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4.1 Statement of Reasons TR010021 APFP Regulation 5(h) Revision 2 Planning Act 2008 Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 March 2017 Page 1 of 232

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4.1 Statement of Reasons


APFP Regulation 5(h) Revision 2 Planning Act 2008 Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009

March 2017

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Statement of Reasons

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons 4.1

Planning Act 2008

The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009

Document Reference: 4.1

Internal Code: ST150030-PLN-ZZZ-ZZ-DSD-ZZ-0062

Regulation Number: 5(2)(h)

Author: Transport for London

Rev. Date Approved By Signature Description

0 29/04/2016 David Rowe (TfL Lead Sponsor)

For DCO Application

1 15/11/2016 David Rowe (TfL Lead Sponsor)

Updated for deadline 1

2 06/03/2017 David Rowe (TfL Lead Sponsor)

Updated for deadline 4

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1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 17

1.1 The Statement of Reasons ............................................................................. 17

1.2 Guide to DCO documentation ........................................................................ 20

2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHEME .............................................................. 23

2.1 Scheme description ........................................................................................ 23

2.2 The need for the Scheme ............................................................................... 24


3.1 Scope of powers sought ................................................................................. 27

3.2 Powers to acquire land compulsorily ............................................................. 28

3.3 Powers to acquire permanent rights over land .............................................. 30

3.4 Powers to use and possess land temporarily ................................................ 30

3.5 Other rights and powers ................................................................................. 32

4. DESCRIPTION OF LAND AND RIGHTS IN LAND AFFECTED BY AND IN THE VICINITY OF THE SCHEME............................................................................ 35

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 35

4.2 Location ........................................................................................................... 35

4.3 Safeguarding Direction ................................................................................... 35

4.4 Existing land use - north side ......................................................................... 35

4.5 Existing land use - south side......................................................................... 36

4.6 Public rights of way ......................................................................................... 37

4.7 Settlements ..................................................................................................... 38

4.8 Services/Utilities.............................................................................................. 38

4.9 Diligent inquiry process/methodology ............................................................ 38

4.10 Desktop Referencing - HM Land Registry .................................................. 39

4.11 Major Land Owners (MLOs) ........................................................................ 40

4.12 Other land referencing activities ................................................................. 40

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5.1 Statement of the overall purpose of seeking powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary possession .................................................................... 43

5.2 Explanation of the specific purpose(s) for which each parcel of land is required .................................................................................................................... 47

5.3 Guide to DCO documentation ........................................................................ 48


6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 50

6.2 Compulsory acquisition powers subject to the conditions in section 122 of the Planning Act 2008 being met ............................................................................ 50

6.3 Matters on which the Secretary of State must be satisfied, before making a DCO including powers of compulsory acquisition: ................................................. 51

6.4 Requirement for the DCO land (section 122(2)) ............................................ 52

6.5 Options Assessment ....................................................................................... 54

The process of site and route selection .................................................................. 56

Compensation and Certainty of Funding ................................................................ 56

6.6 Compelling case in the public interest ........................................................... 57

7. COMMUNICATIONS AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH OWNERS OF INTERESTS IN LAND .............................................................................................. 62

7.1 Consultation .................................................................................................... 62

7.2 Current position in relation to engagement and negotiations........................ 62

8. IMPACTS ON STATUTORY UNDERTAKERS ........................................... 64

8.1 Statutory undertakers affected by the Scheme ............................................. 64

8.2 Application of section 127 of the Planning Act 2008 – acquisition of land owned by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking .................. 64

8.3 Application of section 138 of the Planning Act 2008 – interference with apparatus owned by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking 66

8.4 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers to be acquired for the Scheme 70

8.5 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers over which rights are to be acquired for the Scheme .......................................................................................... 72

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9. HUMAN RIGHTS ......................................................................................... 74

9.1 Application of the European Convention on Human Rights .......................... 74

9.2 Compliance with the Convention and with the Human Rights Act 1998 ...... 75

9.3 Consideration of duties under the Equality Act 2010 .................................... 76

10. THE PLANNING POLICY POSITION INCLUDING THE VIEW OF THE GOVERNMENT ....................................................................................................... 79

10.1 National policy ............................................................................................. 79

10.2 London policy .............................................................................................. 79

10.3 Local policy .................................................................................................. 80

11. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS AFFECTING THE LAND ........................... 81

11.1 Effect of the Scheme on environmental and statutory designations ......... 81


12.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 86

12.2 Additional consents ..................................................................................... 86


Appendix B. COMMUNICATIONS/ NEGOTIATIONS WITH OWNERS OF INTERESTS IN LAND ............................................................................................ 147



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List of Tables

Table 4-1 Public rights of way within Scheme ............................................................. 37

Table 8-1 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers which are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme ..................................................................... 70

Table 8-2 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers over which rights are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme ........................................... 72

Table 11-1 Environmental and statutory designations that may be affected by the Scheme ......................................................................................................................... 81

List of Figures Figure 2-1 Location of scheme .................................................................................... 25

Figure 4-1 Map of area ................................................................................................. 37

Figure 5-1 Zone of Protection ...................................................................................... 45

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List of Abbreviations

DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government

DCO Development Consent Order

DLR Docklands Light Railway

EAL Emirates Air Line (cable car)

FALP Further Alternations to the London Plan

HGV Heavy Goods Vehicle

LB London Borough

MTS Mayor’s Transport Strategy

NNNPS National Networks National Policy Statement

NPS National Policy Statement

NSIP Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project

PLA Port of London Authority

PO Project Objective

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RB Royal Borough

SoS Secretary of State

TfL Transport for London

TLRN Transport for London Road Network

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Glossary of Terms

Compensation Code This refers to section 5 of the Land Compensation Act 1961 where the 6 rules of compensation are set out

Development Consent Order This is a statutory order made under the Planning Act 2008 which provides consent for the Scheme and means that a range of other consents, such as planning permission and listed building consent, will not be required. A DCO can also include provisions authorising the compulsory acquisition of land or of interests in or rights over land which is the subject of an application.

Emirates Air Line A cable car service across the River Thames in east London, linking the Greenwich peninsula to the Royal Victoria Dock. The service is managed by TfL, and is part of the TfL transport network.

Safeguarding Safeguarding is a formal process, undertaken by the Department for Transport (DfT), to protect land required for major new infrastructure projects from development. The Safeguarding Directions, made by the Secretary of State for Transport, instruct local planning authorities to consult TfL on planning applications for land within the safeguarded area.

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S.1 The Statement of Reasons

S.1.1 This Statement of Reasons relates to an application (“the Application”) by Transport for London (“TfL”/"the Applicant") to the Secretary of State (through the Planning Inspectorate) under the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (“the Act”) for powers, including powers to acquire land compulsorily and to use land temporarily, to build and operate the Silvertown Tunnel (“the Scheme”) and associated works, and to undertake all other necessary measures pursuant to a Development Consent Order ("DCO").

S.1.2 This Statement has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of section 37(3)(d) of the Act and regulation 5(2)(h) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 (“the APFP Regulations”).

S.2 Scheme description

S.2.1 The proposed Silvertown Tunnel is a twin-bore, dual carriageway road tunnel beneath the River Thames linking the A102 on the Greenwich Peninsula to the Tidal Basin Roundabout in the Royal Docks area at Silvertown. The tunnel would be approximately 1.4km long and would be able to accommodate large vehicles including double-deck buses.

S.3 The need for the Scheme

S.3.1 The Scheme is proposed in response to the three transport problems which exist at the Blackwall Tunnel: congestion, frequent closures and a lack of resilience (owing to the lack of proximate alternative crossings). These issues lead to adverse effects on the economy and local environment. In the context of continued significant growth, these problems can only get worse, and in turn their secondary impacts will increase. Failing to address these problems could hamper the sustainable and optimal growth of London and the UK.

S.3.2 The Silvertown Tunnel is supported by Government policy. In 2012 it was designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (“NSIP”) by a Section 35 Direction made by the Secretary of State ("SoS") for Transport.

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S.4 Powers sought in the DCO

S.4.1 This Statement is required because the DCO, if made, will include powers to:

• acquire land compulsoril;:

• create and acquire compulsorily new rights over land;

• extinguish or override existing rights over land; and

• and use and possess land temporarily.

for the purposes of the Scheme.

S.5 Scope of powers sought

S.5.1 The powers authorising the acquisition of land, or of interests in and/or rights over land, are principally contained in articles 19 (compulsory acquisition of land) and 22 (compulsory acquisition of rights) of the DCO, but there are a number of other DCO articles which also contain powers affecting land.

S.5.2 If the DCO were made and development consent granted, these powers would authorise the compulsory acquisition of land (article 19), the acquisition of subsoil and airspace only (article 26), the temporary use of land (article 29), for example for construction, and they would permit the Applicant to create and acquire new rights over land (articles 22 and 28).

S.5.3 The DCO would also confer on the Applicant other rights and powers the exercise of which may result in interference with property rights and private interests in land.

S.5.4 Where these powers of compulsory acquisition are exercised, owners of the relevant land or rights in land may be entitled to compensation under the Compensation Code, where a valid claim is made out. Any dispute in respect of the compensation payable would be referred to and determined by the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal.

S.6 Diligent inquiry/ land referencing

S.6.1 As required in accordance with the Act, the Applicant undertook “diligent inquiry” through a land referencing process to identify parties within Categories 1, 2 and 3, as defined in sections 44 and 57 of the Act. These include owners, lessees, tenants and occupiers of the land within the Order

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limits. Category 2 includes parties that are interested in the land or have the power to sell, convey or release the land within the Order limits.

S.6.2 The Land Referencing Limits were set to include the following:

• all land within the Order limits required for the Scheme;

• all residential properties and community buildings within a 300m buffer zone extending from the Order limits; and

• the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3) sets out the results of the land referencing.

S.7 Consultation with major landowners

S.7.1 The Applicant has been in discussion for a considerable length of time with many of the landowners affected by proposals for the Silvertown Tunnel, with the continuing aim of negotiating to acquire by agreed private treaty the land and rights needed to construct and operate the Scheme. As a result, the Applicant is aiming to secure options to purchase the freehold of a number of parcels of land required for the Scheme.

S.7.2 The current position in relation to the Applicant’s engagement and negotiations with landowners affected by the Scheme is explained in Appendix B to this Statement of Reasons. Detailed discussions are ongoing with landowners and occupiers in order to ensure that their concerns are taken into account and accommodated wherever possible.

S.8 Justification for seeking powers

S.8.1 The specific purposes for which the Applicant requires each parcel of land within the Order limits is set out in Appendix A to this Statement of Reasons. The Secretary of State must be satisfied before making the DCO that the land identified within the Order limits is needed for the development and that no more land is proposed to be taken than is reasonably required to enable the delivery of the Scheme.

S.8.2 Due to the nature of the design process and the timing of the consenting process, the Applicant requires a degree of flexibility as to where certain sections of the Silvertown Tunnel can be constructed within the defined limits of deviation which are provided for in the draft Order. At this stage, all the land included in the Order land is considered to be necessary to enable the delivery of the Scheme. However, should it transpire that any part of the Order land is not required, for instance as a result of the detailed design

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process in due course or because a parcel of land has been acquired by agreement as a result of successful negotiations, in those circumstances compulsory acquisition powers would not be exercised in respect of such land because such exercise would not be necessary or justified.

S.8.3 The Applicant's approach, which combines genuine attempts to acquire land by agreement with the planning, in parallel, of a compulsory acquisition timetable as a contingency measure, and with taking action to initiate formal compulsory acquisition procedures, is in accordance with the 2013 DCLG Guidance.

S.8.4 For the reasons set out in detail in this Statement of Reasons, the Applicant considers that there is a compelling case in the public interest which would justify the use of powers of compulsory acquisition, such that the relevant statutory tests in sections 122 of the Act were met.

S.9 Options assessment

S.9.1 A detailed options assessment process was carried out which considered a broad range of river crossing options. This is set out in more detail in the Case for the Scheme (Document Reference 7.1).A detailed assessment process was undertaken to identify the land and rights needed to implement the Scheme. A number of engineering and design alternatives were considered and landowner negotiations were ongoing and influenced the process.

S.10 Funding

S.10.1 The Funding Statement for the Scheme (Document Reference 4.2) sets out, in accordance with the recommendation in the 2013 DCLG Guidance (at paragraph 9), that there is a "reasonable prospect of the requisite funds for acquisition becoming available". It explains how the Scheme, and the compulsory acquisition of land required to enable its delivery are proposed to be funded, and how the requisite funding would be made available within a reasonable timescale.

S.11 Statutory undertakers

S.11.1 Appendix D to this Statement of Reasons contains a list of statutory undertakers and other similar bodies which have, or which may have, a right to keep equipment (in connection with their undertaking) on, in or over the land required for the Scheme. Utilities diversions are included in the Schedule of Works which forms Schedule 1 of the draft DCO (Document

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Reference 3.1). The table in paragraph 8.4 of this Statement sets out the plots of land owned by statutory undertakers that are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme.

S.12 Special Category land

S.12.1 The Applicant’s proposed Order limits include two areas of open space - the Applicant would only be acquiring subsoil beneath the open space, and rights under and over it, not the open space itself. Therefore, in so far as the Applicant would be acquiring land (should compulsory acquisition powers be granted), the land acquired, being subsoil beneath the open space, does not come within the statutory definition of open space and therefore the open space protections in section 131 of the Planning Act 2008 do not apply to it.

S.12.2 Where the Applicant seeks to acquire rights over an area of open space, the nature of those rights, being rights to impose restrictive covenants on the land for the protection of the tunnel structure, is not incompatible with the continued use of the land at surface level as open space. Therefore, the use would be exempted from the protection for open space which section 132 of the Act confers, by virtue of the application of the exception in section 132(3) of the Act.

S.12.3 Where the Applicant is seeking only powers of temporary possession, this is not compulsory acquisition, and as such would not trigger the protections in sections 131 or 132 of the Planning Act 2008.

S.13 Conclusion

S.13.1 The Applicant considers that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the making of the DCO and for the inclusion in the DCO of powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary possession, so as to secure the necessary land and property interests required to construct and operate the Scheme.

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Statement of Reasons

1.1.1 This Statement of Reasons (“the Statement”) relates to an application (“the Application”) by Transport for London (“TfL”/"the Applicant") to the Secretary of State (through the Planning Inspectorate) under the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (“the Act”) for powers, including powers of compulsory acquisition of land, to build and operate the Silvertown Tunnel (“the Scheme”) and associated works, and to undertake all other necessary measures pursuant to a Development Consent Order ("DCO").

1.1.2 The proposed Silvertown Tunnel is a twin-bore, dual carriageway road tunnel beneath the River Thames linking the A102 on the Greenwich Peninsula to the Tidal Basin Roundabout in the Royal Docks area. The tunnel would be approximately 1.4km long and would be able to accommodate large vehicles including double-deck buses. The proposed location of the tunnel is shown on the Location Plan (Document Reference 2.1).

1.1.3 This Statement has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of section 37(3)(d) of the Act and regulation 5(2)(h) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 (“the APFP Regulations”), and with guidance issued by the Department for Communities and Local Government in September 2013, Planning Act 2008: Guidance related to procedures for the compulsory acquisition of land (“the 2013 DCLG guidance”), and in October 2015, Guidance on Compulsory Purchase Process and the Crichel Down Rules ("the 2015 DCLG Guidance"). It forms part of the documents accompanying the Application submitted in accordance with section 55 of the Act and regulation 5 of the APFP Regulations. The Application seeks development consent for the Scheme by the making of the proposed Silvertown Tunnel Order, which would confer the powers sought.

1.1.4 This Statement of Reasons is part of a suite of application documents submitted for the purposes of section 55 ‘Acceptance of applications’ of the 2008 Act. These documents inform this Statement and should be read alongside it. This Statement is required because the DCO, if made, will include powers to:

• acquire land compulsorily:

• create and acquire compulsorily new rights over land; and

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• extinguish or override existing rights over land,

1.1.5 for the purposes of the Scheme.

1.1.6 It is necessary for the decision maker in respect of the Application to be satisfied that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the inclusion of powers of compulsory acquisition in the Order for the purposes of the Scheme.

1.1.7 The Applicant considers that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the making of the DCO and the inclusion of powers for compulsory acquisition so as to secure the necessary land and property interests required to construct and operate the Scheme. The purpose of this Statement is to explain why this is so.

1.1.8 The Application is being made to secure the requisite powers to build and operate the Silvertown Tunnel scheme; a nationally significant infrastructure project for which there is a national and local need. Those powers are set out in the draft Order which accompanies the Application for development consent.

1.1.9 In June 2012 the Secretary of State for Transport gave a direction under section 35 of the Planning Act 2008 that the proposed Silvertown Tunnel Scheme should be designated as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (“NSIP”). The NSIP designation means that the project may only be authorised by means of a DCO made by the Secretary of State under the Planning Act 2008.

1.1.10 The Silvertown tunnel scheme is proposed in response to the three transport problems which exist at the Blackwall Tunnel: congestion, frequent closures and a lack of resilience (owing to the lack of proximate alternative crossings). These issues lead to adverse effects on the economy and local environment. In the context of continued significant growth, these problems can only get worse, and in turn their secondary impacts will increase. Failing to address these problems could hamper the sustainable and optimal growth of London and the UK.

1.1.11 In accordance with the requirements of the APFP Regulations and the 2013 and 2015 DCLG Guidance, TfL has, as part of the DCO application, provided the following documents relating to the justification for compulsory acquisition powers to be granted for the purposes of constructing and operating the Scheme:

• this Statement of Reasons;

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• the Funding Statement (a statement to explain how the proposals contained in the Order for compulsory acquisition will be funded) (Document Reference 4.2);

• plans showing the land which would be compulsorily acquired and land over which new rights would be compulsorily acquired, including special category land and any proposed replacement land, and land to be used temporarily (“the Order land”) - ("the Land Plans" [– within the Book of Plans]) (Document Reference 2.3); and

• the Book of Reference, identifying the names and addresses of persons with an interest in land affected by the Scheme (Document Reference 4.3).

1.1.12 The Order land is more fully described in chapter 4 of this Statement.

1.1.13 The structure of this Statement of Reasons is as follows:

• Chapter 2 describes the Scheme and why it is needed.

• Chapter 3 explains the scope and source of the statutory powers sought in the DCO for the compulsory acquisition of land and rights over land, and for the temporary possession of land.

• Chapter 4 describes the location of the Scheme and the land which would be affected by its construction and operation.

• Chapter 5 explains the purposes for which the powers are sought to enable the compulsory acquisition of land and compulsory acquisition of rights over land (together, "powers of compulsory acquisition"), and powers to use and possess land temporarily ("powers of temporary possession").

• Chapter 6 sets out the justification for seeking powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary possession.

• Chapter 7 explains how the Applicant has sought to engage with landowners and negotiate to acquire land for the Scheme by agreement.

• Chapter 8 sets out the impacts of the Scheme on statutory undertakers.

• Chapter 9 explains the Applicant’s compliance with human rights legislation relevant to the determination of the DCO application.

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• Chapter 10 sets out relevant planning policy and its application to the Scheme.

• Chapter 11 describes any special considerations affecting the Order land and how any related statutory requirements will be met.

• Chapter 12 sets out other consents which are required to be granted in relation to the Scheme.

1.2 Guide to DCO documentation

1.2.1 The following paragraphs provide a step by step guide to enable a person with an interest in land affected by the Scheme to use the DCO documentation to find out how the Applicant's proposals may affect the land in which they have an interest.

1.2.2 Step 1: Look at the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3) and find the area (plot(s)) of land in which you have an interest.

1.2.3 Step 2: Note the colour of the plot and the number of the plot.

• The colour of the plot will give you an initial indication of the purpose for which the land in that plot is required:

o pink plots - compulsory acquisition of land

o blue plots – compulsory acquisition of new rights over land / imposition of restrictive covenants restricting use of land

o green plots – temporary possession and use of land

o yellow plots – protective works

• Note the plot number – this will enable you to identify the land where it is referred to in other DCO documents – see Step 3 below.

1.2.4 Step 3: Use the plot number(s) to find references to the land in other DCO documents, such as:

• the Book of Reference (Document Reference number 4.3) – this provides a brief description of each plot (including an approximate area measurement) and details of persons who own, lease or otherwise occupy or have an interest in the land;

• the Statement of Reasons – Appendix A of this document:

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o explains in more detail the purposes for which each plot of land is needed for the Scheme and how each plot of land is proposed to be used;

o provides cross references to the numbered Works shown on the Works Plans (Document Reference 2.5) and described in Schedule 1 to the draft DCO (Document Reference 3.1);

o provides cross-references to the articles in the draft DCO which, if the DCO is made by the Secretary of State and development consent is granted, would provide the Applicant with the statutory power to use the land as proposed in the DCO documentation; and

o provides cross-references to the Schedules in the draft DCO which set out which plots of land are required for:

the acquisition of new rights or restrictive covenants only (DCO Schedule 4);

the acquisition of subsoil and new rights / restrictive covenants above only (DCO Schedule 6);

temporary possession only (DCO Schedule 7).

• the draft Development Consent Order ('DCO') (Document Reference number 3.1).

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1.2.5 Here is a condensed version of the 3-step guide:


Step 2: Step 1:

• See the Land Plans and find the land in which you have an interest.

Step 2:

• Using the Land Plans, note the plot number of the plot in which you have an interest.

Step 3:

• Using the plot number, look up the plot in Appendix A to this Statement of Reasons. This will tell you the purposes for which the plot is needed for the Scheme.

• You can also look the plot up in

o the Book of Reference; and

o the draft DCO.

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2.1 Scheme description

2.1.1 Transport for London (TfL) is proposing a new road tunnel linking the areas north and south of the River Thames between the Greenwich Peninsula and Silvertown, hereafter referred to as the Silvertown Tunnel (“the Scheme”). The location of the Scheme is shown in Figure 2-1.

2.1.2 The Scheme would comprise a new dual two-lane road connection between the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Approach on Greenwich Peninsula (London Borough of Greenwich) and the Tidal Basin roundabout junction on the A1020 Lower Lea Crossing/Silvertown Way (London Borough of Newham) by means of a twin bore tunnel under the River Thames, and associated approach roads. The Silvertown Tunnel would be approximately 1.4km long and would be able to accommodate large vehicles including double-deck buses. The design of the tunnel would include a dedicated bus/coach and Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) lane in each direction, which would provide opportunities for the Applicant to provide additional cross-river bus routes. The Boord Street footbridge over the A102 would be replaced with a pedestrian and cycle bridge.

2.1.3 New tunnel service buildings would be located close to each tunnel portal, at the surface, to house the plant and equipment necessary to operate the tunnel.

2.1.4 The introduction of free-flow user charging on both the Blackwall and Silvertown Tunnels would serve to manage traffic demand and support the financing of the construction and operation of the Silvertown Tunnel.

2.1.5 Main construction works would likely commence in October 2018 and would last approximately four years with the new tunnel opening in 2022/23. The main site construction compound would be located at Silvertown to enable the utilisation, if reasonably practicable, of Thames Wharf to facilitate the removal of excavated material and delivery of materials by river. A secondary work site compound would be located adjacent to the alignment of the proposed cut and cover tunnel on the Greenwich peninsula.

2.1.6 Schedule 1 of the Draft DCO (Document Reference 3.1) and the Works Plans (Document Reference 2.5) set out the works required for the Scheme.

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2.2 The need for the Scheme

2.2.1 The Scheme is proposed in response to the three transport problems which exist at the Blackwall Tunnel: congestion, frequent closures and a lack of resilience (owing to the lack of proximate alternative crossings). These issues lead to adverse effects on the economy and local environment. In the context of continued significant growth, these problems can only get worse, and in turn their secondary impacts will increase. Failing to address these problems could hamper the sustainable and optimal growth of London and the UK.

2.2.2 The River Thames acts as a significant barrier in east London, where the river is relatively wide, making it difficult and costly to construct crossings, and the need to accommodate tall ships is an impediment to bridges. Historically, river crossings in east London have been less important and this, coupled with the challenges described, has led to a paucity of highway crossings: eighteen crossings in west London compared to only five crossings in the east. Because of this and constraints on certain nearby crossings, the Blackwall Tunnel has become a single link of pivotal strategic importance in the highway network.

