3tu.datacentrum 3 universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving jeroen...

3TU.Datacentrum 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

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Page 1: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving

Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

Page 2: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


1. Introduction3TU.Datacentrum background

2. Organisational challengesRoles and responsibilities divided among institutesFocus on research support

3. Service challengesAdd value for differing needs

Page 3: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


• Delft University of Technology16,400 students 4,700 staff (204 professors)

• Eindhoven University of Technology7,000 students 3,100 staff (169 professors)

• University of Twente8,400 students 3,000 staff (180 professors)

• 3TU.Datacentrum initiated 2008 by University libraries as 3yr project by 3TU.Federation

• Current year for transition to going concernStructural funding, staff, QA, promotion focus on data consumers

• Challenge: ‘Competitors’ trusting each other!

Page 4: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

Organisational solutionsOrganisational solutions

• New ‘flag’: 3TU

• Front offices– Local 3TU.Datacentrum staff as liaison and ‘primary’ data stewards

Few people at every institute with basic knowledge of data management and 3TU.Datacentrum product catalogue

• Back office– Special expertise and archive at TU Delft

TU Delft has national task and builds on two previous projects: E-Archiving – digital depot, Darelux – Data Archiving River Environment LuxemburgOther projects at other universities

• Data-labs– Consult, support, build platforms for on-going research (projects)

Trying Data Verse Network and supporting 2 community platforms

Page 5: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


• Front office– Being (physically) close helps building trust– Huge ‘disciplinary’ (individual) differences in openness and data

management level– Need more than a few (trained) people

• Back office– Wide array of skills required (legal, it,

management, digital curation, research tools, training, …)

– Trade-off between long term preservationand (re-)use

– Balancing generic and discipline specific

• Data labs– Value for acquisition and standardisation

Page 6: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

Researcher NeedsResearcher Needs

• Security– Long term, source preservation, backup, …

• Data exchange– Visibility, access, enable sharing, efficient distribution, …

• Storage space– Finished project data, …

• Claim– Pre-publication data sharing, verification, …

• Quality– Standards, …

• (Access) Efficiency– Data modelling, retrieval, …

Page 7: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

• ‘Simple’ data setsSingle file (BagIt) per data set (can be a ‘zipped’ collection).Standard (self)upload form and descriptive information,

• Special collectionsRelation network of data sets, instruments, time, locations and areas – formalised in RDF.Negotiate: deposit procedure, descriptive information (xml, picture, preview), data model, …

• Querying for large (array) data sets (OPeNDAP)

• We offer tailor-made if …– The data collection fits the objects + datastreams + relations setup– Your functional requests has (expected) general applicability– You do not require a different look & feel”

Service/technical solutionsService/technical solutions

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Is gemeten door

Is lid van


Gaat over tijd

Staat op plaats

lengtegraad 4.3742Periode(maand)

Is deel van


Is deel van



naamDak van EWI

naam windmeter

naam Delft

DatasetD2Is berekend uit


Is deel van









Special collectionsSpecial collections

Page 9: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

• Standard (bibliographical) meta data • Single datastream “BAG” (BagIT)

zipfile containing data en technical meta data

Most cases only data required.Meta data for long term preservation:- checksums- mapping of file extensions to mime-types

Simple data setsSimple data sets

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Page 11: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


• Advice by 3TU.Datacentrum is much appreciated

• Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) as ‘carrots’(TU Delft Library is a DataCite partner)

• Difficult to grasp relational data model

Page 12: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011


Evaluation• Opportunities for university libraries• People training (data librarians & data

scientists) required• Data acquisition/ingest, training, raising

awareness, cultural change are all slow processes

• High IT ‘awareness’ researchers makes life easy & difficult

Plans•Expand front offices•Discipline archive collaboration •Expand staff and skills•Data consumers•Funding

Page 13: 3TU.Datacentrum 3 Universities joined forces to support research with data-labs and archiving Jeroen Rombouts, TU Delft Library, March 28, 2011

Questions & DiscussionQuestions & Discussion

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• Main website: datacentrum.3tu.nl• Data website: data.3tu.nl

• Example special collections:– OPeNDAP + picture ‘quicklook’: IDRA drizzle radar data:


– XML view: Hospital event log: http://dx.doi.org/10.4121/uuid:d9769f3d-0ab0-4fb8-803b-0d1120ffcf54

• Simple data sets:– Laser measurements flame: http://dx.doi.org/10.4121/uuid:cb9c1edd-1120-4a05-


• DataCite: datacite.org