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4 JtI H JjJlIIir i Ji 4 LJl J Wi11 Hr J 11 I < l 7 THE SUN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 291895 1 u WlilTK PEOPLE I IX CHINA rllr ArrrAi io riirtn oor JnOUZS JOI IHOTKCTIOX- Ttiftr rrrort lo More rocland nnd Amer I ten lo AdUtnli Hi Hlinnichnl nnd Other Plnten The Offlclnl Clnis Deeply Implleotcd I In the Mutrnsc nr Greg or3l Hlnlemrnt or the Knehemc Horror The Americans and IuropennalD Chins hare been thoroughly ArOI 1 terrible out rapM recently perpetrated 1 upon their I race A letter sent tn Tie Sirs from Shanghai say as The foreign rrsllentln China nro At length determine tn tocalled representat- ive ¬ nt IrUn nnd nppcal to public opinion In Knclaiiil snil America That Is of course the final tribunal of popular government and If l It cun tio rotiteil nrd wo shall do our level best t rntle It the gentlemen who occupy expensive berths In VnUilnKton and Downing street as- wrllfH lcpitlon street lekln may find It fleece tary to i lm n wel nt draw their pny Ulnl King i held 1 crent Indignation rneetlnir nnil frnmcil n resolution prtetnla- tnt I C thin npathj of the rltnh orchr end ilemnmllni strong measures This Iho ot Hong Kong rcfusel to forward but- It GOtnor can without his nltnnce b cone Copies Vurfi CMini Afirj thnt have resilied till olllco giro reports of the action taken br while foreigners at their meetings In Mitnshal nnil other cities At Shanghai tho meeting rcfolxcd to appeal directly to our reo epectUe Governments for protection from out rnjoby CMne and against tho apparently In ileiunte manner In which the persons guilty of former outrage have been nnd aro brine dealt with One of the mn t noteworthy speeches nt the hnnshnl meotlni yes br the Iter Timothy Jllcliiril wunrnld- AftersitnilliiB tw ntrflvo years of my life InriulrntorlnK tl prnmolo the best Intrrostnof tne ClliirH 1 think It wuuhl be dlfflcult tu aialoi nt 1 tae thnt I am actuated by an Ante iipcic ba I beleve the Chinese pOtS qtlllc lilri aro lot behind thoe of n- nonr rnton In tho werld Thin penple are good trii rf the minlnrln nre friendly too but n- Ine number stern to bo Incorrigibly bad lint i It is y 111 tncl In the taco of such terrllil- oirtMcsrjalnstiny fellowcountrjiucn to taken t un cent IIII rfit riots of China which hnvo l rnenltlilnthuriihvre of my obcrvntlon nnd- liistenilothrvlnz to record Increasing friend ihlp and crntltude of the rhlrCo for tho clcnn tic ehrltIe4 ot ClirlMendom In Chins I hove to record continued hostilities and guilt of the ChInese f uthcrltl3 FIrM ehnvc the great Tientsin rna sncro- or 1STP when twenty > nOulutr Sisters cf Charitv vriro brutally Ilrlprel thecol lu < lon of the 1nI the prefect and mall trnle there In we hnd the nnmlir of Mr Wargrary by the Miinilnrln 11 PIrhtn In JS ve hart n general on lnnclit on elahteeii- ehnixl nnd on the homos of native Christians In tue prmlncrof Canton Thnt was In ronse- qntncorf 0 Joint Inflammatory proclamation rut out Inthe Viceroy anti Ailmlrnl In 18NO theniwrre riots both In Klani i and In Srcc- liuan Tho Itomnn Cnthollr IA rtshtlnK nn- trrQfd tuoh ivhlcli l siirroutided hi linim wai ell Irllhly thu Chinese authorities to 1SPO them were chronic trouble In Meantime aptln mlsfonnrli of nil tiAtlontlitlcs A German Connl rhn wn scnt- to Investigate tho matter dlco orci the Instlca t rot tliese to boa member of the n- mCn Itself In 1SP1 we WITO inrtlnl I by n vcrle t riots all along tho YcnctsQ Valley from Hhnr bnl to IcVanc and foreien tort In our prorlncos brut to Irn tlicinsclvrs zs they wuro In contant rtrcml riot Thj o wcr after WKIT illsinv rod to be In ron < pqnenc of n n hlo jircail prnpicanilii tint Inc Its hcmloinrter In liinnn ixnil the leader vai Chou Jinn none other that a innmlurln of the rank of Tnola- lIk rnnn whonouM not allow thn frlenil of the mnnlerid lctlm t t be pressnt nt tho mock trial of tin of the two Sneiles Tins n- preatltreror Abut the amo time we lenrnwl- ot a innnlerous attacV on Dr Grelg In Mon cblirla by thluese soldiers In 1MI4 we had to rerord the tout murder of Mr 1 VrlIn 1 In Inncliurln by ManchU I M l liller- Ihere fire been riot sIn in Hitnnn iR Jluivh- In Shensi In KnnMt 11 Kurlchow ni null nsiit tempt maile to riots In bhinoi by proc Ihtnntton In my iw Mlon ltictlliy the rhi- ti 3e mncltrntcs In M17 I till Terr we hail this riot In I2ehunti In vrlilh twenty ntatUms wrr- oinckid and over 1 hunilrei forclsnirs nero kept In ilnly nipvtiM atmtit their nn u personal n > v for weeks ItKteirl of n lnc the cioic nt haiti to rlicl the riot i the mandarins tuned proilrmatlon to Urge them on Hvforo the riits la chnnn were o er tier reached c of rn outbreak In June nealn t native Chris tins near Veiichow In Cheklnnir- lieforo l deflnlto news ft what Is going to be dnno In settlement of the 8conuna troubles readies us we are stunned by the erownlnc- stroiltjrdf all recent riot of I ten of our fellow countrymen liriitallv murdered and all but rifle are ladler nnd children From this outline It I Is evident that with the exception that be an exception of Kunnitt province the riots have Iecu universal throughout every province In the empire Another thine that should bo ears fully noted 1 till that nil this tr nt riots up to the rutleo rot have bArn Instluateil directly indIrectly by the rhlne nuthoritles them- selves ¬ Whether thev liMo hnd any share In the Fuklnn nms ncra or not will bo mode clenr- on Investleitlnn The object of presenting you with pitch a- long list of rlolH ii to show AS briefly jiolblo what our position line been durlnc the lust thlrtyfl years and how this Chlnccn protect our lles and property We have nppenleda- tcnln und again to our own authoritIes anti they treatlnc tlm hlnrse ns honest In their In- tention ¬ in turn appeal to tIm to carry out the treaty contract of protection with what re suIt our gathering here today shows Since tho Chinese will tiot or cannot protect us It matters cot which titers I Is hut one course left tin ont that I in we henceforth croso from appealing to the Chinese and appeal directly to our respec- tive ¬ Governments for protection Wo meet hers 101lav thnt you may rtccldn whether you wish to trust to hlnree protection any lonlrr IlellevliiK that we nrn one In the opinion that their oct ninply prove that they cannot be trutnl I threfor most heartily support the rrli t ion A 1I1lnllfl It wn tlie horror of the Kiichenp mnssapre that p oked at last the unlvrrMil demand for retribution and protection nnionB the white rfhlnt of China One of tho mot concise nnd icrnpnlo Hatemoota poncprnliic the mu mere ins written hy the American missionary Ill Oreirory It has been jirlotid In the Vorfh- Chlufi VII In Yrim and I Is AS follow- At IilO P M on the 1st of Miens a native Christian rushed Into my study payIng that OHIO of the forelm ladles at Whasanif mono taln resort near KuchnnK oily lied boon killed that mornIng and our houses burned Fifteen minutes later n note from Mr Ihllltpa con flnneil the report for he said thAt five ladles wero dead four seriously wounded and the litewarts mIssing I 111 once went Into thnlAimrn- wherp hundredsof people hml nlrpadv gathered The district maelktrate I Vianui said he would Immediately iro right up to W 1m sane taking some sixty soldiers with him At a V SI I left Knchnmr city under escort- of thirteen noldlors and arrived At Whnsanir at H P M lo nnd trial nine adults KnKll h siih Jects tnt been inurderetl and that nil those nllTP at hasanv nine had l been more nr less severely Inlurpd with the exception of Mr Phlllps who tied arrived at Whnlilf only two nrthreudnyii before and wile Imletnirnt a native house some distance from the Rnclllh cnttnues 1 ut once set to work to make the injured ns- comforbible as pnlbp- I mono that Miss Codrlnctnn English hail received one sword cut extending f om the left analn of this mouth dinuunnlly upward anti ilonnward seven Inches In extent ronitiletelr dividing this lower Up situ exposing ILLS J Jawbone tint rut In tlm crown of three Inches exposed tie Inner table of the skull there was a cut eros ISis nose under the eye A cut three Inches long on the right side of the neck two wounds also wounds on the arm nnd a deep fcniintl on the right thigh serious Miss llurtford < American received slight Injury In the rhoU buying been beaten by an- a i nIUnt whllo duwM While the servant truuulpil 1 with him slio enenpcd to the hllU nnd remained hidden iinlll use affair wn riser Her WTot Injury iw shock Mildred Htevrart aired l IV win wnunded her right knee Joint was ex- pood six incites she hAIl two wound on tlio left ig IH lou Kathleen Stewart 1 II slight IPlilie k Herbert Stewart 0iltcp wound right Siile of the neck four iitciiPI compound com- minuted 1 fracture the skull on back of brad Jinni thrnilKh t the rkull thrriiuh which the brain woo uIIIIeti nouruleil left aide ot bvadl wound chest stab hack Ho died thirty hours Jlr en route Ewe Stewart 3 stab left iMh bruIsed but iiolserlouidy Haby Ronart thirteen months stabbed lu the rleht eye niinied In the face and on the heads fractured skull several brule serious OJ those klllwl Mr anti Mrs Stewart Miss CMIV tlAIIIIlrr and Lena the Irish nurse were iOlleil anti burned with Iho house Miss Mottle j wcnrnbe was speared and kllltd Uy lielnij thrown from a precipice Miss Mnrstmlls Urait wascnt her head being nearly farernll- lM r Stewart hotly showed no ounds dentil I tint shock probable Miss iordon bail deep ipoarwoiitidsdn the face and nek anti side of lijad MItts Topsy friundcrns death win Ceimseil i by a PW wound entering the brain orbit The missionaries wero apparently massacred 1 ff members of n secret society known ns Vst inane The party I Is estimated to have onIted ut eighty men armed wIth spears coil worit h trongly orgeniretl 1 auth under one h5der There was no nliIclon of an ltck iJI i h wie sudden and terrible The whotc At wu over to thirty minute Mu i Cwrlnlf ton says they bemjpil for life and promised property anti valiiahlei fomn nisallnnts were nrllI lo ylrld hat tin lender who carried a red nAil vaseil title And shoutol tn his tnent Yet know your orders kill outrIght I ft In the cvetdtiu wn placed llm imdlcs In cOOlnlllllIl after much eirnrt succeeded In get i to order thn coffins to bo curried to Stilkuw and sentim chairs fur the stir Jlvor SVtt left WhnsniiK nt a i PM on Iho of Auuiist forRiilkowi travelled nil night arriving at HiO nt ulkIlY The tmrty left for Koochow nt a i 1 P to on this id nnd met n ItltVltli with United Htnlps Marshal Hlxson anti Mcjirs Wolfe antI Ihinlster Kngllsh 11I10 Ion arfe on board with supplies Wo arrived at oocliow l at 1CH on the 4th KATtOXAL OUlnl OrBS Cot Appleton of the Moventh tlcftlment orders that drills In that commend bin on Tuesday next and eontluuu until April t IBUH Ito pays a tribute lo ex- DealCot Smith and In giving his Ion record says- tIIUtCo1 Oeorge Moore Smith has been promoted lo the honorable and responsible position of Colonel- of the Rxtninth lleghnent rank Aug 01H9 anti Is eoiigratulitrd upon this recognition of hl1luabl0 services In restoring that organization which has a historical record so brilliant anti patriotic to Its former rank In the National Ouanl Ills tong faith- ful anti devoted service In the Seventh Itfrtli Cot Is untversilly rrcoiulied and appreciated nod he I Is endeared his comrades br his rianly generous anti unselfish character lie l Iivce this organization wilt the frllullhlp anti bet wishes of his assoclntus anti with their entire vonlldenco In hIs success In another nhl of us fulneii lie originated the Idea of recog nilloi alit cncouirn lnir long anti faithful service In the Seventh glment by a badge to tsi awarded by its Hoard of ORIren anti his sumcttlon resulted lu the Cross of Honor for that purpose Col Smith was one of tho founders of the Nntlona1 Ulitu Asoclston anti was for ninny jean a director suit he was active In securing Iho rifle range anti In iiromntlni ant popularizing rifle practice at Crcedmoor For several years be has held the Important position of Chairman of the Hoard for the examination of onicers In tho National luard In this city II In lo such able loyal sclftacrinclng officer as Col SmIth that the Seventh Regiment owes no small part of Its fame anti their call tn active servlcu- tiewhere reflects honor upon lhlorfanlintlnn Noth- Ing lu Us history I is more creditable tn Its name that the service of more tItan 030 of I its members as officer In the regular anti I volunteer army nnd navy of the United Btntes during the war for the UnionUtyelcht ot whom gave their lives to their country Huch ills Unction achieved by so many of their comrades should I H an Inspiration to all now serving In the ranks of the Seventh continue thelrefforls to promote Its net fare anti Increase Its capacity for putilo usefulness There will lie two election In the armory next trlday evening one for Major In which Capt Conover wilt be choen cud ono fur Second Lieutenant or Company C In wtthl Flist Sergeant Crane will be promote Private Crawford of Company F Twelfth Regiment tiavli g forgotten lilt locker keys Mkcd tlm armorer- to unlock his locker for him Acting under reinila tlon which direct thnt lockers can lm opened ty him only nt the request of an officer the armorer declined to open the locker for Private Crawford unless the roneut of either an nftleer or a noncommlssloa- cdori was obtained The private refused to seek suet Iermjutlou ard eventually pried open the door ulng n bayonet for that pitrpioe Tho armortr Immediately rutoriett It ftl lire Itttmnrterc with Iho rnlt that 1rl ate Crawfonl was sentenced by the Delinquency Court LleuuCcl llutt In pa the sun of 810 as a tIne Inc bis fun This I the second offenro of Its kind In the reclmeuvwlthtn a couple of weeks nod the fine will hardly be remitted by the commanding oltVer Th Naval Reserve of New Jersey Ltentenantom- mander Washington Irtlnz are orxnntilni a third division matte up of residents of the Oranges Very satisfactory prove 11 elng matte In thlj direction nnd It I Is expected that the new command wttlsoonb In state tn be mustered Into the battalion Trie Irlll season In the AeTcntyflrsr Regiment begins ilrnlnr Sept ao Practice for the I 1NVO decoration be njln the snooty rifle range on Nor I sal ode Fib 2 HUG Thq match for the TabrtsEle Trophj will tn shot after March I Company f will hold a stag at fiTI Third avenue neSt Wednesday even- ing Oct S- Corportl Edwin P CIT of Company OPeventyrrst Regiment has been appointed a Battalion Quarter- master on the stilT of Col Beward of the Ninth Hrzl fluent He I Is known n an exceptionally wellposted young fun and was Die organizer the volunteer signal corps of the Soveaty first Rivlraent The position of Assistant Inspector of Rifle Practice nn the stiff nf Col irnrry Mchell of the Knuncentii Regiment has ben tilted by appointment or 1ollco Justice Alfred E Steers who resigned I from the reel meat something like a year ago I The ttocond Battery Cap David Wilson will re- sume lu active drill work next week The first Im portent social event of the season In the battery will tie n review on the evening of Dec 20 and among the Interesting evolutions of the evening will itt abattery drill a sabn drill emil an exhibitIon with the GallIng gun The recruit class will bp In charge of Lieut- bhrrry whose ability as an Instructor I Is well know 0 In the Fortyseventh Regiment Majors Eddy and Quick have been Instructed to attend company drill anti report to CoL Eddy the method of Instruction And attendance the different companies llecrultsnrn to be Instructed In a regimental else supervised by Major Quick Surgeon Wool has titen directed to In truct the hospital corps Major Charles K Roe of Hquailron A orders the drill seven of the squadron to commence In lIe new armory next week as follovts Troop Onein coin niand of Capt nrldgeman will drill on Tuesday iihthts anti Troop Two Capt Iladgloy on Friday night One halt of the staff antI noncommissioned star will drill on the Fame nlnht as Troop One