4es biiimm0 zconm1‘uirk:...

Today bmm '' - ' ' : <ei?ii5hf?i5rSw*2^Uii^K ’■-. OAliGEIS “ i ILi •• '•------- ' Eac Peoria, in., Suffers Heaviest L o ssj^ o o d j^ A ^ ii to- , • aOfTerm^ »T ralua »«*■ ■ aK“ - JlaJn nnd wtml HtoniiH,lliro»R>r In* ' <tlnna nnil llllnol)i lont ululit iiiiil ivirly J',7 , today oauuec] a nu'iii'iur of iloiiilin. tr<>* mundouB proporly dnn'iiiBn nml jiciilo *' flufWrftiK.- TIic Tl'oiwiHB toilny InillcuCmriit loiint'IG < pflnwn* lind iMwn killcil. Tlw iiropnrly dnmnKo will bn upwnrdii or SC.OOO.nuD. °>on TJm diKtrlct rcntpxtnB nlmiit J'l^orln. «crlpl in„ wns dronclicd tn a drlvhiK ilnwii- nieuni pour whtcli flondod ntrnnlx. ImimlrM nioru olocirlc ftorvlco nnd iito|>iicd biK )nun« dny I ufiicturlnn, pinout. Tlmo« ln.E:hil'Poorln. ill., morel limn 20') pcopln wero mnroonod on Hio roof* o You 'tholr bomes whon iho:torrent cnuliMl Tlmoji rann creek to ovcrnow n&rf aond a Twin flood Into tho city. Thoy wcro row- ------- - cued and nrt^.bolnj; cuKiLfor hy xt- n |' - Hot Monclea ... . - |||.- •niillrowlB operaUng Inlo Poorin ro- DL porfod-WMhoutii cloio to tho cUy nnd ' ‘Hrrlto<yo8 dftlayod. . r • ' •fojttl ilftniBBO In pW ln In ontlniatrd ntl'nipi;# thfln 13,000.000; ' dycionw toro'a'pitth tbroush. Iu- .c)(AM-aDd «truok-nl Iho heart of ihc :bt>a|uH .dli^lct or IndlimapoMB. -Tola • ■'•TfMfc woi^o.t'Hprootodi' comiriiiijieaK.---’* ' wlBfUri&uck.'thbs^dlaan .netropblla JiMt'M tho Mioatres w eri cT(MlD|t.(9i- tho n^lbt. nBd'huDdrodH..or i>coDlo (trnlt wot«>on the streets. It In ostlmntel ' l,;vN moro than IOO vrnVo injured. rwl be neportii from rurni Kocllonn of In- o{ p„( dlanii!coniildnrnble duniiiRo wiih don<' __„i. and ihero hnvo been reporlii nf aev- ..................... . . Kohoo TELLS J w m m ' . n.incly lroni<ti: Sayi 'King Ben’ Offered Her $100 Not to Talk of the px Experiences. * ^ By EDWIS i- HKCKLni, T P A ITnllfd PrpRN HI«r(.(V>rrr»p<Miilrnt. Irll - ST. JOflEPII. Mich.. Mny ID.-Add- 1 L n Pd dotnlla of tho'llfo within "Shlloli.*' . pnlntlDl mnnslon prMldcd ot< t by O I .'•King" B m -P um eli oC.M’o Unii»t> \ t} of UnvM. worn Riven toilny In •thi* U L F uiate'n att«mpil..io tlUnoivo llio’ fn- inoui rcJlBlouR^r' Mri; Rulb Swnnson. oneo on« of tho ra,rorilOB of.lho court nf "Kliii! OM- Hoth” ' nnld that Kirli whrt lUrd In KdUli ahllob WOM. inUtrootud. ^ nchool "He uied^vlle nompn in front of by n d Mr*. SwnniioD nald an «be ro* of her iiutned the atnnd. oi’- “After my purification expfrleaeo with Den. I decided, to lenvo ibe Tlin colony, neo cnlletl mo nnmc*. Then, ycKlPn' be became more friendly iind nnld h(> Ttie would ]|lve (my buibond nnd m y room i Mir- 1100 it I wouldn't tell nnylKKly wbat Den did lo mc." Mr*. Swnn- Ci.«« ton i«un«Ki. ' .The .'T'-W ft ' . },n.i, c WASniNQTON. -May 1»-A covam- Th<^ mant phyateUn'iiUI -be Mnt lo QncB- ton su .vlll*; & O /U otanlD* Bari Carroll, cdtod - N«w. Tbt* CMaMoU prodaoer.N wbo nrepari luffertd K.nerroos br««kde«a whiW - enraute to A tiu u pmltuiUry to .. nem A •eatann iar perjaar. A A rt toMr'sUpcMlTu .-Sp ment, » J d .^ w * d Canwll to<t PO« ~ ■ cbroote^dl—M C : ____ . ------------------, LONbaK. May l»~UartUi Uw b u m t to' b««a pro^Uiaod «t.^l«al(Ov. China. bUl’i i .aeeonUa&jD-dltpatebM;rK«lTc<LiMtaL today. Ia «zvIuutio«ll^ dtapcithcM that m naid ttM AUttkow populace wan dt»> b«ad w tnrbcd br'fbo apprdBeb oC nartber» «#rM,l CUaa MMitr% _ dacUloi -■J- jEjjH \len andb^om To Share ii of llaily 1 ach and Every One* of Big Gii Time.&nd Effort Necessa: For Your V e^ Own-f] or a Friend’s Nai IDlKlilutn or «‘lulity—whntcvcr ymir Twii u.-lli(< Dully Tliiii-n'' Fri'O nm l n Dlnl'rlbmlViti nffiTji ymi cilnli and worl il Klflti. liicliiiKat: four ldi!."inniil. W d: ul luxiirlouii niiKimotjMeii. ia clnni’tt deUv r inodoln. tor ynur Himro linuiii. oiily Tho niilly Tlniim’ oCferii ycui llli* l’*"“ ll componnntlon. II m nnn«';n cmm Mnn: irii niuncy—from a ennh cumuilh* n of Km PIT rrnl ot yotir kiiIi- Prop rlptlon rolliicllnnfi. tci KlflH tthfcli cour ■ubK cnmnonnnllon iit tliu rm.! ^ f “P iru llinn l.iu.nii for ciich wnikln(; Hi y from nnw lo tho cml nr Tlm Dnil; nos’ l i b e r a l , . o f f o r . . t h e I >’o KxiHTlfUC*' NpcoKHtry <tlc i'ou need -no ' cxporlencc. Tbu t«olf moa .nccd«; njon nnd woinen ’ Jn ot.ljy In F^lln. und territory for which • : @E l@B ^ - By rosTra >:iTOs;41l inltMl 'PrriM ytart-('om>)>iHuil«nt) Iti-Hl .ANSINO. Mich.. Mny 19—Thechnr- mnoii body or .Mm. Andrew t'. Kehoo, t, „ Dutli. wifo of thn mnn lidTtl ro- .. naililo ror thc dynaniltlnK of tbi’ h.consolldnttd nchool. .yo»(ordny. boon found noyr ibjvrulna nf tl.c 100 furin on the oulAlrln of Dnth .Thi BKC.' uccordlnx to wonl rciieliln;: .u.*!, itlvcH of tho fnm lly boro, he Ko1jo*o bome wn* lotnliy do- >yed by flro of mynterloun orlKin tor r MrTrtart«*J-ubo«l-one hour bcforo nancl nchool wnn domolhhc/I ycntrniay. lia«t bcoB i..-»rllQlly w rcckcd tiy an , itonlon. ______ , Till lATII. Mlcb.. Mny 13—Tin* rulnn count tho Bntb connoUdiitRd Kcbnot. iii- cly dymimltPd by tho nchool Jmnrd ii<tirpr. bnd yielded tbo liodien ot 37 Idren todny. - . •. " ony Ibrrc mnrc. pitifully torn by n"*' I pxplonlon whlcb hrouRht the wont tiinllj If; of tlio bulldlnK doun uiwii tbem hunlf m m EO 0F3 JING husbands: ' "Tji KUMIQMA CIT.Y. Oliln.. Mny 1 9 - u.illh lb .\l. Dlnbop. foriiipr Siindnv rmi teacbor. lodny wnn iic-<]<iHted Ii n dintrlct coiirl Jury of the munler ^•e, ier detecllvo'hiinbnnH, Liithor Ulnh- ihrou nlnln In hln l>cd bi-rc cnrly lunt umo ember S. ......... .... be Jury took Ibo cnnc nt 5:0S p. m be crowd whlcb nackrd tbc court ]in | ni nriilniid~l tho vcrdlct. . ifij earner with Crew ’• , of 25 I* Aground ' * ■a y UmtUd mam J . KH FRANCISCO. Cnllf.. May' 1*-^ Stol b‘ Cnptnin O. OI»en nnd a crcw of j nen aboard, thc ntcnninhlp Indlann *=** jTnoiS^of San Prancl»6 >.’ ncconl- 10 radio advice horq.today. Mp be voiiel left Ihln rtiy yeaicrday mobtl 1 ft aanoml- car«o. boiin<l for Port- ni«ht 1 , Oreson. Boatb h^-atoftmsbip Harurnkl of the Un- Steamship company ban rvapood* Were I 0 dlitrm caUr and Is siandlttfi by. U*at | u,. ^ n . W . K . V anderbU t ISta"; 5piirn» Reccigciliatfjin ' of thl llilS. U aj 19—Mr:.aod Mra. V,\ K. kilted derbllt appaared betore tbe-Jwd** TW Im 8«ta« irlbon^ ImUj prellmlB- ddrar to' tb* bearlns of Mr*. Tander- lfl«S < a svtt rot- iilTorce. Tho tom cr locket iBl*J>lt.«WBlaln«<b*r<l*ciaton no rteonctlUtloa with her hns- a^l«« 1 waa p0Mtbl« and.the ludt* or* road.- i^,Utl.RU.Vik*n.laiD ooart tor.a /TIN sloB. ' ardaqi _______ ;. .V ■— -r-.-r- M /dm nenNeed^f in Big 1st :Tiin^:^is; G ifts .w ill w i^ die'iiuHe ) isar^ t(> Seethe Them -T^Enter Ypur Own !lame Today.. rwin Pnlln In ibp hu1i.rl(;bL hok. You n«(«r only ilio wllllnKncnn lo iry * ivork thlit Ih ciiny. |iU-nHitnl and die* mrtd. To Imrn all thir nttmcUvo iolnJlH of tlui Tlmi'n’ bin 6fror..,you “ >nly nci'il to call, wrliii or. tele- O ibmin Ibl- Clrciilutiiin CaiitpiilKH klnnnKur of tin- Imlly Tlimm. ainijily iuy,-.'’rii liK Kind to look oviit-.your >ra:ionlllnu.’‘ No obllsnllon. of ' lourni'. 1( ynu "don’t want lo lake ]' tp Uki work.' * 1) Hundrvdn of imbHcriiilionH to Ibn p Inlly Tlmcn ani duo to expfro In n lie tlmo between now [jnd Ihu mtd- llc of July, ilundrcilir'wlll renew _ hoir nubncrlptloni. Hundre,dn: of , ithcrn wlil_ nubncribo. J o r the flrat 'T '.Coiirtnu'iiV'o'li ' i ’uKo' 7 ' '* m L iEFp i Pliii wi^ibelnK'enriW tOT i-l^ibllaln.'. FIVo|,niiultH nl'so^wci^ " monn thij'di'iid. . It wnn not cortuln^ whether tbo dontb iq Ht of -in would hc IticrciiKPd by fiii- In lor nonrcli of the rulnn. I’nUiPlic .Siitlil. ' ' .. .Tho community tndny wnn in r:>* n ifltlc. Mitnned mournlne. Tlio com- nl inn srlcf wnn too Krcnt lo allow room fl )r ronontmcnt nt tbo dnprouilnR fi* nnclfir btfrdfn'pilpd on-li5 nlrcad> ^erburdoneil nhouldcrn by tbo tmK- )„ ly. Tho new nchool ho'unc. pridn nf Ibf - >unty.-tbo cont ot,which cnuxcd hlcb ixon wblth wofe (illpgoil lo )invj:_iii rnzcd Aadrow K. Kcboo. tbo Irc^ui- ■. tljnt ho dynnmllod litrurtur.' nd kllied blniKcIf «n well! wn«'vlf. inlly in pilna. nnd tho nlready over- — itnlonod, beuvily bnnilcd couimiinliy iced-the nccoDHliy ^ robultdlnc snily nifuclurc. HI Overcome by tho enormiiy of tbc vo ngcdy. Bntb'n 700 cltlxena nomewhut nn jmbly unltad in ibc Kencnil opinion mt ’'nothinc llko ll uver hnppcncd •foro."' i,„ I h Too Jliich.. ' tbi "Thin In loo much for tJiin villoKP lo tin nnd.“ anld Robert Gnlcn fiitbcr o f d l i t-ycnr-old ntudcnt who wnn burled llllly Ihroueh .n' window by the ex- tin onion. "Tim atnlo libonld inke- it-hnnii wl id bclp UK ect back on our feet." lo Newn of the traxcdy nprend rapidly irouRh Ibe atnlo of MIchUan. Dy tbi- q mo_frnntlc, pnrcntn nnd frlendn. Imd Conllnumi oo .............. of jYsiRyms 1= AlrtffACCIDENT- -- J • W( ^o^^^(>r^F6im'd pvelFt^^ ^ ed Near Mountain Home; on . - B«li.eye P r i y »'H urt.------ ^ My»lefy tod*}( surrounded an auto- obile aceldertt whlch.occurro4 lant (ht at n railrtMd crocslnR HtA milcn otb of Manntala Hoim ob the.Bolne «d. accordlni; to reports ire from Deputy Sherirt niuBtnla ct lat place. - . i. » Tba machlfto, wUe& was stolfB last (Ibt Bt.Ool*e..was fouid orartaftieil tb* mud noar tb* railroad croaalnc ' Is B0rntnK> *Uh lha top- 'cntsbed. api Id th e ju a rt« r -wh*al sUfTfciniled Ib aej gnrm dnijkii-MfTi-h-ftf th» tasUb. ha. <»«ooii faHed ts reveal >wbotbitr any tol the octupaau oC'tha carj>ad^'b««n — FDoatida aald h*. «M c«rU ^ Iht i Irar eould aot hav* «kcapM] SmI not- I «S th« sbarirr at Dot** to b« on the okeot for lajnr*d parMns. ■n* aco>4>nt, w ta causorf by tho 1«*r talitu to aee ».tun la the ( ad.- bro •Rw car u tb* property pt R. meh- mil dsqa of ths capital-clly.-' ' ' thi Biii iftir jll* i 'WeatKer. Conditions .Reitiain Ad^nie to New York* •-V Paris. Flight.. ; ; By XfDlt«4 ^ t s AVASHlfioTON. May ID -’tbn .\«nv , York branch ijt tin- Uuiinl Sinn'H wea- ther bwritnu counM'IIcd tlii> Aiiii'rliiui Nuw- York^-rarln flyluu cunlondnrtt u.- dn> usnlhrit ntnriiiiK ibcir ho|i off io duy. or topaot'row. ncconllnK lo licnil* qimrlorR bvi'f.' ■- r K A l ’K RhUlJN’.S , - fJRW YOHK. .May 1H -0 iil>.» m oiv a toniinl unnuunciiiiitinl- bun been iiuuli.’ thnl. nil quarri'lii In th<- viimp of lli > -nellnuca oniry lu the NViV'VSirk to Pnrln Oirplniic fllKbi huvo bi-on ncl* tied. : - Thia Uhio It wnn Lloyd OcrtHU.t. navlRator. nf -tbu nullancn i>Iune. wa i said,bo aind ClmrlcH Lcvlnc. owner of tbe rnaehtne. tvachnd nn utulcubm nicrii^mant ot n mcellnR InnllnK iimiil of iho.niKht nt l..iivln’H hnuiu. lie nnld tbo M roortcnt would lie pul Into wrll- ,-i In^ tbli.'artornoon. Dutnlln woro not .> ^ mado public. ~ In tho moantlnio nn Injunction rc- ■„ atroiniov.Utvino from nenillnc tbo Dul. |* latiea tp;Parlii without Oiirtaud. nu ' , navlsatbr.ynsiijU In Drooklyn.yflstoi^ X •day.^wUl'fi) liiltbdrawn. Dertnud nali).,': ’ "Our dlmcuUlon hnvn all l>d&n due I'o mlBUJidkrslnDdlnB and roall^.-wero not Itn^hanl;'' .Dortiaud .aald.- J * . Tho qliawoU centorlnit arouud ’U»o ' ■ Bellnnen.^ rjntiltatloa ond<<>tbft.|W«alh- •or V bT caT jS -aolnyeff' CtmrJ6» Llhil. — Lbemh nnd hla oao-UAaj monoplnno, 1% ha«« Worked In Cavor of.Commnnder J mehard llyrdisnd hia slnnl Kok- < ker|- wllli tbo i^ult lhat It now J lookn nn tbouRb -Dyrd miRbt cvun bo-tbe flr«l mnn off. FLli:n8 KROM Mosrow. •^-PA•nI^^. Mny ia.~Llouf--nnnl Tho^ - rnt left l2 Ilourjtcl nir field ln»l niRbt on - an aticmpicii non-ntop rilBlit to Moiicow.j- Iln, uned a 4U* bomnpowcr ” i>ony nlrplnnc" wblrh welKbcd only "00 pound*. Ifp bopvrl to mnko tbo ICOO-mlle trip In 22 houm. HILL »EDS . STAGB^m £ ay vmt*a rnta IJVINOSTON, Mont., .MajyU—Wnl* Sin tef.J. Hlll. non of.the l.ilJ*Jamen J. *•'<’ H lll.'iallro.id buililor. wbo wun dl- vorccd hero yentordny. wnn cnjoynii: A nnother boneymootk todny. . moi Thp St.’Pnul niultl-mllllonBlre nml ''"f Ml»n Mildred .Ulchnrdaon. formerly ol llm Z(ccf,-I<l FMIKc*. Wi-rc marrlmJ In tbc nnmc court room where n aboit !*” ' tlmo bctor'o Hill bad been im nted n divorce from .Mrs. Pnutlne S. Hlll. B: After tbo wnldlns. tbo jinlr left fnr I'rei the Hlll ranch, norUi of ■I.KInsatou, l|ln where It wan announcetl, they inton-1 pl>' to make thclr bomc. Inl HlH'n.hrldo in the dnu&hlcr of Mrs. A O. E.M cycm of U ne Inland. ,\. Y.. to 1 nnd W. Knrl Illcbnnlnon. n flnnncier In* nt Bnakatcbowan. Cnnadn. Din' - Mr. nnd Mra. C. 11. SIcycn* of I.onc fror Inland. New^York. accompnnlcg.;,ih.- lefl bride nt the weddlnc. whlcb wnn p c - nblj formed In Ihe otfICQ ut-Judjio A. abl] •Miller wlihio H few minutcn nfttr T JudRO B. D. Ijiw of DounwQ Thnd mtn emnttd Hlll a lUrorce: govi Mr. and •Mr*. UIII wiirapcnd two popi weeks at thn Hlll ranch afler wblch pnni they will tour-the-Paeltic coant. Imn -U^^n-ledmcd today-thnt Hlll'!* bride wan Iii Uvlasalon. making prej>- emtionn tor her w^dint. while tto *”*•' *'e1ntar ale botUa” tliwirca caa* ,wa% _. pSoj in « ^ « <mniif IM I U B irw j riif- >Sa cbased $3,000 worib of fumttur* to N* _ uaed In «fnml*hlnR.tb*-lUU. mnUi C bome la Park conniy, Monuna.' N ew BUhop'i N am ed: « for H elenii D iifinct JJal ----- - , - ? , n)«J ' »y «attMI 9tma - . . aoai VTASHlNOTOS^May.-1*—W ort ®t h app^ntmcnt ot H trem d Oaors* Fla- iws< aecaa as blsbop.ef Uaieasi. Most. cUci haa, b*4>a r*c*lr«d har^-by^^ apos> br»i tollc dlastf -Prtro m»asoat MOBdl. BUi rosfniaM £ r ' i /eo I WCMDU»EE. OkU. Jiay 19 Oan , baadT«d poae*n«B a«ar Qov. forty mllas * u t ^ .T D l^ ar« clealac ta oa th« baadit taas w u ^ > * s tn ^ raid- ed* mm . ♦ ♦ + ♦ + m n , W His Bride His^ ^ Mother-in-Law k 'The two M ^B'ot Davtil Boone o t' <<(•: 'Lancnnter. Pa., don’t know whether ,},. . tov'call him "pop’' or '‘siiindpu.'’ . Thc reason Io Mr. Boose (below), *-tbe oih»r..day‘roaitrIed bis mother* -In-law;. .MFs. . Uvlria McCluno (above). Mrs, McClune is-12 years- iii, -■old.-wiU Mr. Qoosor-whoso wlfo died) . ■■ , , BLAWir^ FflUilNPARlSi - nw ~j»V' Mi8stng~Tcapot~Domc Case on Witness Is Served Wilh Subpoena. i --------- mi Ily A. I- imAIU-OHll, I’nlli-cl P^'«» SIn« CorresiKiailciil. 1>MIIS. Mny 19—Honry M. Uln.li- mer .former clmlriiinri of tbo hnard <>( tio tbe MId-Weiil ItefinlnR company. iiiImi- In InR wltncnn noushfby tbc -I’uiloa ii''i Slnten Rovcrnment in connocllon wisii IbCvTnnpot Domo oil I'eano cancHr wn i , .' found hore todny: >)“ ' Afier inltlnlly rctuiilnil any Mnic- mont. niuckmer chnnRod;hiM mind to- day und tbroush hlit Inwycrn lold tliP , , United Prean that n nubpoemUuuI'bi-ni ", Innuiil for him anc nddcil llint'b^- ill'l not cnro tn mnkc nny ntnteincnt nn tlu* * " Unuancc or ntborwl«e. Blnckmur'p ntiorncy Inld Ibe Unit' d . _ I'rean tlmt it won “dnuhttul" wbi'lhcr . Dlnckmcr could bo compelled l<? com- , , ply wtlfi tho nubpocna bccnune he wan , ’ in nance. Afler.w«arch trom one ond of Frnnco lo tbo other and lotn sovnrul ndjoln- > Ins counlrien. tho Unllod Prcaa foun'l -j DInckinor when ho returned lo Pnri:i from Ihc h'ri'rich Rivlcrn. ninckmer „ lefl .\lonif Carlo cnrly In April prob- ably for nnother countO' awl prrnum* ably for Itnly, ^ Tbc m.in wbnie icntimnny I* no ur- toc mtntly -ilealrcd by the United StntCi* Bovcrnmdfl tlmt he ban been nua- n,,, popoapd abnvid under ft’law reccniLv fat passed t>y the tJnllc<l Slalen conRTvr.^. Immediately went lo nn obncnre hotel ,i . irhawi Ihw. fritm.lj »rln» inimlly hm-ii. ifcfompanled him durlnR bis nclf-lm- o„, _________________ Crii Sargent NainM CaHforma Judge Soon eaai »r,TT»It*« Trim »'*’ WASHIN’CTOS. May- 3»—Selection of a fetlnral iuilR«,-for tho northern JudlcUl dUtrtct ot Callfonjla will i>c . J mad* so^a. Attohvey Oeiienl Sarreat- nisi aaaoaBc*4 I®***- , ' Is I H*48UmaUd..Uo «*oIc*. .lle* he- iws«a PnpatUB.A.;OrtmB.'8aa-rr»n- “S eUco oad Mtk MateL-Walkar Wllle- braadt. Loa Aaselea. aaalstaat Uaitvd 8t»t«i.attora*r . • ___ _ |JJ GiH«Biu«ns; “ i v - N eo .11* tora «<^Besss. pkUu leotlns two banka «f .|l<CMO juMl luiUa* th* lown nanhal. ae«bnUa( 10 wort rv ^ edv^a-vy-rtha'atiertmrhniM-Mr*: ~ i„, 4ES 0 zc . * * * + nnd Si SEyEN^R INWYOJ District Around Roberls After Waters from B Dam Destroy To Into This Flcoil writers of tlic Siinkc riv Loroizo, norlh of Idlilio F iiIIh, ac; The Timeit; at ,3 j). m. todiiy- Tlici|'l(i0(l wiiliTs <.r lil- .'<ii;il.i' iIk- C ros \'<'rilr>> >laiu in W vom iiij' \ J.T i'itiirv 1..-UV.-.-II 111.- il.-isr .;iiii’^'.-% iilli-r ..................lay. a ........ -.lin;: 1., i-,-|m,i »n'ir|als ;il l.hih., Knlls. TIk- Millers arc |iiiiiriii^ iivcr iii llll- |i.-iik o f lh i- I'IikmI is Ix-lil-V.-.l Ic. <-i-al i . n i c i u l s a t Mill)'. I'lills I'siiitiiil' licli.u till' Nlalioii. iiliiiut i<(l miles fr U olii'ru tvoiil.l I..' rio>..l.-il l.y ii n isMii-il Id |iccii.ilr' ill llli' ||ii-i'aU-iic-il (I a y TJolturt WATERS BLO( UOCK SIMMXliS. Wy.i-. M;iy iTOil till' UriiM Vi-iiirc vaHcy. | i r i ’Vi ('(•rtainin^r ilu> cxm-t imnilu’r nf!^ tinul itl llic UroK ^^’lltrn daiii'n i-jilnmi’olilic. '* K.Vl'KCT L.UMlKR TOM- i <Tbn denib loll kIooiI nt hcm'u, hut v tho count wan expcclcd to rlnn iIk noon aa wurkeni could color the | ■fjood liro^ .. . ; . I ^'hc known Vicrid loduy: ’ ‘ " ‘1 Mm. J. Xovejpy, her nlnter. nnnic unknown, a- mnil named Almy; threi-i mcinlwrn.of Ihc A. H. Npc-zI.' family) and nnnibcr unldPntKli'rl ainui * , A ninuntain kIMc. Mlmllar to llic (■;, nun wblcb formed thf tiTli'iTiiil rjio(tlc:o Vi-niri'’ <lam iwo yciiri' ai'.o unit hrtd foi r.dtionnjlile' for tin- flood wblcb nwrpi liway ThT' lotvn of Kelly au<I (wundalcd Wllnon. anoHi-.-r villuKu. ' ''''I With a Inw’ rfimhic yc»li-rrli[y aO- crnoou thu dnm nave wny, and a . wnll of wnt'T 20 feci biKh nliirtcil ,, to rncc down Ihi- vallc-y. llrfcirc It ou boriifbiick and lu auto- tnobllen. 11 ncorc of tiKxIprii I’aul ; llcvcrcn hurried nbciid wnrnlas ri-al* no dc>nt«. . CXI Only tbe-r.ict llu- villK-y wni* (),> npnmciy K-'ltlcd averted a rein-tl- oii' tlou of thi- fiimoun Ji>linflo»n llmid pn In I’nuniiylvaula. It wan rci>ortod i jii're. . wn IdLho l.’eK Wnnihitr, . r<< Tbe wntcni. fed by a huce Take, i.ui have couiiilcti-ly Inundated the nni«HhI. Veulro viill.-y nnd arc nxverplns <kiwn bpI thc nrfutb fork ot tliP Snake i;lvrr. In llitldeuU nionc lIu! rlv-'r nn far :4< 1 Idnbo Fnlln. Iduho. bnvp l>ceu wnro* nei I-.I to tnke rpfUKo In the bills. Tli[- the cn'ht Of the flood wnn cX|H'c{''it to wn n-nch .Idaho Fall# by noon itxlay. tbe Tbe InkP, ln-lnK drnlni-.l -by ihc kui break In the dam In tbree milen IrmB I and in'noiac'plnc-'B a mile wide. Ttiu .ncii dam wun formctl In --i;>23 w h en n nol mouni.iin of nick In ibc T. tnn r.msc cat topplpd Into llro Orw Vontre river, jml NO DAMIKH IX LlW KIt A«K,\. n<‘« Tbe breaklnc of Ibe dam at Wil* wm. Wyo.. Tbumdny will -hnve no mnterlnl vffcct whatever on river flj condltlonn in the lower Snnkc. ninco I 'l tbe wnlnr from that aourco will be | | rrlntlvely^ nmnll compared wilh the tolal amount tn the Amerienn Pnlln renennir. It wnn Mated lo.lny hy piirtnn Smith, mannser of the Twin folia Cnnal compnnj*, wbo Is In touch wllh the altuatlon nt thn bl* dom. The floo.1 mny cauor-nome \ ttnmnse- nbove Iho dam. h* -aald. Mr. boa Smith nald thal the t«*mporar?' T. brtdsA below Ibc <lam wooM- aot be ani gff>cle<r^ Far mo\-nl later becaus* o(j{ebtU Ijn ^ W J « dowa by rlslns walora>roisbVr* n*®"- *•“ .... n-. Ttar. !• n. *i57(Un. M 1 a'^anaoroua flood..condltidtl ot the «1« river bere. ¥r. Smith said; by.r«* . •oa off the hUb banks. .v • f= TbcM Is ao water ROlas over tbe M i n e r <*•«» pn»«Bt «cepl '•hat Is belftf used IB the caaate Xor irri- . i eaUon. aad la th* optaiioo o t U r. __ _ Smllh.'a daaeereas flood at Mllo*r*la vMualiy Impoiolbl*. At Umi powtr 1 bouaW ot thfl Idaho Po«*r eoBipaay. Ma tXt^;raii|C.ru was aUtM tbst iu tharo . la ^praaUeallr ao W er rw- tpd hlaS 'O m , O t^ Shoahoo* m i* . . yn NW TORK. M ai iV-AiW * LalSh. IS year old. » Today's Nows X o ^ y ., riM in pioTtm**. best com. tea nod f'atnr«a~VSA is r*o- i uruiiad aa-.tha world’s M«t I. all areiua dauy ntws (aatB>* f ifm et. Twin raUs »*wa« Idaho B*ws; World aew^- TOSAY. 1‘U irK : Pivk onm * * * * * + + ♦ > ^ rm s IfrDEAD §IG AREA Is and Ririe Threatened Broken Gros Ventre — Town and Surge lis State. __ riv<;r j:wn|il out llii’co. britlgcg oit at'jonuii;; to reports rcccivoil by al.l' j'ivi-r- i-;iiisi'<i Iiy llic in-i'iil: in j; .;si'-nla> .;|„.i;.||| i.. iniindiUi- tllt^ sinii.Mi ;iii.| I.lah,, Fiills sluiHly •|"'ri. I,.-riv..,I liy Tll- Times rrom lill' -I'ilUvay al llii' lli-isi> Hliitii>ii I I', luu.- i-i-ii.'li.'cl'lliat llllliil. Pctl- iiJil''<l ililll a I'liirlv laru'<- ti-iritnfy ^ li'-ini ill.- i-iiy liciu'cni Kiric a m i' [.. rn. Icidiiv. \V;iriiiiii;s liuvc liccji •ll tlislri,-t. _ ItBrt rrea* ~ LOOKBESCUE * ' . ;*iy 1!!.— Floial w u l f i ’H toilny. mv- ri’Vi'iiliiij; n-wiii' pui'iitrs frotn as. G iilp I . 'liy V A ri, K. .MALLOS*; ' i irull«.il I'n^H'Sllirrt’orreopoDdrnl) WAXliINCi'I’ON, May Ifl—President ^(rooKdce may cull nu oxirn nosnlon ot I. c:onCTi'jir. fnr November, n month l»- I fon- il«' rpRulnr ncnnlonn bcRinn, to I <-x|>V<litc flnoil relief ieRlnlatlbn. Thin information camo today fcom I'c'l.ubllcnn soiircci closo lo the prenl-r , I (k-iit wbn nni’ lhal whllo he will not ' ^. ileflnltely make up bln mind to Issuo I llir call for nolne Ume yot h* aow be* llcven IhiH cxthi montb of time would be ample to enable conRresa to tako nirc <>r Ibo nltuutlon. ' Mr. (.'ooIIc Ikc has oltlcloJIy OO* ' noimccd Ibal bo iloen nol believe an rxir.T nennlon In warranted now.-bui lhe iirupnnal for moving up the dalo omt month nieetn tho objpcliona be baa I pul forwnnl, . Under roKulnr procedure congraaa wnuld nol meet until D«com>>or S. Tax rvdiicilon. tnrni relief.- sovemmant luipply 'hllln nnd other ImporUnt-;**- ' iHtatlon munt Im > dealt with at tbe out* HPi. and ndloitrnm'nnt must be taken In Mny foi* tbe potliical con>’«oUona. In thiH order of Ihlntn. nay ponnA*. neat IcRlRlatlon-tor flood conirol -la tlip MlK»|Nidi>|il vnlloy o r e1sewb«r* ^rrmleMiici, fcrlnun ajilay^nd. >r 'c*so- tbcre nbould bo nny cnnsldcrable nr- »Tum<’ni It lUlRbt n o r bo paasedj Mnal decision as to whetbar .the -, .'(Clinlon would bo cniled pratuiblr- wllt -■ nol 1h( rnade until army «Bno'e«r« c.-in work out stmia project tpr dam bulldlns, rener\-olr construction and ' powor plnata. Involved la the perma- nent plann. . - ' • - PAROiFii# FORWGffliia W iVatnNQTON. u«7-i^Tbe3oA«' board twa\recomia*}td^i'thaKf,wtnn,,* T. McCray, fortnw. «OT*nW-®t-lKfi^'.- ana. b« paroled .fitna 'At|aBt»^-artWr- •"--fiTiliirTi'^llraH^ Mabo iB jt'm u a t T cS B B S iH H a^H today. wim.rata lovi: ^

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T o d a y

b m m '' - ■ ' '

: <ei?ii5hf?i5rSw*2^Uii^K ’■ -.

OAliGEIS “ i ILi•• '•------- ' Eac

P e o r i a , i n . , S u f f e r s H e a v i e s t

L o s s j ^ o o d j ^ A ^ i i t o - , • aOfTerm^

» T r a l u a » «*■ ■ aK“ -JlaJn nnd wtml HtoniiH,lliro»R>r In* '

<tlnna nnil llllnol)i lont ulu lit iiiiil ivirly J',7 , today oauuec] a nu'iii'iur of iloiiilin. tr<>* mundouB p roporly dnn'iiiBn nml jiciilo *' flufWrftiK.- TIic

Tl'oiwiHB toilny InillcuCmriit loiint'IG < pflnwn* lind iMwn killcil. T lw iiropnrly dnmnKo will bn upwnrdii o r SC.OOO.nuD. °>on

■ TJm diKtrlct rcntpxtnB nlmiit J'l^orln. «crlpl in „ wns dronclicd tn a drlvhiK ilnwii- nieuni pou r whtcli flondod ntrnnlx. Im im lrM nioru olocirlc ftorvlco nnd iito|>iicd biK )nun« dny I

• u fiic tu rlnn , pinout. Tlmo«ln .E :h il'P o o rln . ill ., morel lim n 20')

pcopln wero mnroonod on Hio roof* o You'th o lr bom es whon ih o :to rre n t cnuliMl Tlmojir a n n c re ek to o v c rn o w n&rf aond a Tw inflood Into tho city. Thoy w cro row- --------cued and nrt^.bolnj; c u K iL fo r hy x t- n | '

- Hot M o n c lea ... . - | | | . -•niillrowlB operaU ng Inlo Poorin ro- D L

■ porfod-W M houtii c lo io to tho cUy nnd ' ‘H rr lto < y o 8 dftlayod. . r •' • f o j t t l ilftniBBO In p W l n In on tlniatrd ntl'nipi;# thfln 13,000.000;

' dyc io n w to r o 'a 'p i t th tb ro u s h . Iu - .c)(AM-aDd « tru o k -n l Iho h e a r t o f ihc :b t> a |u H .d l i^ lc t o r IndlimapoMB. - T o la

• ■'•TfMfc woi^o.t'Hprootodi' com iriiiijieaK .---’* '

w lB fU ri& u ck .'th b s^ d laa n .n e tro p b lla JiM t'M tho M ioatres w e r i cT(MlD|t.(9i- th o n^ lb t. nB d 'huD drodH ..o r i>coDlo (trnlt wot«>on the s tre e ts . I t In o s tlm n te l ' l,;vN m oro th a n IOO vrnVo in ju red . rwl be

neportii from ru rn i Kocllonn of In- o{ p„( dlanii!coniildnrnble duniiiRo wiih don<' _ _ „ i.

• and ih e ro hnvo been reporlii n f aev-.....................

. . Kohoo

TELLS Jw m m

' . n.inclylroni<ti:

Sayi 'King Ben’ Offered Her$ 1 0 0 Not to T a l k of th e px

Experiences. * ^By ED W IS i - H K C K L n i, T P A

ITnllfd PrpRN HI«r(.(V>rrr»p<Miilrnt. I r l l- ST. JO flE PII. Mich.. Mny ID .-A d d - 1 L n

Pd dotnlla o f th o 'llfo w ithin "Shlloli.*' .pnlntlDl mnnslon prM ldcd ot<t by O I

.'•K ing" B m - P u m e l i oC.M ’o Unii»t> \ t}of UnvM. w orn Riven toilny In •thi* U L F uiate'n a tt«m pil..io tlUnoivo llio ’ fn- inoui r c J l B l o u R ^ r '■ M ri; R ulb Sw nnson. oneo on« of

• tho ra,rorilOB o f .lh o c ou rt n f "Kliii! OM - Hoth” ' nnld th a t K irli whrt lU rd In KdUli ah llob WOM. inU trootud. ^ nchool

"H e u ie d ^ v lle nompn in fro n t o f by n dMr*. SwnniioD nald an «be ro* of he r

iiutned th e a tnnd. oi’- “A fter m y purifica tion exp frleaeo

w ith Den. I decided, to lenvo ib e Tlincolony, n e o cnlletl m o nnmc*. Then, ycKlPn'be becam e m ore friend ly iind nnld h(> T tiewould ]|lve (m y bu ibond nnd m y room i M ir- 1100 i t I w ouldn 't te ll nnylKKlyw bat Den d id lo m c." Mr*. Sw nn- C i .« « to n i«un«K i.

