4. quick win success storieshimat&indigenous&leadershipanddevelopmentprogram(hildp)&...

HiMaT Indigenous Leadership and Development Program (HILDP) 1 KARAKORAM AREA DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (KADO) Quick wins award projects Success Stories ASHRAF KARIM 3/28/2013 This document contains some of the success stories from the quickwin award project initiatives. The stories were carried out from the personnel interviews and physical observations of the projects. Until now HiMaT Indigenous Leadership and Development Program(HILDP) have offered around 144 projects in the jurisdiction of CLSO, GRSO, MASO, Shimshal and Two IDP camps in Hunza out of which around 100 have completed, many of which are successfully running as business and rest of the 44 are in the process. This program also motivated some other groups in project area to take innovative economic self initiatives like the Garlic and pulses production in MASO and CLSO area. Few of the success stories have been presented in this document.

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Page 1: 4. Quick win Success storiesHiMaT&Indigenous&LeadershipandDevelopmentProgram(HILDP)& 1& & KARAKORAM&AREADEVELOPMENT&ORGANIZATION(KADO)& Quick&winsawardprojects’ SuccessStories& ASHRAF&KARIM&

HiMaT  Indigenous  Leadership  and  Development  Program  (HILDP)  



Quick-­  wins  award  projects  

Success  Stories      





This  document   contains   some  of   the   success   stories   from   the  quick-­‐win  award  project   initiatives.   The  stories  were  carried  out  from  the  personnel   interviews  and  physical  observations  of  the  projects.  Until  now  HiMaT  Indigenous  Leadership  and  Development  Program(HILDP)  have  offered  around  144  projects  in  the  jurisdiction  of  CLSO,  GRSO,  MASO,  Shimshal  and  Two  IDP  camps  in  Hunza  out  of  which  around  100  have   completed,   many   of   which   are   successfully   running   as   business   and   rest   of   the   44   are   in   the  process.   This  program  also  motivated   some  other  groups   in  project   area   to   take   innovative  economic  self  initiatives  like  the  Garlic  and  pulses  production  in  MASO  and  CLSO  area.  Few  of  the  success  stories  have  been  presented  in  this  document.  

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Women  in  Rahimabad  Kirmin  Chipurson  

The   village   consists   of   38   households.   Women   in   the   village   are  engaged  with  agriculture  and  domestic  activities.  They  are  skilled  in  

vocational   activities   e.g   embroidery,   sewing,   weaving   and   other  woolen  products.  They  had  never   tried   to  use   their   skills   for   their  earning  purposes.  

 HiMaT   Indigenous   Leadership   and  Development   program   (HILDP)  

intervened   in   the   area   in   2008   and   from   the   first   day   women  participation  has  given  due  importance  in  the  development  process  of   the   area.   Through   Learning   and   Action   Forums   and   Quick-­‐win  

projects  enormous  changes  has  taken  place  in  women  lives.  In  the  first   round   of   the   award   project   few   women   from   the   village  participated   and   tried   to   promote   the   woolen   thread   production  

and   sewing.   The   project   was   successfully   completed   and   that  motivated  other  women  to  take  part  in  the  process.  

In  the  second  round  of  the  project  many  other  women  participated  in  groups  and  initially  they  proposed  to  work  on  embroidery  work  

and  gradually   they  expended  their  activities  as  per   their  skills  and  expertise.   They   produced   large   number   of   the   embroidery  products,  bed  sets  and  sewing.  For  the  marketing  of  these  products  

the  women  decided  to  start  a  ladies  shop  in  the  village  where  they  have  displayed  their  products  as  well  as  the  basic  needs  of  daily  life  and  women  required  items.  

The  women  have  now  a  clear  vision  to  run  their  own  business  and  

utilize   the  available  human,   financial  and  capital   resources  at  maximum.  They  have  established  a  well  furnished  shop  with  all  required   items  and  a  management  committee  is  formed  to  monitor  the  day  to  day   progress   of   the   business.   The   group   initially   started   their   business   with   the   basic   seed   amount  

provided  in  the  first  round  of  the  award  project;  later  the  members  contributed  individually  and  added  the  award  money  of  the  second  round  to  scale  up  their  business.  Now  they  are  reinvesting  the  earned  

income  in  the  business.  Each  member  has  been  assigned  specific  tasks  and  each  of  them  is  performing  their   duty  with   great   zeal   and   zest.   The  women   in   the   village   are   now   feeling  more   comfortable   and  encouraged   for   what   they   have   achieved   so   far   and   are   enthusiastic   about   future.   They   have   the  

eagerness   to   expand   their   business   and   demonstrate   as   role  model   for   other   women   of   the   area   to  motivate  them  towards  entrepreneurship.  