and the other half on tne same nlht ai Troop Two The first call will at 813 P M and drill call at H23 P > t at which every man I Is dlrrctist to procppd to the place of falling In The nis mbly will bo souodx- latN80 P M when the squads platoons or troop will tall In rank It I Is desirable maya Major lies that every trooper should make a record of 100 per- cent of attendance anti each should take a personal Interest to have his troop stand tint at the end of the drill season The commanding officer desires every member of the squadron to understand that ho will bo welcome at the headquarters or Majors room at all- times Major HOP also announces tlm assignment of quarters In the new armory as follows Headquarters ln > lajorsroomsiiitliwektcurnorufseci nd floor A- djutants office and room of Adjutant aol Sergeant Major next room to tho cOst on tint speond floor Quartermasters oClce and room of Qujrtcrmastrr end Quartermaster Sergeant northwest room on ring floor HurgeoDs office room adjoining Quarterma- sters office Vcterlnarys office la armorers room at head of runayof stable The staff and noncom- missioned locker room will be the room on the south slits of third story Troop One I Is assigned second floor south wing Troop Two I Is assIgned third floor north wing A meeting of the entire squad- ron for the transaction of general business will be held next Tuesday evening Immed- iately upon the conclusion of the drill of Troop One The first drill of the troop will be dismounted and will consist of squad drills under noncommis- sioned ¬ officers superintended by the commissioned officers of the respective troops Drills for the non- commissioned omens of Troop Ono will bo held every Friday evening anti those for Troop Two will U hell every Monday evening until further orders At the last regular meeting of tIe squadron sixteen new members wero elected which practically tills hue squadron allowing scveotyflve mon to a trout Tho following men have been upuiniflhttt lIOn commis- sioned ofnrer In Troop Two pending uxaiulnitloni Sergeant William II Iudlnglon slut Corp tral Arthur II Francis The cadet l corps of Ihu troop will com roencn Its drills next month The List of Referee- Tburetereeswematpolotedlncaoee I la the elate courts la this city lest week tVrBFMK COCUT- Hu Jutlgt Barrttt COw Rtftrtt- WcRaa njtt Oraham Joseph K Owen Mutual Life Ins Co Oct llutie- rtHiicuss Wilson Cannon nomlauaiitCoukllnK wWli c Vilao- ililtitbrooK agh Inrsons taps avld Thomson n IP Forest avt lUng Win U Ilixs Itch1I41 vtnlnaulQ rrank W Arnold IlHiplu Ac aul I Am Btraiii II Ins Co Iukp A Ixwkwoo- dWliluuait i Hard rrauk I Donnhua- Haloneragt n Nolll rank I Ixuoliue Mount egu IlOldent Iou Bud sty Hamilton Odell- Khret azt Abel Joseph A Ilioinpsoo- elly 1 am 110cc Tliru F llauull- jJell nlLu > lutueil de France Hroln IM Vrnnklln Illa fattt r itt Sander Charles I U ouy- Irowbrldgv 1 agl Uans Chsrlcs I hey frlceagt > oKg Frank w AnioM Vociueragt llldden Frjnk W Arnolo- Itnnsevell ant Am V College frank W Arnold HctUhon agt Moritan Edward llradley JIll Jvilge DMltni- ltlelchlogsgl Lebcrl usury Jf Miller tplegela Mhlif luilin Oudl- nlUllrrvMliJte KrpdPrkk I Duncan Jurray ajt liaruum James J Stalls rofHT or CCIMHOK rtiu- Hrhwecler iv Judge Isor hunliiuti flJ7 IlhlL Ward Garden Hallerof Aer JviluurtarrLmore Horn ail Alexniider loiilsMjrsiall- wnuvansglLlrln tm Charles iiokUler circelax covn- rlljjuitje Dugni Ensign 54L Coin Thomas floes IMsMlmcr tut llouheiuii r Unytl S 1isue- UalcwsUiseiTlUriiiil Job Ii Jairoog TilE FAMINE OF LEMONS JUG imiruKNiR rv manr THAT JJIOMJlUJ KKJIltf BOOS Lemons Are Neitrcc Dent sad Poor In Qiin- lItrHhlltn CU Which Hnlnon Keeper Are lntA Chaises for ia fortune Lost Saloon keepers anti others In this city anti the rest of the country will bo pleated to hear that from nuOOO to 10000 boxes of lemon arc on the way and will bo horn within a week or ton ilnys Thcro line been an unmistakable lorujn- fumliio for tcvcrnl weeks and prices have gone up to nn extraordinary figure Not only thnt hilt tho fruit on hand is extremely un- satisfactory ¬ In every way except for tho ex- tract ¬ mak rn who earn for notlilnu but tlio rind The liulito of tho ordInary lemon just now Is almost ns devoid of Juice as jlmsnn wood pod antI as a tinnlworklm Imrkccpor re- mArked You have to vqtioeze n whole txix of lemons to Ret stuff enough for a lemotiiulo It Is not rosily so brett as that but the lemons aro remarkably devoid of julco and moreover are so scarce and high that many of tho lower grade of saloons hoe refused to buy them at all An Instance of this was observed In a Irani street rnlnon yesterday A customer asked for n glass ttf lemon anti seltzer Tho I proprietor was Ixjhlnd the liar atid said Youd hotter tako somrthlnR elect lemons I are sn liltfh that I rant alTonl to mnko lemon anti fcll7cr tins nickel us usual I didnt wiy anythliiR about the price returned the customer IM limn toilmrico you ten cents If I made ltmilil the saloon keeper 1110 on awl mnko Itl what do I care Well to toll jou tho truth I cant make It nt all I shut ilnwn on lemons when they got up to HO cents a dorm anti theyre worth 40 now- I havent hail a loinnn In tho houco fur a month Got acid phosphate thonuli Another inlnon keeper said that ho hind been paying So a IKIX for lemons for a week anti JiiKt beau they are high everybody asks for a stole drink Ho had IXTII smiting four duen lemons a day making hursos necks a rom blimtlon of uln rr alo and lemon whleh reemeil- to him In hnvn IKTOIIIO suililenly popular j just because lemons were pcarco- I thouirlit that this rlckev Imslnrss with limps would let UP on lemons to MIMIC extent hut It hasnt Ivo boon Iriylne peeled lemons from an extract maker for a lone while ont mini thrIll to make lemon julen fur the lute tiottlc lint lin tins 101111 linek- on inn within a mntith and 1 I expert I hut I has found Mimebodi wIll lug to tiny him a liettrr Price III ntlier times ho nat mlitlity- anxiiiis I to keep mi fur a putty customer anti at tho Mine tlim I wn throwing Imsluls IIf lemon pools 1ito limo is rbiRe whlrh hi mItllt Jut as well lime hart I Im boil udorn drum- mers ¬ in here trylmr t In soil mo i is nubtltiitu for lemon lulio hut I dont want to ervp OilY innriatle or even citric nrlil to my rmtnmors Limes aint > olot1tl limit lot nf people dcmt llko thlr inuitv titan or I dont mvelf fur tlint matter I Iinpvtl iMiell cot n shipment coon I IIIIVP lioon In Ihn iiiino sthlrtnn jnirs and never snw mixthini HVi this Inforn A denier In Imported fnilts In Greenwich strict mitt I vitonlav that th host lemons ami not very good tiltS nt that More soiling at S10- a lox anil the worst wore roniiiiniiillne S7 hut I that I the prleo wntild lit linikon i a few dajs liv time nrrltal In Tort of spernl shiploads of nhlrh I ailxlet bOil I Iwn ro olvod I A IKI ri if- lomnns rotitnins fromUHl to IKJO ncrordlnc to the eli of I tie fnilt nnd timl lumnril y the priceIs iruliitol 1 I ii tho iiunltv Irit lust now every Ixxlv is FO anxious to cet leinnns that any kind will lirlnu a lilcli prici intuit tint perhaps thn- ro mori whv tomo FnlKin le ivr omplain iiNin- thn I t lark of Juloo they find Ir I tho loinnns t thoy liar hiLt money for In nrdliinrv times time dial- ers ¬ would he afraId to t spout niih l bomb to moon upon vlumi they dojioMil fiir toulv tmdt1 The Juoelc lonnns ustinllr liae thick oIly rinds nrd nro sold alinist Invariably to extract nviiors This kind I txii tlv what thor do 1 sIre hut thoy are not buylni now on orcnunt of this prier I The iniinnffor nf ant of thn hlr cold storarn- hnusns suttull that thorn oro plontv rtf old nrntii s I in tim mnrkrt and would I 1m until I thus tiNt ttf time now rron ramo In from fallfurnla and oNowhore limit tlioro nor no till I lemons I have not heard of unit Itittly putting lemons In cold storage ho vent on Ve lmn hod- omiim ovrry year lout lmner bavn boon iiskf to Ink core of lomons XiilxHlv could fiiroso- tn lemons or a hie fortun inlcht liavn Ixf n mails Surh clrinros do not oocur often in nn ordinary bun lifotlmo anti It I Is doubtful It nnybdv will bo propnnit fur a rop tltln of I It next year Tit ttilumtrv I Is afo for the fam- ine ¬ cannot l bit motiF than a week or two JIITCITI > X > roornATi PRACTICE Weeding Out the Innrtl l tr for th VxreHr- Tenm Already Ilesan- Pntxccni Sept lBThe practice rtnrlnc the week huts worked womlero In developing candidates for poiltlons on the varsity football team Tho men liave been coached stradllr in catching puiitlne soul tnrUIni Thorn I la ftlll- n trot deal trio much fumbling ainone the locks antI they are entirely too slow In starting after time bull f In snapped Those however are fnulti to itt eipoctcd at this early period of hut scasor Time rutn on tho line arc dulni reniark ably well In every way The eleven has lIned up against a scrub team every day this week and in this manner tho host of the eatmtlliiats- are being picked out lime wooding out has al- ready ¬ I begun and there aro only about thirty lIe aspIrants loft uf tho fifty or more who came out earlier In tho season Gaj lay is doing excellent work at centre He I Is Just tOo nina lor the place being well seasoned stud with lots of pluck He hues been lined up against Dickey anti hues handled I Him easily Guylay came from Lafayette College to the Princeton Seminary where he Is studying for the ministry Kites will not try for centre again aim is now stationed at left guard Ha looks even bigger than ha did last year and Is in the pint of condition Hu handled Beer Wheeler wIth comparative emote during the practice lt5ct week and It was while Whrclor was plavlng against KliTgs that I his ntusu untie brokei tIme flirt Injury of mums account he has ircrlvod In the four jeurs Hint hu plujed on time varsitj Mini Ithodos ecoms to be n fixture at right Cimrtl His weight alonu would bo a good roiommondatlon hut hu lift besides a handy way of getting Into tho Interference once ins while aunt I In no menu tackier Turney who plays ou the scrub against Blind I Is a tall muscular luau and may be developed Into a good substitute for Hhodes or Hlggs Wcntz who playeil centre on the hawrencevlllaSchool team last year Is doing fair work at right guard on time scrub At right tackle Lee Is not yet up to his old tliiin form lie Is busily rnengrd In coaching- the other candidates joe tlio position lie also gives tutu signals tu thu morn und altogether has- H little too much to look miller to Ills a success ful gamu There Is no duubt however that he will swing Into I line I In gund lorin when time team Is In running nrder tine of limo boot finturcs about him Is 1111I101111111 ho Is III evory theY he turner gots hurt Ihurch Is doing will at loft tackle Hu I In II strong hard plnjrr still time only thing that kept him down last season was Ids slugging proneiixluiK r u far this year ha ban boon lmliYi mug it goml clean came Armstrong iiml Tyler arc the tackles on time scrub Tyler I Is as good a man as Iliurch and ArmstroiiR IC nut far brldnd vithrrof tliom- tm lirnn has right end rlnched Thore Is no urer tackier on tho Held It wits thin faculty thnt placed him at I lull I uk tim time varsity team last mill w hfr lie I Injured Ids lieid Johnston Is tilaylng I the oilier end I In only a fair style I He I I Is little too I light limIt has plenty of nand His iHckllng I abilities aru good but ho still I not count for much In the Interference There are a host of substitutes for end positions among whom lure Hey ard Ilreckenrlugc Weed Turner and Jlroku- wI I policy of tim management this year scout to bo to havo n weighty lot behind the 3 line anti Hhilr and Minor ire I its only randli- luteH I wilt do nut comi up to this standard hmlth i Ishtlll tile moat likely man tot quarter hack 1I111Is much heavier than Too soil thus inoru useful III tile Interference I lie due not PUHH very accuratuly yet hUll In rapidly de clon ¬ lilt Into varsity form Iua Injun tile I ankle during the wrck unit has been laid oil fur time last few dnyn Tucker who wits a promising man did not pass his examinations autl DO can- not rniur lilt year Hutor I showing up In treat shape for half buck Hu Jill lieen plating > on the scrub fur time past week but will doubtless Und n placo open for him on triovarsity Time only thing lie lack Is weight Ills tnckllng Is faultless nnd he IK a good runnsr Heller Is punln laid out with an Injury received at baseball Fulton Is a very proniltlng man for half luck lie hits a habit however of running high when bucking thn lute hut inside from this shows up well llufecnguricu has not 1t settled down to nork but barring accidents inuy be counted upon to 111I one oft I Ihll hilt 1 bick 1IIIIIIIS A > er llannunl anil the only men loll who an trying fur full back Ajers would make a good man lit uItiitr full or us one of the halt bucks lie titus wonderful staying putters but does not punt as until as either iilnlriir- Ilannard Illalrhas n rupml liii Ion for wnnliiK throe lIme straight front tho scrub by kicking guals from time lIell Ho Is a Illtlo light how ever for a ploco beck of hue line as hu would not count fur much In Inlorfermicv Ilannar- dhs perhaps the best chinco fur the place lie hm experience anti allllty to tilt the line anti follow Interference ovn oitjiaii cnnittinr- nontvM no 307 nr r n utrrist ntnmno HAM GtniAN- tMrKriniir nrew- Kon KB non QI tonQnandQfl8iflonlflei Pi on Q B K It S antI 1C KI I Jht Fk Im rf jl i1 ri i J I > 4 l > > 1r N j r- r4 a Iw a Wd f WHH- A ZM o b < 2I- p a Jl J i Wl Iv Z j 1 A < I mY ri I f M H ilf tZv > I 1r I 1 I W Jf lii 1 J fS j ll pf I 1- J Si f f J 0- W Z f44JI- Con < m > j i 7 1 Q fM- X 1 r J c Jjp f- 1i1F L p7l KP OnnUIITi lUon K II K nnd J 1C Kt i Kt- sonQUHandg4llsonCJ Hand 1111 lsonQ lttfujlt 0 fluid Q 01t1IInIIJ VES rtrCES White to plsy and main In three morns ritOHLEM hO 301111 Till HKV A CV1I1LI- IDXIlON reAII80 rNdlANl BLACK ron iirccs lConQflJl let on Qltu HontJIIi P on I 1C H- OW b 0 1i t h J1 j i 1- Z9 < 0 h 0 d ilil p 1 y t1 i Vm hf ifrl m < L N 1 o J fq hZirz I i j w It I H y r l Ni 7 r r2- A d H r0 11J f Z 0 WJ ww t- < rJ- W A < m x Up > < Z b if < 1 z < i 1 f4 u1 lf f Jf VfZ if1 1 g n v f V < W d >3 tiu4 W fj t1 1- K on Kit Hi QnnQN Kn on u KIT and KIlO Its- onQlttlimild K7 laooQliAanltJflw- murmryamirr IUU White to play anil male III two moves BOtUTIONg TO PlllllltKMM NOS MS Alf 300 App n led Is he nllthors solution to No 31V- t II 111 IUQ 2 Kt on eh KQ It 3 KIn 9 mte- I V Kt 1 IIII T mato I I ItU I InJa i t or ifhkU or IlK 4 or ItKt or llKt Sor HKt fl t gll i uncle I IVIlf 01 Kt a gUVmalo I R HAOKlKnr OR 8 or QK or QQ n or KtnrOKI V q1t2nnto I II 1tIQ < 2 KClI17K ohq KtaoItsmnie- i n nriQgsjKtiHTixnoiiUxKt t iiiirmnip 1 It IUt0 UVKI i1 7 KtleiK ilIKt nTmalP- I IIUAQ6I 9 KHIi7Kt1ohlKtSIIll7lnalp- I t llllVQ tfiiiKti j 1171 hKK43KtllilmalP I IIHSl 1114 2 Kl xOcli K 111 a IIK male I liKSv Ktfli KIln 7tlL0 ehIlxKta 11117 mOnte I Imltc QKt 1 2 Kt H iKt B ch KQ 4 3m ¬ ll 3 mate i n niKO4 2 KtKtichnKB3 gxii mat 1M IIIHIKII 2 QxllhJIIt i OIImnl I 1 IIItiIIIIhltt2qII1hK1I49J g3- H3PKt32 nuale 0Il2ch l Ktn3 QxP mal 1 II I I US Ktinove 5 r na mat Cnrrret nniitlon received from FredCirter Ilnlon Yet Annlhrr New York One More New Von Fred FniciII I Prookh n A Qnltjow New York It U Whv- mnrtn Non Yorkj Mjtv Win llrooKiyni Tli olnro- K nulhr Itr okiin A M Wnnlniniin Ir okln- Stfplun Mctrolh New York I York r i E Flen biiry Poion 7tml frlrne Non S tint TaVc Sle In linwikljn Mow Difficult ilnntnii < iifglliner SrI yk itustiy Ihitamleipml rrt You Are Prnokbn Junior New York Inivers lll- raul urv Conn Fleic Kmll New York Jo llraille Urookln Iii A H HnldwInNorwals Conn I e v New York Following I li the authors snliitlnn to NO Son1 1 KtOi Qx It I QCSmnstp- Kt QtJ O V 1 UK 0 mate Lift OnO oil 2 OK t mute 1 KtQi Hx Vtj l Kl ntmnle 1 KtiJ 3 It S It 2 male 1 l Kt OK KtiT V 9iJk mate I Ktga lln 4 or It nii S g K6 mate t Kt < llK Bi 2 Q x H none 1 KtQ n R eMnrhere 2 Q K 1 nr QR 4 mMe I Kit 3ltlm1 e < orIlQ9 t QxKt mate I Kt tan i 9 2 ItKS mite I Kt4 tt outer