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  • 8/7/2019 3PVPTTSMasterCustomerSpecific


  • 8/7/2019 3PVPTTSMasterCustomerSpecific


    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

    Requirement Volvo 3P & Volvo PowertrainElement

    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 2 of Revision: 9, November 2005

    3 Terms and definitions SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement ProcessThis is a four-stage elevation process used to focus on negative oranizations perintended to focus activity to resolve quality performance problems and prevent re

    Supplier ScorecardLocated within Volvos Supplier Portal, the Supplier Scorecard is a secured webscommercial, financial and quality information and performance data.

    PPM (Parts Per Million)A method of stating the performance of a process in terms of actual nonconforminPPM data should be used to prioritize corrective actions.

    QPM (Quality Performance Measurement)QPM is a quality performance-prioritizing tool based on a points system comprisinmeasuring criteria:

    - Parts Per Million (PPM)- Number of non-conforming parts (NCp)- Number of Inspection Reports issued (IR raised)- Volume Value of Rejected Parts (Vol.Val.)

    QPM = PPM points + NCp points + IR Raised points + Vol Val poin

    PQP Purchasing Quality Procedures

    Purchasing Quality Procedures defined the Volvo Customer Specific Requorganizations and sub-contractors

    RTS Review of Technical SpecificationThe purpose for the Review of Technical Specification is to collect and handle orgproduct review analysis and comments on the Technical Specification. This is to understanding of all Technical Specifications and confirmation of product manufaaim is that no Design Change Request takes place after the PPAP or Tool order.

    The RTS checklist is signed by Volvo and the organization to ensure that all the T

    Regulations & General Specifications applicable to the part have been received,

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 3 of Revision: 9, November 2005

    understood by the organization

    4.2.2 Quality manual The organization shall establish and maintain aquality manual that includes

    a) the scope of the quality management system,including details of and justification for anyexclusions (see 1.2)

    b) the documented procedures established for

    the quality management system, or referenceto them, and

    c) a description of the interaction between theprocesses of the quality management system

    For Volvo 3P/VPT, the organization must have the Volvo product line included intthe ISO/TS 16949 certification.

    4.2.3 Control ofdocuments

    Documents required by the quality managementsystem shall be controlled. Records are a specialtype of document and shall be controlled accordingto the requirements given in 4.2.4

    A documented procedure shall be established todefine the controls needed:

    a) to approve documents for adequacy prior toissue

    b) to review and update as necessary and re-approve documents

    c) to ensure that changes and the current revision

    status of documents are identified,d) to ensure that relevant versions of applicable

    documents are available at points of usee) to ensure that documents remain legible and

    readily availablef) to ensure that documents of external origin are

    identified and their distribution controlledg) to prevent the unintended use of obsolete

    documents, and to apply suitable identificationto them if they are retained for any purpose

    Where the organization uses Volvo 3P/VPT documents/instructions or other docuexternal origin, the organization must insure that the appropriate revision level is would be the most current revision available or as specified by Volvo 3P/VPT.

    Volvo Group Engineering Standards may be obtained at the following Volvo Web

    http://www.tech.volvo.se/standard/eng/Volvo Group Purchasing Quality Procedures (PQP) may be obtained at the followWebsite:


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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

    Requirement Volvo 3P & Volvo PowertrainElement

    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 4 of Revision: 9, November 2005 Engineering


    The organization shall have a process to assure

    the timely review, distribution, and implementationof all customer engineering standards and/orspecifications and changes based on customer-required schedule. Timely review should be assoon as possible, and shall not exceed two workingweeks.

    The organization shall maintain a record on which

    each stage each change is implemented inproduction. Implementation shall include updateddocuments.

    Note: A change in these referencestandards/specifications requires an updatedrecord of customer production part approval whenthese specifications are referenced on the designrecord or if they affect documents of production

    part approval process, such as control plan FMEAetc.

    Organizations are encouraged to utilize the Volvo Review of Technical Specificat

    developing a quote for Volvo 3P/VPT.

    An equivalent and effective Organization Contract Review process that includes twithin the RTS is acceptable in lieu of the Volvo RTS. Records retention The control of records shall satisfy regulatory andcustomer requirements

    Production Part Approvals (PPAP), tooling records, selection of Special Charactepurchase orders shall be maintained for the length of time that the part (or family active for production and service requirements plus one calendar year unless othby Volvo 3P/VPT.

    Quality performance records (e.g. control charts, inspection and test results) shal

    one calendar year after the year in which they were created.

    Records of internal quality system audits, product audits, layout inspection, functimanagement review shall be kept for three years.

    The above time periods shall be regarded as minimum. Retention periods longerspecified above may be specified by an organization in its procedures.

