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Jonathan Jutsen Chairman AUSTRALIAN ALLIANCE TO SAVE ENERGY (A2SE) Kim Lawrence Executive Director – Corporate & Project Finance CLEAN ENERGY FINANCE CORPORATION Nik Midlam Manager, Carbon Strategy CITY OF SYDNEY Luke Menzel Chief Executive Officer ENERGY EFFICIENCY COUNCIL Attend & learn: How to build a business case for energy efficiency How to make real cost savings How to finance energy efficiency programs How to lead community energy & mobilisation Key Speakers Energy Efficiency in Local Government 16th & 17th September 2015, Sydney Boulevard Hotel Leveraging innovative energy efficiency to build a sustainable council future phone 1300 316 882 fax 1300 918 334 [email protected] www.localgovenergy.com Register 3 delegates at the ‘standard price’ & bring a 4th delegate FREE!* Hear from leading councils & experts in this highly practical & case study driven program to deliver innovative energy efficiency Spaces are limited, book early to avoid missing out! > see inside for more Pre & mid conference workshops How to make the switch to LED’s How to finance energy efficiency How to implement energy efficiency across your entire council A B C Endorsed by

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Jonathan JutsenChairman

AustrAliAn AlliAnce to sAve energy (A2se)

Kim LawrenceExecutive Director – Corporate & Project Finance

cleAn energy FinAnce corporAtion

Nik MidlamManager, Carbon Strategy

city oF sydney

Luke MenzelChief Executive Officer

energy eFFiciency council

Attend & learn:

How to build a business case for energy efficiency

How to make real cost savings

How to finance energy efficiency programs

How to lead community energy & mobilisation

Key Speakers

Energy Efficiency in Local Government

16th & 17th september 2015, sydney Boulevard Hotel

Leveraging innovative energy efficiency to build a sustainable council future

phone 1300 316 882 fax 1300 918 334 [email protected] www.localgovenergy.com

Register 3 delegates at the ‘standard price’ & bring a 4th delegate FREE!*

Hear from leading councils & experts in this highly practical & case study driven program to deliver innovative energy efficiency

Spaces are limited, book early to avoid missing out!> see inside for more

Pre & mid conference workshops

How to make the switch to LED’sHow to finance energy efficiencyHow to implement energy efficiency across your entire council



CEndorsed by

To register phone 1300 316 882 fax 1300 918 334 [email protected] www.localgovenergy.com

Plus key contributions from:

Liam RyannsW office of environment and Heritage

Paul MurfittMoreland energy Foundation

Michelle PlayfordWestern sydney regional organisation of councils (Wsroc ltd)

Senior Representativedepartment of the environment

Scott FerraroclimateWorks Australia

Sharyn Hunnisettlismore city council

Nicky Isoncoalition for community energy & institute for sustainable Futures uts

Laura LynchMoreland city council

Sabina Douglas-Hilldepartment of state development, sA

Stuart NesbittMoreland city council

Adrian StokesAdelaide city council

Victoria Hartcity of Melbourne

Hugh Butchercity of yarra

Karen Rosenburgcity of Whittlesea

Shane MelotteMoreland city council

SAVE $300 when you register & pay by 26th June 2015*

This conference will explore • Policyandregulatoryimpactsforcouncilenergy

efficiency• Progressivecommunityenergygenerationprojects• Emergingfundingopportunitiesandcontractingmodels• Innovativetechnologiesandprogramsthatcanmakeyour

councilrealsavings• MakingtheshifttoLEDlightingupgrades• Thelatestinnovativecasestudiesfromleadingcouncils

Going beyond compliance to leadershipFinding areas to reduce costs is important for all local government because costs are rising faster than revenue streams. Electricity and carbon costs remain a big challenge in Australia. With increased pressure on local government to create efficiencies and make cost savings, the smart management of energy efficiency is viewed as one of the most successful means of achieving this.

Local government will play a unique leadership role in this era of change with sustainability growing as a core business and by utilising new technologies can reduce energy costs and consumption to save money and enhance service delivery in the face of rate pressures.