raiIstloo < ntuierotia used easy- rrrrect ettiiiofls FtCciVP 1 rnl y1 Carter fln ton Y1 Another Now York i nce More New York tred Ford HriNiUjli A Qnlrow New York IL U- Whm nn Ne York May I Win UrooKlvn Theolnr- R I Itmler lirnnkltn A M Uardinmin nr olil > ii Stephen MeUrnlb Sew York Irettv Sew York fl YImur iotom Jtut In Time New York Tusk Me In llroikln How Jjisjr minoan Correct You Are RnM khn Junior New Yurt rroTers lll- Panbiirv ConnFlek Fmll New York Jop Oral lv llrviklin Frltr Sillier lUrtTorJ Conn Matter llareldllhiihcllf 13 eam old Ilnxikljn Our W llul i win New York J leuy New York Dr A II J llaldwln ern nIt Con- nFlxln H Ilitdwln Prlilitepnrt Coon forwarded aiVllllnnnl correct snlutons to Ntnus Hftft anti nat Kdi 1T Wood Kotni Mast forwardedl nn additional correct solution In Nn MiO- M 1 Kallnkeltrnl < New York J F llaneonx New Britain Conn forwarded additIonal correct siilutions- tn Nu Mt rOllluolosorsrr Math r MntVlAn New Ynrk PK B CTl You OTiinoi enhance > nmr oppm nlii II or Any other ltIeot nf your onpoiirnt T f HiII 4li Mnnhnrtnn nvpnti rltv wrItes to- n Tile irs foMimt Iwouldm rld to eit4ermtts- Ii uhesu paxern llvin t In ill lclnltv I uif lliun- rIreet I I tai iiu we < t sluI In formliK a for the stwlr niifl rrnilleeiif the 7rrth 1 T T VP lloiton Masi a i New OrDain Corn A problem I eoinmenelii with a capture or a chitk Is couriered Knn l one cmIIui oClTr- Pr Tarreh before leirjnir IIattns for Germany I Is call not tn l its 0 sty eneer tn nrllliI In the St- IVUr burp chess Imirniment In the winter II N rilUlnirr na entertained at dinner hy the HrltUi the Nortli I ion lon the iletropnllun and oilier imton ches eluli heron lemln ln loud on Riturrtav Plllsburv en tertalncit time menliersor tn > Ilverixinl anti Manches- ter chess clubs with simultaneous and blindfold per fnrmanceN The r nplia rrnmrknhtr Rood duets I r t1rfl5 In fact It U only INI rare ihn is defeated nt tin name There U one priest In Koine- lth whnlSo tMiially time Popos adversary This priest Father Oullla tins plyed chess with his I holiness for thlrlytwo year tipsf When Cardinal I Iecel was railed tn hint IMni throne Father iliilllx who was turn repldtng In Florence receliod an Invitation tn proceed In Itnmi anti take up hN I iniirtem In the Yatuan He I is a niicnlflcent n ner hut I so lint rein d that I Ito P MMoften I IlIInnorlhaIu I I bv a I ml I homily on the virtues of re lgnstlou nud iiiee mmes lies plaient tn Ih Ilout of Common recr t that In the wrick of the lllternl I pnrl onrrol nttm lnt player IIAVOLMIII I lliimlker lleann nimU I I blniftlf an aecnniiM pler Ii I liuiillii In mournful numbers time lose of Col Nnlnn und Sir UenrKe Newne- whiibav list their senunrKl Mr Timn eiii1 I Ih Ciin- pcriatlvM who ha retired three nf tlii tient Chen- splajemln inenliS I Home Out sailing the new mem here nmie prnmlsinir rhesus players may l be found and i tIme nld menil ers nf that penuudon will still nifty tn while away the weary tlmo of waiting their favor- ite game > icriiitfA laltt Jmjrnul A few weeks sluice tlm ttnftrftrittr Courier mauls It- self ponnlble I for the following The Hantlmts chess tournament will be watched with great Inter et by all lovers nf time earn and especially bv time Oueen II was nt her Majestys eirr request that the Duke of York became a patrna of the tournament yew nf lucy subjects derive a keener pleasure from time gme than does the Queen She rarely plays chess benelf now but dellclii In watching gains pla ed by the memliers of tier family and 1 often mutter checkmate Is called will glvnadvlco as to how the rims should have l liten placid Every member Ihornynlfjinllvlsa skilful pliyer bill 1 her > aje > ty when phiMiinvei the plmts U abln I tn show her su- perlnrlty our all olliir royal plvyer eneelt I the I Krnprens Frederick who is rarely defeated The tjticcu- recelvi l her letinns utter fr nn this Princo Consort who was nUn an enthusiastic player Th tirtilth fI IM Ifmutushms ie Mnnv moiihers of time Lnndou M flcnraes Club will I nonce with great regret the suildm death of lIme tavnllere T 1itilanl Italian mliatoidnr nt Cnn tanilnonlo ficforo nt- talnlng Ministerial I rant hlcnor Catallnl I wi fur stv crust years Prl iretD lu the Italian Kmbosv In London and In the aMencn of lu rider acted as- ilmru duultI ire Durlnt this ierloil I be mined Inn Ft Oenrire s Cull wliera In wai cMrciuHv pnpulnr and nxeept for tiiectccHsloiinl lmrtlstirt of ditnnmatlc- bu lnc n n > ery regulir ailenilnnl Ills frank antI manners seemed tniinreth lnst fi niitrenorihn I I fenlal ml iwllth character be threw hlmtof com tilelelv Into Knglinli life stmi ettmutmimtI Ms sonnal an- rnallali pulille seboil llu I inpli prnimiilou > hant ti bow hltfhlv Ids abilities rn KIUTII lied by hliowii Unvernoienl after 1 very ilion time In a siiUirllnate post ho wn appointed tn the linjtnrlsnl embivsv at Ionstamlnniile He died iiilrtnly of iipopluxy on July VH havlnir lust returned to hi dutle from leave of absence He wa a native nf Cutaiila SIcily nnd only a little over DO years of usurp flue Ixiiilon loll rir < glvi 4 tutu following table of tlie games ai pla ed In tim Hillings loutiamend Xa Aiueeeenlng 9lm- tRuylxrHs Willie thick 4Itmptcut piuunal itme son Prow hi j 10 I fl Oueenn Oamllt 91 in- in un f rwlich fltltnei27 7 OiieonV iinmblt Declined2HO- IlMVO 11 14 5 Piano II- Kiotcli I I 11 llnlini tt a j Vienna Opening Fvans d llambli 7- TwnKnlEhls I C Defence T t Sicilian llrfenca J ml 9 KIngs Otiflhitlt Declined Ig I 3 n Opening i 1 1 Your Knights Opening i Hilltops nmbii a- Centre 0 9 Countre a 0 II Petrol Defence 3 0 hllldor Defence- Vroni I I Oamblt 0 iKIM Opening 9 0 Three KnlKMls I- I7ukertnrt I 1 Opening a- Kvons 0 llamblt Declined Ilunxarlsn 0 Defence I 0 Irregular 3 0 9 sew of be hors World Ixniif ifiij hid Cell VI The petition ot Edward fir uy before Ilii baiicmtt Iourt tentvrilay for a Cu livorlnxnl lime aw aiinlnst time lloby llailnz Ainocla- tlou Mas iirerruUU With IliU action IlidUst hop nf time dulciIaumii I lo 5rUrC a reversal or ettn a luotlll- ctlloti 01 lie opinion I Is dluliuued As the Uw Is now roiiitruM by tie rourt all persons are protillje1 from lioldlni a rare nieellDc ifUnr Ihn twloe will lu a porlu1 of sliiy ilsjs wbtthrr Ih prevloiu elect inii wu bald by tlmi sau > or by Uinreai pcrM CLIFFORDS EASY VICTORY jirn nouss Fir TB4nUTjn TAKES Ifl l VJt4INiM SKCOXU- III Molllnry Opponent Iter l Hnntn Amities Cold Not Mnke hElms nnnlliirrjr Reed FrIghten Thirteen Horse Out of the Rpttnlnllnn Mtnkesi nnil I Then nenten- by Arnonhoe Vooilrlne Too fleet for the Flllle rreiton neernlayer and Tom Cromwell Earn Inrsen Tnrnt Hlno- ta tilde Ibr Miiren llnlyTnrf Notrn The Second Special at Oravcsond yestordny- nromtscd to bo a fairly good rao but tho vie tory of Clllford was conceded by nIl fair Judges of form It was thought however that Flying Dutchman Ilamnio slid Sir lixcess would start anti that the thrccycarold would eel such a merry clip at tins outset that tho son of Ilrumblc would havo no hollow walkover lint Hamnpontid Sir Uxccsi wcro withdrawn early anti then word came to crutch Flying Dutch- man ¬ It was no race for Clifford to brat Kay Kl Santa Anita with five pounds advantage In time weights antI there was little Interest In the contest TOIl teen horses were frightened null of tho Speculation Stakes by time prc cnco of Harry Heed In the events Arnpahoo beat Harry Kctdhandsdown Inonlyfalrtlmc There was a Inrgo crowd In attendance It was n typi ¬ cal mull uny anti light overcoats and wraps wero not out of place There wits the astonishingly good prlcaof 1 to iJtigalnst 1 Clifford for the Second Special at tIme opening of peculation but this did not last and 1 to 7 suns tho best obtainable at post time Key el Santa Anita drew tim ixde but lllTutril pasod thnrallfornnn In time opening strides and made tlm pace There Wi < nn time from start i In ito- lvii l nhentllifurds mouth was not wldo open under Slmmss Mill I at Clllfnrd won I In a trot In tho fairly good time of trVIK lth every- thing ¬ In thin rare to hurry him along rillTord could hnu stoppul n merry mile nnd n furlong jvsiordiiy Ho loukid well and every movement wax full II of IHIITIT I u Is a hnro limit grntTS on one lat year he was corisllcrel plainlooking- In I the early kpillig hut I hu limes grimn more 10 but undf Kogcrts training anti Is MT a most taking horse When It units soon that Harry Itiert was In the Speculation flakes to carry H3 pounds stud to bt sold for 6lOU thoro wcro inutterlngs on thu part of rosily owners and trainers and a volley of Ithdriiwnls followed no fewer lion thlrleen- hnrsos bring drawn This left Hugh Ionny luck of Similf and Aritpahoo to moot Harry Hrisl Harry Iteed was a favorite at 8 i to 1 on Time stnrt was ixrfoct iind Arapahio wont awiy with harry bleed at a scorching pace It want more than thirty seconds beforj the crowd roallrd thnt Harry Kied was beaten for while Koefe wits hues un tbo Himar gelding Olxary S itS sitting still This pnlroprntdagapnr twi lengths on lack of Spades while Hugh Ienny who seemed to havo lost his speed was n poor last Arupahoos white face was prominent at time bend of time stretch nnd when Keelu went to thn whip on Harry Held It was a dollar to a illume on tho California Arnpahoo wun very sniigh with Harry Heed Hogged out In second pInto and Jack of hpados third Ienny was a rinse fourth the balance of tho teld coming back to hIs clip near Iho us Ire homoof thoo who lund scralchtit out of Harry Heeds way ware sorry the time lli being rather slow nt tho weights carried Harry Hied Is nothing like time sprinter he was ns a twoyearold antI It In not surprising thnt- ho was beaten In England At Hietpthuad Hay where ho won three weeks after lute return from time old country his race was not a good one and Simms had to punch him trout start to llnlh In got him home In fourth Hu Is a hard horso to ride too and no light boy comm do him I Justice Ho would probably tine performed us nell or bolter with I 10 pounds up and Mnnos- In l tIme saddle The llrt half mile In IM seconds trim than slorj of the race Harrington was n pronounced favorite for time opening dn h at threo iunrer of n mile Donolnios cclii I lug Is not oorptrtial to uoight t and ISJ pounds was hcarcely tu his Ilkini- Minms I tried toshtkooiT his field and did uu- ievd In flipping clear of all but I Ire liin lirillln i I kopt tlm bnnvn hidrbrothrr to Miijcr Doniu Ii p- at ilarrlnglous h I shoulder nOd a hundred nr ts from huino Lime ftoritu was I In trouble Slinms tried to roujn him with whin and spur blt when Harriottun N nnder punishment linUln varlnbl boiiten and Iro ton us on liandily- by thrtC iuartors of n longth Monenellto heat Integrity and lllu > ioii a lingth for tldrd money Ciiitiin T I after getting awiy haitI iniulu up a lot of ground 1 hi short out fldnof tho C lmta hit V n good olid Ireitun Is sail to IH a vtr > sat bursts at hnlf it mdn or- thoreiibonttt lio is Improving every hum ho runs lion over and tnu > lourn I tosta > a milo t o- rorr 1 lio Ur okdnles heiond strli t Tho aio- s S Interfered wliu and 1nUhed la time liar dh islon The second i ace a ulmnlu at one mile anti a six- teenth ¬ I had but three cntrioi nnd was popu- liulv sum 1ihuit1 to Ua good I thing i for April I hoiil April Fool wan I lie pnioinnker lv tim I Iter laer a ilofseiotid nnd Milnlla trailing lIme llrst quarter woo run nt n snails pans When the clip improved Deor lner showed that he was mtter of the el ltiiiiton by ont I sprlntlng lime rivnln and winning by neurl a length April Kool beat Sahllla a uliurt head for second money WoinlMno Mr Ilelmonts lovely filly by Mnineli7or WA a gnat favorite for thoda h at four and a half furlong tor tnt earold tilling I Intrrintssini Ixiiu second cliolco Wild Violet HI tine riKheil to the front aswrnn as tho llni fell and with Vtmist sI tie tho nearest attendant shoned thu way until I well I I Into t tho stretch t It was only plij for WiiKltlno togoon nnd win whon I 1 irinln called on her to take I tie load and slt nuts iunh giilloping at the wire ln setto at long odd MnMitd strung and secured stHond money n loncth before Annot lyln Wild Vio ¬ let stepped sml > fut an l suits fourth Tho win- ner ¬ is a cry hindsomo tilly and muck luyncr Is only imping tin rounids uf limo caru ho save her early in tho srnon The newly loniud llrm of Duke Jt Wlshnrd- furnifhed tIme fatorlto for the lust race In Mnik- Ilrlcgv They let SlOuon on the gtddlnt and tho talent followed their lead Tnl nnnhled M F Dwrcr to got a gon l price against Tom I nim well tnosonof lhrmmlmiltle it Istluali Itch at llrlghton- Hi ach on Friday Alter a general neurry Mack Ilrlggs and Tom Cromwoll drew away from time other Slmnis rode Cromwell excellently and tne chestnut colt won a guest race by H length Forum camo with n rush nearing the wire anti was a good third Whlppany and Royal tiiin were somewhat tnn leit up shortly after I lee start and both lost considera- ble ¬ ground Whlppiiny dlplajed a lot of speed shut looks Ilkn a wry fast unIt There n as some applause whon Tom Cromwell 1 won 1 Frederick Turnl tuna signed tu ride for Marcus flu y I In I Iriiut Tho contract wns signed jester day and nrxt > ear t tlm I Dutchman will wenr his color of thu copper king Tor thn pnH two years Tarnl lint nddcu for time Messrs Kecno- fjuuimarles follow VIIIRT 11 ACE liar all SRcii heavy baiidlcapt to the winner 1300 to the ttconil lIeu anit Co the third 125 six furlongs lirnotiUlf Ntuhli hr K Ireiton n 117 Kn orUivlo Sweet HnniH I Ill I tlfllllh I W Donohiiesch e UnrnoKtoru 4 189 Rlnims a- AClskonV ch I sioiiinelllii 4 lOll Uouxin a Integrity Illusion Thu tinge Top Gray anti Captain T also ran Time liinw- Oettlnatx to 11 I a tiiuust lUrrlnetou e to t Pop Gray f to 1 Preston n Co 1 The Sage T lo 1 Illiislou- ft to I Btonenilllc JB to I Captain T 80 to 1 latex rug sccoxn nAcic rorthr TraroMi to time winner 1400 In the sm- ond > 73 and lo the third CIA selllntfi one mIle and a slxtevnth Unerk hiAbles Kc Dtrrslarer by Midlothian Doe IOT iHowelM 1 I Ixnllnran U c April n ol loe dlrimn I- Iu liulontl J ili r Mtiiiia 107 lhiifCl a- TIlliu I ISllJ ncttlniTwo I April lu1 it to t against Sa bllla 7to8Deerilatr- Tllllin HADE For twnjearold fullest to tlio winner MOO to hits second 87J anuS lo the third 9um Sour ammO a tumult iirlonits- liemioii Siables eh f YToolvIn by lagnttlur Wundblne llHKlrlffln l A ClaMinshr f Ciiilte lOll ifleacani a W II loilxsubf AIIIIOI lyle I lia I ilrlffi a Wild Violet lnliiriilsluu iJi Vloiita eat Medlca also ran Tlmo OISIi Betting Five to nu Wmhlvlnis afalnst Inter minion n lo 11 Alinot ljle 7 to I 11 Imviti und Wild Molet each ID toll I I Is vleula 2 tu I slid Midlca- VO to I rnciiTti RACE Time speculation Stakes of 41 600 rev threeyearnlds ant upward iii rach and 3Uadditional for start erbj Kuaruntitcd onnu valun tn the winner llvoi 1 in I tat suueuul borMJt < uu audio the third tliiili hluiu win ncr in Imu soil at Alathou for 3iiiiO If forliss 1 Hiund muihutsssil for laibfMi down to tVJO then J pounds fmir aiiu b2Umi t lmnt ii Itt I I uhilu it gumrbomgs MiiiluAnlln Hualr id i Arapuhoe 4 I ID Cheviot Vlent uj ifliarji I > 1 F linyer br g Hurry lleid 8 U tlttf l it- llliiiiloii blables n hi i Jack ud rliuduA L IUJ Urlniiil u lluili Iciuiy also ruin Time I IIS Ilnttlngrive tn three on llnrrv Reed aralntt tlug- hPinnHlo3i Jack Ut Hpadix lit tu I Ii Arapalioclu- Uil rimi RACK Becond Special of IV 000 fur threeyearolds and up- ward IOU each soil 1100 additional for sUrtersi guar ant ed cash talus to thn wluner llatiu lu time second bore 150 anti lo the third horsatlSOi one tulle cud a furlong It L ltuusea b im Clifford 0 by Bramble Duchess 117 laimms i Banta Anlla Btables b h Itey FI heftS AnIta 4 IU3 ITarahl nWiw I ltlagE ven to 1 on Clifford afslnst 8e r El tUoUAultaaiul SIXTH HACK For woyearolds which have not won lAOOi en trance 113 to lbs wlnnrr lutj ta the sfcoud horse S70 and to the third liurw 43 rive furloins- II F Dwvers rh e Turn Ciomwtll by Ilriimble FonUe 111 Slmmsl l Puke at WUhards br f > lack rirlgis 