4xhhqvodqg *ryhuqphqw · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\...

Ref CTS 02576/11 Mr Peter Borrows Chief Executive Officer Seqwater PO Box 16146 CITY EAST OLD 4002 f?d$v Queensland Government of Environment and Resource Management Thank you for submitting a revised interim program under section 13(6A) of the Moreton Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) outlining a proposal tei make releases from Wivenhoe Dam (the dam) to maintain a 75% full sUpply level for the remainder of the 2011 summer season (between 20 February 2D11 and 31 Miirch 2011). I advise that I have approved the subrilittedprogram under Section 13 (7) (a) of the ROP. I acknowledge that Seqwater will put suitable communications arrangements in place prior to and during the 'period when releases are being made under the interim program. I also note that the releases will be monitored and managed by Seq water through suitably qualified personnel. I also remind you that releases made under the interim program must be in accordance with other provisions of the Moreton ROP, including section 74, which states that the rate of release of water from the dam must occur to minimise the Ciccurrence of adverse environmental impacts, such as bank slumpiMg, Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me on telephone ' Yours sincerely John Bradley Director-General Level 13 400 George Street Brisbane Old 4000 GPO Box 2454 Brisbane Queensland 4001 Australia Telephone + 61 7 3330 6301 Facsimile + 61 7 3330 6306 Website WIWI.derm.gld.gQv,au ABN 46·640 294 465 SQWQ.001.004.0044

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Page 1: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Ref CTS 02576/11

Mr Peter Borrows Chief Executive Officer Seqwater PO Box 16146 CITY EAST OLD 4002

f?d$v Dea~ws

Queensland Government

(}~pi'lrtnl1~nt of Environment and Resource Management

Thank you for submitting a revised interim program under section 13(6A) of the Moreton Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) outlining a proposal tei make releases from Wivenhoe Dam (the dam) to maintain a 75% full sUpply level for the remainder of the 2011 summer season (between 20 February 2D11 and 31 Miirch 2011).

I advise that I have approved the subrilittedprogram under Section 13 (7) (a) of the ROP. I acknowledge that Seqwater will put suitable communications arrangements in place prior to and during the 'period when releases are being made under the interim program. I also note that the releases will be monitored and managed by Seq water through suitably qualified personnel.

I also remind you that releases made under the interim program must be in accordance with other provisions of the Moreton ROP, including section 74, which states that the rate of release of water from the dam must occur to minimise the Ciccurrence of adverse environmental impacts, such as bank slumpiMg,

Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me on telephone '

Yours sincerely

John Bradley Director-General

Level 13 400 George Street Brisbane Old 4000 GPO Box 2454 Brisbane Queensland 4001 Australia Telephone + 61 7 3330 6301 Facsimile + 61 7 3330 6306 Website WIWI.derm.gld.gQv,au ABN 46·640 294 465


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Seqwater Interim Program - Moreton Resource Operations Plan

(Revised 17 February 2011)

The Moreton Resource Operations Plan (the ROP) commenced on 7 December 2009. The

Queensland Bulk Water Supply Authority (Widing as Seq water) is the Resource Operations Licence

Holder under the ROP for the following Water Supply Schemes:

• Central Brisbane River Water Supply Scheme;

• Pine Valleys Water Supply Scheme; and

• Stanley River Water Supply Scheme.

Where Seqwater, as the ROL holder, is unable to meet requirements of the ROP on its

commencement, a structured process is available whereby a statement of programs currently in

existence can be prepared and submitted to the Department of Environment and Resource

Management (DERM), to be followed by an Interim Program. The box below sets out the relevant

provisions under the ROP.

Relevant ROP Requirement

Interim Program

s13{l) The chief executive and the resource operations licence holder must implement requirements of this plan as 500n as Is

practical within the timeframes stated below,

513(2) Subsections 3 to 11 apply where a resource operations licence holder Is unable to meet the requirements of this plan

on the day this plan commences.

s13(3} The resource operations licence holder must-

(a) within 2 months of commencement of this plan, submit a statement of programs currently in eXistence, to the chief

executive for approval; and (b) within 6 months of commencement of this plan, submit a program for meeting the requirements of this plan to

the chief executive for approval, including a timetable and Interim methods to be used.

513(4) The resource operations licence holder may, where an emergency or operational incident results in an inability to

comply with any rules or requirements of this plan, submit an interim program for meeting the requirements of this plan to

the chief executive for approval, including timetable and Interim methods to be used .

s13(5) Where the submitted program relates to the Water Monitoring Data Collection Standards, the program must include

the accuracy of methods currently used.

s13{6) The chief executive, in considering any submitted program} may request additional information.

s13{6A) Despite anything in subsections 2, 3 or 4, a resource operations licence holder with an approved interim program may

submit to the chief executive a revised program for consideration under subsection 7.

s13(7) The chief executive, in considering any submitted program, may either-

(a) approve the program with or without conditions;

(b) amend and approved the amended program; or

(e) require the resource operations licence holder to submit a revised program.

513(8) Within 10 business days of making a decision on a program submitted under this section the chief executive must

notify the resource operations licence holder of the decision.

s13(9) Following approval of the program by the chief executive, the resource operations licence holder must-

(a) implement and operate in accordance with the approved program; and

(b) make public details of the approved program on their internet site.

s13(10) Where there is conflict between the provisions of this plan and the provisions of an approved program, the approved

program prevails for the time that the approved program is in place.

S13{l1) Where this section applies, the resource operations licence holder may continue to operate under the existing

--'program until the program submitted under this section is approved. .

Seqwater submitted a Statement of Current Programs to DERM on 5 February 2010, in accordance

with Section 13 of the ROP.


Page 3: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Seq water submitted an Interim Program for the Moreton ROP to DERM in May 2010, as required under s13 of the ROP. After consultation with and at the request of DERM, an amended Interim Program was submitted to DERM on 27 August 2010. A delegate ofthe Chief Executive approved Seqwater's 27 August 2010 Interim Program on 3 December 2010.

On 14 February 2011, the ROP was amended to permit a Resource Operations licence Holder to submit a revised program.

Under Section 6A of the ROP, this Revised Interim Program is now submitted to DERM for approval to facilitate the temporary reduction of the water storage level at Wivenhoe Dam to temporarily increase the flood mitigation capacity of the dam .