Better managing energy needs and taking simple energy efficient measures will bring financial, reputational and environmental benefits to your council and community.

Are you ready to go beyond compliance to become a leader in energy efficiency and sustainability?

• Chief Financial Officers/ Financial Operations Managers

• General Managers • Director of Infrastructure/ Planning

• Energy Efficiency/ Sustainability/ Environment Managers

• Building Efficiency • Renewable Energy • Climate Change/ Carbon Officers

• Community Energy Officers

Sponsorship opportunities

We work closely with corporate partners to create unique and innovative tailored sponsorship packages that best meet your specific marketing, business development and corporate entertainment objectives.

Contact David Huggan on +61 2 9239 5710 and find out how you can make your mark on this industry.

Who will attend from Local Government?


For more information or to discuss additional sponsorship options that have not been listed above contact David Huggan on 61 2 9239 5710 or [email protected]

• One-off niche conferences – always around a hot topic and at a time when the sector are looking to make real change

• Premium delegate – key decision-makers in the organisation

• At least 8 touch points over 2 days for networking and meetings – including speed networking

• Wishlists – we get your top prospects to attend and make sure you meet them face to face

• Delegates actually want to hear from sponsors – technology and consulting providers have much needed advice and solutions

• Interactive – round tables are an excellent way to find out what delegates’ issues and needs are

What makes Criterion Conferences different?

PaCkage oPtions:speaking opportunitiesPresent a case study with real advice for the delegates, or facilitate a half or full day workshop

Panel discussionsTake part in a debate in this Q&A style forum with C-level end user speakers

Roundtable discussionsExcellent for discussion and also for lead generation – find out what end users are working on

exhibition standYour base for 2 days – this is the place for one-on-one discussions with delegates. You get to meet them all

Brief overviewEnergy efficiency is an effective, immediate means of managing energy needs more sustainably. By utilising new technologies local government can reduce their energy costs and consumption without compromising their service delivery quality.

Why sponsor? Local Government are searching for the solutions to achieve energy efficiency including:

• Energy efficient street lighting upgrades • Energy and battery storage • Large scale solar PV and other solar solutions • Cogeneration and trigeneration • Off grid renewables • Sustainability and HVAC design

sponsorship opportunities

Day 1 Wednesday, 16th September 2015

8:00 Welcome, coffee & networking

8:30 Opening remarks from the Chair

The future of energy efficiency

9:20 Driving efficiency in local government: What you need to know • How to make informed decisions for your council and community• Getting outcomes on lighting, distributed generation and building efficiency

that save money and reduce emissions• Identifying and working with energy efficiency experts to become a leading

sustainable council

Luke Menzel Chief Executive OfficerEnergy Efficiency Council

10:30 Morning tea & networking

11:00 What does decarbonisation mean for local governments & what role can energy efficiency play?

• What will be required at a local level to achieve decarbonisation?• What role can energy efficiency play, and how hard do we need to push?• How local governments can develop effective emission reduction strategies

Scott Ferraro Head of ImplementationClimateWorks Australia

The financials of energy12:20 Finance & business models for accelerating change• Seeing local government as leaders in social enterprise• Developing an innovative model that cost saves and leverages the key role of

local government• Addressing the need to become less reliant on government grants

Paul Murfitt Chief Executive OfficerMoreland Energy Foundation

1:00 Networking lunch

2:00 An overview of energy efficiency & renewable programs• The NSW Energy Savings Scheme and the Emissions Reduction Fund• Finance mechanisms including Environmental Upgrade Agreements• The Regional Clean Energy Program and community energy grants• Procurement policies including the NSW Government Resource Efficiency


Liam Ryan Principal Policy Officer, Resource Efficiency Policy BranchNSW Office of Environment and Heritage

2:40 New avenues for local government to fund energy efficiency & renewable projects

• Energy efficiency financing options to save on energy costs• What information will help finance teams make better investment decisions • Making a solid business case to align goals of your multiple stakeholders

Kim Lawrence Executive Director – Corporate & Project FinanceClean Energy Finance Corporation

3:20 Afternoon tea & networking

3:50 Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency within local governments

