5 most powerful herbs

7/25/2019 5 Most Powerful Herbs http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/5-most-powerful-herbs 1/2 5 most powerful herbs Herbs are essential weapons are herbal medicine . Due to the effects of some herbs and medicinal care -They men have proved they 've chose in order to cure or at least alleviate various ailments . Nature is in - a changing some species disappear, others are born and some cross the time . Herbs are essential weapons are herbal medicine . Due to the effects of some herbs and medicinal care -They men have proved they 've chose in order to cure or at least alleviate various ailments . Nature is in - a changing some species disappear, others are born and some cross the timpul.Dintre The plant used in herbal medicine today we will talk about some very powerful healing effects care . Celandine, an important medicinal plant elandine is an herb with multiple curative properties, recogni!ed and used for its healing since ancient times. "s it contains a wide range of alkaloids iso#uinolone, the entire plant is to$ic at high doses, but the correct doses it has many therapeutic uses. The plant contains alkaloids chelidonine %ay, homochelidonina, o$ychelidonine, me!o$ichelidonina, chelerythrine, sanguinarine, coptisine protopine, -allocryptopine, small amounts of  berberine, sparteine, vitamin , resins, volatile oil, minerals. "lso, caffeic acid derivatives are present in this plant. &resh plant is analgesic effect, ile, antimicrobial oncostatica, central nervous system depressant, anti-cancer, immune system stimulation, etc. The celandine is a true panacea for any kind of liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, biliary fluid secretion deficiencies, infections biliary dyskinesia, gallbladder infections, cholecystitis). "lso it  works as a good antiviral, which is why hepatitis or even cure may improve following administration celandine preparations. The fresh *uice is a good caustic against warts and warts. olchicine has anti-tumor effects type, antimitotic. elandine is used in combat warts, corns, as an ad*unct in treating skin tuberculosis, treating wounds, fistulas, psoriasis and fortify hair. +ther plants celandine +ther benefits include stimulating digestion, increase assimilation of substances su as vitamins and minerals, restore bowel. Marigolds , herbal miracle properties %arigolds are known for their beautiful plants yellow flowers that they produce . %arigolds has many benefits , for e$ample nternal use hyperacidity gastritis , gastric ulcer , duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis , infectious hepatitis , ulcers cancer, inflammation of the colon , hemorrhoids, anthelmintic , liver disease , healing internal dysmenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities , ad*usting it prevents /% ( /% ) and pain during menstruation etc. 0$ternal use vaginal discharge , trichomoniasis , acne , burns, frostbite , purulent wounds , skin cancer , ulcers of the breast , breast cancer, skin diseases , fungal infections , osteoporosis , warts, warts , dermatitis , etc. Nettle herb used less Nettle root is pure starting, continuing and ending stems and leaves with flowers. Nettle has many benefits 1 "cts bactericidal limiting or removing multiplication of bacteria. 1 has beneficial effects in bronchitis and asthma. &luidifica bronchial secretions and favors elimination through sputum. &ights cough. 1 stimulates metabolism and secretion of bile, the pancreatic, gastric and intestinal. "lso stimulates peristalsis and digestio 1 &ights diarrhea, dysentery and inflammatory condition of the digestive tract. 1 vitamini!es, reminerali!es and balances the body's defense system. 1 0liminate state of anemia. 1 act against helminths. 1 "ctivate the physiological processes of formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets2 fluidifica blood. 1 3owers blood glucose. 1 "ctivate tissue regeneration and epitheliali!ation, cicatri!and wounds. 1 positively influences rheumatism and gout. 1 The capillary tonic and dandruff.

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Page 1: 5 Most Powerful Herbs

7/25/2019 5 Most Powerful Herbs

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5 most powerful herbsHerbs are essential weapons are herbal medicine . Due to the effects of some herbs and medicinal care -They

men have proved they 've chose in order to cure or at least alleviate various ailments . Nature is in - a changingsome species disappear, others are born and some cross the time .

Herbs are essential weapons are herbal medicine . Due to the effects of some herbs and medicinal care -Theymen have proved they 've chose in order to cure or at least alleviate various ailments . Nature is in - a changingsome species disappear, others are born and some cross the timpul.Dintre The plant used in herbal medicinetoday we will talk about some very powerful healing effects care .