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Seqwater Interim Program - Moreton Resource Operations Plan

Current as at 17 February 2011

Programs Currentlv In Existence

Relevant ROP Requirement (as submitted to DERM In February 2010 and Interim Program,lncludlng Methodology TImetable

conflnned In 2010 Approved Interim Program)

There Is currently limited monitoring of listed InfrUlructure under the ROP, however, a review will be undertaken

(due for. staged completion, with fi~1 stage completed by 1 Much 2012) to ensure monitoring is consistent with

the Queensl"nd Government W.ter Monitoring Data Collectlon Stand"rds. The following seU out the lImeline for

Departmentlll w"ter monitoring data collection stllndvds the review:

11(1) Where this ptan required monlloring by a resource openltions Ikenc:e North Pine Dllm: Review 1 July 2010; Implement-'lion 1 September 2010 1 SePtember 2010· 1 March

holder. Including measurement. collection, Imr.lysis and storage of dllta, the Refu ssISI-16O. Sideling Creek Dam: Revlew 1 July 2010; Implementation 1 September 2010 2012.

resource openltiOtl$ licence holder must ensure the monltonna Is consistent Wlllenhoe Dam: Revlew 1 October 2010; Implementation 1 January 2011 with the Water Monltorlns Data Collection Standards.. Somerset O.m: Review 1 October 2010; Implementlltlon 1 January 2011

Enoggerll Dam: Review 1 October 2011; Implementation 1 Ji!nuary 2012

Gold Creek DIm: Review 1 October 2011; Implementetion 1 J"nuary 2012

C1iIboolture River: Review 1 January 2012; Implementation 1 M"rch 2012

Departmental water monitoring data reportlns standards 12(1) Where thl$ plan requires treosfer of dOlt. or reporting by. resource

Seqwater IIpplies the Queensland Government Water Monitoring Data Reportil1& Standards (Feb 2007) to Its opllnltlons licence holder the resource operationalllc:enee holder must ensure Refer ss161·167. Refer 15161·167.

tl'le trensfer or reportlna Is consistent with the W"ter Monltorlng Data current reportinll pl'oce,dures.

Colledlon Standards.

A. Seqwater will continue to make releases from Illfrutructure -

1. for consumption;

2. pum.ant to the Manual of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitigation at Wlvenhoe Dam and Somenet

O.m; ,. fOf operatlon,,1 maintenance of dam Infrastrutture; .. where B does not apply. to operationally malntall'l stonlge levels, In the absence of. flood event, at or

close to FSl; and

Cllntrill Brisbane River lind Stanley River Wlter Supply Schemes - Operating 5. for fish recovery.

levels for Infrastructure B. Seqwater will, between 20 Febru;uy and 31 M"fCh 2011 ,·2011 Summer Season-) end subject to the

72(3) The resource opef1ltlons licence holder must not release water from IIny Not compliant with ROP (releases made for operational opllratiomr.1 corutr.lnts specified below. make the followl", telea$Cs from Infrllstructure- Part~: 011&01",

Infnlstrueture unless the relu$C is necessary to- purpo$Cs and weter quality.nd ecO$y:stem health lndudi", (oj the volume necessary to InitIally reduce Wivenhoe Dam to the Interim Supply Security level; and Part B: 20 February 2011-

(.) meet minimum flow rates In section 75; or fish m.nagement) (bJ volumes necessary to reduce back to the Interim Supply Security level, where Inflows occur durine the 31 March 2011

(b) supply downstream demand. 2011 Summer Season that take the Wivenhoe Dam level to between the Interim Supply Security Level Ind the Full Supply level

The releases specified In (e) and (b) will only be mede where relei!l$Cs can be undertaken at a nile such that Burtons Bridge remains traftkable. If, after releases specified in (e) or (b) nave commenc:ed, 11 flood event Is decl"red. the dllm will be operllted In .ccordance with the M"nu,,1 of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitieation at Wlvenhoe Dam aru:lSomerset O"m. Once the flood event has ended lind the dam level b broUSht biickl0 the Full Supply level. the releases specified In (.) and (b) will be recommenced. For the purpose of the ebove. ~Interlm Supply Sewrity lever means 64.0 m AHD.

$eqwater would be compliant

A5 there lire rIO operable outlet works It Mt Crosby Weir (and cannot be Implemented without slgnlfl.cent . with" requirement lor I

(entnll Brisbane RIver lind Stanley River W.ter Supply Schemes- investment, Includif18 possible reconstruction of the weir), ovei11ows are dependlnt upon releases from Willenhoe minimum avenlge flow of

streamflow Requirement No operational outlet works at Mt Crosby Weir, therdore rIO .nd projected water supply demands and loeallnnows, the bitter two components belne ouuide 5eqweter

8.64Ml/day lor Iny given

75 When critical water shari", arrl",ements Ire not In force, the ,.source month lrom 1 July 2010. operatbns l!tence holder must releue e minimum flow of 8.64ML/day from man"eed relen-es made. control. A$ a result, Seqwater has very limited control over reteues from Mt Crosby Weir on I dally basis.

Compliance Is not able' to be Mount Crosby Weir. As such. It is proposed that this requirement be deemed lIS $lItlsfied it I minimum average flow of 8.64Ml/day (lor

achieved for e minimum ftow any given month) flow! over Mt Crosby Weir, rather than a minimum flow of 8.64Ml/day (for any gll/en day).

of B.64MVd.y for any Clven



Page 5: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Relevant ROP Requirement

Centriilll Brisbane FUver and Stanley RJver Water Supply Schemes­Announced Allocations 76 The resource opentions Ucence holder mUlt-

tal alculate an announced allocation for each priority ,roup for us.e In

definlne the share of water avail.iible to be taken under water aliocatlol'lS In thu priority group;

(b) use the water sharing rules specified In this part to calculate announced anocatiol'lS througl\out the water year;

(c) alculate end set the ,nnounced allocation for earn priority" group to take effect on the first day of each water year;

(d) followlre the commencement of a water yell-(I) recalculate the announced allocation to take effect no

later then S business days followlns the first day of the month;

(Ii) reset the announced allocation If, recalculatIon Indicatu that the recalculated announced allocation would-

(A) for medium priority w.ter alloutioN\ncre,se by 10 or more percent.,e polnts;

(B) for hlSh priority w,ter allocations Increase by 5 or mOre percentaee points; or

Iq increase to 100 per cent. Ie) within S business days of seniT\i an announced .goc.tlon under

Subsection l(c) or the first calendar day of every month when resenl", the announced ,IIoClition under subsection 1(d)-

Ii) publish details of the announced allocation; Ind (II) m.ke public det.lIs of the .nnounced ,!location, Including

paT1lmeters for detetminl", the 'nnounced aUoCiltion. on the resource operations licence holder's Internet site;

(f) not reduce the announced .110cation durlng. wlter year; til round the Innou~ed allOCl/ltlon to the nearest whole porcent'ge

point (hi not set an announced allocation tnat Is Rleater than 100 per cent.

central8rlsbane RIver and Stanley River Water Supply Sc:hemes­Announced ADOCItions for Medium Priority Water Allocations n(l) The 'nTIOunced allocation for medium priority water aUoctItioN In the central Brisbane River Water Supply Scheme is the ,nnounced allocation percen"ge stlted In AnIChment 5, Table 5, coiumn 2 corresponding to the combined pen::entage of useable volume In stor.ge of Wlvenhoe and Somerset dams stated In Anachment 5, T,ble 5, column 1. 7112} the combined percentaee of useable volume in stOlllse of Wlvenhoe end Somerset dorm must becala.ileted lJ1.1ng tile following formula-

SPUVS c ((UVWlvenhoe+UVSomenet)/CUFSV) -100 77(3) The palllmeters used In tne formula for combined percentag' of volume in storlge are defined In Attl1JChment 5, Table 6.

