4 may sale of ladies' high-grade muslin and crepe ... · trimmed, ruffle bottom. regular 65c;...

10 IF THE^ICKINSPN PRESS, SATURDAY APR.. MM! THE DICKINSON PRESS, SATURDAY MAY 4, 1912 :r-', •• , \ SPECIAL Saturday Morning We will place on sale Men's Knit Neckties Regular 50c values at less than % their regular price. In the lot will be found the beautiful accordian and crocheted weaves, in cross-stripes, heather, and plain two-tone effects. On Sal* While They Last at Only 23c PHONE 29 Nail Orders Given Special Attention. Wo "Monep^- Back-'oui* Goods. DICKINSON-N. D. SPECIAL Saturday Morning we will place on sale the « Best Value $1.50 White Bed-«pratd Full-size 66x80 in., heavily fringed, good heavy material. They A Aj* are new goods; bought at a l|9|R bargain and Priced Special www at.. While they last. 1 . . . Also a plain spread,size 64x78, good $1.25 value for Whil* they last MAY SALE OF LADIES' HIGH-GRADE MUSLIN AND CREPE UNDERGARMENTS SPECIAL PRICES on Muslin Underwear at Just the Time You Need it. Every Garment in the House will be Included in This Sale No Holdouts Our Regular Prices This Season Have Been far Below the Usual Value Shown. Combinations. Princess Slips, Gowns, Corset Covers. Petticoats and Drawers, all in a Large Assortment of Styles and Prices that Assure You a Fine Selection. Combinations Skirt and Corset Cover and Drawers, in muslin and Both Corset Cover and crepe. 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, muslin, embroidery trimmed, ruffle bottom. Regular 65c; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Skirt combination, muslin, trimmed with fine valenciennes lace and beading. Regular $1.25 value; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, stripe crepe, neatly trimmed with linen cluny lace. A good value at $1.25; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, fine nainsook, in both em- broidery and lace trimming, beautiful style. Regular $2.00 value; sale price 48c 95c 95c _ _oth em- $1.49 Princess Slips Especially popular for wear with the one-piece dresses, in a wide range of values. 1 Lot— Slips made of cambric muslin, with trimming of fine linen laces, hand-embroidered design, in yoke. Regular $1.25; sale ' 1 Lot— Slips made of fine nainsook, trimmed with embroidery edge and in- sertion, 10-inch embroidery ruffle at bottom. Regular $1.75; sale price 1 Lot— Slips made of fine lawn, trimmed with valenciennes lace edge and insertion. A good value for $2.25; sale price , 1 Lot—Made of fine lawn and trimmed with a fine embroidery edge; has a deep 18-inch embroidery ruffle at bottom to match. Regular value $3.7 5; sale price 95c _0. and in- $1.33 $1.87 idge; has a $2.98 Gowns Both button or slipovers, with many different styles of yokes and sleeves. 1 Lot—Gowns made from good grade cambric, button style, long or OOp half sleeve. A good value at 85c; sale price .. .• \JtHJ 1 Lot—Slipover Gowns, made of fine cambric muslin, several different styles of trimming of both linen lace and embroidery. Regular #1.25 values at this QRn sale for t/tJU 1 Lot—Slipover Gowns made of fine nainsook cloth, short sleeves, trimmed with valenciennes lace and insertion. Special value at $1.50; sale price 1 Lot—Slipover Gowns made of fine lawn, with either lace or em- broidery trimming; a very neat style. Regular $2.50 value; sale $1.12 $1.97 Corset Covers In an exceptionally wide range of styles, materials and trimming, all priced special. 1 Lot—Corset Covers of cambric muslin, embroidery trimmed. Priced cheap at. 30c each'; sale 1. Lot—Corset Covers made of fine cambric, trimmed with lace edge and 3 rows lace beading. Regular price 35c; sale 1 Lot—Corset Covers of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine linen lace edge. Good values at 65c to 75c; this sale 1 Lot—Corset covers of fine lawn, trimmed with fine valenciennes lace and insertion; fancy styles. Regular $1.00 values ... 23c 25c 48c 79c the third Big Shipment of the Zbomson Glove-Titting Corstts for this year arrived at our store today. there Sure is a Treason for this unusual sale; the unusual demand for this particu- lar style and make of corsets, conceded by all good dress- ers to be the leading style and figure producers among the hundreds of makes of medium-priced corsets of today. take Care of the Corset and the gown will take care of itself, is a very good rule. A good figure is not so hard to achieve if you pay attention to your corset. Any and all dj*! AA (DQ styles in stock. Prices IU «J>O.UU Wain floor Specials Ladles' Silk Boot Bo** —Heavy, in black, tan, blue, pink and white, made with double sole, high spliced heel, wide garter top. Special value at Ladle*' Silk Boot Ijose—Same as above, but lighter weight, in black only. Special value at Ladles' Sleeveless Vests—Pure white, made of fine cotton thread, all sizes. Special value at 3 for .... Ladles' White and Colored Jlprons—Full length, with bib and strap in back. Special value at Boys' Wash Suits—White and colors, made of linen, pique, Galitea, chambray, very neat, (tj-j i7n tyn _ new styles. Special at «pA. I tJ an<i I OC 50C 29c 25c 30c 6,000 Yards Linen toweling THOMSON* 'GLOVE-FITTING* CORSETS Warianted all pure linen, full 17 inches wide, in full bleached and half bleached, with narrow red or blue stripe A good value at 12 i-2c to 15c a yard (not over 9c border. 