■ ' .The• .'T'-W ft

' . },n .i, cW ASniN Q TO N . -May 1 » - A c o v a m - Th<^

m ant phyateU n 'iiU I -be M n t lo Q ncB - ton s u .v lll* ; & O / U o tan lD * B a r i C arro ll, c d t o d

- N«w. T b t* CM aM oU prodaoer.N wbo nrepari lu f fe r td K .n e rro o s b r « « k d e « a w hiW - en rau te to A t i u u p m l t u i U r y to . . n e m A • e a t a n n i a r p e r ja a r . A A r t

to M r 's U p c M lT u . - S pm ent, » J d . ^ w * d C a n w ll to<t PO« ~ ■ cbroote^dl—M C :____ . ------------------,

L O N baK . M ay l» ~ U a r tU i U w b u m t to ' b««a p ro ^ U ia o d « t.^ l« a l(O v . C hina. bUl’i i

.aeeonUa&jD-dltpatebM;rK«lTc<LiMtaL today. I a « z v I u u t i o « l l ^ dtapcithcM th a t m naid ttM A U ttkow popu lace w an dt»> b«ad w tn rbcd b r 'f b o apprdBeb oC n a r tb e r» « # rM ,l C U aa M M itr% _ dacUloi


jE jjH

\len andb^om To Share iiof llaily 1

ach and Every One* of Big Gii Time.&nd Effort Necessa:

For Your V e^ Own-f] or a Friend’s Nai

IDlKlilutn o r «‘lulity—w hntcvcr ymir Twiiu.-lli(< Dully Tliiii-n'' Fri'O n m ln Dlnl'rlbmlViti nffiTji ymi cilnli and worlil Klflti. liicliiiKat: four ldi!."inniil. W d :ul luxiirlouii niiKimotjMeii. ia clnni’tt deUvr inodoln. to r ynu r Himro linuiii. oiilyTho niilly Tlniim’ oCferii ycui llli* l’*"“ll componnntlon. II m n n n « ';n cmm Mnn: irii niuncy— from a ennh cumuilh*n o f Km PIT r r n l o t yotir kiiIi- Proprlptlon rolliicllnnfi. tci KlflH tthfcli cour■ubK cnmnonnnllon iit tliu rm.! ^ f “ P iru llinn l.iu.nii fo r ciich wnikln(; Hiy from nnw lo tho cml nr Tlm Dnil; n os’ l i b e r a l , . o f f o r . . t h e I

>’o KxiHTlfUC*' NpcoKHtry <tlci'ou need -no ' cxporlencc. Tbu t«olfmoa .nccd«; njon nnd w oinen ’ Jn ot.ljyIn F ^ lln . und te rr ito ry fo r which • :@El@B^ - By r o s T r a > : i T O s ; 4 1 l

inltMl 'P rriM ytart-('om >)>iHuil«nt) Iti-Hl .ANSINO. Mich.. Mny 19—T h e c h n r- mnoii

body or .Mm. Andrew t '. Kehoo, t , „ Dutli. wifo of thn mnn lidTtl ro- .. naililo ror th c dynaniltlnK of tbi’ h .conso lldn ttd nchool. . yo»(ordny. ‘ boon found noyr ib jv ru ln a nf tl.c

100 furin on the o u lA lr ln of Dnth .Thi BKC.' uccordlnx to w onl rciieliln;: .u .* !, itlvcH of th o f n m lly boro, he Ko1jo*o bome wn* lo tn liy do- ■ >yed by flro of mynterloun orlKin to r r M rTrtart«*J-ubo«l-one h o u r bcforo nancl nchool wnn dom olhhc/I ycntrniay.

lia«t bcoB i..-»rllQlly w rcckcd tiy an , itonlon.

______ , TilllATII. Mlcb.. Mny 13—Tin* rulnn count tho Bntb connoUdiitRd Kcbnot. iii- cly dymimltPd by tho nchool Jmnrd ii<tirpr. bnd yielded tbo liodien o t 37 Idren todny. - . • •. "o n y I b r r c m nrc. p itifu lly to rn by n"*' I pxplonlon w hlcb hrouRht the wont tiinllj

If; o f tlio bulldlnK d oun uiwii tbem hunlf

m m E O 0 F 3 JING husbands:

' "TjiKUMIQMA CIT.Y. Oliln.. Mny 1 9 - u .illh lb .\l. Dlnbop. foriiipr Siindnv rmi teacbor. lodny wnn iic-<]<iHted Ii n d in trlc t coiirl Ju ry of th e m un le r ^•e, ier detecllvo'hiinbnnH, L iithor Ulnh- ihrou nlnln In hln l>cd bi-rc cnrly lunt um oem ber S. ......... ....be Jury took Ibo cnnc n t 5:0S p. m

be crowd whlcb nackrd tb c court ] i n | ni n riiln iid~ l tho vcrdlct. . i f i j

earner w ith C rew ’• , o f 25 I* A ground ' *■ a y UmtUd m a m J .

KH FRANCISCO. Cnllf.. M ay' 1*-^ Stolb‘ Cnptnin O. OI»en nnd a crcw of jnen aboard, th c ntcnninhlp Indlann *=**

jT n o iS ^ o f San Prancl»6 >.’ ncconl-10 radio advice ho rq .today . M p

be v o iie l le ft Ihln r tiy yeaicrday mobtl1 ft aanom l- car«o. boiin<l fo r P ort- n i«h t1, O reson. Boatb h^-atoftm sbip H arurnk l o f the Un-S team ship com pany ban rvapood* Were I0 d l i t r m c aU r and I s siandlttfi by. U*at |u,. ^n . W . K . V a n d e r b U t IS ta " ;

5 p i i r n » R e c c i g c i l i a t f j i n

' o f th ll l i lS . U a j 19—M r:.aod Mra. V,\ K. k ilted d e rb ll t appaa red betore tbe-Jwd** T W Im 8«ta« i r lb o n ^ Im U j prellm lB- d d r a r to ' tb * b e a r ln s o f Mr*. T ander- lfl«S < a s v t t rot- iilTorce. T ho to m c r locket iB l* J> lt .« W B la ln « < b * r< l* c ia to n

n o r teo n c tlU tlo a w ith h e r hns- a ^ l« «1 w aa p0M tbl« a n d .th e lu d t* or* road.- i^ ,U tl.R U .V ik * n .la iD o o a rt to r .a /TIN sloB. ' a rdaqi

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; . • .V ■ — -r-.-r-

M / d mnenN eed^f in Big 1st :T iin ^ :^ is ;G i f t s . w i l l w i ^ d i e ' i i u H e ) i s a r ^ t(> S e e t h e T h e m - T ^ E n t e r Y p u r Own ! l a m e T o d a y . .

rwin Pnlln In ibp hu1i.rl(;bL hok . You n«(«r only ilio wllllnKncnn lo iry * ivork thlit Ih ciiny. |iU-nHitnl and die* m r td . To Im rn a ll t h i r nttm cU vo iolnJlH of tlui Tlmi'n’ bin 6fror..,you “ >nly nci'il to call, w rliii o r . tele- O ibmin Ibl- Clrciilutiiin CaiitpiilKH klnnnKur of tin- Im lly Tlimm. ainijily iuy,-.'’r i i liK Kind to look oviit-.your >ra:ionlllnu.’‘ No obllsn llon . of ' lourni'. 1( ynu "don’t w an t lo lake ]' tp Uki w ork.' * 1)

H undrvdn of imbHcriiilionH to Ibn p Inlly Tlmcn a n i duo to expfro In n lie tlm o betw een now [jnd Ihu mtd- llc of July, i lu n d rc ilir 'w ll l renew _ h o ir nubncrlptloni. Hundre,dn: of , ithcrn wlil_ nubncribo. J o r th e flrat ' T '.Coiirtnu'iiV'o'li ' i ’uKo' 7 ' '* mLiEFpiPliii

wi^ibelnK'enriW tOT i - l ^ i b l l a l n . ' . FIVo|,niiultH nl'so^w ci^ " monn thij'd i'iid. .I t wnn not cortuln^ w hether tbo dontb iq Ht o f -in would hc IticrciiKPd by fiii- In lo r nonrcli o f the rulnn.

I’nUiPlic .Siitlil. ' ' .. .Tho com m unity tndny wnn in r:>* n ifltlc. Mitnned m ournlne. Tlio com- nl inn s r lc f wnn too Krcnt lo allow room fl )r ronontm cnt n t tbo dnprouilnR fi* nnclfir b tfrd fn 'p ilp d o n - li5 nlrcad> ^erburdoneil nhouldcrn by tbo tmK- )„ly.Tho new nchool ho'unc. pridn nf Ib f -

>unty.-tbo cont o t,w h ich cnuxcd hlcb ixon w b lth w ofe (illpgoil lo )invj:_iii rnzcd A adrow K. Kcboo. tbo I r c ^ u i - ■. tljn t ho dynnm llod litru rtu r.' nd kllied blniKcIf «n well! w n « 'v lf . inlly in p ilna . nnd tho nlready over- — itnlonod, beuvily bnnilcd couimiinliy iced -the nccoDHliy ^ robultd lnc snily n ifuclu rc . ‘ HIO vercome by tho enorm iiy of tbc vo

ngcdy. Bntb 'n 700 cltlxena nomewhut nn jm bly unltad in ib c Kencnil opinion m t ’'no th inc llko ll uver hnppcncd •foro ." ' i,„

Ih Too J li ic h .. ' tbi"Thin In loo m uch for tJiin villoKP lo tin nnd.“ anld R obert Gnlcn fiitbcr o f d l i t-ycnr-old n tu d c n t w ho wnn burled llllly Ih ro u e h .n ' window by th e ex- tin onion. "Tim atn lo libonld inke- it-hnnii wl id bc lp UK e c t back on o u r fee t." lo Newn of the traxcdy nprend rapidly irouRh Ibe a tnlo o f M IchUan. Dy tbi- q mo_frnntlc, pn rcn tn nnd frlendn. Imd

Conllnumi oo .............. of

j Y s i R y m s 1=AlrtffACCIDENT-

-- J • W(

^o^^^(>r^F6im'd pvelFt^^ ^ ed Near Mountain Home; on . - B«li.eye P r i y »'H u rt.------ ^M y»lefy tod*}( surrounded an auto- obile aceldertt w h lch .occu rro4 lant ( h t a t n railrtM d crocslnR HtA milcn otb o f M anntala H o im ob the .B olne «d . acco rd ln i; to rep o rts ire from D eputy S h e rir t n iu B tn la c t lat p lace . - . i. »T b a machlfto, wUe& w as sto lfB la st (Ibt B t.O ol*e..w as fo u id orarta ftie il tb * m ud n o a r tb* ra ilro a d c roaalnc '

Is B 0 rntnK> * U h lh a top- 'c n tsbed . api Id t h e j u a r t « r -wh*al sUfTfciniled Ib aej g n r m d n i j k i i - M fTi-h -ftf th » tasU b. ha. <»«ooii faHed t s reveal >wbotbitr any tol th e o c tu p a a u oC 'tha carj>ad^'b««n —

FD oatida aald h*. « M c « r U ^ Iht iI r a r eou ld a o t hav* «kcapM] SmI no t- I «S th« sbarirr at Dot** to b« on the okeot fo r la jn r*d parM ns.■n* aco>4 >nt, w ta causorf by tho1«*r t a l i t u to aee » . t u n la th e (ad.- bro•Rw car u tb* property p t R. meh- mildsqa o f th s c ap ita l-c lly .- ' ' ' th i

Biiiiftirjll*i 'WeatKer. Conditions .Reitiain

A d^nie to New York*•-V Paris. Flight.. —

; ; By XfDlt«4 ^ t sAVASHlfioTON. May I D - ’tb n .\«nv

, Y ork b ranch ijt tin- U uiin l Sinn'H wea­th e r bwritnu counM'IIcd tlii> A iiii'rliiui Nuw- York^-rarln flyluu cunlondnrtt u.- dn> usnlhrit ntnriiiiK ib c ir ho|i o ff io duy. o r topaot'row. ncconllnK lo licnil* qimrlorR bvi'f.'

■- rK A l’K RhUlJN’.S ,- fJRW YOHK. .May 1H - 0 iil>.» m o iv a ’

ton iin l unnuunciiiiitinl- bun been iiuuli.’ thn l. n il quarri'lii In th<- viimp of lli > -nellnuca on iry lu the NViV'VSirk to Pnrln Oirplniic fllKbi huvo bi-on ncl* tied. : -

T hia Uhio It wnn Lloyd OcrtHU.t. navlRator. n f -tbu nu llancn i>Iune. w a i sa id ,b o aind ClmrlcH Lcvlnc. ow ner of ■ tb e rnaehtne. tvachnd nn utulcubm nicrii^m ant o t n mcellnR InnllnK iimiil o f iho .n iK ht n t l..iivln’H hnuiu. l ie nnld tbo M ro o rtc n t would lie pul Into w rll- ,- i In^ tb li .'a rto rn o o n . Dutnlln woro not .> mado public . ~

In t h o m oantlnio nn Injunction rc- ■„ a tro in iov .U tv ino from nenillnc tbo Dul. |* la tie a tp ;P a r l i i w ithou t Oiirtaud. nu ' , n a v lsa tb r.ynsiijU In D rooklyn.yflstoi^ X •day.^wUl'fi) liiltbdraw n. D ertnud nali).,': ’

"O ur dlm cuU lon hnvn a ll l>d&n due I'o mlBUJidkrslnDdlnB and roall^.-w ero no t I t n ^ h a n l ; ' ' .Dortiaud .aald.- J * . Tho qliaw oU centorlnit a rouud ’U»o ' ■

Bellnnen. ^ r j n tilta tlo a ond<<>tbft.|W«alh- •or V b T c a T jS -aolnyeff' CtmrJ6» Llhil. — Lbemh nnd h la o a o -U A aj monoplnno, 1% ha«« Worked In Cavor of.C om m nnder J m e h ard lly rd isn d hia s ln n l Kok- < ker|- w llli tbo i ^ u l t lh a t It now J lookn nn tbouRb -Dyrd m iRbt cvun bo -tbe flr«l m nn off.

F L l i :n 8 KROM M o s r o w .•^-PA•nI^^. Mny ia.~L louf--nnnl Tho^ - rn t le ft l 2 Ilourjtcl n ir field ln»l niRbt on - an a ticm picii non-ntop rilBlit to Moiicow.j- Iln, uned a 4U* bomnpow cr ”i>ony nlrp lnnc" w blrh welKbcd only "00 pound*. Ifp bopvrl to m nko tbo ICOO-mlle tr ip In 22 houm.

HILL »EDS . ST A G B ^m £

a y v m t* a r n t aIJVINOSTON, Mont., .M ajyU —Wnl* Sin

t e f . J . H lll. non o f .th e l.ilJ*Jam en J . *•'<’ H lll . 'ia llro .id buililor. wbo wun dl-vorccd he ro yentordny. wnn cnjoynii: Annothe r boneymootk todny. . moi

Thp S t .’ Pnul niultl-m llllonBlre nml ' '" f Ml»n M ildred .U lchnrdaon. form erly ol llm Z(ccf,-I<l FMIKc*. Wi-rc marrlmJ Intb c nnmc cou rt room w here n abo it !*” ' tlm o bctor'o H ill bad been im n te d nd ivorce from .Mrs. P nutlne S. Hlll. B:

A fter tbo w n ld ln s . tbo jin lr le ft fnr I'reithe H lll ranch , norUi of ■ I.K Insatou, l|lnw here It wan announcetl, they inton-1 pl>'to m ake th c lr bomc. I n l

H lH 'n.hrldo in th e dnu&hlcr of Mrs. AO. E .M c y c m of U n e Inland. ,\ . Y.. to 1nnd W. K nrl Illcbnnlnon. n flnnncier In*n t Bnakatcbow an. Cnnadn. Din'- Mr. nnd Mra. C. 11. SIcycn* of I.onc frorInland. N ew ^Y ork. accom pnnlcg .;,ih .- leflbride n t the w eddlnc. whlcb wnn p c - nbljform ed In Ihe otfICQ u t-Ju d jio A. abl]•Miller w lih io H few m inutcn n f t t r TJudRO B. D. Ij iw o f D ounw Q Thnd mtne m n ttd H lll a lU rorce: govi

Mr. and •Mr*. UIII w iir a p c n d two popiw eeks a t thn H lll ranch a f le r wblch pnnithey w ill to u r- th e -P a e l tic coant. Imn - U ^ ^ n - l e d m c d to d a y - t h n t Hlll'!* b ride wan Iii U v la sa lo n . m aking prej>-em tionn to r h e r w ^ d i n t . w hile t to *”*•'*'e1n ta r a le botUa” tliw irca caa* ,wa% _ .pSo j in « ^ « < m n iif IM I U B i r w j r i if- > S acbased $3,000 w orib of fu m ttu r* to N* _ uaed In « fn m l* h ln R .tb * - lU U . m nU i C bome la P a rk conniy, M onuna.'

N e w B U h o p ' i N a m e d : ■ «

f o r H e l e n i i D i i f i n c t J J a l----- - ■, - ? , n)«J

' » y «attM I 9 tm a - . . ■ aoai V TASH lN OTO S^M ay.-1*—W o rt ®t h

a p p ^ n tm c n t o t H t r e m d O aors* F la- iws< a e c a a a s b ls b o p .e f Uaieasi. M o st. cUci haa, b*4>a r*c* lr«d h a r ^ - b y ^ ^ apos> b r» i to llc d l a s t f - P r tr o m » a s o a t MOBdl. B U i

r o s f n i a M £r ' i / e o I

WCMDU»EE. O k U . J ia y 19 Oan , • baadT«d p o a e * n « B a « a r Q o v . fo rty m llas * u t ^ . T D l ^ a r« c lea lac ta oa th« b a ad it t a a s w u ^ > * s t n ^ raid - e d *

mm♦ . ♦ ♦ + ♦ +

m n , WHis Bride His^ Mother-in-Law k

'T he tw o M ^ B 'o t Davtil Boone o t ' <<(•: 'L ancnnter. Pa ., don’t know w hether ,},.

. tov'call him "pop’' o r '‘siiindpu .'’. T hc reason Io Mr. Boose (below ), '« * -tbe oih»r..day‘ roaitrIed b is mother* -In-law;. .MFs. . U v lr ia McCluno

(above). M rs, McClune is -12 years- iii, -■old.-wiU Mr. Qoosor-whoso wlfo died)

. ■■ , ,

B L A W ir^ FflUilNPARlSi

- nw

~j»V'Mi8stng~Tcapot~Domc C ase on

W itness Is Served W ilhSubpoena. i

--------- miIly A. I - imAIU-OHll,

I’nlli-cl P^ '«» S In « CorresiKiailciil. 1>MIIS. Mny 19—H onry M. U ln.li-

m er .fo rm er clmlriiinri o f tbo hnard <>( tio tbe MId-Weiil ItefinlnR company. iiiImi- In InR w ltncnn n o u s h f b y tb c -I’u iloa ii''i Slnten R ovcrnm ent in connocllon wisii IbCvTnnpot Domo oil I'eano cancHr wn i , .' found hore todny: >)“ '

A fier in ltln lly rctuiilnil any Mnic- mont. n iuck m er chnnRod;hiM mind to- day und tb ro u sh hlit Inwycrn lold tliP , , United Prean th a t n nubpoemU uuI'bi-ni " , Innuiil fo r him a n c nddcil llint'b^- ill'l not cnro tn mnkc nny ntnteincnt nn tlu* * " U nuancc o r ntborwl«e.

Blnckmur'p n tio rncy Inld Ibe U nit' d . _ I 'rean tlm t i t won “dnuhttu l" w bi'lhcr . D lnckm cr could bo compelled l<? com- , , ply wtlfi tho nubpocna bccnune he wan , ’ in n a n c e .

A fler.w «arch trom one ond of Frnnco lo tbo o th e r and lo tn sovnrul ndjoln- > In s counlrien. tho Unllod Prcaa foun 'l -j D Inckinor when ho retu rned lo Pnri:i from Ihc h'ri'rich R ivlcrn. n inckm er „ le fl .\lo n if Carlo cnrly In A pril prob- ab ly for n n o th e r countO ' aw l prrnum* ab ly for Itnly, ^

Tbc m.in w bn ie icntim nny I* no u r- to c m tntly -ilealrcd by th e United StntCi* B ovcrnm dfl tlm t he ban been nua- n ,,, popoapd abnvid under ft’ law reccniLv f a t passed t>y th e tJnllc<l S lalen conRTvr.^. Im m ediately w en t lo nn obncnre hotel ,i .irhawi Ihw . fritm .lj »rln» inim lly hm-ii. ■ifcfom panled him durlnR bis nclf-lm- o „ ,

_________________ Crii

S a rg e n t N ainM C aH form a Ju d g e Soon

• eaai• »r,TT»It*« Trim »'*’

WASHIN’CTO S. May- 3»—Selection of a fetlnral iuilR«,-for tho no rthern JudlcUl d U tr tc t o t Callfon jla w ill i>c . J mad* so^ a . A ttohvey O e iie n l S a rre a t- nisi aaaoaB c*4 I®***- , ' Is I

H *48U m aU d ..U o «*oIc*. .lle* he- iw s«a P n p a tU B .A .;O rtm B .'8 a a -rr» n - “ S eUco o a d Mtk M ateL -W alkar W llle- b raad t. L oa A aselea. a aa lstaat Uaitvd8t»t«i.attora*r . • ___ _ |J J

G iH « B iu « n s ; “i v - N

e o .11* t o r a «< ^B esss. p k U u leo tln s tw o banka « f .|l<CMO juMl luiU a* th* low n n a n h a l . ae« b n U a( 10 w o rt r v ^ e d v ^ a -v y -rth a 'a tie r tm rh n iM -M r* : ~ i „ ,

4ES0 zc

. * * * +

n n d S iS E y E N ^ R

INWYOJD istric t A round R oberls

A f te r W aters from B D am D estroy To

In to ThisF lc o il w ri te r s o f t l i c S i in k c r iv

L o r o iz o , n o r lh o f Id lilio F iiIIh, ac; T h e T im e it; a t ,3 j). m . tod iiy -

T lic i | 'l ( i0(l w iiliT s <.r l i l - .'<ii;il.i' iIk- C r o s \'<'rilr>> >laiu in W v o m iiij ' \ J .T i 'i t i i rv 1..-UV.-.-II 111.- il .- is r .;iiii’ '.-%iilli- r ..................lay . a ........ - .lin ;: 1., i-,-|m,i» n 'i r |a l s ;il l .h ih ., K nlls.

TIk- M illers a rc |i i i i ir ii i^ iiv c r iii llll- |i.-iik o f l h i - I'IikmI is Ix-lil-V.-.l Ic. <-i-al i .n ic iu ls a t M ill)'. I 'l i l ls I 's iiitii il ' lic li.u ti l l ' N la lio ii. iiliiiut i<(l m ile s fr U o li i 'ru tvoiil.l I..' rio>..l.-il l.y ii n isMii-il Id |iccii.ilr' ill lll i ' ||ii-i'aU-iic-il (I

a y TJolturtW A T E R S B L O (

U O C K SIM M X liS . W y.i-. M ;iy iTOil ti l l ' UriiM V i-iiirc v aH cy . | i r i ’Vi ( '(•rtain in^r ilu> cxm -t im n ilu ’r n f ! ^ t in u l itl ll ic UroK ^^’llt rn d a i i i ' n i-jilnm i’o lilic . '*

■ K.Vl'KCT L.UMlKR T O M - i<Tbn denib loll kIooiI nt hcm'u, hu t v

tho coun t wan expcclcd to rlnn iIk noon aa w urkeni could co lo r the | ■fjood liro ^ .. . ■ ; ■ . I

^ 'h c know n Vicrid loduy: ’ ‘ " ‘ 1 Mm. J . X ovejpy , h e r nlnter. nnnic

unknow n, a- mnil nam ed A lmy; threi-i m c in lw rn .of Ihc A. H. Npc-zI.' fam ily) and nnnibc r unldPntKli'rl ainui * ,

A ninunta in kIMc. Mlmllar to llic (■;, nun wblcb form ed th f tiTli'iTiiil rjio(tlc:o Vi-niri'’ <lam iw o yciiri' ai'.o unit hrtd foi r.d tionnjlile ' fo r tin- flood wblcb nwrpi liway ThT' lotvn of Kelly au<I (wundalcd Wllnon. anoHi-.-r villuKu. ' ''''I

W ith a Inw ’ rfimhic yc»li-rrli[y aO- crnoou thu dnm nave w n y , and a . wnll of w nt'T 20 feci biKh nliirtcil ,, to rncc down Ihi- vallc-y.

llrfcirc It ou boriifbiick and lu auto- tnobllen. 11 ncorc of tiKxIprii I’aul ; llcvcrcn hurried nbciid w nrn las ri-al* no dc>nt«. . CXI

Only tb e - r .ic t llu- villK-y wni* (),> npnmciy K-'ltlcd averted a rein-tl- oii' tlou of thi- fiimoun Ji>linflo»n llmid pn In I’nuniiylvaula. It wan rci>ortod i jii're. . wn

IdLho l.’eK W nnihitr, . r<< Tbe w ntcni. fed by a huce Take, i.ui

have couiiilcti-ly Inundated the n n i« HhI. Veulro viill.-y nnd a rc nxverplns <kiwn bpI thc nrfutb fork o t tliP Snake i;lvrr. In l li t ld e u U nionc lIu! rlv -'r nn fa r :4< 1 Idnbo Fnlln. Iduho. bnvp l>ceu wnro* nei I-.I to tnke rpfUKo In th e bills. Tli[- the cn 'h t Of the flood wnn cX|H'c{''it to w n n-nch .Idaho Fall# by noon itxlay. tbe

T be InkP, ln-lnK drnlni-.l -by ihc kui b reak In the dam In tb ree milen IrmB I and in'noiac 'plnc-'B a m ile wide. Ttiu .ncii dam wun formctl In --i;>23 when n nol m ouni.iin of nick In ibc T. tnn r .m sc cat topplpd Into llro O rw V ontre r iver, jml

NO DAMIKH IX L lW K It A «K ,\. n<‘« T be b reak lnc of Ibe dam a t Wil*

wm. Wyo.. Tbum dny w ill -hnve no m nterlnl vffcct w hatever on riv e r f l j condltlonn in the low er Snnkc. ninco I ' l tb e w nlnr from th a t aourco w ill be | | rrlntlvely^ nmnll com pared w ilh the to la l am ount tn the A m erienn Pnlln re n e n n ir . It wnn M ated lo.lny hy p iir tn n Sm ith, m annser of th e Tw in f o lia Cnnal compnnj*, w bo Is In touch w llh th e altuatlon n t thn bl* dom. T he floo.1 mny c au o r-n o m e \ ttnm nse- nbove Iho dam . h* -aald. M r. boa Sm ith nald th a l the t«*mporar?' T. brtdsA below Ibc <lam wooM- a o t be a n i gff>cle<r^ F a r

mo\-nl la te r becaus* o ( j{ e b tU I j n ^ W J « dow a by r ls ln s w alo ra> ro isbV r* n*®"- *•“ . . . . n - . T t a r . !• n . * i 5 7 ( U n . M 1 a '^ a n a o ro u a flood..condltidtl o t th e « 1« r iv e r bere . ¥ r . Sm ith said; b y . r « * . • o a off th e hU b banks. .v • f =

TbcM Is ao w ater ROlas ove r tbe M in e r <*•«» pn» « B t « c e p l '• h a t Is belftf used IB th e c aa ate Xor i r r i - . ieaUon. aad la th* optaiioo o t U r. __ _Sm llh.'a da ae e rea s flood a t M llo*r*la vM ualiy Im poiolbl*. A t Umi p o w tr 1 bouaW o t thfl Idaho P o « * r eoBipaay. Ma t X t ^ ; r a i i | C . r u w as a U tM t b s t i u tha ro . la ^praaU eallr a o W e r r w - tpd hlaS 'O m , O t ^ Shoahoo* m i * . . y n

N W TO RK . M a i iV -A iW * LalSh. “ IS y e a r o ld . »

T o d a y 's N o w s X o ^ y . ,r iM in p io T tm * * . b est com. tea nod f 'a tn r« a ~ V S A i s r*o-

i u ruiiad aa-.tha world’s M«tI . a ll a re iu a dauy n tw s (aatB>*f i f m e t . Twin raU s »*wa«

Idaho B*ws; W orld a e w ^ - TOSAY.

1‘U i r K : P i v k

onm* * * * * + + ♦

> ^ r m s

IfrDEAD §IG AREAIs a n d R irie T h rea ten ed B roken Gros V en tre —

Town an d Surge lis S ta te . __

riv<;r j:w n |il o u t llii’co. b r itlg c g oit a t 'jo n u i i ; ; to r e p o r ts r c c c iv o il b y

a l.l ' j'iv i-r- i-;iiisi'<i Iiy llic in-i'iil: in j; .;s i '-n la> . ; |„ . i ; . | | | i .. in iind iU i- t l l t^

sinii.Mi ;iii.| I.lah ,, F i ills s lu iH ly • |" 'r i . I ,.-r iv ..,I liy T ll- T im e s rro m

lill ' -I'ilU vay a l lli i ' lli-isi> Hliitii>ii I I ', lu u .- i-i-ii.'li.'c l'llia t llllliil. P c tl- iiJil''<l ililll a I'liirlv laru'<- t i - i r i tn f y li'-ini ill.- i-iiy l ic iu 'c n i K ir ic a m i '

[.. rn. Icidiiv. \V ;ir iiiiii;s liu v c liccji •ll tl is lr i ,- t . • _

ItBrt rrea* ~ •L O O K B E SC U E * ' .;*iy 1!!.— F lo ia l w u lf i’H to i l n y . m v - r i ’V i'iiliiij; n -w iii ' pu i'iitrs f r o t n a s .

GiilpI . 'l iy V A r i , K. .MALLOS*; 'i iru ll« .il I 'n ^ H 'S l l i r r t ’orreopoD drnl)

WAXliINCi'I’ON, May Ifl—Presiden t ^(rooK dce may cull nu oxirn nosnlon o t I . c:onCTi'jir. fnr November, n m onth l» - I fon- il« ' rpRulnr ncnnlonn bcRinn, to I <-x|>V<litc flnoil relief ieRlnlatlbn.

Thin inform ation cam o today fcom I'c'l.ubllcnn so iircci closo lo th e prenl-r ,

I (k-iit wbn nni’ lh a l w hllo he w ill no t ' . ileflnltely m ake up bln m ind to Issuo I l lir call for nolne Ume yot h* a o w be*

llcven IhiH c x th i montb of tim e w ould be am ple to enable conRresa to tako n irc <>r Ibo nltuutlon.

' Mr. (.'ooIIcIkc has oltlcloJIy OO*' noimccd Ibal bo iloen no l be lieve an

rxir.T nennlon In w arran ted n o w .-b u i lhe iirupnnal fo r moving up th e dalo omt m onth nieetn tho objpcliona b e baa

I pul forw nnl, . ‘ ■U nder roKulnr procedure congraaa

w nuld nol m eet un til D«com>>or S. T ax rvdiicilon. tnrni relief.- so v em m an t luipply 'hllln nnd o the r Im p o rU n t-;* * - ' iHtatlon munt Im> d ealt w ith a t tb e out*HPi. and ndloitrnm 'nnt m u st be ta k en In Mny foi* tb e potliica l con>’«oUona.

In thiH o rd e r of Ih ln tn . n a y ponnA*. n eat IcRlRlatlon-tor flood con iro l - la tlip MlK»|Nidi>|il vnlloy o r e1sewb«r* ^rrmleMiici, fcrlnun a j i l a y ^ n d . >r 'c*so- tbc re nbould bo nny cnnsldcrab le n r- »Tum<’n i It lUlRbt n o r bo paasedj

M nal decision as to w h etb ar .th e - , .'(Clinlon would bo cniled p ratu ib lr- w llt -■ n o l 1h( rnade u n til a rm y «Bno'e«r« c.-in w ork out stmia pro jec t tp r dam bulld lns, rener\-olr c o n s tru c tio n a n d ' pow or p lnata. Involved la th e pe rm a­nent plann. . - ' • -

P A R O i F i i #F O R W G f f l i i a

WiVatnNQTON. u « 7 - i ^ T b e 3 o A « ' board tw a \re co m ia* } td ^ i'th a K f,w tn n ,,*T . McCray, fo rtnw . «O T *nW -® t-lK fi^ '.- a n a . b« paro led .f itn a 'A t|aB t»^-artW r-

• " - - f iT i l i i r T i '^ l l r a H ^M aboi B j t 'm u a t T c S B B S i H H a ^ Hto d a y .

w im .ra ta

l o v i : ^

Page 2: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

-•-PAG E T \ V ^ _ ; • ■

^ S o c i E ' n 'D eleg a tes to S ta te |.,v7|

C onvention Elected;™;;';r ThO ’Cutbol'lc WniiK-ir« l.<':iKiic m .'l . • I n th e c hu rch Imhfimmi \Vr.ln<'«<luy

j)vonini{. CommliU'o r.'iwirt« n t ilio yonr'* w ork w ere iclvi'ii J^ul ilolcKiit<n w oro Voted tn ttiu Miitio Minio Cniinc'll. ’ o t C atholic W oinni lo Iip1«I al l'r.- '

. ^ato llo JUIIO il). Ui'loKlltCM «-ll>c:K'il TT w oro MfK. ,Pn ink J, Sm lih. M rs. c . A. r l O ;

'R vrrnlnR or. .Mr«. I-im 'tf r i K lnc. Mt.i.'■ • I f K .'M cCntiih: iiltcrnuioii. MIhh K iti- ■ Duvnn. Mr«. II. K. l~nnlj. Mrn. T’u lrlc lf - .

W ynn. MrH. W. J . T nylor. 1*Jhiik w i-if M n . complvloil Tor ii niinmn>:u iiiilc lo Ik- ini'inl Rjvon Muy 2H. Dr. II. i;. I^imb ri'itil oiu' <. un IniorcHtlnK iiiijiiT nn “ Ilnw Ki >C<h-|>WiOI.” nh)l illHciiifKi'rl lllll :iiil>j<'r'i :it I'cl InHOino IcIIKth. cllUlir

_N ew M em bers G uests ■ 3 ”" ■ o f B ap tis t C ircle

--------- j !T ho niomborii of iliu Wninr>n’ti Cimii>>. im; s

c ll of. th o U a iillf ll church livid iiti nli-Tnoctlnic Thiirw lny In Hip n a |) tl ;i / ^ I n

y bunsn low .. Now wotiu-n rimnilnTii ».i p li3it~conKri'K«iion wi-ri' wiirjiUi ui Diin X niM tllii;. At noon ii dcllcloiiii ixil h i' l: ^ lu n c h c o n wim H rrv d . Mrx. I{. . II. f A lu u q r j}roHlOod over llic IjiihlnoM* ••J m w tlntc w hich rollowpil. An onpirclaliy '{J*'""' S d p ilsh t/u l proRrum or~v»inil nnil In- ,P M t'um nntal nuiBlo wim |)ri>H«[it<il d n i- j »ni5 th o foro im rl o f lln- iin.-nioun. f i W lilln CroiiH w ork oci-iiiilnl tlic wiini''U '> lo r lo K £Iio m t o r part o f tfw nm .r- > noon, nonp lliil miipiiU<-s fo r-tlip iwi-v-

w lilch tho orKiinlnillon tU'inlii iiiiniliit- ” ‘'1’" ' ' jy to Indliina-W ITI' inuTli- i ln r ltn : 'I Ik- '."‘V'

■ • • • ■ M embei-s M ee t fo r . £«"

' A fte n io o n o f B ridge " ------------------ ----------------- gsaa..Tliree inhli-H of pliiy«r«. mi'inbcTB 5

th o W cdnoxduy l)rlOK<’ oliili, im l yi'i< iI t6n lny n t thu lionut nf Mm. Jiioi; g I T ho rp on H cyhurn iiviniic for ili<- Q• wcflkly i;ninc-x. Mrn. Frccn iun l’os;i J_I w on th o hiKh nenrci iiwiird iiiid j ly

KoSDOth Qunch nccond liliili. >

C hurch A ssociation |' ■ E n te r ta in s ' M em ber |

Tho advancod B o n lo rd n u o f Ili'i M S 1 I. A:,ontortfllnod w ith n fntfw oll in iriy R

i o t ' l h o hbtho o t Mr. nnd Mr«. 0 . f . <, H A U'Tuoiidny ovonlnK for .Mrn. Hrmi. i w ho w ill lonvo sh o rtly for Pocntollo... W bere «b6 w ill muko hur homc. (iimio-i i^j r. obi] contoatu forniml tlio ovonlnc'ii d i- .-.-k,

v«r»loo; T ho mcmboM of th o cIiikh ,«ixpm 8«d th o lr 'n p p rc c ln t lo n of Mr:>.

' R ead 's conBclentloun w ork lQ>th(< c lni:i• by prosontlnK h e r w llh « beau tifu l nml

app roprJo to Rift. RotronbMienm wi;i<.M rved a t ft Into hour. TIioho prcn^n* w tro M cm nt. und M oiidujp>t»r^M .


9pieU 2 Slfpaeeb ta T2i« TltncS*'K ILER . Mny ID .-T Ia-ro worp U

• PSIer oiKhtb cm de KrniliiaU':i :in'] .tb e g r i^ u n ilo n cxi’rd»pH u c r" hrlil n l t h e x c h o o l niidltdrluin. Tbi' follow lne proRrniii win. kIvcii; SrtiO

M arch. ''O n r Invlnt-llilc .Niillon." hy m if p . rir::. Jinrl-* « lllll:in : liivo- ,

, ra tio n . Rov. J. 1). O lllllnn; Hioruh. ,i-n ii j• “OJd T/m n FV»vnrif/'^>”. in fJ»'

Dewy I>«1l." by Kra.li- Hcb.M>l n lrlt' y ’dn |Olco c lu b : plnmi iiol.i. ••KiiiiH'iinol |O strow ," by U ubfiuni'ln . TWii'tlby j Qoo<le; nddroHii. Ilrv . I). K .ndiillq f B u r le y ; violin »olo. "S.rlnT-Hoj;- i, ; imi ]m nrln ," hy Krilj? K rconlcr. Ciinlav'i' lii'cin |FIechtn<>r: prcHPnlntlon or dli>Inni:n>. ii; i in |C. A. Love, rb n lrn u m .n f tbp li.i:inl .i;„ic.- o t Irujitoi-ji, nn.l iH'iiedlrlloij liy 11. '^J . O. O rout. 7;iin I

Tho n u r a l lilRb ncbcinl ( iu iill) h;;») ! -oompoiiPd of Mpmlnmni W. I), Clllli'. .;i iu, E . I t. H ym o. A lfrril IIIIIIiikmIi'.v.MlMP« A llco T u ro 'jr . Kllcn O slrooi. j Mensrii QrorKn K. Ocnnmn. S. K. McUauRlilln. A . J. Suj;k. V iclor Kiro- »H>ck and K. R. D yrnc vurr* >:ii.-nl.. * o f . tho KlwunlB rln li Tni'n.j.iy. n.mn _______

• O ther Kupnlii of tU.- Klwanlrt ••lull j Ineludp.l Dr. Tln’<Mlori' ('oiH-liiinl nn. w v J n . H. M tm srr of Twin ^'.ill-..