• How to align strategic intent with on the ground savings• Making the business case for energy efficiency investment• Revisiting energy efficiency methods and models• Guaranteeing savings through contractual arrangements

Hugh Butcher Acting Environmental Management CoordinatorYarra City Council

4:30 Reducing Australia’s Emissions: Unpacking the Emissions Reduction Fund

• Overview of the fund and how to participate• Opportunities for local government and local businesses

Senior RepresentativeDepartment of Environment

5:10 Closing remarks from the Chair & close of day one

KEYNOTE8:40 Doubling Australia’s Energy Productivity by

2030 to going beyond efficiency• Developing and utilising an Australian Energy Productivity Roadmap• Going beyond efficiency to system optimisation and business

transformation• Making the shift to an output rather than reduction or ‘savings’ focus

on measurement- what does this mean for energy reporting

Jonathan Jutsen ChairmanAustralian Alliance to Save Energy (A2SE)

INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION11:40 Assessing new & emerging energy distribution

& generation trends• Pros and cons to going ‘off the grid’• Embedded networks - opportunities and benefits of collaborative models• New and emerging energy generation strategies for councils

SPEED NETWORKING10:00 Bring your business cards & network with your


Day 2Thursday, 17th September 2015

Find us at: www.localgovenergy.com #govenergy15 Australian Public Sector blog.criterionconferences.com

SAVE $200 when you register & pay by 17th July 2015*

8:00 Welcome, coffee & networking

8:30 Opening remarks from the Chair

Innovative energy efficiency

9:20 ‘Light Years Ahead’: practical steps to make the switch to LED’s• 13,000 LED’s by June 2016• Driving efficiencies in utility owned street lighting• Building relationships with the utilities networks to make the switch• Acting now, not later – how can NSW councils make the switch

Michelle Playford CEEP Project ManagerWestern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC Ltd)

10:00 Morning tea & networking

10:30 Connecting energy efficiency strategy, policy & innovation• The Built Environment Sustainability Scorecard - measuring the efficiency of

your established standards• Review of emerging energy efficiency technologies and how to make them

work for you

Laura Lynch, Unit Manager ESD & Stuart Nesbitt, Climate Change Technical OfficerMoreland City Council

11:10 Making a business case for energy efficiency• Working with finance and asset management to deliver energy efficiency and

carbon reduction• Improving services - the LED experience• Innovative financing and strategic plans to build an energy efficient future• Decoupling economic growth and carbon emissions

Adrian Stokes Program Manager, City Sustainability and ParksAdelaide City Council

12:30 Networking lunch

Leadership & Community mobilisation1:30 A customer led approach to driving investment in new large

scale renewable energy• The climate policy context: carbon pricing and renewable energy target• Exploring energy demand and supply context• Case Study: City of Melbourne’s model for facilitated group purchasing of

renewable energy

Victoria Hart Team Leader Sustainability StrategyCity of Melbourne

2:10 Aligning community needs with sustainability & financial strategies

• Becoming 100% self-sufficient in electricity from renewables by 2023• Energy efficiency measures that can help you save money and provide high

service level at your council• Getting buy-in to renewable energy through communicating financial and

community benefits

Sharyn Hunnisett Environmental Strategies OfficerLismore City Council

2:50 Afternoon tea & networking

3:20 The National Energy Efficient Buildings Project (NEEBP): Practical steps towards sustainability

• The potential of local government to deliver energy efficient homes• Building regulators piloting systems that aim to improve energy

efficiency compliance

Sabina Douglas-Hill Project Manager – National Energy Efficient Buildings Project Energy Markets & Programs, Department of State Development, SA

4:00 National Community Energy Strategy: The role of local government

• Benefits and opportunities for councils in community energy• Financing energy under increased rate pressures• Policy and regulatory reform that will impact community energy • Establishing Coalition for Community Energy (C4CE)

Nicky Ison Senior Research Consultant and Associate MemberCoalition for Community Energy & Institute for Sustainable Futures UTS

