3d in the carare project. providing europeana with 3d content for the archaeological and...

3D in the CARARE Project Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii case study Kate Fernie, MDR Partners, UK Maria Emilia Masci, Scuola Normale Superiore, IT Daniel Pletinckx, Visual Dimension, BE Annamaria de Santis, Scuola Normale Superiore, IT

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Page 1: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

3D in the CARARE Project Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage:

the Pompeii case study Kate Fernie, MDR Partners, UK

Maria Emilia Masci, Scuola Normale Superiore, IT Daniel Pletinckx, Visual Dimension, BE Annamaria de Santis, Scuola Normale Superiore, IT

Page 2: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

CARARE in a nutshell

CARARE - Connecting ARchaeology and ARchitecture in Europeana:

Is a best practice network funded under the European Commission’s ICT PSP.

It is aimed at involving a network of heritage organisations, archaeological museums, research institutions and specialist digital archives in:

1.  making the digital content related to Europe's unique archaeological monuments and historic sites available to Europeana’s users;

2.  establishing tools and services to support and enable its network of partners to make their digital content interoperable with Europeana;

3.  enabling access to 3D and Virtual Reality content through Europeana.

3 years project starting on 1st February 2010


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Page 3: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

CARARE Consortium

The consortium joins 29 partners from 20 countries:

11 National Heritage Agencies 2 Archaeology museums 6 Research institutions including 2 data archives 1 Ministry of Culture 1 National advisory body 2 Technology institutions 4 Private sector organisations The European Digital Library


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Page 4: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

Archaeological and architectural content

Although archaeological and architectural heritage content is already present within Europeana, there is a strong need to enhance its variety, quality and quantity.

CARARE intends to make accessible 2 million items for 1 million unique archaeological monuments, buildings, landscapes and heritage sites to be included in Europeana.

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Page 5: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

The CARARE aggregation service

Digital resources describing archaeological and architectural sites’ heritage will be made available to Europeana by setting-up an aggregation service.

The CARARE Aggregation Service is aimed at:

• Increasing the quantity of archaeological and architectural resources within Europeana

• Expanding the number of countries and of the organizations providing such content and

• Improving the aggregation level of providers

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CARARE Approach

•  Content remains in partners’ repositories

•  Metadata will be collected by using the CARARE metadata schema and ingested into the CARARE repository

•  CARARE will transform the metadata to the current Europeana’s format, EDM, which however could vary in time

•  Europeana will harvest metadata from the CARARE repository

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CARARE Approach

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The CARARE System: MoRe and MINT

The architecture conceived for the CARARE system introduces a central repository, where all metadata are stored and enriched before being mapped to EDM and provided to Europeana.

MoRe - the CARARE Monument Repository: is based on the MOPSEUS software developed by the Digital Curation Unit of the Athena Research Centre. MoRe is a Fedora-commons based repository, fully compliant to OAIS. It aggregates data from MINT.

MINT - the CARARE Mapping Tool: is a web based service enabling the import and mapping of metadata, developed by the National Technical University of Athens and already tested in a number of Europeana aggregation services, including Athena.

Metadata aggregated by MoRe are then transformed into EDM and made available for harvesting by Europeana.

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Page 9: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

The CARARE Metadata Schema

The CARARE schema is an Application Profile built on existing standards:

• CIDOC Archaeological Sites Core Data Index and Conceptual Reference Model • Core Data Index to Historic Buildings and Monuments of the Architectural Heritage - adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 11 January 1995 • MIDAS Heritage - developed by English Heritage in collaboration with the UK Forum for Information Standards in Heritage • POLIS DTD - produced as part of an EU funded Greek national research project • LIDO - Lightweight Information Describing Objects - developed by the ATHENA Project for harvesting museum data into the service environment of Europeana, based on CDWA Lite, CIDOC CRM and SPECTRUM

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CARARE Metadata Schema

CARARE schema

Heritage Assets










Digital Resources






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Page 11: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

Heritage Assets

• Monuments, historic buildings, landscape areas, shipwrecks, artefacts etc:

•  Record metadata; •  Title, Description •  Characteristics

•  - Type, Materials, Dimensions, Inscriptions •  - Spatial (place, address, map coordinates) •  - Temporal (date, time span, period) •  - Craft

•  Actors •  Designation, Condition •  References •  Relations

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• Field investigations, Surveys, Research and analysis, Historical events, etc.

•  Record metadata •  Title, Description •  Actors – people or organisations that took part in the activity •  Characteristics

•  - Type, Method, Materials and techniques used, •  - Spatial (place, address, map coordinates) •  - Temporal (date, time span, period)

•  Assessments •  References •  Relations


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Page 13: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

Digital Resources

• Includes images, texts, videos, audio, 3D models : •  Record metadata; •  Title, Description •  Characteristics

•  - Type, format, medium, extent, technical details •  - Subject, temporal, created

•  Publication statement, rights •  Actors •  Link to the object, Resource metadata •  Relations

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Page 14: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

CARARE work on 3D and VR content

•  Defining the functional requirements for Europeana to include 3D

•  Setting up a workflow for content providers: •  Preparing 2D and 3D content

•  publication and delivery of 3D content online

•  Preparing metadata

•  Enabling metadata for harvesting and aggregation by CARARE to Europeana

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Page 15: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

3D and VR content

Making 3D and VR content accessible to Europeana is one of the main objectives of the CARARE project. It is examined under different aspects: • Descriptive and technical metadata: metadata are required from technical users for recording methodologies and techniques employed for generating 3D models, while descriptive information about the represented monuments will be more useful for general users. CARARE is delivering recommendations on 3D and VR metadata.