101 llelff u Lntuis stuarts hOc c roruni HU iflckirlnio H Palmirtlou Ilefiiyve Honolulu Whliipinv Tre niarrfo lion Anal KIng of llubiiula and stout Uua alSo use Time 10 < H BattlDgAgalnst Mack Urltt iran inoneyi Tom Cromwell and tut ass each 4 tn I j I King of Ifohemla A to Ii Honolulu Whlppauy and lurum each M la 11 i RSSl5iS iottr1MI eck loto ii Tremargo Joh lInJ nt I rooh13ut1vnftietntflt I- I 0 r 1- i I i WEt SDNS i vfr ARE YOU PUSTED ON PRICES If so please glance at these and remember the goods advertised arc as high in quality as they arc low in price i Caps and Jackets Black Dress Goods Linings never BO reasonable ns C3ln Houclo in very Note particularly the flow It Is astonish In tr to HUh effects 100 yd first three Items They see wlint jaunty Jackets 40ln flKd Mohair Fall arc special lots picked nn nnl clue cipus can t no hud WclKht 100 yd nt n flKuro wu mark n live or ten dollar hil 00in Crnvcnettc wnr thel considerably Hero are Rome of rnntcil waterproof 185- yd present market blow we linvc higher priced ones Grass clot Bo yd of course Cross bar crinoline i Heavy Cheviot Jacket Cottons Going Up Plain crinoline In 61 yd box runt InrKa buttons W yd lenutbt 40a melon sleeves SllhJ- iirkets And the price of cotton Moreen skirting I IP plain beaver Rood with It nil wool OCa chllchllletonkerHcy Heavy crocheted cotton Wool nnd cotton bed spreads hemmed ready mixed collar loose front rippla- bnrjj for use the kind thnt used Fibre llamlo inter 1l0 JCiJS 5UCO nnd to bringSlOOsellnowfor lining 18eyd i 8750- HI J 140 Wo hold ours at I nek cloth double 5100 still while they Silver Plated Ware cap till weight f 4t5 last Black cheviot capes vel ¬ 104 heavy white wool A very choice collection I vet collar full sweep blankets tH75 pr of triple and quadruple 7rO plate table wnre corn ¬ Short black plush rapes Vmbrellaslwo I Sorts prising tea and chocolate i jet embroidery Thibet bowls i pots sugar hrAd- trlmrluplalnlndcouhle Both good value for the trays o Some really elct SlllO 1210 money SOln Silk Gloria I Um- brella ¬ exquisite them On pieces among table Silks at a Sating nntl I wood handle Monday at spell a niece silver trimmed uSe celebrated Yd- S2ln Fine Imp d Eng Gloriailogere Pongees 30c Umbrella tiandlennd stick ware fix piece lI 20iri Brocaded Tat Tea Spoons 0 nil one silver trim- med ¬ pec Table fetiw OO- c21in S14U 1 Spoons116 let PlnldTnfTetnsnSc- JJSin Forks 100 Iet Satin Uitchen i 8cl- iTin Ladles Skirts Knives 148 Bet Hilt Taffeta for SkirtitiK 80c A beautiful line In black Fall Dress Goods d cheviot rough effects anti twotoned male In We en Miiner price In USinch tmnd l silk nnd newest style fU yrrda thlR too mnny hate nnd nil different Come i wool PlaUK In allthe new wide seams kc i colorings 7ic yd- 4Uinch them nnd you will sny the nnd look around and Scotcn Cheviots price l is absurdly mal when you find whl gulfs in diagonal anl basket and It isl U18 nnl you you may sura the weaves fiOc yd l 1200 price will b right TWO Roms j JOSEPH WECHSLERS SONS ANt BEYORD v- ON > TWO COnNTRS FLTON S 4 V 4k OVll TACIITlStl- Itnitlrnl Criticism of InternatIonal Match ned Iloiit More Racei nnil 1 ore Room In Ilnrlns Craft Cullrd for An Ananlt- on Prenent Thine ill Alone the Line To TIIK nniTiiit or Tnr Srs Slr With the miserable fiasco of the Americas Cup races of 1805 fresh In our mind and with nu nppar- rntly bona lido notification of a chnllongo for IHDil in time hands of the New York Yacht flub 1 would like to make a few remarks on the present ynchtng situation Thero Is no doubt that every effort was rosin to render the ValkyrleDefendrr races n brilliant suci os anti a liltIng close to an in- teresting ¬ racing etiiton That they wero nut ucccs fnl was floe very largely no doubt to I thn mistaken action of Lord Dunrnen In withdrawing Valkyrie Yet after all wcru not the conditions al- though ¬ ivjually fair for the American and Eng- lish ¬ boat In a largo mensuro to blame for the complication Strip the whole ques- tion ¬ of Its inay conditions anti restric- tions ¬ and what do wo find was time Intent In challenging and accepting time chillenge for a ran botwion Kngll and American boats Simply nnd solely to tell time rilntlH speed of tIme > aehtof the two countries nnd Incident- ally ¬ to dofend nnd win time Amerli n Cup Alter nearly a > enr of hum mo t farreach Ing anti I lucid dlsi tislnn aftor ito eipondi I lure of at hanot half n million dollars nflor Infinito earn in preparation anti wnn ilirfiil sKlll In doyning nnd building two Ixmts for this purKi o is hunt Is tIme re suit I lime i onditlon art sn manIfestly unfair snys Diuiravon thnt unless your honorable corn Init tee si ill gmlmurn It the lhit no one shah use I lie Atlnntie DHnn until t I am entirely through with I it I shall bo torced tu withdraw Valkyrie and go homo There Is no north of going over past history Wo all know that Dunriren was wrong and ho IK probably In a lair way to that conclusion by this time hlmflf I say however that hal It not been for the fact that nil our late cup races lrlo bren lIke hut Westerners cure for chills one grain ofniiininti In a tjtiart of nvmlakey tune grain of racing in a ipiart of words Dunraven would never tmvo dared to quibble out of a race of such Importance tru ting to word pictures to hide tIme fact that he came over here to race anti didnt One duty could havn settled the question boat against boat anti time devil tn see fair play in time absence of other referees limit no time rondltlonn of thn deed of gift or of letter No 51811 folio HT prevented It Now what we want to hit next tIme Is to avoid tint sickening ma s of condition destroying time deed of gift and but America Cup au woll i If lucteoary In I hunt endand Imea raco I roivat- luue n race whch on roltectlon must seem rensnnnblii to ui oil Wo hni reached a ory dolicntn point In falling I jnchtI architecture a nil we should walk with opon c > o For time llrst tliuo In tho history of hum cup races time boat built In this country to defend was narrower anti deeper titan thus ihallenger Watson made a radical departure In favor of moore beam unil sill while Herreahoft took flue opposite course and developed a touch deeper anti narrower Imat than Vigilant the successful defender of two j cars ago I do tint with to be understood as saying that Herresboff copied Watson or that Watson copied Hiirreshoff tn fact I have nn doubt thnt each reached his results Independently of tho other and as n Inicnl sequence of the lie linvlornf former boats uf their own but still nets lure facts Wero time spirit nf the lusts Edward Hnrcens to return tn I this world and I bo shown l rfond rnnil Vnlkirln I III II sldo hv sldo tin would without doubt think Valkyrhlllwastlip American rep Tf pitatl e and I Defender tin Knglish This I trnlv roinnrKahlo Mnto I of nfTrIrs Is worth ph muti u lit g for I In t thoo days of exact methods nothlhi In time iniioiip of a niclnr yacht is left I In rbancobut nil I ii cure ill ly woik eel inn nnd tho rfsults piored Taking i tip I IIe- Mibjeot at I I tho fust mmlorii I liilnuitloiial I rnco I that of fl ieiifitn nnd I Inrltnn i wu tlnd i Iho two typos n dl tlnct KH pi slble iciipHta limo challenger being host described by I thit now uI it tat obsnlote I term ctilior i t narrow anti deep while I Iurllnn wns an Aineilcan looji I in her entirety ullhouuh Ktuilisb Intuonco umld he- seiii lu I hicr rig and mothod of ballasting Ilo- tnros tnkon nf tluet IKHIIS In dry doek show plalnlytliK nmrkrd dllToroiicelnform I I nndtype I iiid nln show when rnniimrul nuitiu Vnlkjrl I III I I nnd I Defendor In ruin I I tes title of I Imo ernt Id t C nIls lit nut I modern smut cse ful riclng yaehl which Is tho small amount of undorwator body hen comtmrod with boats of only a few years null lIke Ilirltan- iven Im Itui although I of much less dNplnrp mont t Ihnn I dene i a slut sss ut met a roomy and roniforluhlo i riiftt one thnt might bo and proii- nhly would ha I boon ImlHI if I hunt ituitl never bevn such a thing ns International Mudit rue lime Can one honelly nv llm sumo of Delender with her alunilnuiii ccirii rlhuI loll her Immonio draiiglitpriililhUIigiirilliiil > iminer eriilsln- nnil her Incl of room brluw and luer ext mtruueiy costly cnnDtructlnnr 1 think not and Willis I apnrrclHtn the pa trlotlo spirit that Inilunsl the Defender syndi onto to snare no expense to retain the Americas Cup i antI I the genius nf I llcrrrstiid r In vnlvlnv such a perfect rae ng machine 1 ear hut feel thnt It hats been tnloutftid money If not watten not well spent Iurltan trite pn more like Grunts than chalk I Is llko cheese Sho was broad aunt niodvratrly shnllow with only almut I thirty i seven I Ions of ball uust inoitly I used I Inside and dspundlngoii form vrry nuisldrrahly for slit hllltt I lonesta was it mulch bulkier boat with nvr scvenl tolls of load inusidand nn Uhlllty dutofoiii iry muoli narr wir and deeper We miost rrmember thnt although wo defeat d fienestn no yet had tn change our typo In do It Every one knovn nhu Knows any ¬ thing nt nil nlmnt racing In Kngland during tha lira years prwedlng the Henestas- challenre that England wa ahead of us In the building guild general design of racing yachts They hail greeter trxsd they had bet¬ ter rigging cud sallrand tbrj were much better built iurltun was a distinct Improvement but It must be confessed that her points of superior 1W over existing American boats were for tin ino t part politic of similarity with the English craft of hor time Hoth Iurltnn and f ene tn were boats that while n trifle large were still oneman hosts south not syndlcntnr They cost between fOOOO and 150000 to build and were good cruisers when not racing lencata when conpnrod to Valkvrle III was not much over half as wide 13 foot nzalnst S7 Yet on 83 foot water line iTgth she Is a heavier boat than Valkyrie and had more Inside room avallabtit I mni she was fur more heavily built ana carried a rIg that ho could swing in a rae or across the AtlantIc either one True Vat kvrlo hn tIme ndvantace of greater b sro but ned from thst I pronounce Opneta the most sensible boat of the two nnd challenge criticism nn mv statement If tue compare Puritan cell Defimlor the result I It the same Puritan I Is- srnslblo a boat Defender Is nn expensive freak nnd nothIng more fast seaworthy and beantl fill but ot far front the boat that a man would build If nn other 1onts were ready to beet him Compare the section of Puritan with Its sllahtlv hollrw garhoard Its light draught with time wlno glass which represents time modern iita of nil that a yacht shonM be Remember that Defender Cost about five times as much and then nv hunt yacht lunlnRhns progressed clang sensible lines If you can For my part t deny It- Them Is floe thing that we all seem to tcrgrt In dealing with the question of yacht racing or rather two tIming One i Is that time racing of sailing yachts la a sport that hun outlived Its days of uspnlnpss anti i is now very much as archery when flee arId cnme in standing on very vrpcntlonaf- iiOt Ing and liable to be wiped out by the Im- provement ¬ In steam yachting nnless nursed vorv carefully The other point Is that speed In sslllnir yachts l is relative not nl olntp In other word It I Is the distance b7 which one boat boats another In- a race anti not time absolute sneisi mnrip br either durlne that rsco that shown the elpert only antI makes a fast or a slow bout A bottrr race I Is hnd semi a much more In teretlnz aims when two boat sail at nn svor- npe st ecd of four nt IPS tier hour oo win- ning ¬ bv n few seconds than when thov will nt a llftppimllc cslt aunt ono wins hy ton minutes ptt l Is Lood thin end so long as WP sacrifice nothing of vnlnp to It let us have speod to tho hint mcnnd I by all moans but we must renienilte that there Is nh outctT no tIes In building hoots that nrp nnpomfortabln antI verv co tly to bnlM unless corns object Is to be rpallv salnoil hy It anti not a few seconds or even minutes peed at the sacrifice nit a whole summer rmnfort The inlmrmli svstPin of rn ht bnllrtlrcr anfl yse tic Is rndlcnllv wrong Jndclnr from the stand- point ¬ of sport From the navtl architects pilnt of view everything i Is lovolr nnd wn are tnsklng rnid trlflo toward the pprfJ l ont of ISn future nit lend driught sail anif cost wlh no italy lust think for n mompnt Flcbt or ten years lien if a titan wnrtod sport on titus wior anti hsd e tttbo mont > to par ty two or t 11 ret t1luohlinht 1 doVnr I he conl VnM- nr buv tho omiUnlpnt of our midori 40 footer onlv n Inrcpr anti roomIer boat Wl h her ho coutd hnvo oil lime racIng Ip wnntM anti could cnlculntu on four or five spivnns use nt the very lon t bnforo his boat was really out built and obsolete Now the most he could do tutu the mnney would bo aCRfoot tIn keel with scarcely room onouph abnatxl to blue a breath brimmed straw lint In ease of n niall Tens the little bont Is most bpnutlfnlly desIgned anti con atructed anti would IP n race have nodimeulty In disposing of thus big roomy centreboard S of former days lint what of that T As I said before speed Is rolstlvp not absolute In sailing yachts and hail the nnkcpl never been evolved the out cpntrplmftrd wonM b Just ns good a rarer ns her modern sister Of rnnrsp ns In evprvthnc else thees Is n creak deal to say on the other tile of fits question TInt modern boats Sri marvels nf beauty in tie sign nnd romuniriuctiurn anti title tut time great rnrn- rpnulrfd In tbolr construction limp workman shin of tho sveruce Yacht builder hits groat1 Improved md also his linnwlpdcronf the various problem tn itt met In building a boat so thnt- WPSPO itt iilOft of HIP dlsma1 failures iliac to ut aboluln lark of knowlcdgo Then ncan tlm npw lanai nr nnrnptrablA nod vera wpnhory anti If vou rto got rnilRht In n blow you nro sifo If not rornfnrtnhlo- Wlint I bivp trIed to show Ia that wp have gone too far In tlm matter nf sped anti havp utterly pnllnd yvchtloB by so ilnng Our heats are too ilrip for nr Inrbnr ton oxppnslv for our locket anal In nil ptcpp the verv larger dane ton nncimfortnblo soil criunppd for our families to take any jlomuro In crul lne Si thutt yacht raring I under lime present auspices uloing harm 1 In tho dunn t nf yarhtlntr anti really Ihrontons Its practical death as the smnsement of many This mOt not bo Yachting and yncbt rsolnir almost lbs only sports that belons io the class of bonn flue orosucuir ports tons not IM roloirMd t to hue ranks nf profp lnnallsm Tho romody I ilnln If wo would ttiut Iis our riHiimni seiisiMind CCp it Iot us simply BPt tiiirethornnd seitlo I I upon n model vhlth shall rrpro onl Iho Idensof sill our imvnl iirohltdcts- nnil bo nt limo Hue lime a fouilhtp typitof boat Thon t let rnihxiiolit ulub luplcntP I tile model nnd linpsnnd simult In their rsm tirmrrntntno- tlint nn m inifiii ynolit shall i1plal mare than in or t iw oont train the itanilard so lot It mavbocilil that I tile no ild dl courag yacht designers mid hnini or Iliptn hilt 55 1 see It wo > m lit lpsiguuers CII not tn he considered lit thn miittrr nt nil Tho people who sal the boats who own them nnd who pay for them art the ones whnsn idea should bo mot As I have nM 1 bo fore and pay ncsln tha absolute spend of n yacht proi > Ipil hy sills Is not HIP vital point In hprmnlirnp nor even one of her vital points All she med In U to seth as fiust as nr n lull faster than tha rthpr stud If Ihe others at- eeiusiiitt rorofnrlahle Imits she ran used will ito hue nnip Tins new Imat rot carrIed to PI trpmps art nxHotlytrhnt wows aVid will make fith l roinforlablp and seaworthy vtwsels Time Khonors prove this ntil n ea mallrrnf fact roits like I asea f rulp allan anti Fmerald show that vapbts pn hi hil P nd tsu sport hail with thorn wb oh are rvii o i fousedly not so faust as tinny mich hens boon haul every eta mpnt but that of jModbpo dt rogtrdcd In thslr design oil Ivo haul mr inning soil ai the Irishman said when thn Jdae lne t him 5 fof thrashing n man who hm pealr him us Im triad i done It aid will take Sin morn nf It 14 time same rate Invixa Cot

