$449 online dating guide - boost your confidence


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The newsest ebok on online dating. Success guaranteed!


Have you ever been afraid of asking a girl/boy out?

You don't know what to say on a first date?

You have a low self-esteem?

Why is online dating easier?

Then you are reading the right guide!

Hello everybody!

My name is Dr. Katina Theophania. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and also a Master's Degree in Social

Work. I began studying in Greece, and finished my education in U.S.A. I have always been interested in

Psychology, especially the psychology of relationships, and I have a lot of experience with dating and

especially online dating, and I feel that I should lend a hand. My research is based on sexuality, influence,

dating and relationships. For all of you out there, I will apply my knowledge and research accumulated in my

entire academic life as a dating consultant, and help you folks get the social lives that you aspire.

In this e-book you will find answers to all of the questions above. My guide contains dating tips,

relationship advice, and I will also help you get that confidence and self-esteem that you need. You're maybe

thinking low of yourself, maybe you think that you can't do better, but it's all in your head. I'm sure that

people who don't have a girlfriend, or are afraid of asking a girl out is because their self-esteem is too low, or

they simply don't have confidence in them selves.

If I'm right, just continue reading (you will not get bored) and listen to my advice. You will have a mind-

blowing revelation and you will regain your self-confidence. You will thank me later.

Online dating:

Why should you use online dating?

Have you ever wondered sitting home alone when your significant other will come in your way? If you

don’t go out to much, you don’t have a significant social life or you have a very monotonous life style then the

odds are that meeting someone that you can have some sort of relationship with are very slim, and you are

very aware of that. So what is to do when you get caught in this vicious circle? Many people find a way out of

the vicious circle turning to online dating sites. So next time when sitting at home with nowhere to go and

filling trapped in the “no dating circle” just go online and create a profile on one of the dating sites and I

guarantee you will never fill trapped ever again.

How easy is to meet someone online?

Really easy! Online dating is way easier than it sounds. Have you ever been afraid of asking a girl/boy

out? Well, in online dating it is way easier. You can chat with a girl/boy from the comfort of your home, you

don’t get sweaty palms, you don’t stutter, you don’t look nervous or shy. You don’t have a conversation

starter? Well that’s no problem in the online dating community. You just have to navigate your date’s profile

page and find out his or her interests. Maybe you have common music tastes, movie tastes, hobbies, sports

or political orientation. Any common points work. You don’t have any common points and you still don’t know

what to say? On the internet that’s no problem, just send him/her a funny photo or a funny video, and from

then the conversation will continue. Dating is way easier online!

Psychological tests confirm that dating is easier online because the mind is more relaxed in

conversations from home and not in face to face conversation. The human mind is afraid of revealing it’s

secrets to strangers, and those secrets are often revealed by body language, especially by the use of the

face. The human face has 34 muscles and non of them are seen by your date on the other side of the

screen. This gives confidence and reassurance.

How online dating works?

Online dating or internet dating is when individuals communicate with each other using online dating sites

with the intent of developing a friendship or relation. The online dating websites are where single people

virtually meet and interact. Joining an online dating service is very easy. If you think you don’t have enough

computer experience to use an online dating website then you are wrong. To use an online dating website

you just have to provide the website with some personal information like: gender, location, age, interest etc.

Once you become a member of a dating site you have to create your profile. Many people disregard this step

but it’s very important to have a nice and clean profile, you also need to give information about your

personality and interests. After those steps you must upload some photos of you on your profile and you are

good to go!

Online dating memberships are free and you can chat and find friends on the website just with the

membership but the website won’t provide it’s full service on a free membership. For example you may have

access to other member photos and you may chat with them but you can’t see some information from their

profile. To take advantage of all the online dating website services I recommend you to buy the full

membership. There is no obligation to a full membership and you can buy it whenever you feel like it.

You must always remember that finding the person of your dreams with an online dating website will not

happen overnight so you must be patient. You must develop some conversation skills and some humor but

you will find it easy and you will also find out that even in face to face conversation you will get better and

better with every week that passes.

Setting up your profile

Your profile is what others will see about you so make it good! Your profile can make you or brake you.