20 yards to a customer) During this sale at Cong Glows Simmons Mousquetaire. in Kid or Silk We guarantee every pair of Simmon's Gloves, either kid or silk, to give entire satisfaction— that is the reason we are the popular glove house of the city. Gverp Pair Property fitted. A few of the good sellers of today: Simmon's Silk Glove, full 12-button length, 7P_ with double tips; in black and white; all sizes, pair, I OC Simmon's Silk Glove, full-length, 16-batton, double ' tips; fine quality milanise silk, in black or AA white; a special value at, per pair Simmon's Chamoieette Glove, full-length, Crtn 16-button, m chamoise or white; special value at.. OUL Simmon's Silk Glove, regular length,, two-clasp, double tips; in black, white, navy, grav, tan and fift- brown; special value at, per pair OUC Simmon's Chamoisette Glove, regular length, 2-clasp, in chamois color only; 50c and... uOC We also carry a full line of KAYSERS' Silk Gioves in all sizes, colors and lengths desired; prices 50c to $1.75 Garden and Borne finds --** Specials that ¥ou Jtre Sun to Heed this Week Bere are some of the things that you'll need soon, if not immediately. Better buy them this week at these prices POLISH TbeYiraUIFM MaMaCrtei Rm, hntot •start RMaBt tMM M PM tt •> the Latest and Itlost Practical Bard Wood Polish A modern preparation espe- cially adapted to use on floors. Once tried, you whould use no othfer. Put up in two sizes, 25c and 50c O-Cedar Polish Wop Hindi. 4)fi f«t long Those who have tried the O-Cedar Polish Mops received in our first shipment declare they will not he without them in the fut re. Garden fjose, all kinds,per foot. 10c to 14c Lawn mowers, the best made, price $8.50 to... $5.00 Band Sprinklers, tin and galvanized, all sizes 10c to 50c mosquito Bar, all colors, on sale in Bargain Basement. Reg- ular price $c yard, this week, in bolts, $ yards, 45c Bolt Buy a Security Mouse Trap, the latest novelty in the trap line. Step on it to set it don't pinch your fingers any more. 10c regular; Special 2 for ... 15c "Just-Right" Carpet Beaters The house cleaners' friend—a new idea for carpet and rug cleaning. You \ _ should try one. 15c regular; Special, to introduce, 1UC Wire Screen for Windows, Boors, Porches 5c to 10c All widths, 24 to 48 inches; per running foot m r 'i 4 LOCAL NEWS Money on hand for Farm Loans. Ho delay. See Everett. 4-6-tf List your lands with J.Vaughn. 4-2o-tf Select oyster stews at the Grill Caffe. Q-2-tf An expert stenographer wants position. Inquire at PRESS office. 3-i6-4t Come in and see what we serve at noon for 35c. The Grill Caffe. 9-2-tf Dr. S. W. Bailey, the Osteopath, makes no charges for consultation and examinations. Office in Jessen building. 12-9-tf For quick sale list relinquishments with J. Vaughn. 4-27-tf Two rooms for rent over the McDonald drug store. 4-20-tf Wanted—a girl for light house keep- ing or to help in store. Inquire at Fired Thompson's Racket store. 4-27-2t Rooms for rent in Thompson building, famished or unfurnished; also good office rooms. 4-27-2t For rent cheap—a new, good piano. Apply to Mrs. Olive Stramrud, No. 238. 2nd St. W. ' 5-4-2t List your farm with the Tri-State Land Co. We can sell your farm quicker and at less cost to you than any dealer or combination of dealers in the atate, for full particulars call on or write Eiling HeUner, Special Agent, _. . tf . *>'. ' 'r.i•%»~;..• ip Taylor, N. D. Miss Anna Tretter went to Beach for professional work on Thursday. Joseph Jervais and Leo Cossette were in from Gaylord on court matters last Saturday. The Masons are giving a dancing party at Masonic temple next Monday evening. Miss Rose Voerding was in Beach a few days this week, yisiting at the J. J. Bartley home. The G. W. Sargent family expect to go to their farm near Logging Camp, south of Medora. on Sunday. Paul Kittleson is still at the local hospital, where he has been for twelve weeks. He was expecting his condition to be improved enough to enable him to leave next week. Mrs. A. T. Crowl was hostess at a one o'clock luncheon on Wednesday. Twelve ladies were the guests and the pretty affair was la honor of the 70th birthday anniversaryof Mrs. Erena Currie, Mrs. Crawl's stepmother of Washington. The rooms were festive with decorations of lavender and the lavender color