Ashraf  Karim  


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Atta  Ullah  and  Group  (poultry  shop)  

Mr.  Atta  Uallah   is  a  54  years  old  man.  He   is  handicapped  with  one  hand  and   is   running  a   small   cabin  shop  in  Sost  market.  He  sells  the  grocery  items  in  his  small  cabin  which  is  not  enough  to  feed  his  family.  

He  with  his   two  friends  applied   for   the  quick  win  award  project   introduced   in  the  Gojal  Rural  Support  Organization  (GRSO)  to  start  a  poultry  shop.  The  group  initially  purchased  60  small  chickens  of  1  KG  and  

sold  when  they  were  reached  to  3  to  4  KGs.  They  earned  a  good  margin  of  profit  in  this  activity  with  less  investment  and  reinvested  the  money  to  purchase  the  egg  laying  chickens.  Now  they  have  26  chickens  and   they   already  have   started   to   sell   eggs   in   the  market.   It   is   an   additional   source  of   income   for   the  

group  members   and   they   consider   it   an   easy   business.   The   group  members   are   keen   to   expand   this  business  gradually  and  will  supply  meat  and  eggs  in  the  market  of  Sost.  Atta  ullah  is  doing  this  activity  in  addition  to  his  grocery  shop.  

Divert  Gates  on  the  Irrigation  Channel  (Men  Group  Misger)  

Misger   valley   is   an   old   settlement   of   Gojal.   There   are   more   than   200   households   in   the   valley.   The  people  are  more  dependent  on  agriculture.  A  single  irrigation  channel  is   the  only   source  of   irrigation  water  and   it  was  built  way  150  years  

back.   Due   to   the   seepages   and   unpaved   divert   points   the   farmers  were   facing   trouble   in   utilizing   the  water   properly.  When   the  quick-­‐  win   award   project   was   introduced;   the   men   group   in   the   village  

proposed   to   work   on   the   solution   for   this   issue.   After   several  meetings   they   all   agreed   on   placing   small   wooden   gates   on   each  diversion.   They   worked   out   best   possible   and   cost   effective   way   to  

complete   the   project.   In   this   regard   they   designed   the   gates   with  wooden  plates  and   installed  them  on  each  point.  There  are  13  small  

gates  installed  on  the  irrigation  channel.    

After   completing   the   project   the   farmers   are   relived   and   happy   for  the   solution  of   the   issue  by   themselves   smartly.   According   to   group  most   of   the   village  male   population   is   staying   out   of   the   village   for  

their   businesses   and   jobs   and   the   women   folks   do   the   agriculture  activities  facing  acquit  difficulty  in  diverting  the  water  and  prevent  the  seepage.   Since   the   gates   are   installed   the   women   and   children   can  

easily   irrigate   the   lands   and   forest   with   little   effort   and   without  wastage  of  water  and  everyone  gets  sufficient  water  on  their  turn.  


  Ashraf  Karim  

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Local  Carpet/Rug  Making  (Women  Aminabad  Kirmin)  

Traditionally   men   are   considered   to   be   the   professional   of   weaving  woolen  goat  and  prepare  yak  hair   to  make   local   carpet/rug   (Sharma).  

Due  to  many  other  earning  opportunities  emerged   in  the  area  for  the  last   few   decades,   men   prefer   to   work   out   of   the   village   and   the  profession   of   making   local   carpet   was   vanishing.   The   women   in   the  

area  had  no  earning  opportunities  except  agriculture  therefore  some  of  the   women   decided   to   start   promoting   the   Sharma,   making   by  themselves.   Since   traditionally   it   was   unconventional   for   women   to  

make   rugs,   it   seemed   a   joke   for   the  male   community  members   that  how  women  can  make  carpets;  but  these  women  were  committed  and  they   requested   KADO   to   train   them   in   rug   making.   KADO   organized  

three   months   training   for   the   women   in   the   weaving   and   carpet  making.  After   the  training  a  group  comprised  of   three  women  started  their   practical   activity.   Initially   they   don’t   have   enough   money   to  