Mr liml Mrn. AlluTI l>inr;ir I-t j ,j

a t Ihc counly ho?>iillal ------OIrli* rliTlP .I from llic ( J l i ^ U . -

l«rrvp» aH iIi- |.'k;iI.':i to I’a y l l . ' \ i k . - i In Ju n e n r r I,ori'n<' flaukln>.. Maty Ooninn. V lrtiii la Snydi-r. I^ ir .n a I 'c 1 ',"" Mohr and Marhin (Jravr-^ . . in i

Tlic n i r l It. i^ 'rv'i* ni. l Wi'.lni " il.i>. rvon inc fo r lii:Hall;.tInn .if .ifli. ' T ’.

In llla tlon of new m rnib. rn. i i r in iila , ,, Hon of rlURs anil f a r r u d l to Uir 'urnlorn a t lh .' lilch m IukiI ;;)inna- fllum. D .ilniy rrrrc» tuvw iU “ '-t-i'Btrvvil. NV»(y ptrct>il o r i l c t ^ .-ir.' - p rrx lrtm t. Mary Tloui.nn; vin- iir-i l- . , den i. l.« rcne Di- Mo»h; n.'. ti o r y . j jM arian O ravr» ; lr••a^ur>'r. VirKliil-i Snyder. T he cyioniislnm w.is Ix.iu-

- llfully.-u4*coralca w llh s lr ia m rr» of c repe imi>rr and flow rr».

Mr. Artd .Mm. C. N. T iirko r nnd fnm lly ‘W ill nrrlve Sniurilny for .i r l* « .w » h n j .T W rnd f.

T he S ta r Sofl«l clul> m rt w trt Mr». 4am e» llrenn .tn W-.liicnd.Ty for

. a pot- luck luncheon and li*n>lncion i T w etity membpr* » 't p n r rx i i i . i

M ri. J . A. l)rm rn l an 'l itatiKbt'T:' w ere ltmel>*wo tu«-«l» of MrK. O. J j ChiMM Tuewlay.

R K- D lllln rbam . .IM rlrt , c!-;iulyl ^ . ' srABd T nkrihal wax In c liar;;r o fi ,.

th e d l» tr lr t m eetlnc of (h r M .K"'nir| lodM he ld a t 'R u h l Tnr..i.-,y. Al.oul I IE M uo n * a ttrndeil th r I'antitirl r'n illt m e etln c th e re Tu*».Iay rv rn in s . M r i DllllniehAni m otnrr.l lo Albina B M dar to lakP rlj.lrc.- r l a iliM rirlj me«Unt; a t th a t p h c r .

J if . and Mr*. C. W . I 'a 'p and f.nn-1 I ly -m o to re d tn J f ro m r S-imlay.

Mra. J . A I>-tJ^rnl and .l.-\ushi<-r« ftoi) Mra. E arl Munyon .mri vrn Irfl b y au to fo r IviOrr.ndr, I’ortlnn.l .nnil Sm IIU . - - --------------

icHi. IIcrniHii U m l. I^c'c K likn ian .II I!ro.vn. A rllin r Jiiriiiaii. l^'Oiiiint ij'MPr. Uoy Wan.l. 0 , c . H all. A rllinr •efij.fifi, Mt'Kilumi’H Kiitr HlrUiiiun.\V. HlchcnH. llliodit W riiilil,' Onn.

iiirlfn IJIack. C arroll,:.!. .V W all.-r^. niicit I’oaxl Hrown. I 'a lll.' ArrinK lon.I'uli W biirlon. and Mc«;ir«. A llirii cncr. Lloyd iJavhi ami W.llllaiii lill-

[o s t.a t C harm ingly. A rran g e d Luncheon

Mrs, J. r ..M o o ri ' ciiK^rtiiiiicil lln- •in l.cm 'of tlic Ilurm ony oliib w llh u !• <ri'lticl( lnni lii'»in ut lii 'r ' bonu' o.i I'diii^mUiy. 'i'lic luuchcuiuii'iii* <l>'lall- lii lavi-iicl.T mill will!.. Illm-ii In l .i-

Ull.'II liiicii lii'liin .......1 n ii.liib ic an<lIMH ilfcoritthm:!, AJ Ibc iiHiioon'a rllv.'r«liiii. Mrt., \V. T, S rlllry d .Mrn. II. K, Hobl.T^won lb .' fln-.i .<1 nci'OIld prl7cii. I.ciinllful ]iic-lui.:> ilcb Mrn. .Moiirr bud |ialnii->>. ^ Irf.

.\liH)r«., w llli luT liuidiaml. In Icav- r Snm lny for California,

'lub SubscriJjes to- F lood R elie f F u n d

Mi'h. Orl.i Cryil.'r wu;< lioi;1cmi H. Ib • nilirrj. of Ihc M.-lilor r ln b \Vcdur».- y a fl.'rnoon lit b r r luun.' nn I'ojilav 'line. .Mu;!. ,V. S . Iloiiwi'll |irnil.li i rlH;- 111.' Iiiiiducrii iir;,;i[iiii wlicri J inH a n i.rtiiiriiili’d lo llic flnoil vi-lli i iTT ‘ li 'in liiT S .llia-|l:iiic.> liluiii: f..'' I'xlilliil ill lb .' I'ouiity fa ir m >l .Icm lx'r. liiirinK a r|,.|||;liiri1l social ir iln i, Cry.lcr. aimlMcil l.y Mij .A. IMbI nlld .Mm. K, \[{. Sm ilb, Hcri - •Utliiiy rclr.Hlnn.'iilK, .\lr». ' M<Jtc-

lii.i waa a Kni.i:l of ibc .-jiib.. .Mr..III Cowliiim will ll.' iuinl.'iai in Ib rb ul III. n ex t nii'cllii): Jn n c 1, U l

a a c K ! ia a c x > o ^ - > g ^ ^ ^

I ^R A D IO PR O G R A M |

(M oimtnln Tlmo)ilU'Pl

TIII'IW IIA V , .MAV IU ..... J'']"'KI’Cl— HI—SiM rK rniirl«ro :I0 p, IU.—Stidi-H .llr^iilniirniil or-

cbvMlia. Ii.'uilOft \r. in.— l''iilrmont luitcl orclipw- ,,| j,

In i00 p. ni.—Sliidbi proKram. , ,ou m,— N. II. r . proKrain. „

s S e S c '’'• K H J— I0.V3 m -L im AnKt'len lift p. m ,—riillrlrrn 'i. lum r.

1’. I>r. I’blllii .M. Ivovoll, iM) p, n i ,- A rllinr I-Mwln Wako, ,

iiian iiu rr X l.rab iim -I.ln - (u 'j" ' .'f.in Srliool fo r lioyi'.. q.,

Ul to lUMiii p, m..-(51ciiii I'Tdiiiiindii’• •Van.liy -I. •„ ,

K K l-H iT III.’0 ii.'iu .— I.rKlon niKlit club o r- .',^ 1

rbcn lra . .in II. m . - r i a r l r . . Ilunncll an.l •

KcHllr Ailamn ^u Jiluiio atlll vocal nniuluTii, .

lO ]i. in.—S.'Iill-el»;.»l.!al jiroKrainby I'- i’’ _ 10 M

III „ „ v _ K I ''l .dn iina - l^ iir .III ,, I,,.— I.i.rrllc Klrnlad, v lo llnb l.

m— ’*■' HI |i. m ,--l)ln n ‘'r c o n c i i . ^

...............T rin li S -..i.'ty , l!";''*

Ml n. m .- Vaiidi'v lllr iiunirani........ . n i . - N , 11. iui>.itani, _

ri- lianil. 0K K II A -I 5 U « ! . - S o i l l l r I -

m , , . ..................ball M'lirrK. UIII |i. in.— llu llcrw orlli nrrb.'M fn.ID III — Suiulc ami i l 'K v r.i tr io . I

.....s a ........ .........lO in. -N. II. C. iii-..i:n.iii. 'III 1.1 i;;:;:'i ^I. m. Il.uinli' llrac

V-J' ""-— — J ” 1

;O M IN G E V E N T Sn Local Club, O rd er and______Church Circles paiim

IHarrlIIOVAI. M :iM IH H ltS inK tl

It.,y.-,l u i l l V!

b .'is a iv b Tlic

im :t i IIV

M om ’n P o p -"^- AMD n e J t u E ME MO.VS

VJllCNTSTC eCTG BACK \ A>ioMW B a r r e « .o £ A i _ n 'VTART5 COfNG. X 'f.L V^AOC#?. (

* V/C'LC M-\Ke A «(U.(dN X . _ I F w c M /lk£ A c c n r _ y ^

J ^



-1 , ' -

’■ 1 — -Tin- Mliiinmilppl liclw.'i ii

llll lo ‘10 iiillcH acroiiii. In a ll Ibn lllll.^ i'lwmi li.'lnw C!ri-iivi Coiiyrlllbl. 1!C7. NTA Survli'.'

retS n s m PTRIP THROIIGH [:

SOUTH IDAHOl;ipaelal Oiipatc)> to T]i* TItnai i(

KIMIIKULV. May lU - II , K, i'o w .n i oi 'c in rn cd Kiiliir.lay iiIkIiI froni a iwi>- vpckii' hwIuk round the Houllipaiilcrn. ci larl of tjic -iilittr. U.l alivndi'd Ihc V •lull- blxb "cliool irnck nnd field n lU'pl a t ro rn tc lln Sntnrdiiy n m l 'r c - Ii inrln an Ident clay for tb e nu'ci. n !iJc-.iUti'H(Iiinci‘ iiiiiJ orir‘ ii'orJd r/'conl » mill.', .l).:nici'K of Sandpolnl. liurllu;: k. lip Jcvcllii lilin fcul nml 2 Ineb.'H, li .'uilni; tbc iircvlniiH rci'.ird liy never- I incbcK, K•Mr. nnd Mm, I.. K. Davln . 'iilc r- ui

uim-.l w llli n n ,^ u b .irn tc ":.30 .lln- ler Fri.lny ovcim tsr;- ..Tltu x<wn«.uW|itpVjim(uHcly <loror>. hi

'led »'Jlb vflpjde b)o»«oui». nml lb" Ui ivo tablrii 'a t which tlip tw enty uucnia ■ero iieiile.l wore pxircnudy n tirac- ' Ivc w ith tl i r l r b'-avilfnl an .l orllilniil 1“' pcorallnnn. which w ere ciirrb 'jl' out to I n color nchcnio of pink ami w hite, bi 'lip ku.-Mh w cr.' th e Mi:iidnnica and li'SKiM I’aul Scoll. J . Krunk ll'--nry. t. G. WIlMin. \V. A. I.- Hlow... iciiryc Crofi. Jobn Vair llonl;., G. K. irplmiinltli. Frnnk . Wllnon. Mrn. barlcii Tpntcr, Mrn. II. K. I’owern nd Muynr und Mra. no b c rt llobier < Tw lu Kalin, Awar.l for biRb I'orc for llic iadlcii wont lo Mrs. ioM.'r an.l bli:li for lb-' »:cnilPinen 1 Mr, IlobI.rr. Mr.'i. Cbarl.'ji -Tcnicr llrl u : G. WllKOn raoll rcrrlv.-d ll ont.oliiiliin Kin.A party coiniini.r.l of Siiperlnl.'nd-

in and Mrs, (llbtin, Mr;*, Klla May 'l.'ilKrr: the Ml.n.'r: IMv.'y, l-liicc. Ivdcnifi. WU'kLnml. !la.';r.ii’ ami b'^nrr• llcrkw llb. MuiIkou ami K.irlir'i iijnv.-.i a lic-clnleak .lln n c ^ o 't ^ho-

i l i i l r ”FOR'TOOl"

ILsiicci.illy P rc |ia rc (l f<ir In fa n ts

jiiu! Q iild rc n cif A ll A ges

M otliri! FlelciiPr'n Ca.ilorla ban •<•11 in ii!i.' for oMT .no yi'iim to re- n . ' liabirn ami ebiliircn of-ConMl* iili.u. Fluliil.'m-y. M'Inil f o l l r nnd. la rr lira : .illaylnr-F.-vrrl>lin.-!in nrbi-|K lll . 't. Irom. nn<l. by r.T iiia llnrt lhe! oiiKnIi ami Ifowrl^. ai.ii: tfcr .-int.lni-' illoii of I-\)Oil; Klvlni: iia lu ral idrrp iilioni o|>lali'.'<.Tlic n.'nniiic lic.irn iJcnaiu rc nf

/ - T h a t ' s F / n c : '^ h e l l o mom.1 ^ V B O T H o rrv i I J U S T R fW )

} ORYOO'LU X J e ^ V o 1

f i i

T W IN F A L I.3 D A n i t T n tE S . .

H IN G B U T W A T E R A ;^]

1 'A I .

, ff*'

■ - v-i..- - —.I-V.;-.',-,.,



III Vieknl>nrt;<-iin<l (ircrnv lll.’ in nntr n «r a ll lllin viKil rci'.Inn; tlio .S'KA fiyliiK cam iiv ilb ', coinpl.'iirly itiumliil.'d w llh lb<- vnnl ■li'c. - i L . i

1 aboiil. i''all't Krl.lny cv.riiiiii:. AII--T lib .- .Ilniii'r liililiiK nud ’:ili;bl la^clnr. ( .'v.iTc .'iijiiyi'.l. Til.i pnrly rclni'ni'.l j ' • la l a la lr bour. { '

.1 Mr, and Mr;i. W iilt.'r Norrln an - —

.lll ll ' iiar-nlti of u daiii:b l.'r bohi 1'I'liiirt'diiy. J

II 'i 'h r .Mlniii'ii liclbi'I lllalic apit ,,,„| Illanc'lir • I'cniilruilon wt rr Jornnic

Ivinlloi'H SaliiiditJ'; ' . -,!i;A. M. Si-nil li'f t for tVillon. Calif.,

I'VMiiy iiKirriliiK Jn .<« ’ .’i ^Irlrn rn in InfoniilliK him nf tb e 'd p u lb _i .of the fntber,-....................

Mlsn Ik 'lly I’u llcn of T»vln .rTnirii 'y ,. cnmc W eiliiestlnniW J).i.'<llip KileiH of Afi

Miim L'eola Wllnon'. T hurndny evo. f I nInK ilip yoiuiK lndlca wvnt lo B ur- Tkli

Ipy to r u nhorl. viidl w ltli, frlendn, Afi Mrn. W. S , ' M artin cifterlninod C

» 'ii) i* ;i rhfirnilHK b lj^bdny '/w jarly To' Kuiurday for , In-r crauddniitthlt-r. InR Ir.'iiP Scolt. . J i ’ ' ICC

Mr. nnd Mrs, R. W . Andlftion of 1 F iler wer.> wop|(-cnd Kuctiliijof Mr. of uml M rn .'M erv in Gill. fl ' S

----------- --------------------J vinFOH SAI.IC—W omen'll pu re nllk Afi

hoiif,. ,nnw iiha.lpn. ? p n d a l !IH ccnin, 0H arbor'Sbfie Co.—n d v , ....................... hoi-------------- _ _ 1' FOR SA I.I'— InfiinlH' nml cbll.l'n bor pnt.'nl Saiiduln nml Oxfor.ln, vniiu-. ( to Jl’.iiii. ClnHlni: fo r f*S reuiii. Ila r . wll l irr Sboe C'o.—adv. 'jc d li

Joe-K S ays:Note to pnrenlii: T he wny lo ' I

tlie lliw' fiuiekly nnd rrc-1 in nlowly

i g l g a i i T i < [ Dg 'f !T '4 g v ir ; ' 'n i‘MThere th e B ig r ic ln rc a Play**

\ — N O W SiHlC

' r w 3 ^ D ~D I X .

L I ‘■T IIK (il'A K T K IM l.V C h

A I s'|ii;ir<-.l f i n 'I f nm l ijc liv .

F (ii- ;iii ia lir k iux-k iiiil S lu

S w rili 'i- . \ l l i . lr l I’a y so it Tc

-A lso-“ TharilcB fo r the Boat-Ri

D ED U C TIN G\ / 'I’CO'ftG A M iN o r e ^) / T o o L A T G .D o r— n c

O JU ST i - e p T r c « T lie •) V c f F . c e — riC 's Q o i r c J*

r “) , .Bust NOW vii-ni h is

^ F A R A S T H E E Y E CA

■■■■ ■ ■ I '.'.

M f \

1 Rrcnt Inlanil nea. extondlnit 100 tnlieii i canicrntnnn found iiciirculy ,ii d ry njinl. Kill lulm ul iicji Htr.'tchlnK o u t In ibo ba

C an . You Ans'wer A ll -i o f T hese Q uestions?

— - --------- . !ibt!AKIUCAN tJKIMaiMI'IIV • ' ' '

1. Wlinl Ki'cni iiilaii.l lien off tli.' I _ ennt coaiiL’ of A frlra? «

2 . 'N an i . ''t lir cnii'c a l tbo Hoythorn- I tnoKi jmini on lb .‘ m ainland of M A fri« t, . ■“

3. i^ ln e tb rp '. nf tbo four Rreiil r iu T il 'o f Afrlcn.

fi^^'i.'Wwiiat twi) ncoann border oh A frica?

R, Nume Lw.o fnmous c roupn of TklnndK off lho"n o rthw .'n i coani of Afrlcn.

C. Ih It iiorhIIjIc lo ro from Capo ),(, Town lo Cairo hy Ijiiid W ithout Icnv^InR n rltlnh le rr iiu ry o r llrltlnh pro- wli icclornlcH? Foi

1. in Viciorln Fniin In Iho vicinity Bl»' of l^iko V ic torin?. 'i®?

8. Nnlnp thv flvo chief, polillcal dl? vinionr. nlonc tbo n o r th conni oJ »oiA frloor— ------- . wc

0. Whnl-~iicn exlendn nloni; Ibc nrl 'iior(hennli>tn b o rd tt' o f AfrlcA? gl*

10. W hnt four fnnioun "conHtn‘' fJ- border nn the Gulf nf (Jnlnen? . JJ"

ITlie nnnwern lo tli.-i..- fjucHtlonn _ will bo found .•bicwbrre i)i tbifi edition.)

10' bnndle a Rilino fbiii In .lo i;lvc *'ly KU. w bnt? s

N. — A DM ISSIONS—Si A d tJ ts ............. ................30cI Obilflrcn (u n d e r 12 ) . ,10c^ H onrs: 2, 3:30, 7 iind fl

-lOW ING— “ " ;___________________________ X ;

matotbW nJACKR^U^^

\ V \ \ " ia li . 's io I h r N

■liv..,-s .- /M ir.. . . .lo iiu h , E I

S lor.v Iiy lll l ' .siiiiri.s/ W jT .'r i i i i i i r . - S

S O - ' ' . - ^

•Ride” G ood C om edy

________________ / " ________• \ K i : a . H ) o « ( ) P e i r ' s y c fw t- 2 A SUCCCSS—GOOONtSS ) Be — KtAPVMS U e‘&V»'OHXCD r f OHMlf

^ c n o ijo i^ — $ 5 0 ^

:a n s e e '■ . J

. ' ......... I '■

J, .,i;- Ill

- ‘ “ i',;It "Fll

♦ • bl F i

. ' . Ill

■■■■■' • TlI"'

l i r '■ • — ■'''


■ J ■ i.'II iforth nml r n n ii i 'a n d from ' | yi' ll. .Tbbi pk iu i'.i idiowii onn of loi

baiknro iind . A inflnn 'i I'lioio In'

t I'lXCKLSIOIt <i«ASIJH '*T lic 'K xceln liir (.-rnnco lioKvec team

w iil'con fc r, Hlr fou rih dcnn-.i ntion ii biK thm n i'Vlilay ovunlnK, .May au. al, 1Ibo CxcolaliiriiiHi'ooI lioUMf. All in...... nli.bcriiiiirn urited lo bo |irc:ieiit nn i (.'l( nelKllbnrlnK Rran'Korn nrn Invllcd. a il’

|R heum ktisi b e riibl

Are you ope of tli'oso tinforlunates hi wiiu suifer will) p.ilns In yuur inuxclc.i* innnilju ln is , making you mlxef'abio, icsH j efllcienl, inlerferliiR w ith yuu rw ork lnehuun , ruliiInK yuur alcepT '

You m ay I ijvk IrJed many "wilhoul rellpf. W hy nol try S.S.S.T V For mnrc thau 100 yoart It h as i)ccnRivinK relief in lliniiiiniids o f cases, as Hicstliicd 10 Id uiisqllcltcd lollcrs of Tt gralllude.

"J cufTercd from rlifiumnllsin for a* \lrtRood many years. Al I lm n my Jolnls cl|would M\-elI Sll. 1 couldn't walk. I Na«rled tnoxl ovcrylblnK. W eni to Hot upfi[irln(W a n d ' finally 1 Uccldnd lo try ca'R S: S, I tonk 11 cournc.' fn a abori :llmo tbc rbcumullc pnliin entirely bifl lunio.. I o!ju bud a brcaUliis-uul on >ny cci

T h e O rp h eu m

a S m

a' fo lo rfu l romiine.e of dnrlni: nnd d ance r—n i i i ^ ponse nnd th rllln nmi Joy- oiin 4*UKlilor w ith Tom

' Mix In lhe nad.lie o f nd>.

Helcnc Oastclfo - Ma/cofm Wiitc Gcx)rgc Irv'ing - Dorothy Kitchcr

In a sto ry o f w estern ranges

and cloud tip p ed mountains.

— H e F iauK G S J \ D i D - -M i^n G /\BC0T ) ( Pop <3G'jo o ,o o o ^ __1 7 AN^THlf-- ----------- ^ — 17 I • B e t ic w

. 0

g?mp'aBAY£^rA\g T !^ ^

L O C ^ S T A P

i K M E E TT b r Miiiunl linprovom oht niiiiodn-

i fd ii .o f T w in Fnlls iiinlio: o f . th e L.I), S. w in hnvc. entrien In tfio ,drn- ninlle, mimical und puhllc , spoaklnK dopnrtiminin j i f ' tbo d in trlct eompo- lltlon n l U uf|oy tom orrow ntid’ Snt- ur«luy. a ix Sunken will b \ ropro- •ifrlircd. , . ......... ■■ ■■ ■"}

jyM ^o m iW li^ uvp tho Twin Fiilln

One-acl dramn. Clifford Toltpifn, M iirlniirh: Mrn. W. 0 . Dutnmor; Mur- tniiKb: Mlim Sylvia ' WUboh. T w in . Fnlln; M r,Pptnr«en , Klmhorly: men'n niiblie npcnkluK. Cnrol Dnyloy. Tw in Fnlln; .ioiibln mixed quarte t, Leo K irkinan. Goiald W. Jn rm an , Wenley- llncl.^v. W. t:. Itnppluy. Minx Cloo Illllll. Mlna Wlldn Hntnmond. MIhh T hi'lnui Illnek. Mrn: ?nrk,.JU lbnrilH : Im lica'.]iiibllc iipenklnK.. Mlnin^hfiriiln

•Amk.non;.. inillen'- cUorun,..umlor d i- ' ri:ctlb|i of MIbh Wlldn Hnnimond; W.1C. H iller. Twin Rilln. nuperintendeht of 111.! ninke M. I. A„ hmt been den- (jtnnled -to bnvn elinrf;ii o f voKoy fiall uud liorni'nlinii pfich inc cvnteitlH nl tbe Iliirli^y nv-'et. ,

DKFKXDAN'T WIXS CASK . ' . V.-idlel for llio .Icfenil.'int', In th o

ca:ip' of liie Iiri>adwn>\ OnniKe. com'- pnny niiuinni II, Ui Jaeobn. Involvlni; tbc i|ii<vilbm nf tiunlei'. ..jvnn . cIvpu

I'yrnicr.lay. ila i'ry J . Uenolt w tin -n l- ' lo rney for ibc dcfcndnnt. T he'cano liiv.ily.'d tiDOii.

']!lin w nrld'n crcnipnl liiver-hnn como ' lo tbo RInllo. Jobn H nrrymoro In

;'I)on Ju iin ," now nhowhiK.—ndv.. 4

, FOR SAI.K—Men'n nnd iioya'^dreiw____nliwii nnd oxfiJCdH, vnluoit to 14.00. (;ioitin« for H urbor Sboo 'C o .- adv. . ________________ •

sm can^t bbeS aw ay

hnnils to r years tha l nolhlnff m u Itl heal, bu t now ihls has disappeared, and 1 auro tlinl It w u 6. S. S. whleh rc* moved tho cause. 1 am now .ln.porfect ' heallh, and w ant to add th«t I . havo tried a ll kinds of nicdlclnos but I Ihlnk S. S. 9. Is tho bost." Carl C. Caunbeli, - i t s \Vesl. Main Btreel, JobDson Q iy,Tcnn. ••• ■ •

g.S.S, Is purely vomlablo. I t Is e i - . \lracted from liio frcun root* of modl- clnal planiH oiid lio » i -a n d itlvei to Nature w bat sbD.needs In.hulldlDff you up so U iV ,):uucj4'ai<n)il)rowi.01I tho cause.

S..s'.S. t'i .Hold ol a ll pood druR Mores lu twn Kites. .The larger slzo la moro ccoiiumlcal.

M atinee an d Evening Today , F c i . , Sat.


Tiuju •^^SO B ISm ^

.hzn ’Imperial Comedy "Golf Widows’■

. Acwp# Fables L - See Tlds: ShoW:

I , -B y T aylor

5*JlKtiDVLbe._ 'N,.!:__3 -----CO T WHEN ' \< 3 G T 5 |B { c rre o aS octT '\THlN<F^OU O^H ONLY I . i c v e h a l P o p u j f i K r y

H E s a w s ;

Page 3: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

R O f f i j p t J J S t I t i f e f f f l i i l SlIKDETERmiD

♦ ■ —- ..

B nrrati UnldH iTp A|.pniTol <>f » .U _ e ra l Al(t Mlti'iiKo . TnitiKfcr rrm l*

| : ’jn fr Itvport^ nf InH'xOfpitltiF,' Cl>m>. mlHctt I»iif LuU-r.

, -T hnt- f ln n r dc iorm rnntlnn or llm miipOBlUon or tlm tcilcrnt roiici (und

io Noviiilii wUl no t \>i> hwiIm puW lr •. t e r BDino (Info in Uio niihstnDeu

.n :.slorjf. In tlio Kly >Vi-o - PronH of I. M onday w htch iwyn th u t tlio liiirumi . or.,publlc romlfl.rcfoDod n l thIu tim e

;to Approve tlic rciiiieiit o f (lin iilntf hlRhwny (Itrcctora tlint tlm fcdrrnl

rond nillcnKo on tlio Bly Ihiiimli (rbnd and tlio Iiihonton-Mouml Houho J roftd bo {rnnnferrud to thn .propoHcil

h iR hw ar rrom McGill tliroiiKli Wullii to , tho Mnho lino. ,

TIjo road from Wollii to. tlio NV- vftda lino In In uno iind connfcln al .

• tho Btnto Ilnu w llh tho rond • In "Twin Fnlla. I t l» purt of tlm Yo- Dcmltc to Yi'llowKtoni) hiKhwiiy it lu " in rosaril to iliv Im iirom iir iit o ir ■■ ■ - - tJji* sJrfo or th e , Sw ad ii iHiuiidnry / Y A l l l th a t tho illnnor iiivoIIiik n t tho I | | l | no R e n n a tonlR ht. w in .i>o lii'ld. Tin^ V \ / i f rr(!c. Pro*H diiyH tho hiironii action c(iu*c<l' oonnldoraWo • HpccnliilUm 1a'nionif (iiipitorlnrn of tlKi iiroixmi'd 11

' fdaho rout(» nH wi-ll na llm n tate ^ lllcliwdy orctcliils

I t oddii: ' , '“Th'o fnct (linl Novadii'ii rriniilii- Bpselnt :

injt fcdcrnl iiUl road nillciiKC on (lii; M itin aoven p e r cont ny»tptn.,lf It wa» a ll

' branitrorrcd , to (ho jiropow d Idaho ' ' '’H'or >"rond. woiildi ho Iniiiifdclpnt hy nhont of Mnri

olR ht; mllon lo covor llio dhitiince K rldny ' from McUIll (o tho M aho lino l» „,,,iii,„.i one of tho ronnnnK th a t ll.o hiin.iin

-lB-hol.IlnR-«»iv-M»-.lo«l«lon.-l/-li*-»‘ttld.- iuD:ii_ui f t hnn (fcen’ p o in tod 'o tit hy {ilxhn'ny KknltitUi orriclnln .thnl IT tho federal povprn- h irc Iu k Tncnt ffirtlclpa tcd In llm hiiildlnr o t lho rond ll would oxt^nd lt« :. ,,,, nld ■ from Wnlio noutli Into Novada InnvlnR th t clRhly mllo pap nnrin r iWolln nnd McOlll. Tiiln w ould inSiko * ,vj n connection w ith ,tlm Victory hlRh- w.iy 'nnd lliuti eomploto the Idaho .'"n,,'',', rond to -n .c o n n ^ llo n w ith ll thi-iiUKli t i h . . WKhwor. Ai, iiny rate- It will M>o 'I '- s'avornl, monthH yot hoforo tho com- mlttoo. nolccted i i l - a road niecllnt;

.b o ro d u r ln s th e IcKlnlatlvo MCKnIon ‘ J° w m havo Itn rep o r t rcndy nnd the

.rburonu o f puhllc roads w ill no l tnko< dodnlto acllon .un til llm l commlltco " . r»iK)rl«.- - . r l . b.,oi


.____ . ___ . ■•- Mr. 1)1111


iB n tP A tlcnilnnrp U E xprcird n l tho nev D lnnpr lo Mn-l U .iu-rnor on IIIkIi- w ajM 8an t'runclHCii . Mnn lo Be wl»«n *' r m c n t .

LarBo ntti-ndnnce In* antlclpiitpd "I tbo dlnnor m crtlni: ut th*; I to jernon • . Ihln ovrnlntr, to m eel G overnor H.C.'B ftldrldR e nnd CommlMnlonpr J o r ,Wood of thn hiRhwny depiirtm ent. " and to dlnciiBs- la -tfir trailn 'rondl- . ‘ •

• ItonB w ith l>iwlM K IlnnH nf the Son '.F rnnclH co Chnn'ihcr o t Com-m ercc. . ■

Inlnrcn l rcR iinllnc the roiid rltiin- •tlon to llic Nevudn line Is ln(rnno hero. Thn local hlKhwnj- honrd of " i )Ihb Tw in F a lls d in trlcl nnd tlio road ^bureau o t lho chnmhor of commerco ? lanl Decem ber under*(ooil .from II. ; , ' W. QrcKory. tlieri cllroctor of IiIkIi-

i s :would pu l up 'ob tu t ICS.OOO for Im -t prorlHR lho road to th e N'ev.idn llnp .'i provided U ia tf.tho d lit r lc t nnd (ho ii A n n Btat« ,or Mnho w ould furnlali IiK'i , N T n hnlfltjce.' T ho hishw ny d in trlc l pul V I II jip -i:E ;ono nnd AsVod Mnl.. co-«p<t .t — l l O S . V , .V ’ It C

w tiy t l l ^ ’ tll■^c. luiTi Tiot com r ^v.-dne-nli Ihrouch Is ^thc .((Utiiilan wIdch han „ . (roi^hlcd mpiiihcnM o t- ;th r t. hiKhwny boafiL '-D n tiv«?S ii» Ion of a r.-ccnt ^ . vIhK ;x h . T y i4 W lH l.y. Governor R aldrldR c.^thP tKmrd dlncuiiiK'd (he cinealtOQ w ith -him. He "a l'l (hnl lh% m allor' wan to l>e liiin.lle.l popuiyby Commlnylonor Wood. I.nst week t.’.ft fnr ll wn« pliiJin*d .fo r n OoICRatlon to |jRO . to DotQo t o ‘ conBUli Govcrnnr OAldrldEO and ' th » comml«»loner. bm n . I-'. throiiRh John Ww.- G raham , ll wn.i nuffer ;irrnnK «l th n f the . mecllnR «linulU npotietl ( lake plnce here , tlila - ovcnlnc. jHirle.! m

B l i M M H O O L ^ ^ J. . . . - - — wherQ fcl

- Continued r« c« I of Pre^li! roeiaimwl tho lant of th e 'jroken fnriii* nodeilcfl ; of the Tlctlms (•(« ye*(er.»ay n •olid ! Hnn or au(om obiles n lrc tc lttn s I K c n llr MImi I:■ fo r m iles monjj cVcry t.)i*o,jchgln6 Id inrnp^T n-,lhV low n chw liert.rvorr h lphw ay ... a Spokn, W ith lho com lnjr.of th e tlriit dusk l>o tH«itei

o f tr*pe<tr. mehitM?™ or (hP’y im ln u th -r Hon. «mcom m unity h a ln r tW toW ''o r thfrJn** Mr*. II.

; plo*lon. M nrtln O. Mllllrtlflm. 72 year! old re* ldrn t o t B alh. toW -qt runn lne ’ N o w: {a (he »Chool w lth 'th e f l r t t .h ln i t aud * ^< of “pItcttlBg In (o »avc .a l W nny afl.T - I coukLJ’ r •

r r l l« o f .S w a d ,•Olut 1 coiilcln't Btaail f t fo r lo n r." n ■

h* **ld. - I h .d tnken ftm r Ixx llc . pu t Of thc m ln» when K ehoc. be ttere d -b y « ‘“ «f, everyono to h i \ r p lannea (be tTO r* d lM .t* r; <Jr»w up to the c tirb In-ftoi. o t th e w reckw l « fioo l nnd call«iJ-®u( to Em ory E. Iteyek . #up«rtiitea«eni. » 0 t w ho w a t »up*r»lVlne »ho w ork o f f r r - « cue •' ■ > '_ t ‘

- b o lh of th e m « j »too<l ta lklft« J t U < Artl. Ihe ctirl) to r a few m taotc* w hen aud- ^ w e ta .I tn ly Kehbr-* autom obile w as hlijwn h o * mu to bit*. He an.l H uvck w ere klllt-<itw ill sur

• o tJ tr lr tL N«l»on MtfFamiB.-w ho w»» acy.—ad p taaliu : by. w u alao. killed and Glenn B m J t iT M a ’fc po»lma»ler. w aa m or- T he wj ta l l r w ounded, w ith both lec* Reverrd in th e F p i the _______ * ' “ DOQ JU

Nine K illed Ne

ThlH rn rfff^n lilc tiltU ir» 'o f thi- do\ vlclnlly. hi typR-nl o t iicnie:! llmmKhoi a lull nf m a rly I'r.O di'ail In i-li;hl Mal jiaimitiii ini't di'iilh 111 tli«. nekhhiirh.Ki* almve wan tlm Clnrcni:.! .Knnli.' Ikhiu-, Hi.'fUKi; III -II tilOl'lH c ’.’lldr. .

iM S E M E N T .^ 'l '^ AT MURTAUGH^

a t S lipa tch to TJio Tlm .» • Ili-I.rtliTAlXH I. Mny 10. Tin- . fli-;.1 'ir hlKli i.clfool, .-oinin.'n<-.'a...|il- "I” ' Iiirluiich hli:h m-U«.iI \vim Ii<-1d |,i iiii(> ly 'I 'v cn ln ir. a l lln ' hlcIi i.cluiiil (<• jiinii orliiin and wan a ll.'ndn l hyL .uuabucc,__L'ul]Q«-JniU-Vv.!;ciL_ li<:.intc'.t; |;<jrJii CVawwii. FJor.i (Kir.'il f InK, Klilon Okclhnrry and Wll- Ji'm Silvern. I’rnKniiii kIvi'Ii: Sonmi ‘” '1/1'," miillenci': lliviicallnii. Itliiimt) ,>i:\\vi-U:onu- nom:. clami; n.lvU-i-.I Cliiwiion: povm. Klora Htrnlnn: ' '

Ivldon Qln-lbiTry: 'mldnvm. l)|-., Wtillv of Tw in KiiMi.; i.rtiH-n-fi of dli»lomii». C, C, t.'iilli'M. / “ ''-ll(! i-lKlith j:nidi' Ki-iiduall.iii ex-en- wer.! held T liurwlay cvrnlni: I!'!!!!.'''m hiKh ncliool iiudll.'irliiin wlili / .,,J-rollniflriK Htitd..’ntji recflvliiK .11-nw: .Marjnrle ItiKledKi-. U-ora 'Inn. Iner. Tolm an. lieu (.•alien, T uJn I n<mo. D orntliy SdirKeon. l»hyl- ,hicFarliinil. K dra HarKtlne. .\o r- I , ‘"" loodmiin. Ilenr>- Sllvera, Mnurlce i'..W urvln S tn rry . A rthur T erry. ‘ n l,ce. nnd Hlldn Llltaw . Pro- : Viilcdlciory. Dornlhy KiurBvim:

prophc'cy, Inez T olm an: c linn i>..iiiv" ■■Idaho.” nnd "SnrlnK Ih Hero", |,rr,.•l,^^ | chorun; nddreiln by Mrt SaKei-t>, [ |o tln ||y

nkHy: p resen ta tion o t .llplotfm.i. „ r,j pi,, )iiiiini'T . ■ ' S tn 'l r i l*. K, Miirslinll iiuftiTcd an In- |

foot. Friday In I'ocatello. j0 Hhe wan h it hy an autnnio- |>„(„y. | Mr. M arahnll nn.l Mr Wnclmllz olhnr w

>verliind a t once iQlor recelvlnc i;i U ie 'r neWd nf Iliy nccfdent nnd • cm u Ih (ll III th e himpltal w cnr plcaned of prod

Inlorm cd th a t Mm. Mamhall In llii<received 3iitil n nHcht Injiir.v. Hir<r.'>.. nnd ,MrH. Doe Matilicw o( lUiii ^l|(r l a rrived h 'T o m m ake llm ir iiinliy «i

H Miuliillne J«!irey of Kluilx'rly riLM lla week-end Kile»l n l Ihc C, C. Antiwi1 hnhie. . fijirr <. Fr.-d H erherl nnd -‘nn of H raek.iSSiirlnuH a re vlKllIni; wllli her n ir ir ri

l:i, Mr. an.l Mrii. G.r.irj;e Deil-l\ C. :

1. H n»el-O rey o l IWon wiik . a cnmplnl i!fii vhd lor In MiirtmiKh M.m- odn ,i„„

' Kludent hody of hich I'chool ,|,i„rei)r .evenlh und elKhlh Rrn.li' »lii-hn.l a Inwn p a rty nl l«" Cood- ----------

home Momlny evening, \ 1irlouii ■. were pl.-\ye.l nfl.T whieh, |-<- i}cJ)l».were i<erved. ^

lY OF THE FMSIlonrh of l.rw lnlon iirrlvrd] \ .

viiltly on a vli.lt tn hln r.on, Koli-:___ _ ■ • v 'i:! . '. I -

r .-W rlsh t. Inrm erly of. Tw in; **- now n re^Ul^nl of I^alt Uilte. |4 in Falln on hu«liiM.H. 1

■uty Sheriff Clii.rli'M . i:. J oim -. I i r I’n ra te llo nnd ! .-ilt l^il(e on I ll bunlnes^i W ednmd;iy ••venlnj.'

