3g cluster packet service optimization report

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  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    3G Cluster Packet Service OptimizationKickof REPORT

    DATE: 28-June-2012

    Table of Contents

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................3

    2 Tools.......................................................................................................................................................................................3

    3 Contact Information...............................................................................................................................................................3

    4 Analysis Procedure.................................................................................................................................................................3

    4.1 PS CSSR Optimization.......................................................................................................................................................4

    4.1.1 Pre Analysis....................................................................................................................................................................4

    4.1.2 PS CSSR Optimization...................................................................................................................................................

    4.2 PS C!R Optimization......................................................................................................................................................1"

    4.2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................1"

    4.2.2 #AC$ Con%estion........................................................................................................................................................1"

    4.2.3 #3 Strate%y &odification.............................................................................................................................................2'

    4.3 PS T(rou%(put Optimization...........................................................................................................................................21

    4.3.1 #undamental C(ec)......................................................................................................................................................21

    4.3.2 RT*P Optimization.....................................................................................................................................................21

    4.3.3 TCP Accelerator...........................................................................................................................................................32

    4.3.4 C+I Ad,ustment -ased on !ynamic -/R Tar%et.....................................................................................................30

    4.3. $SPA Adaptie ReTransmission..............................................................................................................................3

    Smart P(one Optimization...................................................................................................................................................35

    .1 /n(anced #ast !ormancy.................................................................................................................................................35

    .2 &ultiRA- Optimization.................................................................................................................................................40

    .3 Call Reesta6lis(ment......................................................................................................................................................"

    0 Summary and Conclusion....................................................................................................................................................01


    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page2, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    1 Introduction

    According to Ongoing Service contract or !"#!$ Cluster Packet Service Optimization is one o t%e

    de&ned 'ork packages or '%ic% (ua'ei 'ill take t%e responsi)ilities*

    PP#! 'as selected or 3G packet service optimization as an e+ample* T%e Anal,sis and

    recommendations 'ill )e provided to improve PS CSSR$ C-R and t%roug%put$ etc* .eantime$ some

    improvement mig%t )e o)tained on Circuit S'itc%ing -omain as 'ell* As agreed$ t%e )est practices and

    e+periences veri&ed in PP#! 'ill )e rollout in entire net'ork ), /odacom*

    T%is document is intended to e+plain t%e contracted 3G cluster packet service optimization process$

    tools 0 t%e delivera)les attac%ed 'it% t%is service* T%e R1 design related issues and optimizations are

    out o t%e scope o t%is activit,*

    2 Tools

    #2 (ua'ei Con&guration .anagement E+press C.E2 or con&guration data collection 4 5ntegrated on


    !2 (ua'ei PRS Perormance Reporting S,stem232 Sonar

    3 Contact Information

    1ollo'ing 'ill )e t%e contact person rom (ua'ei or t%is 'ork package6

    7O* 7ame .ail Cell P%one

    # Sagar sagar*)a8a89%ua'ei*com :!; ;#o) Sun sunminga 9%ua'ei*com :!; ;?3#@?##3

    4 Analysis Procedure

    T%is activit, is divided into = categories6

    PS Call Setup Success Rate Optimization

    PS Call -rop Rate Success Rate Optimization

    PS T%roug%put Optimization

    Smart P%one Optimization

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page", otal!2

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    1rom t%e grap%s a)ove$ 'e can see t%e main contri)utor to t%e PS RA> ailures are congestions*

    On (ua'ei RA7$ t%e congestions are pegged during AdmissionF stage$ admission ailures caused

    ), Code$ plinkH-o'nlink po'er$ plinkH-o'nlink C%annel Element$ 5u) )and'idt% s%ould )e

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page*, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    T%e pie c%art a)ove indicates t%at a)out @lind (andover 5nter 1reJuenc, 7eig%)ors


    7on Coantenna cells canLt )e con&gured 'it% >lind (andover 5nter 1reJuenc, 7eig%)ors


    T%e Ec7o t%res%old or candidate target -R- cell is #3d> -R-Ec7"T%res%%old2*


    !a"amete" #D -R-Ec7"T%res%%old

    !a"amete" $ame -rd EcH7o T%res%old

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ADD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    MD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    Meann* -R- EcH7o t%res%old or determining '%et%er to perorm t%e )lind %andover* 5t%e measured EcH7o o t%e current cell is greater t%an t%is parameter$ t%is cell

    can )e t%e candidate cell or -R-*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"!"="""#

    Featu"e $ame 5ntra S,stem -irect Retr,

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page6, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    / alue 'an*e !="



    7ot involved

    &nt d>

    Actual alue 'an*e !="

    Default alue #@




    #m.act Cell




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved


    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    aldaton of


    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    #m.act on 'ado




    #nt"oduced n


    /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio

    S5>## s%ould )e O7


    !a"amete" #D S5>##5nd

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page!, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    !a"amete" $ame S5>## 5ndicator

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ADD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    MD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    Meann* 5ndicates '%et%er to send t%e s,stem inormation )lock ## S5>##2 including

    neig%)oring cell inormation* T%e value 1AISE indicates t%at t%e neig%)oring

    inormation is not included in t%e S5>##* T%e value TRE indicates t%at t%e

    neig%)oring inormation is included in t%e S5>##*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"#"@"#


    Featu"e $ame 5ntra R7C Cell pdate

    5nter R7C Cell pdate

    alue T,.e Enumeration T,pe

    / alue 'an*e 1AISE-o not send2$ TRESend2



    1AISE"$ TRE#

    &nt 7one

    Actual alue 'an*e 1AISE$ TRE

    Default alue TRE




    #m.act Cell




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page+, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level



    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    aldaton of


    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    #m.act on 'ado




    #nt"oduced n


    /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio

    T%e Priorit, or Coverage )ased interreJ %andover )et'een Coantenna cells is "F


    !a"amete" #D (OCovPrio

    !a"amete" $ame Priorit, o Coverage>ased 5nter1reJuenc, (andover

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ADD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    MD $TE'F'E($CE%%

    Meann* Priorit, or neig%)oring cell supporting coverage)ased interreJuenc,

    %andover* T%e value " indicates t%at t%e coverage)ased interreJuenc,

    %andover is not supported* T%e value # indicates t%at t%e cell is assigned 'it%

    t%e %ig%est priorit, or t%e %andover* T%e value 3 indicates t%at t%e cell is

    assigned 'it% t%e lo'est priorit, or t%e %andover* 5 a %ig%er priorit, is assigned

    to a cell$ t%e pro)a)ilit, or selecting t%e cell as t%e measurement o)8ect and t%etarget cell or t%e %andover increases* 1or e+ample$ t%e cell 'it% priorit, # %as

    more c%ance to select as t%e measurement o)8ect and t%e target cell or t%e

    %andover t%an t%e cell 'it% priorit, !*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"!"3"!

    Featu"e $ame 5nter 1reJuenc, (ard (andover >ased on Coverage

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e "3



    7ot involved

    &nt 7one

    Actual alue 'an*e "3

    Default alue !