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Page 1:… · 4 JtI H JjJlIIir i Ji 4 LJl J Wi11 Hr J 11 I < l THE SUN SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 291895

4 JtI H JjJlIIir i Ji 4 LJl J Wi11 Hr J 11I



rllr ArrrAi io riirtn oorJnOUZS JOI IHOTKCTIOX-

Ttiftr rrrort lo More rocland nnd AmerIten lo AdUtnli Hi Hlinnichnl nndOther Plnten The Offlclnl Clnis DeeplyImplleotcd IIn the Mutrnsc nr Greg

or3l Hlnlemrnt or the Knehemc HorrorThe Americans and IuropennalD Chins hare

been thoroughly ArOI1 terrible out

rapM recently perpetrated1 upon their I race Aletter sent tn Tie Sirs from Shanghai say as

The foreign rrsllentln China nro At lengthdetermine tn tocalled representat-


nt IrUn nnd nppcal to public opinion InKnclaiiil snil America That Is of course thefinal tribunal of popular government and If lItcun tio rotiteil nrd wo shall do our level best trntle It the gentlemen who occupy expensiveberths In VnUilnKton and Downing street as-

wrllfH lcpitlon street lekln may find It fleecetary to ilm n wel nt draw their pny

Ulnl King i held 1 crent Indignationrneetlnir nnil frnmcil n resolution prtetnla-tnt


C thin npathj of the rltnh orchrend ilemnmllni strong measures This Iho

ot Hong Kong rcfusel to forward but-ItGOtnor

can without his nltnncebconeCopies Vurfi CMini Afirj thnt have

resilied till olllco giro reports of the actiontaken br while foreigners at their meetings InMitnshal nnil other cities At Shanghai thomeeting rcfolxcd to appeal directly to our reo

epectUe Governments for protection from outrnjoby CMne and against tho apparently Inileiunte manner In which the persons guilty offormer outrage have been nnd aro brine dealtwith One of the mn t noteworthy speeches ntthe hnnshnl meotlni yes br the Iter TimothyJllcliiril wunrnld-

AftersitnilliiB tw ntrflvo years of my lifeInriulrntorlnK tl prnmolo the best Intrrostnoftne ClliirH 1 think It wuuhl be dlfflcult tuaialoi nt 1 tae thnt I am actuated by an Ante

iipcic ba I beleve the Chinese pOtSqtlllc lilri aro lot behind thoe of n-nonr rnton In tho werld Thin penple are good

trii rf the minlnrln nre friendly too but n-

Ine number stern to bo Incorrigibly bad lintiIt is y 111 tncl In the taco of such terrllil-oirtMcsrjalnstiny fellowcountrjiucn to takentun cent IIII rfit riots of China which hnvol rnenltlilnthuriihvre of my obcrvntlon nnd-

liistenilothrvlnz to record Increasing friendihlp and crntltude of the rhlrCo for tho clcnntic ehrltIe4 ot ClirlMendom In Chins I hove torecord continued hostilities and guilt of theChInese f uthcrltl3

FIrM ehnvc the great Tientsin rna sncro-or 1STP when twenty >nOulutr Sisterscf Charitv vriro brutally Ilrlprel thecollu < lon of the 1nI the prefect and malltrnle there In we hnd the nnmlir of MrWargrary by the Miinilnrln 11 PIrhtn InJS ve hart n general on lnnclit on elahteeii-ehnixl nnd on the homos of native ChristiansIn tue prmlncrof Canton Thnt was In ronse-qntncorf 0 Joint Inflammatory proclamationrut out Inthe Viceroy anti Ailmlrnl In 18NOtheniwrre riots both In Klanii and In Srcc-liuan Tho Itomnn Cnthollr IA rtshtlnK nn-trrQfd tuoh ivhlclil siirroutided hi linim waiell Irllhly thu Chinese authorities

to 1SPO them were chronictrouble In Meantime aptln mlsfonnrli of niltiAtlontlitlcs A German Connl rhn wn scnt-to Investigate tho matter dlco orci the Instlcat rot tliese to boa member of the n-

mCn Itself In 1SP1 we WITO inrtlnl Iby nvcrlet riots all along tho YcnctsQ Valley from

Hhnr bnl to IcVanc and foreien tort In ourprorlncos brut to Irntlicinsclvrs zs they wuroIn contant rtrcml riot Thj o wcr afterWKIT illsinv rod to be In ron < pqnenc of n n hlojircail prnpicanilii tint Inc Its hcmloinrter Inliinnn ixnil the leader vai Chou Jinn noneother that a innmlurln of the rank of Tnola-lIk rnnn whonouM not allow thn frlenil of themnnlerid lctlm t tbe pressnt nt tho mocktrial of tin of the two Sneiles Tins n-

preatltreror Abut the amo time we lenrnwl-ot a innnlerous attacV on Dr Grelg In Moncblirla by thluese soldiers

In 1MI4 we had to rerord the tout murder ofMr1 VrlIn 1In Inncliurln by ManchUI M lliller-Ihere fire been riot sIn in Hitnnn iR Jluivh-In Shensi In KnnMt11 Kurlchow ni null nsiittempt maile to riots In bhinoi by procIhtnntton In my iw Mlon ltictlliy the rhi-ti 3e mncltrntcs In M17I till Terr we hail thisriot In I2ehunti In vrlilh twenty ntatUms wrr-oinckid and over 1 hunilrei forclsnirs nerokept In ilnly nipvtiM atmtit their nn u personal

n> v for weeks ItKteirl of n lnc thecioic nt haiti to rlicl the riot i the mandarinstuned proilrmatlon to Urge them on Hvforothe riits la chnnn were o er tier reachedc of rn outbreak In June nealnt native Christins near Veiichow In Cheklnnir-


deflnlto news ft what Is going to bednno In settlement of the 8conuna troublesreadies us we are stunned by the erownlnc-stroiltjrdf all recent riot of Iten of our fellowcountrymen liriitallv murdered and all but rifleare ladler nnd children From this outline It IIsevident that with the exception that be anexception of Kunnitt province the riots haveIecu universal throughout every province In theempire Another thine that should bo earsfully noted 1 till that nil this tr nt riots up tothe rutleo rot have bArn Instluateil directlyindIrectly by the rhlne nuthoritles them-selves


Whether thev liMo hnd any share Inthe Fuklnn nms ncra or not will bo mode clenr-on Investleitlnn

The object of presenting you with pitch a-

long list of rlolH ii to show AS briefly jiolblowhat our position line been durlnc the lustthlrtyfl years and how this Chlnccn protectour lles and property We have nppenleda-tcnln und again to our own authoritIes antithey treatlnc tlm hlnrse ns honest In their In-


in turn appeal to tIm to carry outthe treaty contract of protection with what resuIt our gathering here today shows Since thoChinese will tiot or cannot protect us It matterscot which titers IIs hut one course left tin ontthat Iin we henceforth croso from appealing tothe Chinese and appeal directly to our respec-tive


Governments for protection Wo meethers 101lav thnt you may rtccldn whether youwish to trust to hlnree protection any lonlrrIlellevliiK that we nrn one In the opinion thattheir oct ninply prove that they cannot betrutnl I threfor most heartily support therrli t ion A 1I1lnllfl

It wn tlie horror of the Kiichenp mnssaprethat p oked at last the unlvrrMil demand forretribution and protection nnionB the whiterfhlnt of China One of tho mot concisennd icrnpnlo Hatemoota poncprnliic the mumere ins written hy the American missionaryIll Oreirory It has been jirlotid In the Vorfh-Chlufi VII In Yrim and IIs AS follow-

At IilO P M on the 1st of Miens a nativeChristian rushed Into my study payIng thatOHIO of the forelm ladles at Whasanif monotaln resort near KuchnnK oily lied boon killedthat mornIng and our houses burned Fifteenminutes later n note from Mr Ihllltpa conflnneil the report for he said thAt five ladleswero dead four seriously wounded and thelitewarts mIssing I111 once went Into thnlAimrn-wherp hundredsof people hml nlrpadv gatheredThe district maelktrateI Vianui said he wouldImmediately iro right up to W 1m sane takingsome sixty soldiers with him

At a V SII left Knchnmr city under escort-of thirteen noldlors and arrived At Whnsanir atH P M lo nnd trial nine adults KnKllh siihJects tnt been inurderetl and that nil thosenllTP at hasanv nine had lbeen more nr lessseverely Inlurpd with the exception of MrPhlllps who tied arrived at Whnlilf only twonrthreudnyii before and wile Imletnirnt a nativehouse some distance from the Rnclllh cnttnues1 ut once set to work to make the injured ns-comforbible as pnlbp-

II mono that Miss Codrlnctnn English hailreceived one sword cut extending f om the leftanaln of this mouth dinuunnlly upward antiilonnward seven Inches In extent ronitiletelrdividing this lower Up situ exposing ILLS JJawbonetint rut In tlm crown of three Inches exposedtie Inner table of the skull there was a cuteros ISis nose under the eye A cut three

Inches long on the right side of the neck twowounds also wounds on the arm nnd a deepfcniintl on the right thigh serious

Miss llurtford < American received slightInjury In the rhoU buying been beaten by an-ai nIUnt whllo duwM While the servanttruuulpil1 with him slio enenpcd to the hllU nndremained hidden iinlll use affair wn riser HerWTot Injury iw shock Mildred Htevrart airedlIV win wnunded her right knee Joint was ex-pood six incites she hAIl two wound on tlioleft ig IH lou Kathleen Stewart 1II slightIPlilie k Herbert Stewart 0iltcp wound rightSiile of the neck four iitciiPI compound com-minuted1 fracture the skull on back of bradJinni thrnilKh tthe rkull thrriiuh which thebrain woo uIIIIeti nouruleil left aide ot bvadlwound chest stab hack Ho died thirty hoursJlr en route Ewe Stewart 3 stab leftiMh bruIsed but iiolserlouidy Haby Ronartthirteen months stabbed lu the rleht eyeniinied In the face and on the heads fracturedskull several brule serious

OJ those klllwl Mr anti Mrs Stewart MissCMIV tlAIIIIlrr and Lena the Irish nurse wereiOlleil anti burned with Iho house Miss Mottlej wcnrnbe was speared and kllltd Uy lielnijthrown from a precipice Miss MnrstmllsUrait wascnt her head being nearly farernll-lMr Stewart hotly showed no ounds dentil

I tint shock probable Miss iordon bail deepipoarwoiitidsdn the face and nek anti side of

lijad MItts Topsy friundcrns death winCeimseil

iby a PW wound entering the brainorbit

The missionaries wero apparently massacred1

ff members of n secret society known nsVst inane The party IIs estimated to haveonIted ut eighty men armed wIth spears coilworith trongly orgeniretl1 auth under oneh5der There was no nliIclon of an ltckiJIi h wie sudden and terrible The whotc Atwu over to thirty minute Mui Cwrlnlf

ton says they bemjpil for life and promisedproperty anti valiiahlei fomn nisallnnts werenrllI lo ylrld hat tin lender who carried ared nAil vaseil title And shoutol tn his tnentYet know your orders kill outrIght Ift In the cvetdtiu wn placed llm imdlcs IncOOlnlllllIl after much eirnrt succeeded In get

i to order thn coffins to bocurried to Stilkuw and sentim chairs fur the stirJlvor SVtt left WhnsniiK nt ai PM on Ihoof Auuiist forRiilkowi travelled nil nightarriving at HiO nt ulkIlY The tmrty left forKoochow nt ai 1P to on this id nnd met nItltVltli with United Htnlps Marshal Hlxson antiMcjirs Wolfe antI Ihinlster Kngllsh 11I10 Ionarfe on board with supplies Wo arrived atoocliowl at 1CH on the 4th

KATtOXAL OUlnl OrBSCot Appleton of the Moventh tlcftlment orders that

drills In that commend bin on Tuesday next andeontluuu until Aprilt IBUH Ito pays a tribute lo ex-DealCot Smith and In giving his Ion record says-

tIIUtCo1 Oeorge Moore Smith has been promotedlo the honorable and responsible position of Colonel-of the Rxtninth lleghnent rank Aug 01H9 antiIs eoiigratulitrd upon this recognition of hl1luabl0services In restoring that organization which has ahistorical record so brilliant anti patriotic to Itsformer rank In the National Ouanl Ills tong faith-ful anti devoted service In the Seventh Itfrtli Cot Isuntversilly rrcoiulied and appreciated nod he IIsendeared his comrades br his rianly generous antiunselfish character lie lIivce this organization wiltthe frllullhlp anti bet wishes of his assoclntus antiwith their entire vonlldenco In hIs success In anothernhl of us fulneii lie originated the Idea of recognilloi alit cncouirn lnir long anti faithful service Inthe Seventh glment by a badge to tsi awarded byits Hoard of ORIren anti his sumcttlon resulted luthe Cross of Honor for that purpose Col Smith wasone of tho founders of the Nntlona1 Ulitu Asoclstonanti was for ninny jean a director suit he was activeIn securing Iho rifle range anti In iiromntlni antpopularizing rifle practice at Crcedmoor For severalyears be has held the Important position of Chairmanof the Hoard for the examination of onicers In thoNational luard In this city

II In lo such able loyal sclftacrinclng officeras Col SmIth that the Seventh Regiment owes nosmall part of Its fame anti their call tn active servlcu-

tiewhere reflects honor upon lhlorfanlintlnn Noth-Ing lu Us history Iis more creditable tn Its name thatthe service of more tItan 030 of Iits members as officerIn the regular antiI volunteer army nnd navy of theUnited Btntes during the war for the UnionUtyelchtot whom gave their lives to their country Huch illsUnction achieved by so many of their comrades shouldIH an Inspiration to all now serving In the ranks of theSeventh continue thelrefforls to promote Its netfare anti Increase Its capacity for putilo usefulnessThere will lie two election In the armory next trldayevening one for Major In which Capt Conover wiltbe choen cud ono fur Second Lieutenant or CompanyC In wtthl Flist Sergeant Crane will be promote

Private Crawford of Company F Twelfth Regimenttiavli g forgotten lilt locker keys Mkcd tlm armorer-to unlock his locker for him Acting under reinilatlon which direct thnt lockers can lm opened ty himonly nt the request of an officer the armorer declinedto open the locker for Private Crawford unless theroneut of either an nftleer or a noncommlssloa-cdori was obtained The private refused to seek suetIermjutlou ard eventually pried open the door ulngn bayonet for that pitrpioe Tho armortr Immediatelyrutoriett It ftl lire Itttmnrterc with Iho rnlt that 1rlate Crawfonl was sentenced by the DelinquencyCourt LleuuCcl llutt In pa the sun of 810 as a tIneInc bis fun This I the second offenro of Its kind Inthe reclmeuvwlthtn a couple of weeks nod the finewill hardly be remitted by the commanding oltVer

Th Naval Reserve of New Jersey Ltentenantom-mander Washington Irtlnz are orxnntilni a thirddivision matte up of residents of the Oranges Verysatisfactory prove 11 elng matte In thlj directionnnd It IIs expected that the new command wttlsoonbIn state tn be mustered Into the battalion

Trie Irlll season In the AeTcntyflrsr Regiment beginsilrnlnr Sept ao Practice for the I1NVO decorationbe njln the snooty rifle range on Nor I sal odeFib 2 HUG Thq match for the TabrtsEle Trophjwill tn shot after March I Company f will hold a

stag at fiTI Third avenue neSt Wednesday even-ing Oct S-

Corportl Edwin P CIT of Company OPeventyrrstRegiment has been appointed a Battalion Quarter-master on the stilT of Col Beward of the Ninth Hrzlfluent He IIs known n an exceptionally wellpostedyoung fun and was Die organizer the volunteersignal corps of the Soveaty first Rivlraent

The position of Assistant Inspector of Rifle Practicenn the stiff nf Col irnrry Mchell of the KnuncentiiRegiment has ben tilted by appointment or 1ollcoJustice Alfred E Steers who resignedI from the reelmeat something like a year ago


The ttocond Battery Cap David Wilson will re-

sume lu active drill work next week The first Importent social event of the season In the battery willtie n review on the evening of Dec 20 and among theInteresting evolutions of the evening will itt abatterydrill a sabn drill emil an exhibitIon with the GallInggun The recruit class will bp In charge of Lieut-bhrrry whose ability as an Instructor IIs well know 0

In the Fortyseventh Regiment Majors Eddy andQuick have been Instructed to attend company drillanti report to CoL Eddy the method of Instruction Andattendance the different companies llecrultsnrnto be Instructed In a regimental else supervised byMajor Quick Surgeon Wool has titen directed to Intruct the hospital corps

Major Charles K Roe of Hquailron A orders thedrill seven of the squadron to commence In lIe newarmory next week as follovts Troop Onein coinniand of Capt nrldgeman will drill on Tuesdayiihthts anti Troop Two Capt Iladgloy on Fridaynight One halt of the staff antI noncommissionedstar will drill on the Fame nlnht as Troop One andthe other half on tne same nlht ai Troop Two Thefirst call will at 813 P M and drill call at H23P >t at which every man IIs dlrrctist to procppd tothe place of falling In The nis mbly will bo souodx-latN80 P M when the squads platoons or troopwill tall In rank It IIs desirable maya Major lies

that every trooper should make a record of 100 per-cent of attendance anti each should take a personalInterest to have his troop stand tint at the end of thedrill season The commanding officer desires everymember of the squadron to understand that ho will bowelcome at the headquarters or Majors room at all-

times Major HOP also announces tlm assignment ofquartersIn the new armory as follows Headquarters

ln >lajorsroomsiiitliwektcurnorufseci nd floor A-djutants office and room of Adjutant aol SergeantMajor next room to tho cOst on tint speond floorQuartermasters oClce and room of Qujrtcrmastrrend Quartermaster Sergeant northwest room on ringfloor HurgeoDs office room adjoining Quarterma-sters office Vcterlnarys office la armorers room athead of runayof stable The staff and noncom-missioned locker room will be the room on the southslits of third story Troop One IIs assigned secondfloor south wing Troop Two IIs assIgned thirdfloor north wing A meeting of the entire squad-ron for the transaction of general businesswill be held next Tuesday evening Immed-iately upon the conclusion of the drill of TroopOne The first drill of the troop will be dismountedand will consist of squad drills under noncommis-sioned


officers superintended by the commissionedofficers of the respective troops Drills for the non-

commissioned omens of Troop Ono will bo held everyFriday evening anti those for Troop Two will U hellevery Monday evening until further orders At thelast regular meeting of tIe squadron sixteen newmembers wero elected which practically tills huesquadron allowing scveotyflve mon to a trout Thofollowing men have been upuiniflhttt lIOn commis-sioned ofnrer In Troop Two pending uxaiulnitloniSergeant William II Iudlnglon slut Corp tral ArthurII Francis The cadetl corps of Ihu troop will comroencn Its drills next month

