5 design examples

8.5 Design Examples  8.5.1 D esign exampl e (slab base)   A built-up steel column comprisi ng two ISWB 400 RSJ sections with their webs spaced at 32mm and connected b! "0 mm thic# battens transmits an a$ial load o% 2000 #&' SB( o% boil at site)300# &*m 2 ' +he sa%e permissible stress on the concre te bed) 4&*mm 2 ' ,esig n a suitable %oundat ion %or the column adopting a slab base and s#etch the details o% the %oundation'  1. Data  A$ial lo ad on co lumn ) 200 0#& .ermissible compressi/e stress on concrete ) 4&*mm 2  (olumn built up o% two ISWB 400 RSJ sections connected b! "0 mm thic# battens'  2. Column base   Area o% base pl ate ) 20 00 * 400 01 ) 0' m 2  using a suare base plate  Side length o% base plate ) ) 0'0 m  Adopt a base plate o% si5e 0mm $ 0mm'  Re%erring to %igure 6'"0 the pro7ection o% the base plate %rom the edge o% the column is obtained as  a ) greater pro7ection  ) 0'0 - 4201 ) " mm  b ) smaller pro7ection  ) 0'0 - 21 ) "" 2' mm

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slab base design example


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  8.5 Design Examples

  8.5.1 Design example (slab base)

   A built-up steel column comprising two ISWB 400 RSJ sections with their 

webs spaced at 32mm and connected b! "0 mm thic# battens transmits an

a$ial load o% 2000 #&' SB( o% boil at site)300#&*m2' +he sa%e permissible stress

on the concrete bed) 4&*mm2' ,esign a suitable %oundation %or the column

adopting a slab base and s#etch the details o% the %oundation'

  1. Data

 A$ial load on column ) 2000#&

.ermissible compressi/e stress on concrete ) 4&*mm2

  (olumn built up o% two ISWB 400 RSJ sections connected b! "0 mm thic#


  2. Column base

   Area o% base plate ) 2000 * 40001 ) 0' m2 

using a suare base plate

  Side length o% base plate ) ) 0'0 m

  Adopt a base plate o% si5e 0mm $ 0mm'

  Re%erring to %igure 6'"0 the pro7ection o% the base plate %rom the edge o% the

column is obtained as

  a ) greater pro7ection

  ) 0'0 - 4201 ) " mm

  b ) smaller pro7ection

  ) 0'0 - 21 ) ""2' mm

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  Intensit! o% pressure on base plate

  ) 3' &*mm2 

.ermissible bearing stress in base plate sbs ) "6&*mm2 

+he thic#ness o% the base plate is obtained %rom the relation



3w bt a


 = − ÷ ÷σ  

  Aiming the thic#ness o% base plate

( )2 2 m0s f 

yt 2.5w a 0.3b t

f γ = − >

Figure 8.10 Column base plate

223 x 3.56   112.5

165 37mm185 4

 − = ÷ ÷


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   Adopt a base plate o% si5e 0mm $ 0mm $ 40mm'

  3. Cleat angle

8or connecting the column section to the base plate adopt ISA "00 $ "00

$ "0 mm angles with %our 22mm diameter ri/ets on %lange side and ISA $ $

6 mm with three 22mm diameter ri/ets in the webs'

8.5.2 Design example (gusseted base)

8or the built-up column o% design e$ample 6''" design a suitable

%oundation adopting a gusseted base'

  1. Sie o! base plate

  Area o% base plate ) 2000 * 40001 ) 0' m2 

 Adopt ISA "0 $ "00 $ "2 mm gusset angles on the %lange side with

"00mm leg hori5ontal gusset plate "2mm thic# "0 mm batten and co/er plates'

9inimum length reuired allowing 30mm pro7ection on either side in the direction

parallel to the webs

  ) 400 : 20 : 24 : 200 : 01 ) 04mm

  ;ength o% base plate parallel to the %langes ) 0mm'

  Adopt a base plate o% si5e 0mm $ 0mm as shown in 8ig '2a

  2. "#i$%ness o! base plate

  Intensit! o% pressure below the plate

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  w ) 2000 $ "03 * 0 $ 01 ) 3' &mm2

  Re%erring to 8ig '2b cantile/er pro7ection o% plate %rom the %ace o% the

gusset angle ) "4" mm'

  Bending moment22 3.55 x 141wL

M 35288 N / mm2 2

   = = = ÷ ÷ ÷   ÷  

  I% t ) thic#ness o% plate reuired

2 bs




6 x 352886Mt 33.8mm

 b 185 x 1

 σ=  ÷ ÷


= = =σ


In ;S, &o allowable being stress

In WS, σb allow )0' % !