    #m.act Cell




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved



    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    aldaton of


    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    #m.act on 'ado



    #nt"oduced n


    /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio

    1indings on PP#!6

    ! cells are not con&gured 'it% >lind (andover 7eig%)ors*

    #" neig%)ors S5>## are O11*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page10, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    3@ cells6 T%e Priorit, or Coverage )ased interreJ %andover )et'een Coantenna cells is


    =" cells6 T%e Ec7o t%res%old or candidate target -R- cell is #@d>*


    Slig%t improvement is seen on PS CSSR ater implementation on t%ese cells*

    b) &% !o6e" Con*eston .tm7aton

    As deault$ uplink po'er admission is )ased on eJuivalent user num)er E726 AIGOR5T(.QSECO7-*


    !a"amete" #D 7>.lCacAlgoSelS'itc%

    !a"amete" $ame plink CAC algorit%m s'itc%

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ADD &CE%%A%/#TC9

    MD &CE%%A%/#TC9

    Meann* T%e algorit%ms 'it% t%e a)ove values represent are as ollo'6 AIGOR5T(.QO116

    -isa)le uplink call admission control algorit%m* AIGOR5T(.Q15RST6 T%e load

    actor prediction algorit%m 'ill )e used in uplink CAC* AIGOR5T(.QSECO7-6 T%e

    eJuivalent user num)er algorit%m 'ill )e used in uplink CAC*

    AIGOR5T(.QT(5R-6 T%e loose call admission control algorit%m 'ill )e used in

    uplink CAC*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", ES

    Featu"e #D NR1-"!"#"#

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page11, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Featu"e $ame Admission Control

    alue T,.e Enumeration T,pe

    / alue 'an*e AIGOR5T(.QO11$ AIGOR5T(.Q15RST$ AIGOR5T(.QSECO7-$ AIGOR5T(.QT(5R-





    &nt 7one

    Actual alue 'an*e AIGOR5T(.QO11$ AIGOR5T(.Q15RST$ AIGOR5T(.QSECO7-$ AIGOR5T(.QT(5R-

    Default alue 7one



    #m.act Cell




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved



    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    aldaton of


    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    #m.act on 'ado




    #nt"oduced n


    /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio

    E7 Calculations6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page12, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    E7 Counter6

    Counter /S*RAC*I*EJvser7umF can indicate t%e real E7 or eac% cell*

    Norst perorming cells in PP#! 'it% plink Po'er congestion6


    13 pgrade i possi)le

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1", otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    5ncrease admission t%res%old impact all t,pes o admission control2

    -isa)le uplink CAC Call Admission Control2

    >enc%mark or disa)ling I po'er CAC on severe congested cells6

    plink Po'er Congestions are cleared$ and PS CSSR is around *

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    o total allo'ed !"" or PS service in I direction or all cells* Nit% &ne tuning o parameters$ allo'ed

    I E7 percentage is set to "$ '%ic% increased t%e total allo'ed num)er rom #3" E7 to #@" E7*

    5n case o sudden trac increase$ since algorit%m is still active )ut 'it% an optimized set o

    t%res%olds$ in case o %ig% load$ reJuired CAC actions 'ill )e triggered and s,stem sta)ilit, 'ill )e

    kept constant*

    >elo' are old and ne' values regarding to t%e c%ange* Please note$ t%e t%res%old values or Conv

    and nonConv A.R services %ave )een c%anged to satis, t%e

    &l$onCt"lThdFo"9o &l$onCt"lThdFo"AM'; &l$onCt"lThdFo"AM' &l$onCt"lThdFo"the"

    T%e re8ects due to ot%er t,pes o congestion i*e* Code$ CE and 5u)2 %ave )een monitored* 5n case o

    an e+cessive load )ecause o t%e increased t%res%old2 actions are e+pected to )e triggered ), t%is


    5t is possi)le to increase t%e t%res%olds urt%er$ )ut I-. parameters also %ave to )e modi&ed to do so

    )ecause o parameter relation2


    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1*, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    c) &% CE .tm7aton

    CE congestions are mostl, on uplink as on do'nlink t%e dedicated .ac%s element processes

    (S-PA trac*

    As per (ua'ei eJuipment speci&cations$ one Resource Group can support ? cells$ or S333 sites$

    cells %ave to )e divided into ! Groups* CE resources canLt )e s%ared )et'een diferent plink

    Resource Groups$ so t%ere is a possi)ilit, t%at one group is congesting and anot%er one is not

    ull, utilized* 1urt%ermore$ as congestions are onl, pegged during admissionF stage$ so itLs

    possi)le t%at t%e overall 7ode> CE utilization is not %ig% )ut t%e CE congestions are seen due to

    data service )e%avior resource is al'a,s reserved or eac% user2*

    Norst perorming cells in PP#!6

    Top 3 sites are alread, con&gured 'it% =BN>>P$ )ut onl, one or 13* .an, congestions are seen

    on 13 cells* 5t is recommended to move one N>>P to Group# con&guration2*RE- Iine6 plink resource group recon&guration

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page16, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    GREE7 Iine6 -isa)le cell level CE CAC

    Ater plink resource group ad8ustment$ congestions moved rom 13 to 1#01! even more2* T%e

    root cause is still t%at t%e diferent uplink resource groups canLt )e s%ared*

    -isa)ling Cell level credit CE2 CAC 7ode> level CE CAC still valid2$ CE congestion reduced*

    T%e grap% a)ove s%o's ver, lo' CE utilization or t%ese sites*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1!, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    1or =BN>>P sites$ disa)ling cell level CE CAC is a )etter solution*

    T%e I CE congestion canLt )e cleared ater disa)ling cell level CAC as 7ode> level CE CAC is

    still valid*

    Some ot%er eatures and unctions can )e considered to reduce CE congestion$ suc% as 1ast

    -ormanc,$ (SPA TT5 recon&gurations and (SPA G>R ad8ustment*

    (SPA G>R Ad8ustment6

    T%e main contri)utor to t%e uplink CE congestion is (SPA trac*

    According to t%e statistics$ t%e average (SPA t%roug%put per user is ="k)ps*

    T%e G>R Guaranteed >it Rate2 or (SPA is ?=k)ps in live net'ork$ so some resources are

    'asted or admission* G>R is onl, used or admission control$ users can get %ig%er t%roug%put via -CCC -,namic

    C%annel Con&guration Control2

    Recommendation6 C%ange t%e (SPA G>R rom ?=k)ps to 3!k)ps*

    Iess PS congestions ater G>R c%anged rom ?=k)ps to 3!k)ps*

    d) Enable

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level


    Ena)le -R- ailure roll)ackF unction to avoid some RA> setup ailures*

    ..I command6




    RNC_RBRECFG_DRD_FAIL_ROLLBACK_SWITCH R> Recon&guration -R- Roll)ack S'itc%26

    N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ t%e R7C supports roll)ack caused ), ailed -R-s o R>

    recon&guration* N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ t%e R7C does not support roll)ack caused ), ailed

    -R-s o R> recon&guration*

    RNC_RBSETUP_DRD_FAIL_ROLLBACK_SWITCH R> Esta)lis%ment -R- Roll)ack S'itc%2 6N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ t%e R7C supports roll)ack caused ), ailed -R-s o R>

    esta)lis%ment* N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ t%e R7C does not support roll)ack caused ), ailed

    -R-s o R> esta)lis%ment*

    >enc%mark on PP#!6

    Slig%t improvement on PS RA> Setup Success Rate

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page1, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    #$2 PS %DR &pti'i(ation

    #$2$1 ntroduction

    >esides o some R1 design issues$ t%ere are t'o main contri)utors to t%e PS Call -rop Rate in live


    1AC( Congestion 4 causing PS Call -rops on Common c%annels

    Correlation )et'een PS CC( drop rate and 1AC( congestion6

    13 idle )arred strateg,

    As CellQ1AC( and CellQPC( is ena)led$ i 13 is idle )arred$ '%en E transit to CellQ1AC( on

    13$ it 'ill reselect )ack to 1#01! S5>#! is not ena)led2* Pingpong reselections )et'een

    diferent la,ers increase t%e possi)ilit, o drops$ negativel, impact su)scri)erLs perception

    as 'ell*

    #$2$2 .)%H %ongestion

    As deault$ onl, one SCCPC( Secondar, Common Control P%,sical C%annel2 is con&gured or eac%

    cell* Paging c%annel PC(2 and 1AC( are mapped onto t%e same p%,sical c%annel SCCPC( as per 3GPP

    speci&cations* And$ PC( %as %ig%er priorit, to occup, t%is c%annel comparing 'it% 1AC(* To e+pand

    1AC( capacit,$ !ndSCCPC( dedicated or 1AC( is recommended*


    SCCPC( addition %as alread, )een rolled out in entire net'ork*

    #$2$" ." Strategy /odiication

    Current 13 Strateg,6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page20, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    Randoml, camping on 1#01!