4:40 Closing remarks from the Chair & close of conference

KEYNOTE8:40 Developing an energy efficiency master plan

• Taking a strategic commitment to reducing carbon emissions• Understanding current energy performance and the journey ahead • Sharing lessons learnt: current and new programs and projects

Nik Midlam Manager, Carbon StrategyCity of Sydney

INTERACTIVE ROUNDTABLE11:50 Energy & battery storage spotlight- emerging

innovations for councils to explore

WorkshopsTake practical steps to drive energy efficiency at your council at our interactive “how to” workshops

SAVE $100 when you register & pay by 7th August 2015*

How to finance energy efficiencyPre Conference Workshop B Tuesday, 15th September 2015, 5.00pm – 8.00pm

One of the most challenging barriers in getting energy efficiency off the ground is finding the funding for action. Building a sound and sustainable financial plan to fund energy actions can deliver long term savings that will help your councils cash flow, bottom-line whilst maintaining or enhancing service level.

With constrained and competitive budgets, financing models are providing innovative solutions for councils to continue to achieve energy and cost savings along with a range of additional co-benefits. This workshop will explore new options for financing and methodologies and how to leverage their potential.

Attend this workshop and learn:• Current and emerging options for financing energy efficiency and

renewable energy action: Council and Community• Understanding Councils risk management requirements• How to assess what model of finance will work for your council• How to present the financial benefits of a new financial model to your


Your workshop leader:Shane Melotte Consultant Moreland City Council

For a full bio visit www.localgovenergy.com

How to make the switch to LED’sPre Conference Workshop A Tuesday, 15th September 2015, 9.00am – 4.00pm

As Local Councils are working with increasingly stringent budgets and energy prices continue to rise, now is the time for councils to make the switch to LED’s and make real savings through street light efficiency.

This workshop will go through the nuts and bolts of overcoming the perceived barriers to making the switch at your council.

Attend this workshop to hear real insights on: • How to build a robust business case for lighting• How to build relationships with utilities and other councils to benefit from

collaborative efficiencies • How to find the right funding model to finance your upgrade• How to efficiently and effectively implement the change through planning

and communication• How to decide which providers and products are best for your council

Your workshop leader:Michelle Playford CEEP Project Manager Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC Ltd)

For a full bio visit www.localgovenergy.com

How to implement energy efficiency across your entire councilMid Conference Workshop C Wednesday, 16th September 2015, 5.30pm – 8.30pm

One of the major challenges for local councils attempting to reduce energy costs and consumption is getting buy-in at all levels and from all functions internally. Getting building engineers, senior finance executives and other stakeholders engaged, informed and actioning change will help you achieve both your financial and sustainability goals. To do this you must first understand what drives executive buy-in and that the key message and purpose of work is aligned with strategy, finance and policy.

This workshop will show you how to build frameworks and guidelines to ensure your whole organisation is energy efficient.

Attend and learn:• How to effectively communicate and collaborate to achieve energy

efficiency• How to get buy-in to achieve energy efficiency across multiple and varying

internal skill sets and functions

• How to set-up a senior level steering group that will help you set key policy and strategy direction

• How to structure your case for energy efficiency to ensure it is relevant for senior executive buy-in

• How to leverage topicality and common goals to drive energy efficiency

Your workshop leader:Karen Rosenberg Team leader ESD Policy and Projects City of Whittlesea

For a full bio visit www.localgovenergy.com

How To Register

Team DiscountsRegister 3 delegates at the ‘standard price’ & bring a 4th delegate FREEPlease note that the standard price will be charged for team discounted registrations, early bird prices are not available for registrations utilising team discounts. Delegates must be registered at the same time from the same organisation in order to receive the team discount. For larger group bookings call us on 1300 316 882 to find out how you may qualify for greater discounts.

Venue AccommodationSydney Boulevard Hotel90 William StreetSydney NSW 2011Ph: 02 9383 7222

Delegate DetailsPlease complete: (Please photocopy for additional delegates)DELEGATE ONE

Delegate Firstname: ___________________________________________________

Delegate Surname: ____________________________________________________

Job Title: ___________________________________________________________

Department/Branch: ___________________________________________________

Company/Organisation: _________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________

Telephone: ________________________ Mobile: ________________________

Postal Address: ______________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Approving Manager’s Name: ______________________________________________

CancellationsShould you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge.The company regrets that no cancellations will be refunded, course documentation will, however, be sent to the delegate. For an event cancelled by Criterion Conferences registration fees are fully refundable.