2.2.3 But the Blackwall tunnel is an old link, with limited capacity, frequent closures (most often due to over height vehicles failing to fit in the Victorian northbound tunnel) and consequential delay and congestion. The crossings nearest to it, the Woolwich Ferry and the Rotherhithe Tunnel cannot act as real alternatives when the Blackwall tunnel is under strain: they too are old and capacity-constrained and lack the strategic connections to the wider network. This means that there is little resilience: this is already evident in the day-to-day problems and would be exacerbated when, as is more likely than not to happen, a long-term closure of the tunnel is required for either maintenance or in response to a serious incident. The singularity of the Blackwall tunnel amplifies the effects of its problems.

2.2.4 In contrast, public transport crossings in east London have multiplied in recent years: seven new rail crossings, with a further crossing to come in the form of Crossrail. This means that by 2020, there will be as many rail crossings to the east of Tower Bridge as to the west of Vauxhall Bridge. Most cross-river travel is undertaken by public transport and this is expected to continue even with the Silvertown Tunnel scheme. Rather, most of the demand for the new tunnel would come from vehicles which would otherwise be queuing to use the existing crossings (and experiencing increasing delay and congestion owing to underlying traffic growth). Additionally, the new scheme would bring benefits to bus and coach users by enabling new

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services and faster journey times: increasing the share of bus and coach trips through the two tunnels from around ten per cent to around thirty per cent.

2.2.5 The importance of an effective river crossing in east London for national growth is recognised in the designation of the Silvertown tunnel scheme as a nationally significant infrastructure project (NSIP) by the Secretary of State. The designation notes that much of the Capital’s growth will be concentrated in east London, meaning not only that congestion could get worse as a result but that the economic effects of this worsening congestion would be particularly damaging in this context. It states that congestion at the Blackwall tunnel is having an impact on the national road network which the Silvertown tunnel scheme could address. Critically, it highlights why the proposal has national significance:

2.2.6 Given the position of London as an economic driver nationally, any decrease in efficiency in London’s transport network may have a consequential detrimental impact nationally.

2.2.7 The Case for the Scheme in Chapter 2 (Document Reference 7.1) sets out the need for the Scheme in greater detail.

Figure 2-1 Location of scheme

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3.1 Scope of powers sought

3.1.1 This chapter sets out the powers being sought in the DCO to enable the permanent acquisition of land, and of rights over and under land needed for the construction and operation of the Scheme, as well as the possession and use of land on a temporary basis to facilitate the construction of the Scheme.

3.1.2 If development consent is granted for the Scheme and the DCO is made by the Secretary of State, the DCO will include powers which would affect land on both a permanent and temporary basis. These powers are necessary to enable The Applicant to construct the works authorised by the DCO ('the authorised development’) and for the subsequent operation and maintenance of the authorised development. The powers would also enable the Applicant to protect the authorised development, to mitigate the impacts of the authorised development where necessary, and to ensure that access could be taken as necessary to facilitate the construction, operation and maintenance of the authorised development.

3.1.3 The exercise of these powers to acquire or use land would only be possible within the Order limits, which are shown (by a red boundary line) on the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3).

3.1.4 The nature of the Scheme is such that it will be necessary for the Applicant to acquire land outright, to possess and use land temporarily, and to acquire and exercise other rights over land on either a permanent or a temporary basis, as specified in the DCO and related documentation. In addition, the DCO would confer other rights and powers on the Applicant, which would allow the Applicant to interfere with property rights and private interests in land.

3.1.5 Regulation 5(2)(h) of the APFP Regulations requires a statement of reasons to be produced in support of a DCO which includes powers for the 'compulsory acquisition of land or an interest in or right over land'.

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3.1.6 As the justification for the exercise of all powers which would or may interfere with property rights and interests in land raises the same issues as apply to the acquisition of land and rights, this Statement of Reasons explains how the powers sought in the DCO would affect each area of land within the Order limits, the reasons why such powers are necessary and how their exercise would be justified. Therefore, where the context requires, the expression 'compulsory acquisition powers' is used in this Statement of Reasons to refer to the additional powers described below, notwithstanding the fact that not all of those powers amount to a power to acquire land compulsorily, and notwithstanding the fact that the temporary possession of land is not a form of compulsory acquisition.

3.2 Powers to acquire land compulsorily

3.2.1 The main powers authorising the acquisition of land, or of interests in and/or rights over land, are contained in article 19 (compulsory acquisition of land) and 22 (compulsory acquisition of rights) of the DCO. Other compulsory acquisition powers are sought in the DCO and these similarly relate to land and may interfere with property rights and interests. The scope of these powers is set out below.

3.2.2 The land permanently required by the Applicant for the purposes of the Scheme comprises a combination of surface land and subterranean land (together with surface rights and restrictive covenants) through which the Silvertown Tunnel will be constructed and operated. Other land is permanently required at surface level for the provision of new or improved highway (and associated retaining walls, gantries etc.), tunnel service buildings at the two tunnel portals, and two headhouses (one above each of the two tunnel boring machine launch chambers).

3.2.3 Where the exercise of these powers was justified, and therefore exercisable, the owner of the affected land may be entitled to compensation under the Compensation Code, where a valid claim is made out. Any dispute in respect of the compensation payable would be referred to and determined by the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal.

3.2.4 Article 19 – compulsory acquisition of land: This article, which reflects the terms of the source of the compulsory acquisition powers in section 122 of the Planning Act 2008, would provide the Applicant with the power to acquire compulsorily so much of the land within the Order limits as is necessary to construct, operate and maintain the Scheme (i.e. the authorised development), and/or the power to acquire so much of the land, or such interests in land, as is/are necessary to facilitate the authorised

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development, or such land as is required because it is incidental to that development. The terms of the DCO would be drafted so as to enable the Applicant to also exercise a 'lesser' power, where such lesser power (for instance a power to acquire rights over land or to use land temporarily) was deemed appropriate as an alternative to compulsory acquisition.

3.2.5 Article 26 – acquisition of subsoil and airspace only: this article would permit the Applicant to acquire only the subsoil under or airspace over any land over which it has powers of compulsory acquisition under article 18 (such acquisition to be for the same purposes for which the Applicant would be authorised to acquire the whole of the land under that article). The article provides that only the subsoil or airspace can be acquired in respect of identified plots (although rights may be acquired in respect of the surface of the land).

3.2.6 Article 20 – incorporation of the minerals code: this article would exempt from compulsory acquisition any existing rights in mines or minerals, such that the Applicant was not obliged to acquire those rights when acquiring the land beneath which the mines/minerals were located. The article also provides for a procedure to allow the original owner of the relevant land to work those mines or extract those minerals, should they wish to do so notwithstanding the compulsory acquisition of the land by the Applicant.

3.2.7 Article 27 – acquisition of part of certain properties: this article would permit the Applicant to acquire part only of certain properties.

3.2.8 Article 23 – private rights over land: this article provides for the extinguishment of private rights over land in the following circumstances –

• where land is subject to compulsory acquisition (where the land and all interests in it are acquired) (article 23(1));

• where land is subject to the compulsory acquisition of rights over, in or under it, or made subject to the imposition of restrictive covenants, to the extent that continuing the existing rights would be inconsistent with the right acquired or restrictive covenant imposed (article 23(2))

• where land belongs to the Applicant, but is subject to rights exercisable by third parties, and where the construction, operation or maintenance of the works authorised by the DCO would interfere with or breach those rights (article 23(3)); and

• with regard to land over which the Applicant is authorised to take temporary possession (see below for more detail) under the DCO,

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article 23(4) provides that all private rights over that land would be suspended and unenforceable for as long as the Applicant was in possession of such land.

3.2.9 On the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3), land which is proposed to be acquired compulsorily is shaded pink.

3.3 Powers to acquire permanent rights over land

3.3.1 Article 22 – compulsory acquisition of rights: this article would permit the Applicant to create and acquire new rights over land; and such rights would be exercisable on a permanent and/or long-term basis. This article would also give the Applicant the power to impose restrictive covenants on land. The rights and/or restrictive covenants could be acquired and/or imposed, as required by the Applicant for any purpose related to the purpose for which land was acquired under article 19. The article provides that only rights can be acquired in certain plots, and not the freehold interest.

3.3.2 Article 28 – rights over or under streets: this article would permit the Applicant to use the subsoil and/or the airspace under or over any street, where required to facilitate the construction of the authorised works. The power conferred by this article would not extend to a subway or an underground building, or to cellars or similar structures forming part of a building fronting the street (article 28(3)) but its exercise would nevertheless constitute an interference with property rights.

3.3.3 On the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3), land over which new rights are proposed to be acquired, or restrictive covenants imposed compulsorily, is shaded blue. The plots over which rights are proposed to be acquired are listed in Schedule 4 to the DCO.

3.4 Powers to use and possess land temporarily

3.4.1 Article 29 – temporary use of land for carrying out the authorised development: this article would enable the Applicant to take temporary possession of the land specified in Schedule 7 to the DCO, and any other land included within the Order limits (i.e. land to which powers of compulsory acquisition, or powers to acquire rights, apply), provided that the Applicant had not already made a declaration to vest the land in itself or to enter the land following a notice of entry in advance of acquisition.

3.4.2 Whilst using and possessing land temporarily pursuant to article 29, articles 29(1)(b) to (d) would enable the Applicant to:

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• remove buildings and vegetation from the land;

• construct temporary works (including accesses) and buildings on the land; and

• construct permanent works, as specified in column 3 of Schedule 7 to the DCO, and to carry out certain mitigation works.

3.4.3 The period for temporary possession would be subject to time limits under article 29(5). Unless the owner of the land agreed, the Applicant would not be permitted to remain in possession:

• as regards any land specified in Schedule 7 to the DCO, for more than a year after completing that part of the authorised works specified in relation to that land in column 4 of Schedule 7; and

• as regards any other land within the Order limits, for more than a year after completing the work for which temporary possession was taken (unless before the end of that period the Applicant has made a general vesting declaration or served notice of entry).

3.4.4 The effect of Article 29(6) is to ensure that before giving up possession of any land used temporarily, the Applicant would be obliged to remove all temporary works and to restore the land to the owner's reasonable satisfaction. This restoration obligation would not, however, require the replacement of a building or structure removed under this article, nor would it require the restoration of land on which permanent works had been constructed (where the land was possessed temporarily in the first instance), or the removal of any ground strengthening works or the removal of any measures installed over or around statutory undertakers' apparatus for the protection of that apparatus.

3.4.5 On the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3), land which is proposed to be used and possessed temporarily is shaded green. The purpose for which such land is proposed to be possessed and used temporarily is set out in Schedule 7 to the DCO.

3.4.6 The DCO would also authorise the Applicant to use land temporarily for purposes connected with the authorised development where powers to acquire land or to acquire new rights over land applied (for instance, over land within the Order limits but not specified in Schedule 7).

3.4.7 Article 30 – temporary use of land for maintaining the authorised development: this article would enable the Applicant to take temporary

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possession of any land within the Order limits, which is reasonably required for the purpose of maintaining the development at any time during the maintenance period (i.e. a period of [five years] from the date on which that part of the authorised development was opened for use).

3.4.8 Article 30(1)(c) would permit the Applicant to construct temporary works and buildings on the land, in so far as it was reasonably necessary to do so for the purpose of carrying out maintenance works.

3.4.9 The power in article 30 would not enable the Applicant to take temporary possession of a house, or a garden belonging to a house, or any other occupied building (article 30(4)).

3.4.10 The Applicant would only be authorised to remain in possession of land under article 34 for so long as was reasonably necessary to carry out the maintenance of the part of the authorised works for which temporary possession of land was taken (article 30(6)).

3.4.11 Before surrendering possession of the land and returning it to its owner, the Applicant would be required to remove all temporary works on the land and to restore the land to the owner's reasonable satisfaction.

3.5 Other rights and powers

3.5.1 The DCO would also confer on the Applicant other rights and powers the exercise of which may result in interference with property rights and private interests in land. These additional powers are:

3.5.2 Article 9 – permanent stopping up of streets and private means of access: this article enables the Applicant to permanently stop up specific streets and private means of access, with certain of those identified needing to be substituted before being stopped up;

3.5.3 Article 10 – temporary stopping up and restriction of use of streets: this article permits the Applicant to temporarily stop up, alter, divert or restrict the use of streets for the purposes of the development, whilst ensuring that pedestrian access is maintained;

3.5.4 Article 6 – street works: this article would confer authority on the Applicant to interfere with and execute works in or under any streets for the purposes of the authorised development;

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3.5.5 Article 11 – access to works: this article allows works accesses to public highways to be created. It gives the Applicant a general power to form means of access;

3.5.6 Article 14 – discharge of water: this article sets out the circumstances in which the Applicant is entitled to discharge water into a sewer, watercourse or drain, and its purpose is to establish statutory authority for doing so;

3.5.7 Article 16 – authority to survey and investigate land: this article gives the Applicant the power to enter certain land for the purpose of surveying and testing. It provides that the Applicant must give 14 days’ notice before exercising the powers of entry, and that compensation is payable for any loss or damage caused;

3.5.8 Article 24 – power to override easements and other rights: this article permits the Applicant to override easements and other rights such that land vested in the Applicant would be discharged from all rights, trusts and incidents to which it was previously subject at the point of vesting, together with the benefit of restrictive covenants and instances where land subject to third party rights is acquired by agreement rather than through compulsory acquisition; and

3.5.9 Article 17 – work in the River Thames: this article permits the Applicant to moor or anchor vessels in the river area temporarily in connection with the construction and maintenance of the authorised development, and to load and unload materials in connection with the construction of the authorised development.

3.5.10 Article 18 – felling and lopping of trees: this article would permit any tree or shrub that is near the project to be felled or lopped, or have its roots cut back by the Applicant if it is considered to obstruct the construction, operation or maintenance of the Scheme or endanger anyone using it. Compensation is payable for any loss or damage caused.

3.5.11 Article 15 – protective works: this article provides a power to monitor certain buildings and structures (included within the Order limits) for the effects of ground movement relating to settlement arising from the construction of the authorised works; and to carry out protective works where necessary to mitigate the effects of such settlement. This power applies throughout the Order limits. On the Land Plans (Document Reference 4.3), land which is proposed to be covered by these powers only is shaded yellow. The purposes for which such land is proposed to be covered by theses powers is set out in Appendix A to the Statement of Reasons.

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3.5.12 Appendix C to this Statement of Reasons explains where streets are proposed to be permanently stopped up pursuant to the DCO, where streets are proposed to be subject to prohibition of use through permanent traffic regulation measures, where private means of access are proposed to be stopped up, and where alternative routes or accesses are also proposed to be substituted.

3.5.13 All the above-mentioned articles in the DCO, which would provide powers enabling the Applicant to acquire land permanently or to use land temporarily, are required to enable the construction, operation and maintenance of the Scheme.

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4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 This chapter describes the land which is proposed to be subject to the compulsory acquisition powers that are sought in the DCO. The land is shown on the Land Plans (Document Reference 4.3) and the works for which the land is required are represented on the Works Plans (Document Reference 2.5). Short textual descriptions of each numbered plot shown on the Land Plans together with details of ownership are set out in the Book of Reference at Part 1 (Document Reference 4.3).

4.2 Location

4.2.1 The Silvertown Tunnel would be wholly located within the administrative areas of the Royal Borough of Greenwich (south side) and the London Borough of Newham (north side). The draft DCO includes powers to impose user charges at the Blackwall Tunnel, the northern end of which is located within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

4.3 Safeguarding Direction

4.3.1 The Silvertown Tunnel would pass under the River Thames, in land that has been safeguarded for this purpose since 1997 (Government Office for London: Safeguarding direction under articles 10 and 27 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to potential corridors for east Thames river crossings, transferred to the Mayor of London in 2001).

4.3.2 Safeguarding of land is an established part of the planning process, designed to ensure that land which has been identified for major infrastructure projects is protected from conflicting developments.

4.4 Existing land use - north side

4.4.1 The northern tunnel portal and associated highway tie-in is situated in Silvertown to the south of Canning Town in the London Borough of Newham. Transport infrastructure is a dominant feature of the area with the elevated A1020 Silvertown Way/Lower Lea Crossing and the elevated Docklands Light Railway (“DLR”) Woolwich extension running north-west to south-east and the Jubilee Line and Emirates Air Line (“EAL”) cable car running north-east to south-west across the River Thames. To the north of Silvertown Way

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the area predominantly consists of mixed residential and recreational land uses around the perimeter of the Royal Victoria Docks. This contrasts with light industrial and commercial uses to the south of Silvertown Way, which is bounded by a safeguarded wharf known as Thames Wharf. In this area Dock Rd/North Woolwich Road provides local access to a number of businesses including steel and metal suppliers, scrap metal dealers, concrete batching plants, waste recycling and management businesses and an aggregates supplier. There are emerging plans to redevelop the area for high density residential and mixed uses in the future but no formal proposals exist.

4.5 Existing land use - south side

4.5.1 The southern tunnel portal and associated highway tie-in lies on the Greenwich Peninsula in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The main transport infrastructure on the peninsula are the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Approach leading to the north and southbound tunnels; Millennium Way providing access to the North Greenwich London Underground (LU) and bus station; the Jubilee Line linking to Canning Town and Canary Wharf; and the EAL south station.

4.5.2 The majority of the area to the north and east of the A102 is undergoing re-development as part of the consented Greenwich Peninsula Masterplan, which is a major high-density residential-led (c. 12,000 homes), mixed-use development. Currently the masterplan is part implemented with offices, hotel and college buildings to the north set around the established O2 and new residential blocks to the south. The central portion is predominantly laid out as surface car parks and access roads associated with The O2 and the station. There is a redundant gas holder (approximately 75m in diameter), former lorry park, nightclub and office/commercial uses between Millennium Way and the A102 immediately south of the proposed southern tunnel portal. This area is bisected west to east by Boord Street which provides access to a footbridge crossing of the A102 and links to Tunnel Avenue on the west side. Tunnel Avenue provides access to a variety of existing and former light industrial and commercial uses on the west side of the peninsula including an aggregates supplier/wharf and chemical distribution company.

4.5.3 In addition to the EAL, Jubilee Line and Blackwall Tunnel infrastructure there is a pier serving the Thames Clipper river bus on the east side of the Greenwich Peninsula. South of this there are moorings for leisure craft and on the north side there are moorings for barges, tugs and marine engineering vessels adjacent to Thames Wharf. The main navigation channel serves a variety of traffic from large sea-going vessels to small

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leisure craft. The River Lea (known as Bow Creek) joins the main river at the northern end of Thames Wharf.

Figure 4-1 Map of area

4.6 Public rights of way

4.6.1 Public rights of way within the Scheme area are listed below. These are in addition to the public rights of way on the existing highway network in this area.

Table 4-1 Public rights of way within Scheme

L ocal Authority L and D escription

R oyal B orough of G reenwich

T hames P ath (eas t of E dmund Halley Way) running north to


R oyal B orough of G reenwich National cycle route number 1

L ondon B orough of Newham

National cycle route number 13

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4.7 Settlements

4.7.1 The largest settlements within the vicinity of the Scheme on the north side are Canning Town to the immediate north and the Royal Docks to the north east. To the west, close to the exit of the north bound Blackwall Tunnel is Canary Wharf.

4.7.2 On the south side the tunnel exit and entrance is on the Greenwich Peninsula, a growing residential area. Further to the south the major settlements are Greenwich to the west and Charlton to the east.

4.8 Services/Utilities

4.8.1 A number of existing utility services lie within the area of the Scheme and some would be affected by the authorised works in that they would be required to be diverted or re-aligned (these are listed below). Such diversion or re-alignment may not be wholly contained within the land to be acquired and in such cases the Applicant will acquire new permanent rights over land for the benefit of the utility company and/or take temporary possession of land in order to undertake the works. The Scheme may also affect existing minor private utility supplies and also services and utilities such as telecommunications cables that are anticipated to be diverted within the highway boundary.

4.8.2 Descriptions of the diversion / accommodation works which will need to be carried out are set out in Chapter 8 of this Statement, which provides information about the impacts of the Scheme on statutory undertakers’ land, rights and apparatus.

4.9 Diligent inquiry process/methodology

4.9.1 As required in accordance with the Act, the Applicant was required to identify individuals in one or more of the categories set out in sections 44 and 57 of the Act. This included undertaking “diligent inquiry” to identify parties within Categories 1, 2 and 3, as defined in sections 44 and 57 of the Act. Category 1 includes owners, lessees, tenants and occupiers of the land within the Order limits. Category 2 includes parties that are interested in the land or have the power to sell, convey or release the land within the Order limits. Category 3 includes parties who the Applicant thinks would or might, if the Order sought by the application were made and fully implemented, be entitled to make a relevant claim for compensation under section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 and/or Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973 and/or section 152(3) of the Act.

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4.9.2 A professional land referencing firm was employed to undertake diligent inquiry to identify these land interests. The following processes were undertaken as part of the methodology to identify and consult with those with an interest in affected land.

4.9.3 Setting the Land Referencing Limits (“the Land Referencing Limits”)

4.9.4 The Land Referencing Limits were set to include the following:

• All land within the Order limits required for the Scheme; and

• All residential properties and community buildings within a 300m buffer zone extending from the Order limits.

4.9.5 For the purposes of the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3), the limits were then adjusted to include all of any building partially covered within the above Land Referencing Limits.

4.9.6 In January 2016 environmental surveys highlighted properties that were deemed significantly affected and therefore may have a “relevant claim” as a Category 3 interest. The Land Referencing Limits were then reduced from the full 300m buffer to include only those properties that the Applicant believed would or might be entitled to make a relevant claim.

4.10 Desktop Referencing - HM Land Registry

4.10.1 Land Registry data was received in the form of a digital shape file (a GIS layer) and digital copies of the Official Copy Registers and Title Plans. All relevant freehold, leasehold, mortgagee, beneficiary, other charges and restrictive covenant information was extracted and stored in a land referencing database.

4.10.2 From this data, landownership parcels were created. The landownership parcels were drawn to reflect unique ownership information and stored spatially on a GIS application.

4.10.3 Where land was not registered, additional parcels to complete these gaps were created based on OS mapping and site data. As a result all land within Land Referencing Limits was parcelled and given unique reference numbers.

4.10.4 Periodic updates were provided by Land Registry and this ensured that any changes that occurred to title were captured. Such updates were made prior to Section 42 consultation and prior to the submission of the Book of

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Reference (Document Reference 4.3) as part of the application documentation.

4.11 Major Land Owners (MLOs)

4.11.1 Land interest information was requested from MLOs, including local authorities, statutory utilities and other landowners with multiple land ownerships including Transport for London, Greater London Authority and other government organisations.

4.11.2 Requests to the Royal Borough of Greenwich, the London Borough of Newham and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets were also made to access the councils’ land ownership terrier mapping; information regarding public highways and private roads; information about special category land (including open space, commons, fuel and field garden allotments); and any information relating to extant planning permissions which may alter the ownership of a land parcel and known future public and privately funded developments, where relevant. Information was received in a variety of formats and entered into the GIS as appropriate. Where necessary, further enquiries were made to address any changes, anomalies or gaps.

4.11.3 Statutory utilities that were believed to have a possible interest in the area were contacted to identify their interests. Information received was entered into the GIS as appropriate and where necessary further enquiries were made to address changes, anomalies or gaps.

4.11.4 Any existing information or stakeholder data gained by the project as a result of property negotiation or Section 42 consultation was incorporated accordingly.

4.12 Other land referencing activities

4.12.1 Desktop studies were carried out in order to identify open spaces and rights of way within referencing limits. Publicly available online mapping was used to identify these and further research was employed to identify ownership. This information was stored in the land referencing database.

4.12.2 Additional desktop activities were undertaken to confirm information received through site enquiries and Land Registry. Companies House searches were undertaken to ensure registered companies’ details were verified and provided the appropriate address for service of notices and other correspondence. Quick Address Search (QAS) checks were carried out on all properties to verify information.