The number 1 rule in creating a profile is NEVER LIE. For example don’t lie about your age, religion, height

etc. Always remember you are part of this online dating service to find a partner in your real life, a partner

that you will see face to face sooner or later. What kind of impression will you make if the person you are

dating online finds out on a face to face date that you are different from what he/she wanted to see? Not a

good one I assure you.

Your profile should consist in some nice photos of yourself and some information about yourself. By

information I’m reffering to intentions, hobbies, passions, what you are looking for etc. The online dating

website matches the information about yourself with other people information and shows you potential

partners. So the dating service will show you someone suitable for you, a person who has the same

interests, hobbies and lives nearby. So choose your information on your profile carefully to find that one

person you will like the most.

How to behave online

You have now a membership on an online dating website, your profile is all set and ready to go but how

are you going to interact with other people? First look for a partner that is suitable for you. Make sure you

take in consideration the matches that the dating website advises you of. Approach people that are

approximately your age, leave near you or not really far away.

When you have some people in mind approach them but don’t be very direct. A simple “Hi !” along with a

presentation of your self would do just fine. For the first conversations just approach the common subjects

and be very polite. Grammar is very important in an online conversation, bad grammar reflects that you are a

negligent person, so be careful with grammar and typo’s.

If a person rejects you, you must not act intolerant and violent. Just be polite and move on. Bare on mind

that all you write is kept and can be used against you! Another important aspect is to have a number of 3 to

max 5 people that you constantly chat with and interact. Having more than 5 partners can be difficult and is

really not recommended. If you know how to be polite to people and have a little sense of humor you will do

more than fine in internet dating.

Choosing the online dating website

Choosing an online dating website is very important. If you are an experienced online dater than you

already know which websites are best and why. But what if you are a beginner? Well, I will help you find the

best online dating websites based on my experience. The top ranking dating sites listed below are ranked

based on the following criteria: how long have they been in business; what do they allow for profiles; number

of members; chat room quality; private information safety; cost; user friendly. In the beginning I suggest

creating a membership to more than one dating website and with time choosing the one that suits you best.

Top 5 Dating Websites:

Click To Register

1. Anastasia Date

2. Adult Friend Finder

3. Friend Finder

4. Passion

5. No Strings Attached

Face to face dating advice

First date tips

First of all , there are different types of men/women : with a calm nature, bold, flirty, girls less attractive and boring. You need to recognize the type, to know “what you’re up against”, to know how to react.

A boy should be asking a girl out, not the other way! So , these advices below are especially for boys, even though some are valid for the girls.

Now, you’re planning to ask somenone out. If you don’t have much confidence in yourself, you constantly think about the reason for failure. Of course, if you are a stranger to the person you are asking out, the chances are he/she is more likely to say no. You could be ‘Jack the Ripper’ for all he/she knows. The response will likely be an act of self-preservation that has little to do with you. She will be applying what she has been taught since early childhood ‘not to talk, or go with strangers’, so don’t let this ruin your day, it’s normal. You just have to let her know you better, be a part of her environment. You need to take things slowly and spend some time as acquaintances, getting to know each other. Once she gets to know and starts to feel comfortable with you, she is much more likely to say yes.

Next, remember to do something exciting at your date. Choose something fun activities you can do with a group of friends. That gives you the opportunity to invite the date to join your group as a friend. You then have a non-threatening opportunity to relax and interact so you can get to know each other better.

Making sure you choose the right moment to ask somenone on a date is important. If you rush in and ask her before she has had the chance to get to know you, she will say no. It may take several meetings as friends before you find the right moment. You need to be patient, use your instincts and learn to read the signs she is giving you, and you should know instinctively when she is ready to progress to dating.

Communication plays a very important part in any relationship. It is an excellent tool that provides the opportunity for the couple to find out what makes each other tick. The conversations should be natural and should be geared as much to listen and learning, as they are about talking. Initially, the girl may appear to be shy or unwilling to talk about herself, talking about interests or hobbies you have in common will help her to relax.

You can try to draw her out by asking questions. However, you should take care that you don’t make her feel like she is being interrogated.

