4. differential forms a. the algebra and integral calculus of forms 4.1 definition of volume – the...

4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation And Definitions For Antisymmetric Tensors 4.3 Differential Forms 4.4 Manipulating Differential Forms 4.5 Restriction Of Forms 4.6 Fields Of Forms 4.7 Handedness And Orientability 4.8 Volumes And Integration On Oriented Manifolds 4.9 N-vectors, Duals, And The Symbol Ij…k 4.10 Tensor Densities 4.11 Generalized Kronecker Deltas 4.12 Determinants And Ij…k 4.13 Metric Volume Elements.

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Page 1: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4. Differential forms

A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms

4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms

4.2 Notation And Definitions For Antisymmetric Tensors4.3 Differential Forms4.4 Manipulating Differential Forms4.5 Restriction Of Forms4.6 Fields Of Forms4.7 Handedness And Orientability 4.8 Volumes And Integration On Oriented Manifolds 4.9 N-vectors, Duals, And The Symbol Ij…k

4.10 Tensor Densities 4.11 Generalized Kronecker Deltas 4.12 Determinants And Ij…k

4.13 Metric Volume Elements.

Page 2: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

B. The Differential Calculus Of Forms And Its Applications 4.14 The Exterior Derivative4.15 Notation For Derivatives4-16 Familiar Examples Of Exterior Differentiation4.17 Integrability Conditions For Partial Differential Equations4.18 Exact Forms4.19 Proof Of The Local Exactness Of Closed Forms4.20 Lie Derivatives Of Forms4.21 Lie Derivatives And Exterior Derivatives Commute4.22 Stokes' Theorem4.23 Gauss' Theorem And The Definition Of Divergence 4.24 A Glance At Cohomology Theory4.25 Differential Forms And Differential Equations4.26 Frobenius' Theorem (Differential Forms Version)4.27 Proof Of The Equivalence Of The Two Versions Of Frobenius' Theorem4.28 Conservation Laws4.29 Vector Spherical Harmonics4.30 Bibliography

Page 3: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

Concepts that are unified and simplified by forms • Integration on manifolds• Cross-product, divergence & curl of 3-D euclidean geometry• Determinants of matrices• Orientability of manifolds• Integrability conditions for systems of pdes• Stokes' theorem• Gauss' theorem• …

E. Cartan

Page 4: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.1. Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms

2 vectors define an area (no metric required).

Different pairs of vectors can have same area.

3. , , ,area a b area a c area a b c

:area V V R , ,a b area a b

area( , ) is a (02) skew-tensor

such that

2. , 0area a a 1. , ,area a b area b a →

Ex. 4.1

,x y

x y

V Varea V W

W WFor vectors in the x-y plane:

Page 5: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.2. Notation And Definitions For Antisymmetric Tensors

A (0p) tensor is completely antisymmetric if

, , , , , ,U V V U ,U V

Totally antisymmetric part of a (0p) tensor:

1, , ,

2!A U V U V V U

1, , , , , , , ,

3!A U V W U V W V W U W U V

, , , , , ,V U W W V U U W V



2!A i j j ii j

i j


3!A i jk j k i k i j j i k k ji j k ii j k i j k

A skew (0p) tensor on an n-D space has at most


! !np


p n p

independent components

Page 6: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.3 Differential Forms

p-form = completely antisymmetric (0p) tensor ( p = degree of form).

0-form = scalar function. 1-form = covariant vector.

Wedge (exterior) product :

p q p q q p

Let , ,p q r be 1-forms. Then

0p p →

be the vector basis & 1-form basis, resp.

ieLet & ie

Then is a basis for 2-forms.

; 1, ,i je e i j n


ni j

i ji j

e e


2!i j

i j e e

,i j i je e

j i



2!k l l k

k l i je e e e e e 1

2!k l l k

k l i j i je e e e e e e e


2!k l l k

k l i j i j 1

2! i j j i i j

2dim nC

= (vector) space of all p-forms at x M px M dim n


2x M

Page 7: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

p q r p q r p q r

Grassmann algebra = { all p-forms , +, }

Ex. 4.8:

Show that


Dim = 0

1 1 2n

nn np



[ ]p q

p i j k li jk lp q C p q

i j k j k i k i ji j kp q p q p q p q [ ]3 i j kp q if

1 2&p q

Page 8: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.4 Manipulating Differential Forms

Attention: signs

Let ,p q be p- & q-forms, resp. Then pqp q q p

Proof: Let

1 pp

be 1-forms such thatj

1p p qq

Then1 1p p p qp q

1 1 2p p p p p q

2 1 2 1 3p p p p p p q

1 1q p p p q p

pqq p

Page 9: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

Proof using basis:






iii ip p e e

p 1





iii iq q e e



1 1


! !p p p q

p p p q

i i iii i i ip q p q e e e e

p q

1 21

1 1


! !p p p p q

p p p q

p i i i iii i i ip q e e e e e

p q

1 2 31

1 1

2 1

! !p p p p p q

p p p q

p i i i i iii i i ip q e e e e e e

p q

1 1

1 1


! !p p q p

p p p q

pq i i iii i i ip q e e e e

p q

pqq p

Page 10: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation



,p empty slots

Let be a vector & a p-form.

i.e., ii j kj k


Example: p q where ,p q are 1-forms

p q p q q p p q q p p q q p

1 1 2 2 1p p pi i ii i i i ie e e e e e e e

1 2][! pii ip e e

1 2 2 1p pi ii i i ie e e e e e

1 2 2 1p pi ii i i ie e e e [ p! terms]

[ ]! i j kp e e

Page 11: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation






iii i e e

p 1 2

1 2



ii ii i i e e →

1 1 2][!p pi ii i ie e p e e

1 1p pi i i i

1 2

1 2



ii i

i i ie e

1 2

1 2


1 !p


ii ii i i e e


pp p p In general


1 !i j k

i j k e ep

= (p–1)-form with components 1

1 22


ii i ii i

Page 12: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.5. Restriction of Forms

A p-form is a (0p) tensor → its domain is

, , , ,W



, ,X Y W

dimW p


p factors


The restriction (section) to a subspace W of V is


dimW p → W is 1-D

(annulled by W)

Page 13: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.6. Fields of Forms

A field Ωp(M) of p-forms on a manifold M

= a rule that gives a p-form at each point of M.