    13 is idle )arred

    -R- algorit%m )ased on ser 7um)er

    Ioad )ased )lind %andover )et'een diferent la,ers

    Proposed Strateg, or PP#! noncontinuous 13 ootprint26

    C%ange rom 13 )arred to inclined camping on 1#01! in case 13 is not continuous*

    Set a )ig Mofset! )et'een 1#$1!2 0 13 to make idle E mainl, camp on 1#01! to reduce t%e

    mo)ilit, CS drops on 13*

    5nclined camping on 1#01!

    13 is not idle )arred

    -R- algorit%m )ased on ser 7um)er Ioad )ased )lind %andover )et'een diferent la,ers

    >enc%mark or 13 strateg, modi&cation6

    5mprovement on 13 PS C-R ater implementation rom #*D to #*3D2

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page21, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    As or t%e areas 'it% continuous 13 ootprint suc% as SGS region$ t%e proposed strateg, is6

    Randoml, camping on 1#01!013

    13 is not idle )arred -R- algorit%m )ased on ser 7um)er

    Ioad )ased )lind %andover )et'een diferent la,ers

    #$" PS rougput &pti'i(ation

    #$"$1 .unda'ental %ec


    (S-PAH(SPA unction s%ould )e activated* ?=MA.$ -o'nlink En%anced Ia,er!$ -ualCarrier (S-PA s%ould )e activated*

    #$"$2 R3P &pti'i(ation

    T%ese section onl, targets at %ig% RTNP caused ), %ig% trac$ a)normalities caused ), e+ternal

    intererence$ engineering issues need speci&c inspections*

    a) ack*"ound $ose Al*nmentAs deault$ t%e )ackground noise is ?#$ '%ic% means ##!:?#H#"#"m*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page22, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


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    As deault$ t%e ma+imum target load is ; lit*

    nder t%ese settings$ '%en RTNP#"m:?d>*d>m$ t%e uplink load %as alread,

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page2", otal!2

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    reac%ed ma+imum load target* ConseJuentl,$ t%e (SPA t%roug%put canLt )e sc%eduled more* 5n

    t%e live net'ork during t%e peak %ours$ man, RTNP spikes can e+ceed t%is value '%ic% are causing

    lo' (SPA t%roug%put*

    T%is activit, is to align t%e con&gured )ackground noise 'it% actual RTNP* Ne can regard t%e

    minimum RTNP during t%e earl, morning "!%"""3%""2 as real )ackground noise*

    b) C(# Feedback !e"od .tm7aton

    .ore and more (S-PA connections are active according to t%e trac gro't% trend* (S-PA uplink

    eed)ack c%annel (S-PCC( generated a )ig part o uplink intererence '%ic% limits t%e uplink

    capacit, and (SPA t%roug%put as 'ell*

    (ua'ei Ia) test result6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page2#, otal!2

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    Security Level

    (ig%est (S-PA ser 7um)erF vs .ean RTNPF in PP#!6 (ig% RTNP caused ), (S-PA trac*

    Recommendation6Prolong CM5 1eed)ack periodF rom !ms to @ ms


    5mprove t%e RTNP$ uplink capacit, and (SPA t%roug%put


    (S-PA sc%eduling 'ill )e slo'er in ast ading scenario

    ..I command6


    >enc%mark or CM5 eed)ack period c%ange on PP#!6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page2*, otal!2

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    A)out 3d> improvement on average RTNP during peak %ours$ '%ic% means 'e %ave almost

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Parameter -escription6


    !a"amete" #D Constantvalue

    !a"amete" $ame Constant /alue or Calculating 5nitial TU Po'er

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command MD &!'AC9&&!A'A

    Meann* T%is parameter speci&es a constant used at calculation o t%e initial transmit po'er o t%e &rst

    pream)le$ to )e used in t%e random access procedure* T%e ormula is as ollo's6

    Pream)leQ5nitialQPo'er Primar, CP5C( -I TU po'erCP5C(QRSCP : I intererence :

    Constant /alue* N%ere$ Pream)leQ5nitialQPo'er is t%e pream)le initial TU po'er$ Primar,

    CP5C( -I TU po'er is t%e do'nlink transmit TU2 po'er o PCP5C($ CP5C(QRSCP is t%e receive

    signaling code po'er o t%e PCP5C( measured ), Es$ and I intererence is t%e uplink

    intererence* 1or detailed inormation o t%is parameter$ reer to 3GPP TS !

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Actual alue 'an*e 3SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    !a"amete" #D Pream)leRetrans.a+

    !a"amete" $ame .a+ Pream)le Retransmission

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command MD &!'AC9&&!A'A

    Meann* T%e ma+imum num)er o pream)les transmitted in a pream)le ramping c,cle* 1or detailed

    inormation o t%is parameter$ reer to 3GPP TS !

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Featu"e #D NR1-"!"

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    !a"amete" #D Po'erRampStep

    !a"amete" $ame Po'er 5ncrease Step

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command MD &!'AC9&&!A'A

    Meann* T%e po'er ramp step o t%e random access pream)les transmitted )eore t%e E receives t%e

    acJuisition indicator in t%e random access process* 1or detailed inormation o t%is parameter$

    reer to 3GPP TS !

    Actual alue 'an*e #@

    Default alue !

    'ecommended alue !

    #m.act Cell




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved



    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"0, otal!2

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    Security Level

    aldaton of


    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    #m.act on 'ado

    $et6o"k !e"fo"mance

    5 t%e value o Po'er ramp step is too large$ t%e access procedure 'ill )e s%ortened$ )ut it is

    more likel, to cause po'er 'aste* 5 it is too small$ t%e access procedure 'ill )e e+tended in

    time$ )ut transmit po'er resources 'ill )e saved* T%is parameter must )e set careull,* 5n

    addition$ t%e %ig%er t%e parameter value is$ t%e smaller impact Constant /alue or

    Calculating 5nitial TU Po'er %as on t%e net'ork perormance*

    #nt"oduced n e"son /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"1, otal!2

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    Security Level

    Signi&cant RTNP improvement on (ig% RRC Attempts sites$ (SPA t%roug%put improved

    as 'ell* 7o degradation on RRC Setup Success Rate*

    d) Ada.t3e ! fo" 9&!A T"a>c Channel

    Current (SPA po'er parameter con&guration is more reasona)le or %ig% speed transmission$

    in order to adapt to t%e scenario 'it% man, lo' t%roug%put online users$ t%is eature ena)les

    t%e R7C to con&gure an optimal po'er ofset or (SPA #" ms TT5 Es 'it% a small target

    num)er o retransmissions )ased on t%e rate o t%e Es*

    5 t%e data rate is lo'er t%an 3"" k)itHs$ a large po'er ofset o E-P-C( and -PCC( can )e

    con&gured* Con&guring a larger ofset decreases po'er on t%e -PCC( and reduces po'er

    consumption on t%e uplink control c%annel* 5n t%is 'a,$ more po'er can )e used to transmit

    user data in t%e uplink$ t%ere), increasing capacit, o (SPA cells*

    5 t%e data rate is %ig%er t%an 3"" k)itHs$ a lo' po'er ofset o E-P-C( and -PCC( can )e

    con&gured* Con&guring a smaller ofset increases po'er on t%e -PCC($ t%ere), meeting po'er

    reJuirements in cases o multipat% searc%ing and c%annel assessment and improving

    perormance o (SPA services*

    ..I command6



    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"2, otal!2

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    Security Level

    7o o)vious improvement on statistics$ as t%e main gain is o)tained '%en t%e (SPA

    t%roug%put is greater t%an 3""k)ps as per t%e eature description* 5n t%e live net'ork$ t%is

    scenario could %ave a small proportion* 1ield (SPA test s%ould )e getting more )ene&t*

    #$"$" %P )ccelerator

    T%e Transmission Control Protocol TCP2 is a relia)le transport la,er protocol to provide relia)le

    endtoend streams o ),tes or t%e 5nternet* 5t is 'idel, used in email and &le transer services*

