46 constitutional expectations

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  • 8/12/2019 46 Constitutional Expectations


    Relying upon the U.S. Constitution, I can expect government to seek to:

    1. be just. (Preamble)

    2. insure tranquility. (Preamble)

    3. provide for our defense. (Preamble)4. promote general welfare. (Preamble)

    5. seure individual liberty. (Preamble)

    !. s"are power in balane between t"e #$eutive% &egislative and 'udiial bran"es% wit" no ot"er

    governmental entity possessing power e$ept as delegated by law and wit" delegation subjet to t"e limitsof power speified. (rtiles % % and ll in general)

    *. subjet all agenies of government to aountability of oversig"t by +rand 'uries operating as

    instruments of ,-e t"e People. (Priniple of aountablity)/. limit t"e power to lay and ollet ta$es% duties% imposts and e$ises% to pay t"e debts and provide for t"e

    ommon defense and general welfare of t"e 0nited tates to ats of ongress. (rtile % etion /%

    Paragrap" one). apply law wit" uniform fairness (rtile 1 in general)

    1. assure t"at t"e -rit of abeas orpus s"all not be suspended% unless w"en in ases of rebellion or

    invasion t"e publi safety may require it. (rtile 1% etion % Paragrap" 2)

    11. pass no 6ill of ttainder or e$ post fato law% meaning t"at no administrative penalty s"all apply to me

    unless t"e ase is first "eard by a jury of my peers. 7rtile 1% etion % Paragrap" 3)12. lay no ta$ or duty on artiles e$ported from any state% preferring no state above anot"er. (rtile 1%

    etion % Paragrap" !)13. spend no money but by appropriation made by law (rtile 1% etion % Paragrap" *)

    14. grant no title of nobility and allow no one% wit"out t"e onsent of ongress% to aept any present or

    benefit from any foreign tate. (rtiile 1% etion % Paragrap" /)15. provide for t"e "onest and trut"ful eletion of all publi offiers. (rtile )

    1!. limit t"e judiiary of t"e 8ederal +overnment to t"e guarantee of a jury trial for all w"o are aused of

    a rime% e$ept in t"e ase of impea"ment. (rtile % etion 2% Paragrap" 3)1*. promptly bring impea"ment ation against all publi offiials and servants violating t"eir oat"s tolimit

    t"eir be"avior to t"e provisions of t"e onstitution. (rtile % etion 3% Paragrap" !)

    1/. "ange provisions of t"e onstitution only by t"e proedures of mendment set out in t"e onstitution%and not by any diversion or interpretation w"et"er judiial or ot"erwise. (rtile 9)1. e$erise integrity% rejeting all proposed mendments not onforming to provisions for mendmentin

    said onstitution% and t"at any mendment not fatually ratified is void and of no effet% inluding t"e

    i$teent" mendment doumentarily proven to "ave been ,ratified by fraud. (ommon sense and t"emandate of orret et"ial standards).

    2. ma:e no law respeting an establis"ment or e$erise of religion. (mentment 1)

    21. ma:e no law abridging t"e freedom of spee". (mendment 1)22. ma:e no law abridging t"e freedom of t"e press. (mendment 1)

    23. ma:e no law abridging t"e rig"t of t"e people peaeably to assemble. (mendment 1)

    24. ma:e no law abridging t"e rig"t of t"e people to petition t"e +overnment for redress of grievanes

    (mendment 1)25. never infringe t"e rig"t of t"e people to :eep and bear arms. (mendment 2)

    2!. never allow a soldier% in time of peae% to be quartered in any "ouse wit"out t"e onsent of t"e owner%

    nor in time of war but in a manner to be presribed by law. (mendment 3)2*. respet my rig"t to be seure in my person% "ouse% papers% and effets against unreasonable sear"es

    and sei;ures. (mendment 4)

    2/. never issue a warrant but upon probable ause supported by oat" or affirmation% and partiularlydesribing t"e plae to be sear"ed and t"e persons or t"ings to be sei;ed. (mendment 4)

    2. never ause me to be ompelled in any riminal ase to be a witness against myself (mendment 5)

  • 8/12/2019 46 Constitutional Expectations


    3. never ause me to be "eld to answer for a apital% or ot"erwise infamous rime unless on a presentment

    or inditment of a +rand 'ury e$ept in ases arising in t"e land or naval fores% or in t"e militia% w"en inatual servie in time of war or publi danger. (mendment 5)

    31. never for t"e same offense to put me twie in jeopardy of life or limb. (mendment 5)

    32. never deprive me of life% liberty or property wit"out due proess of law. (mendment 5)

    33. never ta:e my property for publi use wit"out just ompensation. (mendment 5)34. give me a prompt trial w"ere am onfronted by t"e nature and ause of t"e ausation. (mendment!)

    35. guarantee in a riminal ase s"all be informed by formal ertifiation of t"e ause of t"e ausation.

    (mendment !)3!. grant me ompulsory proess to bring to ourt any witness in my favor. (mendment !)

    3*. guarantee in any riminal ase s"all enjoy t"e rig"t to a speedy and publi trial. (mendment !)

    3/. guarantee in a riminal ase t"at ase s"all be tried by an impartial jury of t"e state and distrit w"eret"e rime s"all "ave been ommitted w"i" distrit s"all "ave been previously asertained by law.

    (mendment !)

    3. guarantee in a riminal ase s"all be onfronted wit" t"e witnesses against me. (mendment !)4. guarantee in a riminal ase s"all "ave ompulsory proess for obtaining witnesses in my favor% and

    t"at t"is provision s"all not be mo:ed by a judge w"o refuses to all t"ose witnesses to appear in my

    defense. (mendment !).

    41. guarantee in a riminal ase s"all "ave t"e assistane of ounsel for my defense. (mendment !)

    42. guarantee in a suit at ommon law w"ere t"e value in ontroversy s"all e$eed twenty dollars s"all"ave t"e rig"t of trial by jury. (mendment *)

    43. guarantee in a suit at ommon law no fat tried by a jury s"all be ot"erwise re% onfessing your disabilities under t"e limiting aut"ority of t"isdoument% will be onsidered assent% and you will be e$peted t"ereafter to onform your relations"ip to

    t"e undersigned in aord wit" your oat" to up"old and defend said onstitution and to limit t"e power of

    your offie to t"e provisions of t"at doument. ny be"avior on your part in violation of t"e provisions of

    t"e 0 onstitution will t"ereafter be ationable perjury of oat".

    Richard Palmquist


    @eember 2*