purchase   all   the   raw  materials   and  equipments.   The  quick  win   award  seed  amount  turned  to  be  a  source  for  the  group  to  initiate  producing  rugs  for  those  who  bring  in  their  own  raw  material.  Till  the  completion  

of  the  first  product  no  one  believed  of  their  success  but  subsequently  people   started   buying   their   carpets   and   admired   the   quality   of  work.  Since  then  these  women  have  produced  more  than  20  carpets  and  they  

have   increasing   demands   for   their   products.   The   individuals   are  bringing  their  raw  material  to  them  and  the  group  produces  the  carpet  and  charge  Rs.500  per  carpet.  

The  group  members  are  anticipating  expending  their  business  at  larger  

scale.   They   need   some   financial   support   to   have   the   required   raw  materials   and   if   they   will   produce   their   own   products   then   they   can  have  more  profit  margins.  



Ashraf  Karim  





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Candle  Making  (Men  group  Khudaabad)  

Mr.  Ghulam  Mustafa  is  a  habitant  of  Khudaabad  village  near  Sost.  He  is  a  farmer  and  besides  he  sells  fresh  and  dry  fruits  for  his  livelihood.  

He  had  got  training  to  make  candles   from  Karachi  some  years  back  but  had  never  thought  to  make  it  his  earning  source.  When  the  quick  win   was   announced   in   the   area,   he   decided   to   participate   in   the  

award  project  process.  

He  brought  a  simple  and  small  machine/frame  from  Karachi  to  make  candles.  He  had  got  some  raw  material  of  his  training  time  of  which  

he   made   300   candles   and   displayed   at   a   shop   in   the   market.   He  produced  candles  of  two  different  sizes.  The  smaller  size  he  sold  on  5   rupees   and   the   large   one   on   15   rupees.   According   to   him   the  

candles  were  sold  in  very  short  time  and  the  people  who  used  the  candles  termed  it  better  than  other  candles  they  purchase  from  the  market.  He  is  confident  that  this  business  huge  potential  to  earn  hand  sum  if  produced  on  a  larger  scale.  

According   to  Mustafa   the  materials   are   available   from   down   cities   and   china   but   he   has   not   enough  

money  to  bring  them  in  bulk.  He  related  the  business  profitability  with  the  current  load  shading  in  the  country  and  said  that  every  household  is  using  candles  and  the  candle  comes  from  china  or  other  cities  are  expensive  and  not  of  good  quality.  He  is  thinking  to  mobilize  some  more  resources  to  purchase  raw  

material   in  bulk  from  down  cities  and  make   it  a  home  industry  by   involving  his  family  members   in  the  






Ashraf  Karim  




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Garlic  production,  a  success  story  of  Abbas  Ali  Mr,  Abbas  Ali  belongs  to  Hussaini  Gojal,  he  is  the  only  breed  earner  of  the  family,  he  could  not  continue  his  education  because  of  financial  hindrance  of  his  family,  now  he  is  financing  his  siblings  in  education  

and  consumption  of  the  whole  family,  his  major  source  of  income  was  potato  cultivation  like  other  people  of  Gojal,  the  total  income  in  year  2009  was  1.5  lac  rupees,  after  the  disaster  of  Atta  Abad  lack  

this  opportunity  vanished  and  his  financial  position  deteriorate,  he  was  seeking  for  another  source  of  income,  Then  he  got  loan  from  the  village  organization  and  started  running  a  small  and  temporary  shop  at  the  bank  of  artificial  Lack  Hussaini,  his  expenses  are  more  than  the  income  he  earn  from  his  shop.  

He  participated  in  HiMaT  Learning  and  Action  Forum  No  VII  (Community  Economic  and  Business  

Development)  in  Hussaini  and  got  the  idea  to  cultivate  an  alternate  cash  crop,  he  tried  to  experiment  garlic  in  his  kitchen  garden,  although  this  was  an  unconventional  crop  in  the  area,  but  he  found  cultivation  of  garlic  is  profit  able,  needed  less  agriculture  inputs  and  less  weight  for  carrying  through  

boat  and  vehicle  to  the  market.    