Central Brisb,ne River Ind St.mley River Water Supply $chemos­Announced Allocation for 'High Priority A' Water Allocations 7SIll The announced alloc.tlon for 'HiSh Priority A' water ,Uocatillns within the Centl'lll Brisb.ne River Water Supply SCheme must be as foUows-

(a' 100 per cent when the combined percentage of useable volume In 5tolllge of Wlvennoe and Somerset dams is greater than or equ,1 to 25 per cent or

(bl when the combined percent.ge oflJ1.eabie volume in storage of Wivenhoe lind Somerset dams is less then 2S per cent, the 'nnounced aUocatlon percentalte for 'High Priority A' water allocations must be nlC\Jlated usl", the followlns formula­AAHPA>-I(UV-{AAMP-MPA)+DIVHPA+DIVMP)/HPAAj-loo

78(2) The p8ll1meters used In the formula for announced alJoeatlon 're defined In Attachment 5, T.ble 4. 7St31 For subsection 1 the combined percentage of u~elble volume In storage

Programs Currently In Existence

(as submitted to DERM In February 2010 and

confirmed In 2010 Approved Interim Program)

Not compliant with ROP (no prOllllms currently in existence­

MP customers trand'etred to Seqwater on ROP galen,l)

Not compliant With ROP (no proglllms C\Jrrently In exlstence­

MP cunomen tlllnsferred to Seqw.ter on ROP plena!)

Please note: tne volume stoted In Split Yard Creek Dllm m'y

lnfllJflnce the Announced Allocation.

Not complillnt with ROP (no programs currently In existence)

Inter1m Program,lncludlng Methodology

New Medium Priority and Hign Priority Announced Allocation processes end procedures will be in pillce by tne

commencement of the 2010/2011 W.ter Year ILe. from 1 July 2010).

New Medium Priority Announced AlIOCIItion processes and procedures win be in pillce by the commencement of

the 2010/2011 Wilter Veilr (I.e. from i July 2010).

New HISh Priority Announced Alioc'tion processes end procedures wl1l be In place by the commencement of the

2010/2011 Wilter Year (i.e. from 1 July 2010).


1 July 2010,

1 July 2010.

1 July 2010.


Page 6: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Programs Currently In El.:istence

Relevant ROP Requirement las submitted to DERM in February 2010 and Interim Program, indudlng Methodology nmetable

confirmed In 2010 Approved Interim Progr.lm)

of Wlvenhoe and Somerset dams must be t1Ileulated uslns the formula In section 77'21 of thl!J!lan. Central8flsbane RIver and Stanley River Water Supply Schemes -Critical Water Sharing Arningements 80U) Oltlclll wllter sharing alTllngements are In force when the combined percent'ee of the volume of water In storilge In Wlvenhoe and Somers.et Dams Is leu tNn 15 percent. 80(2) Durin& times when crltlul water shatlns arrangements are in force the re$Duree openlt]ons licence holder mU$t.- New CritiCilI Water SMdlli Ar ... nsemenU processes and procedures will be In place by the COmmencement of the

(.j cease mak.lng rmues from Mount Crosby Weir under sectlon 7S of Not compliant with ROP (no prog ... ms cutTentfy In existence) 2010/2011 Water Year (I.e. from 1 July 2010). this plan; 1 July 2010.

(bj when III the start of the water yellr the combined percentiSe of New.Medlum Priority Announced Allocation proeeues and procedures wl11 be In place by the commencement of

useable volUme In stor.llie of WlVenhoe and Some~t dams Is leu the 2010/2011 Water Yellr (I.e. from 1 July 2010).

than lS per cent, set the anflOunced .lIoeation for medium priority water allocations In the Central Brisbane River Water Supply SCheme to zero per cent; and

80(3) For subsection 1 the colJlblned percentale of volume of water In stOraie for Wivenhoe and Somerset Dams must be calculated usl", the formula In section 77{21 of this plan. central8r1sbane RIver and Stanley River Water Supply Schemes -Sea$Dnal Procedures for monitoring lind approvinl Seasonal Water Auignmenu have heen developed and will be In place wilter ilsslenment rules

for all schemes from 1 July 2010. however, it should be noted that Seasonal Water Asslgnmenu in the Centl"ill Metering program to be 8811) The resource opel1lltlons licence holder may approve. 51ii!1I$0nai aulgnment of a volume of water provlded that the total volume of water use Brisbane Riller Water Supply Scheme .re connected to Implementation of a metering progfllm (anticipated to take undertaken In close

In II Wllter year for each lone w11l not exceed the meXimum allowable water Not compliant with ROP (no programs currently In u:lStence.

until December 2012). Advice will be provided to customers that where two parti~s wish to enter into a coruulu.tion with Mid-USe volume In Attachment S. Table 9 for each zone. customers unmetered)

seasonal assignment transaction, that both parties will require a water meter, unless the seiling party Brlsbinlllrrlg8tor$ (Ilk.ely to 8812) The resource operations licence holder \$ responsible for dealing with

can demonstrate that they have no active water extraction or usage. tak.e until December 20121. apprlCltions for se.sonal water assignment where the resource operations licence holder dirtrlbutes water to the assignee.

597(1): Attachment G, Table 1 Incorrectly specifies the Minlmum Operati"l Level for North Pine Dam as El14,2m

AHD and Minimum Oper.lltlng Volume as 2100Ml. The c.orrect Minimum Operating Level Is Ell2..8m AHD and the

Pine Valleys Water Supply Schemes - OperaUn; Levels for Infrastructtlre correct Minimum Operating Volume Is 1310ML 97(1) The operatin; levels for the Infrastructure In the Pine VlIUey, Water 597(2): Seqwllterwll1 contlnue to relene or supply wilter from North Pine Dlim In accord,nce with the correct Supply Scheme are spedfied In Attadlment G, Table l. Mlnlmum Operating level of Ell2..8m AHD rather than the Incorrect Minimum OpeflltinSlevel of El14.2m AHD

. 97{21 The resource operations licence holder must not release or 5upplywater Not compliant with ROP (releases IniIde for ope:l1lltlonal IS specified In Anllchment 6, Table l. Seq water requests DERM correct this error In the ROP.

from 'ny Infr.llstructure when the water level In that infrastructure b lit or purposes and for water qUilllty and ecosystem health incllJdlni Ongoing. below Its minimum operatlns level fish management)

597{3J: Seqwilter wlll continue to make releases frOm Infrastructure-

97(3) The resource operations licence holder must not release wllter from any ,. for coruumptlon;

Infr.llstructure unless the release Is necessary to supply downstream dem'nd 2. pursuant to the Manual of Operational Procedures for Flood Mitigation at North Pine Dam;

and is m,de In accordance with this plan. 3. for operational maintenance of dam infrastructure;

4. to operationally maintain rtorele levels. In the 'b5ence of a flood event. at or dos.e to FSl; and

s. for fish recovery.

