5 - abortion or miscarriage

Haemorrhage in early pregnanc y Those related to the pregnant state Abortion Ectopic pregnancy Hydatidiform mole Those associated with the pregnant state Cervical lesions malignanc

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Page 1: 5 - Abortion or Miscarriage

Haemorrhage in early pregnancy

Those related to the pregnant state Abortion Ectopic pregnancy Hydatidiform mole

Those associated with the pregnant state Cervical lesions malignanc

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case 1

Outpatient clinic----Aug.19, 2009 female, 23, LMP July 7,2009 CC: Amenorrhoea for 6 weeks, and a brown disc

harge occur 2 days PH 3-7/28~30. she has occurred morning sickness for 7 days,

pregnancy test (+),yesterday she found the brown discharge . No pain. She is very nervous and had a bad sleep.

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case 2

female, 29, LMP July 11,2009 CC: Amenorrhoea for 7 weeks, vaginal bleeding

accompany with superapubic painPH: 3-7/28~30. a brown discharge 3d, and bright

bleeding for a day,examination: vital signs normal. the cervical os

dilated and something stayed in cervical canal. But didn’t find any tissue expelled out.

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case 3

female, 19, LMP august 12,2009 CC: Amenorrhoea for 9 weeks, vaginal bleeding accompany with c

ramping pain

PH: 3-5/28~30 , the blood was as a heavy red loss with clots,and with conceptional products.

Examinition: pale , cold and sweating. a low blood pressure , thin thread pulse.

Vaginal examnition: some products were expelled and some material obstruct the endocervical canal.

Advice: admit to hospital, transfusion and antishock, curettage and remove the rest of the products from the endocervical canal

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case 4

female,31y, G6P0 Chief Complaint(CC): 13+3weeks pregnant., History of Present Illness(HPI): her menses is regular,her last

menstrual period (LMP)was Mar.25th, 2009,and her expected date of confinement (EDC)is Jan.4th, 2010.45 days ago .

Former pregnancy and generation condition: 1999y. 40days’ gestation ,induced abortion ; 2000y. 5months’ gestation spontaneous abortion ; 2001y. 4months’ gestation spontaneous abortion ; 2002y. 4months’ gestation spontaneous abortion ; 2003y. more than 3months’ gestation missed abortion .

PE: T 36.5℃, P 82 /min., Bp 120/80 mmHg , Fetal heart rate: 140 bpm

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Definition Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy

before the period of viability which is considered to occur at 28th week.

International acceptance, the limit of viability is brought down to either 20th week or fetus weighing 500g.

1) the fetus isn’t viable

2) gestational week is less than 28 weeks

3)   the fetal weight is less than 500g

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spontaneous induced

isolated recurrent legal illegal

threatened inevitable complete incomplete missed septic


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A threatened abortion is said to occur when a pregnant patient bleeds or threatens to lose the products of conception. About 80% of women who threaten to abort carry on to a normal delivery.

An inevitable abortion occurs when a pregnant patient not only bleeds but has uterine contractions sufficiently strong and painful enough to dilate the cervix, so that the products of conception will eventually be passed through the cervix.

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An incomplete abortion occur when a portion of the products of conception has been expelled through the dilated cervix but some products still remain in the uterus.

A complete abortion occurs when the products of conception have been completely expelled from the uterus.

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A missed abortion occurs when the fetus dies following a threatened abortion but the products of conception are retained within the uterus, and either become surrounded with layers of inspissated blood or are gradually absorbed.

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Recurrent abortion: refers to three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions.

A septic abortion occurs when organisms invade the site of the implanted pregnancy. It commonly follows interference to the pregnancy.

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Etiology(1)—Fetal factors, maternal factors, immunologic factors

1) Fetal factors : chromosomal abnormalities

The commonest identifiable cause of early abortion is an abno

rmality of the embryo or chorion. About 70% of these abortions

are associated with chromosomal abnormality.

The incidence of chromosomal abnormality increases with m

aternal age, approximately 50-60% of chromosomal abnormalit

es are associated with a chromosomal defect of the conceptus.

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Etiology (2)

2) maternal factors (infection, anatomic defects, endocr

ine factors, Environmental factors) General disease of the mother : acute fevers, maternal infec

tions: rubella,genital herpes,syphilis,toxoplasmosis, diabetes, hypertension, renal disease, malnutrition

anatomic defects these are related mostly to the second trimester abortion. A. cervical incompetence,it is usually the result of obstetric damage

or of excessive injudicious surgical dilation of the cervix for therapeutic termination. During pregnancy, unsupported membranes bulge through the dilated os, rupture and miscarriage generally follows.

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Etiology (3)

B. Congenital malformation of the uterus in the form of bicornuate or septate uterus may be responsible for midtrimester or recurrent abortion.

