£3?nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1885-06-18/ed-1/seq-3.… · £3? -. -...

£3? -. - •:AS:»t«\v'istC!>tf!ia;5r-JES»EfeBKi)ES'!E. -THtpg&i'E, JUSMta, W&k —31. K. Bti^henshad'twp new buggies birraed iii the; j j t o of Shubef Wilder on Tuesday night. / . . ' . ' —'Claytoli will celebrate the Fourth this, yeai:, the committee having raised - §650 for that purpose. —Keweit styles irt Dress Goods, Shaw Is, t Parasols and Fans, great variety -cheaper than ever at.IEell©gg..i& "Webers, -—The hotel and barns at Sterling-wile ; with tlaeii* contents were destroyed by "fire early Simdayf morning.. The buildings were valne.dat f 3,00f> and partially insur- ^ u :.' -• : ' " ; i -Qa-Monday iicxt a neiv &ae card wilt"! —Mrs. d'Neil will open a new dry goods : go iuto. ".effeet- M i t h e JTtiea. and Black j. and. millinery store in the TJTMES block • i^H^-Htiiroad. ThfeVilt bo. for the sum- j y^. week. 'The goods have mostly, •ar- 'ff a sharp found out —PFaddians are now eating green corn from their gardens. .—T. B. Fowler sustained, a severe sprain of his ankle on Friday 'last, —•Tho new store in the Tutus block was opened to the public Saturday, June Mi. tf. —R; is said that !I5.5 forms in Iowa are owned by women, and that twenty dairy farms are managed by women. —The Lowville Spring House is now open, and the first hop of the season will take place next Wednesday evening June : have engaged;J: •liter arrangements,' a n d .w-.e m a y look for! rived some fast- fSrae, j ' . ^Tae'woik -of laying' the new pave-j look out for ants. They have -Dakota well-diggers kec*p PeysoiialB. —C\ F. Meyers & 0o.,: 1 L. Bush as clerk; —Miss Clara Smiley is expected ;ho1^fc..j to-day o'r. to-morrow. '. —Mr. "V"Y\ L. S c o t t i s . a g a i n confinjSd--to.| ; the house by sickness. '-—Mr. T$. C. Matthews and'.yfrift/ar.bj j visfting friends at Adams.. —Mert. T. Rogers of §3ira^ise,;..sgei£fc.| - Sunday with friends in town. ,-Miss Amy. Reed Is visiting her sktei;,':| Mrs. 0, S. Adams.;; at Rochester. .—W. J..Mooney and .wife spent Sattii'-'| day and Sunday witii friends hi PliiiacleV phia. . < ' ' '-..''•'-'.-.• •./"•'•'.'"' - - Ray and Hugh Pitcher of New'York, J are visiting their .grandmother, Mrs. • J/iB'. Reed.. '. . , ' , . , , / ' " V - ^ : ' , —Charles McJJoaakL after speadiu'g-al ;$lp^ffle "0&i?fefe.EtoeetOTy, nearly completed, and the .board uf trus- tees deserve" a 1 . great credit for doing so • good and.beaefi.etai job on our streets. .;-PR18ia^lSiiS«^^ife ". •"-• • • ^r^ Croghan Cornet Rand'favored .-"- RSV..J..H. I*A*eM D'P->.Pa^t<m--r;Preaeaing:: ", ••..,.- . . . -.. • < . -• everysandavat«,«» &xd.. s&d.tmy. m. "Sim-. ; oar citizens with .a. very hue open air con- " . S J ' ^ I ^ J S ^ S 8 ^ ^ •**" WP ' «**<>* M * * * evening.' The boys, have •4kmr£ B^eixB^esvm-s:'-' : -"' , made a decided improvement since last " ":J{EV. Q.E;'&xr&iam::Vi\$tar^TT<>a*iiin:r&Ym-- year; and lire- deserving of great praise: "daVsati(S3i*a.BU,aKifeSO-B,m.-Sunday schoolatrj • . . -' •>-«,,..,,' --*-n.-.n- t •iijin;'"'".;: -.-:""•;• : - -"- : "" . ' '"-- ^-Richard "Wlntehome-of Brooklyn, \yho meat on the -west side of State street is ; that suit* always build their hOuses over a | ^-pay in Dakota, has returned tahi.s.'.hom"e.. ;;•- .•BjtSSiST.capE.eH." !"-dis!lppeai'edan-brpiid daylight, last week, '"'--Bsv^'»/DirnR«,Eas't.ot-^K'eac*tnf Sundays-.; has-re^ home,'but no one is all6w*ed. at.iD:^^ * . , anffTSJ^PiM..'?«tf4ay school at 13 •-w; Fraver.meeting,.tiStl'pi'in., TfijirsdiSyi x:-- 1 tOrsq& Mm. . He.hsid $1,000 when, he left, aj»1^6i}j»T.3^XSc\Oto^GMCEOH/ : .- ''".". j b"i"it^h'enyie-Ktu.rniBa.]ie'hadn"ot itpeiiiiy.' TjEv-.-t-fe.-EiK&Bist,J>. fe;Pttstor^Pi'eaeMBS t •*- _'T5>,ti Dm-vea "a^Wd fiffcv' a"' Siihdav eTecvSuutIavatIQi3t*-!v.m., aBsltflJOr^.ni. Bttu- , . JOnti Jjuiyea, agea iixty, a ouniutj day sehcwl after monijng service. . I^Verineiet, ! school supBrintehd'ent of Ofegbii^ L. h', t-lHss meetiags, : i?'m.-,. Sundays; and T:sa p. m.,-' wjis ' rakei}' suddeiily;. ill Siraday while ^" - }: ~" •' ' : •••..--.• t jpjjgjjjjjg ]iis class-and died in "a few min- utes." He was one of the "wealthiest far'ni- iiif,yinltt«ty*'':Vesji?j«andJJenedicK"^^ - . io; Sttiailayseixool'.a.t'^siap.m. ..'.-' ..... ' r i . .-. . " • -- -'.-... An >$change says, that thfe' best way' y SK.P®P^S?eHl"^CHv--3lomaii0atIioa;c. ,-.. -.Siv; %i". jf. ,&S'stLi., Pastor-.—ft ! eaeliing. at 11 a. ' Xoeal ®Ea"eters. ."•.'" -~TWB celebrate. v . -riCfcops are loo&ing:' fine. .. ".V". ^-tPlenty ofcoot^weather, .yet. - •;_.- ,^6hgaj)er postage iiext nionth..-. .. " •-' .-^fiave yottplaniiBd 'yoargumnje? *a<a- .i itipii?-- .-:•-, -.. '•-..•.:W--. : "-''. "•"'.-' . ;•" -:'-' — 3 K k 6 j'diir .atraBgiirfents to ^onie to •\ Eow^ts bii,the fourth. -•' . . ' >'•'. V—•^,"-ij';'&.^Se'a*erhas eamtnenced.the:. "--• -fpiiadata^rx;' of ^c;ce^-hous&.6ii" Shady ;^ift*elmB.' •'\:'-J-;-J.'-\ '"',/'~>. ''':•',•••-.'. '•'' : =.- :•(•: -y^&p ivdjofenfed meeting- of 'the-Le^is :;;': 'Gpunty S. .Sv'7As.s^.clatjoft-\vili be" held at : •'-. _T;urih. to-niQrrgw... ' , "-.J : "' -"'•'••".' »- • •"". ^ T h e / f o p r t l t «f "July. &oiniJii:fctee.have' ••• ^iigag&Ji^.ia^dk, mi ^cie negotiating ; ' ;5)r^two rhoSei-fey t h a t da^ .-. -. - . .. 1 ; '."'-' ~Sv ¥; "WftEner.4f. the- Kellogg House,. • -' bjleAed theXThonsaad- I s W d Fa*k Jiotel to ...thVpBtUeDfi.Tuesday.last..'. "'•'•.'•[ J' ' :V"..-^Th&-sbiisof'Vef^raas',.-aHew- oVgsinza- ;/r'.goa--iB-jlJa¥^^'/i^.flf6etoide^Kers"sn3 , "/thej^haVe" sent for their ehaiter."^ ' • ..... •I-. V^The/ heirs:, oif James Q. Smith have ] '- decided "-to ! ;cairry-; their- 'suit'[figainatthe^" : ;.IItre*&Maijk"Kiver;'R^k^^ : ,'>ef.eouife.. ;j• ''• : ----; - : 'J: '•:}.-.•' ; •' ...\/-^-The -next, meeting of the li&wis Coin-' •-.-'•%• "'foaGhefe".- Assbcfstroin wilt', be iiekl at -•.• .'S&ftinsbtiiegK,. .pa:..'Friday'"aiid'"Saturday, ; ^ n e ; 3 i f e a n M f i K - ; ' . : . ; ; . ' .•; •; '':- 'i..".'": .• -•;. ." .'•";" ^•Cfteing-tQ ; th,e..%teence'df, 'Prof.'Cole: i -• toJ&iaitfeii ccrtinty,!)^ lesson ;Oii flic Life : - ; ; •• a;hd- l4|ttgaa>e'.'pf~ ",ifto r '@ree-fcs, -wil'trfoi^ap- ..,peaf:tnd"ilne^-w4ek.' : '-v : '"; r - •-,- •'• -' '" .•;,'. .- '^f Jason"" L:"-Parry fbi7ni}Mj : "-of "W^tsQii,.. •. .-.tMs countVj-fead-' ^f& iinsi;ortiirte--; to %&$&__ ';.;i,ist bHttefcahd: egg. waiie' 3S^fis¥vuieoo^k: .';: 7 r-^'i^aii"i#e3«^t^.gamie'6$:.&aseb^tl: i-betweea. a' pae,l£ed ; -.nine. :arid:- th^ old- jgira;| •;. /Fgcg^.sftf^h"- "yflatTifTftit ; ;i : <i^"hkh- vfihfA - t0 brighten; lip .'a .caTpet is to- put half, a tumbler frill of spirits of turpentine in a basin of water, dip the broom in it and sweep' ove.r the carpet once or twice. It willrestofethe eolor'ahd renderrt as bright as. when new, " " ' * -£-Tliie annual meeting of the Lewis county; Hedioiit, Society 'will- be held in - fine court house,-in the 'village of, Low- ville, qn, Tuesday, June 33d, 1883, at two b'elbck p. nii •' Ail members'are requested to be present. -Dr, W^. O. HCBBARB, '.-•'.'•; .* ' .. '.-' • -.'.' Seci^tary. .. ••' -^-One.of "oTip*.yoV4ag ladies was.' nearly- frightened into- jij'sterics. tlie; other <$xe- :ning.by oae pt : those horrid^ toads hopping across lier plith. ;:Her scre'anjs" brought a- youiig man-to. her timely rescue. . A toad .'is- - onty : .second, io the ferocious mausfi -inspiringtei;rorhi thefeiaale breast. . —We rmderstand; ftom good antliority that:' Wsfert'o-wii is -to have-a new -daily-- p:a,peiVwliich will ihakeite first appeaj- a.fle^-0a;:M6ndayf a e ' i t ; ; . I t is to- b'eieditecl by- the. Hon.'- -Charles Rv- .Skinner, - and. .from a jjersonal aciiuaintanca. with him: we .beUeve'tht} undertaking . will ;prove\ : a;success,' -..-.. . - - ,' ., " ... •^iiit. Hcdgers, a butcher of Waylandj Was Idlliag a .beef a "few-'• days" ago and . eut Ms •hantk - To staiuieh. the blood; he "•wound a efeth tMfc.had blood bn it frohr apreTOUsidllingjand soon", after the hand beeame inHaine'Catidhow his fiikji is terri- bly swollen and jiis physician, jjronounces itircase of blood'poisoSiing..- • . ' ; ^-rj.r£ the- case of tb^e'.people against Pat^ i'ic^ Burns', Thomas JBums and John •BurhSr". inflicted-', for "larceny in the second - degree, which was oh trial 1 as'we went to ^ress-lAst.'yi4ek^''at.thecJbseof .the prose- Cutibn Judge Williarhs : -.directed' the jury : tfr-fih.d tlie.-defcindan.ts - l - f no6- guilty" and they;-wer.0 ; ac6ordmgiy disehargedi : . ^—^e'.otheirmprniBgi' early,, Daniel Al- exattdei'-pi.iiatohe, aged sixty^ 'arose frpta fiis'-jjed, and'-^hbut^drfissing yVent tp-the ; pSi- - --- ;'•;-;standiag'faveli^etb-twsti-ev-'.. .:- ..v':--";; .... •' k i-T-'pa.G JSiiyei-sidistS; w^lf-hpld a-gehettfi. '.;_; meeting: afc-Natifsal..Bridge pjn: Saturday^ .-•' J^sS^!:aM;S8t^;^(m^8fevf :.$-;']&; - Jaae-^fffrbe otdaiifed. ./"0th6rpronthient' . ;mfnfcters: "ivill be jiresetij.'. \ ,":.',.. •:-'.';.•".".;' .;•.-. ..v-^The-Cpihinit.fee.pii" .th'e'fbuii&of-.Jufyf .--.- celebr.aMc)ii:In%e' aearly f6.0{)•Iais"ed f -'«iti!.• i "'. "w^hibTi ffiey-intead 'to,give."tlte,pe.pple:Qf : vLewisco'uii^.theTfinest celebraMbn they - .tuCT&^ffinegsed^ma. Tong'time.'. . -; J ?- R"V::- per" Pi-isyana-iyLurs "oper-; ' :atesi '.s&veil- .'cheese: fae^ofie^-tMsi s.easoiiyV ' ''ifiaking-iMelieese-perr^aiyv;-.The/weight :•; b f - t l r e ' i i e e s e j t r e frbi^v^-fj&jf-jsi^- tp'iifty- ; . eight pbtnidsdad; are ,^pjred^ r ee3ciyd&eet; fo-Kew'Tptk;'" . -..'-.•':'-•:-•-.""'- ':., ,' ' c^—Af rfto L; : HquB^'assiataltt.cashier \bf •'•J.^e.Oitkens.v|aiik;_'bf-^Clayton,. lfi".y H ".,is., v :HQba te'resrgo'"lits'tpbafiba ioi^ sbinething^. \ better & Sato.Fraaeiscb,;0ali r - Jfr.'Hbuse .- his^-many frieads aii th^Vibinityl.whc^rer. -..-gmt.l^ : 3ea"Kihgf for-thfefaE/Hvest.".-----. - '1jro.ther"ofX"J,"Arte ... ye?y }aygely;;atfenaed" at ijje:. resLdejiCe of . his diijighteri.; Sits-."'- J-; •' %.Wpalw/prthia :'.-:"'" "Syateyto^my os Sattuktay hjst-at 'g:'30:"p-.'. : ' fa.' ..Eey«:'Mi t "."Tp^ase"hd"'ipf 'the-.'/Stafe; '.street : jI» : .-B^.efiiuieIs;6tfdagngL -.:-.- "' ..: : """. '-.j^TiieGasirioJpr ; ^ a i i i i g i j i d E } , ! ^ "CTtica,." yVa^'bliya.ed at .pUe o'cloek: Friday moi'akig . aaS"'tW4..or:'"f&:r^ more- ,- •!or less dattaged,' * • Sevea-hjindred .pair of '. /^kai^aiibtherpa'soaaipm : '' : .,s^j^ i .-fcv-i^^0a^^y-3^ i ^amg8 : . : S8' "esfira^tMl ; at^bi|ipftf; Pitrtia%j'jastiredi". -:.' '; v^A,£s.inde.ti^--ofMejifip^& of ^thJe.fire 'department^" ield pa Friday' eveni .- ;ihg"'&ti.;;--'3PML"---:^^iii&'ihfe'''.yBete!fi.-- : " 'treasurer. .-- A^ KsolatibiWaa-adprifed ia:^. '•". gfeijcShg the treasurVr to.-divide eipially -'. betwebhlthe Stearoer 0ampai|j^.'H6pk' aad, ; Ladder, : and' Worn QbrapaaleSj- afi-japiieya; .t-ebnaingintp-'his iaads for the.', benefit: ; of ""."'aaidAepartnicht.:,'."'-.:.. • .v^"]/',;..-'•:•'.-•':' ' ;. .'.'" ^ItSis, GL' i.:;;Ik^£-pi:JSfea^ 5|ffls has.' succeeded M ;its-'egOTts-tp : praeii*e; iv irjOau- ' -.iaent to:"ihe.ffieHi:p;*y pf[those, "who-.- fbilght for- ihe tmaoiii r-.-The-mbiiameiit is of-white •;: ; te6n"^:bf t%'sanie-%fe as « at ' : ereete|' 6e ^ ^ ittJfcbapreiafttrae.^ Tt %saidthey : r in. out.-s^gbifefeyear; --•'& wili"-be; placed .ia:'pbs^pk''a"h3'' : j"ledieated jwly '4, -with" •'^auch'cWe'mony^'--.- fieregatipasfr&m;posts mit.poHtt : cpHfi"ectep:;with' the Wead-piipei 1 ' mfllsv^ffirtb. -pf the'viliage., and thre^ Id'jriH self into'^e*^at^.V^^Tbp^.^f«Es-^eaffv$f- ed,-.", H*-TOis.-Beatitbt...the.' tjtj.civ iasaae-. ^asiyiura.'f abbat;' a. 'year • ago,.: and returned last'winter apparentlycuredi- •• •• - ".-/^-RBV;-^©, Phe'lp*, ioriaerty .of'Gaze, - npyia-seaiiBaipy'ttpd.-a'ow^.jiastor of t h e First' SL'M chi^ehiri-Hfica%as-beea-ia.yited to. fake? •chargfe of -the 0.bn.esee' ; Conference lemmaiy-at Liraay Liyingistoa county:--.He :has'thp .call aad'eryadvjsement. He is. . vespeciailyyell; fitteCfoi educational work,- -anrd-'theiiieyposition%buld be -far better in..a busmess;.ppiht"bf v'ievt; '-.V^Th&.typ-addresses: ; of Erpf- A, A; •jHppMns-oh --tearjierance •• deb>ve.red in the ^purthbuse of t h i s -Qllage-'.QB-Wedae&'aay aad Thursday'eveuings-'df -last%eek yere .able, sound and Ibgieaii-ahd.wei-e caiGtjila- tedtobriagr'.cpaSictipa 'to. the niiads of his; iieai-'ersi'-^The' attehdahce was/'not •latge; ••biitth'osb,ivho yerc:'presentwere Veil repaidto.flieit'^inie and'trpXibfe .'• • —^The Ptesbyteriaii society of Carthage : have finally .given -the cbhteact- t<i build ;their new; church to'. J. E. Callahah;of ' tjtieai, -_ 1$: IV The;- ivoi^-' bf'e'scavatibn yill be commenced* atI bh'ce., and the Wails aftheiphntch. lite'tO; beerected by.. Sept. isf,^. and the entire church; ready for dedi- \:cataoh)by':Jaau9iy. !#; -"t^Sd, It. .will be of .'-brick with;. three. gables r "aad twb ea-. f'trances "feom^'State^sfaeet.-. .- The Audience. :tpoai:\valI be : aftet>thb. aragaltheatey style, 3T % 5& feely and the "gost'of tEe buildiag ;is t&be §11,:000; '. '.,.'. ,..,..> _ • ^-A- women, from Lowe-E.Cahada -. passed- .fh^ugiajthis eity % .Tuesday, going "to her tos;bandia-Sp-acuse, - She-hadyithhera .'famriy of .eight children;, born at &•vft.;bkfhs f "TJie.'oidest'yerte'.t\v.ia;. -giris -pf .'ten'; years,. .'then foHbwed.-a bay.-o£,hiae years, ..two pairs .of twfns-aad' a- baby ;one year pld... #heyypreall;dtessed neatiy and as smart, as.prickets; '• Wheri-seated .oa";aset£ce..sid-3. by side-they pr.eseated'almost interesting j>iefcure. ' They were : at the . Rome;, ilepot niost of thaafterhpon' 'aad^attractgd'a'gp'Gd .Seal of .a'tteatibnr'---% 1 r&?i,vSa^ JbiemiiL •• ^-We learn "Upon, go'o.d;authority that a, cpnipaay* of- -. Syracuse' • bajiitalisfs has.. for spme time- been qiiiefly working' up a schieiae 't'b' op^a a new. pjirlc on the St. .'-EawrbnCe, "aad have now- -reached a stage' at which the announcement of' their sue- vein of water. i •> I —Several shares of the-Utica and Black i River railroad stork were sold last 'week at t'tica, the lowest price, was 91c. on the- daUaiyiad the highest-flaie. .This is evi- dence of discix'ct manageijient. —Eighteen goveriiroeiit headstones for xmrnarked soldiers graves have been re- ~ ccived at Adams. Eleven will be placed in. that town, two in Rodman, two in Lorraine and two in Roberts Corners. \ —Ma-. H. W. TV'ileoxof Collins.ville,has in Ms garden a cherry tree pa yhich th,ere are cherries as large as. peas, also pa the same tree Is a limb which is iufuilblosom. Can. anybodj'in. Lewis. Co. eipjal that? .We certainly can.aot. -—A young man was arrested in Copen- hagen last Saturday, .charged with, bas- tardy, .and taken to Croghaa by Constable -Sbbeit illcon. The trial was fo have, oc- curred Monday, but the. .young man es-' , eapyd by jumping front one of the win- dows, of Fredeuburgh's hotel; and has not since been captured. Wutertvum /Wf. T -Before buying dress goods, fancy goods, or anything in the dry goods or . notion line, paper hangings, window drap.- ery, tapestry, lace curtains, etc.j call at the new store in the- TniE's block and -be> convinced that Ave will sell you goods at lower prices than have been offered you this season-. - The sale-will commence on- Saturday, Jane (5tli. E. J. Corcoran; tf • "•-=-*Dining the" thunder storm .of last :w-eek ,tBe barn of. Thaddeus : '(xTaVes,in the town of Russell, was "Struck by lightning and- bnrned, together with a horse barn find cow barn adjoining. A mare and colt, two hogs, two calves, a pah - of. bob sleds, a double wagon, and five o r . s i x tons of hay were -ais«> consiimed. The Ibis* is-estimated at $2,000, and was not insured. " —Last Sunday evening the Rev, D, T). Dean preached the annual.serhion.befpre the-studeats of Lowville academy at the Baptist 'eharch, it being the close of the seventy-seventh year's existence of that .wsritutionj, as a corporate body.- The Presbyterian and Methodist churches omitted their usual evening service as is customary on.like occasions, and worship- ped W;ith Mi-. Bean's, congregation. The ..discourse,—plain and practical^—was re- plete with profitable thoughts, and com- manded the earnest attention of. those, presentj - —At a meeting pf the Board of Trustees pf'Lowville Academy,, held at the office of L.. C. Davenxior,t Friday evening, June 12th, ISSfifj the following preamble and •resolutions were adbpteel,' WHSEE4S. iThe messenger of death has again visited our"bcsard arid' taken from us our associate a distinguished fellow-bitizen and historian. Dr. ftarik-litt'B.";Kpagh.-.Tfierefore; " •"•'.•-': 'ilisSvea,' i Siia.t .inthe, deatli. of•-.jDr. Hongh. tha. Tat Pitcairn. ' . '••'•. . . —Mr, and Mrs..Fnmkiia Washburaof| : Mexico, are visiting their daughter, Mrs.. G.Q. Elliott. .- : : ; .-•:."". ' .- . ^ •.'- —-ReesH." "Lewis of Coliinsville; •audi Ellis Lewis of Turin,-left on Monday .'fpr^ • Bala, Cymru. "-'",_ .. - •'• .-" 1- —Mr_ Win. Boshartieft on Tu'esday;to j j spend the •summer at "his. cottage, pVWe.si-j I Minster Park,. .' .'.' • ' . : .'.- '• —A;-(3-. Boshiittand Geo. D..Jackspii;| t spent Saturday arid Sunday wit'h-frierids:| j .in'Moatgom'eiy county. . -"'•,"-..'- ' —Mir. and Mrs! L -• J. Putne'y'bf : Ctfr-'j thage, called bn reiatives and-friends" iii| this village on Tuesday last." " '"--'•;• 'M •;•. —Rev. ,3Ir. Perkins of Copenhagenj. with his'fainily are spending-a: .;few-dayS-:| at his; old home : in.^Caz'ene^^a.'. , , v .' ". : ' .-^Mrs. Gilbert. Feefe'b left : oh- Tuesday;1 for Carthago where She will spend, a f e y J days visiting relatives and: friends. . j. -r-Mr. frank Hough returned from: j. Washington oa. Fridayto.attend the fnae'-- ' rat of hls^ither,..Drl F. Ji,.HQiigh." ' .--' —Mrs. D 1 . C. West and Mrs. Araelia.b;' Eastpn returned to Lowville-. on Saturdivy:! last to spend '.the greater part of - t h e sttmV" mej. -.-- - - •• .,- ';". ';':\-•_"*•'.'.'•":-•'• —Dr. C. 3. Miller and ivifepf Molmt| .Kisco r aad Br, Kiugsiey.:aad. jvjf.e-of ; White Plains, : have' been spending '.ii 'feMJ days with B., B. .Milier.' ,' '•-.'. -. \\;\".-•; / ^-jlrs. C;'D. -Watson:'" 'a'nd. son ; left y^si-j torday; for Carthage' wherfe'she will'.«pen.d. a few days with.her parents who:are con-" fined to the house by .siekness. .. '"'•'; —Mr. and Mi's.\ W. - L. Babcock,.Mt. 'Alfred Bttell, Mr. and"Mrs. E/f, Arthur,.' and Mr., and ./Mrs: W. R, -Fitch.'Jwe"nt;tP; : | Watertown on Saturday last to attehd'.flie:! funeral of 3g&. Jp.hp Ai-thuri '••'. . '•:' : —W. R. Fitch of the TiatEs f -y)fe''aaa | .daughter, Miss, Mamie C- ;Phillips, ' Q. B. jlanville of. the :J}emoemt, wifeaad:''.! daughter are ijt,attendance at .the : St!ite: Press Asspciatioa.at Niagara Falls. ^M..'!*f. Stevens and. wife; apcompa 1 : nied by their daiighter, LilKan, left "fpr.| Old Orchard Beach, Maine; on. Monday{f where they "expect to. remain '..sey'eral i yeeks,' It is hoped the'changeiinaypvoye 1 beneficial to. their daughter's health. -. '-. ! . . TeifipeiSsiioe BasketKeiiiov. ..- The. Lowville Mineral Spring Hoiisfeand. I grounds will be.open-free of- charge (exij cept for care of horses 1 ) to. all -Itemparaaee./ and Sabbath.school orgaaizatiQns,,;fariiilies:j andiadividnalsj all of .which- arc •ia\dt'edj to .be pi'bscht aad- eelebi»|e^>mr-^^r^oa'al | ladejieadence onfemr^gpgp^*.?] '" 5 3 w & / .- .^yg^fi^-qojj.;'''"' •'. -. -^^etfsAsspotatiOfl;..;; V -'-'" ^"fi^^^fifth" seinirarinual .meeting; of., have" bought'about' 140 acre's oa Wells islandj including the. poiut which jilts into iEel'bay and fiiees the-canoe, camp ground ^fi^^-.-^tto^eifV^K" wirbe'^^i^toapislftxia, atfd'Mll convert it •-' wreseiifc" "- ' : •'--'-- -'-''•' "i" /iptp" a first class p'ark. Thirty cottages. --'-'' " - " i'.yillbe erected upbivthe po.iaf-this season, 0u"r-foWn'.s'nja'a"-,.A, C. Mela Eyre, has been given' a co-atraet -to' furnish about §150: . :'*—@Qd$ifS;. Sunday y a s observed ^ith : •8pedal5e^icea-. ; -af"-'.the Methodist-ehnrch.. ;ia\thK:"vlllage-bn aahday last?" and' the- ; --.ireiiUPii by "Seti L. B.