Privacy Policy:Any information provided by you in relation to this conference is being collected by CriterionConferences ABN: 50 878 562 414 and will be added to our database with the primary purposeof contacting you with regards to ongoing research, product development and providing youwith information about future Criterion Conferences products and services. If you do not wishto be contacted for these purposes, please tick here when you fax back your registration.We may also share information from our database with other professional organisations(including our event sponsors) to promote relevant services. Please tick here if you do notwant your details to be passed on and send this form back to us. Changes to Conference and Agenda:Criterion Conferences reserves the right to alter the programme without notice and is not responsible for any loss or damage or costs incurred as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of any event.

Event Prices

If there is a package you require that is not mentioned above, please contact us and we willbe happy to provide you with a quote. GST is charged at 10%. Registration fee includeslunch, refreshments and conference documentation. Please contact us for any special dietaryrequirements. Full payment must be received prior to the conference to ensure admission.Delegates may not “share” a pass between multiple attendees. Workshop attendees must alsoregister for the conference. *Early bird prices subject to availability.

How To Pay

Number of delegates: ________________ Total amount $ ___________________

Credit card: Visa Mastercard American Express

Bank Transfer (details below) Cheque

Please make payable to Criterion Conferences Pty Ltd & mail to Criterion Conferences,PO Box R1478, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225, Quote 4942 on the remittance.

Please forward me an invoice Purchase Order No: _________________________

Cardholder’s name: ____________________________________________________

Card No.: _______________________________________ Expiry: ___________

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Bank Transfers

Registration Page

Criterion Conferences ABN number: 50 878 562 414

Energy Efficiency in Local Government16th & 17th September 2015, Sydney




Please call the Sydney Boulevard Hotel on 02 9383 7222 and quote the code ‘GA005179’ to receive your discounted accommodation rate! Subject to availability.

Account Name: Criterion Conferences Pty LtdBranch: Broadway, NSW, AustraliaAddress: SHOP LG 4/5 THE BROADWAY S/C, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia

Bank Name: Westpac BSB Code: 032-249Account Number: 23-2532Ref: 4942

Tick relevant box

Book & pay by 26 Jun, 2015

Book & pay by 17 Jul, 2015

Book & pay by 7 Aug, 2015

Standard price after 7 Aug, 2015

Discounted rates for local government

2 Day Conference $1799 + GST = $1978.90 SAVE $300

$1899 + GST = $2088.90 SAVE $200

$1999 + GST = $2198.90 SAVE $100

$2099 + GST = $2308.90

Upgrade your package with our Pre & Mid Conference Workshops

Pre Conference Workshop A $899 + GST = $988.90

Pre Conference Workshop B $599 + GST = $658.90

Mid Conference Workshop C $599 + GST = $658.90

Calculate your ticket price $________________

Standard rates

2 Day Conference $2799 + GST = $3078.90 SAVE $300

$2899 + GST = $3188.90 SAVE $200

$2999 + GST = $3298.90 SAVE $100

$3099 + GST = $3408.90

Upgrade your package with our Pre & Mid Conference Workshops

Pre Conference Workshop A $1099 + GST = $1208.90

Pre Conference Workshop B $799 + GST = $878.90

Mid Conference Workshop C $799 + GST = $878.90

Calculate your ticket price $________________

Audio Presentation Please send me ________ set(s) $999 + GST = $1098.90

Commercial Solution Providers

$4099 + GST = $4508.90

Online: www.localgovenergy.com Fax: 1300 918 334 From outside Aust +61 2 8188 1760

Tel: 1300 316 882 From outside Aust +61 2 9239 5700 Mail: Criterion Conferences Pty Ltd

PO Box R1478Royal Exchange, NSW 1225Email: [email protected]