # of Cases

Malware 68

Web Defacement 9

Phishing Email 5

Others 3

Data From Nov 2019 – Oct 2020

Cyber Incident Response statistics

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Details on Malware Case





# of cases: 51 (75%)

# of cases: 7 (10%)

# of cases: 10 (15%)

# of cases: 68

Data From Nov 2019 – Oct 2020

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Details on Malware Case – Ransomware


Lack of Gateway Protection Mechanisms # of cases: 8 (16%)

# of cases: 14 (27%)Lack of Endpoint Protection Mechanisms

# of cases: 51

Data From Nov 2019 – Oct 2020

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Details on Malware Case


High Risk Ports Exposed

Malicious Download


# of cases: 42 (82%)

# of cases: 6 (12%)

# of cases: 3 (6%)

# of cases: 51

Data From Nov 2019 – Oct 2020

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PART 2 How Easy is it to Find & Attack Victims

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It’s Easy To Find Victims!




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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Transmission Method

Malicious code embedded in attachment (E.g.: Locky, Petya Variant)

Personal PC


Exploit Kit

Brute Force

Phishing Email

Brute force RDP/SSH/SMB/DB services (E.g.: .java, Globelmposter variant)

Servers with Remote Access

Vulnerability & Command Exploitation (E.g.: WannaCry, Petya Variant)Vulnerable Server

Backlink, iframe & drive-by download (E.g.: Cerber)Vulnerable Workstation

Malware Transmission Method

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Locate Random Victim

Hacker Search Engine


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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Locate Random Victim

Hackers’ Search Engine


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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Locate Random Victim

Hackers’ Tools

IP Scanning Tools

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Exposed RDP Service

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Exposed RDP Service

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Exposed SMB Service

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Exposed SMB Service

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It’s Easy To Find Victims – Google Dorks

Google Hacking Database (GHDB)

- Google Dorks

- E.g.:

• Inurl:”/index.php”

• Intitle:”login page”

• filetype:”.pdf”

• etc…

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Attacking These Victims

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Attacking Victims – RDP Service

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Attacking Victims – RDP Service

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Attacking Victims – SMB Service

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Attacking Victims – SMB Service

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Attacking Victims – Example

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Ask yourself....

How Easy is it to Find a Random Victim?


How Easy is it to Launch an Attack?

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PART 3 Case Studies

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Case Studies

Brute Force Attack

• External Attack

• Firewall Not Well Configured

• Antivirus Software Installed


• Internal Attack

• Firewall Well Configured

• Antivirus Software Installed

Company-X Background Company-Y Background

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Case Study 1 – Company-X

Company-X Background

Industry: Tech Hardware & Semiconductors

Company Size: +10,000

Revenue: +130M USD per year

Malware Family: GlobeImposter2.0

Existing Products: P-Firewall + K-Antivirus Software

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Case Study 1 – Company-XEvent Verification And Validation

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Case Study 1 – Company-XLocating Malicious Files

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Case Study 1 – Company-XLocate Patient Zero

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Case Study 1 – Company-XInternal East-West Brute Force Attack

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Case Study 1 – Company-XBrute Force Attack From Internet

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Case Study 1 – Company-XAttack Source Determination

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Case Study 1 – Company-XAttack Source Determination

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Case Study 1 – Company-X Summary


Exposed High Risk Ports

Lack of Security Awareness

Weak Password In Use

Incompetent Antivirus software

Insufficient Detection Mechanism

Improper Firewall Configuration

TIARA Service+

IR Service+

Consultation Service+

Sangfor Products

No High Risk Ports Ransomware

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Case Study 2

Company-Y Background

Industry: Telecommunications Equipment

Company Size: +40,000

Revenue: +245M per year

Malware Family: Sodinokibi

Existing Products: P-Firewall + S-Antivirus Software

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Case Study 2 – Company-YEvent Verification And Validation

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Case Study 2 – Company-YLocate Malicious Files

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Case Study 2 – Company-YLocate Malicious Files

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Case Study 2 – Company-YEmail From S-antivirus Software Vendor

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Case Study 2 – Company-YEvent Log Analysis

Machine A

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Case Study 2 – Company-YEvent Log Analysis

Machine B

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Case Study 2 – Company-YPatient Zero Determination

Machine C

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Case Study 2 – Company-YPatient Zero Determination

Machine D

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Case Study 2 – Company-YPatient Zero Determination

Machine FMachine E

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Case Study 2 – Company-YPatient Zero Determination

Machine G Machine H

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Case Study 2 – Company-Y Summary


Improper Daily Practice

Lack of Security Awareness

Weak Password In Use

Incompetent Antivirus software

Insufficient Detection Mechanism

No Regular Security Patching

TIARA Service+

IR Service+

Consultation Service+

Vulnerability Assessment+

Sangfor Products

No High Risk Ports Ransomware

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PART 4 Summary & Key Takeaways

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Even with an Umbrella, No One is Dry Walking in the Rain

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Preparation is KEY




-Are we prepare enough? -

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What Should We Do?

Always Review Your Security Posture

External Attack Surfaces Defense-in-Depth Security Controls

external internal

EASY: External Attack Surface Identification

VAPT: Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing TIARA: Threat Identification, Analysis and Risk Assessment

Interview Consultation Service


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Key Takeaways

Always review and

assess security controls


Can’t afford to suffer the

consequences of


Prevention is better than Reaction

Failing businesses wait for mistakes and react. Successful businesses avoid mistakes proactively.


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Next Weekly Security Webinar

Network Detection & Response: The Key ToolAvoiding Security Breaches

Network Detection & Response: The key tool avoiding securitybreaches

Prevention does not stop attacks!!! According to AV-TEST,there are over 350,000 new variants of malware detectedevery day. Even if your security system is able to block 99%,hundreds of new malware are stilll able to bypass yoursecurity controls.

Therefore, your security team should detect and investigatequickly for anything they are not able to prevent and finally,remove the security event before it becomes a breach.

Network Detection and Response is the perfect tool to helpyou detect faster, and respond smarter to the threats in yournetwork. Join Sangfor experts on December 8th at [TIME] todiscuss the ins and outs of NDR, it's capabilities and why it's soimportant to an enterprise.

8th December 2020 16:00 (GMT +8)


www.sangfor.com Sangfor Technologies Inc.


Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP),

CompTIA Pentest+ (Pentest+),

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)