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    raising standards worldwide

    ISO 14001 & BS 8555 STEMS Environmental Management


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    What is ISO 14001?

    An Environmental Management System (EMS) is a framework that allows

    your organization to consistently control its significant impacts on the

    environment, reduce the risk of potentially costly pollution incidents,

    ensure compliance with environmental legislation and continually

    improve your business operations.

    ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that defines the

    requirements for establishing, implementing and operating an

    Environmental Management System.

    The standard recognizes that you may be concerned about both your

    own profitability and managing environmental impacts. ISO 14001

    integrates these two motives and provides a refreshingly workable

    methodology to achieve an effective Environmental Management System.

    It's not just a 'paper' standard it demands the commitment of your

    whole organization. If the environment benefits and your profits are

    enhanced, stakeholders see rewards.


    WHAT IS ISO 14001? 2

    WHY IMPLEMENT ISO 14001? 3

    ISO 14001 MODEL 3





    WHAT IS BS 8555 STEMS? 6

    BS 8555 STEMS: 6

    Phase 1 Commitment and establishing the baseline

    Phase 2 Identifying and ensuring compliance with legal and

    other requirementsPhase 3 Developing objectives, targets and programmes

    Phase 4 Implementation and Operation

    Phase 5 Checking, audit and review

    Phase 6 Option 2 Preparation and verification against the

    EMAS regulations




    ISO 14001


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    Why implement ISO 14001?

    An Environmental Management System (EMS) assists organizations in

    identifying the environmental interests of its stakeholders such as

    customers, shareholders, employees, local residents, regulators, local

    authority etc.

    ISO 14001 provides an organization with a structured approach to

    planning, implementing and managing an EMS.

    Operating an effective EMS can:

    Provide cost savings through the reduction of waste and moreefficient use of natural resources (electricity, water, gas and fuels).

    Tighten production processes, yielding better efficiency and reduction

    in the risk of incidents.

    Improve internal communications and morale - often leading to sound

    environmental solutions suggested by staff, who are the ultimate

    owners of the business processes.

    Ensure that the organization is better placed to avoid future fines and

    penalties from not meeting environmental legislation.

    Reduce insurance costs through demonstrating better risk


    Lead to a better public perception of the organization and the

    potential to gain a competitive advantage, leading to improved

    sales opportunities.

    Lead to better community awareness of the impact of your activities

    on local residents (noise, smell, dust, vibration, etc.).














    ISO 14001 MODEL

    ISO 14001 Model

    Before you can implement an EMS, you must understand what you

    currently know about your environmental impacts and performance.

    First look at your current activities, products, services and processes and

    their impact on the environment. This will provide a baseline from which

    progress can be measured.

    The type of questions you might want to ask are:

    What are our waste streams?

    What regulations and legal requirements do we have to meet?

    How much energy do we use?

    What environmental consideration is given to the design of our

    products/services and the purchasing of raw materials?

    What do our neighbours think of us?

    New to ISO 14001?Book now on an ISO 14001introductory course atwww.bsi-training.com

    BSI Management Systems Environmental Management 3

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    Policy and Planning

    ISO 14001 requires you to produce a policy statement that

    communicates your environmental values to stakeholders. It is your

    contract with the environment.

    You must deliver an environmental performance that is consistent

    with this statement.

    Environmental Risk Assessment

    An initial review will enable you to identify how you currently interact with

    the environment. You should then conduct an Environmental RiskAssessment to determine which are your significant issues.

    Operational Control

    From the Environmental Risk Assessment you will have identified the

    significant impacts that need to be monitored and managed.

    These could include:

    Waste streams

    Air emissions

    Use of energy

    Discharge to water systems Storage of chemicals

    Objectives, Targets and Management Programmes

    Your environmental policy has committed you to improve on your

    environmental performance. You will need to set specific, measurable

    and timely objectives and targets. These targets and objectives should

    be based on the significant issues identified in the Environmental Risk

    Assessment. For example:

    To reduce energy consumption per unit of production by 10% in the

    next 12 months.

    To reduce the number of skips sent to landfill by 25% in the next

    18 months.

    The objectives are achieved through the implementation of Management

    Programmes. Management Programmes are plans that define what will

    be done, who will do what and by when.

    Your environmental policy hascommitted you to improve on yourenvironmental performance.