scheme was carried out in the luncheon service* . The hours following wop spent socially, Mrs. Crawl's gracious hospitality making hat guests feel much at W. J. Follis was'in the city week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawler of St Paul are registerdlin'the city. Dr. V. H. Stickney was attending a meeting of the'State Society for Friend- less at Mandan'this week. I. Stanton, witlf the N. O. Independ- ent Telephone Co. at Dickinsoq, was repairing lines in'Dunn county this week. Dr. Herbert Anderson went to Beach' Thursday night from which place he was to go to Trotter, 40 miles north, to inspect stock. Undertaker D. J. Price of Manning was in the city this, week, having charge ef the remains of Mrs. Sam Pejjton which were interred here Thurs- day afternoon. 0. M. Kelso and son. Jack, of New England left Monday for Fargo to get. their new Ford auto. They expected to return by auto by way of Dickinson to get Mrs. Glade Summers, who was vis- iting here for,some time. The total rainfall for April this year, as recorded at the Dickinson experiment station, Was 2.42 inches, against .48 inches« year. ago. The normaL precipi- tation for April is 1.14 indies. Thus it will be noted that April rains :have been unusuallybeavy this season. Sheriff N. D. Nichols of Billings county has been having quite a time with neuralgia in his cheek. At the school land leasing in Dunn county, 81 quarters were leased, all at the minimum rate except one which was taken by Ole Christerson of Halli- day at S23. The high price last year was $50 per quarter paid by Thos. Fisher and Hugh McGillivray for land near Indian Springs. Haley Record: Little Jack Currie, aged five years, turned his father's bunch of cattle out of the pasture Tues- day morning and herded them in the big grass ail day long. He could not even be prevailed upofluto leave them long enough to go home to dinner. How's that for a cowboy of five. W. H. Cooper was fined $10 andcosts in Justice Folsom's court on Thursday for striking Edwin Fox, night yardmas- ter for the N. P. at this place. Cooper was one of the government surveying crew who came in with several carloads of stock and equipment for the fierthold reservation work. He became impatient because Mr. Fox could not set his cars Wednesday night as soon as he wanted and in his fit of anger did that which he should not. He paid the fine. Mr. Fox was nnt hurt 80 as to prevent his keeping right along with his work. . * jp'f ^ Jennie and Elliot Freeman were en- tertained over Sunday at the Ira Law- rence farm north of Gladstone. Mrs. Frank Eyer and two children came down from Glendive Thursday night to spend a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Eyer. George Berzel is having his building repaired just north of the Merchants National bank.- D A. Cutnaw .has leased the same for electrical business. Miss Nettie Vineyard, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Branick for a few weeks, left the first of the week for Miles City, stopping a day at Me- dora to visit Miss Cqrdelia Branick. Chas. L. Mason of Medora was recently married in Roundhouse, 111., to Miss Fanny Arndt. The wedding was a surprise to the friends of Mr. Mason, who is a brother of Mrs. J. A. McGregor. , The annual meeting of the Dickinson council of The Boy" Scouts of America, will be held in the Commercial Club rooms Sunday. May 5th, at 3:30 p. m.. for the purpose of electing officers and appointing committees for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. All persons interested in the movement are urged to be rraent^ i," - ,.•; : ^ * r M W. S. Morris- of Belfield transacted business here Saturday. John Duckhora finished seeding 120 acres, mostly wheat at his farm south of the city, before the 1st of May and ia now happy when It rains. He took seed out the first of the week for ten acres of millet. . The friends of Archie Palmer, who is attending the State University, will - be sorry to hear of an accident he had while at gymnasium work, which resulted in a broken nose. A slight operation being necessary to put the, fractured part in working order again. H. F. Schroeder's brother, G. S. Schroeder, has been in the city the past week. He expects to go from here to Oregon. Merchant Schroeder who owns* a quarter of land in Dunn county, new one of the railroad -surveys, was out north with his brother the first of the week looking over the country. Andrew Miller, a farmer living about' ' 8 miles south of the city, was badly' injured,in an accidem on Wednesday.:; ; He was working on a steam outfit and'M fell In front of the plow, crushing his chest and breaking several ribs. Hit- scalp was also ton from his head and he was badly bruised in generaLM* Physicians reported his condition a^f - very critical. -.r ;r< !• i •toiiin y if*