Pine Valleys Water Supply Sd\emes -Announced Allocations 100 The resource operations licence holder m1JS1:-

(.) Cillculate an announced allocation for each J)riorlty group for use In defining the shilre of water available to be taken under wfler allocations in tMt priority lrouP;

(bj use the water sharing rules specified In this part to calculate announced alloce.tlons throusnoul the water year;

(oj calculate and set the announced allocation for each priotlty gfOUp Not compUant with ROP (no programs currently In uistence) New Medium Priority and High Priority Announced Allocation processes and pra<:edures will be in place by the

to take effect on the fiut day of each wfler year; commencement of the 2010/2011 Water Year (Le. from 1 July 2010).

1 July 2010. (') following the commenCement of' w.ter year-

(ij rec,kulate the announced alloc:atlon to take effect no later th.n 5 buslnen days following the first day of the month;

(II) reset the announced allocation If, recalculation Indicates th.at the reakulated announced aUcutlon would-

(A) for hlSh priority water allocations Increase by S or more percentasa points; or



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Program~ CUrrently In Existence

Relevant ROP Requirement (as submitted to DERM in February 2010 and Interim Program, including Methodology Timetable

confirmed in 2010 Approved Interim Program)

tB) Increase to 100 per cent t-) within 5 buslneu days of seWn& an announ<:ed allocation under

subsection l(c) or the first calendar day of every month when re$CIttlng the announced allocation under subsection l(d)lT\iIke publ1cdetall$ of the announced allocation, Including parameters for determIning the announced allocation, on the resource openltlons lkenee hokier'slnternrtt sIte for the Pine Valleys Water Supply Scheme;

tn not reduce the announced ellocatlon durl", II water vear;

t~ round the ennounced alloeatlon to the nearen whole percentace point; and

th) I'IOt set an announc:ed allocation that i$ sruhr than 100 per cent. 101(1) The announced allocation for 1ii~ Priority A' water allocations in the Pine VaUeys Water Supply Scheme must be IS fOllows-

t·) 100 per tent when the I~el of water In storace In North Pine Dam Is Ireater than E.L 29.3m AHO; and

tb) When the water level of water in storase In North Pine Dam is equal to or less than E.L. 29.3m AHD the announced illiocation percentage for high priority water allocatlo/1$ mun be cakulated win& the foUowinS formula-AAHPA"((UV+OIVHPA)/HPAA)~l00

101(2) The parameters u:led In the formula for announced allocatlons aro defined In Attachment 6, Table 2. 102 The total volume of water tlkon under a water allocation In a water year must not eKceed the nominal volume of the water allocation multiplied by the: announced aUoution and divided by 100. Pine Valleys Water Supply SchemeJ erltlcel Watllr Sharing Arransements 103(1) Critical water sharing arr.lIlgements are In force when the water level New critical Water Sharing Arrangements processes and procedures will be In place by the commencement of the In North Pine Dam Is equal to or less than E.l. 29.3m AHO. 2010/2011 Water Yelr (i.e. from 1 July 2010). 103(2) Durlna times when critleal water sharing arnngements are in force the Not compliant with ROP (no progl'1llms turrentlV In ulstence)

New High Priority Announced Allocation processes and procedures wUl be in place by the commencement of the 1 July 2010.

resource operatiOns licence holder must calculate the announced allocation for hIgh priority water aUocalions In accord.nce wIth section 101(1){b) of this 2010/2011 Water Vear (I.e. from 1 July 2010).


Pine Valleys Water Supply Schemes -Seasonal Watllr Aulgnment Rules 1l0U) The resource opilultions licence holder may approve a $CIasonal au\gnment of. volume of water provided that the tot,1 volume of water use In II water yellr for eath lone will not exceed the mllKlmum allowable water

Not compliant with ROP (no programs currently In existence) Proceduru for monitOring and approving Seasonal Water Asslgnmenu have been developed and will be in place

lJuly 2010. use volume In AtUchment 6, Table 3 for each zone. by 1 July 2010. 110(2) The resource opilrations Ocence holder Is responsIble for duli", with IIpplications for senon.1 water ISslgnment where the resource operatIons licence holder distrIbutes w<llter to the <ll$slRnee.

Resource operiltlons licence holder monltorlns and ,eportinl- MonItoring data must be made available Requests fOf data ouUlde of ROP reporting requirements will be provIded within required timeframes. Plea:le

1 July 2010 (please note 151 The resource operations licence holder must provide IIny monItoring data Not tompllant with ROP note, however, that. nandard waiting period of 7,14 days applies to atlad-hoc request' and a longer waltinS

waltlng periods). required under this thapter to the chIef eKecutive upon request and within period may apply u.pendins; on the detail of the request. the time requested.

Monltorlns requirements - Streamflow and Infrastructure waler level 152(1) The resource operations Ucence holder must record wlter level and 152(2) Consistent Inflow derivation methodology will be developed by July 2011 for all storages. In the interim, volume and stream flow data in accordanco wIth Attachment 9. Table 1. Not compliant with ROP (ALERT data available for Baxtef5 Ck

exl$tlng methodology inherited from previous as~t o~ners will be used whe.re In OKlstence. 1 July 2010 - July 2011. 152(2)lnfrastructuro Inflows may be determIned based upon an and Oavboro WWTPJ InfrastructUre Inflow derlvltion technique supplied by the rl!!$ource Please refer to Attachment 9, Tlble 1 at end of document.

operations licence holde.r and approved bv the chief executive.



Page 8: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

','n """.noo Relevant ROP Requirement (as submitted n February 2010 and Interim Program, Including Methodology TImetable

o Apo'"",' ,

153(1) Thb 5ection applies to the following lnfrutructure-(e) CIl!Ssbr041: Dam; (b) Mount Oosby Welt; (o) North Pine Dam; (d) . Perseverance Oam; (.) Somerset Dllm; lind (n Wivenhoe Dam. lS3(1)(b) No measured releaus made

153(2) The resource operations ~cence holder must meuure end rec:ord for 153(1)(c) Operatlonallo, ex: SunWater system 153(1)(b): No operable outlet works exist al Mount Crosby WeIr and cannot be Implemented without significant 1 July 2010 (note: overflows

each release of water from infrastructure listed In subsection 1- 153(lJ(e) Operatlonallo& ex SunW/iller system investment. Releases:are not mede -only overflows, whkh life monitored and rl!:corded. P4 such, It is proposed and not reluses will be

(.) the dally volume relused; 153(1)(t) OperiitlonalLDB ex 5unWater system (b) the release rate and for nch chanBe In reloase 11Ite- 153(2) Data Is recorded In Opel"ltlOllalLDg

Seqwlter report the overflOW$ln compliance with n153(2) and 153(3) instead of releases slnee none are made. reported lor Mt Closby Weir).