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    Implementation and Operation

    To implement and operate an effective EMS, you will need to:

    Define the roles, responsibilities and authorities of staff with regard to

    the environment, including the appointment of a management

    representative to act as a project manager.

    Describe how the management system is structured (commonly

    achieved through the publication of an environmental manual) and

    develop the necessary environmental procedures.

    Establish, maintain and test a process for dealing with emergencysituations and accidents.

    Also, ensure that:

    Appropriate training is provided and people with key roles

    are competent.

    There is effective internal and external communication.

    Environmental management system documentation is controlled so

    that current versions are in use and obsolete documents are removed.

    The issues, detailed in Operational Control, are being properly

    managed, including the development of appropriate procedures

    and the maintenance of records.

    Checking and Corrective Action

    You will need a process for monitoring and measuring your EMS.

    This process will give you the confidence that you are in control of your

    significant environmental impacts and provide a mechanism to determine

    your progress towards achieving the environmental objectives.

    Procedures are required for the handling and investigation of problems

    in order to eliminate the actual or potential cause.

    Environmental audits and records are required to give you confidence

    that the EMS is working effectively and that you are in control.

    You are in control of yoursignificant environmental impacts.

    Management Review

    Top management will need to meet periodically to ensure that the EMS is

    still effective. This will include a review of your environmental policy and

    performance against the environmental objectives. Consideration will

    need to be given to changes to the policy and future environmental

    objectives, in light of audit results.

    The features and benefits of ISO 14001

    Certification to ISO 14001 provides confidence for your stakeholders.

    It proves your EMS meets a recognized standard shown to deliver

    environmental improvement consistent with your environmental policy.

    Other benefits include:

    The use of a recognized certification mark.

    Potential differentiation in the marketplace.

    Expanding opportunities when organizations require their

    suppliers to be registered.

    BSI Management Systems Environmental Management 5

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    Phase 1 Commitment and

    establishing the baseline.

    Phase 2 Identifying and ensuring

    compliance with legal and other


    Phase 3 Developing objectives,

    targets and programmes.

    Phase 4 Implementation and

    operation of the EMS.

    Phase 5 Checking, auditing

    and review.

    Phase 6 EMS acknowledgement:

    Option 1 ISO 14001 certification

    Option 2 EMAS verification

    The 6 phases of BS 8555STEMS are:

    Customer satisfactiongoes beyond delivery.

    What is BS 8555 STEMS?

    BS 8555:2003 Guidance to the phased implementation of an

    environmental management system including the use of environmentalperformance indicators is a guidance document and as such certification

    cannot be issued against it.

    BS 8555 STEMS (Steps to Environmental Management Systems) is the BSI

    scheme which implements the guidance of this British Standard.

    The scheme involves the assessment and recognition (by a Certificate

    of Achievement) of each phase of implementation of an environmental

    management system as laid down in BS 8555.

    BS 8555 STEMS

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    Phase 1 is broken down into 7 stages concerned with the instigation

    and planning of the environmental management system

    implementation project.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Gaining and maintaining top management commitment to

    and commencement of the implementation project.

    Stage 2 Conducting a baseline assessment by the organization to

    establish the current situation concerning the environmental impacts of

    the organizations activities.

    Stage 3 The development of a draft environmental policy appropriate

    to the nature and scale of the organization and the environmental impacts

    of its activities, products and services.

    Stage 4 Developing environmental indicators to be used to measure,

    analyse, assess and review data relating to environmental performance.

    Stage 5 Developing an initial EMS implementation plan detailing the

    timescales and responsibilities for the achievement of the implementation


    Stage 6 Training, awareness and the initiation of culture change within

    the organization and those working for or on behalf of the organization.

    Stage 7 Initiation of action plans for continual improvement of

    environmental performance.

    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 1 Commitment and establishing the baseline

    Phase 2 is broken down into 5 stages concerned with identifying the

    relevant legislation and other requirements that may affect the

    organization. It is important to be aware of the environmental legislative

    requirements affecting the organization in order to ensure compliance

    and prevent prosecution, fines, and any potential bad publicity.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Identifying relevant legal requirements and defining aprocedure for identifying, having access to and updating those


    Stage 2 Identifying other requirements and defining a procedure for

    identifying, having access to and updating those other requirements to

    which the organization subscribes.

