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    Opportunities, potentials, challenges




    priložnosti, potenciali, izzivi

    Conference Proceedings Abstracts

    Zbornik povzetkov






    Opportunities, potentials, challenges

  • Zbornik povzetkov | Conference Proceedings Abstracts

    3. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca razvoja industrijskega inženiringa: PRILOŽNOSTI, POTENCIALI,

    IZZIVI, Otočec pri Novem mestu, 16. april 2018

    3rd International Scientific Conference on the Developement of Industrial Engineering: OPPORTUNITIES,

    POTENTIALS, CHALLENGES, Otočec pri Novem mestu, 16 april 2018

    Organizator konference in založnik zbornika | Conference Organizer and Publisher of Proceedings:

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto

    Kraj | Place: Šegova ulica 112, Novo mesto

    Leto izida | Year: 2018

    Urednici zbornika | Editor of Conference Proceeding Abstracts: Iris Fink Grubačević, Urška Uršič.

    Recenzenti | Reviewers: Iris Fink Grubačević, Urška Florjančič, Anatolij Nikonov, Jože Vižintin.

    Programski in organizacijski odbor | Program and Organizational Committee: Jože Vižintin, Anatolij Nikonov,

    Urška Florjančič, Julius Kaplunov, Graham Rogerson, Colin Rigby, Danila Prikazchikov, Barış Erbaş, Leonid

    Kossovich, Matej Forjan, Rudolf Pušenjak, Tomaž Savšek, Tomaž Jurejevčič, Iris Fink Grubačević, Štefan David,

    Ines Lipuš, Urška Uršič.

    Tisk na zahtevo.

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto je izključni imetnik vseh materialnih avtorskih pravic na tej

    publikaciji. Prepovedano je kopiranje ali kakršnokoli razmnoževanje dela brez dovoljenja urednika. Jezikovno,

    znanstveno in strokovno pravilnost zagotavljajo avtorji gradiva.

    The Faculty of Industrial Engineeering Novo mesto is the sole owner of all material rights of this publication. It is

    prohibited to copy or distribute in any manner without the permission of the editor. Authors in this publication are

    accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of

    the work, including, but notwithstanding language, style, data, interpretations, are appropriately investigated and


    CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji

    Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana


    MEDNARODNA znanstvena konferenca razvoja industrijskega inženiringa (3 ; 2018 ; Otočec)

    Priložnosti, potenciali, izzivi : zbornik povzetkov / 3. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca razvoja

    industrijskega inženiringa, [Otočec, 16. april 2018] = Opportunities, potentials, challenges : conference

    proceedings abstracts / 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Developement of Industrial

    Engineering, [Otočec, 16 April 2018] ; [organizator Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring = organizer Faculty of

    Industrial Engineering Novo mesto ; urednici zbornika Iris Fink Grubačević, Urška Uršič]. - Novo mesto :

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring = Faculty of Industrial Engineering, 2018

    ISBN 978-961-94246-3-6

    1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Vzp. stv. nasl. 3. Fink Grubačević, Iris 4. Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring (Novo mesto)

    5. Faculty of Industrial Engineering (Novo mesto)


  • Kazalo | Table of Contents

    Digitalna transformacija in industrija 4.0. ................................................................................................6

    Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0

    Velimir Srića

    Industrija 4.0 v okviru krožne (trajnostne) proizvodnje in sonaravnega razvoja .....................................7

    Industry 4.0 in the context of sustainable manufacturing and sustainable development

    Vojteh Leskovšek

    Izzivi industrije 4.0 v poslovni praksi ....................................................................................................11

    Challenges of the Industry 4.0 in business practice

    Mitja Cerovšek, Amira Mujanović, Tomaž Savšek

    Pregled metod izbire kazalnikov v vzdrževanju .....................................................................................13

    An overview of methodologies of selecting key performance indicators in maintenance

    Saša Ciglar, Damjan Maletič

    Osebna uspešnost 4.0 .............................................................................................................................15

    Personal performance 4.0.

    Janez Kolar

    Roboti v funkciji izvajanja logističnih procesov v industriji ..................................................................17

    Robots in implementation of logistic processes function in industry

    Sašo Murtič, Ingrid Uhernik Franko, Igor Lekše,Tomaž Savšek

    Primer praktične implementacije spletne trgovine z živili .....................................................................23

    Case study implementing grocery eCommerce solution

    Tomaž Aljaž

    Materiali kot gradniki razvoja tehnologije in družbe .............................................................................26

    Materials, necessity for the technology and society advancement

    Bojan Podgornik

    Razvoj eksperimentalnih metod za določitev reoloških lastnosti polimernih folij .................................29

    Development of experimental methods for determination of rheological properties of polymeric films

    Matic Šobak, Anastasiya Golyadkina, Ivan Jerman, Anatolij Nikonov

    Aluminijeve zlitine v avtomobilski industriji .........................................................................................31

    Aluminium Materials in the Automotive Industry

    Mitja Muhič

    Vpliv procesnih parametrov na deformacijo pri brizganju plastike .......................................................33

    Influence of injection moulding parameters on warpage

    Janez Turk, Marko Kolenc

  • Določitev optimalnih parametrov pri elektropoliranju nerjavnega jekla ................................................35

    Determination of optimal parameters for the electropolation of stainless steel

    Luka Matvos, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič

    Uvedba novega klimatskega testa v procesu vakuumske metalizacije ...................................................37

    Determining of a new climatic test in the process of vacuum metallization

    Jaka Okorn, Žiga Gosar, Marica Prijanovič Tonkovič

    Development of New Materials Based on Electrospun Nanofibers for Energy Storage Devices ..........40

    Leonid Kossovich, Irina Kirillova, Rinat Mukhomodiarov

    Dynamics of strongly inhomogeneous multi-component engineering structures ..................................42

    D.A. Prikazchikov, A. Alzaidi, J. Kaplunov, L.A. Prikazchikova

    Možnosti in ovire Slovenije, da postane razvojno-inovacijska država v izbranih nišah ........................43

    The opportunities and obstacle of Slovenia to be developing innovation country in selected niches

    Jože Vižintin

    Sustainable Power Grid design considerations .......................................................................................46

    Istvan Szabo

    Analiza stacionarnih resonanc v nelinearni dinamiki viskoelastičnih nosilcev ......................................47

    Analysis of stationary resonances in nonlinear dynamics of viscoelastic beams

    Rudolf Pušenjak, Maks Oblak, Anatolij Nikonov

    Razvoj dinamično obremenjenega elementa podvozja ..........................................................................49

    Development of Suspension Element – Control link

    Vili Malnarič, Jurij Kranjc, Miha Končar, Patricia Šašek, Rajko Marinčič, Tomaž Savšek

    Aktivno hlajenje naprave z visokosvetilnim zaslonom, na prostem, brez klimatske naprave................52

    Outdoor Device Comprising High Luminance LCD, Active Cooling without AC

    Mitja Veber

    Komponente in sistemi za učinkovite motorje z notranjim zgorevanjem, koncepti in modeli ..............56

    Components and systems for efficient internal combustion engines, concepts and models (Hidria -


    Tomaž Munih

    Komponente in sistemi za elektrifikacijo glavnega pogona vozila ........................................................59

    Components and Systems for Main Drive Electrification (FERI - RRP2)

    Miran Rodič, Primož Šlibar, Andraž Rihar, Danjel Vončina, Anja Zajc, Peter Zajec, Gregor Kutin,

    Franci Lahajnar, Damir Česnik, Špela Bolka

    Mehatronski sklopi kot pomožni sistemi v vozilih .................................................................................62

    Mechatronic Auxiliary Systems in Vehicles (Domel - RRP3)

    Matej Tadina, Borut Kecelj, Simon Kulovec, Dora Domajnko, Janko Slavič

  • Sistemi in komponente za varnost in udobje ..........................................................................................65

    Systems and components for safety and comfort (TPV, SiEVA – RRP4)

    Vili Malnarič, Tomaž Savšek

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018



    Pred nami je zbornik povzetkov za 3. mednarodno znanstveno konferenco razvoja

    industrijskega inženiringa s poudarkom na priložnostih, potencialu in izzivih slovenske

    industrije. Konferenco že tretje leto zapored organizira Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring

    Novo mesto. Na letošnji razpis je prispelo skupno 23 prispevkov, od tega 10 iz industrije in 12

    iz akademske sfere, od tega 3 prispevki iz tujine. Veliko število prispevkov iz industrije daje

    konferenci še poseben pomen in veljavo. Programski odbor je vse prispele prispevke skrbno

    pregledal in jih razporedil v Plenarni del konference in štiri sekcije: Industrija 4.0 in

    vzdrževanje, Materiali in tehnologije, Raziskave, razvoj in inovacije ter Raziskovalno-razvojne

    priložnosti na področju avtomobilizma. Posebnost letošnje konference je tudi okrogla miza z

    naslovom: »Razvoj industrije 4.0 in potrebe po kadrih«.