    These requirements do not supersede regulatory requirements.5.2 Customer focus Top management shall ensure that customer Volvo 3P/VPT Quality Customer Specific Requirements are conveyed to o

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 6 of Revision: 9, November 2005

    requirements of the other processes of the quality

    management system (see 4.1)

    In planning product realization, the organizationshall determine the following, as appropriate:a. Quality objectives and requirements for the

    productb. The need to establish processes, documents,

    and provide resources specific to the product

    c. Required verification, validation, monitoring,inspection and test activities specific to theproduct and the criteria for product acceptance

    d. Records needed to provide evidence that therealization process and resulting product meetrequirements (see 4.2.4)

    The output of this planning shall be in a formsuitable for the organizations methods of


    NOTE1 a document specifying the processes of thequality management system (including the productrealization processes) and the resources to be appliedto a specific product, project or contract, can be referredto as a quality plan.NOTE 2 the organization may also apply therequirements given in 7.3 to the development of product

    realization processes.7.1.2 Acceptance criteria Acceptance criteria shall be defined by the

    organization and, where required, approved by thecustomer.

    For attribute data sampling the acceptance levelshall be zero defects (see

    To determine if customer approval is needed for a specific process, contact the re3P/VPT Purchase Quality contact. Customer-

    designated special

    The organization shall demonstrate conformity to

    customer requirements for designation,

    For special characteristics, Volvo uses the term "Critical Characteristics. This de

    identifies product characteristics or process parameters that, due to their impact o

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 7 of Revision: 9, November 2005

    characteristics documentation and control of special


    fit/form/function of the part or process, must be controlled in a manner that variati

    Volvo Product Development will determine which characteristics are design conse

    and will identify them on the drawing with a designation of class 1,2 or 3. Criticafeatures are applied when minimizing the variation and centering the distribution cmean of the tolerance optimize the part function or reliability. Specific Critical Chinstructions for identification and grading can be found in the Volvo Standard 10

    can be located at the Volvo Standards Website: http://www.tech.volvo.se/stand

    The Volvo Group also uses the term "Key Control of Characteristics" (KCC) for thproduct. This designation identifies product characteristics or process parametertheir impact on the fit/form/function of the part or process, must be controlled in a variation is minimized

    7.2.2 Review ofrequirements related tothe product

    The organization shall review the requirementsrelated to the product. This review shall beconducted prior to the organizations commitmentto supply a product to the customer (e.g.submission of tenders, acceptance of contracts ororders, acceptance of changes to contracts ororders) and shall ensure that

    a. Product requirements are definedb. Contract or order requirements differing from

    those previously expressed are resolved, andc. The organization has the ability to meet the

    defined requirements.

    Records of the results of the review and actionsarising from the review shall be maintained (see4.2.4)

    Where the customer provides no documentedstatement of requirement, the customerrequirements shall be confirmed by theorganization before acceptance.

    Organizations to Volvo are encouraged to complete a Review of Technical Specifsubmit to Volvo Purchasing 3P/VPT. An effective and equivalent contract reviewused in place of the Review of Technical Specification.

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

    Requirement Volvo 3P & Volvo PowertrainElement

    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 9 of Revision: 9, November 2005

    cost- Customers requirements if any, and- Experience from previous developments

    NOTE the manufacturing process design includes theuse of error proofing methods to a degree appropriateto the magnitude of the problems and commensuratewith the risks encountered. Specialcharacteristics

    The organization shall identify specialcharacteristics (see 7.3.3 d) and- Include all special characteristics in the control

    plan- Comply with customer specified definitions

    and symbols- Identify process control documents including

    drawings, FMEAs, control plans and operatorinstructions with the customers specialcharacteristic symbol or the organizations

    equivalent symbol or notation to include thoseprocess steps that affect specialcharacteristics

    NOTE special characteristics can include productcharacteristics and process parameters

    Reference Volvo Corporate Standards below:- STD 5060,3 Classification of Requirement (Designs prior to 04 Oct. 01- STD 105-0001 Critical Characteristics of design products Design anddevelopment validation -supplemental

    Design and development validation shall beperformed in accordance with customerrequirements including program timing.

    Specific design and development validation, other than specified in the Technicalincluding project timing will be determined by either the Volvo 3P/VPT Buyer, PD Corporate Project Manager. Prototype program When required by the customer, the organizationshall have a prototype program and control plan.The organization shall use, wherever possible, thesame suppliers, tooling and manufacturingprocesses as will be used in production.

    All performance testing activities shall bemonitored for timely completion and conformity to


    The appropriate Product Development representative shall determine the requirecomprehensive prototype program.

    The organization is responsible for the quality of the parts it produces and for anyservices, including suppliers specified by Volvo 3P/VPT. This applies to all phasedevelopment, including prototypes.