(i) the date and time 01 the chanlO; aN:i 153(3) Daa Is recorded In OpeTltlonallog Iii} the new release rate;

(o) the reason for each release; and (d) the device used for each release.

153(3) Theresource opel"ltions licence ho~r for infrastructure mentioned In subsectlon 11c) and lit) must recor<l-

1.111 the inlet level used for each release of water; and

") ,"" •• ~n fo, "'kin, W'W ."'m!. 154 The resource operations lice nee holder must reeord details of announced allocation determinations Includlng- New Medium Priority and HISh Priority Announced Allocation proceues and procedures w!11 be In plaee by the

(.) the announced allocations for medium and hlsh priority wtilter Not compliant with ROP (no proBTlIms cunelltly In existellee) commellcemellt of the 2010/2011 Water Vear (i.e. from 1 July 2010). 1 July 2010.

allDeations; ,b, the date announce~ alloclltlons ere determined; and Ic) the VlIlue of each parameter applied for "leulatlne the announced


I '"" e River Wate~ Scheme b dependent on the

development and Implementation of a melerln& pro&TlIm within the Scheme (anticipated to be an on&olnl 1 July 2010 for aU schemes proBT1I.m which will need to be Implemented in close consultation with the Mid·Brisbane Irrigators. and wllJ likely eJ((.ept Centnl 8ri$bione RiVer

Monhorlns requirements -Water taken by water usen take until December 2012). All other schemes will be complilnt from 1 July 2010. In the interim water 155 The resouree operations licern:e holder must record the total volUme of Water Supply SCheme

water taken, by each water us.or for each tone n follows-estimations will consin of a quarterly mailout of recording sheets, spedfying the requirement for (anticipated to ~ake until

(.) the total volume of water taken In eilch qlnlrter; Only HP wlter take measured - 110 meters for menuring MP recording volumes of water taken, plus supporting Information, with submission of the recording December 2012. with loe water take (b) the total YOlume of water entitled to be taken ilt any time; and sheets on a quarterly basis. The' quarter1y mailout will be a prompt for customers to submit their sheets to be dJl;trlbuted In

(o) the basis for determining the totll volume of water entitlement to records. the first quarter after be taken at any time.

Advice will also be given of the Seqwater position that where records are not received that it will be approval of the Interim

assumed that 25% of the customer's water entitlement has been used for that quarter, and that this

will be recorded as such. .


.,of II 1S6 Th, resource operations lleence holder that approves a seasonal water assJsnment must record details of seasonal w .. ter asslBnment arnlngements Procedures for monltorl"g and approvlnB Seasonal Wner AssiB"ments have been developed and w!1l be In place 1 July 2010 for .. 11 sehemes

Indudlng- for all schemes from 1 Julv 2010, however,lt should be noted that Seasonal Water Assignments In the Central exeept Central Brlsbione River

(.) the name of the anlenee. volume and loc.tioll of w .. ter that has Not compliant with ROP lno proerams currently In elllstence) Brisbane River Water Supply Scheme are connected to Implementation ola meterlnu program (Illtieipated to tlke Water Supplv Scheme

been seasonally assigned by 1111155lli:lIOr; until Declmber 2012 - plelse reler to nBS and 164 for further detail). (anticipated to take until (b) the name of the Isslli:not. volume Ind Ioc .. tlon of the willer that has

been seasonaUy an1li:ned to an assignee; Ind December 2012).

,<I • d ... of .~, ,

:s - CrlUcal wilte,r Sharl~ arrangements 157 The resource operations lleence holder mU$t record details of trlt\r::al waler sharing uTI/1&ements ineludin&: the foUowllli-

Not compliant with ROP (no prog,.ms currently In eltbtence) New Crltlcil Wlter Shari", ArranBemenlS processes Ind procedures wlU be irl place by the commencement of the

1 July 2010. ,.) the commencement dale{s) end effective perlod of criticll water 2010/2011 Water Vear (i.e. from 1 July 2010). Sharin& arranllemenU; ~lId

(b) , ,':" I II I e monitoring df,om ~;:'" and record water I'oflow; • f .. IIw ... , moo"o""" • " .. ,~"O.).nd will

1 Jalluary 2011 .


Page 9: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

ReleVant ROP Requirement

quaDty datliin reb-tiDn to relevant Inf,*str1,l(tureIlJt~ In ArucNnenu S, 6 and 7.

Programs Currently In existence

(as submitted to OERM In February 2010 and

confirmed In 2010 Approved Interim program)

None. Quality monltorinc end (<<ordinc. is event-releted

only. Water qUilUty meters an~ OfRM infrastructure,


Rul-time telemetered VPS pH, Cond., Turb., Chi, BGA. DO;

Fortnlghtiy- Totlll Phyto, EC, TC, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp., 011, BGA. DO;

Monthly (58) - Total Phyto, EC, Te. Chi a, Fe, Mn. true colour,

15S, H2S, DOC, Toc, NH4, NOX, FRP, TN, TP, sUica, Chi a, deplh

probe pH, Cond., Turb., Temp., Chi, BGA. 00.


Fortnlghtly- Totlll CylIno, EC. TC. depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp .. 011, BGA. DO

Monthly - Total Phyto, Ee. TC, 0'11 e, Fe, Mn, true colour, TSS,

DOC, TOC, NH4, NOX, FRP, TN, TP, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb .• Temp., Chi, BGA. DO.

W1vrnhOf! Dam

Inflow -(Caboonbah):

Fortnightly - Total Cyanobacterll, EC. Te. depth probe pH.

Cond., Turb .. Temp., Chi, BGA. DO.

~onthly (5B)- Totai CylInobacteria. EC, TC, Chi a. Fe, Mn, true

colour, depth probe pH, Cond .• Turb.,Temp., OIl, 6GA, 00.


Real·tlme telemetered VPS pH, Cond., Turb., Temp., Chi, 6GA,


fortnightly - Total Phvto, EC, Te, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp .. Chi, 8GA" DO

Monthly (SB)- Total Phyto, EC, TC, ·Chl., Fe, Mn, true colour.

TSS, H2S, DOC, TOe, NH4, NOX, FRP, TN, TP, silica, Chi a,

depth probe pH, Cond., Turb., Temp .• ChI. BGA. 00.


Fortnighlly- Total Phyto, Ee, TC.depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp., ChI, BGA. 00 Monthly - Total Phyto, EC. Te. Chle. Fe, Mn. true colour.TSS.

Ooc, TOC, NH4, NOX. FRP, TN. TP, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp., Chi, 8GA. 00.