    Osnova vseh prispevkov je prikaz priložnosti in izzivov, ki jih v poslovno okolje prinaša

    nastajajoče globalno gibanje Industrije 4.0 in digitalizacija. Slovenija se zaveda, da ne sme biti

    le stroškovno učinkovita, temveč mora postati konkurenčna predvsem na inovacijsko-

    razvojnem področju. Zato je pogoj polna uveljavitev inženirjev in inženirstva. Gibanje

    Industrija 4.0 in digitalizacija sta v veliki meri naravno nadaljevanje dosedanjih prizadevanj

    naprednih podjetij za sistematično prenovo in informatizacijo poslovanja ter uvedbo modelov

    e-poslovanja. V tem smislu Industrija 4.0 in digitalizacija poslovanja ne predstavljata zasuka v

    smeri plovbe, pač pa le povečujeta njeno hitrost in osredotočenost na nekatere poslovne


    Svet se danes srečuje s velikim pomankanjem osnovnih surovin, onesnaženjem okolja in

    kopičenjem vseh vrst odpadkov. Vse to so izivi, ki lahko sprožijo potenciale in priložnosti za

    slovensko industrijo. Predvsem je tu priložnost za razvoj produktov na osnovi novih inženirskih

    materialov, ki bodo plod recikliranja odpadnih surovin. Inženirski materiali bodo imeli v

    prihodnosti ključno vlogo pri razvoju industrije in napredovanju družbe. Slovenija kot majhna

    in surovinsko revna država mora temu segmentu razvoja zato posvetiti kar največ pozornosti

    tako v akademskih ustanovah kot v industriji.

    Po statističnih podatkih vlaga Slovenija v raziskave, razvoj in inovacije 2,0 odstotka BDP in je

    po vložku v razvoj na povprečju EU-28 ter precej nad povprečjem držav OECD. Pri vlaganju v

    raziskave in razvoj prekašamo tudi nekatere bolj razvite države sveta. Kljub velikemu vlaganju

    v raziskave in razvoj (RRD) pa se Slovenija še vedno uvršča med Sledilce razvoja namesto med

    Razvojnike produktov v izbranih nišah. V prihodnosti bomo morali to stanje spremeniti, kar

    nam optimistično napoveduje tudi nekaj prispevkov te konference.

    Na konferenci bo v zadnji sekciji z naslovom Raziskovalno razvojne priložnosti na področju

    avtomobilizma prikazan cilj slovenske industrije kako postati in ostati pomemben razvojni

    dobavitelj pogonskih motorjev z notranjim izgorevanjem in motorjev za električna vozila ter

    pripadajočih komponent. Slovenska avtomobilska industrija je že uveljavljena na globalnem

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    trgu, izkazuje odličnost in prebojnost ter je sposobna slediti zahtevnim izzivom na tem področju

    kot ugotavljajo v prispevkih predstavniki tega dela slovenske industrije.

    Konferenco je pripravil organizacijski odbor, za strokovnost in vsebino programa pa je poskrbel

    programski odbor. Od vsega začetka podpira konferenco več slovenskih podjetij iz področja

    avtomobilske industrije za kar jim gre posebna zahvala. Sponzorjem in podpornikom

    konference ter organizacijskemu odboru konference se za opravljeno delo lepo zahvaljujem.

    Jože Vižintin

    Predsednik programskega odbora

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018



    In front of us we have a proceedings abstracts for the 3rd International Scientific Conference

    on the Development of Industrial Engineering, with an emphasis on Opportunities, Potential

    and Challenges of the Slovenian Industry. For the third consecutive year, the conference is

    organized by the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto. This year's call received a total

    of 24 contributions out of which 10 from the industry and 14 from the academic sphere of which

    3 contributions from abroad. A large number of industry contributions gives the conference a

    special significance and value. The Program Committee carefully scrutinized the entries and

    distributed them to the Plenary section of the conference and four sections:, namely Industry

    4.0 and Maintenance, Materials and Technology, Research, Development and Innovation, and

    Research and Development Opportunities in Automotive Industry. The specialty of this year's

    conference is also the round table entitled: "Industry 4.0 and Human Resources – Progress and


    The basics of all contributions is to address the opportunities and challenges that the emerging

    global movement of Industry 4.0 and digitalisation brings to the business environment. Slovenia

    is aware of that it must not only be cost-effective, but must become competitive in the

    innovation and development field. Therefore, a full engagement of engineers and engineering

    is highly required. A movement Industry 4.0 and digitization are largely a natural continuation

    of the efforts of the advanced companies for systematic renovation and informatization of

    operations and the introduction of e-business models. In this sense, Industry 4.0 and

    digitalisation of operations do not constitute turning in the direction of navigation, but only

    increase its speed and focus on some business parameters.

    Today, the world faces a major loss of basic raw materials, pollution and accumulation of all

    types of waste. These are all challenges that can trigger potentials and opportunities for the

    Slovenian industry. Above all, there is an opportunity to develop products based on new

    engineering materials, which will result in the recycling of waste materials. Engineering

    materials will play a key role in the development of industry and the advancement of society in

    the future. Slovenia, as a small country with poor raw material resources, has to devote the most

    attention to this segment of development, in both academia and industry.

    According to statistics, Slovenia invests 2.0 percent of GDP in research, development and

    innovation and invests in development on the average of the EU-28 and well above the average

    of the OECD countries. In investing in research and development (R & D) we are surpassing

    some of more developed countries over the world. Despite the large investment in R & D,

    Slovenia is still ranked among Development Trackers instead of Product Developers in selected

    niches. In the future, we will have to change this situation, which optimistically predict some

    of the contributions of this conference.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    In the last conference section, entitled Research & Development Opportunities in Automotive

    Industry, the aim of the Slovenian industry to become and remain an important R&D supplier

    of internal combustion engines and engines for electric vehicles and associated components will

    be emphasised. The Slovenian automotive industry is already well established on the global

    market, it demonstrates excellence and breakthrough, and is able to follow the highly

    demanding challenges in this field, as the representatives of this part of the Slovenian industry

    show in their contributions.

    The conference was prepared by the organizing committee, and the program committee was

    responsible for the content and the professionalism of the program. Since its inception, the

    conference has been supported by several Slovenian companies in the field of automotive

    industry, for which special thanks go to them. I thank you for the work that has been done,

    especially to the sponsors and supporters of the conference and the organizing committee of the


    Jože Vižintin

    Chairman of the Program Committee

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Plenarna predavanja

    Plenary lectures

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0

    Velimir Srića

    University of Zagreb, School of Economics and Business, Croatia [email protected]


    On the road to the 4th Industrial Revolution each organization, each profession and each

    individual are facing the dilemma: Digital or Dead. Disruptive innovation changes everything.

    Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. Uber is just a software

    tool, they don't own any cars, and have become the biggest taxi company in the world. Airbnb

    is the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don't own any properties. Who will

    become the next Uber and the Airbnb, how will it change every industry and every enterprise?

    Artificial Intelligence provides the technology and methodology to become exponentially better

    in understanding the world and solving most problems in a new way. The biggest issues in IT

    leadership will center on business needs, capabilities and availability related to Digital

    Transformation. The presentation will address the key challenges of the Digital Transformation

    and Innovation, starting with technology-related trends and ending up with organizational-

    culture-related issues.

    Keywords: Industry 4.0; Digital Transformation, Trends in IT; Digital Leadership

    Article Classification: Professional Paper


    Velimir Srića (MS in Electrical Engineering; MBA from Graduate School of Business, Columbia University,

    New York; PhD in management information systems) is professor of management at Zagreb University and

    visiting professor at UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles). He was teaching at Beijing Renmin

    University in China, as well as in Budapest, Dubai, Graz, Maribor, Podgorica, Rijeka, Sarajevo and Split. He was

    Director of Croatian Information Technology Institute, Minister of Science and member of Croatian Government.

    He is member of The Club of Rome, and program director of DELFIN (Developing Effective Leadership for

    INnovation), a private consulting firm. He is Fulbright scholar and Eisenhower Fellow and was elected President

    of Zagreb city assembly. He is co-author of International Encyclopedia of Business and Management, a

    distinguished management consultant to regional and international companies, and World Bank expert on Change

    Management. As author or coauthor he published seventy five books, more than 400 scientific and professional

    papers and hundreds of articles in popular magazines.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Industrija 4.0 v okviru krožne (trajnostne) proizvodnje in sonaravnega


    Gonilna sila za inovativne izdelke, procese in sisteme za novo generacijo


    Industry 4.0 in the context of sustainable manufacturing and sustainable


    The driving force for innovative products, processes and systems for the

    production of a new generation!