-;.; Bijigham'.- in the :. mpienih^ was -w^:ap^ppaate..for;:rll0day.. ^hffflbfaiidesi^ni wei^:many;,8'nd beautl-" /,inl, and t&¥os|runi..ya$one.bed of;fl6w, r I. .\ —-Uio.iitB ; o.lclogk bn.T^utedaynight.oar : v ew..". WpuidfibCm;ofe.of'aieSB S£yvices!for. : j yjllage.was- aroused '.by thoialflEm. of fire, .claldreh'/pjfpye', pore Beneficial-: to thevwhi"eh was discbveied to be in the.dwell- wortli of views of the groadds,' and will commence 'the vyork" fliis, weelf.— Brock' 'ville S<npr(tii.: '•; .'.;. •'" .'->--.'• ^tehurche%^fen. ;Miahy;bther'.'ways.- whieh.' •they try yithofit .ieffeetf iin'g. house, of;;ShalieT Wilder on. Bayaa aifeot, aad v aopttpf«S-'hy"'Mrs. George M. h^Ki J^'"Riciiaidsba^;Cg-has.slnbc our"^rooks..Th? d-Wem-ag,-' together with the .. Jmt : imw^/Magfefc" the . ; followia^' lots of ! farrdf-uro of Mrs, Biopfts, and: ; a bara ba ..:«fieese;»r^riBe"si'ingingfEb^ [the prefciseis- r wCre tofaliy dest^fed-, also '.per; poattd^'MapfeVRid^e,.'factory,- '80: j-a bam on the.adjoibing lot beloagingto vboxe&^ell-'Tbad,' $5?^. m ;, ?OTam^kvj-JJehnis : Jonasou-and" oeeupied'-by ' B.' S. -Boston .brand;.; • 69;. ; We'sf.' Harnsburg,'" m;_ ; §pnth- Rodmtm,! 110; *T-fe.m-,iin Ool-nprs, i«5.Crystal'Brapfci S4; &ipil-SpEiag y a0; '/€le#%i- : "^s:ph:nerville5 ^8.. BL A, .'ReeSj Miller v-8 was vvith gfeat effort -ttiat the dwelling of jSfoi J o h n s o n was saved. T'he loss is. -estirjjated : -about; $g,.0Q0,. aad we anderstandthat" Mr. Wilder:.held .anin* pEbprietprOfthfflQwville,-: tjlendate-'and-(suriiflee. .on; hi^ dwelling of $400 with Salphur Spring; factories, on Friday shipp-i Heddea & Moote. As Mrs Biooks has ed oO boxes from each factory to New York { been absent from home for a week or Doaj-ttantt Acadejriy hate sustained a great, loss; thexjdaimaftityaiul'i^e ooftntry ids? aaho?ioi-ed. •WeH-toown-atidTespected aiithoi-and citizeli; and liisfarailyin- th'elt deep Ijerea-vement .have OUP heart-felt synipath'y,. . . . . . 'Sesik'M, That We attend the funeral in a hody; anda copy of these'resoltitio'iistie presented to .Jjisfamilj;,and'fuf:nisii,edto-tHelocalPress. . :. •- ••• .-". . ' H-.S,HBNPEB„. -. .- . ' "- ' t>\ Q'.'.BAVJESX'OBT,. ' . Wat. H. Anajis,; •C6ai. oil Resolutions. '—Eliae-i-' Saabbra -iia . egg-dealer^, ia Antwerp^ was: the victim of a .skillful and daring '"robbery, oh Sunday night last. When he. : re'tii'ed Sunday' evening he placed his-v-est, eohtainiag abont §160 ia Currency and a $5.0. cheek,- u'n4«r Ms' pil- low,- according to -his usual custom. Him- selfancl wife have usuaily risea aboat four o'clock' moraiags, but on Monday mora- ing".neither" of them, aypke nuti'l. spvea o'clpek, when they found- -the "vest • lying across tire foot-board of the bed, and the .pockets.emptied:. Mr. San-born attributes Ms' late- awakening to his;.probably haying- been drugged by ihe.tMef Entraflce was apparently -effected through tlie'cellar, and exit made from the jront door, as it was •Unlocked Monday morning. There is -oa clew as to who committed the robbery, ft was certainly one possessed of considerable •skill and" boldness, for to have entered most houses-in town during Sunday night yonidhave foimd-tlie iamates wide-awake Under 'the violent aad aoisy storm- : .that •ydsraging.—Gazette.: -•...'. .'.\. ". j-vTho' seventy-seventh anaiversary exer- cises of Lowville academy were .held in Roscoe.hall last eveaiag, aad every availa- ble seat therein yas occupied* .- The stage, - ^•beaiitifully and prof usely decorated with "flowers—^presented a most attractive apr jie'arahee, evidently the labor of .fair -hands i ahd basy ffngets.' -The gniduatihg class •niiiiiberdd" four,, as follows: JVliss Mary E. ©re'eley, Loivyille; subject of essay, 'The <3bld«a Era of Spanish Literaiairei" Miss Fanny T.' Sheld on," Mar tiasburgh,—essay, "Optimist aad Pessimist," MiKsPaimy A. Sheldon, Lowville,-—an original poeni.' ''Wh5-r W. Howard r, LeFevre,Beaver' Falls,—^original oration,- il Herbisni,'"' all pf W'hbm. reflected credit upon their "Alma'Mater.". The dficlaimation by Mr, jBdwivrd. M. Sheldon, was WBU delivered, also the one by .Mr. F. E. Miller^' The music under-the direction of Mrs. Bliss left nothing., to be .desired, and .especial mention should be made of the vocal solo's of Miss jSeryeVj the chorus, with vocal Obligatoby Miss'.Josephine F. W. Ager,. and the instrumental duct readered by the Misses Kellogg, and Buckley. Miss Etta Hortpa also sang a pleasing song. In ad- dition to the diploiaa'.s cpnfewcd by the academy, two. of the graduates r the- Misses Sheldon; also received diploma's coufer- rod by the Regents of the. Fniversity of 'the State Of U e w York, Miss Fanny A." Sheldpn. recited an original v '"V"aledieto.ry Poem, 1 ', upon, the conclusion of which the •class- spng,-r- k 'Our Alma Mater, ,y was- sang by many voice*), aud.tluis. the.cxcr- cises"'closed. The f\iaiun.i reunion willbe held in the Academycthupel tMsaftenioonatt-io'elock,. i , . , . «»• andftrecephoa at the Academy parlors '' lls K -? u >• •"• this evening. J 'Crops are rather backyard f6* this, taaie 1 ;! of yeai^, a. late" fall will ' b'e .n"ece"ssay!y;ibri the maturing of many .tiiings,. the Lewis ;.Co..Teapher's Association^ill' .be held at Mavtiasbvirgh,' Juae- 3(itli. iiad S7th, .1885.. ' " ' ; - . ' / ;; ;.• ; ./ : '"•••>: The.following programme" has. been ar- J 'ranged;..- ••;.'... " '. \-^{:^y\ ; . . .;-nNE"2&—l:8o'l-. k. .*-.'-.' ' -' 1; jDe-yotional 'Exsreises. " "• ; . •'.-.'"• '% President's Address.";: ;' " '.'-"•..'••'- 3. Arthur. sr... Johnson^ SraiSins.bHrgl't—Essay, :'Attention." .. '.:•-.! .••••."•-.:".-';>.: ' £' Miss Nettie. E. Jones, LyoiisPalls-^A Reading:'- lesson, " ' "" '• ''"-.•- " '- ;-'" - 5. Miss Dora UUxtottyC'astoriand—J2ssay-.-. '-••'-' ..' / G: Miss Jessie Denoe-,<3-lendale—Essay... . 7. Miss Jfary E;' Carter, West. Jtariinsljurga—' Development Eesson'in Physiology. *•. -.-."-•'•' 8. Maiy inU^'Honsevffl.e-^Essay, •"":-.. -" •.: -;' - 0, A" Development JtessQu in EfluatiOn'^a "be.: cliseussed by several teachers...: . .-' .-•-.-...• '.-' '. 1Q.' .Miss Ella McHale, Eorfc'Leyden—Re'pifation.i r30jp;3t. ;'.;- ' - '. --.;-.; 1. Opening Exorcises. •; • '". '•-.'-. .'• ... 2, ft'bf. E. jr.-eabk-,.Pi;ine;ipaIPbtsd.am-So.rabtsl. SeliQol--:I,eutui-e, "SeientiiifrHahit. 1 ";'. - '.-. -..''• 3. Discussion of- a plan f-o.i- grading, the. schools' of Lewis County. . ', '•",.', ; -.". . JU-KE2T-4:(W-A'.I£. " . ." ! - •'••.";-' • 'L'DevotionalExercises'." -',-.- ' •'••'.-'..- •••';':-; 2. Jim!es%atse,LpwyiJle^iesson"l'he> T atai&- aajdPrin.eipJ.es-ofEraetions."- '-. .-: .'-".-I"."-.'' '..':'• 3. Miss Ella Koberts, Leyden—Qbjcset.Lessaitia.; Natui-alHistOrj',." •- / . •"-•' .-.-.- •'.-'--"-.'-• .•','".' 4. 51: .M.' Gtalvin, Xoiitague-—Essay,. /'-Popular- Education."• . ; .•• . .-:'.-..---.' .',.!'./:.':''-/ , '- : 5. iUorenceOiofb'ot, : Cous'teb!tiyiiie---ADeVelop- •inent Lesson in Geography, '• '"'•/ '.,..: 6. John. A...Sbaith,'.eon»tab}eVilIe---Essaj: j ?'ilie. Practica^n.Teaehi'ng.' 1, .-. .-;...:.:•:'•'/ .', •; •''• ••'. . T. Misf Eva yiesft.Leydeni^Essay...: : .-'-.--sii : 8, MIPS Jaiinie Lmtoksi Tariii—Developinerit' Lesson;' •; .- " '--. -.'./• 9..Helen Seymour; Port'Leyden—Eeeitati6h.".; v ' - '- '• •_-" .i-Mv-.'ih. '-; ;• : .'-.'•'•/• - : ': u .1. Opening Exercises.;-. - ';- -":.•-'-•. ; ' ; -'...-: ; "v-" 2,. Mfes R J&y'WUdar, Watsou-^Essayv'-'lIaW^.- and Disposition of theTe^oheC* • ,' '•:"• / '3:' Prol-: W^.JX.'Adanis|Low-VUle^Su'b3'e'c.t'n'ot'. : -chosen. - • • ' . ' • • •'•'.-'.'.'"• ; ' . : ' "''. 4. Miss Ella Koberts, lieydeu-Jteeapitdlatiott" and completion of Object' Lesaoi'i in'Natural PIS-: -tory, ; •;•-•: '.'" - v; . -"- : ,>- -"••;_-".-".'."'.; .5, Miss. Nellie A, Joiu;.s,i MartiasMv&b-^-PeVel.-' Copment Lesson. : - - ; '- : . '•,','.-'/ -.'" ' :•"--•/ -. IS. A: II." Soott, Copenhagen—A;-papeB t ,''Dis0ir-'. .pline." - -." •-••- .- >-./-./.-'•_^'r;'-/^/ %.. Walker Woad.-'Lyonsdale—f'An-.35du"catt6;nal, Paper.*" " .••-. '. - ..' •'-'•.' 5. Mis.P:A.StapIes,Goii3tableylIIe- : s:Essa.y"Chaif aeteif, the Teacher's Motive Pow:&" ' ".•;• .'• / 9. P. j5.'C'a|«'ou, Tvrjn.^-A l>yiu.onsti;at.lonof^ue.. . extraction -pf tile Cube-Kop't Of Tiiiifibe.fe5,..r';: '.-:- '. ' '/. • •" ;'/^3tfp,Jt v •.;•'•.• "•'" ..>;'./ ; .'I. Opening Exercises,. ' * *-•"/". •"','. "• .'" •: .-'.' 2." Hon. Hi -M'hlMps/LfeVyiliB—i.ep'ture, "She-.: Power and'Pol^lbilities-of tlie'Press asXmeans of', Popular Ectu'cation." ' '•'• :•"-"-'.,..;;•.'- 8. -Disettssions;' - , ••.-.- '.'., ." Both .day and evening sessions will be; freely interspersed w-ith.-.m.asiCj.-iuraisheil-l by the- Maitinsbiirgh. GHee. ;Glub.' / . The sessions, will .be held; in Mai;rin;,3n.4 Htitutellatl:, which will be tastefully'dec- ; orated with evergreeus.. and hpus'^piaatsy by the pupilsof tile villago:school.. . •;f} . A.loeid cuinmittee has been'selected tP; sac tlnvtthe teachers are provided with' : entertainuicnt. It is .estfnestly.- desired-^ that thisiiueetiug be more .largely .attended; than any previous meeting of this associa- tion. . HENKY.<?. JTOHTIIAM; Pres.;,'; j.onis WILTSK, . . . . . . "•'• Mi-v.viESeiiiiArB, .'"; -.'..:':£ .Secretaries." ." .-.. .'-•'-'• .Abel Wilder has .returned fromWesfe, fiold, Pcnii., where he lias been visiting; '%. wilder.' ''/ :.. y_ y : --{: ' A . Seventy-3Fiftli Anniversary, committee having the matter inl thing ia favorable at the "present fjaie for : ; a large grass crop. . -•' ..•'.'.'•.•••;-"•• at -J- cent off the ruling price on the Utica market to-day. more the fiic is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. charge are arranging to give a public re- caption to the aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. J „ . .. , Daniel Phillips, on the 75th anniversary .' ™*™ * ^ Jlftsi come and", -goat of tb-elr wedding dav, which event will . Ncver * eK " '"WWreitweu who,seoraed;to;- occur on Monday aJxt, June 23d. All j so ' m f h ^ £hdr V«*H "tlie,prpgraihJ therefore-who ^vi.sh to pay their respects T of «"• Ohildrpn's day' .service;', bbtli•- to this venerable and remarkably-preserve !• morning- and evening; r Thb' -beffu'tifui-j ed -couple, are requested to call at the res- ( \ a ^ " ttie . d ec0KV ti 0 a& at the .chilrcii.. w i f e idence of their daughter, Mi-s C'opelv, (lately that of Ja-. B Phillips,j on the Rivu road, any tune fiom loui to nine o'clock p ru , of Monday next, and they will be made most welcome. the j ilowers and plants, mingled with singing of biids made it the pleasautest-J day of the yeai foi the children TEL. E. ( W n . •t:>-'' : - •-' • ; . ~3W.8M - • .- ''- :Tarin will celehrate., . . • \Ctbps.pe.lpoki'agfiBe;-.; - ' L-HayingTvjll-soba,be;here v . ; 3t*y aadlMrs, '• Thomas 1 of Remsea, are yisitin^.at-SimOBliloyd's. •."••'•' v / -" ;-V iEiiss J.T Whittlesey' 'b'f •P-ort-Leyden,- is .speadiag a-few :days.at '•-' E. W'oplyprth's. " ;'Mr^;'.C(Ornelia Jsirdine and son of Roch- I..'eftetj : are-visiting; friends in town. : - ;V:;.Tiie .aanaaimeetiag of the douaty feiin- .flayVSchool JOpayentioa yill be,'held in this; place next'Srlday, the same pi-ogram j ,Mia^.'W!i$-pianted for ;the former 'meeting yilVdie.eaiTiedput. . •i Hugh hughes, jiias putchased. of • "<i G. -Hartthp/plaining mill aad IN'fr.ti'sresi-r i&iice-on East Maifl street, : We are glad ::fhat'3Ii'.,|[;ughes'iB. goingto-jocate'-per- Jaianeiitly ,iu Turin arid -wish Mm saccess. ! Mis.-"W. A.Olmstead'-aBd;t\vb daagh- tei'.s of Gliica'gp, arcviiiting at MTS. E.;B. Holden.! ; "./ .':;./ , v. './'_ ' : - ' •'•'Mrs'. : Wm 1 :;Bewey..o'f SFew York, .is [i ?tpppiag'a.t.Mrs.;0.Dewey. " .-: ;;/3%;'it.-'X •Cprnlsh/ Mr's.iM...P-. Olark,- Swisses Jennie:;and Lula Rea are visiting friends in-Boston.. ; ' • ' '';' | .;.Miss-..Flbi , ehee:Mereness: received a catd l^frbih .President -Clevelaad last Monday.. LPloreaco is" quite a girl for mashes but'we ^ did' aot. 'ti&jjik ?he' w r bhld try aad inash oiir [bachelor president. ; jje.xfc week Tuesday. evenujg the open- I iiig..;okereises of the fiftieth'.anhaversary of j.the'M/]E. cniirch-yill:-be held.. . Rev,..3T.! -BE. Stanton of Rbchesteiyaad the nrst pas- l;tbfcof "turia.phaige,.Will .preach Wedaes- 1 .dayjeveaingfa-aiatere'sting programme will Mie ciuTiedbut and a..good time is expect- Fed. : -;;-Y'' ? .- ':".''••.'.'•'.. '."'*••• p.?-€)hildl;gn's ' daj was observed /by the. IMethbdist eEarch 'in. the. morning; Rev. ];A, C v Daaforth delivered a lecture oa.the |?w:i3rk of the Sunday school^ in the evening |t|© singittg school gave a ooacert, which lAvas-a-'saceess. ' ' / ,'- . RJEpbiiTKii.' J. !"D. Hough;is. spendmg. a few weeks I With; ! .:his.parejatsl ;."..."•. '-•-'.-.-'f ;-.-•' ; .- : Warren Joiies of TuriaMs yorlriag forO. If^Pease; -... -;-.-; ._...... -..'.;. |'; Setli' ¥ouag has..a brother frpra ©tsellc, i'Qiiehaiigp' ,£3pautjv :speading a few -. days I'witii. .hlta.. ..;-., . ... "•; ' -: ' Mrs.: A, Sherman'pfG-leng: J a i l s is vis- |-Mng-frieacls'.ia.towa. ••••.- Spyard Pitcherrideginatwb wheeled f gig; it lebks. very much like one of those easy chairs, '"put"pa wheels," / ..-..- $ewis -Arthur, oiir pathmaster . com- tiiieaced yprlc pa. the roads, last week, and llig is doing sbrhe woodwork,'' • :vSoraetinies..it'.is possible 'to. kill, twp. | teds' : yitli Pab'stoap. "This has been the caseiarembviagtheeaithfroin thegrouads | ;fOr the -wing walls to -'the-vaalt,. into-tlie •jbiglnviij .to-repair- the roads, and at the -sama time.aid--the'buryti.ig ground com- I'mittiie by relieving them of a great expense ("Of ..ex'cavatipn. -.About .100. loads were |i dra\va i away-by OUT pathmaster. '.-.'. . Pi-ifiik Peebles hai5 sold his -Hambleton^ |jaagelding to iiiMistrong. and Green of luWaterto.wn-, for . live.. -hundred dollars. pThey bought-, him-. • "with •• the expee ration f that;he will.uialce some fast time. '. Sljss; K n i g h t of Deer River; is trying to Insecure-scholars enough for. a.writing class. "IB'p .-people aly.ays appropria.te.the efforts I that are-pat forth to make special occa- •sibn§'pleaittat? rThe-bbservaa'ee of chiL I fetfs'day youicl be Very hai-fea of attrae- iftbas,ir|deed, sjiould.it i>e.passed by.with- lont;iaii'ftffesfias; any interest ia behalf of msTiuMnfssymii^ ; •..-.1 .'-= ••;" .• ,-POMS'LEtpm,:"..- •;./ ••_ ,W.' A. Wlieeler.has. sold the. entire] The Port Xeyden3%'company .^Ci make. of hay. cheese from Yalley-daip factory, at 6 | cents .pfer pound, . . : 'Joseph- Bphail. is building a new barn, the .dimeaslpasare4Cby 90.feet, Mt. Robert Tami Jr.^ is,-yeiy sick yith Byight's disease, ._.-.-' ... '. Our school is closed on account of diph- theria.••• -. - - -: . . W. A. Wheeler is' niakiag thirty cheese' per day. . . . - Mr. Nathan Cobb of Holland Patent, yjsited relatives lit towa. Jast week,''. Howard Alexander is buildiriga aew bayh this season... IttioTJliilctren"togratify their desires with Ibeaatifally'.arranged ffpwers and sweet Isiaging birds. Tfo ladies of our place land societies are always on hand' to do Bheif-'best.-ns was .evinced by the.beautiful. [dBplayof their tastes in'.decorating the- |"'e:hiirehes.lasV&hhath;: •-'•"' '" ' / . Jipad'ay .afternoon, \vhile J. 'H. Pitcher hvaS-ijt Will' joaes r sa\V mill, loadinglahi- llier'hi's team became frightened.by thesis l-o'clp,Ck whistle and before} he could reach rhis Tines they left on dgilble quick; time,' felriag the'rpad past'the grist .'mill dowa hthe-crpek;.- hut someho w just-after crossiug. ! tiie'-s.tat5..rbad Praa-lc-Shepard- put a' stop Vto. their ^piOgress-by headia-g tiiein -'ojff: As I'good luelc would have it, ho serious da-rh- |;'age wits done; the lumber was scattered': along, the rpad,' and the rackto the wagon I TSas broken,-and one horse-Ciit a'-littTe on I'the-fbot.'' We call .it a', very*, fortunate r-yiad/'iip-fo,r Mr/. Pitcher^; under -. the cir- l-cnmstaaces. =• -"•'.„.-', '• . . . ..'.Picific. Chiidrea'g day was observed hei'e-'last Sunday. Prof. A. A. Hopldns addressed a meet- iag at Mebhaaie.'s .liall-ia this, village last Eriday; evening In tl;e intei«st of the p'rp^ hibitioh party: " He is a fine '.speaker and many of •his'arguaieiits were urjansWera- -bi*e...".' : • :. ••'; ;' •" ' . ..• ' .'."•/" Itev. Mr. Hubbard, is ths new pastor of the Episcopal church in tMs place. " Thoaieasles are still prevailing in this section," '•:"...'*'.• -.;.••• ;' The death of Moses. J. Eameson Mon- day evening of last week removes from out midst one-of our most active business meii and', highly -respected : ciMzeiis. . He. . was a member of the- firm of Eajnes. and Bridgeman, a firm well known-through- out. Lewis, countj'. The. ;fu*aeral. was largely .attended last.Thursday at two p. in. ... ,. H, . r: ~Uso&si^r : ' r ~' .(Eeeeived. too hitc'for lastt-Weeli.)' ' Coolaveathei". --.-''•*' -'. .. - ''Grain-and .grass is doing well, Earmers are workiiig bn tlie road, % . William Fredenhurg has a. cliild sick with the diphtheria with very little hopes, of-.recovery. ' - ' ' 2 " ' ' Bipjitheria is breaking out again in .Jadiaa Riy-er, Joha House, has two chil-.. drca:sipk withii, -_-..} -_ . . *; '• •" E. Laraway .has sold three horses for eight hundred dollars', and yeiit to' Caaa- .daiast Monday afleVihOTe. ',.".,. "'' Eishermea are; very ple'aty now-S-Tdays after . trpat, bat - the .purest waytoget', -tliem.-is.'tb.biiyfh'eim '-''•-:-..• -•' '* There were two fuiieralsMrelas't'Moa- day,.both clrildrea. ' One was Jeff. Shep- ard's, the, other was Lloyd Howe's child. Both- died of eongestioa of t h e lungs. . •-' ' ' , *'• - . . '•''•• '• • • ••-"'•-•-T$. -Einfi growing time. Peter Baker,fathef of Michail Baker,' is very low and not expected to live. ... John House of Indian River, lost one child with, diphtheria. --••. . Joseph Htmry is tearing flown his bdiui and is going-to build a new one ' in its place'' .' ..•"••'. ' - Theo. B. Basselin ran thi last of hisiogs over the ("Voghan dam last *Mpnday. , ' ..".'" " 7 , R. busmessiBeetingJa'sreyeamg. --' V '. .-, Mts. jbhxi Blekfprd of. 'iSroo'klyn., has' ' bee'h : yisiting'her.fath^r r : Ho'n'. J;..^.V Me** tispn>fpr aicwdays. *".-' '"v.." '-.•.»-•:. '; ".Qm'"' iDand'liave a. pic'aie' at Kelpy^: giwe to-day.--'' •"';"/./.' .""..•..••"." : ' Oa , ryalics'aad streets : ai;c "andeigoing. improvements-at the hands-of "oar street "commis'sibaer.-• '• ,.-*-.' - / •'.'• .; ' Weaoticedthe excellent report from MT. H. .H;'Eellogg''s dairy ia' "lai^TmES , of last yeeiv. -Sir.-' Kellogg is a- -pxactieaj' iarmeiv aiid'one. of .our. 'iao.st Jesteemed' townsmen,. What he does is always, done •well.. -" '.-.• - .... . '.-. , "-.- : - • ; • -PiU'mers are favored - w-ift the prospect of large ci'bps thfeycai'. ''Grass- 'we- J?e- IJe-ve ixeier looked. better at - this Vime oif. year than now. • The', pnty.'diawback is; the low prices paid* for-dairy, pxbducts. '-""' '••'•'• "•'.'...'.:..- : ---.- : ''•'-.. .' QGV&PZ-^. - .To eiieoui-ageslecpj create an appetitpj. brace ap the system,, -arid' tP : 'pT,tr^;. the. bloodj, take the unfailing Hunt's [Kidney and'Livej'*j Remedy.'-'.-_'.' -' /;', ..,-' :.- /'.-. .SoB.tuldws,'-' -.'/ ' '.-". The undersigned .will -reeei'jejpioposi-, tious for improving, antl. bui;hlihg.- ihc school ."houses for school-.dJstript'.Jfo;-.. 3,".' Lowville, till .Saturday,' June Mthi .Plans, and specifications may be seen on applica- tion-of interosteil parties, . ...;..•.'. - C. P.. LEOSTAJIB, Trustee, • '. -' ' 'Dated June 10th. lS'SS-.:" " SIW2. ' ' - . . "Brtslaess Locals. . W. IL SMfnt has' several good 'dyel- 1 ing houses fox sale at g-re'at bargains:';-also first-- class buildiag-.ibis "at 'one ..Mjnditd. dollars: and upwards. ./.-.'