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Page 1: 4 MAY SALE OF LADIES' HIGH-GRADE MUSLIN AND CREPE ... · trimmed, ruffle bottom. Regular 65c; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Skirt combination, muslin, trimmed with fine valenciennes





: r - ' , • • ,


SPECIAL Saturday Morning

We will place on sale

Men's Knit Neckties Regular 50c values at less than %

their regular price. In the lot will be found the beautiful accordian and crocheted weaves, in cross-stripes, heather, and plain two-tone effects.

On Sal* While They Last at Only


PHONE 29 Nail Orders Given Special Attention. Wo "Monep^- Back-'oui* Goods.


SPECIAL Saturday Morning

we will place on sale the « •

Best Value $1.50 White Bed-«pratd Full-size 66x80 in., heavily fringed, good heavy material. They A Aj* are new goods; bought at a l|9|R bargain and Priced Special www at.. While they last. 1 . . .

Also a plain spread,size 64x78, good $1.25 value for Whil* they last

MAY SALE OF LADIES' HIGH-GRADE MUSLIN AND CREPE UNDERGARMENTS SPECIAL PRICES on Muslin Underwear at Just the Time You Need it. Every Garment in the House will be Included in This

Sale No Holdouts — Our Regular Prices This Season Have Been far Below the Usual Value Shown. Combinations. Princess Slips,

Gowns, Corset Covers. Petticoats and Drawers, all in a Large Assortment of Styles and Prices that Assure You a Fine Selection.

Combinations Skirt and Corset Cover and Drawers, in muslin and Both Corset Cover and

crepe. 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, muslin, embroidery

trimmed, ruffle bottom. Regular 65c; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Skirt combination, muslin, trimmed with fine

valenciennes lace and beading. Regular $1.25 value; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, stripe crepe, neatly

trimmed with linen cluny lace. A good value at $1.25; sale price 1 Lot—Corset Cover and Drawers combination, fine nainsook, in both em­

broidery and lace trimming, beautiful style. Regular $2.00 value; sale price

48c 95c 95c

_ _oth em-

$1.49 Princess Slips

Especially popular for wear with the one-piece dresses, in a wide range of values.