    Vojteh Leskovšek član IAS |member of IAS

    [email protected]


    Slovenija ne more biti le stroškovno konkurenčna, temveč mora biti predvsem inovacijsko

    konkurenčna, zato je uveljavitev inženirstva, eden od pogojev, da bomo lahko s sodelovanjem

    med akademsko sfero in industrijo dosegli višjo stopnjo tehnologije tudi v t.i. zrelih

    proizvodnjah, da bodo lahko ponovno primerljive z najbolj razvitimi državami EU. Z novimi

    tehnološko zahtevnimi programi in boljšim znanjem pa omogočili postopen prehod v sonaravni

    (trajnostni) razvoj. Celotna raziskovalna sfera, vključno z raziskovalci in razvojniki iz

    gospodarstva mora biti vključena v trikotnik znanja (univerze-JRO-raziskovalci v

    gospodarstvu) in vključena v celoten inovacijski proces. Te inovacijske mreže morajo krepiti

    sodelovanje v verigah vrednosti. Prav tako je potrebno zagotavljati neprekinjen proces

    usposabljanja poklicnega, tehniškega in inženirskega kadra. Poklicne šole, visoke šole,

    univerze in inštituti so v dobrem položaju, da zagotovijo programe izobraževanja in


    Kreiranje proizvodnje izdelkov, ki uporabljajo in zagotavljajo postopke z minimalnimi vplivi

    na okolje, varčujejo z energijo, so varni za zaposlene in so ekonomsko smiselni ter uporabljeni

    materiali in izdelki sposobni ponovne uporabe, so načela krožne (trajnostne) proizvodnje

    (sustainable manufacturing), ki je eden od osnovnih elementov sonaravnega (trajnostnega

    razvoja) in povsod po svetu dosega vse večjo veljavo in podporo ter omogoča prehod iz linearne

    v eksponencialno gospodarsko rast. Ob gospodarskih družbah, ki zagotavljajo recikliranje so

    možne različne oblike krožnih (trajnostnih) procesov. Slovenska avtomobilska industrija mora

    ob sodelovanju s kovinsko industrijo, strojegradnjo in energetiko zagotavljati tako imenovana

    3R - 6R načela krožne (trajnostne) proizvodnje: Recover, Recycle, Redesign, Reduce,

    Remanufacture, Reuse. Na ta način bomo prešli iz pretežno tradicionalne v zeleno oziroma

    krožno (trajnostno) proizvodnjo z večjo dodano vrednostjo in manjšim vplivom na okolje.

    Za vzpostavitev vrednostnih verig med podjetji kovinske industrije, avtomobilske in ostalih

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    vej na osnovi krožne (trajnostne) proizvodnje, obstajajo v Sloveniji vsi pogoji. Tradicija

    industrijske proizvodnje, kakovosten proces izobraževanja na vseh stopnjah, raziskovalni

    potenciali na univerzah in inštitutih, izkušnje pri prenosu znanja, majhne razdalje med

    industrijskimi obrati so lahko velike prednosti slovenske industrije. Ob kakovostnem

    visokošolskem izobraževanju, povezavi s tujimi univerzami, povezavi raziskovalnih inštitutov

    in univerz lahko v Sloveniji zagotovimo specifično zasnovano t.i. Industrijo 4.0, ki bo sposobna

    na določenih nišnih segmentih tekmovati na globalnem trgu.

    Ključne besede: Industrija 4.0, krožna proizvodnja, sonaravni razvoj, 3R - 6R načela krožne

    proizvodnje, izobraževanje


    Slovenia can not only be cost-competitive, but must above all be innovative-competitive,

    therefore the implementation of engineering, is one of the conditions that we can through

    collaboration between academic sphere and industry achieve a higher level of technology in the

    so-called “traditional production” which could once again be comparable with the manufactures

    in most developed EU countries. With the new high-tech programs and better knowledge we

    could make it possible for a gradual transition to sustainable development. Therefore, the entire

    research community, including researchers and developers from the industry must be

    incorporated in the knowledge triangle (university – PRO - researchers in the economy) and

    included in the entire innovation process. These innovation networks should strengthen

    cooperation in the value chain. It is also necessary to ensure a continuous process of training of

    professional, technical and engineering personnel. Vocational education, high schools,

    universities and institutes are in a good position to provide education and training programs.

    Creating manufacturing of products which using and providing processes with minimal impact

    on the environment and save energy, are safe for employees and economically significant, using

    materials and products which are able to be re-use are the principle of sustainable

    manufacturing, which is one of the basic element of sustainable development and all over the

    world achieves increasing effect and support which enables transition from linear to exponential

    growth. With commercial companies that provide recycling are possible different forms of

    sustainable processes. Slovenian automotive industry should, in cooperation with the metal

    working industry and energy sector ensured so-called 3R - 6R principles of sustainable

    manufacturing: Recover, Recycle, Redesign, Reduce, Remanufacture, Reuse. In this way,

    Slovenia will progressed from a largely traditional production in the green or sustainable

    manufacturing with higher added value and lower environmental impact.

    To establish a value chains among enterprises of metal industry, automotive and other branches

    on the basis of a sustainable manufacturing in Slovenia exist all conditions. The tradition of

    industrial production, process quality education at all levels, research potentials at the

    universities and institutes, experience in knowledge transfer, as well as small distances between

    industrial plants can be significant advantages of Slovenian industry. On the basis of high-

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    quality of higher education at Slovenian universities, in conjunction with the foreign

    universities and related research institutes, Slovenia can provide specifically designed the so-

    called Industry 4.0 approach, which will be capable in certain niche segments to compete in the

    global market.

    Keywords: Industry 4.0, sustainable manufacturing, sustainable development, 3R - 6R

    principles of sustainable manufacturing, izobraževanje

    Article Classification: Professional Paper


    Vojteh Leskovšek received his PhD at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding, University of

    Zagreb. He is tenured as an Associate Professor and teaches at the Jožef Štefan International Postgraduate School.

    Dr. Leskovšek is a Scientific Councillor and Head of the Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Department at

    the Institute of Metals and Technology in Lubljana. In 2012 he was awarded with the title of IFHTSE Fellow for

    Outstanding, Globally Recognised and Significant Contribution to the Development of Heat Treatment and

    Surface Engineering. In 2016 he received the Ciril Rekar plaque for lifetime achievement in the field of metallurgy.

    He is a member of the Slovenian Academy of Engineering (IAS) from 2008 and was the the President of Slovenian

    Academy of Engineering (IAS), 2012/2013.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018



    Session 1

    Industrija 4.0 in vzdrževanje

    Industry 4.0 and Maintenance

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Izzivi industrije 4.0 v poslovni praksi

    Challenges of the Industry 4.0 in business practice

    Mitja Cerovšek, Amira Mujanović, Tomaž Savšek

    TPV d.d., Slovenia

    [email protected]


    Izzivi, ki jih v poslovno okolje prinaša nastajajoče globalno gibanje Industrije 4.0, so bolj kot

    tehnološke za podjetja predvsem poslovne narave. S pomočjo tehnologije se spreminjajo vzorci

    delovanja ter povečuje inovativnost in konkurenčnost, kar je pomembna naloga celotne

    vodstvene strukture podjetja. Hkrati je to sijajna priložnost za razvoj in uvedbo številnih

    pozitivnih sprememb obstoječega poslovnega in procesnega modela ter morda tudi

    najpomembnejša naloga in odgovornost upravljanja informacijskih in komunikacijskih

    sistemov. Ključno vlogo izvedbe potrebnih sprememb pri tem lahko odigra sočasnost

    upravljanja treh vsebin: razumevanja informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, smiselno

    povezovanje tehnologije s poslovnimi procesi ter obvladovanje in izvajanje strateških

    usmeritev podjetja.

    Gibanje Industrija 4.0 je v veliki meri naravno nadaljevanje dosedanjih prizadevanj, ki so jih

    napredna podjetja že v preteklosti sistematično namenjala prenovi in informatizaciji poslovanja,

    uvedbi modelov e-poslovanja in managementu poslovnih procesov. V tem smislu Industrija 4.0

    in digitalizacija poslovanje ne predstavljata zasuka v smeri plovbe, pač pa le povečujeta njeno

    hitrost in osredotočenost na nekatere poslovne parametre. Podjetja, ki želijo razumeti in v svoje

    delovanje umestiti načela starih in novih paradigem, morajo najprej in še vedno razumeti ter v

    celoti obvladovati svoje poslovne procese. Razumeti morajo preteklost in sedanjost, če želijo s

    pomočjo Industrije 4.0 in digitalizacije smiselno graditi svojo prihodnost. V nasprotnem

    primeru ostajajo na ravni trendovskega leporečja.