. . -21m0" .LMMEKSE stock of : Boycltii-;S in furniture at Hab'erei-:.'Bi«s;-''.''.'".-..-' '\ - •/...•': .-;'. -' W, H. Baiith -has..a very .fine liae of open'aadf op'buggies'.' maaufactured ia life; baikl-irigby &;' T. Wilson, also a^lot'o'f luisueiy piatfoiiji.aild..o,ae 'hbi'se-'yagbas from f30 .npyasds.'.,,Oall aad see .thejn- befpi-e you purchase elsewhere. 44m3... '•'". */'••/;" [^s^eat^har "^"Tfe." : :.: . i - lisisiancnestei , ;Sna^ai^-Juiie*St'u', 1883ksays:. - - Afcqiie-bf tffia. : ..".' :.';.,--; " '• •; V --"..,.-.. / ."" •-".- ".'/'TrandSws^/. /-/•- : A ."-"•""" '-V-/-." ; '-,'"-*'i'-'.;." . -Laoking:.o'n:-th'e wobdiaiid;way*l .With. Jlunjps of "riodogehdrDfas knd j^atDiasses^^of MCay.blos-.; - : sonisi:.n,. ?.;$h"ere wfe4'i;interest"inK'|!*on)p:" *".. ; It iriolude'C'piie yiio "Bad beena "flottonspin-r •ner,|rbutyasapyg(j. ' /. "." •-. .' --'-." •"•'"-"'-•.'."' •; - Paralyzed: r'U.v •;. - : - - - -;"'•-; -'.- :--V,; - . '-•' T%t"hecou]ii'«ay-bearib4ie^marseHAingpoi- .sltion.'. • ; •;/;: /. ,.!*,",--' ''•/'.'•• .' •' V ; Thisje'feistovniy'case.'V. :- i - : ;.' '•-"-';'"..• .-' - Iw^is -it'taoked'twelve years agoyjtii'"iiOc6-- motferAtaSj-;'"::•-.:, .'-•'.•/; '.--• .': '.;-. - '.'""' .(A.paralytie 'dlseaie-bf iiier\?e.""i5.bre : rarely -eyer :cured): ."-•=- ->•."."-.'- •"•'-." >.- ; . .* . ' - " . .and .Was ;ipr ; . seyersl years : baiely able to.- get .about; ''•'*. . " '""• - - ./ "; , / "'"•.': -";. " J ""'''/- ..- i AndfoV Sie l^trfeeyea^JiotaWe^datteiidtto mybijsiness.-.atiaiougb;• ' •/ /.-...-. - •'• .•'•'•:' -^tany^biigs"li'aye.'beett-doneforme. .- ; . "•; <iM.e3^t#xp'.erimentbeingWervestrefcteng. ,- : . - •rway&rsagpJE.was^rofedInto the / -. './'-. - '/- " Hoine for Incurables^ 'Near^aBcBe^ter.'fc.afayj,-,- iss^'/';-;- -/".'/'V :"*'•'%/-;i v "- ; - '..;";"•-;•.., .I : am;ap ' ! AdV<Kat^\-""i?ot.^nythlng'.M the "-. shape of patent" 3!fediciiiesl .->:', /-:.--;;' Andmadettaayoirjeetipng'.tpiny dearwjfe's cranstant&gjijg-tb try Hop Bitters; i;ni&iaBy-to.;. aJaelEyher^:. "-•..,-.'''."'•... *-"". .'*""••.-.' .Coasented-tJ-"-'A" -- -.-"'.••' -" i h a d riotijiiite fliijsheittie ^ist bottle when I " " "iy* so _ *a* siirelcould- - -•"\yalk*--:-"•.-. - - / ^ . . . - v . : - "'••.-• - ."/:/-. - .-So-itartaa-aeross-.ffiefioOraBdbae'k..- '. " -..' ; . Ihardlylm&wlioW io-'icdnfato.myself.. Iwas- all oyer the house: -. t am TgauSng strength «ac3i; •day,.ana.e;anwaTkrqHi0Jsafewitliotu;ahy .'-;'-• *-Stick!" ' .= •• ".-'-"-':. ----• '-'• . - -• Or-Susport,'. "•" ' :-"..'- '•.'-. ..-" ' .'.' -.- •- l^amnowafriny.own -iouse,-:aad liope soonto be sbleto'earn my own living again: I have been a member: or" the Manchester '• .--'-• ••::-- ."/'SoyaiExcTiffinge". '..'- .-"..-.- : .':; •' •-.-'.. .*-"••" - .-EornBarlytiiirlyye?ifSi-ima:' J wa'> most heartily. '• Congratulated^^ ongoing info:tlie room -bn jPhxriB:: aaylas6:-'yery feratefulry y.o.uis; JohnBlackburn;. • ManchestertEngO-Deel,3i,i88K " -".' - .- '". ®WS.years lateJATn^eriectly-welL ,..-."":,; ; .^^Jfonfe genuine" withbuta bnnch,.bf"greea H8p^ ontRe-white label. Shun'.all; the vile,, pois- onous, staff with.' "HnlJ" or H Hopr"7 in their ninie. '"To Tim LyUjiEs,—SL;s. A.^E.'.Seariiias just returned from. Kew Yorlc, with iiey. and desirable. jjatternV for ladies and *ciiMdre.n.' "Thankful -for'past .favors'"she will be" glad- to see one" 'and r all at" her' new rporuson $hadyavenxie.. . . -,"''_ - . . iffiBS-.A. E.'SEAlUij FREE "Trade-Prices'.at Ilaberer Bsfo'sl freighting between Mrs.. Engeae Cole is very sick.' A aew arrival at William Cole's—its a 'boy: " ' • '"'.'- " : 'James Caldwell is Carthage and Hamsville, '". MT._ and M-rsJ James Otis are' visiting at Felts ..Mills and Watettowa. , A Catholic church is to be built in Har- rWife this season. James Brady lias-the contract..."" '.'' " . . '.-. Horace Clark and wife Tbtumed last •Week from a visit." to their daughter in 'Watertown, , '. Com,' Hickey has bailt t w o a e y bridges and. has three, more to' buik%; He has done a'much needed job. oh ".Sp'ruee H i l l and has.repaired Brown Creek, Bridge, ' Jas,.Ijntchisba has .been' beautifyiag some of the basiaess places and resid paces of "Hairisviilp with paint, and. ; pappr, James khow'S-how.todo it. . He can't lie •beatpa at such work;" .••'•.-.'•• -• •- If orris Pier, while returning, from court at Lowyi'H'e; week before last,- met with- a sad. accident, Oathe road bfltweea Car- thage and Pargo's hotel ..oae.of his:ear-: riagp wlteels .suddealy dropped iatoa rat thi'owiagMr...-pier to-the groand. The "horse''stepped on.to'his haBd;t6iai'ing.the flesh badly and causing a severe aiid pain- ful wound. . • W. The Omnibus will run to and from -the Springs, connecting With the morning, trains; returning-at. 10-a. BU L'eave House in tifiie for evening ti'ains.. . ."Fare.toand'-fronvtlie>iUage:eael£yay' . / •'"••-. I'E-S GEST&.. ' • * . . - ' .-..." SPRiXG' WATER. PR1SH ..E¥ER"S" .. MORrH^GD^LK^RJBD'LN.PRE-" ; . PARED JUGS AT SO C E H T S A- OALLOW." B T ' T H E W E E I t " . -" . • . . CHEJJ'pLLAR. •';:/*'.:/ ., - Thegroutids and Pioral.Ha'll i win'beop6nfQr Pic-' aies arid Pleasure •Parties at aft titties. ' WEEKLY. HOP' WITIS :G-0,OD M:tjgl6 EVERY WEDNESDAT'lVEKBfG, "' Jun& 15. SEO.' HAZELTISTE, -Proprietor; Aix' persons ia .the %ieinity of. Lowville a'nd-Glendale who. are afflicted w|th any. description of 'chronic disease w-iU'iiiid it for their int'ei'est fo. consult Dr. J,'-W*. Owea who .will visit Lowville evpiy Satu'rda)-. ^ Office hours' at. ' Lowville, -Kellogg House, i'rrmrlS fo 3 p*. m. ' / " * PIANOS , and orgtms for sale. by. O. H, (-poke. , Organs cleaned- .ajwl' repaired. First-class piano timer furnished..," Call at residence, on Jlubbard street, ' Corres- pondents promptly attended .to. tfj WAMTOD -Saitible looms fo, * small Immiie^thisofhee. 53w2. [ family. /•;.-: ; ..-";.' ; aoPEm&iaje^ -...-. •; .'•/Elnb.growmgtime. . . * The' services, by; 'the chijdi:ea: . Saaday evetiing at. the if..E,.church w-ere very JinteteStihg";- Remarks yere made by.Sevs. .jCheeseman and;.' Cutlibertson and Nathan Clark*;' : ''The.;altar.vas J 'handsomelydeco- Vated. w i t h flowers.-• ' .- . ;..A;fafpdelegatioa'fromtliis Village ivi? tendedthe' "wild west" shpyat Watei-. tipyhiyipiiday.' . ." [The Congregational chinch shed is •qaite-aa eye sore, it shouid bercpahe'd at ;pucey- ,-•.-••'// - .-'• "_'-..".; •". . •'" .;' Bploii Wilder aad -wife, aad O, D; Hill yisited'at H. J, Boyntoii's" last, week, 1 -Mr.- Smith "from" Rodman is putting' up 'a-'lipns.e'oh. Washington street. '• . -1/Several lar'meri |n this vieiaitj' are :prept'ing' latgC; barns this season, ainong. :,the'm;are; E." D-. Babco'clc and Jay .Diekin- ^s'oh:." ' .'"'- ."'"•-.' - Qiir village -is promised'another barbel - . shop t o b e opeiied-.ia the Cbrbih block. r ; EL. B, • Jjaiipher. at Iris two factories is im.aldng;abouf thirty, cheese per day, : ;, .O.ur ho'p.,gfowe-rs report hops growing heaiiy-one fapt a-dajt. *• . :• 'Wuliam'Woolwbrth'-of Adatas, visited' •his-brother in'tliis place last -week. ' ' ' '"ijndgrtatver Lansing attended the fune- ral of' Ariiolfl Webb at Tylervilie Sunday after-nOon.' .' ' -'- '":.Mrs.'.Prank .Irtinsiag'.is' visiting her" mother at Natural Bridge. .';Seryiees are being held' each day this ,y.eek at the. Catholic chan-li ia. Harris-• :.ba%, Father Haggcity is lussistcd by cler- -.gymea from New .Jersey. ;/ '.LbHvis County S; S. AssoHatioa. Friday, [pf.-this.week*at Turin. .V ilfrfid.Bby'd will study medicine^ with i)r. fimibiin;'. '/", ; '.; /Maybr.'O. F. Saii'th.will lie -marshal of ] % e day at' Eva as Mills- July 4fh: '' •Rev.- J." O. Perkins' apd family are 'vi'si- :tjug-'a't Oizenovia, they will be away two -Sabbaths.'- ' ' .- . .- -MT. Orie Hibbard, who rented J. D. Paris' fai'rii t w o . years .ago, died at his home in Piackney, Jane oth,' .His disease was consumption. ; : -A Stniday school picnic is talked of he-. ;fprd. haying.". ; ;/ ;Thos. McMichael is buying Lrrge lots of creamery butter in Jefferson county. : '•- Beai Hbrr' speiit Suuday with his par* j ehfa?neiu; this village, he is clerking at "Gjeat Ben,d. : ' ' . ;: Fred Anglo-has -bought another lot of those fine humliuig pds>mgs, pansols, whitt goods, etc Oui city falheis aie clicking up and griibug the sheets in fine shape -. •• .; • . BAJtXES COBSBRS., . . - / We had a vei-y heavy shower on -Satur- day evening last. . -' ••/..••- , - This powder never varies.' ' A marvel of'pureity. than the ordinary Kinds, and canttat -be sold in "coiMpetitionTOththe.'inultitude of h^v.-tes't..sliori- W-eight, alum or-posphate powders. Sold only .irt eaiis.. Jl0YAL.BAK"lSD*BQ*yD'Bll-CO i ,; 9? ._'_•_ ^i' i •-",-' ? gw ''*^ ork - TldgrenMy ecntaihs- no i/ijmicnis drugs.. -. ing good satisfaction. . E i F ' S •f% &.: ..They are making m cheese a dayatthe < steenKthandw-holespmeness., .vioreeaonomieal Bairnes. Comers factory:'IS at thelsTew -Boston factory," and. 8;: at the .Montague factory, Mr.. Rogers-being the. mataat. • There afe-only about.tveeaty-five sclioi- ars in daily attendaace irt the'Baraes Cor* neis school. We do nOt -begin to have t h e childl-en and young people at .Barnes Corners, we. had fwemy years, ago. . . Miss Jennie Greea of .."Cop'enha'gea is teaching the New ; Boston, school aiid gh/ IV'* 1 ' i .Gceara Balm. J*pz^ C'LEAilsEB'TliE ";;%''/' "HE411. JtL'U X S V,| } --' v^tjaiWk'Tib^-.-ffy- 1%e -eldest daughter Of •' NelSpa Sears at: Montague, has "been dangerously ill, and her'recovery seemed doubtful, Mr. Samuel Douglass bf. Lowville, call-: ed. on friends -Saturday,... . -...•.-•-. •.. Henry Smith of Montague, has erected, several new- baiidiiigs this spiiag. Henry is a .good carpenter and is doing well. On Saturday aight." "bur. people were all •but to witness a dog- fight' : •'.-". - Mrs. Deloss Staffpfd;-bf Montague, has been . quite |sick, but,, is nOw -conroles- cea't.. . ' '.-...- Geoi-ge. Itilborn of Moiitag-ue, is run- uing ids, mill oa full tanie^.and the inill. of Mi". Burns of New Boston, has nil. -it can &.o. " .. ' . :* . Ahnost a run away the othei evening, but the. horse was caught before Any dam- age .was done. - . The saw mill of Mr. Field is running- on full time now, having all the work it- can do. - - " " • : •'' It-BSTOR-ES.IHE-.V.^ - .. SENSESOT 7 TAST£/f^" SJ1ELL, "SAltmCi. %!AV •, . ,'. r 31? •>« —" >.*sf-'V'^----v' , s*£a»3 ! •HOPB-ITiEES,"• :-"-- : .'.-•. •- .-.' -.' --.-/- : -' 32 SoldbyMoitisonand^^pore/LoykUe*?!'. %",-, ]yjr03CTGiiG-ESAiJE.-; % : -:'•-_ '\ . ;. r - // .-: "Whereas",^^defaiiit has been madainiaie.paynient *f rhe' inoney .secured by aimbrsgage: dated *Ke. firetday. of :Beeember/:i867,. executed "by Andrew - O'He'arfl/and *Margaret: 0'Hearn,.ln8 wife, 4iii4 jTohnO'Hearni-their son,--of the'townof tWeeoi*,- county; of .Le.wis,..aiia*: State of New IBork, ant». (Phcinias DOwiies, of ihe town.of Slbrtace; Oiet da coafityr-Hew;Xori,;frit^firsum dfjsas, *Mok ^sald inortgage .was irecorded jn--flre^ler"iefroffic<»,' -of-Qi.eoounty.oIi;ewis,.en tb'e i i t h day^if Jaau? . ary,1870, at 9 o!clock;- a, m,,,mlib»E-7, Of mcarfe .gageSi :page 277,..: =- •-.»--.-".-:"'." : - - . -, Afld wheregs; said mOrteajfee, ©lbniaslloynei; dejjarted this life-on.-o'r about the" 29thof 5Februr - ary, iSSCf, intestatei andthe subscriber; i Wflliam H. Jl'orranee, wfas .oja^r about tlie i^th day-of AjSril, 1880, duly r cdnstltnted aid ^ppihted a*--" • aninistrator of t"Be estifte of said oaomasllownegi •- bythe: Surrogate of; Qrieida coujirty^ *id he ha« duly o^aMeUaidiEtmow actrnf ^sucTiMniiiiiB-:•; trafpr,.antttlie'Sald^brtgage.isab*heliby^'h^ . onaeconnt and by 'sdrtuedf'&IS'said'trust. Aii'dWhereaSirdefanlth^KeenOTad^infhepajr ment.bf the-anidniit idue And' secured to a*paltt bjrsaiarmbrtgage ^as ifOresaicl, rand "in«re'3« *o"vr due and-QWiftgl:oSaid-admminr*t6r of the estate . , of .said.inortgageei upon antt'by r virtue pf saat. mortgage, at the date :6f. the first publication: of •thisijiotice,-the sunt of feftmtnoiea/twehty-one. and S^lOO.-dolIars, itd wifcr.'ae.suin Of $mMl .prraeipat^and-Hie.suni.o"£$'97,36>ofiDteregttliiBr«- 1 :. •oa, wblch. Is: tbe. whole amount secured by* and remaining Ahjpald- uporusaid- inortgige," aiid' lio : suit;proeeedmgor-aetionatlaworOtherWise'uas . been."-in,stit:utea'.:to recover the; said atrbrtgage desfcoE-anypartShereofi- • . . ' - - ' . ••:••'.-'•"• •JJow,, tbereforbi liotice iaTaereby-given fliat tiy virtue: b'f-sajd pb*er of sale, and. in pm-suance of- - the statute, -the said iwrtgage- .whf be foreclosed --.- •by a sale'of tlie:-mOrtgagett.prelmseS, whick are . nCreiaafteS^eSerlbed^at. public auction at .the - Tlie foHoWiiigTS a descriptioa of -theinbrtgaged :• premises to lie. soTd as aforesaid as qohtaiiteof in,- . said mortgage, to wit.: Allthat tract or-parcel of ,laiidsituate:in.tlieto'TCilx>f ©sceola, township IS, county of Lewis; and.State .of "RewToric,. and .Known asth.e north-east iOrnerVof lot Jjfo.ft48) -. one. hundred and fofty-«ight,". in *ild township, aiid"6bunded asiallo*s't Banning, at life nbrthv east Gorier of said lot ataliaKer-iiut ,tr0einari-. edHl,-14& lS4"aud.l4S.;"thenee north 8Q4egree«i •sj'est .on the original: line of-lots lB=chaai* : "C2 lnifcg to-a stake.and stoiie in center bf iie "higferay, .theriee- 'south.. 10 aegrees,. wist-* «haina to" a Stake, 17. links-nertli, 35- degrees" "easfc of k inaplb; mar-Red-'VSf.-'JE;- 'thence south. 80 degrees, east Jfl charns and raaiate-toimipte-saplhig on theeaBt- Ihieof saidlot^.afJi:ed J W„5t-, ithencbon the.origs : •inalBneaortU10-degr'ees, , e*ast as-'chains, to thS'' place of beginning, containing tffiseye'niyKMie - aeres=bf-land, mbreorlesjj.- - - - .. •.-.•--. .Dated,April'SS;3883.*'--.':"-.' :" " -.- ^ .-"• " 4t-ii- . , -•- v . / . " "yiLLIAaLIL-BOEEAKOS, Adniinisti'at.or ete,.of ThomfeDowheii,deceas- , -;edi mortgagee, .-'-.t.-.: -" :.' : ./-. >• .- .EfiBEBf ifOBE, Attorney,,Camdeni *S."y;,". ', ;"'. ti'e shallsell.ts the Jaaning Gomiaunity- THE WAL-TEIt A:- "« T 06"D :M0"WINe "HACHKrB;. ' ; ' 35or one.br twO'Bbrses.:.; . .;• / "Fn-E' "WALMBA.*WO0"i)-SJEL"P JJAKB&E'APER/ TiTE WALTES' A. WDOB .'ivVEKE- SELF BINfr: -•:•-/- r .• IXG"HAItVESa-EE..; "••"-". '"•-". T1H£0:5EIIA.«'AHO"KSE-B'AKE, - '.•".;... . •'- HAYFOKKg, HOPES,-"----:'./.'••. - .,.-..-. .-'."PriLLEfS-4^:yST.TJRES;,: ALSO-liATELE^iTOlia - ; '"'' V "'."-." .'•'-.•/ ' : -. "..-.-'' * ." A^tfASKlERS;' -'- :--":"'."-. .... - '.'.'•* "'•'"-"'•.,-•'-•- BAT.^OAlfEBS, HA5T TEDDEfiSi - - •' : ""' " .'-V'/. "'• l ''•'' : - - . ' : = '-AND-OTHER -" :-..-/:'• --•' •"' ": : ...". .'." ". BjemSQ:JTAeHUnSRT.; Either-on hand or supplied; on siiortnotiee. FARMERS" miX-"gL-EASE-.'LESyE. OBDKRS. iEARLT AKU THE' GOODS Wli,L BE '•'-.. , / , READT •tt'HESWATSa'ED. - - '••.' REfiOLLECT! XE-aiAKE A ^B^CIAiTY ;OF ;; ; ;;;;'.' ; .;.<0mm^^.h-r:;^\ : . • •.,-' And guarantee."?at:fefaC.tion 5naB' eases::.-';-' -: Terins e^U'or:'nterest.frbmdat&. -., /' ''-;- ".'.•" .':. ..-. •'.".'- ""':-: ;'D 1 r"I>.-"FO0T''A3* : DS0K,. '•' - .'' '•, "So, 1. Darith"'Street, - -:-. -" -". ".'-'iowville:: Jf; T.: - •^*^4 A FOSITtVE C , l'RlS.*%I^:;"'^pgpgE»; Kjl&Qiill ^t^iLLl aWe.r.eputation.l- Whereyer known, ais]5larfng all .ortjiei;. prepara- tions.: It is'a creamy, sabstiiuce. A parliolei* • apiilii'd'ijito-eacU mwrril, 'causing !«) palilalia is t -agreeable to use. Price ,50 cents bv mail air-at * Druggists." "-Send'for circular:.."- . -• : ' -.-'_.-' EL.'TBROtHBiiS.DniggisLs.awSgo'.XT.- . ELY.'S Oii&tt BAOI •=•"'•''•'-'• y-~:~ •?" ^ss S % Sold by.Mol'risolj'-S- Stpore, Lowville., ^.- T- u it -'. "" -=~WI!BH-r-. "••''•'-. ';• DOUBLE f H JGKlSAtL, 1^^& , k$Me Wear- ' v onthe? •'*> Soiei '-efhii TJje f'GsmmB"^JJjnn3EB.;Go.' glka-betterRub- rubb.errightunderthe treaa,.gives'J9b'8I{LE ! '51 l £ilJ. . ABk.to see the.« CASIKEE"-Dotibie Thifit Ball Eubbersm:BQ6.ts 1 Arca<ffl,,Overehoes,'AlasKas,&c» A Commen Sense ; There will be :a Sutnlay school picnic in j ^^^^^ff^^3M^Si the grove near Rodman thi/week. Hatur- , * > " T ""- day, all are invited. Mr. Brayton Stafford, who lives a few' miles south of B:u-n»'.s Curiu'rs i, very ha.p- p.y over a biiglit little gal'.a few days . oid./ ; : ' . ""'.' - " . - ' / Mr. .Hubbard, aged 02 years, died a , few day* ago. ' Mr, "Wright is turning put about 40 but- . tcr tttbs per week from his cooper shop, • Rain or shine you will had. the aged, Mr* Thoinpsdii and -wife ia attendance at 1 divine service -on. Sunday^- - They have a- seat in the M. B. church which they have, occupied for u great many years. . . Since the fo.rmcr organist. Bertie Snell' went away, Mrs. Cole plays the organ in ' the M. E. church. Weare informed that Walter.Bowm'aaof ' Brafll Th|*8Sll8FS r HflfS.e ?0WerS f aill^nglBeS, ; Montague, is sutferiag from a vcl'y bad hand. ' - -'•-. \ ".HASE/iSr t'JO.,.-- -- ; -' :. "' '"ITOOLE'S^E IbEXT»S ,CAJSDEE-CQ« -"" .' '. BOSTON, MASS,'-'.' ../'.'• .Aj;LE2SFi)s -m 1 : •V.Af BJf<SE-L'S Xo. FCiERRET-^v^EPERS are.the'" . , Be"rt»iade:they'"a«fe;wariantea;.pricgSSatI'0y'-. - • •LEK -BRB'Sl'" Ifuwersal- ^lathes'-Wringer,' "War-. - ranted, price §3, at £«W1£ER BROS. - > . Xadic'sif vou Waiit- real •ince.Tinwaj.'e,"call at FOWLBR. BHOB^ R. Hemesch,%- ! Sons'-?ieHe . Hated-aU ; Stetf:si'ieai-s,.'Warra'nted, at EoWler..-' Bros. •'Mrs..-potr3''CoId Handle Sad.lrpns/at.'Fow''--- ; -Ieb Bros. ... Troy-EolISbuif Iron's at-"Ffiw.Ier;Brbs, Bird-Pages, a-L»rge and Complete--Steel at-Eoy=" ler Bros; ia'iTSWbia.JIanfi:g;Co.*s-EIe'g)iiit Pots. =. ' Kettles. Spldefsaiid Som Irons; at-Fowler Bros. < Ki-anitxiIron-Tca Eetflles, Tea J?ofs, Coffee Pots, Stew Pans, Stew Kettles',, jpry -Pans, Pie Elates, = DishParis, JHlIcPans,'"^iter-PaUs,.'etc.', atKrssV -. ^R'EP^RiG : 35Rij'vTQ"R ; S-.at- FOjetER BROS;. Tin-.-.. •ware" of-all 3dMs t . sizes- and. shapes, at Kowlef. Bros. 0j£ I i STD"\' ! Et!atEowler^BrbS. tvMtesbaro' Wooden Patis,.'"\Vasll-''l'ttbs, CUUrns, etc,,. at; Fow- ler Bros. Superior AHieriCito'-l'able ClitlerynianV : "ufactur«dfe ; 'tlifr-.Keriaeii.CitrleryCo;,*legantd«-" - sigiis-an'd beautiful iMsii'at'Powleii-Bros. Amerl-''" eaaSiifeCo/sPbcKetOutleryatToylerBros,;."-. . TiJB"Mi6is"i5 3f*ST*cl"^N.<n!-aracDEfi\"^irE^a:Bii-': FtrttNicE <S>.-» oip-Bosroif, 5ri-ss.,.* : -i : ro.Td:CAST'*nK'• Frs.ssr Cxsrisiis .OE^ANI-.STOVB-*M*KES8 ISt^SE .' •WtnttD- AT 3?o.yLES; BROSV *.-•--' v. : •/:"."•.-• ••'•-•' * IViltew'CUbtlies-a^dHamiierBaSketS at "Fowler . Bros. COOLEY t'REAM-ER-S .at Fowler Bros;' ."""•"' V Iron :latehen;SihlcB-an'd-S"lop'Sinks=at.'^.wler' : Brosj. TheDunnEdgeTo'ol< , o'.*sCelebrS'ted.Clig.-.-'.-." .'! i)er-A"xes at. FowletJlros.- Hurd's Raiior; Blaf es^ ! liancVA^es.andilatctets-a'tEowlerBros; Riibber l Belting. EeaflieKBeltia^ and Ea.ee Leather at . f J?owlet'Bi'Os.'iron'Pipa';ste.anrJ3tt]iigs, Babbstj-'.- ', JTeial' ivnd Rubber Hose, at j:bwlerTBt6s.. •• .-.. -•"• - Rakes. Hoes-and "Forks-at Fowler'Bros. Car-. penferii'ToolSatEowler.Brbs-^DislonHand-Saws ;. " ; "ufFoWIcrBrQs; Bailey Planers at Fowler Brot. -., :" ^iavdide' A E Sail HanTmers at-Fowler, Bros. .; Stone Masons, B]aelcsnirtte3!.ieliinests, Sledge. - . Rirefoig. trapping,;a'acinff -and- Pointing Ham- '• m«S« at ybwlet' Bi»s. Wheeler^. Madden- & 0env*. 'I have no appetite," eo'mplain many suflcivvs. Hood's SarsapariUa gives an I iiiu agent for the sU«'»f tho above -machines i'u" Lewis I'omity, and -alsi.i .!«• tUe. Coatiaental j 'appetite and enables tlie-stomach to per- ; Harvester and Wra .eal'loii orodOress,.. .' . j form its duty. ' •'-.'• UuniS-. 1 . -A. B.^^SCliASTZ, •C^s't«larid,.'S:,y, -. : ' yfatertosrai Plows-at Eowfer Brofc K f . .... .,. or Haijgers-at Ebw-r : Scoops; ^oitCliain", : BoH*,Hingesi' Paper; tBoor , Chest Jocks, ; Ti'U Locks,Cdmm'hiHiOn^ocMat- ; '. ••'-/ ..-•.". .-"' -_. -. . ' ; 'r^^i^RBRQS^- /•;. !. .-'-"•" . : 'No;;fb'State.Steeet,Xowyale,^