    T%e TCP 'as initiall, designed or 'ired communications*

    Ater t%e TCP is introduced in 'ireless communications$ t%e original TCP mec%anism cannot 'ell

    adapt to t%e 'ireless net'orkVs c%aracteristics suc% as %ig% )it error rate and long dela,$ '%ic%

    leads to dissatisactor, transmission perormance* To improve t%e perormance$ t%e TCP

    Perormance En%ancer TPE2 is introduced* T%e TPE is also kno'n as TCP accelerator or TCP


    T%e TPE is a unctional entit, in t%e R7C* 5t 'orks as a pro+, )et'een t%e sender and t%e

    receiver* 5t )ufers and processes data to accelerate data transmission and to improve

    transmission perormance* T%e position o t%e TPE entit, on t%e TCP connection is s%o'n as


    5n uplink transmission$ t%e server is t%e receiver and t%e E is t%e sender* 5n do'nlink

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"", otal!2

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    Security Level

    transmission$ t%e E is t%e receiver and t%e server is t%e sender*

    T%e TPE 'orks independentl, o ot%er net'ork elements 7Es2*

    T%e TPE must )e implemented )eore Packet -ata Convergence Protocol P-CP2 %eader


    Ater t%e TPE unction is activated$ onl, t%e ne' TCP connections can )ene&t rom t%e eature*

    TCP Terms6

    Te"m De4nton

    .SS T%e ma+imum segment size .SS2 is t%e largest amount o data e+cluding TCP %eaders2 sent

    t%roug% TCP rom t%e source end to t%e peer end in a single segment* T%e .SS is negotiated

    '%en a TCP connection is esta)lis%ed )et'een t'o ends*



    T%e receive 'indo' (")*or s%ort2 speci&es t%e largest amount o data t%at can )e received

    ), t%e receiver*



    T%e congestion 'indo' !")*or s%ort2 limits t%e total amount o data t%at can )e sent ), a

    TCP connection* 5t reJuentl, c%anges t%roug%out t%e communication process o t%e TCP



    T%e ofered 'indo' indicates t%e largest amount o data t%at can )e received at a moment ),t%e receiver* 5t is used to limit t%e largest amount o unackno'ledged data allo'ed ), t%e




    T%e send 'indo' indicates t%e largest amount o data t%at can )e sent ), t%e sender at a

    moment* 5t is eJual to t%e minimum value o !")*and ofered 'indo'*

    Slo' start


    N%en !")*is larger t%an or eJual to t%e slo' start t%res%old ++$%(+%or s%ort2$ t%e TCP

    connection enters t%e congestion avoidance p%ase*

    RTT T%e round trip time RTT2 is t%e time during '%ic% t%e sender sends a packet to t%e receiver and

    t%e receiver returns an ackno'ledgement ACK2*

    -upACK T%e duplicate ackno'ledgement -upACK2 is an ACK '%ose seJuence num)er is t%e same as

    t%at o t%e previous ACK* N%en packet misordering or packet loss occurs during transmission$

    t%e receiver responds t%e sender 'it% a -upACK*

    TCP Reno

    -ata can )e transmitted in seJuence onl, ater a TCP connection is esta)lis%ed t%roug% t%ree

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"#, otal!2

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    %ands%akes* -uring t%e transmission$ congestion is controlled t%roug% transmission rate

    ad8ustment* T%e ad8ustment is )ased on t%ree varia)les6 c'nd$ r'nd$ and sst%res%* N%en t%e

    sender detects packet loss due to retransmission timeout or repeat reception o -upACK$ it

    ad8usts t%e transmission rate*

    T%e TCP Reno is t%e most 'idel, used TCP protocol version* 5t consists o our p%ases6 slo' start$

    congestion avoidance$ ast recover,$ and ast retransmission* (ere$ assume t%at sst%res% is set

    to ?= K>*

    Slo' start and congestion avoidance6

    1ast retransmission and ast recover,6

    5n t%e slo' start p%ase$ c'nd is set to t%e t'o times t%e .SS* Eac% time an ACK is received$ t%e

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"*, otal!2

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    Security Level

    value o c'nd is incremented ), one .SS unit6 ),te2* 5n addition$ t%e TCP connection maintains

    t%e t%res%old sst%res%* N%en t%e value o c'nd reac%es t%is t%res%old$ t%e TCP connection

    enters t%e congestion avoidance p%ase*

    RTT Timeout

    5n t%is case$ t%e sender sets sst%res% to ma+ Wc'nd H!$ ! + .SSX and t%en sets c'nd to ! +

    .SS* T%e TCP connection enters t%e slo' start p%ase again*

    Repeat reception o -upACK

    5n t%is case$ t%e TCP connection enters t%e ast retransmission and ast recover, p%ases* T%e

    sender sets sst%res% and c'nd to ma+ Wc'ndH!$ ! + .SSX* Eac% time a -upACK is received$ t%e

    value o c'nd is incremented ), one .SS* T%is process is accomplis%ed until t%e retransmitted

    packets are received* T%en$ t%e sender sets c'nd to t%e value o sst%res%* T%e TCP connection

    enters t%e congestion avoidance p%ase again*

    TPE Tec%nologies

    T%e TPE module unction is in t%e R7C* N%en esta)lis%ing a TCP connection$ t%e TPE module

    sets up a TPE entit, or t%e TCP connection to process TCP packets* 5n uplink transmission$ t%e

    server is t%e receiver and t%e E is t%e sender* 5n do'nlink transmission$ t%e E is t%e receiver

    and t%e server is t%e sender*

    5n do'nlink transmission$ t%e TPE adopts t%e ollo'ing tec%nologies to improve t%e

    transmission perormance6

    ACK Splitting

    -upACK -uplication

    -o'nlink Packet Sorting

    5n uplink transmission$ t%e TPE adopts tec%nologies suc% as ACK SplittingF and plink

    Packet SortingF* T%e 'orking principles o uplink transmission are t%e same as t%ose o

    do'nlink transmission*

    ACK Splitting6

    5n TCP$ t%e congestion 'indo' is updated according to t%e num)er o received ACK messages

    and is e+panded ), increasing t%e num)er o ACK messages* N%en a slo' startup occurs at t%e

    transmitting end$ ACK splitting can Juickl, recover t%e congestion 'indo'Y '%en t%e

    transmitting end 'orks in congestion avoidance mode$ ACK splitting can accelerate t%e

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"6, otal!2
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    Security Level

    e+pansion o t%e congestion 'indo'*

    -upACK -uplication6

    5n TCP$ a lost TCP packet is retransmitted ater t%ree -upACK are received* Nit% t%is eature$

    ater t%e TPE receives t%e ACK message rom t%e E$ t%e TPE immediatel, duplicates t%ree

    -upACK messages and sends t%em to t%e Server i it detects t%at t%e packets reJuested ), t%e

    ACK are not in t%e )ufer* T%is s%ortens t%e time or packet retransmission*

    -o'nlink Packet Sorting6

    T%e TPE sorts and transmits t%e disordered -I packets to avoid unnecessar, transmission o

    -upACKs in t%e uplink and to prevent TPE local retransmission caused ), disordered packets* 5n

    t%is 'a,$ transmission resources are saved*

    plink Packet Sorting6

    T%e TPE sorts t%e I packets and transmits t%em to t%e core net'ork C72 in seJuence* T%is

    avoids t%e deterioration o t%e I data transmission perormance caused ), t%e disordered I


    TCP Accelerator 'as ena)led on !"