Sweet, w ell kftown nheep in.Tu. ffertnK w ith a sever.- rafe of t l fever, an.l hi" etindltion h r . - ,I nn helm; e rlllt al. I

I. n , M. H all. i>re»ld.-hl nf thc-j S ynodlral Mln^ilonary t.nrlM)-, - I

V ednr.day fc.r San Kr:.nrl*co. 1 1_ ; khe w ill nttend lhe liiennh ll n c of th e national orKanl/ailun I I — , exliyierl.in W om cira * .Mlrxihnar.* •Ic". . IK Irene <‘op.Ii-llo who iinilrrwent .y n r .ton"c rttir-T .tn ilH a n , «n • ---------->knne hoRpltnl, wa* reported to .Iter , hu t Mill in a nerloun enn.tl-! -----•eoonJJne lo word, rotylved hi­ll . 0 . M llncr. ^ g j . ,

nr E n joys E a ling , ' T h a n k . HU W ife

----- ■ • anr year* 1 m iX fered '^’lih atom- ' rouhle T hen , my w lf- w t me! ke Adlerikft Today 1 leel flnoj !«l w bat V-Uko:'—W w. 0 pp.e rlka rvllevea ktomacb r a t andl |-----ie«s In TE N m lnutef. Actlnc<OTH upper ami low«r boweli.l •mo»«i old wa»!e m a tte r youj

tb o u sh l * a » In you r anitem .;^rtlertka (rtve your momaeh and la a n r.A U c lea n iln s and i>ee much' b e t f 'r you » » I U .M irprlM you: .M.ije»tle 1‘harm -; •-adT. ~~

• worM 'a s r« a le i t lover baa eome It R ialto . Jo b n ' Barrym ore In; >Juan ," now ahomlng.—aJv. j ^

. ________________________

N ear T his Scene o f 'S lo n

dovaHtntloii w roiiRht hy a -lornnilo wh ;lioiil lho m idd'i) w ent nnd aouili. wher I'taiiiH and wrmiKlit |)ropcrly <laiiiiiKi: _ hood -whi'i-o th la |il» iio i:ra |ilr war. taki

io iiilh'H w eal n t IChloii. The fnmll;

at^the— ~ T H E JIT E R S Q

- oni'Hi-;i'.M I-Iene (■..»!,.11... whn Iday.'il IM.illia “ P*®dy ........ I'lir U niiirlio 'rw hiler." I'rt^ I a :iia ilram a idarrlm : Tox -Allx, H nn f„„,. iTt h.ific'«voiM:in. W hile on hic;i1l-.li iii(> of hel- plcliireii. h .T lioi-n.' had ' lump a riilleir trei; tha^ waa

thlelc. The lioriio look HiV Jiimi-. an uflt’r tiin ilm ; .lecld .il lie Im.l lo .:■!Hllln,—•>ll«t*-<'.o«*l«!lli»-W(i»-iio('-tire- -— ^ ■ll for fhlii imeoii.f (r-aji, hul tn-.;: Juiniwln uately. Som e o t h e r dnr- rhllnK u-lll he xecii a t the OrpM- ntr;..

I Ih -n ire lif ■•The-llrimeho Tvvli.i- w|ilc-h will h a r .y i ahnwlii,” of two ,,,^7

ediiiiiiciiciiiK |.)liiori-oli'. '

i i i A i i o ' ''tl.ll 111 ||(.1I|.V(.(| in ho the riuit lim e ^ '1-,, ial,H.-..u,-,. ,.f a million i.frliin- Iiav..■ •'.•en hroa.leaHl to lhe ra.Ho f;,iin. " irri:<l during; the film ing of .''i;.''■■Knoelioiif l^ .llly ," Ith.Iiard Div'

Ill RtniTlnK v<^ilel.- for I’armn.tiint ' - ahowlnH u l tlu- Idaho tlica tre. w enly Hlallona w ore In the nation- V’” ' r> hookup iicrviMl Ity lh - Nntlonel adeantlnK f-’.impiiiiy from Ne«- k. ff wiia ostliiiuleil Ihut -Srt.dfid.tirtrt l>»Vl o fu n aV ere tuned In on tliln hotii' mliiue onteri.-ilnnieiA. » i‘leJlir iiCL'nea from' "K nockout ehiir ly.” then hi.lni: lilmed wen- ‘ ' •it Mle:iin hy n rn h am MeNainee. nu- Mi a lly know n rad io annonncer. Uleli- reee Uix. Jack llen im ll apd Mulcnlr.i dd '- i

(•Inlr. dl’rec tor. \ ie j^ lh o * prlneljm l Tl llo lljjhla hetore 'ifT e microphone, non tfl Iliim phrleii. Jlnniiy De Forronl. .lay ly Haley, Hilly M.-rnrlhfrnl- un.l (1. ir well know n hoxlni; IMureii wnn; hiiid: tie 'rln ;; .lu ring (lie hrondl'aiillnK. Mi

Ih thou;:h t th a t lho hroiidcamlni: ami irodncllona opeiin a new rh an n e l j<,Kti he nutlonul ex |.lo lla tlon of pie..'<■ ll c iv /a lo (lie uilllloiia o t Inn- \t IdeU ire fan«, th e ir only oppn .- ,.r„}

ly of coniuel w ith pr.tdncUon,

I.Kll AN.SWKK A M i CO rN TK ll.:iti\vei*'haii Iti-en fllfd hy W allers twoI’a rry . attornej.ii f.ir ( 'h e s te r K. In -.'nk.'it. In a Niilt hroiiKhi aKaliinL ’ ^r ellen t 10 r.nnitel fiilMllltl..nl of p 'l j.!i;:r"<'meni l<> liny u ranch from vltfuC. M er.'dllh for StO.l/OO, CroiM- nt 1 plnlnt w.na liliTo filed nnklnR K'".-.hin'inse:. und lu.i.erlln;: Unit the K(ra r t In .inrM ion wa» o k la ln .d hy oxf.irepr.-nenlnllon. Jl.Til

| i r a t t f

F ^ J n T T E

F o r .O u tin g* o r J

D ress W e a r I

H a n d I------------i - T a i l o r e t l ---------------------- 1

Stylish new m ate- L rta ls in • tan , g ra y f! and lig h te r shades.


E X T p A '


r w T N f a t : i .s -t i a i t .t t i m k s ,

t r n x ’s F l u r r y - X IFL^ . . . . .

J ' . * .\loi


■ ill", ^ . j;;:’™, y i'.s:;;...... “ .

which nlnieU Kl.I.tn. Mn.. un.l IM liero'aprliiK i.ioiiin. h a \e liilten l | fu: rnnnhii; lni'< mlIlioni<, .Nlni.. lakV'ii, T h r « n ..lii ij:r nhowii ull> cacaii.'d liijuiv l.y i a k l n r ^ <-a



......... _ ' _ ' The

psclal DlsiiatPlt to TliB Tlniop '" ' '« i ' 'AMSTKIil'lA.M. M jy \% Paid, the

n ir j r a r oKI :o n .n" Mr mi.l Min. 1>e ex; lap. K nnull, was tak .'n lo Twin - •alh. Siimlay «h-.r.. he underw enl II OJI..full.Ill t 'lr (he ic-mtwul .ifiiindhi- nml iidrn.tliki,__ He fii inaklnr; Hu.in.a iln rurio r7 ') 'i oj:r>...!., • -K»;ei,m

W, H. Sw,-irl|..y. ilepnly eolinu- X tri..^•;l.r.' wa:-. ill Illh: vleliilly hi»l ' ■-.'ek miililm: i.;iM-:.Miieli1i. for Hie “ CAIi !i::7 iax . • iKiliiliiMr. utid-, Mra. II. .V. I 'ln .if Shnidione as nl:

ix.iil Sii'nili.y Iwi-r w llh h r r iiar..|ilii. Goveri lr. and l.<iwr. t‘ce. {■•Mlaiiet. lleli.|i H"l..ii Hil- vaeaill

ke r e.n.l J .’i;1;i Kiinli.-l ni.riil Sm i-hii.VMilnn nl th.; W 'K . Slilniiei. honn-. " f ,

The ft.' II. .■^Irleunu fumlly w.-r*. 'r o lei •will F itlh i'v l,.lti.rn Hatur.luy.

Mr. atlll -Mr:'.' 11. S. Kmikel anil h lli lr e ir drove 1.1 T w i n Kalh. F.-l- uy.

Thl! neveiilh nnd elKlith Kra.lo , ■iJpJJii wTule on Ihl' Jil;iie oxninJiia- ■Inna III llolHnt.T laat w"elt. Mra. 'lale KuhUel o f Amat.^nlain wax In hiirac of- (!m- exanilnallona for Jhlii en ter. . " ' •Mm,' A. K. Kiinltel haa rec m d y

eeelveil :;(Ht w hile , leKhnrn hahy hh-ljH ft'e d- Mra. C; I.. K unlirl ‘JWit.The ill-.voreml Mr. liinla of Kmiei- '

on v lflt-d AniKt.Tdam friends cme ay laat week.(leoriie Hlon nf Tw in l-'iilla waa a

iifdnexii viHllor here Friday.'Mra. Dal" Kiinlic-I mid eh lh lr .n

nd the Mlxaea lll ltlk e r. Waltu. nml ontn 'K niik .'l w cro tdtopplm; In TivIn •nllll Saturday .

Mlsx M arim fct l-ellTn a |ienl M'v- niJ , J;i).j wri'Jt . nl Ih.. JohnJintlfls hohl" n r a r Kcirerjion.

Mliia Neta Dem.m who hii?i“ l.f-r.!l — - I Jho I'nnl Herd hcmn- lhe pa:.t wo wocUh.. r e tu r n ..I lo h e r home □ i T w in {Fftllu Satim tuy.- '.aaic .f td lhh ..’Sliliiiier family fnmi lllliir.v leriiuy .’ iilt-ndcd i;hiirch ner- Itfou - lic ru '-n il' S im day and vh.lted .( hlH fa ih e r 'a home

FOIt S'Al.lw-Men'n clve»!i idion. auij xfordn. -uililea (o J7.on. Clnilnj; lo t I.'sl;. JJarher Sho.. C o .-a d v .

^ $3.95" '

- $ 4 .9 5

Sl.j - $ 5 .9 5


--------------- ^ . Iiy 11.n y Unltcrt Pr««« '

.M;W 0 I{(.1-:aNS. .May n - l-‘lnei| w .i. '■i-.siodj.ypoiii-i-d latci -he Arluifal.-iji, ” ' 1iMlu Injiiidatln-: nrw lerrli.n-.v. *.\fo:niif Ihe renldrifi;;, howl-v.-r, h;;d ' ' •en wari)-'-l aii-l ha.l d.-;.rri.--l i h ^i.ni.-ii i» 111.: unary ll-lV ......... . ‘ 11'loany w...e iVi.i-u.'-l hy rell.-f hr,;,i-

...... . n cIfe from dnm nfie 'iin-w isinier Mnrraii X j lu ■I>oiis Inille.ileil Mtt—nTTTrri^ju.iitln;; in iin 'li 'lh o Tein-an hai.lu., h;ul lireii v.'cted an.l u-ii|l.l e.'iiivn.' liiUt the Irhafahtyn ha:Mii. Ih ........ I]-.

i f S l lL I Y ME IRDER i

— :—Dy Ur.lta.I Presa n ..- 1

fA.SJdX ,- 0„. .M.IV IP liam .-ll- In.'rai r iy afl'.r lhe Jiity i, v.-nllrl lii:.| l.y lhiKht fliidlli.: l-'l-ty-l - H1n.-l1.'iil"-n;..t UnyIlity of lh e i.itudcT <ir lllill If. !ia-.....lk-1i; D-.fi.-liM' All->-iii.y Ja iiirr. letnal iihiTlHin annou.f)-i-d •li.it .In- i-ai.e S n ir.iil.l-n;twapp..|ilr-lv • >'la(vlT h - Jiii-y rer-niimriiil.-cl in.'i-,-y for ili lliell •in.-all» a ;.. ii|etl--r , ..t ill.- In.- n-r.-tri -iMimiirnl. I.V |>I 'The Jurv nf nine inm aiel l ln . . .:tmen i-'purted idi->rtlv iif ln In f S .. wiih Ihe verdli:!. ' • Mli;iSU-'.ll-.ali.7^ei- Is lh.. l ld id Man i-n .n . mil wh-nif> i.iieli piniivlini. iil • i - • tn ina r.i ■ .•xii..|rd f-ir 111.- m n iiler .tf M -ll-ll' an 'iv . :.t July, I'a l Men.-i-niitlt w.is tl,rM --r. M ■M eitnvlrl.d . l.Ihe Slr..|l--ii1»-r;:.-i'| — ,. war, liav.d fi'om ll .......h a ir h.v u | ---------i-y n.riuum..iidiitlnii of iiinc-y. He.,; ildner wa:i ....nt.'n.-e.l I-i lllr .111 al

. - 1 —5A >ii:s m ;w t im ;a s i ! i j : ii.

By VDltad r t« i« I . .CAUHON' CITY, .N-.v„ .May l?i A].- Iiilm enl of.G nonte Kiiinell nf f-lUic.

m ate ircM anrrr o f N..M'.da ....... .tveriior H al/ar ha.l ch.i-i;ii-i'<t Dn- c.^^■e. fo rm rrly held hy i:il-.v;Td .M.illrv" - ' eailt loday. liiarlird Ih r liiM lien hyU i.. a tale low ard i.io , r:-ii:l-.n ' d

.Mulley. i:eori;c (--.ile. f-irnn-r ectn- >ll-.r, and II. (.'. Cliipii. forni.T Itaii];, nhler. for alleseil enihez/.l<.iiieiit . i t : 'q all.OlK) ot i.(ule fumln. 1 J

STAIIS A «ilti:i: T « IHSAIillMi: bn y TTalt.a Pr««B ^

I.OS A.vni-:i.l-:s. May 1!I—niim ori;! • y ■re curren t hero l.td^y (h a t .Maiyl.ir>'Uler, muideal i-otiiedy «Wr. uud Jiiel;ekford, .......... . a tar . had itt rfe i l uj.-I perniaaenl a<’paralloiL_ _______ J

Ih ig g e c_ i n a ; S m 6 o t l

The outstandinR charac Essex Super-Si-x I's comp

- - - - - ■ labor in oil performance.

W hether spurting at top a comfortable 50 miles t long, you can realize il only by the w ay you d

Xhia sm oothness mea cconom y of efforf, econ c c o n o m y in t.he I b i moving, parts.

And in mokinii;^ long t your Essex oil day in c;

, w ill;find the greater eco \ tol' freshness that- con

driving; ridiog. steerin - and i ts fre e d o m fr<

at.all spMds.


Tbr N eyr^datt 'DelM:Thii'u lhe f n n t , reo m a w 'a ^ meat brnttsful 1

~Uly h bai r m y rcA ocim t aad d«t«U of comfoi

' • ‘ Kitex Modi■ 2-puufi{rr Spcrdibout ^ 0 0 * V pi

Cetup«|7M C w b r«. AH tria tA i . / A u i« i

•iRidingisMke , Jensen

124 SEOOND A V E . NO.

___________________ i___________ "

'o rd H as N othing to V \l S ay A bout New C a r i " *

11Ithini: 1-t lie j:l\eii nut .t 'h i:, ........!.• l i .r .Molot .iiMii.iay 1 ,.;-.ii.l|n-. ;ly III W Ill-Illrl .-;i| Ihev |,M> nr. » „ | |, . ;

i i i i S i i)ela™ ming 5

NEW EN FORCER'.........

« Uy Ualtort r r e . i Id -Jik»VA.-:i!l^:T().\. May v>- Anifi l:M ,e,ii ‘ t;.. ................... - l ai.i..dnl-jirni -,f In-.l

M. I)<.r;m. .«t. I'.in l..llie i.nthlM ti.ni I '''* " U-e;m':i lei hill.-iil di\l-.|-.ll .-lilrf, . r :

'>l'l-elM:illl|r |>l|t>fi<':il|l>ll oI'IIk- 1 > Ml H ll y il.-|i;n--ii-nr-. Intru le.li in ..■ ran lli. .|.i;u i-, m.v. li.-l-I n :,rily :

- lh'-*I>''-.l Inn •le.-lltiinl eninlii' ni nn I [i-trlr. Ihal ll .u n . .: vu.nM In 'v :ilu;i;-i -- | i! l; 'ia l ..id li'ia i thl- Mr>i.-.-, j ^

SIHtdlMTV S lST llIt VISITS }Mlnu ll..rlli:i 1,. Clilideniaii i>l H.m I

I'lV.d iMiI.iv l-l \ l - ll a M.ll.lllv-. Ml. ■ Minniiilil, I !■■■

— m u & k - rDo you know tli.'it the 1927 au

i;; Eoinu to p u t .t lo t o f you o u t o:

F A R M E' D o .^ u hiiow l l ia t you ca n 't 3i

ducta fo r a neighbor w itliou t pay in

Comc to thc m ass m c c tij ig 'n t 'C itizens B uilding, corncr T h ird Si N orth , nex t' F rid ay evening, M ay : belp form a p erm anen t stato-w idi t4rf intcrcstB of tru c k ow ners and u nconstitu tional law.

^ C

d P o w e ith s t r e a mracteristic of tlie • — ■ mplcte absence of- cc. ^ .

op speed’o r doing ^;s an hour all day ^J its sijpor ability j distance others..

leans cconom y— ly ^ onom y of power, BRSt]|k|^^ lo n g life of all ^

g tours o r usingI c ity traffic, you ^iconomy of physi-bmcs from easy .j'lring and control, 'f ro m v ib ra t io n


lA u c m s . •fu lSM nnrtrbd ilt. Nttiu> •m fontbuyoucoulddeilre. '

W f / f ' ■ ‘ ■

?flimsyn Auto Sales (

- ' P A f lE f n i l E E . - '


Dt o 'n itia ITM* ’•I .o s A.^>;(:f:i.i-:.s. M u y 'i f t - r j ic ion-;

I:ill ..f wlni.-ineH In ' Hollj-wooil'a niK-l.li- nuii'iler irh il girohahly » - ||| ho..... . l;,.e inday when Tnul Ktilly.-.iihii;. 'ill.. :.iaiid in hln own dc*

Tl.. ll. liiiij.ilr' y.niiiK al-lor; chnvKcl.• llh ila :.n iu id i;r .oc .iuy .ltu i'iuond„!uu -. . . i-.il .Iineiiy f.unrll--.*niu«t yc l fnrn •

li.ni.i;:i- <i1 i him. ..\uinlnaliOll bcloro lie i.f.iir l . - l : ; !im ooslnB cpunpel ■ ll,. m- ftii;il..fl';iinien(:i.

WiUi iii-ifcri roirtimr.nre yoiiiic Kel- -y ..... . Mil- i i a m r ia i . ' y..nierdny ninl•-iiIliI ain.in;: o lf irr lliiima.'

T1I..I 111:’ n ia -li.nn with Dorothy Ia-lci:yr. Mllr of III., imm lie III chnru- d v lll i h :iilni; Irsi-..|| 40 death , wcro n.vrtn'ni; Inil i.laUmle.Tha>-U.iyiiiiiiiil-Wllti the UKKreaaor

II th e (k ilt wlll. ll nan n iariod hy In- ■- iiltiiii: ji-niarli:. made hy thu formor.

Improved Type Car Awnings.

$2.50 feL i n d A u t o C o .

au to tran sp o rta tio n ta x law t o f business?

E R S !‘t liiuil a pound^Gf fa rm pro- i . .y in j .th is heavy"pcnaltjf tax ?

: 'n t thc Citizen Club Room,I S tre e t and Sccond Avonno ly 2 0 th, lit 8 :30 o ’c l t ^ a s d v id e o rg a n iz a tio n .to p ro tec t m d to fig h t th is unJoBt a a d


T r '■ / '

■ /


Page 4: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

_ ‘.jFAGE - ■

Twin Falls DailY Tin^s^ • ANI,S'BEJ’I5Ni«wNT.Ni:\V8l'Ari:il. •

■TinTMoTriu.'firconil 'cliitMi ni»tl7r' April l l . '- M ife i-v .’ f f l ; .

. ^ b ttiil ie a rvrr> ..vmilr.c rxc-l.‘l S>iii.l;iv n,l ,SSCf ^ I n uvrnu '^M ^I. Twin K ill-. l-Mli". ,

«U H «(:ilIlT IU N ItATl^t,

M o t p s e E r a - ;7 {• ’' I •’/* '• 1 •' a' lw 'w 3*


’'[t h e ’ s q h o o l ' d i s a s t e ^ ^ '

■ ’r-.A .jiVliotil I'lOiu'cl i‘.ff|c la l. c n . / . . i ; i t W » u \ ', " , leKrrf. l*y u n r ry ovnr fltx I»-vIoh for i

or Mip Until. Mk'h.. ni-liii-.lu. .vr,it(-nl;iy pliir.Ml . ■ Kei-»rnl oth-hK of dyniiiiillc iituliT lli>- lu illil- j, infi .i in ^ r , llm t-lilMnin lui-l iiJ-s.inl.I.'-l. I l t j .llH'.fii.ign uml nuU i'.l Ivnrn 'ili.' .......................tieruru nio^riH im iuii ix|,l<ii.lci. w rrrk rd ii..- ' tiiniutiiri! I'uklii;! Ilii' llvivi of ;ir. Monir'

' , Of llicm IciJs ll'iuti iiliif jo iin i «rl<l. Till'll. AccortUiiK tu Ilnr iii-wi; iciHirtii. tln ' liir;uiii'mnn rnn to lilii unio wIiit i- tif v,a:i ^wliuu un ]

' cniiNril liv uiiotliur nili'li o t ilyniiiiilti'. ;>[iliii- , Jerccl liib m nrhlbc.•• I t In 'Hi'oor, lull Il^vi'rllii-li':>» n-rfti'l. Uiul j

• In nm ny iriiK<''>ii.'ii Innoroiit clilMrcii ,n iu th e v k llW i of Vnmc iiiliili'n'«'iii!''l(';'mu-;'H. jaln o r folly. J um wJiy hucIi In tli<r Ii- ’ iv .,iiuvM ll<it^lilcli prolmbly ik vit « lli huansW crcil Ovlx "I'lc (l>o urnvc. i

' T lio rea l p liy o r tlm trnKcily. unn'l.lc- «i tih e Horrow lirouKlii lo .lliu imririiln «P tin- 'c tiildroii. Im Mini « iiiiin >vuul'l nliow lilm- .M ?f (o Ijo tiraiiKliC to Ow ixiliit u t coiniiill- (

“ t in s rfuch n (Joo<l ’tliro iisli w orry over tlic ’I»IIU<«1 Hluintlon wlilcli iiilKhi ri'Hi.U fioi.i ^c x p o n m o r la x IuvIch In cniiiHTtlou wllli ,th e oporiiilon <if tliit.ticlinol Hynt^i^ i


T w in tV lln In IKIHI, loiliiy. for ihn w com i j dny thiii w w k. lo Uir nlnlc, fOMV^ntlon of I Ifto lln>-nl AnOi .Mnnoim, ilclrK »tr» from ncvS^ R l liliilin loitnn.iH 'IiiK In ntlvmliiniH-.

ISucJi- noHiflonH. iiHlilc from th r fruli rm.l IfehnfJlii tu he .<lnrlv-<-il lliu rffru in hy thu ^icmUhfJt o f Uiu urc iin l/u tlun . rci>nti In k.d-ui B«p4'*fdr uuy -con iiiiu iilty nnd TJio TIiik-h tl6|ie8 'th n t tliC 'K oynl A rrh -Mimonw will ncc

tUlH c lly f>» lh« .inn-lInK I'lu rj (ar..'|}io;.l928 convuntlon.•?A j h p lrll o f'rrlo n illln o a ? j<ti<l co-oponitltir}

prnmotPil n t iho')raUic,rlni!« of nnjr ( rn le rn n i Imiljr nm l. nClcr nH 1« n n iil ' nml • ^oiiffi.nil t>r ih n n i.n rn .w orklni: w ith (>iui nb>

naiitfily Iho nilyuncom rnt o r jiuninn wolfAre. Ill m lillllan,'otil'tic(tuulnuin<:cH nro tfh cw cil hnd Hi'w ■frliinilHhlivi (ormoil lie- • ^i^qjpn'tiioiio In’JYnj.lhiia 8?cllonn of ihn iiliilo

irn(>a*|(<Kiir«incl(>« to tt'O itiitiK.-ii 'W l^ |i r < ) r n ll-w it^uriim l.'

. V' B E O I K I ^ G l i f e !

ToiilKhl. (It th r Or|>hmiin tlii'iilMr, tho Tw in . K'n!;!!'. JilKh rH-hoofclnHii o f K nutuutrn will rpftelvr the (IIii^oimiis for whleli tliry hnvr p lH*oh w orklni; fo r 12 jn iM . r k h t yrarx in |i f{^u<J prliool« uml four yriir« In hluh m-liool. “

•R tllow liiB th r Kiici<'t.Hlii| iirrM -ntullou...'j th e ficnlor pIiihji jilny. J ia n i ir D 'A ir. th r ccrunionlrH ionli;lil will he- ii llilliiu r lln i:i\ it to Jn n K yrriri. o f h i'x .r i.n.l for ncimr ..r ih r '' mrnilxTK of tin: rfilr.K. Ih r t;l^l four >.iii-‘ ,, Imvc luriiiH iiiiiir thA^i m rrrly •m.liii; itncliool nn<l Mu.lj-lii;;, In iic u ly iv r r y ('llii>rc nru Uiuiiu xv'ho luivr iiri lii/Tnr<l_ oiifiili|<- w firk. o ftrii m uniiul hihor, In ii i 'l r r ti> oh f, Inln.fnnilH to c n rry ilii'ni lUn>iii;h. il

w iih n n t iiiiy In irn tlo n of.••IhrnwliiK rnhl w n lc r" »i|K>n lh<t_Jio|irn^iinil aiuhlttcni;' oi tliP, ^ t ‘“ 'un tr;i. l io \ \;v r r . II c ;in h r s:ild In d

-o ll-trM tli th iiM ht-y urr-only-l)r,-.lonini."m r.- ThQ-ic Who On im t j.lan i« i;n lo rullrK... ■' nlU ft mnko ro n lirrtlin i u llh n iionltlon Iji

-Whft-b tliry ra il m iilir ;i lUI'i;- n h lk iIkhv ' Ii u-fro «0 Cri i„ Kl /.<!) /« ,„ HyriiM in i.rr -.f -l.wly .......... ... to ,,Ilmi.'M icy h a \ r | . i i- ;n l 1liioii;;h «1ll ................rn n jj " •

K rr ry n irn ih rr .if th<' lil>lllcl a ii.'„ .i•co llPB v.lt a l-a l l ikkisII.I.'. In ll |r : i - mililri ii

t l m ^ l l i r man l>rnt <'»ltiliii.v'I li 'r a iiK 'f,-.. ti any kin.l h. th .' ..n.- «l)o, In niu.- •.

cri!.f:« ont o f tn. it..'.-i'. « i^ i tl........ r.u,-.r C - J 'in la l r r lifr. In l.y;;(.n.' >r-.i-, tli-r.- ri w riv muny .iji|H>rt iilillh for llir >.'>.riill.'<l "1

\ l . r u t t l .u l m an; tliat I ., tl..' man u h i. ol.l.iin- >h1 <tT»i1r MhcHil ..r Iih:h .'.rti-.vl lia lii ln ;: ..ml r. M.i!5 «-.^ll riiuli.j.i'.l u ll! . «h .ii 1. Un..«ii a . rnntniou i-rn:--. -'^ncli r a ^ ^ a r . - .'M ii'U i iy m r # ;jn th c ^ r .1ay« or MiiuT-lralnlm: i.ml t-rK-tliillrinK un-l t li r man mil iirriM i..! » n t «• fin .l life ’., |.;itl' lln r .1 » i ih ttn .rn-,

la n ra r ly . \ . T y ' lili:h rrhool .I .. '- , lln r.-arVUhOM- who h-v<- an .....................th r l r iirrt>ni|<Mxhmrntr. Init tlir. nnnih.-r lit h> thiH j;ri«ii» I-. Iirfoiiilim !.•?» rtirli y i.ir . 'J'n !'• llurJ.'W « h o iiilnUt lKi.<.ihl) Imlll M uh m .» .. th r ,^ . l l lo r w ouhl. n 'l l r ra t i ; hi* - * ta l. in«:iil h'

- m u ^ c a r l l r r 't ^ l - ._ w c r 'k ; namri.v. thk i th r P S r r< l-» lonls«t_ l» t- n c»rtilly w hat ,Ui. ^ llBinJ Jllll'llri*—r « r i0icnrrnfi:u l--ll..1t 1?. l l i r tll rn 'd fan tm m r r r ly 'j i r c fM-«Innfn= lff/> ' i.n'f th n i Ih r Sll^f•r .1 ‘Utt-J-• hnvr Irjtrr JTl i*. i;._l_‘ v r ry 'in m lt „u tll.' k'in.l of a f.'uimhiilon lli..- hA»y'nnil will s r l In J.larC. Hi)

: ........................................ . Sl. ; . r e Al j q y . -

(|V > wiirli vou hkV-n. «A rl.nI .ilnnv .< .iii >grf « a ln th r n f c r r t I fo U a a >iy r V Uic f th lt lk rr . who kn ..« ►•th.it. ;. Iiun.li.-.! vrar- a fl« r h r i> ,!rn.l nml fiirco llrii, m rn -

■nrvpr b ra r ri 'o f him will Ik- imnlnK to tli rl " .ljl.pa.iurr of hl» Ihoiislit. ^ ' (

L A W ^ ^ r a x i i s i L I T y . (

U > .ip nm r^ -ll.-r I . i r i r ..f *'

kHcM rlwinTi' In th r lu.tilt nf lh .' f i l 'I i .mln*t, , . ' _ L

CopTrttht. l»jr. Wor'n»f ■Ocn Ju tn ," te re en p!*y b> D eii ,M«

' . U * W arner tJrof. nictur

I« . K i - s n p s i n I, r , ‘ baC T fj/o f/ifr-iiu«n i/n i;r-‘T.iJ.:.-trnIn- Iin

rri-i !ov< ,r.„ n tu llu~ an< l lo rg fV 'r- oh* 'I'M ninrJc. Juon tnr. tcn ih l'i y im ld U ni«

'.over, l i l t cvMcliPi- ii,'Cl>rcUr(t l u U,.■_i-Uatlon;iu-/lA,e. vldrlflnu. .Vur<i»''<c:, >1".

’ot'in;; her. hr. t r / 0»ni.n,(lk{ O ic jri no‘ Ihe rn m ilu o f in fiip in tn .'ljucrctla or

, . 7Mrj7la..tefti» Zoirji h im , <inil/loiKfU. tio fcin*iiinn.'t(7i<. col'tff*

I Cfn‘H m .ifunrrt , <Ir»frr.V .fi-,i«‘*; Mlf/i In ylilrlunr).. C’lriiU’u l oifiilii, /i>: <|ii

I , V rtii/jr» f/ir lo i^ r ../• /-ii<T<rn-i, Tu lo '* jt(ii,'r hvr } .ilh ,r . A-lrlnua rm in/rnt : lloiuili, lllll Juitii k ills IIOiuill nud .'.1II '.I f/un ii/i Ini', a .Iiiriarim bu l.ucrr.- uu ,. fin, u h J Imiias lo U>-ak M j .t/ilrlt; lui

luanr^U -tp ile /iInjicJ/. c 'rcamj o / aK'■ <l«Id<tito— • Al1. . . . ' ' lin.. CHAPTER XI—C entlttued lo' ll J l« r KJ«nca JinJ Ijcou a cnrean,

hpnvlcr Iniloii w llh . lo y o 'tlia n th r •klMjos o t niAny wotuun." . O'"'

Anil yot—yot tliuro nho had liucn n l ih . Doiinll, lij h e r h(xl vliuiulicr,

, tha l nljsh: w hrn ho w rn t lo liw.How frlKlilcnud nho had liccn. how

' (lolcrnilnril to i>rot(!ci hur luvcrl '■A falthlM n thhiB. Ilftc nil o ther Iy.

1, women. If .on ly ho could forffm,, Iier! . nt

I]U choushtfl hn ld ’him no cloioty 'In.i. lluit whou thu do<Tr Ot hln coll waa h it

I opfnftd hi) did not n t llrs l rrallzo. w hat bud Impponod. Then ha ror

lookad up nlowly. witlinuc Int.'rrHl. iihi■ .Tho kflupitr o t Iho. p rin o n , .liood mr■ th e re ,,an d «* he /itoppi'd ti»Ula, a nlii ; vcllrtd womnn tonk hln plnro. . coi

Sbe moved down tn iho^/lritt ofIhu tn-o RlP|)ii louillUR from thn Hnl

' dnor t<i thu v r ll; tho hcm of hur dmtlark ulduk f ril to-'lho ntop hulow, nnuUs cdRO Irnlllni: In ibo wnlcr. Ior

-------ShB*Ttrtlonjit-tmrrtonn:ionprt"fip.- miih ind h r r . th rew hnrk h f r roll, nnd «eJAtond for n m om cni Inokinc n t J

> Juan . Hor oyen UHcd wiUi irn rn ; out ’ thun, M hs nlitr<‘d hack n t her, np*

I t

i M i rnr^^/ '

U rlfflv th e onvt! ihe k t< prr‘ih e o

pnrflnilr wllh nn though t of ram- llol Ior tn .h rr . t l i r t’ KrrW cnM »nnd "Ai Biicry. "n

•Tom e h r r r ! " nhu rxcln ln ird , •• hdlitluK oat h r r hnnd. ihn

Jiy,ti-n .'V.-ry di-llhrrni.i m av.- ^„.- m.'iiT wu.. un in'iiilt. an h r „|-.w1y.'runflrd th r r r l i / Moi.il for u .. ............niwjl Junltliu a l h r r hand, '.hrn Ilflrd ll t'l hln lil>' ami h;vr>»'.v in u d ir .l 11. an If ll w rro r r r a M v r (o him. I .

Ifn ilnn ii'rd h r r • hnnd , 'n n d l , '

^ 'h " l 'H . : ‘; ! . r c ':iuuam l,!d

■‘'' 'i i r r - v n l c r Irumlilvil w ln ii 3h p ,j; ''"

" "■ m o r k l i . r ’Mnlh''’'l i i;!i ir 'a . ;'i'i'. h|.i f.ii«‘. ?’'■

Shu Ji'.-Jtati'il n riu.i.ii 'iit i>. '..:<• i--"'; nhr fip'.kr aiMlii, TJ'::U •ir' It ill.'

■had only tha l m om -iit ;!i..iu-i I ..r '- i'­ll, ».hi> rs l.li . ' I'i"

•'Vn.ir lr.^.d..m -^tla:l !..• ;;l'i ,1

' " ‘' ' ‘ 'a ,!,' Jtian ja illi 'C aK.Mn. -iiriiKs-il Ills i>< ahoiil'li-r'', a ;tiw rrrd ii'T lh mock rlni hum ility , . r.-vij

•'(!.':ii-rr'iily h . i ' . -n r v r r h rrn j \viii tra i l I'f mifir. niy lailv." hi> rriilln l. !.>v.

1..-;.,-.i :.rl = h(, l--..r a n:om riil In of i rr.-ilallt.v li.-l.l ti.-i - im -i in h a '.h ; ^ -ll.- al him MaaUIy. - „ .

C.nil.l ll l.i- Ih.ll ll.- war. „f ,

............. .••V..ti -u n titil V n i ' . r r - !ihr riFk-'il.