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Page 1: £3?nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031519/1885-06-18/ed-1/seq-3.… · £3? -. - •:AS:»t«\v'istC!>tf!ia;5r-JES»EfeBKi)ES'!E. -THtpg&i'E, JUSMta, W&k —31. K. Bti^henshad'twp


-. - •:AS:»t«\v'istC!>tf!ia;5r-JES»EfeBKi)ES'!E.

- T H t p g & i ' E , J U S M t a , W&k

—31. K. Bt i^henshad ' twp new buggies birraed i i i the; j j t o of Shubef Wilder on Tuesday n ight . / . . ' .

' —'Claytoli • will celebrate the Four th this , yeai:, the committee having raised

- §650 for that purpose.

—Keweit styles irt Dress Goods, Shaw Is, t Parasols and Fans, great variety -cheaper t h a n ever at.IEell©gg..i& "Webers,

-—The hotel and barns at Sterling-wile ; with tlaeii* contents were destroyed by "fire • early Simdayf morning.. The buildings were valne.dat f 3,00f> and partially insur-

• ^u:.' -• : ' " ; i -Qa-Monday iicxt a neiv & a e card wilt"! —Mrs. d ' N e i l will open a new dry goods

: g o iuto. ".effeet- M i t h e JTtiea. and Black j. and. millinery store in the TJTMES block • i^H^-Htiiroad. ThfeVil t bo. for the sum- j y ^ . week. 'The goods have mostly, •ar-

' f f

a sharp found out

—PFaddians are now eating green corn from their gardens.

.—T. B. Fowler sustained, a severe sprain of his ankle on Friday 'last,

—•Tho new store in the T u t u s block was opened to the public Saturday, June M i . tf.

—R; is said that !I5.5 forms in Iowa are owned by women, and that twenty dairy farms are managed by women.

—The Lowville Spring House is now open, and the first hop of the season will take place next Wednesday evening June

: have engaged;J:

•liter arrangements, ' and .w-.e may look fo r ! r ived some fast- fSrae, j

' . T a e ' w o i k -of laying' t he new pave- j look out for ants. They have -Dakota well-diggers kec*p


—C\ F . Meyers & 0o.,: 1

L. Bush as clerk;

—Miss Clara Smiley is expected ;ho1^fc..j

to-day o'r. to-morrow. '.

