3rd concentrated solar thermal power summit

are you serious about CSP? Organised VISITS to CSP plants + first ever CSP industry awards!This event is simply unmissable! Over 450 Csp industry experts set to attend top case studies from Csp projects Bigger and better exhibition Hall for 2009 Over 20 hours of networking and business building opportunities plenary sessions, 4 segments - tailor your own conference experience Workshops, discussion groups, key note speakers and a top award ceremony! The mosT imporTanT Csp evenT of The year • Government perspective on the real Decreto - what the regulations are, how it will develop the industry long term and what it means to CSP companies and investors now • From speculation to reality - 281MW connected by 2010! Assess how far we’ve come in the last year and how much more we have to do • experiences learneD From on the GrounD csp plants - starting up, successful testing, and O&M experiences • is project Finance a mission impossible? - an honest appraisal from the banks on the situation in 2010 and beyond • storaGe Developments - unique analysis into Andasol I data and the very latest technological developments such as concrete and PCM • cost reDuction insiGht - save on your components such as tube receivers, mirrors, turbines and transfer fluids to make your plant financially viable • emerGinG markets - which new geographical markets are the best bet for your business • technoloGy anD innovation - the lowdown on the latest designs and components that will super charge your CSP business OPEN NOW for the full summit programme! José Manuel Nieto Acciona Luis Crespo Protermosolar Manuel Blanco CENER Valeriano Ruiz Protermosolar Francisco Bas Jiménez Agencia Andaluza de la Energía Official Sponsors In association with Industry leaders speakIng Cayetano Hernández Iberdrola Juan Ignacio Burgaleta Torresol Rainer Tamme DLR Europe’s premier CSP meeting place that shows you how to deliver a profitable, productive and commercially successful CSP business 6 excellent reasons why you must attend this event! tHe Best QualIFIed speakers sHarIng tHeIr knOWledge and eXperIenCe WItH yOu! “If you want to find the CSP crowd and eliminate the PV masses, this is the event to attend” Lauren engineers and Constructors 3rd ConCEntratEd Solar thErmal PowEr Summit novEmbEr 11 - 12, nh CEntral ConvEnCionES, SEvilla up to 400! register now & Save

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Page 1: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

are you serious about CSP?

Organised VISITS to CSP plants + first ever CSP industry awards!This event is simply unmissable!

Over 450 Csp industry experts set to attend

top case studies from Csp projects

Bigger and better exhibition Hall for 2009

Over 20 hours of networking and business building opportunities

plenary sessions, 4 segments - tailor your own conference experience

Workshops, discussion groups, key note speakers and a top award ceremony!

The mosT imporTanT Csp evenT of The year

•GovernmentperspectiveontherealDecreto- what the regulations are, how it will develop the industry long term and what it means to CSP companies and investors now

•Fromspeculationtoreality- 281MW connected by 2010! Assess how far we’ve come in the last year and how much more we have to do

•experienceslearneDFromontheGrounDcspplants- starting up, successful testing, and O&M experiences

•isprojectFinanceamissionimpossible?- an honest appraisal from the banks on the situation in 2010 and beyond

•storaGeDevelopments- unique analysis into Andasol I data and the very latest technological developments such as concrete and PCM

•costreDuctioninsiGht- save on your components such as tube receivers, mirrors, turbines and transfer fluids to make your plant financially viable

•emerGinGmarkets- which new geographical markets are the best bet for your business

•technoloGyanDinnovation- the lowdown on the latest designs and components that will super charge your CSP business

OPEN NOW for the full summit programme!

José Manuel Nieto Acciona

Luis Crespo Protermosolar

Manuel Blanco CENER

Valeriano Ruiz Protermosolar

Francisco Bas Jiménez Agencia Andaluza de la Energía

Official Sponsors

In association with

Industry leaders speakIng

Cayetano Hernández Iberdrola

Juan Ignacio Burgaleta Torresol

Rainer Tamme DLR

Europe’s premier CSP meeting place that shows you how to deliver a profitable, productive and commercially successful CSP business

Europe’s premier CSP meeting place that shows you how to deliver a profitable, productive and commercially successful CSP business in 2010 and beyond

6 excellent reasons why you must attend this event!

tHe Best QualIFIed speakers sHarIng

tHeIr knOWledge and eXperIenCe WItH yOu!

“If you want to find the CSP crowd and eliminate the PV

masses, this is the event to attend”

Lauren engineers and Constructors

3rd ConCEntratEd Solar thErmal PowEr SummitnovEmbEr 11 - 12, nh CEntral ConvEnCionES, SEvilla

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register now &

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register now &


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Page 2: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

book now for the event that shows you - step by step - how to take advantage of the CSP boom!

reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575 For the latest speaker updates Visit www.csptoday.com/eu

Visit the Website - www.csptoday.com/eu

2009 - an ExCEPtional yEar for CSP in SPain

CSP development in Spain is progressing at a rapid pace. Here are the facts:

• SolarPowerTowersPS10andPS20arenowfullyoperationalandaresuccessfullycoupledwiththefirsttwocommercialcentraltowerreceiverplantsintheworld

• Andasol1-Europe’sfirstcommercialparabolictroughsolarthermalpowerplant–wentonlineinNovember2008andAndasol2and3arenow under construction

• 14solarpowerplantsarenowunderconstructioninSpain,4ofwhichwillbeconnectedinthenext fewmonths


But 2009 is also a year to face up to vital industry challenges

It’sclearthattheshiftintheeconomyhaschangedthewayrenewableprojectsarefinanced,developedandoperated.Aslowdowninplantdevelopmentandinvestors taking a cautious approach means that your businessneedstobeawareofhowthesechangesimpactyourdecisionmakingoverthenext12months.Fearnothoweverbecausehelpisathand,readontofindouthow!