Ditto vector field.

A submanifold S of M picks a subspace VP of TP PS.

→ Restriction of p-form field to S

= restriction of p-form at P to VP PS.

Page 14: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.7. Handedness and Orientability

1n nnDim M C Dim M n →

Let nP M

If ie is a basis for TP(M), then 1, , 0ne e iff 0 at P.



, , 0

, , 0n


e eright handede is if

e eleft handed

Relative handedness is independent of choice of

M is orientable if it is possible to define handedness continuously over it,

i.e., a continuous basis with the same handedness everywhere on M.

i.e., 0P P M E.g. En is orientable.

The Mobius band is not.

Absolute handedness is fixed by the choice of the coordinate chart.

Page 15: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.8. Volumes and Integration on Oriented Manifolds

Integration of a Function


, , nn

x xx x

1 1 11

, ,n n nn

dV x x dx dx x xx x

( parallelepiped / cell )

(volume of cell)

:f M R (function)

1 1, , n n n


f x x d x f x x

Integration of f over cell :

1 11

, ,n nn

f dx dx x xx x


, , nn

x xx x


1 nf dx dx ( n-form )

Integration of f over U M :



f d x cell U

1 n


f dx dx

Page 16: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

Change of Variables

is independent of coordinates up to an overall sign.

,f d d ,f d d

d dx dyx y

, ,x y

dx dyx y y x

E.g., M is 2-D :

Changing coordinates

d dx dyx y

d d dx dy dx dyx y x y



x yJ

x y

x y


,dx dy

x y

= Jacobian

J dx dy J dy dx

d d J dxdy

Riemannian integration:

Page 17: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

11, , n

nx e x e 11

, , nn

cell x xx x


1 nf dx dx

1 , , ne e

nf d x cell


Let be another basis which differs from

1 11 , ,n n

ncell f dx dx x e x e

11 , , n

ncell x e x e

1, , ne e only in handedness.

'cell cell

cell cell


Let the entire region of integration be orientable, then

By convention, a right-handed basis is always assumed in

nf d x cell


Page 18: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

Integration on Submanifold

1, , n pn n

1, , n pn n

is defined only for n-form on an n-D manifold M,

or p-form over a p-D submanifold S.

Relation between the orientabilities of M and S ?

( Domain must be internally orientable )

Let M be orientable and a right-handed n-form at PS.

the p-form is a right- handed restriction of to S

not tangent to S at P,

Given n–p independent normal vectors

1, , n pn n determines an external orientation for S at P.

S is externally orientable if it is possible to define an external orientation continuously over it.

If U M is orientable, then S U is either both internally and externally orientable, or it is neither.

Otherwise, S may be one but not both.

Page 19: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

Mobius strip embedded in R3.

M is not externally orientable in R3.

A curve is always internally orientable

→ it can't be externally orientable inside a nonorientable submanifold

C1 is not orientable in M

But C2 is both internally & externally orientable in M

Page 20: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

4.9. N-vectors, Duals, and the Symbol

Dual Maps


p vector n p forms

g g

p forms n p vectors

* T T T

* T T

1 1

1 1


!q n

n q

j j iii i j jT e e e e

n T

g = metric tensor

: dual map

Dual of a q-vector T

*: *q n q n q V V





i i

i iT e e T






iii i e e







i i

i iT e eq





i i

i iT e e

Page 21: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

1 1

* *n q n qi i i i


1 1

1 1


!q q n

q q n

j j i inq j j i iC T e e



1 1

1 1


!q n

n q

j j iii i j jT e e e e

n T

1 1 11 1

1 1 1 1

q q q qn n

n q n q

j j j j i ii ii ii i j j i i j jT e e e e T e e

1 1

1 1

q q n

q q n

j j i ij j i i T e e


1 1


! !q n q

q n q

ij j ij j i i T e e

q n q

*T is an (n-q)-form with components

1 n qi i



1 1



q n q

j jj j i i T


Page 22: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

,U V

123 1


i j j iU U U U

i ji jU V e e

2 3 32 1dim * 3 dimC C V V

Example: Cross Products in E3


be vectors &Let ,U V the associated 1-forms.


2!i j

i jU V e e

2!i j i jU V

2 3 3 1 1 22 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 1U U U U e e U U U U e e U U U U e e

W U V i j kj k iU V e * i j k

j k iW U V e Let →

Setting gives *W U V * U V

The cross product exists only in E3 , where

Page 23: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

cell cell

1 1

1 1


! !q n q

q n q

j j i i

j j i iT S e e e eq n q


cell cell cell

1 1

1 1

1* ,

!q n q

q n q

j j i ij j i i T S



1 1



! !q q n


j j j jj jT S e e

q n q

1 1



!q q n


j j j jnq j jC T S e e


= n-vector with components 1 1 1n q q nj j j j j jnqC T S T S

11! n qqn q T S if

12 1n

Page 24: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation

cell cell cell cell cell cell

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cell cell cell cell cell cell

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Page 28: 4. Differential forms A. The Algebra And Integral Calculus Of Forms 4.1 Definition Of Volume – The Geometrical Role Of Differential Forms 4.2 Notation