    Zune* Slig%t improvement is seen on t%roug%putstatisticall,*

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    Security Level

    #$"$# %4 )d5ust'ent ased on Dyna'ic L7R arget

    Nit%out t%is eature$ t%e 7ode> determines a transmission )lock size T>S2 )ased on t%e c%annel

    Jualit, indicator CM52 reported ), t%e E$ s,stem resources$ and t%e transport ormat and resource

    com)ination T1RC2 polic,* 5 t%e reported CM5 and related conditions remain t%e same$ t%e 7ode>

    does not c%ange t%e T>S )ecause it does not consider t%e everc%anging radio environments* T%e

    constant c%anges in radio environments$ caused ), multipat% efects and E mo)ilit,$ lead to

    [uctuating c%annel Jualit,* nder t%ese circumstances$ c%oosing a T>S )ased on t%e reported CM5

    makes it dicult to al'a,s ac%ieve t%e optimum do'nlink t%roug%put*

    Nit% t%is eature$ t%e 7ode> monitors t%e c%annel Jualit, [uctuations or (S-PA users in a cell in

    real time and d,namicall, selects a proper >IER target )ased on t%e monitoring result* T%e 7ode>

    t%en uses t%e >IER target to ad8ust t%e CM5 reported ), t%e E* >ased on t%e ad8usted CM5$ t%e

    7ode> determines an appropriate T>S to ac%ieve %ig%er do'nlink t%roug%put or (S-PA users and

    %ig%er cell t%roug%put*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page"+, otal!2

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    Security Level

    7ote6 T%is eature needs 7ode> license support*

    #$"$* HS8P) )daptive Re-rans'ission

    (ARM retransmission num)er is used as t%e target value o (SPA uplink outer loop po'er control*

    N%en E signal Jualit, is good and uplink transmission po'er is not limited$ a small retransmission

    can improve single user t%roug%put* (o'ever$ '%en capacit, is limited and cell uplink po'er

    )ecomes a )ottleneck$ increasing retransmission num)er can improve cell t%roug%put* 5ncreasing

    retransmission num)er can also )oost user cell edge t%roug%put$ '%ere E uplink po'er is limited*

    T%ereore t%ereLs a need to realize t%e adaptive ad8ustment o retransmission num)er*

    Nit% compre%ensive considerations o cell uplink po'er load$ CE resources$ and limited uplink

    coverage$ t%is eature ena)les t%e adaptive ad8ustment o t%e num)er o target uplink

    retransmissions to improve t%e t%roug%put per user and cell uplink capacit,*


    5n a limited uplink coverage scenario$ a userLs uplink cell edge t%roug%put can )e increased$ in

    order to en%ance user e+perience* According to simulation results$ single user t%roug%put %as )een

    s%o' to increase ), #

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    improve cell t%roug%put and cell uplink capacit,* Simulation results %ave s%o'n an increase o ..I command e+ecute on all t%e 7ode>s under PP#!2


    5 Smart Phone Optimization

    *$1 7nanced .ast Dor'ancy

    Some intelligent Es on a live net'ork send a Signaling Connection Release 5ndication SCR52

    message to t%e R7C ater PS data transmission is complete* >, sending t%e SCR5 message$

    intelligent Es reJuest or a transition to idle mode or t%e CEIIQPC( or RAQPC( state to reduce

    )atter, consumption* pon receiving t%e SCR5$ t%e R7C can release t%e signaling connection and

    put t%e E into idle mode$ or t%e R7C can maintain t%e signaling connection and put t%e E to

    CEIIQ1AC( or CEIIQPC(HRAQPC( state* RS/->5T#Q>5T! o t%e RsvdPara# parameter in t%e SET

    RRCTRISN5TC( command controls t%e E t%roug% CEIIQ1AC( to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC( or directl, to

    CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(* T%ese procedures can reduce )atter, consumption$ depending on t%e E

    capa)ilit, and eature activation on t%e R7C* >, deault$ t%e R7C puts t%e E into idle mode* A E

    setting up PS services in idle mode consumes more signaling resources t%an t%at in t%e CEIIQPC(

    or RAQPC( state* 5 t%ere are a large num)er o Es transited )et'een idle mode and CEIIQ-C(

    state$ signaling storms ma, occur* T%e E1- eature puts Es into t%e CEIIQ1AC( or CEIIQPC( state

    to reduce signaling resource consumption and eliminate signaling storms*

    (ua'ei provides a compre%ensive endtoend solution )ased on net'ork c%aracteristics to respond

    to net'ork c%allenges* E1- is one component o t%e solution* T%is eature alone is not enoug% to

    eliminate signaling storms caused ), intelligent Es* (o'ever$ '%en applied 'it% proessional

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    Security Level

    services$ E1- can )e used to optimize t%e Jualit, o service MoS2 or t%e entire net'ork*

    T%e Es on a live net'ork can )e divided into t%ree t,pes6

    Es t%at do not send SCR5 messages )ecause t%ere is no PS data to )e transmitted*

    Pre ast dormanc, Es* T%is t,pe o E does not read t%e T3!3 inormation element 5E2 carried in

    t%e s,stem inormation )lock t,pe # S5>#2 message* Ater PS data transmission is complete$ t%is

    t,pe o E sends an SCR5 message to t%e R7C$ )ut t%e SCR5 message does not carr, t%e 5E

    Signaling Connection Release 5ndication Cause* >ot% T3!3 and Signaling Connection Release

    5ndication Cause are introduced in 3GPP Release @*

    R@ ast dormanc, Es* T%is t,pe o E reads t%e T3!3 5E carried in t%e S5># message and sends an

    SCR5 message to t%e R7C ater PS data transmission is complete* T%e SCR5 message carries t%e 5E

    Signaling Connection Release 5ndication Cause t%at is set to E ReJuested PS -ata session end*

    T%e T3!3 5E carried in t%e S5># message controls t%e reJuenc, at '%ic% t%e R@ ast dormanc, Es

    send SCR5 messages 'it% t%e 5E Signaling Connection Release 5ndication Cause set to E

    ReJuested PS -ata session end* T%e T3!3 timer starts ater an SCR5 message is sent ), t%e R@

    ast dormanc, Es$ and t%e second SCR5 message 'it% t%e 5E Signaling Connection Release

    5ndication Cause set to E ReJuested PS -ata session end can )e sent onl, ater t%e T3!3 timer


    T%e E1- eature applies onl, to t%e pre ast dormanc, Es and R@ ast dormanc, Es* sers can

    con&gure E1- to )e ena)led or onl, t%e pre ast dormanc, Es or R@ ast dormanc, Es*

    N%en t%is eature is disa)led$ t%e R7C releases t%e signaling connection and puts t%e E into idle

    mode ater receiving t%e SCR5 message regardless t%e E t,pes*

    N%en t%is eature is ena)led$ t%e R7C perorms diferent processing )ased on t%e E t,pe6

    1or t%e pre ast dormanc, Es$ t%e R7C c%ecks or compati)ilit, issues ater receiving an SCR5

    message* 5 t%ere are no compati)ilit, issues$ t%e R7C puts t%e E into t%e CEIIQ1AC( or PC(

    state* 5 t%ere is a compati)ilit, issue$ t%e R7C puts t%e E into idle mode*

    1or t%e R@ ast dormanc, Es$ t%e R7C puts t%e E into t%e CEIIQ1AC( or PC( state ater receiving

    an SCR5 message*


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    Security Level

    Some pre ast dormanc, Es ma, %ave compati)ilit, issues ater moving to t%e CEIIQ1AC($

    CEIIQPC($ or RAQPC( state* As a result$ ne' services cannot )e initiated* T%is eature %as )een

    tested ), using iP%ones and no compati)ilit, issue occurred*

    N%en t%ere is no PS data to )e transmitted$ t%e intelligent E sends t%e R7C an SCR5 message to

    reJuest t%e TRA7 to release t%e signaling connection* T%is procedure saves po'er* 5n addition$ t%e

    E periodicall, sends %eart)eat messages to t%e core net'ork$ or e+ample$ to c%eck or ne' mails

    on t%e mail server* 5 t%e E1- eature is disa)led$ t%e R7C releases t%e signaling connection and

    puts t%e E into t%e idle state* 5n t%is case$ sending %eart)eat messages leads to t%e procedures

    or RRC connection setups$ aut%entication$ encr,ption$ and RA> setups* T%ese procedures increase

    t%e R7C signaling processing load*

    E1- addresses t%is pro)lem* Nit% E1-$ t%e R7C transits a E to t%e CEIIQ1AC( or PC( state

    instead o idle mode upon receiving an SCR5 message rom t%e E* 5n t%is case$ '%en t%e E

    periodicall, sends %eart)eat messages$ t%e signaling procedure )et'een t%e E and R7C is

    simpli&ed )ecause t%e RRC connection is maintained* As t%e num)er o signaling e+c%ange

    messages decreases$ signi&cant CP resources can )e saved or t%e R7C$ and t%e E consumes

    a)out t%e same lo' amount o )atter, po'er as a E in idle mode*

    Signaling processing procedures or pre ast dormanc, Es and R@ ast dormanc, Es )eore and

    ater E1- is ena)led

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    Security Level

    5denti,ing 1ast -ormanc, Es

    T%e R7C identi&es t%e pre ast dormanc, Es and R@ ast dormanc, Es using t%e ollo'ing