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4.12.3 Information obtained through desk top research was supplemented and/or verified through Land Interest Questionnaires ("LIQs"), which included requests for information about a recipient’s own interests, associated third party interests and the spatial extent of land or property. Where LIQs were returned to the Applicant with updated information regarding an owner, tenant/lessee, occupier or other party, the information provided was used to update the land referencing database and GIS. Where returns to LIQs were not provided, follow up site visits were made. Observational site visits were also made as part of the land referencing process, to inform the Applicant's understanding of the nature and current use of land within the Order limits. All information secured was recorded in the land referencing database and GIS.

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5.1 Statement of the overall purpose of seeking powers of compulsory acquisition and temporary possession

5.1.1 In broad terms, the purpose for which compulsory acquisition and temporary possession powers are sought is to enable the Applicant to construct, operate and maintain the Silvertown Tunnel scheme. The need for the Silvertown Tunnel is explained in the Applicant's Case for the Scheme (Document Reference 7.1). For that purpose, it is necessary for the DCO to include a range of compulsory acquisition-related powers (see section 3 of this Statement of Reasons).

5.1.2 Without the powers to acquire rights and interests in land compulsorily (required as explained on a plot by plot basis in Appendix A to this Statement of Reasons), there would be insufficient certainty about the Applicant's ability to deliver the Silvertown Tunnel scheme within the necessary timescale. The Applicant therefore requires such powers to be included in the DCO, notwithstanding the Applicant's efforts (both historical and on-going) to acquire the necessary interests in land and rights over land by agreement (as explained by reference to landholdings in Appendix B to this Statement of Reasons).

5.1.3 The Applicant has been in discussion for a considerable length of time with many of the landowners affected by proposals for the Silvertown Tunnel, with the continuing aim of negotiating to acquire by agreed private treaty the land and rights needed to construct and operate the Scheme.

5.1.4 The Applicant is also seeking powers to create new rights for the protection of the Silvertown Tunnel where the Applicant has, to date, been unable to secure those rights by agreed private treaty.

5.1.5 Due to the nature of the design process and the timing of the consenting process, the Applicant requires a degree of flexibility as to where certain sections of the Silvertown Tunnel can be constructed within the defined limits of deviation which are provided for in the draft Order. Whilst the Applicant has already carried out extensive survey and investigation works as part of the route selection process and in preparation for the preliminary design

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work, further investigative works and detailed design work will not be carried out until such time as development consent has been granted (should the application be successful). Therefore, there is a need for limited flexibility (to ensure that the tunnel can be constructed without impediment) within the Order limits. At this stage, all the land included in the Order land is considered to be necessary to enable the delivery of the Scheme; however, should it transpire that any part of the Order land is not required, for instance as a result of the detailed design process in due course or because a parcel of land has been acquired by agreement as a result of successful negotiations, in those circumstances compulsory acquisition powers would not be exercised in respect of such land because such exercise would not be necessary or justified.

5.1.6 The degree of flexibility described above would allow the contractor (to be appointed in due course, should development consent be granted and the DCO made), to carry out the detailed design of the Scheme taking into account any constraints revealed through further investigation of, and survey work on, land below the surface (subsoil) and/or land below the River Thames.

5.1.7 The Applicant requires powers to acquire land and new rights, and to possess and use land temporarily, at surface level for the parts of the Scheme where new highway would be constructed at grade, or where existing highway would be improved. The Applicant's requirements differ in relation to the parts of the Scheme which comprise the tunnel. For the tunnel, the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily subsoil, to the extent necessary to construct, operate and maintain the tunnel. The Applicant therefore requires the subsoil within which the tunnel would lie, together with a 'layer' of additional subsoil around the tunnel itself; the additional layer would form a protective barrier around the tunnel; it is shown Figure 5-1below, where it is labelled as the 'exclusion zone'. As Figure 5-1 shows, the exclusion zone would extend around the tunnel for a distance of 3 metres, with the exception of the area directly above the tunnel, where the exclusion zone would extend upwards for a distance of 6 metres.

5.1.8 In addition, the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily new rights over the subsoil above the tunnel (and its exclusion zone), up to and including the surface of the land above. The purpose for which such new rights are sought is to enable the Applicant to impose restrictive covenants to secure protection of the tunnel from potentially conflicting future development. The restrictive covenants, which would be imposed upon implementation of the powers of compulsory acquisition (should such powers

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be granted in the DCO) would require consultation with the Applicant in respect of any proposals for development at or below surface level within the relevant land (identified in Schedule 6 to the DCO), and referred to hereafter as the 'zone of protection' (as indicated in Figure 5-1 below).

Figure 5-1 Zone of Protection

5.1.9 In certain circumstances future development may be allowed which derives support from foundation elements founded within the exclusion zone. This will allow the Applicant to limit the area around the bored tunnel and cut-and-cover structures where powers are required for the protective exclusion zone, minimizing the limitation on land above the tunnels which is available for development.

5.1.10 Where the distance between outer faces of separate cut-and-cover or bored tunnels is greater than 6m, consideration may be given to permitting future development to occupy part of this interstitial zone, providing:-

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• No part of the proposed future development is within 3m of a vertical line from the face of a final tunnel or substructure location (i.e. a horizontal 3m zone of protection remains beyond the face of each cut-and-cover or bored tunnel structure).

• Any developer wishing to exploit this arrangement must analytically demonstrate that the effects of installation and loading through all stages of the development, do not put the safety or integrity of the tunnels at risk.

5.1.11 The restrictive covenants would require any person or body proposing to carry out such development within the zone of protection to enter into a 'build-over agreement' with the Applicant. This would be in accordance with the Applicant's current practice in relation to the Blackwall Tunnel, in relation to which build-over agreements in connection with prospective development are based on a prescribed form of build-over agreement set out in a Schedule to an Agreement dated 14 February 2006 between the Applicant and the Urban Regeneration Agency, to which the Greater London Authority is the successor body.

5.1.12 In addition to the powers to acquire land (subsoil) and new rights (restrictive covenants), the Applicant seeks powers to create and acquire new rights for the purpose of carrying out permanent diversions of statutory undertakers' apparatus, and powers of temporary possession to enable it to carry out temporary diversions and other authorised works (pursuant to Schedule 1 of the DCO) during the construction of the Scheme.

5.1.13 For the parts of the Scheme which comprise the tunnel boring machine launch chambers with head houses above, and the 'cut and cover' parts of the tunnel (i.e. the parts of the tunnel between the tunnel boring machine launch chambers and the tunnel portals), and the parts which comprise the tunnel portals with ground slabs and retaining walls below and tunnel service buildings above, the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily land comprising subsoil up to and including the surface of the land, together with surface land and airspace above.

5.1.14 In the context of the land requirements outlined above, it follows that many of the plots of land within the Order limits would be required for a number of different purposes at different levels in, on, under or above the surface of the land; and that, accordingly, the Applicant would require a combination of powers, to acquire land and new rights compulsorily, and to use and possess land temporarily.

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5.2 Explanation of the specific purpose(s) for which each parcel of land is required

5.2.1 The specific purposes for which the Applicant requires each parcel of land within the Order limits is set out in Appendix A to this Statement of Reasons.

Scope and content of Appendix A

5.2.2 The first column of the table in Appendix A refers to the plot numbers used in the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3]) and Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3) to identify plots of land within the Order limits.

5.2.3 The second column in the table identifies and describes, in summary terms, the actual purpose for which each plot of land is proposed to be acquired or used.

5.2.4 The third column in the table states the relevant Work Number for the purpose of which the plot of land is required. The Work Number ('Work No') is the identification number (e.g. Work No.1; or Work No.5; or Work No.3 of a particular element of the proposed development which, if the DCO were made by the Secretary of State, would be authorised - such authorised development being described and numbered in Schedule 1 to the DCO (Document Reference 3.1).

5.2.5 The fourth column in the table cites the relevant article(s) in the draft DCO, being the source of the power(s) sought in respect of the plot of land.

5.2.6 The fifth column includes (where relevant) a reference to the Schedule in the draft DCO in which the plot is listed as being required (e.g. required only for the acquisition of subsoil and rights above; or for the acquisition of new rights only; or for temporary possession only). The tables in Appendix 1 should therefore be read in conjunction with the Land Plans and Book of Reference for an understanding of the plot numbers, and with the Works Plans (Document Reference 2.5) and Schedule 1 to the DCO (Document Reference 3.1) for an understanding of the Work Numbers.

5.2.7 In addition, Schedule 4 to the draft DCO includes details of all the plots over which new rights are proposed to be created and acquired; Schedule 6 includes details of all the plots in which subsoil and new rights above are proposed to be acquired; and Schedule 7 to the draft DCO includes details of all the plots over which powers of temporary use and possession are sought. Schedule 7 (temporary possession) sets out, on a plot by plot basis, details of the purposes for which powers of temporary possession are required by the Applicant to construct, operate and maintain the Scheme.

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5.3 Guide to DCO documentation

5.3.1 The Introduction (Chapter 1) to this Statement of Reasons provides a step by step guide to enable a person with an interest in land affected by the Scheme to use the DCO documentation to find out how the Applicant's proposals may affect the land in which they have an interest. Please see that guide for information about how to navigate between the various DCO documents such as the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3), the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3)), this Statement of Reasons) (in particular Appendix A of this Statement) and the draft Development Consent Order ('DCO') (Document Reference 3.1).

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6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 This chapter sets out the conditions which must be met for compulsory acquisition powers to be granted under the Act and explains how the Scheme meets these conditions. It sets out the case for constructing and operating the Silvertown Tunnel scheme and the alternatives which were considered as the Scheme which is the subject of the Application evolved. It then sets out proposals for ensuring fair compensation and certainty of funding.

6.2 Compulsory acquisition powers subject to the conditions in section 122 of the Planning Act 2008 being met

6.2.1 Section 122 of the Planning Act 2008 provides that an order granting development consent (i.e. a DCO) may only authorise compulsory acquisition if the Secretary of State, in his capacity as decision-maker, is satisfied that two conditions have been met.

6.2.2 The first of those two conditions (which is set out in section 122(2)) requires one or more of the following three criteria to be met:

• that the land is required for the development to which the development consent relates;

• that the land is required to facilitate, or is incidental to, that development; or

• is replacement land which is to be given in exchange for the order land under section 131 or 132.

6.2.3 The second condition (set out in section 122(3)) is that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the land to be acquired compulsorily.

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6.3 Matters on which the Secretary of State must be satisfied, before making a DCO including powers of compulsory acquisition:

6.3.1 The Secretary of State must be satisfied (before making the DCO) that the land identified within the Order limits is needed for the development and no more land is proposed to be taken than is reasonably required.

6.3.2 Planning Act 2008: DCLG Guidance related to procedures for the compulsory acquisition of land (issued in September 2013) ('the 2013 DCLG Guidance') makes it clear (at paragraph 11) that, in order for the first of the three above-mentioned statutory criteria to be met, an applicant for development consent should be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that the land in question is needed for the development for which consent is sought. The 2013 DCLG Guidance explains that the Secretary of State will need to be satisfied that the land to be acquired is no more than is reasonably required for the purposes of the development.

6.3.3 The 2013 DCLG Guidance also explains (at paragraph 11) that for the second of these three criteria to be met, the Secretary of State would need to be satisfied that the development could only be delivered to a satisfactory standard if the land in question were to be compulsorily acquired (assuming it could not be acquired by agreement), and that the land to be taken is no more than is reasonably necessary for that purpose, and that the purpose is proportionate.

6.3.4 For the reasons set out in this Statement of Reasons, the Applicant considers that the conditions in section 122 are met, in that, firstly, there is a compelling case in the public interest for the construction and operation of the Scheme which would justify the compulsory acquisition of land identified in the draft DCO. Secondly, the Applicant considers that there are sound reasons why the Secretary of State can be satisfied that the land identified within the Order limits is needed for the development comprising the Scheme; that no more land is proposed to be acquired than is reasonably required for the purposes of the Scheme; and that the Scheme could only be delivered to a satisfactory standard within a reasonable timescale if the powers of compulsory acquisition sought in the draft DCO were granted to the Applicant.

6.3.5 Chapter 11 below sets out in detail special considerations affecting the Order land, but for the purposes of the conditions in section 122 on which the Secretary of State must be satisfied, the Applicant considers that the giving of replacement land under sections 131 or 132 of the Act, in exchange

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for special category land within the Order limits, is not necessary in relation to the Scheme.

6.4 Requirement for the DCO land (section 122(2))

6.4.1 The Applicant has a clear idea of how the land is intended to be used. In order to assist the Secretary of State in determining whether the first of the above-mentioned conditions is met, this Statement of Reasons sets out – at Appendix A – the particular purposes for which each plot of land is proposed to be compulsorily acquired or used temporarily. The table in Appendix A demonstrates, as advocated by the 2013 DCLG Guidance (at paragraph 9), that the Applicant has "a clear idea of how [it intends] to use the land which [it proposes] to acquire." The Applicant has included within the Order limits no more land than is reasonably required for the purposes described in the table in Appendix A, such that its proposed use of land, for the purpose of delivering the Scheme, is proportionate and justifiable.

6.4.2 In making the application for the draft DCO, including the seeking of powers to acquire land compulsorily and to use land temporarily, the Applicant has had regard to the relevant provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights (see Chapter 9 below).

6.4.3 In particular, as is explained in detail in Chapter 9 of this Statement of Reasons, the Applicant has given consideration to the purposes for which the land is required, namely the delivery of the Scheme, in the context of the provisions of Article 1 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 8 of the Convention. The particular reasons why the proposed acquisition of land and interference with private property rights are considered to be legitimate and proportionate, and therefore justified, are set out in section 9 below, and are matters on which the Secretary of State will need to be satisfied in deciding whether powers of compulsory acquisition should be included in any grant of development consent for the Scheme.

6.4.4 Together with this Statement of Reasons, the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3]) and the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3) show how and why the land included in the draft DCO is required and how such land would be used. In the case of each plot of land, the powers sought by the Applicant are necessary to deliver the Scheme and are proportionate to the degree of interference with any private rights.

6.4.5 The Applicant is seeking to acquire by agreement land and rights in land for the purposes of the Scheme, and will continue to seek such acquisitions as

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the application for the DCO is progressed. The Applicant has engaged in extensive consultation and negotiations (as explained in Appendix B to this Statement of Reasons, with all persons with an interest in the relevant land in order to try to avoid the need for compulsory acquisition wherever possible.

6.4.6 The Applicant's approach, which combines genuine attempts to acquire land by agreement with the planning, in parallel, of a compulsory acquisition timetable as a contingency measure, and with taking action to initiate formal compulsory acquisition procedures, is in accordance with the 2013 DCLG Guidance and the recently issued DCLG Guidance on compulsory purchase process and the Crichel Down Rules for the disposal of surplus land acquired by, or under threat of, compulsion (October 2014) ('the 2015 DCLG Guidance').

6.4.7 In the context of the 2013 and the 2015 DCLG Guidance, the Applicant will continue to seek to acquire land by agreement, but will also seek powers of compulsory acquisition through the DCO, with the objective of enabling delivery of the Scheme within a reasonable timescale and within the allocated budget, in the event that this cannot be achieved through acquisition by agreement.

6.4.8 The rationale for including powers of compulsory acquisition in the DCO takes into account the following considerations:

• an option to acquire might be obtained by agreement prior to the making of the DCO, but this would not provide the Applicant with the land itself. The powers of compulsory acquisition would therefore be available should any voluntary agreements fail, and would prevent impediments to implementation of the Scheme arising in the event that a person with an interest in land was unwilling to sell the land or grant the relevant interest in land once the option had been exercised;

• the inclusion in the DCO of all the land required for the Scheme would allow the Applicant to acquire land compulsorily by way of one or more general vesting declarations, which would be in the public interest, in that it would provide an economic, timely and efficient approach to land assembly;

• the use of a general vesting declaration to acquire the land would enable the Applicant to acquire any interests in land the owners of which it had not been possible to identify through diligent inquiry,

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thereby reducing uncertainty and the risk of impediments arising to the implementation of the Scheme; and

• the use of powers of compulsory acquisition would be in accordance with the 2013 DCLG Guidance, which (at paragraph 25) recommends that,

6.4.9 "Where proposals would entail the compulsory acquisition of many separate plots of land (such as for long, linear schemes) it may not always be practicable to acquire by agreement each plot of land. Where this is the case it is reasonable to include [in a DCO] provision authorising compulsory acquisition covering all the land required at the outset."

6.5 Options Assessment

6.5.1 A detailed options assessment process was carried out in preparing the Scheme proposals; this is set out in more detail within the Case for the Scheme (Document Reference 7.1).

6.5.2 The Applicant has considered a broad range of cross-river transport options including options set out in studies in 20091, options arising from consultation responses and its own recent work. These options can be organised into two broad categories:

• ones which focus on reducing the level of cross-river highway demand, sometimes through the provision of enhanced alternatives (including walking and cycling measures and public transport improvements) and sometimes through direct demand management (such as road user charging); AND

• the provision of new highway infrastructure capacity and/or connections.

6.5.3 No single approach can fully address all of the three identified transport problems of congestion, closures and a lack of resilience at the Blackwall

1Transport for London (May 2009) New Thames Crossings Assessment of Need Hyder (Jul 2009) New Thames River Crossings Initial Engineering Feasibility Review TfL Planning & Corporate Panel (Jun 2009) Update on East London River Crossings Mott MacDonald (Nov 2009) New Thames River Crossings, Silvertown Tunnel Option Volume 1 Mott MacDonald (Dec 2009) New Thames River Crossing, Greenwich to Silvertown Bridge Option2 New Thames River Crossing, Silvertown Tunnel Option Addendum to Volume 1, Mott MacDonald (Oct 2010)

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Tunnel. Congestion would best be managed through price-based demand management, closures would benefit from both demand management and enhancements to the network, while resilience can only be delivered efficiently through enhancing the road network. Options which rely solely on demand management either through road user charging, public transport, or a combination of the two cannot fully address the Blackwall Tunnel’s problems.

6.5.4 Hence, blended solutions, combining the effective aspects of highway enhancements and demand management represent the only effective solutions to the problems of the Blackwall Tunnel. An additional consideration here is the need to assure benefits in the longer-term, which a charge would enable. With this outcome in mind, a highway crossing with a user charge emerges as the best strategic option.

6.5.5 Some of the options considered have strong merits in themselves, but are not the best-performing options for the problems identified at the Blackwall Tunnel. Indeed, some of these options have been taken up within the wider River Crossings Programme and have either been achieved implemented or are in progress. The presentation of the Silvertown Tunnel Scheme – both as a single project and as part of the River Crossings Programme – is reflected in the early consultations which focused on the scheme as part of the package.

6.5.6 As a result of this first stage of options appraisal carried out between 2009 and 2010, policies were set out in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) and the London Plan which support a Silvertown crossing within a River Crossings package, and also consider the need to charge for river crossings in order to manage demand and pay for the schemes. Both the MTS and the London Plan were subject to statutory consultation and the policies refined as a consequence.

6.5.7 Road-based fixed link options at Silvertown were assessed by TfL and the results summarised in a number of studies in 2010 and 20112. It should be noted that several workstreams continued in parallel: options for this fixed

2 New Thames River Crossing, Silvertown Tunnel Option Addendum to Volume 1, Mott MacDonald (Oct 2010) New Thames River Crossing Sustainability Appraisal, Mott MacDonald (Jan 2011) New Thames River Crossing Silvertown Tunnel Alignment Development, Mott MacDonald (Jan 2011) Assessment of East London River Crossing Options, Transport for London (Mar 2011)

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link; options for other parts of the River Crossings package; and more detailed work on the feasibility of a tunnel.

6.5.8 Under the fixed link, options included a Blackwall Tunnel third bore; refurbishment of the Blackwall Tunnel; a fixed bridge at Silvertown; a lifting bridge at Silvertown; an immersed tube tunnel at Silvertown; and a bored tunnel at Silvertown as well as a more detailed assessment of the alignment of a potential tunnel.

6.5.9 The current London Plan was published in 2011, and an updated version (consolidated with alterations) was published in March 2015. The current London Plan3, the Economic Development Strategy (EDS) and the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS)4 were developed in tandem using the same evidence base over the broad period of 2009-2011, following the election of Boris Johnson in May 2008. However, there is more than a year between the publication of the MTS and the London Plan and this is reflected in their different references to what became the present Scheme, which was informed by the options appraisals in progress at the time. The MTS specifies a new fixed link at Silvertown and the London Plan specifies a road-based tunnel.

The process of site and route selection

6.5.10 A detailed assessment process was undertaken to identify the land and rights needed to implement the Scheme. A number of engineering and design alternatives were considered and landowner negotiations were ongoing and influenced the process. A synopsis of these negotiations is set out in Appendix B. The need for flexibility was taken into account along with the need to reduce the land required for the Scheme as far as possible in order to minimise its impact on surrounding land uses.

Compensation and Certainty of Funding

6.5.11 There is a reasonable prospect of the requisite funds for the acquisition of the relevant land required and for the construction and operation of the Scheme becoming available in the programme timescale.

6.5.12 The Funding Statement for the Scheme (Document Reference 4.2) sets out, in accordance with the recommendation in the 2013 DCLG Guidance (at

3 http://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/planning/london-plan 4 https://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/transport/publications/mayors-transport-strategy

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paragraph 9), that there is a "reasonable prospect of the requisite funds for acquisition becoming available" and explains how the Scheme, and the compulsory acquisition of land required to enable its delivery, are proposed to be funded, and how the requisite funding would be made available within a reasonable timescale.

6.6 Compelling case in the public interest

6.6.1 As the 2013 DCLG Guidance makes clear (at paragraph 12), in addition to establishing the purpose for which compulsory acquisition is sought (see above), section 122 of the Planning Act 2008 requires the Secretary of State to be satisfied that there is a compelling case in the public interest for the land included in the DCO to be acquired compulsorily.

6.6.2 For this condition to be met, the Secretary of State will need to be persuaded that there is compelling evidence that the public benefits that would be derived from the compulsory acquisition of land and interests in land for the Scheme will outweigh the private loss that would be suffered by those whose interests in land and/or rights over land are to be acquired. The Silvertown Tunnel aligns with national government policy for roads. As is set out in Chapter 1 to this Statement of Reasons, the Scheme has been designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project ("NSIP") by a Section 35 Direction granted by the Secretary of State for Transport (26 June 2012).

6.6.3 The NSIP designation means that the Scheme may only be authorised by means of a DCO made by the Secretary of State under the Planning Act 2008.

6.6.4 The reasons given for the section 35 direction were:

i. London’s importance as an engine for economic growth nationally;

ii. The projected growth of London;

iii. The impact of congestion at the Blackwall Tunnel on the strategic road network; and

iv. The size and nature of the Silvertown Tunnel and comparison to other NSIPs.

6.6.5 DCO applications must be determined in accordance with the relevant National Policy Statement (“NPS”). For highway schemes, the relevant NPS is the NPS on National Networks (December 2014) (“NNNPS”). The Secretary of State will use the NNNPS policy as determinative of the merits of the DCO application in the absence of compelling reasons to the contrary.

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The Scheme has been developed to meet, and meets, the relevant policy objectives of the NNNPS. The Planning Policy Compliance Statement sets this out in detail (Document Reference 7.2).

6.6.6 The Silvertown Tunnel scheme is intended to address three specific transport problems which are manifest at the Blackwall Tunnel, as well as to support (and respond to) the wider context of transformational growth in the surrounding boroughs.

6.6.7 The first problem is a very high level of congestion which is experienced routinely at peak times and frequently at other times, a result of the fact that the crossing is one of only three within London east of Tower Bridge, and directly links strategic roads north and south of the Thames in east London. This congestion is amongst the worst in London and affects both individuals and businesses, and those travelling by bus and coach as well as private transport.

6.6.8 The second is the susceptibility of the Blackwall Tunnel to incidents and closures, which occur over 1,000 times every year and lead to this section of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) having the worst levels of reliability across London. Around half of these closures occur when drivers of taller HGVs fail to heed warnings about the sub-standard height of the Blackwall Tunnel’s northbound bore. The height limit also prevents the use of standard double deck buses on the route which currently uses the tunnel.

6.6.9 The closure of the tunnel exacerbates delays and also exposes the third problem, the lack of resilience in the network in this location. To reach the nearest alternative crossing points, which are themselves capacity-constrained, drivers must take extensive diversions, often along unsuitable routes. This means that even brief closures of the tunnel can lead to pronounced increases in congestion. Meanwhile, prolonged closures have effects across the road network of south-east London and beyond, affecting all road users by exposing others road users to traffic and congestion related disbenefits.