Detail  of  harvest    Seed  used           2  kg  

Area  of  cultivation       15  x  20  sq  feet  

Harvested,          25  kg  

Used  for  household  consumption     2  kg  

Seed  for  next  year         4  kg  

Sold  in  Sost  market         19  kg  

Gross  income  19@155=       2945/=                          

Cost  involved      

Seed  2  kg           Rs=  200  

Fertilizer  (urea)  .5  kg           Rs  =  25  

Fees  for  irrigation  water  (approx)     Rs=  100  

  Total  expenses         Rs=  325  


Abass  Ali  is  optimistic  to  further  his  experiment  to  real  business  and  income  generation,  he  shared  his  experience  with  family  and  friends  circles  and  mobilized  them  to  expend  this  activity  at  larger  scale,  he  

further  need  technical  and  financial  assistance  for  cultivation  of  garlic  at  large  piece  of  land,  his  concern  for  marketing  is  that  people  are  not  aware  of  organic  production,  they  prefer  to  buy  the  products  came  from  Punjab,  although  the  imported  garlic  in  the  local  market  is  full  of  pesticide  and  chemical  fertilizers.        

Didar  Ali  

Total  Gross  income     Rs.  2945  

Total  Cost  (inputs)             Rs        325        _  

Net  income      Rs  2620/=  


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Success  story  of  Pulse  production  Dawar   Khan   a   young   farmer   belonging   to   a   small   village   Sher-­‐e-­‐Sabz   Chipursan,   is   professionally   a  

driver,    he  owns  a  jeep  but  his  income  is  not  sufficient  to  meet  his  expenses  as  he  is  supporting  number  of  siblings  in  terms  of  their  education  and  health.  He  has  sufficient  cultivatable  land  which  was  used  to  cultivate   potatos   for   the   last   two   decades,   after   the   land   slide   of   Atta   Abad,   transportation   and  

marketing  of  potato  is  not  easy  and  is  of  no  more  worth  producing  it.  There  were  no  alternative  crops  which   could   be   produced   to   maintain   his   income;   he   believed   that   the   land   was   also   getting  unproductive   day   by   day   due   to   continuous   cultivation   of   the   same   crop   i.e.   potato   each   year   using  

chemicals   and   fertilizers.   His   family   decided   to   cultivate   wheat   crops   at   half   of   the   lands   for   fodder  where  as  another  half  will  remain  uncultivated.  

When   Chipursan   Local   Support  Organization   through  HiMaT   –   ILDP   offered   pulses   to   be   grown   as   an  alternate  crop   in   the  area  keeping   in  view   the  situation  and   the  expected   food  security   issues,  Dawar  

Khan  thought  to  cultivate  Dall  Masoor  (pulse)  on  his  uncultivated  land  since  the  land  of  Chipurson  best  suits  production  of  this  particular  kind  of  pulse  which  is  less  fertile  and  doesn’t  need  chemical  fertilizers.  In  consultation  with  his   family  he  bought  25  Kg  of  Dall  Masoor  @  Rs.149  =  Rs.  3725   to  cultivate  on  7  

canal  of  land,  which  could  produced  two  begs  of  wheat  worth  Rs.  2000  only.  

The  whole  production  process  of  pulse  cost  him  Rs.  1300   in   terms  of  cultivation  and  harvesting  other  than  his  own  labor.  He  used  the  natural  fertilizer  produced  by  his  cattle’s.  At  the  end  he  able  to  produce  350  Kg  pulse  out  of  the  25Kg.  Out  of  the  350Kg  production  he  spared  20Kg  for  his  home  consumption,  

which   is  enough   for  his   family   till   the  next  harvesting  season,  25  Kg  stored   for  seed  purposes  and  the  remaining  305Kg  he  sold  in  the  market  in  central  Hunza  @  Rs.125.  


Pulses  Sold  in  the  market,  305@125   =  38235  


Transportation-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐   1000  

Expenses  (seed)  -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐   3725  

Other  cost-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐   1300      

Total  expense            6025  –    

Net  income                32210/=  

Dawar  has  created  alternative  source  of  income  for  himself  and  for  his  family  through  agriculture  activity  with  minimal  cost  in  terms  of  money  and  labour  and  maximum  benefit.    He  is  optimistic  about  

the  future  that  he  can  double  his  income  by  expending  the  activity.  He  is  eager  to  motivate  and  involve  his  friends  and  relatives  on  these  new  lines  of  agri  production  which  they  can  easily  produce  and  transport  to  the  markets  in  Hunza  and  Gilgit  and  earn  hand  sum.     Didar  Ali