C.uterine leiomyomata specially of the submucous variety might be responsible not only for infertility but also for abortion due to distortion of the cavity and increased uterine irritability

D.intrauterine synechiae (asherman’s syndrome) has been linked to spontaneous abortion, caused by an inadequate amount of endometrium to support implantation. It may be a consequence of overzealous curettage or endometritis, may cause early fetal losses.

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Etiology (4)

3) endocrine factors An increased association of abortion is found in conditions of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and diabetes mellitus. Inadequate corprs luteal state is considered to be related with unsatisfactory ovular growth and development and hence its expulsion.

4) Environmental factors it is related to environmental toxins, radiation,and immunol

ogic factors.Both smoking and alcohol consumption have been linked to miscarriages.

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Etiology (5)


Direct trauma on the abdominal wall by blow or fall or operative trauma either vaginal or abdominal may be related to abortion.

6)Psychic: emotional upset or change in environment may lead to abortion by affecting the uterine activity.

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Etiology (6)

7)Immune factors the implanting embryo should be regarded as an allograft c

ontaining foreign antigens which derive from the paternal genome. The exact mechanism by which the conceptus is protected from rejection by the host mother is not understood.

At present the cause of abortion may be aberrations of the normal immunological mechanism. Women with autoimmune disease have a markedly increased incidence of abortion. systemic lupus erythematosus.

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Mechanism of abortion (1)

In spontaneous early abortion, hemorrhage into the decidua basali offen occurs. Necrosis and inflammation appear in the region of implantation. The pregnancy becomes partially or entirely detached and is, in effect, a foreign body in the uterus. Uterine contractions and dilatation of the cervix result in expulsion of most or all of the products of conception.

In the early weeks, death of the ovum occurs first, followed by its expulsion.

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Mechanism of abortion (2)In late abortions (missed abortion), several outcomes are possible. The retained fetus may undergo maceration, in which the skull bones collapse, the abdomen distends with blood-stained fluid, and the internal organs degenerate. The skin softens and peels off in utero or at the slightest touch.

In the later weeks, maternal environmental factors (rupture, trauma) are involved leading to expulsion of the fetus which may have signs of life but is too small to survive. Pain precede bleeding

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Mechanism of abortion(3)

Before 8 weeks: the ovum, surrounded by the villi with the decidual coverings, is expelled out intact.

8-13weeks: expulsion of the fetus commonly occurs leaving behind the placenta and the membranes. A part of it may be partially separated with brisk hemorrhage or remains totally attached to the uterine wall.

Beyond 13th week: the process of expulsion is similar to that of a “mini labor”. The fetus is expelled first followed by expulsion of the placenta after a varying interval.

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Clinical features and pathologic change

The major symptom : vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain after amenorrhea

Early weeks : ----Bleeding precedes abdominal pain.The attachment of the chorion to the decidua is so delicate that separation may follow uterine contractions.

The resulting hemorrhage into the choriodecidual space leads to further separation. So bleeding is before low abdomen pain.

8W 以内, complete abortion 。 8~12W ,绒毛发育良好,不易完全剥离,表现为 incompl

ete abortion ,出血量较大。

Late : Abdominal pain precedes bleeding

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Clinical type : Different steps of process of abortion

continue pregnancy

Threatened abortion complete



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Clinical type

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Threatened abortion(symptoms)

There is bleeding into the choriodecidual space. The presentation is with unexpected and usually painless bleeding.

Slight, dark, brown, no pain or dull pain

Pain appears usually following hemarrhage.

When abdominal cramps supervene the process may move in the direction of inevitability, in particular if the cervix opens.


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Threatened abortion(signs)

On examination the cervix is closed and the uterus is appropriately sized for gestation.

Abortion does not always follow, even after repeated attacks of bleeding , some women with a viable pregnancy will continue to term uneventfully.

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Threatened abortion (Management)

No treatment has been demonstrated to alter the prognosis in threatened abortion. the mainstay of scientific management is to confirm the diagnosis by identifying the presence of fetal cardiovascular pulsation on ultrasound scan as soon as possible. Fetal cardiovascular pulsation should be detectable by 7 weeks and an empty gestation sac after 8 weeks is a reliable sign of a non-continuing pregnancy.

Ultrasonography is especially useful to determine if an early pregnancy is intact. Ultrasonography, in conjunction with quantitative hCG, has been used to identify viable pregnancies at various stages of gestation.

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Inevitable abortion

A threatened abortion becomes inevitable when the membrane rupture/or cervix dilates. Bleeding may increase while rhythmic and strong uterine contractions may follow. Blood loss, low abdomen pain

An inevitable abortion can be complete or incomplete depending on whether or not all fetal and placental tissues have been expelled from the uterus.

