3.attestation formswo pnb

ケãâ•ããコã カãõヘãカãハã コãö‡ãŠ PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK ヤããàセããâ‡ãŠカã ケãŠãùスãテ/ ATTESTATION-FORM タã•ãケããäィãヲã ‚ããä」ã‡ãŠãタãè エãタã ‚ãカãìケãニスãããä・ãヲã ケããヤãケããñ›テ ‚ãã‡ãŠãタ ‡ãŠãè ケãŠãñ›ãñ ãä゙ãケã‡ãŠã†âý Affix passport size photograph duly attested by a Gazettedf Officer. ヤããàセããâ‡ãŠカã ケãŠãスãテ スãò 「ãîŸãè ヤãî゙ãカãã ェñカãñ セãã ãä‡ãŠヤããè フããヤヲããäフã‡ãŠヲãã ‡ãŠãñ ãäœケããカãñ ‡ãŠãñ ‚ãセããñリセãヲãã スããカãã •ãã†リãã ‚ããõタ ƒヤãヤãñ „ススããèェフããタ ‡ãŠãñ コãö‡ãŠ スãò ãäカãセãìãä‡ã‹ヲã ‡ãñŠ ãäハㆠ‚ãセããñリセã ‡ãŠタãタ ãäェセãã •ãã ヤã‡ãŠヲãã ヨõý セããäェ ヤãñフãã ‡ãñŠ ェãõタãカã ‡ãŠシããè ケããセãã リãセãã ãä‡ãŠ „ススããèェフããタ カãñ ヤããàセããâ‡ãŠカã ケãŠãスãテ スãò リãハãヲã ヤãî゙ãカãã ェãè ヨõ セãã ãä‡ãŠヤããè フããヤヲããäフã‡ãŠヲãã ‡ãŠãñ ãäœケããセãã ヨõ ヲããñ „ヤã‡ãŠãè ヤãñフãã†â ヤãスããケヲã ‡ãŠãè •ãã ヤã‡ãŠヲããè ヨöý The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form would be a disqualification and is likely to render the candidate unfit for the appointment in the Bank. If the fact that false information has been furnished or there has been suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form comes to notice any time during the service of a person, his/her services would be liable to be terminated. _____________________________________________________________________________________ „ケãカããスã SURNAME カããスã NAME 1. ケãîタã カããスã (コãü。ñ ‚ãàãタãò スãâ)„ケãカããスã ヤããäヨヲã, セããäェ ‡ãŠãñƒテ ヨãñ Name in full (in Block Letters) With aliases, if any, (‡ãðŠケãセãã セãヨ コãヲãã†â ãä‡ãŠ ‚ããケãカãñ ‚ãケãカãñ カããスã ‚ãゥãフãã „ケãカããスã スãò ‡ã‹セãã ‡ãŠシããè ‡ã슜 •ããñü。ã ‚ãゥãフãã ヨ›ãセãã)? (Please indicate if you have added or dropped at any stage any part of your name or surname). 2. ケãîタã フãヲãテスããカã (‚ãゥãテヲã リããâフã, ゥããカãã ‚ããõタ ãä•ãハãã セãã スã‡ãŠãカã カãâ., ハãñカã/リãハããè/ヤãü。‡ãŠ,‡ãŠヤコãã ‚ããõタ ãä•ãハãñ ‡ãñŠ スãìŒセããハãセã ‡ãŠã カããスã) Present address in full (i.e.Village, Thana and District Or House No., Lane/ Street/Road and Town). 3. (‡ãŠ) ワãタ ‡ãŠã ケãîタã ケãヲãã (‚ãゥããテヲãá リããúフã, ゥããカãã ‚ããõタ ãä•ãハãã セãã スã‡ãŠãカã カãâ ハãñカã/リãハããè/ヤãü。‡ãŠ,‡ãŠヤコãã ‚ããõタ ãä•ãハãñ ‡ãñŠ スãìŒセããハãセã ‡ãŠã カããスã) (a) Home address in full (i.e.Village, Thana and District Or House No, Lane/Street/ Road, Town and name of The Distt. H.O. (Œã) セããäェ スãîハã ツケã ヤãñ シããタヲã ‡ãñŠ ‚ãハããフãã ãä‡ãŠヤããè ‚ãカセã ェñヘã ‡ãñŠ ãäカãフããヤããè ヨö ヲããñ „ヤã ェñヘã ‡ãŠã ケãîタã ケãヲãã ヲãゥãã シããタヲããèセã リã・ãタã•セã スãò ケãニフããヤããè ヨãñカãñ ‡ãŠãè ヲããタãèŒãý (b) If originally a resident of Country other than Inida,the address in that country and the date of migrationto Indian Union.