6.6.10 In light of the very significant levels of growth anticipated in the area around the Blackwall Tunnel (both north and south of the river), which comprises London’s greatest concentration of developable land and is already the site of significant growth, the urgency of addressing these problems only increases. Forecasts anticipate a further increase in the share of trips being made by public transport, and TfL is investing heavily in schemes which facilitate this – but population and employment growth on this scale means that some increase in highway travel is inevitable.

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6.6.11 Specific project objectives were identified with reference to the transport problems described above, and also draw from the National Policy Statement for National Networks, Mayoral policy as defined in the London Plan and Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS), and further scheme development work. The following project objectives have been adopted:

• 1: to improve the resilience of the river crossings in the highway network in east and southeast London to cope with planned and unplanned events and incidents;

• 2: to improve the road network performance of the Blackwall Tunnel and its approach roads;

• 3: to support economic and population growth, in particular in east and southeast London by providing improved cross-river transport links;

• 4: to integrate with local and strategic land use policies;

• 5: to minimise any adverse impacts of any proposals on communities, health, safety and the environment;

• 6: to ensure where possible that any proposals are acceptable in principle to key stakeholders, including affected boroughs; and

• 7: to achieve value for money and, through road user charging, to manage congestion.

6.6.12 NB: Appendix A of the ‘Case for the Scheme’ document contains an appraisal of all scheme options against the above project objectives.

6.6.13 The proposed acquisition of land is legitimate, necessary and proportionate.

6.6.14 The need for the Scheme has been established in the need case (set out in the Case for the Scheme (Document Reference 7.1)) and is underpinned by the Direction issued on 26 June 2012 by the then Secretary of State under section 35 of the Planning Act 2008, which provides for the Silvertown Tunnel to be treated as development for which development consent (under the Planning Act 2008) is required, on the basis that it is a project of national significance, for the reasons set out in the Annex to that Direction. As such, the benefits in the public interest, which are anticipated to arise from the Silvertown Tunnel scheme, are of national significance and would, accordingly, be on a scale outweighing the individual private loss suffered by parties whose interests in land were interfered with in order to enable the delivery of the Scheme. The proposed acquisition of and interference with land is therefore legitimate, necessary and proportionate in principle.

6.6.15 Steps have been taken by the Applicant to ensure – on a more fine-grained basis – that the land and interests in land which are proposed to be acquired

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are necessary and proportionate. For example, the Silvertown Tunnel Options Study (November 2013) assessed alternative options for delivering the tunnel, but found that the acquisition of land owned by third parties was unavoidable if the optimum Scheme was to be delivered; and the Order limits have been drawn as tightly as possible, and with detailed consideration of the layout, boundaries and ownership of land, to avoid any unnecessary interference with or extinguishment of third party rights.

6.6.16 Accordingly, as contemplated by the Planning Act 2008, and in particular by section 122(3), if powers of compulsory acquisition were included in any DCO granted for the Silvertown Tunnel scheme, the use of such powers would be legitimate, necessary and proportionate for the purposes of constructing and operating the Scheme in the public interest; and in satisfaction of the conditions in section 122 of the 2008 Act. Without the power to acquire compulsorily the necessary interests in and rights over land, the Applicant would be unable to guarantee the delivery of the Scheme. Therefore, for all of the reasons set out above, the Applicant seeks the inclusion, in the DCO, of powers of compulsory acquisition.

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7.1.1 As noted in the Consultation Report (Document Reference 5.1), all parties consulted pursuant to section 42 of the Act were identified through diligent inquiry (as set out in Chapter 4 of this Statement of Reasons), and are included in the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3). They include all owners, occupiers and other persons with an interest (including mortgagees) in any land affected by the Scheme.

7.2 Current position in relation to engagement and negotiations

7.2.1 The current position in relation to the Applicant’s engagement and negotiations with each land owner affected by the Scheme is explained in Appendix B. Detailed discussions are ongoing with landowners and occupiers in order to ensure that their concerns are taken into account and accommodated wherever possible. Negotiations are continuing with landowners and persons with interests in land affected by the Scheme. The Applicant acknowledges that it is under a duty to acquire land at best value but also that it is required to deliver the Scheme within a reasonable time frame in the public interest. The Applicant has therefore concluded that acquisition by agreement may not be achievable in all cases within a reasonable time frame or in any event, within the timescales necessary to ensure that the programme for the construction of the Scheme would be met. There are also cases where the ownership of land is unknown, and where it would therefore not be possible to acquire the interest except by way of compulsory acquisition.

7.2.2 Land already owned by the Applicant (i.e. highway land) is included in the Order limits in order to ensure that no known or unknown third party rights subsisting over such land can remain and impede the proper implementation of the Scheme.

7.2.3 In addition to the owners, lessees, tenants and occupiers mentioned in Appendix B to this Statement, other parties including mortgagees and those with known rights in relation to the Order land, have not been included in Appendix B. They are, however, identified in the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3) submitted in support of the Application for the DCO for the Scheme and were included in the consultations on the Scheme.

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7.2.4 The Applicant is aware of the requirement (which is noted in the 2013 DCLG Guidance, at paragraph 25) to seek to acquire land by negotiation wherever practicable, and recognises that powers to acquire land compulsorily should only be exercised if reasonable attempts to acquire by agreement fail. However, the Applicant notes that the 2013 DCLG Guidance (again, at paragraph 25), also recognises that where proposals for long linear schemes (such as the Scheme to which this Statement relates) would entail the compulsory acquisition of many separate plots of land, it may not always be practicable to acquire each plot of land by negotiated agreement. As the 2013 DCLG Guidance states, "Where this is the case, it is reasonable to include provision authorising compulsory acquisition covering all the land required at the outset."

7.2.5 The Applicant has informed all those with an interest in the land of its willingness to negotiate to acquire the land by agreement, and to invite dialogue along those lines. As a result, the Applicant is in the process of engaging with a significant proportion of landowners affected by the Scheme with regard to the acquisition of their land / interests in land by agreement; and negotiations with this objective in mind will be continuing throughout the DCO examination process.

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8. IMPACTS ON STATUTORY UNDERTAKERS 8.1 Statutory undertakers affected by the Scheme

8.1.1 Appendix D to this Statement of Reasons contains a list of statutory undertakers and other similar bodies which have, or which may have, a right to keep equipment (in connection with their undertaking) on, in or over the land required for the Scheme.

8.2 Application of section 127 of the Planning Act 2008 – acquisition of land owned by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking

8.2.1 Section 127 of the Planning Act 2008 applies to land5 acquired by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking, and places restrictions on the compulsory acquisition of such land, where a representation is made by a statutory undertaker in relation to a DCO application and is not withdrawn by the close of the examination of that application. The draft DCO for the Scheme includes provision to authorise the compulsory acquisition of land and rights held by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking.

8.2.2 Section 127(2) provides that a DCO may include provisions authorising the compulsory acquisition of statutory undertakers' land only to the extent that the Secretary of State is satisfied of the matters set out in subsection 127(3), which are that the nature and situation of the statutory undertaker's land is such that:

• it can be purchased and not replaced without serious detriment to the carrying on of the undertaking; or

• if purchased, it can be replaced by other land belonging to, or available for acquisition by, the undertakers without serious detriment to the carrying on of the undertaking.

8.2.3 Section 127(5) provides that a DCO may include provisions authorising the compulsory acquisition of a right over statutory undertakers' land by the creation of a new right over land only to the extent that the Secretary of State

5 In this context, the definition of 'land' includes rights in land, such as rights to keep apparatus installed in, on, under or over land.

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is satisfied of the matters set out in subsection 127(6), which are that the nature and situation of the land are such that:

• the right can be purchased without serious detriment to the carrying on of the undertaking, or

• any detriment to the carrying on of the undertaking, in consequence of the acquisition of the right, can be made good by the undertakers by the use of other land belonging to, or available for acquisition by, them.

8.2.4 The Applicant recognises that where section 127 applies to land or rights which are required to be acquired to enable the delivery of the Scheme, and the statutory undertaker which owns such land or right(s) makes a representation to the Secretary of State in relation to the draft DCO and does not withdraw that representation before the completion of the examination into the application, the Applicant would be required to seek confirmation that the Secretary of State was satisfied of the matters set out in subsections 127(3) and 127(6).

8.2.5 The 2013 DCLG Guidance advises that an undertaker proposing compulsory acquisition of statutory undertakers' land should consider an application to the relevant Minister in the Government Department overseeing its utility in advance of the submission of an application for a Development Consent Order.

8.2.6 The Applicant has not made any approaches to relevant Ministers at this time, but is in consultation with each of the statutory undertakers identified in the paragraphs below, and expects to reach agreement with them (regarding the effects of the Scheme on their land and/or apparatus, and the need for and terms of any protective provisions) prior to the close of the examination of the Application.

8.2.7 The Applicant will continue to review the need for section 127 procedures to be engaged and, following receipt of any relevant representations on the application for development consent for the Scheme, will identify whether any statutory undertakers have made a representation and, in the event that they have, would consider the need to make an application to the relevant Minister for certification pursuant to section 127 of the Planning Act 2008.

8.2.8 In the Application, and for the purposes of the Scheme, the Applicant proposes to acquire land from a number of statutory undertakers, as listed below (see paragraph 8.4).

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8.2.9 The Applicant anticipates that its negotiations with statutory undertakers will be documented in Statements of Common Ground, and will provide a basis for the inclusion in the draft DCO of bespoke protective provisions. As such, the Applicant expects to achieve an agreed and satisfactory position with each of the below-mentioned statutory undertakers prior to the close of the examination period.

8.3 Application of section 138 of the Planning Act 2008 – interference with apparatus owned by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking

8.3.1 Section 138 of the Planning Act 2008 applies where a DCO authorises the acquisition of land (compulsorily or by agreement) and there subsists over the land a relevant right, or there is relevant apparatus on, under or over the land.

8.3.2 For the purposes of section 138:

• a 'relevant right' means a right of way, or a right of laying down, erecting, continuing or maintaining apparatus on, under or over the land which is vested in or belongs to statutory undertakers for the purpose of carrying on their undertaking, or which is conferred on a telecommunications code operator; and

• 'relevant apparatus' means apparatus vested in or belonging to statutory undertakers for the purpose of the carrying out of their undertaking, or electronic communications apparatus kept installed for the purposes of an electronic communications code network.

8.3.3 A DCO may only include provision for the extinguishment of the relevant right, or the removal of the relevant apparatus, if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the extinguishment or removal is necessary for the purpose of carrying out the development to which the DCO relates.

8.3.4 The draft DCO for the Scheme includes provision to authorise interference by the Applicant with the apparatus of statutory undertakers, in connection with the delivery of the Scheme as detailed in the remaining paragraphs of this section.

8.3.5 The utilities listed in the following paragraphs are affected by the Scheme in that their services would be required to be diverted or re-aligned. The Scheme may also affect existing minor private utility supplies or services, such as telecommunications cables which it is anticipated may need to be diverted within the highway boundary. Utility diversion works are proposed

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to be carried out as part of (and therefore to be incorporated within) the series of numbered Works comprising the authorised development, listed in Schedule 1 of the draft DCO (Document Reference 3.1). The following utility diversions are anticipated to be necessary:

8.3.6 Work No.s 1; 10; and 12 as shown on Sheets 1 and 2 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion for Thames Water Surface Water out of Edmund Halley Way. This would be realigned north of the existing location to accommodate the cut and cover section of the tunnel route proposed to be constructed along the existing Edmund Halley Way.

8.3.7 Work No.s 1; 10; and 12 as shown on Sheets 1 and 2 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion for Thames Water Foul Water out of Edmund Halley Way. This would be realigned north of the existing location to accommodate the cut and cover section of the tunnel route proposed to be constructed along the existing Edmund Halley Way.

8.3.8 Work No.s 2; 3; and 14 as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion for Thames Water Potable Water to connect utilities in Millennium Way with those in Boord Street. This would be carried out to secure utility services to existing premises..

8.3.9 Work No.s 2; 3; and 14 as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion of high voltage apparatus for UKPN to connect utilities in Millennium Way with those in Boord Street. This would be carried out to secure utility services to existing premises.

8.3.10 Work No.s 2; 3; and 9 as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion of high voltage apparatus for UKPN to accommodate retaining wall structures on the proposed Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach off the realigned A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach.

8.3.11 Work No.s 2; 5; 6; and 13 as shown on Sheet 1 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent utility diversion of an existing gas pressure reduction station from land to the east of the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach southbound carriageway, to facilitate its relocation on land to the west of the existing Millennium Way.

8.3.12 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for BT disconnecting at Lower Lea Crossing, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities in A1011 Silvertown Way.

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8.3.13 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for BT disconnecting from the south side of the DLR route, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities at where Dock Road ties into North Woolwich Road.

8.3.14 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent the diversion of utilities for BT, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities where Dock Road leads into North Woolwich Road.

8.3.15 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Interoute, disconnecting from A1020 Lower Lea Crossing, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities where Dock Road leads into North Woolwich Road.

8.3.16 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for National Grid Gas, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities where Dock Road leads into the North Woolwich Road.

8.3.17 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Thames Water Potable Water, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities where Dock Road leads into the North Woolwich Road.

8.3.18 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of high voltage and low voltage cables for UKPN, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities where Dock Road leads into the North Woolwich Road.

8.3.19 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Virgin Media, disconnecting from the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing, diverting along the realigned Dock Road and re-connecting into the existing utilities in A1011 Silvertown Way.

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8.3.20 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Thames Water Foul Sewer, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, diverting to the east of the existing Dock Road and re-connecting back into the existing utilities halfway down the existing Dock Road, connecting into A1011 Silvertown Way.

8.3.21 Work No.s 15; 16; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Thames Water Surface Water, disconnecting from the west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout diverting towards the south east of the existing Dock Road and re-connecting back into the existing utilities at the southern end of the existing Dock Road.

8.3.22 Work No.s 1; 17; and 18 as shown on Sheet 3 of the Works Plans, would involve the permanent diversion of utilities for Thames Water Surface Water, disconnecting from the south east of Dock Road, diverting slightly north of the current location and re-connecting back into the existing utilities south west of the existing Dock Road.

8.3.23 List of statutory undertakers

8.3.24 A list of statutory undertakers whose services may be affected by the Scheme is provided at Appendix D to the Statement of Reasons. This list includes statutory undertakers and other similar bodies having or possibly having a right to keep equipment on, in or over the land within the Order limits.

8.3.25 The interest held by each statutory undertaker is identified in the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3).

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8.4 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers to be acquired for the Scheme

8.4.1 Table 8-1 is a list of plots owned by statutory undertakers which are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme.

Table 8-1 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers which are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme

Plot Plot Description Interest Nature Land Take

01-058a Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Dreadnought Street)

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Permanent acquisition of


01-058c Shrubbery and hardstanding (Blackwall

Tunnel Southern Approach, A102)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

01-060 Shrubbery, car parking, hardstanding and

advertising hoardings (Blackwall Tunnel

Southern Approach, A102)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

01-067 Yard, shrubbery, and hardstanding off Millennium Way

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

01-078 Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

01-080 Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

01-082 Shrubbery and hardstanding (Blackwall

Tunnel Southern Approach, A102)

Birch Sites Limited


(in respect of subsoil up to half width of


Permanent acquisition

of land

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Plot Plot Description Interest Nature Land Take

01-092 Shrubbery and hardstanding (Blackwall

Tunnel Southern Approach, A102)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

02-009 Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Ordnance Crescent)

Birch Sites Limited


(in respect of subsoil up to half width of


Permanent acquisition

of land

02-010 Shrubbery, car parking and hardstanding (Millennium Way)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

02-011 Yard, compound, hardstanding and car parking (Millennium


Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

02-012 Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Ordnance Crescent)

Birch Sites Limited


(in respect of subsoil up to half width of


Permanent acquisition

of land

02-023 Private access and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

02-025 Private access and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Permanent acquisition

of land

06-051 Electricity substation (Dock Road)

London Power Networks plc

Leaseholder Permanent acquisition

of land

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8.5 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers over which rights are to be acquired for the Scheme

8.5.1 Table 8-2 is a list of plots owned by statutory undertakers over which rights are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme.

Table 8-2 List of plots owned by statutory undertakers over which rights are proposed to be acquired in connection with the Scheme

Plot Plot Description Interest Nature Land Take

01-065 Hardstanding off Blackwall Tunnel

Southern Approach, A102

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

01-066 Yard, shrubbery, access, and

hardstanding off Blackwall Tunnel

Southern Approach, A102

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

01-076 Shrubbery and hardstanding off Millennium Way

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

01-088 Yard, hardstanding and private access (Millennium Way)

Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

02-016a Hardstanding and access (Millennium


Southern Gas Networks plc

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

02-017a Hardstanding and access (Millennium


Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

02-088 Shrubbery and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over

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Plot Plot Description Interest Nature Land Take


02-089 Private access and hardstanding

(Millennium Way)

Birch Sites Limited

Freeholder Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

03-001 Public road (Millennium Way)

Thames Water Utilities Limited


(in respect of subsoil up to half width of


Acquisition of permanent

rights over land

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9. HUMAN RIGHTS 9.1 Application of the European Convention on Human Rights

9.1.1 The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated into domestic law the European Convention on Human Rights ('the Convention'). The Convention includes provisions in the form of Articles ('the Convention rights'), the aim of which is to protect the rights of the individual and his possessions.

9.1.2 The following Convention rights are relevant to the Secretary of State's decision as to whether or not there is a compelling case for the DCO to be made in a form that includes powers authorising the compulsory acquisition of land and interests in land:

• Article 6 entitles those affected by the powers sought in a DCO to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.

• Article 8 protects the right of the individual to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. A public authority cannot interfere with these interests unless such interference is in accordance with the law and is necessary in the interests of, among other things, national security, public safety or the economic wellbeing of the country.

• Article 1 of the First Protocol protects the right of everyone to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. No one can be deprived of their possessions except in the public interest and subject to the relevant national and international laws. As with Article 8, any interference with possessions must be proportionate and in determining whether a particular measure is proportionate a fair balance must be struck between the public benefit sought and the interference with the private rights in question.

9.1.3 If made in a form that includes powers of compulsory acquisition, the DCO would enable the Applicant to infringe the human rights of persons with an interest in the land that would be affected by the Scheme. Such infringement is authorised by law provided that:

• the statutory procedures for obtaining the DCO are followed and there is a compelling case in the public interest for the inclusion of powers of compulsory acquisition in the DCO; and

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• any interference with a Convention right is proportionate to the legitimate aim served.

9.2 Compliance with the Convention and with the Human Rights Act 1998

9.2.1 As described in detail in Section 5 of this Statement of Reasons (see above), the land and interests in land affected by the Scheme are required for (or are incidental to) the public purposes of the DCO. Without the powers to acquire the relevant land and interests in land, the Scheme cannot be delivered. Whilst the Applicant intends to acquire land by agreement wherever practicable, powers are required in the DCO to enable the Applicant to acquire land and interests in land compulsorily as a means of overriding existing rights over and/or interests in land, as well as creating new rights over land, and using and taking possession of land needed on a temporary basis.

9.2.2 The Application is supported by Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3) and Works Plans (Document Reference 2.5). The Land Plans show the extent of the land required for the Scheme. The Works Plans show the authorised works that would be carried out on the land if development consent was granted. This Statement of Reasons explains (at Appendix A) how the Works (if authorised by the DCO) would affect each plot of land.

9.2.3 The Applicant has considered the potential for the infringement of Convention rights in consequence of the exercise of compulsory acquisition powers, should such powers be included in the DCO. As is explained above (in section 6 of this Statement of Reasons) the land which is proposed to be acquired for the Scheme is the minimum necessary to ensure delivery of the Scheme and any necessary mitigation, and the Order limits have been drawn to minimise interference with the peaceful enjoyment of a person’s possessions under Article 1 of the First Protocol of the Human Rights Act.

9.2.4 The Applicant considers that there would be very significant public benefit arising from the delivery of the Scheme, pursuant to the necessary grant of development consent. That benefit could only be realised if the grant of development consent included the grant of powers of compulsory acquisition. The grant of the powers would accordingly be in the public interest, which would override the private interests of the relevant landowners; further, and in the circumstances, the compulsory acquisition of land and rights would not place a disproportionate burden on the affected land owners, who would be entitled to compensation under the Compensation Code.

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9.2.5 In relation to Article 6 of the Convention, the DCO process provides the opportunity for members of the public to make representations on the application for development consent. In accordance with Part 5 of the Planning Act 2008, the Applicant consulted the persons set out in sections 42 and 44 of the Planning Act 2008. This consultation included all known owners and occupiers of the land and those persons who would or might be entitled to claims either under section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 or section 152(3) of the Planning Act 2008 in respect of injurious affection, or under Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973. Furthermore, the beneficiaries of restrictive covenants and other rights overridden by the exercise of powers in the DCO would have the opportunity to make claims for compensation under section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965.

9.2.6 Furthermore, there are opportunities for representations to be made by those potentially affected by the Scheme by way of objections submitted in response to any notice given under section 56 of the Planning Act 2008, and/or during the examination of the application by the examining authority. In addition, further opportunities to make representations would arise from any written representations procedure which the examining authority decides to hold, and, in particular, from any compulsory acquisition hearing held under section 92 of the Planning Act 2008, at which each affected person is entitled to make oral representations (followed up by written submissions) about the Applicant's request for powers of compulsory acquisition.

9.2.7 Ultimately, should the DCO be made by the Secretary of State, a person aggrieved would have the opportunity to challenge the DCO by way of judicial review in the High Court if they considered that the grounds for doing so could be made out pursuant to section 118 of the Planning Act 2008. In relation to disputes about compensation, affected persons would have the right to apply to the Upper Tribunal of the Lands Chamber, which is an independent tribunal.

9.2.8 Therefore, for all the reasons set out above, the Applicant considers that any infringement of the Convention rights of those whose interests in the land might be affected by the exercise of powers of compulsory acquisition would be proportionate and legitimate, would be in the public interest; and would be in accordance with national and European law. The Applicant therefore considers that it would be appropriate and proportionate for the Secretary of State to make the DCO in a form which includes the grant of the compulsory acquisition powers sought by the Applicant in its application for development consent for the Scheme.

9.3 Consideration of duties under the Equality Act 2010

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9.3.1 The Applicant has complied with its duties under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 and has had due regard to the need to (i) eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. The Applicant has conducted a Health and Equalities Impact Assessment (document reference 6.8, PINS reference APP-090) which explains how it has had regard to its public sector equality duty in the context of the Application for development consent for the Scheme.

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10.1 National policy

10.1.1 The Silvertown Tunnel is supported by Government policy. In 2012 it was designated a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) by a Section 35 Direction made by the Secretary of State ("SoS") for Transport.

10.1.2 The reasons given for the Direction were:

• London’s importance as an engine for economic growth nationally;

• The projected growth of London;

• The impact of congestion at the Blackwall tunnel on the strategic road network; and

• The size and nature of the Silvertown Tunnel and comparison to other NSIPs.

10.1.3 Therefore the relevant national policy document that the Scheme must meet in terms of policy compliance is the National Networks National Policy Statement ("NNNPS"). In evaluating the merits of the Scheme the SoS must have regard to the NNNPS.

10.1.4 The Scheme meets the tests of need for the development of national networks set out at the start of chapter 2 of the NNNPS, such as providing transport network capacity, connectivity and resilience.

10.1.5 The Planning Policy Compliance Statement (Document Reference 7.2) sets out in detail how all these tests are met and how the Scheme has been developed in accordance with the NNNPS.

10.2 London policy

10.2.1 Support for the Silvertown Tunnel scheme is to be found in London Plan policy and the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (2010). Policy support for the Scheme has remained throughout successive alterations of the London Plan. In March 2015 the Mayor published (i.e. adopted) the Further Alterations to the London Plan (FALP). Paragraph 6.41 of the 2015 London Plan reiterates the Mayor’s support for proposals to address the congestion

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at the Blackwall Tunnel and the heavy dependence of drivers on use of the crossing with its restrictions in relation to the size of vehicle that can use the crossing. The congestion at and dependence on the sub-standard Blackwall Tunnel crossing described in paragraph 6.41 are becoming increasingly significant traffic and transport constraints in east London, particularly in the context of the updated forecast economic and population growth for the region since the 2011 revision of the London Plan.