    Ključne besede: industrija 4.0, poslovni procesi, prenova in informatizacija poslovanja


    The challenges brought by the emerging global movement of Industry 4.0 into the business

    environment are for the most companies more of a business than technology nature. With the

    help of technology, operating patterns change and innovation and competitiveness increase, and

    those are important tasks of the overall management structure of the company. At the same

    time, this is a great opportunity to develop and introduce many positive changes to the existing

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    business and process model, and perhaps the most important assignment and responsibility of

    managing information and communication systems. Understanding of information and

    communication technology, meaningful integration of technology with business processes, and

    control and implementation of strategic directions of the company are the three topics that need

    to be simultaneously managed in order to achieve an implementation of all the necessary


    Movement Industry 4.0 is, largely, a natural continuance of the efforts for systematical

    renovation and informatization of operations, the introduction of e-business models and the

    management of business processes, undertaken by the advanced companies so far. In this

    regard, Industry 4.0 and business digitalization do not represent a shift in the direction of

    navigation, but only an increase of speed and a focus on some of the business parameters.

    Companies who wish to understand and integrate the principles of old and new paradigms need

    to first understand and fully master their business processes. By the companies, the past and the

    present need to be understood if the future wants to be built by the help of Industry 4.0 and

    digitization. Otherwise, they remain at the level of trendy platitudes.

    Keywords: Industry 4.0, business processes, business renewal and informatization

    Article Classification: Scientific Paper


    Mitja Cerovšek graduated in electro technical science (BS) from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He has an MS (2005) in economical science and a Ph.D. (2015) in

    information science from the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. He is Director of Information and

    Communication Technologies in TPV, responsible for strategic planning for IT development, business process

    management, informatization of business and implementation of strategic and interorganizational IT projects. He

    is a member of the research and development group of the TPV (Researcher number 30521) and the author of

    several scientific papers in the interdisciplinary area of information sciences, business process management and

    economics, linking them with the practise of the automotive industry.


    Amira Mujatovič holds a Master's Degree in the field of Information Systems Management from the University

    of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. As one of the most successful students, she has received several

    Dean's Awards as well as the Rector's Award. Currently, she is employed at TPV d.o.o. as Business Information

    System Organizer and is enrolled in the Information Systems Management Doctoral Studies at the University of

    Maribor. Her last contributions are from the field of data processing and text mining, and the current orientation

    is IoT in the automotive industry.


    Tomaž Savšek received his Ph.D. in electro technical science from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He was a Research Engineer at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering in Ljubljana from 1989 to 1992. Since 1992, he headed a project team for the development of a combat

    simulation system and simulation center of the Slovenian Armed Forces. He also headed a Centre for Operational

    Research and Simulations. He has also Certificate of Senior International Defense Management Course from the

    Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA. As of 2006, he is Assistant General Manager in TPV,

    responsible for the public private partnership and strategic research and development projects. He is also a

    professor at the Faculty of Industrial engineering in Novo mesto, focused on green car initiatives and e-mobility.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Pregled metod izbire kazalnikov v vzdrževanju

    An overview of methodologies of selecting key performance indicators in


    Saša Ciglar

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženirng Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Slovenia

    [email protected]

    Damjan Maletič

    Fakulteta za organizacijske vede Kranj| Faculty of Organizational Sciences Kranj, Slovenia

    [email protected]


    Pri menedžmentu v vzdrževanju poznamo številne kazalnike, ki nam pokažejo, kako učinkoviti

    in uspešni smo. Pomagajo nam pri optimizaciji procesov in organiziranju oddelka, so orodje za

    kontrolo ter nam pomagajo pri zniževanju stroškov. Kazalnike izbiramo na osnovi izbrane

    strategije vzdrževanja. Za pravilno izbiro kazalnikov si moramo najprej postaviti cilj, kaj želimo

    doseči, v drugi fazi pa si izberemo merljive veličine, ki nam kakovostno pokažejo, koliko smo

    oddaljeni od zastavljenih ciljev torej, kako uspešni in učinkoviti smo na področju vzdrževanja.

    Iz tega je razvidno, da je proces izbire kazalnikov izrednega pomena in zahtevna naloga. Namen

    prispevka je predstaviti metode o procesu odločanja pri izbiri ustreznih kazalnikov.

    Vsaka panoga ima svoje značilne kazalnike, ki jih med drugim uporabljajo tudi za medsebojno

    primerjanje rezultatov (angl. benchmarking). Primerjava nam pokaže, kje smo v primerjavi s

    tehnološko uspešnimi soigralci in kje smo šibki. To je način, s katerim se lahko učimo od

    najboljših. Zato so se z leti razvijale metode na področju odločanja o pravilni izbiri ustreznih

    kazalnikov. Naredil se je pregled literature o metodah odločanja pri izbiri ustreznih kazalnikov.

    Metode so bile pregledane in medsebojno primerjane.

    Ustreznost kazalnika je zelo pomembna. Zato je tudi izrednega pomena ugotoviti, če je način

    izbire prinesel želen rezultat ali je morda drugačna metoda bolj ustrezna. Izbira kazalnikov je

    za različne panoge različna, kar pomeni, da je process o izbiri ustreznih kazalnikov lahko od

    panoge do panoge različen.

    Predstavljene ugotovitve lahko uporablja vodstvo vzdrževanja za kritičen razmislek o tem, če

    so njihovi kazalniki ustrezno izbrani, da merijo učinkovitost in uspešnost dela oddelka

    vzdrževanja. Prispevek predstavlja prispevek k literature na področju celovitega upravljanja

    fizičnega premoženja in merjenja uspešnosti ter učinkovitosti na področju vzdrževanja.

    Ključne beside: kazalnik, vzdrževanje, strategija vzdrževanja, primerjalna analiza

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

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    In maintenance management we know various key performance indicators for measuring how

    effecitve and efficient our maintenance department is. They help us to optimize the maintenance

    process and the organization of the department. We can control our department by use of them

    and reduce costs. The selection of the key performance indicators depends on the maintenance

    strategy, that we use. For the selection of the right key performance indicators we first have to

    define our goals and second, we have to find measurable parameters that show us how far we

    are from our goals. That fact explains, how important it is, to choose the right key performance

    indicator. The purpose of this article is to present an overview of methodoligies of decission

    making for the selection of the right key performance indicators.

    Keywords: key performance indicator, maintenance, maintenance strategy, comparative


    Article Classification: Scientific Paper


    Saša Ciglar made his master of science in the field of maintenance management. After his study at the University

    of Ljubljana, Faculty of mechanical engineering, he worked in a consulting company as a junior consulter for

    maintenance mainly in papermills. After that he worked as a technical manager in the company Veriga k. f., d. o.

    o. Since 2013 he is the head of technique in a papermill where he is responsible for maintenance management,

    improvements and investments. Since 2017 he is also a lecturer at Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto,

    where he is holding the course Maintenance in production plants.


    Damjan Maletič is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor. He is

    also a Vice dean for research activities at University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, a member of

    Slovenian Maintenance Society (DVS), a member of working group for asset management at DVS, a member of

    asset management committee at EFNMS and a member of technical committee SIST/TC VZD Maintenance and

    asset management at Slovenian institute for standardization. His research activities are mainly devoted to the fields

    of physical asset management, maintenance and quality management. Currently one main area of his research has

    focused on studying the relationship between physical asset management practices and organizational

    performance. He has published several research papers in international journals and presented his research work

    at numerous national and international conferences. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Wood Science and

    Technology (University of Ljubljana) and Organization (University of Maribor). He obtained his PhD degree in

    Quality Management from the University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Osebna uspešnost 4.0

    Personal performance 4.0.

    Janez Kolar

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto [email protected]


    Okolje okoli nas je prežeto s tehničnimi novostmi, tehnologijami, novimi pristopi in njihovimi

    osupljivimi tehničnimi značilnostmi. Človek ostaja, tehnično gledano, dokaj nespremenjen

    zadnjih nekaj tisoč let in med človekom kot takim ter skokovito razvijajočim se tehnološkim

    razvojem zeva vse večja vrzel. Prispevek vsebuje razmišljanje o tem, kaj se nam dogaja, kakšni

    so obeti in kako se znajti, stati in obstati.

    Ključne besede: Človeški viri, uspeh, osebna uspešnost, ključni dejavniki uspeha, sinergija


    Surrounded by infinite number of new products, wonderful new technical innovations, and

    overwhelming gadgets bumbling out almost daily from everywhere leaves an individual at a

    very unpleasant and lonely place. Human capabilities, as an opposite to technical development,

    stay more or less a t the same level Even more, some researches show that EQ is declining on

    a global level.