So , keep in mind these steps:

Reason for Failure

Plan to do Something Exciting

Plan the Logistics of Your Date in Advance

Take it as Read, That You Have to do the Asking

Choosing the Right Moment

Knowing When the Time is Right to ask Her Out.

Insecurity is the Biggest Turn Off

One of the biggest obstacles men face is insecurity. This is the one thing that will render you completely unattractive to any woman. Women can detect insecurity and neediness immediately and there’s nothing that will turn her off quite as much as an insecure guy.

A man who doesn’t feel comfortable in a certain situation or is uncomfortable with who he is will come across as being insecure. He may try to appear confident, but it is quite clear that is only an act because he is trying to gain approval at the same time through what he says or how he acts.

Some examples of insecure behavior include allowing others to make the decisions. So, if you are always waiting for her to decide what you will be doing or where you will be going she will think you are insecure. Women like it when men decide what is going to happen and then they simply do it. If she wants to do something else, she will tell you but don’t always expect her to make the decisions.

Another way you come off as being insecure is if you are constantly arguing about everything. Even if you are right, it just makes you appear insecure that you have to argue with every little thing just to prove you are right.

You also want to avoid crowding a woman in the beginning or being too touchy-feely. You need to be a little more laid back and let her become comfortable with you or she will think you are insecure. If you are constantly touching her she will either think you only want to get her into bed or that you are afraid she is going to run away.

Tips for relationships You must have seen people who are always very contented with their lives and whenever you ask them,

they will tell you that they are going very smooth with all of their relationship and there is minimum amount of stress and anxiety in their lives. These people are not from heaven instead they are also human beings like you and me but they just have discovered some better ways of living their lives and these ways are so deeply integrated in their lives that you cannot even notice the difference between your and their approach to life. If you can integrate following 6 things in your life style then, your life will become lot better and lot easier that you have ever imagined.

Always Be Positive and Look For Good In Yourself First

When you start expecting good from other then, you often forget that others are also expecting good form you and if you are not providing them with enough goodness then, you will ultimately get similar things in return. No matter what kind of situation you are in with your relationship but never let the positive edge go and keep trying your best. If you initiate good response then, you will ultimately get to the positive end of the relationship and will be able to make it stronger and healthier while if you tried form your half heart and you kept some things in your heart then, things will go the other way round and you will be left alone without that relationship.

Happiness Is Unconditional

Some people have this habit of associating their happiness with certain personality or certain event but this is not the way to go and your happiness should be unconditional. There are endless things in life which can create happiness for you. You can ignore so many bad things in life and concentrate on so many positives that it will fill your life with happiness.

Change Yourself First and Then Expect Someone To Change

This is natural human instinct that he or she tends to see others changing for them. You have the same nature as you always want to impose yourself and your own rules on others. This is the wrong approach because if you want others to change for you then, you should start this process form you and change yourself fort some of your relationships. This will increase your respect in yes of that relation and he or she will also tend to change accordingly.

Learn To Forgive

Forgiveness is a great virtue as well as it is a very helpful thing in relationships. If you have this small habit of ignoring small mistakes and forgiving people then, it can help you a lot in making your relationships more concrete and strong. Most of the break ups and other family problems arise because today’s materialistic life has made us so rigid that we are not ready to give up our ego and forgive anyone. Even I have seen that sometimes the issue is so minor that can be easily forgiven and overlooked but people make a big issue out of a very small deed. This behavior should be corrected and bring some modesty and forgiveness in your attitude.

Practice Spirituality

Spirituality is something which is a necessary ingredient to make relationships stronger. Spirituality is missing from this world and this is the biggest reason that peace calmness and harmony is also missing from our lives. It is not necessary to believe in certain religion to practice spirituality instead you can practice it through lots of methods for example if you just stop hunting your negative and materialistic desires then, you will get spirituality of one kind and once you achieve that then, you will know that there are so many things which are inter related to those desires and without those desires you can make so many things straight and more realistic in your life.

Raise Your Expectations and Start Expecting the Good

Expectations are also very important because according to the universal law of attraction when you expect something from your deep heart then, everything around you tries to help you to get that particular thing. This is the way to expect that you always need to make your expectations positive and more appropriate in terms of your relationships too.