North Pin!! Dam


None. Quality monltorinll and recordinll is event-related



Real-time telemetered VPS pH. Concl .• Turb~ Temp., ChI, SGA,

DO Fortnightly- Total Phyto, EC. TC, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Temp., Chi. 8GA, 00

Interim Program, indudlng Methodology

2010. North Pine Dam requires some parameter additions to the il'lflow slle on the North Pine River Ind the ~dditlon of a

tallwater site to be compliant with the ROP requirements. Seqwater is currently reviewlnc the North Pine

Monitorln, Program which wlllinclude the requirements under the Rap (scheduled for completion by 1 July 2010)

and will be Implemented by lS.eptember lOla (includinC training. reportl", and schedulincl. In the Interim,

additiolWll parameters wi!l be added to the u.lstlne gauging and Willer quality $lte on the North Pine River to be

$.OImpled on iI monthly basis as follows:

• Inflow: electrical conductivity, temperature. dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, totill nutrlents, dissolved


• Tlitwater: electricill conductivity, temperature, dissolved oXYllen, pH, turbidity, totll nutrients, dissolved

nutrlenH. totilt sulphides

Somerset Dam requires the addition of In inflow slle on the Stanley River, The Somerset Dam Monitorine Progtllm

Review Is scheduled for completion on 1 October 2010, with Implementation (including trillnlng. reporting and

schedullng) by 1 January 2011.

Mt Crosby Weir requires the addition of an tallwilter site on the 8risbane River. The Wlvenhoe Dam Monltorlnll

Program Review Is scheduled for completion on 1 October 2010, with Implementation !Including. tralnin&, reporting

and scheduling) by 1 January 2011.



Page 10: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

In Existence

Relevant ROP Requirement (as submitted to in February 2010 and Interim Program. Indudlng Methodology TImetable

confirmed In 2010 Approv"ed Interim Program)

... oo<hly (",. • <C. TC. ChI'. ". M~ I

TSS, H2S. Doc, Toc, NH4, NOX. FRP. TN. TP, linea. ChI ii,

~pth probe pH, Cond~ Twb., Temp., ChI. BGA. DO.



MI ~!i!!bl WI:" M~!i! n !i!me!Insl Inflow. Kholo;

Fortnightly - total phytoplankton, depth probe pH, Cond.,

Turb., Tomp., Ch~ BGA, 00.


FOrtnl&htIV - Total Cyano. ec. Te. depth probe pH! Cond., T urb., Temp., ChI, BGA, DO

. Monthly- Total cyano, ee. Te. ChI ii, Fe, Mn, true colour. T5S,

DOC, TOe. NH4, NOX, FRP. TN, TP, depth probe pH. Cond.,

Turb., Temp., Chi, BGA. 00.


I 15911) The resource operatlonslicence holder must Inspect banh for

Ponded area bank InSPections for erosion are currently being undertaken on e weekly basis. 5eqwater will add evidence of collapse or erosion within the ponded ilr.as ilnd downstreilm of Not compllilnt with Rap (Inspectloru undertilken for ponded the relevant Infrastructure listed In Attachments 5. 6 and 7 following Instanel!-$ ilreas but not streilm bank or downstream)

interim downstream visual bank inspections to weekly SUN.utiinee Inspections with results collated qU<llrterty and of- reported (commentlnll July 2010 and Implemented by september 2010). These interim downsueam vlsUilI

(.) rapid water level chilnges; No reporting or monitoring cUlTently undertaken for ROP Inspections wlll ililow the distance of Influence of InfrastflXture for eilth storage to be determlned.nd an

1 July 2010 - December 2011.

(b) larse flows thr0u&h Infrastructure; or purposes however Dam S.fety monitor dllm wall and ,pproprlate monitorln"nd Inspection program to be Implemented (commencing December 2010.nd fully

1'1 oth.r oecllions when coll.pse or erosion of b.nks may be likely. embankments directly surrounding dam storage. implemented by December 2011).

159(2) For subsection I, downsunm of the relevant Infrastructure mlliln' the dl",~, • of; • o~~tio"'. Reporting requirements 161 The resource operations licence holder m\Ut provkle- Not compliant with ROP.