    What is happening? Which are some of the challenges arising and what could be done?

    Keywords: HRM, success, personal performance, key success factors, sinergy

    Article Classification: Professional Paper


    Janez Kolar's corporate career has led him from Training management at GEA College to HR management at

    DHL Express, founding and developing the Slovenian branch of the Japanese Matsushita corporation (Panasonic

    & Technics) to Sales management at Volvo Trucks and L’Oreal Paris Ljubljana, all the way to serving as Member

    of the Board at Aerodrom Ljubljana, where he was in charge of HR, IT and Safety & Security. He has lead

    development projects and EU funding as Senior consultant at Business center Ljubljana – now Technology park

    Ljubljana, still maintaining ties, especially in the field of fostering entrepreneurship. Since 2003 he has been a

    regular lecturer at various institutions offering under- and postgraduate programs, especially in the fields of

    Management, Creative Business Processes, HR Development & HR Digitalization and Digitalization in general.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Complete bibliography is available at http://izumbib.izum.si/bibliografije/Y20180406112416-A20326499.html.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Roboti v funkciji izvajanja logističnih procesov v industriji

    Robots in implementation of logistic processes function in industry

    Sašo Murtič

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Slovenia

    [email protected]

    Ingrid Uhernik Franko

    Krka d. d. , Novo mesto, Slovenia

    [email protected]

    Igor Lekše

    TPV d.o.o., Slovenia

    [email protected]

    Tomaž Savšek

    TPV d.o.o., Slovenia

    [email protected]


    Raziskovalno vprašanje: Razumeti logistiko in logistične procese v industriji, posebej v

    industriji motornih vozil pomeni, da je potrebno najprej razumeti sam pomen logistike,

    elemente posameznih procesov ter logistične posebnosti, ki jih omogoča tehnika, tehnologija,

    znanost in teorija. Skozi pregled industrijskega razvoja, je mogoče videti, da je ta vedno

    hrepenela po znanju, tehnološkemu razvoju, tehniki industrijskega napredka, zmanjšanju

    vplivov na okolje, zmanjšanju porabe energije in ne nazadnje k zmanjšanju porabe delovne sile.

    Slednjemu je industrija uvajala nove tehnološke dosežke v proizvodnji, razvijala strojno

    opremo ter uvajala procese, ki so omogočili proizvodnjo sodobnejšega proizvoda. Oskrbovalni

    trgi, trg potrošnikov ter mnogi drugi dejavniki, so skozi čas industrijo in druge gospodarske

    dejavnike prisilili, da so svoje potenciale posvetili svojemu proizvodu, ponudbi in

    povpraševanju ter tiste dejavnosti, ki so za proizvodnjo sicer neizogibni in potrebni, prepustili

    zunanjemu izvajalcu. Logistika v tem delu ima pomembno vlogo, saj predstavlja visoko-

    sofisticirano specifično dejavnost, ki s pomočjo posebnih znanj, opreme in strojev, na vseh

    področjih in v vseh industrijskih vejah izvaja podporo v proizvodnji, transportu, skladiščenju,

    oskrbi in mnogo širše. Uvajanje tehnike, uvajanje robotov v samo logistiko, v industrijo, ki v

    imenu industrije namesto človeka opravlja posamezne funkcije, posamezne logistične procese

    pomeni poseben industrijski fenomen.

    Namen raziskave: Robotizacija in uvajanje robotov v industrijsko proizvodnjo ni nov pojav, saj

    vemo, da je v industrijski proizvodnji, predvsem v proizvodnji motornih vozil, že v preteklosti

    bilo vključeno večje število robotov, ki opravljajo zahtevnejša in za človeka nevarna dela, ko

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    to so posamezna varjenja spojev, stiskanja, spajanja kovin, lakiranja, peskanja in mnogo širše.

    Če pa povzamemo logistiko v industriji in za potrebe industrije pa v preteklosti ni bilo veliko

    tehnološko posodobljenih strojev, aparatov ali naprav, ki bi lahko za industrijo opravljali

    nekatere logistične procese. Zato je naš namen bil ugotoviti ali lahko robot, kakšne vrste in tipa,

    v proizvodnem procesu opravlja logistične storitve, za katere vemo, da jih je do sedaj izvajal

    človek in če jih, kakšni so proporci in matematični izračuni izvedenih storitev uporabljenega

    robota. Cilj je potrditi ali ovreči prednosti ali slabosti robota, katerega namen je iz skladiščnih

    prostorov v proizvodnjo pripeljati material za proizvodnjo. Glavni cilj je bil na strokoven in

    znanstven način dokazati, da robot lahko v logistiki, in sicer na posameznih logističnih procesih

    zamenja človeka in obenem, da ravno natančnost in sposobnost robota za opravljanje logističnih

    storitev zagotavlja nemoteno proizvodnjo ter zmanjšuje stroške dela.

    Metoda raziskave: Proučevali in presojali smo posamezne gibe, vodila in sklope robota, ki ga

    industrija motornih vozil uporablja za opravljanje logistike in logističnih procesov, ki

    predstavljajo pripravo materialov, nalaganje materialov na ustrezno prevozno vozilo ter

    transport iz skladiščnega prostora do delovnega traku v sami proizvodnji (ime robota bo

    navedeno, ko za to pridobim dovoljenje lastnika). Gre za metodo, ki nam je podala relevantne

    podatke o koristnosti uporabe robota, ki jih je mogoče numerično očitati v smislu skrajševanja

    časa dostave materialov za proizvodnjo, manjši porabi energije, časovni natančnosti in varnejši

    uporabi transportnih poti. Uporabili smo tudi empirično metodo, saj smo želeli narediti pregled

    v preteklost, ki bi nam pokazala kako se je sistem robota uporabljal v logistiki v tujini in v

    Sloveniji, v času ko je gospodarstvo v Sloveniji in širši Evropi bilo na visoki razvojni stopnji

    in danes, ko so spremembe gospodarskih proizvajalnih sil, spremembe trga, digitalizacija sveta,

    robotizacija proizvodnje pa tudi robotizacija turizma povzročile nove standarde, nove zahteve,

    novo poučevanje ipd. kar vse vpliva tudi na spremembe in razvoj logistike. Nenazadnje smo

    uporabili še pravno metodo, skozi katero smo upravičevali posamezne tehnološke postopke ter

    pravno formulirali posamezna razmerja v procesu delovanja organizacij in dejavnosti robota

    glede na varnost delavcev vključenih v industrijsko proizvodnjo.

    Rezultati raziskave: Tehnika in tehnologija, digitalizacija in elektronsko upravljanje

    posameznih procesov v industriji in tudi v sami logistiki, ki za industrijo pomeni opravljanje

    tistih storitev, ki neposredno niso del industrije, vendar pa industrija brez njih ne more. Gre za

    logistiki, logistične procese in postopke, ki omogočajo, da je določena stvar, predmet ali tovor

    ob določenem času na določenem mestu, kar za industrijo pomeni obvladovanje proizvodnje in

    trga. Naša raziskava je šla v smer, kjer smo želeli dokazati, daje robot zelo v pomoč industriji,

    opravlja tiste zahtevne naloge, ki bi jih sicer moral človek in obenem zagotavlja točnost,

    natančnost in stalnost zagotavljanja materialov za proizvodnjo. Naša teza je bila, da je treba v

    čim več težavnih logističnih procesih uporabljati robote ter tako zagotoviti natančnost dobave

    materialov in obenem razbremeniti človeka. Tudi matematični podatki so nam pokazali, da je

    naša raziskava bila smiselna in služi splošnemu napredku razvoja industrije. Industrija

    potrebuje veliko takšnih in podobnih robotov, ki bodo v prihodnje opravljali tiste naloge in tista

    dela, ki so za človeka obremenjujoča in nevarna.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Organizacija raziskave: Logistika je sicer star pojem, kolikor je stara proizvodnja, trgovina,

    gibanje materialov, kapitala in ljudi, posameznih logistični procesi pa so se oblikovali skozi čas

    in industrijski in gospodarski razvoj. Uvajanje robotov v logistiko za izvajanje posameznih

    logističnih procesov in postopkov pa pomeni napredek v industrijski proizvodnji in gospodarski

    rasti. Raziskavo smo organizirali v industriji motornih vozil, kjer so na že vrsto let v posamezne

    logistične procese vključili robote, ki iz priročnih skladišč v proizvodne prostore dostavljajo

    materiala potreben za potek proizvodnje. Merili smo transportne poti, vodila in vodilne trakove,

    računalniško ali digitalno vodenje, čas izvedbe storitve, porabo energije.

