3reasons everyone should try alternate nostril breathing

3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Breathing BY DR. PAULA WATKINS MARCH 14, 2014 4:39 AM EDT Conscious breathing exercises, or pranayama, are a big part of yoga, and they're among the key tools I use as a psychologist — particularly when working with clients who are experiencing stress or anxiety. In Western contexts, diaphragmatic breathing is the most commonly known breathing technique but new scienti�c research is beginning to shed light on other pranayama techniques and their bene�ts. Breathing consciously is a powerful act. The process of breathing sits directly at the interface of our voluntary nervous system (aspects of our physiology under our conscious control) and our autonomic nervous system (aspects generally not under conscious control). It’s a direct path for us to communicate quickly to the brain via what we do with our body. It also o�ers a direct link for balancing the sympathetic (�ght-or-�ight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-relax) branches of the nervous system. Nadi shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine and yoga, where it’s thought to harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain, resulting in a balanced in physical, mental and emotional well-being. While science has yet to really explore what might be going on in terms of hemispheric functioning during this practice, recent studies have con�rmed some pretty powerful e�ects of this practice. So here are three good reasons for practicing this pranayama: 1. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system <http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s& 3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Brea... http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12936/3-reasons-e... 1 de 3 02/02/15 13:49

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nostril breathingun tipo de terapia para ayudar a conectar cuerpo y mente


3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Breathing


MARCH 14, 2014 4:39 AM EDT

Conscious breathing exercises, or pranayama, are a big part of yoga, and they're among the key tools I use as a

psychologist — particularly when working with clients who are experiencing stress or anxiety. In Western contexts,

diaphragmatic breathing is the most commonly known breathing technique but new scienti�c research is beginning to

shed light on other pranayama techniques and their bene�ts.

Breathing consciously is a powerful act. The process of breathing sits directly at the interface of our voluntary nervous

system (aspects of our physiology under our conscious control) and our autonomic nervous system (aspects generally not

under conscious control). It’s a direct path for us to communicate quickly to the brain via what we do with our body. It also

o�ers a direct link for balancing the sympathetic (�ght-or-�ight) and parasympathetic (rest-and-relax) branches of the

nervous system.

Nadi shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, has a long history in Ayurvedic medicine and yoga, where it’s thought to

harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain, resulting in a balanced in physical, mental and emotional well-being. While

science has yet to really explore what might be going on in terms of hemispheric functioning during this practice, recent

studies have con�rmed some pretty powerful e�ects of this practice.

So here are three good reasons for practicing this pranayama:

1. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system <http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&

3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Brea... http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12936/3-reasons-e...

1 de 3 02/02/15 13:49


Dr. Paula WatkinsDr. Paula Watkins is a clinical psychologist, meditation coach, and also holds a PhD in Public Health and CommunityMedicine. A long-time practitioner of yoga and meditation, she is also a registered yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance. Dr.Watkins has immersed herself in the �elds of psychology, neuroscience and contemplative traditions and translatesresearch and wisdom from these traditions into e�ective strategies for improving wellbeing. She lives between Sydney andByron Bay, Australia. Visit her website <http://www.drpaula.net> and connect with her on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/doctorpaula#> .




cad=rja> and reduces blood pressure.

2. It enhances respiratory functions <http://www.stmjournals.com/med/index.php?journal=AYUSH&page=article&

op=download&path%5B%5D=53&path%5B%5D=pdf> : increases respiratory strength and endurance.

3. It improves attention and �ne-motor coordination/performance <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles

/PMC3628802/> .

So … nadi shodhana is good for our hearts; good for our lungs; and good for our heads.

Ready yet? Here’s how:

Nadi Shodhana Practice

Sit in any comfortable seated position. Relax the body and breath naturally for a few moments, allowing your mind and

body to settle.

Rest your left hand on your lap or knee.

Make a "peace sign" with your right hand. Fold the two extended �ngers toward the palm or rest them lightly on the

bridge of your nose. Place your thumb gently onto your right nostril. Place your ring and little �ngers gently onto your left


Close your eyes and begin by softly closing your right nostril (using your right thumb) and inhale slowly, deeply, smoothly,

gently and without strain through your left nostril.

Close your left nostril (using your ring and little �ngers) and release closure of your right. Exhale through your right nostril.

Inhale through your right nostril.

Close your right nostril and release closure of your left. Exhale through your left nostril.

3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Brea... http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12936/3-reasons-e...

2 de 3 02/02/15 13:49

MindBodyGreen.com is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content andimages found on MindBodyGreen.com may not be reproduced or distributed, unless permitted in writing by MindBodyGreen, LLC.MindBodyGreen® is a registered trademark of MindBodyGreen, LLC.

This completes one round. Continue the pattern from steps 4-7 for as long as you wish. When you’re �nished: relax both

arms, sit and breathe naturally for a few moments before opening your eyes.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com <http://www.shutterstock.com>

3 Reasons Everyone Should Try Alternate Nostril Brea... http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-12936/3-reasons-e...

3 de 3 02/02/15 13:49