    R@ ast dormanc,6 T%e T3!3 parameter t%at can )e set in t%e SET CO77.O-ET5.ER

    command is sent to t%e E ), t%e S5># message* T%e R@ ast dormanc, Es send an SCR5

    message 'it% t%e 5E Signaling Connection Release 5ndication Cause set to E ReJuested PS

    -ata session end ater PS data transmission is complete* T%e R7C identi&es t%e R@ ast

    dormanc, Es ), reading t%e value o 5E Signaling Connection Release 5ndication Cause*

    T%is mec%anism is standardized ), 3GPP Release @*

    Pre ast dormanc,6 T%e R7C identi&es t%e pre ast dormanc, Es using t%e T,pe Allocation

    Codes TACs2* T%is mec%anism$ '%ic% is not standardized$ is used or t%e earl, proprietar,

    implementations o ast dormanc,*

    T%e international mo)ile eJuipment identit, 5.E52$ '%ic% consists o #= decimal digits and one

    c%eck digit$ contains TAC and S7R* TAC indicates a particular t,pe o device t%at %as )een approved

    ), a national GS.HNC-.A approval )od,* S7R is t%e serial num)er identi,ing t%e E* T%e

    structure o t%e 5.E5$ '%ic% is s%o'n as ollo's$ is speci&ed in 3GPP TS !3*""3*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#", otal!2

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    Security Level

    To identi, pre ast dormanc, Es$ 1-QTACQ.ATC(QSN5TC( o t%e PROCESSSN5TC( parameter on

    t%e R7C side needs to )e turned on* T%e TAC parameter %as )een set or t%e pre ast dormanc, Es

    ), t%e A-- 5.E5TAC command* T%e R7C c%ecks t%e TAC o t%e 5.E5 in t%e 5-E7T5T REMEST

    message* 5 t%e TAC is included in t%e E1- list$ t%e E can use E1-*

    State Transition or 1ast -ormanc, E

    N%en E1- is disa)led$ upon receiving an SCR5 message rom a E$ t%e R7C releases t%e ELs RRC

    connection* T%e E1- s'itc%es are speci&ed ), t%e R7Clevel su)parameter

    FAT?D'MA$C@?#TC9o t%e parameter !'CE#TC9

    N%en E1- is ena)led$ state transition procedures var, according to t%e E t,pe as ollo's6

    1or R@ ast dormanc, Es and pre ast dormanc, Es in E1- list6

    - 5 t%e R7C received t%e SCR5$ T%e R7C transers t%e E to CEIIQ1AC( or CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(* T%e

    'D#T1?#T2Bsu)parameter o t%e 's3d!a"a1parameter in t%e SET URRCTRLSWITCH

    command controls '%et%er t%e E moves to CEIIQ1AC( or CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(*

    - Ater PS data transmission is complete$ 5 E is in CEIIQ-C($ t%e PS inactivit, timer

    !s#nactTm"Fo"FstD"mDch2 or E1- in CEIIQ-C( is started* 5 t%e PS inactivit, timer or E1- in

    CEIIQ-C( e+pires$ t%e R7C transers t%e E to CEIIQ1AC( or CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(*

    - Ater PS data transmission is complete$ 5 E is in CEIIQ1AC($ t%e PS inactivit, timer

    !s#nactTm"Fo"FstD"mFach2 or E1- in CEIIQ1AC( is started* 5 t%e PS inactivit, timer or E1- in

    CEIIQ1AC( e+pires$ t%e R7C transers t%e E to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(*

    - 5 E is transerred to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC($ t%e PS inactivit, timer !s#nactTm"Fo"!"eFstD"m2 is

    started* 5 t%e PS inactivit, timer or E1- in CEIIQPC( e+pires$ t%e R7C transers t%e E to 5-IE*

    - 5 E is in CEIIQPC(HRAQPC( and %as somet%ing to send and t%e condition or P!- is not satis&ed$

    t%e R7C instructs t%e E to enter t%e CEIIQ1AC( state*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page##, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    - 5 E is in CEIIQ1AC( and send messages '%ose trac volume is %ig%er t%an

    FastDo"manc,F2D9T3mThd$ T%e R7C 'ill transer t%e E rom CEIIQ1AC( to CEIIQ-C(*

    - N%en t%e s'itc% 'D#T1?#T20o 's3d!a"a1in t%e SET URRCTRLSWITCHcommand is turned

    on and t%e E tries to originate or terminate a CS service and t%e 1AC( is congested$ t%e R7C

    instructs t%e E to perorm a P!- instead o P!12 state transition*

    - N%en t%e s'itc% FAC9?DTC9?C$/ET?!2Do !'CE#TC92in t%e SET

    URRCTRLSWITCHcommand is turned on and t%e E tries to originate or terminate a PS service

    and t%e 1AC( is congested$ t%e R7C instructs t%e E to perorm a P!- instead o P!12 state*

    1or pre ast dormanc, Es not in E1- list6

    - 5 t%e R7C received t%e SCR5$ t%e R7C transers t%e E to 5-IE state*

    - T%e -!1H1!PHP!1H1!-HP!- state transition or pre ast dormanc, Es not in E1- list is t%e same to

    ordinar, Es*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#*, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    -ata con&guration or state transitions or a ast dormanc, E6






    -!P indicates a transition rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQPC($ 1!P rom

    CEIIQ1AC( to CEIIQPC($ and -!1 rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQ1AC(*

    T%e R7C starts t%e PS inactivit, timer or ast dormanc, '%en inactivit, on

    PS data is detected*

    !s#nactTm"Fo"FstD"mDchspeci&es t%e PS inactivit, timer or


    !s#nactTm"Fo"FstD"mFachspeci&es t%e PS inactivit, timer or

    CEIIQ1AC(*- !s#nactTm"Fo"!"eFstD"mspeci&es t%e PS inactivit, timer or CEIIQPC(*

    5 t%e E is a ast dormanc, E and is not processing CS services$ '%en t%e

    PS inactivit, timer

    or ast dormanc, e+pires or t%e R7C receives an SCR5 message or => event

    rom t%e E$ t%e

    E c%anges states as ollo's6

    1) Fo" a &E n the CE%%?DC9 state:

    \ 5 'D#T1?#T2Bo 's3d!a"a1in t%e SET URRCTRLSWITCH

    command is turned of$

    t%e R7C triggers a -!1 state transition*

    \ 5 'D#T1?#T2Bo 's3d!a"a1in t%e SET URRCTRLSWITCH

    command is turned on$

    t%e R7C triggers a -!P state transition*


    T%e -!1 and 1!P state transitions are recommended or t%e ollo'ing reasons6

    -uring an 5OT test$ some terminal issues occur* Occasionall,$ terminals ail to esta)lis% services

    ater a transition rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC(* T%is ailure %as a )ad impact on user


    Compare 'it% a state transition rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQ1AC( and t%en to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC($

    t%e state transition rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC( does not improve t%e net'ork

    perormance or user e+perience*

    Some terminals send CEII P-ATE message to transer data immediatel, ater a state transition

    rom CEIIQ-C( to CEIIQPC(HRAQPC($ '%ic% increases t%e signaling messages and leads to a

    %eav, load on t%e u interace*

    2) Fo" a &E n the CE%%?FAC9 state the '$C t"**e" an F2! state


    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#6, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    -!5 -!5 indicates a transition rom CEIIQ-C( to idle*