    Omejitve raziskave: Robotizacija posameznih faz ali posameznih procesov v industriji

    predstavlja plod znanosti, dolgotrajnih raziskav in laboratorijskih preizkusov. Zaradi tega s

    tehnološkega in uporabnega gledišča vsak robot predstavlja poslovno tajnost posamezne

    gospodarske družbe, korporacije ali na splošno industrije. Zaradi tega so bile izpostavljene

    omejitve, ki bi kakorkoli pomenile opisovanje ali podajanje podatkov, ki bi pomenila razkritje

    vsebine in načina priprave robota oziroma elektronske naprave ter sestavnih delov. V naši

    raziskavi so bili podani le tisti podatki, ki so s tržnega gledišča predstavili robot, kot tržni

    produkt, vse druge izsledke pa smo sami ugotavljali in ocenjevali.

    Ključne besede: logistika, roboti, vodenje, organizacija


    Research question: To understanding logistics and logistic procesess in industry, especially in

    the motor vehicle industry, we need to understand the meaning of logistics, the elements of

    individual processes and the logistic specialities, related to technique, technology, science and

    theory. Through a review of industrial development we can see that it has always been craving

    for knowledge, technological development, techniques of industrial progress, reducing

    environmental impacts, reducing energy consumption and at least to reducing workforce

    consumption. Therefore industry introduced new technological developments in the production,

    hardware and processes that enabled the production of modern product. Over the time the

    supply markets, the consumer market and many other factors forced the industry and other

    economic factors to devote their potential to their product, supply and demand, those activities

    that were necessary for production they must left to the outsourcer (Outsorcing). In this part

    logistics plays an important role because it represents a highly sophisticated specific activity

    that, with the help of special knowledge, equipment and machinery, supports production,

    transport, storage, supply and much wider in all areas and industrial branches. The introduction

    of technology, the introduction of robots into logistics and industry that carries out individual

    functions, and individual logistic processes, that means a special industrial phenomenon.

    The purpose of the research: Robotization and introduction of robots into industrial production

    is not a new phenomenon because we know that in the industrial production, especially in the

    production of motor vehicles, a large number of robots have been involved in the past and they

    performs for people more demanding and dangerous work like welding joints, pressing, joining

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

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    metal, lacquering, sandblasting and much wider.However, if we unite logistics in the industry

    and for industry needs, in the past there were not many technologically modernized machines,

    appliances or devices that could carry out some logistical processes for the industry. So the

    purpose was to determine what type of robot perform logistic services in the production

    process, which we know that has been performed by man till now and what are the proportions

    and mathematical calculations of the services performed of the used robot. Our goal is to

    confirm or disprove the advantages or disadvantages of a robot whose purpose is to bring

    production materials from storage spaces into production.The main goal was professional and

    scientific demonstration that the robot can replace a person in logistics, on individual logistic

    processes,replace a man and that the precise and robot's ability to provide logistics services

    ensures smooth production and reduces labor costs.

    Research method: We have studied and assessed the individual movements, guides and

    assemblies of a robot used by the motor vehicle industry to perform logistics and logistic

    processes that represent the preparation of materials, the loading of materials on a suitable

    transport vehicle, and the transport from the storage space to the workbench in the production.

    That method gave us relevant data on the usefulness of the use of robots, which can be

    numerically read in terms of shortening the delivery time of materials for production, lower

    energy consumption, time accuracy and safer use of transport routes. Using the empirical

    method because of overview of the past, which would show us how the robot system was used

    in logistics abroad and in Slovenia, at a time when the economy in Slovenia and the wider

    Europe was at a high stage of development and today, when changes in economic productive

    forces are going, market changes, digitalisation of the world, robotisation of production and

    robotization of tourism caused new standards, new requirements, new teaching, etc. all of that

    also affects on the changes and development of logistics. At last with the legal method we

    justified individual technological procedures and legalized individual relationships in the

    process of functioning of organizations and activities of the robot in relation to the safety of

    workers involved in industrial production.

    Research results: Technique and technology, digitization and electronic management of

    individual processes in industry, and also in the logistics, which for industry means the

    implementation of those services that are not directly part of the industry, but the industry can

    not work without them. It involves logistics, logistic processes and procedures that anable a

    certain thing, object or cargo to be determined at a certain time at a particular place, which

    means that the industry has control of the production and market. In the direction of our research

    we wanted to prove that the robot is very helpful to the industry, carries out the most demanding

    tasks that a person should have and ensuring the accuracy and permanence of providing

    materials for production. Our thesis was that in the most difficult logistical processes robots

    should be used to ensure the accuracy of materials supply and at the same time relieving the

    worker. Mathematical data also showed us that our research was meaningful and serves the

    overall development of industry. Industry needs a lot of such and similar robots, which will in

    the future perform those tasks and those works that are burdensome and dangerous for people.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Organization of the research: Logistics is an old concept, old as production, trade, movement

    of materials, capital and people, and its individual processes have been shaped over time and

    over industrial and economic development. The introduction of robots into logistics for the

    implementation of individual logistic processes means progress in industrial production and

    economic growth. The researc was organized in the motor vehicle industry because that industry

    involves the robots in individual logistic processes for many years. They use robots to deliver

    the material (production parts) needed for the production process from the convenient

    warehouses into the production premises. We measured transport paths, guides, computer and

    digital management, time of service execution, energy consumption and prepared appropriate

    calculations that justify the use of robots in logistics.

    Limitations of the research: Robotization of individual phases or individual processes in the

    industry is a result of science, long-term research and laboratory tests. Because of that, from a

    technological and useful wiew point, each robot represents the commercial secrecy of an

    individual company, corporation or industry in general. Restrictions about description or

    presentation of data that would reveal the content and method of preparing a robot or electronic

    device and components were imposed. In the study, we provided only those data that were

    presented the robot as a market product, and all other findings were determined and evaluated.

    Some of the data have been supplemented professionally and now they do not show those

    potentials that would reveal business secrets, and at the same time they give us relevant starting

    points in the survey.

    Keywords: logistics, robots, management, organization

    Article Classification: Scientific Paper


    Sašo Murtič is a university graduate in law, a Master of Legal Science and a doctor of sociological sciences. He

    is retired from the Ministry of Infrastructure. He teaches "law" and "logistics" in higher and university programs,

    teaches at the Faculty of Logistics and the Faculty of Tourism of the University of Maribor, and now teaches at

    the Faculty of Industrial Engineering. He published several professional and scientific papers in the field of law,

    public administration and logistics, as part of his work at the Ministry of Infrastructure, he coached the head of a

    number of major projects that were important for the country (the state spatial plan for Jože Pučnik Airport

    Ljubljana, the state spatial plan for Edvard Rusjan Maribor Airport, construction of a passenger terminal at Edvard

    Rusjan Maribor Airport, renovation of the hangar and other facilities at the same airport). He was a mentor to

    many students in the preparation of graduate thesis in undergraduate studies, he was the director of the municipal

    administration of the city of Novo mesto and performed numerous important state tasks for the country.


    Ingrid Uhernik Franko, M.Sc. of Intercultural Management, graduated from the Faculty of Logistics at the

    Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor, and received a master's degree at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies

    in Nova Gorica. She is employed at the Krka d.d. Novo mesto and assistant at doc. dr. Sašo Murtič.


    Igor Lekše, male, born 20.02.1067 in Novo mesto is employed in TPV d.d.. He is a member of the research and

    development group of the TPV (Researcher number 27947). He is a Master of science in mechanical engineering.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    He graduated on Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Ljubljana. He works as the director of Process

    automatization. His areas of knowledge are deformation technology, materials, experimental methods.


    Tomaž Savšek received his Ph.D. in electro technical science from the Faculty of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He was a Research Engineer at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer

    Engineering in Ljubljana from 1989 to 1992. Since 1992, he headed a project team for the development of a combat

    simulation system and simulation center of the Slovenian Armed Forces. He also headed a Centre for Operational

    Research and Simulations. He has also Certificate of Senior International Defense Management Course from the

    Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA. As of 2006, he is Assistant General Manager in TPV,

    responsible for the public private partnership and strategic research and development projects. He is also a

    professor at the Faculty of Industrial engineering in Novo mesto, focused on green car initiatives and e-mobility.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Primer praktične implementacije spletne trgovine z živili

    Case study implementing grocery eCommerce solution

    Tomaž Aljaž

    Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Slovenia

    [email protected]


    Sedanje poslovno okolje je pod neprestanim pritiskom po spremembah in novih načinih

    pristopa do kupcev. Tudi živilska trgovina tukaj ni izjema. Poleg klasičnega nakupovanja v

    trgovinah in trgovskih centrih se vedno bolj uveljavlja t.i. naročanje iz naslonjača. Le-to

    omogoča izbiro in nakup živilskih izdelkov preko spletnih strani, kakor tudi možnost izbire

    dostave na dom ali osebnega prevzema na točno določeni prevzemni lokaciji na izbrani dan in


    Eden največjih izzivov s katerimi se srečujejo IT podjetja je izvedba splošne platforme, ki

    zadosti različnim potrebam trga in zahtevam strank, po drugi strani pa ponudi povezljivost z

    obstoječimi zalednimi sistemi. Ključni elementi takšnega sistema so on- line uporabniška

    izkušnja, analitiki, matični podatki izdelkov in nenazadnje tudi logistika – dostava na dom oz.

    osebni prevzem.

