4 assigment ideate

Ideate Lisse%e Marin 4 assigment

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Lisse%e  Marin  

4 assigment

Step 1 - Idea Generation §  Restore the current lockers!

§  Paint and fix existing lockers!

§  Use existing furniture to create a new design of lookers!

§  Use a different type of furniture with different functions, for use as Lockers.!

§  Rotate existing lockers!

§  paint existing Lockers!

§  Refurbish.!

What  are  the  most  obvious  solu0ons  for  this  problem?  (even  things  that  you  know  already  exist)  

§  Add, open spaces!

§  Having specialized sections within the locker!

§  Change the locker role, not only focus in protected from things, but add other features.!

§  Changing the focus of a locker static, but can be mobile or transportable.!

§  use other objects to the protections of the materials!

What  can  you  add,  remove  or  modify  from  those  ini0al  solu0ons?  

§  Forming cardboard boxes form.!

§  Would focus on the essentials of the function: save, organize, separate.!

§  Improvise!

§  View the lockers from another perspective!


How  would  a  5-­‐year-­‐old  child  solve  the  problem?  

§  Designing the space to be located these.!§  Working with innovative materials!§  Propose unusual shapes that meet the save

function, protect the locker but with a fun approach.!

§  analyze the actual functions to determine the best way!

§  users observe and identify their needs!§  Reducing space and materials currently

have.!§  using different illuminations according to

section or level!§  Smart technology adding in lockers!§  allow customization of these according to the


How  would  you  solve  the  problem  if  you  had  an  unlimited  budget?  

§  Reusing existing materials and lockers!

§  Reducing space !§  Reducing materials currently


§  reusing materials to generate new models!

How  would  you  solve  the  problem  without  spending  any  money?  

§  having these outdoor!

§  integrate elements of nature to these (ventilation, temperature changes according to the season)!

How  would  you  solve  this  problem  if  you  had  control  over  the  laws  of  nature  (think  invisibility,  teleporta0on,  etc.)?  

Step 2 - Idea Selection: 

1.  integrate elements of nature to these (ventilation, temperature changes according to the season!

2. Smart technology adding in lockers! 3. Changing the

focus of a locker static, but can be mobile or transportable.!


Image for: www.gettyimage.com!