The typical features of incomplete abortion are heavy, sometimes intermittent, bleeding with passage of clots and tissue, together with lower abdominal cramps.

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Inevitable abortion

The products of conception often can be felt through the open os. Before the 10th week it is quite common for the entire contents of the uterus to be extruded, and for the abortion to become complete. After the 10th week the membranes often rupture and the fetus is passed, leaving the placenta behind , and then all the complications of an incomplete abortion may arise.

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Inevitable abortion

Management of inevitable abortion

The uterus usually expels its contents unaided but some of the products of conception may be retained requiring surgical evacuation. If the abortion is not quickly completed, or if hamorrhage becomes severe, the contents of the uterus are removed manually or with a blunt suction curette. Conservative management of these patients significantly increases the risk of infection.

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Inevitable abortion

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Complete abortion

Complete abortion refers to a documented pregnancy that spontaneously aborts all of the products of conception. Early in pregnancy, the fetus and placenta are generally expelled in toto. On examination, pain is absent and bleeding is slight, the cervix has closed again. ultrasound

Management Once the pain has ceased and the bleeding is minimal, no furt

her treatment is generally needed, but an ultrasound scan can be requested to confirm that the cavity is empty.

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Incomplete abortion

In this case some tissue is retained, bleeding and pain result. The uterus may be smaller than expected for the period of amenorrhea and the cervix is open. The amount of bleeding varies, but it can be severe enough to provoke hypovolamic shock.

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Incomplete abortion


The chief risks associated with retained products are hemorrhage and sepsis.

Suction curettage of the uterus is usually necessary to remove the remaining products of conception and prevent further bleeding and infection. If the bleeding is severe there may be shock, an intravenous line should be established and blood given. And then perform evacuation.

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Missed abortion

Missed abortion occurs when the embryo dies but the gestation sac is retained in the uterus for several weeks or even months. These patients present with an absence of uterine growth and may have lost some of the early symptoms of pregnancy.

Pelvic examination reveals a firm uterus which is smaller than would be expected from the duration of amenorrhea and the cervix is closed. Gestational test is negative.

Ultrosound scan

A rare complication is defective blood coagulation due to hypofibrinogenaemia, because thromboplastins from the chorionic tissue enter the maternal circulation.

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Missed abortion


All missed abortions are eventually expelled spontaneously , but sometimes not for many weeks. Once the diagnosis has been made the uterus should be emptied by suction curettage.

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Recurrent abortion

It is a term used when a patient has had more than two consecutive or a total of three spontaneous abortions. There is no satisfactory explanation for many of these cases.

Those before about the 12th week have been attributed to progesterone deficiency, but repeated midtrimester abortion may result from incompetence of the internal os of the cervix.

Progesterone, cerclage

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Recurrent abortion

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Septic abortion :

it is associated with infection of the genital organs. The uterine cavity may become infected before an abortion begins as the result of a criminal attempt to procure abortion by passing an unsterile instrument through the cervical canal.

The patient is ill with suprapubic pain, a raised temperature and increased pulse rate. There may be little vaginal bleeding and few uterine contractions; the cervical canal may remain closed. The lower abdomen is tender, with guarding, and the uterus is very tender on bimanual examination.

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Septic abortion :

Management All cases should be admitted to hospital. The p

atient should be treated with a broad spectrum antibiotic which includes cover for anaerobic organisms. Cephalosporin and metronidazole would be suitable.

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Septic abortion

It is wose to continue antibiotic treatment for at least 5days after the temperature has returned to normal. Evacuation of the uterus will be required but should usually be deferred for about 24 hours to allow the benefit of the antibiotic therapy. However, in many cases the amount of bleeding is such that evacuation cannot be deferred, and the uterus should be emptied under anaesthesia with a suction curette or sponge forceps taking special care not to perforate the uterus as it is more friable in the presence of infection.

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spontaneous abortion

threatened abortion missed abortion

inevitable abortion



incomplete abortion

complete abortion

classification of abortion

BleedingEnlarged uterusOs closed, FH present

Bleeding ,undersized uterus,os closed , FHabsent

Bleeding and pain.Undersized uterusOs openFh sometimes


Undersized uterus,

os open

Retained products

Minimal bleeding,Normal sized uterusOs closed,cavity empty

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Essentials of diagnosis of abortion

Suprapubic pain and uterine crampingVaginal bleedingCervical dilatationExtrusion of products of conceptionDisappearance of symptoms and signs of prega

ncy.Negative pregnancy test or quantitative hcg th

at is not properly increasingAdverse ultrasonic findings(eg.empty gestation

al sac, fetal disorganization, lack of fetal growth)