Alm.i.il llru lh lrr . '.l. nm offrrln r o J ,

«nrh l, lo hav r w h n trv rr yoii Wl.h • - ^ h M r v r r rnn wI'U." r h - r r r - a t .- J Fln»ly, kiL .w Int lha t h r «..iihl " i.ml.-r^i.in,l. '

.laan ■'irill'-!. w rnrlly, W h n i-rrr h r R l-h .'.l; If «n.- r<MiI,l hnv,, i:lv.-n1.1,w h i . r.ilih tn Ailrln:i,i. ,-r;il-.1 havr r—t.'.r.'d tr. him th,- r r - 1n:’>,.f th r ri.in .-n lft lir hsd np-n t r l 'h J 'h'->«lll t:>.- it t l l r T.vnl'-li h r .|,> ^ '|Ii* MkI

' .h iii rh , Ihi.l wnn}'!, hav f m r.t^ t t'k"

KBi noihinc .-rfin. roiilit CU'C htm r<-ai ' t l u i would X'f ■troriW h%Tii;n. f f

Ciirloii*. w hea ««; rtften ha. lia J .ojrv f«r,f.(l d^A»h anil dpfl<-rt Q. lh a l miw, tiisl trh rn h r so jR b t tt^ .lt «.ladnd lihn'l -itin

Hhc ainod looklnp a t blm b« I f h»e1 ahe had ncT rr le e n b i o iicforp. n u Sha WM u k ln c b e ra tU w h al had



- ' /.-~T .-.v. ' ' • - . ' 1r " j u A s w ~

SABASTIHK f / m ' f l

'n»r nros. PJclur«», Ino..Moreajrth, a tn rrlng John Qarryir<or«

c tu r lu t lo n o r th in rtov*!.

bSppenA'i) tn tiln}; how cuiild Imvu chhnsed ii^oinpl<-iul,> 7 ■-v„ old moclicry V as lliuro. ym w... ranrrly ii Ir.itio w hnl It iwd ho. tio i:rniijtHl lik.) n mnn wh’.) llvn;,>n_l waH._iini,nllvo, d mnn whoiiK irotKlng'cdiilil' louclu tmi lia;.iiliii-i:i' o r wrulchi.()iif!4u o r puln (V fvnr. ' tlb l lovo itnulf. • . 1

.Sot lovo IlK.ilf? I’r rh f tp i thora ' wna nllll onc arrow tr t i In h r j ; .liilvur, ono ibUif. I rii wlfli which ; lo itnad him. 1

l l r r rlrnulii'd linnda hual ni;aliit<i | rnch nihnr. hrliOi'anly. Stic tiiri|.''l j uw ity'from lilm. an If to lonvu, ih rn . lu rn rd hack nitnln, dntR crd Mrf< aKnlimi hur will. A snlnai her'p rldo .All he r irnlnluK ur^cd ho r to nli.ip- don him lo .li ln ftno, hu t till b r r lovn hndo h e r auiy and auo for blx favor.

Jnnn w atched h e r ln.lir{..renll)\.' Ordlmirlly bo would Im v.i' li’orii am iinrd a t b r r nhjecl-plnAillnc. (or kindnuas' frnin him , l i i i nOw he coiiM otfJj- (vhh. w rnrlly fJi.it «hti wouhl KO nway and louve him. •

Sbo upoko-lit lanl. nlmoii,>7f-loua-Iy. ‘ - • , . ........ '

"W bon ynu-aro led iq.,ihO'i>’oclc n t m ld |il|th t' you wlU. f e itro t thin In.iull to n O orRlnl" nho to ld 'h im , h lttc r ly . .- - • • •

"Iln l I (ball, prrnpl-fo m y aplf- ronpcer,'' ho' rem lndl.^ hor. Iiad aha hu i known hnw llko a deml mnn hn futt, h«* lol.I hlmnelf, niirnly yihn itaiiUl iioi h a re Votlieroil -to como'.to blm tn ihlfl way.

•'Yun, 'y o u r ‘ uolt runtw ct." nlir nnld, nlowly. "And no doubt thn dnuch ter o f thn Dnko della Vtiruii- nnu. who tn u l thin niom cnl bclnv v i torinrnd by my Rood N crl tn nn- I nthar-cell'of-lhli<-i>riHon,-koopi-b(lr. ^ nejf renpoct n» w oll."

Juan 'ii m onth iw lnlod ionlCmpliL ounly.

"T blnk you lh a t I hcllorn lhal

- * (■'

4B , ■

1 ""JI' L'Bt

KBRBfil iM

M H i Q l lB k H v u i u r ilf e V H i<t <

i ' 'id"' ii"

'le 'o r.Jfr fe r J u n n 't rrfcrWloti.

llo?" hil r r to r ird , nlmoni nmrnir l. for '•Am I a rh lld , li) K l yon irnno n'.i rr.n nn w lllo n n ly r , . nir

"1 ir ll you ll l-i true! I Irll yo< ""I th a t .-vrn now nim U m in rr ln : ru.-h (ortiiru u.i idii- n rv e r nrriiii'.: I'm .•nnld hpf” I

"And. ovrii Kruiillni; th a l h hn, J ' " ' irha : h It -to m -7" J |r iiitk'vl oi'--rhl.l hlmul.lrr. " n o ym......... kno -./ii'a iI h a l - t lm t—" t i r o

iln i 'h o cnuld no t IlliUn Jh ,i n . 'i i- i" ’'' l.'iir .'. illn Invr fnr A.lrlunn, .1 '. Mhll ni-lir Illn frnntlc nll-'Oitil.i lo irn r U ' >h.' rrom 'hln In-iiri. ^ltl1 I 'lT nhlrd . A'l- .H "' r ia i i 'i- li r i- luv,-ly. pale t .n r . li.-r Ira'

tliniilh—A.irlumi hiifrrrlnr,! ' '<" Im knew that mnnv >-'f

«..m.-n h.ivr riutl..rril h.-raun,. nf 'I - l ni.-V 1i,' d-'n iaii.h-l. liirn lne lo nm ui.'.M lrr. "Y-.n y ..u rr.- lf-y ..ii h-iv'. , 'n o

,1.' .% „n.lrU 'irw hy r v r„ | l , r IV,1.| .V --.11,lilty th u l w hul nho nald nhn.it h r A.lrl.itia unn trn - . M id-nol nllr him « r : lo In n u n t nctlnn. Of . '. .u ta r . 'V t- Itm rlnnn wa* fallhlrnn, hnd nol fp-illy' Inti. r.-vi*-,| fo r him, w.m llk r all oth.-r Jy , n i im r n - v r t h r loxr.l |,e r. .»DII nr !.>v.-d h r r . l ln l now Wt. oi(lv I Uur Ihoucht w ni or .Ira th . bln ..niv d . '- 'iv r Hirr wnn It. dir. U r r,-ll llir.liulil., ! j;,,., of inaklnK any r rtn rt. I,,,,,.

Sh r lurnml i i ^ y . rralirliiK th;.l ho',tf -!ir ntnyr.l -rm crr .ill ^gmhl.in.;.- Iny nr iHcnlty wonhl tir m rn from h.T th r hy hi-f rmt.Miinn, Im pr.llrm ly «:i.-i„i„, r.illn t in<- h r rp r r ; Hr rutno rnn I „„

ord.T— Iho order for j i i a n 'i r i^ c n j''"',* tlon. ,„.r

Ilut > r « n wh*n Ihnt ha.i h r r t dnn>. nhr lu rn rd m look n n r r m or- T ai Jiw n. hop-fiil Hint h - nouM w.n Midb ■»(in|,> nlen nf rc lrn tln< w,-< Sr.'n ilnc ly h r ha,l fo rcatl-'n h .'r lj ,.,-l p r r . r n r r In th - r-11, S h - movr.l ..h ,. .iv»ay Ihrn . h r r hrart h rl,i h irh ; th.. i r ,,l

rlat;s--J l.rh ind h fr, * i,),.,« " 0 | h.ick in Ih r sa rm w . irim

htRh wlmlow. ntmid looklac up a t jTli.-rl'!: . n i ..............

r<-ai-h<-d a rro n , th*. th in rnu iaa jl* ' Hr( o'r lleh t. linhtlne a hU of Rjrcll- 1 ,.rf, tnrni. Jo a n m n ld hvirdly th a l It was acn ia lly ihe ra a t f ln t>> tn i- l\i«8f--a« lh « ;h a n d a»«mpd to heekoa him. b a becaa i r j i a c • . r»aeh tt. , ,,

.(Te h e c oatlnued) . '

S f G ^ I A L T O "

T O R E J io n J u a n ” I “

■ Directeelbu 1 "” ALANCROSMD

R O O U C T IO M . -------------------------------------- ^

• TTO- PALLS .DATTiT-'TniEa. .V.

T a - tm - M .- M '- / d a n d V

“ ~ 7 vdu'RE. a - f f iJ .P u f O f W . G £ E , X w i s r t i

^ O W A aiRL NOVM-.^O U 'B B 'A 'N FU L V OU.J'

■ UEyER'Gl-rVA l e l . - : F l K j e r - i - I S A W M O W M '

; ' s i o t i c e ; M c i s A i . V ^ a r n a l - r i ‘5 - l / W

/ \ I ' I '.V p K

■ - " T T V V ^ .M O M E K i r s w e 'd

___________ .A PE.RP&CT U


M erger of W est an d South Up T ^at V ast W aste and DesI

B enefit o f Both Rc<Ity n iiu M .i;. ■ Th-j

lliilSK. May 19-M hiiiii.:.li.iil' ri.>n<t Ilnl rrlh 'f . uml Itur wli|i-hi>ii-u.l illMiHi.ir fnir rallliK; It forlli. nvr offrrlnK Miili.i rinli. .oh jrcl l.innonn vulmihli' in varloim llntl< wnyn. lu Iid.lllion lo,,KlvhiK hur pco- coui' p ir lh .' op|Kirtnnll.'> w hirli Oov.-riior stnti llnI.IrldKr In hlH [iror.Iniiinllon r*nl.l Itu dnivnun Kiirr Ihcy wonld no t m b:i. to nhow ciilliIh .'lr wiirm -hm rlt-d iiym iiulhy w iih lorn

......Olin aid. |iur-iIII Ofrirlul M.I10 i-li'rl.'K uml nmoiii: lii.w

ur.'ul pul>tl.'.Mplrll'’tl 111,11 or Ihu u tu lu lh .'n i It In hucoinliik* npi>ntrnl Ihn l llirn r oh-lohnuJrri lrs»rmK will Ilr (.ftrjrrdnl.v Unitn l. T hry n rc: ITn.t, llm l pi’iin l illn s doln,flood wn1rr;< lo flow hri.ll.-snly I'l th .' uiIkulira Is InvliinK la'.,rr .irnnllm to r ' th r PoihlDdliiK Vroiiii In nn Irr lu a tio n 'ro u n - vlitnIry ; nrniiid , llio ' lliu ir cTomirrvntlnn mineilriien.ln l.oih iipon l.iill.llnu of rnoic j>tml,jTKO“vi)lin. nnd iipm i-piiitrcttoit'<>f Ui*’ rlalnfor'.nl rovor. u lihou i.-^ 'h ich ''’ nutblnK counrr.i) .a v r ih.^ w lu irr 'n llorcH for »uii.- forkm rr'h 111...; and thlril;V«l"lt, r.-rlam a- thattlon In thin rt-iiiit- .i>^ h r^ ^ K - far hy nhniacirr llinn a i ita M ^ o r hrctlon.il trc]iljirohlrm . - , • Mrm

I.llllr .louhl tiiay |,|. cn t.'i 'ta llird . lo noun JmlKr fn.m .-aitl.Tn j.iilillcalloun. thal i-on«rpMi will w.on iindrrink r 'ii.i i i nallnnal i-oni-i'tn n lr^ 'i lo iin 'th n t a l lr .'tn 'ltllrn of ihln rp rlri«-a.onlifinlty m V lIhr ,Mlji.ih.Kli>|d la lliy ,'^ f l n t '.10 Un- , ih lnkliic m.'n <if l.laho Jiiln )tu};>:rni'll ......... <rf Jn liiliip 'r ih .-',lll lam :-linn i.iohlrnin of iho. noiMi«'4’ttt In i'l lra-.t an lntrrri';itr'lu<>t;ram , ir m.t .1

' 'T h i 'y a r . - ,.-rnl«M« Unit ^ . % i n « ‘"

millonal ............Mion ' l.roi:ra)n n . f*""1,10,1,1 ami r.l, n .r-rO arh lnc Mip, I..' h ..ii,'.K -,-n r.a lIy u r rP , ,m ;:rp^l - r .la7.,-1.,|, lhlnkln»: lu- uan'.ii.<lll»Hns !n

" I w 'ifiry a i . ''’'l„-y(iin<n;:'to h-iKrv.- K'J'- h r wiiM hrlliKlni: -n «oim- ..f t l ^ l . i r l h -

Itoil. T fto K.-.-.liiii'r* of Ih r i.lalm l,-«- Kain lnli.tnr.-, f.ir .'xam i.lr, hnvr hr,.ii Kr.'at- Ml )y cnnrcnii',! at th.- i,.Ti.lntriit r t f o n llrr.' nr proninl.:rn .it lh .- (-oliioihln Uiv. r ,n<">n ihinin proji r l to Ininiri*^ n in ra s r of. w.i- sm ';' I.T .In noiiir nf idah .rn nlrrsiniii uml Srnr l a K i d l l Mir .ilti. r hulid, Iwo <h t, TImliK'I .'ftnrt:! hav.- h.-.'n m ado on I.la -w n ho 'n 'l-arl |,> r-r iit .- ih .' r l;;h t of M...-im; U.tti-r r.ir h -r I.... in .1 l.a.-ln mtlir r.m lh« ,-M .iii r „ r n r r o f Y -U ou- t) i1 - Ll.in- f-.it.. -fh.' nnr^h«'c'^1 min.l u n i'.' s ,„ i, l.n hoMi .ll tli.-.r, m any. ii..w h.-lli v - , r , , |„ and 'h r w.-r. .land ;>oulh JltU-;t n n i! ' W. 10 nhtain Ih r h rlp " ir y n r n l tu r Ih.'i.- vh-lh I'.-rullar rrr la ina llon nri-iln. ,.»rn

--------- ' MlTh.' f.M.n,1 .IM iI .l ...........................I ar.'

ivoiio n'M rluh,.:-m--. tin;; In HoIm. Ia--i w.-rk, .I.Tlil.il a j i r r ulrint; th .'-> u l.- ,r.- In-l frankly on 'lln - fhtor. U. lra».- Ir Ih.' liaml> of th r ;iia ir iH.ar.l of .'dn- ra il..11, wllh iu l l ro iiti.l-ni-o In lh ’ j„ ,, l,o:irir-. w l,.lom . r r l . r t i o n . ..f a 11. nmiiiilr.sloii, r of .-il.i. aUmi for l,la^--. .Th.' r.tat.- t.-,.<-li.rs- .o .o r la t lo n . h-n.•Trr. MII! r. tr.-mh< rl 1,;; th,^ M .irj. 1h.‘- . irT rMrTiiii'iit n h . i n i 'iti'ii m -iimin T.T l i r r l , - / . I n r ln : Ih, l- i:M a tiirr to 11..- i- r f ,- .^ i .ii Ih r n-w rt,nimin.--lnn.'r mn-.t xvrf- from onf-f'fr th .-fc ta to . In tin .- y_ tnr Ih-.' son..' rh.inr.- ;,tlll l.." l. ft n[.^l :or a i i j j . i l f o .d n -a '. ,r . ;

7l.iltih i;.lmi.n,l-- ,it 1,1.ih o ri«)k- l..- ;- \- u n - Ihr U,.l'.- ,\d a ' a i.v ,-,,. j,11. n in e .in.! 11,.,:,!.. ir. .,f tll.- .-In', l - '- ' i ;, ,'N,'rK!o-i to -on .r of "..... , *ilml-.m - i.ro ,.,is-.r.h .. T h ry n.trt W. n ! ,lso « n ,.l.in> fn: .i,K rifinln,.-i.n ,I :,rw- ,-.,:i..n v , r . -rT .:,i !r ;: ly o , . 'i .n l- . . ',1.1, lhal hi^ fM-l.r,-, ,,;-4lIisl Hi.'-.- ‘‘S - ...alTol o f Ih r ,t:,t. rh .ir.iS rr o.' ;::ir,0- - h . . r jiih .- t to -o I.- f-.-l .in .l f i r an tir h a - d rc l . t r j ty ' • ] . i . ' j „ _ .

l-.i-r I..-, I.lo.-r-ii..-. of tail.Ji...'-lnJ»U »llilL -a iiV l..l.T ”

6 u t o u r : w a V ^

OL^ i R T iE R b j W r t m o S I R - S M D

5 U T > ^ o u w o . i ' B A R E F o o T e b\ J - A - A . C O o B S E ■ A M O C b O Q H lW i O W G f U E T - B u T , A M O M E .O r H

A G E r - P A ' O , / W IT M <c T S E B M W A / M U S - t f t n O - A M

. \AiiLu;vT:;'.««>■ - r ' i W A c a i i ' - r o o w /

V o F . g o u R S E . - i - '

B p p.'d uK5.-ro uve'.Qv^ -- '•

[E R S -IN W E [IN ]1 ECTSBBNCllRCBI) ’---------- MAUpon Flood Control to E nd '' •estruction May End to „Md Rccomnien'dcd....--Th-...- .......................... . (.icul uffali;.. •'*'*Ilnl Ihc fl:.'-! Im im lahl.' h.Tnnnr^lt Idd-i fnir lo Imll.l ni> iiinonK tin- v r lr rn if — f li.|i.'rm rn tif th r n ln lr u 'iirl.tn In ni- llntlo fliuKln;: o f riljm wIilcU nii.y li...;co..... tliu mi'iiini' Ilf KlvhiK thu Cimn' -----i tn tr n now i.vuiiii.' of dlM'Im-tl.ni iiii-li I. Iniu-'Volnmi'K of hllhurl.i iim oin-hud| - :-liUinainHm fi.nil Ihul rii<-Iiii.rv.. f r . ' . - l , . , , ' lornlty n il o v .t Uk- o o u n try - Ih o i;n- lic r-cxprrl rli-y.fiy nnirluni.-Tll^ <itlirr <’“ l'' .11 w orlli iioinrihlnK iillfo ln odujrtl«lif;j 11. ■).:nim,.! I lo h r ntiirlrd Mmili- W<..* ihnurvnm-.. f|:-,.t of any rlly In .Uu , t?ti/(rd Hhitvn. nmt n n in « c ff( r« nou .. .‘'l loliiK ll In inuKnirionil a tyic nckiioW - •iIku li(-r I'lun.:rrlna. 0.

Ponr .h-fhili.- iii-ojrriM huv.- hrun «lf. 7 .-hlnl npnn l.y Ui.i nlnlc hiir.'U ii. <d nlnra nnd crojc.uy for nuxl y rn r; Ut- i, 'tm ly or hol I'lirlmm un.l I'oml iiinl';'-lain; n ;.'rnluj:iral nurvey n t Clarli •ounly; n nlmlhir njirvry In tin- (Jiark ’n rk urcii tip iiorth . and u siiidy <,i 11 Jlat nrctlon (if G rin 'c m u iy lumiii'cK d (tmr ly n la r« r uml KrowlnR niinih.-r of In- rcidd .lonin .in coiilalnlni: i.ii Iniim -n:.' |.'( d rn rju r* ' rrom w hlrh ijClrolunm •nla.v o^ f,

TO ROOD AREA qJp»cl»l »lii>atch to Th* Tlm*i

I-:ill':,\, May 1'.--Th.' I .ad lrs .twx.Illlar.v unll idilpjir.l n liarM l \ f :-l.ilhlni: qn Sun.lay lo I'u- iiurfrr.-m In Ihl' Ilmid ar.-a I

.Mr, I.mt Mrn, r iln tc n A '. 'r l l l , a r - • I i-oiii|ianl.-.! hy .Mrn. Ill ' 1 l-n ry ,nn.l I \:h-a t.ota w,T.' i.imppin;; In TiVln

Itu .MoiJ/Ia.v, . IT h r U idlrn Aid w llM r i '1 a .iiol..: , 1

'.I ro.«l -ah- al. rtilloji'n Mon,’ ^ |i -Jaliir.lay. •{ |

Mr I.n.l ,.Mr:.. 11, AV.- .\rlM in-. j .f r irr .' Irom UdIm- lonkltif ' a f l r r l|il-1l- i.-in aH.iir.-i Whlh- hl-r.. th ry aft»;u.':.|s .;il Ih r hnm.- of Jfr. uml ^jl;|•

T h - City ,-„m ,.il mVi -MoiclAJ ,

' 'a,•l::ilrm:.n u llh .Mav Kahn a.-i r tr rk ,)l1 -i Ul. ii.t..-r:i of th r ro n n rll u i r lo 't 'o lt IOImiii. ('. (). llal.'.' ami K iaiik bulf ■‘nllon- lahlr

W. I:, .Summ. j-. wa;. a hii:.)ii-> .n W ,.h-l|or from J-i.nm - 011 .M,in,lay th r . •vnlnK . II,; II

Mm. Ii:,1lH-. (:.ir,lan and !l,'rnard ,r r M ,.-m lin .N h r^ .- . i . iMIh I rl .m l- mil r r l a iu . - . tH .Tv.ln I 'alN . j ' '

ir.-x II;o"i. a . r '- ^ l l . l r n i an,| Minn d a rlr Can.i.l.i u 7 n ^ ^ . r . .ra l . l1o 5nm1.,y 1,. Mstl Mr:', l la ') . '. . 'h o I:. n Ih r l io ^ [rt i„ 1 ..h ,ir_ _

Alinn C 'll'h .n .^a•: ;i ............... M -tor M, T « l„ T.i,-:..l,,v. ..niv

Mr.- .V. II il.irilh'K nt l'hilad.-I[.hia 010(1

!unirri> ' imTMiu: In li.v Int.T-'M o f l ^ ^ h - t:oU -i:r .,t Idaho u f fal,1«<11. j

.v T r im .s A i . , \ s K \ \ v o t . r .w o .s \ ; ’ B t Ualt»« rT*»« I

KDlllA'C. A!a-.l,a.'-Ma*-i:‘- Thoman,I. JaKKi r- M.h-;,inlnulst n l thu r.iim m 'l laim.i 1-1.1 ..;...,-r.nt,>rvOn* lt::v.-ill. a : - ! ' 'f

Hr w ill 111-.,,11 iw.. n,.lMi...p.n, 1-1.1 ..t 1 he ii-.n- In; ha-. ,1r-.rlo|«-a a l Maili.S;^

; ; i i , ; l o n ^ Iiiilch U ;,rU .r • |


F ile r ,Roof G arden ^

■{OO C A w r Q o io! SNOFFtiKier IW &, A tL N IG H T ?? > H A L p m j; Nl&HT E S P E A S t AWd.^ '• ‘ ?ci

/ J , - • ........ Ihl

Ir ' ‘- 1 \(r -tA -I i'*<i

_ J ^ • ^ / f i . A l ' N«

— ■■ .Mr ---------- ■ I'J,

V ^ ‘ - ‘ • ,MoV fs

s i • - , ' aoil'j,r?..AjiLL.AMS, S"«

. . S - ! 9 ■ }.■ U B.PAT.efr.eimrfHtaawicfciafe j . j jr ;---------- ------- ----------------------------- ' II

— ... ...... - - ___________J___ niu


Sjr tjn ltad P re ia |MAY in. i'117. Vii

I’rriddunt Wllnim nrip.ilttin i l r l 'h r r l ' 1,,,, iln o v rr rr.li.rut foml ndlillnlbl ralov ; nml. ai.k:i f .inR rrnu for hrond rrc i.- JnUoji /v firrn i yi'<T Iho rf/nfrJfwUo;t " nmt (:unMiiii|itU.ii'of fouiinlutfK, JlliW TIO N S -1 . | £

A nsw ers

I. Ma.luiiiiKuar. 'C|I|M1 AKulhati. (Thr- Cupo 'o r '

liimd llopO ll.iH In Um norlhw ont of ;:upu AKitiiij^io." ■'

:i. Ml.-. t ’onKo. NlKrr nn.l Zainhrnl, liiilluii ‘und A llunllu ncuunn. |„

fl, t'n jin ry l>ilnndii mid 'Cnpt: V crdr -ohs inia'iid,.:.............. ■ ’ a

7, ^o . ll hi m o rr Ihun - l.iiOd niltr:i « | | |<o:ilb of tliu Ink*’. kin,

«. I'-Kypl. T ripo li. Tuiiln. A lsorla. . Vm d Mornrr.). >cm

!i. Ilfd S rn . ‘■•'I' 10. Ciriilii Coant. Jvory Coanl. Uold

:^iiiHl and Slave Connt. .

I-'Olt .SAM:‘-.\V onirirn I-illiiiia andl,V,(!l :)xfor.l.-i. S ho rt lotn. viilllm lo J8-0I.. o t .;io»liiK for j;i-«3 und J1.S5. I J a r lr r i^hou ^ :o .-ndv . ,

------------------------------- .- i„ f ,i n : j r n i ' iio x k »iio. d » . cm i

•ORTi:iL HOI!K.S 1) iu t l ^ d r . 'o i l

Dit.' W. 1 ', AT TMK A Q tO r 09 ________ •

T.) Hr, W. II, C ahlw rll, n f .MonllccI-1 Krip 0, ill ., n p ia r l lr ln ;: phynlcinn for 47 |lcnli i-ars. It n .'rn ir.l r r i ir l lim l no n ia liy h n r r on.K |l|.;.t.'d.lnfnnIn nnd d illd iu n bndjcron u Iiu k r |it r.m nlariily "niirrt-d up" nn.l Rln.l nlf Plrk l.y tuh ln i: cnthnrlU- pllln. Hi ah lrin . sa ltn . rntmnf-l nnd nnnly-olln. nior

W hile h r Jinrw Uial ronnIlp;ilion h;i.i ■ S.vi Iir r u tu r of n ra r ly a ll rhlldrpn^fl ill- f.ir l<: Illn. h r clh! oo l Urtlpvr lha l a.Klck- Junl nliiK "puiK.-" o r •■ph.u.lr" wa:. nrrc.'.- a iy .

In Ur, C uidw .'li’n .'!yrnp i ’rpidii bo h .c m riril a Jnxnllvr w hlrli lirll>« to r.lal.lUh n a l,.ra l l - m r l "r.'Kulnrlty" vrn If Ih r .'h lhl l» rhn .n li'u lly conntl- a ird . I>r. C.il.l»xrirn S yrnp IVpnln no t) _- n iv r;iiifrii a «rntl.^. urny iKiwrt. loVrnirnt^ hlll. livnl o f .J f t ; It n rv e r i

Sonuner Is ComingI s ' j o n r c a r i n ^ o d m n n in g r 0

f tttb h t io n . I f , i t d o t i w e a a k yo il E m p ir e A n to S h o p w h e r e tb « v v

We Make No ClTarg ora a d a r e p le a s e d to d o th is . B em ei T H IS L I N E . L e t u s p r o v e th is yon d r iv e i n th e o r a n g e f r o n t d r i i A v e . N o . . y '. * ,

E M P I R E A t n

f • E D O E O R O E , G o o d S e n - jc .s I s ,O n r M o t t o . '

~ ' . ‘T i t G R s n a y r ^ r A T ^ T t 7 - i 9 e 7 - - ^

a s i s i P N i e ■

■paeUt Stapatata to Tha.Xlmea ■ '.M A n6A .-M ny'ti-*C h» Maron ncbrwl

.th e iiHiml inrRu nltcinlnncc, and iHu- n-.-r, in lln- hull Rniti^c hclw uca (bo

. iii:»rrjcil*.mt!rt am »ilriyM iiih‘m r«*i»rrn .Vtclnrn.,,,. Tbo, u'kn(<i of, i b c iiiipftr Rrnd(>.i Mvliicli' Wm^.jwiitpnnmi. on- nc-

t'ciiuju (If (DCietpntU' woniher w ill ho j held nl .IJnnhury’fl -I— Tbe -ujKblli^ Knidft'C ommVnp^ -

proKinm .w ill !’<■' B^voii ■{t',Ot,Q .f^bool honno T hiirsdny ’ ovcnlns. '-.Mny JO w ltli 'ih c^ folloVvltir; I n g ra m :

n'ldrcNii o t ihol ovefi'JijK l.y Ihf! Kuvcrcnd \ . 0 ' J’cnriwo. o f.T w in Fiilhi; plnno nnnihorn b y -M rn .lU G. Nowm.iii, nnd Ocncvlrvo N ldutinon; vocal dnul hy Mrn. 1. L, thrown: and Mra. R, A. Ihintn. nnd . nolo.: by ■Mrs.I-:, ii. IlonK. Irn Blnklny .Ik WaJcdlc- to rinn . T bcrn nro nlno" Rmdhnten Sn fnltown; In i Ulnkley: Oien Bcnn. ’ Orncc Cohh; M.irk D ayley;' ,'.np8a .Motteley; o irn O nrncil; JloJnoy TuRan: Hnlph Shnrp nnti Dudley CnminliiKN. < .

Tbu Itrv rrrm I llnlowcll pren'ciicd u t Ibu Hi'lmol liomic Hunday. -. '

Mr. und .Mrn. - S. G. Dlchl, .Mr.R Dlrhi o f Iloliio; iMIiiH Viola nnd A nnu .Mnc D iehl,' Mr. and 'M r«. S .'I’. ' IChlcr nnd fntnlly o f ' F tlcr.::nm l .Air. nnd .Mrn. l .- 'l lil 'llro w if^ an a fam­ily,- wuro (iliibiT ’ (Eiiciilii Snnday nt Ibe home of'M r, nnd-M nt, W ,T . Dlobl ’o f tbu O icrhrook '-riinclj nenr Jerom e. '^ I l '- i n u d .Mrn.'-A'. S.' U M ontff'nnil linit' V utnu vlnltud. Itic IlhniiOn brIdRo Sundiiy:' MrH. K, II, Kny<fcr,“ '^fr«. Ix« ''K nal«.Mni. L..*,S,'N’lchiiliiim nV'l" *'W . U — .. II llruw n u tten 'dl-d '.lho KllorJ..W o- niun'i. cllib linniinl' Ill’onHom luncb-

1 c m u l Twill I-^illn SntunlnyMnrJoricA lllnntock. Illttu . duiiKlitor

I'lif .Mr nn.l Mca,..B*lJ'<.Tt. l}In!ilotk_lj!____uiuffiirlnK front ii. hrnktin nrin.

Minn Joycu JeonlnK a. npd . Mr.[ Veriy ii Clnrlt of New ile'ndowa' wcro

Iiini'rlr.l. S iilur.lay May 7. . Z T bn Mnroit Woincii'.l cldb win nicol

|T lin in ilny nfti-riiDOil Mny 13 nl‘ U w . lioniu of ,Mrr„‘Chiirl<rii .Shoff. •, Mr. !•:. Dlrhl of 'Uoltiu Ik vlnltlnR hiK 'liriiUict' .Mr, a . 0 . D lrhl.^


a r U nitea »r#*a " ’ 'rMANll.A. r . 1., Mny IB—tiu ro n c h - ,’

unido. Mrlf-iitylril "m npcro r Of th e no- . Kroeii." w as-c n ro n lo Iff Manila today lo ho tn k c n ,lo nn Inmino aiiyiuiq fur '0 hNcr\’nU0n< ■■ '

tio'v( rno r ,'(SL't]urnl t<uoii(r(dv.,‘ (Mid w irclrnned ofllrlnln iiurc TctincstlilR lh a t :in uinbulaiico mei-l u nU-am^r wliluli In lo n rrlvo h c u rln s .trio '" ‘mnd klnc."-

WroiI luft Itollo for Jo ro n fto r w lrt- iCMiliiK a roinplulo repo rt lo lllo- w ar d rpnrtm unl a l WnnlilnKloii,. II • wuu nald.

In In undcrnioo.l lliul In trencbnrado ldiinno.l a Konural iiprlnlni; ncaltinL lhe Uftlrcd Slut.-:. reKlnie, nnd hoj>fld to inuke..M aniiot Qiiuzon, now proa|dt\nt o t lhe Innnlnr nennie. klni; o f 'U t io n nn.l .S. On^^mn. npenk rr of Uio hiltjup, a "m onarch" over Uin Vinayan lnlandn, In frcjiehrrnd .j ftfntnrlf wnn (o hflconcc e n ip r r o r / i f ihu PiiU lpplnrs l / ' i l j c ro- voll hnd nucceudcd,

Ilher! It’s uel to “Physic”

Xm MRrlpcii, Hlckeno orMipact^ ihc n o a t del- Icntc nynletn. U rtl.lun,, it- la n b io lu ie ir hnrnilcnn und no p lc iu n n l 'th n t even a crons, fpver^nh. htiloiin, nick child Rla.lly lukes IL

n n y ’a la rco CO-ccDl hottlo a t any m ore M intScila turd ic lne o r ir r lto ' Srrti[> V i'ta ln ," MnnJJcnlic.’ IlU aois. f .ir n n iK K .SAMPLE U O TT^E ' and * Junt nro fo r joum olf. .

DBalthtdl'sS Y R U PP E P ^

I Ri ht SoonIff order, o r doisi it 'aeed lonu yo il.to drive it down jr will give voa some oC -^b

For%sti^ Yonr ForlianeBAir wo.SSSOM^OZE o kbis by.yonrjM m inff. be n r « ' driveway d o ^ a t 128 Secood

j f o s H b ' p . _3E. P rop .

Phoao 768W.

Page 5: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

M G W A T S f l lS H

l^anreil lPitche* Steady Game, Kee : . . t , ■• tered; Gate City Fails to

. Opposition for Gardiner'/ . ip i e iu 2>lj;^ieb to » l i i T ta»» i~ ^^ .;'‘j-.'l^^A ‘TELLO.‘**Slny" ' i s ,—Pnciilello lli'rcp '

ncn ln -'. to fiim tnh tifts; 1m ^ e , tlm n u iirnellco. Bumo for. tlio C ox.!;

, !I^IU ' Fi i IIh nrniriK nnil- Ihu tpniti n l iy , 'lro ik (Iiu MftBic City; 'allied by n Htotuii

; ■ il(fl and snvcn orrorii, won llio hcc- dmititn, of U'O «crlc« Iiorc. ;j2 Cntluh:

'■ynofiK o r " T w in Knitfl, Oupiicincij v ^ N - i}n perrorm nnco of t l u ^ d m Riiino o iit: M

» ailJ ■ nstiln, croBlicil ou t n blow to Jon S. fiPlil“ for n Jiomo run. TiiilovI

•.f^ rre Jl. on iho m oiuui tor T hJh Ciimc]}• ' th'rlv*. Allowed only flovitn iiUn anil i>lr&n;

WM Rlvfth K O od'nupport whllo Ciil- - - Hibnn. who pKchcd for Pocnteilo. . .. s whlf^cd flvo I’ocntclto Imtlorti. Ulu AtfucBled riKnlniit poor mipporl. All o , , . Ot -tbo T w in PallH h lls w jro clwin. , ta fffK or. KrnnovHcIi. Tw in n>»«

: . tlilr<l Imuomnn. Hubsi.-mUnlci) cnrly : PMdlclJonn tUnt ho would bo ono of r .,tl}9 ,f rta rn o t.- llin IcaRUC -whun ho 5,*’" " “

'WBneGtcd. wUlLtlie hall fo r- fo u r-h im l ‘‘“ A". • o titi.o t' bIx tlm o Q iil hn l, includlni; a i " ' ,1 ,ihrco-hnK9 blow, lie handled hln

dhe, fielding rbonco clwmly. H o k n d , i ' * " ' . . lljo^'ntWiik for Ihn Tw in-KallB K -ntn., RbsnDbcrff, a t x l i o r l nlop, .imil Lful., *

Oklctior. Rurncred tw o hitn *, . FhllR . Illekok. .jihiylni: r ig h t flijtd; '1 C tn flno r, HodKC, 1‘fnlilor. wlm wonl , * i n ,o t Bhorl la tp r In tfic K am JfN for- . ,.ton ..and HonK. nII ftnl oan h it ciiclH

InchidlpK . a thrub-bniiu mimnh by i V,., .

'T he B ru ln s 'a ln rtc d th c ruhhi w llli i i? , ~u~ lm nK *-by.;.«otU afi.-lw o_run*-lii-U ic .*^“ 5: ‘ , t M ‘nnlnn nnd flvo In tho noeond. , * ,®i®.

They, nddrd nnothor In th u Ih lrd . ono . In the fifth,', tw o .In tli<i olBhlli nnd U” „•

cldicd-w IU ) ono m ore In lho n ln lh . Pocntellb Hcored two In the f l r t i . _ nnd ono .cach Ih 'lh o f in h .n l» th , ikiv- ‘

. ci)th ^nd alfilh . . \ SiillThn BrinnH' flchllnK wnn ulmoi>l {*>fdnc

POt^&cC. IljoIr on ly e rr o r liChiK c>iurit~ oil to H orton. One t e n t im .o f tUi: Smneke fleldlnn . vrns, ,lhn t T w iu -TnUii hnd Moflo. o h jy 'fo j ir- wi8l»t»; lho > o i i f o r !iho NIc^Bon, putoutK bo lnn-on fly bu lls « r u tr lk r- Crowlej 0 It*. ■ ’ ' . WnfttTN

• ' A h c i h o x « o r o : , ; Cnffoy.: - ilT w ln Falllt— . A B . I ’O .A . K. Hnll. c.

• Hiei'ok. rf. ...... r '2 • 1 - i - d o fni'H*'.k ranovjtch . bh ........... C 1 . 4 1 O; u llnncku

• OurdlDor. lb ............... C s: 1 ' 7 I) u Wise. 1‘ ModKO, cf, .................C 1 1 a I) 0

. iftaliler. s*.................. 1 0 1 0 0 o Toln.1. riosfloherR. sn.......... . 4 0 a a .1 0 .Scoro• HorJon. 21i.......< l 1« 1 a l l-ocnn

lions. If....................... 6 1 1 .T • 0 ’ 0 Kntl I..11Ulnl., c. ........ ...........4 .3 „ 2 '.C ..0 Q . Sumii

••••>jnr/eH,Mpr-...,,„.....,;.,M -J.' 0 - ^ _ l _W

! Totnln ....................« 12 1< 27 '4 I Crowloi• I I'ocJilello— A n, n . II. PO. A. K. Je»»o;'

J cnjnm ln. 2h..............4 1 1 rt' 5 0 nor: diViislch. rf. ......... 4 2 1 n • 1) C va l: at,«Aivnnslno. ir ................ 4 0 I I f 0 - 2. Wj«fDotnoo, lb .................. 2 1 0 . 3 0 (I off PiiDwyer. «s ................. E 0 'I ■ 3 3 .» tJrw aSnncet. c f.................... B 1 1 2 ,2 1 Hnucko

• O'Connnll, c ........... 2 0 1 4 , 0 •! 'C., Hnn«' Ol»on. 3h 0 0 3 0 on bnn<

•' f jillah a n . p ................. 3 1 0 (i 3 0 runs b' gim m ons. ................... 2 0 I v 0 o l4 . Melf• • xllblroen ................... 0 0 0 0 0 Q 2.' Pnpk

_________________ Ix p p cri; Totnln :..................J 4 C 7 27 17 7 pltchcr;• x« an to r O'ConacU In aJnH*., - UBiplrci •Score by I nnt agH— •. . j, !