• —Mr. "V"Y\ L. S c o t t i s . a g a i n confinjSd--to.| ; the house by sickness.

'-—Mr. T$. C. Matthews and'.yfrift/ar.bj

j visfting friends a t Adams. .

—Mert. T. Rogers of §3ira^ise,;..sgei£fc.|

- Sunday wi th friends in town.

, -Miss Amy. Reed Is visiting her sktei;,':|

Mrs. 0 , S. Adams.;; at Rochester.

.—W. J..Mooney and .wife spent Sattii'-'| day and Sunday witii friends hi PliiiacleV

phia. . < ' ' ' - . . ' ' • ' - ' . - . • • . / " • ' • ' . ' " '

- - Ray and Hugh Pitcher of New'York, J

are visiting their .grandmother, Mrs. • J/iB'.

Reed . . '. . , ' , . , , / ' " V - ^ : ' ,

—Charles McJJoaakL after speadiu'g-al

;$lp^ffle "0&i?fefe.EtoeetOTy,

nearly completed, and the .board uf trus­tees deserve" a1. great credit for doing so

• good and.beaefi.etai job on our streets. . ; - P R 1 8 i a ^ l S i i S « ^ ^ i f e ". •"-• • • ^ r ^ Croghan Cornet Rand'favored .-"- RSV..J..H. I*A*eM D'P->.Pa^t<m--r;Preaeaing:: ", • • . . , . - . . . -.. • < . - •

everysandavat«,«» &xd.. s&d.tmy. m. "Sim-. ; oa r citizens wi th .a. very hue open air con-" . S J ' ^ I ^ J S ^ S 8 ^ ^ •**"WP ' «**<>* M * * * evening.' The boys, have •4kmr£ B^eixB^esvm-s:'-' :-"' , made a decided improvement since last " ":J{EV. Q.E;'&xr&iam::Vi\$tar^TT<>a*iiin:r&Ym-- year ; and lire- deserving of great praise:

"daVsati(S3i*a.BU,aKifeSO-B,m.-Sunday schoolatrj • . . -' •>-« , , . . , , ' - -* -n . - .n - t •iijin;'"'".;: -.-:""•;• : - -"- : " " . ' '"-- -Richard "Wlntehome-of Brooklyn, \yho

meat on the -west side of State street i s ; that suit* always build their hOu ses over a | ^-pay i n Dakota, has returned tahi.s.'.hom"e..

;;•- .•BjtSSiST.capE.eH." !"-dis!lppeai'edan-brpiid dayl ight , last week, '"'--Bsv^'»/DirnR«,Eas't.ot-^K'eac*tnf Sundays-.; has-re^ home , ' bu t no one is all6w*ed.

at . iD:^^ * . , anffTSJ^PiM..'?«tf4ay school at 13 • •-w; Fraver.meeting,.tiStl'pi'in., TfijirsdiSyi


1 tOrsq& Mm. . He.hsid $1,000 when, he left,

aj»1^6i}j»T.3^XSc\Oto^GMCEOH/ :.- ' ' " . " . j b"i"it^h'enyie-Ktu.rniBa.]ie'hadn"ot itpeiiiiy.' TjEv-.-t-fe.-EiK&Bist,J>. fe;Pttstor^Pi'eaeMBS t •*- _'T5>,ti Dm-vea "a^Wd fiffcv' a"' Siihdav eTecvSuutIavatIQi3t*-!v.m., aBsltflJOr^.ni. Bttu- , . JOnti Jjuiyea, a g e a iixty, a ouniut j

day sehcwl after monijng service. . I^Verineiet, ! school supBrintehd'ent of Ofegbii^ L. h', t-lHss meetiags,:i?'m.-,. Sundays; and T:sa p. m.,-' wjis ' rakei}' suddeiily;. ill Siraday while

^" -}:~" •' ': • • • . . - - . • t jpjjgjjjjjg ]iis class-and died in "a few min­

utes." He was one of the "wealthiest far'ni-iiif,yinltt«ty*'':Vesji?j«andJJenedicK"^^ - . io; Sttiailayseixool'.a.t'^siap.m. ..'.-'..... ' r i . .-. . " • -- - ' . - . . .

An >$change says, tha t thfe' best way'

y SK.P®P^S?eHl"^CHv--3lomaii0atIioa;c. ,-.. -.Siv; %i". jf. ,&S'stLi., Pastor-.—ft!eaeliing. at 11 a.

' Xoea l ®Ea"eters.

. " • . ' " -~TWB celebrate.

• v . -riCfcops are loo&ing:' fine. ..

".V". ^-tPlenty ofcoot^weather, .yet.

- •;_.- , ^6hga j )e r postage iiext nionth..-. . .

" •-' . -^f iave yottplaniiBd 'yoargumnje? *a<a-

.i itipii?-- .-:•-, -.. '•-..•.:W--.:"-''. • " • " ' . - '

. ;•" -:'-' — 3 K k 6 j 'diir .atraBgiirfents t o ^onie t o

•\ E o w ^ t s b i i , the fourth. • -•' . .

' >'•'. V—•^,"-ij';'&.^Se'a*erhas eamtnenced.the:.

"--• -fpiiadata^rx;' of ^ c ; c e ^ - h o u s & . 6 i i " Shady

;^ift*elmB.'•'\:'-J-;-J.'-\ '"',/'~>. ''':•',•••-.'. '•''

: =.-:•(•: -y^&p ivdjofenfed meeting- of ' the-Le^is

:;;': 'Gpunty S. .Sv'7As.s^.clatjoft-\vili be" held a t :

•'-. _T;urih. to-niQrrgw... ' •,"-.J:"' -"'•'••".' »-

• •"". ^ T h e / f o p r t l t «f "July. &oiniJii:fctee.have'

••• ^iigag&Ji^.ia^dk, mi ^cie negotiating

; ' ;5)r^two rhoSei-fey t h a t d a ^ . - . -. - • . .. 1 •;'."'-' ~ S v ¥ ; "WftEner.4f. the- Kel logg House,.

• -' bjleAed theXThonsaad- I s W d Fa*k Jiotel to •

. . . thVpBtUeDfi.Tuesday.last. . ' . "'•'•.'•[ J' '

:V"..-^Th&-sbiisof'Vef^raas',.-aHew- oVgsinza-

; / r ' .goa-- iB- j l Ja¥^^ ' / i^ . f l f6e to ide^Kers"sn3

, "/thej^haVe" sent for the i r ehaiter."^ ' • . . . . .

•I-. V^The/ heirs:, oif J a m e s Q. S m i t h have

] '- decided "-to !;cairry-; their- 'suit'[ figainat the^"

: ;.IItre*&Maijk"Kiver;'R^k^^

:,'>ef.eouife.. ; j • ''•:----; -:'J: • '•:}.-.•' ; •' . . . \ /-^-The -next, meet ing of t he li&wis Coin- '

•-.-'•%• "'foaGhefe".- Assbcfstroin • wilt', be i iekl a t

-•.• .'S&ftinsbtiiegK,. .pa:..'Friday'"aiid'"Saturday,

• ; ^ n e ; 3 i f e a n M f i K - ; ' . : . ; ; . ' .•; •; '':- 'i..".'": .• -•;.

." .'•";" •Cfteing-tQ;th,e..%teence'df, 'Prof . 'Cole:

i -• toJ&ia i t fe i i ccrtinty,!)^ lesson ;Oii flic Life :

-;; •• a;hd- l4|ttgaa>e'.'pf~ ",iftor'@ree-fcs, -wil'trfoi^ap-

..,peaf:tnd"ilne^-w4ek.':'-v:'";r- •-,- •'• -' ' "

.•;,'. .- '^f Jason"" L:"-Parry fbi7ni}Mj:"-of "W^tsQii,..

•. .-.tMs count Vj-fead-' ^ f & iinsi;ortiirte--; to %&$&__

';.;i,ist bHttefcahd: egg. waiie' 3S^fis¥vuieoo^k:

• .';: 7r-^ ' i^ai i" i#e3«^t^.gamie '6$: .&aseb^tl :

• i-betweea. a ' pae,l£ed; -.nine. :arid:- t h^ old- jgira; | •;. /Fgcg^.sftf^h"- "yflatTifTftit;;i :<i^"hkh- vfihfA -

t0 brighten; lip .'a .caTpet i s to- pu t half, a tumbler frill of spiri ts of turpent ine in a basin of water, d ip the broom in i t and sweep' ove.r the carpet once or twice. It willrestofethe eolor'ahd renderrt as br ight as. when new, • • " " ' * •

-£-Tliie annual meeting of the Lewis county; Hedioiit, Society 'will- be held in

- fine court house,- in t he 'village of, Low­ville, qn, Tuesday, June 33d, 1883, at two b'elbck p . nii •' Ai l members 'are requested to be present. -Dr, W . O. H C B B A R B ,

' . - • ' . ' • ; .* ' .. '.-' • -.'.' Seci^tary.

.. ••' -^-One.of "oTip*.yoV4ag ladies was.' nearly-frightened into- • jij'sterics. tlie; other <$xe-

:n ing.by oae pt : those horrid^ t o a d s hopping across l ier plith. ;:Her scre'anjs" brought a-youiig man-to. her timely rescue. . A toad

.'is- - on ty : .second, io t h e ferocious mausfi - inspiringtei;rorhi thefe iaa le breast.

. — W e rmderstand; f tom good antliority that:' Wsfert'o-wii is -to have-a new -daily--p:a,peiVwliich will i h a k e i t e first appeaj-a.fle^-0a;:M6ndayf ae ' i t ; ; . I t i s to- b'eieditecl by- t h e . Hon.'- -Charles Rv- .Skinner, - and.

.from a jjersonal aciiuaintanca. wi th him: we .beUeve'tht} under taking . will ;prove\

:a;success, ' -..-.. . - - ,' ., " ...

•^iiit. Hcdgers, a butcher of Waylandj Was Id l l iag a .beef a "few-'• days" ago and . eu t Ms •hantk - To staiuieh. the blood; he "•wound a efeth tMfc.had blood bn it frohr apreTOUsidl l ingjand soon", after the hand beeame inHaine'Catidhow h is fiikji is terri­bly swollen and jiis physician, jjronounces i t i r c a s e of blood'poisoSiing..- • . ' ; -rj.r£ the- case of tb^e'.people against Pat^ i 'ic^ Burns', Thomas JBums and J o h n •BurhSr". inflicted-', for "larceny i n the second -degree, which was oh trial1 as 'we went to ^ress-lAst.'yi4ek^''at.thecJbseof .the prose-Cutibn J u d g e Williarhs:-.directed' the jury

:tfr-fih.d tlie.-defcindan.ts -l-fno6- gui l ty" and they;-wer.0;ac6ordmgiy disehargedi : . ^—^e'.otheirmprniBgi ' early,, Daniel Al-

exattdei'-pi.iiatohe, aged sixty^ 'arose frpta fiis'-jjed, and '-^hbut^drf issing yVent tp-the ;

pSi- - ---

;'•;-;standiag'faveli^etb-twsti-ev-'.. .:- ..v':--";; .... •'

• k i-T-'pa.G JSiiyei-sidistS; w^lf-hpld a-gehettfi. '.;_; meeting: afc-Natifsal..Bridge pjn: Saturday^ .-•' J ^ s S ^ ! : a M ; S 8 t ^ ; ^ ( m ^ 8 f e v f :.$-;']&;

• - Jaae-^fff rbe otdaiifed. . /"0th6rpronthient ' . ;mfnfcters: "ivill b e j ireseti j . ' . \ ,":.',.. • •:-'.';.•".".;' .;•.-. ..v-^The-Cpihinit.fee.pii" .th'e'fbuii&of-.Jufyf .--.- celebr.aMc)ii:In%e' aear ly f6.0{)•Iais"edf-'«iti!.• i"'. "w hibTi ffiey-intead 'to,give."tlte,pe.pple:Qf : vLewisco'uii^.theTfinest celebraMbn t h e y

- .tuCT&^ffinegsed^ma. Tong'time.'. • . - ; J ? -


per" Pi-isyana-iyLurs "oper-; ' :atesi '.s&veil- .'cheese: fae^ofie^-tMsi s.easoiiyV ' ' ' if iaking-iMelieese-perr^aiyv;-.The/weight :•; bf- t l re ' i ieese j t re frbi^v^-fj&jf-jsi^- tp ' i i f ty-; . e ight pbtnidsdad; are ,^pjred^ ree3ciyd&eet;

fo-Kew'Tptk;'" . - . . ' - .• ' : ' -• :-•- ."" '- ' : . , ,' ' c —Af rfto L; : HquB^'assiataltt.cashier \bf •'•J.^e.Oitkens.v|aiik;_'bf-^Clayton,. lfi".yH".,is., v :HQba te'resrgo'"lits'tpbafiba ioi^ sbinething^.

\ be t t e r & Sato.Fraaeiscb,;0alir- • Jfr . 'Hbuse .- his^-many frieads aii th^Vibinityl.whc^rer. -..-gmt.l^:3ea"Kihgf for-thfefaE/Hvest.".-----. • -

' 1 j ro . the r"ofX"J , "Ar te . . . ye?y }aygely;;atfenaed" a t ijje:. resLdejiCe of . h is diijighteri.; Sits-."'- J-; •'%.Wpalw/prthia :'.-:"'" "Syateyto^my o s Sattuktay hjst-at 'g:'30:"p-.'. :' • fa.' ..Eey«:'Mit"."Tp^ase"hd"'ipf 'the-.'/Stafe; '.street :jI» :.-B^.efiiuieIs;6tfdagngL - . : - . - "'

..::""". '-.j^TiieGasirioJpr; ^ a i i i i g i j i dE} , ! ^ "CTtica,." yVa^'bliya.ed a t .pUe o'cloek: F r i d a y moi 'akig

. aaS"'tW4..or:'"f&:r^ more-,- •!or less da t t aged , ' * • Sevea-hjindred .pair • of

'. / ^ k a i ^ a i i b t h e r p a ' s o a a i p m • : ' ' : . , s ^ j ^ i . - f c v - i ^ ^ 0 a ^ ^ y - 3 ^ i ^ a m g 8 : . : S 8 '

"esfira^tMl ;at^bi|ipftf; Pitrtia%j'jastiredi".

-:.' '; v^A,£s.inde.ti^--ofMejifip^& of ^thJe.fire 'department^" i e l d pa Fr iday ' eveni

.- ;ihg"'&ti.;;--'3PML"---:^^iii&'ihfe'''.yBete!fi.--:" 'treasurer. .-- A^ KsolatibiWaa-adprifed ia:^. '•". gfeijcShg t h e treasurVr to.-divide eipially -'. betwebhlthe Stearoer 0ampai|j^.'H6pk' aad ,

; Ladder, : and' Worn QbrapaaleSj- afi-japiieya; .t-ebnaingintp-'his i a a d s for the.', benefit: ;of

""."'aaidAepartnicht.:,'."'-.:.. • .v^"]/',;..-'•:•'.-•':' '

;. .'.'" ItSis, GL' i . : ; ; I k^£ -p i : JS fea^ 5|ffls has.' succeeded M ;its-'egOTts-tp:praeii*e; iv irjOau-

' -.iaent to:"ihe.ffieHi:p;*y pf[those, "who-.- fbilght for- ihe tmaoiii r-.-The-mbiiameiit i s of-white

•;: ;te6n"^:bf t % ' s a n i e - % f e as « a t ' : eree te | ' 6e^ ^ ittJfcbapreiafttrae.^ Tt %sa id they :r in. ou t . - s^gbi fe feyear ; --•'& wili"-be; placed .ia:'pbs^pk''a"h3'' :j"ledieated jwly '4, -with" •'^auch'cWe'mony^'--.- fieregatipasfr&m;posts

mit.poHtt:cpHfi"ectep:;with' t h e Wead-piipei1' mfllsv^ffirtb. -pf the'viliage., and t h r e ^ Id'jriH self into'^e*^at^.V^^Tbp^.^f«Es-^eaffv$f-ed,-.", H*-TOis.-Beatitbt...the.' tjtj.civ iasaae-. ^asiyiura.'f abbat;' a. 'year • ago,.: a n d r e t u r n e d las t 'winter apparen t lycured i - •• •• -" . - / ^ - R B V ; - ^ © , Phe'lp*, ioriaerty .of'Gaze, - npyia-seaiiBaipy'ttpd.-a'ow^.jiastor of t h e Firs t ' SL'M chi^ehiri-Hfica%as-beea-ia.yited to. fake? •chargfe of -the 0.bn.esee'; Conference lemmaiy-at Liraay Liyingistoa county:--.He

: ha s ' t hp .call aad'eryadvjsement. He i s . . vespeciailyyell; fitteCfoi educational work,--anrd-'theiiieyposition%buld be -far better in..a busmess;.ppiht"bf v'ievt; ' - .V^Th&.typ-addresses : ;of Erpf- A, A; •jHppMns-oh --tearjierance •• deb>ve.red in t h e ^pur thbuse of th i s -Qllage-'.QB-Wedae&'aay a a d Thursday'eveuings-'df - last%eek y e r e .able, sound and Ibgieaii-ahd.wei-e caiGtjila-t ed tobr iagr ' . cpaSic t ipa ' t o . the ni iads of his; iieai-'ersi'-^The' a t tehdahce • was / ' no t •latge; ••biitth'osb,ivho ye rc : ' p r e sen twere V e i l repaid to .flieit'^inie and'trpXibfe .'•

• —^The Ptesbyteriaii society of Carthage : have finally .given -the cbhteact- t<i bui ld ;their new; church t o ' . J . E . Callahah;of ' tjtieai, -_ 1$: I V The;- ivoi^-' bf'e'scavatibn • y i l l be commenced* atI bh'ce., and the Wails af theiphntch. lite'tO; bee rec t ed by.. Sept. isf,^. a n d the entire church; ready for dedi-

\:cataoh)by':Jaau9iy. ! # ; -"t^Sd, I t . .will be of .'-brick wi th ; . three. gables r"aad twb ea-.

f'trances "feom^'State^sfaeet.-. .- T h e Audience. :tpoai:\valI be :aftet>thb. aragaltheatey style,

3T % 5& feely and the "gost'of tEe bui ldiag ; i s t&be §11,:000; ' . ' . , . ' . , . . , . . >

_ • ^-A- women, from Lowe-E.Cahada -. passed-.fh^ugiajthis eity% .Tuesday, go ing "to her tos;bandia-Sp-acuse, - S h e - h a d y i t h h e r a

.'famriy of .eight children;, born a t &•vft.;bkfhsf

"TJie.'oidest'yerte'.t\v.ia;. -giris -pf .'ten'; years,. .'then foHbwed.-a bay.-o£,hiae years, ..two pairs .of twfns-aad' a- baby ;one y e a r pld... # h e y y p r e a l l ; d t e s s e d nea t iy a n d as smart, as.prickets; '• Wheri-seated .oa";aset£ce..sid-3. b y side-they pr.eseated'almost interest ing j>iefcure. ' They were : a t t h e . Rome;, ilepot niost of thaafterhpon' 'aad^attractgd'a'gp'Gd .Seal of .a'tteatibnr'---%1r&?i,vSa^ JbiemiiL •

•• - W e learn "Upon, go'o.d;authority tha t a, cpnipaay* of- -. Syracuse' • bajiitalisfs has.. for spme time- been qiiiefly • work ing ' u p a schieiae 't'b' op^a a new. pjirlc on the St.

.'-EawrbnCe, "aad have now- -reached a s t age ' at which the announcement of' their sue-

vein of water. i •>

I —Several shares of the-Utica and Black i River railroad stork were sold last 'week

at t ' t ica, the lowest price, was 91c. on the-daUaiyiad t he highest-flaie. .This is evi­dence of discix'ct manageijient.

—Eighteen goveriiroeiit headstones for xmrnarked soldiers graves have been re-

~ ccived at Adams. Eleven will be placed in. tha t town, two in Rodman, two in Lorraine and two in Roberts Corners.

\ —Ma-. H . W. TV'ileoxof Collins.ville,has in Ms garden a cherry tree pa y h i c h th,ere are cherries as large as. peas, also pa the same tree Is a l imb which is iufui lblosom. Can. anybodj ' in . Lewis. Co. eipjal tha t?

.We certainly can.aot .

-—A young man was arrested in Copen­hagen last Saturday, .charged with, bas­tardy, .and taken t o Croghaa by Constable -Sbbeit illcon. T h e tr ial was fo have, oc­curred Monday, bu t the. .young man es-'

, eapyd by jumping front one of the win­dows, of Fredeuburgh 's hotel; and has not since been captured. — Wutertvum /Wf.