The List of Referee-Tburetereeswematpolotedlncaoee Ila the elate

courts la this city lest weektVrBFMK COCUT-

Hu Jutlgt BarrtttCOw Rtftrtt-

WcRaa njtt Oraham Joseph K OwenMutual Life Ins Co Oct llutie-

rtHiicuss Wilson CannonnomlauaiitCoukllnK wWli c Vilao-ililtitbrooK agh Inrsonstaps avld ThomsonnIP Forest avt lUng Win U Ilixs

Itch1I41 vtnlnaulQ rrank W ArnoldIlHiplu Ac aulI Am Btraiii IIIns Co Iukp A Ixwkwoo-

dWliluuaiti Hard rrauk I Donnhua-Haloneragt n Nolll rank I IxuoliueMount egu IlOldent Iou Bud

sty Hamilton Odell-Khret azt Abel Joseph A Ilioinpsoo-elly


am 110cc Tliru F llauull-jJell nlLu >lutueil de FranceHroln IM Vrnnklln Illa

fattt r itt Sander Charles IU ouy-Irowbrldgv1 agl Uans Chsrlcs I heyfrlceagt > oKg Frank w AnioMVociueragt llldden Frjnk W Arnolo-Itnnsevell ant Am V College frank W Arnold

HctUhon agt Moritan Edward llradleyJIll Jvilge DMltni-

ltlelchlogsgl Lebcrl usury Jf Millertplegela Mhlif luilin Oudl-nlUllrrvMliJte KrpdPrkkI DuncanJurray ajt liaruum James J Stalls

rofHT or CCIMHOK rtiu-

Hrhwecleriv Judge Isor

hunliiuti flJ7 IlhlL WardGarden

Hallerof Aer JviluurtarrLmoreHorn ail Alexniider loiilsMjrsiall-wnuvansglLlrln tm Charles iiokUler

circelax covn-rlljjuitje Dugni

Ensign 54L Coin Thomas floesIMsMlmcr tut llouheiuii r Unytl S 1isue-UalcwsUiseiTlUriiiil Job Ii Jairoog



Lemons Are Neitrcc Dent sad Poor In Qiin-lItrHhlltn CU Which Hnlnon KeeperAre lntA Chaises for ia fortune Lost

Saloon keepers anti others In this city anti therest of the country will bo pleated to hear thatfrom nuOOO to 10000 boxes of lemon arc onthe way and will bo horn within a week or tonilnys Thcro line been an unmistakable lorujn-fumliio for tcvcrnl weeks and prices havegone up to nn extraordinary figure Not onlythnt hilt tho fruit on hand is extremely un-satisfactory


In every way except for tho ex-


mak rn who earn for notlilnu but tliorind The liulito of tho ordInary lemon justnow Is almost ns devoid of Juice as jlmsnn woodpod antI as a tinnlworklm Imrkccpor re-mArked You have to vqtioeze n whole txix oflemons to Ret stuff enough for a lemotiiuloIt Is not rosily so brett as that but the lemonsaro remarkably devoid of julco and moreoverare so scarce and high that many of tho lowergrade of saloons hoe refused to buy them atall An Instance of this was observed In aIrani street rnlnon yesterday A customer

asked for n glass ttf lemon anti seltzer ThoI proprietor was Ixjhlnd the liar atid said

Youd hotter tako somrthlnR elect lemonsI are sn liltfh that I rant alTonl to mnko lemon

anti fcll7cr tins nickel us usualI didnt wiy anythliiR about the price

returned the customerIM limn toilmrico you ten cents If I made

ltmilil the saloon keeper1110 on awl mnko Itl what do I care

Well to toll jou tho truth I cant make Itnt all I shut ilnwn on lemons when they got upto HO cents a dorm anti theyre worth 40 now-I havent haila loinnn In tho houco fur a monthGot acid phosphate thonuli

Another inlnon keeper said that ho hind beenpaying So a IKIX for lemons for a week antiJiiKt beau they are high everybody asks for astole drink Ho had IXTII smiting four duenlemons a day making hursos necks a romblimtlon of uln rr alo and lemon whleh reemeil-

to him In hnvn IKTOIIIO suililenly popular jjustbecause lemons were pcarco-

II thouirlit that this rlckev Imslnrss withlimps would let UP on lemons to MIMIC extenthut It hasnt Ivo boon Iriylne peeledlemons from an extract maker for a lonewhile ont mini thrIll to make lemon julenfur the lute tiottlc lint lin tins 101111 linek-on inn within a mntith and1 I expertI hutIhas found Mimebodi wIll lug to tiny him aliettrr Price III ntlier times ho nat mlitlity-anxiiiis Ito keep mi fur a putty customer antiat tho Mine tlim I wn throwing Imsluls IIflemon pools 1ito limo is rbiRe whlrh hi mItlltJut as well lime hart IIm boil udorn drum-mers


in here trylmr tIn soil mo iis nubtltiitu forlemon lulio hut I dont want to ervp OilYinnriatle or even citric nrlil to my rmtnmorsLimes aint >olot1tl limit lot nf people dcmt llkothlr inuitv titan or I dont mvelf fur tlintmatter IIinpvtl iMiell cot n shipment coonI IIIIVP lioon In Ihn iiiino sthlrtnn jnirs andnever snw mixthini HVi this Inforn

A denier In Imported fnilts In Greenwichstrict mittI vitonlav that th host lemons aminot very good tiltS nt that More soiling at S10-

a lox anil the worst wore roniiiiniiillne S7hut Ithat Ithe prleo wntild lit linikoni a fewdajs liv time nrrltal In Tort of spernl shiploadsof nhlrhI ailxlet bOil IIwn ro olvodI A IKI riif-

lomnns rotitnins fromUHl to IKJO ncrordlnc tothe eli of Itie fnilt nnd timl lumnril y the priceIsiruliitol1 Iii tho iiunltv Irit lust now everyIxxlv is FO anxious to cet leinnns that any kindwill lirlnu a lilcli prici intuit tint perhaps thn-ro mori whv tomo FnlKin le ivr omplain iiNin-thn

I t

lark of Juloo they find Ir Itho loinnns tthoyliar hiLt money for In nrdliinrv times time dial-ers


would he afraId to tspout niih lbomb to moonupon vlumi they dojioMil fiir toulv tmdt1 TheJuoelc lonnns ustinllr liae thick oIly rindsnrd nro sold alinist Invariably to extractnviiors This kind I txii tlv what thor do1

sIre hut thoy are not buylni now on orcnuntof this prier

I The iniinnffor nf ant of thn hlr cold storarn-hnusns suttull that thorn oro plontv rtf oldnrntii s Iin tim mnrkrt and would I1m untilI thustiNt ttf time now rron ramo In from fallfurnlaand oNowhore limit tlioro nor no tillI lemons

I have not heard of unit Itittly putting lemonsIn cold storage ho vent on Ve lmn hod-omiim ovrry year lout lmner bavn boon iiskfto Ink core of lomons XiilxHlv could fiiroso-

tn lemons or a hie fortun inlcht liavn Ixf nmails Surh clrinros do not oocur often in nnordinary bun lifotlmo anti It IIs doubtfulIt nnybdv will bo propnnit fur a rop tltln of

I It next year Tit ttilumtrv IIs afo for the fam-ine


cannot lbit motiF than a week or two

JIITCITI > X > roornATi PRACTICEWeeding Out the Innrtl l tr for th VxreHr-

Tenm Already Ilesan-Pntxccni Sept lBThe practice rtnrlnc

the week huts worked womlero In developingcandidates for poiltlons on the varsity footballteam Tho men liave been coached stradllr incatching puiitlne soul tnrUIni Thorn Ila ftlll-n trot deal trio much fumbling ainone thelocks antI they are entirely too slow In startingafter time bull fIn snapped Those however arefnulti to itt eipoctcd at this early period of hutscasor Time rutn on tho line arc dulni reniarkably well In every way The eleven has lInedup against a scrub team every day this weekand in this manner tho host of the eatmtlliiats-are being picked out lime wooding out has al-



begun and there aro only about thirtylIe aspIrants loft uf tho fifty or more who cameout earlier In tho season

Gaj lay is doing excellent work at centre HeIIs Just tOo nina lor the place being well seasonedstud with lots of pluck He hues been lined upagainst Dickey anti hues handledI Him easilyGuylay came from Lafayette College to thePrinceton Seminary where he Is studying forthe ministry Kites will not try for centreagain aim is now stationed at left guard Halooks even bigger than ha did last year and Is inthe pint of condition Hu handled BeerWheeler wIth comparative emote during thepractice lt5ct week and It was while Whrclorwas plavlng against KliTgs that Ihis ntusu untiebrokei tIme flirt Injury of mums account he hasircrlvod In the four jeurs Hint hu plujed on timevarsitjMini Ithodos ecoms to be n fixture at right

Cimrtl His weight alonu would bo a goodroiommondatlon hut hu lift besides a handyway of getting Into tho Interference once inswhile aunt IIn no menu tackier Turney whoplays ou the scrub against Blind IIs a tallmuscular luau and may be developed Into agood substitute for Hhodes or Hlggs Wcntzwho playeil centre on the hawrencevlllaSchoolteam last year Is doing fair work at right guardon time scrub

At right tackle Lee Is not yet up to his oldtliiin form lie Is busily rnengrd In coaching-the other candidates joe tlio position lie alsogives tutu signals tu thu morn und altogether has-H little too much to look miller to Ills a successful gamu There Is no duubt however that hewill swing Into Iline IIn gund lorin when time teamIs In running nrder tine of limo boot finturcsabout him Is 1111I101111111 ho Is III evory theYhe turner gots hurt Ihurch Is doing will at lofttackle Hu IIn II strong hard plnjrr still timeonly thing that kept him down last season wasIds slugging proneiixluiK r u far this year haban boon lmliYi mug it goml clean came

Armstrong iiml Tyler arc the tackles on timescrub Tyler IIs as good a man as Iliurch andArmstroiiR IC nut far brldnd vithrrof tliom-tm lirnn has right end rlnched Thore Is nourer tackier on tho Held It wits thin facultythnt placed him at IlullI uk tim time varsity teamlast mill w hfr lie IInjured Ids lieid Johnston Istilaylng Ithe oilier end IIn only a fair style IHe I


little tooI light limIt has plenty of nand HisiHckllngI abilities aru good but ho stillI not countfor much In the Interference There are a hostof substitutes for end positions among whomlure Hey ard Ilreckenrlugc Weed Turner andJlroku-

wII policy of tim management this yearscout to bo to havo n weighty lot behind the3line anti Hhilr and Minor ire I its only randli-luteH


wilt do nut comi up to this standardhmlth iIshtlll tile moat likely man tot quarterhack 1I111Is much heavier than Too soil thusinoru useful III tile Interference Ilie due notPUHH very accuratuly yet hUllIn rapidly de clon ¬

lilt Into varsity form Iua Injun tileI ankleduring the wrck unit has been laid oil fur time

last few dnyn Tucker who wits a promisingman did not pass his examinations autl DO can-not rniur lilt year

Hutor Ishowing up In treat shape for halfbuck Hu Jill lieen plating> on the scrub furtime past week but will doubtless Und n placoopen for him on triovarsity Time only thinglie lack Is weight Ills tnckllng Is faultlessnnd he IIK a good runnsr Heller Is punln laid outwith an Injury received at baseball Fulton Isa very proniltlng man for half luck lie hits ahabit however of running high when buckingthn lute hut inside from this shows up wellllufecnguricu has not 1t settled down to norkbut barring accidents inuy be counted upon to111I one oftIIhll hilt1 bick 1IIIIIIISA > er llannunl anil the only menloll who an trying fur full back Ajers wouldmake a good man lit uItiitr full or us one of thehalt bucks lie titus wonderful staying puttersbut does not punt as until as either iilnlriir-Ilannard Illalrhas n rupml liii Ion for wnnliiKthroe lIme straight front tho scrub by kickingguals from time lIell Ho Is a Illtlo light however for a ploco beck of hue line as hu wouldnot count fur much In Inlorfermicv Ilannar-dhs perhaps the best chinco fur the place liehm experience anti allllty to tilt the line antifollow Interference

ovn oitjiaii cnnittinr-

nontvM no 307 nr r n utrrist ntnmnoHAM GtniAN-tMrKriniir nrew-

Kon KB non QI tonQnandQfl8iflonlfleiPi on Q B K It S antI 1C KI I

Jht Fk Im rf jli1 rii J I >

4 l >> 1r N

j r-


a IwaWd f WHH-

A ZMo b < 2I-pa Jl J i WlIv Zj1 A < ImY

riIfM H ilf tZv >

I1rI1I W

Jf lii 1J fSjll pf I


JSiff J 0-

W Z f44JI-


< m> j i 7 1 Q fM-


1 r J c Jjp f-1i1F L p7l

KP OnnUIITi lUon K II K nnd J1C Kt i Kt-sonQUHandg4llsonCJ Hand 1111lsonQ lttfujlt0 fluid Q 01t1IInIIJ VES rtrCES

White to plsy and main In three mornsritOHLEM hO 301111 Till HKV A CV1I1LI-

IDXIlONreAII80 rNdlANlBLACK ron iirccs

lConQflJl let on Qltu HontJIIi P on I1C H-


b 0 1i th J1 j i1-

Z9 < 0h 0 d ililp 1y t1 i Vmhf ifrl m

< L N1

oJfq hZirz I i jw It I

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d H r011J fZ 0


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u1 lff Jf VfZ

if1 1 gnv f V < W d

>3 tiu4 Wfj t1 1-

K on Kit Hi QnnQN Kn on u KIT and KIlO Its-

onQlttlimild K 7 laooQliAanltJflw-murmryamirr IUU

White to play anil male III two movesBOtUTIONg TO PlllllltKMM NOS MS Alf 300App n led Is he nllthors solution to No 31V-

t II 111 IUQ 2 Kt on eh KQ It 3 KIn 9 mte-I

V Kt 1 IIII T matoII ItU I InJa i tor ifhkU or IlK 4 or ItKt

or llKt Sor HKt fl t gll i uncleI IVIlf 01 Kt a gUVmaloI R HAOKlKnr OR 8 or QK or QQ n orKtnrOKI V q1t2nnto

I II 1tIQ< 2 KClI17K ohq KtaoItsmnie-ii n nriQgsjKtiHTixnoiiUxKtt iiiirmnip1 It IUt0 UVKI i1 7 KtleiK ilIKt nTmalP-I IIUAQ6I 9 KHIi7Kt1ohlKtSIIll7lnalp-I


llllVQ tfiiiKtij 1171 hKK43KtllilmalPI IIHSl1114 2 Kl xOcli K 111 a IIK maleI liKSv Ktfli KIln 7tlL0 ehIlxKta 11117

mOnteI Imltc QKt 1 2 Kt H iKt B ch KQ 4 3m¬

ll 3 matei n niKO4 2 KtKtichnKB3 gxii mat1M IIIHIKII 2 QxllhJIIti OIImnlI1 IIItiIIIIhltt2qII1hK1I49J g3-


0Il2ch l Ktn3 QxP mal1 II II US Ktinove 5 r na mat

Cnrrret nniitlon received from FredCirter IlnlonYet Annlhrr New York One More New Von FredFniciIII Prookh n A Qnltjow New York It U Whv-mnrtn Non Yorkj Mjtv Win llrooKiyni Tli olnro-K nulhr Itr okiin A M Wnnlniniin Ir okln-Stfplun Mctrolh New York I York ri E Flen biiry Poion 7tml frlrne Non S tintTaVc Sle In linwikljn Mow Difficult ilnntnii <

iifglliner SrI yk itustiy Ihitamleipml rrtYou Are Prnokbn Junior New York Inivers lll-raul urv Conn Fleic Kmll New York Jo llrailleUrookln Iii A H HnldwInNorwals Conn I e vNew York

Following Ili the authors snliitlnn to NO Son1

1 KtOi Qx It I QCSmnstp-Kt QtJ O V 1 UK 0 mate

Lift OnO oil 2 OK t mute1 KtQi Hx Vtj l Kl ntmnle1 KtiJ 3 It S It 2 male1 lKt OK KtiT V 9iJk mateI Ktga lln 4 or It nii S g K6 matet Kt < llK Bi 2 Q x H none1 KtQ n R eMnrhere 2 Q K 1 nr QR 4 mMeI Kit 3ltlm1 e < orIlQ9 t QxKt mateI Kt tan i 9 2 ItKS miteI Kt4 tt outer raiIstloo < ntuierotia used easy-

rrrrect ettiiiofls FtCciVP 1 rnl y1 Carter flnton Y1 Another Now York i nce More New Yorktred Ford HriNiUjli A Qnlrow New York IL U-