1 Lot— Slips made of cambric muslin, with trimming of fine linen laces, hand-embroidered design, in yoke. Regular $1.25; sale '

1 Lot— Slips made of fine nainsook, trimmed with embroidery edge and in­sertion, 10-inch embroidery ruffle at bottom. Regular $1.75; sale price

1 Lot— Slips made of fine lawn, trimmed with valenciennes lace edge and insertion. A good value for $2.25; sale price ,

1 Lot—Made of fine lawn and trimmed with a fine embroidery edge; has a deep 18-inch embroidery ruffle at bottom to match. Regular value $3.7 5; sale price

95c _0. and in-

$1.33 $1.87

idge; has a


Gowns Both button or slipovers, with many different styles of yokes and sleeves.

1 Lot—Gowns made from good grade cambric, button style, long or OOp half sleeve. A good value at 85c; sale price .. .• \JtHJ

1 Lot—Slipover Gowns, made of fine cambric muslin, several different styles of trimming of both linen lace and embroidery. Regular #1.25 values at this QRn sale for t/tJU

1 Lot—Slipover Gowns made of fine nainsook cloth, short sleeves, trimmed with valenciennes lace and insertion. Special value at $1.50; sale price

1 Lot—Slipover Gowns made of fine lawn, with either lace or em­broidery trimming; a very neat style. Regular $2.50 value; sale

$1.12 $1.97

Corset Covers

In an exceptionally wide range of styles, materials and trimming, all priced special.

1 Lot—Corset Covers of cambric muslin, embroidery trimmed. Priced cheap at. 30c each'; sale

1. Lot—Corset Covers made of fine cambric, trimmed with lace edge and 3 rows lace beading. Regular price 35c; sale

1 Lot—Corset Covers of fine nainsook, trimmed with fine linen lace edge. Good values at 65c to 75c; this sale

1 Lot—Corset covers of fine lawn, trimmed with fine valenciennes lace and insertion; fancy styles. Regular $1.00 values ...

23c 25c 48c 79c

the third Big Shipment of the

Zbomson Glove-Titting Corstts for this year arrived at our store today.

there Sure is a Treason for this unusual sale; the unusual demand for this particu­

lar style and make of corsets, conceded by all good dress­

ers to be the leading style and figure producers among the

hundreds of makes of medium-priced corsets of today.

take Care of the Corset and the gown will take care of itself, is a very good rule.

A good figure is not so hard to achieve if you pay attention

to your corset. Any and all dj*! AA (DQ styles in stock. Prices IU «J>O.UU

Wain floor Specials Ladles' Silk Boot Bo** —Heavy, in black, tan, blue, pink

and white, made with double sole, high spliced heel, wide garter top. Special value at

Ladle*' Silk Boot Ijose—Same as above, but lighter weight, in black only. Special value at

Ladles' Sleeveless Vests—Pure white, made of fine cotton thread, all sizes. Special value at 3 for ....

Ladles' White and Colored Jlprons—Full length, with bib and strap in back. Special value at

Boys' Wash Suits—White and colors, made of linen, pique, Galitea, chambray, very neat, (tj-j i7n tyn _ new styles. Special at «pA. I tJ an<i I OC

50C 29c 25c 30c

6,000 Yards Linen toweling



Warianted all pure linen, full 17 inches wide, in full bleached and half bleached, with narrow red or blue stripe

A good value at 12 i-2c to 15c a yard (not over 9c border. 20 yards to a customer) During this sale at

Cong Glows

Simmons Mousquetaire.

in Kid or Silk We guarantee every pair of Simmon's Gloves, either

kid or silk, to give entire satisfaction— that is the reason we are the popular glove house of the city. Gverp Pair Property fitted. A few of the good sellers of today:

Simmon's Silk Glove, full 12-button length, 7P_ with double tips; in black and white; all sizes, pair, I OC

Simmon's Silk Glove, full-length, 16-batton, double ' tips; fine quality milanise silk, in black or AA white; a special value at, per pair

Simmon's Chamoieette Glove, full-length, Crtn 16-button, m chamoise or white; special value at.. OUL