T-Before buying dress goods, fancy goods, or anything in the dry goods or

. notion line, paper hangings, window drap.-ery, tapestry, lace curtains, etc.j call a t t h e new store in the- TniE's block and -be> convinced tha t Ave will sell you goods at lower prices than have been offered you th i s season-. - The sale-will commence on-Saturday, J a n e (5tli. E . J . Corcoran; t f • "•-=-*Dining the" thunder storm .of last

:w-eek ,tBe barn of. Thaddeus:'(xTaVes,in the town of Russell, was "Struck by l ightn ing and- bnrned, together wi th a horse barn find cow barn adjoining. A mare and colt, two hogs, two calves, a pah - of. bob sleds, a double wagon, and five o r . s i x tons of hay were -ais«> consiimed. The Ibis* is-estimated at $2,000, and was not insured. " •

—Last Sunday evening the Rev, D, T). Dean preached t h e annual.serhion.befpre the-studeats of Lowville academy a t the Baptist 'eharch, i t being the close of the seventy-seventh year's existence of tha t .wsritutionj, as a corporate body.- The Presbyterian a n d Methodist churches omitted their usual evening service as is customary on.like occasions, and worship­ped W;ith Mi-. Bean's, congregation. The ..discourse,—plain a n d practical^—was re­ple te with profitable thoughts , and com­manded the earnest at tention of. those, presentj -

—At a meeting pf t he Board of Trustees pf'Lowville Academy,, held at the office of L.. C. Davenxior,t Fr iday evening, J u n e 12th, ISSfifj the following preamble and •resolutions were adbpteel,'

WHSEE4S. iThe messenger of death has again visited our"bcsard arid' taken from us our associate a distinguished fellow-bitizen and historian. Dr. ftarik-litt'B.";Kpagh.-.Tfierefore; " • " • ' . • - ' :

'ilisSvea,'iSiia.t .inthe, deatli. of•-.jDr. Hongh. tha.

Tat Pitcairn. ' . ' • • ' • .

. . —Mr, and Mrs . .Fnmkiia W a s h b u r a o f | : Mexico, are visiting their daughter , Mrs.. • G.Q. Elliott . .- ::; .-•: ."". ' .- . • •.'-

—-ReesH." "Lewis of Coliinsville; •audi Ellis Lewis of Turin,-left on Monday .'fpr^

• Bala, Cymru. • "-'",_ • .. - •'• .-" 1- — Mr_ Win. Boshar t ie f t on Tu'esday;to j j spend the •summer at "his. cottage, pVWe.si-j I Minster Park,. .' .'.' • ' . : .'.-

' • —A;-(3-. Bosh i i t t and Geo. D. .Jackspi i ; |

t spent Saturday arid Sunday wit'h-frierids:|

j .in'Moatgom'eiy county. . - " ' • , " - . . ' -

' —Mir. and Mrs! L -• J . Putne'y'bf : Ctfr-'j

thage, called bn reiatives and-friends" i i i |

th is village on Tuesday last." " '"--'•;• 'M •;•.

—Rev. ,3Ir. Perkins of Copenhagenj.

with his'fainily are spending-a: .;few-dayS-:|

at his; old home :in.^Caz'ene^^a.'.,, v . ' ". :

' .-^Mrs. Gilbert. Feefe'b left : oh- Tuesday;1

for Carthago where She will spend, a f e y J

days visiting relatives and: friends. .

j . -r-Mr. f r a n k Hough returned from:

j. Washington oa. Fr iday to. at tend t h e fnae'--

' ra t of hls^ither, . .Drl F . J i , .HQiigh." ' .-- '

—Mrs. D1. C. West and Mrs. Araelia .b; ' Eastpn returned t o Lowville-. on Saturdivy:! last to spend '.the greater p a r t of - the sttmV" m e j . - . - - - - •• . ,- ' ; " . ';':\-•_"*•'.'.'•":-•'•

—Dr. C. 3. Miller and ivifepf M o l m t |

.Kiscor aad B r , Kiugsiey.:aad. jvjf.e-of ;

Whi te Plains, : have' been spending '.ii ' f e M J

days wi th B., B . .Milier.' ,' '•-.'. -. \\;\".-•;

/ ^ - j l r s . C; 'D. -Watson:'" 'a'nd. son ; left y^si-j

torday; for Carthage ' wherfe'she will'.«pen.d.

a few days w i t h . h e r parents who:are con-"

fined to the house by .siekness. . . '" '•' ;

—Mr. and Mi's.\ W . - L . Babcock, .Mt. 'Alfred Bttell, Mr. and"Mrs. E / f , Arthur,. ' and Mr., and ./Mrs: W . R, -Fitch.'Jwe"nt;tP;:| Watertown on Saturday last to attehd'.flie:! funeral of 3g&. Jp.hp Ai-thuri '••'. . '•:' :

— W . R. F i t c h of the TiatEs f-y)fe' 'aaa | .daughter, Miss, Mamie • C- ;Phillips, ' Q. B . j lanvi l le of. the :J}emoemt, wifeaad:''.! daughter are ijt,attendance at . the :St!ite: Press Asspciatioa.at Niagara Falls .

^M..'!*f. Stevens and. wife; apcompa1: nied by their daiighter, LilKan, left "fpr. | Old Orchard Beach, Maine; on. Monday{f where they "expect to. remain '..sey'eral i y e e k s , ' I t is hoped the 'changeiinaypvoye 1 beneficial to. their daughter 's heal th. -. '-. !

. . TeifipeiSsiioe BasketKeiiiov. ..-The. Lowville Mineral Spring Hoiisfeand. I

grounds will be.open-free of- charge ( e x i j cept for care of horses1) to. all -Itemparaaee./ and Sabbath.school orgaaizatiQns,,;fariiilies:j and i ad iv idna l s j a l l of .which- a r c •ia\dt'edj to .be pi'bscht aad- eelebi»|e^>mr-^^r^oa'al | ladejieadence o n f e m r ^ g p g p ^ * . ? ] '" 5 3 w & / .- . ^ y g ^ f i ^ - q o j j . ; ' ' ' " '

•'. -. -^^etfsAsspotatiOfl; . . ; ; V -'-'"

^ " f i ^ ^ ^ f i f t h " seinirarinual .meeting; of.,

have" b o u g h t ' a b o u t ' 140 acre's oa Wells islandj including the. poiut which jilts into iEel'bay and fiiees the-canoe, camp ground

^ f i ^ ^ - . - ^ t t o ^ e i f V ^ K " w i r b e ' ^ ^ i ^ t o a p i s l f t x i a , a t fd 'Ml l convert i t •-' wreseiifc" "- ': •'--'-- -'-''•' "i" • /iptp" a first class p'ark. Thir ty cottages.

- - ' - ' ' " • - " i ' .yil lbe erected upbivthe po.iaf-this season, 0u"r-foWn'.s'nja'a"-,.A, C. Mela Eyre, has been given' a co-atraet -to' furnish about §150:

. :'*—@Qd$ifS;. Sunday y a s observed ^ i t h : •8pedal5e^icea-.;-af"-'.the Methodist-ehnrch.. ; ia\thK:"vlllage-bn a a h d a y last?" and ' the-

; --.ireiiUPii b y • "Seti L. B.-;.; Bijigham'.- in t h e :. mpienih^ was -w^:ap^ppaate. .for;:rl l0day..

^hffflbfaiidesi^ni wei^:many;,8'nd beautl-" / , i n l , a n d t&¥os | run i . .ya$one .bed of;fl6w,rI. .\ —-Uio.iitB;o.lclogk bn.T^utedaynight.oar : v ew..". WpuidfibCm;ofe.of'aieSB S£yvices!for.:j yjllage.was- aroused '.by thoialflEm. of fire, .claldreh'/pjfpye', p o r e Beneficial-: to thevwhi"eh was discbveied to be in the.dwell-

wortli of views of t he groadds,' and will commence ' t he vyork" fliis, weelf.— Brock' 'ville S<npr(tii.: '•; .'.;. •'" . ' - > - - . ' •

^tehurche%^fen. ;Miahy;bther'.'ways.- whieh.' •they t r y yi thof i t .ieffeetf

iin'g. house, of;;ShalieT Wilder on. Bayaa aifeot, aadv aopttpf«S-'hy" ' M r s . George M.

• h^Ki J^ '"Riciiaidsba^;Cg-has.slnbc o u r " ^ r o o k s . . T h ? d-Wem-ag,-' together with the .. Jmt:imw^/Magfefc" the . ;followia^' lots of ! farrdf-uro of Mrs, Biopfts, and: ;a bara ba ..:«fieese;»r^riBe"si'ingingfEb^ [ t h e prefciseis- rwCre tofaliy des t^fed- , also '.per; poattd^ 'MapfeVRid^e, . ' factory,- '80 : j-a b a m on the.adjoibing lot be loag ing to vboxe&^ell- 'Tbad, ' $ 5 ? ^ . m ; , ? O T a m ^ k v j - J J e h n i s : Jonasou-and" oeeupied'-by ' B.' S .

-Boston .brand;.; • 69;. ;We'sf.' Harnsburg, '" m;_ ; §pnth- Rodmtm,! 110; *T-fe.m-,iin Ool-nprs,

i«5.Crystal 'Brapfci S 4 ; &ipi l -SpEiag y a0; '/€le#%i- :"^s:ph:nerville5 ^ 8 . . BL A, .'ReeSj

Miller v-8 was vvith gfeat effort -ttiat t h e dwel l ing of jSfoi Johnson was saved. T'he loss is. -estirjjated :-about; $g,.0Q0,. a a d w e ande r s t and tha t " Mr. Wilder:.held . a n i n *

pEbprietprOfthfflQwville,-: tjlendate-'and-(suriiflee. .on; hi^ dwel l ing of $400 wi th Sa lphur Spring; factories, on Friday sh ipp - i Heddea & Moote. As Mrs Biooks has ed oO boxes from each factory to New York { been absent from home for a week or

Doaj-ttantt Acadejriy hate sustained a great, loss; thexjdaimaftityaiul'i^e ooftntry ids? aaho?ioi-ed. •WeH-toown-atidTespected aiithoi-and citizeli; and liisfarailyin- th'elt deep Ijerea-vement .have OUP heart-felt synipath'y,. . . . . .

'Sesik'M, That We attend the funeral in a hody; anda copy of these'resoltitio'iistie presented to

.Jjisfamilj;,and'fuf:nisii,edto-tHelocalPress. . :. •- ••• .-". . ' H-.S,HBNPEB„. -. .- .

' "- ' t>\ Q'.'.BAVJESX'OBT,. ' . Wat. H. Anajis,;

•C6ai. oil Resolutions. '—Eliae-i-' Saabbra -iia . egg-dealer^, i a

Antwerp^ was: the victim of a .skillful and dar ing '"robbery, oh Sunday n ight last. W h e n he.: re'tii'ed Sunday' evening h e placed his-v-est, eohtainiag abont §160 ia Currency and a $5.0. cheek,- u'n4«r Ms' pil-low,- according to -his usual custom. Him-selfancl wife have usuaily risea aboat four o 'clock' moraiags, bu t on Monday mora-

ing".neither" of them, a y p k e nuti'l. spvea • o'clpek, when they found- -the "vest • lying across tire foot-board of the bed, and the .pockets.emptied:. Mr. San-born attributes Ms' late- awakening to his;.probably haying-been drugged by ihe . tMef Entraflce was apparently -effected th rough tlie'cellar, and exi t made from the j r o n t door, as i t was •Unlocked Monday morning. There is -oa clew as to who committed the robbery, ft was certainly one possessed of considerable •skill and" boldness, for to have entered m o s t houses-in town dur ing Sunday night y o n i d h a v e foimd-tlie iamates wide-awake Under ' t h e violent aad aoisy storm- :.that •ydsraging.—Gazet te . : - • . . . ' . .'.\.

". j-vTho' seventy-seventh anaiversary exer­cises of Lowville academy were .held i n Roscoe.hall last eveaiag, aad every availa­ble seat therein y a s occupied* .- The stage, -^•beaiitifully and prof usely decorated wi th "flowers—^presented a most at tractive apr jie'arahee, evidently t h e labor of .fair -hands

i ahd basy ffngets.' -The gniduat ihg class •niiiiiberdd" four,, as follows: JVliss Mary E . ©re'eley, Loivyille; subject of essay, ' T h e <3bld«a E r a of Spanish Literaiairei" Miss F a n n y T . ' Sheld on," Mar tiasburgh,—essay,

• "Optimist aad Pessimist," MiKsPaimy A. Sheldon, Lowville,-—an original poeni . ' ' ' W h 5 - r W . Howard r, LeFevre,Beaver' Falls,—^original oration,- i lHerbisni, '" ' all pf W'hbm. reflected credit upon their "Alma'Mater ." . The dficlaimation by Mr, jBdwivrd. M. Sheldon, was WBU delivered, also t h e one by .Mr. F . E . Miller^ ' The music under-the direction of Mrs. Bliss left nothing., to be .desired, and .especial mention should be made of the vocal solo's of Miss jSeryeVj the chorus, wi th vocal Obligatoby Miss' .Josephine F . W. Ager,. and t he instrumental duct readered by the Misses Kellogg, and Buckley. Miss Et ta Hortpa also sang a pleasing song. In ad­dition to the diploiaa'.s cpnfewcd by the academy, two. of the graduates r the- Misses Sheldon; also received diploma's coufer-rod by the Regents of the. Fniversity of 'the State Of Uew York, Miss Fanny A." Sheldpn. recited an original v'"V"aledieto.ry Poem,1 ' , upon, the conclusion of which t h e •class- spng,-r-k 'Our Alma Mater, , y was-sang by many voice*), aud.tluis. the.cxcr-cises"'closed.

The f\iaiun.i reunion w i l l b e held in t he Academycthupel tMsaftenioonatt-io'elock,. i , . , . • • «»• and ft recephoa at the Academy parlors ' ' l l s K-?u>• •"• th i s evening. J 'Crops are rather b a c k y a r d f6* this, taaie1;!

of yeai^, a. late" fa l l will ' b'e .n"ece"ssay!y;ibri the matur ing of many .tiiings,.

the Lewis ;.Co..Teapher's A s s o c i a t i o n ^ i l l ' .be he ld a t Mavtiasbvirgh,' Juae- 3(itli. iiad S7th, .1885.. ' " ' ; - . ' / ;; ;.• ; . / : '"•••>:

The.following programme" has. been ar- J ' ranged; . . - ••;.'... " '. \-^{:^y\

; . . .;-nNE"2&—l:8o'l-. k. .*-.'-.' ' -' 1; jDe-yotional 'Exsreises. " "• ; . •'.-.'"•

'% President's Address.";: ;' " '.'-"•..'••'-3. Arthur. sr... Johnson^ SraiSins.bHrgl't—Essay,

:'Attention." .. ' . : • - . ! .••••."•-.:".-';>.: ' £ ' Miss Nettie. E. Jones, LyoiisPalls-^A Reading:'-

lesson, " ' " " '• ' ' " - . • - " '- ;-'" - 5. Miss Dora UUxtottyC'astoriand—J2ssay-.-. '-••'-' ..' / G: Miss Jessie Denoe-,<3-lendale—Essay... . 7. Miss Jfary E;' Carter, West. Jtariinsljurga—' Development Eesson'in Physiology. *•. • -.-."-•'•'

8. Maiy inU^'Honsevffl.e-^Essay, •"":-.. -" • • •.: -;' -0, A" Development JtessQu in EfluatiOn'^a "be.:

cliseussed by several teachers...: . .-' .-•-.-...• '.-' '. 1Q.' .Miss Ella McHale, Eorfc'Leyden—Re'pifation.i

r30jp;3t. ;'.;- ' - '. --.;-.;

1. Opening Exorcises. •; • • '". ' • - . ' - . • .'• ... 2, ft'bf. E. jr.-eabk-,.Pi;ine;ipaIPbtsd.am-So.rabtsl.

SeliQol--:I,eutui-e, "SeientiiifrHahit.1";'. - '.-. -..''• 3. Discussion of- a plan f-o.i- grading, the. schools'

of Lewis County. . ', '•",.', ; -.".. . • JU-KE2T-4:(W-A'.I£. " . . " !- •'••.";-'

• 'L'DevotionalExercises'." -',-.- ' •'••'.-'..- •••';':-; 2. Jim!es%atse,LpwyiJle^iesson"l'he>Tatai&-

aajdPrin.eipJ.es-ofEraetions."- '-. .-: .'-".-I"."-.'' '..':'• 3. Miss Ella Koberts, Leyden—Qbjcset.Lessaitia.;

Natui-alHistOrj',." •- / . •"-•' .-.-.- •'.-'--"-.'-• .•','".' 4. 51: .M.' Gtalvin, Xoiitague-—Essay,. /'-Popular-

Education."• .; ..•• . .-:'.-..---.' .',.!'./:.':''-/,'-:

5. iUorenceOiofb'ot,:Cous'teb!tiyiiie---ADeVelop-•inent Lesson in Geography, '• '"'•/ • '.,..:

6. John. A...Sbaith,'.eon»tab}eVilIe---Essaj:j?'ilie. Practica^n.Teaehi'ng.'1,.-. .-; . . . : . :•: '• ' / .', •;•''• ••'. . T. Misf Eva yiesft.Leydeni^Essay...: :.-'-.--sii:

8, MIPS Jaiinie Lmtoksi • Tariii—Developinerit' Lesson;' • ; .- " '--. -.'./•

9..Helen Seymour; Port'Leyden—Eeeitati6h.".;v' • - '- '• •_-" .i-Mv-.'ih. '-; ;• : .'-.'•'•/• -:':u

.1. Opening Exercises.;-. - ';- -":.•-'-•. ;';-'...-:;"v-" 2,. Mfes R J&y'WUdar, Watsou-^Essayv'-'lIaW^.-

and Disposition of theTe^oheC* • ,' '•:"• / '3:' Prol-: W^.JX.'Adanis|Low-VUle^Su'b3'e'c.t'n'ot'.

:-chosen. - • • ' . ' • • • ' • ' . - ' . ' . ' " • ; ' . : ' "''. 4. Miss Ella Koberts, lieydeu-Jteeapitdlatiott"

and completion of Object' Lesaoi'i in'Natural PIS-: -tory, ; •;•-•: '.'" - v; . -"-:,>- -"••;_-".-".'."'.;

.5, Miss. Nellie A, Joiu;.s,i MartiasMv&b-^-PeVel.-' Copment Lesson. • :- -

; '-:. • '•, ' , ' .- ' / -.'" ' :•"--•/ -. IS. A: II." Soott, Copenhagen—A;-papeBt,''Dis0ir-'. .pline." - -." •-••- .- > - . / - . / . - ' • _ ^ ' r ; ' - / ^ /

%.. Walker Woad.-'Lyonsdale—f'An-.35du"catt6;nal, Paper.*" " .••-. '. - ..' •'-'•.'

5. Mis.P:A.StapIes,Goii3tableylIIe-:s:Essa.y"Chaif aeteif, the Teacher's Motive Pow:&" ' ".•;• .'• /

9. P. j5.'C'a|«'ou, Tvrjn. -A l>yiu.onsti;at.lonof^ue.. . extraction -pf tile Cube-Kop't Of Tiiiifibe.fe5,..r';: '.-:- ' .

' '/. • •" ; ' /^3tfp,Jtv •.;•'•.• "•'" . . > ; ' . / ;

.'I. Opening Exercises,. ' * *-•"/". •"','. "• .'" •: .-'.' 2." Hon. Hi -M'hlMps/LfeVyiliB—i.ep'ture, "She-.:

Power and'Pol^lbilities-of tlie'Press asXmeans of', Popular Ectu'cation." ' '•'• :•"-"-'.,..;;•.'-

8. -Disettssions;' - , • • . - . - ' . ' . , ." Both .day and evening sessions will be;

freely interspersed w-ith.-.m.asiCj.-iuraisheil-l by the- Maitinsbiirgh. GHee. ;Glub.' / .

The sessions, will .be held; in Mai;rin;,3n.4 Htitutellatl:, wh ich will be tastefully'dec- ;

orated with evergreeus.. and hpus'^piaatsy • by the pupilsof tile villago:school.. . •;f} .

A.loeid cuinmittee has been'selected tP ; sac t lnvtthe teachers are provided with' :

entertainuicnt. It is .estfnestly.- desired-^ t h a t thisiiueetiug be more .largely .attended; than any previous meeting of this associa­t ion. . HENKY.<?. JTOHTIIAM; Pres.;,';

j . o n i s WILTSK, . . . . . . "•'• Mi-v.viESeiiiiArB, „ .'"; -.'..:':£

.Secretaries." ." .-.. .'-•'-'•

.Abel Wilder has .returned fromWesfe, fiold, Pcnii . , where he lias been visiting;

'%. wilder.' ''/ :.. y_ y :--{: '

A . Seventy-3Fiftli Anniversary,

committee having the matter i n l t h ing ia favorable a t the "present fjaie for :

; a large grass crop. . -•' . .• ' . ' . '• .•••;-"••

a t -J- cent off the rul ing price on the Utica marke t to-day.

more t h e fiic is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary.

charge are arranging to give a public re­caption to t h e aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. J „ . . . , Daniel Phillips, on t h e 75th anniversary .' ™ * ™ * ^ Jlftsi come and", - g o a t of tb-elr wedding dav, which event will . N c v e r * e K " '"WWreitweu who,seoraed;to;-occur on Monday aJxt , June 23d. All j s o ' m f h ^ £ h d r V«*H " t l ie ,prpgraihJ therefore-who ^vi.sh to pay their respects T of « " • Ohildrpn's day' .service;', bbtli•-to this venerable and remarkably-preserve !• morning- and evening; r Thb' -beffu'tifui-j ed -couple, are requested to call at t h e res- (\a^ " t t i e . d e c 0 K V t i0a& at t h e .chilrcii.. w i fe idence of their daughter, Mi-s C'opelv, (lately that of Ja-. B Phil l ips, j on the R i v u road, any tune fiom loui to nine o'clock p ru , of Monday next , and they will be made most welcome.

the j ilowers and plants, mingled with singing of biids made i t the pleasautest-J day of t h e yeai foi the children

T E L . E . ( W n .