How you can overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities in Csp

WhateveryourpositionintheCSPvaluechainyouarefacing a once in a generation opportunity that you need tograbwithbothhands!CSPissettobeworth$200billionby2020-concentratedsolarpowerisefficient,sustainable,largescaleandasthemostdevelopedoftherenewableenergysolutionsitisasurefirebetto reap a large share of the profits as fossil fuels dominationfadesaway.

The1stand2ndConcentratedSolarThermalPowerSummitinSpainwerearunawaysuccesswithover400peopleattendinglastyearinSevilla.In2008hundreds of representatives from CSP companies such asAcciona,Abengoa,ACSSCE,Iberdrola,Torresol,SolarMillenium,Solel,REEandmanymorecametogethertomeet,learnanddobusiness.

real Csp answers from the very best in the business

Fromexpertadviceonrealdecreto,financing,riskmitigation and thermal storage, cost reduction and innovativetechnologies-thisyearssummithasalltheinformation you need on all the topics that keep you awakeatnight.

Day1–Governmentsupport,plantsconnectedtothegrid and plants in construction

Aftertheopeningofthesummitbygovernmental&regionalofficialswewilldigdeepintothesecretsbehindtheplantsthatarealreadyproducing,whetherintestingphaseorcommercialproduction.Acciona,Abengoa,ACSCobra,Iberdrolaandotherswilldiscusslessons learned during construction and commercial operation,particularlyO&M.Thenwewillvisitthemainplantswhicharecurrentlybeingconstructed.


Daytwowillfeatureacuttingedgediscussionaboutstate of the art technology–willPTcontinuetoleadthewayorwilltowersequippedwithfresnelreflectorsordishestakeoverinthenearfuture?Whichnewtechnologiesaredistinguinshingthemselvesfast?Isinnovative technology the key to cutting costs and makingCSPanevenmoreattractiveenergysolution?

Thenwewillfocusonthesupply chain–tubes,turbines,mirrors,frames,thermalfluids,trackers...wecoverthemall!Whatarethenewestbreakthroughsinsupplychaintechnologyandhowcantheyimproveyourplant?WhataretherealworldlimitationsandwhatR&Discurrentlybeingdone?

CIEMAT-PSA,DLR,Züblinandotherswilldiscusswhythermal storage is crucial to the efficiency and end valueofyourproject–allthemaintechnologiesandtheir respective costs are analyzed, from Molten salt CIEMATtoconcrete(Züblin)andtheHolyGrailofCSP-phasechangematerials(DLR)–datafromprototypesandlabtestsaresharedandconclusionsaredrawnonthe past, present and future of thermal storage.

No money, no project!


New markets & Innovation–WhatnewmarketsarereadyforCSPandwhatareyourbestbets?Regulatoryissues,thetopthreatsyoufaceandhowyoucanpartnerwiththelocalcommunityandexpandyour


“Industry expert Valeriano Ruiz from

Protermosolar predicts that:

We will begin 2010 with 281MW of CSP connected in Spain and by the end of

2010 we will have 800MW of installed power

CSPbusinessinternationally.Inaddition,youwillgetanupdateaboutthestateofaffairsoftheUnionoftheMediterraneanandthenewstepsyoucantaketogetinvolvedasap.Plus-fromsolarIslandstosolarballoonsyouwilldiscovertheinsandoutsofthebrandnewcuttingedgetechnologiesthatareon offer.

7 unbeatable ways to make contacts and form long term business partnerships:

Ourbrandnewonline networking toolwillenableyoutomakeintroductionsandbreaktheicebeforetheconferenceevenstarts!

Allnetworking breaks have been extended for2009-givingyoumoretimetowalkthefloor,talktothepeoplethatmatterandbuildtherelationshipsyouneedforlong-termsuccess

EvenmorenetworkingfunctionsincludingthefirsteverexclusiveCSP Today Networking Industry Party

Exclusive workshops, extended Q&A sessions and panel sessions guarantee that you get to engagewiththepeoplewhohavetheanswerstoyour most pressing challenges

Our new bigger exhibition hall gives you the spacetomeettheserviceprovidersthatwillcanhelpyoutakeyourbusinesstothenextlevel

Site visits!EnjoytheuniqueopportunitytovisittheCSPplants-andcheckforyourselftheiramazing future potential

Awards Ceremony!Forthefirsttimeyouwillbeabletonominate&voteforthedifferentcategoriesandspendaneveningwithalleventdelegatesatanextendednetworkingopportunity

Make the smart choice and reserve your ticket today!

Inshort,the3rdConcentratedSolarThermalPowerSummit is the most important event in your calendar thisyear.Nowhereelsewillyougettheopportunitytomeet,learnfromanddobusinesswithover450CSPexecutives–allcommittedtocrackingopentheprofitsthisindustryiscapableof.

CSPTodayistrulyexcitedtoberunningthiseventand our track record (over 3500 attendees at our global shows in 2008) proves that this is low risk for maximum ROI.Withourselectspeakerlineup,worldleadingagendaandunmissablenetworkingfacilitieswe’re100%surethatyouwillbenefit from attending.

IfyouareseriousaboutmakingitinCSP,youneedtobeatthisyearssummitotherwiseyouwillmissoutonthelatestup-to-dateinformationandyouwillbedisconnectedfromtheCSPcommunityandthevery finest minds this industry has to offer.