Celandine, an important medicinal plantelandine is an herb with multiple curative properties, recogni!ed and

used for its healing since ancient times. "s it contains a wide range of alkaloids iso#uinolone, the entire plant is to$ic at high doses, but the correctdoses it has many therapeutic uses. The plant contains alkaloids chelidonine%ay, homochelidonina, o$ychelidonine, me!o$ichelidonina, chelerythrine,sanguinarine, coptisine protopine, -allocryptopine, small amounts of 

 berberine, sparteine, vitamin , resins, volatile oil, minerals. "lso, caffeicacid derivatives are present in this plant. &resh plant is analgesic effect, ile,antimicrobial oncostatica, central nervous system depressant, anti-cancer,immune system stimulation, etc. The celandine is a true panacea for any kind of liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, biliary fluid secretion deficiencies,

infections biliary dyskinesia, gallbladder infections, cholecystitis). "lso it works as a good antiviral, which is why hepatitis or even cure may improvefollowing administration celandine preparations. The fresh *uice is a goodcaustic against warts and warts. olchicine has anti-tumor effects type,antimitotic.

elandine is used in combat warts, corns, as an ad*unct in treating skintuberculosis, treating wounds, fistulas, psoriasis and fortify hair.

+ther plants celandine +ther benefits include stimulating digestion, increase assimilation of substances suas vitamins and minerals, restore bowel.

Marigolds , herbal miracle properties%arigolds are known for their beautiful plants yellow flowers that they produce . %arigolds has many benefits , for e$ample nternal use hyperacidity gastritis , gastric ulcer , duodenal ulcer,cholecystitis , infectious hepatitis , ulcers cancer, inflammation of the colon ,hemorrhoids, anthelmintic , liver disease , healing internal dysmenorrheaand other menstrual irregularities , ad*usting it prevents /% ( /% ) andpain during menstruation etc.0$ternal use vaginal discharge , trichomoniasis , acne , burns, frostbite ,purulent wounds , skin cancer , ulcers of the breast , breast cancer, skindiseases , fungal infections , osteoporosis , warts, warts , dermatitis , etc.

Nettle herb used lessNettle root is pure starting, continuing and ending stems and leaves with flowers. Nettle has many benefits1 "cts bactericidal limiting or removing multiplication of bacteria.

1 has beneficial effects in bronchitis and asthma. &luidifica bronchial secretions and favors elimination through sputum.&ights cough.1 stimulates metabolism and secretion of bile, the pancreatic, gastric and intestinal. "lso stimulates peristalsis and digestio1 &ights diarrhea, dysentery and inflammatory condition of the digestive tract.1 vitamini!es, reminerali!es and balances the body's defense system.1 0liminate state of anemia.1 act against helminths.1 "ctivate the physiological processes of formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets2 fluidifica blood.1 3owers blood glucose.1 "ctivate tissue regeneration and epitheliali!ation, cicatri!and wounds.1 positively influences rheumatism and gout.1 The capillary tonic and dandruff.

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Salvia herb healing45ho has not let garden sage in his old age is coming4 -says an ancient hinese proverb. The benefits arenumerous sage in ancient 6ome was considered sacredplant. Here are some of the most important diseases in

 which rescued bring healing benefits1 rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, respiratory diseases with abundant secretions and other respiratory diseases (colds etc.)1 tumors in the digestive tract, colon cancer

1 indigestion, bloating and other digestive disorders andother bowel (colitis fermentation, diarrhea and otherinfections of the digestive tract)1 menstrual cycle disorders, pain during menstruation,heavy bleeding, irregular menstruation, certain types of female infertility 1 asthenia, an$iety, depression1 Dip diabetes1 menopause disorders1 e$cessive sweating1 physical and mental e$haustion1 accelerates wound healing and dermatitis

1 in cosmetics hair and restore health and strengthprovides shine, intestinal cleanse pores, and is used intreatment of blackheads.

 Aloe Vera, a special herb "loe vera has remained to this day a cure for reliable stand stoically in

front of the advanced products that the researchers discovered daily by modern

technology. n e$ternal use aloe vera can be used for burns and minor in*uries,genital and labial herpes, psoriasis, sunburn, virtually any 4boil4 to combatstretch marks, etc.

n internal use aloe can be used to treat gastritis, ulcer and ulcerativecolitis, constipation, stimulates the immune system (is studied in the ad*uvanttreatment of diseases such as "D), accelerates and normali!es metabolism anddeto$ifies the body regenerates intestinal villi etc.

+ther benefits it brings aloe vera combat side effects of chemotherapy andradiation cataracts, chronic constipation, diabetes, depression, sprains,abrasions, rash, folliculitis, furunculosis, pharyngitis, gingivitis, hemorrhoids,herpes, hepatitis chronic insomnia , skin inflammation, allergy, asthma, anemia,arthritis, arthritis, prostate disease, nail disorder, abscesses, disease Deficiency,

 bronchitis, colitis, bowel, headaches, cystitis, muscle cramps, fungal infections,muscle, ligaments, insect bites , keratro!a keratitis, chronic pancreatitis,psoriasis, dry skin, multiple sclerosis, ingrown fingernail, urticaria, viral, stretchmarks, varicose veins, shingles etc.