  +hic#ness o% base plate ) t - thic#ness o% angle leg1 ) 33'6 - "21 ) 2"'6mm

  Adopt 0 $ 0 $ 22 mm base plate'

  3. Conne$tions

  <utstand on each side ) 0 - 4001*2 ) " mm

  ;oad on each connection ) " $ 0 $ 3'1*"000 ) 4 #&

=sing 22mm diameter ri/ets

  Ri/et /alue in single shear )

2x 23.5 x 10043.4kN

4 x 1000

 π= ÷ ÷


Ri/et /alue in bearing )23.5x12x300


  = ÷  

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  +here%ore least /alue o% ri/et ) 43'4#&

  &umber o% ri/ets ) 4*43'41 ) ""

  Adopt " ri/ets connecting gusset angles with plate and the same number o% 

ri/ets to connect the gusset plate with the column' +he arrangement o% ri/ets and

the details o% the gusseted base are shown in 8ig 6'"2

8.12 (a) Details o! base plate

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(b) Cantille&er pro'e$tion

Fig 8.12 usset and base plate details

  8.5.3 Design example (grillage !oundation)

,esign a suitable grillage %oundation %or the gusseted column o% design

e$ample 6''2 which supports an a$ial load o% 2000#&' Assuming SB( o% soil at

site ) 300 #&*m2 draw the ele/ation and plan o% the grillage %oundation'

1. rea o! grillage

  =sing gusseted base %or the column

  +otal load on %oundation

  ) 2000#& : "0> %or sel% weight o% %oundation1

  ) 2200 #&

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+wo tiers o% girders will be used'

  Bottom-tier area ) 2200*3001 ) '33 m2 

=sing a suare grillage side length )   7.33  ) 2'2 m

  Adopt a grillage o% si5e 2'm $ 2'm'

   Allowing "2mm concrete co/er on all the sides the o/erall si5e o% the grillage

bloc# ) 3'0m $ 3'0m1

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Fig 8.13 rrangement o! ri&ets and details o! gusseted base

  2. Design o! top*tier girders

  +he bending moment is obtained as 9 ) W*6 ; - ;"1

  Where W ) a$ial load on column ) 2000#&

  ; ) length o% grillage ) 2'm

  ;" ) length o% base plate ) 0'm

  9 ) 2000*6 2' - 0'1 ) 00#&m

  Allowable stress can be increased b! 33'33> since the beams are encasedin concrete'

  +here%ore σbt ) " $ "'331 ) 220 &*mm2


64 3


500x10MZ 227 x10 mm


   = = = ÷ ÷ ÷σ      

  Section modulus

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  =sing three beams in top tier

  ? %or each beam ) 22 $ "04 * 31 ) 00mm3 

=se ISB9 30 ha/ing the section properties

  ?$$ ) 6@00 mm3 

t%  ) "4'2 mm

  tw ) 6'" mm

  +he ma$imum shear %orce is gi/en b! ( )1



 = − ÷  

  ) 2000 * 2 $ 2'1 2' - 0'1 ) 30 #&

  Shear %orce per beam ) 30 * 31 ) 243'33 #&

  A/erage shear stress τ/ ) 243'33 $ "03 * 6'" $ 301

  ) 6 &*mm2  "00 &*mm2

  minimum gap between two beams ) mm

  3. Design o! bottom*tier girders


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B9 is obtained as

( )

( )


64 3





2.75 0.758

500x10MZ 227 x10 mm


= −


= − ÷      

= = = ÷ ÷ ÷σ      

 =sing eight beams in the bottom tier

  ? %or each beam ) 23@ $ "04 * 61 ) 2@6 $ "03

  =se IS;B 20 ?$$ ) 2@ $ "03mm3

  Spacing o% beams ) " * 2' - 0'"21 ) 0'3 m

  =se eight beams o% IS;B 20 spaced at 3 mm c*c'

  9a$imum shear %orce is gi/en b!

( ) ( )2

W 2000V L L 2.75 0.75 730kN

2L 2 x 2.75

 = − = − = ÷


  Shear %orce per beam ) 30 * 61 ) @"'2 #&

  Shear stress ) τ/ ) @"'2 $ "03 * '" $ 20 1 ) 0 &*mm2  "00&*mm2

 Adopt separators made up o% angles ISA 0 $ 0 $ mm and 2' m long

welded or bolted with "2mm diameter bolts to the %langes o% the lower-tier girders

at two ends to pre/ent displacement o% girders'

  +he plan and ele/ation o% the grillage %oundation is shown in %igure 6'"4'

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Fig 8.1+ ,lan and ele&ation o! grillage !oundation