10.3 Local policy

10.3.1 Local planning policy also supports the provision of additional river crossings and the need for the Silvertown Tunnel scheme. The Royal Borough of Greenwich’s Core Strategy policy IM3 states that the Borough will work in partnership to:

“deliver a new package of Thames river crossings in East London including the continued safeguarding of the Silvertown Link Tunnel”.

10.3.2 LB Newham’s Core Strategy policy S1 supports improving connectivity including new river crossings. Policy INF1 states that support will be given to safeguarded river crossings at West Silvertown and Gallions Reach as well as to other river crossings.

10.3.3 Therefore a package of river crossings including a Silvertown Tunnel has planning policy support at national, regional and local authority levels.

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11.1 Effect of the Scheme on environmental and statutory designations

11.1.1 Table 11-1identifies environmental and statutory designations that may be affected by the Scheme.

Table 11-1 Environmental and statutory designations that may be affected by the Scheme

Special considerations affecting the Order land Affected by the scheme

Special category land

- Open Space Yes (see below)

- Commons No

- National Trust Land No

- Fuel and field garden allotments


Land within conservation areas Listed building – entrance to Blackwall Tunnel

Land which includes any listed buildings/structures Yes

Land which is subject to national environmental designations


Land which is subject to regional and local environmental designations

River Thames and Tidal Tributaries Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC)

Land which is within archaeological priority areas/zones


Land which is subject to safeguarding directions (e.g. wharves, sites safeguarded for Crossrail 2, if any)


Consecrated land No

Renewal areas No

Ancient monuments No

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11.1.2 There are two areas of open space within the Order limits. Plots 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c comprise part of an area of land on the west side of highway known as East Parkside, which has recently been landscaped as part of Knight Dragon’s re-development within the Greenwich Peninsula. The area of land of which plots 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c form part is not designated as open space, nor is it recorded as such within the relevant records of the Council of the Royal Borough of Greenwich. However, due to the potential for recreational use of this land (which incorporates an outdoor auditorium for public use), the Applicant considers that the land in plots 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c comes within the definition of open space set out in section 131(12) of the Planning Act 2008, which has the same meaning as the definition of open space set out in section 19 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981, in which, "'open space' means any land laid out as a public garden, or used for the purposes of public recreation, or land being a disused burial ground".

11.1.3 On the east side of West Parkside, there is a further area of land, comprising plots 03-021 and 03-029, which form part of an open air fountain at the western end of an area laid out as parkland and designated as Metropolitan Open Land, lying between highways known as East Parkside and West Parkside. Similarly, these plots are considered by the Applicant to come within the statutory definitions of open space, as referenced above.

11.1.4 Plots 03-021, 03-029, 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c are shown on the Special Category Land Plan (Document Reference 2.4, revision 1, submitted at Deadline 1 of the Examination) (as well as on the Land Plans (Document Reference 2.3).

11.1.5 . In relation to plots 03-029 and 03-037b, the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily so much of the subsoil (below and not including surface land) as will be required for so much of the bored section of the tunnel as would pass beneath those plots. In addition, in respect of plots 03-029, 03-037b and 03-037c, the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily new rights over the subsoil above the tunnel, up to and including the surface of the land above.

11.1.6 In respect of plots 03-021, 03-037 and 03-037c the Applicant seeks powers to acquire compulsorily new rights over the subsoil from the location of the tunnel up to and including the surface of the land above. The purpose for which such new rights are sought is to enable the Applicant to impose restrictive covenants over the land for the protection of the tunnel. The

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restrictive covenants, which would be imposed upon implementation of the powers of compulsory acquisition (should such powers be granted in the DCO) would require the approval of the Applicant in respect of any proposals for development at or below surface level within the relevant land (identified in Schedules 4 and 6 to the DCO), referred to hereafter as the 'zone of protection'.

11.1.7 In addition, the Applicant would require powers of temporary possession over plots 03-021, 03-029, 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c for the purpose of carrying out the construction of the authorised development, including remedial or protective works, should any such works be necessary, during construction of the Scheme.

11.1.8 It is the Applicant's view that, in relation to these areas of open space, the nature and future use of the open space will not be incompatible with the Scheme for one or other of the following reasons:

(i) where the Applicant is proposing acquisition, it would only be acquiring subsoil beneath the open space, not the open space itself. Therefore, the land which the Applicant would be acquiring (should compulsory acquisition powers be granted) does not come within the statutory definition of open space and therefore the open space protections in section 131 of the Planning Act 2008 do not apply;

(ii) where the Applicant is proposing to acquire new rights (to impose restrictive covenants over the zone of protection for the tunnel) the exception in subsection 132(3) of the Planning Act 2008 would apply because the order right, if granted, would not be inconsistent with the continuance of the use of this land as public open space; and because the open space, if "burdened with the order right", would be "no less advantageous than it was before to the persons in whom it is vested, other persons, if any, entitled to rights of common or other rights, and to the public" (section 132(3));

(iii) where the Applicant is seeking only powers of temporary possession (e.g. to carry out the authorised development and/or any related remedial or protective works), this is not compulsory acquisition, and as such would not trigger the protections in sections 131 or 132 of the Planning Act 2008.

11.1.9 Accordingly, the Applicant considers that it will not be necessary for the protections in sections 131 and 132 of the Planning Act 2008 to apply in respect of any of the open space identified in the draft DCO as special category land; and it therefore follows that neither should it be necessary for the draft DCO to be subject to Special Parliamentary Procedure.

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11.1.10 The Applicant has carried out investigations to ascertain whether or not such parts of the foreshore of the River Thames as are within the Order limits might be considered to be open space. The Applicant's investigations took the form of site surveys carried out in March / April 2016 in the area of the foreshore lying within the proposed Order limits. Four site visits were undertaken on different days and at varying times in order to provide a reasonable understanding of the conditions and usage of the relevant part of the foreshore. The study area was monitored on a bank holiday, a weekday morning, a weekday evening and a weekend, in varying (although generally fair) weather, and at times of low tide, when access to and use of the foreshore would have been most feasible. The availability of public access points facilitating use of the foreshore was also researched, within an area extending 500 metres to the north and 500 metres to the south of the study area.

11.1.11 The survey findings led the Applicant to conclude that no one used the river foreshore within the study area for recreational purposes during times of low tide. There was found to be no public access to the foreshore within 500 metres either side of the study area, and a sign located in the vicinity of the study area prohibited unauthorised access to the foreshore, potentially discouraging use of the area by members of the public. The closest public access point is 900 metres to the south, from which point people would have to cross two obstructions (jetties) to reach the study area. The Applicant has therefore concluded that the area of foreshore lying within the Order limits does not come within the definition of open space and will therefore not engage the protections in sections 131 and 132 of the Planning Act 2008.

11.1.12 The PLA has also expressed the view that this part of the foreshore is not open space.

11.1.13 In the event of any finding that this area of foreshore was open space, the Applicant would require powers of compulsory acquisition in relation to both subsoil and new rights on the same basis as is set out above in relation to plots 03-021, 03-029, 03-037, 03-037b and 03-037c. The Applicant therefore considers that the same exceptions to the requirement for Special Parliamentary Procedure would apply to any part of the foreshore that was considered to be open space. Accordingly, it is not anticipated that Special Parliamentary Procedure will be triggered in relation to the draft DCO for the Scheme.

11.1.14 As regards the listed building (noted in the table above), this is located within plot 02-004, being Blackwall Tunnel Gatehouse. This building will not be

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directly affected by the Scheme, but will be monitored so that protective works may be carried out if necessary.

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12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 A Development Consent Order is being sought for the Scheme and this would include powers of compulsory acquisition. However there are a number of other consents required for the Scheme which either the draft DCO does not cover, or in respect of which there is the option for the DCO to be used to dis-apply through section 150 of the Planning Act 2008. These additional consents can only be dis-applied at the absolute discretion of the relevant consenting body and usually only after agreement over protective provisions is reached.

12.2 Additional consents

12.2.1 In relation to the Scheme, the additional consents to be sought or disapplied within the DCO include:

• Marine licence – (under Part 4 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009) - a deemed licence is proposed to be included in the DCO (pursuant to section 149A of the Planning Act 2008). The terms of this are subject to ongoing discussions with the Marine Management Organisation ("MMO").

• River works licence – (under section 66 of the Port of London Act 1968) - the Applicant is seeking disapplication of this through the DCO – discussions are on-going in respect of protective provisions to be included in the DCO for the benefit of the subject to the agreement of the Port of London Authority ("PLA").

• Consent (and an environmental permit for ‘flood risk activities’) to erect structures in, over or under a ‘main river’; Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010); Thames Region Land Drainage Byelaws 1981) – the Applicant is seeking disapplication through the DCO subject to the agreement of the Environment Agency ("EA").

• Consent to obstruct watercourses (s.23 Land Drainage Act 1991) (if required) – the Applicant is seeking disapplication through the DCO subject to agreement of Drainage Boards.

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12.2.2 Consents to be sought separately include:

• Protected species licences under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010; and

• Permits under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 other than for flood risk activities (e.g. for discharges or waste).

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of land for construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge, improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue; improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way; construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 2, 3, 7 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 2, 3, 7 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 2, 3, 7 19 n/a

01-007 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the removal of an exis ting gantry. 4 29 7

01-008 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the removal of an exis ting gantry. 4 29 7

01-009 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue. 4 19 n/a

01-010 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 7 19 n/a

01-011 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the removal of an exis ting gantry. 4 29 7

01-014 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 19 n/a

01-015 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 7 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 2, 3, 7 19 n/a

01-019 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 7 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way. 2, 3, 7 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for improvement of T unnel Avenue and for construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 29 7

01-022a T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement car parking for premis es and access thereto. 4, 11 29 7


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue; improvement of the s lip road from the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach to Millennium Way and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 4, 7, 11 19 n/a

01-024 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 19 n/a

01-027 T emporary pos s es s ion of land to provide working space for improvement of T unnel Avenue and for construction of the B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 29 7

01-027a T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement car parking for premis es and access thereto. 4, 11 29 7

01-028 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 19 n/a

01-029 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

01-030 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue, and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a

01-032 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue, and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue, and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a

01-036 Acquis ition of rights over land to construct, use, access and maintain a retaining wall adjacent to the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 22 4

01-037 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises , and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

01-039 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 4, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises ; and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

01-041 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises , and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge.


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises , and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

01-043 Acquis ition of land for construction of new access/egress to/from premises , and construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 11 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land for access to works and working space for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge; the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way, and the provis ion of lands caping on B oord S treet. 1, 2, 3, 11, 14 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus; and T emporary possess ion of land for the provis ion of landscaping on B oord S treet. 1, 14 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land for access to works and working space for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge; the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way; and the provis ion of lands caping on B oord S treet. 1, 2, 3, 11, 14 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus; and T emporary possess ion of land for the provis ion of landscaping on B oord S treet. 1, 14 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7

01-046 Acquis ition of land for construction of new access/egress to/from premis es ; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 11 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge, improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and new access/egress to/from premises . 2, 3, 11 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

01-047a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of new acces s /egres s to/from premises . 2 29 7


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

01-050 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a

01-050a T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement car parking for premis es and access thereto. 4 29 7


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of new access/egress to/from premises ; construction of the new B oord S treet foot and cycle bridge. 2, 3, 11 19 n/a

01-055 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a

01-056 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

01-057 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue. 4 19 n/a

01-057a T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement car parking for premises and access thereto. 4 29 7

01-057b T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement car parking for premis es and access thereto. 4 29 7

01-058 Acquis ition of land for construction of new access/egress to/from premises . 2 19 n/a 01-058a Acquis ition of land for construction of new access/egress to/from premises . 2 19 n/a 01-058b Acquis ition of land for construction of new access/egress to/from premises . 2 19 n/a

01-058c Acquis ition of land for construction of new acces s/egress to/from premises and improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 19 n/a

01-059 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 19 n/a

01-060 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 6 19 n/a

01-060a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of new acces s /egres s to/from premises . 2, 11 29 7

01-061 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of a gantry. 4 29 7

01-063 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue. 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal. 6 22 4

01-065a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and any necessary protective works . A ll Works 15 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal. 6 22 4

01-066a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and any All Works 15 n/a

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necessary protective works .


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; the removal of the exis ting P R S s tation, and construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 5, 6 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a bus only access from T unnel Avenue to the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a bus only access from T unnel Avenue to the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a bus only access from T unnel Avenue to the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a

01-073 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue. 4 19 n/a

01-074 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue and construction of a bus only acces s to the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 4 19 n/a

01-075 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal. 6 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7

01-078 Acquis ition of land to provide for the relocation of a pressure reduction station. 13 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

01-078a Acquis ition of land to provide for the relocation of a pressure reduction station 13 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a

01-080 Acquis ition of land to provide for the relocation of a pressure reduction station. 13 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way; to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel; and to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. . 1, 12 29 7

01-087a T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1, 12 29 7

01-088 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus and for construction of new private means of access from Millennium Way. 1, 12 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

01-088a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus and for construction of new private means of access from Millennium Way. 1, 12 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7

01-091 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of a gantry. 2 29 7


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 19 n/a

02-001 Acquis ition of land for improvement of T unnel Avenue. 4 19 n/a

02-002 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a

02-003 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; improvement of T unnel Avenue, and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 4, 8 19 n/a

02-005 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and cons truction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a

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Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach . 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound.

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new P avilion L ane, and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound.

1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

02-014 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and improvement of T unnel Avenue. 2, 3, 4 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound; and to provide replacement access to premises . 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7

02-016a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus; and for construction of new private means of access from Millennium Way. 1, 12 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and tunnel services compound; and to provide replacement access to premises . 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12 29 7

02-017a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus; and for construction of new private means of access from Millennium Way. 1, 12 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way; to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel; and to provide replacement access to premises . 1, 12 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; the ins tallation and maintenance acces s of security fencing and bollards and for construction, maintenance and use of a private means of access to the tunnel services compound; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement access to premises . 1, 12 22 4

02-018b Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

02-018c Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus and for construction of new private means of access from Millennium Way. 1, 12 22 4


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a cross over between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new P avilion L ane, and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 2, 3, 8, 10, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3, 8 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way; to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel; and to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1, 12 29 7

02-022a T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1,12 29 7


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 1, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of a crossover between the northbound and s outhbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 8, 10 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 1, 12 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way, and to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 29 7

02-026a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1, 12 22 4

02-027 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 1, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new P avilion L ane; and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 1, 5, 6, 10, 12 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel south portal. 10 22 4

02-031 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach. 2, 3 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach; construction of the new P avilion L ane; construction of a crossover between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, construction of the new P avilion L ane, and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 2, 3, 8, 10, 12 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel south portal. 10 22 4

02-034 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 10 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound. 1, 12 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 5, 6, 10, 12 29 7


Acquis ition of land for construction of the improved P avilion L ane and construction of a new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of P avilion L ane and construction of a new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and construction of a new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus 10 29 7


Acquis ition of land for construction of the improved P avilion L ane and construction of a new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 19 n/a

02-038 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 10 19 n/a

02-039 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

02-040 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation 1 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover s ection.


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal.

10 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and the provis ion of private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7

02-041b Acquis ition of land for the provis ion of private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 10 19 n/a

02-042 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel for the installation and maintenance acces s of s ecurity fencing and bollards ; to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus , and for private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new P avilion L ane; the divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way. 1, 10, 12 29 7

02-044 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 10 19 n/a

02-045 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of a gantry. 2 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1 22 4

02-047 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and the provis ion of private means of access for maintenance 10 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus .


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel south portal.

10 22 4

02-048 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 10 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 5, 6, 10, 12 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7


Acquis ition of land for construction of the improved P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working s pace for construction of the new P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 10 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel south portal.

10 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new P avilion L ane approaching the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal. 10 22 4

02-054 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction of the improved P avilion L ane and construction of new private means of access for maintenance of s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 9, 10 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way and E dmund Halley Way. 1 29 7

02-060 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9, 10 19 n/a

02-061 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9, 10 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and for the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way and Millennium Way. 1 29 7

02-063 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9, 10 19 n/a

02-064 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9, 10 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

02-065 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

02-066 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9 29 7

02-067 T emporary pos s es s ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9 29 7

02-068 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a

02-069 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

02-070 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9 29 7

02-071 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9 19 n/a

02-072 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 9 29 7

02-073 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane and the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 9 29 7

02-074 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and for the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way and Millennium Way. 1 29 7

02-076 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

02-077 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a

02-078 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1 29 7

02-079 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1 29 7

02-080 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1 29 7

02-081 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for construction of the new P avilion L ane. 9 29 7

02-082 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a

02-083 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 29 7

02-085 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a

02-086 Acquis ition of land for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space for improvement of the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach and construction of the new P avilion L ane. 2, 3, 9 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel S outhern Approach and south portal; and rights to impose res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and rights to construct, use and maintain a private means of access to the tunnel services compound; 6, 12 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

and T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement access to premises ..


Acquis ition of rights over land to cons truct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel south portal; and rights to impose res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and rights to construct, use and maintain a private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and to ins tall, access and maintain security fencing and bollards ; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide replacement access to premises . 6, 12 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus and T emporary P ossess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 22 4

03-002 T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7 03-002a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 14 22 4 03-002b T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7 03-003 T emporary pos s es s ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7 03-003a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 14 22 4 03-004 T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7 03-004a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 14 22 4 03-005 T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7 03-006 T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. 1, 14 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way; and to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1 29 7

03-007a T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1,12 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

03-007b T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1,12 29 7


T emporary pos s es s ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way; and to provide a temporary replacement car park and access thereto. 1 29 7

03-008a T emporary possess ion of land to provide access to a temporary replacement car park. 1,12 29 7

03-008b T emporary possess ion of land to provide access to a temporary replacement car park. 1,12 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary relocation of parking and associated buildings and access . 1 22 4

03-010 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

03-010a Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 19 n/a

03-011 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

03-012 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. . 1 19 n/a

03-012a Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, together with access to and egress from such temporary replacement car park, and to temporarily relocate associated buildings . 1 29 7

03-014 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and 1 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with the provis ion of as s ociated acces s .

03-015 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

03-016 Acquis ition of subsoil and land and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and for the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way. 1 29 7

03-018 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

03-019 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-019a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7

03-020 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-020a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7

03-021 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-021a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

03-022 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

03-022a Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 19 n/a

03-023 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the bored section of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, together with access to and egress from such temporary replacement car park and associated temporarily relocated buildings , and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way. 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . . 1 26 6

03-025 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from such temporary replacement car park and temporarily relocated buildings . 1 22 4

03-028a T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface 1 26 6

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, together with access to and egress from such temporary replacement car park, and the temporary divers ion of E dmund Halley Way.


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from such temporary replacement car park and temporarily relocated buildings . 1 22 4

03-034 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, together with access to and egress from such temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from such temporary replacement car park and temporarily relocated buildings . 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

03-036 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, together with access to and egress from such temporary replacement car park, . 1 29 7

03-037 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-037a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6

03-037c Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-37d T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and/or construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7

03-37e T emporary pos s es s ion of land to provide working space and/or construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7

03-37f T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and/or construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from such temporary replacement car park and associated buildings . 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park, and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from s uch temporary replacement car park. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to temporarily relocate associated buildings , together with access to and egres s from such temporary replacement car park and associated buildings . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus and T emporary possess ion of land for the temporary relocation of buildings associated with a temporary replacement car park and the provis ion of access to the temporary replacement car park. 1 26 6

03-042 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

03-043 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

03-044 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and as s ociated acces s . 1 26 6

03-047 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and as s ociated acces s . 1 26 6

03-049 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

03-050 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-001 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7

04-002 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7 04-003 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7 04-004 T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park. 1 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary possess ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4

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Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the 1 26 6

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S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary possess ion of land to provide a temporary replacement car park and to facilitate river wall works .


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4

04-016 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-016a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6

04-018 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

protection of the S ilvertown T unnel.


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land and to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6

04-024 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

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Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4

04-026 T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 29 7 04-027 T emporary pos s es s ion of land to facilitate river wall works . 1 29 7

04-028 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-030 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-030a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-030b Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

04-031 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works .. 1 26 6

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

04-034 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and for construction of a temporary jetty and transportation area, including related dredging works and operations , and the es tablishment of an exclus ion zone for the jetty. 1, 20 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and for construction of a temporary jetty and transportation area, including related dredging works and operations , and the es tablishment of an exclus ion zone for the jetty; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 20 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 26 6


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and for construction of a temporary jetty and transportation area, including related dredging works and operations , and the 1, 20 29 7

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es tablishment of an exclus ion zone for the jetty.


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and for construction of a temporary jetty and transportation area, including related dredging works and operations , and the es tablishment of an exclus ion zone for the jetty; and T emporary possess ion of land for working s pace to facilitate river wall works . 1, 20 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; 1 26 6

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and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works .


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel bored section; and Acquis ition of rights over subsoil (above tunnel) up to and including the surface of the land for the impos ition of restrictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 26 6


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7

05-016a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and neces s ary protective works . 1 15 n/a

05-017 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a

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T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-020 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber.

1 19 n/a

05-022 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-027 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

protection of the S ilvertown T unnel.


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber; and rights to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4

05-030 Acquis ition of land (s ubsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7

05-034 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel including the T B M chamber. 1 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty, the provis ion of temporary s torage, related acces s and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto; and T emporary pos s es s ion of land for working space to facilitate river wall works . 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

05-036 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

05-037 Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; rights to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4

05-038a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 22 4

05-044a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 18 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-45a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 18 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; rights to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1, 18 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad; the provis ion of temporary storage, related access and access for premises , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-048a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 18 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-050a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and neces s ary protective works . 1, 18 15 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; rights to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4

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05-053 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-055 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; rights to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-059 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-063 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 18 22 4


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-066a Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of new Dock R oad; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-072a Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel; and rights to accommodate statutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of new Dock R oad; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-76a Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of new Dock R oad; and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-078 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

05-083 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 18 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound; the relocation of car parking, and for construction of the new Dock R oad. 17, 18 19 n/a

05-087 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

05-087a Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

05-088 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and for construction of the new Dock R oad. 17, 18 19 n/a

05-089 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-091 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and for construction of the new Dock R oad. 17, 18 19 n/a

05-092 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-095 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-099 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the 1 22 4

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

protection of the S ilvertown T unnel and to accommodate statutory undertakers ’ apparatus .


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-104 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a

05-105 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 1, 17, 18 22 4


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a

05-107 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a 05-108 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 1 19 n/a

05-108a Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and for the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

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05-112 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

05-113 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and for the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a

05-115 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

05-116 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a

05-117 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 17, 18 22 4

05-118 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a

05-119 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel and tunnel services compound; construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and the relocation of car parking.





Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound.

1, 17




Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound.

1, 17



05-121 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a

05-122 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

05-122a Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and the tunnel 1, 17 19 n/a

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services compound.

05-124 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a

05-125 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and the tunnel services compound. 1, 17 19 n/a

05-128 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a

05-131 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

05-132 Acquis ition of rights over land for the impos ition of res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4

05-133 Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and the tunnel services compound. 1, 17 19 n/a

05-134 Acquis ition of land for construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound and for the relocation of car parking. 17 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land for construction of a temporary jetty and transportation area, including related dredging works and operations , the es tablishment of an exclus ion zone for the jetty. 1, 20 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and the temporary jetty; the provis ion of temporary s torage, related acces s and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and the temporary jetty; the provis ion of temporary s torage, related acces s and access for premises , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, the temporary jetty and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary storage, related access and access for premises , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad. 1, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and Dock R oad and the temporary jetty; the provis ion of temporary s torage, related access and access for premises , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, Dock R oad, and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary storage, related access and access for premises , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-011 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock 1, 17, 18, 20 29 7

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R oad and the temporary jetty; the provis ion of temporary s torage, related acces s and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto.