•t:>-'':- •-' • ; . ~3W.8M - • .- ''-:Tarin wil l celehrate., . .

• \Ctbps.pe.lpoki 'agfiBe;-.; -

' L-HayingTvjll-soba,be;herev

. ;3t*y aadlMrs, '• Thomas1 of Remsea, are

yisitin^.at-SimOBliloyd's. •."••'•' v / -"

;-V iEiiss J.T Whitt lesey' 'b'f •P-ort-Leyden,- is

. spead iag a-few :days.at '•-' E . W'oplyprth 's .

" ;'Mr^;'.C(Ornelia Jsirdine and son of Roch-

I..'eftetj :are-visiting; friends in t o w n . : -

;V:;.Tiie .aanaaimeet iag of the doua ty feiin-

.flayVSchool JOpayentioa y i l l b e , ' h e l d in

this; place nex t 'S r lday , the same pi-ogram

j ,Mia^.'W!i$-pianted for ;the former 'meeting

y i lVd ie . ea iT iedpu t . .

•i H u g h h u g h e s , jiias pu tchased . of • "<i G.

-Har t thp/pla ining mill a a d IN'fr. ti's resi-r

i&iice-on Eas t Maifl s t reet , : W e are glad

::fhat'3Ii'.,|[;ughes'iB. go ingto- joca te ' -per -

Jaianeiitly ,iu Tur in arid -wish M m saccess. ! Mis.-"W. A.Olmstead ' -aBd; t \vb daagh-

tei'.s of Gliica'gp, a r cv i i i t i ng a t MTS. E . ;B .

Holden . ! ; " . / . ' : ; . / , v. './'_ ' :- '

•'•'Mrs'. :Wm 1 : ;Bewey. .o ' f SFew York, .is [ i?tpppiag'a.t .Mrs.;0.Dewey. " . - :

; ; / 3 % ; ' i t . - ' X •Cprnlsh/ Mr's.iM...P-. Olark,-

Swisses Jennie:;and Lula Rea are visiting

friends in-Boston.. ; ' • ' ' ' ; '

|.;.Miss-..Flbi,ehee:Mereness: received a catd

l^frbih .President -Clevelaad last Monday..

LPloreaco is" quite a girl for mashes b u t ' w e

^ did' aot. 'ti&jjik ?he' wrbhld t ry a a d inash oiir

[bachelor president.

; jje.xfc week Tuesday. evenujg the open-I iiig..;okereises of t he fiftieth'.anhaversary of j.the'M/]E. cniirch-yill:-be he ld . . . Rev,..3T.!

-BE. Stanton of Rbchesteiyaad the nrst pas-l;tbfcof "turia.phaige, .Will .preach Wedaes-1 .dayjeveaingfa-aiatere'sting programme will Mie ciuTiedbut and a. .good time i s expect-Fed. :-;;-Y''?.- ':".''••.'.'•'.. '."'*••• p.?-€)hildl;gn's ' d a j was observed / b y the. IMethbdis t eEarch 'in. t he . morning; Rev. ];A, C v Daafor th delivered a lecture oa . the |?w:i3rk of the Sunday school^ in t he evening | t | © singittg school gave a ooacert, which lAvas-a-'saceess. ' ' / ,'- . • RJEpbiiTKii.'

J . !"D. Hough;is. spendmg. a few weeks I With;!.:his.parejatsl ;."..."•. '-•-'.-.-'f ;-.-•' ; .- :

Warren Joiies of TuriaMs yor l r i ag forO. I f ^ P e a s e ; -... - ; - . - ; ._...... -..'.;.

| ' ; • Setli' ¥ o u a g has..a b ro the r frpra ©tsellc, i'Qiiehaiigp' ,£3pautjv :speading a few -. days I'witii. .hlta.. • . . ; - . , . . . . " • ; ' -:

' Mrs.: A, Sherman 'pf G-leng: J a i l s is vis-

|-Mng-frieacls'.ia.towa. • • • • . -

• S p y a r d P i t c h e r r i d e g i n a t w b wheeled f g i g ; i t lebks. very much l ike one of those easy chairs, ' "put"pa wheels ," / ..-..-

$ewis -Arthur, oiir pathmaster . com-tiiieaced ypr lc pa. the roads, last week, and l l ig i s do ing sbrhe woodwork, ' '

• :vSoraetinies..it'.is possible 'to. kill, twp. | teds':yitli Pab'stoap. "This has been the

case iarembviagtheeai thf ro in thegrouads | ;fOr t h e -wing walls to -'the-vaalt,. into- t l ie

•jbiglnviij .to-repair- t h e roads, and a t the

-sama time.aid--the'buryti.ig ground com-I'mittiie b y relieving them of a great expense ("Of ..ex'cavatipn. -.About .100. loads were |i dra\vai away-by OUT pathmaster. ' . - . ' .

. Pi-ifiik Peebles hai5 sold h i s -Hambleton^ | j a a g e l d i n g t o iiiMistrong. and • Green of luWaterto.wn-, for . live.. -hundred dollars. pThey bought-, him-. • "with •• t he expee ration f that ;he will.uialce some fast t ime .

'. Sljss; K n i g h t of Deer River; i s trying t o Insecure-scholars enough for. a.writing class.

"IB'p .-people aly.ays appropria.te.the efforts I t h a t a re-pa t forth t o make special occa-•sibn§'pleaittat? rThe-bbservaa'ee of chiL

I fetfs'day youicl be Very hai-fea of a t t rae-iftbas,ir |deed, sjiould.it i>e.passed by.with-lont;iaii'ftffesfias; any interest i a behalf of

msTiuMnfssymii^ ; •..-.1 .'-= ••;" .•• ,-POMS'LEtpm,:"..- •;./ ••_ ,W.' A . Wlieeler.has. sold the. en t i re ] The Po r t X e y d e n 3 % ' c o m p a n y . ^ C i

make. • of hay . cheese from Yalley-daip

factory, at 6 | cents .pfer pound, . . : 'Joseph- Bphail . is building a new barn,

the .d imeas lpasare4Cby 90.feet, Mt . Robert Tami Jr.^ is,-yeiy sick y i t h

Byight's disease, ._ . - . - ' ... '.

Our school is closed on account of diph-theria.••• -. • - - -: .

. W. A . Wheeler is ' n iakiag thir ty cheese' per day. . . . -

• Mr. Nathan Cobb of Holland Patent , yjsited relatives lit towa. Jast week , ' ' .

Howard Alexander is bui ld i r iga aew bayh this season...

IttioTJliilctren"togratify the i r desires with Ibeaatifally ' .arranged ffpwers and sweet Is iaging birds. T f o ladies of our place l a n d societies are • always on hand' t o do Bheif-'best.-ns was .evinced by the.beautiful. [ dBp layo f the i r tastes in ' .decorat ing the-|"'e:hiirehes.lasV&hhath;: •-'•"' '" ' / .

Jipad'ay .afternoon, \vhile J . 'H . P i tcher hvaS-ijt Wi l l ' j o ae s r sa\V mill, load inglah i -llier'hi 's team became frightened.by t h e s i s l-o'clp,Ck whistle and before} h e could reach r h i s Tines they left on dgilble quick; time,' felriag the ' rpad pas t ' the grist .'mill dowa hthe-crpek;.- hut someho w just-after crossiug. !tiie'-s.tat5..rbad Praa-lc-Shepard- put a' s top

Vto. the i r ^piOgress-by headia-g tiiein -'ojff: A s I'good luelc would have it , ho serious da-rh-|;'age wits done; t he lumber was scattered': along, t h e rpad,' and the r a c k t o the wagon

I TSas broken,-and one horse-Ciit a'-littTe on I'the-fbot.'' W e call . it a', very*, fortunate r-yiad/'iip-fo,r Mr/. Pitcher^; under -. the cir-l-cnmstaaces. =• -"•'.„.-', '• . . . ..'.Picific.

Chiidrea'g day was observed hei'e-'last


Prof. A. A. Hopldns addressed a meet-i a g a t Mebhaaie.'s .liall-ia this, village last Eriday; evening In tl;e intei«st of t h e p'rp^ hibitioh party: " He is a fine '.speaker a n d m a n y of •his'arguaieiits were urjansWera-

-bi*e...".': • :. ••'; ; ' •" ' . ..• ' .'."•/"

Itev. Mr. Hubbard, is t h s new pastor of t h e Episcopal church in tMs place.

" Thoaieasles are still prevailing in this section," ' • : " . . . ' * ' . • - . ; . • • • ; ' The dea th of Moses. J . E a m e s o n Mon­day evening of last week removes from ou t mids t one-of our most active business meii and', h ighly -respected :ciMzeiis. . He .

. was a member of the- firm of Eajnes. and Bridgeman, a firm well known-through­ou t . Lewis, countj ' . T h e . ;fu*aeral. was largely .attended last .Thursday a t two p. in. . . . ,. H ,

. • r:~Uso&si^r:'r~' .(Eeeeived. too hitc'for lastt-Weeli.)'

' Coolaveathei". - - . - ' ' • * ' - ' . .. -

' 'Gra in -and .grass is doing well,

Earmers are workiiig bn tlie road, %.

William Fredenhurg has a. cliild sick with the diphtheria with very litt le hopes, of-.recovery. ' - ' ' 2 " ' '

Bipjitheria is breaking out again in .Jadiaa Riy-er, J o h a House, has two chil-.. drca:sipk w i t h i i , -_-..} -_ . . *; '• •"

E . Laraway .has sold three horses for

eight hundred dollars', and yei i t to' Caaa-

.daiast Monday afleVihOTe. ',.".,.

"'' Eishermea are; very ple'aty now-S-Tdays

after . trpat, b a t - the .purest way to get',

-tliem.-is.'tb.biiyfh'eim '-''•-:-..• -•' '*

There were two fuiieralsMrelas ' t 'Moa-day, .both clrildrea. ' One was Jeff. Shep-ard's, the , other was Lloyd Howe's child. Both- d ied of eongestioa of t h e lungs . .

• - ' ' ' , * ' • - . . ' • ' ' • • '• • • • • - " ' • - • - T $ .

-Einfi growing time.

Peter Baker,fathef of Michail Baker,' is

very low and not expected to live. . . .

John House of Indian River, lost one child with, diphtheria. --••.

. Joseph Htmry i s tearing flown his bdiui and is go ing- to bui ld a new one ' in its place' ' .' . . • " • • ' . ' -

Theo. B. Basselin r a n t h i last of h i s i o g s

over the ("Voghan dam last *Mpnday.

, ' . . " . ' " " 7 , R.

busmess iBeet ingJa ' s reyeamg. --' V '. .-, Mts. jbhxi Blekfprd of. 'iSroo'klyn., has '

' bee'h :yisiting'her.fath^r r:Ho'n'. J;..^.V Me**

tispn>fpr a i c w d a y s . *".-' ' " v . . " '-.•.»-•:. '; ".Qm'"' iDand'liave a. pic'aie' at Ke lpy^ : g i w e to-day.-- ' ' • " ' ; " / . / . ' .""..•..••"." :' Oa , rya l i c s ' a ad streets :ai;c "andeigoing. improvements-at t he hands-of "oar s t reet "commis'sibaer.-• '• ,.-*-.' - / •'.'• .; ' W e a o t i c e d t h e excellent report from

M T . H . .H; 'Eel logg' 's dairy ia' "lai^TmES , of las t yeeiv. -Sir.-' Kellogg i s a- -pxactieaj' iarmeiv a i id 'one. of .our. 'iao.st Jesteemed' townsmen,. W h a t he does is always, done •well.. -" '.-.• - . . . . . '.-. , "-.-: - • ; • -PiU'mers are favored - w-ift t he prospect of large ci'bps thfeycai ' . ' 'Grass- 'we- J?e-IJe-ve ixeier looked. better a t - th i s Vime oif. year than now. • The', pnty.'diawback i s ; the low prices paid* for-dairy, pxbducts.

'-""' '••'•'• "•'.'...'.:..-:---.-:''•'-.. .'' QGV&PZ-^. -

.To eiieoui-ageslecpj create an appetitpj. brace a p the system,, -arid' tP:'pT,tr^;. t h e . bloodj, take the unfailing Hunt ' s [Kidney and'Livej'*j Remedy.'-'.-_'.' -' / ; ' , ..,-' :.-

/ ' . - . .SoB.tuldws,'-' -.'/ ' • '.-".

The undersigned .will -reeei'jejpioposi-, tious for improving, antl. bui;hlihg.- i h c school ."houses for school-.dJstript'.Jfo;-.. 3,".' Lowville, till .Saturday,' June M t h i .Plans, and specifications may be seen on applica­tion-of interosteil parties, . . . . ; . . • . ' .

- C. P . . LEOSTAJIB, Trustee, • '. -'

' 'Dated June 10th. lS'SS-.:" • " SIW2. ' '

- . . "Br t s l ae s s L o c a l s . .

W. IL SMfnt has' several good 'dyel-1 ing houses fox sale a t g-re'at bargains:';-also first-- class buildiag-.ibis "at 'one ..Mjnditd. dollars: a n d upwards. ./.-.'. . -21m0"

• .LMMEKSE stock of :Boycltii-;S in furniture a t Hab'erei-:.'Bi«s;-''.''.'".-..-' '\ - •/. . .• ' : .-;'. - '

W, H. Baiith -has..a very .fine l iae of open 'aadf op'buggies'.' maaufactured i a life; baikl-irigby &;' T. Wilson, also a^lot'o'f luisueiy piatfoiiji.aild..o,ae 'hbi'se-'yagbas from f30 .npyasds.'.,,Oall aad see .thejn-befpi-e you purchase elsewhere. 44m3... '•'".

*/'••/;" [^s^eat^har "^"Tfe."::.: . i-lisisiancnestei,;Sna^ai^-Juiie*St'u', 1883ksays:. -

- Afcqiie-bf tffia.: ..".' :.';.,--; " '• •; V --"..,.-.. / ."" •-".-".'/'TrandSws^/. /-/•-:

A ."-"•""" '-V-/-.";'-,'"-*'i'-'.;." . -Laoking:.o'n:-th'e wobdiaiid;way*l .With. Jlunjps of "riodogehdrDfas knd j^atDiasses^^of MCay.blos-.;

-:sonisi:.n,. ?.;$h"ere wfe4'i;interest"inK'|!*on)p:" *".. • • ; It iriolude'C'piie yiio "Bad beena "flottonspin-r •ner, |rbutyasapyg(j. ' / . •• "." •-. .' --'-." •"•'"-"'-•.'."' •; - Paralyzed: r'U.v •;. - : • - - - -;"'•-; -'.- :--V,; - . '-•' T%t"hecou]ii'«ay-bearib4ie^marseHAingpoi-.sltion.'. • ; • ; / ; : / . ,.!*,",--'''•/'.'•• .' •' V

; Thisje'feistovniy'case.'V. :-i-:;.' '•-"-';'"..• . - ' -Iw^is -it'taoked'twelve years agoyjtii'"iiOc6--

motferAtaSj-;'"::•-.:, . ' - • ' . • / ; '.--• .': '.;-. - '.'""' .(A.paralytie 'dlseaie-bf iiier\?e.""i5.bre:rarely -eyer

:cured): ."-•=- ->•."."-.'- •"•'-." >.-;. .* . ' - " . .and .Was ;ipr;. seyersl years :baiely able to.- get .about; ''•'*. . " '""• - - . / "; , / "'"•.': -";. "J""'''/- ..-i AndfoV Sie l^trfeeyea^JiotaWe^datteiidtto • mybijsiness.-.atiaiougb;• •' •/ /.-...-. - •'• .•'•'•:'

-^tany^biigs"li'aye.'beett-doneforme. .- ;. "•; <iM.e3^t#xp'.erimentbeingWervestrefcteng. ,-:. -•rway&rsagpJE.was^rofedInto the / -. ' . / ' - . - '/-" Hoine for Incurables^ 'Near^aBcBe^ter.'fc.afayj,-,-

i s s ^ ' / ' ; - ; - - / " . ' / 'V :"*'•'%/-;iv "-;- '..;";"•-;•.., . I : am;ap '!AdV<Kat^\-""i?ot.^nythlng'.M the "-.

shape of patent" 3!f ediciiiesl .->:', /-:.--;;' Andmadettaayoirjeetipng'.tpiny dearwjfe's

cranstant&gjijg-tb try Hop Bitters; i;ni&iaBy-to.;. aJaelEyher^:. "-• . . , - . ' ' ' ." ' • . . . • *-"". .''*""••.-.'

.Coasented-tJ-"-'A" -- -.-"'.••' -" • ihad riotijiiite fliijsheittie ^is t bottle when I " " "iy*

so _ * a *

siirelcould- --•"\yalk*--:-"•.-. - - / ^ . . . - v . : - "'••.-• - . " / : / - . - .-So-itartaa-aeross-.ffiefioOraBdbae'k..- '. " -..' ; . Ihardlylm&wlioW io-'icdnfato.myself.. Iwas-all oyer the house: -. t am TgauSng strength «ac3i; •day,.ana.e;anwaTkrqHi0Jsafewitliotu;ahy .'-;'-•

*-Stick!" ' .= •• " . - ' - " - ' : . - - - - • '-'• . - -• Or-Susport,'. "•" ' :-"..'- '•.'-. ..-" ' .'.' -.- •-l^amnowafriny.own -iouse,-:aad liope soonto

be sbleto'earn my own living again: I have been a member: or" the Manchester '• .--'-• • • : : - -."/'SoyaiExcTiffinge". '..'- .-"..-.- : .':; •' •-.-'.. .*-"••" -

.-EornBarlytiiirlyye?ifSi-ima:'Jwa'> most heartily. '• Congratulated^^ ongoing info:tlie room -bn jPhxriB:: aaylas6:-'yery feratefulry y.o.uis; JohnBlackburn;. • ManchestertEngO-Deel,3i,i88K " -".' - .-'". ®WS.years lateJATn^eriectly-welL • , . . - ."" : , ;

; .^^Jfonfe genuine" withbuta bnnch,.bf"greea H8p^ ontRe-white label. • Shun'.all; the vile,, pois­onous, staff with.' "HnlJ" or HHopr"7 in their ninie.

'"To T i m LyUjiEs,—SL;s. A.^E.'.Seariiias just returned from. Kew Yorlc, wi th iiey. and desirable. jjatternV for ladies and *ciiMdre.n.' "Thankful -for'past .favors'"she will be" glad- to see • one" 'and r all at" her ' new rporuson $hadyavenxie.. . .

- , " ' ' _ - . . iffiBS-.A. E.'SEAlUij

F R E E "Trade-Prices'.at I laberer Bsfo'sl

freighting between

Mrs.. Engeae Cole is very sick.'

A aew arrival at William Cole's—its a 'boy: " ' • ' " ' . ' -

" : ' James Caldwell is Carthage and Hamsvil le ,

'". MT._ and M-rsJ James Otis are' visiting at Fel ts ..Mills and Watet towa.

, A Catholic church is to be bui l t in Har-r W i f e this season. James Brady lias-the contract..."" '.'' " . . '.-.

Horace Clark and wife Tbtumed last •Week from a visit." to their daughter in 'Watertown, , '.

Com,' Hickey has bailt two a e y bridges a n d . has three, more t o ' buik%; He has done a 'much needed job. oh ".Sp'ruee Hill a n d has.repaired Brown Creek, Bridge,

' Jas , . I jn tchisba has .been' beautifyiag some of t he basiaess places and resid paces of "Hairisviilp wi th p a i n t , and. ; pappr, James khow'S-how. to do it . . He can' t lie •beatpa a t such work;" .••'•.-.'•• -• •-

If orris Pier , while returning, from court at Lowyi'H'e; week before last,- m e t with- a sad. accident, O a t h e road bfltweea Car­thage a n d Pargo ' s hotel ..oae.of his:ear-: riagp wlteels .suddealy dropped i a t o a r a t thi'owiagMr...-pier to-the g r o a n d . The "horse''stepped on . to 'h is haBd;t6iai'ing.the flesh bad ly and causing a severe aiid pain­ful wound. . • • W.

The Omnibus will run to and from -the Springs, connecting With the morning, trains; returning-at. 10-a. BU L'eave House in tifiie for evening ti'ains..

. ."Fare.toand'-fronvtlie>iUage:eael£yay' . /

•'"••-. I'E-S GEST&.. ' • * . . - ' .-..."

S P R i X G ' W A T E R . P R 1 S H ..E¥ER"S" .. MORrH^GD^LK^RJBD'LN.PRE-" ;

. P A R E D J U G S A T SO C E H T S A-OALLOW." B T ' T H E W E E I t " . -"

. • . . CHEJJ 'pLLAR. •';:/*'.:/ ., -

Thegroutids and Pioral.Ha'lliwin'beop6nfQr Pic-' aies arid Pleasure •Parties a t aft titties. '

W E E K L Y . H O P ' WITIS :G-0,OD M:tjgl6 E V E R Y W E D N E S D A T ' l V E K B f G , "'

Jun& 15. SEO.' HAZELTISTE, -Proprietor;

Aix ' persons i a .the %ieinity of. Lowville a'nd-Glendale who . are afflicted w| th any. description • of 'chronic disease w-iU'iiiid i t for their int'ei'est fo. consult Dr. J, '-W*. Owea who .will visit Lowville evpiy Satu'rda)-. ^ Office hours' a t . ' Lowville, -Kellogg House, i 'rrmrlS fo 3 p*. m. ' / "

* PIANOS , and orgtms for sale. by. O. H , (-poke. , Organs cleaned- .ajwl' repaired. First-class piano timer furnished..," Call a t residence, on J lubbard street, ' Cor res ­pondents promptly at tended .to. tf j

WAMTOD - S a i t i b l e looms fo, * small I m m i i e ^ t h i s o f h e e . 53w2.