• Representation of complex relations: between 3D models and their parts, or 3D models and different types of digital resources, such as 2D images and texts. Such problems are examined within CARARE both at the ontological/conceptual level and at the displaying level.

• On-line publication of 3D models for general users: the publication of 3D models on the Internet is strictly linked to the objective of providing Europeana with 3D content. Several solutions are being examined.

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3D PDF as a publishing format for 3D

The analysis performed by the CARARE 3D Working Group identified as a suitable solution for the on-line publication of 3D models, embedding 3D into PDF documents. Advantages of using 3D PDF format as a publishing format:

• PDF is an ISO standard and an open format,

• Easy for end users: 3D PDF enable users to view 3D without installing any plug-in (90% of computers have a PDF reader installed),

• 3D PDF provides simple ways of mixing text, images and 3D models and to establish links to each-others,

• Simple conversion process,

• 3D models appears in live windows, can be manipulated and annotated,

• Secure: 3D models can be copy protected.

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Page 17: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

The Pompeii case study by SNS

The Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) will make available through CARARE two collections, both related to the archaeological site of Pompeii:

1. The Fortuna visiva of Pompeii digital archive description: a database on ancient representations of Pompeii. type of content: texts, still images. quantity: c. 1800 records describing ancient prints and drawings,

c. 50 digitized ancient books (XIX century).

2. The 3D model of Pompeii Civil Forum description: documents the present state of the buildings. type of content: still images, moving images. quantity: 1 Digital Terrain Model, 13 buildings, 322 finds.

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Page 18: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

1) The Fortuna Visiva of Pompeii The “Fortuna visiva” digital archive joins three different categories of sources: §  Iconographic sources

all sort of images (drawings, watercolours, engravings, etc.)

§  Bibliographic sources edited books containing iconographic sources

§  Manuscripts database manuscripts and inedited documents containing iconographic sources

Metadata from this digital archive were mapped into the CARARE metadata schema and harvested from the CARARE aggregation service. www.carare.eu

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Page 19: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

2) The 3D model of Pompeii Civil Forum The 3D model of the Civil Forum of Pompeii is the result of a multi-resolution survey carried out in 2008 by a staff of the Politecnico of Milan leaded by Prof. Guidi for the Pompeii project in agreement among SNS, Superintendence of Pompeii and funded by ARCUS.

It documents the present status of the buildings, and was carried out mainly for documentation, conservation and research.

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Page 20: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

2) The 3D model of Pompeii Civil Forum The area covered by this 3D model is approximately 150 x 80 m. It is composed by 13 big models reproducing large architectural structures and 322 smaller models representing architectural elements and other finds.

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2) The 3D model of Pompeii Civil Forum

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For the modeling of the Pompeii Forum a multi resolution approach was chosen, using:

•  classical aerial images acquired for a typical mapping project;

•  oblique aerial views for texturing purposes;

•  range-data acquired from the ground with a ToF (time-of-flight) camera;

•  terrestrial images to fill gaps, document small finds in higher resolution by means of dense image matching and reconstruct simple structures.

The geometric resolution of the data spans from 25 cm to few mm in geometry and from 15 cm down to few mm in the texture.

format: VRML 2.0 for the geometric model

JPG for the texture files

Page 22: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

The 3D model of the Civil Forum of Pompeii is not yet published for the public. SNS involvement in the CARARE project offered the possibility to re-think and re-dress this already existing collection of 3D models for its diffusion via web to a broader public.

3D PDF documents including the 3D models of the monuments in the Forum of Pompeii have been created and published on the web.

They are described using the CARARE metadata schema and harvested from the CARARE aggregation service, to be delivered to Europeana.

2) The 3D model of Pompeii Civil Forum

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The Pompeii case study by SNS

Preparation and enrichment of content •  Selection and grouping of 3d models:

•  The pre-existing VRML files corresponding to 13 larger models of buildings and 322 smaller models of architectural elements and other finds (such as columns, capitals, etc) were grouped into 35 medium-sized 3D models

•  Modification and preparation: •  Modification of orientation

•  Small corrections and simplifications on the geometry and textures

•  Assembling of more than one model into one file

•  Cropping of the large DTM in many portions corresponding to the areas covered by the models joined into each group

•  Conversion of the file format from VRML to U3D

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The Pompeii case study by SNS

Design of 3D PDF documents •  Planning and design of a general template for the pdf documents

•  Selection of the iconographic material

•  Selection of the medium-sized 3D models (U3D file/s) and of 2D images (photographs, digitized prints and drawings, etc.) to be included within each 3D PDF document

•  Creation, delivery and review of texts for 3d pdf documents

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The Pompeii case study by SNS

Assembling and delivery of 3D PDF documents •  PDF creation

•  Using the template, texts and iconographic material previously prepared were assembled into 21 pdf documents

•  Ingestion of 3D models

•  One or more U3D files previously prepared and selected, were ingested into the pdf documents using Adobe Acrobat 9.0

•  Further refinements

•  Modifications and refinements of the ingested 3d models: creation of named views, cross sections, comments, links to the text, etc.

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Example of 3d pdf document

Page 27: 3D in the CARARE Project. Providing Europeana with 3D Content for the Archaeological and Architectural Heritage: the Pompeii Case Study

The Pompeii case study by SNS

Publication and delivery to Europeana •  Publication on the web

•  The 21 3d pdf documents were published at http://pompei.sns.it

•  Metadata creation and delivery to CARARE •  Metadata describing 3d pdf documents and related content have been created following CARARE metadata schema

•  Metadata are to be delivered to CARARE repository (MoRe) using MINT

•  Metadata mapping and delivery to Europeana •  Metadata will be automatically mapped to EDM within MoRe and will be finally harvested by Europeana in the next months

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3D in the CARARE Project

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VSMM 2012, Milan | 2012-09-04

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