4. lap.anatomi hewan vertebrata

APPROVAL SHEET Complete report of general biology with title “Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals”, created by : Name : Ummi Qalsum Reg. Number : 091204174 Class : B (ICP) Departement : Physics Group : V (Five) After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this is report accepted. Makassar, November 2009 Assistant Coordinator Assistant (Djumarirmanto, S.Pd) (Zaidah . R) Nim.061404026 Known By

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Complete report of general biology with title “Anatomy of Vertebrate Animals”,

created by :

Name : Ummi Qalsum

Reg. Number : 091204174

Class : B (ICP)

Departement : Physics

Group : V (Five)

After checked by Assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this is report accepted.

Makassar, November 2009

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

(Djumarirmanto, S.Pd) (Zaidah . R)


Known By

Lecturer of Responsibility

(Ir. Muh. Wiharto, M.Si)

NIP.132 006 81


A. Background

Amphibious name comes from the Greek word (Amphi = double +

bios = life). Most of this class shows that a phase of life in the water and then

have a phase of life on land. In the second phase shows the nature of fish and

reptiles and shows that Amphibia are a group of Chordata was the first out of

life in the water.

One example of amphibious animals are most representative of

toads and toads. One will be confused to distinguish between these toads and

toads. Both kinds of these animals looks like. Difference toads short, stout or

thin, slightly bent-backed, four-legged and no tail (Anura: a no, ura tail).

Toads generally smooth-skinned, moist, with long hind legs. Instead toad or

rough-skinned bangkong berbintil-nodule until berbingkul-bingkul, often dry,

and the hind legs are often short, so many less intelligent leap. But the two

terms are often interchangeable use.

Frogs and toads generally have organs that are specialized to

support life. Among the pulmo for life on land, slimy skin and webbed feet to

facilitate swimming in water, 2 nostrils directly related to the cavum oris used

for breathing when these frogs and toads in the water.

In terms of the anatomy of frogs also differ with other living creatures. For

example heart consists of three different room from the living land consisting

of 4 rooms and living creatures like fish water teridiri only of 2 rooms.

According to scientists this is what causes that frogs are considered as

animals transition from water to land.

B. Experiment’s Purpose

The students can recognice shapes, colours, and locatioan of organ

and its relationship to other organs in an organ system.

C. Experiment’s Benefit

Students will be able to explain recognice shapes, colours, and

locatioan of organ and its relationship to other organs in an organ system


Morphology of the Toad


Based on morphological characteristics of toads above classification is as follows:

Kingdom Animalia

Class Amphibia

Order Annura

Family Bufodae

Genus Bufo

Species Bufo melanostictu (Merrem, 1982).

Width of the head and body are united, there are two pairs of legs or

members, no neck and tail. The inside is covered by soft smooth moist skin. Head

has a wide mouth pliers to retrieve the food, 2 nostrils / nares small externa near the

nose that functions in respiration, 2 big eyes spherik, 2-hole behind closed by a flat

tympani membrane that serves as the ear to receive sound waves. Each eye has a lid

top and bottom, and inside it has a clear cornea nictitans membrane to cover the eyes

if they are in the water. At the end of the back of the body found anus, a small hole to

remove the remnants of food which not digested, urine and sex cells / egg or sperm

from the reproductive (Kastowo, 1982: 32)

toad legs consists of a pair of front feet and rear legs. Front legs of the upper

arm (brancium), forearm (antebrancium), hand (manus), and the fingers (digiti). At

the rear leg of the thigh (femur), lower leg (crus), feet (plague) and fingers (digiti)

(Radiopoetro, 1996: 474).

In general, the number of fingers toad front legs are usually four fingers and

five fingers back legs. At the rear leg lengthening with the potential to jump.

Sometimes found as prehaluk extra finger on the ventral side of the foot. Prehaluk on

Spadefoot (toad diggers land) in the form of hard bones that are used to dig the

ground as a place to hide (Radiopoetro, 1996: 474).

Amphibious skin is very important in respiration and protection. Flexible thin

skin that divides the outer body to protect the organism against disease, in respiratory

function, the absorption of water, because the toads do not ever drink. On equipped

with mucous glands that causes the skin humidity maintained, for the species that

live in water, mucus provides oil for the body. Most have granular glands and

mucous glands. Both are similar, but different products. Granular glands produce a

substance or toxin abnoxious to protect themselves from enemies. Both classified as

alveolar glands (glands that have no spending channel, but products on out through

the cell wall itself naturally). Racundapat menimbukan glands in the skin irritation

(Sukiya, 2005: 47).