Based on our previous events, places will run out quickly – make sure you book your ticket now to guarantee your place in Sevilla. We look forward to seeing you at the show!

Page 3: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

book now for the event that shows you - step by step - how to take advantage of the CSP boom!

reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575 For the latest speaker updates Visit www.csptoday.com/eu

here you can see exactly what is taking place at the 3rd Concentrated solar Thermal power summit. Check out the unique presentation & panel sessions, roundtables and networking events to design a conference agenda to suit your business needs.

day 1Wed 11th of nov

tue 10th of nov


day 2thu 12th of nov

day 3Fri 13th

of nov

Visit the Website - www.csptoday.com/eu


EvEnt at a GlanCE

sIte VIsIts – yOur CHanCe tO see Csp In aCtIOn

















Starting off with political & strategy keynotes and moving onto an analysis of the plants which are fully constructed and producing electricity. Lessons, learned, experiences, O & M and much more!

site visits (optional)

Plataforma Solar de Almería (in Almería)

All day trip with lunch. A great way to network, check out the plants + get the inside track on how a real plant operates!

A series of talks and panel discussions on the latest from the plants in construction and top level advice to get your project on the road to success

supply chain

Tubes, turbines, mirrors, frames, thermal fluids, trackers, etc - we cover them all! What are the newest breakthroughs in supply chain technology? How can they improve the efficiency of your plant?


With finance becoming increasingly difficult to secure, we will provide you with the best strategies to attract investment and an in-depth look at the financial solutions and credits available to you today, to make sure you are not missing out!

Thermal storage

Thermal storage is crucial to the efficiency and end value of your project - all the main technologies and their respective costs are analyzed, from Molten salt to concrete and the Holy Grail of CSP - phase change materials (PCM)

new markets & innovation

What new markets are ready for CSP and what are your best bets? Plus the ins and outs of the brand new cutting edge technologies that are on offer.

site visit (optional)

Visit Andasol in Granada

All day trip with lunch. A great way to network, check out the plants + get the inside track on how a real plant operates!

See information below

as part of this year’s Concentrated solar power summit 09 we are giving you an exclusive chance to visit some of the most groundbreaking Csp sites in the world. you will get to see for yourself, up close and personal today’s best Csp technology on the ground & producing energy.

trip 2 (thu, nov 13th) - andasol I

Andasol I & II are a scenic bus ride away in a different province in Granada, but still in the Andalusian region. The ride will pass quickly as our route will take us through some of the most beautiful landscapes Spain has to offer and that many tourists pay good money to see!

The Andasol solar power station is Europe’s first commercial parabolic trough solar thermal power plant. Andasol 1 went online in November 2008 and Andasol 2 and 3 are currently under construction.

We will visit the plants so that you can see for yourself the pioneering PT solar field and also the record breaking molten salt tanks, the first ever tanks that provide 8 hours thermal storage for a full size plant.

trip 1 (tue, nov 10th) - plataforma solar de almería

The Plataforma Solar of Almería (PSA), located in the province of Almería is dependent upon the CIEMAT and it is one of most important solar research centres in the world for CSP, particularly in the realm of concentrated solar thermal, with over 90 people dedicated to R&D in this subject.

On this large dessertic site, the full force of the Andalusian sun has been exploited since 1980 for the testing and optimisation of a variety of solar technologies under nearly practicable conditions.

Currently the PSA holds a variety of installations including two solar towers, a direct steam generation cycle, three parabolic trough fields, a solar furnace, 6 EuroDish facilities, solar chemical test for water detoxification and a desalination facility as well as a recent addition of solar hydrogen generation test facility.

On this trip you will have the opportunity to visit the PSA and all its test facilities guided by the PSA staff themselves, and to learn about the past and current R&D task forces that its staff are carrying out.

day eVents

pre- Conference site Visit

neW for 2009 – aWarD Ceremony -

Attend the first ever CSP Industry awards hosted by CSP Today on Nov 11th! This incredible event will see the finest in CSP recognised for their contributions and will be an excellent networking opportunity. An event not to be missed!

This one-of-a-kind CSP experience is only available to delegates of the 3rd Concentrated Solar Power Summit 09. Places are limited and will sell out fast so book your ticket today!

Page 4: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

book now for the Event that Shows you – Step by Step – how to take advantage of the CSP boom!

induStry lEadErS SPEaKinG

reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575

For more information on who you will meet at the 3rd Concentrated solar thermal power summit in

sevilla please visit:

José Manuel Nieto Jiménez, Acciona Energía

Francisco Javier Martínez, Acciona Energía

Antonio Gómez Zamora, ACS SCE

Francisco José Bas Jiménez, Agencia Andaluza de la Energía

Fernando Rueda, Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas

Jorg Hahn, Caja Madrid

Marcelino Sánchez, CENER

Esther Rojas, CIEMAT-PSA

Eduardo Zarza Moya, CIEMAT-PSA

Thomas Hinderling, CSEM

Rainer Tamme, DLR

Paul Lafontaine, eSolar

Raed Sheriff, eSolar

Joaquín Cervino, European Investment Bank

Graham Ford, Heliodynamics

Cayetano José Hernández González, Iberdrola Energías Renovables

Jorge Insa Tello, Iberdrola Ingeniería y Construcción

Rosa Tarragó, KfW IPEX Bank

Daniel Parejo del Río, La Caixa

Luis Crespo, Protermosolar

Valeriano Ruiz Hernández, Protermosolar

Juan Francisco Alonso Llorente, Red Eléctrica de España

Josep Ubach, Rioglass

Enrique Martínez Pomar, Solar Millenium

Luis Solá, SCHOTT Ibérica

Joe Cashion, Stirling Energy Systems

Arnold Leitner, Skyfuel

José Luis Morán, Solel

Giuseppe Casubolo, SQM Europe

Juan Ignacio Burgaleta, Torresol Energy

Manuel Cabrerizo, West LB

Bahl Carsten, Züblin

For the latest speaker updates Visit www.csptoday.com/eu


You don’t need me to tell you that the CSP industry has seen unprecedented growth in the past couple of years. Particularly in Spain, where we will start next year with 281 MW installed and up to 400MW by mid 2010... but make no mistake, despite the economic recession this is just the beginning in the CSP race!

And with more than 14 plants currently in construction, the Spanish industry is thriving and steadily gaining traction nationally and internationally.

With new CSP markets emerging in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East facilitated by the Union of the Mediterranean and other governmental support; the opportunity for rapid expansion is immense, and you and your business need to be ready to take full advantage of it.

This is only the beginning, as even more regions are starting to open up to CSP worldwide, from US and India to Australia and South Africa – eventually CSP will be a part of every energy economy around the globe - the future of CSP looks very bright.

Over 6GW are predicted by 2012 worldwide. To capitalize on this growth it is essential to make the right moves, find the right partners, impress the right contacts and choose the right projects. It’s also vital that you are up to speed on all the latest CSP issues and that you learn what you can from the success of the companies that are making CSP work and now seeing rapid growth.

You can do all this and more at the CSP Today 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit 09.

We are now at a critical stage where the industry is facing great opportunity but rapid expansion is being held back by the international banking crisis, with securing project finance an increasingly difficult chore. This coupled with the uncertainty about the new Real Decreto has stalled industry growth. Technological challenges, reducing costs sustainably throughout time, storing heat effectively and more – you need to face up all these challenges and the 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit 09 gives you what you need to address these challenges.

Take a look at our agenda and you’ll see exactly what I mean. You’ll get information on all the challenges listed above plus cost reduction information, exclusive case studies from CSP industry leaders including Acciona, ACS SCE, Iberdrola, Abengoa, Iberinco, Solar Millenium, Solel, Torresol and many more!

Over 3500 people attended our events in just the last 18 months, so you can be sure that you will connect with the people that will take your business to the next level. Nowhere else will you meet so many dedicated CSP executives under one roof. It’s the European hub of CSP knowledge!

And above and beyond the agenda, we´ve worked really hard to offer much more value for your money, with site visits to Plataforma Solar of Almería and Andasol as part as the CSP experience in Sevilla, an Award Ceremony which gives you the opportunity to nominate and vote for industry leaders, an e-Networker service which offers the opportunity to connect with other event attendees pre and post conferences to make sure that your summit´s experience is even more useful, and much, much more!

I look forward to meeting you in Sevilla next November!

3rd Concentrated solar thermal power summit


Linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/belengallego Twitter: www.twitter.com/belengallego Facebook: www.facebook.com/belengallegonewsolartoday

Belén GallegoCSP Today

tHe BrIgHtest mInds In tHe Csp


Page 5: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

book now for the Event that Shows you – Step by Step – how to take advantage of the CSP boom!

reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575 For the latest speaker updates Visit www.csptoday.com/eu

look who’s talking... Check out our Expert Speaker line up!

lEarn from thE vEry bESt in thE CSP induStry

Juan Francisco Alonso LlorenteJuanFranciscoAlonsoLlorentegainedhisdegreeinIndustrial-ElectronicEngineeringfromtheUniversidadPolitécnicadeMadridin1984.



Esther RojasEstherRojas,aPhD.inPhysicsfromtheUniversidadComplutensedeMadrid(UCM)hasbeenaresearcherat the Concentrated Solar Systems unit at the PlataformaSolardeAlmeria(DepartamentodeEnergadelCiemat)sinceNovember1991.

EstheriswidelyexperiencedinactiveCSPfield,mainlywithConcentratedParabolictroughsandThermalStorage.ThisactivityhasbeendevelopedthroughnationalandEuropeanresearchprojectsandapplications,focusedonenergytransmissionandenergyoutputimprovementsofthesesystemsaccordingtotheirpossibleapplications:electric energy generation at CSP plants or thermal energy for industrial processes.


Rainer TammeRainer Tamme is head of “Thermal Process Technology” department at the Institute of Technical ThermodynamicsoftheGermanAerospaceCenter(DLR)inStuttgart,Germany.Heisarecognizedexpertinthefieldofthermalenergystorageandthermo-chemicalconversiontechnologies.KeyQualificationsinthesubjectenergystoragearematerialdevelopment,designandintegrationofTESsystemsforsolarpowergenerationandfortheindustrialprocessheatsector.HehasmanyyearsofexperienceinmanagingandcoordinatingnumerousGermanandECPF5andFP6projectsinvolvingawiderangeofindustrialcompaniesandresearch institutes.

Rainer Tamme is a Diplom Chemiker in chemistry and chemical engineering and has gotaPh.D.insolidstateandinorganicchemistryfromtheTechnischeUniversityHannover.Hehaspublishedmorethan100reviewedpapersininternationaljournalsandproceedingsonthesubjectthermalenergystorage,thermalmanagement,advancedheatexchanger,solarpowerplants,catalysis,Hydrogengenerationandstorage.