    Stage 3 Checking compliance against the requirements identified in

    stages 1 and 2.

    Stage 4 Ongoing compliance including operational controls, emergency

    preparedness and response procedures to support compliance.

    Stage 5 Developing compliance indicators as a means to measure

    compliance on a continual basis.

    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 2 Identifying and ensuring compliance with

    legal and other requirements

    Phase 3 is broken down into 7 stages concerned with defining an

    environmental policy and determining where you want to get to in terms

    of environmental performance.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Identification of environmental aspects and impacts and

    determination of their significance.

    Stage 2 Finalizing the environmental policy as a short public declaration

    of the organizations intentions and commitment to improving its

    environmental performance.

    Stage 3 Developing objectives and targets which support the broad

    aims in the environmental policy and relate to the organizations most

    significant aspects and associated impacts.

    Stage 4 Establishing indicators as a means to measure and track

    environmental performance.

    Stage 5 Developing the environmental management programme which

    defines the responsibilities, means and timescales by which objectives and

    targets can be achieved.

    Stage 6 Developing practical operational control procedures.

    Stage 7 Communicating the environmental policy, objectives, targets

    and indicators to those working for and on behalf of the organization.

    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 3 Developing objectives, targets and programmes

    mark of achievement

    BS 8555:STEMS phase one

    mark of achievement

    BS 8555:STEMS phase two

    mark of achievement

    BS 8555:STEMS phase three

    BSI Management Systems Environmental Management 7

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    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 4 Implementation and Operation

    Phase 4 is broken down into 6 stages concerned with the implementation

    and operation of the environmental management system.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Finalizing and documenting management structure,

    responsibilities and authorities.

    Stage 2 Defining procedures for training, raising awareness and

    competence, plans and maintaining records.

    Stage 3 Establishing and maintaining formal communication

    mechanisms and procedures.

    Stage 4 Documentation and record keeping.

    Stage 5 Reviewing and testing emergency preparedness and response

    to potential accidents and emergency situations.

    Stage 6 Developing indicators for the environmental management

    system to help assess the effectiveness of key features of the system.

    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 5 Checking, audit and review

    Phase 5 is broken down into 5 stages concerned with checking the

    effectiveness of the environmental management system in meeting the

    set objectives.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Establishing audit programmes to determine whether the EMS

    conforms to procedures and practices laid down and the requirements of

    ISO 14001 and EMAS.

    Stage 2 Correcting non-conformances and taking preventative action

    a fundamental element of a successful system and at the heart of

    continual improvement.

    Stage 3 Management reviews which provide the top management with

    a structured opportunity for reviewing the performance of the EMS and

    its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

    Stage 4 Improving environmental performance as evidenced through

    improving actions being in place with responsibilities and timescales


    Stage 5 Improving the environmental management system as

    evidenced through improving actions being agreed with responsibilities

    and timescales agreed.

    For more information about

    BS 8555 STEMS email us at:

    [email protected]

    mark of achievement

    BS 8555:STEMS phase four

    mark of achievement

    BS 8555:STEMS phase five

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    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 6 Option 2 Preparation and verification against the EMAS regulations

    The Community Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a

    management tool for companies and other organizations to evaluate,

    report and improve their environmental performance. It goes a step

    further than ISO 14001:2004 by requiring the organization to complete

    an environmental review and publish a statement of its environmental


    Phase 6, option 2 is broken down into 6 stages concerned with preparing

    for and having the EMS assessed against the requirements of the EMASregulations in order to obtain a verification statement to EMAS.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Reviewing the baseline which considers the requirements

    of EMAS to ensure the EMS meets the requirements of the

    EMAS Regulations.

    Stage 2 Reviewing the implementation and planning stages to ensure

    that the additional EMAS requirements have been addressed.

    Stage 3 Developing a robust data collection, transfer, handling, storage

    and communication process to ensure that data is comparable over time.

    Stage 4 Reviewing the audit process to ensure that all the requirements

    of EMAS have been met.

    Stage 5 Developing the Environmental Statement ready for validation

    against the requirements of EMAS.

    Stage 6 Assessing the Environmental Statement

    against the requirements of EMAS.

    What are the features & benefits?

    The BS 8555 STEMS scheme includes the requirement for a company

    to complete the implementation process by progressing to a full

    environmental management system in the form of either ISO 14001:2004

    certification or an EMAS verification for which the appropriate certificate

    of certification or verification statement is issued.