    V prezentaciji bodo prikazani glavni elementi e-Commerce rešitve in tehnična rešitev. Prav

    tako bo poleg tehničnega dela prikazan pomen vzdrževanja matičnih podatkov oz. njihov vpliv,

    če so le-ti pomanjkljivo vzdrževani. Prezentacija bo zaključena s primeri dobre prakse izven

    obsega tehnike, pač pa predvsem kot delovni proces in odnos do strank, da se poveča njihovo


    Ključne besede: e-Commerce, informacijsko komunikacijska tehnologija, tehnologije,

    računalništvo v oblaku, logistika


    In today’s constrain environment where there is constant pressure to increase market share,

    traditional retailers are looking new ways to approach customers. In addition to traditional

    shopping in a store, on-line ordering of food is clearly additional benefit to them with Home

    delivery or pick-up at special delivery area at defined time window. The technology available

    make possible to place order independently of the location and time.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    One of the major challenges that IT companies face is how to build general solution that meets

    market and customer requirements for new business models combined with established

    processes and systems. An On-line shop & Customer experience, Cross-channel fullfilment,

    Analytics, Masterdata, Logistics are the main elements of the new system.

    In the presentation, it will be shown overview of e-Commerce platform, main building blocks,

    and example of the technical solution. Moreover, importance of the product data quality on

    user experience browsing through on-line shop and Home delivery / pick-up (logistic part) will

    be discussed. The presentation will conclude with examples that needs to be addressed by

    Business processes and customer care in order to increase customer satisfaction.

    Keywords: e-Commerce, High-availability, logistic, ERP, Masterdata

    Article Classification: Professional Paper


    Tomaž Aljaž is involved in managing IT projects, improve performance of project team, establishing and

    maintaining optimal use of resources and reducing operating risks. Prior experiences are related to R&D

    environment working as Resource, Project and product manager, as well as Solution manager. He has published

    many articles on Information Technology and Telecommunication area, resource management, project

    management and process improvements using Theory of Constraints and other Agile methodologies. He holds

    Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Faculty of Electrotechnical Engineering and Computer Science Maribor,

    Slovenia and finish courses related to Constraint Management at Washington State University, USA. Dr. Aljaž

    has taught at graduate and post graduate level more than 9 years topic related to performance improvements of

    organizations, project management, information technology and telecommunication. Dr. Aljaž received in 2014

    Jonah certificate, recognized by Theory Of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO).


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018



    Session 2

    Materiali in tehnologije

    Materials and Technologies

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Materiali kot gradniki razvoja tehnologije in družbe

    Materials, necessity for the technology and society advancement

    Bojan Podgornik

    Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije | Institute of Metals and Technology, Slovenia

    [email protected]


    Dandanes so različni inženirski materiali nepogrešljivi v vsakdanjem življenju moderne družbe

    in pri tem kot osnovni gradniki uporabljeni v najrazličnejših industrijskih panogah. Prav

    inženirski materiali so odločilno doprinesli h tehnološkemu napredku in številnim inovacijam

    na praktično vseh področjih, od medicine in zdravja, varnosti, informacijskih tehnologij,

    letalstva, telekomunikacij, gradbeništva, transporta, kmetijstva, pa vse do okolja. Kot vidimo

    so materiali in poznavanje le teh tesno povezani z inženirstvom. Znanje o materialih pokriva

    povezave med mikrostrukturo in lastnostmi materiala (razvoj novih materialov), inženirstvo pa

    apliciranje korelacij in lastnosti pri načrtovanju in uporabi materialov glede na zahteve ljudi in

    družbe (razvoj novih aplikacij). Na ta način vpostavljata povezavo med bazičnim in

    aplikativnim znanjem ter prenos bazičnega znanja v prihajajoče tehnologije in aplikacije. Oboje

    pa povezuje struktura in sestava materiala, sintetiziranje in izdelava, prilagajanje lastnosti ter

    testiranje in uporaba.

    Inženirski materiali, ki vključujejo kovine in zlitine, keramiko, polimere oz. plastiko ter

    kompozite bodo imeli v prihodnosti še toliko večjo vlogo pri razvoju in napredovanju družbe.

    Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na trende pa so ekonomska stabilnost in stroški, okoljske zahteve,

    razvojni trendi, razvoj tradicionalnih materialov, napredek na področju raziskav in razvoja ter

    seveda zahteve trga. Pri tem je pomembnost in relevanca inženirskih materialov na prav vseh

    nivojih življenja in družbe več kot očitna, z naraščajočimi potrebami po bolj sofisticiranih,

    boljših, ekološko sprejemljivih in cenovno ugodnejših materialih. Ne gre pozabiti, da si razvite

    industrijske države s hitrim razvojem strateških materialov ustvarjajo nišna področja in s tem

    konkurenčno prednost.

    In zakaj prav materiali? Zgodovina človeštva je okarakterizirana z dominiranjem materialov

    (kamena doba, bronasta doba, železna doba in trenutno doba silicija), ki definirajo napredek in

    bogatstvo narodov. Materiali ustvarjajo blaginjo, izboljšujejo standard življenja in so ključ do

    doseganja potreb družbe, od varnosti, komunikacij in transporta do zdravstva in bivanja.

    Tradicionalni materiali so predvsem strukturni materiali, kot so jeklo, aluminij, beton,

    polietilen, steklo in kljub temu, da so vsakdanji in poznani, so se njihove lastnosti v zadnjih

    dveh desetletjih drastično izboljšale, stroški izdelave občutno znižali in izdelava postala okolju

    prijaznejša. Novi materiali pa se osredotočajo predvsem na izboljšanje oz. doseganje določenih

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    funkcij, kot so optične, električne, visoko-temperaturne, magnetne ali biološke lastnosti. Seveda

    so trendi različni a komplementarni.

    Če želi država prevzeti vodilno oz. vsaj pomembno vlogo v proizvodnji in trgovanju, mora v

    prvi vrsti poskrbeti za razvoj in inovativnost na področju materialov. Kot že omenjeno, so

    materiali bistven element celotne industrije, od telekomunikacij, energije, avtomobilizma in

    transporta do zdravstva. V večini primerov materiali z visoko dodano vrednostjo in razširjeno

    funkcionalnostjo omogočajo razvoj novih produktov, tehnologij in panog, medtem ko krepijo

    že obstoječo industrijo ter ohranjajo potrebna delovna mesta. V bližnji prihodnosti bo tako

    potreben razvoj novih naprednih materialov, kakor tudi povečanje dostopnost in izboljšanje

    tradicionalnih materialov. In prav gospodarska rast, prehod k razvojnim dobaviteljem, trajnost

    in kvaliteta življenja so odvisni od tega, ali oz. v kolikšni meri bomo te cilje uresničili, pri čemer

    trendi in s tem povezana strategija razvoja igrajo ključno vlogo.

    Ključne besede: inženirski materiali, razvoj, inženirstvo, tehnologija


    A variety of Engineering Materials are indispensable for day-to-day life in modern society and

    used as basic building blocks in different industries. These engineered materials have vitally

    contributed to numerous technological advancements in various fields, including medicine and

    health, security, information technology, aerospace, telecommunications, structural

    engineering, transportation, agriculture and the environment. Materials Science and Materials

    Engineering are closely related. Materials Science deals with the relationships between the

    various structures and properties of materials while Materials Engineering mainly involves

    applications of the structure-property correlations in designing or engineering the material with

    tailored properties. Thus, Materials Science and Engineering combine the basic knowledge and

    the emerging applications and form a bridge between the basic sciences and various engineering

    disciplines through Synthesis and processing of materials, Structure and composition of

    materials, Tailoring the properties of materials, and Testing, performance and applications of


    Engineering Materials including Metals and Alloys, Ceramics, Polymers or Plastics, and

    Composites will continue to play an even more significant role in the current and future times.

    The factors that will influence this role are the economics and cost, environmental requirements,

    developmental trends, depletion of traditional materials, advances in research and development,

    and the market drives. The importance and relevance of Engineering Materials in all spheres of

    life cannot be over emphasized. Hence, there is a bright future for availability of even more

    sophisticated, better and cost effective materials. It is not to be forgotten that well developed

    nations are quickly creating niche areas for themselves by developing materials of strategic

    value to their competitive advantage.