Joaquín CervinoJoaquinCervinojoinedtheEIBinthespring1987afteralmostfouryearsattheWorldBankwhereheworkedforfouryearsasaprojecteconomistforAfrica.From1990to1992heparticipatedinthedevelopmentofaManagementInformationsystemwithadedicatedtaskgroup,whichhehelpedlead.In1992hejoinedtheLatinAmericaDivision,whereheworkedfortenyearsonAndeanCommunity,CentralAmericaandMexico,helpingtheEIBinitiateitsactivitiesin LatinAmerica.


Manuel BlancoManuelBlancohas25yearsofexperienceasasolarresearchercontributingtoadvancethestate-of-the-artofConcentratingSolarPower(CSP)technologies.




Juan Ignacio BurgaletaJuan Ignacio Burgaleta completed his engineeringdegreeatEscuelaSupeiordeIngenierosofBilbao.Since1974hehasworkedatSENERIngenieríaySistemasonactivitiesrelatingtothedesignofmechanicalcomponentsasbothHeadandDirectorofProjects.From2005to2008hehasactedastheDirectorofR&Dandinnovationinsolarenergy.


Valeriano RuízValeriano Ruiz Hernández has a PhD inphysicsandsince1982hehasheld the position of Full Professor of Thermodynamics attheUniversityofSevilleintheEnergyEngineeringdepartment.HeiscurrentlyinchargeoftheAndalusianRenewableEnergyInstitute,specificallytheAndalusianR&Dplan.HeispresidentoftheSpanishAssociationforthePromotionoftheSolarThermalEnergyIndustry(PROTERMOSOLAR)andheisvice-presidentoftheEuropeanSolarThermalElectricityAssociation(ESTELA).


Luís CrespoLuisCrespoRodríguezhasPhDinAeronauticalEngineeringfromtheUniversidadPolitécnicadeMadridandadiplomainSociology.Hebeganhiscareerin1975inConstruccionesAeronáuticasS.A.directingrenewableenergyprojectsandfoundingthesolarenergydepartment.LaterhejoinedInteratom/SiemensandparticipatedindesigningandconstructingtheCSRprojectoftheAIEinGermany.SubsequentlyheworkedforASINELmanagingthejointSpanish-Germanprojectsofthe1MWwind-turbineandtheGASTSolarPowerPlant.AfterthishewasappointeddirectoroftheInstituteofRenewableEnergyofCIEMAT,promotingandmanagingR&Dprojectsforallareasofrenewabletechnology.


Page 6: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

Europe’s premier CSP meeting

AttendthefirsteverCSPIndustryawardshostedbyCSPTodayonNov11th!ThisincredibleeventwillseethefinestinCSP recognised for their contributionsandwillbeanexcellentnetworkingopportunity.Aneventnottobemissed!

First ever Csp tOday first ever award CErEmony – evening Of nov 11th

Welcome message from the Chairmen of the summit

Last year the Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit in Seville managed to make a little piece of history when we witnessed the coming of age of the CSP industry in Spain and Europe. With more than 400 participants, the summit reflected the diversity of the industry and all of the main actors from Spain, Europe and the rest of the world. One year later and real progress has been made. The PS 20 successfully conducted the testing phase and is about to begin commercial operation. Andasol I has been successfully completed and it will be fully operational later this year. At the same time there are 15 other plants under construction, four of which will connect to the grid in the next few months, which means that we will start 2010 with 281 MW of CSP power feeding into the electricity grid. And this is just the beginning! At this difficult time of economic crisis and unemployment, Europe cannot afford to lose leadership or competitiveness. On the contrary, it has to be seen as an opportunity to show that the CSP industry in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East is a reality and that is growing at an exponential rate. And with the support of the Union of the Mediterranean and the various governmental support schemes available, the time is right.

The 3rd CSP Today Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit in Seville will celebrate Europe´s position as world leader and promote the dialogue necessary to ensure that this continues well into the future. This meeting is essential for all businesses who want to be a part of the CSP revolution. In November, hundreds of people will attend the summit to learn, to overcome challenges together and to do business. We hope that you will also be there so that together we can shape the future of the CSP industry.

See you in Sevilla in November!

6 morE GrEat rEaSonS to attEnd



The CSP SummiT in SeViLLA iS A unique eVenT for The gLobAL SoLAr induSTry

We’re aware that there are other solar events out there, but there is nothing in Europe that focuses exclusively on the specific business and technology challenges in CSP. You will hear case studies from industry leading companies with first-hand experience on building, running and maintaining CSP plants, but you will also get unique insight on emerging market opportunities.


We have organised two site visits - so that you can complement your CSP experience and actually see the technology on the ground - connected to the grid and producing electricity!

indePendenT forum

CSP Today is an independent information provider. We are not here to sell you a particular idea, piece of research or vendor solution. That is why at the 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit you’ll receive a well balanced, innovative and informative briefing to enable you to make the best decisions for your business.

exPerT SPeAkerS, freSh mATeriAL, innoVATiVe Thinking

The foremost experts in the industry who kicked started CSP technology and the companies who are doing it right now! And crucially, hear from the regulatory bodies, financiers and investors, whose decisions have the power to make or break your project.