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Post on 15-Nov-2015




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    / ATTESTATION-FORM Affix passport size photographduly attested by a GazettedfOfficer.

    The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form would be a disqualification and is likely torender the candidate unfit for the appointment in the Bank. If the fact that false information has been furnished or there has beensuppression of any factual information in the Attestation Form comes to notice any time during the service of a person, his/her serviceswould be liable to be terminated._____________________________________________________________________________________


    1. ( ) , Name in full (in Block Letters) With aliases, if any,( )?(Please indicate if you have added or dropped at anystage any part of your name or surname).

    2. ( , .,//, )Present address in full (i.e.Village, Thana and DistrictOr House No., Lane/ Street/Road and Town).

    3. () ( , //, )(a) Home address in full (i.e.Village, Thana and District OrHouse No, Lane/Street/ Road, Town and name of The Distt. H.O.() (b) If originally a resident of Country other than Inida,the addressin that country and the date of migrationto Indian Union.

  • 4. ( ) / Particulars of places (withperiod of residence) where you have resided for more than one year at a time during the preceding five years :-

    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From To ( , f

    ., // Residential address in full (i.e. Village, Thana Name of the Distt H.Q. of the

    placeand Distt. Or House No. Lane/Street/Road and Town mentioned in the

    preceding Column



    5.1 () , , :(a) Fathers Name in full with alias, if any :() ( ) :(b) Present postal address (if dead, give last address) :() :(c) Permanent Home Address :() (d) Profession :() :(e) If in service, give designation and official address

    5.2 () :(a) Husbands name in full :() :(b) Profession :() :(c) Designation and office address :

    6. Nationality of() Father :() Mother :() / Husband/Wife

    7. :Exact date of birth : Present age : Age at Matriculation :

  • 8. () :(a) Place of Birth :() :(b) Distt. and State in which situated :() :(c) Distt. and State to which you belong :

    9. () (a) Your Religion :() ../... ?(b) Are you a member of Scheduled

    Caste/Scheduled Tribe? Yes No

    , / If yes, state the name thereof :

    10. 15 :-Educational qualifications showing place of education with years in schools and colleges since 15th year of age :_____________________________________________________________________________________________/ ( )Name of School/College Date of entering Date of leaving Examination Passed Year of Passingwith full address______________________________________________________________________________________________

    11. , : f you have, at any time, been employed, give details :____________________________________________________________________________________ / Period , Designation of Post held ___________________ Full address of the Reason foror description of work From To Office, firm or Institution leaving the job__________________________________________________________________________________

  • ____________________________________________________________________________________

    12. ? / / ?Have you ever been arrested or kept under detention or bound down/fined/convicted by a Court of law for any offence, ordebarred/disqualified by the Public Service Commission from appearing at its examination selections or debarred from taking anyexamination or restricted by authority/institution?

    , , , , If answer is 'Yes' full particulars of the case detention, fine, conviction, sentence, etc. should be given.

    13. , 1961 304 ?Have you ever been convicted or any offences committed against woman, including conviction for dowry offences under theDowry Prohibition Act, 1961, or under Section 304 B of IPC?

    , , , , If answer is 'Yes' full particulars of the case, detention, fine, conviction, sentences, etc. should be given.

    / DECLARATION (/ ) , , "

    I, Certify, that the foregoing information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Iam not aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment in the Bank. I have/willhave no objection to the Bank making enquiries at any time (immediately/in the near future) regarding thestatements made by me in the application, in any matter they decide to do so inclusive of police enquiry intomy antecedents.


    DATE: ___________________