4. cellular sexual reproduction

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Advantages of Sexual


    Sexual reproduction allows the shuffling of genes

    Sexual reproduction may combine different

    parental alleles to produce a genetically unique


    Sexual reproduction allows the combining

    genetically determined traits, leading to rapid


    The rate of mutations is very low, although they

    produce new alleles

  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Chromosomes Exist in


    Somatic cellshave homologous pairs ofchromosomes, with each chromosome of a pair

    coming from each parent

    Homologous chromosomescode for the same

    genes, but have different alleles of each gene,

    allowing for different expressions of the same


    Homologous pairs are matched in:


    Centromere position

    Gene loci: different alleles of the same gene are

    found at the same gene loci on the maternal andpaternal chromosomes

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    Cells of Reproduction

    Diploid cellshave homologous pairs

    Haploid cellsdo not have homologous pairs, and

    are formed through meiosis

    Gametesare haploid cells produced by meiosisin sex organs

    Sperm: male

    Egg: female

    Fertilizationis the union of sperm and egg Zygotes are formed by fertilization and are

    diploid, because they are the fusion of two

    haploid gametes

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Meiosis Meiosisis the process of cell division that converts

    one diploid cell into four haploid cells

    The basic cellular mechanisms for meiosis are the

    same as mitosis

    The events of Interphase are the same as in mitosis G1: growth and development

    S: DNA duplication

    G2: preparation for cell division

    Meiosis is has two cell divisions, unlike mitosis In Meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate

    Forms two haploid cells from diploid cells

    In Meiosis II, sister chromatids separate

    Chromosome number remains the same and two haploid cells

    result in four haploid cells

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    Meiosis is divided into two stages: Meiosis I: separation of homologous chromosomes

    Meiosis II: separation of sister chromatids

    Each stage of meiosis is further divided into

    prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and

    cytokinesis (I or II)

  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction



    n x


    n nnn

    2n x


    n x


    Interphase: Cell Growth

    and DNA Duplication

    Meiosis I:

    Separation of


    Meiosis II:


    of Sister








  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Meiosis I: Prophase I Prophase I is the first stage of Meiosis I and is the


    The main purpose of Prophase I is to pair uphomologues and have them cross over

    Prophase I is further divided into 5 stages: Leptotene



    Diplotene Diakinesis

    These subdivisions are described as theoccurrences that happen that are visibleunder an

    electron microscope

  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Prophase I: Leptotene and


    In leptotene, the first stage of Prophase I, thecondensation of chromosomes is clearly visible

    under the electron light microscope, as paired

    sister chromatids

    In zygotene, the second stage of Prophase I,

    homologous pairs are paired one on top of the

    other, in a process called synapsis

    The synaptonemal complex (SC)are lateral

    protein filaments, mostly cohesin, that hold

    homologous pairs together; they are not completely

    formed untilpachytne

    The resulting structure after synapsis is called

    tetrad or bivalent

  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Prophase I: Pachytene In pachytene, the third stage of Prophase I, the SC is

    completely formed and crossing over occurs Crossing over, also called genetic recombination, is the

    process where the certain segments of the same geneloci are exchanged between the non-sister chromatids of

    the maternal and paternal chromosomes The site of crossing over forms a covalent junction

    where the crossing over sites the chromosomeintertwine and are held together using cohesin, calledthe chiasmata

    Crossing over creates new allelic combinations, and theresulting gametes are potentially valuable in theevolution of an organism

    Crossing over ensures that no pure maternal or paternalchromosomes exist within humans

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Meiosis I: Metaphase I Metaphase I is the second stage of meiosis Mitotic spindles attach to the kinetochores of the tetrads

    The homologous chromosomes of the tetrads attach to thespindles of opposite poles

    The sister chromatids of the same chromosome attach to thespindles of the same poles

    Mitotic spindles align the tetrads along the metaphaseplate

    The orientation of the paternal and maternal homologuesare random, meaning that not all the maternal or paternalchromosomes face the same pole, but rather a mix of

    paternal and maternal chromosomes face either poles This means that the nucleus of the daughter cell after

    Meiosis I is a mixture of maternal and paternalchromosomes that was randomly separated from eachhomologue

    This process is called independent assortment, andproduces genetic variability. The combinations of


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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Meiosis I: Anaphase I

    Anaphase I is the third stage of meiosis

    The purpose of Anaphase Iis to separate the

    homologous pairs so that the daughter cells can

    receive half of each pair

    In order for the mitotic spindles to easily pull the

    homologues away from each other, the cohesin of

    the chiasmata are proteolyzed

    After the dissolution of the cohesin, the mitoticspindles split the homologues apart from each

    other and each chromosome is pulled to an

    opposite pole

    The sister chromatids of each chromosome

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    Meiosis I: Telophase I and


    During Telophase I, the fourth stage of mitosis: Chromosomes decondense Nuclear envelope reforms Nucleolus reforms

    However, the events of Telophase I are usually less

    dramatic than in the Telophase of mitosis, since thedaughter cells need to divide again anyways This means that the chromosomes do not fully

    decondense and the nuclear envelope and nucleolusmay or may not reform

    Cytokinesis in meiosis uses the same mechanism asin mitosis, using cleavage furrows to pull themembrane in

    The two resulting daughter cells are haploid becausethey do not contain homologous pairs, but still have

    double the DNA because each chromosome still hasa sister chromatid

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Meiosis II The main purpose of Meiosis II is to separate of sister


    The mechanism for Meiosis II is very similar to that ofmitosis

    Prophase I: chromosomes recondense, nuclearenvelope and nucleolus break down if they evenreformed during Telophase I

    Metaphase II: the kinetochores of sister chromatidsattach to mitotic spindles of opposite poles

    Anaphase II: the mitotic spindles split sisterchromatids apart and pull them to opposite poles

    Telophase II: the chromosomes decondense, nuclearenvelope and nucleolus forms, mitotic spindles

    disassemble C tokinesis: the cell membrane is ulled in usin a

  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    End Result of Meiosis

    From one parent cell before Meiosis I to the endof Meiosis II, four daughter cells are formed

    Each daughter cell contains one full set of DNA,

    but does not have homologous chromosomes,

    and is therefore a haploid

    To produce gametes, haploid cells have to go

    through differentiation

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    Mitosis vs. Meiosis

    Mitosis Meiosis

    Number of chromosomal


    1 1

    Number of cell divisions 1 2

    Number of daughter cells


    2 4

    How chromosomes line up during

    metaphase plate





    Genetic relationship of daughter

    cells to parent cell

    Identical Non-identical

    Functions performed in the human


    Growth, repair Spermatogenesis

    and oogenesis

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  • 8/12/2019 4. Cellular Sexual Reproduction


    Gamete Fusion and Genetic


    Two gametes of opposite sexes fuse to create adiploid zygote

    The fusion of gametes add further geneticvariability to the offspring

    Each gamete by independent assortment alonecan have 2n possible combinations of its parentschromosomes

    Therefore, the fusion of two gametes will create

    2n x 2n combinations of chromosomes The gametes from two humans could produce

    about 64 trillion different combinations

    This process is beneficial for the existence andwell-being as a species, as it makes it morediverse