C·) quarterly reports; Refer 15162-167 Refer u162·167. (b) annua' reports for the previous wllter ve.r;

~~~ operatlonal reports; Ind No reporting.

ReportinC ~_~e~~~. 162(1) The resource operations Ucence holder must SUbmit iI quarterly report Seqwater applles the Q,ueensland Government Water Monitoring DaUl Reporting Standards (Feb 2007) to Its to toe chief executive after the end of ellch qUilrter, of every wilter yen. current reportin& procedures. Hi2(2) The report must COntain the followina:: data-

Commencing 1 July 2010 the following will be Implemented: C·) streilm flow and Infrastructure water levels-all records referred to

In section 152 of this plan; . ROP daUlseu will be supplied quarterly, 8$ required under the Rap .

Cbl the total volume of wlter for each qUilrter- Not compliant With ROP. . ROP Compli'nce Report will be submi\ted with the quarterly reportl", process, includinJ: exceptions to

CI) taken for nch zone; Rap requirements and an update on the Interim Procr'm, iI$ required under the ROP. 1 July 2010 - December 2011. (II) entitled to be uken from elch lone; No reporti",.

1,1 water quality-all records referred to in sectlon 158 of thls plan; Results of weekly bank condition monitoring will be collated qUilrterly and reported, with progressive Cd) • summary of bank condition monitorlnc and Incidences of

Implementation commllOclng 1 July 2010 and fully Implemented by December 2011. slumping, undertakan In accordance with section 159 of this plan; 'od Colliltlon of data for requlred reporting Is dependent upon the implementation of relevant Interim programs for

(e) the detalls.nd status of InV progl"ilms Implemented under section vilrlous requirements iI$ speclfied under the ROP. Refer to n1S2, 158 and 159 for further detilils.

13 of !hI> ".~

~~1~;~1 resource operations licence holder must submit en annuill report Not compliant with ROP. Seqwater will submlt.n annual report !Is required, commencing lor the 2010/2011 water year.

to the chief executive after the end of the water year. Coll.tlon of data for rtqulred reporting Is dependent upon the implementation of relevant interim progl"ilms fot 1 JulV 2010 - December 2012

16"" Th. I No reportll'll. v.rious requirements as spedfJed undor the ROP. Refer to 5164 for further details.

• ,


Page 11: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Relevant ROP Requirement .

(.) n '''.'',,1> pI'n;

(b) details of the impact of Infr;lStructure ope~tion on w .. ter q~lity as required under section 164 of this pl<ln;

Ic) 8 dbcusslon eboutany issues that erose as a result of the implementation and ,ppliClltion of the rules and requirements 01 <hI> pl.n

Reporting requirements - Wiilter quantity monitoring - AMual Report 164 The re50urce opel"illtloru Ilce",e holder mU51 Include In the ennual report under section 163-

(iI) A summary of announced allocation determinations, lnduding-(II .n eVillu.tlon of the iilnnouneed .1I0c81lon procedures.nd

outcomes; .nd (Ii) the date and v.IIlue lor the inlt1.1 announced allocation and

for each change made to an announced allocation; (b) Insliilnces where critical water sharing .rra"&ements ~ve been

Implemented-(I) an ellalu.t10n of the announced .lIocation procedures and

outcomes; and (iii the commencement date(s) and effective period{s) for

elleh 5t'le of the Ifraniemenu end outcomes; (c) records from infrntructure-records referred to in section 153; (d) the total ennu.1 \IOlume ofw.ter taken by e.ch water user,

speclfled by lone, na~ly-(i) the totill.nnual \IOlume of supplemented wiilter bken; (ii) the total annual \IOlume of supplemented water entitled

to be: tiilken;.nd (iii) the bub for determlnlnll the \IOlume entitled to be taken;

(e) detlills of 58aso081 wllter assillnmenU, namely-(il .the totlll number 01 se"$On .. 1 water nslgnmenu

urangemenU; and (il) the total volume of water seasonally asSigned;

(f) .. n details of cN"&CS to InfrUlructure or the operatiof) of the Inl~structure t~t may Impact on compliance with I'\IIe51n this plan; .n'

{&} detlllls of any new monitoring devices used such as eqUipment to

I ecosystems - Annual report 165 The resource operations licence holder must Include In the annual report under section 163-

(e) e summary of erllllronmental consldel'1llltions made by the resource operations licence holder In making operational and release declslon5;

(b) a summary of the en\/lronmental outcomes of the dectslon Jncll.ldin& .ny adverse environmental Impacts;

tcl a SUmmary 01 bank condition and fish strancling monitoring and assessment, Indudlng-(I) resulU 01 lovertlsatlons 01 b.IInk slumpl", or erosion

identified In ponded .reas or downstream of Infrilstructure;

(III results of investlsatlons of fish stranding downstrellom 01 Infrastructure, and

(iU) challi'S to to the operation 01 inlr1l5tructure to reduce Inshnces of bank slumping. erosion or fish strandins;

(d) • dls.cusslon and assessment of the followlni water quality Issues-(i) thermill.nd chemical stratlficatlon In each water stolOlle

associated with Infrastructure; lin "u .H.

P",.nms (u,,,ntly In Exis"n'.

(as submitted to DERM In february 2010 and

confirmed In 2010 n Program)

Not complliilnt with ROP.

Not compliiilnt with ROP.

No reporting.

Interim Program, Including Methodology

Seqwater will submit an annual report as required, commel'lCinslor the 2010/2011 water year. Collallon of d.tII

for required rllp?rtlnsls dependent upon the Implementation of I'eillll<lnt Interim prosrams for \l8rlous

requiremenu as slJUCifled under the ROP. Refer to ss76, n, 78, SO, 88,100, 101, 103, 110, 153, 155, 156 and 157

for further detllil.

sl64(a): New MedIUm Priority and High Priority Announced AllocatIon proceS$es and procedures will be In place by

the commencement of the 2010/2011 W.ter Year (i.e.lrom 1 July 20101.

sl64(b): New Critical Water Sharil1i Arrangemenl5 processes .. nd procedures will be In place by the

commencement of the 1010/2011 Water Yellr (i.e. from 1 July 2010).

sl64{c): No ope:lOIble outlet works exist at Mount Crosby Weir end cannot be Implemented Without significant

Investment. Releases are not made -only overflows, whkh are monitored and recorded. As such, It ls proposed

Seqwil.ter report the overflows In compliance with n153(2) .nd IS313)lnsteld of releases since nona're made.

PleilS8 refer to sl53 for lunher details. '

ssl64(d-e): Compliance with these requirements lor the Centnl8rlsbane River Water Supply SC:hemels dependent

on the development.nd Implementation 01 II metering prOSlOlm within the Scheme (.ntlcipated to be an o",ollli

proglOlm and wUl ne~d to be implemented In close consultation with the MId·Srisbilne Irrlll.tors, tlmeframe Dbly

to til"" untll December 2012). All other schemes will be compnant from 1 July 2010,

ul64(f"8l: Seqwater will be COmpliant with these requirements from 1 July 2010.

Seqwuer will submit an annual raport as required, commencillllior the 2010/2011 water Yililr,

ColI .. tion of diilu for required reponing Is dependent upon the implementation 01 relevant Interim prollfllms for

\l8rious requirements u specified uncler the ROP. Refer to n 158 and 159 for further deulls.


ul64(a-b, 1"8): 1 July 2010.

s164{cJ: 1 July 2010 (note:

O\Ierflowl rather than

releases win be reported for

Mt Crosby Weir), Pleilse

refer to slS3 for further


s164(d-e): 1 July 2010-

December 2012. Please refer

to 5588,155 end 156 for

further details.

1 July 2010 - December 2011.


Page 12: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

Programs Currently In Existence

Relevant ROP Requirement (as submitted to DERM In February 2010 and Interim Program, Including Methodology Timetable

confinned In 2010 Approved Interim Program)

the q .... lity of Wlter released; (Iii) cumuliltlve effect of successive water slorages uiOC~led

with infrastructure on waler quality; (Iv) cy,mobacterla population changes In resporuc to

stratification in clCh WIler storage; and t,) any chances to the motIltorl"& program as II result of

evaluation of the dlla, Reporting requirements - Operatlon,,\ Report 166 The resource operations Ilc.el'lC.c holder mUst-

t.) ootlfy the chief executive withIn on" bUSiness day of becoming .war" of any of the follOWing operallorullll'lC.ldents-(i) 'II non-compllance by the resource operations holder with