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary s torage and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate cons truction of the S ilvertown T unnel and the new Dock R oad the provis ion of temporary s torage, related access and access for premis es , and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-014 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a

06-014a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and neces s ary protective works . A ll Works 15 n/a

06-015 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach and north portal; and rights to impose res trictive covenants for the protection of the S ilvertown T unnel. 1 22 4


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the tunnel services compound; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 15, 17, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel north portal. 1 22 4

06-017b Acquis ition of subsoil, surface and airspace for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section. 1 19 n/a

06-019 T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock 1, 17, 18 29 7

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto.


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and the tunnel services compound. 1, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (s ubsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section and the tunnel services compound. 1, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, and construction, operation and 1, 15, 17 19 n/a

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maintenance of the tunnel services compound.


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary s torage and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-027a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and neces s ary protective works . A ll works 15 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and the provis ion of replacement car parking. 1, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and the provis ion of replacement car parking. 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound; construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound, and the provis ion of replacement car parking. 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1 ,15, 17 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto 1, 17, 18 29 7

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T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary s torage and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-034 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel and Dock R oad, the provis ion of temporary s torage and access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel north portal. 15 22 4

06-041 Acquis ition of land for construction of the S ilvertown T unnel Northern P ortal tunnel services compound. 17 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, and the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, Dock R oad, and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (s ubsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; cons truction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (s ubsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction, operation and maintenance of the tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a

06-052 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a

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T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, Dock R oad and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-056 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7

06-058 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new Dock R oad and construction of new private means of access from Dock R oad. 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 15, 16, 18 19 n/a


T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the S ilvertown T unnel, the new Dock R oad, access for premises and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 17, 18 29 7


Acquis ition of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout; construction of private means of access from T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 16, 18 19 n/a

06-063 Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use, maintain and access retaining walls and drainage apparatus , in the vicinity of the new Dock R oad. 18 22 4


Acquis ition of land for construction of a new s lip road between the exis ting A1020 S ilvertown Way northbound off-s lip and the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach. 15 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

06-066 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7


Acquis ition of land for construction of a new s lip road between the exis ting A1020 S ilvertown Way northbound off-s lip and the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, and improvement of the exis ting T idal B as in R oundabout. 15, 16 19 n/a

06-068 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16,19 29 7

06-071 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 16 22 4 06-072 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 16 22 4

06-075 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

06-078 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7


Acquis ition of land (subsoil, surface and airspace) for construction, operation and maintenance of the S ilvertown T unnel cut and cover section; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction of the new tunnel services compound, and construction of new private means of access to the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction of a new s lip road between the exis ting A1020 S ilvertown Way northbound off-s lip and the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, and construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach. 15 19 n/a


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use and maintain access , retaining walls and drainage apparatus , and to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 1, 15 22 4


Acquis ition of rights over land, to construct, use and maintain access , retaining walls and drainage apparatus , and to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus in the vicinity of the S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach and north 1, 15 22 4

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T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, the S ilvertown T unnel, the tunnel services compound and temporary relocated parking and access thereto. 1, 15, 17 29 7


Acquis ition of land for construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout; construction of new private means of access from T idal B as in R oundabout for DL R , and construction of the new Dock R oad. 15, 16, 18 19 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction of a new s lip road between the exis ting A1020 S ilvertown Way northbound off-s lip and the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, and improvement of the exis ting T idal B as in R oundabout. 15, 16 19 n/a

06-096 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

06-098 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16,19 29 7

06-098a Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 19 22 4


Acquis ition of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout; construction of private means of access from T idal B as in R oundabout, and construction of the new Dock R oad. 15, 16, 18 19 n/a

07-001a T emporary possess ion of land during construction for monitoring and neces s ary protective works . A ll Works 15 n/a


Acquis ition of land for construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach; improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout; construction of new private means of access from T idal B as in R oundabout for DL R and s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus , and construction of the new Dock R oad. 15, 16, 18 19 n/a

07-003 Acquis ition of land for construction of new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach and improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout. 15, 16 19 n/a

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P lot Number(s ) P urpose(s) for which P lot is R equired Work Number(s ) DC O Article DC O S chedule

07-004 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach and improvement of the T idal B as in R oundabout. 15, 16 19 n/a

07-005 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 16 22 4

07-006 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

07-007 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

07-007a T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

07-007b Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 16 22 4

07-008 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16,19 29 7

07-009 T emporary possess ion of land for improvement of T idal B as in R oundabout and T idal B as in R oad. 16, 19 29 7

07-010 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 16, 19 22 4 07-011 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 16, 19 22 4 07-012 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 16, 19 22 4

07-016 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 16, 19 22 4

07-018 Acquis ition of land for construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach. 15 19 n/a

07-022 Acquis ition of land for the tie in of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach to the exis ting A1020 L ower L ea C ross ing. 15 19 n/a

07-026 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 15, 16, 19 22 4

07-027 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ’ apparatus . 15, 16,19 22 4

07-028 Acquis ition of rights over land to accommodate s tatutory undertakers ' apparatus . 15, 16, 19 22 4

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T emporary possess ion of land to provide working space and construction compounds to facilitate construction of the new S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach, the S ilvertown T unnel, and the tunnel services compound. 1, 15, 17 29 7

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B.1.1 The tables in this Appendix identify landholdings affected by the Scheme, explain the relationships between owners, tenants/lessees and occupiers, and provide a summary of the Applicant's genuine attempts to enter into and progress negotiations to acquire land or interests in land required for the Scheme by agreement, wherever possible.

B.1.2 Appendix B is set out in a series of tables. Tables B1.1 to B1.11 provide an account of negotiations with land owners in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Tables B2.1 to B2.12 address negotiations with land owners in the London Borough of Newham.

B.1.3 Each table relates to a particular landowner, and includes details of the landowner's affected plots together with a general description of its land. Each table then includes details of lessees, tenants or occupiers with interests in that land. The status of negotiations with each party is individually set out.

B.1.4 In addition to the owners, lessees, tenants and occupiers mentioned in Appendix B to this Statement, other parties such as mortgage companies, and those with known rights in relation to the Order land, have not been detailed in Appendix B. Similarly, presumed interests in land such as the presumption that land up to the centre point beneath a highway is owned by the frontagers (ad medium filum) have not been detailed in Appendix B. They are, however, identified in the Book of Reference (Document Reference 4.3) submitted in support of the Application for the DCO for the Scheme and were included in the consultation on the Scheme.

B.1.5 The Applicant is aware of the requirement (which is noted in the 2013 DCLG Guidance, at paragraph 25) to seek to acquire land by negotiation wherever practicable, and recognises that authority to acquire land compulsorily should only be sought as part of an order granting development consent if attempts to acquire by agreement fail. However, TfL notes that the 2013 DCLG Guidance (again, at paragraph 25), also recognises that where proposals for long linear schemes (such as the Scheme to which this Statement relates) would entail the compulsory acquisition of many separate plots of land, it may not always be practicable to acquire each plot of land by negotiated agreement. As the 2013 DCLG Guidance states, "Where this is the case, it is reasonable to include provision authorising compulsory acquisition covering all the land required at the outset."

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B.1.6 Land already owned by the Applicant (i.e. highway land) is included in the Order limits with the aim of enabling the Applicant to ensure that no known or unknown third party rights subsisting over such land can remain and impede the proper implementation of the Scheme.

B.1.7 Though not all featuring in this Appendix B, all affected parties (including mortgage companies) are listed in the Book of Reference and have been consulted.

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T A B L E B 1.1 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B irch S ites L imited

01-058c, 01-060, 01-060a, 01-065, 01-065a, 01-076, 01-077, 01-092, 02-010, 02-011, 02-015, 02-017, 02-017a, 02-023, 02-025, 02-088, 02-089

Industrial land formerly occupied by a gas holder. T he land is owned by B irch S ites L imited (a National G rid company). T he former gas holder land is unusable in its current s tate. T he remainder of the s ite forms two dis tinct areas . T he north western area is accessed from Millennium Way and is partly used as a depot for a traffic management company called P riority T M. P riority T M’s occupation is not regis tered at the L and R egis try and for this reason the Applicant is unaware of the exact extent of the demised area. T he south eas tern area of the s ite forming a triangular shaped area adjacent to the exis ting A102 S outhern Approach R oad is leased to R aduga L td which operates a night club known as S tudio 338, located on the adjacent s ite to the eas t of the National G rid land. T he current use of this triangular area of land is for car parking purposes .

S tatus O f Neg otiations

National Grid (NG) was invited to the Land Interest Liaison (LIL) meetings and an NG representative and their land agent attended. The first LIL meeting was in June 2014 and two further LIL meetings took place in October 2014 and February 2015. The Applicant entered into a licence for environmental site investigations in December 2014 and met National Grid’s costs associated with monitoring these investigations, the completed report was sent to NG’s land agent in October 2015. The Applicant's first formal meeting with NG took place in September 2014. Since this time the Applicant has been involved in detailed land owner engagement and ongoing negotiations through discussions, the exchange of email correspondence and meetings with NG, its land agent and NG’s technical

In the Borough of Greenwich

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engineers. All of the meetings, telephone conversations and the exchanges of email correspondence have been undertaken with the intention of reaching agreement and draft Heads of Terms were sent to NG’s land agent in January 2016. Subsequent meetings were held in February and March 2016 and further meetings have been diarised at six weekly intervals.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R aduga L imited

01-058c, 01-060, 01-060a, 01-065, 01-065a

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations A representative of the S tudio 338 night club attended the L and Interes t L iaison meeting in F ebruary 2015, s ince when the Applicant has had two further meetings at the premises . T he discuss ions have involved proposals for the creation of a new access and emergency fire egress route in order to enable the night club to continue to trade following completion of the S cheme. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

J C Decaux UK L imited

01-060 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with J C D ecaux UK L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

P riority T M L imited

02-011 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

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S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant initiated discuss ions with P riority T M L imited at a meeting in O ctober 2014 regarding access to undertake ground inves tigations . S ince this time the Applicant has met with P riority T M L imited on two further occas ions . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

C ompass 02-011 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with C ompass during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 1.2 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G L A L and and P roperty L imited

01-003, 01-004, 01-008, 01-011, 01-043, 01-045, 01-045a, 01-045b, 01-048, 01-049, 01-053, 01-054, 01-056, 01-059, 01-068, 01-072, 01-074, 01-078a, 01-081, 01-083, 01-084, 01-087, 01-088a, 01-090, 02-003, 02-008, 02-013, 02-018, 02-018a, 02-018b, 02-018c, 02-019, 02-021, 02-022, 02-024, 02-026, 02-026a, 02-027, 02-028, 02-029, 02-030, 02-031, 02-032, 02-033, 02-034, 02-035, 02-036, 02-036a, 02-036b, 02-037, 02-037a, 02-039, 02-040, 02-042, 02-043, 02-043a , 02-044, 02-046, 02-047, 02-047a, 02-051, 02-052c, 02-054, 02-056, 02-060, 02-061, 02-063, 02-065, 02-066, 02-069, 02-071, 02-072, 02-073, 02-077, 03-002, 03-002a, 03-002b, 03-003, 03-003a, 03-004, 03-004a, 03-005, 03-006, 03-007, 03-008, 03-009, 03-010, 03-011, 03-012, 03-013, 03-014, 03-018, 03-019, 03-020, 03-021, 03-022,

G L A has an extens ive land ownership on the G reenwich P eninsula much of which is former industrial land which is currently being redeveloped for a variety of mixed uses . T he G L A is the s tatutory successor in title to the Homes and C ommunities Agency (HC A). T he predecessor authority to the HC A was E nglish P artnerships (E P ). T he s tatutory land transfer to G L A included land which formed part of T he E nglish P artnerships (G reenwich P eninsula) C P O 2005. T he G L A land required to deliver the S ilvertown T unnel forms part of a larger area which was subject to a development agreement with G L A’s firs t development partner called G reenwich P eninsula R egeneration L imited (G P R L ). G P R L was a joint venture between Q uintain and L endlease. T hese two joint venture companies subsequently sold their respective interes ts to K night Dragon (K D), which now benefits from the development agreement and may draw down various plots on the G reenwich P eninsula for redevelopment. G L A land required permanently to deliver the S ilvertown T unnel

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03-023, 03-024, 03-024a, 03-025, 03-026, 03-026a, 03-028, 03-029, 03-030, 03-031, 03-032, 03-033, 03-034, 03-035, 03-036, 03-037, 03-037a, 03-037b, 03-037c, 03-038, 03-039, 03-040, 03-041, 03-042, 03-043, 03-044, 03-045, 03-046, 03-047, 03-048, 03-049, 03-050, 04-001, 04-002, 04-003, 04-004, 04-005, 04-006, 04-007, 04-008, 04-009, 04-010, 04-012, 04-013, 04-014, 04-015, 04-021, 04-022, 04-026

includes sub surface interes ts along the tunnel alignment which are proposed to be subject to res trictive covenants in order to protect the s tructural integrity of the tunnel. G L A land required temporarily to deliver the S ilvertown T unnel is subject to discuss ions and negotiations with K D and Anshultz E ntertainment G roup/Ansco Arena L imited, the operator of the O 2 dome, as lis ted below.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant is involved in regular meetings and discuss ions with G L A and has reached an in principle agreement with G L A for the land required to construct the S ilvertown T unnel which falls outs ide the development agreement option area, to be trans ferred to T fL . Negotiations in respect of land which is subject to G L A’s development agreement are being conducted with K D . An update is outlined below. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

03-034, 03-036, 03-038, 03-039, 03-040, 03-041, 03-042, 03-043, 03-044, 03-046, 03-047, 03-048, 04-004, 04-005, 04-007

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations Docklands L ight R ailway L imited (D L R ) is a T ransport for L ondon operating company and a wholly owned subs idiary of T fL . F or this reason the Applicant is undertaking an internal engagement process and it is anticipated that

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agreement will be reached. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks plc

02-051, 03-006, 04-003 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with L ondon P ower Networks plc during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . F or further information please refer to Utilities section in C hapter 8 of the S tatement of R easons . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon Underground L imited

03-025, 03-026, 03-026a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations L ondon Underground L imited (L UL ) is a T ransport for L ondon operating company. F or this reason the Applicant is undertaking an internal engagement process and it is anticipated that agreement will be reached. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R aduga L imited

01-056 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with this tenant/occupier.

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T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R oyal B orough of G reenwich

03-036, 03-042, 03-043, 03-046, 03-048

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to table B 1.7 for the s tatus of negotiations with the R oyal B orough of G reenwich. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon B us S ervices L imited

03-025, 03-026, 03-026a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations L ondon B us S ervices L imited (L B S L ) is a T ransport for L ondon operating company. F or this reason the Applicant is undertaking an internal engagement process and it is anticipated that agreement will be reached T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

K night Dragon Developments L imited

03-023, 03-030 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations and for details of K night Dragon Development’s interes ts in land within the O rder limits .

S tatus O f Neg otiations K night Dragon Development L imited (“K D ”) attended the L and Interes t L iaison meetings in J une 2014, O ctober 2014 and J une 2015, and T fL and K D have been engaged in further regular meetings s ince early in 2014. T he bas is of

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agreement will be through the completion of the following two separate documents . 1. B uilding 5 Agreement, this is an agreement discharging K D ’s planning condition to ensure the development is compatible with the S ilvertown T unnel safeguarding order. 2. O verarching F ramework Agreement governing the detail of the interface between the scheme, K D ’s proposed development and K D’s option agreements over the G L A land. Negotiations with K D are on-going. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Mayor's O ffice for P olicing and C rime

02-047, 02-047a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant is in discuss ions with the Mayor's O ffice for P olicing and C rime. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

K night Dragon Infras tructure L imited

03-031, 03-032, 03-034, 03-037, 03-037a, 03-037b, 03-037c, 03-038, 03-039, 03-040, 03-041, 03-044, 03-047, 03-050, 04-004, 04-005, 04-007, 04-009

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to commentary above in respect of K night D ragon D evelopment L imited who are conducting negotiations on behalf of K night D ragon Infras tructure L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Ansco Arena L imited

01-084, 01-087, 02-022, 02-039, 02-042, 02-046, 02-065, 03-005, 03-007, 03-009, 03-010, 03-011, 03-045, 03-049, 04-012, 04-015

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations Ansco Arena L imited (AAL ) / Anshultz E ntertainment G roup (AE G ) operate the O 2 Dome. AAL / AE G benefits from an agreement entered into by T he Urban R egeneration Agency, a subs idiary of E nglish P artnerships , to provide 2000 car parking spaces on the G reenwich P eninsula. T he Applicant has been in regular contact through discuss ions , meetings and the exchange of correspondence regarding the replacement car park and the temporary divers ion of Millennium Way. Heads of T erms have not been exchanged at the time of DC O application pending agreement on the comprehens ive car parking option under discuss ion with K night Dragon Developments L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Driver & V ehicle S tandards Agency

02-047, 02-047a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant is in discuss ions with D river & V ehicle S tandards Agency.

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TABLE B1.3 Landowner Name

Plots Plot Descriptions

O'Keefe Construction (Greenwich) Limited Patrick Joseph O'Keefe Anita O'Keefe Michael Paul O'Keefe

01-032, 01-036, 01-091 Land between the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Road and O'Keefe Construction (Greenwich) Limited's office building at St Andrew’s House, 1 Dreadnought Street, London SE10 0PU. The land currently forms a vacant fenced area in front of O'Keefe's offices.

Status Of Negotiations The above-named parties own the premises as trustees of O'Keefe Construction (Greenwich) Limited (Scheme 3) Retirement Benefit Scheme, out of which O’Keefe Construction (Greenwich) Limited operates. The Applicant met with O’Keefe Construction (Greenwich) Limited in April 2015 and January 2016. Heads of Terms have been exchanged and are being actively progressed.

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T A B L E B 1.4 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L idoka E s tates L imited

01-046, 01-047, 01-058 Land at the south western end of lorry park and hardstanding off Boord Street located adjacent to Millennium Way to the north east and Boord Street to the south east. The Boord Street footbridge and the former Dreadnought Street is located on the south western boundary and a gas holder owned by Southern Gas Networks and a night club called Studio 338 are located on the north western boundary. The only current access is via Millennium Way. The entire site is let to Royal Borough of Greenwich and sublet to The Evening Standard. It is understood that The Evening Standard's demised area is also partly occupied by Remarkable Recycling Solutions Ltd - a waste paper recycling company.

S tatus O f Neg otiations

The Applicant made initial contact with Lidoka Estates Limited at the Silvertown Tunnel Land Interest Liaison (LIL) meetings the first of which took place on 16 June 2014. Two further LIL meetings took place on 2 October 2014 and 16 Feb 2015. Since the beginning of June 2015 the Applicant has been involved in ongoing negotiations through three subsequent meetings, as at 24 Feb 2016, telephone conversations and the exchange of email correspondence with the intention of reaching agreement prior to the grant of compulsory acquisition powers in a DCO. Heads of Terms are subject to ongoing negotiations. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R oyal B orough of G reenwich

01-046, 01-047, 01-058 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made contact with the R oyal B orough of G reenwich (R B G ) in respect of the L idoka L orry P ark on 2

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J une 2015. P lease refer to T able B 1.7 for further details of on-going negotiations with R B G . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

E vening S tandard L imited

01-046, 01-047, 01-058 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations

The Applicant made initial contact with the Evening Standard (ES) towards the end of 2014 by way of a meeting between the ES Distribution Centre Manager and the Silvertown Tunnel Project Manager and Consultation Manager. . Heads of Terms have been exchanged and a formal agreement is the subject of on-going negotiations. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R emarkable R ecycling S olutions L imited

01-046, 01-047, 01-058 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant hand-delivered a L and Interes t Q uestionnaire and a pack of consultation materials in F ebruary 2016. T he Applicant cons iders that, a lthough there is no known demised area of tenancy for this company, s ite inspection indicates that land occupied by this company is within the O rder limits . T he Applicant will continue to seek to engage with R emarkable R ecycling S olutions L imited.

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T A B L E B 1.5 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon Underground L imited

02-059, 02-062, 02-062a, 02-072, 02-074, 02-075, 02-075a, 02-076, 02-078, 02-079, 02-080, 02-084, 02-085, 02-086, 02-087, 03-015, 03-016, 03-017, 03-017a

P ublic road and footway (T unnel Avenue), C ar parking, shrubbery, hards tanding and (E dmund Halley Way). P ublic road and hards tanding (Millennium Way), P ublic road and hards tanding (P avilion L ane), public footway and hards tanding (E dmund Halley Way), S hrubbery, P ublic road, gantry and hardstanding (O rdnance C rescent),

S tatus O f Neg otiations L ondon Underground L imited (L UL ) is a T ransport for L ondon operating company. F or this reason, the Applicant is undertaking an internal engagement process and it is anticipated that agreement will be reached. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G L A L and and P roperty L imited

02-075, 02-075a, 02-076, 03-016, 03-017, 03-017a

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for details of the s tatus of negotiations with G L A L and and P roperty L imited T enant / O c c upier

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Name Ansco Arena L imited

02-075, 02-075a, 02-076, 03-016, 03-017, 03-017a

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for details of the s tatus of negotiations with Ansco Arena L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

NC P L imited 02-059, 02-062, 02-062a, 02-074 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant via its operating company, L ondon Underground L imited, licences the car park to NC P and is discuss ing its proposals for the future use of the land.

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T A B L E B 1.6 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Morden C ollege

01-007, 01-022, 01-024, 01-027, 01-028, 01-029, 01-031, 01-035, 01-057, 01-061, 01-063

P rivate access and gantry off B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach A102. P rivate road (Morden Wharf R oad) and verge, C ar parking, hards tanding and exis ting works off T unnel Avenue. Advertis ing hoardings off T unnel Avenue. A102. P ublic road and footway (T unnel Avenue), P ublic road (B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, A102), P ublic road, traffic is land and hards tanding (B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, A102), Hards tanding and exis ting works off B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach, A102. P rivate access and gantry off T unnel Avenue. T he T rus tees for of the C harity of S ir J ohn Morden, known as Morden C ollege (MC ) own an extens ive area of land on the G reenwich P eninsula forming one L and R egis try title, which is located between the river T hames on the western boundary, V ictoria D eep Water T erminal to the north, T unnel Avenue to the east and E nderby Wharf to the south. T he land is used for a variety of indus trial purposes and is leased to multiple occupiers . T he S ilvertown T unnel proposal impacts on this land where it adjoins

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T unnel Avenue. T his land is leased to three separate companies and is required for the purposes of ins talling and maintaining a road s ign gantry (works affecting premises of Hanson Marine L imited), replacing the B oord S treet footbridge (works affecting premises of B renntag Inorganic C hemical L imited) and removing an exis ting road s ign gantry (works affecting premises of U+I G roup, formerly C athedral plc).

S tatus O f Neg otiations

Morden C ollege and its property advisor attended the L and Interes t L iaison (L IL ) meetings between J une 2014 and F ebruary 2015. T he Applicant met with MC and its property advisor in J une 2015 and has been in regular contact with both parties s ince this time. D raft Heads of T erms for MC and its tenants are subject to on-going negotiations .

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B renntag Inorganic C hemicals L imited

01-027, 01-028 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant met with B renntag Inorganic C hemical L imited (B IC L ) and Morden C ollege (MC ) in S eptember 2015. During the meeting the potential impact of the Applicant’s proposal on B IC L ’s operations was discussed and, following s tatutory consultation, amendments were made to the proposal. . T he Applicant met with B IC L in December 2015 and has sent draft Heads of T erms which are the subject of on-going negotiations . B y agreement with the Applicant, B IC L commiss ioned an Impact Assessment and report to assess the effect the S ilvertown T unnel would have on its operations .

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T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Hanson Marine L imited

01-061, 01-063 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has discussed the proposal with MC and Hanson Marine L imited (HML )’s surveyor by telephone, has entered into email correspondence and has sent draft Heads of T erms . T he Applicant unders tands that MC and HML are in the process of agreeing a new lease for this land and therefore details are not available from L and R egis try. HML ’s surveyor has advised that the Applicant’s revised proposals are unlikely to have a s ignificant impact on its operations .

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

J C Decaux UK L imited

01-028 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with J C D ecaux UK L imited.