[ family.

/•;.-:; ..-";.' ; aoPEm&iaje^ -...-. •;

. ' • /Elnb.growmgtime. .

. * The' services, b y ; 'the chijdi:ea: . Saaday

evetiing at . the i f . .E , . church w-ere very

JinteteStihg";- Remarks y e r e made by.Sevs .

.jCheeseman and;.' Cutlibertson and Na than

Clark*; ' : ' 'The.;altar.vas J 'handsomelydeco-

Vated. w i th flowers.-• ' .-

. ; . .A;fafpdelegatioa'fromtli is Village ivi? t e n d e d t h e ' "wild west" s h p y a t Watei- .

tipyhiyipiiday.' . ."

[The Congregational chinch shed is •qaite-aa eye sore, i t shouid bercpahe 'd a t ;pucey- ,-•.-••'// - .-'• "_'-..".; •". . •'"

.; ' Bploii Wilder a a d -wife, aad O, D; Hill y i s i ted 'a t H. J, Boyntoii's" last, week, 1 -Mr.- Smi th "from" Rodman i s putting' up

'a-'lipns.e'oh. Washington street. '• .

-1/Several lar'meri | n t h i s vieiaitj ' are :prept'ing' latgC; barns this season, ainong.

:,the'm;are; E." D-. Babco'clc and Jay .Diekin-^s'oh:." ' .'"'- . " ' " • - . '

- • Qiir vil lage -is promised'another barbel-. shop t o be opeiied-.ia the Cbrbih block. • r; • EL. B , • Jjaiipher. at Iris two factories is im.aldng;abouf thirty, cheese per day, :

;, .O.ur ho'p.,gfowe-rs report hops growing heaiiy-one fapt a-dajt. *• . :• 'Wul iam'Woolwbrth ' -of Adatas, visited' •his-brother in'tliis place last -week. ' ' '

'"ijndgrtatver Lansing attended the fune­ral of' Ariiolfl Webb at Tylervilie Sunday after-nOon.' .' ' -'-'": .Mrs. ' .Prank .Irtinsiag'.is' visiting her" mother at Natural Bridge. .';Seryiees are being held' each day this

,y.eek a t the. Catholic chan-li ia . Harris-• :.ba%, Fa ther Haggcity is lussistcd by cler--.gymea from New .Jersey. ; / '.LbHvis County S; S. AssoHatioa. Friday, [pf.-this.week*at Turin. .V ilfrfid.Bby'd will study medicine^ wi th

i ) r . f i m i b i i n ; ' . ' / " , ; '.; /Maybr. 'O. F . Saii 'th.will lie -marshal of ]

% e d a y at' Eva as Mills- Ju ly 4fh: '' •Rev.- J." O. Perkins ' apd family are 'vi'si-

:tjug-'a't Oizenovia, they will be away two -Sabbaths.'- ' ' .- .

.- -MT. Orie Hibbard, who rented J . D. Par is ' fai'rii two . years .ago, died a t his home in Piackney, J a n e oth, ' .His disease was consumption.

; : -A Stniday school picnic is talked of he-. ;fprd. haying.". ;

;/ ;Thos. McMichael is buying Lrrge lots of creamery but te r in Jefferson county.

: '•- B e a i Hbrr' speiit Suuday with his par* j eh fa? neiu; this village, he is clerking at "Gjeat Ben,d. : ' ' .

;: Fred Anglo-has -bought another lot of those fine humliuig pds>mgs, pansols, whit t goods, etc

Oui city falheis a ie clicking u p and griibug the sheets in fine shape

-. •• .; • . BAJtXES COBSBRS., . . • - / We had a vei-y heavy shower on -Satur­

day evening last. . • - ' ••/..••- , - This powder never varies.' ' A marvel of'pureity.

than the ordinary Kinds, and canttat -be sold in "coiMpetition TOth the.'inultitude of h^v.-tes't..sliori-W-eight, alum or-posphate powders. Sold only .irt eaiis.. Jl0YAL.BAK"lSD*BQ*yD'Bll-COi,; 9 ? ._ '_•_ ^i' i •-",-' ?gw ' '*^ork-

TldgrenMy ecntaihs- no i/ijmicnis drugs.. • -.

ing good satisfaction.

. E i F ' S •f% &.:

..They are making m cheese a d a y a t t h e < steenKthandw-holespmeness., .vioreeaonomieal

Bairnes. Comers fac tory : ' IS a t thelsTew

-Boston factory," and. 8;: a t the .Montague

factory, Mr.. Rogers-being the. mataat.

• There afe-only about.tveeaty-five sclioi-

ars in daily at tendaace irt the 'Baraes Cor*

neis school. We d o nOt -begin t o have

t h e childl-en a n d young people at .Barnes

Corners, we. h a d fwemy years, ago. . .

Miss Jennie Greea of .."Cop'enha'gea is

teaching the New; Boston, school aiid g h /

IV'* 1 ' i . G c e a r a B a l m . J*pz^

C'LEAilsEB'Tl iE ";;%''/'

"HE411. J t L ' U X S V, |} --'

v^tjaiWk'Tib^-.-ffy- •

• 1%e -eldest daughter Of •' NelSpa Sears a t : Montague, has "been dangerously ill, and her'recovery seemed doubtful,

Mr. Samuel Douglass bf. Lowville, call-:

ed. on friends -Saturday,.. . . - . . . • . - • - .

•.. Henry Smith of Montague, has erected,

several new- baiidiiigs this spi iag. Henry

is a .good carpenter and is doing well.

On Saturday aight." "bur. people were a l l

•but to wi tness a dog- fight' : •'.-".

- Mrs. Deloss Staffpfd;-bf Montague, has

been . quite |sick, but,, is nOw -conroles-

cea't.. . ' • ' . - . . . -

Geoi-ge. Itilborn of Moiitag-ue, is run-

uing ids, mill oa full tanie^.and the in i l l .

of Mi". Burns of New Boston, has n i l . -it

can &.o. " .. ' . :* .

Ahnost a run away the othei evening,

but the. horse was caught before Any dam­

age .was done. - .

The saw mill of Mr. Field is running- on full time now, having all the work it- can do. - - " " • : •''

It-BSTOR-ES.IHE-.V.^ - ..


SJ1ELL, "SAltmCi. %!AV •, . ,'. r 3 1 ? •>« —" >.*sf-'V' ----v',s*£a»3!

•HOPB-ITiEES,"• :-"--: .'.-•. •- .-.' -.' --.-/- : -' 32 SoldbyMoitisonand^^pore/LoykUe*?!'.%",-,

]yjr03CTGiiG-ESAiJE.-; %: -:'•-_ ' \ . ;.r- / /

.-: "Whereas", ^defaiiit has been madainiaie.paynient *f rhe' inoney .secured by aimbrsgage: dated *Ke. firetday. of :Beeember/:i867,. executed "by Andrew -O'He'arfl/and *Margaret: 0'Hearn,.ln8 wife, 4iii4 jTohnO'Hearni-their son,--of the'townof tWeeoi*,-county; of .Le.wis,..aiia*: State of New IBork, ant» . (Phcinias DOwiies, of ihe town.of Slbrtace; Oie t da coafityr-Hew;Xori,;frit^firsum dfjsas, *Mok

^sald inortgage .was irecorded jn--flre ler"iefroffic<»,' -of-Qi.eoounty.oIi;ewis,.en tb'e i i t h day^if Jaau? . ary,1870, at 9 o!clock;- a, m,,,mlib»E-7, Of mcarfe .gageSi :page 277,..: =-- • - . » - - . - " . - : " ' . " : - -. -, Afld wheregs; said mOrteajfee, ©lbniaslloynei; dejjarted this life-on.-o'r about the" 29thof 5Februr -ary, iSSCf, intestatei and the subscriber; iWflliam H. Jl'orranee, wfas .oja^r about tlie i^th day-of AjSril, 1880, dulyrcdnstltnted a i d ^ppihted a*--"

• aninistrator of t"Be estifte of said oaomasllownegi •-by the: Surrogate of; Qrieida coujirty^ * id he ha« duly o^aMeUaidiEtmow actrnf ^sucTiMniiiiiB-:•; trafpr,.antttlie'Sald^brtgage.isab*heliby^'h^ . onaeconnt and by 'sdrtuedf'&IS'said'trust.

Aii'dWhereaSirdefanlth^KeenOTad^infhepajr • ment.bf the-anidniit idue And' secured t o a*paltt bjrsaiarmbrtgage ^as ifOresaicl, rand "in«re'3« *o"vr due and-QWiftgl:oSaid-admminr*t6r of the estate .

, of .said.inortgageei upon antt'byr virtue pf saat. • mortgage, at the date :6f. the first publication: of •thisijiotice,-the sunt of feftmtnoiea/twehty-one. and S lOO.-dolIars, itd wifcr.'ae.suin Of $mMl .prraeipat^and-Hie.suni.o"£$'97,36>ofiDteregttliiBr«-1:. • •oa, wblch. Is: tbe. whole amount secured by* and remaining Ahjpald- uporusaid- inortgige," aiid' lio :

suit;proeeedmgor-aetionatlaworOtherWise'uas . been."-in,stit:utea'.:to recover t he ; said atrbrtgage „ desfcoE-anypartShereofi- • . . ' - - ' . ••:••'.-'•"•

•JJow,, tbereforbi liotice iaTaereby-given fliat tiy • virtue: b'f-sajd pb*er of sale, and. in pm-suance of- -the statute, -the said iwrtgage- .whf be foreclosed --.-•by a sale'of tlie:-mOrtgagett.prelmseS, whick are . nCreiaafteS^eSerlbed^at. public auction a t .the -

• Tlie foHo WiiigTS a descriptioa of -theinbrtgaged :• premises to lie. soTd as aforesaid as qohtaiiteof in,-

. said mortgage, to wit.: Allthat tract or-parcel of ,laiidsituate:in.tlieto'TCilx>f ©sceola, township IS, county of Lewis; and.State .of "RewToric,. and .Known asth.e north-east iOrnerVof lot Jjfo.ft48) -. one. hundred and fofty-«ight,". in *ild township, aiid"6bunded asiallo*s't Banning, at life nbrthv east Gorier of said lot ataliaKer-iiut ,tr0einari-. edHl,-14& lS4"aud.l4S.;"thenee north 8Q4egree«i •sj'est .on the original: line of-lots lB=chaai*:"C2 lnifcg to-a stake.and stoiie in center bf i i e "higferay, .theriee- 'south.. 10 aegrees,. w i s t -* «haina to" a Stake, 17. links-nertli, 35- degrees" "easfc of k inaplb; mar-Red-'VSf.-'JE;- 'thence south. 80 degrees, east Jfl • charns and raaiate-toimipte-saplhig on theeaBt-Ihieof saidlot^.afJi:edJW„5t-, ithencbon the.origs : •inalBneaortU10-degr'ees,,e*ast as-'chains, to thS ' ' place of beginning, containing tffiseye'niyKMie -aeres=bf-land, mbreorlesjj.- - - - .. • •.-.•--.

.Dated,April'SS;3883.*'--.':"-.' :" " -.- ^ .-"• " 4t-ii- . , -•- v . / . " "yiLLIAaLIL-BOEEAKOS,

Adniinisti'at.or ete,.of ThomfeDowheii,deceas-, -;edi mortgagee, .-'-.t.-.: -" :.':./-. >• .-.EfiBEBf ifOBE, Attorney,,Camdeni *S."y;,". ', ;"'.

ti'e shallsell.ts the Jaaning Gomiaunity-

THE WAL-TEIt A:- "«T06"D :M0"WINe "HACHKrB;. ' ; ' 35or one.br twO'Bbrses.:.; . .;• /


TiTE WALTES' A. WDOB .'ivVEKE- SELF BINfr: -•: •- / - r .• IXG"HAItVESa-EE..; "••"-". '"•-".

T1H£0:5EIIA.«'AHO"KSE-B'AKE, - ' . • " . ; . . . . •'- HAYFOKKg, HOPES,-"----:'./.'••. -

• . , . - . . - . .-'."PriLLEfS-4^:yST.TJRES;,: ALSO-liATELE^iTOlia -;'"'' V "'."-." .'•'-.•/ ' : -. " . . - . - ' ' * ." A^t fASKlERS; ' -'- :--":"'."-. ....- ' . ' . ' • * "'•'"-"'•.,-•'-•- BAT.^OAlfEBS,

HA5T TEDDEfiSi - - •':""' " .'-V'/. "'• l ' '•'' : -- . ' := '-AND-OTHER -" : - . . - / : ' • --•'

•"' ": : ...". .'." ". BjemSQ:JTAeHUnSRT.;

Either-on hand or supplied; on siiortnotiee.


/ , READT •tt'HESWATSa'ED. - - '••.'


;;;;;;;'.' ;.;.<0mm^^.h-r:;^\:.

• •.,-' And guarantee."?at:fefaC.tion 5naB' eases::.-';-' -:

Terins e^U'or:'nterest.frbmdat&. -., / ' ''-;- ".'.•"

.':. ..-. •'.".'- ""':-: ;'D1r"I>.-"FO0T''A3*:DS0K,. '•' - .'' '•, "So, 1. Darith"'Street, - -:-. -" -". ".'-'iowville:: Jf; T. : -

• ^ * ^ 4

A FOSITtVE C , l ' R l S . * % I ^ : ; " ' ^ p g p g E » ;

Kjl&Qiill ^ t ^ i L L l aWe . r . epu t a t i on . l -Whereyer known, ais]5larfng all .ortjiei;. prepara­tions.: It is'a creamy, sabstiiuce. A parliolei*

• apiilii'd'ijito-eacU mwrril, 'causing !«) palilalia is t-agreeable to use. Price ,50 cents bv mail air-at * Druggists." "-Send'for circular:.."- . -• : ' -.-'_.-' EL.'TBROtHBiiS.DniggisLs.awSgo'.XT.- .

ELY.'S Oii&tt BAOI •=•"'•''•'-'• y-~:~ •?" ^ssS% Sold by.Mol'risolj'-S- Stpore, Lowville., .- T-

u it

-'. "" -=~WI!BH-r-. "••''•'-. ';• DOUBLE f H J G K l S A t L ,

1^^& , k$Me Wear-

' v o n t h e ? •'*>


'-efhii • TJje f'GsmmB"^JJjnn3EB.;Go.' glka-betterRub-

rubb.errightunderthe treaa,.gives'J9b'8I{LE!'51l£ilJ. • . ABk.to see the.« CASIKEE"-Dotibie Thifit Ball Eubbersm:BQ6.ts1Arca<ffl,,Overehoes,'AlasKas,&c»

A Commen Sense ;

There will be :a Sutnlay school picnic in j ^^^^^ff^^3M^Si

the grove near Rodman th i /week . Hatur- , *>"T""-day, all are invited.

Mr. Brayton Stafford, who lives a f e w ' miles south of B:u-n»'.s Curiu'rs i , very ha.p-p.y over a biiglit little g a l ' . a few days . oid./ ; : ' . ""'.'' - " . - ' /

Mr. .Hubbard, aged 02 years, died a , few day* ago.

' Mr, "Wright is turning put about 40 but- . tcr tttbs per week from his cooper shop, • Rain or shine you will h a d . the a g e d , Mr* Thoinpsdii and -wife ia attendance at 1

divine service -on. Sunday^- - They have a-seat in the M. B. church which they have, occupied for u great many years. . .

Since the fo.rmcr organist. Bertie Sne l l ' went away, Mrs. Cole plays the organ in ' the M. E. church.

Weare informed that Walter.Bowm'aaof ' Brafll Th|*8Sll8FSr HflfS.e ?0WerSf aill^nglBeS, ; Montague, is sutferiag from a vcl'y bad

hand. ' -

-'•-. \ ".HASE/iSr t'JO.,.-- --;-' :. "' '"ITOOLE'S^E IbEXT»S ,CAJSDEE-CQ« -"" .' ' . BOSTON, MASS,'-'.' . . / ' . ' •

.Aj;LE2SFi)s -m1:


• BJf<SE-L'S Xo. FCiERRET-^v^EPERS are.the'" . , Be"rt»iade:they'"a«fe;wariantea;.pricgSSatI'0y'-. - • •LEK -BRB'Sl'" Ifuwersal- ^lathes'-Wringer,' "War-. -ranted, price §3, at £«W1£ER BROS. - > . Xadic'sif vou Waiit- real •ince.Tinwaj.'e,"call at FOWLBR. BHOB^ R. Hemesch,%-!Sons'-?ieHe . Hated-aU;Stetf:si'ieai-s,.'Warra'nted, at EoWler..-' Bros. •'Mrs..-potr3''CoId Handle Sad.lrpns/at.'Fow''--- • ;-Ieb Bros. ...Troy-EolISbuif Iron's at-"Ffiw.Ier;Brbs, Bird-Pages, a-L»rge and Complete--Steel at-Eoy=" ler Bros; ia'iTSWbia.JIanfi:g;Co.*s-EIe'g)iiit Pots. =.' Kettles. Spldefsaiid Som Irons; at-Fowler Bros. < Ki-anitxiIron-Tca Eetflles, Tea J?ofs, Coffee Pots, Stew Pans, Stew Kettles',, jpry -Pans, Pie Elates, = DishParis, JHlIcPans,'"^iter-PaUs,.'etc.', atKrssV -.

^R'EP RiG:35Rij'vTQ"R;S-.at- FOjetER BROS;. Tin-.-.. •ware" of-all 3dMst. sizes- and. shapes, at Kowlef. Bros. 0j£I

iSTD"\'!Et!atEowler^BrbS. tvMtesbaro' Wooden Patis,.'"\Vasll-''l'ttbs, CUUrns, etc,,. at; Fow­ler Bros. Superior AHieriCito'-l'able ClitlerynianV : "ufactur«d fe;'tlifr-.Keriaeii.Citrlery Co;,*legantd«-" -sigiis-an'd beautiful iMsii'at'Powleii-Bros. Amerl-''" eaaSiifeCo/sPbcKetOutleryatToylerBros,;."-. .

TiJB"Mi6is"i5 3f*ST*cl"^N.<n!-aracDEfi\"^irE^a:Bii-': FtrttNicE <S>.-» oip-Bosroif, 5ri-ss.,.*:-i:ro.Td:CAST'*nK'• Frs.ssr Cxsrisiis .OE^ANI-.STOVB-*M*KES8 ISt^SE .' •WtnttD- AT 3?o.yLES; BROSV *.-•--' v. : •/:"."•.-• ••'•-•' * IViltew'CUbtlies-a^dHamiierBaSketS at "Fowler . Bros. COOLEY t'REAM-ER-S .at Fowler Bros;' ."""•"'

V Iron :latehen;SihlcB-an'd-S"lop'Sinks=at.'^.wler' : Brosj. TheDunnEdgeTo'ol<,o'.*sCelebrS'ted.Clig.-.-'.-."

.'! i)er-A"xes at. FowletJlros.- Hurd's Raiior; Blaf es^ ! liancVA^es.andilatctets-a'tEowlerBros; Riibber l Belting. EeaflieKBeltia^ and Ea.ee Leather a t • . f J?owlet'Bi'Os.'iron'Pipa';ste.anrJ3tt]iigs, Babbstj-'.-', JTeial' ivnd Rubber Hose, at j:bwlerTBt6s.. •• .-..

-•"• - Rakes. Hoes-and "Forks-at Fowler'Bros. Car-. • • penferii'ToolSatEowler.Brbs-^DislonHand-Saws ;. " ; "ufFoWIcrBrQs; Bailey Planers a t Fowler Brot. -.,

:" ^iavdide' A E Sail HanTmers at-Fowler, Bros. .; Stone Masons, B]aelcsnirtte3!.ieliinests, Sledge. -. Rirefoig. trapping,;a'acinff -and- Pointing Ham- '•

m«S« at ybwlet' Bi»s. Wheeler^. Madden- & 0env*.

'I have no appeti te ," eo'mplain many suflcivvs. Hood's SarsapariUa gives an I iiiu agent for the sU«'»f tho above -machines

i'u" Lewis I'omity, and -alsi.i .!«• tUe. Coatiaental j 'appetite and enables t l ie-stomach t o per- ; Harvester and W r a .eal'loii orodOress,.. • .' . j form its duty. ' • ' - . ' • UuniS-. 1 . -A. B. ^SCliASTZ, •C^s't«larid,.'S:,y, -.:'

yfatertosrai Plows-at Eowfer Brofc Kf . . . . . .,. o r Haijgers-at Ebw-r :

Scoops; oitCliain", :BoH*,Hingesi'

Paper; tBoor , Chest Jocks, ;

Ti'U Locks,Cdmm'hiHiOn^ocMat- ; '. ••'-/ ..-•.". .-"' -_. -. . ' ; ' r ^ ^ i ^ R B R Q S ^ - / • ; .

!. .-'-"•" .:'No;;fb'State.Steeet,Xowyale,^