Toad is bilaterally symmetrical, with the left and right sides equal. The

middle part is called the medial, side / lateral, front face of the body is the end of the

anterior, posterior disebutujung the rear, the back or dorsal, are part of the ventral

face. Body part consists of the head / caput, esophagus / cervik, chest / thorax or

pectoral, stomach or abdomen, pelvis and buttocks kaudal the short (Kastowo, 1982:


Toads and frogs are amphibious animals the best known people in Indonesia.

Both kinds of these animals looks like. Frog was short, stout or thin, slightly bent-

backed, four-legged and no tail. Toads generally smooth-skinned, moist, with long

hind legs. Instead frog or rough-skinned bangkong berbintil-nodule until berbingkul-

bingkul, often dry and hind legs are often short, so many less intelligent leap. But the

two terms are often interchangeable use. Frogs and toads start life as eggs laid in the

water mother, the nest of foam or in other damp places. Frog eggs and frogs hatch

into tadpoles or tadpoles, who was like a fat fish, with gills and breathe for a while

lived in the water. Will slowly grow back legs, which was followed by the growth of

the front legs, tail, and passing the disappearance of the gills with lungs. After a time,

these tadpoles will jump to the ground as a toad or a small frog (Inger and Iskandar,


The toad is an animal intermediate between aquatic and terrestrial animals.

Therefore, the beginning of his life began in the waters and then moved to the

mainland. Frog habitat varies from the swamp to the mountains. Most live in forested

areas because the toads need a moist place to protect themselves from drought. There

are species of toads in his life always in the water and also living on the mainland

and the high trees. toads that live out of water is usually at a certain period will be

visiting the waters for breeding. Taxonomic levels in the toad can show dikertahiui

with morphology character as a reference for the identification and determination

(Kurniati, 2003).

Adult toad, if observed carefully, will see clearly the diversity of species

Atara variation from one to another has kataki wide body equipped with two pairs of

limbs. The front limbs are shorter and smaller, and has 4 fingers, while the back of a

much larger and longer. This is in accordance with its function is to jump. Members

of this movement are also equipped with a membrane pool to facilitate the toads

swim (Mahardono, 1980).

All the organs of motion associated with the movement of the toad jump.

Long rear legs provide strength to move forward. Form the back legs are adapted to

the process of landing, and long hind legs adapted to leap toad. Regular toad can

jump 2-10 times its body length and jump length can reach 30-40 times as much

length. Long jump depends on the physiology and morphology of a species and the

interests of the movement. Some rare species like the jumping but walking in other

vertebrates, and species that lives in water, adjusted to belakngnya foot swimming

(Zug, 1997).

Metamorphosis in Amphibious is one variation on the toad species.

Metamorphosis of his own understanding that change is the development of overall

shape, physiological and biochemical individual, whereas in some insects,

metamorphosis is complete only with the larval form of equipment for the adult

form. Metamorphic changes actually change the entire tissues and organs. Examples

of other animals such as frogs have such variation in the butterfly (Lepidoptera) are

also experiencing metamorphosis (Mahardono, 1980).


A. Place and Date

This experiment’s is done at:

Day and Date : Wednesday, November 18th 2009

Time : at 13.30-15.00

Place : Laboratory of Biology

Faculty Mathematis and Science

Makassar State University

(at the 2nd east floor part)

B. Tools and Materials

1. Tools

1) Bottle killer

2) Surgical Tray

3) Surgical Instrument

a) Scissors

b) Straws Limon

c) Tweezers

d) Needles

e) Scalpels

2. Materials

1) Toads

2) Cotton

3) Kloroform/eter

C. Work Procedure

1) We took a wad of cotton soaked with chloroform or eter and entered

into a killer bottle, closed tightly.

2) Removing the toads had not moved and put on a surgical tray.

3) Observing the outside of toads

4) Drawing the toads from the outside

5) Gap opened up with a scalpel and tweezers, so that the mouth is open,

we observe and draw the parts.

6) For surgery, placing the toads on his back on the tray of surgical,

nailing all four feet, so not easy to shake.

7) With tweezers, pinching the skin it the abdomen, lengthwise near the

thighs, lift slightly and cut across. The skin under a pair of tweezers

thus forming a gap in the skin of the abdomen.

8) Through the skin opening, insert the blunt tip scissors and cut the skin

to the head until the scissors fell. Flipped in to this gap, a pair of

scissors in to the base of both thighs.