Whm nn Ne York MayI Win UrooKlvn Theolnr-RI Itmler lirnnkltn A M Uardinmin nr olil > iiStephen MeUrnlb Sew York Irettv Sew York flYImur iotom Jtut In Time New York TuskMe In llroikln How Jjisjr minoan Correct YouAre RnM khn Junior New Yurt rroTers lll-Panbiirv ConnFlek Fmll New York Jop Orallv llrviklin Frltr Sillier lUrtTorJ Conn Matterllareldllhiihcllf 13 eam old Ilnxikljn Our W lluliwin New York J leuy New York Dr A IIJ llaldwln

ern nIt Con-nFlxln H Ilitdwln Prlilitepnrt Coon forwarded

aiVllllnnnl correct snlutons to Ntnus Hftft anti natKdi1 T Wood Kotni Mast forwardedl nn additional

correct solution In Nn MiO-M1 Kallnkeltrnl < New York J F llaneonx New

Britain Conn forwarded additIonal correct siilutions-tn Nu Mt

rOllluolosorsrrMath r MntVlAn New Ynrk PK B CTl You

OTiinoi enhance > nmr oppm nlii II or Any otherltIeot nf your onpoiirnt

T f HiII 4li Mnnhnrtnn nvpnti rltv wrItes to-nTile irs foMimt Iwouldm rld to eit4ermtts-

Ii uhesu paxern llvin t In ill lclnltvI uif lliun-rIreet

II tai iiu we < t sluI In formliK a for the

stwlr niifl rrnilleeiif the 7rrth1T T VP lloiton Masi a i New OrDainCorn A problemI eoinmenelii with a capture or achitk Is couriered Knn l one

cmIIui oClTr-

Pr Tarreh before leirjnir IIattns for GermanyIIs call not tn lits 0 sty eneer tn nrllliI In the St-

IVUr burp chess Imirniment In the winterII N rilUlnirr na entertained at dinner hy the

HrltUi the Nortli Iion lon the iletropnllun andoilier imton ches eluli

heron lemln ln loud on Riturrtav Plllsburv entertalncit time menliersor tn > Ilverixinl anti Manches-ter chess clubs with simultaneous and blindfold perfnrmanceN

The rnplia rrnmrknhtr Rood duetsIrt1rfl5 In fact It U only INI rare ihnis defeated nt tin name There U one priest In Koine-


whnlSo tMiially time Popos adversary This priestFather Oullla tins plyed chess with hisI holiness forthlrlytwo year tipsf When CardinalI Iecel wasrailed tn hint IMni throne Father iliilllx who wasturn repldtng In Florence receliod an Invitation tnproceed In Itnmi anti take up hNI iniirtem In theYatuan He Iis a niicnlflcent n ner hutI so lint rein

d that I Ito P MMoften IIlIInnorlhaIuI Ibv aI mlI homily on the virtues of re lgnstlou nud iiieemmes

lies plaient tn Ih Ilout of Common recr t thatIn the wrick of the lllternlI pnrl onrrol nttm lntplayer IIAVOLMIII Illiimlker lleann nimUI Iblniftlfan aecnniiM pler Ii Iliuiillii In mournfulnumbers time lose of Col Nnlnn und Sir UenrKe Newne-whiibav list their senunrKl Mr Timn eiii1 IIh Ciin-pcriatlvM who ha retired three nf tlii tient Chen-splajemln inenliSI Home Out sailing the new memhere nmie prnmlsinir rhesus players may lbe found anditIme nld menil ers nf that penuudon will still nifty tnwhile away the weary tlmo of waiting their favor-ite game > icriiitfA laltt Jmjrnul

A few weeks sluice tlm ttnftrftrittr Courier mauls IIt-

self ponnlbleI for the following The Hantlmtschess tournament will be watched with great Interet by all lovers nf time earn and especially bv timeOueen II was nt her Majestys eirr request thatthe Duke of York became a patrna of the tournamentyew nf lucy subjects derive a keener pleasurefrom time gme than does the Queen She rarely playschess benelf now but dellclii In watching gainspla ed by the memliers of tier family and1 often mutter

checkmate Is called will glvnadvlco as to how therims should have lliten placid Every memberIhornynlfjinllvlsa skilful pliyer bill1 her > aje > tywhen phiMiinvei the plmts U ablnI tn show her su-perlnrlty our all olliir royal plvyer eneeltI theIKrnprens Frederick who is rarely defeated The tjticcu-recelvi l her letinns utter fr nn this Princo Consortwho was nUn an enthusiastic player

Th tirtilth fIIM Ifmutushms ie Mnnv moiihers oftime Lnndou M flcnraes Club willI nonce with greatregret the suildm death of lIme tavnllere T 1itilanlItalian mliatoidnr nt Cnn tanilnonlo ficforo nt-talnlng MinisterialI rant hlcnor CatallnlI wi fur stvcrust years Prl iretD lu the Italian Kmbosv InLondon and In the aMencn of lu rider acted as-ilmru duultI ire Durlnt this ierloil Ibe mined InnFt Oenrire s Cull wliera In wai cMrciuHv pnpulnrand nxeept for tiiectccHsloiinl lmrtlstirt of ditnnmatlc-bu lnc n n > ery regulir ailenilnnl Ills frank antI

manners seemed tniinreth lnst fi niitrenorihnI Ifenlal ml iwllth character be threw hlmtof comtilelelv Into Knglinli life stmi ettmutmimtI Ms sonnal an-rnallali pulille seboil llu I inpli prnimiilou > hanttibow hltfhlv Ids abilities rn KIUTII lied by hliowiiUnvernoienl after 1 very ilion time In a siiUirllnatepost ho wn appointed tn the linjtnrlsnl embivsv atIonstamlnniile He died iiilrtnly of iipopluxy on JulyVH havlnir lust returned to hi dutle from leave ofabsence He wa a native nf Cutaiila SIcily nnd onlya little over DO years of usurp

flue Ixiiilon loll rir < glvi 4 tutu following table oftlie games ai pla ed In tim Hillings loutiamend

XaAiueeeenlng 9lm-


Willie thick4Itmptcut piuunal itme son Prow

hij 10 I flOueenn Oamllt 91 in-


f rwlich fltltnei27 7OiieonV iinmblt Declined2HO-IlMVO

11 14 5Piano III-

KiotcliI I 11

llnlini tt a jVienna OpeningFvans

dllambli 7-

TwnKnlEhlsI C

Defence T tSicilian llrfenca J ml 9KIngs Otiflhitlt DeclinedIg I 3

n Opening i 1 1

Your Knights Opening iHilltops nmbii a-

Centre0 9

Countre a 0 II

Petrol Defence 3 0hllldor Defence-Vroni

I IOamblt 0

iKIM Opening 9 0Three KnlKMls I-

I7ukertnrtI 1

Opening a-


llamblt DeclinedIlunxarlsn

0Defence I 0

Irregular 3 0 9

sew of be hors WorldIxniif ifiij hid Cell VI The petition ot Edward

fir uy before Ilii baiicmtt Iourt tentvrilay for a Culivorlnxnl lime aw aiinlnst time lloby llailnz Ainocla-tlou Mas iirerruUU With IliU action IlidUst hop nftime dulciIaumii Ilo 5rUrC a reversal or ettn a luotlll-ctlloti 01 lie opinion IIs dluliuued As the Uw Is nowroiiitruM by tie rourt all persons are protillje1from lioldlni a rare nieellDc ifUnr Ihn twloe willlu a porlu1 of sliiy ilsjs wbtthrr Ih prevloiu electinii wu bald by tlmi sau > or by Uinreai pcrM


jirn nouss Fir TB4nUTjn TAKESIfl l VJt4INiM SKCOXU-

III Molllnry Opponent Iter l Hnntn Amities

Cold Not Mnke hElms nnnlliirrjr ReedFrIghten Thirteen Horse Out of theRpttnlnllnn Mtnkesi nnil I Then nenten-by Arnonhoe Vooilrlne Too fleet forthe Flllle rreiton neernlayer andTom Cromwell Earn Inrsen Tnrnt Hlno-

ta tilde Ibr Miiren llnlyTnrf Notrn

The Second Special at Oravcsond yestordny-nromtscd to bo a fairly good rao but tho vietory of Clllford was conceded by nIl fair Judgesof form It was thought however that FlyingDutchman Ilamnio slid Sir lixcess wouldstart anti that the thrccycarold would eelsuch a merry clip at tins outset that tho son ofIlrumblc would havo no hollow walkover lintHamnpontid Sir Uxccsi wcro withdrawn earlyanti then word came to crutch Flying Dutch-man


It was no race for Clifford to brat KayKl Santa Anita with five pounds advantage Intime weights antI there was little Interest In thecontest TOIl teen horses were frightened nullof tho Speculation Stakes by time prc cnco ofHarry Heed In the events Arnpahoo beatHarry Kctdhandsdown Inonlyfalrtlmc Therewas a Inrgo crowd In attendance It was n typi ¬

cal mull uny anti light overcoats and wraps weronot out of place

There wits the astonishingly good prlcaof 1 toiJtigalnst1 Clifford for the Second Special at tIme

opening of peculation but this did not last and1 to 7 suns tho best obtainable at post time Keyel Santa Anita drew tim ixde but lllTutril pasodthnrallfornnn In time opening strides and madetlm pace There Wi < nn time from start iIn ito-lviil nhentllifurds mouth was not wldo openunder Slmmss Mill I at Clllfnrd won IIn a trot Intho fairly good time of trVIK lth every-thing


In thin rare to hurry him along rillTordcould hnu stoppul n merry mile nnd n furlongjvsiordiiy Ho loukid well and every movementwax fullI I of IHIITIT I u Is a hnro limit grntTS onone lat year he was corisllcrel plainlooking-InI the early kpillig hutI hu limes grimn more 10but undf Kogcrts training anti Is MT a mosttaking horse

When It units soon that Harry Itiert was In theSpeculation flakes to carry H3 pounds stud tobt sold for 6lOU thoro wcro inutterlngs on thupart of rosily owners and trainers and a volleyof Ithdriiwnls followed no fewer lion thlrleen-hnrsos bring drawn This left Hugh Ionnyluck of Similf and Aritpahoo to moot HarryHrisl Harry Iteed was a favorite at 8i to 1 onTime stnrt was ixrfoct iind Arapahio wont awiywith harry bleed at a scorching pace It wantmore than thirty seconds beforj the crowdroallrd thnt Harry Kied was beaten for whileKoefe wits hues un tbo Himar gelding Olxary

S itS sitting still This pnlroprntdagapnr twilengths on lack of Spades while Hugh Iennywho seemed to havo lost his speed wasn poor last Arupahoos white face wasprominent at time bend of time stretchnnd when Keelu went to thn whip onHarry Held It was a dollar to a illume on thoCalifornia Arnpahoo wun very sniigh withHarry Heed Hogged out In second pInto andJack of hpados third Ienny was a rinse fourththe balance of tho teld coming back to hIs clipnear Iho us Ire homoof thoo who lund scralchtitout of Harry Heeds way ware sorry the timelli being rather slow nt tho weights carriedHarry Hied Is nothing like time sprinter he wasns a twoyearold antI It In not surprising thnt-ho was beaten In England At Hietpthuad Haywhere ho won three weeks after lute returnfrom time old country his race was not a goodone and Simms had to punch him trout start tollnlh In got him home In fourth Hu Is a hardhorso to ride too and no light boy comm do himI

Justice Ho would probably tine performed usnell or bolter withI 10 pounds up and Mnnos-In


tIme saddle The llrt half mile In IM secondstrim than slorj of the race

Harrington was n pronounced favorite fortime opening dn h at threo iunrer of n mileDonolnios cclii I lug Is not oorptrtial to uoighttand ISJ pounds was hcarcely tu his Ilkini-Minms Itried toshtkooiT his field and did uu-

ievd In flipping clear of all but IIre liin lirilllniIkopt tlm bnnvn hidrbrothrr to Miijcr Doniu Ii p-

at ilarrlngloush I shoulder nOd a hundred nr tsfrom huino Lime ftoritu was IIn trouble Slinmstried to roujn him with whin and spur bltwhen Harriottun N nnder punishment linUlnvarlnbl boiiten and Iro ton us on liandily-by thrtC iuartors of n longth Monenelltoheat Integrity and lllu > ioii a lingth fortldrd money Ciiitiin TI after getting awiyhaitI iniulu up a lot of ground 1 hi short outfldnof tho C lmta hit V n good olid Ireitun Issail to IH a vtr> sat bursts at hnlf it mdn or-thoreiibonttt lio is Improving every hum horuns lion over and tnu > lourn Itosta > a milo to-rorr 1 lio Ur okdnles heiond strli t Tho aio-

sS Interfered wliu and 1nUhed la time liardh islonThe second iace a ulmnlu at one mile anti a six-


I had but three cntrioi nnd was popu-liulv sum 1ihuit1 to U a good Ithingi for April I

hoiil April Fool wan I lie pnioinnker lv timIIter laer a ilofseiotid nnd Milnlla trailinglIme llrst quarter woo run nt n snails pansWhen the clip improved Deor lner showedthat he was mtter of the elltiiiiton by ontIsprlntlng lime rivnln and winning by neurl alength April Kool beat Sahllla a uliurt headfor second money

WoinlMno Mr Ilelmonts lovely filly byMnineli7or WA a gnat favorite for thoda h atfour and a half furlong tor tnt earold tillingI

Intrrintssini Ixiiu second cliolco Wild VioletHI tine riKheil to the front aswrnn as tho llnifell and with Vtmist sI tie tho nearest attendantshoned thu way untilI wellI IInto ttho stretcht Itwas only plij for WiiKltlno togoon nnd winwhon I 1irinln called on her to take I tie load andslt nuts iunh giilloping at the wire ln setto atlong odd MnMitd strung and secured stHondmoney n loncth before Annot lyln Wild Vio ¬

let stepped sml > fut an l suits fourth Tho win-ner


is a cry hindsomo tilly and muck luyncr Isonly imping tin rounids uf limo caru ho saveher early in tho srnon

The newly loniud llrm of Duke Jt Wlshnrd-furnifhed tIme fatorlto for the lust race In Mnik-Ilrlcgv They let SlOuon on the gtddlnt andtho talent followed their lead Tnl nnnhled MF Dwrcr to got a gon l price against Tom I nimwell tnosonof lhrmmlmiltle it Istluali Itch at llrlghton-Hi ach on Friday Alter a general neurry MackIlrlggs and Tom Cromwoll drew away from timeother Slmnis rode Cromwell excellently andtne chestnut colt won a guest race by H lengthForum camo with n rush nearing thewire anti was a good third Whlppanyand Royal tiiin were somewhat tnn leit upshortly after I lee start and both lost considera-ble


ground Whlppiiny dlplajed a lot of speedshut looks Ilkn a wry fast unIt There n as someapplause whon Tom Cromwell 1 won

1Frederick Turnl tuna signed tu ride for Marcusflu y IIn IIriiut Tho contract wns signed jesterday and nrxt > ear ttlm IDutchman will wenr hiscolor of thu copper king Tor thn pnH twoyears Tarnl lint nddcu for time Messrs Kecno-fjuuimarles follow


liar all SRcii heavy baiidlcapt to the winner 1300to the ttconil lIeu anit Co the third 125 six furlongslirnotiUlf Ntuhli hr K Ireiton n 117 Kn orUivlo

Sweet HnniH IIllI tlfllllh IW Donohiiesch e UnrnoKtoru 4 189 Rlnims a-

AClskonV ch I sioiiinelllii 4 lOll Uouxin aIntegrity Illusion Thu tinge Top Gray anti Captain

T also ranTime liinw-

Oettlnatx to 11I a tiiuust lUrrlnetou e to t PopGray f to 1 Preston n Co 1 The Sage T lo 1 Illiislou-

ft to I Btonenilllc JB to I Captain T 80 to 1 latexrugsccoxn nAcic

rorthr TraroMi to time winner 1400 In the sm-ond

>73 and lo the third CIA selllntfi one mIle and a

slxtevnthUnerk hiAbles K c Dtrrslarer by Midlothian Doe

IOT iHowelM 1I Ixnllnran U c April n ol loe dlrimn I-Iu liulontl J ili r Mtiiiia 107 lhiifCl a-

TIlliu IISllJncttlniTwo I April lu1 it to t against Sa

bllla 7to8Deerilatr-Tllllin HADE

For twnjearold fullest to tlio winner MOO to hitssecond 87J anuS lo the third 9um Sour ammO a tumult

iirlonits-liemioii Siables eh f YToolvIn by lagnttlurWundblne llHKlrlffln l

A ClaMinshr f Ciiilte lOll ifleacani aW II loilxsubf AIIIIOI lyle Ilia Iilrlffi a

Wild Violet lnliiriilsluu iJi Vloiita eat Medlcaalso ran

Tlmo OISIiBetting Five to nu Wmhlvlnis afalnst Inter

minion n lo 11 Alinot ljle 7 to I11 Imviti und WildMolet each ID tollI IIs vleula 2 tu I slid Midlca-VO to I

rnciiTti RACETime speculation Stakes of 41 600 rev threeyearnlds

ant upward iii rach and 3Uadditional for starterbj Kuaruntitcd onnu valun tn the winner llvoi1 inI tat suueuul borMJt < uu audio the third tliiili hluiu winncr in Imu soil at Alathou for 3iiiiO If forliss 1 Hiundmuihutsssil for laibfMi down to tVJO then J poundsfmir aiiu b2Umi t lmnt ii Itt I I uhilu it gumrbomgsMiiiluAnlln Hualr id i Arapuhoe 4I ID Cheviot

Vlent uj ifliarjiI> 1F linyer br g Hurry lleid 8 U tlttf l it-

llliiiiloii blables n hii Jack ud rliuduA L IUJ Urlniiil ulluili Iciuiy also ruin

Time IIISIlnttlngrive tn three on llnrrv Reed aralntt tlug-hPinnHlo3i Jack Ut Hpadix lit tu IIi Arapalioclu-Uil

rimi RACKBecond Special of IV 000 fur threeyearolds and up-

ward IOU each soil 1100 additional for sUrtersi guarant ed cash talus to thn wluner llatiu lu time secondbore 150 anti lo the third horsatlSOi one tulle cuda furlongIt L ltuusea b im Clifford 0 by Bramble Duchess