    N%en t%e 1AC( is congested$ -!1 is not triggered or inactive CEIIQ-C(

    users* 5nstead$ t%e

    R7C triggers a -!5 transition to release t%e EVs RRC connection* T%e s'itc%

    or -!5 is turned of ), deault* Run t%e ollo'ing command to s'itc% it on6



    P!5 P!5 indicates a transition rom CEIIQPC( to idle*

    5 t%e E is in t%e CEIIQPC( state$ '%en t%e PS inactivit, timer or ast

    dormanc, speci&ed ),

    !s#nactTm"Fo"!"eFstD"m2 e+pires$ t%e R7C releases t%e EVs RRC

    connection and t%en t%eE enters idle mode*

    P!- P!- indicates a transition rom CEIIQPC( to CEIIQ-C(*

    N%en t%e s'itc% 'D#T1?#T20o 's3d!a"a1in t%e SET

    URRCTRLSWITCH command is

    turned on and t%e E tries to originate or terminate a CS service and t%e

    1AC( is congested$ t%e R7C instructs t%e E to perorm a P!- instead o

    P!12 state transition*

    N%en t%e s'itc% FAC9?DTC9?C$/ET?!2Do !'CE#TC92in

    t%e SET

    &''CT'%#TC9command is turned on and t%e E tries to originate or

    terminate a PS service and t%e 1AC( is congested$ t%e R7C instructs t%e E

    to perorm a P!- instead o P!12 state transition*

    P!1 P!1 indicates a transition rom CEIIQPC( to CEIIQ1AC(*

    N%en t%e E %as somet%ing to send and t%e condition or P!- is not

    satis&ed$ t%e R7C instructs t%e E to enter t%e CEIIQ1AC( state* 1or details

    a)out conditions or P!-$ see a)ove P!- description*

    1!- 1!- indicates a transition rom CEIIQ1AC( to CEIIQ-C(*

    N%en a ast dormanc, E is in t%e CEIIQ1AC( state$ N%en t%e ast

    dormanc, E sendsmessages '%ose trac volume is %ig%er t%an

    FastDo"manc,F2D9T3mThd$ T%e R7C 'ill

    transer t%e E rom CEIIQ1AC( to CEIIQ-C(* T%e

    FastDo"manc,F2D9T3mThdis a ne'

    t%res%old o event =a or ast dormanc, E$ T%is t%res%old is set to )igger

    t%an trac volume o most %eart)eat messages so t%at to prevent state

    transitions rom )eing triggered ), a small num)er o %eart)eat messages*

    >enc%mark or PP#!6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#!, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    A)out !"D reductions on RRC and RA> attempts$ '%ic% reduce t%e signaling load signi&cantl,

    Iess congestions are o)served as 'ell*

    *$2 /ulti-R) &pti'i(ation

    T%e .ultiRA> mainl, or CS:PS2 services increased as smart p%one penetration is increasing*

    T%e trend o .ultiRA> attempts in 7GA region6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#+, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    T%e live net'ork statistics s%o's t%at t%e Call -rop Rate in .ultiRA> scenario is muc% %ig%er

    t%an single RA> service*

    General cause o drop rate o .ultiRA> %ig%er t%an single CS RA>6

    (ig%er R1 signal Jualit, reJuirement comparing 'it% CS Single RA>

    .ore complicated signaling procedure comparing 'it% Single RA>

    To improve t%e CS call drop6

    Reduce t%e PS R1 signal Jualit, reJuirement or multiRA>

    Reduce t%e loss pro)a)ilit, due to complicated signaling process*

    Optimize t%e signaling procedures

    #" parameter tunings 'ere rollout in 7P5 !"##$ some more activities are proposed in !"#!

    !a"amete" Chan*e 5MM%) 'ema"k /?!!12?!!(?




    EPPERI5.5T1ORA.R-?=$ 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## -?=

    SET 1RC6-I-C(>EPPERI5.5T1ORA.R-@Y 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## -@



    5nitiative in 7P5 !"## O11

    SET STATET5.ER6R>SETPRSPT.R#""""Y 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""

    SET STATET5.ER6(OAST.R#""""Y 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""



    5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""

    SET STATET5.ER6R>REC1GRSPT.R#""""Y 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""

    SET STATET5.ER6R>REIRSPT.R#""""Y 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""

    SET STATET5.ER6 5nitiative in 7P5 !"## #""""

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page#, otal!2

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    Security Level




    5nitiative in !"#!6

    N%en CellQ1ac%0PC( is ena)led$ avoid

    CS RA> ailures caused ), t%e

    procedure overlap )et'een cell update

    and CS RA> esta)lis%ment





    Parameter -escription6


    !a"amete" #D ReservedS'itc%"

    !a"amete" $ame CORR. Algorit%m Reserved S'itc% "

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &C''MA%/#TC9

    Meann* CORR. algorit%m reserved s'itc% "*

    RESER/E-QSN5TC(Q"Q>5T##6 N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ t%e PS service must )e carried ),

    -C(s in t%e uplink i )ot% CS and PS services e+ist*

    RESER/E-QSN5TC(Q"Q>5T#5T##$ RESER/E-QSN5TC(Q"Q>5T#E service rate in com)ined A.R services*

    Com)ined A.R services consist o onl, A.R services and >E services* 5 t%ere is a mem)er o

    a diferent trac class$ t%e com)ined services are regarded as com)ined nonA.R services*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D 7one

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page*1, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Featu"e $ame 7one

    alue T,.e Enumeration T,pe

    / alue 'an*e -@$ -#?$ -3!$ -?=$ -#!@$ -#==$ -!

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &F'C

    Meann* T%is parameter speci&es t%e upper limit o do'nlink >E service rate in com)ined A.R

    services* Com)ined A.R services consist o onl, A.R services and >E services* 5 t%ere is a

    mem)er o a diferent trac class$ t%e com)ined services are regarded as com)ined nonA.R


    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D 7one

    Featu"e $ame 7one

    alue T,.e Enumeration T,pe

    / alue 'an*e -@$ -#?$ -3!$ -?=$ -#!@$ -#==$ -!

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    #m.act on 'ado

    $et6o"k !e"fo"mance


    #nt"oduced n e"son /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    !a"amete" #D RsvdPara#

    !a"amete" $ame Reserved parameter #

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &''CT'%#TC9

    Meann* RS/->5T#Q>5T!" Reserved Parameter # >it !"2 N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ or Es t%at

    support ast dormanc, and are in t%e CEIIQPC( state$ t%e R7C perorms t%e CEIIQPC(to

    CEIIQ1AC( P!1 or s%ort2 procedure i t%e Es perorm cell update 'it% t%e cause value

    uplink data transmission or paging response* N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ or Es t%at

    support ast dormanc, and are in t%e CEIIQPC( state$ t%e R7C perorms t%e P!- procedure i

    t%e Es perorm cell update 'it% t%e cause value uplink data transmission or paging


    RS/->5T#Q>5T!# Reserved Parameter # >it !#2 N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ or Es t%at are

    esta)lis%ing A.R services and s%iting rom t%e CEIIQ1AC( state to t%e CEIIQ-C( state$ t%e

    R7C stops esta)lis%ing A.R services to %andle cell update i t%e R7C receives rom t%e Es a

    cell update message containing t%e cause value cell reselection* N%en t%e s'itc% is turned

    of$ or Es t%at are esta)lis%ing A.R services and s%iting rom t%e CEIIQ1AC( state to t%e

    CEIIQ-C( state$ i t%e R7C receives rom t%e Es a cell update message containing t%e cause

    value cell reselection$ t%e R7C stops esta)lis%ing A.R services to %andle cell update and

    resumes A.R services onl, ater cell update is completed*

    RS/->5T#Q>5T!? Reserved Parameter # >it !?2 N%en t%e s'itc% is turned on$ t%e R7C does

    not reesta)lis% radio links or a E i t%e E reports to t%e R7C cell update caused ), SR>

    reset* N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ t%e R7C reesta)lis%es radio links or a E i t%e E

    reports to t%e R7C cell update caused ), SR> reset*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"#"#"#

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page*#, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Featu"e $ame 3GPP Speci&cations

    alue T,.e >it 1ield T,pe

    / alue 'an*e RS/->5T#Q>5T!"$ RS/->5T#Q>5T!#$ RS/->5T#Q>5T!?