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T A B L E B 1.7 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R oyal B orough of G reenwich (R B G )

01-001, 01-009, 01-029, 01-030, 01-031, 01-033, 01-034, 01-037, 01-039, 01-040, 01-041, 01-043, 01-044, 01-044a, 01-045, 01-045a, 01-045b, 01-048, 01-050, 01-055, 01-068, 01-070, 01-073, 01-075, 01-078a, 01-088a, 02-001, 02-002, 02-005, 02-014, 02-018, 02-018a, 02-018b, 02-018c, 02-019, 02-020, 02-027, 02-028, 02-030, 02-032, 02-033, 02-034, 02-035, 02-037, 02-037a, 02-043, 02-043a, 02-052, 02-052a, 02-052b, 02-052c, 02-053, 02-053a, 02-054, 02-056, 02-061, 02-064, 02-067, 02-069, 02-071, 02-072, 02-073, 02-082, 02-084, 02-085, 03-001, 03-002, 03-002a, 03-002b, 03-008, 03-012, 03-018, 03-019, 04-002, 04-008, 04-013, 04-021

R B G is the L ocal P lanning and Highway Authority for the G reenwich P eninsula. L and in R B G ’s ownership comprises exis ting highway land, former highway land which hasn’t been s topped up and a long leasehold interest in the L idoka L orry park which is currently sub-let to the L ondon E vening S tandard and operated as a dis tribution centre.

S tatus O f Neg otiations R B G was invited to the L and Interes t L iaison (L IL ) Meetings between J une 2014 and F ebruary 2015. T he Applicant has met with R B G on a number of occas ions with the intention of reaching agreement in respect of, amongst other

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is sues , its land interes ts . Heads of T erms were sent to R B G in J anuary 2015 in respect of its highway interes ts . D iscuss ions regarding the L idoka L orry P ark took place at a meeting in J une 2015 but have not been substantially progressed to date. T he Applicant will continue to engage with R B G in respect of its land use proposals . .

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B renntag Inorganic C hemicals L imited

01-030 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with B renntag Inorganic C hemicals L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

C lear C hannel UK L imited

01-001 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with C lear C hannel UK L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement on its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

J C Decaux UK L imited

01-001, P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with J C D ecaux L td.

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T A B L E B 1.8 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

P ort of L ondon Authority

04-011, 04-016, 04-016a, 04-017, 04-018, 04-019, 04-020, 04-023, 04-024, 04-025, 04-027, 04-028, 04-030, 04-030a, 04-030b, 04-031

R iver T hames , foreshore, bed, subsoil and banks thereof.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he P ort of L ondon Authority (P L A) was invited to the L and Interes t L iaison (L IL ) meetings which took place in J une 2014, O ctober 2014 and F ebruary 2015. T he Applicant met with the P L A in O ctober 2015 to commence negotiations with the intention of reaching agreement to acquire sub-soil beneath the river bed. Draft Heads of T erms were sent to the P L A in November 2015. S ince this time, through the exchange of correspondence the Applicant has provided an undertaking to meet the P L A’s surveyor’s fees in order to reach agreement; this offer was accepted in J anuary 2016 and negotiations are on-going.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

04-030a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with D ocklands L ight R ailway L imited in res pect of its land interes ts in the R oyal B orough of G reenwich.

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T A B L E B 1.9 F reeholder Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S outhern G as Networks plc

01-047a, 01-058a, 01-066, 01-066a, 01-067, 01-077a, 01-078, 01-080, 01-086, 01-088, 02-016, 02-016a

Industrial land occupied by disused gas holder, P ressure R eduction S tation (P R S ) and associated pipe work. T he entrance to the s ite is located on the adjacent s ite owned by National G rid (B irch S ites L td); an access road into the gas holder s ite runs parallel with and adjacent to Millennium Way.

S tatus O f Neg otiations

Southern Gas Networks (SGN) and its land agent were invited to the Land Interest Liaison (LIL) meetings in June 2014, October 2014 and February 2015. The Applicant's first formal meeting took place with SGN in September 2014. Since this time the Applicant has been involved in detailed and on-going negotiations through discussions and meetings with representatives of SGN, its land agent and engineers. Draft Heads of Terms were sent to SGN’s land agent in January 2016. Subsequent meetings were held in February and March 2016 and further meetings have been diarised at six weekly intervals. The existing Pressure Reduction Station (PRS) will need to be relocated from its current position in plot 01-067, and through discussions SGN and the Applicant have jointly identified plot a preferred location.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Arqiva No 2 01-080 P lease refer to the land plans and book of

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L imited reference for plot descriptions and locations . S tatus O f Neg otiations Arqiva No 2 L imited is a communications infras tructure company. T he Applicant has made initia l contact with Arqiva No 2 L imited as part of the wider consultation programme and will continue to seek engagement with Arqiva No 2 L imited regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R aduga L imited

01-058a P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with R aduga L imited.

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T A B L E B 1.10 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Mustafa O sman T ary

01-058b S tudio 338 is a night club and entertainment venue which was formerly the Mitre public house. L and at the front of the property, facing the A102 B lackwall T unnel S outhern Approach R oad, forms the main access and egress and will be required as a consequence of the scheme proposal in order to create the new highway s erving the S ilvertown T unnel.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he property is owned by Mr Mustafa O sman T ary and leased to R aduga L imited which trades as S tudio 338 (the O perator). T he managers of S tudio 338 attended the L and Interes t L iaison meetings between J une 2014 and F ebruary 2015. S ince March 2015 the Applicant has met with R aduga on three further occas ions at the premises . Mr T ary attended the firs t of these meetings , but by agreement subsequently relied on the O perator to progress the discuss ions .

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R aduga L imited

01-058b P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with R aduga L td.

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T A B L E B 1.11 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T ransport F or L ondon

01-002, 01-003, 01-004, 01-006, 01-007, 01-008, 01-009, 01-010, 01-014, 01-015, 01-016, 01-019, 01-020, 01-023, 01-035, 01-037, 01-038, 01-039, 01-041, 01-042, 01-049, 01-051, 01-052, 01-053, 01-055, 01-057, 01-059, 01-070, 01-072, 01-073, 01-074, 01-075, 01-079, 01-081, 02-001, 02-002, 02-003, 02-004, 02-006, 02-007, 02-008, 02-013, 02-014, 02-024, 02-034, 02-038, 02-041, 02-041a, 02-041b, 02-044, 02-045, 02-048, 02-050, 02-068, 02-070, 02-081, 02-083, 02-084, 02-085, 02-086, 02-087

T ransport for L ondon holds land in the G reenwich penisula in its capacity as highway authority

S tatus O f Neg otiations T ransport for L ondon is the Applicant. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R aduga L imited

01-052 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

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S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.1 for the s tatus of negotiations with R aduga L td.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Mayor's O ffice for P olicing and C rime

02-038, 02-041, 02-041a, 02-050 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with the Mayor’s O ffice for P olicing and C rime. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Driver & V ehicle S tandards Agency

02-038, 02-041, 02-041a, 02-050 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with the D river & V ehicle S tandards Agency.

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In the London Borough of Newham

T A B L E B 2.1 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Mehmet Abdullah

07-008 P ublic road (T idal B as in R oad) and shrubbery

S tatus O f Neg otiations Mehmet Abdullah holds title to this plot which is currently occupied by the exis ting T idal B as in roundabout. T he Applicant has made initia l contact with Mehmet Abdullah of its pre-application consultation on the S cheme. T he Applicant will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 2.2 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

AS D L imited 05-047, 06-005, 06-010, 06-013 Access to the s ite is via Dock R oad and the plots are currently la id out as hards tanding and yard which serves as an access together with an area for s torage of materials and other associated equipment. T here are no active wharf uses taking place on any of the land.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant initia lly made contact with AS D on 5th May 2015 through a s takeholder meeting. R egular meetings with the landowner have s ince taken place, and the Applicant has kept AS D updated on scheme proposals with detailed discuss ions regarding the potential impact of the S cheme on AS D ’s land. AS D has indicated that while it welcomes transport improvements to the area, it is concerned about the potential impact on its operation and is seeking assurances from the Applicant to mitigate any dis ruption. T he Applicant has identified mitigation which it believes meets the landowner’s operational needs . S ince the end of 2015, the Applicant has meet with the landowner and their advisors on a number of occas ions and the parties have exchanged correspondence to finalise their temporary land arrangements . Negotiations are continuing.

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T A B L E B 2.3 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

05-044, 05-044a, 05-045, 05-045a, 05-050a, 05-054, 05-059, 05-063, 05-064, 05-070, 05-070a, 05-072, 05-072a, 05-073, 05-074, 05-074a, 05-075, 05-076, 05-076a, 05-077, 05-077a, 05-078, 05-079, 05-079a, 05-084, 05-087, 05-087a, 05-089, 05-090, 05-092, 05-093, 05-098, 05-100, 05-104, 05-115, 05-119, 05-122, 05-122a, 06-014a, 06-020, 06-022, 06-027a, 06-034, 06-036, 06-037, 06-052, 06-054, 06-056, 06-057, 06-058, 06-060, 06-061, 06-063, 07-001, 07-001a, 07-010, 07-012, 07-022, 07-026

D ocklands L ight R ailway L imited (DL R ), an operating company of the Applicant, operates the E mirates A irline cable car which links the G reenwich P eninsula and S ilvertown and the D ocklands L ight R ailway.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with D L R on 25th S eptember 2015 through a s takeholder meeting. S pecific discuss ions have been held regarding the interface with an operational railway and protective provis ions are currently being discussed. Whils t a majority of the land is required temporarily during construction there is an open hards tanding area which will be required permanently in order to provide the new re-aligned Dock R oad. Docklands L ight R ailway L imited (DL R ) is a T ransport for L ondon operating company; internal engagement is underway and it is anticipated that agreement will be reached. T enant / P lots P lot D es c riptions

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O c c upier Name B rewsters Waste Management L imited

06-036, 06-052 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with B rewsters Waste Management L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G & B C ompressor Hire L imited

06-036, 06-052 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with G & B C ompressor Hire L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T C larke plc 05-090, 05-093, 05-098, 05-115 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T C larke P lc during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 2.4 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

E uropean Metal R ecycling L imited

05-035, 05-051, 05-060, 06-002, 06-003, 06-004, 06-006, 06-007, 06-011

C oncrete surface industrial land accessed via a private road from Dock R oad. T he land is currently la id out as a works compound which comprises of buildings , car parking, yard, hards tanding with access to the river.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with E uropean Metal R ecycling L imited (“E MR ”) on 8th May 2015 through a s takeholder meeting. E MR has indicated that, whils t it welcomes transport improvements to the area, it is concerned about any potential impact on its interes t. T he Applicant has exchanged correspondence with the landowner and its appointed advisor, J L L , and Heads of T erms for temporary occupation of the land have been is sued. Negotiations with the landowner are on-going, with the objective of agreeing terms . T he Applicant exchanges correspondence regularly with the landowner’s appointed agent.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks plc

05-060 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon P ower Networks plc. T enant / O c c upier

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Name K eltbray L imited

05-035, 05-051, 06-002, 06-003, 06-004, 06-006, 06-007, 06-011

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with K eltbray during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 2.5 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

J oseph J avier F ontanillas

07-008 P ublic road (T idal B as in R oad) and shrubbery

S tatus O f Neg otiations J oseph F onantillas holds title to this plot which is currently occupied by the exis ting T idal B as in R oundabout. T he Applicant made initia l contact with J oseph F ontanillas during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 2.6 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G L A L and and P roperty L imited

05-009, 05-010, 05-011, 05-014, 05-015, 05-016, 05-016a, 05-017, 05-018, 05-019, 05-020, 05-021, 05-022, 05-023, 05-024, 05-025, 05-026, 05-027, 05-028, 05-029, 05-030, 05-034, 05-036, 05-037, 05-038, 05-038a, 05-040, 05-041, 05-042, 05-043, 05-046, 05-049, 05-050, 05-053, 05-055, 05-056, 05-056a, 05-057, 05-058, 05-068, 05-070, 05-070a, 05-073, 05-076, 05-076a, 05-077, 05-077a, 05-078, 05-081, 05-083, 05-084, 05-087a, 05-092, 05-096, 05-104, 05-106, 05-107, 05-109, 05-110, 05-111, 05-113, 05-116, 05-117, 05-118, 05-120a, 05-120b, 05-125, 05-125a, 05-128, 05-131, 05-132, 05-133, 05-133a, 06-008, 06-009, 06-012, 06-014, 06-015, 06-016, 06-017, 06-017a, 06-017b, 06-019, 06-021, 06-023, 06-024, 06-025, 06-026, 06-027, 06-030, 06-032, 06-033, 06-035, 06-036, 06-040, 06-041, 06-042,

G L A has an extens ive land ownership in the S ilvertown area, much of which is industrial land. T he G L A is the s tatutory successor in title to the Homes and C ommunities Agency (HC A). T he predecessor authority to the HC A was E nglish P artnerships (E P ).

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06-044, 06-045, 06-046, 06-047, 06-048, 06-051, 06-052, 06-053, 06-054, 06-055, 06-056, 06-057, 06-058, 06-059, 06-064, 06-066, 06-067, 06-090, 06-090a, 06-092, 06-092a, 06-093, 06-094, 07-002, 07-003, 07-018

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with the G L A on 20th May 2013 through a s takeholder meeting. R egular monthly meetings have taken place s ince that time, with the Applicant keeping the G L A updated on the progress of the S cheme proposals and des ign. T his specifically applies to plots around the tunnel services compound on the proposed Northern approach to the S ilvertown T unnel as this area will be required permanently for the S cheme. G L A has indicated its support for the S ilvertown T unnel proposals and Heads of T erms are currently being discussed with the aim of the parties reaching an agreed pos ition regarding the permanent acquis ition of land and rights over land, and the temporary use and possess ion of land. . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

05-015, 05-016a, 05-038a, 05-041, 05-055, 05-068, 05-076, 05-076a, 05-096

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.3 for the s tatus of negotiations in respect of D ocklands L ight R ailway’s land interests in the B orough of Newham. ApplicantApplicant

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T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Hanson Q uarry P roducts E urope L imited

06-090, 06-090a, 06-092, 06-093 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations Hanson currently occupies a concrete batching plant on the north eas t s ide of Dock R oad. T he Applicant has invited dialogue with the landowner following on from pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks plc

05-018, 05-042, 05-081, 06-035, 06-051, 06-055

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon P ower Networks plc. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

C lear C hannel UK L imited

07-002 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.7 for the s tatus of negotiations with C lear C hannel UK L imited. T enant / P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

O c c upier Name T armac T rading L imited

05-023, 05-029, 05-030, 05-036, 05-056, 05-056a

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T armac T rading L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

McG ee B edrock L imited

05-110, 05-111, 05-131, 05-132, 06-015, 06-016, 06-017, 06-017a, 06-017b, 06-019, 06-044

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with McG ee B edrock during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B rewsters Waste Management L imited

06-012, 06-032, 06-036, 06-052, 06-094, 07-002

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with B rewsters Waste Management L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G & B C ompressor Hire L imited

06-027, 06-032, 06-036, 06-052 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.3 for the s tatus of negotiations with G & B C ompressor Hire L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

O 'C onnell P lant and G roundworks L imited

06-041, 06-045, 06-047, 06-048 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with O ’C onnell P lant and G roundworks L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T he O ld B as ket S upply L imited

05-009, 05-010, 05-014, 05-017 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with O ld B asket S upply L imited during pre-application consultation and will

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T C larke plc 05-096 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.3 for the s tatus of negotiations with T C larke plc. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S kanska C onstruction UK L imited

05-019, 05-021, 05-022, 05-024, 05-027

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S kanska C onstruction UK plc during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S tanmore Q uality S urfacing L imited

05-021, 05-022, 05-024, 05-027 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S tanmore Q uality S urfacing L imited during pre-application consultation and

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B F K J oint V enture

05-011, 05-015, 05-016, 05-016a, 05-020

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with B F K J oint Venture during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S teve Walder 06-046 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S teve Walder during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R egional Waste R ecycling (C ommercial) L imited

05-050, 05-053, 06-008 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations

S tatus O f Neg otiations

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Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

T he Applicant made initia l contact with R egional Waste R ecycling (C ommercial) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G eneral Marine (T ugs & B arges ) L imited

05-028 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with G eneral Marine (T ugs & B arges ) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

T A B L E B 2.7 L and O wner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon Underground L imited

05-006, 06-001, 06-002, 06-005, 06-007, 06-010, 06-012, 06-013, 06-014, 06-017, 06-027, 06-032, 06-033, 06-036, 06-054, 06-056, 06-059, 06-094, 07-002, 07-004, 07-018, 07-029

L ondon Underground L imited, a T ransport for L ondon operating company, operates the J ubilee L ine which passes under the T hames to the west of the proposed S ilvertown T unnel.

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon Underground L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks plc

07-004 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon P ower Networks plc. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

K eltbray L imited

06-002, 06-007 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations

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Document Reference: 4.1

P lease refer to T able B 2.4 for the s tatus of negotiations with K eltbray L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

C lear C hannel UK L imited

07-002 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with C lear C hannel UK L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

McG ee B edrock L imited

06-017 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with McG ee B edrock L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B rewsters Waste Management L imited

06-012, 06-032, 06-036, 06-094, 07-002

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with B rewsters Waste Management L imited.

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G & B C ompressor Hire L imited

06-027, 06-032, 06-036 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with G & B C ompressor Hire L imited.

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T A B L E B 2.8 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T he Mayor and B urgesses of the L ondon B orough of Newham

05-044, 05-044a, 05-045, 05-045a, 05-048, 05-048a, 05-048b, 05-085, 05-091, 05-095, 05-099, 05-102, 05-105, 05-108, 05-108a, 05-112, 05-113, 05-120, 05-120a, 05-120b, 05-121, 05-124, 05-128, 05-133, 05-133a, 05-134, 06-023, 06-025, 06-026, 06-028, 06-029, 06-030, 06-031, 06-041, 06-043, 06-046, 06-064, 06-066, 06-068, 06-071, 06-072, 06-075, 06-092a, 06-095, 06-096, 06-098, 06-098a, 07-003, 07-004, 07-005, 07-006, 07-007, 07-007a, 07-007b, 07-008, 07-009, 07-011, 07-012, 07-016, 07-018, 07-022, 07-027, 07-028, 07-029

T he L ondon B orough of Newham’s landholdings within the O rder limits are primarily highways that it holds in its capacity as highway authority for the B orough.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with the landowner on 28 J uly 2015 through a s takeholder meeting. R egular contact has continued as part of the wider consultation programme, providing updates on scheme des ign and boundary changes . Heads of T erms for an O ption Agreement have been is sued to the landowner and negotiations are continuing between the Applicant and the landowner’s appointed agent. T enant / O c c upier

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Document Reference: 4.1

Name Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

05-048a, 05-095, 05-099, 05-102, 05-108, 05-108a, 05-112

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with D ocklands L ight R ailway L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G L E P roperty Developments L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028, 06-029, 06-031

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant met with G L E P roperty D evelopments L imited on 7th April 2016 following on from engagement forming part of the wider consultation programme. Negotiations are continuing with G L E P roperty Developments L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Nakhon T hai R es taurant L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with Nakhon T hai R es taurant L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

Name Waterfront S tudios L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant met with Waterfront S tudios L imited on 7th April 2016 following on from engagement forming part of the wider consultation programme. Negotiations are continuing with Waterfront S tudios L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

O 'C onnell P lant and G roundworks L imited

06-029, 06-031, 06-041, 06-043 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with O ’C onnell P lant and G roundworks L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T C larke P lc 05-095, 05-099, 05-102, 05-108, 05-108a, 05-112

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with T C larke P lc. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S teve Walder 06-046 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant has made initia l contact with S teve Walder as part of the wider consultation programme. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Waterfronts L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant met with Waterfront S tudios L imited on 7th April 2016 following on from engagement forming part of the wider consultation programme. P art of the car park is required permanently for the S cheme for the purposes of providing an access road to the proposed tunnel s ervices compound on the S ilvertown T unnel Northern Approach. Negotiations are continuing with Waterfront S tudios L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S IV F ire P rotection L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S IV F ire P rotection L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T ec F as t L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T ec F as t L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T ec T raining (G B ) L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T ec T raining (G B ) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S .E .S Holdings (UK ) L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S .E .S Holdings (UK ) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Mandeep K K ang

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with Mandeep K K ang during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Nicholas Associates G roup L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with Nicholas Associates G roup L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Apex E ngineering S ervices L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with Apex E ngineering S ervices L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Automated Document S ervices

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

L imited S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made contact with Automated D ocument S ervices L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ogica S oft L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with L ogica S oft L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

C ity Wide (L ondon) L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with C ity Wide (L ondon) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

A ll Health Matters

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

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Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

L imited S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with A ll Health Matters L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docks ide P ersonnel L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with D ocks ide P ersonnel L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Harbour R es idential L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations

T he Applicant made initia l contact with Harbour R es idential L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

R obert S tevens & S ons F abrication L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with R obert S tevens & S ons F abrication L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L egion S upplies L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with L egion S upplies L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S ommerfeld C hauffeur S ervices L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with S ommerfeld C hauffeur S ervices L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T hedressup L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T hedressup L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Docklands P res tige R es idential L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with D ocklands P restige R es idential L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Metropolitan Accident Management L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations

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Document Reference: 4.1

T he Applicant made initia l contact with Metropolitan Accident Management L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T ransam T rucking L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T ransam T rucking L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to

seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

J R S tudio L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with J R S tudio L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

A lternatum R etained S ervices L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

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Silvertown Tunnel

Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with A lternatum R etained S ervices L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

IHB Accountants L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with IHB Accountants L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

R ichard F rancis Hems ley

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with R ichard F rancis Hems ley during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G round T ransport

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

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Statement of Reasons

Document Reference: 4.1

L imited S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with G round T ransport L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

D IS P E C P erformance L imited

05-121, 05-134, 06-028 C ar park (Dock R oad)

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with D IS P E C P erformance L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks P lc

06-068, 06-072, 07-004, 07-005 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 1.2 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon P ower Networks P lc.

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T A B L E B 2.9 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

P ort of L ondon Authority

04-032, 04-033, 04-034, 04-035, 05-001, 05-002, 05-003, 05-004, 05-005, 05-006, 06-001

R iver T hames , foreshore, bed, subsoil and banks thereof.

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he P ort of L ondon Authority (P L A) was invited to the L and Interes t L iaison (L IL ) meetings which took place in J une 2014, O ctober 2014 and F ebruary 2015. T he Applicant met with the P L A in O ctober 2015 to commence negotiations with the intention of reaching agreement to acquire sub-soil beneath the river bed. Draft Heads of T erms were sent to the P L A in November 2015. S ince this time, through the exchange of correspondence, the Applicant has provided an undertaking to meet the P L A’s surveyor’s fees in order to reach agreement; this offer was accepted in J anuary 2016 and negotiations are on-going.

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T A B L E B 2.10 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Q uintain (No.8) L imited

05-009, 05-010, 05-011, 05-014, 05-015, 05-016, 05-016a, 05-017, 05-018, 05-019, 05-020, 05-021, 05-022, 05-023, 05-024, 05-025, 05-026, 05-027, 05-028, 05-029, 05-030, 05-032, 05-034, 05-036, 05-037, 05-038, 05-038a, 05-040, 05-041, 05-042, 05-046, 05-052, 05-055, 05-056, 05-056a, 05-066, 05-066a, 05-070, 05-070a, 05-073, 05-074, 05-074a, 05-078, 05-083, 05-088, 05-091

Warehouses , building and river wall off Dock R oad including subsoil below, viaduct carrying railway (Docklands L ight R ailway - C anning T own and West S ilvertown) and electricity substation

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with Q uintain (No.8) L td on 20th May 20013 through a s takeholder meeting. R egular monthly meetings have taken place s ince, with the Applicant keeping Q uintain updated on the S cheme proposals and des ign. A majority of the surface plots will be required temporarily for the S cheme to provide part of the main construction compound at S ilvertown. Whils t Quintain has indicated its support for the Applicant’s proposals , there are concerns about the location of infras tructure and its potential impact on any future development. B y engaging with Q uintain at an early s tage in its S cheme development, the Applicant is seeking to mitigate any potential impact. T he level of engagement between the Applicant and Q uintain is such that detailed discuss ions on Heads of T erms are currently underway. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

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Docklands L ight R ailway L imited

05-015, 05-016a, 05-038a, 05-041, 05-055

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with D ocklands L ight R ailway.