Simmon's Silk Glove, regular length,, two-clasp, double tips; in black, white, navy, grav, tan and fift-brown; special value at, per pair OUC

Simmon's Chamoisette Glove, regular length, 2-clasp, in chamois color only; 50c and... uOC

We also carry a full line of KAYSERS' Silk Gioves in all sizes, colors and lengths desired; prices 50c to $1.75

Garden and Borne finds --** Specials that ¥ou Jtre Sun to Heed this Week Bere are some of the things that you'll need soon, if not immediately. Better buy them this week at these prices


MaMaCrtei Rm, hntot •start RMaBt

tMM M PM tt •>

the Latest and Itlost Practical Bard Wood Polish

A modern preparation espe­

cially adapted to use on floors.

Once tried, you whould use no

othfer. Put up in two sizes,

25c and 50c

O-Cedar Polish Wop Hindi. 4)fi f«t long

Those who have tried the O-Cedar Polish Mops received in our first shipment declare they will not he without them in the fut re.

Garden fjose, all kinds,per foot. 10c to 14c Lawn mowers, the best made, price $8.50

to... $5.00 Band Sprinklers, tin and galvanized, all

sizes 10c to 50c

mosquito Bar, all colors, on sale in Bargain Basement. Reg­ular price $c yard, this week, in bolts, $ yards,

45c Bolt

Buy a Security Mouse Trap, the latest novelty in the trap line. Step on it to set it — don't pinch your fingers any more. 10c regular; Special 2 for ... 15c

"Just-Right" Carpet Beaters — The house cleaners' friend—a new idea for carpet and rug cleaning. You \ _ should try one. 15c regular; Special, to introduce, 1UC

Wire Screen for Windows, Boors, Porches

5c to 10c All widths, 24 to 48 inches; per running foot

m r 'i



Money on hand for Farm Loans. Ho delay. See Everett. 4-6-tf

List your lands with J.Vaughn. 4-2o-tf Select oyster stews at the Grill Caffe.

Q-2-tf An expert stenographer wants position.

Inquire at PRESS office. 3-i6-4t Come in and see what we serve at

noon for 35c. The Grill Caffe. 9-2-tf Dr. S. W. Bailey, the Osteopath,

makes no charges for consultation and examinations. Office in Jessen building.

12-9-tf For quick sale list relinquishments

with J. Vaughn. 4-27-tf Two rooms for rent over the McDonald

drug store. 4-20-tf Wanted—a girl for light house keep­

ing or to help in store. Inquire at Fired Thompson's Racket store. 4-27-2t

Rooms for rent in Thompson building, famished or unfurnished; also good office rooms. 4-27-2t

For rent cheap—a new, good piano. Apply to Mrs. Olive Stramrud, No. 238. 2nd St. W. ' 5-4-2t

List your farm with the Tri-State Land Co. We can sell your farm quicker and at less cost to you than any dealer or combination of dealers in the atate, for full particulars call on or write Eiling HeUner, Special Agent, _. . • tf . *>'. ' 'r.i•%»~;..• ip Taylor, N. D.

Miss Anna Tretter went to Beach for professional work on Thursday.

Joseph Jervais and Leo Cossette were in from Gaylord on court matters last Saturday.

The Masons are giving a dancing party at Masonic temple next Monday evening.

Miss Rose Voerding was in Beach a few days this week, yisiting at the J. J. Bartley home.

The G. W. Sargent family expect to go to their farm near Logging Camp, south of Medora. on Sunday.

Paul Kittleson is still at the local hospital, where he has been for twelve weeks. He was expecting his condition to be improved enough to enable him to leave next week.

Mrs. A. T. Crowl was hostess at a one o'clock luncheon on Wednesday. Twelve ladies were the guests and the pretty affair was la honor of the 70th birthday anniversaryof Mrs. Erena Currie, Mrs. Crawl's stepmother of Washington. The rooms were festive with decorations of lavender and the lavender color scheme was carried out in the luncheon service* . The hours following wop • spent socially, Mrs. Crawl's gracious hospitality making hat guests feel much at

W. J. Follis was'in the city week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawler of St Paul

are registerdlin'the city.