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    And why materials? The ages of mankind are labelled by their dominant materials: the Stone

    Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age, and now the Silicon Age, which define the sophistication

    and wealth of nations. Materials create wealth, improve our standard of living, and are key to

    meeting society’s needs, from security, communications and transportation to health and living.

    Traditional materials are primarily structural—steel, aluminium, concrete, polyethylene, glass.

    Although they are familiar, their properties have been improved dramatically in the past two

    decades, while their costs have fallen and their production has become more environmentally

    sustainable. Novel materials are primarily functional, with optical, electronic, magnetic, high-

    temperature or biological properties.

    Increasing Slovenia role or even taking leadership in manufacturing and trade requires

    leadership in research and innovation of materials. Materials are essential throughout industry,

    in fields such as telecommunication, health care, energy, and automotive. In these and many

    other areas, materials with high added value and high functionality strengthen existing

    industries and preserve the jobs they provide, while creating new products that enable the

    development of new industries and new jobs. In the future, development of novel advanced

    materials and the greater availability and affordability of traditional materials are required. The

    economic growth, switching toward development suppliers, sustainability, and quality of life

    will depend on whether or in which proportion these promises are achieved.

    Keywords: engineering materials, development, engineering, technology

    Article Classification: Professional Paper


    Bojan Podgornik is head of Materials and Technology department at the Institute of Metals and Technology and

    Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. His work is focused on development

    of advanced metallic materials, surface engineering, deep cryogenic treatment and testing of materials. After

    defending his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering in 2000 he spent one year as a post-doc researcher at Uppsala

    University in Sweden. For his research work he got several awards, among them ICM&T best young researcher

    paper award in 1999, American Vacuum Society Bunshah Award in 2006, CSHTSE award for outstanding

    presentation on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering in 2013 and best oral presentation award at the 4 th

    Tribology Workshop TriBaires in 2017. He is an author of 36 invited, plenary or keynote lectures, chapter in

    Tribology of DLC coatings, Encyclopedia of Iron, Steel and Their Alloys, and ASM Handbook on Friction,

    Lubrication and Wear Technology (Vol. 18). He has written more than 140 scientific papers (h-index = 26), over

    300 industrial research reports and expertise and made over 250 contributions at international conferences and

    congresses. Complete bibliography is available at http://izumbib.izum.si/bibliografije/A20180404210340-

    15269.html (researcher's code: 15269).


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Razvoj eksperimentalnih metod za določitev reoloških lastnosti polimernih


    Development of experimental methods for determination of rheological

    properties of polymeric films

    Matic Šobak, Anastasiya Golyadkina, Ivan Jerman, Anatolij Nikonov*

    Kemijski inštitut | National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia

    Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saratov State University, Russia

    *Fakulteta za industrijski inženiring Novo mesto | Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto, Slovenia

    *[email protected]


    Tanke plasti polimernih materialov so pogosto uporabljene v številnih inženirskih izdelkih kjer

    so njihove mehanske lastnosti bistvenega pomena. Razumevanje mehanskih (reoloških)

    lastnosti kot je na primer viskoelastični modul za določeno geometrijo (tanke plasti), je

    odločilna za stabilnost številnih struktur posebnih naprav. Določena oblika polimera lahko kaže

    komaj zaznavne ali pa ogromne razlike v svojih fizikalnih lastnostih v primerjavi z istim

    polimerom na makroskopskem nivoju. Razumevanje teh razlik je ključnega pomena za

    delovanje inženirskih naprav in sistemov.

    Mehanski odziv tankih plasti lahko merimo z uporabo številnih različnih eksperimentalnih

    tehnik, vključno z nateznimi ali izboklinskimi testi samostoječih plasti, nanoindentacijo,

    tehnike deformacije nosilca in tehnike ukrivljanja podlage. Cilj raziskave je opraviti

    eksperimentalno analizo tankih polimernih plasti ter zagotoviti potrebne informacije za

    določanje njihovih viskoelastičnih mehanskih lastnosti. V tej študiji je bilo izvedeno natezno

    obnašanje tankih plasti PVC materialov z uporabo natezne naprave Instron 5944. Meritve so

    bile opravljene pri različnih pogojih obremenitve. Izbrali smo pet različnih hitrosti natezanja, s

    katerimi smo pokazali odziv viskoelastičnih filmov in njihovo odvisnost od stopnje

    obremenitve. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima testirani PVC material izredno visoko viskoelastično

    obnašanje pri sobni temperaturi.

    Ključne besede: tanke polimerne plasti, reološke lastnosti, viskoelastični modul, stopnja



    Thin polymeric films are widely used in many engineering applications, where their mechanical

    properties are of primary importance. Understanding the mechanical (rheological) properties,

  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    e.g. viscoelastic moduli, in confined geometries, such as in thin polymeric films, is critical to

    the stability of structures of many special devices. Confined polymers can display subtle or

    even dramatic differences in their physical properties when compared to the same polymers in

    the bulk state. Understanding these differences is critical to the performance of engineering

    devices and systems.

    The mechanical response of thin films can be measured using many different experimental

    techniques, including tensile or bulge testing of free-standing thin films, nanoindentation, the

    beam cantilever deflection technique, and the substrate curvature technique. The objective of

    the research is to perform the experimental analysis on thin films with the aim to provide

    necessary information for determination of their viscoelastic mechanical properties. In this

    study the tensile stress/strain behaviour of PVC consumer plastic thin film materials was

    characterized using the commercial tensile machine Instron 5944. Measurements were

    performed under different loading conditions. Namely, five different velocities were selected

    to demonstrate how the response of viscoelastic films depends on the rate of loading. The results

    showed that the material exhibits extremely viscoelastic behaviour at room temperature.

    Keywords: thin polymeric films, rheological properties, viscoelastic modulus, rate of loading

    Article Classification: Scientific Paper


    Matic Šobak received his degree in chemical engineering at Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology.

    Currently he is employed at the National Institute of Chemistry Ljubljana as a researcher and is completing his

    masters study at the Jožef Sefan International Postgraduate School. His research interests are in synthesis of flame

    retardant materials, self-healing coatings and rheology of polymers.


    Anastasiya Golyadkina received her PhD in biomechanics at Saratov State University. Currently she is employed

    at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Saratov State University as Associate Professor, and head of

    Department of computer simulation in biomedicine and materials science. Her research interests are in the fields

    of mechanics, rheology and experimental methods of characterization of viscoelastic properties of polymeric and

    biological materials.


    Ivan Jerman received his PhD in Chemistry at Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology University in

    Ljubljana in 2009. Currently he is a head of Coating development group which is a part of Department of Materials

    Chemistry. His research interest is focused on particle modification, spectrally selective coating development and

    surface modification.


    Anatolij Nikonov earned his PhD in the field of Mechanics from Sartov State Univerisity in Russia. He works at

    the Faculty of Industrial Engineering Novo mesto and is the Chair for Mechanics, Design and Compulter

    Engineeriing. His area of research is Mechanics, dynamic construction, phenomena of transient and waves of solid

    matters, asymptotic methods in mechanics, rheology and characterization of the viscoelastic properties of polymer

    materials, experimental methods.


  • 3rd International Scientific Conference on the Development of Industrial Engineering: Opportunities, Potentials,

    Challenges, April 2018


    Aluminijeve zlitine v avtomobilski industriji

    Aluminium Materials in the Automotive Industry

    Mitja Muhič

    Višja strokovna šola, Šolski center Novo mesto | School Center Novo mesto, Higher Vocational School,

    Slovenia [email protected]


    V avtomobilski industriji se uporabljajo za izdelavo žarometa polimerni materiali, ki jim

    oplemenitimo površino z nanosom tanke plasti čistega aluminija. V naši raziskavi je potekal

    nanos aluminija na očiščeno površino z vakuumskim naparjanjem. Po nanosu aluminija se je

    površina zaščitila s steklu podobno prevleko s postopkom plazemske polimerizacije.

    Na osnovi zahtev kupca se kakovost obdelane površine ugotavlja s standardnimi predpisi ali s

    predpisi, ki jih zahteva kupec. Zaradi predolgega časa preverjanja kakovosti, ki ga predpisuje

    standard, smo iskali nove možnosti kontrole zaščitne plasti. Tako smo primerjali zaščitno plast

    s klimatskimi testi, ki jih predpisuje standard SIST EN ISO 6270-2CH. Testi so se izvajali v

    certificiranem laboratoriju in so predstavljali referenco rezultatom dobljenih v parni komori.

    Rezultati preizkusa so bili primerljivi s preizkusi določenim