9) Cutting the skin side toward the right and left, so skin can be exposed


10) For Observations digestive system

a. Opened the cavity his mouth with tweezers so skapel and open

the oral cavity. Observing ther form of teeth and felt with the

fingers of teeth and jaws and teeth fomer.

b. Tongue pulled out with tweezers and then observe the shape and


c. Continue observing the abdominal cavity contains the bowels,

observing the shape and the color of :

1) Kana tone heart how sebelah lobe, search and view kantun-

gan bile its color.

2) Stomach on the left, lifted hearts and will appear dendenum

and pangkreas .

3) Runut intestine small intestine until thick.

4) The turn anus to rectum.

11) Observations of blood circulation system

a. The head of the heart was the heart of the membranes

b. Membrane covering the heart pierced with a needle or the tip

skapel to break, and then watched part - parts, namely :

1) Booth (ventrikal)

2) Porch (atrium)

3) The main arteri (truncis abterious) that came out of ventrikal

then branched into two aortic (left and right)

c. Drawing the heart and the member name of the above

12) For Observations of breathing system

a. Nothing the left side of the stomach and the right heart, it will be

hidden part of the lung - the lung.

b. Releasing the heart with scissors so that it will appear windpipe


c. Drawing the respiratory system of frogs.

13) For Observations excretory and reproductive system (uregentalia)

a. Removing the organs - digestive organs begin at the stomach to

the rectum, and menstrum (connective tissue) that holds.

b. Would seem a pair of oval kidney attached to the back of the ab-

domen further observed :

1. Kidneys and adrenal glands

2. Body fat (corpus adiposum) frilly yellow)

3. Renal tract (ureters) from the kidney to the bladder to the


c. In female frogs, there is a pair of avaries on the left and right, up

slightly ovarian ovinduct it would seem that lies heart part.

d. Creating a picture of a frog uregenitalia system and member

name or the part.


A. Observation Result

From the experiment, we can get the result such as :

1. Morphology of Toads

a. Overall of toads from the Outside


1. Mouth (Covum oris)

2. Membrane of sleep

3. Orbita

(Membrane of eye)

4. Membrane of hearing

5. Eye

6. Nose

7. Up Extremitas

8. Upper arm

9. Fore arm

10. Palm

11. Digiti

12. Down Extremitas

b. Parts of Toad’s Mouth


1. Vomerin teeth

2. Nares Interna

3. Voice hole

4. Nares Eksterna

5. Tongue

2. Anatomy of Toads for overall

3. Circulatory System


1. Throat

2. Heart

3. Liver

4. Lung

5. Bile

6. Kidneys

7. Pancreas

8. Stomach

9. Intestine

10. Ovary


1. Left Aorta

2. Right Aorta

3. Atrium Sinixter (left)

4. Atrium Dexter (Right)

5. Venrikel

4. Digestive System

5. Respiratory System

Notes :

1. Throat

2. liver

3. Bile

4. Pancreas

5. Stomach

6. Small Intestine

7. Large intestine

Notes :

1. Tracea

2. Branch of Broncus

3. Left Pulmo

4. Right Pulmo

5. Alveolus

6. Blood capiler

6. Urogenitalia System (Reproductive System and Excretory System)

a. Female

b. Male

Notes :

1. Fat Bodies

2. Testis

3. Sperm Ducts

4. Kidneys

5. Ureters

6. Utery

7. Bladder

Notes :

1. Ovarium

2. Body fat

3. Kidneys

4. Oviduct

5. Egg

6. Uterus

7. Cloaca

B. Discussion

1) The Mouth

Vomarine and Maxillary Teeth: Used for holding prey

Internal Nares (nostrils) breathing

Eustachian Tubes: equalize pressure in inner ear

Glottis : Tube leading to the lungs

Esophagus: Tube leading to the stomach

Tongue: Front attached, aids in grabbing prey

Tympanic Membrane: eardrum, located behind eyes

Nictitating Membrane: clear eyelid, protects the eye

2) Circulation System

toad heart contains:

- 3 rooms: 2 atria and 1 ventricle

- Sinus venosus: blood accommodate the large vessels that will go into the right


 The direction of blood flow:

O2-rich blood from the lungs and the skin into the left atrium. O2 poor blood into

the right atrium by means of sinus venosus. Of atrial blood into the ventricles,

causing a rich mixture of blood and blood O2 poor O2. Of ventricular O2-rich

blood is pumped into the body tissue and at O2 poor blood flow to the lungs to

the skin to get the O2.