    Clear framework and step by step approach to developing and

    implementing a full EMS useful for companies without specialist


    Performance based approach to management of environmental issues

    with clear signposts as to what decisions are expected/criteria are to

    be achieved.

    Flexibility on how you progress to a full EMS. An organization can be

    assessed against a phase at a time or a group of phases in one go,

    though they must be completed in sequence.

    Flexibility on how quickly to progress through the phases with a

    maximum period of two years between each phase assessment.

    A re-assessment will be performed after 12 months to ensure thecurrent phase requirements continue to be met.

    Recognition and independent verification of progress and achievements

    relating to environmental management system implementation and

    environmental performance.

    Ability to spread the costs.

    Features & Benefits of BS 8555 STEMS include:

    Provides confidence foryour Stakeholders.

    BS 8555 STEMS Phase 6 Option 1 Preparation and assessment of the EMS to ISO 14001:2004

    Phase 6, Option 1 is broken down into 2 stages concerned with

    preparing for and having the EMS assessed against the requirements

    of ISO 14001:2004 in order to obtain a Certificate of Certification to

    ISO 14001:2004.

    The requirements of the stages are as follows:

    Stage 1 Evidence that the EMS is ready for an external assessment

    against the requirements of the Standard.

    Stage 2 Assessment for compliance against the requirementsof ISO 14001:2004.

    Benefits of ISO 14001

    It is only at the completion of the implementation of a full

    environmental management system that an organization can realise

    all the benefits which include:

    An internationally recognized system to help you manage, monitor

    and continually improve your environmental risks and impacts.

    Improved overall performance and efficiency which may lead to

    greater profits.

    Reduced risk of incidents that result in liability.

    Improved compliance with legal obligations which may lead to alighter regulatory touch from the Environment Agency.

    Lower insurance costs as risks and liabilities are reduced.

    Improved access to capital from satisfying investor criteria.

    Greater access to new markets through competitive advantage/

    market differentiation.

    Provides confidence to and enhances relationships with your

    customers, trade partners, stakeholders, regulators, local

    authority and environmental groups through demonstrating

    transparency, accountability and commitment to the environment

    and sustainable development. BSI Management Systems Environmental Management 9

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    How BSI can help

    Integration with other Management Systems

    Standards are becoming increasingly compatible and the latest

    management philosophy is to integrate all of the applicable standards into

    a single management system. An integrated management system can be

    audited and assessed through BSI's Integrated Assessment Service (IAS).

    BSI Training offers a complete range of training courses for EMS and

    related areas, including introduction, understanding, implementating and

    auditor courses.

    Distance Learning programmes are also available for BS 8555 STEMS.

    They are aimed at helping organizations to understand the requirements

    of BS 8555 STEMS and tools to implement them.

    For more information on BSI Training courses and to purchase standards

    please visit: www.bsi-training.com


    For further information on ISO 14001:2004 certification and how we can

    guide you through the process, see our website for a variety of brochures

    and useful guidance documents available to download:


    Alternatively you can contact us on +44 (0)845 080 9000 and we will be

    happy to help you with your ISO 14001 enquiry.

    For further information on certification to BS 8555 STEMS and how

    we can guide you through the process please contact us on

    +44 (0)845 080 9000 and we will be happy to help you with your enquiry.

    Because our commitment to youdoesnt stop with a certificate.

    BSI Management Systems can

    integrate ISO 14001 assessment

    visits with:

    ISO 9001:2000

    Quality Management

    OHSAS 18001:1999

    Occupational Health and Safety


    ISO/IEC 27001:2005

    Information Security Management

    ISO/TS 16949:2002

    Automotive Quality Management

    ISO 10002:2004

    Complaints Management

    A family of standards

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    For more information on our services please contact us:Training

    Tel: 0845 086 9000

    Email: [email protected]

    Assessment and Certification

    Tel: 0845 080 9000

    Email: [email protected]


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    BSI Management SystemsPO Box 9000Milton KeynesMK14 6WT

    T: +44 (0) 845 080 9000www.bsi-uk.com

    The BSI certification mark can be used on your stationery, literature

    and vehicles when you have successfully achieved certification.

    BSI Group: Standards Information Training Inspection Testing Assessment Certification