T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

L ondon P ower Networks plc

05-018, 05-042 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with L ondon P ower Networks L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T armac T rading L imited

05-023, 05-029, 05-030, 05-036, 05-056, 05-056a

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with T armac T rading L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T he O ld B as ket S upply

05-009, 05-010, 05-014, 05-017 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

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L imited S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with T he O ld B asket S upply L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S kanska C onstruction UK L imited

05-019, 05-021, 05-022, 05-024, 05-027

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with S kanska C onstruction UK L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S tanmore Q uality S urfacing L imited

05-021, 05-022, 05-024, 05-027 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with S tanmore Q uality S urfacing L imited. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

B F K J oint V enture

05-011, 05-015, 05-016, 05-016a, 05-020

P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations

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P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with B F K J oint V enture. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

G eneral Marine (T ugs & B arges ) L imited

05-028, 05-032 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations P lease refer to T able B 2.6 for the s tatus of negotiations with G eneral Marine (T ugs & B arges ) L imited.

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T A B L E B 2.11 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

S ilvertown L and Holdings L imited

04-036, 05-007, 05-008 B uildings , hardstanding, car parking and river wall off D ock

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant invited dialogue with the landowner following on from engagement forming part of the wider consultation programme. A meeting was held with the S ite Manager on behalf of S ilvertown L and Holdings L imited and Nuplex R es ins L imited on 2nd November 2015. . Heads of T erms for an agreement have been is sued and negotiations with the landowner’s representatives are continuing. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Nuplex R es ins L imited

04-036, 05-007, 05-008 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant invited dialogue with the landowner following on from engagement forming part of the wider consultation programme. A meeting was held with the S ite Manager on behalf of S ilvertown L and Holdings and Nuplex R es ins L imited on 2nd November 2015. Heads of T erms for an agreement have been is sued to the landowner and negotiations with the landowner’s representatives are continuing. T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

P P G 04-036, 05-007, 05-008 P lease refer to the land plans and book of

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Industries (UK ) L imited

reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with P P G Industries (UK ) L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals . T enant / O c c upier Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

Akzo Nobel L imited

04-036, 05-007, 05-008 P lease refer to the land plans and book of reference for plot descriptions and locations .

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with Akzo Nobel L imited during pre-application consultation and will continue to seek engagement regarding its land use proposals .

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T A B L E B 2.12 L andowner Name

P lots P lot D es c riptions

T hames Water Utilities L imited

05-033, 06-078 R ivers ide sewer outfall and river wall off Dock R oad, with hards tanding and access off T idal B as in R oad

S tatus O f Neg otiations T he Applicant made initia l contact with T hames Water as part of the wider consultation programme and will continue to seek engagement on its land use proposals . F or further information, please refer to the Utilities S ection, C hapter 8 of the S tatement of R easons .

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C.1 Streets subject to prohibition of use through traffic regulation measures

C.1.1 If development consent was granted and the Silvertown Tunnel scheme was implemented, the following streets would be subject to prohibition of use through traffic regulation measures and the following measures are proposed:

C.1.2 All road users except buses would be prohibited from using Pavilion Lane (realigned) from a point on the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound approximately 130 metres south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel Southbound South Portal, in a generally southerly direction to its junction with the new Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach northbound carriageway, including the length of highway forming the junction of Pavilion Lane (realigned) with Millennium Way.

C.1.3 All road users except buses, taxis and goods vehicles in excess of 7.5 tonnes would be prohibited from using the nearside lane in the new Silvertown Tunnel and on the tunnel approaches, northbound from a point 50 metres south of the Silvertown Tunnel South Portal to a point 10 metres north of the Silvertown Tunnel North Portal.

C.1.4 All road users except buses, taxis and goods vehicles in excess of 7.5 tonnes would be prohibited from using the nearside lane on the new Silvertown Tunnel and tunnel approaches southbound, from a point 20 metres south of the Silvertown Tunnel South Portal to a point 10 metres north of the Silvertown Tunnel North Portal.

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C.2 General description of the streets and private means of accesses to be stopped up and of substitute and other streets, new streets and new means of access

C.2.1 The general effect of the Scheme upon streets and private access, and of substitute proposals, is set out below for each Sheet of the Rights of Way and Access Plans:

C.3 Sheet 1 of the Rights of Way and Access Plans


C.3.1 A length of existing highway forming part of the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound (Work No. 2 (part)) would be improved from from a point approximately 260 metres south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel, for a distance of approximately 595 metres.

C.3.2 A length of existing highway forming part of the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Northbound (Work No. 3) would be improved from a point approximately 170 metres south east of the existing Boord Street footbridge to a point on the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Northbound approximately 195 metres south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel Southbound South Portal, for a distance of approximately 530 metres.

C.3.3 A length of existing highway forming part of Tunnel Avenue (Work No. 4) would be improved from a point on the existing Tunnel Avenue approximately 170 metres south east of the existing Boord Street footbridge, in a generally north-westerly direction, to a point on the existing Tunnel Avenue just south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel Gate House, for a distance of approximately 485metres.

C.3.4 A length of existing highway forming part of the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound diverge off-slip to the existing Millennium Way, from the back of the diverge nose, in a south-easterly direction, for a distance of approximately 45 metres.


C.3.5 The existing Pavilion Lane would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Millennium Way in a generally southerly direction to its junction with the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound, for a

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distance of approximately 180 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Pavilion Lane (realigned) (bus lane) (Reference G) (Work No. 9) and (Reference H) (Work No. 10), and as this road would no longer be required, no substitute would be provided.

C.3.6 The existing Boord Street would be stopped up from a point approximately 130 metres south-west of its junction with the existing Millennium Way in a generally south-westerly direction, to where it meets the existing Dreadnought Street, which would be stopped up in its entirety, over a total distance of approximately 90 metres, where it would be crossed by the improved A102 Southbound (Work No. 2) and the new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Work No. 11). It would be substituted by a new highway (Reference A) (Work No. 2 (part)) from a point on Boord Street approximately 130 metres south-west of its junction with the existing Millennium Way, in a generally north-westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 80 metres, to premises known as Studio 338. This new highway would provide an access to premises known as Studio 338.

C.3.7 The whole length of the existing footbridge including National Cycle Route No. 1 (part) and Thames Path (part) would be stopped up and substituted by a length of new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Reference B) (Work No. 11) from a point on Boord Street approximately 140 metres south west of its junction with the existing Millennium Way, in a generally south-westerly direction, to its junction with the improved Tunnel Avenue. The new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Work No. 11) would provide improved access for non-motorised users including making provision for National Cycle Route No.1 and the Thames Path to cross the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach (Work No. 2 (part)) and Tunnel Avenue (Work No. 4) in the vicinity of Boord Street.


C.3.8 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Southbound (Reference C, continued on Sheets 2 and 3) (Work No. 1) would be provided from a point on the Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)) from the North Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Southbound and continuing in a generally south westerly direction to the South Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel, for a distance of approximately 1425 metres.

C.3.9 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Reference D, continued on Sheets 2 and 3) (Work No. 1) would be provided from a point on the Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach

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Northbound (Work No. 5) from the South Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Northbound and continuing in a generally north easterly direction to the North Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Northbound, for a distance of approximately 1405 metres.

C.3.10 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound (Reference E) (Work No. 6) would be provided from the South Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Southbound (Work No. 1), in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of approximately 160 metres, to a point where it merges with the existing A102 Southbound, at a point approximately 115 metres north west of the centre point of where it passes under the existing Boord Street footbridge.

C.3.11 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach Northbound (Reference F) (Work No. 5) would be provided from a point where it diverges off the A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Northbound at a point approximately 180 metres north west of the centre point of where it passes under the existing Boord Street footbridge, and continuing in a generally northerly direction for a distance of approximately 130 metres, to the South Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Work No. 1).

C.3.12 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Pavilion Lane (realigned) (a bus link) (Reference G) (Work No. 9) would be provided from a point on the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound approximately 130 metres south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel Southbound South Portal and continuing in a generally southerly direction then turning eastwards to its junction with the existing Millennium Way, at a point approximately 90 metres north west from its junction with the existing Edmund Halley Way, for a distance of approximately 150 metres. This new highway would provide a new bus only link from the Blackwall Tunnel to Millennium Way. This new highway would also provide a direct link between the bus-only diverge from the southbound A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach (Work No. 9) and the bus-only merge to the northbound Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach (Work No. 10), for a distance of approximately 35m.

C.3.13 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Pavilion Lane (realigned) (a bus link) (Reference H) (Work No. 10) would be provided from a point on the existing Millennium Way approximately 75 metres north-west of its junction with the existing Edmund Halley Way and continuing in a generally southerly direction for a distance of approximately 215 metres, to its junction with the Silvertown Tunnel Southern Approach Northbound (Work No. 5), at

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a point approximately 35 metres south-west of the South Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Work No. 1). This new highway would provide a new bus only link.


C.3.14 An existing access (Reference a) to premises (occupied by Priority TM Limited and Southern Gas Networks plc) on the south side of the existing Millennium Way, approximately 50 metres south-east of its junction with the existing Edmund Halley Way, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Millennium Way, for a distance of approximately 20 metres, where it would be crossed by the new tunnel services compound (Work No. 12). The access to premises (occupied by Southern Gas Networks plc) would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 2) located on the east side of the Silvertown Tunnel, providing access from the south side of the existing Millennium Way. In addition, existing access (Reference a) would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 10) located on the east side of the Silvertown Tunnel, providing access from the south side of the existing Millennium Way to land owned by Birch Sites Limited.

C.3.15 An existing access (Reference b) to premises (occupied by Brenntag UK Ltd) from the north side of the existing Morden Wharf Road approximately 20 metres to the east of the existing Tunnel Avenue would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Morden Wharf Road, for a distance of approximately 5 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Reference B) (Work No. 11). The access to premises (Reference b) would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 8) located to the south-west of the improved Tunnel Avenue.

C.3.16 An existing access (Reference c) to premises (occupied by Brenntag UK Ltd) on the south west side of the existing Tunnel Avenue, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Tunnel Avenue immediately south of the existing footbridge for a distance of approximately 10 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Work No. 11). The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 4) on the south west side of the existing Tunnel Avenue, in the same location as the existing access to premises (occupied by Brenntag UK Ltd), but repositioned at the new highway boundary of the improved Tunnel Avenue.

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C.3.17 An existing access (Reference d) to premises (occupied by London Power Networks plc) on the east side of the existing Pavilion Lane (to be stopped up) approximately 50 metres south of its junction with the existing Millennium Way, would be stopped up over the entire hardened area in front of the existing electricity substations. The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 5) on the west side of the Silvertown Tunnel, providing access from the west side of the existing Millennium Way. A new private means of access (Reference 1) (Work No. 12) would be provided on the north side of the Silvertown Tunnel South Portal, providing an access to the new tunnel services compound, from the south side of the existing Millennium Way.

C.3.18 An existing access (Reference e) to premises (occupied by O’Keefe) from the south-east side of the existing Boord Street approximately 155m south-west to the south-west of its junction with the existing Millennium Way, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Boord Street, for a distance of approximately 5 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge (Reference B) (Work No. 11). A new private means of access (Reference 7) would be provided on the south-east side of the existing Boord Street, in the same location as the existing access to O’Keefe, but repositioned at the new highway boundary of the A102 Southbound, providing an access to the building for non-motorised users only, from the south-east side of the new Boord Street.

An existing (pedestrian) access (Reference f) to premises (occupied by Brenntag UK Ltd) from the south–west side of the existing Tunnel Avenue, immediately south of the existing footbridge, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Tunnel Avenue for a distance of approximately 5 metres. The access (Reference f) would be substituted by a new (pedestrian) access (Reference 9) to premises on the south-west side of the existing Tunnel Avenue, repositioned at the new highway boundary of the south-west side of the improved Tunnel Avenue.

C.3.19 A new private means of access (Reference 3) (work No. 2 (part)) would be provided around the rear, west and east side of the existing premises known as Studio 338, providing a pedestrian access from the new highway (Reference A) and an egress from Studio 338.

C.3.20 A new private means of access (Reference 6) (Work No. 13) would be provided on the east side of the Silvertown Tunnel, providing access from the south side of the existing Millennium Way to a new (relocated) pressure reduction station (PRS).

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There are no private means of access to be stopped up for which no substitute is to be provided.PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY TO BE STOPPED UP FOR WHICH A SUBSTITUTE IS TO BE PROVIDED

A length of Pavilion Lane is to be stopped up from its junction with the existing Millennium Way in a generally southerly direction to the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel Southern Approach Southbound, for a distance of approximately 180 metres. No substitute public right of way is to be provided.

C.4 Sheet 2 of the Rights of Way and Access Plans

C.4.1 There are no highways to be stopped up.

C.4.2 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Southbound (Reference C, continued from Sheet 1) would be provided. Refer to section C3.1 Sheet 1, above.

C.4.3 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Reference D, continued from Sheet 1) would be provided. Refer to section C3.1 Sheet 1, above.

C.4.4 There are no private means of accesses to be stopped up.

C.4.5 There are no private means of accesses to be provided.

C.5 Sheet 3 of the Rights of Way and Access Plans


C.5.1 A length of existing highway known as Lower Lea Crossing (Work No. 15 (part)) would be improved from a point on the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing at the centre point of where the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing passes over the existing Docklands Light Railway Woolwich Branch, in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of approximately 140 metres, to a point where it joins the improved Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) at a point approximately 100 metres south west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way.

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C.5.2 Existing highway known as Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) would be partially improved (on its existing alignment) and partially re-provided (on a new alignment). The existing Tidal Basin Roundabout (part) (Work No. 16) would be improved from a point on the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the northern side of the existing roundabout, in a generally westerly direction, and then turning in a southerly direction and then in an south westerly direction, to a point where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the southern side of the existing roundabout.

C.5.3 A length of existing highway known as Tidal Basin Road (Work No. 19) would be improved from its junction with the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally easterly direction to its junction with the existing Western Gateway, and then turning in a south easterly direction, for a total distance of approximately 280 metres, to a point where it meets the existing A1011 Silvertown Way,

C.5.4 A length of existing highway, known as the A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip, would be improved from a point on the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip approximately 60 metres south-east of its junction with the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally north westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 60 metres,

C.5.5 A length of existing highway, known as the A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip, would be improved from a point on the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip approximately 60 metres south-east of its junction with the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally north westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 60 metres.


C.5.6 The existing Dock Road including National Cycle Route No. 13 (part) would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, for a total distance of approximately 395 metres in a generally south easterly direction, to a point where it joins the existing North Woolwich Road, where it would be crossed by the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound and Northbound (Work No. 15 (part)). Accordingly, the existing Dock Road, once stopped up, would be substituted by a new highway known as Dock Road (realigned) (Reference A) (Work No. 18) commencing from its junction with the improved Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), at a point

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approximately 110 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of approximately 430 metres, to a point where it joins the existing North Woolwich Road. National Cycle Route No. 13 (part) would be realigned along the new Dock Road (realigned) (Reference A) (Work No. 18) from its junction with the new Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), at a point approximately 130 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of approximately 430 metres, to a point where it re-joins the existing National Cycle Route Number 13 approximately 30 metres south east from the point where the existing National Cycle Route Number 13 passes under the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip.

C.5.7 The existing Scarab Close (part) would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Dock Road, for a distance of approximately 25 metres in a south westerly direction, where it would be crossed by the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound and Northbound (Work No. 15 (part)). It would be substituted by part of the above-mentioned new highway (Reference A (part)) (Work No. 18 (part)) from a point approximately 110 metres west of the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip, in a generally southerly direction, to a point where it joins the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 55 metres.

C.5.8 The existing Tidal Basin Roundabout (part) (Work No. 16) including National Cycle Route No. 13 (part) would be stopped up from a point on the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the northern side of the existing roundabout, in a generally south easterly direction, and then turning in a southerly direction and then in an easterly direction, to a point where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the southern side of the existing roundabout. This road would be substituted by a length of new highway (Work No. 16) from a point on the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout where the new Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the northern side of the existing roundabout, in a generally south-easterly direction, and then in a southerly direction and then in an easterly direction, to a point where the new Tidal Basin Roundabout (Reference H (part)) (Work No. 16) passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way on the southern side of the existing roundabout, for a distance of approximately 270 metres. National Cycle Route No. 13 (part) would be realigned along the new part of Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) from a point on the new

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Tidal Basin Roundabout approximately 115 metres south-west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way in a generally southerly direction to its junction with the new Dock Road (Work No. 18), at a point approximately 130 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout.

C.5.9 The existing layby north of the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing, approximately 35 metres east of the existing bridge on which the A1020 Lower Lea Crossing passes over the Docklands Light Railway Woolwich Branch, would be stopped up along its entire length, and as this layby is not required, no substitute would be provided.

C.5.10 An area of the existing carriageway forming part of the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing approaching the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout would be stopped up, and as it would no longer be required, no substitute would be provided.


C.5.11 A length of new highway to be known as A1020 Silvertown Way Off-Slip dedicated left turn (Reference B) (Work No. 15 (part)) would be provided from a point on the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip approximately 40 metres south-east of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout, initially in a north westerly direction then turning in a southerly direction to a point where it joins the Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)), at a point approximately 35 metres south east of the point where the Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound joins the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), for a distance of approximately 95 metres. This new highway (Work No. 15 (part)) would provide a free flow link from the existing A1020 Silvertown Way Off-Slip to the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)).

C.5.12 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Southbound (Reference C, continued from Sheet 1) would be provided. Refer to section C3.1 Sheet 1, above.

C.5.13 A length of new highway proposed to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Reference D, continued from Sheet 1) would be provided. Refer to section C3.1 Sheet 1, above.

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C.5.14 A length of new highway to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Reference E) (Work No. 15 (part)) would be provided from its junction with the new part of Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), at a point approximately 70 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of approximately 205 metres, to the new North Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Southbound (Work No. 1).

C.5.15 A length of new highway to be known as Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Northbound (Reference F) (Work No. 15 (part)) would be provided from the North Portal of the Silvertown Tunnel Northbound (Work No. 1), in a generally north-westerly direction for a distance of approximately 210 metres, to its junction with the new part of Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), at a point approximately 90 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout.

C.5.16 A length of new highway (Reference G) (Work No. 18) would be provided from a point on the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18), approximately 360 metres south east of its junction with the new Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally north westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 80 metres, providing an access to the new tunnel services compound.

C.5.17 A length of new highway within the central island of the new Tidal Basin Roundabout (Reference H (part)) (Work No. 15 (part)) would be provided from a point on the new Tidal Basin Roundabout approximately 90 metres south-west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way, in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of approximately 45 metres, to a point where it joins the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout (Reference H (part)) (Work No. 16) at a point approximately 95 metres south-west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way.


C.5.18 An existing access (Reference b) to premises (occupied by Docklands Light Railway Limited) on the north-west side of the existing Scarab Close would be stopped up, from its junction with the existing Scarab Close, approximately 45 metres west of the existing Dock Road for a distance of approximately 40 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road

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(realigned) (Work No. 18). The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 1) for Docklands Light Railway, on the west side of the new Tidal Basin Roundabout from the circulatory carriageway of the roundabout.

C.5.19 An existing access (Reference h) to premises (occupied by Docklands Light Railway Limited and ASD Limited) on the south-west side of the existing Dock Road would be stopped up, from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 235 metres south-east of the existing Scarab Close for a distance of approximately 105 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 3) from the south side of the new Dock Road (realigned).

C.5.20 An existing access (Reference i) to premises (occupied by Docklands Light Railway Limited and Quintain (No.8) Limited) on the south west side of the existing Dock Road would be stopped up, from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 300 metres south-east of the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 65 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 3) from the south side of the new Dock Road (realigned).

C.5.21 An existing access (Reference k) known as Scarab Close on the east side of the existing Docklands Light Railway would be stopped up, from a point on the existing Scarab Close, approximately 75 metres south-west of its junction with the existing Dock Road in a south-westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 5 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 4) from the west side of the new Dock Road (realigned).

C.5.22 An existing access (Reference m) to existing statutory undertakers’ apparatus from the south-west side of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout in a north-easterly direction, for a distance of approximately 15 metres. The access would be substituted by a new private means of access (Reference 5) in the same location as the existing access to statutory undertakers’ apparatus, but repositioned from the edge of the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16).

C.5.23 A new private means of access (Reference 2) would be provided on the east side of the Silvertown Tunnel, at its Northern Portal, providing access to the

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new tunnel services compound from the new highway to be known as the Tunnel Services Compound Access Road (off the realigned Dock Road).


C.5.24 An existing access (Reference a) to premises (occupied by Docklands Light Railway Limited) on the north side of the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing, would be stopped up, from its junction with the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing approximately 60 metres west of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout, for a distance of approximately 15 metres, where it would be adjacent to the stopped up area of the existing carriageway forming part of the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing approaching the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout. As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.25 An existing access (Reference c) to premises (occupied by McGee Group) on the south east side of the existing Scarab Close, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Scarab Close approximately 25 metres west of the existing Dock Road, for a distance of approximately 10 metres, where it would be crossed by the non-motorised user routes between the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Northbound (Work No. 15 (part)) and the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.26 An existing access (Reference d) to premises (occupied by McGee Group) on the south east side of the existing Scarab Close, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Scarab Close approximately 35 metres west of the existing Dock Road, for a distance of approximately 10 metres, where it would be crossed by the non-motorised routes between the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Northbound (Work No. 15 (part)) and the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.27 An existing access (Reference e) to premises (occupied by Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited) on the north-west side of the existing Dock Road, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 70 metres south-east of the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 10 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)). As

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this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.28 An existing access (Reference f) to premises (occupied by Hanson Quarry Products Europe Limited) on the north-west side of the existing Dock Road, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 125 metres south-east from the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 5 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.29 An existing access (Reference g) to premises (occupied by O'Connell Plant and Groundworks Limited) on the north-west side of the existing Dock Road, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 165 metres south-east of the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 5 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Silvertown Tunnel Northern Approach Southbound (Work No. 15 (part)) and the tunnel services compound (Work No. 17). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.30 An existing access (Reference j) to premises (occupied by Docklands Light Railway Limited) on the south west side of the existing Dock Road, would be stopped up from its junction with the existing Dock Road approximately 330 metres south-east of the existing Scarab Close, for a distance of approximately 10 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.

C.5.31 An existing access (Scarab Close (part)) (Reference k (part)) would be stopped up from a point on the existing Scarab Close approximately 25 metres south-west of its junction with the existing Dock Road, in a south-westerly direction, for a distance of approximately 50 metres, where it would be crossed by the new Dock Road (realigned) (Work No. 18). As this access would no longer be required if the Scheme was implemented, no substitute access proposal is considered necessary.


C.5.32 The existing National Cycle Route Number 13 would be redirected along:

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• Lower Lea Crossing (Work No. 15 (part)) - from a point on the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing at the centre point of where the existing A1020 Lower Lea Crossing passes over the existing Docklands Light Railway Woolwich Branch, in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of approximately 110 metres, to a point where it joins the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) at a point approximately 115 metres south-west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way.

• Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) - from a point on the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout approximately 115 metres south-west of the centre point of where the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout passes under the existing A1011 Silvertown Way in a generally southerly direction for a distance of approximately 55 metres, to its junction with the realigned Dock Road (Work No. 16), at a point approximately 130 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout.

• Dock Road (Reference A) (Work No. 18) - from its junction with the new part of the Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16), at a point approximately 130 metres west of the point where the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip joins the Tidal Basin Roundabout, in a generally south-easterly direction for a distance of approximately 360 metres, to a point where it re-joins the existing National Cycle Route Number 13 approximately 35 metres to the southwest of where it passes under the existing A1020 Silvertown Way off-slip.

C.5.33 The realigned National Cycle Route Number 13 would provide an improved access for non-motorised users along Lower Lea Crossing (Work No. 15 (part)), Tidal Basin Roundabout (Work No. 16) and Dock Road (Reference A) (Work No. 18).

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