    RS/->5T#Q>5T!"#$ RS/->5T#Q>5T!#!"$ RS/->5T#Q>5T!?! Soter (andover

    5nter R7C Sot (andover

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e #3"""""


    7ot involved

    &nt ms

    Actual alue 'an*e #3"""""

    Default alue

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level




    Access Read 0 Nrite

    e"3ce #nte""u.ted

    Afte" Mod4caton


    #nte""u.ton co.e 7ot involved



    7ot involved

    Cauton 7one

    aldaton of


    7ot involved

    #m.act on 'ado

    $et6o"k !e"fo"mance


    #nt"oduced n e"son /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    !a"amete" #D (oP%,c%RecgTmr

    !a"amete" $ame (O P%,C% recon&guration timer

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &TATET#ME'

    Meann* A timer to R7C 'ait or t%e response to p%,sical c%annel recon&guration in %ard %andover


    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"!"3"!



    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page*+, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Featu"e $ame 5nter 1reJuenc, (ard (andover >ased on Coverage

    5nter 1reJuenc, (ard (andover >ased on -I MoS

    5ntra 1reJuenc, (ard (andover

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e #3"""""



    7ot involved

    &nt ms

    Actual alue 'an*e #3"""""

    Default alue

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level


    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page60, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    !a"amete" #D R)RecgRspTmr

    !a"amete" $ame Nait R> recon&guration response timer

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &TATET#ME'

    Meann* A timer used to 'ait or t%e R> recon&guration response rom E in t%e R> procedure* Reer to

    t%e 7ote*

    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"#"#"#

    Featu"e $ame 3GPP Speci&cations

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e 3""3"""""



    7ot involved

    &nt ms

    Actual alue 'an*e 3""3"""""

    Default alue

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    or E recon&guration does not 'ork* 1or e+ample$ '%en t%e c%annel c%ange orm -C( to

    1AC( or t%e c%annel c%ange rom 1AC( to -C($ t%e timer does not 'ork*2 T%e retransmit

    timer is ! second* T%e R> recon&guration message ma, retransmit t%ree times '%en t%e

    timer e+pires* T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    aldaton of


    7ot involved

    #m.act on 'ado

    $et6o"k !e"fo"mance


    #nt"oduced n e"son /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    !a"amete" #D R)RelRspTmr

    !a"amete" $ame Nait R> release response timer

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &TATET#ME'

    Meann* A timer to R7C 'ait or t%e R> release response rom E in t%e R> procedure* Reer to t%e


    #s+e, 7O

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"#"#"#

    Featu"e $ame 3GPP Speci&cations

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e 3""3"""""



    7ot involved

    &nt ms

    Actual alue 'an*e 3""3"""""

    Default alue

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    'ecommended alue recon&guration message ma, retransmit t%ree times '%en t%e timer e+pires*

    T%e parameter modi&cation %as no impact on t%e eJuipment*

    aldaton of


    7ot involved

    #m.act on 'ado

    $et6o"k !e"fo"mance


    #nt"oduced n e"son /ersions earlier t%an >SC?"" /""R"##

    Att"bute Radio


    !a"amete" #D (oCellpdateRspTmr

    !a"amete" $ame (O cell update response timer

    $E >SC?""

    MM% Command ET &TATET#ME'

    Meann* A timer to R7C 'ait or t%e response to t%e cell update con&rm rom E in or'ard %andover


    #s+e, 7O

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page6", otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    Mandato", 7O

    Featu"e #D NR1-"#"@"#


    Featu"e $ame 5ntra R7C Cell pdate

    5nter R7C Cell pdate

    alue T,.e 5nterval T,pe

    / alue 'an*e ##""""



    7ot involved

    &nt ms

    Actual alue 'an*e ##""""

    Default alue

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    *$" %all Re-establis'ent

    T%e drop calls mostl, are caused ), Radio link ailureF$ RIC resetF and SR> resetF* tran can

    initiate a Cell pdateF procedure to reesta)lis% t%e Radio Iink in a ne' cell to save some drops*

    !a"amete" Chan*e 5MM%


    Desc".ton Cu""ent ettn*

    on !!12





    N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ t%e R7C

    triggers cell update 'it% t%e cause value

    RI 1ailure and reesta)lis%es radio links i

    t%e R7C detects interrupted do'nlink

    transmission on SR>!*

    O7 O11



    N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ t%e R7C

    triggers cell update 'it% t%e cause value

    RI 1ailure reported ), a E and

    reesta)lis%es radio links$ i t%e associated

    7ode> reports to t%e R7C t%at all radio

    links or t%e E e+perience s,nc%ronization


    O7 O11



    N%en t%e s'itc% is turned of$ or Es using

    CS services$ t%e R7C triggers cell update

    'it% t%e cause value RI 1ailure reported

    ), a E and reesta)lis%es radio links$ i t%e

    R7C detects interrupted do'nlink

    transmission on SR>!$ or i t%e associated

    7ode> reports to t%e R7C t%at all radio

    links or t%e E e+perience s,nc%ronization


    O7 O11



  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level



    Signi&cant improvement is seen on CS Call -rop rate and PS Call drop rate %as a slig%t improvement*

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page66, otal!2

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    Security Level

    Summary and Conclusion

    Totall, # ZoLs 'ere implemented$ some individual )enc%mark evaluations in t%e previous slides

    mig%t )e some com)ined operation afect* So to conclude some parameter tunings or eatures$ some

    separate trials in ot%er R7CLs are reJuired*

    Total 5mprovement

    PS CSSR is improved rom D to *

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    CS C-R is improved rom "*?

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    5mprovement on (S-PA t%roug%put6

    5mprovement on (SPA t%roug%put6

    5mprovement on I PS3@= t%roug%put6

    2016-02-11 Huawei Proprietary - Restricted Distribution Page6, otal!2

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    1urt%er Actions6



    Cate*o", #tem #m.lementa


    'ema"k 'ollout


    # PS CSSR



    >lind (andover

    1undamental C%eck

    !.a, Slig%t improvement on PS CSSR on

    t%ese cells

    Rollout in

    entire net'ork

    ! -isa)le uplink CAC or

    %ig% congesting cells

    ##Zun plink Po'er Congestions cleared$

    and PS CSSR is around *

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level





    1undamental C%eck6 =

    sites 'ere not ena)led'it% -C(S-PA

    ;Zun 7o o)vious c%ange on stats as it is

    related to t%e -C(S-PA capa)le%andset penetration and user


    Rollout in

    entire net'ork

    #" >ackground noise


    ##Zun Slig%t improvement on (SPA

    t%roug%put on stats*

    Rollout in

    entire net'ork

    ## CM5 1eed)ack Period

    optimization rom !ms

    to @ms

    ##Zun A)out 3d> improvement on average

    RTNP$ '%ic% means 'e %ave almost


    on -,namic >IER


    Zul 5mplemented on Zul,$ no o)vious

    improvement on statistics*

    7eed a

    separate trial

    in anot%er R7C

    #? (SPA Adaptive Re


    =Zul, 0 S sites2

    and TS sites2$ noimprovement is seen ater


    7eed a

    separate trialin anot%er R7C

    #; Smart




    .ultiRA> Optimization 3#.a, CS CSSR is improved rom @*!D to

    *"D$ CS C-R is improved rom

    "*;D to "*

  • 7/25/2019 3G Cluster Packet Service Optimization Report


    Security Level

    congestions as 'ell*

    # Call reesta)lis%ment ##Zul Signi&cant improvement on CS C-R$

    slig%t improvement on PS C-R

    Rollout in

    entire net'ork

    ! Schedule

    According to t%e pro8ect plan$ (ua'ei 'ill conduct !Brun cluster packet service optimization in !"#!*

    .ean'%ile$ t%e )est practices and e+periences veri&ed in PP#! 'ill )e rollout in entire net'ork*

    T9E E$D