Dr. V. H. Stickney was attending a meeting of the'State Society for Friend­less at Mandan'this week.

I. Stanton, witlf the N. O. Independ­ent Telephone Co. at Dickinsoq, was repairing lines in'Dunn county this week.

Dr. Herbert Anderson went to Beach' Thursday night from which place he was to go to Trotter, 40 miles north, to inspect stock.

Undertaker D. J. Price of Manning was in the city this, week, having charge ef the remains of Mrs. Sam Pejjton which were interred here Thurs­day afternoon.

0. M. Kelso and son. Jack, of New England left Monday for Fargo to get. their new Ford auto. They expected to return by auto by way of Dickinson to get Mrs. Glade Summers, who was vis­iting here for,some time.

The total rainfall for April this year, as recorded at the Dickinson experiment station, Was 2.42 inches, against .48 inches« year. ago. The normaL precipi­tation for April is 1.14 indies. Thus it will be noted that April rains :have been unusuallybeavy this season.

Sheriff N. D. Nichols of Billings county has been having quite a time with neuralgia in his cheek.

At the school land leasing in Dunn county, 81 quarters were leased, all at the minimum rate except one which was taken by Ole Christerson of Halli-day at S23. The high price last year was $50 per quarter paid by Thos. Fisher and Hugh McGillivray for land near Indian Springs.

Haley Record: Little Jack Currie, aged five years, turned his father's bunch of cattle out of the pasture Tues­day morning and herded them in the big grass ail day long. He could not even be prevailed upofluto leave them long enough to go home to dinner. How's that for a cowboy of five.

W. H. Cooper was fined $10 andcosts in Justice Folsom's court on Thursday for striking Edwin Fox, night yardmas-ter for the N. P. at this place. Cooper was one of the government surveying crew who came in with several carloads of stock and equipment for the fierthold reservation work. He became impatient because Mr. Fox could not set his cars Wednesday night as soon as he wanted and in his fit of anger did that which he should not. He paid the fine. Mr. Fox was nnt hurt 80 as to prevent his keeping right along with his work. . „

* jp'f ^

Jennie and Elliot Freeman were en­tertained over Sunday at the Ira Law­rence farm north of Gladstone.

Mrs. Frank Eyer and two children came down from Glendive Thursday night to spend a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Eyer.

George Berzel is having his building repaired just north of the Merchants National bank.- D A. Cutnaw .has leased the same for electrical business.

Miss Nettie Vineyard, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. Branick for a few weeks, left the first of the week for Miles City, stopping a day at Me­dora to visit Miss Cqrdelia Branick.

Chas. L. Mason of Medora was recently married in Roundhouse, 111., to Miss Fanny Arndt. The wedding was a surprise to the friends of Mr. Mason, who is a brother of Mrs. J. A. McGregor.

, The annual meeting of the Dickinson council of The Boy" Scouts of America, will be held in the Commercial Club rooms Sunday. May 5th, at 3:30 p. m.. for the purpose of electing officers and appointing committees for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. All persons interested in the movement are urged to be rraent^ i," -

,.•; : ^ * r M

W. S. Morris- of Belfield transacted business here Saturday.

John Duckhora finished seeding 120 acres, mostly wheat at his farm south of the city, before the 1st of May and ia now happy when It rains. He took seed out the first of the week for ten acres of millet. .

The friends of Archie Palmer, who is attending the State University, will -be sorry to hear of an accident he had while at gymnasium work, which resulted in a broken nose. A slight operation being necessary to put the, fractured part in working order again.

H. F. Schroeder's brother, G. S. Schroeder, has been in the city the past week. He expects to go from here to Oregon. Merchant Schroeder who owns* a quarter of land in Dunn county, new one of the railroad -surveys, was out north with his brother the first of the week looking over the country.

Andrew Miller, a farmer living about' ' 8 miles south of the city, was badly' injured,in an accidem on Wednesday.:; ; He was working on a steam outfit and'M fell In front of the plow, crushing his chest and breaking several ribs. Hit-scalp was also ton from his head and he was badly bruised in generaLM* Physicians reported his condition a^f -very critical. -.r

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