CSP SoLuTionS exhibiTion AreA

Meet today’s leading solution providers as they take you through the latest cutting edge technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase profits. Find out which products and services are the right fit for you and see demonstrations of the latest solutions in research and production – all under one roof.

oPen diSCuSSionS on The biggeST iSSueS

We are committed to showing both sides of the argument, and we are convinced that to achieve solutions, discussion is of the essence. For that reason, we have included over 20 hours of networking opportunities including a very special party on the evening of the first day.

reserve your place today – +44 207 37 57 575

Nominate your company onlineA panel of experts will review the nomination and select 5 finalists per categoryThe finalists will be announcedAt the event you will be able to vote for your favourites

On the evening of the 11th, the award ceremony will take place following the networking drinks, where you will have a chance to meet & connect with your peers in a relaxed atmosphere


Make sure you put your nomination through! Find out how www.csptoday.com/eu

More Information, More Dialogue, More Debate

Check Out the latest program updates! www.csptoday.com/eu

Valeriano Ruiz & Luis Crespo Protermosolar

let’s CeleBrate


Page 7: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

Europe’s premier CSP meeting

reserve your place today – +44 207 37 57 575

More Information, More Dialogue, More Debate

Check Out the latest program updates! www.csptoday.com/eu

real world tips, tricks and advice on Csp costs and construction


•WhataretherealcostsforCSPplantconstruction?UniqueinsightsfromAccionawillgiveyouabetterestimatethanyouhaveever hadbefore


José Manuel Nieto, Acciona

maintaining and running a 50mW Csp plant - real data and advice from puertollano

•Hearadetaileddescriptionofalltheessentiallogisticalconsiderationsin running an operational CSP plant

•Realdatafromthefieldonthecostsofconstruction-thevitalbottomlinefiguresyouwanttoheartocreatemoreaccurateandrealisticfiscal predictions



Operations and maintenance for parabolic troughs Csp plants

FranciscoJavierMartínez,Acciona Solar

an appraisal of Csp construction and operations & maintenance based on learned experience

AntonioGómezZamora,ACS SCE

experience learned in the design, construction and O&m of ps10, ps20 and solnovas

PedroRobles,Abengoa Solar

gemasolar: central tower and molten-salt storage technology




•WhenGemasolarwillbecomeoperationalandthecurrentstatusof theconstructionthatbeganinNovember2008

Juan Ignacio Burgaleta, Torresol

lessons from lebrija - best practice tips gained from building a profitable 50mW Csp plant

•Fromideatoprofits-hearafirsthandaccountofwhatittrulytakestodevelop a successful CSP plant



•Learnthedesignsolutionsthatcanavoidconstructionpitfalls-includinghowyoucanaccuratelymodeloutputefficiencyatan early stage





•Howtoavoidfuturefinancingbottlenecksandensurethecontinuedfinancialsupportforthe industry


InvitedSpeakerstobeconfirmed:PedroMarín,Ministerio de IndustriaIDAEComisión Nacional de la Energía

state of the Csp nation



•TheCSPindustry‘todo’list-understandtheprimarychallengesallplayersmustaddressiftheindustryistocontinuetothriveandgrow-including;raisingefficiency,reducingcosts and scaling up production


•TakeawayValeriano´sownassessmentofthemostexcitingshortandlongertermcommercial CSP opportunities


How Idea can help you set up your Csp business successfully in andalucía

•UnderstandIDEA’sroleinrenewableenergyinAndalucíaandhowyoucantakeadvantage of their foreign investment supportprogramtoestablishcompaniesinthe region

•Getitrightfirsttime!HowIDEAcanassistyouwithlocationinformation,humanresources,administrativepaperworkandlocal partners

•WhyAndalucía?Analyzetheincentives,subsidiesandotherIDEAresourcesavailablefor the CSP industry


Agencia IDEA

andalusian incentives and support for sustainable solar


•AnalysetheincentivesavailabletotheCSPindustry for development in the region of Andalucia-includinganinsiderlookatthe2013and2020plans


•Findoutwhatyouneedtohavetoqualifyfor the additional innovation incentives the AgenciaAndaluzadelaEnergíahasavailable

Agencia Andaluza de la Energía

Integration into the spanish electric grid - the opportunities and challenges from the transmission operators perspective

•TransmissionSystemOperators(TSO)RedEléctricadiscusshowthermosolargenerationcanbeintegratedintotransmission development and operation


•Hearaboutthelessonslearnedandchallengesovercomewhenintegratingsolarenergy into system operation for the first time

•Opportunitiesforsolarplants:howyoucanworkwithTSOstoadapttopowerdemandcurves using heat storage systems to ensure systemdispatchability

JuanFranciscoAlonsoLlorente, Red Eléctrica de España








Page 8: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

Get unique insight from leading CSP companies

Improving thermal storage for dsg plants - the promise of phase change materials (pCm)





Rainer Tamme, DRL

the progress and promise of molten salt storage

•GetaninformativelookattheSolarII(SEGS)dataonmoltensaltstorageanddiscoverwhatyouneedtotakeintoconsideration whendesigningandconstructingamoltensaltstoragefacilityforyour plant


•ThevisionandprogressoftheCIEMAT-EmpresasTaskForce-howitaimstoimprovestorageoptionsbyprovidingatestingcentre andthedatatheyexpecttogenerate

EstherRojas,CIEMAT - PSA

Concrete storage solutions - costs, performance and potential


•Findoutwhyconcretestorageisareliableandflexiblesolutionandhowit’sscalabledesigncanbeacriticaladvantageoverothersolarstorage solutions

•Resultsfromthelatestcommercialprojectsandprototypes-getthe inside track on the lessons learned and data collected from the construction and deployment of concrete storage so far

•Getacrashcourseinthedevelopmentofconcretestoragetodateandfindoutwhatworkiscurrentlyunderwaytoreducecostsandimprove performance