Twin Kftlls ................ :C1 0 1 0 .0 2 1 -1 3 'I-----------Pocatello ............;......... 200 ,0U 101— 6 I

I sum m ary—Two hsBo h ltnu Dopja-, j v>L i nilri: th roe hn io h its ; P tah U r. Vu** , icb.- K rasovU ai. AvnnslnQ; homo ■ ' i run»: Honir: bttBo on h a l ln ^ .^ W .W t /-.C lub- I4bab 4. off F 'ttrrell l ; ttlruclc o u u , XwJa i bl- C allabnn 1. by F a r re ll S i.fito lc n s a l t La

. btuiei: U a l . D w yer; sacrlU ce W U: Ondon CATtUDer, F a rn lt.- A T oniloo: lo ft on Poeaioll

' h M v - T j 'I n ' A U b 10; P0C.1H110 U : Mfliio V d ^ l e . 'p r a y a : OtBon lo B e o ju n ln . to Lo^an . D otson ; V lld p itches: C nilnhan 1, - l-^rrcM 2 : h it hy p ltcho r:

fb>i;» C allahan. U m pires: Fcrgiimin c i t ib - • tju id .-^ Ic* . T l w e ^ W . ; .SVW Y

7 ^ - t S i i i f FA J.i,ik «. S Stp*«lM I>Up*toh M TS* TlmM 1^1

OGDE.S. May 1 9 -O p lW won n ja lp , oo lro lt jc R te rd a y from the Idaho ... « iil« -w a iih ln i team o f ffco- ,lrtah-W abo Zeafftr- riflvoino score Iwlni;, 7 to « . -Doston

■ TIio"l>o*. ic o rc :-; Idnho FWl»— AD. n . U, 1*0. A. K.

Jlu lton , :b , ..... ........ 2 0 0 1 0 - c iu h -ColllaB. I.B ................ 3 0 0 1 i 0 Now V.Dufke. If. .... ...J....-: C 0 3 1 I a U uc a n a h a n - .ll) . 4 I S 2 PhlladelE richs rf. — 3 1 , 1 2, 0 0 p iu sb u rTftrfmpsbn. e . * 1 - * 1 CblcuroAllen, 3b: 3 2 3 . 3 * 0 u reok lyTftdeWch. cf. .— 3 1 ? 3 J o Bo»len

tN f l M a .^ . ; ^ . ^ f . ^ r . . 4 J ^ p i c l n w

• T o u l / 31 O i w 9 5 I*il

V A n » H .i> O .A .F . c iu l> -‘ r t f f i l lp . U .‘ .....4 .. u. D J 1, 0 0 q o« jiU ^,|

u r --------------- 3 1 1 1 4 0 MiMlOOlr. a- 3 2 3 II 0 Ran Fri

2 2 11 I* 0 Saeramc ? j j r ; 3 Q ? g ; °

H iW iW i’i i f .’U r . y n y a 1 1 * : 0 o m '» b >Umit>«rdL c...........t ... 4 C l fi I 0 HoKywe

••■a.iir.Total* ...... ...........50 “ **• ^ hoi

; ICAR AWN]L a t e s t F a s t C s I p r C f i J i p p

P a t t e r n s to Choos

........^ ^ W : ; $ 3 . Q P i

^ e I ^ r e d T f M S I


................... ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f f be e p i h s B i n s l i ^ W ^ f r S c i i t - ‘^ n 0 t o F u r n i s h M u c h ' ' • S " n ia l e r ' s F a s t G a n g ; ‘

lumninry—nAnio nin ii: M urphy.' track o p " b liio ' h l i s : " K r l r I i ; ' Iw b 'h iiiic fi 1:, n u rke Alien, CnntnIIo, Denn, cost «

Murpjiy; iincrltlcB h its : Miir* " ‘t . 'I j im p c . C illln*, A lU n: ‘Mckluifh iiM !a: Thompson, W ilson; *u hio plnyn: Ilu llon lo Collins lo Or liihnn, Dcnn to LnmtM 10 Mnr*

Mlchnebi to D enn; bnsc on r - ' s ; MIchnelH 2, .S'olson G; struck . p : MIcliiu'In c, .Vrlxon 0: runn: Al- *

2. Cnlliilum, Krich. Thompson, r lovlich. Cox 3, M urphy 2. D m n, “JeJJe; tUne a t cnmo l : S f__L'hi; -L!i: Uennhv.'i nnd McQulllnn.

• ,S,\I,T I,.\KK 12; I.ocpu 3. lUl Siipatoh (Q tn * T in** I’orllniM .T LAKB C i r r i ^ l n y 13.—Tbo Scnltlc ds took n bIuk fost from th f Shen on Icnm Iioro yontorday. 12 lo U. imd Sc .IlcCn inndc 11) hllK w hile Ix>Knii

noclcd fnr 12, T ho foiituro- uf , ~ Rnmn w n o .tw o h o m o r im s , <f4a 'i j l ls n f.«eart o t Lo<rnn notl t^io OUjcr Ai Crowley of Siilt Lnko. , .u • p i i r firrlviil, UiKiin .uhortBlop, wlm dora h III 10 tho lioNplliil n fto r hit "wiin on tho hrnd In thc ■.'iKhtli InnlnK — ll. pitchod bull. ■ ' llo llyit110 box Hcoro: Snn Fi iKun— • All. n . 11. PO.A. fi. FiiUir ro n .' cf.................4 1 1 2 0 0 .Moudy•Ivnl. MS ................3 1 2 i^ r r~ e i ■dlnr. II................. .... 0, 0 « l . 0 IIiinki. If................. 4 0 « 1 0 u Onklnn□vnn. lh-2b. 3 2 1 4 1 0 oncrnn

rf. .................fl 1 a 1 M 0 UouhiIor,~3t)............—2 ~ 3 I*~0 and-boirrl, c............... C l 1 5 ' .0 11m. 2b-s»................ G I 1 2 1 • ft RVAJin, p ...... .......: ....... G : 3 1 ..1 o .U n b o r

— J--------- 1 ------- hnll »iiiiinlH ....................u 12 24 'J 0 hns ho(111 i.-ii(( - A ij.it . h . i -(3!a . k.inc r. rf. “ ...... 0 2 3 1 (i 0 " n ' f .c. ............ ......... :i 2 2 2 4 llcker. c:f................. 5 , 3 3 l - l ) 0 -----------0. 2b.................. B. 2 . 1 0 4 0w n, ab.................. G I 2 1 1 0fley. lb. ,............. 4 2 2 16 1 0.ors. If. ............... I (I 0 U 0 0ciy. If. .................. 2 « • I 0 Q..U .. . _.. c . .................. G (I 2 c 0 I10, p, :.................. 3 0 1 II 0 'I:ku. V.................... 1 0 I) 0 0 0!. Hi ................... 1 0 0 0 1 '»

Dln.ls ........ ........ 41.12 19 27 n Ioro by InnlnsH— ,m ................. \ ..... 00(1 nor. 1 3 0 - ai^iiKo ................... 420 r.(io Olx—12

imiiinry—Homo runn: • L ucii\H oy; Ibrco bnnn b lln ; ‘ Ivoporrf': ''•*

bano hltB: Molle, 2, NIelsoa. - • vloy, H u ll Klni;; nacririeo lill: o; Btnlen biinea: Sroackor. O anl- •

double p iny : KInff' u ^ C n r r l - a lri itk ou t: hy Pnpkc/5 . Hnnckn

I’lfi'o 1. O re en -5 ; baai> oa Pnpko 3. Hnncke 2. WIbo I, n 4; b it bntnmun: C nrrlval hy :ko; runs rcHi»ni>lblo fdr: Pppko Innck? n. "Wine 1. Grcon 12: left iwbcb: lioKnn 10. Sn it I nWI H :. bntlcd In : by Sm nckcr, Mol> lelson 2, Crowley, W nllora, Hull npko. Cnrrlvnl. Klnc 2, K rcsslPr, ■ . ic rrl 3. Lucns. OrcoiJ: wtnnlnR ic r: Papke. Time of RnmL-: 2:11. ilrcs: W nrc nnd Davl#.


ub— W. Pci.1 KoIJn ............... 2 0 IJWOLako Clly .......... 2 0 l.OOO

in ......................... 2 • 0 l.OOOlollo. .....................0 2 .000) > '«lts ............. ....0 2 .Ooon ...... ..........^ ..... 0- 2 .000

A M E B rtU X L K A O F E .lb— , W. L J 'r t .

York ......... 20 . « .714riBO ..... .'.............. 17 • 13 .067irtelphln .............. IC 14 .r.l7 . .Louis •............ .. 14 14 'jCOO .o lt ..;...... ...........N 13 14 .481hlninoa .............. 13 IG .4*4 ,(Innd ..... .............. 12 IC -.444 .)n ................3 13 .:33

SAflO.NAL LtA O UK .I b - » - W . L. PCL ^

Vork ..... - ........ IS 10 .CM/>uis .................... IR 12 .M«idelpbla .............. 13 10 .C6Rb u rsh ..... ..........- 14 II MOMTO ..... ................ 14 11 .660klyn .................... 13 -18 .419en ........ 10 14 .417 •n a a tl ................. 7 20 .269

TACIFIC COAST L EA «CE. ii>— y \\ L. Pet.snd ...................... fll- ■ 19 .650loo» J................... 27 23 -.C40Francisco .......... 26 23 .Mliinento ...... -___ 25 24 .CIOland ................ 24 24 :C00Je_______________ 2a . - _ .2C. . .4 7 2 ______

.43*rwD«^ ............ 17 .^ 2 . .« fi

i n ' I ? i i S 5 f l o i t 2 3 3 i r t e « n menhonored w ith jMBObatl le tte r* and —WJttt a ir ln m liw la t t e n a t Notn* - :— ) , i ^ ^ ^ lty hy lCDU^a n o c k je . dl-

«NGS I> p e S t r i p . e - F i f t y ■

3 s e from

! a P a ir C o t t i p a n y

' ' I I I I H iff ;:.

i S e q d n ci u g e N e w T r a c k Is _ . | i

A s s u r e d a t C h i c a g o U

f -c a r v a iu d VMM 1CHICAGO, .Mny 1 0 -A n addUlomil | oins'counH ) to r tho ChlcnRO dinlrlct i« boon nnsurod th rough tbo foniin- .>n of. tbo A m orlcnn N ntlonnl J«ri:key ub o ( whlcb H nrry . D. Drown, Cnll- r n la '.m illionaire-nnd sportninnn. In0 BponMr.Tho conM ruclIon of tlio' now' ruci: ack will bc s ta rted Immodlntoly, il , w wild; nnd th o track ' probnbly w ill ^ s t flhoiJt fS.'Oflp.OnO. s Dni" I t ill tny Inten tion .to mnke thin mui ■ek Ibo niom honutlfu l’ In A merlcn. nml se n em l wc will follow tho plann >f. T

B O rleuinl lrnek la H nvnnn," he snid. moi----- -------------------------- froi

--------:---------------------- — . Irql


___________• ________ nini; :------ two

■•ollowInK nrn yeHtordny’ti rCBuUii In t«-ni ; Pacific Consl loriKUu: U

H. II.K , llmrllnnd ..... J ............• .................. 4 12 2 bonultlo ........................................... r; 12 0 had>hon. S to rll nnd Yolle; I-Mwnri:n Sox J SchmbU. cd

-----real“ ;i'. TillSBlortijt.’i ................................. 7 I I 2 plnc» AnW&> ,,....i . - ..................- I *4 3 virtInrfoQt And W btlnoy; I'lc rcy , Snn- Uroi ■a hnd<^lnnnnh. Kbr.

•• 1-^ --------- whllIt. H. I-:, men

llywbod ................................. 0 7 2 tho1 FmndBCO ........ ................. 10 14 1 W^lUel-lon, P Itlo re r nnd 'D . ' M urphy; il ll udy and Akdow'. • Iny.

--------- , ntfc^ 1 1 . 1I..K. nnfo

klnnd ..... .................................. 4 « 0 John:rnmonto ............................... J 6 1 8 tolouhlor, Crnchcnd nnd U eud; Vlncl HiI-8 o v o rc ld ,- ----------- — — ^ -- aide

— ................. ;----------- - , lhe;VA^’3 T0 N. in.—A rlhu r ■•Dutch" iborff. toKiTDr footbnll nnd ’bnskoi- I n tnr n t Iho Unlvornily o f Knnnnn.> heon mimed lifRld hnnkelhnll conch Northwentorn unlvornlty. Ho re-

ilfc- him bcon hnnkelhnll couch irt Fj shb u n i collece, Topckn, Knnn. FOS

" N c



^ l i k e t h e f e l l o i

t h e s u n a h i n i n

■ t h i ^ P r i n c e A l b e r t

m e n t . I t b o u g

a n d p q > e -a m o f c

c h a n g e f o r t h e

a t »

r e d t i n u d f e

. .. A l b e r t f r a g r a i

_______________t n « n « 0 0 o t h e r

m i ! g o t t h a t .

. t u m H c a l b a d i i

---------- p i p e a o d U ^ t

T ‘~ m w v d o u a t a n

> R- ■/'

.............. . . ,T^^M N FA L T .3 D A IL Y T H IK S


TIGERS WIN, 5-3 |By tJn llta r r t t s ?

-VoBfoniny'»: hiTo: • - K nrl-W hltonitl; ' DnCcoIt (illcluir ,who (Hriiok nu t in f t mumbcrn of-ilin WnHlifnistoii .Sc.iuitorii. nnd won*r. lo :i 6

'H ie Khiiip wns ri’iiloVo wtlh oxclu-- • - f m ont Wllb IWO • Mion-bcliiK bnnlnhdl / • from tho llolil. Jo h n n y Unsslor, Do- ^ Irq il c a tc h o r wan oxciiiiod for pro- H I testlni^ n duclninu nnd hilor Jnck Ons- V low. W iiahlnxiim conch, wns fiont to Ibo chiO Iiduxc Cor ihc sniim rrnson . ;« M nrty .Mc.MnnuH. lie lro ll hocona-buHi’- ' '

mnn. wnn ih f hlitInK nco. uliooiln;; n u ll IWO d^ bb iH whicli ucurcd Ihrco nf bln li-nm’» run«.

Ulhg Ml.llnr ;;i)l four lillii oui o f [lv<. ^ Union n l hnt. i>no of tho liliii helni: n ^ liome nm . ;.lid lli<; St. Uiuls llrnw iin , nnd n field day-lii dofenllnR Iho Il<*d iW i?ox 8 to 6,- Mlllor Inrldonlnlly lionnl- V -- :d bln hnttliur nvornKU In .lifl uh n > •onult of,yi:Mi.id;iyii lillllni;.. •Meol■ T ho'C hlcnxo t'liliH wi'Mt Into nocnnd Luki ilncc’.li) Ibe N:illnnnl I,oninJo nici- by ciev I r t iw 'o t th rir 7-1 vJcJory o i'cr JJi/r ' fniio

Irooklyn'D i)d:;i?ni. Nellher Donk iii>r| - ,_ ,1 Cbrlinrdt- w .'rr nhle lo hold the Ciibn. vh llo 'Ilob l loy-cl wllh llrooklyn. bnl*.- , u en .. T he I 'lhlcors lind n biid dny Id ho field, couirlbuiluK five urrorn.• Woo W lill/. SliiTd.'l, li'ft liniidMl n«-- --------it tbo HI.' Uiiiin Cnrdlnnls, hml u bpd ~ Iny.nnd ihu Ilo..<ii)n nriives foil on hM . vL iftorlnKii fur u nerlos of sucri'sn lvn l f I afe iles. Ilf . w.im rollcvcil by l-ftll.--i ohn bMt the Cnrdlnnls woro dofentcil. |

“ > «. . ■ I _Homo runi. by WriKlil nnd T rn> nor,

lded-by..olliur..llm i:ly %kiiockii oiinbled | jodny Ite PltlfiburKh I'Irnlon to nninnb.niii ,^nlnn

13 10 0 vli'lnry ovt'r ibo Nnw Y ork '1,,.,, s llnnm . • T h f I’Initos Iniided nn th ree ({] lotlinm piu-berii fnr IK snfe blln. F n r- erentb cll o f thn r,I.m ill ninn i;ni n homo run.

-------------------------------• 1FKMT IH 'H T l r i lD S i ; s io . IHJ. lo Iht

'O STKlt. IIIH'IIK U to ndv. . ["Don

3 t h i n I

b l u e s

f r p m I

o nlow in the song, I .^'nevn sawjing -so bright — never saw as"{ so For IVe found gr;rt and complete plpe^joy* MilU^t I knew alt about pipes th;olddg.' Z had no. idea whac a ab:he better P .A would be. olc reat it was to open die tz ^ free thar"Wonder£ui i?riHcc"- "be

rancel To a (upieJmngry Ater aroma ever came within a th<it. I c ^ d lurdfy wait to^ P.,j intp the b<^ of my jimmy- di<^ t up. And then • i .'that coiistel Yc

—.tfae nationalV -

... "

3- .... ^

F r o m P c^T hird ^

M l

Meet' Tom m y Sew ell, b ro th e r ' o f "dioo[,uko nnd Joo Sowoll w i th - th e b l ' - n:iflveland Ind ians . Tom m y (m ay ;to rv ll 'ollow In th e ir foo tsteps a n d land :n tho m ajom . Ho Is th ird base-n a n and c ap ta in , of tho presen t. , Jnlvora lly o t A lribaina <biittebnll

^ > '“ ■----------------------------1 , 1 / ----------------- — ■ -----------------------Knns.

EIGHT DEAYED s .milclil— 4 ;«'nn /

_ Dy Vait«a m i B I foundNKU- VOUK, Mnr ID .-T rx lll ik i.n l 1' “ '" 'm dn) annonnced Ihnl (In- .Shnrki-)-wuiniMi n1nn<‘V fl.ithl Hrhislnled fo r tho Ynn- I'h rou i >0 Slndlum hnd born imsljionod nn- I"»)r 1 I liimornnv nl((lit becnuso of b n d ' entlier. | w a

Tho w orld’B Krcnleiil lover ban como jlilnlor tho Ulnllo. . John Ibirrym orn in hnn bi

)on Junn." now nhowliiK,—ndv. j nitjrni

'• • ”

; • • ' ■ t- r ' “ - r - * » • _

g H

> k t e s

n o w

I " ; '/N • . .

Coo! a stuAmons to court, as 'l inning your ease. Mild as tl gratulgtions of- the second*besi Mild, b u t \ ’ith a full, rich tobacc that satisfies your smoke^hankerin; absolute itmitTN^m talking about i old plpe^stiiokef Men . . . Prince

No matter how satisfied you a^ be With- your-pttaent $ct*up, gke A l ^ a whirL. You’ll never ki then what a friend y^ttr {^pe 1 P. A tiem bites the tongue or ] die throat. It never wears out come. 'T ry this (ong>bumtng-ti You’ll ch e^ with ailTve said.

k t f ^

' j o y sitf.o k 'eT ......................J - V ' .

/ ■ r v . ' r i i . . - i ' - ;■ u - T f -

. . r ■ ■■

o o a te u o yBIG FOUR Rl

O F -B A SE B A L L i fa y Unlt»a P ra ir

Hornnny'n avrrnK f ilro])i><'d pi.ri i^p')1y >vhi'n hc w«-iit w uiK Jurn lill 1 )u r tlini'M up. I,'<ili1> mill UiiiIi iwi llo w hen rnin upollnl ih r lr nniin.n.SpenKor w eul h ltk w in two irl.'.i,• , • "Ali II ;-i-t K'c lli

obb ....... ........ ,.417 , ,orttnt>y .............. li/y JIm b Il-;t 33 .320- .!)I12 I’c n k iT ............... !IH31 .3lt; -jVi •• ,"nii


' ->atrl--------------- ‘ .^rlKi;

By U n lu a P r . t .K O flli:.STi:H . M lnn .-W lllinu i M w ^I'.vr|. p itcher fn r th e Mnntorvlll.- lil;;: ,innr,bool Ifnni, .................. .. nerond l.u ^ ro rHf. nn-n in •.•niiii' of Ih.. nl’n-on, Mni'. x.-.yln rvlllo flefenleil Snyflold lo 10 n.

O.MAllA—i;nrl Cnsii, pK cln r f n r jb ' u-,'.'ni ;nl W onleru I.enKiin bnHcbnll rlii'>. M.'.ro' 11 bi. opera ted on lodny n’l n riv:il- Iiijiirlen rrri-ivi.i| ,Mmidn,v' av’i" ii Vr,

Id luto bonu- In n cnmo n!l WlcIilin,

S T .'rA tlK . M ln n ,- I ll li..:illli l" In;•Vfd to hnvi- lieon Mi.. eniK',. of :!i ^ '1,,,,Iclile o f Kddle Mea.l.., lor;d Aiiicr;. ii,,,,,,n Ai'noelnlloii iiltchcr^ 'ib o wii;. i^|,iui,nnd ili-nif fn (ifn r p ^ T M i ' l ; AIl.'ii. i'ainn;innKor of tlio lovnl chib, rrc i-n ih cli.iit,niMinced bo (houtrlU Mi’ndi- w;,;i hrt..v. roui:li for iblr. yi-nr invliiv to hi.-o r conillllon. ^ ijiinii

W ASHINfiTOV—Wllat l« .|.'< l;ii-.'d id ;',7l7icl'Un. lnri:<'Kt :ind b.:al Ui;lcl In Ui :in \il

Iilory o t wlilpin-t rnelu); In Aini-rlr^* inrciln biroil nunembleil tor n r i l in !h t ‘- !•’ Iiamlljrn iw nnd K aiur.lny u li .r , t-ai>ll')l troiili;


rt. Sweet ^ ^5 th e con* -ntest man.acco bodyring to thc * nu ta grand ------« A l b e r t .

a^ p w to • ive f^iwcc know, till

e can be.>r [Mirdics .I t its wel*;- tobacco. - '

I 2 W 0R i F i E a n i i s FfeST SHOOTING ATlEGIONteL

' VtW. A, n rlfv e . by maklnR n scoVp iif * wnj. hlnh mnn In Ihe f lr s fa h o o ti.r :

■t Ihl. i.rn»ii)ii by llie Twrn‘ P illii” n ifli.........•n n n n IllO UKion liulldInK;'ln w ht-:i ' ' 'I'niii :i(i look pa rt. A tcnm w ill b f . ornir.i |n n nhorl Ilme nnd com p*!'- !vo iihoo',lni!. w ith olbi.r chibt* r ll!•'ko p la rr . Secri-lnry H.'C.'KdToUMil.. ‘ rinntinrrd.The iiirKot Innt n iK h t'w n s nmnlli-i-

bnn th r ono form erly un^d In pi,i>Ico. Tlie Bcoros of pn rtjc lpan ts r-I- ow.'■aini., . Sco rr..Vlib;ii)), O. W........................................... * ,ililpmftu, \V, a ...............................4*•lil|>inaii, <■. II...................................... _.4K'a trick , J. II ............................................:nirlKKii. C. Sv............................. ...........3?IniKKi.Mian, llonry ____ __ ,'.............. J.'’alrlek , K, I ............................ .............. 4 'Ii-.rro.n. }Jrrm;.n .................. ?!______ 41.Innrc. T. K.............................................. 31lorrlKh. Cro. W. ........ ............. 41•.-<yloi-, 0 , 0 . .............................. ,'42nbniinn. f.co. It....................... ;..... ........4^rnldnn. ^7/rn .........................................’nHlncton. Hnl ......................................'luircoy. s .................... ..............................i ’ •Imik-, II, J ................................;......... :2li-rinitn, Mnriin ................................ . 30.ib.'Ma. I. i : ............: ............................ 415aal.ii-. F r ll / ............................. ;....... nliT:n:iii, I lr rb o r l ............................. . 10lack. l,...itiT .......................................... 30 ,cbivaru.. 0 . .V. ...................................... 41lilnl-*!-. Cuy K............................. ..........Illilll. A. I)................................. .-........... 40ainniock, II. \V ........................r - ..........JOilillh. I lr rb ............. ' ....... ................... 45 ,rlrv.i. .rrn n k ..........................-1...-. t iiichriiii, Jnhn ........................................iliiiiindn. ll- .( - ................ ..................... Cic ldv will Kll Itn flrnt l.wio o t purh tn r l c.inli'nlii. I-Tfiy-lwo doM a re o n - Ti'd lu Ibo fontnro.l |iitc i^o tl''u r .l. anilleap for ilu ' Spcnkcv ^ n i r y i ’ri!i •oiiiiy nnd IniKO money prUflfl.

,3|V, , ' ‘


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.Ln : l ^•/M m W htc*n 'A n tr l ,

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Page 6: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

TimeF o r

A N N O J U rIn tho o n g in iil r.immmcc

T im es' (8 ,0 0 0 "Ei'«.'ryl;oJj- V, brand new , la te s t inodc! B i; value $1,G3D.OO w:ia nnjiovincci Prizes. •

Thifl cor w aa i)urcliasc( Com pany, b u t sinco in n k in g t 'm anagcnicn t has. been ndvise

. h is op inion, Tho T im es’ woul(m oro dosirabJo g if t, if this i a 'B u io k M aste r S ix .<l.Door Sc

W Uq tile 4-D oor S edan ii ' a t $110 m ore th a n th c 2-Do(

give th e very, I 'incst to th e ( follow [HJr. L ih d ’u snsficstion ycBTs of - cxpcrlcnco in hiini w ill g ive a b ra n d new , - I r te s t :

■ Sedan, vttlne $1,740.00, instei J m odel p rev io u sly announced .

A w o n d e rfu l o p p o rtu n ity liv in g in th is t e r r i to ry to ti profit* Como in , te lephone c r

1 1 1 I J " r----- ;___ ^ ^

B U I C K M i

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^ P U R C H A S E D FR

I P O J S fT lA

P U R C H A S E D f r o :

.v.itiiimiiiiiii Ut ’I':!.' i u in

y “ K .irjIW j <:i

Good for 500I hrn-l>j rn lc r uu<l «-B'I

■* a raixllJalr ia Th.* T«ii. V.ili' b(>Jj IVIn*** J 'rh c l)i»trlliiitli.n.

..V.. ' I>OTK—<)nlf iHimiiiUtlnii itluuUranJiilBli' n<imlnatril.'

p h on e 3 8 — ^

j s ’ K■ r P F

" Y o u tI N C E M E N Ticem cnt of Tho T w in Fiills Daily.

Wifjf!” F re e G ift D islrib iition j i- B i;ick M .isier S ix 2iSioor ijedan, icvd one of tho G rand C apitn l

ksed from th c L infl 'Autom obile 5 Iho above pu rchase Thc T im es' ised by M r. C. E . L ind th a t, in luld-’be o ffe rin g n littlo fin e r nnd s nori'Spfipcr wouJd o ffe r irM cad S edan . “

I in th e M aste r S ix M pdcl re ia ils^ )o o r Sedan, The Tim es w an ts to D candidates, an ti lias' decided to ion w hich w as p rom pted by hia iind liug B uick autom obiles. Wc s t m odol B u ick -M a8 tcr’S ix '4 ;D o o r- itcad of th e low er p riccd B uick d.ty fo i \ am bitious m en an d w omen

th o ir sp a re tim e in to real c r w rito to d ay fo r fu ll particuijrrR.

r ..................... l l l l l ............ ..

[A STER Sl!i^

OuicliMoildlZCMT rour^iocr

V a l u e $ 1 ,7 4 £R O M T H E LIN D A U T (

■>' _______________________

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ill laH v Illlil? Timi-O

2 0 (0 0 V o t e s ^

. • li.iIlT Ttill.s i„ r -nt .Mlti-i:

/ ........../ - • N.II-'." f>t

I ' I '- 'il j l i ? '- - '’

, I'l.'iMi- '■ . C.iliillilal.

auk a cn -v td l tn r l a ch ■{,

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pnpaign Office ii

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t o M a l

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" ' G kId . ; ■ ' ^■d


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4-D oor Se^

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D o o r Sedan->— _________________,

l i M-S O A K L A N D C O M PA


)0^ 000 E x t r a )i-oiii>on, ulif-n nrcoiiiii.ntiK'il with

T ii'tlons I 'lr ili ' ir ••cjtilx.ilfiii) In Tin Ttinc.-. Mititl>« llif r iiil 'll'U ti' in llOO.ilii

I iLi^lloiis ti in i 'i : III iliirlii:: tlu-

/ ' ''fS .‘ ijIi'.rillK-r .....................................

.,t SiiJ.i..

ilal.'-'< Nsiii.' •n - F lr» f W.',-K r .tiu ^ H t* ;i Iw; voted 1 •. f o r fx e r y llirr»> niil>»<-rit>tl«n iriit. tiiVnfil in ilu rln c «hr c:xniJldalf'• r.iwpalRn.

in The Tinies B

T\vl^^^^\T;r.f;'riAIrA’ TurRg

i B I G O p p i

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V f l f p C Acrnmp^nkil^* _______ Urr,I,' nitfi«c:ltiilnn,

ith H irer :^ a r ly .Till. T w ln% '..ll»iiiiifl ..•.ir-i vofm coupon may be iift':u- i'ir:.t -Wrck- ' 'actompanlrd liy a

S'nmo of .Subscrlt. . ................... CamllJatc-R Xamo

Atnounl Enclo^nl • — Thl* m illion vt.. ................. . rcLoracd to tli"

Twin Falln Dally. , ,•......... aerlptlon j-ou obta:

•«1 I.y r.ifli can- , and Xbi- *uh*et>tt_oni.. o r thH r y „ f j,, looefr. Tlii l f t first week lo tbe number kI

r«KUl«r Ttiie j»clir<l

Building, Open £\

1. '

IDi!>ORTUNirm e R e

: I t O v e r £

V o n d ^ r fa l


W H IP P E l

J I P P E D ^ ^ ^ ^



>r lO jO O O E x t r a V o t e ;JST s r n s c H U 'T K J v i 'o i i ‘c»\ ‘ \'fl Iiy till' iioinlniillnn ti!;iiik .•uni 'vo iiiInti nAllj'^in-.uilU . - i - ^ --- .. . m tl l ' ttHiiaKiiltlceat Tw in KnlJn Dally Tlme.i Kittn

Intnl of more than 2n,0>*ik \o ir;i. Ttiti t iiKiM only p n re iinil lu ^aliii o n lv j i ; ! ''' ' y a wiitj.icrlptlon n-nilttancp. ^

:prlb rr ..................................................... V :...... .

me ^

“n l . .. ■1 will count lO.OIKI e x tra frrr* voir* w hen

f ^ m iu ls n .M;inaKT. j t tti.' nfftrt- of Thn, •lly T Iaief. loKffiher w ltti tin* flr»i r>ul>". ib ta ln . II muAt be accom ^anlrd by tbe. uh*crlptlon Jntr»i Ih> for a i»erif>d. o f_one

T he lO.COO free votes n re I.V ADDITION Klven on Hie subBlrlpilon a* j>cr thc

rlin lu lc. ____________ - -

ivery Evening Un


si|Ms a l M o

Big If Y o u

1 O p p o r tu



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Good fon:III T lir T u la . Falln Diin)'

r*'!" _ U rand I*ri*eI J lrrrtiy «a»t lOO FIIEE

y .-Mh5.'Mr.:-Cr .M«. .'.......L C . ..-l‘Wrri»* ....... ...................................

. . Tilt* coniw n. NKATLy C ixldrri’t of th o csmU datc nilc-

, "re<! lo th c Camtwlfm D cpar hen D.illy Time*., will cou n i a s 1( riin, nol r o t l anyljilnic In ta n t.tlu 'i ub". Ite cand lila tr . «n»l * r4 »ot the., . -totinK them . Oct a i l yoa ca: ope all coiinl. 1 ON ~ , D5~h?>t~->Tni flf Tnlii r ' «T5TTv th c . NOTB—T h lt coupon m ust ____ p.- m . Ju n e 3. 1927.

ntil 8:00 o ’clock -

I .........i lH U H S P A T T T T A '^ lg , li)27- •

m e y

u W i l l

u n ity "

t '

^ H

^ V A L U E

^ $ 1 ' 0 8 0 . 0 0


3or Sedan

[ ,0 8 7 0 0TOR COMEANY


Uy T J tn r * ' ' “ iS cT jh o d j M-ln*’’ ri*e CanitaliiiiREE ■ VOTES lo . th e ' crf.«lU of

y ■ ■ a J r i - K o o iT r r ' nnroo'‘'a tid ■ tilled In. and malletl o r dellv- fp artm c n t o t T he T w in, Falli* s 10(t FJIE B V O T E S ...it, tlu 'ie coupont fo r )-ou5 favor- r »o t M atrlc ted la , any *m »e In

. can nbd »«nd Utvni Id—tb«?

TSTTe r m nsi pacsoce.---------—:iuM be >-OCetl Oa o r before S

k~Phone 38

Page 7: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

' i F W S l iBpmiess Directory

■' Wo W !,v ■ . ; ;>AlL inako*. .D en lera Jb . • '. •


■ •I'QCft* ofH iy: 218 M ain Avei No." B R O '^ s t u d i o , o v e r YOUNO — /.H a rd w a re . W o - drf" JiomjiiftcMoj:,;

-( covor bu tto n s and m nko Orapnrlcn.:,' !» SoUBfacUon itl iy an tcc d . __________

• UNDERWOOD T Y PR W R lT nH S -O F T r. tbo boat, w rlto o r pUo;)o (or rop.ilrn.j

;■ raotftls , o r purchuiio nrlccii nml : te rm s. . Im m oaiato norvlco. II. K.

P e rk lb s, local rcprosontntlve. I’lioncr677. '___________ _________________

M ILL WORK — CABINBT WOUK ■lono to ordor. A uto nml wlmlow

• Klaas. Modern P lun ing Mill, m T h ird avonuo SQ^^Pliono 603.

I MODERN WOODMEN O P AMKIUCA- I. , m eet o t I . 0 . 0 . F . H all cyory 2ml

and 4th W ednesday.' .T IIE P R B S T -O -U T B B A rrE t tY S r.ll- “

* vice S tn tlon now n t 121 Srd-Avc. W.• , J . A . Montcl» ami Sons.

. , HOME PLUMIllNO Q. IIHATINO CO.; , Now locnllon, 13B Tliln l Avi>. B.

Pbono 2B3.______ ^ "•

- ‘• - 'T a A N SFEB . ^C U O z I i a ’’ T O A l ^ ^

Phbae 348. Storago a n d c ra ting . •* • j>

'. M oN IC aib l^ T itA N SPRR & STOU- .J 'j "■UKO Co. O arbnso -bnulcd daily , m f

, Plione 20Q. In

; W ARBERO TRA N SPK il & STORAOi: J l Co. StorsKO nnd npcclnl cnriond .pQ nblpm cotn to Cnllfornla. Pliono H g. i,i

SH O E R E ^ A IB m Q . ■

ROYAL SHOU R K P A IR IN a,'F . MEY- e rs . Prop, 130 2nd St. E . - r -

---------------------------------------------------------- - WAIDA IIO SH O E REPAIBIN O . JO E s

WnBHor. P rop. 218 Main N ortb. —— - — ------O H IEOPBACTOR. ci

' DR. S . C. WYATT. CHIROIJRACTOIl WA• a n d e lcc tric tborapy . O re r W ool- k

■ iTortb sto re . Phono 4C7.


, .0 . C| lU L U OVER . CLOS BOOIC ^^1 Store . Pbono 07; R es; 13GB.

Jam es R . B othw ell—W . O rr ChapmhnBO TH W ELL 4 CHAPMAN . ' _ i J

W oods Bldg. Room s 6. 0. 7. 8r 0, 10. i.*6 j

S W iro iB Y & SW EEUTY. ATTOR- DCjrs. Idabo P o w er buildinR.