117 laimms iBanta Anlla Btables b h Itey FI heftS AnIta 4 IU3

ITarahl nWiwI ltlagE ven to 1 on Clifford afslnst 8e r EltUoUAultaaiulSIXTH HACK

For woyearolds which have not won lAOOi entrance 113 to lbs wlnnrr lutj ta the sfcoud horseS70 and to the third liurw 43 rive furloins-II F Dwvers rh e Turn Ciomwtll by Ilriimble

FonUe 111 Slmmsl lPuke at WUhards br f > lack rirlgis 101 llelff uLntuis stuarts hOc c roruni HU iflckirlnio H

Palmirtlou Ilefiiyve Honolulu Whliipinv Treniarrfo lion Anal KIng of llubiiula and stout UuaalSo use

Time 10 < HBattlDgAgalnst Mack Urltt iran inoneyi TomCromwell and tutass each 4 tn IjI King of Ifohemla

A to I i Honolulu Whlppauy and lurum each M la 11

i RSSl5iS iottr1MI eck loto ii Tremargo

Joh lInJ nt I rooh13ut1vnftietntflt


0 r 1-





ARE YOU PUSTED ON PRICESIf so please glance at these and remember the goods

advertised arc as high in quality as they arc low in price

i Caps and Jackets Black Dress Goods Liningsnever BO reasonable ns C3ln Houclo in very Note particularly theflow It Is astonish In tr to HUh effects 100 yd first three Items Theysee wlint jaunty Jackets 40ln flKd Mohair Fall arc special lots picked nnnnl clue cipus can tno hud WclKht 100 yd nt n flKuro wu markn live or ten dollar hil 00in Crnvcnettc wnr thel considerablyHero are Rome of rnntcil waterproof 185-

ydpresent market blow

we linvc higher priced ones Grass clot Bo ydof course Cross bar crinolinei Heavy Cheviot Jacket Cottons Going Up Plain crinoline In 61ydbox runt InrKa buttons W yd lenutbt 40amelon sleeves SllhJ-

iirketsAnd the price of cotton Moreen skirting

IIP plain beaver Rood with It nil wool OCachllchllletonkerHcy Heavy crocheted cotton Wool nnd cottonbed spreads hemmed ready mixedcollar loose front rippla-bnrjj

for use the kind thnt used Fibre llamlo inter 1l0JCiJS 5UCO nnd to bringSlOOsellnowfor lining 18eydi 8750-

HIJ140 Wo hold ours at

I nek cloth double 5100 still while they Silver Plated Warecap till weight f4t5 last

Black cheviot capes vel ¬ 104 heavy white wool A very choice collectionI vet collar full sweep blankets tH75 pr of triple and quadruple

7rO plate table wnre corn ¬

Short black plush rapes VmbrellaslwoI Sorts prising tea and chocolate ijet embroidery Thibet bowlsi pots sugar hrAd-trlmrluplalnlndcouhle Both good value for the trays o Some reallyelct SlllO 1210

moneySOln Silk GloriaI Um-


exquisitethem On

pieces amongtable

Silks at a Sating nntlI wood handle Monday at spella niecesilver trimmed uSe celebratedYd-S2ln

Fine Imp d Eng GloriailogerePongees 30c Umbrella tiandlennd stick ware fix piece lI20iri Brocaded Tat Tea Spoons 0nil one silver trim-

med¬pec Tablefetiw OO-


Spoons116 letPlnldTnfTetnsnSc-

JJSinForks 100 Iet

Satin Uitchen i 8cl-iTin

Ladles Skirts Knives 148 BetHilt Taffeta for

SkirtitiK 80c A beautiful line In blackFall Dress Goodsd cheviot

rough effectsanti twotoned

male In We enMiiner

price InUSinch tmndl silk nnd newest style fU yrrda thlR too mnny hate

nnd nil different Comei wool PlaUK In allthe new wide seams kc icolorings 7ic yd-4Uinch

them nnd you will sny the nnd look around andScotcn Cheviots price lis absurdly mal when you find whl gulfs

in diagonal anl basket and It isl U18 nnlyou you may sura the

weaves fiOc yd l1200 price will bright




Itnitlrnl Criticism of InternatIonal Matchned Iloiit More Racei nnil 1 ore RoomIn Ilnrlns Craft Cullrd for An Ananlt-on Prenent Thine ill Alone the Line

To TIIK nniTiiit or Tnr Srs Slr With themiserable fiasco of the Americas Cup races of1805 fresh In our mind and with nu nppar-rntly bona lido notification of a chnllongo forIHDil in time hands of the New York Yachtflub 1 would like to make a few remarkson the present ynchtng situation

Thero Is no doubt that every effort wasrosin to render the ValkyrleDefendrr racesn brilliant suci os anti a liltIng close to an in-


racing etiitonThat they wero nut ucccs fnl was floe very

largely no doubt to Ithn mistaken action ofLord Dunrnen In withdrawing Valkyrie

Yet after all wcru not the conditions al-


ivjually fair for the American and Eng-


boat In a largo mensuro to blame forthe complication Strip the whole ques-


of Its inay conditions anti restric-tions


and what do wo find was time IntentIn challenging and accepting time chillenge fora ran botwion Kngll and American boatsSimply nnd solely to tell time rilntlH speed oftIme > aehtof the two countries nnd Incident-ally


to dofend nnd win time Amerli n CupAlter nearly a > enr of hum mo t farreach

Ing anti Ilucid dlsi tislnn aftor ito eipondiI

lure of at hanot half n million dollarsnflor Infinito earn in preparation anti wnnilirfiil sKlll In doyning nnd buildingtwo Ixmts for this purKio is hunt Is tIme resuit I lime i onditlon art sn manIfestly unfairsnys Diuiravon thnt unless your honorable cornInit tee si ill gmlmurn It the lhit no one shah use IlieAtlnntie DHnn untilt I am entirely through withIit I shall bo torced tu withdraw Valkyrie andgo homo

There Is no north of going over past historyWo all know that Dunriren was wrongand ho IK probably In a lair way to thatconclusion by this time hlmflf I sayhowever that hal It not been for thefact that nil our late cup races lrlo bren

lIke hut Westerners cure for chills one grainofniiininti In a tjtiart of nvmlakey tune grain ofracing in a ipiart of words Dunraven wouldnever tmvo dared to quibble out of a race ofsuch Importance tru ting to word pictures tohide tIme fact that he came over here to raceanti didnt

One duty could havn settled the questionboat against boat anti time devil tn see fairplay in time absence of other refereeslimit no time rondltlonn of thn deed ofgift or of letter No 51811 folio HT prevented ItNow what we want to hit next tIme Is to avoidtint sickening ma s of condition destroying timedeed of gift and but America Cup au woll iIflucteoary In I hunt endand Imea raco I roivat-luue n race whch on roltectlon must seemrensnnnblii to ui oil

Wo hni reached a ory dolicntn point InfallingI jnchtI architecture a nil we should walkwith opon c > o For time llrst tliuo In thohistory of hum cup races time boat builtIn this country to defend was narroweranti deeper titan thus ihallenger Watsonmade a radical departure In favor ofmoore beam unil sill while Herreahoft took flueopposite course and developed a touch deeperanti narrower Imat than Vigilant the successfuldefender of two j cars ago

I do tint with to be understood as saying thatHerresboff copied Watson or that Watsoncopied Hiirreshoff tn fact I have nn doubtthnt each reached his results Independently oftho other and as n Inicnl sequence of the lielinvlornf former boats uf their own but stillnets lure facts

Wero time spirit nf the lusts Edward Hnrcens toreturn tn Ithis world and Ibo shown l rfond rnnilVnlkirln IIIII I sldo hv sldo tin would withoutdoubt think Valkyrhlllwastlip American repTf pitatl e and IDefender tin Knglish

This Itrnlv roinnrKahlo MntoI of nfTrIrs Isworth ph muti u lit g for IIn tthoo days of exactmethods nothlhi In time iniioiip of a niclnryacht is left IIn rbancobut nilI ii cure ill ly woikeel inn nnd tho rfsults piored Takingi tip IIIe-Mibjeot atI Itho fust mmlorii IliilnuitloiialI rncoIthat of flieiifitn nnd IInrltnni wu tlnd iIhotwo typos n dl tlnct KH pi slble iciipHta limochallenger being host described by Ithit nowuI it tat obsnlote Iterm ctiliori t narrow anti deepwhileI Iurllnn wns an Aineilcan looji Iin herentirety ullhouuh Ktuilisb Intuonco umld he-seiii lu Ihicr rig and mothod of ballasting Ilo-tnros tnkon nf tluet IKHIIS In dry doek showplalnlytliK nmrkrd dllToroiicelnformI I nndtypeI

iiid nln show when rnniimrul nuitiu VnlkjrlIIIII I nnd IDefendor In ruinI I tes title of I Imo erntId t C nIls lit nutI modern smut cse ful riclng yaehlwhich Is tho small amount of undorwator bodyhen comtmrod with boats of only a few years

null lIke Ilirltan-iven Im Itui althoughI of much less dNplnrp

mont tIhnn Idenei a slut sss ut met a roomy androniforluhlo i riiftt one thnt might bo and proii-nhly would ha Iboon ImlHI if I hunt ituitl neverbevn such a thing ns International Mudit ruelime Can one honelly nv llm sumo of Delenderwith her alunilnuiii ccirii rlhuI loll her ImmoniodraiiglitpriililhUIigiirilliiil > iminer eriilsln-nnil her Incl of room brluw and luer ext mtruueiycostly cnnDtructlnnr

1 think not and Willis I apnrrclHtn the patrlotlo spirit that Inilunsl the Defender syndionto to snare no expense to retain the AmericasCupi antI Ithe genius nf Illcrrrstiidr In vnlvlnvsuch a perfect rae ng machine 1 ear hut feelthnt It hats been tnloutftid money If not wattennot well spent

Iurltan trite pn more like Grunts thanchalk IIs llko cheese Sho was broad auntniodvratrly shnllow with only almut Ithirty i

seven IIons of ball uust inoitlyI used IInside anddspundlngoii form vrry nuisldrrahly for slithllltt I lonesta was it mulch bulkier boat withnvr scvenl tolls of load inusidand nn Uhllltydutofoiii iry muoli narr wir and deeper

We miost rrmember thnt although wo defeatd fienestn no yet had tn change our typo

In do It Every one knovn nhu Knows any ¬

thing nt nil nlmnt racing In Knglandduring tha lira years prwedlng the Henestas-challenre that England wa ahead of usIn the building guild general design of racingyachts They hail greeter trxsd they had bet¬

ter rigging cud sallrand tbrj were much betterbuilt iurltun was a distinct Improvement but

It must be confessed that her points of superior1W over existing American boats were for tinino t part politic of similarity with the Englishcraft of hor time

Hoth Iurltnn and f ene tn were boats thatwhile n trifle large were still oneman hostssouth not syndlcntnr They cost betweenfOOOO and 150000 to build and were goodcruisers when not racing lencata whenconpnrod to Valkvrle III was not much overhalf as wide 13 foot nzalnst S7 Yet on 83foot water line iTgth she Is a heavier boat thanValkyrie and had more Inside room avallabtitI mni she was fur more heavily built anacarried a rIg that ho could swing in a raeor across the AtlantIc either one True Vatkvrlo hn tIme ndvantace of greater b sro butned from thst I pronounce Opneta the mostsensible boat of the two nnd challenge criticismnn mv statement If tue compare Puritan cellDefimlor the result IIt the same Puritan IIs-


boat Defender Is nn expensive freaknnd nothIng more fast seaworthy and beantlfill but ot far front the boat that a man wouldbuild If nn other 1onts were ready to beet him

Compare the section of Puritan with Itssllahtlv hollrw garhoard Its light draught withtime wlno glass which represents time moderniita of nil that a yacht shonM be Rememberthat Defender Cost about five times as muchand then nv hunt yacht lunlnRhns progressedclang sensible lines If you can For my part tdeny It-

Them Is floe thing that we all seem to tcrgrtIn dealing with the question of yacht racingor rather two tIming

One iIs that time racing of sailing yachts la asport that hun outlived Its days of uspnlnpssanti iis now very much as archery when fleearId cnme in standing on very vrpcntlonaf-iiOt Ing and liable to be wiped out by the Im-provement


In steam yachting nnless nursedvorv carefully

The other point Is that speed In sslllnir yachtslis relative not nl olntp In other word It IIsthe distance b7 which one boat boats another In-a race anti not time absolute sneisi mnrip breither durlne that rsco that shown the elpertonly antI makes a fast or a slow bout

A bottrr race IIs hnd semi a much more Interetlnz aims when two boat sail at nn svor-npe st ecd of four nt IPS tier hour oo win-ning


bv n few seconds than when thov willnt a llftppimllc cslt aunt ono wins hy tonminutes pttl Is Lood thin end so longas WP sacrifice nothing of vnlnp to It let ushave speod to tho hint mcnnd Iby all moans butwe must renienilte that there Is nh outctT notIes In building hoots that nrp nnpomfortablnantI verv co tly to bnlM unless corns object Is tobe rpallv salnoil hy It anti not a few seconds oreven minutes peed at the sacrifice nit a wholesummer rmnfort

The inlmrmli svstPin of rn ht bnllrtlrcr anfl ysetic Is rndlcnllv wrong Jndclnr from the stand-point


of sport From the navtl architectspilnt of view everything iIs lovolr nnd wnare tnsklng rnid trlflo toward the pprfJl ont of ISn future nit lend driught sail anifcost wlh no italy

lust think for n mompnt Flcbt or ten yearslien if a titan wnrtod sport on titus wioranti hsd e tttbo mont > to par ty twoor t 11 ret t1luohlinht 1 doVnrI he conl VnM-nr buv tho omiUnlpnt of our midori 40footer onlv n Inrcpr anti roomIer boat Wl hher ho coutd hnvo oil lime racIng Ip wnntM anticould cnlculntu on four or five spivnns use ntthe very lon t bnforo his boat was really outbuilt and obsolete Now the most he could dotutu the mnney would bo aCRfoot tIn keel withscarcely room onouph abnatxl to blue a breathbrimmed straw lint In ease of n niall Tens thelittle bont Is most bpnutlfnlly desIgned anti conatructed anti would IP n race have nodimeultyIn disposing of thus big roomy centreboard S

of former days lint what of that T

As I said before speed Is rolstlvp not absoluteIn sailing yachts and hail the nnkcpl neverbeen evolved the out cpntrplmftrd wonM bJust ns good a rarer ns her modern sister Ofrnnrsp ns In evprvthnc else thees Is n creakdeal to say on the other tile of fits questionTInt modern boats Sri marvels nf beauty in tiesign nnd romuniriuctiurn anti title tut time great rnrn-rpnulrfd In tbolr construction limp workmanshin of tho sveruce Yacht builder hits groat1Improved md also his linnwlpdcronf the variousproblem tn itt met In building a boat so thnt-WPSPO itt iilOft of HIP dlsma1 failures iliac to ut

aboluln lark of knowlcdgoThen ncan tlm npw lanai nr nnrnptrablA

nod vera wpnhory anti If vou rto got rnilRhtIn n blow you nro sifo If not rornfnrtnhlo-Wlint I bivp trIed to show Ia that wp have gonetoo far In tlm matter nf sped anti havp utterlypnllnd yvchtloB by so ilnng Our heats aretoo ilrip for nr Inrbnr ton oxppnslv for ourlocket anal In nil ptcpp the verv larger daneton nncimfortnblo soil criunppd for our familiesto take any jlomuro In crul lne Si thutt yachtraring I under lime present auspices uloingharm 1In tho dunn t nf yarhtlntr anti reallyIhrontons Its practical death as the smnsementof many This mOt not bo Yachting andyncbt rsolnir almost lbs only sports that belonsio the class of bonn flue orosucuir ports tonsnot IM roloirMd tto hue ranks nf profp lnnallsmTho romody I ilnln If wo would ttiut Iis ourriHiimni seiisiMind CCp it Iot us simply BPttiiirethornnd seitloI I upon n model vhlth shallrrpro onl Iho Idensof sill our imvnl iirohltdcts-nnil bo nt limo Hue lime a fouilhtp typitof boatThon t let rnihxiiolit ulub luplcntPI tile modelnnd linpsnnd simult In their rsm tirmrrntntno-tlint nn m inifiii ynolit shall i1plal marethan in or t iiw oont train the itanilard solot It mavbocilil that I tile no ild dl couragyacht designers mid hnini or Iliptn hilt 55 1 seeIt wo > m lit lpsiguuers CII not tn he considered litthn miittrr nt nil Tho people who sal theboats who own them nnd who payfor them art the ones whnsn ideashould bo mot As I have nM 1bofore and pay ncsln tha absolute spend of nyacht proi > Ipil hy sills Is not HIP vital point Inhprmnlirnp nor even one of her vital pointsAll she med In U to seth as fiust as nr n lullfaster than tha rthpr stud If Ihe others at-eeiusiiitt rorofnrlahle Imits she ran used willito hue nnip Tins new Imat rot carrIed to PItrpmps art nxHotlytrhnt wows aVid will makefithl roinforlablp and seaworthy vtwsels TimeKhonors prove this ntil n e a mallrrnf factroits like I asea f rulp allan anti Fmeraldshow that vapbts pn hi hilP nd tsu sporthail with thorn wb oh are rvii o i fousedly notso faust as tinny mich hens boon haul every etampnt but that of jModbpo dt rogtrdcd In thslrdesign oil Ivo haul mr inning soil ai theIrishman said when thn Jdae lne t him 5 fofthrashing n man who hm pealr him us Imtriad i done It aid will take Sin morn nf It 14time same rate Invixa Cot