the rules In this plan; and (ll) lnstane:" of fISh strandJI'I8 Of bank llumpinc wlthln the n166{a)(i), (b): Seqwater will submit operational reports as required, commene:1ng for the 2010/2011 water year.

Impounded areas or downstream of Infr.utructure lined sl66(a)(li): PrfXcSS for reporting InStllnCC5 of fish standlll£" and ~nk sluml)lng will be progrenlvely Implemented In Attachment 9, Table 1 or watercourses aSiOClated with

bett1nnlng 1 July 2010 with finalisation by December 2011. the operation of the Central Br\$bane River, Cressbfook Creek,. Pine Valleys and 5tl1nley River Wlter supply Ponded areit bank Inspections for erosion Ire currently being undertaken on a weekly basis. Seqwater will add

schemes; interim downstream vls~1 bank Inspections to weekly surveU1~lnce inspections with result) coUated quarterly and

tb) provide to the chief executive a report which Includes detlilis of- reported (commencing 1 July 2010 and Implemented by September 2010). These Interim downstrum visual

iii the incident; lnspl'lctions will aHow to the distance of Influence of infrastructure for uch storage to be determined and an (11) conditions under which the Incident occurred; and Not compliant with ROP. Ipproprlate monitoring and Inspection program to be Implemented (commenclntt December 2010 and fully (HI) any rl'lsponse or actlvltles carried out as II result of the

Implemented by December 2011). 1 July 2010- December 2011. Inadent;

t,) notify the chief exec:utlve upon commencement and cessation of No reportIng, d66(c): New CrItical Water 5h.rlng Arrangements processes and procedures will be In pl.ace by the

critical water sharlna arran&ements; and commencement of the 2010/2011 Water Year (i.e, from 1 July 2010).

(dJ notify the chief executive on approval of any seasonal wlter sl66(d): Procedures for monitoring arid .pprovlng Seasonal Water Assignments hive been developed and will be

auignment,. incJud1na- In pI.c.e for all schemes from 1 July 2010, however,lt s\'\ould be ooted that Seasonal Water Assignments In the tl) tile name and location of the aulgnees.nd assicnors; and Central Brisbane River Water Supply Scheme are connected to Implementation of a metering progrem (IInticl~ted (Ii) the zone or zones where water 1.s beIng season.lly to take untll December 2012 - please refer to uSS and 164 for further detail).

ilsslgned to and from; sl66{e-f): New Medium Prlorlty and High PrIority Announced Allocation processes.nd procedures will be In place

t-) ootlfy the chief executive upon maldng II dec:blon relatin& to an Initial 'nnounced alloailtlon and/or Its recakulatlon; by the commencement of the 2010/2011 Water Veer (i.e. from 1 JulV 2010).

to transfer to the chlef e);ecutive-tl) details of any arrangements of .ddre!sln& circumstances

where the resource operations licence holder Is uneb'le to supply water aUor;atlons under subsection (e); and

(il) relewnt supporting Information used In maldng a declslon under subsection (;).

Reporting requlremenU- Emergency report 167 In an emergency where the r~urce operations Ikenee \'\older annot comply with a rule In thls plan as II result of an emercency, the resource Operations licence holder must-

t-) notIfy the chief executive upon discovery of the emergency; and tbJ provide to the chIef executive II report that lncludes- Not compliant with ROP,

(i) details of the emergenev; Seq_Ier wlll submit emergency reports as required, commencing for the 2010/2011 water year, 1 July 2010. (11) conditlonl under which the emergency occurred; No reporting. (Iii) any response$ or ectlvltles carried OUI as a result of the

emerGency; and

t"J any NIcs specified In this plan that the r~urClil operations licence holder Is either permanently or temporar!!'£.!.ln~ble to I;omply with due to the emergency,

Attachment 8, Table 1- Water Allocation Schedule Relevant ROP RequIrement Pro rams Currently In Existence Interim Program, Including Methodolo TImetable

Watll!r A1loution Number 137: Brisbane lone, Any Purpose, 2SML,. The mlIP In Attachment 2(b) of the ROP does not Include SemeNet


Page 13: 4XHHQVODQG *RYHUQPHQW · 6htzdwhu ,qwhulp 3urjudp 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq 5hylvhg )heuxdu\ 7kh 0ruhwrq 5hvrxufh 2shudwlrqv 3odq wkh 523 frpphqfhg rq 'hfhpehu 7kh

High Can A PrJorl[y, "This .uthoti5ation w.s .utl\orbed to contInue D.m, where part of thls water allocation hills alw.V$ been Uok.en. The 101\11 where this entitlement hills been issued does not include Somerset Dam, where part of this water

under section 360Z0P of the Water Act 2000. Due to the boundaries of the Brisbane Zone, this .1Ioclillon Is lI11outlon hiS always been taken. Due to the boundaries 01 the Brisbane Zone, this .11oc.l1on Is currently bein,

currently belnc taken outside of the specified zone In tn. ROP. ulo:en ouUlde of the specified zone in the ROP.

WOller A1loutlon Number 139: Mid-Brbbane Zone, Arty PurpOse, In .ccordance with current take 01 water from the Mid-6rlsbane

150Ml, Medium Priority, "This lIuthorisatlon was authorised to

continue under section 360ZDP of the Water Act 2000. zone.

Attachment 9 - Resource operations licence holder monitoring-locations where continuous time series height and flow data and storage water level data are required I..oaItion Continuous time ,eries Continuous time Procrams Currently in Existence

storage water level series flow data Interim Program, Indudlng Methodolorv TImetable .... Mount CrosbyWeir Inflow y Not continuous A daily Inflow derivation model b being developed which will in.corponlte outflaw from WiveMoe Dam, flow from

Lockyer Oeek. and loca! area, change In Mt Crosbywiter levels Bnd loeallrrigatlon and water supply demands. 1 July 2010.

Mount Crosby Walr headwater level Y Continuous Water !.evells monitored via ALERT to a 20mm resolution. IJuly 2010.

Mount Crosby Weif uilwater y Not continuous Downstream of Mt Oosby Welt is tidal and, as such. a downstream gaugln!: station will not provide estirrnltes 01 Estimate of flow from thoe weir

river flow. Releases Ire not made from Mt Crosby Weir ;and any flow through the fish w~y and over the weir cren In pl;ace by 30 December 2010,

will provide an estimate of the flow from the weir.

North Pine Dam Inflow y Not contlnuous A new daily Inflow model b beina developed and wUl be available by 1 hrly 2010. 1 July 2010.

North Pine Dam headwater level Y Continuous Compliant. 1 July 2010.

North Pine Dam Ullwater y Not continuous Water level Is monitored continuously at the Oayboro Rd WPS Weir about 1lr:m downstream of North Pine Oem. At

present, thb b o~ly available via SCADA lind b not rlted. Until the fOIting Is developed and equipment Installed at

the site to enable remote monitorin" flow downstream of North Pine Dam can be estimated Irom the gate and July 2011.

valve openings at the Dam (anticipated for July 2011). A rating cln be developed for the Dayboro Rd Weir based

on recorded flows and heights. Somerset Dam Inflow y Not continuous A new dally inflow model is being developed and wlll be in place by 1 July 2010. 1 July 2010.

Somerset Dam headwater level Y Continuous CompUant. 1 July 2010.

Somenet Dam tailwater y Not contlnuous Somerset Dam Uilwater is affected by levels In Wivenhoe Dam. When full, the water In Wivenhoe back up to the

toe of Somerset Oam. A5 suc.h, a tallw!lter g!luge Is considered inappropriate. Outflow$lrom Somerset can be Nil

estim;ated from the recorded openings 01 the gates, slukes and valves at the dam.

Wlvenhoe Dam Inflow y Not continuous A new daily Inflow model is bell\i developed and will be aVililable by 1 July 2010. 1 July 2010.

Wlvenhoe Dam heedwaler level Y Contlnuous Compliant. 1 July 2010.

Wlvenhoe Dam tallwiter y Not continuous Please note: Water level Is continuously monitored and recorded via ALERT and on-site logger with I resolution of Seqwater will not undertake

20mm which Is awned by DERM not 5eqw~ter (14303SA). The site Is rated but can be affected by baekwater from monltorlns for tallwater at this

Lockyer Oeek. Dbcnal"(:e from the d!lm can lllso be eslim!lted via the t'ilted cates and wives. site since the ,auge is owned

Sin.ce the gauge is owned by OERM, 5eqwater will not undertllke monitoring for tailw;ater al this site . by DERM (14303SA).

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