•Thefutureforconcretestorage-hearhowresearchersareracingtocreateasuper-solar-storingconcretemixthatwilldoublethecurrentmaximumoperatingtemperatureandreducecoststothelevels needed for mass commercialization

Carsten Bahl, Züblin

stone storage for Csp - a new approach


•FindoutexactlyhowsoonstonestoragesystemscouldbedevelopedanddeployedforCSPplantsandwhatitwouldtaketomake it happen

•Howtooptimizeastonestoragesystemtotakeadvantageofmultiplehourstorage-maximizingwhatstechnicallypossible and saving costs



Check Out the latest program updates! www.csptoday.com/eu reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575


Finance for Csp plants - how the eib can support your project


•TheroleoftheEIBinCSP-whatfinancingisavailableforrenewableenergyandhow theEIBcanhelp

•2009andbeyond-whenwillcreditstarttoflowagainandwhataretheimplicationsof thetariffuncertainty?

•ThefutureoftheCSPindustryin2010andbeyond,andtheroleoftheMediterranean Solar Plan to encourage and incentivize the industry

JoaquínCervino,European Investment Bank

the three pillars of project finance success: legal, risk management & due diligence considerations




•Leapoverthelegallandmines-findouthowyoucanavoidproblemswithpermits,siteacquisition,DNI(DirectNormalIrradiation)andcontractualevaluationstomassivelyreducetime delays




project finance - the inside track



•Understandthecriteriaandprocessofhowbanksevaluaterenewableenergyprojects anddeterminewhetheraprojectisagoodinvestmentornot

•EvaluatethelessonslearntfrompreviousCSPplantfinancing-whathasworkedatsecuring initial and ongoing funding

ManuelCabrerizo, West LB

Csp financing in depth - how solar can weather the economic crisis and come back stronger


•Expertdiscussiononthelikelihoodthatfinancialtransactionswillgeteasierin2009/2010andwhetheron-balancefinancingorclubdealswillbethepredominantmodelfor future transactions




JoaquínCervino,EIBRosaTarragó,Kfw BankManuelCabrerizo,WEST LBJorg Hahn, Caja Madrid


Page 9: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

Regulatory framework, infrastructure & regional initiatives

Insight into Csp markets worldwide and how to grow a global solar business

•CSPmarketsupdate-findoutwhatishappeninginallkeyregionsaroundtheworldplushearreallifecasestudiesofthe main CSP markets current feed in tariffs and availableincentives





Moderator: Raed Sheriff, eSolar

the need for r&d+ innovation Csp & projections of impact in cost reduction

•UnderstandwhyResearch,DevelopmentandInnovation arekeytosecuringthefutureroleofCSPwithinthe energymix


•UnderstandtheimpactofResearch,DevelopmentandInnovationondeliveringtechnologicaladvancesthatwillsecure the levelised cost of energy of CSP

•Practicalstepstoconsolidateafeed-intarifffreefutureMarcelino Sánchez, CENER

Current capabilities of Csp design and production optimization tools


•Findouthowcomprehensivecomponentandsystemcharacterisation services can save you money and increase overall plant efficiency

•TechnicalandeconomicfeasibilitystudiesforCSPplants-the role they can play in making smart choices regarding newbuildsandfuturesitedevelopments

•Understandthelimitationsoftoday’sdesignandoptimizationtoolsavailableforCSPandinwhatwaysthey need to improve to meet the demands of this rapidly progressing industry

Manuel Blanco Muriel, CENER


Csp technology in depth - costs, performance and picking long-term winners

•Lifecyclecostsandperformance-findouthowmuch it really costs to run and maintain a CSP plantandanalysethedurability,maintenanceandefficiencyissuesthatwillaffecteveryelement of your site



•Bankableandnon-bankabletechnologies-whatarebankslookingforandwhatcanbedonetoturnanon-bankabletechnologyintoapositiveasset that can actually help you secure funding

Moderator:EduardoZarzaMoya,PSA - CIEMATArnoldLeitner, SkyfuelPaul Lafontaine, eSolarJoe Cashion, SES

Thomas Hinderling, CSEM

direct steam generation (dsg) - capabilities, feasibility and planning for deployment


•AnalyzethefeasibilityofDSGforyourplantand discover the technical information, capabilitiesandconstraintsthatyouneedtobeawareof

•Takeadvantageofvaluablelessonslearnedfromthelateststate-of-the-artDSG R&Dprojects

•CommercialdeploymentofDSG-whatitwilltake,whatthemainobstaclesare,whenitwillbepossibleandwhatyouneedtoconsider to plan ahead

•Hearaninsiderperspectiveonthe planningandconstructionofthe3MWePuertollanoGDplantpromotedbyCIEMAT,SENERandIBERDROLA

EduardoZarza, Plataforma Solar de Almería - CIEMAT

Csp supply chain in depth - the key developments and latest information you need to know

•BottlenecksintheCSPsupplychainarecomingtoanend!Getanoverviewofthenewcomponent providers that are currently testing their products and getting ready to commercialise




Luis Solá, SCHOTTJordi Villanueva, RioglassGiuseppeCasubolo,SQM Europe

solar savings - ways to cut the cost of Csp plants

•Engineering,ProcurementandConstruction(EPC)forsolar-discoverthekeydifferencesbetweensolarEPCandEPCinotherenergymarkets,whetherthesemarketsareconvergingandhowthatcouldreduce your costs

•FindouthowtheopennessofCSPMarketsaroundtheworldwillhelpsaveonCSP plant costs:

- NewinternationalEPCcompaniesoperatingintheSpanishmarketandSpanishEPCininternationalmarketswilldiversifyandstreamlinetheEPCprocess

- Increasingnumbersofsuppliersarediversifying to markets outside their home territory;increasingcompetitionanddecreasing costs of core components


•Economiesofscaleandtechnologicaldevelopments-howsizeandR&Dcancontributeto cost reduction

Fernando Rueda, Aries Ingeniería y Sistema

new developments for Csp tube receivers in parabolic troughs

•Focusonefficiency:hearaboutthepotentiallyradicalaffectthatnewtubedesignscanhaveonoverall solar field efficiency

•Findouthownewtubereceiverscancutweldingand other associated costs through the different size specifications developed through the latest cutting edge research and development


Luis Solá, SCHOTT

Overview of the supply/demand balance of the nitrates market

GiuseppeCasubolo,SQM Europe

Check Out the latest program updates! www.csptoday.com/eu reserve your place today – Call +44 207 37 57 575


Page 10: 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit

shoW off yoUr proDUCTs anD serviCes

The3rdConcentratedSolarThermalPowerSummitoffersanexcellentrangeofsponsorshipandexhibitionopportunitiestosuiteveryneedandbudget.Wecanliterallytailor make a sponsorship package to your needsmeaningthatyouspeak,buildyourbrandororganizemeetingswiththeleadingfiguresintheCSPspace.

Do not miss out on this unrivalled opportunity to do business and secure sales from the CSP industry!

Opportunities available include

who haS attEndEd our PrEviouS CSP EvEntS?

Check www.csptoday.com/eu for updates!

CSPToday´sSummit´sinEuropeandtheUSAhavesurpassedexpectationsandattractedthousandsofindustryprofessionals. Seebelowforasnapshotcompaniesthatattendourevents:

For more information on who you will meet at the 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit in Sevilla please visit: www.csptoday.com/eu

• 1to1meetingswithkeydecision makers

• Takeaspeakingslotandaddress450industryleaders

• Showoffyourlatestproductsand services in the exhibitionhall

• Buildyourbrandwithexclusivepromotionalopportunities

• Hostinteractiveworkshopswithcoreclients and prospects

And much more!

Limited Opportunities! Secure your space today to ensure you fill your sales book for the next 18 months!

WherecanIfindnewcustomers for my CSP productsandservices?



Well, ask no more! Secure a sponsorship or exhibition package at the 3rd Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit and you’ll get be guaranteed to meet and do business with over 450 CSP industry leaders who need your solutions and services!

Solution and service providers…ever find yourself asking these questions?

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Leonardo Energy




The conference provided the perfect venue for those whoareseriousaboutthesolarindustry.

MENA Cleantech




US Digital



Mulk Holdings





eXCepCionaL feeDBaCK from yoUr peers on oUr evenTs WorLDWiDe















Abener EnergíaAbengoa SolarAcciona ACICAMACS SCEAGECAMAgencia Andaluza de la EnergíaAgencia IDEAAlstom PowerAries Ingeniería y SistemasAusraBogaris

Bosch RexrothBrightSource Energy Capital EnergyCENERCIEMAT - PSA DLRDOEDow E.ONElecnorEndesaENEL

eSolarEuropean Investment BankFlabegFPL EnergyGas NaturalGDF SuezGE EnergyGood EnergiesGoogleIberdrolaLahmeyer InternationalMAN Ferrostaal

MasdarMorgan StanleyNatural ElectricNRELPetrobasPG&EPhoenix SolarRed Eléctrica EspañolaRioglassSaint GobainSAMCASCHOTT

SENERSESShellSiemensSkyFuelSolar MilleniumSolar Power GroupSolelSopogyTeknikerValoriza EnergíaWorld Bank

Contact Belén Gallego today: +44 207 37 57 513 or [email protected]

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The mosT imporTanT Csp evenT of The year

OPEN NOW for the full summit programme!

José Manuel Nieto Acciona

Luis Crespo Protermosolar

Manuel Blanco CENER

Valeriano Ruiz Protermosolar

Francisco Bas Jiménez Agencia Andaluza de la Energía

Industry leaders speakIng

Cayetano Hernández Iberdrola

Juan Ignacio Burgaleta Torresol

Rainer Tamme DLR

Europe’s premier CSP meeting place that shows you how to deliver a profitable, productive and commercially successful CSP business in 2010 and beyond

tHe Best QualIFIed speakers sHarIng

tHeIr knOWledge and eXperIenCe WItH yOu!

3rd ConCEntratEd Solar thErmal PowEr SummitnovEmbEr 11 - 12, nh CEntral ConvEnCionES, SEvilla

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•GovernmentperspectiveontherealDecreto- what the regulations are, how it will develop the industry long term and what it means to CSP companies and investors now

•Fromspeculationtoreality- 281MW connected by 2010! Assess how far we’ve come in the last year and how much more we have to do

•experienceslearneDFromontheGrounDcspplants- starting up, successful testing, and O&M experiences

•isprojectFinanceamissionimpossible?- an honest appraisal from the banks on the situation in 2010 and beyond

•storaGeDevelopments- unique analysis into Andasol I data and the very latest technological developments such as concrete and PCM

•costreDuctioninsiGht- save on your components such as tube receivers, mirrors, turbines and transfer fluids to make your plant financially viable

•emerGinGmarkets- which new geographical markets are the best bet for your business

•technoloGyanDinnovation- the lowdown on the latest designs and components that will super charge your CSP business