„ ,W . L . JJUNN-rLAW ; p F P IC E S . RMW jfo J ^ 7 3 nna^t.»8 mltb-<RIa-biiHdlng. , n'


- RY E SPE CIA LIST —D li. W.m7D . KEY- »jno lds. 20D Mnln. N ext door to — G olden R u le .________________ POI

■ ‘ PIAW O” T U N I N O r ~ - -------ilPIANO TITNER. w

PIANO TUNER—a . O. HULL. ID YRS. -----■ Jn Tw in K ails w ith Clnudo Brow n KOI

Music com pany. Phono 96P o r S34W. ni

• M O N EY a o LO A K . _ ?. . AlUNEY TO LO A ^—D O N ^ if liw c w

th a t DiortjcaRC. Oet a federnl fnrm *'{■ ^ loan . F o r (\ir tbo r pn rtlcu l.irs cnll o r , '

^ w r ltn J . W. McDowell, T w in I 'l i i s . V.^ P h o n o C77J1._________• _______

MONEY TO I.OA N ’ ON FARM AND c ity property . Com pnny nml p rivato "* m oney. C. E . P o tto r. rea l csUite,

' Tw in Fnlls. , • '___________^ POp

FAUM I ^ A N S - C . 10 OR 20 YEAR Joans Qt tiVi% iDteroHtI No commU- slon. C.' D. T hom as & Co.. 128 Sbo* pQp shone W . ___o1<

• M A N S -F A R S I AND C IT T LOANS. ^ ; ■ T w in Fnll< Tl^to a ad A b strac t Co. p o

■ W A 2J m > . l i l f l C [ E t L i i S B 0 n i " J"'• m J ? ?oim '^^‘'c H i? } c S u S A f u i v ——

•'-bB rrin jt r t b ^ U ' f r o n l . l i t W e buy POR back you r in e ro u e . CblDcbllla Rab- »o b ll nnd F u r E xehonco. 336 FJr<t nv

- ’•■i. H IG H SCHOOL B 0Y :W A N T 8 PASS- r 'I ORC to G ale^ii Sum mit- o r S tan ley . L _

TBUMdny o r .P r l i la y o t th is wock. Phooo 964W. . . c l

WANTED — L A D IM ’ T iS x )R IN C and dressm nkin* . Call C Sifr. Mr*. Cam eron.. . ' y ___' . ------------

- G E T YOUR S n E A J tf 8 IL U tP E N I':D -'^ T p e r t srJod lnc . Id ah o D arbcr — LShop.____________ ._______________ TOR

W ANTED—NO. 1 H ORSES TO PAS- , tu re . Pbone B17R3. P a tr ic k Wynn- f o r

W A N T E D -F O R O E AND A NVII^ 1-4 _ 2 ! m ile nouth ro ck c ro sb e r. Jo h n MU- p lA f

'■ _ l e r ;___________ . • _________■ CASH PA ID F O a A L I ^ KEC38.. OK FOR

, ; . pouUfT. IW 4 tb »ve. -W. in to n e SSO , 481

.‘ ‘ TW IN F A L L S . JUNK, H p i K ^ M C T .. a ls . rubber, bide*. p«Tt>>%d fur*., _ _


iS * - F t r M lnldoka — _7:40 a . m . _ 5 ! :.'■ ■/ (Opanecta oM f s a d w est) p o B•! M - r S r B u r ie r «»d< ‘ —

Po c * te llo -------------- » l » p . K FOR^ - -<OeeB«et«.-«Mt> . s u

r l» —F t r BnM — — — 12«*- P. E n/ ■ y . ab- ‘ itm

m ^ V o t H o g w w a -to d B«iW t lk C ^ e v . ------- - l » U p . » . bed. a J o o , .W ed, F r i .) . , _ ----- -

A rr lraa fv)R.' m - T n a n a i i . -----------. lm

- - S z £ S S « s s ^ f ^ --SS O W f , T r n m , W V

' - tor,

ids in The Tii

I."’ , ' O lN T T -T A K E CA RE ,

- B l l l i l l l '

y .


p rodusnon—RcvenKO cctii them miro I'O nnd quick—sood on Iiorii to o ," Kroo i i iiainplp. U nrrow I1;qo. .Seed & SujJ- ply Co,. Twin Kails. :

SPECIAL C inC K SALE Tiii.ri WKEK. m Unrrcd Rocltii.nnil R. 1. Rinlii, »i*,Prem-lit o r fu tiiro delivery. Phntiii 102». .\I. 0 . Cnnadn, <

m foD l” I s T ^ o l l E D l 'A N D T u ^ n 'lioni hnliy d ildcii n l .rciliiccil pricm , i ltlKK?*fn Q unllty H nlchcry.________ i

r o i . i:t o u t o n anA U ics l e o u o u n - J liiil.y olilckii. ' 'n iKiii'rl'ii Quulily Ffl lln tclii'ry . I'liomt C12J2. i

i.VANTi:D —" iV o a s r ^ J E U i* . !T w in l--nllB Ju n k Houbp, Phonu 79S. _

WANTKD TO UUY— LIVKSTOCK". ■S<flr Pae?!jHff P tan t. Plinni- sn s j} .

WANTED TO U m —ALL K INDS OK _ J cnltlo . Phono C02J4. J . P lynn. • q j ,

WANTED — POULTRY 0 7 A LL ! kimln. J . A- Flynji. P lione CQ2J4. ;

FOR SALE—1000 EW ES AND FEB - — ru n ry lam bs. A rth u r I* Swim.

PASTURE TOR KEW'^MORE HI2AD ; Ot cuttle . K lagsh iiry C om er. I

WANTED—POUI..TRY. IL C. HUN- BA tc r . Pbone a03W.___________________ I

r o R SALE-SBTTING HENS. P lIO N i: I B l C j a . ' _________• —

F O E BE N T ^P t u r ^ u B N T ~ ^ : ^ ^ i i o c s e k b E S K o . . .’

nUiirtinOniB, to m p le le ly rum iabcd Sor IlKht hbi»el(nr>p)}]jr. T » -o am! ,th reo room s, closo In. hnd low raten^ ___by weok or m ontb. The Oxford, 428 _ | Main N. ■ - ■ PO

i'OR R E N T -T W O MODl'IlN, KURM- IInliod niinrlini’ntH__ for coniplciii ___liouHvhrcnlnc. CIobo In. HoaMiijiilili^ ko Minn Cunningham , 32K Bhonhnnn | wcnl. • , ^ ]

POU RENT—KURNISIIED APART- jTq m cnt. 3 room s nnd. nleoplng porch.

' Bnncmcnt npnrtm cnt, 2 la re e roomo. ~Phone 3 G 7 J .____________ . I'O

^ R RENT — TWO FURNISHED - J houPokeiMtlni; room.i, outnldo rn - FU trance . C40 2nd Avo. No. Phoho — 484J. • FO

rU R E E ROOM FU R NISHED A PART- t m ent fo r runL Bunculow. A part-m enls. Sccoo<) a iy n a o cn»L j,

^ )R . RENT—80 SH A Ri:S , TW IN ■'.J ^ t l t f Cnnal Co. w ator fo r th e sen- ''

son. Swim nnd Com pyiy.______

'O R REN T — FRONT DRDROOM, " e lec tr ic bent, 'nlno Koo'l saraRo.CUufi In. Pbone 1309. ____________

'O R R E N T — HOUSUKEKI'INO ^ foomn ovor C liy Cafe. Soe II. IJ. ^ Johnnon o r c n l t 900. • .,J

O R RENT—FU R NISHED IIGUSIJ* ^ koe p 'n e room. Modern.- C02 M ala’ nve. N. ‘ . »

FUKNISHliD A I'A R 'rim N T S FO R ; ^ rent- O aa^ H r a q . Pbone 071.

•OR R E N T -F IV E ROOM FURNISU- T ed. C. D. AntI»r«on. H u n t J e u c lry . ^

O R REN T - . FURNACi: HEATED room, a lso irariiKe. Phone 1033.

OR R E N T -C UOOM HOUSE, C I .B * : n . ■ Inqnlr<i C ity P a rk G rocery. p

UR.N1SHED AND UNFURNISHED hoiincg. G e tle rt Real EMnte.

OR R B N ^ O N E APARTMENT IN ___B enoit F lata . Pbone 124^._________

lANO TO -RENT—8 l i ^ \ C L -\m )E f ' D.rpwn .MOsIc company.___________

OR RENT—nO U SE K E EPIN O RMS. ^481.M alrt »T»Mg..W. . _____________

UUM AXU » o x i r D --i ; i '7 tu Av r . - - * * n o rth . .Pbone SW< H

F O B S A L E r ^ ^ '^ M O B I L E a l*Al OR . s A i^ - - iw iD ^ - c o u p e T ^ 'g o o o r,eondlllon. » IM : cheap a t th e pHcc. — L, M. 8 mUb. F»ec . - MP

5R ^ l ^ F O R D TRUCK 34 MOD- o e l.-P boaa aW J2. . > : ^

OB SA LK .-.U ISC E L & A N S0U 8 h^

3 R ' ^ l i — ST A TE ~ IN8 PECTCT S tra w b erry p U a ts . -P tpK »«*lve . pi E rerbaa rl& c a n d 'M a d e O em t. a .— »m ttedJH firpIyor Birrb«nk-«nd .Wrf» ^

bed. Phone S 3 7 J^ . .•

)R SALE—SPLEN D ID BOOKKEEP.- la s O urroBxbs sd d ln c m acb lM la gTR * 0ffd.j:p«dl«on.__U *2d o n \ : ^ few on n o a th a . l& qnira a T 'T fa i ir f l tO e ro r ~ ru phona 3«. »«. . e r

JR -8 A IJ 5 -1 POTATO CULTIVA- mi to r . .p b o a e U l& U L -wi

imes Go Into

O O N T e f U O M G ? ) j i f f e v n M O T 6 0 .

<! 'k C & N o n i TAK.1N '(l-t - CARE. O P A B IR O

M L ’

FOR SA L E -.M IS C E L LA N E O U S/c)v)llni')ci)j

Ifci'iT. s a u : . — n io 6 i ,v M A iifa 'i 'ici ranff-: 2 l»*aVy‘ s»-liii;lh‘i; hp lfo ri: ‘■■WhllL' I.eKliotiifboniiJillolinrt Hiiyo:i,

I'A mllti! w.!iii .sonili I’nrk.

KOU S A L ^ — HOME COMFORT i;ruDKa, K .m a cupboard , ch lld ’n folil-

lii'K cni't nnd Intn pinyor plnno, rolln clionp. 23(> 7tli nvc. E.

TOR a A L E -H ,\N D PlClCtCIl I'litInK iiolntooM J1.2G li(>r mi(;k. Af-‘o hnnd p lr l^ d nom hcoiI ^wtTitt/L-!:........ion. Plion(< nir>ii:i.

FOR •.’ B A L E - rn A r r iC A L W - 'i^ E W Coliunliln Criiplitinoln. 31 ri'CdrdM. or Irmle for »:ood nliot KUn. :!3C Clll uvenuii norlli,

KOU SALI>-U.S|.:i) I.AWN MOWEH?. uliit) nnod Knrdcn lioni'. Twin I-'nll'! Jim k HnUsf. .1C4 •Uh Ave. Soutli,- Ph^nc T!)n.

G i : : ^ U R PR IC ES ON lU N Q K BO H ^ cr hcatoni nnd (urnaccH dlnplnycd nt 13S Snd Ktrcot c ast. Orlzoo MotnlW orks.______________

TOR SA L E -ST RA W BE RR Y PI.AN’l’S —ProRrcsBlvo evorbcnrln*: nnd InrRc AnnunI Gemn now rondy. P h o n ;S4gn3. ,___________ ,

BABY CHICKS " a n d CUSTOM hntchlnR n t rediicvd prlcpH. RIk* Kort'H’'Q u a lity H nlc lio ry .. PliounS42J2.___________________ _________ __

BATTERY »9.96 cx. fo r 7G% of car*. E . O. H avens B a tte ry M fg.'rom pnny, Twin F alla, Idnho. fhone.p jC W .^

W u rS A L E -S B C O N b llA N D ELEtN ^^f^icjsyw litni; mnchfn<-. IC5 T cn(/i

FOR SALE—A I.L KIN D S OK GAU- den pinnlii COc jH-r hundred up,V.incc. ______________

K 0 irS A X E = 4 “ GOOD—USED - 31x I llrcH. Tw in Falln Ju n e Hou;.p. 1-lione 7!)5--__________ _____________

TOU s a l e —UAUY IJUGGY USED « -nionlhiu Chonp. IfiO WnidilnKlon N.

Ko r s a l k —GOOD h a y d i :l i v e u -cd: nlita-Jn 1112-J.

n tL L E R BRUSHKS, f llO N E T228W.

TOR SA LE—w h E A T . P IlO N E r.lSJl.


movlnK lo coun try . KOod m odern homo, flno locnllon. P riced rlKhi to r quick nnlo. Term n. Plione 7pC:

FOR S A L I> -FIN E 4 ACRE .TRACT, nmnll pnymem dow n nnd bnlnncc

.m onU ily o r w ill ta k e good used cnr n s.dow n paym ent. Pbone-C03R3. .

TOR SA LE OR WOULD LEASE a ' reelRtercd P e rche ron ftu d . Can-l>e| seen n t » r r o o i » ’ c o rra l. W rito H-

: .q. W ln k l^ ^T w la . F a l ^ ^

S O R ^ .S A L S ^ - ro o m ' m odem bouse . ; ' w ttb ■ l e « ^ ^ ^ r g | f t ' ^a'rago; i ^ U

^ r ' - S A L E ^ M S ^ J i ^ I R A B L V . ;

In. W ltl s e U '^ ' f i r ^ ac rcs . Pnco*l ^ B h t fo r quick sale. Term n If deslr-

ed. - -Phono 1215-_______ .

FO B TBADE.K m H t j r o u T R ^ ^

FViUs p roperty . 320yflcrea Innd 00 m iles ennt o f D ertftr . Phono-4D7RI

. o r see W. P . Beshears. S

. M ISCELLA N EO U Sn A S T r a r ^ s r N i c n H r T i A r ^ .

cured the n r e n o ' fo r th e Grecl.ift j H eallh Cor*t nml w elcom es pa trons ,old and new. Phono 1347W.________ .

J55 REWARD FO R T H R A PPREH EN* ' slon and convlcllon o f th e part>

th e IB m y store . .H arry A pplebanm . MurtaQKh.

IJ^DY . DRIVING EA ST D E S lR tS pasaenser. R eference* cxchanced. ^Phone 1249J. —_______________ _ a

MPROVED T ^ 'PE CAR AWNINGH. I2.W p e r pa ir. Llml Automobilo '

• Company. , - . j,O&STLE SADDLE H ORSES FO R f

h ire . Phene C61.____________ ' <

WANTED TO • B tn r - F U R N I T tJ R ^ Phona W l . . . - - — r r c - ?

— i g M » r - A * ? D - y o r o n ) _ — . -TRAYED—O N E *'''''3A lC ir'‘~DROW N Sm are, ball-faced . lonR m a ae .-w e lib t e 1400. shod. P hoae 4!>7ni. *

5T R A Y E D -I BLACK MARE. STA R • on bead, w t. abo u t UOO; aUp rb o d . h

'm 4 fl6 'B ~ tn c l je i t o t r t - l - s r e y — o cr«aito colorwJ aaddle ixiTse. 1 aboe r oa . r«M:bed m aa* . S tray«^ Sdfadav » momlaif.*W rHe o r phoa* M. F ia i» ^ « woHh^.SlORL ttuHL'ftewaiKL. . —

■ T w i j r m i E g ^ a a i i T T r r M g g : ^

0 the Homes o' B RIN G IN G y ]

» 1 I F T H Itl e ta P H A M T r OE^CtOE^j . I ■ ^ o ; h o n w A'aV 'I ■w o n d e r .- I B > -IF /U i C Q P TM IN K .S » C O U U I? r i


IS SITUATIONS ^... FA-MILV Of-’ fi WA.ST.S WOUK J I*- hi'cl floldn f l r nny (iilior ft-ork, cou::

U y of town- Ailcln.-nn 107, c a ic T u l: Knlln DnIly -Tlini-ii.________________

~ K IltST OI-ASSj:OC)KS, .MAN A N I, \ IT - wlfi! wnni riiniii oi-'lKmiiilliK liou:<i ' ll- 361 3nl AYI’, Knsl.

W AN Ti:b-K A UM \VORIC- GOOD II!— rlKiilor; Ray llnk<T, EdcD., Idnlu- v't JJox 75.

•1!. YOUNG WOmI?N W A N - i^ " 0 F i^ r i n wurk- K. V.. n irv f in...,..-__________ 1

W nlU li-W A N ’l‘H-W «»imr-^PHONK-l5fii-

In ~ r a i f l A I J S ~ H E L i v v [ ^ ^ ^ I_ WANTED—G lin . ii'O lt ^ lo N K R A !;<}_ lioUHdWorlc. I’hrmi- /;r.!W. v

'l r -KOU QUICK 's i\u - ;: i?f-:Asi: a m '; «

— ' fur'iiliihlnKn of nionilni; houKe. Gnm' n I/- ne t Incomo. W ill ncc«|)l nniull cn.n t nn pnrl pnymeni- Monnco Renlty Cii 1

r! l i O N r w o M i is ■ . — . - ■>

Contlnur-O Kruiii J’.ijfe 1 llm r. You cnn enrn n «linre of tlip Jj

' Kcnnroun profltn hy lo.oklnB n f tr r rrnew nl nubHcrliilltinn fo r The TItm'n In your v lclnlly nnd hy itecurhiK

. . . new nOhncrltnloiin rnr tliln nen-K- r*. imiior. n fnvorltn In countlrnH hom<! j ly, Klnco It -wnn ontiriillnlivd In tn n n .' j

I M '" »'"> ' ' " ' " ‘ V s', ' j l t n nnd women a re , nredod In '•very jmrl n f-the rJiy n«d Kiirro-jml- a

’ InR country to h r l |i tnko cnro nf j _ Ihe trenu'mlniin hiihlnenn Ihnl'H 9 ll. comlUK. I t makCH no d iffcrcncc how . -M- little 'tim e you hnvp, .xo lonj: nii you .\

hnvo nomo Ilme, eomp'-niintlon for j— evrrj'one Ih llie founilnllon of thl* -S

circuliilfon liullclInK ciimimlKn. .‘Stnrl- lnR \ wltli n iinnrnnteecl rnnh com-

__ mln»lon- of ti-n p r r cen t nf ynur^ HulmcrliUlon cnllrctlonH, If ynu fnll

>■ (o w(n n Kirr. nnd condntifne on u[i ^I .’ throuKh n innmniotli Kift 11*1. whlcli 'It- IncliidoH Ihrco c.iiili jirlzcii of $100,ooty

j?nch. lhe SS.OOO Klfi IIhI culm lunici— In hiK henniltnl ..au io inn liltri vnlucd j, ’• nl $1,020. $1,OSO, .^$1.0S7. nml • on j

up 10 Jl,74f... " . ■ ■ „J . Il Ih for linnrRi e ffo rt well <‘X-

[tended Ihn l^h lii iiu ipcndoiin 'c lft lint —. Ih offered tn tho iicoplo of Twiu ^ ■S Knlln-nnd UiIh le rritn ry ; E very o n ' ^ ■0 of tlic' -KlftH llnlccl nre w ell w orth • ' ■'t th r lline nnd w ork II' t.ilf'd lo ne- ^ cur<> tlieni- E very pnrilc lpnnt Im ■

coinpvnii.nti-il. Elnuwher-.' In HiIh hisue you-w ill find a iiaKO announce- meni of the Dnlly T im es’ J8.000 Free . GIfi DiKtrlhullon. An Inquiry will

-i-ibrlnB ynu fu ll deinlls. “ The offer - A In now. It’s Junt ho tn r nnmiiinc'-'d- " w |T h e field Ih unw orked nnd will he " >t frultfHl iJje pxtreinn If you hnve • '

some Bpn* tim e , you can devote lo - r he lp lnc lh - Ikilly ,Tlme.n handle nil ?; thin husineim which In he re simply V wnllluR lo he calhored. T he rew ard Pf *• IH nure. Clrculntlon CnmpnUn H end- «1 querter* nt The Tim es' offlcr m e Wi K open dnlly from !» a- n>. to 8 p . m. « le The telephnne fium ber I* 38. W

----= = ---- 1“— - GlassineJ Adtertlsements j,';S Too L a l i For C lassH lM llD ii i»

' S T O I.E N -I-\S T n i g h t 'IH .A CK . AND— Kreen hlcycle No: 40tf«48, Iver John- • '

sen . Notify Peter* Shoe Shop. 217I: E ast .Mnln- R e w ard .________ . '

" FOR HIGH GRADE HOME .MADi:»• cakes call AU ord ^ Molt-_________e r

r TOR SA L E -X S T E R . CABBAGE, CET,- Ifp ery and tom ato p lan ts, any tim e ex- •£

J cept Sundays a t Spackpi^n 'ii.'

~ IDK r L V k b i ) T x u a TO COAST I ^ I S v Oa>t«a 7MM® QUEBEC C I T t Que.. May 10—Com-

inander>^le Plnedo. four-contlnent avl- Btor. o t Rome, hoppei! o ff h e re Joday s'"

I for S h lppeian Island, o ff th e north- B e a * te n r t lp o f th e I 'ro rln ce .o f N e* ”

[4lniasw lek. Ho w ill refuel th e re be- '■* : foro hla f llsb t to T fepasaey Bay. New »>« I Found1and.*Whlch 1* th e la s t American “ P

po la t b e w in touch bafot^ (he (ra m - I oceanic tr ip to th e A*or«*.

N______, f o y r i ; r ! ' . a c j i i f i l h <Mr t r a i t s T i m 10'

• — DO/SBr— f< U * e r-^ a y — 4 * - O W « #• Sheriff Coleman le ft Boise th is a n -t e raogn - fo r - M aontaln m i i i e . nedt, •>-

w h e n ■ K oU n c a r baUniriaR to I t ©J— R ichardsoa of BoUe waa found wroCk- *-< t ed and reported lo bla beadQ oartera pai . b m h r ta ii*boo» -)« feu th a t .search < r o t lb* v k J a J ? o f-tb « jjb tid « a t failed to k ll i> reveal traca o t t b t an toaw bll* th la rea Uy f w ho a r* to h av a b e te b u r t. ate ' H o . a a d . - J f l f f , f » n c p C . : . g t o c r a sta

of the Peipai]. y P F A T H E R r - ; ■ -

H E 'f - JU S>T A -M IM U T E - v o u \ / t i C O T r t ty •W H fSK E R

I D A I L Y ]\/

W H E A T P R I C E S SUy RM 'lV .nth W., TORMKV 1'■

, I'n lied l’r<->s Slnff, riirri-Hinindent. ■> CHICAGO. Mny IU.—Wli.'nl iirU-i'nif'

M-ere nhnrply lilijlior In n nrrv»iiK.|,_ nnd r rrn tlc ninrkrt, nu llie . Chie:ii;o; ” lionrd o f’ T n id " lodny. T h rre wnn nM '

_ w orld nf.. <-ri>|» nnd w enihor lu-wnl t'oiiiiirnod'"’n:' • Iniliiiiii.- n'lTd ll-adlui:' 'vnn very nctlvr, w ith tln-^pnwer In i nn iiiirnnr uuihI of tho iiesiiliin. • I T.

I Forol>:ti driiianil for cnnh i;rnln i: wnn h e ller w llli xnleM In n ll inml- o

- llonn rrpo i-f 'd nl sr,t),ono,000 huidirln. /ncIndlnK ilnrnvHiln ii whenl. Tho canh jnn rkei wnn stronj; 1<

i> nnd lc higher. * i>Henvy rninn tliroii;;h Mlnnrnotn. $

lown. Mlitsourl nml cmil throuKh lhe Ohlcr. vnlley led lo ^ehornl biiyliiK il

T of enrn a»;nl». prlceii ndvnnclnc V ‘} $ g Io He. Cnnh d'ininnd wnn rc|iorled* fnlr overnlKht. w iih prlcen 1 ,lo IVjc .- ldi:her.

Oats alno partlclpnlod In the Kon- i. e m l m lvnnce, w llh .p rice s ncorluc «’’ lictlor Kaliis lh^^n for some thue. • nr provlKlons w ere hlR lier.. nT F u tu res rnnsed , a s follow s: ti~ Open. IIIrIi. Low. Clonr, \'■ W HEAT— e?- Mny ....... H3Vi 143‘ 142% »2%

Ju ly ....... 13KU 13ll?4 137% 138’fcSepl .......

n COR.N— . • ■ .I- Mny ........ M l i SR«r '•f J u l y ....... 90% U3 00% 91% 5H Sepl 93>4 f)5. o:iU . as%V OATS— . $II .Mny - 49U liO 49Uir Ju ly ........ 49 -; r.0>^ 49-% r,o"■Sept ........-<40% 47;i, 4(5% 47U j,

•' n iK 'A fiO (’A sil OR,\IX.I' . CHICAGO. Mny ID.—W henl—So, 1 j " red. | l ,4 4 U : .No. -J red . »l,‘4Ci4: .No. f 4, »1,40H-l[ C o rn -N o , 3 yellow. 87% ©90..; No,

'yollnw . sx>,.i.{?8S’/4c; Nc.-.5..,.y'illo“ - S 7 ^ c : No. C 'V ollow ,-8»rcf«"c; No. 4

mixed. H7'/408Kc; No. S mixed, XS\i ” WS7',4c: No, 3 w hile, 9f>»',c: No. * j.

while. S7c: No, f. wtiU”. S7®87'.ic:■ No, fi w hile. fifiVic; nnmple. 7f.e,* Oiits—No, 2 while. M ffiM c: Ni>.. :i ’ “ whllo. '49fl'I>2e: So. i w tiltr, 4 « ,' ,, ; i l r ; *oinple, ,44»6 « i4««, . j,,

l)n r(ey-« i;jiU 4c.Timoiliy—Jtfii'r..2fi.

” ' <riover-'530fll'nc. •

; .PORTL,VM» WHEAT. u, P O R T J^.sn i. Ore.. May H .- H a r d n . .While.. $1.C7: SOU > W tc , $1 .48 :,weul-

e m wblto. 11.48; Ju tfd w in ter, j,; no rthern . sprlnB. 11.48; w estern rrd . j'j

»l.'4fl. ______ M

CHIf'AOO’.L l'P I^M O rK . stC inC A Q O .'.JItar 'I’t-'C flW ® — Re- 9*

oelp li, -SlpNn- fed \ a ^ v e ;»tT0n K : ; f tW ^ h1» l» r f / iu K lie m and wt W elih tr:< u S « 2Se hl£hb)f; bM t b«nvy «t

$1i-7C; Bcallni; Aronnd ir.00 b(Mada; fo « ; loads ,I» 0 1 3 X O ; tome 'TS^PO aadl»tiT«raees a t la tte r price; lotiK yoarllnKii *12.65: medUmi a iic rs ce vory sc a rce ; «o<vJ tm d lo jt on yenr- (f K acs: a n d ' ibo -stock ; bglls lOOll^c 3S hiKher; hoav>- medium bu lls » 7J6« ‘ 40 7.40; veale rs SGOGOc low er; hlddlnp S9OI0 on llRhl vealet<i. dl

Sheep — RecelpU , .i4 .0oe: b « tc r 28 arnde s p r in s lathbs In fa lr iy active is dem and, about steady wJih Wedner.-day ;'c lip p ed lam ba opened ve ry slow. 23nround SSc low er; California sprlnclamb* to k ille rs aod ah lppera. S17.60: hep acker to p JI7.C0: few native sprfoc- dae rs up to $17; desirab le clipped fcIam bi, elU lb le a l I M ttW iO ; asklOR h rup to $14-76 fo r best o n s a le ; sheep ici SEesOc- low er: heavy ewea •b*fd«tnm ove; few l&O to.ISO P o u n d » ; |7 iJ lle t n

Hoca — R eeelp ts S&OOO; m arket rom ostly 10© l6c h U b er ; biK packsxa aaba linnc ' o u l; to p IIO-OS; bu lk better ctlcra tle TM ito SOO-poUad a%-eraxe«. n i$9.75010; 210 to ,240.pousd welfiiits n | $9.«SO10; 2fi0 to 355 pouifds. $>J5(?“ >.«5: packlni! sowa taoally $8.SOOL$^:best a lau eb ter pbc*. $».350»-«S: few ;up lo $>.76. —■

K A 58AS CITY LITESTOCS.' Jo! liANSAS CITV. Mo', May W .- $7.

H o rs -R e e a lp ta . 7600; m a rk e t nw stly sc. I ttS tO e h J f h * r r $ * .« -O B -l» -u » - l$ 0- w . j?onfld a v a r a w ; ISO- to SM-pound $ t,

$ l-»oe9-46; ^ to 2fi0 p o n a ^ 7.7 $ s - ise s ,< 0 : l U to 200 poands. K -U die «> .»$ : 130 to 1»>.<S: M to U « pounds, caip a e k la r m w K « :-7 i» S 4 0 . c al

C a t t i * - R w A J tt . 3P00; m arket: kllllBK a te e ra 'n o ^ lS c b U b e t j f t iUy o thM elaaaaa a taady: beef ]■ te« n .-> 7 -M O U -U : yM rilng ^ aa t a m i ^ / M f e m . $ M 0« » ^ ; . b e e f , k

r a t t e r , a s d co tter | 2(

' • . ■ ' ' . ' o '

iient Earning (

\ ^5^'C .JlC .C .'b•^•O u.^ I.• , i : i E v o u r c i ;o f ' 'v w i

E R ‘='- C iC A R - v o u BT-T------./ A M ' T A I.K T O Uirv

I O O rH T aV U M K

W "' ; J iit^



IrowK, Vi-nkTii. > 7 ^ iil;hrnvy nilveK. JTTi'K; hillk ntnek aii<l fender :i(lierii. niiUe.

..)_ Heec'liilii.. "itno; m;irl(i.i;iJ tiietiil}-;' hulk .!i(ii'lnu latuhn.;,jifi,fiii; h:iiii .fill i-H^i. $i;.:i:.-;7i:.7.'-,. v

c t------------- tli ;l» K N -l .t\T y i'O C K .-----------sIII on iiK N . Miiy - ........ . .S

Ir>a2:; mnrket loe hli'.ln'i': nie'lliiin .o j n noricl il'rlve-lii-i innHlly $1H; p a n .e a r , II .- o f 217-poiin'l welnhln nt flil.lo , |!1 1. C nlllr Uei-i'l|il!i, 4'i: o.hl ln(.i o! i; <! It) I'otvii fH.rjiifjir.'r.; .1 /;1: hind (If KOoil Lnyiiin. l.'inli, leil ;.yi-

iionnil nlc-er!. d lrre l to l<.c;il lilll.T,.. jj I. $9.40. • 1.e Slirei) ....... UevelpU, *SfiO; a fev,K ilrlve.In 73-]ioun<l* lo'fln.': Ininhr. j. i $13.r,i).- • * - ■ sll — _ «

I,(IS ANfJKI.KS l-D rTTnK S.— * •„ LOS ANUKt.ES. l.’nl.. Mny I 'i .-S n n ,,

• DIeco ucw -hlnck .Vo Jn. iiinnlly ;i9i q 1: <ific V rr pound. Cnrlot^nnlen Wo.l- “

ncndny: Snios from n lorni:r Idnhn J; nnck*>d runnrtn U. S, .N'o. 1. $4; »nle;i C lo Jobbers: Oregon snckoi) llurhnnlix S

'' i;. s . No. 1. $:i,40: W nshlnRion nnck- T eil ruxnelH U. S. No. 1, $n.40. T

i --------- Tj* ' UK-NVKR LIVESTOCK 0*. - DJiNVBRi- May, lO r-C alU o - r r - l l '- - B , c e lp ta .;COO; m a rk e t n ie n d y ;' .,hccf y nt<'ern, row* nml M ti- tK jj $G,MffJ9.7r.; cnlv'B . $7CM3.r.fl; feed- n

‘ < rn nnil Bloclirrn. |7.CUfi u.Tfi: hulln, .S . $5,7507.26. , 31“ Hokb — Recrlptn, 2i)on; irtnrkei C , irtondy: lop. $!i.Rr.; hulk. w‘ plKH. $g®10, L

• Shi-i-|i *- RecrlptB, ISOO; iMiirk-'i weak t» 16c low er; ellp|i<'.il Iniiih--,

1 $ r j& n ,7 r .: »pi-lnK Inuihfi, tir.iTi Ui.7.‘.; C '■ ewen. $C«rT. . L

--------- TUOSTON WOHI- a:

: UOSTON, May 19-—T i r mni ko i\ » , nieady nn<l I h rn " In innre hiiulnesii T j dohlR wllh mlllH owluc tn ih r fact C . Ih.'ii prlcen In the locnl ninrket nro Ji• helow n pnrily w lih forvlun imm<,elr. jj

Som e fine 'nm l fine uh-<IIuiu le rilm ry p, wooln. InrKoly of th r PVenrh eo in l- t ' Ini: -clnn^, nohl a t $1.04> < l.i-r. e lran

Kllll notile thr<-e-<-(f}ifh^i Mood nold ul SSfiKKr. _

OMAIIA ‘ U V i;sf(iM 'K .OMAIIA. , Neh.. Mny. in .-C n tt le — f«

, Ri-cclpin. 4500; m arkc l: iiironK. i n i '' l5 c h leher; o rnrllnK B , .,$7,7'.<MI.21!: * - s tcors, $8©13; cowh nnd hrlfcr.i. m

$4.2fiW10.S8: nlockrm nnil feeders,' $7.26Jfln; cnlv-ii. $0,60JM3; hulln nnd W'

fttnss. $6,6008.60. . . clH oks — K ecrlpls. flfion; m arkni. ,

stro n e . lOOl&c hlKher; hulk of u lc n , $K.86O-9.60; lop, $9.66.

S h e e p .— Rocelptn, O W O;'-hwrket. *■' Ulcnily^ fnt lomhn. $i4&>l<bC0: evres. »626«8,50: feeilcr lam b*,'.$12^14.50.

' . r iiK 'A tJ t) i ^ o n r c K . ' CHICAGO. May 19-—B utler: Ro- •

celpts . 8204 packnses;. cream ery, 39^4 (^ 4nc: Jttanihirils, 4 li^ ; firs ts , 3 7 9 38H c; sccouds. s t e s c c ; ex tras, 40<ic., . • ■ • ■ '- E r r s ; Receipts, 24,008 cases; o r- '-

d lnnry. 20«?20^4c; rx tra fIrsU . 2 3 0 28H e: firs ts . S : e 2: ^ c ; seconds. I9 H c ; ex tra s 25>/ic.

Clieeke: Twin*. 22*4c; A m ericas. 23c.

P ou ltry : Receipts. B c ara; fowls. .- hen\-j- 22>,jc. llRhl 23H c. sprinRS 40c; ducks, henvy eSc. spriotrs 30c; ireeae. !. 16c; tu rkeys . 23c; roosters 13H c; ll hro llera IH <0 1% pounS* 30ft3Sc; le cb o m b ro lle n . 22028c.

Potatoes: A rrl'jC n : 41. new 6S; on i; track old. 170; new 103; In . traaaR

^ n dsacked m m t a . $4.7S; Alabaifkft arfcIN 1 c l B U /^ r lu m p h a . tS © U 5 ; T esaa Bllaa T flnm pha $S05.1G: Texka aack- i eil BUsa T rium ph* $5; aweeta, $ 1 0 2 . 1

rORTLAXD llT E S T O rK . . J PORTLAND. O re . May -U .-rC atU e -i

—T t e M i p t s . ^ tona of au rk a O i ateady; s t l ^ eood E i^ e , M . t f 9 -ii 10.19: m edium . $8 .5009 .2^ eom m oa J 17 .2(08.50; .c an n e ts a n d c o tte ra . -H SC.S0O7.Z5: h « fe ra . to o d . *7 .1*0 - fl

n « d lu in . $ tM 9 »^it-€Omaaea S9JS: TMdlom a ad com m oa. M -M O 1 ] 7.7S; beef co v a. cood. S7.S80S: n e - | dInm a ad com m oa. » « J tO T J f i; c u « < ;< ae r* a a d c n t ^ ttO « 4 & : M la . * canao ra a a d ^ bolocna, »& 0«JO : U l caivea. medium s a d ehoiee IM ponnda (m dow n - n o i O ; ;M ur~ tt0 p e s a f a . mitt0 .E «O U .S0. wc

H oc* — R acalpta. <B0; n lBtMdy; m td lom . good, 1 « » ^ Iba.. U l lO A e u i S j - S O e . t o .SSO .. poaaaa . m f l 9 M 9 i U S : S M .ta SSO in a a d t . m S l

riiosB • ,Uasses 38— By. M cM anus

J l i t'.l.r-.PHANjT 'wi|r;:!<.i;Ll':^> -%*j'i'l'i-

r-TTf.i-N c o i - ' . r iDOvJN u irv ;, 1 ii:r< o : ^ n ’ -.4 K W O ^ ^'^T •‘b ^ l A , t - l £ ‘

[E P O R T S '


f lirv i.M J I’UICKSWlM.-al. .N.i J nr l . . - i h ' i ................. $1.11

SrC A R— Stirtii-: !p'p-..|----- J7.C2:i, .Sn iar. ..,n \- $7.'/2 .« VlIflUIj'CK I illh i li- rf ; .! ...................................::Kfi-nc

j!!uil<-r ...... ....................... ..................40c ■'>! i;;:t;;. <-:i'.li .......... ......... IGc-■ C.'kI.' I. • r c1- n r . i . ’K K hs AMI v o H i.a .

Henvy Ik u ;,. 4'/j llm. nnd up ...... 1 7 ^I J rI i l hPiifi. nndiT -n.i Ihn..............._13oi.e rh o ru hrn» ___ •....... ............... ........ 5cCox ...................:...... --------------- - _G0SprlnpcM . colorrd ------------- --------- ICoSprlnRern, L echorn ------------------- _10o .llro llo rs, coiorod, 1>^ Sp 2 Ihs. _....16c U rollern, Ler.horD. IH lo 2 Ihu. _ l P o

*. Sfaifa ...................... ..........>------------- ; * iCapons, No. 1 ____ _______________ J3oCapons, No, 2>t-r:£r.—......................170

in S lip s — ....... ..........----------------------- J 6«i- T urkeys. No, 1 __________________ 27c

TiKkoys, No, 2 ___ __ —...... —....._ 20oTurlieyH. old tom s _______ -_ .__ .28oGecso .......... ......................................- l l o . j > ^

i> D ucka ....... : ..........................ef ■ [.irES T O C K . - ^I*. H osn. (nilcher. ow l. . ...^ -------1- Unun. h»avy ............................'..C'.6<?7yc“, Slecrn .. ....... ............. _..i______ _ 6 © 7 c/ .................................... '

M uuoo Z Z I........^...T ,»0L am b -________________ ;_________ lOo

. SK LLIIfti rm C K S *•C elery ____ ____________________ 170 •

. L e t lu e n ........................................2 fo r 25oT u rn liy . n e w ------------------------>:,_.10o.a irlo ln s te a k ______ . '.7’- ' »aA

ifl Round s t e a k _________________Loi-JSC .*11 T .boao atcnk ________________■I Croam ehoese ------

'■ Bacon, allced ------ ■ • aos *•>' P cppo ri, lb. ---------------. I fin" L am b cbopa — _ ,Ij lUtllskBj. b o n c h ___ _________

tfi’l l ; " 2 5 o 'imiiniiV up, $9.60(fl0.06: linrklnu. nmnolh nml rouali,- b ravy . $7(f!i; slniirthter plipi. $10.65011.15;

- ft-edern nml m ocker^ $11011-50. 'Shhrp ~ U cc c lp l^ 500; intffket:

w onk. low er; Inmhs. S4 pounds dow n, • " J. medium lo cliolre. $9 .50 ftll.60 ; cullsI sud coinmniin. n ll w elcb ls $8 0 0 ^ 0 ;II w ethers. $760«?l0: ewes, eommon to

choice, | 6ea.f.O .' - . 1— >


close .$ I J 5 H ; J u ly cloao .$LS7«.

. Chjwlie in C oiM '^ ■

Page 8: 4ES Biiimm0 zconm1‘UirK: Pivknewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · Tr ' / ' / _____

T»AOE Eian?.