toad circulatory including double circulation (in a one-time circulation, the blood

through the heart 2 times)

3) Digestive System

Food in the digestive system of amphibians, nearly equal to the fish, including the

digestive tract and digestive glands. one animal

amphibians are toads. Toad food of small animals (insects). Respectively on the

toad digestive system include:

1. the oral cavity: there is a cone-shaped teeth to hold prey and the tongue

to catch prey,

2. esophagus; a short channel,

3. ventrikulus (stomach), the shape of the bag when filled with food

becomes wide. toad stomach can be categorized into 2, namely the entry

of the esophagus and holes out to the intestine,

4. intestinum (bowel): can be distinguished on the small intestine and

colon thick. Intestine includes: the duodenum. jejenum, and ileum, but not

clearly demarcated.

5. Thick intestine ends in the rectum and into the kloata, and

6. cloaca: an estuary along the digestive tract of food, reproductive tract,

and urine.

The toad's mouth is where digestion begins. It is equipped with feeble, practically

useless teeth. These are present only in the upper jaw. The toad's tongue is highly

specialized. Normally, the tip of its tongue is folded backward toward the throat.

From this position the toad can flick it out rapidly to grasp any passing prey. To

better hold this prey, the tongue is sticky. (See also Tongue.)

Food passes from the toad's mouth into the stomach by way of the esophagus.

From the stomach, the food moves into the small intestine, where most of the

digestion occurs. Large digestive glands, the liver and the pancreas, are attached

to the digestive system by ducts. A gall bladder is also present (see Digestive


4) Respiratory System

Respirator cavity lining of the mouth, skin and lungs. This respirator has

a thin, wet layer adjacent to the blood vessels so oxygen can diffuse.

Lining of the oral cavity: when the pharyngeal cavity of the mouth moves, nostrils

open and glottis closed so the air in the oral cavity through the mouth lining thin.

Skin: skin of oxygen into the skin through a vein (venous kutanea) and then to the

next jantun gdan circulated throughout the body. CO2 from tissue taken to heart

and then into the skin and lungs through the skin arteries lungs (pulmo artery


The lungs: a pair of lungs which leads to a bubble-shaped blood capillaries. The

toad has no ribs and diaphragm, thus breathing mechanism is governed by the

lower jaw muscles and abdominal muscles. toad inspiration when expiration took

place at the mouth closed.

Oxygen diffuses through the skin, and lungs. Except in phase tadpoles

breathe with gills that lives in water. Lining of the oral cavity can serve as a

respirator because of the thin and there are many capillaries which empties into

the place. In the event of movement of the oral cavity and pharynx, nose Iubang

open and glottis closed so the air in the oral cavity and diffuse through the lining

of the mouth cavity is thin. In addition to breathing with the mouth membrane, the

toad skin to breathe well, it is possible karna skin always wet and contains many

capillaries so that respiratory gases diffuse easily .

5) Reproductive System and Excretory System

Reproduction in toads is by way of external fertilization, the male frog clamping

female frogs when the marriage (ie when the egg is released and the sperm


The function of male genitalia:

1. Testis -> produce spermatozoa

2. Vasdefferns -> channel of spermatozoa from the testes to the penis

3. Penis -> spermatozoa as a tool to enter the female genitalia.

4. Cloaca->issued spermatoza

The function of female genitalia:

1. Ovary -> producing ova

2. Oviduct -> channel ova

3. Fallopian tube -> where fertilization

4. The uterus / womb -> breeding of embryos

5. Placenta -> channel nutrients, waste, gases between the embryo parent dg

6. Amnion -> keep the embryo from shock

7. Vaginas -> where copulation and expenditure channels babies

8. Cloaca -> yg channel as a function other than excretion jg as breeding



A. Conclussion

Toads have a complete metabolism because toads including higher animals in this

case is the vertebrate animals, which have a complete system in the body, among

others: the digestive system, respiratory system or the respiratory, circulatory system,

or Urogenitalia system Reproductive system and the system eksresi Sekretori Tissue.

B. Suggestion

For praktikan, before starting the practicum should understand the metabolic

systems of the body of an animal that will be used.

For the assistant to the praktikan attention in observing the shape and

characteristics of the observed organ.

For the laboratory to prepare equipment and materials to be used properly, such

as a complete surgical instruments and materials ready to use.


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