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

    Requirement Volvo 3P & Volvo PowertrainElement

    Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Purchasing Volvo Customer Specific Requirements Page 11 oRevision: 9, November 2005

    tool/gauge suppliers does not relieve the

    organization of the responsibility for ensuring thequality of purchased products. Certain categories of suppliers (tier 2) must be approved by Volvo 3P/VPT Purch

    are suppliers of:- Surface treatment- Supply of forgings for Volvo 3P/VPT designed parts- Supply of ductile iron castings for Volvo 3P/VPT designed parts

    Additional sub-contractors may be considered at the request of the organization.

    shall be directed to the Volvo Purchasing Buyer and Product Development Enginsub-contractor is subject to all Volvo requirements and must undergo the approprcontractor and material component PPAP approval process. Suppliermonitoring

    Supplier performance shall be monitored throughthe following indicators:- Delivered product quality- Delivery schedule performance (including

    incidents of premium freight)- Special status customer notifications relating

    to quality or delivery issues.

    The organization shall promote suppliermonitoring of the performance of theirmanufacturing processes.

    Included in the organizations monitoring of 2nd tier supplier performance, the folloparameters should be measured:

    - Quality/Environmental Management System status Control plan The organization shall- Develop control plans (see annex A) at the

    system, subsystem, component and/or

    material level, for the product supplied,including those processes producing bulkmaterials as well as parts, and

    - Have a control plan for pre-launch andproduction that takes into account thedesign FMEA and manufacturing processFMEA outputs.

    The control plan shall- list the controls used for manufacturing

    Volvo Supplier & Quality Development Department does not require the approvalrevisions.

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    process control- include methods for monitoring of control

    exercised over special characteristics (see7.3.2.3) defined by both the customer and theorganization

    - include the customer required information, ifany, and

    - initiate the specified reaction plan (see the process becomes unstable or not

    statistically capable.

    Control plans shall be reviewed and updated whenany change occurs affecting product,manufacturing processes, measurement, logistics,supply sources or FMEA (see 7.1.4).

    NOTE customer approval may be required after reviewor update of the control plan.

    7.5.4 Customer property The organization shall exercise care withcustomer property while it is under theorganizations control or being used by theorganization.

    The organization shall identify, verify, protect andsafeguard customer property provided for use orincorporation into the product. If any customerproperty is lost, damaged or otherwise found to beunsuitable for use, this shall be reported to thecustomer and records maintained.

    For Volvo owned customer-supplied product that is consigned to a tier one organone organization is expected to work with the supplying company to resolve low qsignificant issues.

    Where ongoing product problems lack resolution, Volvo SQA should be formally ndetails.

    Tier one organizations are responsible for reporting product damage and any othconformance to the Volvo Supplier & Quality Development Department. Customer ownedproduction tooling

    Customer owned tools, manufacturing, test,inspection tooling and equipment shall bepermanently marked so that the ownership of eachitem is visible and can be determined.

    The organization shall have a documented system for preventive maintenance. Ta timely review of planned maintenance activities and a documented action plan tbacklog. Action plans are to be included in the Management Review process.

    Records of maintenance are to be maintained for 1 year.

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    The organization shall monitor the performance ofmanufacturing processes to demonstratecompliance with customer requirements forproduct quality and the efficiency of the process. Monitoring andmeasurement ofmanufacturing processes

    The organization shall perform process capabilitystudies on all new manufacturing (includingassembly or sequencing) processes to verifyprocess capability and to provide additional input

    for process control. The results of process studiesshall be documented with specifications, whereapplicable, for means of production, measurementand test, and maintenance instructions.

    These documents shall include objectives formanufacturing process capability, reliability,maintainability and availability, as well asacceptance criteria.

    The organization shall maintain manufacturingprocess capability or performance as specified bythe customer pert approval process requirements.The organization shall ensure that the control planand process flow charts are implemented, includingadherence to the specified- measurement techniques-

    sampling plans- acceptance criteria and- reaction plans when acceptance criteria are

    not met

    Significant process events, such as tool change ormachine repair, shall be recorded.

    The organization shall initiate a reaction plan from

    the control plan for characteristics that are either

    Volvo 3P/VPT capability requirements can be found in Volvo STD. 5060-21, whicaccesses at the Volvo Standards Website: http://www.tech.volvo.se/standard/engIf the Cpk does not meet minimum requirements, the organization must implemen

    corrective actions to secure uninterrupted deliveries.

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    ISO/TS 16949:2002 Volvo 3P & Volvo Powertrain Customer Specific RequirementsISO/TS 16949:2002

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    exists, the organization shall use the prescribed

    format. Rejected producttest/analysis

    The organization shall analyze parts rejected bythe customers manufacturing plants, engineeringfacilities and dealerships. The organization shallminimize the cycle time of this process.

    Records of these analyses shall be kept and madeavailable upon request. The organization shall

    perform analysis and initiate corrective action toprevent recurrence.

    NOTE: Cycle time related to rejected product analysisshould be consistent with the determination of rootcause, corrective action and monitoring theeffectiveness of implementation.

    In the spirit of continual improvement, Volvo 3P/VPT requires the organization to analysis on material returned by Volvo from our customers on an as requested baof this analysis shall be communicated to the respective Volvo representative reqanalysis.