A JoU l nf* :0B liljcU I'd ionl Slu- Wlllli i ln a u w IIl'rcRcIvi- <U|iInniiiH u t (l>c .{tiincc com m onccnicru iixurclNM ut tlw O r- Mi.rK phGUm thonlro u l 8 o'clocfc loiiiKlii. Itonu A ll Jh in rcinllnfna for llin c»Mir- Himji; tnonloH conHflctocl w llli llio rm ifei-

- H nu o f iho documciiiit. U in rti*ro»fnim T m ik lit. «on.

711(1 prOKrnm will njinn w ith ;in T uylr ovo rtum liy llie hiKli ncltool nrrlii^n- ICIh'n

■ |rn iinili'r t l i r illrcctloii of I’rof; J, T . o rlu .■ Dnlnlirlilnn. Tlic Itrv , B. U nnoti lonc

w tu Klvo till!, Invijcntlon nnrl l>riir- w ruv •Illcllon. -T ln 'ro will !«• u’ Holrrtloii K. , liy, a qiinrtrlt-.- comi.Ohid, of U, H. virKlI SliuiBur. W uUcr Curlor. A. U. Ilcl- w jla i Iftiny nml L. L . Pu lrlck ; n ro rn i 'l w>tn

.b y lloilurlck 'WlBlit: Um lom m onrc- Jiiont ndilriiHii Iiy Dr. tlm irKr 1C. H l l Sloan. piiHinr of iliu (;onKrri:iiii'»iiil l A v c hu rch Hi Pocn l'jllo ; jiroi'rniullon of tho cloa* Bift I>y ll"nil;*lili IproAcnlntlon of Iho clnHH liy Mury | Itiilh KlHhor. hlnh ncliool iirlnM |i;ii.. * nnd prflKontnllon of d1|ilo,Miu» l>y ,J3. Cruliirno; o lialrinan of tlni Ijoun l; o f trUHloM.

I,UI or llo n .i r StH tlriils T ho . rollowInK uro ihy li<in'>r i>ln-

•/JrniJi to r tljr-c)n»» : • ,„ ,j ,Mory K nlhorlnt' Vrovont. ^ .u c c i l l 'l

A nn Jolm non." Siiniin Kllzulii-tli ’'I'-'- • Cluin, Cleono 'Colotnan, Mnrlnn nrilhl.

O ia rlo t lo H nrrln t Vojsel, KlIii MllclirJ K niox^r. M nrcrllft E m rlino - W ynn, \y a n l Nava Ln Pouno O I»h,'IM llh U. Jolm - non. D orothy M. D lnkeliirk rr, J,A lbe rt Kcofor, H uth liln lr Diirlinf;. Ircno -L oo ia H urnt. IJcwIh Jo iirs . ^ 01,1 , T h 6lri>ft U icy WflHon. Siiruh Vrrii v rii.li3 Lojvry, Srlccl'n Miiry ISulrii. lliiili r|,.],i y W lnonn CohJwcH. . wilt i.i

• ■ 'T lie OroditoiltiK Tho, to llow lns uro tli r Krmtimir'i: '

, M erlo It. AlvxiindiT, L<-on> MiirU- A ndm a. C hn rlo i P. A nilfm on, Kl «- pi."| s o r JJabcock, Murlnii Uiilrd. . i l r l r n May Btirnofi, Uromwoll. II. I)n»yi’. n rfklii Clltro rd U D oll. l/>i;nn M. lt(>lt«-vlll<-, uiHiti 1 H ow ard E dw in B orr. » K W alk rr wlik-h Bortiieh, L iittior It. Hk-r. Wlliiiii wmi hi H*1en UovorcombH. N olllr Liil’rrn l hntii h S laekbu rn ) Vloln Clm rlotio I lu ilc lirr. % F re d eric k Mnriilinll BrolU ford. .Mnry 1 A nn O ralliirord. M nranrci Moniuiiii B um * . R uth W inonn CoUlwcll. Amy H irr Lola Caraon. C lsono Colomnn. N nnnu iirclfri' V ivtnn Crydor. Kutli D liilr OurtlnK, A mlin Ju lln B llznbn li nnvln. D orothy M. for Hi D lnkolnckcr. Annotlii DouBlii-Tiy. o„ . K en n e th V. DouKlnxn. U oniihy Mur- jm U r cello Kdlllmt,. Solcclu Mary Nova L a Fniino OIbIi. Uilhy U rr4;l M l^ s tn , n u lh . Ellwihtlth Ihiw lcy.^ a n k J . HnyncR. Muriol D orolliy ,M»(J*lroin. E the l Ornco llcm n lim an . • ' RU aiell M. H erro n . W andn BIlM brili x i,p , H fi lb e c k , H a « l UicUlo H lnr*. H enry m .t|,o M. H Irab, I re n e Loom H urdl. H vlrn ron lln i K a th e rin e Jacky , E dllh R. Johnnon. c . Hm M arR arct' A nn Jolinnon. kowIh I’uul |nu ca Jones. . J . A lbe rt K rcfer. E lvin A.K elly. Nanoy A nne K d ty . noiioiliy i„_B: ' KcnHler. VlrRlnln ’ M. K lrkn ian . vi-hllp B lnnche KuykcndulInJ-VlwlB O. I.«lii«.'r.I ^ u r n L incoln. S a rah V rra I-«w -' m ro. ry . SuHon E llxabrtli M c C I n 1 ir. florn A nnrlto M uhnkrn. H "r'i> ''l Kniinii M eunlor. -.MadKC L eonora Mnl- HnH. Dunc.nn ll. Munn. f lu r a i

• N e l le ^ o o re . Sylvia Aiinr.ttii Mormm.N eonia^A K nca Nnvln. H ricn .Mar-, i v J Jorlo NCalc. nu rlliu Nowmnn, • l ln i rv j NU'Hsrn. I.onrtra 0>n;ln N lrlioU .'A l- E van Owimx. l .u r lll r I’a ik rr , L m 1i-T

,pheua OoilrldKP Nye. W ultlivr O. ' ' ' - I , , , , , ' , O dlerloh. V rra .Eva W ynn. ;,VC. I’lc rc r . M tihrl' I 'o r lr rf lrh l .W m a PotterT .Mnry 'K n lh r r ln r Pro'vonl. n r - iind M( Vllle n y m n . Jlrndalil. >r;iry Annn R eynolda ,-acrn lc llnu Mnry IMrlmiund, At <'

OlSSFLA^ S 192 7 I^IN D E R i:;;H

OF 1926 TH EFTii: _ IIOM.III

D arlntr n n n j la r j U h lrh ltr«iil(r<l In Takhitr nf WiMl (’n-nlr.l K\r»<-m.-ril „ v ,, |m La » t V e n n M i.nr) Mu n XoI lU r .,,- • e rw L ' . j

T h r r r r r J r t n of ili r prmrniHilcm » ( |. ciiic i lh e x rn lo r r la x s iil.iy. ••Jcjiini. Ii 'A tr"w ill l>e m ifflclrnt to p.iy fu r ......... .hua l nlfl of tin- Kr.-KliiatlciK <b>.H"rc) th e h lsh nrhool. w lilm ut tin- c trK ..- , m ent th a t m a rk n l th r rnlnlni; :in>l I«s- I n c o f i h r fund In li>:C. • Cincli

On t h r m o m ln c n f ir r a liirc rly ;ii- ,.,i ,;,i, Irndetl c laM play o r i;i;r, hmt p r n r n l c d It wnn found tlin l burKlar.i ,<i i , had forcw t ih e lr w ay Into ih r liUh achool by imlnc a Jimmy on a li<m' / M i v

^ I n d o v . had forced th e In n rr door uti-l I I 4 t tb e tw o doors on lhe vault. nn<l lia,) I J I - I ta k en tb e procec.lj. ani» n rv rra l r.iiiall ' fu n d i le ft Ih iT r for M fr kri-iilnK c h , t n lc h t. a e c r r s a t ln c nl>oiit ICuo.

A ftrr n nr.iroli for »i'vrriil iImm; li'- Iil'N> officer*. It. i:. I^ lc b lo n . p o iirr rlil, '. I'l- Cili w a* llpf>eU o ff b y j« . woman llu.T lii-. nln e ra l m en nnd a wnmim In a Im n v in (b r Cir> h e r nrlcblMrhcKHl w rr r a r t ln s sn'.. dLiun' k plcloualy. T b r Rnns mrmUrrx w rr r till tlr<l n r re a trd . T bt-rr wn* no r v l . lm r r the bnn

, agn lnu t tl i r womun an<l only r ir ru m - ir .11> I.r a tan tia l evldencii aca lnat th r mVn. In nff nn< th e COUmr of Inv rn tlsatlon It d rv rlun - lilm. " rrd th a t tw o of l>ir m rn w rr r wunt.-.i fo r h u rx la ry In th r * ta ir of W iisblns- .ton . W brre th ry ^ r r r U k rn n n d '.rn '. *•«to the pen llen itary . T h r loot h r r r v .U T lir ; n e re r recovere<l. , |« ib r 1

L a m r p.M ronacr th r nrrom l n frJ! ih i r f i r l a o d o th a r com m unity rn -op rra iioo -i-;i]<-< t lnibur*e<l thc ela»« for It* hravy lo«> o^-nii

-----M a rr ia ge Licenses ^" . 's . ,

-C arl K c l H T f f f M M - ' t t l * - l - n i l i , | ,. Af BobM*. and W llllnm lllnlnn-r>M {.,u-

aen . and Jenn ie of Tw in K'.ii;--. , ’______________________^ 3 t

rL A > T S■Pao*(M« a» lrr* . I I IMT b iir..irr,l: T h r w

c a b tn r e an<t tnniaK v* i,r r l,n;i. lo itn- id r rd . Ed V ai;c..,-adk-. " I ' ju J .

EXERCISES TO « M TONIGHT)lllliiin J . RnbcrlR. .Mul^lr KllMilii'th H moov. Illchard R. Holirrlixin. A nna g iirKnrct Siixon. S lu u r t .W , .‘<cntt. 0 in te r J . Shlimiiin. i:iiarlnll<‘ 'l /)iili)u . U mjirnin, D uioihy A llr r Sm ith, il. .-’ 9 iMiH Sm ith. W ajie r W. -rtnowv 5 S’ •nrso K. HpriiKiie. -Jr.. U wIh S llni- ; n. p i r i t - U Kiilllvun. llu th ChaHft lylor, Jariir* f.:(lwln’ T m r . I.ola '• ll'n Vunaiihdoln.—Ma* I t. ' Vtinaun- •In. Illrlm rd ilo m rr Vlclicrx. Chur- l|Ic I ln rrlc i VoKrl. IJiiRjiir MIiT'Kiii'rllo' ■„ I'uvrr. llodorhtk* 11. WIkIiI.' Elliot!■ WlllluiuH. Tholmii Lucy Wllnon.; ;l

rKlI l.c roy Wllnon, n c iiln h ’ Tlrllvji; yland. Murl-:-lle Em cllno Wynn

[O L S ¥lN liN ^ m TRIP ON

NEXTMONDAY i/fiJnr<'fti liri'i'ifrr.'i •>(rin'nil I'xniridiiii '

iirjn "Momlny tn leaviv the, rn n il UK? Ill and vIhU lirrdti ut lh '‘ lowhiK fariiui:, i;. ii.« Itpif.'.deiuan.Jls T rnck lnv lt. A. I f.'Jaa rdn . ,h". |iii: n l. Jii.ti'iih W e b r r . 'J f . . J. II.' I.i. » if tc r th r to u r II n irc llnu w ilt- , bn K d. I 'rrn lden i Dnvln of- Ib r ' SlnV' |k iHlrln iiKKorlation: I). 1.. ro iiti . • d da lryiiinn: I'\ \V. AtkoKon. ITiil- I'liy « r‘ Idilb .i: und it.’ i-:. K vn lv . d rrjiH'Hi'niallvi> or llir iiHiKx-iiiilmi ‘ ■ c u t/ ' .SrrMKK PHi;VKNTKD J,"'*

By UuKsd P r i i a repiK T iJO ir. Mli-h.. May I 'l -W o r l io i- ««» Ihr I 'rri- .M aniiirtlr lullrund iiutldn ln of Ih r nyiilom hnvr a n r r o ' t ____in a ll m ajor polntn In th r illHimio _ _ :t-ti/ilinnm iirrrljilialiH l u i.'irlkr. It T I JI Hliniiiiiicrd loday hy »iiokc»ini'ii of I PII HidcH. • * • '

v K iM iic r IS u n t K n ’KD t

H rrc trd v',-nt|ct fn r p la ln llfr \va:i rri 'd In ihr.raH i- of Mnim' nKiiliini ilinmr r l a l. Involvluit . itiiri llr.'i

Ih r llulil Olid I'Vllii.WH ti'xlu.- Ill l . r rloHi' of i-'Hilmiiny loilny. wlu-n in»; 1

Icr W. A. llntyni-K K ranlrd itii' »ml ' H on. or ilo lhw rll & t'hiiiniiaii In “ ''I '’

can r iJinn

n o w .MI’CII A T JIL K T trS . h e re will bo innny alh lo lle drlllN Hmr tho c lllzen 'a tn d n ln e eumpH. ue- Thi illnc I'o w ord r rn d v rd Iiy John jnijnn llnrvpy who rriiren rn tn lhe tra in - biilf c am p rimutdallnii In Tw in l-'iillii '*<'

nty. Drillit a n d ' inllllnry • train - w ill be h rlil In th r forrnoon, •'“ '5 '

16 ' Ih r a ftrrn o n n w ill he c lv c r f . r to vaiJntis aam m . .lluilrii.nd • ' J '' ’. Ulllf.iloiM. iilh lr tir rciulpmrlll V,'"'’

mi'illr.il atK 'nilnii u i r Mipi.lb'd.U l„.=liiii.T« l„. I.I-

....... ........ '■ n,iODAY^S R E SU L T S ; |S

A.Mi:iM»‘ ' • i , r '1 . 1 1:

LlSiir; I; ‘1

"Md.-lVi-dv. ^

I I 'ti 'v rl.in ilr It. II. i;Ynrli . . . . , I >. II \ ll!

rHinil ,:i n :• ‘••''"iiux h r r and C xllllri: Hui h i< r . ainl "'h« {,,U,'ll. ' wllhli

I D i'i ro l l- i:nil Mh, If. I'ill'.'hln>;t>m

liitr.Ucm :iiiil^H urt; ( \ir iii l l and

: .><1. I.nulK- i:nd r,lh. ■ 11.

l.iiiilJ.■'l/.'i Ml.l lliirriaan : \Vlni::ir.l aial

N \ n o M i . 1.1: v<;i 1:

,iiM.;il al llK,(,1,l,vi.. |» r.tl»ili..il; j , |

' ............ , t 'll ls l .n id i .11 S .'» Voifc. i.n'.rt.!.nr,l;

n rlnnall a t ................ 1»<.,tV<>r,-

. I.onls III lloninn. no c.iliu-. la in ,

;HWGGETSN0.9 ]» r w * iud im r * __

■NN r i ! ; i . i i , (• i.t:v i;i.A M i. \i; 'v I. Iiilc . Yankt-r tl^^l ti.isrui.tn. Iiir ' n lnlh liunir run of lh i.r.iMin In n f tir>t InnlnK of Ih r V aa k rr- ln - ,.ii

Kanir tirn- ttil:; atlrrn.T.ni, T lir . ir .1 CrlirlK « l lh ll-il.-' Hulll lor iiinir run !• .iit<-r»tuji i>( itir .\n ir r - l . r . i tu r , . 'C rlilli ; Kill t lir liouirr

liick ' v,'. hirtHni; »'i)niti>. .ill''.Ill n t W, __ - V').

L c n £ A u t t r a l i a n R i v e r -i,ir Au'«lr»tl*a “ K alb rr «>f W ater*" ir |tl» e r M urray, w blrh. w ith II* — • lrll.u l*ry, llir t'n rlln ff. tlowt » t iv fo n r ra r t iln s tb e Sourhem u. *•' . ' *1'

W e l l - F o u n d t d R u m o r •I ra*Irrni;>r wbo ha* c u a r ti> Call- a l l l.u lldlnc b lia ir lf a *tnnr ca»- Ar Ib r wall* of w btd i wtll Le flve • Ib ldr. nnd tb r n in m r ' I* pnlne S>

nd ttia t tie itiien.ls te i t a ; . — i , . ult N r«* . ^ _

r w orld'* r r i a l r ^ t lo v rr b a i con-.r ir Rl.iltn, Jo h n I la r r j l i .o r r I'l


Mias A nna McCor^Ia! blond nnd 10. tiwaa chosen from lil girlo to repre- Tsen t Edm onton, A lbortn, Jn tb o m CunadiAD pa em n t of beauty a t Van- . 01 coUTor, whoro' “Mloa Canada" v»iubo ctaoses. Tho lucky, r.lrl w ilt m rep re ien t Canada In th o ln i« n i» - . . intlu tM l,'ra s«no (.r« ( P iilcbrK bte M "v

OalTopjPD, Tcxaa. |w

i m i OF NEGRO i! R E SEpiES WAR

S y V Blt«d'Pr*ia , ' . | t ii.rr 'i'i.i-: u o r ic , Arii.. Muy i : )~ r ! i( -

IK churyrii of fliv.i d r c r r r nuirdi.i'. lul crim lniil aKi<aiit( —u lth rr |iiiiiif<b- _ tlid hy il(-alb un d rr ih r ArkannaH law. .<innli‘ Dixon. Ii:-yi'ar-<ild noi;ro. eiy^i- 1 ro u r l •tnday under lirnvy Kiinrd^W I llll Iho courl hniiK<! and v icinity lo- *■'' smhllnt: a iiillllury riicum pinrn i In

The lunli of iu-k’rilnK .n Jury m urlrit iiinndlalvly and liy.jjonn' wuh n ra ily llif roiii|i1rlrd . T h r Jury hi ex p rrird I Ik' ronillli'K 'd liiifnrii Ih r rnd of lh '' ml day'll nphxIuii nnd irHtliuony l‘> , ' ,arl to m o r ro w .; '; . /n i? o n I* on'.4rlnI fo r thn fn n rd rr of I"

I y ra r old. F lorlla .Mrl)<mald. w ho:.r >I tidy w as found In I tir ' h-I1i j o f tl:.- <'> irnt i’rr.Hhvioitnn church lic rr a Hi lort H m r aco. W

iiAMi*.'<iiii{K iiiM :i:iti:r ts m i: i :tl-*orl.v nH'niU'TK of I lir Idaho Mtimp-

hli-f •..ilri'ril.'rM- ah»iirlnilon nu-l a it ;.:n Ibln iillrrnoiin In itir rhatnli-'i' ul ni.......rr.-.. In n d lx lilr t inrclln;;, V ur-' Kl,ilH inuirn 111 -o u lh -n i M,ilic. w r . i 'lm |ii.';<rulc'il. I)n1v i-iintlni' Jiiinlnn,.! ‘ lti :<l l.rrll ■nill.'cic lrd a l ' [U'CH.'i Ilm r. i C<i

ON SK I.I.IM ; TIMI* ■ I Inti-.M ir,. .,f ||„ . n rn u tb of ihVl • ' i n : . ■>! Illl' A luiiilnilin C n iv r ' (

l .-,i..: i-nr..|iali.v, of IbW clly.lil.r.- .,|- 11-.' Illiir ' l-ndrrlaV I^V rno

itii|i;iu,v, aud niliirtiia l M ..i-lfhnl*.r.i^C Illl h u i'iitrd II.,' [lalrn l. w ilt'> l i i r t ( » llliln :i Irv.' dnv,'. on an ••xlriiidvriijH., 'Illni; lr l|i, Ithi ranilly will u rrom •^H l any t;ini. wl

B o s t o n118 M n in A v e r

\Vi- linv i' Ililll ji iihi'nciiiii'iia] r r s I 'ifM .'li S .M .K Ull r r i iits :ui<! lirr'-'M tin* p lil il ir l;iKt\r; th u f .'H'l' slu;I 'u ills ' r v r n i l r i ' | i iT flniri lilsl _ u rck

. Coa V2 Price c

I-'ri.iii .\ ,m - T u f i l Till-;

O m : s |i.'.-ia l ciflVriuK t l i i ' w i 'I i il n f ilijiii'l; a ll 'l w llil.- I'liat-. in K a.'liaa ll '- iif iv liir li Mill! f rn u i ,'v-.':.*.,'i(t In > A h Ic .I /f u s llll'V liisl fn r . .

W r ,1111 b :u r a fr« i.T c nV'Mln Ihiil UI- snid rrm itarly •for ii:. Vliih :i'i JIS.:.u lo Ik- j'

g g ^ Q Q ,

All US.Tf. r 'la l* In I‘o lr r t S b rrn« iiiu»l>ori cd ari . ^

' $19 .50 C oats IAnd -tf.ii:-!!! ih ro tir li l lir a ll rin.irkln:-.. H uldc hv l« o >oiir.'<lf.

S> -t'l.-.l-A ll r!ill.li-.n '* C0.1H. \.ilil'-«

nr.->uttfiil nrw iirrlvBl* In lad ir* ; (lal* v a lu r. Io jT.r-.. now

T \ l ' ! S ' 7AT.T-S l l .U I .Y ‘m i T J !

G E T T H E T I M E S - I ON T IM E ? IF 1 N O T , C A LL 3 8 ,1

\ If j . ,„ .I .iU u l n T i-lt,. T I,.. UbII,;. I ! 't'liiirs ll) hix VrliiVk each I'vriilii):. ; ,

id ra s r (olr'ili^nc :W..' «<■ n » l xeiid i ‘ luir to >i!li jBMi-dlafely by spi-clal nii-isritiffr. ' )• '

T h r nnv mntmKrmriil' 'o f ,. 'T h r,I T im es I* very nnx iiiiiH 'tl^ iit- I 'K ir ^ f sn iis rr lh rr rm 'Iv c IJk j/nppr e,'c«ri* iij I l.v on linn* oaeli i‘u-)ilu«.. ,lii<,; « . . dii

■ >1111 dn nil*. Inform ifn ji'lii!ii,,'yoii , in I a r r niU ied by 'IJie ejirrb-'r b n y /iw ' n i I m iliirully iihhUiiK' / n d ,nrc' ue ttliii; nr I Ih r p re tn p l ninl r ritn ltir tlpllvery’ scrvU'*' f« n h lrh ymi ar<*'ejiUtliM i.r ' j uuif H r ilohln- fo - i tl 'e . ' , fi1i



--------------»3:(^riiru’r 0 . Ilithn !»■'Iteuilvltiiynl ArcIi ■>"

na<iiiiif. Mhll Are <'liislnic .Mrrtliiu This AHiTimnn; liiilKlifs T rinp liir . J'rlilay. J','

f Klcclioi) of neor;ii' l>. UiiJi;! of JJoI.->r jilrp iiiy tii;;h prlow, to Ihe |.oSlilnn of '■ ! llllilr p r lr s t o f ‘h r llnyiil A rrh Mii. iHomi of luaho. und iiroiiioilnii o f a lil lo ih r r Krnnd officer* In i i r r o rd u n r r >V" jw lih tti r uioial rn ie la lr itn» i i f i r r - ' - - tno 'u i. hi rx |ir.-t..d a t tlir Tri..|i)<, wlicrn.................... in nriadon.

Ttilu. mornliiK w'uii nnriit .rrcelvfiii: „ !r<ipon« <if commltioi'H and n ttrnd ln i: to IrclHlallvo nnif JuriiiillcHniial w o i l 'T h r HrH^dnll ^ U\ dnm- uftiT .rJorHrin id \A iir(I(?i'ii> and u rirrllon of -.hr n rx l iila rr of iiii'ullnu.

A m ajorlly of llix di-lrKiilrH to llu- loi'cilni: of Ihn lioyikl. A rc li-u ir a lio u

, iiM-inl.rr.1 o f the KnjHh'i;iV3> jiip ln r and i,„. will rem ain’ovm'-fnrt-hr.JtuSii.JuiX'lhi;: ron

jwlilidi r<invriit'«n?iniorrow. A lur):r ; njj^ihr-r.or n lhe r d rlrca ti'n u r r ooinin:’ 1,01 ,'tonlK hl o r-lom orrow -i<» ' utii 'iid Iho jf|_(. O rnnd rom niunik 'rv ; .. ...............I The DrMcday band and n ilr trca lim i ,, 1, from P orn trllii will i ir r lv r lonlKht, („

lAfli-r ro rrp ljo n ami lou llno buHlncan Itl Ihe mornliiK nnd nnon Iunchrnn . Ihc ■{

iKiiIkIiik will m arch In a hody hehlnn (jn„ , l h r band a t 2 o'clocl; to rrc rlv e O”' ib r luran il o ffirrrn nud «1 (•orf them to lh-: T rii,i.lr. T h rn : w ill >.i- a rompoTlHvp i,„, di'lll al :i oVlncli an.l ( 'on frrrlnu of Iho O rd rr of T em jilr In th e rveiiflif.. ti,,.

T h r coninmnilory tiici ilnft will cio,;;- S a turday iirturnoon. n

Ilrn ry P. -Ollndeman. Krnnd muHlrr > o f Iihiho Mamina iind 'C urtlu K. Plhc. Krnnd necrcl.iry. who 'iiliendrd n fiic- eoi'iifiil Maitonic m colhiK.in Unhl yr-*. ten tiiy w ere .hero loilay.

— - - S' (il'K ST S AT WIIITK STAII.T he .K lw anl* c h ih ’wuii e n le r la ln rd I’l’ il

nt llinclie.on lo d a y ' tiy' tljp—'W hlle "I"* S ta r U u n d ry . ' A tir r n InJk oh Ihr lb/;, Im hu 'try by GeorKO K. S nndhnlii. Ihero wnn u tromH ono'holo by U llo y ” ‘V M fllr ld r. 11 lulk nn tho laund ry In- dUKtry In Tw in K nlbi'co;inly l.y Mor- l lu (i. Ib illry . a vorM nolo by F . H. ' ” W bllr and a in u r of InHprrilon ot I lir W tlli" S inr I.aiindry..

KNTKKS (JI'ILTV P1.KA.rai.i'i;i. In Ihr raae of the Ktair

iu ;a lm ,r T. S. I'ark* w ho ^ r n d r d KiilHy to foruinK the nnm r A LNew -

I m an lo n rh r i lc :inij pnHHlnjr ll In < Itnhl. w rr r fllrd Ih Ih r d is tric t , 1 court IhlH nfii^nnnn. T h - iirna liy ' j fo r forKrry b in io m one lo H yenrij f.I In Ih r p rn llcn llary .

’ r o i 'K T OK HONOit POSTI'ONKO. n mjs.^Wtial will b r llir InrKCKl ccuirl of •rloiior In the lil.iioi'y of iV ln KuIIh

:i w '-rk , frnin to n lc h t. All. ^ J i i t t " ii’ooim a rr 10 he p rr« rn l and' ‘■Hbl'ons wnn nl ih r neout lia i:k^m rel

will be ron frrri'd . _____________

S t o r e I/cn 'uo S o u th I

r i-s |u m s r tn mil- - r e n t H . \ L F I s'M--. Ih is wi-i'l: um l w illi III Trl ilu v h iu i: l l i r iv in a im liT o f o iir •ck.

its Are and Lessl i r y , \ r r . \ l l S o l .I.

w ill ll.' n il o f <nir i i j i t i r o i i r k •llils, S a l i i is m ill I’l i i rc l S l iee n s ,

...$12,95 -T h rn w r h :i\ r a t lean t t u " ~ viKiii m a in » tib fur trlniniMl <-oll,.it. Iji \<Ty d . ’ver iia ttom * ]In a ll wool matrr(.-il*. U e c u la r. '

...$7 .3S

.. $8 .38 _ j

\ now $ 9 . 7 5 ‘ro.ilv o n .'b .i tf Ibclr iriii ila r

S4.85 ;

■ §2.95 8 3 . ^ '



: ‘A m ended cainnlnlnl In w hut mny ho llitl Innl null III- Hio lonK htnlory ot Salm an Iruct llilKOllon Imn lie^n 'W eil

■ In thc d lh lrlct courl here hy Wolfe A ; 'N le lnon fn Ix'hulf o f I r a -0 . DrAUIry '•nnd tiR nlnnl-ihe Salmon Rlvor Cnn:.l com pany and .Murray Brookmun. '• r'Tho orlKinnl cimiidnl'nt wu» asalnsi ,llio & 1I1H011 Ulver Canal compnny, hut ihn . nnrnndmenl Indiidr.i ,Murniy

' Uroiiknmn. whn rcpreKontH Hie iwnri- j’f holderH cnnim ltlee. and from W hom ■’* ind d e dunuiKoei .a ro ankeil. OriuUny .Hi Kueii for Jfl'JfiS.SO for lh** U2< crop. c> whleh hc nNHorlH wn* dnmoRod by reiiHon nf fnllure }o de liver w ater lo which he clalnrii he wan cntlC|ed. Rnul- hr ley did nol necopl llioacrniH of uel-

. H enu'iii offered by Uroiiltinan for ilin hondlHfldei-'n a fte r the tr a c t wan <ui

, down, and da lnm Hial Iil> wnn ontllind lu a p m ratu *hure nf th e w ater f -r Wfi.oao w llhout iiiuklni: Hie ex tra piiv- luuiii on wMch th e nullk'm ent Wi\; _

, bancd." , P=.More than r.Ofijuilii^ many Ineliidlnii:

u poolhiK of In'ereiil *011 thn pnrt of .11 nun ih rr of lillKaiitH wore filed In th"! Salm on ronirnvor«y hefore ndjum - 1 mont wan rencliL'il In mnnt l-uiiuk.. T heie u re severul o ther cn»en pun-l-

■ InK iJi'owIni; out of dlfrilrenl conHirur- jtlonn of the<law,’Vflth i;^ferencc X» the iro iilru c t. hut l l 'In helhivoiLrtinl niohln( the aellon* whleh will bo'Ylletl n ir

liipw In the w m hs:'A nd nenrb" n il nf ^ lh e hiindrnlH referm.d ‘in hnvr brri'i dlnpniird o( In iiriiiii' wny.

W ealth y M a ^ K i b b y V in S a lt Lctke' H otel

SAI.T I-AKi: CITV. Mny Ht--u\ dai- Ini; robber Jorn-11 hl.n w ay' hlfn Ihe roiun of.-'r. M rC afry^ wi'u lihy rueehnnir/iwner_or_Callf()r.nIii,.,nl_il_10Cili _tioirl th ta iijornlnK. rohbeil : him ot $ i .r , i in i ^ :u lu u u l .l l .o o i i worili.fiC.illa... •nw.'nlTrrutiil made IiIh ofir.niK>‘ ihroul:li | a heal cnnvryor tu n n r l from the^’b o irij lo n la rc e buNlnemi hloi'U luid ilbiap- pearrd .

The robber knocked on McOnrry'.' door nnd wliim MeCnrry ojiened li, ihruM. a Kun In hln fuco, McGnrry at- lurhnd him and illHArnird Iho rohher bu l Ih r liilliir knocked .McGnrry down. ;iel>;rd Hie pur.tr and dhiiiionihi fnm i ttir drriiMrr nnd ran . ,

P resb y te rian W om en O pen C oast M eeting

Br tTAlted rme 1SAN F ilA N as'C O . .May 10—Tho l.l- ,

onnlnl conference of tbo women'ni I* bonnin of nn'.lnnnl und forolnn ml"-] Hlonii of th e Presbyterlnn church Inl Hie L'nllPI Slateii opened hero loday] w ith reprenonlnllvcA from n il pnrtH of thv. country aiid .torclcn-A tatlons p ro j- en t.

The meellnK In prollm lnnry to tlio » P m ih y lr rln n Konenil nnnembly which will ironvrno here .May 21 to .Ju n n 1.

T h r Ki'KwhinH today w rre - prenldrd 1 o v r r by .Mr*. H, f . l.oiiderb(5iiKli of* Nrw Y ork, a riln i: (tinlrm an of the women'll iiatlniial ‘forelKn mliinlon’i comnilitee,

s ii ip i-K i i OI T r A rp u KfhnrleH Kloivrrdew hint • evenlnK

ntdpiw^l a car loa.l of d a iry ntock; lo IIymr;i. Cal.. a flec exam lnnlloii hy

cr. J . Doinnmr. br(ind Innprctor. - |_ ^

■ Ti-

Today, Tlw e a rc un load ing anotl o f colors to se lec t froi drive out a new Ford i

^ R unabout ............R unabout w ith piTom -ing.................T u d o r .............Coupe ...........F o u rd o r ...............

T O D A Y ’S FO R D CAF Y E S f l

W e have several goo, — C oupe. 1925 Fort

Union IGEC

142 Second A ve. Nortl

i a t \ i l 1 STiln v u rJ n a rr d t i , ' Bo'n of MrT and •

.Mrn. J . A. D arrett. fln^a Ainoricu m ore' IntoronllnR tlian ’ E u ro p a o r tho O rloni. h o ' declaron* nn hl» rc lu n i f /o m ft tr (p 'a ro u n d .; Ibe. w orld , onthn flonHng ualVerAlly. \H o took an tiacUvo Inlercn l In ‘old 'w o rld ,, ua blshow n by lo tto ra of hla publlahed in cl (ho Tlm ea whllo away, b u t ho fonnd 8no In'duiilrhil plnntn abroad to com- 01p a r o , w llh (bo Studobnkor nuto mw orkn -ami o th e r a re a l facltjHon, ot- irw tth ou r Indiintrlal cenlisni iii

Jx sK ii ) y j tp M r r T .i i : A t i K X T J,'R cllevliik* 'ihul - mnny pcipfo"lVnv(i)di

m o n e y -'W ltn -v h lch 'tb e y eo u ld -p a y 01 Ib e lr tnxen now an well n* Inter, Cnri <11 J . county tre ijiiu i^r,-loday ia-H ued -an ’ hpp c iil- lo n ir-,w bo can to nl puy .early . ,lJf';Bay/i tha l, i f . a , nijin* In h e c v p n y -w lth ltM b c e 'lie h !tw o wiwkn ll lhe m o n e y can bn hnndled w llbout .«( e x tru 1ielp and 'will ohorlen Hie tim e hi w hen ex lraii will bavo to lie on- :ii xaxed , la te r . T he hnlf yen r inxen bi'coine delln<iuent Juno 27. - -

IHSriLVHOEI) KIIOM HOSl'ITAI*MrRi Dnrothy ToiikIi " r i f '- J to l l t tH ^ “ni

^maiidU-chnrKed'from the honpltnl lo- r l day. s ' _ ;, dll

i i r v s M ( i n s ' ' \ T

-S P E C IA L , E R I \ SA Tbli^D A ’!

^ Womef^.s'P0^6


„ _________ ______


^ A I- ■ ^

K riiln y iiiuI S u l iir il iiy o n ly w o m c it’fl, n n d ■jjro'vmtf i;i

k (ixfonlK . M osl n il I h is seilo ts . .M ilita ry . I .im is .-iml I'i'itni In - \A to D , :i

B a rb e r S h o e.\'c‘x i to O ri

• ■ J


‘hursday,W3th6r c a r lo a d o f N E W FC ‘om w ith a l l the new refii i on the fo llow ing low db'

p ickup body ...................... ......................... .............................................. ..

................x r .............................


3od buys in e x c l^ ^ g e d C >rd C oupe. 1925 F o u rd o r £

M otor C bnEORGE R . JO N E S , P rop , r th . ^ .

I ■ m ::G ir iv ^ 5 5 p g ;- ; ,• . '.a n 'V a ite d ^ i n

n JJROOKLVN, n : y :, May I# —W ai-. ,n (o r Ooldberg. „ l7-year-o ld - Brooklynifl blch-BCliooi'bor.' wftR./roed oC m u r d e r . '- -n cbarK ^a-todoy'i by '-J ttsU ce ; T ow niond. d Scudder. bb/o're 'whom lio' baa beenI- on tr lo l fo r th reo daya 'in an- indietr0 n tcn l REowloi: o u t o f thn fa ta l aboo t't- in s of bla c laaam u to / A nna HorrM , ^

- JuHtlco. Scudder, who jircalddd |i(i! llie'ShVdoVJOray ir la l, ru led th e :a(nlo' bnd rfa llod to ,m o k o .a .ca to^d f. f i r a r -

(i dekrciS mnrdef'uKfalD*H(3bldb6rK nnijj y on hln on-n.nintlon dlsm laaod-thn lu-s,■1 illclinoni. /I; ' /■ •'.'■ >'I- • Thc boy wna aceuaeil ;o(.,hnvlni:.' o nbiil and killed Mlaa H orrta ,ln ho<.-

Immo lanl M arch 14. Ho tnnIn(o|n(i(t'^ a ihni'N ihnlK irl ncchlenlnlly',jibtol h c rr 'It nelf w hite ‘ HKsy atriiRCled [or poH ;0 Honnlon of a plalfll' they- 'wor® cxniny

i'nluK. i • ■ •’

" iJOKs TO .’incK T u o v f r in y o ii ’ •I A nher B. W’llwm, prea ldonl o f tho cbnm bcr' of co teiiftrce, nnd aiivenit

^;.inembeM .of.Jlih*,or8nnUn(lon:(lrove Uf •»% RuTil todny to'mCM G overnor Rnid;.• rIdKe nnd othor* who nro a t B u lilU j- '

dny and wiy^ he Iiero UilH evenlnK.

r A s i i o r : .s t o k i -; ‘ |

RID A YA Y ONLY,'- ‘ -',

Pumps and / /fdrds...■ ■--"■7 '-':

_______ ____

. 4 ^


in ly - r O iic iiK N ortm ont o f K ir is ’ ' p tim pH ' n n d t i c

seiiH nii’K Kl^lc.s ill fllio rt m il (!iilinn iiccln . V jiliifH

:i to 7 fot-..............$ 2 , 4 9

>e C o ., -Inc.O riih i'u in

i l a y l i l bFO R D S, A v a rie ty sfinem ents. Y ou candow n p a jrm e n ts :.

■ r ,, ( J )o w n r n y m o o t )

- .«105.60 ^$113.70 $106.08 $139,84 4139.60 $161.04

t ¥ r e n t ' f r o m .


c a r i . 1926 F o r d \ 'ir S e J a h . - . ‘ '

_ ;'C


P h o n e 129